WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD If Friday, September 12, 1997 Briefs Extension ! Members sought for bowling league . Time to spare? The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Women's League is looking for women of Wilson | interested in bowling Friday morning at Clark Lanes. The league tentatively plans to begin play Friday, Sept. 19. Bowlers are together an average of two hours a is criticized week and are home by 11 a.m. for kindergarten moms. Mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces and neighbors are welcome TreeByTMACKIAMNs soughO t tofor blocan alarm kcloc kvie nil summer,w " even if they haven't bowled KKCOItD-t'KKSS he wants a buffer zone between before. Three bowlers form a the school's classrooms and his team. WESTFIELD — Bill Dobson living room. The league has 50-50 raf- doesn't think he should have to Mr. Dobson said only three fles, wine raffles, gift certifi- learn his ABCs again. small trees were planted and one cates, a Christmas party and The Baker Avenue resident of them has already died. He nlso 1 end-of-the-year banquet with expressed his suid the trees trophies and awards. Cost is anger about the are planted $8 a week, $2.45 for those who extension of 7 don't want to take the between the are absent. Free baby-sitting Wilson School "GO sunshine out of the chil- windows, not in is available. feet" from his front of them, For more information, call homo nt the Town dren's windows, but I F u c i I i t i e s Kathy at 322-4092. Council meeting don't want to see class Committee " | Tuesday. being taught from my Mo said he Dandle Walsh Fanwood Democrats wants trees plant- home either' sni(1 Wednesday plan flea market ed to block the — Bill Dobson that Mr. Dobson view of 16 large ftnd h iB w fe - The Fanwood Democratic windows on the Baker Avenue resident , /. Club will hold its fall flea side of the school, were shown the market on the north Bide of "I don't wtmt to blueprint and the Fanwood train station tuk« the sunshine out of the chil- landscnpe design prepared by the tomorrow. dren's windows," he said, "but I school board nrchitect before it Dealers will offer house- don't want to aee class being was presented to the board and hold items, clothing and toys. taught from my home either," various items wore modified to Shoppers might find a plant An addition of six new clnas- respond to Mr, Dobson. for the patio or some acces- rooiii.s wna built on Wilson School Blinds were installed instead sories to complement their this summer. Mr. Dobson said he of shades nnd modifications were fall wardrobe. Other patrons received no notification of the made in landscaping to soften the are sure to find a bargain in exterior, Mrs. Walsh suid construction before it began. "It ia unfortunate that Mr. books, tools or fresh vegeta- "But I guess the school board bles. Day of firsts Dobson is not satisfied with what Rosemary McAneny, a fourth-grade teacher at Jefferson Elementary School in WettfLeld, greats stu- is above the law," he said to the the Board of Education has done • The market will be open 10 dents Jessie Lelb and Bnndan Cllne on the first day of school. Ms. MoAnany joint more than 40 teach- Town Council. to landscape theTachool," BVIO Raid. l a.m.-4 p.m. For more informa- ers who are new to the Wsstflcld public schools this year. He said after having "some big "We accommodated him to the tion, call 322-9476. truck running across (hia) lawn (Continued on page A-2) Music boosters start magazine drive The Scotch Plains- Locally owned bank planned for Westfield Fanwood Music Department Boosters Association has needs. Record-Press, "Residents and small busi- al clients. "When you go into a bank seeking cred- begun its annual magazine RECORD-PRESS Organizers are hoping to open in early nesses want and deserve the kind of per- drive aa part of its fund-rais- 1998 nt the site of tho former Plaster sonal, one-on-one attention that is avail- it, you want to be able to talk to someone ing efforts for the Spring WESTFIELD — Local investors want Palace at 520 South Avc., just west of the able only when ownership is truly local who truly understands your situation," Evaluation trip in May. This to give residents something they can bank traffic circle, nnd committed to strengthening the local Mr. Coffreda said. "People from the com- (jrive will run for the entire on. v Frank N. Goffreda, the proposed chief economy." munity are better-versed in local issues. ^month of September. The Town Bank of Weatfield expects to executive officer of the Town Bank, has Spokesman Paul C. Mesches said the Whether it is business or personal, it helps •t This year's trip will be to become the first locally owned, indepen- apent 25 years in commercial banking, concept of a local bank with local owner- to talk to someone who understands and the Festivals of Music in dent commercial bank to open in Westfield including 15 years of serving the Westfiekl ship, control and decision-making authori- can make a decision, not someone who has Virginia Beach, Va. As each in more than 70 years. community. ty has been lost in recent years as inter- to forward 'statistics' to an off-site deci- student must pay for a portion The proposed bank will provide local "In a town like Westfield, there ia a state banking expanded. sion-mnker." of the trip, these fund-raisers individuals, small businesses and profes- growing need for nn independent, locally He said smnll businesses and profes- Mr. Goffreda said all ftonior staff mem- .are important. Following the sionals with personalized service covering owned and controlled bank," Mr. Goffreda sionals have beon all but ignored by banks bers will have strong banking and peraon- ^magazine drive will be the the full range of depository and credit said in a prepared statement to the that have shifted their focus to large, glob- (Continued on page A-2) ^annual Cheese Drive and -Ticket sales for a prize draw- ing at the annual Pops "Concert in February. Westfield hires Neighborhood Watch meeting is planned ,* The Neighborhood Watch chief, firefighter will meet 7 p.m. Wednesday in the courtroom of Municipal Court in Scotch Plains. All Department was understaffed for months 'jnembers are encouraged to ByTTNAOUAMNO appointment," Mayor Tom attend. RECOHD-PKESS Jardim said, "It waB a difficult decision to make because it was WESTFIELD — Things have tough to chooso between the two New feature cooled off at the Fire Department candidates." Officials would not in today's paper with the mayor's appointment of say who tho other candidate was. now chief Paul Battiloro and fire- Mayor Jardim said he relied • »The Record-Press is begin- fighter Anthony Tiller. heavily on former Chief Walter J. ning a new feature this week The appointments come in the Ridge and the administrator, Ed balled "Spotlight on Clubs." wake of much heat around the Gottko. From time to time, the paper department, especially after the Chief Battiloro, prior- to his will feature a local club that fire to a 2-1/2-story Ripley appointment, was the adminis- draws members from the Avenue residence when tho trative deputy chief and acting Westfield-Scotch Plains- department did not have enough chief since July 1, Banding together Fanwood area. manpower to bring the aerial He joined the Fire This week's feature is on truck on first response. Off-duty Department in May 1967. He was The Scotch Plalns-Fanwood Raider Show Band will perform before friends and family tomorrow In Its the Westfield College paid perBonnel were called in anti promoted to lieutenant in 1972, first performance of this year's show, The compilation of Gershwin tunes can be seen during football Woman's Club. "Spotlight on volunteers were paged. captain in 1973 and deputy chief game halrtlme shows and at several competitions this fall, the first on Saturday, Oct. 4 In Somervllle. Clubs" can be found on Page Michoel Giordano, a firefight- in 1975. In 1978, he was appoint- A-8. We hope you like it. er and president of Weatfield ed us the director of emergency Firemen's Mutual Benevolent management for the town. In Association (FMBA) Local No, 30, 1988, he was appointed as the Unnatural deaths will continue for birds said the department hnd been licensed fire official/fire inspector Inside one man short Hincti January and for the town under tho New By TINA GUARINO Scotch Plains whore we had a die-off the previous has not hnd a chief fdnce July 1. Jersey State Uniform Fire Code. year and bccnuHo of thin recurring dlo-off, we decid- Commentary .. .A-4 The Fire Department is both "He cutH a mean profile in a ed to focus on this possibility of chlordnno hecaiiBO paid and volunteer, witli n total firemen's suit," Mayor Jardim SCOTCH PLAINS — Birds will keep dying this baa been reported in Now York Htuto, Maryland Community Life .A-6 of 36 paid firefighters and 19 vol- Haul. unnatural deaths until well into the your 2000. and some other states as thn cuiiHfi of die-ofth," unteers. The department, when Before his approval us the now Residents have hnd to endure the overwhelming Dr. RoHcon added this kind of phenomenon ia Obituaries A-8 fully manned, has four platoons firefighter, Mr, Tiller was an number of black birds that have been dying every widespread and not restricti'd to one area, of nine-man crows that em:h has employee of the Department of Hummer Tor tho past several years and will have to Tho die-offfi occur with BtarlingB and ^ruckles " Sports A-14 a cuptain, two lieutenants and Public Works. continue to do HO, according to the New Jerney bucau.se they urts the l>irdft "niont frwiuenlly in these aix firfifightern prepared to "1 am pleased the Fire Department of Environmental Protection. rooHtiiiK nrnriH in thorns Hiiburban netting." ha Weekend Plus .A-10 rcHfiond to a lire. Department hn« heen r«Hti>red to "We've (>HtiiMi.shi>(l that it is dibrdune poisoning added Town code states that tho full mini power/' Public Hnf'cty through annlvHiM of the brain tinsuoH of the birds lie mud he mmpectn that. it. in related to their, Real Estate .. .B-14 administrator propones a depart- Committee clminnan and !lr

10* Hits and misses P/tv/osophies A look at the best and worst • happenings in the community ; HIT: Scotch Plains residents — and probably people in HEY W YOUR HEAR other communities — will miss Tony's Pharmacy. Tony Acocella operated the East Second Street store for 22 AU THE TALK AWOT PONT «T YOUR years. He was well-liked because of the friendly, personal Treatment attention he gave his customers. It's that kind of service CAR INSURANCE HOPES UP ON TALK... that's missing all too often nowadays. Mr. Acocella has a genuine concern for people and he will be missed. The clos- REFORM? irS AN ELECTION from press £ ing of Tony's Pharmacy is the latest mom-and-pop phar- macy to close up shop. In June, Westfield Drugs & Surgical YEAR was forced to shut its doors after many years. dissimilar '•% : MISS: We've just learned that birds will keep dying In the effect upon the people of unnatural deaths in the area until well into the year 2000. the nation, the deaths of Princess Residents have had to endure the overwhelming number Diana and President John of black birds that have been dying every summer for the Kennedy are very similar. past several years and will have.to continue to do so, the Most every American today over 40 remembers where they state Department of Environmental Protection says. Can't were when they heard the news anything be done to save these beautiful creatures? of Kennedy's assassination. The ••'' HIT: The annual Greek Festival of Westfield will be shock was so great, the sadness >., held this weekend. Greek food may not be as well known so profound, that the announce-'-* : to local taste buds as Italian food is, for example, but it's ment remains a part of one's;:H definitely a crowd pleaser. Specialties such as baklava and memory these many years later. ,,:\ other honey-laden pastries will be available. All food can Obviously, from the thousands .->•. be ordered for takeout. Go check it out. You'll be glad you of grieving faces lining the. rii> did. For more information on the festival, call 233-8533. streets of London the British •••of MISS: Gov. Christine Todd Whitman and challenger shall always remember their' reaction to awakening to the sad'. 2' James McGreevey are at it again in the fight against high and unexpected news of Diana's auto insurance rates in New Jersey. The latest "news" death, . •.' \ comes from the McGreevey camp, where last week he said The commonality between the / he would be the "drivers' governor" and would mandate a two is both were personable, 10 percent rate rollback in rates. He said his plan would *s charming, charismatic public fig- , not sacrifice coverage for motorists. Gov. Whitman, who ures who were too young to die, has also weighed in with a plan to cut rates, has called Mr. particularly when their potential McGreevey's plan a hoax. Enough about car insurance had yet to be fulfilled. already. The proposals are there for the voters to see, so Letters to the editor There may be debate today " ' let's move on to other issues. whether Kennedy would have , HIT: One problem with banking today is it's getting won re-election, but at the time of,,;, more impersonal. Banks change names so often people his death he was still popular ' can't even get them — or their employees — straight. Now, Tony's Pharmacy will be missed and the Cuban crisis seemed to To The Record-Press: a.m. I met a man who I found to be my friend from have brought about a maturity the Town Bank of Westfield expects to become the first that would enhance his effort as *"{ locally owned, independent commercial bank to open in A farewell to a town's family-owned pharmacy, that day forward. He would never fail you. I had at Tony's Pharmacy at 1812 E. Second St., Scotch that moment met one of the finest men it would president. But the promise would' Westfield in over 70 years. What a wonderful concept. The Plains. ever be my pleasure to know, an individual who will never be realized. " proposed bank will provide local individuals, small busi- Tony and his staff represented a purpose, one of be my friend for the rest of my life. Diana, without presidential or* nesses and professionals with personalized service. We compassionate service to the community. We lose in 1 would many years later find myself having had royal power, nevertheless had a wish them well. his closing a valuable friend, personal care and surgery and uncertain (to this day) of my full recov- regal elegance that gave her aru attention, sensitivity nnd above all a wonderful ery needing long-term care as relates to prescrip- authority to take on whatever; human being. tions, medications, once again and for the past she wished. That it was aid to You could walk into Tony's in Scotch Plains and three years Tony, Andy and Cindy in their wonder- charities, done more with a sense ^3 you walked into "home" filled with loving friendly ful ways have seen me through this problem with of compassion than noblesse''^ poople who reflected tho philosophies of its owner. careful monitoring, attention and genuine concern. oblige, showed she had come into ^ Each person who worked there wan efficient, cour- We suffer a real loss to the community and to her own and who could tell how i^3 We're here for you teous and caring, everyone. ourselves as we say farewell to Tony's Pharmacy far that would take her. But the * ^ So often through the past 20 years, most of these whose personal care and attention, sensitivity and promise shall never be realized. J The Record-Press is here to serve you, Because we're people had come to my home (the same as to other dedication to quality service. Americans remember the very .„• your hometown newspaper, we invite your participation in homes in the area) to bring prescriptions and med- Out of the sadness of his closing comes comfort professional newscaster Walter C assembling the paper. The following information should ications needed ut a time when illness precluded that while another family-owned business closes, Cronkite choked with emotion as J help you see your community news in print: our ability to go to him. Tony and his staff became my friend Tony and his staff will stil) be our friends, he made the somber announce- • n selected member of my family, still part of our community and in our prayers nnd ment of Kennedy's death. It was « News department Many years ago my doctor found it necessary to in our hearts. equally surprising to see tho ; Andrew Simpson is the editor. Please call him at 722- prescribe medication needed urgently at 3 a.m. on a God bless you dear friend, I am certain that same kind of emotion from • really cold winter night. Being new to the town, I these feelings ai'e resounding throughout all of this English Prime Minister Tony "! 3000, Ext, 6322, with story suggestions, questions or com- did not have n pharmacist yet and the doctor said Blair as he spoke of Diana. '/J ments. Tina Guarino is the reporter, Call her at 722-3000, area. I am certain that you have no idea (in your he would call someone and have them call me back. humility) how much you will be missed at "the Americans took vigil as view- Ext. 6326. Three minutes Inter a man cnlled Tony called me store." ing places and funeral sites to To send us your news, our address is: P.O. Box 699, to advise he would open up "the store" and get the EUGENE T.PHILLIPS show respect for their slain pres- Somerville, N.J. 08876. Our fax number is 526-2509 and prescription for me. On a cold winter night at 3:30 Scotch Plains ident, As awful as it was to have our E-mail address is [email protected]. The news- a president murdered, it was room is at 44 Veterans Memorial Drive, Somerville, and is made all the more terrible open weekdays 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. For the following week's because it was this young and newspaper, press releases are due in the editor's office by Form your Heart Walk team today adored president, and because he noon Friday. The deadline for letters is noon Monday in To Tho Record-Press: heart disease and stroke. Money raised from the wns a man with young children. .' order to be considered for that week's publication. Heart disease is Union County's and New. American Heart Association AmeriHealth- British subjects, supposedly*.;! Jersey's No. 1 killer, Amcricnn Henrt Walk helps to fund cardiovascular less emotional than their "\ Correction policy Heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular educntion nnd community programs, research and American cousins, showed the * diseases are solved problems. That's n myth! advocacy. During the past two years, the American same kind of grief at the loss of ^ j The newspaper will correct errors of fact, context or Heart disease does strike only seniors. That's a Heart Association hns funded more thnn $2.2 mil- 1 presentation and clarify any news content that confuses this young and beloved princess,* • myth! lion in research grants throughout New Jersey. the mother of young children, one'' , or misleads readers. Corrections will appear on this page. Heart disease and stroke are good ways to die. Walk for your father, your aunt, a grandparent, a of whom would be the future ; Please report errors to Mr. Simpson at 722-3000, That's n myth! friend or associate, or walk in memory of one of the king. (While the world knew j Each year in New Jersey close to 30,000 of our 30,000 Garden State residents who die each year Americans liked their handsome - Your letters fnmily members, friends and associates die from from heart disease and stroke. Join us at president, the world, and English J heart disease nnd stroke. That's not OKI AmeriHeulth-Americnn Heart Walk on Sept. 27 at royalty in particular, seemed sur-—.* We prefer letters to be typed and double-spaced and no On Saturday, Sept. 27, you can make a difference Echo Lnke Pnrk in Westfield. prised with how deeply so many^^ more than 250 words. If it is not possible to type n letter, and take steps to fight henrt disease nnd stroke by Get in on the action by forming your Heart Walk held Diana in their esteem.) '•„ $ participating in the American Heart Association team today. Call your local office of the American please print neatly. Becuuse of the chance of misinterpre- 1997 Amerillealth-Americnn Heart Walk taking Heart Association or call (800) AHA-USA1, What is dissimilar between-* • tation, we will not accept letters that are handwritten in plnce at Echo Lake Park in Westfield. Form a team, the two is the way the press han-—»i JOANNE RAJOPPI died each of them. Kennedy \ cursive. join a team or just come out to a walk so more American Heart Association Union County citizens have n better chance to beat reportedly had his aides secret- j Millbum ing women to his bed almost daily, The press knew of hia Voters should re-elect Kurz, Force and Lehr appetites yet they allowed him. the privilege of pretense as To Thn Record-Press: sive publicly owned facility in Union County to pri- charming husband to a cherished Within the past month, two major events vate industry ut rock-bottom prices. So low that wife. WESTFIELDSCOTCi I PLAINS FANWOOD occurred within the Union County solid waste man- you, I and every county taxpnyer will one day open ngement program. The first wns an announcement Diana's husband had his one North Jersey Newspapers Company ©1997 our tnx bill to read them- and weep. and only Camilla find the press by tho Union County prosecutor's office that stated I have two words of advice. The first is for those that 1,360 pounds of illegal narcotics were lot her and the world know every in county government. There is a 12-atep program chance they got. And despite the Richard F. Harknelt destroyed at an uiidisclimed facility. The other was especially designed for you, The other is for tho Publisher the pinna being discussed by both the Union obvious infatuation the press had readers of Union County. 1 attend every freeholder for Diana, especially the English County Utilities Authority and the six-member vot- meeting and there are only three members of the Cheryl Fenske ing majority bloc of the Union County Hoard of press, they nevertheless hounded Executive Editor board who apeak for tho poople. So please re-elect her and wiretapped her phones Chosen Freeholders to soil the county's municipal Henry Kurz, Ed Force and Frank Lehr to the Board solid wnste incinerator, and cruelly reported her own dal- of Chosen Freeholders this upcoming general elec- liances with lips drooling and Andrew Simpson Allan Conover' Am I the only one who sees the connection tion, becuuse in Union County, a vote is a terrible cameras flashing. Editor Sports Editor between the two? Maybe not, but Freeholders living to waatn. Both Kennedy and Diana had Henry Kurz, fid Force and Frank Lehr know that VINCENT LEHOTSKY there lire plnnrt in tho works to soil the most expen- learned to cooperate vvitli tnc Tina Guarlno Elizabeth press, getting favorable publicity Reporter when they wanted it. Kennedy, of course, had his Secret Service Newspaper issues reminder on letters to the editor men keeping him safe from the Brian Winterberg Anthony Vlggiano Mar/ Lockhart hounds, yot even Jacqueline Retail Advertising Manager V.P. Mnrketlng/ Snlos Bualnoss Mnnngor Wo prefer letters to be typed and double- Thn deadline for letters to tho editor is noon looked to a foreigner with large- pd and no more than 250 words, If it is not Monday. Letters are printed as space allows. yachts nnd estates that could Chuck Tuohy Marc Greenspan possible to typo n letter, ptoa.su print neatly. Regarding campaign letters, it will bo unusu- ensure a secluded retreat when Production Manngor Circulation Dlroclor UemuHP of the chance of misinterpretation, we al for a candidate's statement to run verbatim in her husband died. Diana, alns, will not- MTopt h'ttt>i'K that are handwritten in its entirety. Rather, there may bo a IIOWH story Record-Press (DSPS 0O0-O49) In published tm Friday by Norlh Jofooy Nowsimpora Com- hrul no where to hide. pany, 102 Walnut Ava., Gftihfoiii, NJ 07OI0 (DOB) 2760OOQ, Socond CIUSB poGtngo piild repenting the gist of the statement and related Wore Kennedy alive today ho 01 Cmnloid, NJ 07010, POSTMASTER: fJlnnso BQIKI clumycm lo North Jorsoy Islowsjiri- For verification inirpimo.s, all letters must ho facts and views. A letter from a candidate, unless pi'olmbly would not receive the pors Company, Fulfillment olilco , f'O Box G90, Somorvllln, N J 0007G, Subscription rites signed by tho writer with the writer's mum;, it is a specific rebut .la I to another letter or news by mall, ono year within Union County $10, out of county $20, out ol sinto $20. Tr> EIJIJ- mldrt'HH, day nnd evening telephone numbers story, will bo treated as a statement. preferential treatment he. did; hia BCt'.bocall 1-B00 300-0321 extracurricular activities would typed or printed. We reserve tin- right to edit all Readers are encouraged to submit IUIIIMK be reported with the same drool- 102 Walnut Avenue 44 Veterans Memorial Phono (908)-722-300O letters for grammar, libel, good timid nnd space. endorsing candidates, I'limne send letters to the ing gleo Diana's were. CranforcJ, NJQ7016 Drivo East FAX (900) 526-2509 Ltiltorn without it phone mnnlior wilt m»l bo RecordI'rvwt, P.O. lit>x Police • Janitorial Supplies Lt. Neal LeStrange said he Foundation, the Children's Spec- Department and for the last 12 Air & Water Purification Equipment and another officer originally ialized Hospital, Toys for Tots years they have been nice to started the event as a way for program and the law enforce- donate the golf course for a day to officers from different depart- ment Torch Fund for the Special the PBA which in turn has We Carry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^SALES • SERVICE • PARTS^ ments to get together apart from Olympics. helped us raise over $20,000 to All 6 Models! RESIDENTIAL, an COMMERCIAL business. Lt. LeStrange said $2,000 replace bulletproof vests for offi- The first golf outing was 12 from the fund-raiser is ear-cers." years ago with 20 officers from marked for Anthony Nizzardo, Glengate Apparel of Mount- FROM 90 DAYS Scotch Plains, Fanwood, West- the 2-year-old Scotch Plains boy ainside sponsored the outing and field, Clark and the prosecutor's who needs prosthetics. Lt. Le-the 5th hole. Ellen Ratner of SAME AS CASH office. Strange said the only reason he Martin Jewelers co-sponsored FOR QUALIFIED CUSTOMERS The second year, the officers knew about Anthony was from the 17th hole with Rolex, and Crimestoppers to welcome new prosecutor MOUNTAINSIDE — the arrest and indictment of served as an assistant prosecutor Crimestoppers of Union County criminals. Citizens with such August 1978-January 1983. 29TO9 $419 will host a cocktail reception information can anonymously Thereafter, he worked for the IN XL UPRIGHT/ Wednesday at L'AfFaire to wel- call a 24-hour telephone hotline, Chubb Group in New Providence SUPER come new Union County 654-TIPS. The reward monies are and served as a partner in pri- Prosecutor Thomas V. Manahan. administered by a board of direc- vate law firms in Mountainside BUSTER B The event serves as a fund-raiser tors, which raises the funds from and most recently in Summit. COMBINATION for Crimestoppers, a program businesses and private citizens Upon nominating the 45-year- Super Buster B Compact designed to encourage coopera- through events such as this old Westfield resident, Gov. PACKAGES tion between the citizens and the reception. Christine Todd Whitman Vacuum w/ Accessories law-enforcement community. Mr. Manahan's selection as described him as "a person of Crimestoppers pays up to county prosecutor has himstrong ethics and integrity." $5,000 for information leading to returning to the office where he Ticket price is $75 and mmOU6tlty Wlrf SPfWCft reserved tables of 10 are $750. To purchase a ticket or make a tax- R St. • WESTFIELD Quilting program set in Fanwood deductible contribution, send checks to Crimestoppers of Union FANWOOD — The Scotch and fine art. After working out of County, 1342 Hidden Circle, and Bun. Plains and Fanwood Arts Assoc- her home for several years, she Mountainside, N.J. 07092. iation wilt kick off its fall season opened Cozy Corner Creations wcslfieldnj.coin/elpelcrsen with a program about quilting as Quilt Shop in the Stage House an art form by Laurie Galan. Village in downtown Scotch The program will be given at 8 Plains. She offers classes at the p.m. Wednesday at the Fanwood shop. train station. For more information, call ANNOUNCING THE GRAND OPENING OF Ms. Galan studied commercial Tom Yeager at 322-5438. VERLOOK HOSPITAL'S NEW SAME-DAY SURGERY CENTER. Is your child caught in a failure chain? Your cMM may naad help with weak Thesame^ay study skills or poor muling or math skills. lie or she may IK> unmotivatcd or lack confidence, despite a good l.Q. Our certified teachers help children surgery center where overcome frustration and

