pH of the soluons

pH of the soluons Lesson plan (Polish) Lesson plan (English) pH of the soluons

Source: domena publiczna.

Link to the lesson

Before you start you should know

how to define the terms , hydroxide and base; what the acid‐base indicators are and what their coloring in water, bases and is; how to explain the concept of electrolytic dissociation.

You will learn

to explain what the pH of the solution and the pH‐scale is; to determine the pH values of the tested samples.

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Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu pH of the soluons – pH-scale Task 1

See the illustraon showing selected products and their pH before moving on to the experiment.

2 4 7 9 12 14

1 3 5 8 11 13 15 6 10


Gastric acid


Lemon juice





5. Banana


Liquid soap




Dislled water


Egg white soluon






Washing detergent



14. Oven cleaning soluon


Pipe cleaning soluon Experiment 1

Research problem

What is the pH of the products in the immediate environment?


The pH of products from the immediate environment have differs.

You will need

red cabbage brew,


lemon juice,



rust remover,

washing liquid,

aqueous soluon of the pipe cleaning agent,



dislled water, 10 Petri dishes,


1. Pour dislled water, vinegar and lemon juice as well as a soluon of: rust remover, washing liquid and pipe cleaning agent respecvely onto five Petri dishes.

2. Prepare toothpaste suspension in water and place it on a Petri dish.

3. Prepare aqueous soluons of: soap, rock salt, sugar and pour them onto Petri dishes.

4. Add a few drops of red cabbage brew to each sample.

5. Observe the changes that occur.




Universal indicators in acidic environment take red color and in alkaline - green or blue color.

The measure of acidity and of the solution is pH‐scale. It takes the values 0–14. PH scale Source: Krzysztof Jaworski, licencja: CC BY 3.0.

+ - pH < 7 acidic pH, concentration H3O > concentration OH ; + - pH = 7 neutral pH, concentration H3O = concentration OH ; + - pH > 7 alkaline pH, concentration H3O < concentration OH .

Changing the color of indicators - universal indicator papers - depending on the pH Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

A visual comparison of the color of the indicators with a standard, e. g. a color pH scale on the packaging, only allows for an approximate determination of the solution's acidity. The pH value of the solution can be determined precisely by, among others, a device called a pH meter. It is used in chemical, medical, agricultural and cosmetic laboratories.

The pH meter consists of a sensor called an electrode, which is immersed in the tested solution, and a display from which the pH value is read out. Some pH meters are equipped with thermometers because the temperature influences the measurement.

The so‐called universal indicator, which is a mixture of several indicators, can also be used for pH‐testing. It changes its color at different pH values. It takes on a red color in acids and in bases – green to blue color.

Soluon pH in everyday life

Knowing the pH value is of great practical importance, e. g. in the production of medicines (apart from the active substance, drugs contain a protective layer that protects e.g. the esophagus against unfavorable pH) or cosmetics (e.g. nowadays there are liquid soaps with a pH similar to natural pH of human skin – a slightly acidic pH, which has a bactericidal effect). The pH value of the soil determines its suitability for growing certain types of plants. The quality and height of the yield depend on the soil pH. For most plants pH is optimal in the range of 5.6–7.8, but it is an individual value for each of the species. Plant Optimal pH

potatoes 4.5–6.0

rye, flax 5.0–6.5

cucumber, carrot 5.5–6.5

tomato, garlic 5.5–7.5

wheat, barley, rape 6.0–6.5

sugar beet, peas, maize 6.5–7.0

fruit trees 6.5–7.5

Organic fluids in the human body have different pH values, e.g. gastric juice has pH = 1.0–1.5, pancreatic secretion – 7.5–8.8, and the pH of the blood remains within the range 7.35–7.45. Both too low and too high a pH is the cause of many diseases. The decrease of the pH value below 6.8 results in so called acidosis, and the increase above pH 7.45 – alkalosis. This problem may occur during damage to any of the organs responsible for the excretion of toxins, e. g. kidneys or lungs, which makes them work less well.

Most fish species live in water with pH value = 6–8. Lowering the pH of the water to a level below 5 causes an abnormal behavior of the fish, consisting in rapid movements and the appearance of a blue color on the skin. At a pH higher than 8, the skin of the fish is covered with mucus, the scales become turbid and the fins become frayed and fall off.

Red geranium flake indicator Red geranium, like red cabbage, can be a convenient indicator to use. To this end, pour hot water over the chopped petals and wait 20 minutes. Then filter the decoction through e.g. a coffee filter, and retain for testing.