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i. SB . College Woman's Club ofWestfield

RECORD-PRESS CORRESPONDENT or 80 years, the College Woman's Club of Westfield has done what it does best: awarding scholarships to deserving young women from the town and helping them obtain the college education they deserve. FThe club waB founded in 1917 "to serve the general inter- iests of the community and to further the higher education of Women." This year $26,000 in scholarships and freshman grants were awarded to six alumnae ofWestfield High School. The women who make up this organization are required to , be graduates of a recognized college or university, Originally, the women also needed to be residents ofWestfield. Women from other towns, including Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, Watchung, Plainfield and Edison, are now mem- bers. At last count there were more than 285 members. "There is a definite need for this kind of group in this day Scholarship recipients and age because of the cost of a college education," according to President Margo Atwell. Fartwdod-Scotcn Plaint Rotary Club recently recognized the 1997 recipients of the Rotary-Garbe Foundation Scholarships and the Adele, She said research has indicated that from 1974-94, the deLeeuw Scholarships. The recipients were Interviewed by club members Joel Whitaker, Janet StrunK and Barbara Hausfelter. Pictured are average cost of an education at a four-year public college has the recipients and Rotary Club representatives. In the front are Robert Kraus, president of the Rotary-Garbe Scholarship Foundation, and gone from $11,000 to $26,000. For those who attended a pri- recipients Christine Raclnez, Jullanne Arnold and Kathleen Polito. In the back are recipients Darrlck Lo, Ehrlic Lo, Anthony Cangllalosi and vate university, the average cost increased from $25,500 to Michael Loberfeld. Atso In the back Is Lori DeMllt, president of the Fanwood-Scotch Plains Rotary Club. $64,400. "With those figures," she said, "it's tough to put that kind of money together to send a child to school today." Club members pay $25 in dues which are invested. The scholarships are derived from dividends and interest from Annual Greek Festival kicks off today money invested in previous years. To mark its 80th anniversary last year, the club wanted to The annual Greek Festival of information, call 322-5007. Westfield Democrats, ''' give the community a change to get involved and appealed to Westfield will be this weekend on mayor set dinner the town to make donations. That effort yielded $22,300 with the grounds of Holy Trinity Briefs Westfield history more than half of that amount coming from nonmembers. Greek Orthodox Church, 250 i The Westfield "We wanted to really make the (club's) 80th year stand out," Gallows Hill Road in Westfield. group meets Thursday Committee is sponsoring the^ec" Hours are 11 a.m.-ll p.m. antiques show next weekend. Mrs. Atwell said. "It was gratifying to see this overwhelming Show hours will be 10 a.m.-8 "I Remember Westfield ... ond nnnual Mayor's Dinner-^ response." today and tomorrow, noon-7 p.m. When" is the subject of the next Dance with Mayor Thoriia!s Sunday for what a church press p.m. Friday, Sept. 19 and 10 a.m.- Girls who live in Westfield and are in their senior year of 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 20. Dealers general membership meeting of Jardim, nccompnnied by Tnwiji' high school can complete a scholarship application. The club's release called the oldest Greek Council candidates Marc .tyfc-'l festival in New Jersey, from throughout the state will Westfield Historical Society 7:30 scholarship committee reviews each application and looks for offer antique jewelry, silver, p.m. Thursday at the Municipal Cube, Ken Hotter and Donjiell those who meet certain criteria: Applicants must be in the For those who like Greek food, porcelain, quilts, furniture, prints Building, 425 E. Broad St. Ciirr.. i;^ upper half of their class, participate in school and/or communi- this is a chance to savor authen- and vintage fabrics. A certified Letty Hudak, a lifelong The ovtMit will be 1 p-mji ty activities, supply references and demonstrate financial tic cuisine, including bnklavn and appraiser will be on site to offer Westfield resident and 1948 Friday, S.opt.. 26. at the Qfnh' need. Parents are required to complete a financial form, other honey-laden pastries baked appraisals. graduate of Westfield High Centurions, 440 Madison Hi}|, The club awards its scholarships to girls who meet those on the premises. All food can be Road, Clark. Cost is $60 per pej-, ordered for takeout. Food and beverages will be School, will coordinate the spe- : ; requirements but "most importantly (selects) the girls who are available for purchase both days. cial program. This will include son. For reservations, call Terry. going to make the most of this opportunity," Mrs. Atwell said. The church hall and grounds Admission of $3.50 will benefit reminiscences from her and sev- Tainow at 232-3791 or Bill' Although the club provides scholarships as its primary func- will be transformed into a Greek Hrennan at 389-8400. tion, it holds meetings in October, December, March or April, village. Moussaka, roast lamb the church's outreach programs. eral other longtime residents. and May, plus an awards dinner. A theater party and other and Greek salad are among the For more information, call 322- Mrs. Hudak has been involved special events are featured during the year. offerings from the taverna, 8047. with the historical society, SP seniors plan '*'• The club also sponsors separate interest groups. The served indoors and outdoors. A Westfield Community Players, Armchair Explorers study one country throughout the year. live Greek orchestra and dancers Coalition for the Arts Friends of the Library and trip to Newark Museum Arts, Artists and the Artistic Imagination members visit muse- in traditional costume will per- Boosters of the Uahway Valley The Senior Citizens Advisory. ums and galleries, Books/reading, dinner, bridge and golf form tonight and tomorrow plans first meeting Chorus. She hns run every Committee of .Scotch Plains. i,s> groups meet as well. night. reunion of her graduating WHS .sponsoring a bus trip Thursday Westfield Coalition for the class. "Members have joined CWC for a variety of reasons," Mrs. There will be children's rides, Arts will hold its first meeting for Oct. 16 to tlu; Newark Museunv,. Atwell said. "Some were former scholarship recipients while The meeting is free and open The bus will leave noon frprh" games and crafts with many the 1997-98 school year 7:46 p.m. to the public. others want to be involved in the community work that the prizes for everyone to win. An Wednesday in Room 121 of the Municipal Building BUS!,. organization does. Others are like me who had to put them- arcade of small shops will sell Westfield High School. return about 5 p.m. Included 11,1^ selves through school or at least contribute to their college books, tapes, compnet discs, jew- The meeting will incorporate a Torah Center sets a guided tour of the Bullantjn^ education. elry, imported Greek olive oil and reception to welcome Linda King programs for children Mouse MIHI lu'owtiing through the "I know firsthand how difficult it can be and believe in the imported coffee. ns WHS's new fine arts supervi- exhibit of jewelry made '.i,u.(, idea of lending a hand," she said. Admission is $1 for adults, free sor. The public is invited. For The Union County Torah Newark from'1850-1900. ,,h For more information, call Mary Ellen O'Boyle at 233-1031. for children under 12. The festi- more information, call President Center, 418 Central Ave., will Kogi.straLiou begins Monday^ val 'is held rain or shine with Catherine Mnrchant at 654-1540. present a Jewish Story nnd for rpsidonts and Sept. 22 Tor- ample parking availnble. To order Crafts Hour for children 3-5 just nonresidents. Cost is $3 for resi-',' takeout food, call 233-8533 or fax before the High Holy Days, (ic»nts and $5, space permitting" 233-0623, For more information Estate planning The program will run 1:45- for nonn>sid«nts. For more infor^ on the festival, call 233-8533. seminars planned 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 24. mat ion. call 322-6700. •,. St. Helen's group Children can hear a story, learn Two free seminars on estate about the High Holy Days and du Catholic Golden Age planning will be 10:30 a.m. and a related craft project. Cost is $3 SP women set 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 23 tit per child. treks to West Virginia sets Sept. 21 meeting Scotch Plains Public Library, trip to casino ,^\ WESTFIELD — St. Helen's of this project secured pledges for The Catholic Golden Age Club 1927 BartleAvn. For more information or reser- The Scotch Plains Woman's Youth Ministry continued what walking miles. will hold its first meeting of the Featured spenkers will be Tom vations, call 789-5252. Club will sponsop r a bbu s pTfj has become an annual trek to The work crews and their dis- 1997-98 season 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Pholnn, an attorney with the tho Showboat Casino in Atlantic" Rowlesburg, W.Va,, to help tinctive names are: Crayola Sept. 21 in the gym of St. Westfield law firm of Nichols, La Lcche League City Thursday, Oct. 9. improve living conditions of area Construction with Christine Bartholomew the Apostle School, Thomson, Peek & Phelan, and meets Thursday Tin; cost, i.s $22 per person^ families. Bonavitn, Dan Flynn, Mike 2032 Westfield Ave. in Scotch Gaithcr Shaw, a senior financial with si return of $16 in coins. T.hql» This is the third consecutive Gewirtz, Laura Krasnor, Corinne Plains. consultant with the Westfield La Leche League of bun will lofivt" the Scotch Pliu'njfc. year parishioners participated in Liebrich, Jessica Lutkenhouse Rick Shapiro will spenk about office of Merrill Lynch & Co. Westfield/Cranford will meet Library parking lot. 8 a.m. ail(j,'', the Appalachia Service Project, and Cliff Spitser. Father Peter how "Humor Works." Members For more information or reser- 10:15 a.m. Thursday at Cranford will return about 7 p.nil;- where they learned and practiced O'Brien led the A-Team with nre welcome; enter through the vations, call 789-4305. Public Library, 224 Walnut Ave,, Kofmshmf'iits will be served •on* skills working on buildings and Matt Brotherton, Martn Cnpasso, church rectory. Cranford. the rutnrn trip. «>i relationships with the families ns Greg Freisen, Suzy Kozub, Kelly Club programs include for For more information, call For reservations, call Ediths well as having fun doing it. Langton, Brian Spttser and for- Monday, Oct. 26, plans for a trip Fanwood Presbyterians 709-1261, 757-9828 or 755-3545. Czoropski at 889-1794. • ;,; The group of 12 adults and 26 mer St. Helen's youth minister to Hawaii; for Sunday, Nov. 16, a opening new season young people, mostly high school "Salute to the Greatest Nation in Artie Flinn. Homecoming Sunday this students but with some colle- The Woodbutchers included the World"; and for Sunday, Dee. ginns, divided into five smnller 14, the Christmas party at weekend marks the beginning of work crews, each assigned a spe- Megan Brotherton, John Gillen, Pantages Renaissance, tho now season at Fnmvood cific job. The work schedules John Lutkenhouse, Katherine Members are urged to bring Presbyterian Church, 74 S. included building new and Reynolds, Katie Riley, John cereal, coffee, ten and tuna for Marline Ave. repairing old porchos and decks, Ruvolo, Eric Schoenberg and the food bank, The 10 ti.m. worship service pouring footings for IIOUHQ addi- Kate Wyatt. Dave Brotherton, Meetings for 1998 are will have Rev. Stephanie Miller- tions and decks, digging a ditch Becky Hnmillon, Phil Orsini, Bob Saturdays, Jan. 18, Fob. 15, McLean giving her sermon on for a sewer line nnd locnl plumb- Rasmussen, Mari Roig, and Lisa March 15, April 19, May 17 and "The Dnnger of the Cross." ing, roofing houses, painting the Villalobos made up The June 28. Brunch in Westminster Hall will outside of houBcs, ropairing n Snwbucka. AI'B Ratty Bunch was follow. kitchen floor nnd laying led by Al Roig with Kevin Adults and teenagers can linoleum. Dougherty, Alissa Jnnsen, Phil African violet group enroll in discussion groups, Throughout the week of hnrd Knecht, Sarah Lcchner, Mike to meet at library prayer groups, choirs ami Sunday work, the crows also woro respon- Powell and Colleen Rynn. school. Susan Oldroyd, the new youth The Union County Chapter of The public is invited, sible for monls and daily reflec- tho African Violet Society will tions on tho aorvico they woro minister at St. Melon's, served as n floater among tho groups. Even meet 1 p.m. Thursday at Scotch giving. Helping tho oight families Plains Public Library, 1927 Herbalist plans this yonr WHS n vory meaningful though this wan her first trip with an Appnlachin Service? Bartlo Avo. seminar at library experience to mnny of tho young "Hunds-On Repotting" in tho poqplo nnd Is n jump start on tho Project, she has boon involved Lenin how to feel bettor, bo service work encouraged and in with similar service to Indian program. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. healthier and help your body '• somo cases required by colleger reservations in he southwest. overcome disease faster with tho Financial support for tho Sho hopes to continue the use! of herbs, Appnlnchia Service Projout ciuno Appalachia Service Project, All Saints church Herbalist Susan Komp will Smullen honored expand nnd add to current pro- from individuals, the nnnuul car sets antiques show Kivo a free seminar with those Union County Freeholder Nichols P. Scutari presents n resolu- wash supported by tho parish- graniH, and has nlrendy added a and other topics 7:30 p.m. tion to Cecilia Smullen of Wostfield, center, honoring nor after 29 ioners nnd friends and now thin monthly work project with All Saints Episcopal Church, Tuoadny nt the Scotch Plains years of service with the Union County Surrogate's Office. With year, n Wnlk-n-thon nround Habitat For Humanity in 559 Park Avo. in Scotch Plains, Public Library, 1927 Hurtle Avo. them Is Surrogate Ann Contl. Ms. Smulleh la chlof probato clerk. IVtmnquoa Park where members Pluinfiold. will hold its 37th minimi Tho public is Invited, For more September 12, 1997 Record-Press Westfield Old Guard starts activities The Old Guard of Westfield Fanwood library information or the event location, More than $8,400 was raised haB resumed activities for the call Amy Tahl at 322-1236. for Happiness Unlimited in the fall. sets book sale 1997 Grand Auction. -Retired men are welcome to Donations are being accepted Free lessons attend Old Guard meetings every any time for the book sale spon- Westfield planning Thursday at the %' 220 Clark St, sored by the Friends of the Coffee, cookies and conversation in bridge planned Fanwood Memorial Library. The Westfield Neighborhood trip to see 'Titanic' are 9:30 a.m. The sale will be 9:30 a.m.-3 S The organization meeting will Council, 127 Cacciola Place, has The Westfield Recreation p.m. Saturday, Sept. 20 at the scheduled free lessons in the card Commission is sponsoring a trip follow 10 a.m. with entertain- library on North Avenue. ment or a speaker 11 a.m. game of bridge. to see Titanic on Broadway on Raindate is Saturday, Sept. 27. Lessons for beginners will Wednesday, Oct. 15. Tickets, > Programs for this month are Used books, paperbacks, chil- humor with Judith Goldman of begin 12:30 p.m. Tuesday with which cost $87 each with trans- dren's books, games, toys, videos, Sylvia Ballatt as instructor. portation, are center orchestra Overlook Hospital, Sept. 18; and compact discs and audio cas- ^Villiam Hetfield of Tbastmasters Lessons for intermediate-level seats. settes will be accepted. players will begin 1 p.m. The bus will leave from the Back to work International, Sept. 25. Magazines, old textbooks, . The history of the Elizabeth Thursday with Shirley Way as municipal building, 425 E. Broad School One Elementary School In Scotch Plains began the new mildewed books and damaged instructor. St., at 6 p.m. for the 8 p.m. per- year with Its traditional PTA/staff luncheon. The year's buffet lun- Police Department was present- books will not be accepted. The ed yesterday. Class size is limited; call formance. For more information, cheon, which was prepared by the school's Executive Board book sale is the major fund-rais- Dorothy Kirkley at 654-3813 or call the commission at 789-4085. members, had an Italian theme. Pictured are Principal Jeffrey ? Members and their wives are ing event for the Friends, scheduled to have lunch and a the council at 233-2772. Qrysko, teacher Camllie Berkowlcz, Superintendent of Schools Proceeds will benefit technology Carol B. Choye, and teachers Robert Junio and Lee Stein. play at the Hunterdon Hills and programming. Earlier book Dinner/dance to aid Playhouse on Nov. 19. sales have brought in funds to Westfield club athletic programs ; Golf, bridge and shuffleboard purchase a fax machine, work sets Grand Auction tournaments are scheduled with stations and children's videos. The Westfield Booster the Old Guard of other towns. To help with the book sale — The Junior Woman's Club of Association'is sponsoring a din- The Merrymen chorus has an sorting, setting up, selling or Westfield is preparing for ita ner/dance at the Armory on active agenda for seniors' groups. cleaning up — call 322-6400 or 19th annual Grand Auction Rah way Avenue on Saturday, For more information, call sign up at the library. scheduled for March 6, 1998. Oct. 18. •'.-•/• Harold Hitchcox at 233-1638. The auction will benefit the Tho featured attraction will be Make A Wish Foundation, based The Fabulous Greaseband, which YMCA to begin Junior Women in Union. Advertising space is performs a rock 'n' roll revue set wine and cheese available in the program book. If from the 1950s to today. All pro- adult lectures you have goods or services you ceeds support athletic programs The Junior Woman's Club of would like to donate for the auc- at the high school. '< The Fanwood-Scotch Plains Westfield will hold a wine and tion, call Marijke Shugrue at For tickets or more informa- YMCA begins its free adult lec- cheese social fpr new members 245-6373. tion, call 654-7398. ture series 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. For more • Local therapist Linda Van Fasaen will present an interac- tive informal workshop on learn- ing the skills of assertiyeness. Upcoming workshops include VAC :A I IONS loss and grieving and reducing holiday stress. •' Admission is free. All are wel- come, N< Gl I AWAYS For more information, call J-8880. Waterloo Village Fall Wine & Cheese Classic STANHOPE, NJ - Historic Waterloo of Waterloo, New Jersey Wines for $9.00; and ages 15 and under are FREE! Welcome Wagon Village, located in Stanhope, NJ and the Tasting and Sale. Wine Related Vendors, Waterloo Village can be reached by Garden Slate Winegrowers Association Crafts, Specialty Foods (additional taking 1-80 to exit 25. Simply follow the sets Tuesday coffee (GSWG) are proud to present the Fall charge), and Live Music featuring Black signs for Waterloo Village. Information The Welcome Wagon Club of Wine & Cheese Classic September 13th Widow Blues Band. Adults ages 21 and and $2.00 discount coupons are avail- Westfield will hold a coffee for and 14lh from 12 noon lo 5 pin. older are $12, which includes a compli- able by call ing (908) 475-3671. new members 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Admission includes the historic village mentary wine glass; ages 16-20 arc Women new to the area or looking for something new are invited. NEW JERSEY The club offers monthly din- ners, social events, children's h activities and community service \Viii« C'II*MVN«» ('kissic projects for members and their families. ' For the location of the coffee, September 13th 4c 14th 12-oon - 5pm call Angela Slifer at 654-8719 or hosted by Beth Seitz at 317-9046. For more information about Waterloo Village, Stanhope, NJ the club, access Internet site sponsored by The Garden State Wine Growers Assoc. www.weatfieldnj.com/welcome or hi.'; « '.\ '< '!"! 'I " i-lHip ,i call Mrs. Slifer or Mrs. Seitz, Live Blues Music **-*-* ; I ip < l)i 'd ! i ' i The Black Widow Blues Band 1 ' (I 1 '41 l>l ill I i I) Newcomers group WIMM, Ifcstlags, I-dadea Historic Village, sets Welcome Tea The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Discount Tickets Available at New Jersey^ Newcomers Club will hold its ; Tf? place your FRE£$#ft$ ,aft Welcome Tea at 8 p.m. Thursday, Wineries or call (908) 475-3971. Sept. 25 at the Fan wood www.nw1itrseywln9s.eom call l'i800-783-1131 Ejtt:,202c Presbyterian Church, Martine and LaGrande avenues. era, NVS , The purpose of the event is to welcome new members and acquaint them with all activities 24 hours a day, 7 dajta a Week! of the club. To place your PRfifi print ad, All are welcome. The nonprofit social organization introduces call 1-800-783-1131 Ext. 202c new and current residents who For automated ad taking, call have recently had a change in lifestyle: baby, marriage, employ- 1-800-485-2087 ment, etc. • For more information, call To respond to ads, call ... Regina at 889-4883 or Kathleen 1-900-773-30^5 ^ $1.99mm". at 518-0936.

GENTLE GIANT SEEKING ADVENTURE HOPELESS ROMANTIC Adult School ABBREVIATIONS - DWM, 51, fit, 5'9", 165lba., BUCCOBS- Humorous, kind, down-to-earth SBM, DWJPM. 38, 6 10", 155lbs., extremely Use the system ful, romantic, enjoys tennis, the shore, handsome, honeat, enjoys sports, 25, enjoys animals, thunderstorms, N/D Non-drinker quiet evenings. ISO WF, 38-45, oonll- F Female S Single kids. ISO slim, attractive, watt-edu- completely free quiet times, going out, science, nature, -' T P Professional dent, healthy. Ad* 1633 mails catalogs M Mala D Divorced cated, sensuous, down-to-earth lady, when you advertise! comody Ehowe. ISO wild, crazy F. Ad (r >'i W White WW Widowed ISO In search of FIRSTTIMEAD 9028 ,,T LTH Long-term tor LTR. Ad# 9133 WESTFIELD — Catalogs of B Black G Gay DWM, 57*, 15Olbs., enjoys the out- doors, camping, the beach, danclnQ. TAKE A CHANCE ,,i H Hispanic C Christian relationship SOMEONE SPECIAL the Westfield Adult School O Double dator ISO F. 21-45, petite/medium, for WM, 37, 57", i50lbs,, brown halr.;;i A Asian N/S Non-smokar DWPM, 47,57", enjoys travel, sports MUSCULAR SENSITIVE describing the more than 80 and tho beach. ISO WPF, slim, attrac- SJM, 31, 6'1", blond hair, eyes, friendship, possibly more. Ad* 9036 graen-oyed, likes music, movies. ISO"' WF, 21-45, loving, caring, honest, courses to be offered during the b)l ll n n 1 | l tlve. kfdsokay,Ad*9131 muscular, sensitive. ISO SJF, 21-31, THETHREE C'S Thli publication to a community, family P« ? f -16 y hlnflJ PP™ JSS^!!™ slim, attractive, who wouldn't normally SWM, 47, ISO atfectlonato SWF, 44- trusting, Ad# 1021 ';'. fall semester have been mailed to muttt- «pproprf«t« (or all ages. Participant In Dalamakar must M1B yaars ADVENTUROUS MALE or ol3«r. Datwnaksr Is rsstridiKl to Individuals soaking personal, monoaotnoua answer an ad. Ad* 9125 50, who needs to bo lovod. LIMITED TIME OFFER ,"' all residences in WeBtfield, Italian, 40s, broad-minded, open to Summorvllle area only. AdB 9037 ml«tlonihlpa. Th« publisher raservos tho righl lo odtt orreiad ads andI volca Introduo- SEEKING SOULM ATE DWM, 6'2', 38, ooocf-looklng, N/S, at- • • ttont th«t do not ma«l Ihe sltrtdarda of acceptance ot this nawspnpor. This publfcalton now things. ISO similar WF, 35-50, tor Mountainside, Garwood, DWPM, 42,5T, 190lba.,noklds. ISO BE MY PRINCESS IUum« no liability for the content or reply oto personal advortlsement. Roads™ ona casual dating. No strings attached. facllonato, hoalthy, elncoro, onjoya:!-; Fanwood and Scotch Plains. «dv«rtl«™ miy wish 10 consldor taking spproprialo oologuardB In responding lo ads down-to-earth, beautiful woman, 33- WM, 25,5'9", iBOIbs., hazol-eyad, fit, outdoors, movieo, the slioro, rornan-.,., and •rnnalrw rn^tlnos. UM ot lhl» column lorbuslnsoe solicitation will be prowcutad. Adff 9132 good-looking, ISO WF, 18-20, N/S, Additional catalogs are available 39, for friendship and romance. Full- tic evenings. ISO SF, 28-38, Irustwor* Kjlifatottii 1-900 ey.MM Will b«charB«ll1.»8p«rmlnut«ontholrmonlhly phone ALL FORYOU Hpured woman welcome. Ad# 9124 attractive, fuH-llgured, likes movies, in all area libraries. Mil Touchton* phona caBen will bo given Insertions on how to respond to a ipacllto dining, quality lima, no klda. Adft 9034 thy, serious, Sommereet. AdX 9027 ad, brow»» mala or lemale grootlngs and use Datemotch. For boil reception, cordless Handsome, Intelligent, romantlo, vary AWESOME PERSONALITY INTERRACIAL LOVE Classes will be held on succes- laliphon** are not recommended. ____^______nlco DWM, 46,5'7", college graduate. SWM. N/S, N/D. 40, 6'9". 190lbs., LOOKING FOR YOU Almost Handsome DBM, B0+, looks ' >• ISO pretty woman, 35-45, N/S, self- SWM, 35, secure, enjoy motorcycles, J sive Monday evenings between solid, well-proportioned build, never younger. Sooks down-to-earth WF,35 '"- THE DOCTORS IN growth, enjoys dancing, film, hiking. trucks, I ha shore, the outdoors, lam- 6:30-10 p.m. Sept. 29 through Women seeking SWFM, 40, N/S, rjBnlloman, good- married, clean-cut, easyrjolno, consid- lly, friends. ISO attractive, fit, Indapan- 60, social drlnkor, lor fun times. Poa- I^J Dec. 1 at WeBtfield High School, looking, fit. Considerate, treats a lady Ad# 9130 erate. ISO SWF, 30+, for relationship. cfont SF, 20-38, friendship, posBlblo slblo LTR. Contra! Joraoy, Adff 9021 , J Central Jersey. Ad* 9123 550 Dorian Road. SOUUMATEWANTED well. ISO similar SWF, 2B-3B, no kids. A TRUE GENTLEMAN more. Ad 0 9033 Central Jarsoy. Adff 9221 Honest, compassionate, polite ONE QUY ONE HEART LOOKING FOR FUN \\., Students may register by mail SJWF, 28, 5*5", 145lbs., hazsl-eyed COME ON AND CALL ME DWM. wisdom of 50, siablllly of 40,,.; brunott«. Enjoys Intelligent coweraa- TIMES TOGETHER SWPM, 42, executive. Seeka consid- One thing missing: you. SWM, 32, at- WM, 47, quiet, fun-loving, sort of a pasaianato 30, and curiosity of 20,^ until Sept. 26 by filling out the tlons, politics, cooking, Bporis. ISO SWM, 42, 6'1". ISO kind, caring WF, erate, marriage-minded SWF, 30-39. tractive, lit, down-to-earth. Bcoku thrill Booker, likes atockcar racing. ISO form at the back of the catalog similar SWM, 38-42, N/S, Friendship. 35-42, modium-bullt, for LTR, who who wishes to be treated with respect SWF, thin, attractive, with amazing WF, 40-55, qulot, smoker, kids OK. Adit Booking F countorpnrt, some quall- and sending it, with checks pO8»lblaLTR,Ad*9O29 enjoys music, Iho outdoors ancf quiet and klndnosB.Adr* 9127 heart. Ad* 9120 2551 Ilos. Somorvlllo. Ad# 9020 '".' payable to: Weatfield Adult SEEKING THE SPARK times. AdW 9139 School Association, to Westfield Stim, attractive, fun-loving SWF, 50. GENTLEMEN SEEKS WIFE 5'10\ onjoys travel, music, movies, Honest, good-naturad. easygoing, lo pliwv u KKI;K print tid fall I-KO0-7H3-II31 cxt. 202c or mail your ad to cxt. 202c sports, the outdoors. Seeks tall, edu- Adult School, P.O. Box 606, OKOcullve SWPM, 42. Seeks thought- CO Westfield, N.J. 07O91. cated WPM, 62-62, physlcally/emo- ful SWF, 29-39. Enjoys movies, travel, !».(>. Hox 40H, Ou-cklowHRiMNY 14225. tlonally lit. Ad» 9028 parks, beach, shows, autumn, Jets/ ; Carol Phelan, director of the DrjvllB.Adtf B13B SLEEPLESS IN JERSEY Write your FREE 20 word personal ad below. You may want to include your ago, Interests, Adult School, encourages early Blond, bluo-eyed DPWF, 4(3. 5'8", MARRIAGE-MINDED MALE registration to avoid disappoint- HSIbs., S mom, enjoys dancing, the- SJM, 47, enjoys sports, theater, slan- hobbles, etc. Bo sure to complete the Information at the bottom of the cou-pon. > ment. ater, art, exercising. ISO beut frisnd, dor build. Seeks SJF, 20-40, foi friend- Popular classes and trips fill nice guy, for LTR. Ad# B024 i ship, LTR. Possible marriage. Ad# bold headline-> PRETTY I NTEL.LIG ENT 9135 up quickly. All tire filled on a Claasy WWPF, 45, S'B", bluo eyes, ONE GUY ONE HEART first-received registration basis marvolous family, nonrellglDus. Enjoys One thing mlscing... you. SWM, 32, Bports, dlnlrifl oul, coffea, convorsa- allraclivo. III, down-to-earth. Sacks and are full when the class size tion. SeeklnQ Intelllgont, corlno SWF, thin, atlracllvo. with amazing lifnit is reached. SWPM, 43-53. Ad» 9022 hoarl.Adff 9136 Although registration for aome HANDSOME AND losfl-than-aemeator length cours- Intellectual. SPM.Aslon/lnrJionorlgin, Men seeking honest, Blncaio. ISO SF, 30-40, out- es iB possibles after the semester going personality, hoiflhl/wolghl pro- begins, oarly registration helps to portlanalo, lorfrlondshlp, possible re- nflsure thnt nil dosses will have LET'S COMMUNICATE lalionahlp. Adff 9134 9WPM, 30s, BmotlonBlly/fmnnclally enough studentB to warrnnt secure, famlly-orlonted, smart, humor- f'ASHIOM DEGIONER being given. For more informa- ous, advenluroua. ISO rolatlormhlp. Bo 3WM, 31, 0'1", blond, bluo eyos, tion, prospective students may opoii-mlndad and enjoy ptionn fun. Soaks SWF, 21-32, Boxy, atlracllvs, Jg22Ci allm, adventurous, who's looking (or cull tho Woatfiold Adult School flxcltlng llmoB. Adrf 9129 registrar at 232-4060. September 12, 1997, - A-8 Record-Press [Robert Selvig Jr., 53 I Obituaries Dorothy Carey O'Brien : Firefighter honored for bravery Secretary; nursing home volunteer January. * WESTFIELD — Robert W. valor from the city of Newark and WESTFIELD—Dorothy Carey : Selvig Jr., 53, died Sept. 3, 1997 the state of New Jersey. Winifred Doane, 94 O'Brien died Sept. 6, 1997 at the Surviving are three sons, at University Hospital in New- Surviving are his parents, Ashbrook Nursing and Conval- Robert of Monroe, Richard of ark. Robert W. Selvig and Charlotte escent Center in Scotch Plains. Bloomfield Hills, Mich., and Neal Teacher; active in her church of West Orange; a daughter, He received three commenda- Hanna Selvig of Tewksbury; two She had been a secretary with sisters, Kristine of Warren and WESTFIELD—Winifred Sunday school and the Elizabeth the Rosenthal & Parks Insurance Sister Donna Marie of Clark; six tions for heroism during his 23 Norton Bible class at the grandchildren and two great- years with the Newark Fire Sandy Ciszewski of Sussex; two Doane, 94, died Sept. 2, 1997 at Co. of Newark from 1960 until nieces and a nephew. Pitman Manor. Presbyterian Church in her retirement in 1975. grandchildren. ; Department. Westfield, where she sang in the Mr. Selvig was born in Funeral services were held She was a first-grade teacher She was born in Roxbury, Services were held Tuesday at choir. the Dooley Funeral Home, Cran- Plainfield and lived in Westfield Monday in the chapel at thein the Roselle school system from Mass., and had lived in Westfield Presbyterian Church. Burial was 1923-36 and at Emerson School Surviving are a niece, Barbara since 1954. ford, followed by a funeral Mass before moving to Garwood in M. of Westfield; and a nephew, at Holy Trinity Church. Burial 1973. He had resided in Roselle private, in Plainfield from 1930 until her For many years, Mrs. O'Brien Arrangements were by theretirement in 1965. Colin Robertson Doane of El was a nursing home volunteer at was in Fairview Cemetery. ; since 1977. Miss Doane was born in Paso, Texas. Memorial contributions may i He received his first commen- Gray Funeral Home. Memorial what is now Genesis Eldercare- contributions may be made to Brooklyn. She lived in Bayonne; Graveside services were held Westfield. She was a member of be made to St. John the Apostl< ; dation in 1979 for performing a Westfield from 1920-60; Plain- yesterday in the Revolutionary School, Valley Road, Clark, N.J.- heroic rescue under difficult con- Make A Wish Foundation, 1034 the senior citizens club and Altar Salem Road, Union, N.J. 07083, field; Monroe; and since 1988 in Cemetery at the Presbyterian Rosary Society at Holy Trinity 07066, or the Dominical Sisters ditions. Mr. Selvig was again Pitman. Church. Infirmary Fund, 1 Ryerson Ave.,* ; cited in 1983 and 1988 foror the St. Barnabas Medical Roman Catholic Church. Center Burn Unit, 94 Old Short She earned a bachelor's degree Arrangements were by the Her husband, Joseph, died in Caldwell, N.J. 07006.. , courage and efficiency in saving in 1923 from the Newark Normal Gray Funeral Home. Memorial 1 lives aa a firefighter. He also Hills Road, Livingston, N.J. 07039. School and a master's degree in contributions may be made to the • received a number of citations for education in 1950 from Rutgers Presbyterian Church Memorial University. MiBS Doane taught Fund, James H. Franklin, 65 prances Brennan Siburn Barber shop owner; Korea veteran FANWOOD —James H. "Jay" A.M.E. Church in Roselle. Secretary in college's grants office Franklin, 65, died Sept. 7, 1997 Surviving are his wife, Lucy A, i;', WESTFIELD — Frances M. She was a parishioner of St. Union County at Muhlenberg Regional Medical Johnson Franklin; a son, Jay ^Brennan Siburn died Aug. 31, Helen's Roman Catholic Church. Center in Plainfifild. Anthony of Plainfield; a daugh- ;1997 at the Glenside Nursing Her husband, John J., died in Ho owned and operated Jay's ter, Deanna Lynn of Fanwood; a ^Center in New Providence. 1974. Barber Shop in Union for 30 brother, Herbert L. of Roselle; She retired in 1996 after 16 Surviving are two eons, David years. and two sisters, Francena Reed of years as a secretary in the grants of Rahway and James of West- Mr. Franklin wns born in Trenton and Helena Smith of office of Kean College of New field; and two grandchildren. Elizabeth. He served in the Army Oakland, Calif. Jersey, in Union. Private services were held during the Korean War and lived Another brother, Charles, is ••' She was born in South Amboy under the direction of the Dooley in Roselle before moving to deceased. * and had lived in Westfield since Funeral Home in Cranford. Fan wood in 1977. Funeral services were held 51962. Memorial contributions may be 368 Sumner Ave He was a member of George E. yesterday at the Heard A.M.E, £;* Mrs. Siburn earned a bache- made to Children's Specialized To ADVERTISE TN THE Plainfield Cannon Lodge 858, Improved Church. Burial was in Graceland lor's degree in English from Hospital, 160 New Providence Pastor: Huv. Jasuph F. Barbona Benevolent and Protective Order Memorial Park, Kenilworth. Thomas Edison State College. Road, Mountainside, N.J, 07092, CHURCH DIRECTORY of Elks of the World, in Plainfield. Arrangements were by the 908-756-3393 G.G. Woody Funeral Home SUNDAY MASSES: Mr. Franklin also was a member in, •Saturday, 5:30 PM of the Men's Club at the Heard Roselle. CALL KERRY AT Sunday; 8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 AM 1-800-559-9495 WEEKDAY MASSKS Man./Wud./I'rl: 7:00 AM K 0:00 AM "nies./Tliiini: tt:00 AM & 5:30 PM Frances D. Hall, 59 Knturttay: 0:00 AM ^Before you select a family plot, consider the beauty, service, care Scotch Plains library volunteer " and maintenance at Hillside Cemetery. All lots are in fully Terrill Road SCOTCH PLAINS — Frances was a trustee and a volunteer at KENILWORTH Baptist Church D. Hull, 59, died Sept. 6, 1997 at The Cathedral-Second Baptist developed areas and include perpetual care. Hillside Cemetery, OOSML CHAML her home. She had been a volun- Church in Perth Amboy. |l34OTtrrrlil Rd. Scotch Plains teer at the Scotch Plains Public Surviving are her husband, , located on Woodland Avenue in Scotch Plains, is a non-profit Newark Ave. & 23rd St., Kenilworth 322-7151 Library and for 15 years n cus- Garrison T. Sr.; a son, Garrison T. , organization. For further information, telephone 756-1729. tomer service representative Jr. of Cranford; a daughter, 90S-272-6131 Rev. Michael Seaman, I'astnr Sunday S?rvlc«t: with the Dole Packaged Foods Cheryl Wanda Crandall of llM-FMtfyM*Ht«riMl SUNDAY Co. in Mountainside. Baltimore, Md.; two brothers, t:00 pm • f VMI«| Sfrvktf 9:45 am Sunday School A native of Lottsburg, Va., she Timothy Yerby of Burke, Va., and MM** MX) pm • Myi MM* 11:00 am Morning Worship Paul Dameron Jr. of the Bronx; 6:15 pm Church Training lived in Newark before moving to tiMMb* 7:M pm - Fftyw mi MMt SiwJy I Scotch Plains in 1970. two sisters, Mary L. Damoron of frtfty 740 M - YM* MMHMJ 7:15 pm Evening Worship Ofrm'ak WEDNESDAY Mrs. Hall worked for the Mold the Bronx and Ida O. Dameron of 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting Casting Co. of Newark and the Edison; and a grandchild. Calf for More Information Nursery Care ProvMett Guismer Manufacturing Co. of Funeral services were held Crnnford before joining Dole. She Wednesday at The Cathedral- Second Bnptist Church. Arrangements were by the Advertisement Judkins Colonial Home in Plninfield. Memorial contribu- FRITZ REUTER LIFECARE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY tions may be made to the "1OO yearri of Experience in car- Residential care and Skilled our Nursing facility at no extra Building Fund of The Cathedrnl- ing speak fox" itself" says Noreen Nursing care. Residents moving charge. Second Baptist Church, P.O. Box g p y 1608, Perth Amboy, N.J. 08862. Wendt, Marketing Director of into the apartments may live "Prospective residents may the Fritz Hewter Liifccare Retire- independently as long as they choose our apartments or resi- ment Community. are able. Housekeeping and dential rooms in which to retire "Total continuous care for life laundry services are available as and enjoy the rest of their lives Etter Irene is available under one roof. The woll as activities, beauty parlor, free from worry and never hav- Fritz Reuter Life Care Retire- bank, billiards, arts & crafts, ing to rely on friends or neigh- ment Community lias been in exercise equipment and classes, bors to assist them," says Evans, 75 sauna, library and chapel. Nor eon. existence since 1897 and Has WESTFIELD — Etter Irene always been a retirement home If residents can no longer man- "Remember, -when you think Evans, 75, died Sept. 2, 1997 at •with a skilled nursing wing," she age living in the apartment, you're ready ... it's too late! Overlook Hospital in Summit. says. It is a charitable not-for- they may then bo transferred to Make the move, when you are She had been an electrical tech- profit organization supported by our Residential building. If res- physically and mentally able to." nician for 35 years at the Kenrny tax deductible donations, etc. ident requires medical care says Noreen Wendt. For further plant of the former Western "There are 3 levels of care ... either temporarily or perma- information, please call us at Electric. Total Independent Apartments, nently, it is all taken care of in (2O3) 867-3585. A native of Salem, N.C., Ms. Evans lived in Newark and Now York state before moving to Westfield in 1966. She was a You fire invited to fittoticl Tine German American Schuetzenfest! member of the Telephone Suiul.ty S«|>1<:inl)or 21. 1997 - 11AIVI 8PIVI Pioneers of America and at Schurt/(Mi Piirk. 32n •• .ill ( ^»<) 1 ) Hi>r< OHIiH and a daughter, Arlene Evans Pappus, both of Weslfield; a brother, Jose Evans of New York City; nnd three sisters, Sally Evans of the Bronx, Melissa Jackson of New York City and Anabel Sykes of Newark. Another brother, William Evans, is decased. (jLifecare Retirement Community Funernl services were held Suturday at Warren's Temple Enjoy Tlie Comfort. Security Anil Croiiipmtioiislii]) Of Our Church of the Living God. Burial Beautiful Home, r>eUicniecl To CompusHionmc Care. was in Fairview Cemetery. JRL&sidentical tt&altH Care Arrangements were by the Slcitled Nursing The j\ltt*tthcifn Ki'suffrtfici/ flcetlih Care F~ticility Plinton Funeral Home. JR«srspite; Cara services include the following: Wouldn't it t>e wonderful to find u pi nets where you * F*riviite Room iiticl Bath Helen could live independently in your <3\vn lo>vely and * 3 meals per cluy secure iii?a.rtrrtent or private room, yet have conve- McBride, 98 nient in-house services like elegant dining. hair- *• Emergency ca.ll systein WESTFIELD — A memorial dressing, laundry, housekeeping and banking? *•• Transportation scheduling Mass was celebrated yesterday at vVlso, wouldn't it toe tlclijvlifi.il to have am arts unil * Nearby shopping Holy Trinity Roman Catholic crafts center, lihrary, chapel, physical tliesrupy room, Church for Helen McBride, BS, various exercise cqtiipmeiit, amr>lc grouitds lor out- *•• Ivtnriy otlier amenities who died June 28, 1997 at her door eujoynicnt, community room lor special home. She retired in 1973 after events, thoughtfully planned program of social The Independent Living; Units offer modern, 45 years as a demonstrator with activities, including trips to pltices of intereNt nil high standard nccutunuKluiioiiK within n continu- Remington Hand Corp. in Newark ami New York City. available to Individuals 7O years of age or older ing care retirement community in a studio, one Mrs. McBride was born in accessible tinder one roof"/ bedroom, or two beilioom. Elizabeth and lived in Cranford before moving to Wcstfiekl in of tlie.so nincititics tincl services arc offered in. - ; l or more information or an appointment please 1990. She was a member of tht; call C2O1) 867-3585 or «imr>ly fill out the coupon Altar Rosary Society at St, Michael's Romnn Cntholic founded in 1897 us u tnx-cxeinpt, not-for-profit in order to discover tlit- advantage of lifecn.rts liv- ing at our be.anliftil facility. Church in Cranford. organization. It is sii|>poitotl l>y tux deductible Her husband, Walter, is donations as well sis legacies. deceased. Surviving are n daugh- Nnmc: ter, Clnire Hendrickson, with We invite yon to ntel our ULestiletiis anil determine whom Mrs. McBride lived; and for yourself wliy yon should Address: three grandchildren. CHOOSE OUR. CARING 1IO1MI3. Oily: Stale Arrangements were by the Bannworth Funeral Home in Fritz Router Altenheim Tclcphorio MJ Elizabeth. Memorial contribu- tions mny be mndo to tho I'leitRO Scud t tr«ir> 3161 Kennedy I*oi.ilervjarcl yvt. I 1 itns 1 I; I 1 NJMC Missionaries of Charity in IMortli Bergen, 1STJT O7O47 Plninfield or St. John'a Church Food Bank in Newark. September 12,1997 Record-Press A-9: Tree steward program planned WESTFIELD — Rutgers Co- Nichnadowicz, Dr. John Kuser of Forest. operative Extension 4-H Master the Rutgers University Forestry In return for the training at no Tree Steward Program will offer Department and 4-H Assistant cost, individuals will be asked to class for those interested in car- Karen Kotvas. volunteer time team-teaching ing for and planting trees. While perfect attendance is children nbout trees. Individuals Classes for the Master Tree desired, up to three absences can should be available every other Steward Program meet every be made up. In addition to the Wednesdny, January to May 1998 Wednesday from 1-3 p.m. Sept. classes, monthly Held trips from from noon-3 p.m. to team-teach 24 to Dec. 3 at the 4-H office, 300 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Wednesdays supervised fourth-gradors. North Ave. East in Westfield. will be taken to Rutgers Display Those who cannot make all The classes are taught by Gardens, the New Jersey State the dates, may trade days with Union County 4-H Agent James Tree Nursery and Stokes State other volunteers. HEALTH & FITNESS SERVICES rWt. i' If i STOP SMOKING