A good indicator is red onion, which is pale red in the acidic environment and in alkaline environment – green. Onion and vanillin oil, which do not emit characteristic odors in a strongly alkaline environment, are oflactory indicators.

Exercise 1

Place the products in the correct places on the pH scale.

soap, tomato, banana, dislled water, washing liquid, lemon juice, pipe cleaning agent

...... Exercise 2

Place the samples tested using red cabbage brew in the order from those with the lowest pH to those with the highest pH. Exercise 3

What determines the alkaline reacon?

Hydrogen cations Metal cations Hydroxide anions Anions of acid radicals


The measure of the acidity and alkalinity of the solution is the pH value, which is quantified in numbers 0–14. The solution is acidic at pH The solution is neutral at pH = 7. The solution is alkaline at pH > 7. + + The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, H3O (or simplified notation: H ), the lower the pH‐value of the solution. The higher the concentration of hydroxide ions, OH-, the higher the pH‐value of the solution.

Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.


Task 2.1

Prepare an infographics showing the pH scale together with the values of common foods and cleaning agents.

Keywords pH, acidic, alkaline, neutral, pH, indicator


pH of the soluon

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

+ odczyn roztworu – właściwość roztworu wynikająca ze stężenia jonów H3O (uproszczony − H+) i OH w roztworze


Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

skala pH – ilościowa miara kwasowości i zasadowości roztworu universal indicator

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

wskaźnik uniwersalny – mieszanina kilku wskaźników, która zmienia barwę przy różnych wartościach pH; w kwasach przyjmuje barwę czerwoną, a w zasadach – od zielonej do niebieskiej acid-base indicators

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

wskaźniki kwasowo‐zasadowe (indykatory) – substancje, które zmieniają barwę w roztworach o różnym odczynie Lesson plan (Polish)

Temat: Odczyn roztworów


Uczeń szkoły podstawowej (klasy 7. i 8.)

Podstawa programowa:

Szkoła podstawowa. Chemia.

VI. Wodorotlenki i kwasy. Uczeń:

6) wymienia rodzaje odczynu roztworu; określa i uzasadnia odczyn roztworu (kwasowy, zasadowy, obojętny);

7) posługuje się skalą pH; interpretuje wartość pH w ujęciu jakościowym (odczyn kwasowy, zasadowy, obojętny); przeprowadza doświadczenie, które pozwoli zbadać pH produktów występujących w życiu codziennym człowieka (np. żywności, środków czystości).

Ogólny cel kształcenia

Uczeń wymienia rodzaje odczynów i interpretuje wartość pH w ujęciu jakościowym

Kompetencje kluczowe

porozumiewanie się w językach obcych; kompetencje informatyczne; umiejętność uczenia się.

Kryteria sukcesu Uczeń nauczy się:

wyjaśniać, czym jest odczyn roztworu i skala pH; określać wartości pH badanych próbek.

Metody/techniki kształcenia

podające pogadanka. aktywizujące dyskusja. programowane z użyciem komputera; z użyciem e‐podręcznika. praktyczne ćwiczeń przedmiotowych.

Formy pracy

praca indywidualna; praca w parach; praca w grupach; praca całego zespołu klasowego.

Środki dydaktyczne

e‐podręcznik; zeszyt i kredki lub pisaki; tablica interaktywna, tablety/komputery.

Przebieg lekcji

Faza wstępna

1. Nauczyciel rozdaje uczniom metodniki lub kartki w trzech kolorach: zielonym, żółtym i czerwonym do zastosowania w pracy techniką świateł drogowych. Przedstawia cele lekcji sformułowane w języku ucznia na prezentacji multimedialnej oraz omawia kryteria sukcesu (może przesłać uczniom cele lekcji i kryteria sukcesu pocztą elektroniczną lub zamieścić je np. na Facebooku, dzięki czemu uczniowie będą mogli prowadzić ich portfolio). 2. Prowadzący wspólnie z uczniami ustala – na podstawie wcześniej zaprezentowanych celów lekcji – co będzie jej tematem, po czym zapisuje go na tablicy interaktywnej/tablicy kredowej. Uczniowie przepisują temat do zeszytu. 3. BHP – przed przystąpieniem do eksperymentów nauczyciel zapoznaje uczniów z kartami charakterystyk substancji, które będą używane na lekcji. Wskazuje na konieczność zachowania ostrożności w pracy z nimi.