M.D. Supmlsid Program Weight Mew EJLA* Atttaisd Effl Control Institute Ashbrook resident Lanlta Trainor displays her certificate of achievement. Zyban" helps you stop smoking M.D. Supervised • Regular by boosting brain chemicals. Food • New Medications Not a Nicotine Patch or Gum FEN/PHEN & Others Mrs. Trainor honored for essay First Consultation & Visit Is Free • Adults & Teenagers SCOTCH PLAINS — Lanita with their eldest sister Helen and ters and my special nephew, First Consultation A Visit Is FREE Trainer, a resident of Ashbrook brother Art, the siblings enjoyed Richard. Quit Smoking Institute Nutsing and Rehabilitation Cen- special times. When the family My lifetime, garden has Pararaw 201-587-7655 p.ir.mus 201-587-7655 ter, was recently named the win- moved to Orange, Mrs. Trainor changed again and finds me LMnpton 201-740-1889 vin son201-740-1889 ner of the 1997 Long-Term Care met and married Francis Trainor, flourishing in a nursing home. / Week Essay Contest by the New but still maintained a strong bask in the fun of the daily activ- i?*""1 Jersey Association of Health family bond. ities. I grow with each bright con- Care Facilities. She was among a In later years, Mrs. Gilbert versation. I am a fading rose now- dozen residents from long-term conquered a lifelong fear of flying but still can enhance the beauty To Advertise care facilities throughout New to care for her sister after the of my surrounding. In this gar- Jersey who submitted essays fea- death of her husband in 1994. den, I am safe, welt-nourished Call 1-800-472-0102 turing the theme "What Caring The couple had moved to Jensen and at peace. For Ages Means To Me." Beach, Fla., after retirement. The contest, in its fourth year, When Mrs. Gilbert passed was held in celebration of Long- away, Mrs. Trainor took comfort Term Care Week in May. in sitting with Mrs, Degnan each The essays were judged by a Tuesday to reminisce and think panel of independent media rep- about her sister. From those resentatives from Northern, Cen- talks, she compiled Mrs. Trai- tral and Southern New Jersey. nor's essay. Mrs. Trainor's essay was selected "It was a wonderful thing that based on its content, clarity, orig- came out of sadness," Mrs. inality and adherence to theme. Degnan said. Stye was presented with a certifi- The following essay, written by cate and a $100 American Ex- Mrs. Trainor, was awarded first CHILD CARE CHILD CARE ENTERTAINMENT press Gift Check. prize in The New Jersey Ass- iv Ashbrook Administrator ociation of Health Care Facilities •*' i> Peggy Degnnn nominated Mrs. Fourth Annual Long-Term Care Trninor's essay in May. Week Essay Contest: 305B TRIXY THE CLOWN "Wo didn't "sit down to write an What Caring Far Ages NURSERY SCHOOL essay. It was collection of her Mean To Me :TRIX THE MAGICIAN1 thoughts and feelings after the My life is a like a springtime AND KINDERGARTEN Yl r Goose tt Holiday CharacTers unexpected passing of her garden. It has changed and State certified private school offering Theme Parties younger sister, Mary," Mrs. renewed many times over since quality care in classical education for Family Entertainment At Its Best Degnnn said. my birth in May of 1917, over 30 yrs. Favorable student teacher • Magic • Puppetry • Story Tolling Mrs. Truinor's sister, Mary My sinters and I were the "flow- ratio, large playground and heated pool • Faco Painting/Tattoos • Balloon Sculpting • Pfizcs Gilbert, visited her each Tuesday, era" in my parents' garden. We Accepting applications for 1/2 day ses- FAMILY CHILD • Musical Games/Dances • Sing A-Longg bearing flowers and stories to delighted them in all we did. sions. (8-1 or 9-1}. Available tor Weddings, Ulrttirtn/s Lie share. Since Mrs. Trainor's room As life moved on, I was the del- OF NEW PROVIDENCE bcliools/tdurational Programs, Corporate Fvouls icate rose in my husband's life. We 387 Maple St., Murray Htll is located near the administra- Residential area, family atmosphero. Fun House Productions tor's office, Mrs. Degnan became played and prayed together. We 464-3311 State Certified Nurse's Assistant. accustomed to seeing the sisters were never blessed with children Will care for your infant or toddler 908 3814196 together, but shared many family moments Full-time/Part-Time "There was an obvious attach- with our nieces and nephews, Reasonable Rates ment between them," Mrs. especially Richard. RaferancM Available Degnan said. "They truly enjoyed Life moves quickly as you FEATHERBED LANE spending time together laughing know. Both mother and father SCHOOL 908-908-1731 and chatting. It was as if they were gone. Then, my beloved wan taken from me just as we settled - Private School - were still youngsters in their own REGISTER N0W1 Live-In Child Care home," into our Florida retirement years. I moved North to be with my sis- Kindergarten • 6th Grade Carefully screenorJ, English-speaking Growing up in Brooklyn, N.Y.t Nursery School - 2 1 /2 to A yrs au pairs with child-care experience Extended Hours Available and driving ability. Hot Lunches About $220 per week To Advertise Sale day is tomorrow at Thrift Shop Large Play Area for up to 45 hours of Snacks live-in care. Call SCOTCH PLAINS —Tom- paperbacks also are available for Fully Certified (908) • Local coordinators orrow is the Fall Saturday Sale purchase. Foreign Language 388-7063 provide year-long 800 559-9495 Dny at the ThriR Shop, 1730 E. Thrift Shop hours are 10 u.m.- support. Front St. 2:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday and 10 801 Featherbed Lane, Clark - £rt. 1953 AuPair Humestay USA Today! Among the articles on hand for a.m.-l p.m. Saturday. HtM-479-WMn shoppers are suits, coordinates, Donations are received 10 Union County - 'J(/H-JJi-4Ot6 jackets, skirts, slacks, tops, blous- a.m.-noon Tuesday-Saturday. For www.woildlcamlng.org es, sweaters, shoes, jeans, silk more information, call 322-5420. scarves and costume jewelry, all for women; a designers' corner, including brand-name apparel; and clothes for larger-size women, on a separate rack. •A separate room hns men's suits, jackets, slacks, shirts, sweaters, pants, jeans, ties, shoes and work clothes; boys' school clothes, dress clothes and play clothes; baby clothes, toddler clothes and girls' clothes. Antiques and collectibles may be found in a cabinet of their own. Housewnres, bric-a-brac, drapes, curtains, linens and SEPTEMBER Congregation sets preschool programs FRIDAY & SATURDAY SCOTCH PLAINS — Regis- i tration has been .scheduled for Greek Food 11 am - 11 pm IC'fonton (toddler) and preschool Pastries programs at Congregation Beth SUNDAY Israel, 1920 Cliffwood St. Wine KTonton is open to children 12 noon - 7 pm who will be 3 years old by Oct. 1. The program meets eight Sun- days (luring the year, with the SHOPPING 1 first class Sept. 21. "him, Abba HOLY TRINITY GREEK and Me" workshops are included Jewelry during the school year. Tapes & CD's ORTHODOX CHURCH Preschool classes arc open to 25O Gallows Hill Road children who will be A years old by Oct.. 1. They meet 10 Sundays Westfield New Jersey during tlu> year, with the first FAA/Y1LY FUN 1 class Sept. 14. Ke»hi;r, a parallel Folk Music & Dancers (908) 233-8533 learning program for the children Takeout fax (908) 233-0623 and their parents, is integrated Kid's Rides & Games throughout the school year. Synagogue membership in not Tent 4 Games open 5 p.m. Friday • $1 Donation, Children under 12 Free • Visit our website http://westfieldnj.com/htgoc required. Enrollment is limited; call Ruth Grass at 889-1830, Area theater keeps ages-old tradition with play By DAVID LEARN going to have Jack Nicholson say- guess it'll be the audience that'll WEEKKNI) PLUS ing, *You can't handle the truth.' judge it. It's the acting that car- It's really a play about honor and ries it, but the costumes are as Community theater ties into a real people, not superstar actors." accurate as can be done in com- tradition of story telling as old as Generating the right atmos- munity theater in New Jersey." { humanity itself phere for the play has also And, to complete the picture, • Modern and ancient civiliza- proven to be a challenge for this actors will have prop M-16s on tionB alike have used drama to play. The size of SVPB stage pre- stage with them. pass their history, religion and cludes some shows from being "The play didn't call for any of morals at least since the staged there at all, such as The that, but it sure adds to the Sumerian Empire, Phantom of the Opera, ambiance," said Baker. ; Somerset Valley Players Typically, the stage requires Although the director's influ- 1 (SVP), located in Neshanic that as much of the play take ence is most visible in outward Station, can'L claim to be 10,000 place in one setting as possible— areas such as blocking and small years old, but it has been enter- such as the flower shop in SVP's touches, like whether Col, taining local theater-goers with recent production of 77M? Little Jessup's desk should have its comedies and dramas for 30 Shop of Horrors. Twizzlers or gum balls on it, his years. In A Few Good Men, scenes most profound and subtlest effect A typical season at SVP has take place in the Guantanamo is determining the underlying one drama and several comedies. Bay Marine base, a courtroom, a theme for the play. "We have a play-reading com- brig and a softball field, among In a play like A Few Good mittee, anywhere from eight to others. Men, there are several choices: 10 people, who send letters out to "There's a lot more to this pro- sexism, abuses of power, blind the present directors at Somerset duction than most," said Baker. obedience to authority, truth and Valley Players, [asking thorn] to "A lot of plays, you can get away justice, and so on. A reasonable submit plays for our season," said with one interior. This show is claim could be made for the Richard Baker, who is directing really costumes and lighting." importance of any of these, but to the company's Sept. 12-Oct. 4 run Instead of elaborate scene Baker, the play cuts to the heart PHOTO BY STEVE GOODMAN PHOTOGRAPHY of A Few Good Men. changes and props, Baker opted of what makes the Marine Corps Lt. O*n Kaffee (John Dowgin) falls to Impress Cmdr. Joanne Galloway (Tracey Scruggs-Yearwood) with his » Once the directors have sub- for a black-curtained stage with the institution it is, knowledge of his clients' case. mitted their suggestions, the enough props to empower audi- "The play iB about honor and committee takes four or five ence members to imagine the getting that," he said. "I'm trying potential for mishaps, nothing njonths to rend the suggestions. rest. Scene changes are accom- not to make it a cliche for 'I was has gone horribly wrong during After narrowing the choices down plished by raising and dimming' just following orders.' What I'm rehearsal yet. to a Jiet of 10 plnys, the commit- lights to focus the audience's really trying to bring across is "In this particular show, we tee passes the list on to a board of attention on new action. the honor there for the military. haven't had n chance for any- directors, which further reduces Although his father was a No matter what happens to these thing to go wrong yet," he said, the list to the six shows for the Marine, Baker said he has no over zealous Marines, the Marine "The M-16s are replicas, so I new season. personal experience with the Corps will go on. That's what it don't think anyone's going to be • "We try to balance the come- armed forces to bring to the play, j all boils down to." shot in the audience." dies," said Bilker. "We try to look "I've never in my life had any- With his vision for the play Tickets are available for $12 for something that's not always thing to do with the military aer-; firmly in his mind, all that by calling (908) 369-7469. done, but not so obscuro it would vice," he said. remains is for Baker to communi- drive audiences nwuy. Thnt's To amend his own lack of first- cate that to his players. risky when you hnve to pay the hand military knowledge, Baker "It's just an incredible chal- mortgage." has been drawing on the experi- lenge, not only how to ftt 18 peo- 1' Baker suggested A Few Good ence of Lt. Grog Murphy, a mem- ple on the stage at once and how Men, a play he has enjoyed since ber of the National Guard to choreograph it, but to give the • BRAS • Girdles he first read it. Reserves, who is playing a mili- audience a feel of the military * Nursing Bras • Teddys R "I just loved it, maybe because tary police officer. that they're sucked into," he said. 1 Stockings • Panties • Gowns niy father WHS a Marine," he said. Murphy has shown the other "Every actor must know what he Complete Lingerie Needs "1,'vo thought, na military plays actors the correct way to salute, wants more than anything else ... • Personal Attention • Expert Fitting gp, it was well-done." stand at attention, and even and [must] play it from a real ^ One of Baker's concerns with spent the first night teaching place, not just little facial expres- casting and directing tho play is everyone how to inarch in mili- sions and acting tricks." that it doesn't become an imitn- tary fashion in the theater's At a recent rehearsal, Baker 115 MUln K tjon of the well-known movie parking lot. was hard at work during a run- <9M)M4-IM4 Ctoml Mon4*yt TMt-itoin 10-StJO t adaptation. "The uniforms have been a through of the play, scratching Fri IN 6 Sri 1O-S | *•; Tho hardest part is the nudi- challenge," said Bnker."You try to notes down at a furious speed to ij lions," snid Maker. "I didn't want do them as accurately as possible commend actors when their per- * t6 get people imitating Jack with the budget that you have." formance was dend-on for what ' Nicholson and Tom Cruise, It He added SVP bought n few he wanted and with suggestions X • njseds to be refreshing; it needs to from area Army/Navy surplus on when they needed to Bland a lie exciting. The climax needs to stores, and hns borrowed otiiers different way, or speak in a be climactic. It's not going to be a from collectors and veterans. slightly different tone. r&hnsh of the movie. You're not "It's a lot of work," ho said. "1 Despite the ever-present Forum Theatre spins web about spider THE GLADSTONE EQUESTRIAN ASSOCIATION Invites you to Charlotte's Web has been performed so oflon children's division, A Kid's Forum, to present in Contrnl Jersey, it seems some thenter compn- Charlotte'n Web as a musical for young audiences nies can do that children's story in their sleep. Inter this month. But how enn you avoid n tnlo which has n pig Perfonnancea will be Saturday, Sept. 20, 27, named Wilbur (after the man who owned Mr, Oct. 4 and 11, plus Thursday, Sept. 25. Ed), a farm whose owner is named Zuckerman Showtimes each day will be 11 a.m. (after tho magazine owner/TV pundit) and a lit- Admission is $8. Discounts nro available for tle bitty spider named Charlotte (as in tho city)? groups of 20 or more. For reservations, call (732) The Forum Thentre in Metuchen is getting its 548-0582. German performers make show Tony Marshall und Margit host for programs on German- Activities begin 9:30 a.m. with Anderson, longtime favorite based television, Ms, Anderson iB the stage show 3:30 p.m. For tick- entertntnei'H from Germany, will well known in Europe, especially ets in advnnce, call (732) 442- mesmerize tho Gerninn- on German TV; her father was a 9200, (609) 585-6757 or (973) AJmericnn nudionco Sunday, Sept. pianist and her grandfather was 763-4093 during the day, (732) 1;4 during the Gorman Heritage nn accompished cellist. 727-4372 nt night. PeBtivnl at PNC Bank Arts Center in llolmdcl. !J,Mr. Marshall has- captivated His nudionco in Germany for the 40 yours and also hns been n The 1997 Correction GLADSTONE DRIVING EVENT \' Doyle's Unami Farms in September 26-28 Hillabomugh can bo School Daze : reached »t (00H> 309-3187. Hamilton Farm • Pottersville Road, Gladstone, NJ Sunday Sampler Seria* Th*atr« Bayond Words ; :, :; Featuring the Cosequin/USET Pairs Championship, Sept. 14,1997 at 1:00 8, 3:30 PM • $7 the second teg of the EqulSilk Triple Crown of Driving, • - ... and the Gladstone Singles Championship. find Just when you think they have done It all, the ever-popular Plus a full schedule of classes (or Singles, Pairs, and Four-ln-Hands of ponies and horses. your way our Potato People come up with a wonderful new show that chronicles Nancy Potato's first day at school. The Inimitable of this Potato People work their comic genius on this rite of passage In a BdUTIQUES * GREAT FOOD * SPECIAL EXHIBITS young child's life. Potato People fans will delight In colorful new 6'"acre characters-espedally the rambunctious Ina-Mae O'Nalse and FAMILY FUN: An exciting day (or children with clowns, balloons, lace painting, and a petting farm. endearingly awkward Dillon Rye. (Agos3andup) corn maze PLUS: Educational sessions hosted by the N.J, Department ol Agriculture and Equine Advisory Board. THE THEATRE AT KAHITAN VALLEY COMMUNITY COUIWK 6 mm- !O Ilox 3300. Somcrvlile, NJ O8H7O-lB(i5 t'nrm Tours • Applet • Mumi • Produce Call or Fax the Box Office Today! Beneficial COMQUI* DOYIES FARMS (908) 725-3420 • Fax 526-7890 • (800) 052-7899 TDD All parking on Hamilton Farm. « 771 Mill In. • HllUboroiitm, Nl Groups of 10 or more call Alonzo Cartltdge (908) 253-6681 Admiasion is $5,00 por person. Tickets available at the gate, ' For More In To Coll 90B-S09-SIB7 T-F lOnm-Ipm, !lnl lltani< IO|»n, Oim. lMOpra,Ctoiort Mondays e-mail: [email protected] or visit our website http://www.rarltanval.odu/theatra For more information call (908) 234-0151 or write to P.O. Box 119, Gladstone, NJ 07934 Plus September 12, 1997

Glenn Tiibrook, Sept. 21. 2nd Time Around. Wednesday. 1 Hi Wdtchung Avo.. Plninlield THE CORNERSTONE Zaire, Sept 12. (908) 769-5860 25 New St., Meluchen Alternate Sides, Sept, 19. Brat Puck, Sept. 1?. (732) 549-5306 MINSTREL Primitive Dogs. Sept. 13 CHESTER THEATRE GROUP Jimmy Nuzzo/Tony Ellis, Thursday. Somerset County Environmental Hyperactive, Sepl. 18. Black River Playhouse Warren Vache, Sept. 12. Education Center Rich Meyur. Sept. 19. Grove St. Dave Glassor, Sept. 13. 190 Lord Stirling Rd. Now Life Crisis, Sopt. 20. Chester Brian Melvin, Sept. 17. Basking Ridge THE STRESS FACTORY (908) 879-7304 Ed Polcer, Sept. 19. (973) 335-9489; 90 Church St. For fall production of The Man Who Dan Walsh, Sept. 20. www.research.alt.com'psa'tolkpiojoct Now Brunswick Came to Dinner, Auditions 2 p.m. Sept. COURT Open stage, Sept. 12. (732) 545-42-12 , i r 14,7:30 p.m. Sept. 1B. More than 25 124 Church St. Bill Staines, Joanna Mell. Sept. 19. Glenn "Bullhorn" Super (nit ages), nil parts; nine men and eight women (late New Brunswick ORPHAN ANNIE'S Sunday. teens-60s) in major rotes. (732) 545-7265 • 1255 Valley Rd. Stove Schaefer, Sept. 11-13. CHORAL ART SOCIETY Speed McQueen. Keepsakes. Bleached, Stirling Kovin James, Sept. 18-20. OF NEW JERSEY Sept. 12. (908)647-0138 Presbyterian Church "Sluggo's Birthday Bash" (6 bands), Sept. Open jnm session, Sunday. 140 Mountain Ave. 13. L.A.X., Sept. 12. Westfield Nashville Pussy, Zeke, The Wretched Loaded Dice, Sept. 13. (908) 233-9455 Ones, Sept. 15. Marty & Friends, Sept. 18. For 1997-98 season of performances. Barbecue Bob & The Spare Ribs, Sept. Matt O'Ree &The Blue Hounds, Sept. 19. Auditions after 8 p.m. rehearsal Sept. 16, 19. Robert Boyd & The Wiro Cutters, Sopi, CLUES ACROSS CLUES DOWN 23,30. Singers in all parts welcome. Inspector 7. Niblick Henbane, The 20. TRAILSIDE NATURE » JAZZ INSTITUTE Infiltrators. Sept. 20. PALMYRA TEA ROOM AND SCIENCE CENTER ..,; 3. Watering hole 1. Surgeon's thread OF NEW BRUNSWICK EMERALD COFFEE CO. 22 Hamilton St. 452 Now Providence Rd, 7. Felon 2. Arranger Roosevelt School 235 Nassau St., Princeton Bound Brook Mountainside 8. Dodge 3. Sample of cloth 83 Livingston Ave. (609)921-8311 (732)302-0515 (90S) 789-3670 „„ New Brunswick John Blanculll Group, Wednesday. Positive Rhythm Forco, Sept, 12. Adults ond children $3; sonlor citizens 9. Sweet grape 4. Digressions {732)214-0113 JACK O'CONNOR'S Corey Small, Sept, 13. $2.55. . 10. Author of "The Origin of 5. Angel For 1997-98 season of performances. 1288 Route 22, Brldgewater Sharp Details (porformanco art), Sept. 19. "Is Tlioro Anyone Out Thorn?" 2 and 3:30'^ Species" 6. Referee Auditions for musicians 10-20 years old (908)725-1500 John Bianculli, Sept. 20. pin. Sopt. H; 2 p.m. Sopt. 21. Children 11. „__ Guevara 12. Father noon Sept. 13. Must be familiar with Gladys Richards (piano), brunch Sunday. SHOUTI undar 6 not admitted. 12. Scarcity 13. Bill in a restaurant Instrument, know scales in all keys, be 14. Blacks 15. No. 1 willing to learn improvisation. PHILOMUStCA 17. Strauss' river 16. Title of respect CHAMBER CHOIR 21. Pointer 18. Marketplace in ancient Unitarian Society, 176 24. Subdivision of a play Greece Tlces Larve 25. Archie and Roger 19. Illiterate East Brunswick 26. Drew out 20. Lighter (732) 972-8070 27. Pillage 21. Bullocks For 1997-98 season of choral concerts. 28. Deep notch 22. All , clumsy Auditions Sept. 15 by appointment only, 29. Sts. 23. Football team Singers In all parts welcome; tenors espe- cially needed. STARUTE CHORALE Osceola Presbyterian Church 1689Raritan Rd. Clark (732)885-1120; (973) 667-9575 For December presentation of "Fireside Favorites," Christmas choral concert. Auditions 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16, 23, 30. Some experience with choral music required; bring any holiday song. MURDER MYSTERY 1997-98 Dinner Theatre Schedule

9/12/97 We The Jury (The Case of the Superfluous Spy) Jury THal Murder Mystery BOURBON STREET CAFE Old Bay Restaurant 10/17/97 Murder by Proxy 61 Church St., New Brunswick Corporate Murder Mystery (732)246-3111; 10/31/97 Murder by Moonlight www.oidbay.com Debbie Davies, Sept. 12. Hulloween Murder Mystery (Costumes Encouraged) Jimmy Johnson, Sept, 13. 11/21/97 We The Jury AfroTaino, Velour, Sept. 18. (The Case of the Deadly Cold) Jury lYial Murder Mystery The VooDudas, Sept. 19. Rhythm & Babs, Sept. 20. CAFE 52 COMPLETE 52 Easton Ave., New Brunswick (732) 249-1900 STARDUST DINNER INCLUDES John Blanculll, Sept. 14. Fresh Fruit Cocktail, House CLUB BENE Big Band Route 35, Sayrevlile Salad, Coffee & Dessert (732) 727-3000; PHOTO BY StliVE GOODMAN PHOTOGRAPHY ^ October 10. 1997 d CHOICE OF ENTREE: www.clubbene.com The Villagers Theatre In Somerset wilt open Its 38th season this weekend with Cabaret running for four con- Prime Rib, Chicken Special Dave Valentin, Sept. 12. secutive weekends. The Villagers' production of Cabaret Is directed by Arlene Schulman and produced by November 7, 1997 Marillion, Sept. 13. Broiled Fish Special Robert HIckson with musical numbers under the supervision of Kenneth Howard. Featured In the rote of tho March 13, 1998 Great White, Sept. 14. emcee Is Robert Beardon, center. Showtlmes are 0:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday, beginning Spyro Qyra, Sept. 19. April 17, 1998 From Good Homes, Sept. 20. Sept. 12 and concluding Oct. 5. Admission Is $17 Saturday, S15 Friday and Sunday. For reservations, call (732) 873-2710. per person complete includes la* & annuities «5TIVAL St. Demetrios Church 721 RAHWAY AVENUE • UNION Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday SEPT. 18 SEPT. 19 SEPT. 20 SEPT. 21 6 p.m. to 12:00 noon to 12:00 noon to 12 Midnight 12 Midnight 8:00 PM FREE $1 PARKING DONATIONS • Mageirio/ * Liquors/Ouzo Be Greek far a Home Cooking * Live Music/ Weekend" • Greek Taverna Entertainment • Ouzeri/Mezzedakia • Boutique - Jewelry CALL • Pastry Shop • Folk Dancing Tuesday, October 21, at 0 PM. TICKFTS FOR BOTH "Greek Delight" * Rides PATTI PAGE CONCERTS ON SALE NOW? (908) 964-7957 • Beer & Wine • Games TICKETS: $50, S45, $35 Tuesday, November 11, at 6 RM. ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK Eat, brink and be Merry under the Tents! Rain or Shine! wilri ,'ipi'fel (iuosl STU MOSS 1 TICKETS: $60, $50 r CALL NOW: 973-376-4343 • VISA • MasterCard • Discover :FREE : FREE I FREE I > FREE i ADMISSION i! ! ADMISSION ! ! ADMISSION ADMISSION With This Coupon • BROOKSIOE DRIVE, MILLBURN, NJ 07041 I I With This Coupon J With This Coupon ' a.DepLofStata PLAYHOUSE COMING UP Route 173, Hampton ELIZABETH PLAYHOUSE (800) 447-7313 1100 E. Jersey St., Elizabeth Charley's Aunt, Brandon Thomas play. To (908) 355-0077 Nov. 8, Group rates available; call for Wanda's Visit, excerpt from Durang NOW PLAYING showtlmes and prices. Durang by Christopher Durang. 12:15 and EDWARD NASH THEATRE 1:15 p.m. Sept. 17. Free admission. CHESTER THEATRE GROUP Rarltan Valley MCCARTERTHEATRE Black River Playhouse Community College 91 University PI., Princeton Grovo St. Route 28, North Branch (609) 683-8000 Chester (908) 725-3420 June Moon, Depression-eve comedy by (908) 879-7304 Halley's Comet, oft-performed drama. 8 George S. Kaufman and Ring Lardner. Baby with the Bathwater, comedy of gen- p.m. Sept. 13. Admission $20. Sept, 16-Oct. 5. Admission $28-$17 pre- dor miaidentity. 8 p.m. Friday and OFF-BROADSTREET THEATRE views; $43-25 regular shows. Call for Saturday, Sept. 13-Oct. 4. Adults $10; 5 S. Greenwood Ave. showtimes. senior citizens and students $B. Hopewell OMICRON THEATRE CIRCLE PLAYHOUSE (609) 466-2766 PRODUCTIONS 416 Victoria Ave. The Cemetery Club, play about three wid- Marriott Hotel Piscataway ows. 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2:30 110 Davidson Ave., Somerset (732)968-7555 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12-Oct. 18. Admission (609) 443-5598 The Elephant Man, about the freakish $20 Saturday, $18.50 Friday and Sunday; Murder mystery dinner theater with audi- darling of late 19th-century London. 8:30 discounts available. ence participation. 7:30 p.m. Sept. 19, jj.m. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 12-Oct. 4 PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE Admission $42. (plus 2 p.m. Sept. 21). Admission $13 Brooksido Dr., Millburn opening night; $12 Saturday, other (973) 376-4343 Kridays; $10 for one, $18 for two Sunday, Big River, or The Adventures of discounts available. Huckleberry Finn as a musical. To Oct. ELIZABETH PLAYHOUSE 26. Admission S49-S32; discounts avail- 1100 E.Jersey St. able. Call for showtimes. Elizabeth SOMERSET VALLEY PLAYERS CHARLOTTE'S WEB (908) 355-0077 Route 514, Neshanic 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 20 rho Waltz of the Toreadors, French com- (908) 369-7469 Forum Theatre ady (hat borrows its title from a scene in A Few Good Men, local version of the 314 Main St. military drama. 8 p.m. Friday and Carmon. 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 Metuchen Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12-Oct. 4, p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12-Oct. 12 (no show (732) 548-0582 Admission $12. Oct. 10). Adults $8; senior citizens and Musical based on the E.B. White story. VILLAGERS THEATRE -students $6. Group rates available. Admission $8; group rates available. r'ORUMTHEATRE 475 OeMott Lane, Somerset CHIL'ART 314 Main St., Metuchen • • (732)873-2710 6:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 12 (732) 54B-0582 Cabaret, musical from the last days of Delaney Recreation Center •lest A Secondl Comedy billed as a pre-Hitler Berlin. 8:30 p.m. Friday and 600 Chamberlain Ave. sequel to Beau Jest. 8 p.m. Thursday- Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12-Oct. 5, Perth Amboy Saturday, 2:30 p.m, Sunday, to Sapt. 28 Admission $17 Saturday; $15 Friday and (732)846-6600, Ext. 217 (plus 2:30 p.m, Sept. 17). Admission $29- Sunday. Plays written by children who are 10-14 $2'i, discounts available. years old. Free admission. HUMTERDON HILLS HI HO UBRAROI 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 20 Borders Books/Music/Cafe SOLUTIONS ACROSS SOLUTIONS DOWN 290 Commons Way Brldgewater (908)231-0111 3. Spa 1. Suture How books and libraries work, with 7. Outlaw 2. Placer author/singer Judy Freeman. Free admis- sion, 8. Scheme 3. Swatch RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EVES 9. Muscat 4. Asides 1 p.m. Sept. 13, 14 10. Darwin 5. Cherub .. PeopleCare Center 11. Che 6. Umpire 120Finderne Ave, Bridgewater 12. Dearth 12. Dad (732) 846-5032 14. Sables 13. Tab Three fairy tales — Tittle Red Riding 17. Danube 15, Ace Hood," "King Midas." "Goldilocks and the 21. Setter 16. Sir Three Bears" — in one musical. Admission $5. 24. Act • ' 18. Agora SCHOOL DAZE 25. Moores 19. Unread 1 and 3:30 p.m. Sept. 14 26. Educed 20. Easier Edward Nash Theatre Rarltan Valley Community College 27. Ravage 21. Steers PHOTO BY RALPH flUSSO' North Branch 28. Rabbet 22. Thumbs (908) 725-3420; Guitarist and vocalist Jimmy Johnson will perform Saturday at The Old Bay Restaurant, 61-63 Church St., 29. Rds. 23. Bleven www.rar itanval .edu/theatre New Brunswick. Nominated for a Grammy Award, Johnson Is the 1985 recipient of the W.C. Handy Award for A musical about a girl's first day of Best Contemporary Foreign Blues LP of the Year, presented by the International Blues Foundation. For more [ school. Admission $7. Information, call (908) 246-3611. 1 " lTl^lfo^ THlTHATERFwiS 0«nulrw Tin* fiiwut Sfitfoinl, 8 b ('.hops, Ijtthatvr/t & Mow! fTR? THE PORK) Enjoy Outdoor Dining BEST IN...BBQ Early Hint S/teciaU it htbtter S|*i>ri«{» Take Out DAY SPECIAL.---.-«- Eat In Ribs • Pulled Pork • Pulled Beef Unique Chicken • Homemade Salad FOOD BOX 908-429-0707 New Location: M West Main St., Somervtlle, NJ This Uaaqiieh AtailahhTup to iiiiivcoftle m our Fish Market & Restaurant Fish Market & Restaurant (Voted #1 Seafood in Somerset County) Picked the best "Seafood Restaurant" where the locals ont, trom McGolInn Press Nashville, Tenn. E«t in or teke out at Scampl's or just buy frosh seafood from our retail fish counter. Scampi'a Restaurant offers stonmod lobstors, homomnde crabcakos, steamers, mussels, clams, king crab logs, soafood pasta dishes, grilled fish, broiled Hah, fried & sauleod Items. For our Innd lovers. We serve chlckon stuakft pasta dishes. En|oy lunch or dinner at Scampl's or hava us cater your noxt pnrty. Wheel chair accessible. Early birds Tuos-Wod & Tliurs., Beaches of Colorado ?:00-G:30, Feel free lo bring your own besr or wine, Casual • Moderately Priced r^r We nro n Smoke (:roo Rtsstatirnnl SpcdalizinR in Ribs * Steak' Seafood • Pasla 'Buffalo • Bison/ 19B W. Main St. Somorvlllo, NJ 908-685-1323 Bench Music • Live Palm Trees • Grill & Drink Specials Hours: Tuos.-Ttiurs. 11:00 -9 CO III. S s>ni. 11:00-10.0(1 Clomid tiiin f. Won. IAC VIJ.I AMKX [i«r. ! 150 Bonnie Bum Rd. Watchung 908-322-720O