Faza realizacyjna

1. Nauczyciel wprowadza uczniów w zagadnienie odczynu roztworu. Prezentuje opakowania różnych kosmetyków, ulotek niektórych leków i innych produktów, na których pojawia się termin pH, zachęcając uczniów do dyskusji. Na koniec wyjaśnia, co oznacza pojęcie pH oraz wyświetla na prezentacji multimedialnej (lub przedstawia w innej formie) ogólne równania reakcji dysocjacji zasad i kwasów. Wskazuje na jony kwasowe i zasadowe; tłumaczy, kiedy o roztworze mówimy, że jest zasadowy, kwasowy lub obojętny. 2. Nauczyciel prosi uczniów o samodzielną analizę infografiki przedstawiającej pH różnych związków, zawartych w żywności i produktach gospodarstwa domowego. 3. Prowadzący zajęcia omawia wskaźniki odczynów. Korzystając z ilustracji w abstrakcie, przedstawia przykłady różnych wskaźników, omawia skalę pH, bazując np. na zasobach ilustracyjnych z abstraktu i e‐podręcznika. 4. Prowadzący zajęcia prosi uczniów o obejrzenie filmu „Badanie zmiany barwy wskaźników” (fenoloftaleina, oranż metylowy, uniwersalny papierek wskaźnikowy) i rozdaje uczniom karty pracy. Uczniowie obserwują zmiany, zapisują w kartach spostrzeżenia, po czym wspólnie omawiają wnioski z eksperymentu. Zapisują je w kartach pracy. 5. Nauczyciel informuje uczniów, że będą pracowali w parach, przeprowadzając kolejny eksperyment „Badanie odczynu wybranych substancji z użyciem wskaźników naturalnych”. Rozdaje instrukcje oraz potrzebne pomoce i odczynniki. Prosi uczniów o sformułowanie pytania badawczego i poleca im zapisać je w karcie pracy. Uczestnicy zajęć przeprowadzają eksperyment zgodnie z otrzymaną instrukcją; zapisują spostrzeżenia i wnioski w karcie pracy, a następnie prezentują je na forum klasy. 6. Nauczyciel prosi uczniów o wykonanie ćwiczeń interaktywnych w abstrakcie.

Faza podsumowująca

1. Wskazany przez nauczyciela uczeń podsumowuje lekcję, opowiadając, czego się nauczył i jakie umiejętności ćwiczył.

Praca domowa

1. Odsłuchaj w domu nagrania abstraktu. Zwróć uwagę na wymowę, akcent i intonację. Naucz się prawidłowo wymawiać poznane na lekcji słówka. 2. Wykonaj w domu notatkę z lekcji metodą sketchnotingu.

W tej lekcji zostaną użyte następujące pojęcia oraz nagrania


pH of the soluon

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

+ odczyn roztworu – właściwość roztworu wynikająca ze stężenia jonów H3O (uproszczony − H+) i OH w roztworze

pH-scale Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

skala pH – ilościowa miara kwasowości i zasadowości roztworu

universal indicator

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

wskaźnik uniwersalny – mieszanina kilku wskaźników, która zmienia barwę przy różnych wartościach pH; w kwasach przyjmuje barwę czerwoną, a w zasadach – od zielonej do niebieskiej

acid-base indicators

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

wskaźniki kwasowo‐zasadowe (indykatory) – substancje, które zmieniają barwę w roztworach o różnym odczynie

Teksty i nagrania

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Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu

pH of the solutions

Universal indicators in acidic environment take red color and in alkaline - green or blue color.

The measure of acidity and alkalinity of the solution is pH‐scale. It takes the values 0–14.

+ - pH < 7 acidic pH, concentration H3O > concentration OH ; + - pH = 7 neutral pH, concentration H3O = concentration OH ; + - pH > 7 alkaline pH, concentration H3O < concentration OH . A visual comparison of the color of the indicators with a standard, e. g. a color pH scale on the packaging, only allows for an approximate determination of the solution's acidity. The pH value of the solution can be determined precisely by, among others, a device called a pH meter. It is used in chemical, medical, agricultural and cosmetic laboratories.

The pH meter consists of a sensor called an electrode, which is immersed in the tested solution, and a display from which the pH value is read out. Some pH meters are equipped with thermometers because the temperature influences the measurement.

The so‐called universal indicator, which is a mixture of several indicators, can also be used for pH‐testing. It changes its color at different pH values. It takes on a red color in acids and in bases – green to blue color.