No need to drive to the shore for fresh seafood. Just drive over to Scampi's in Somerville, where the fish is always fresh. OFF At Scampl's you never smell fish. That's becnuso Scampi's only buys the your total check hlghast quality, freshest seafood available, nnd it's delivered every day in refrigerated trucks. Scampl's owners and staff take pride In selling and 15% serving the freshest seafood for each customer. When you eat at Scampl's, the only thing that's missing from eating at the Shore Is the water, and the sound of the fog horn from the boats coming into port. Scampi's dining room is done in n nautical theme to give you the Spanish & Portuguese • Catering • Party Facilities atmosphere of New England and Ihe shore. r ( $Q95 (908)560-0620 >07 West Union Avenue Ki. 2H • Hound Krook Phone: 469- J760 All dinners are prepared fresh to order to ensure the highest quality and ^* • M Ik lOHSTfRfor imtclwii 600 W, Union Ave., Bound Brook taste. Tho kitchen is open so you can sea His chefs preparing your lunch or 8' mfhtilfi VHJI it sitaf Closed Mondays dinner. At Scampi's you can also purchnss fresh fish Irom the retail counter. You have the best of both worlds as Scampi's. Buy Iresh fish and cook It at home or come to Scampl's and have them cook and serve you. All Scampi's dinners and lunches are gonorous portions at reasonable prices. Scampi's food Is always consistent because there's always an owner In the kitchen. Dinner At Scampi's you can purchase homomnde chowders, stuffed flounder, Willl This All Maryland crabcakos, live lobsters, cooked shrimp and much more. I Mulem • Gmrmil liilian Scampi's chefs also oflor a great selection In tha restaurant. Flounder or in inese I Shrimp Francalse Zuppa Di Pesci. Shrimp Scampi, Grilled Swordfish, i BUY ANY ENTREE I blackened seafood dishes Shrimp or Scollop Con Vodka Over Ponne GET 2ND 1/2 OFF 4 The licsl Chinese Cuisiiw in Town I pasla, Rod or white Clam Snuco, Fried Calamarl, broiled seafood dishes Fax 302-1412 24 Bast Main Street sauteed dishes, Steamed Lobster, fried seafood, to name just a few Dine In • Take Out • Delivery • Closed Sundays During the Summer SoniervtHc. NJ (908) 704-1600J Scnmpi's is a good example of what to look for in a good restaurant. JSTO^Unipn^ve^CRt^ 28) Middlesex • 3O2-955OI

• Delicious Food Cookod Frosh to Order 1 • Excellent Friendly Service •« \ AUIN ST. TrArro'riA .I* !i • Reasonable Prlcos • Frosh Seafood Anywhere !»-ftl'28 137Kast Alain Sleet, ChestiT Casual So stop in a I Scampi s to en/oy a grea I lunch or dinner where everyone Is tmated like family... Country Breakfast Priced ^J SjwitilLint) in Siiilh'lWnth T,uu liidey lireti.it, Rare Riui.it lieef, iD3Dpm *••*- Metucftett (iritto) Chicken, Pihi Pockel.i iint> ,i variety of refreshing .'ii/iuh. 'm Hoiira: Mon-Thiirs. 11:30am-9:30pm l» *l* ti • li-f Cream • illitt Ji/fiiie.i • li,>pre.v,> • {'.ifpiuriiur ,i,u) C'mil lhvtrt.t! B_ Friday 11:30-am-1tt:3Dpm **•* MCtU 198 West Main Street, Somervtue, SUNDAY AVAILADLE FOH PRIVATE PARTIES *Sd Oiililom- Dining Available &*» 908-685-1323 IWIWR A7: li"'MiXACMf/uVT Hoiirr Tliofl.-Tliurs 11:00-0:00 I'll. A. Snl. t!:l)l)-10 00, Closnci Sltin A Moiv Septembers, 1997 Record-Press A-13 Jewish Community Center to host Sept 18 'Meet the Media' workshop SCOTCH PLAINS — A ''Meet er for TV-36 Communities on Registration, along with a $f> Union County Division of 558-2550 for more information. 7899. Assistivi* services tuv avail- the Media" workshop will feature Cable, fee, is required by today. Call the Cultural and Heritage Affairs at Relay users should call (800) 852- able on request. .1 panel of six newspaper and television professionals. Arts and history organizations will be taught effective ways to get their mes^nae out to the public. The Jewish Community Center in ScotcH'Plaina will host the event Lit 6:36 P-m- Thursday. Sgonsored by the Union County Division of Cultural and Heritage Affairs, Department of Kconomic Development, the workshop is open to anyone * EXQUISITE CARPET CARE INC. * interested in improving media relations. Carpet & Upholstery Steam Cleaning "This is an outstanding learn- 1 ing and networking opportunity |~6 ftTSofa" ] [Y Rooms~SpecTal "$4 4I9Y , for cultural groups," said Linda Slender, chairwoman of the I Special 11 Pre Treatment Included 1 Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning. We are a group of professionals with Ngh quality motor-mount- Unioft* County Board of I $54.95 !! (3OO Sq Ft Maximum) | ed equipment. No hidden costs. "We Pon't Cut Comers, We Clean Thern!" Satisfaction Guaranteed. FreejKpders and liaison freehold- er tq>Hie Cultural and Heritage Fully Insured • Free Estimates ~ Commercial/Residential Professional and courteous service. Free Pre-Treatment for those stubborn stains Is included In our AdvMgSry Board, "All county resi- clent^tenefit when we strength- package. Call us for an appointment. Toll Free 888-776-8101 or 90S-654-ZZ2S. en these organizations." Toll Free 888-776-8801 or 908-654-2728 Lyjida Stauderman, executive director of Pro Bono, Volunteers in Pyblic Relations, will moder- ate. 'Representing area newspa- pers /jure Gabriel Gluck of The AT HOME Slar-juedger, Jacquie McCarthy of ^-Worrall Community Newijpapers and Christopher CARPET Mooj5»jof the Independent Press. WE BRING THE STORE TO YOUR DOOR' Americas Largest "Shop At Home Carpet Service" Comes to North Jersey Pg£elists from broadcasting 3 Rooms Completely include Jeffrey Marks of News 12 "I buy mil my At Howe Carpet, who's motto is "We bring the store to your door" is the latest way to buy carpet, and yes, Nowyijersey, Penny Pinkser of carpet* mt Installed - starting at... WORjrV channel 9 and David ATHOME it's free! You can actually buy carpet without ever leaving your home. At Home Carpet carries all major Siroijf'of Comcast Cablevision. CARPET" mills, such as Mohawk Galaxy, Aladdin, Peauheu, Queen, Wamond, and Coronet. Afte£;ti brief presentation by each 00 pun^fimember, there will be a 48 hr. questjton-and-answer period. FREE 6'X 9 Installation Another great feature is their lifetime installation warranty, which Is also free! You make an appointment Ms: Stauderman selected the AREA RUGl available. at your convenience and you see the samples in your home against your furnttvre and with your decor, This pane.U and workshop format. A $200 Value B«Md on SO tq. yds. with 1/2 inch pad with tiny purchase truly is the best way to purchase carpet. Before joining Pro Bono, she was over $500 a reporter for The Star-Ledger, 1.88H&9-RUGS producer for TV 3 (now Comcast F1NANCINQ AVAILABLE ACCEPTMO ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS Believe it or not the most important thing in buying carpet it the color itself, So don't be rushed - Insist Cablevisioii) and station innnag- on seeing the carpet samples in your home. Take your time and make the light decision. TO ADVERTISE IN THIS NEW Their expert carpet consultants answer all your questions, measure and give you the guaranteed lowest Miller-Cory SERVICE PIRECTORY PLEASE CALL possible prices. So call 1-SM-369-RUW and make an appointment. "At Home Carpet" - America's largest free shop-at-home service. tc|begin its 230398 OS AT 1-800-472-0102

•* year VffiSTFIELD — Miller-Cory Union Communities Hou^e Museum at 614 Mountain Ave. will begin its 25th year as a "living museum" when it reopens 2-5 pjn. Sunday, Sept. 14. Business/Professional Directory Visitors to the museum will experience daily life on an early For Information on American New Jersey farm as volunteers in period costume Advertising in this Directory demonstrate crafts and chores '*• u-J. appropriate to the seasons of the year. Call 1-800-559-9495 ft A Members of the museum's cooking committee will demon- strate open-hearth cooking with early American recipes. Admission to the museum is $2 for adults and 50 cents for stu- CUSTOM BUILDERS DRIVEWAYS GUTTERS PLUMBING TREE EXPERTS dents. Children under ngc 6 ivre admitted free. On Sept. 21, the RESIDENTIAL musjeuin will feature the art of PRECISION COMMERCIAL GUTTERS & CHAPMAN BROS. schorenschnitte. CONTRACTORS INDUSTRIAL Lie. #1428 Tjie museum will celebrate its PAVINO LEADERS CUSTOMER BUILDERS • Plumbing fall! festival and nnnunl Scare- • DMVEWAVS • tiljlped & Flushi|||9/up WOODSTACK crow Contest on Sunday, Oct. 19. Carpentry • Additions • Decks • PADKINO LOTS • Heating • Cooling Information about the museum Roofing • Siding • SEAL COATIHQ • Repairs H • Alterations • Repairs TREE SERVICE audits schedule of events maybe • HAILMAO TIES INSURED • Kitchens/Baths • Painting • Leaf Screens Jnsl • Air Conditioning obtained by calling 232-1776. • General Contracting • • STUMP GRINDING • BELGIUM BLOCK CURBING • Searriless Gutters Low, Low Rates Vaar'l FREE ESTIMATES Senior Citizen Discounts UUP 276-1320 908-906-1186 Tear FUUY mmu> 90»-704-1314 Court IWnity 36 NORTH AVE., E. FREE ESTIMATES 908-906-0369 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Keltom Gutter Service CRANFORD 908-276-5752 awards scholarships COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL 753-7281 SCOTCH PLAINS WESTFIELD — Court Trinity, PLUMBING Catholic Daughters of the DECK POWERWASHING DRIVEWAYS LANDSCAPING Americas, has awarded scholar- ships to two graduates of Holy R.F. LANDSCAPE D.S. Rockefeller Trinity School in the town. DRIVEWAYS CONTRACTORS Honored during the school's Plumbing & Heating graduation were Laura Colon, POWERWASHING Lawn Renovation Complete Top Soil • Regrading the i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FREE Estimates on plumbing Frank Colon of Westfield, and Protect & Make Your Deck Look New Again! Thatching & Patricia Marie Yudd, the daugh- • Tilling • Seed • Sod ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Yudd Installing new or repairing old; Heating ofVfestfield. POWERWASH & SEAL Ful! Service * Driveways • Sealcoating Grounds Maintenance Services ijaurn is enrolled at Union ANY DECK $299 - • Belgium Block • Railroad Ties State Lie. #4205/9397 Catholic Regional High School in Certified Landscape Designer Scojch Plains. A Girl Scout and n 1-888-313-WASH AM Work Guarnnleed fully lri:,uff! Cuilriiig • Siik-walkv. A t:nntri/lL- Senior Citizens ) TUlfCK & UACKHOK RKNTAL •', ESTIMATE1) «i'..T l-ii'c l:> meeting, which will have a l~8OO~559~9495 linn dancing lesson nftorwiird. 52 wk rate $2H*oo Anyone interested in becoming « ber may nsk any club IMHIII- sponsor the application. R«cord 1987 and '92 squads which fin- tion a year ago. opportunities Taiffarie Laing a chance to play anxious to get under way." ; JIECORDPRESR ,, ^iM,t(.v,hi jr ished the seaioh'undefeated. '' Fellow All- for senior for- some significant minutes. But with a difficult schedule >* To say the Scotch Plains- This team has the potential Stater Koster wards Tedd "There are still a few positions waiting for them, getting back to Fanwood High boys soccer team of those teams," said Raiders' is beginning Sweeney and to be solidified yet, and those the state championship won't has high hopes this year is like Head Coach Tom Breznitsky. his fourth sea- Chris Cardinal. guys are all vying to fill those necessarily be an easy task for laying the Rolling Stones hope to That's how good I think they son as a defen- The Raiders' spots," said Breznitsky, now in the Raiders. • release another album. are. It could possibly be our best sive starter, defense, which his 23rd year IIB Raiders head They have their customary ( It's just expected. And this team. We have a lot of players while Breznitsky says coach. Those who don't end up battles with North Jersey poweir season the outlook is no different with experience and that's the Milberger has anchored the may be the team's best strength, starting will be our primary IB basically unchanged from laat St. Benedict's of Newark and a for the Raiders, who have IB type of leadership you need to Raiders' midfield since his fresh- reserves." tough road contest scheduled returning lettermen on their ros- build a team. More times than man season. season with sophomore Eugene SP-F has gone to the Group 3 ier and more than half their not your real great teams are Ferrara and seniors Doug Bishop state title game three straight against Christian Brothers "Whenever you have a senior Academy in Lincroft. starters from laBt year, nine to be senior-dominated teams." oriented team, it gives you a lot of and Jim Luciano back in their years, but failed to defend its exact, back in the positions they The Raiders, 15-5-1 a year ago, options and versatility," said usual roles. 1995 crown when to lost to Ocean SP-F and St. Benedict's will know best. have 13 seniors on their 1997 ros- Breznitsky, whose sqund opens While those three normally Township last fall. once again hold the SP-F/St. ! But their recent accomplish- ter, none more valuable than its season today at home against play from start to finish, the "The players feel they left Benedict's Fall Soccer Festival ments not withstanding — five senior captains Jeff Gillie, Adam Linden. Raiders typically rotate 15-16 some unfinished business, losing Oct. 3-4 at the New Jersey Group 3 state championships in Koster and Mike Milberger. Six-foot-2 junior midfielder players a game at the other posi- in the state finals," said Institute of Technology. the laat 10 years, eight state final Gillie, the Raiders' 6-foot-1 Todd Moser, starting in his third tions. That should give senior Breznitsky, The seniors want to Four teams will play in the appearances in 12 Beasons — this goalie, is starting his third year straight year, will help Milberger midfielders Felipe Polanco and go out as state champions, and I festival, which doesn't name an fall's team might actually be the between the posts and was an control play in the midfield and Adam Bowser, and sophomore think we definitely have the official winner. SP-F hopes to continue winning ways •YIMKECHRNTEL between sophomore Kara Bristol Raiders' second doubles unit is and junior Danielle Kapner, both senior Allison Zatorski and first REconn-PUEss of whom made up the Raiders' year-varsity player, junior Jan Considering the sometimes 1996 second doubles county Weiner. small number of students who champion team. So far the chal- "I think we're going to be very sign up for fall tennis, you would lenging matches for third singles competitive again, and it will think losing 10 seniors to gradu- Tennis hnve gone back and fourth, but depend a lot on how our second ation would tnkes its toll on a the eventual winner will get the doubles team can do," said Allen, team when the next season rolls remain unchanged with sopho- call in SP-F's season-opening whose squad's only two losses around. more Carolyn Pilkington, third in match againat Cranford Monday last season came against Well the new season is here, the counties a year ago, back at at LaGrade Park in Scotch Weatfield, "I think it's not fair to but such is not necessarily the first singles and junior Diegi Plains, with the other slated to judge a team based on their last caae for tho Scotch Plains- Notonane returning to the second make up half of the Raiders first season. Of course we would like Fanwood High-Fanwood High spot. doubles duo. to win the sectional again nnd girls, who may just need a nip "Carolyn had a good season for Joining either Bristol or place high in the counties, but as and tuck, here and there to keep us last year and she's even Knpner on first dotibloa will be long as the players do their best their recent success intact, stronger this year," stiid SP-F senior Gitn Shoor, who took the and don't give up, I'll be satisfied. *r True, tho Raiders graduated Head Conch Sue Alien. "Both court a few times for the varsity That's the number one thing. pome valuable players from last Carolyn and Diegi are going to be team last fall. This year's first Tennis is a lifetime sport and we yenr'a 19-2 campaign, in which shooting for rankings this yenr. doubles tenm will have some don't want to put too much pres- they tied Governor Livingston for They've worked hnrd and played tough shoes to fill in recently sure on them." JJIB top spot in Union County and in a lot of tournaments in the off- departed Alice Lin and Lipika After its home contest with Job well done Raptured tho North Jersey, Group Benson." Goynl, who enme home with n Cranford Monday, SP-F will play The Scotch Platn-Fanwood Youth Tennis team recently competed 3, Section 2 championship, but piece of the first-plnce place in they still bring bnck a big pnrt of Heading into tho week, the three" straight road mntches In the Youth League Tennis Tournament Coach Barbara Hooper fight for tho No. 3 singles slot, lnat year's county tournament against Westfield Wednesday, (middle) joins SP-F singles medal winners Mike Bertha, Adam lost season's nucleus. first doubles competition. ' The first two singles slots vncnted by graduate Nicole Union Catholic Sept, 19 and Corbin and John Phillips. For more details on the event, see Youth Schwartz, WHB a dond heat Expected to make up the Shabazz Sept. 22, Sports on page A-15.


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17321356-2460 " Prices Include all costs lo be paid by a consumer except for Ho. reg, & taxes, Not responsiblonslble ffor typo, errors. September 12,1997 Record-Press A-15 Raiders' reserve tank low, but far from empty BVMIKECHRtSTEL starters fresh, but this fall they For the seniors Justine backs Karen Haight and they will be settled enough to RECORD-PRESS might not have such a luxury. Raiders to be Mosko and Courtney Metzger. once again contend with some of "We have five or six starters succes sful, Katie Baker at Senior Jamie Langevin moves the elite teams in the area. Scotch-Plains-Fanwood back from last year, but don't they'll need the outside from reserve player to starting "Hopefully, we can get back to ifign gls soccer team has a real- have as much depth," said SP-F the usually- spots. Junior stopper for the Raiders. Handling the county final and maybe go istic goal of returning to the Head Coach Frank Butz, whose solid perfor- Christine the brunt of the front-line work farther in the state tournament," Union County Tournament title team ended the 1996 season with mances from Bowers, a will be sophomore striker Jen said Butz, whose team lost to game but the one thing that may a 17-4 record. "We're used to senior co-cap- three-year Miller, who scored nine goals as a Westfield in last year's UCT final plague the Raiders, at least in rotating in about 16 players, but tains Amy starter, is the freshman, and senior Stacie and fell to West Morris Central in the early going, could be team we can't do that as much. We lost Sitrano and Leah Saenzdavitera, Raiders' goalie. She'll be playing BuBhinger and freshman Renee the second round of the '96 Group depth, or lack there of. six seniors and some quality both of whom will play center- behind senior sweeper Kate Zidonik. Despite some revamp- 3, Section 2 playoffs. "The kids , In recent years, the Raiders players. But we do have a pretty midfield this fall. Vanderheyden, who replaces for- ing in their lineup, the Raiders, have a good attitude, they're were usually able to count on good group coming back, and Making up the remainder of mer Ail-County first-teainer who open the season today working hard, and they're coming having a deep bench to keep their hopefully we'll be successful." the Raiders' midfield group are Megan Langevin, and senior full- against Linden, are confident back in good condition."