Knowing the pH value is of great practical importance, e. g. in the production of medicines (apart from the active substance, drugs contain a protective layer that protects e.g. the esophagus against unfavorable pH) or cosmetics (e.g. nowadays there are liquid soaps with a pH similar to natural pH of human skin – a slightly acidic pH, which has a bactericidal effect). The pH value of the soil determines its suitability for growing certain types of plants. The quality and height of the yield depend on the soil pH. For most plants pH is optimal in the range of 5.6–7.8, but it is an individual value for each of the species.

Organic fluids in the human body have different pH values, e.g. gastric juice has pH = 1.0–1.5, pancreatic secretion – 7.5–8.8, and the pH of the blood remains within the range 7.35–7.45. Both too low and too high a pH is the cause of many diseases. The decrease of the pH value below 6.8 results in so called acidosis, and the increase above pH 7.45 – alkalosis. This problem may occur during damage to any of the organs responsible for the excretion of toxins, e. g. kidneys or lungs, which makes them work less well.

Most fish species live in water with pH value = 6–8. Lowering the pH of the water to a level below 5 causes an abnormal behavior of the fish, consisting in rapid movements and the appearance of a blue color on the skin. At a pH higher than 8, the skin of the fish is covered with mucus, the scales become turbid and the fins become frayed and fall off.

Red geranium flake indicator Red geranium, like red cabbage, can be a convenient indicator to use. To this end, pour hot water over the chopped petals and wait 20 minutes. Then filter the decoction through e.g. a coffee filter, and retain for testing.

A good indicator is red onion, which is pale red in the acidic environment and in alkaline environment – green. Onion and vanillin oil, which do not emit characteristic odors in a strongly alkaline environment, are oflactory indicators. The measure of the acidity and alkalinity of the solution is the pH value, which is quantified in numbers 0–14. The solution is acidic at pH The solution is neutral at pH = 7. The solution is alkaline at pH > 7. + + The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, H3O (or simplified notation: H ), the lower the pH‐value of the solution. The higher the concentration of hydroxide ions, OH-, the higher the pH‐value of the solution. Lesson plan (English)

Topic: pH of the solutions

Target group

Elementary school student (grades 7. and 8.)

Core curriculum:

Primary school. Chemistry.

VI. Hydroxides and acids. The student:

6) lists the types of reaction of the solution; determines and justifies the pH of the solution (acid, alkaline, neutral);

7) uses the pH scale; interprets the pH value in terms of quality (acidic, alkaline, neutral); performs an experiment that will allow to examine the pH of products occurring in everyday human life (e.g. food, cleaning products).

General aim of education

The student lists the types of reactions and interprets the pH value in qualitative terms

Key competences

communication in foreign languages; digital competence; learning to learn.

Criteria for success The student will learn:

to explain what the solution's reaction and the pH‐scale is; determine the pH values of the tested samples.


expository talk. activating discussion. programmed with computer; with e‐textbook. practical exercices concerned.

Forms of work

individual activity; activity in pairs; activity in groups; collective activity.

Teaching aids

e‐textbook; notebook and crayons/felt‐tip pens; interactive whiteboard, tablets/computers.

Lesson plan overview


1. The teacher hands out Methodology Guide or green, yellow and red sheets of paper to the students to be used during the work based on a traffic light technique. He presents the aims of the lesson in the student's language on a multimedia presentation and discusses the criteria of success (aims of the lesson and success criteria can be send to students via e‐mail or posted on Facebook, so that students will be able to manage their portfolio). 2. The teacher together with the students determines the topic – based on the previously presented lesson aims – and then writes it on the interactive whiteboard/blackboard. Students write the topic in the notebook. 3. Health and safety - before starting experiments, the teacher acquaints students with the characteristics of the substances that will be used in the lesson. He indicates the need to be careful when working with them.


1. The teacher introduces students to the problem of the pH of the solution. It presents the packaging of various cosmetics, leaflets of some medicines and other products on which the term pH appears, encouraging students to discuss. Finally, he explains what the term pH means and displays on the multimedia presentation (or presents in a different form) the general equations for the dissociation of bases and acids. Indicates acidic and basic ions; he explains when we talk about a solution that is alkaline, acidic or neutral. 2. The teacher asks pupils for an independent analysis of the infographics presenting the pH of various compounds, e.g. contained in food and household products. 3. The lecturer discusses the response indicators. Using the illustrations in the abstract, it presents examples of various indicators, discusses the pH scale, based, for example, on illustrative resources from the abstract and e‐textbook. 4. The lecturer asks pupils to watch the film „Color change test” (, , a universal indicator paper) and distribute work cards to students. Students observe changes, write notes in the cards, and then discuss the conclusions from the experiment together. They write them in work cards. 5. The teacher informs students that they will work in pairs by conducting another experiment „Testing the reaction of selected substances with the use of natural indicators”. Distributes instructions and necessary aids and reagents. He asks students to formulate a research question and instructs them to write them in the work sheet. The participants of the classes carry out the experiment in accordance with the received instruction; they record observations and conclusions in the work sheet, and then present them on the class forum. 6. The teacher asks students to do interactive exercises in the abstract.