'• INTERCITY SOCCER Eagles' defenders Shannon TENNIS three-sets format. Phillips and Joe Potian, 8-4. The SP-F final of the Youth Division before Hassett, Erin O'Connor and breezed through his early match- tandem of Craig Torpey and losing 8-5, All in all, it was a JGolden Eagles Take Third in Taylor Montagna held Rahway to Si* F Hits Court es, dropping only one game in his Martin Barredo advanced to the proud day for Scotch Plains- '< Piscataway Tourney two goals. in League Tourney first three matches and winning ! The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Stephanie Sblendorio moved You knew it was going to be a the semifinal round easily, 8-4. polden Eagles split four game in the ball well, driving up the side- good day for the Scotch Plains- Phillips had a harder time in GfirTs 11-and-under soccer last lines, but the Eagle offense could- Fanwood Youth Tennis team his journey to the title match. weekend and placed third overall n't produce a score. when their coaches, Barbara and After a first-round bye, he won by jji the Piscataway Tournament, In an 8 a,m. game Sunday Dale Hooper, were given the scores of 8-5, 8-2 and 8-6. But it , The Eagles looked impressive against Piscataway, the Eagles Coaches Award even before play was Bertha who drew first blood in a 4-0 victory over Watchung got off to a sleepy start as home- started at the recent Youth in the championship match. His Hills in the tourney opener. town Piscataway grabbed a 2-0 League Tennis Tournament. placements and passing shots Jenna Balestriere scored first, lead. The coaches then handed the overcame Phillips' whip-like fore- DOG TRAINING booking in a centering pass from The Eagles soared back to spotlight over to the players, who hands and earned him a 7-5 first- Elizabeth Elko. even the game on goals from turned in a strong team perfor- set victory. SEBORQWSKI ENTERPRISES I Y j Balestriere scored again min- Balestriere and Rigano, but mance. The second set began the same Rincc's Canine Dog irminlng School | utes later, taking the ball at mid- Piscataway scored with a minute Adam Gorbin, top seed in the way as Bertha's short shots Your Dog Trained in 1 Day TO field and driving for a score from remaining to pull out the win. Youth Division, was Scotch brought Phillips to the net only GUARANTEED txIiiTte • Gun Shy • Attack • Guard Dogs ADVERTISE close range. Lauren Perrotta played a Plains-Fanwood's first medal to be passed by suddenly hard • Show Dogs • Security Services ,, In the second half, Karen ' strong midfield in the loss, winner. After an easy first match, ground strokes. Late in the sot, Do/; Grooming AvaM'le Gassier stole a Watchung Hills The Eagles woke up in the Corbin worked his way through a however, Philips' focus and 908-241-6252 IN THIS t,hrow-in and fed Kristin Zyla, final game to bent the Rahway tough draw, with all his matches patience returned and the tide of ,w,hp. scored, Kelly Rigano regis- Twisters 7-0. tightly contested. Trailing 6-5 in battle turned his way. Phillips DIRECTORY tered the final Eagles' goal, boot- SP-F received two goals each the final match, the fourth of the ended up winning the match and PET SITTING ing home a rebound after a shot from Elko and Jeannette day, Corbin called on his steady the Senior Division champi- CALL by Jennifer Villas hit the post. Franzone, and one score apiece play and determination to rally onship 5-7, 6-4, 6-1. Why traumatize Your Pet 1-000-472-0102 Gassier and Elise DeVries from Nina Baker, Montagna and to the 8-6 pro-set victory. In the Senior doubles finals When You're Away! combined in goal for the shutout. Perrotta. SP-F's top two plnyera battled the SP-F team of Ian Doebber lining In tty Fanwotd Horn, J Playing the Rahway A team, Rigano played goal in the first each other for the Senior Division and Jim Luciano beat Plainfield 10+ Ytin Eiptrknte the Eagles were unable to mount haif for the Eagles and Franzone title. John Phillips, who held the 8-6. The duo of Doobbor-Luciano txetntnt M*wwct$ a strong attack and lost 2-0. tamed the Twister as the second previously bent another SP-F Rtuonibte Prittt top spot on the team's ladder, CaH T«ri 9M-U2-MM I Only the strong effort of half keeper. took on Mike Bertha in a best-of- doubles team of Andrew Babicz • ^m •• •• •• ^m •• •• •• •• warn •• •• BHI wam wam •• warn — — aam SKATE-A-THON •" The Westfield High School ice hockey team will be soliciting pledges door- to-door this weekend for "laps its players will skate at ' the team's annual Skate-A- DRRSTIC DISCOUNTS Thon, to be held Saturday, Sept. 20 from 9 a.ra.-2 p.m. at the Westfield Armory, The team invites roller •„ euid ice hockey enthusiasts Pool Covers PATIO SETS Jsf all ages to the event to participate in skating, stick handling and target and on- Discount Pricing! Save Mega Bucks Now! goalie shooting activities DO-IT-YOURSELF FOR LESS SELECTION! which give participants a Save On Hundreds Of In-Stock Sets! •: 'chance to win donated FREE INSTRUCTIONS /prizes. Dmtfc Discounts •'. Admission is free, Replacement: ,'. refreshments will be avail- •Tables ABOVE GROUND • Cushions able and all games are only • Umbrellas -.$1. 12' .....$29 • BeachChaffa 15' 39 nocking Chairs AtMARKID ASH BROOK GOLF 18 49 Pilieai) guar*M«*> thi taunt INGROUND rilll TOURNAMENT RESULTS 21 \ 59 OVAL (Sept. 4) 16x32 $69 Pel lean has hundrods of sets In stock lor Immediate next day dollvery. Huge 24' 69 12x24...... $59 momolll a V&S9T In-stars display worth the trip from 'Final Club Championship- 18x36...:.. 99 HHug e SoloclloSll n RopfacmTierii anywtiorol No lower prices anywhere HSP 27' 89 15x30 69 Cushions & Umbrelfaa In Slock shop and compare! 20x40 199 Almys Immediate Noxt-Day Delivery ' Flight A-Low Gross — Jane • •• B Bl B M M M ••' Jones 83 - Plus Others - 18x33 99 -Plus Others- .»:.• 1st Low Net — Debra Smith 69 , 2nd Low Net — Elaine Baker, TRADE-IN TIME Marlane Deara, Jane Jones, Ski and Nancy Wolcott 70 Bring In Your Old Pool Cover (Regardless of Shape or Condition) Flight B-Low Gross — Gloria GET 10% OFF Our Low Discount Prices Glickman 91 1st Low Net — Gloria TOWARDS A NEW POOL COVER Snow Boards Glickman, Barbara Jacob 70 SAFETY COVERS 2nd Low Net — Ethel Araneo LEAF RAKER LEAF BAGAR at least 71 20% OFF Flight C-Low Gross — 16x32 599 ; Barbara Roberts 107 18x36 699 ' l$t Law Net — Mary Hughes 20x40 799 a •r' Jlkm Custom 7a;- COVER PUMP *59 ^W/FV* Covers & 50% *ijj«d Low Net — Eleanor COVERI SSAVER .. -^tf*fe$y Installation $1900 $19oo -- .•..--.-•-' Available MJlThole 74 S mo All 1996 -3rd Low Net — Barbara 29 Roberts 75 AQUA BLOCKS - Skis, ; Low Putts — Nancy Wolcott 28 Replace Water Bags Ski Clothing, ! Chip-Ins — Barbara Jacob #13 Bring In your old water bags They're Worth $1,50 Each Towards New Aqua Block Purchase or New Water Baga "Snow Boards & Runnerup — Anna Chung 260 Buy 1 @ $6.95 ea. Buy7-12@$6.75ea. Buy 13-20® $6.25 oa. Club Champion — Jane Jones Trade in-1.00 TradBin -1.00 Trade In- 1.00 Snow Board ^ 257 Your &je 7B Your £•• ne Your'^JE OR 9a •A Flight — Gloria Glickman Cost ^5#««JW sa. Cost S'^" * * ea. Cost 9v>" - Clothing 290, Sue Mills 300 Expires 10/1/97 B Flight — Barbara Roberts Take Take '124, Audrey Young 326 FREE MODEL LIST Now Only 20% OFF 20% OFF Cover Pump Spirit Blade W 119 79 9-Holers First Week Club With Cover Purchase Spirit Blade ABT 96 159 99 Championship AH Winterizing All Protect Your Cover & Poot from water build-up Bravo GL 96 119 109 : Flight A-Low Gross — Terry Chemicals Water Bags Must Present Coupon , Ko'rnoroski, Mary Shea 54 Must Present Coupon Fusion 96 289 189 Must Present Coupon Expires 10/1/97 Expires 10/1/97 • ''1st Low Net — Terry Expires 10/1/97 Fusion MX 96 339 219 • Komoroski 37 UP TO Synergy 97 219 1S9 2nd Low Net — Shirley EXTEND YOUR SWIMMING SEASON r SOLAR COVERS f" COUPON ~ ' SERVICE Macroblado Maxxom 97 279 149 •%#ino 38 POOL HEATERS Quantom97 219 . 199 v;.Trd Low Net — Ronnie Buob FREE SOLAR HEAT I WINTERIZING1 NOW TAKING SrV/M wrrn SOLAR COVEBB ORDERS FOR 50% CIS 97 289 269 ".Flight B-Low Gross —- Alice MHVM CHEMICAL POOL CLOSINGS Dytona97 239 229 ROUND RECTANGULAR TREATS UP TO FILTER Rpliler 57 1S IN GROUND Dirt 97 229 199 ; •• J^ w&t~::::. «» 30,000 GAL OF CLEANER '; 'tut Low Net. — Alice Kohlor 38 ?? 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OVER STOOD USED CAB! GKtf PIKES! COLLEGi/HIOH SCHOOL STUDENTS ACT NOW ON ©KAT AMIS FOR BACKTO SCHOOft f '95JEEPflMOKEEUWDO '95 HONDA CIVIC EX '95 SATURN SC2 '95 HONDA CIVIC LX I '95 SATURN SL1 I '95 CHEVY CORSICA |8-cyl., 4x4, auto. PS, PB, PW, S/W, 4-cyl., auto., PS, PB, A/C |4-cyl., auto, 3-dr., PS, PB, PW, 4-cyl., 5-spd., 4-dr., PS, PB, 4-cyl., 5-spd., 4-dr., PS, PB, PDL, |6-cyl., 4-dr., auto, PS, PB, IPDL, cruise, tilt, AM/FM cass., IPW, PDL, AM/FM cass., tilt, IPDL; A/C, R/defr.. AM/FM cass., •; PDL, A/C, R/defr., A^l/F^ A/C, R/Sefr, AM/FM cass., PVVPDL, AM/FM cassette, |CD. A/C, sunroof, 28,682 miles, •cruise, sunroof, 45,762 miles, •cruise, tilt, alloy wfils,, 36,875 miles, Icass., cruise, 29,782 miles, tilt, sunroof. 33,113 miles, R/defr., A/C, 26,494 miles, VINISC60O362. VIN#SA003970. |VIN#SZ161884. Was $13,551 VIN#SL022688.. VIN#SZ156410. Was $10,496 VIN#SY323839. Was $9,477 22,862 | 16,432 | 12,962 | 11,923 | 9,886 | $8,962 '93 VW CORRADO SLCI '92 MERCURY VILLAGER GS I '93 HONDA DEL $01 '93 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER I '92 MERCURY SABLE GS I '92 NISSAN SENTRA XE |6-cvl,5-spd,PS,re,PW,PDL,CD, |6-cylinder, automatic, PS, PB, PW, 4-cylinder, 5-speed, PW, PB, 6-cyl, auto, 4-dr., PS, PB, PW, 4-cyl., 4-dr., auto, PS, PB, PW, 4-cylinder, 4-door, auto, lAM/FM stereo cassette, A/C, hhr., IPDL, A/C, R/defr., cruise, Hit, ABS A/C, rear defroster, cruise, IPDL, AM/FM stereo cassette, PDL, P/seat, A/C, cruise, PS, PB, A/C, rear defroster, |R/defr., sunroof, tilt, alloy whk, Ibrakes, 48,235 miles, VIN#DJ25632, lAM/FM cassette, 56,686 miles, I A/C, Rear defroster, 120,620 miles, AM/FM cassette, 64,043 miles, AM/FM cassette, 82,229 miles, 65,968 miles, VIN#PK002302. Mas $12,419 VIN#PS007806. VIN#PD159361.Was $6,982 VIN#NA636781. VIN#NU13850O. Was $5,972 $ $ $ 14,862 | Mlf919 | %927 | 5f927 I 7,128 I 5f426 '91 HONDA CIVIC LX I '91 FORD EXPLORER I '90 ACURA LEGEND LI '90 ACURA INTRGRA LSI'90 FORD ESCORT LX I'90 MERCURY TOPAZ 4-cyl., 4-dr, 5-spd., PS, PB, PW,[ 4-cyl, 4X4. 5-spd., PS, PB, PW, 6-cylinder, 4-door, auto, PS, 4-cylinder, 4-door, auto, PS, Hatchback, 4-cyJinder, auto, AM/FM 4-cy!inder, 2-door, auto, PS, PDL, cruise, AM/FM stereo! Icruise, AM/FM stereo cass., A/C, PB, PDL, AM/FM cass., A/C. R/defr., PB, P/seats, AM/FM cass., A/C, cass., A/C, R/defr., 11,321 mi.,1 |R/defr.. alloys, 108,745 miles, cruise, sunroof, 137,409 mi., PB, PW, PDL, A/C, sunroof, cassette. A/C, R/defr., 71,815 miles, 103,533 mi., VIWLS001694, V1N#LT129680. R/defr., cruise, tilt, alloy wills,, 90,305 V1N#ML043990.' |VIN#MU030992. VIN#LC040776. Ui,VlN#LK634012.Was$3,996 5,525 | 8,542 | 6,486 | 6,286 | 3,476 I $2,718 '89 HONDA CIVIC DX I '88 HONDA ACCORD DX '88 TOYOTA CELICA I '87 ACURA INTEGRA RS I '87 HONDA ACCORD DX I '87 HONDA CIVIC DX iHafchback, 4-cylinder, 5-speed, PS, 4-cylinder, 2-door. auto, AM/FM |4-cylinder, 2-door, auto, 4-cylinder, auto, 3-door, PS, PS, AM/FM cassette, A/C, PB, AM/FM cassette, A/C, R/defr., 4-cyl., 5-spd,, AM/FM cassette, J4-cylinder, 4-door, 5-speed, IPB, CD player, R/detr., AC, cassette, A/C, R/defr., sunroof, R/defr., tilt. 170,252 miles, 116,282 miles, VIN#KH548486. 134,000 miles, VIN#SA017832. |R/defroster, 192,556 miles, tilt, sunroof, 90,919 miles, I AM/FM cassette, R/defroster, |VIN#J7252218. VIN#SO16463. VIN#HA224398. 165,572 miles, VIN#HA037968, $ $ $ $ 3f729 | 4f476 | 2f672 | %945 | 3#475 I lf976 ™SM 9HHon,daiccordKX^$2v8 Tr^^^^i36^^1^^?11^5^"1!- ttieLealtef' M*SRP m385' *2-000 raPcost red-1st Py™1$Z5 8 due at lnceP|im-To1 mlll|y PVmnls S9.288, Res. val. $13,375.65, M pymnls. a! iniliaSion ol lease $17,586.76, VMVCO127O1. Lease a '97 Honda Civic OX to $69 mo., closed-end, 35 mos. 12,000 mi/yr 15* mi. ihereaRei, MSRP $13,875 $500 sec. dep. bank fee $740, $2,000 cap cos! red.. 1 s! pymnl $89 due a! inception, Tot. mllily pymnts $5,204. Res. val. $10,256, Tot. pymnts. al initiation ot lease $3,229. VIWVUH8232. Lessee resp lor maint and excess wear and leaf Not lesp. lor lypo. errors. Pricing includes alt casts to be paid by consumer exc. lie, reg, and all applicable taxes and fees. Prices subject lo change without nolice. Art lor Illustration purposes only ' Exclusive HONpAi}efiUer$hip Used

:H O KW X> Route 22 Bridgewatet / Septembers, 1997 Record-Press

Inside. Your weekly guide New Cars to car buying Previously Owned Cars in North Jersey AUTOMOTIVE Area Dealerships Ufest Drive 'Suspension package' smoothes out ride for Jimmy By JOHN EATON bucket seats and a tilt steer- Denver Post ing wheel. You face sports- 1997 like analog gauges reporting OMCJhnmy MC has an edition of its on the rpms, temperature, popular Jimmy, fitted fuel level, amps and oil pres- 40oor4WD with a particular sus- sure - all big and readable. Manufacturer's suggested retail G price: $24,467. Includes extensive pension choice, that should Additional comfort and Jiaye'...great appeal to those standard features. convenience features include Price as tested: $29,191. . ^£h6 Jiave misgivings about a retractable rear cargo Options end prices: Option package i|)f£clfive and ride provided cover, cargo net and four lug- 1SK, $3,954, which includes power k&tf sport-utility vehi- gage tie-downs. windowsMocks\exlerlor mirrors, tttt For the electronic buff, wheel and speed control, roof rack, Although the streets are there are three 12-volt out- SLE decor, luxury ride suspension, crowded with sport-utility lets, including the cigarette and upgraded sound system; sunroof, drivers who apparently seem lighter. It should be added $695; locking rear differential, $252; pleased with their vehicles, here that the ashtray, as in H.O. tralierlng equipment, $210; over- there remain those, sensitive most vehicles, is an incredi- head console, $147, and skid plates, tp the. "sports ute" ride, who bly shrinking device and of $126. Transportation, $515. prefer something more car- scant use for either ashes or like in ride and handling. storage. If no one ever Engine: V-6, sequential fuel Injection, They should try the GMC smoked in a vehicle the ash- linked to four-speed automatic trans- "smooth-ride suspension tray still should be designed mission and rear drive with 4WD package," a combination of as a handy storage spot for capability, with electric-powered small items. transfer case, elements that will please Displacement: 4.3-llter. posteriors. The package also Power is supplied by GM's Torque: 250 ft. pounds at 2,800 rpm. is available in Jimmy's sister 430O (which denotes 4.3- Horsepower: 190 at 4,400 rpm. vehicle, the Blazer. Available in two-door and four-door body styles, th* 1997 GMC Jimmy features a Vortec 4300 V6 engine In five- liters) Vortec V-6. This is a The smooth-ride suspen- speed and four-speed automatic transmissions. The Jimmy Is also available In two-wheel, four-wheel and all- strong unit that produces 190 Safety teaturee: Driver air bag, four- sion package is a combina- wheel drive models. horsepower at 4,400 rpm and wheel antMpck brakes, locking rear tion of tires, springs and 250 foot pounds of torque dlffeientlal. shock absorbers with the pri- The test Jimmy was base- wheel and speed control, a the excellent ride and han- that comes on in a broad, low •otfy end frame: Body on frame. mary intent of giving a good priced at $24,487, but a 1SK roof-mounted luggage rack dling, the test vehicle was band and peaks at 2,800 rpm, •reft* system: Power anti-lock sys- ride. There are other suspen- option package and several with adjustable crossbars, solid and workmanship was It's a tractable engine with tem wltti discs, front and rear. sion packages offered by other options ran the price the luxury-ride suspension excellent; the vehicle is rela- plenty of power. Ttreeand wneete: P23570R1B steel- both GMC and Chevrolet that up to $29,191, including ship- package, an attractive rear tively easy to enter and exit; This vehicle is easy to like, betted radiate on alloy wheels. have other objectives, such ping. step bumper, and an upgrad- the high-backed seats are but it has a flaw that will hin- steering type: Power reclrculating as those tailored for load- That option package ed sound system with AM-FM comfortable and finished in der it in many eyes - it has ball. carrying capacities, towing or included the SLE decor. This stereo and a CD player. an attractive tough, tweedy only a driver's-side air bag. Suspension; Independent, Ironl, and off:road applications. is upscale but didn't include Other options included a material; outward visibility Many potential owners will tottd axle with two-stage multi-leaf • In addition to the suspen- leather; there were power power sunroof, locking rear is unimpaired; there are two want them on both sides. springs In rear. sion package that benefited windows, locks and exterior differential, heavy-duty trai- lighted vanity mirrors and Curb weight; 4,037 pounds. both ride and handling, the rear-view mirrors. lering package, an overhead full carpeting and mats; LOW BEAMS: Read that 107 inches. there is no wheel-well intru- : 181.1 Inches, particular test vehicle had a Oddly, the vehicle wasn't console with compass and last paragraph again. The Width: 87.B inches. glossy and superior paint job fitted with power seats, but thermometer, the push-but- sion for the driver's left leg options certainly enhance Height: 64.4 Inches, • in a new color, cherry red, a that is less of an inconve- ton HomeLink garage-door (always a welcome design); the final price. Study them somewhat muted and softer nience than it might seem. opener, trip computer and and the headliner in the rear carefully. Possibly you don't Fuel eapacNy: 18 gallons. shade that bore little resem- Many drivers adjust them underbody skid plates. portion of the vehicle is need all of them. fuel eeenawy: EPA rating - city/hkjh- blance to an emergency vehi- once and seldom use them Total options on the test scooped out and provides HIGHBEAMS: Appearance way, 18/21 mpg. cle. again. If several persons Jimmy came to $5,589, the more headroom for those and overall fitment. Great Teat average: (mostly city) 15.4 mpg. T^e GMC Jimmy has minor drive the vehicle, it's a more price of a luxury car in the seated in the rear folding 60- attention to occupant comfort design differences from the important and handy option. not-too-distant past. 40 bench seat. and convenience. And, most- Warranty: Three years or 36,000 Blazer, including a different Other add-ons in the The basic design of the , Driving stance is comfort- ly, the superior ride and han- grijlfe and headlamp design! option package included tilt Jimmy is good. In addition to able, aided by reclining ..; dling.