1. The student indicated by the teacher sums up the lesson, telling what he has learned and what skills he/she has been practicing.


1. Listen to the abstract recording at home. Pay attention to pronunciation, accent and intonation. Learn to pronounce the words learned during the lesson. 2. Make at home a note from the lesson using the sketchnoting method.

The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson


pH of the soluon

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

+ odczyn roztworu – właściwość roztworu wynikająca ze stężenia jonów H3O (uproszczony − H+) i OH w roztworze

pH-scale Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

skala pH – ilościowa miara kwasowości i zasadowości roztworu

universal indicator

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

wskaźnik uniwersalny – mieszanina kilku wskaźników, która zmienia barwę przy różnych wartościach pH; w kwasach przyjmuje barwę czerwoną, a w zasadach – od zielonej do niebieskiej

acid-base indicators

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

wskaźniki kwasowo‐zasadowe (indykatory) – substancje, które zmieniają barwę w roztworach o różnym odczynie

Texts and recordings

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu

pH of the solutions

Universal indicators in acidic environment take red color and in alkaline - green or blue color.

The measure of acidity and alkalinity of the solution is pH‐scale. It takes the values 0–14.

+ - pH < 7 acidic pH, concentration H3O > concentration OH ; + - pH = 7 neutral pH, concentration H3O = concentration OH ; + - pH > 7 alkaline pH, concentration H3O < concentration OH . A visual comparison of the color of the indicators with a standard, e. g. a color pH scale on the packaging, only allows for an approximate determination of the solution's acidity. The pH value of the solution can be determined precisely by, among others, a device called a pH meter. It is used in chemical, medical, agricultural and cosmetic laboratories.

The pH meter consists of a sensor called an electrode, which is immersed in the tested solution, and a display from which the pH value is read out. Some pH meters are equipped with thermometers because the temperature influences the measurement.

The so‐called universal indicator, which is a mixture of several indicators, can also be used for pH‐testing. It changes its color at different pH values. It takes on a red color in acids and in bases – green to blue color.

Knowing the pH value is of great practical importance, e. g. in the production of medicines (apart from the active substance, drugs contain a protective layer that protects e.g. the esophagus against unfavorable pH) or cosmetics (e.g. nowadays there are liquid soaps with a pH similar to natural pH of human skin – a slightly acidic pH, which has a bactericidal effect). The pH value of the soil determines its suitability for growing certain types of plants. The quality and height of the yield depend on the soil pH. For most plants pH is optimal in the range of 5.6–7.8, but it is an individual value for each of the species.

Organic fluids in the human body have different pH values, e.g. gastric juice has pH = 1.0–1.5, pancreatic secretion – 7.5–8.8, and the pH of the blood remains within the range 7.35–7.45. Both too low and too high a pH is the cause of many diseases. The decrease of the pH value below 6.8 results in so called acidosis, and the increase above pH 7.45 – alkalosis. This problem may occur during damage to any of the organs responsible for the excretion of toxins, e. g. kidneys or lungs, which makes them work less well.

Most fish species live in water with pH value = 6–8. Lowering the pH of the water to a level below 5 causes an abnormal behavior of the fish, consisting in rapid movements and the appearance of a blue color on the skin. At a pH higher than 8, the skin of the fish is covered with mucus, the scales become turbid and the fins become frayed and fall off.

Red geranium flake indicator Red geranium, like red cabbage, can be a convenient indicator to use. To this end, pour hot water over the chopped petals and wait 20 minutes. Then filter the decoction through e.g. a coffee filter, and retain for testing.

A good indicator is red onion, which is pale red in the acidic environment and in alkaline environment – green. Onion and vanillin oil, which do not emit characteristic odors in a strongly alkaline environment, are oflactory indicators. The measure of the acidity and alkalinity of the solution is the pH value, which is quantified in numbers 0–14. The solution is acidic at pH The solution is neutral at pH = 7. The solution is alkaline at pH > 7. + + The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, H3O (or simplified notation: H ), the lower the pH‐value of the solution. The higher the concentration of hydroxide ions, OH-, the higher the pH‐value of the solution.