*<, i \A Waiting Worked! Hey, that was a really great move: Waiting until the end of the model year to grab an absolutely ridiculous bargain on an absolutely amazing Volkswagen. Well, the model year is ending and the bargains are here at Millennium Volkswagen. But not for Jong. Because lots of other people waited for this very moment. So the next really, great move is to get to Millennium Volkswagen as quickly as possible. Before someone else drives off in the very VW you wailed all this time to own. Great things you don't pay for. Free scheduled maintenance for 2 years/24,000 miles. Jetta Music Edition Free 2-year/24,000-mile"Bumper-to"Bumper" Limited Warranty, Free lO-year/lOQOOO-mile Limited Powertrain Warranty. Wait till you hear this carl Free 24-Hour Roadside Assistance. Free CD Player Free service loaners to Millennium new car buvers.. Free Alloy Wheels The best VW service department and technical staff on the planet Upgraded Interior Payments A whole bunch of people who really love VW's. pius...5-Speed Transmission; A/C, as low as ravyer Locks, Dual Airbags, Factory Alarm... and much more! s16(L

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Hurting Assty Ctnhil Jwsty Firm swiing Wi- 8KCTACUUM HANDS-ON vifol to (oonJiMle fwU tnumt- SCENCEFOftCHUMEN oton nstwwidt from WtirWrf »t Last A Liftime. / Millburn Law firm seeks Just fill out the coupon below highly motivated, well IMESET TECH TRAININ^ At Geoigiin Court College, There art ^ (no phone or iax outers, please) and mail lo: no limiti, juil tndlttt pouibNiies... "MEDICAL TRAINING INST/ organized, dedicated ENGINE CITY TECHNICIAL GEORGIAN COURT 554 Bloomfield Ave. UNION COMMUNITIES CLASSIFIED tndiv to administer work 2365 Route 22 COLLEGE NJNC, 10 Parli Place, Butter, MJ 87405 flow, record keeping Bloomfield, N] Union, New Jersey Lakewood, Nj 08701 PIMM run my daiirfW ad as follow*: attorney's schedules & (201) 680-1700 908-964-1450 CALL Pharmacy Itch • Ultrasound Tech • Hcd Aist • tKG Itch personnel matters, How Acctpiin; Appkiuoru lei iepttmbtr 732-364-2200 Cert Nurses Aide • Patient fart trcii V. Day, Evening and Pari Timt Courws J Knowledge of . Call for Free Inlo Packet* Word Perfect 5.1 a plus. ' STEMOTECH ^ KEAN COLLEGE For Details on Send Resume to: DISCOVER KEAN NAME. Court Reporting Advertising Medical Transcription 1000 Morris Ave., ADDRESS. CITY Box A2459 Union, NJ 07083 Your School c/oNJNC . 20 just Road or College, Fairfield, N] 07004 908-527-2195 10 Park Place E-mail us at: Please Call admilm(@(utbo.ktan.*()j 973-882-4875 Check out our wtbsni at: 1-800-472-0151 Butler, NJ 07405 www,)«in.(ou We'd like To Frame ENDOFSUMME The Argument For A 1997 PONTIAC TRANSPORT

3 lit, 7 Pa». 3 41 HOT SfI V 6, flulfl lifurc, |i« slm}1)(!is/6 way 1)1 scal'wM, All!, lu lt>nc(wlnl. aulo lov«l conliol, imc cwiliot. con* nel. tiu«o. AM/fM Worwi tass, deep ^s, iW. leittH* toylf ss enliv, pw I'qiui wind, ceiimclc< Hng, tbth Inl, Elk MM.VIN IVOIt»tW.MSnP\n.W 3Gm Better Conversion Vaa clospJ era) teas; 111 due al Icaso cii/ilng -12411 w/tl5M cusl cash t, S2/5 tM. One P«rch up T t!3,»f Jl Walpp

NEW 1997 PONT1AC SUM IIU ? M 1*11 Mill Ifiv * (vt. .inlo ll«H Vi I'lllwllll.ril Inclrjn $ys. pw lliiKjliiki. AIM, JnaAn 1 * li), Jlodi »Iil(. AUfM Slcito, I/O, ilusl pw ip'sit mini. p« vnVatSy Kurte teyleii Cfilry ttiJi lJl k li ltli d' ( ik m\ II, vin ivrwof i», Msnp ilgrmg- Jil58ftt^cuslca»li* JS79ire *p fwtiitf ••• (IUD1R3 folal pymh •• (IUU44

INEW 1097 CADILLAC GATE1IA 3.1H. V 6 DO1OKK ntin.. auto OQ Irons, ppw r slinO'1>ii;')sl l AIR,, n wlioolsjoflliowllsjofl i Inlorlor, Slk N392C. VINVn94lHt MStiP $3r?P!O 30 mo tlosei) onO lonso. HI (Jim nl lease signing - $2170 w/f999 cusl You know, not all conversion vans are created equal. Sure, they all offer all the comforts cash & $«1tXj EOC. itii|) Pi;rcH O|i = 1 $20,733.90. Total pymts --413, CH4 of home. But if you want a superior ride, think Safari by GMC. With its exclusive full- lolalcosl = »I5.O«. length box-frame,! speed-sensitive steering and a uniquely tuned suspension, Safari OKIVIO & '97 LKFTOVKR ( LKARANCE! delivers the kind of ride and handling that's worthy of the letters GMC. •!»4 t'UHU '94 I'ONTIAC: 'V5 I'ON'I'IAC •Vwi 7 UFT n cyl. auto Irnnn, fiv/j A (If , n <:yl , nvl'i I'r-lii'l , |iwr alnnybtk'i/wlreMoeh'i'sti. Ain. r.liii[i' btkn/ v/tiwll locko. AIM. iimg/bihii, AIM, AM'I M Blnioo- •,llll(J' Kit's/ wind/ Irjrk'i All I, Sofa Bed, Cruise, Tilt, Storage Compartments 4 more! MSRP $38,500, VIW VB545884. olloy wfiis. TJitl flonl, ro>">l inc^. Ml. f.iulio. slmoociBB, 17.250 till r r\lir,r* ^Ulil'n r;ji'.-j , 111 ^-t I \\J77 ml. VIN unAI.'t'SZB'l ri)Mnn VIII Hlir:l32rQll 20,745 ml, VIII tlillr..; Virj »IM^44^II<1 ill,995 $14.495 15,495 "16,495 •9AN I>ICVII,I.IC 4 dl, 6 ny(. nulo trnni. p«j \i .i.i'; MI,K 295 *tilfll3. AIM. AM'I'M l'tk/lMkigt>ko.* i Sliiig/ljrts^/liiil/lock'i. AIH, mi Whll" rililliionil, M r^l. MIJIU mi, n'ufsp. MIM put, rM'j casa, till, riulno, UtMhnt (nt4 €'ulnn, AM/IW stf'rft" I'LiS-i linni, |mi •.liin|1nt"-,Miii'l).ijVi, . vin.»nua»4?ao AIM (ill i ii.i'.i. lilif ii.I :' 'Hill SAFARI 4 1.830 14:1 mi, vin «FIO7(MJ3!>I 3n,o»o mi, VIN imtJKMins ml Win ll'-.lln;'/yniii'. ',»i\t\i\\\ r ' Incept Tax & MV extra. 12Kmi/yr. $.15 thereafter, Fteid; $17,708.60 Incept total: $3351. Tl pyls: $10,620. Lease IS: $12,681. September 12. 1997 Record-Press

Emolument Full Time 240 [ Entntorment Full Time 240 tKiolfjymgnt full Time 240 OPEN HOUSE GENERAL OFFICE WORK S1 CHILD CAHE/Housekeeper. LEGAL SECRETARY " CARPET CLEANERS PT. Downtown Westiield. INSURANCE State Farm LEGAL SECRETARY Real Estate experience re3 Secretaries F/T live-in in North Edison, DRiVERS-OTR ADVANCE ADMIN Exp pte! bul not nee, will Versatile & interesting position agent in Chatham seeks Full FT/PT Law office seeking quired. Must have good Mon. thru Fri. 5 4 1 Vi yr. old, YOUR FLATBED CAREER Word Processors ADMIN ASST train. Earning potential S300 in small friendly environment- Time customer service rep. expd plantiffs PI Secretary. skills. Must be a take e -ASSISTANT Union Township firm seek- /S600 wk. Benefits avail. needed immediately, good ref- WITH A OS.! Phone Apps. Ap- Professional attitude and ap- Word Perfect & Dictaphone Data Entry proved in 2 Hours! 51.000 Hours 12 Noon-4PM. Monday- person. Small oRtce Futt fen- To provide support at Irg ng admin asst with delail or- Valid drivers lie leqd. erences'fluent english re- pearance a must. P&C hcense a must Min 5 years exp. Long and Short Term Sign-On Bonus and More! Call Friday. Duties include: Monday through Friday g 3 Newark law firm. Duties inci: iented skills. Musi have word Callj*am 1-B00-626-5556 quired Call 908-755-5669 preferred Will train the right Competitve salary & Kersilwcrth. Call 9O8-272'55sfi Today! 800-646-3438 Ext. Customer Service. Data Entry, typing, heavy phone use & Union/Middlesex Counties processing and genera! r^rsmjO*-635-6400 benefits- Fax resume & Fax resume 908-276-6jrg g CHILDCARE » After School CHILDCARE NANNY Needed 1018 Eat. 1018 Owner Typing. Ad Layout, Purchas- filing. Candidate must have Wednesday, September 17 computer exp. Need salary requirements to Mary " ~—m $8-$12/hr. Teachers & College F/T or P/T ASAP. Car & exp ing, Local Errands. Jewelry Strong organizational skills & articulate phone skills for background preferred. 732-73B-6975. 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM Students Welcome. Car £ exp. reqd. » S08-7S4-6161 » INVALID RAMP - Wood. Ap- Lifeguard ' 5 be able to work independent- contact with customers and References required. Bring resume and 2 forms sales taps. We offer hands Choice Care tr 906-317-9777 proximately 3 K 8ft- S225/ODO. Swim Instructors, cerUded* ly.-MS Word/Windows & dic- CLERICAL ASSISTANT/PT DRIVERS - Suburban Cab Co Send resume to: PO Box 699. taphone use required Com- of identification. on instruction to increase Call 973-761-S338 LEGAL SECRETARY lifeguards needed all ttaysl Child Care A+ NANNY JOBS M-F. 20-25 Hrs. Computer is looking for FT 1 PT help Westtield, NJ 07090 all Shifts. Apply in person j» petitive salary & superb your capabilities in other Up to S425 F/T • $B-$12/hr PT literate a must Contact Crartford firm seeks exp'd F/T Western diversified areas. Great Quality equipment, nice at- or P/T real estate secretary Ml out application at SunVn •benefits. Send resume to 14 Commerce Dr. Exp&DL.refsreqd. NO FEE Mary 908-276-1992 mmnher9_C_all 973-762-5700 HAIRDRESSER: Busy salon LANDSCAPE HELP WANTED YMCA, 67 Maple Stt&s Yplanda Lott, Crummy. growth potential! Good Choice Care » 90B-232-CARE seeking F/T Hairdresser.(3 Exp prefd, F/T-P/T. must have with WP 51- good typing & Cranford, NJ 070167 salary with exc benefits dictaphone skills, slenoa plus, Summit > i DelDeo. 1 Riverfront Plaza, n COUNTER HELP needed tor year min exp) Exc, pay. Paid valid NJ drivers he & own trans- !ease send resume to Per- CHILDCARE/DOMESTIC call 908-276-3060 or fax Newark, NJ 07102. 908-272-0400 Bake Shop, F/T or P/T, No ex- DRIVERS , Swift Transpora- vacation. Paid education portation Call 908-789-0784 sonnel Dept. PO Box 1767, HELP reeded. Dve-lri- Non- pereince necessary, Mengers Benefits avail. Aii calls resume to 90S 276-?669. LUMBERYARD '* Union, NJ 07083^ Ison Hiring TracW'/Trailer Driv- after 6pm ____— Inside Sales Positions Now! BaKe Shop. 90B-666-82B2 ers! No Experience confidential. Can Tony at: YARD MAN :* •CHILDCARE-Work in your K Necessary! CDL Training »906-277-6668« • LANDSCAPE LABORERS*' Lumber and Mill work - own home. Apply at Monday COUNTERPEflSON: Cafe ;;, $300 Bonus Opportunity Through All Slate Career Exp helpful. $5-$10 per houf LEGAL SECRETARIES: knowledge helpful. Appiy lf,- Auto Sates Morning Inc. 90BJ68-48B4 Dominique at Enzzo's. Short HAIR DRESSER - Following a SALES TRAINEES Hills. PT/FT avail 379-7111 School. Excellent Pay, Com- Must Own your own business Cf90B2723960 Qualified experienced person: Builders GenerSl AM PM Shifts - Mon - Sat plete Benefits, Home Often. secretaries are sougnt by Supply 336 Centema! AVSJ experience necessary. CHILD CARE: lor 2 boys. 12 & 8381^4J^ 9. in our Scotch Plains home, COUNTER PERSON 1-800-B00-7315. (eoe-m/f). Skotoff & Wolfe. PC Liv-Cranford. % ; $350 - $450 per week We provide a formal training HAIRDRESSER- FT/PT. Look- LEGAL SECRETARY 23hrs/wk. Fluent English. Rels PT 6 FT positions avail in ingston. If you have a minimum program. Americas' only •• ing (Of kids hair cutlers Must Westfieid. FT/PT for general of 1 year general litigation ex- >yc offer: & car needed. Non-smkr. busy Westfield bakery. Ex- practice. Exp preld. Word ull disclosure- dealer. For 90a-232-05i7a)t7pm lovs kids, will provide training perience or are a n expenencsd Machine ;« • Up to $15/Hr. more Information and im- perience a plus, will train Pjj 9QB-233-2O00 Call 90B-518-1998 Electrician Call 908-277-6668 matrimonial secretary ana • Bonus & Incentives mediate interview call Greg CHILOCAFE-FT/PT for 3 yr Needed. 3-5 Years Experi- want a pleasant non-smoking Operators - F/T PJT, for day & nigh* Sconzo al 908-788-5700, old in Scotch Plains. Must ttave COUNTER SALES S STOCK ence in Residential/Com- Housekeeper-Live-In workplace and good benefits, • Rapid Advancement shifts. Call Rosalie Precision- James Toyota Outlet own^ar, be reliable. BB3-0622 DEPT FT • positions available mercial Wiring. ^HELPERS for 3 children (17, 14, 12) LEGAL SECRETARY send a confidential resume to • Flexible Schedules Products between 9-4 311" Rt.202. FiJj now. Apply in person Westfield also needed. Must Have and single parent. Must be Summit area lawfirm seeks Skolotf 4 Wolfe. P.C, 293 CHILD CARE Full Time 908-464-4440 or apply 3 • Health Benefits Lumber & Home Centsr, 700 Own Toots & Claan Driving able to speak English, cook, F/T, expd Legal Secretary. Eisenhower Pky., Livingston, AVON-FT/PT. Up to 50% com- • Summit Area clean & do laundry. Drivers Word Perfect 5.0 a must. In- NJ 07039, Attn: Stephen P. person to 1 Russo Place, • Paid Vacation Seek lun. responsible Nanny North Avs. E. Westfield Record. Call 908-31 74184_ mission. Immed. openings. 908-Z32-8655 tic. a +. Livo-ln preld, must surance defense exp. a +. Haller. Esq NO CALLS OR Berkeley Heights. ;t Call 1-600-279-8160 access for 2 school age children have refs Salary negot. Lv Salary commensurate with FAXES. Salary Requirements King TeleServices English speaking only MANICURIST FT/m with foJ* code 82, Indapendent Rep. CUSTOMER SERVICE: P/T; FT/PT work from your home voice message & number, exp All benefits paid. 401K. Must be Stated. E.O E NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY - Light Housework Major Benefits inci car/sravel. 908-754-4620. Ext 235Cal. l 906-665-1166. 60% comm. plus vacation pa^* Non-Smoker, live out or Mornings, Person to handle CARPENTER customer service calls, data Caljjor Appl 908-276-2059 Calls will be returned jrrirned. or rent space Wstf Id 23a*-0Q6ft APPLY IN PERSON 2 yrs exp. req'd. Own trans- live in Monday - Friday MUSTDRIVE'll entry & general office duties lor 40 Crag wood Rd, South Plainfleid portation. Cranford/West- small ollice in Springlieid. Call Near the Middlesex Mall ield area. 90B-789-0069 Barry: 973-467-2443 ext 14 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-817-5468 Murray Hill Distribution Center seeks dependable person for customer service & order entry. Must have excellent phone skills. Permanent pos- SUMMIT ition. Fuli time vWbenefiis. For Pi- call 90B-464-2400, Rich. PUBLIC SCHOOLS The largest weekly newspaper network in RECEPTIONIST „ has the following openings: New Jersey has Immediate openings for adver- Full lime position available for tising salespeople ready to take control ol their busy Springfield Physical Income potential. Therapy Office. Computer exp = High School must. Please call 2 PART-TIME Our recent acquisition of prestigious commu- 2QV37JM202 nity newspapers In booming Somerset, Union DELI HELP- FT/PT. EOE. COMPUTER LABS AIDES and Middlesex counties has resulted in open- Salad prep and counter help. Hi ings in established territories for both an entry Cranford. 90iy!72-329()_ -"Duties: Open labs In morning; monitor and assist level and an experienced salesperson. If you Dental Assistant '.'student and teacher use a lab before and after have the sales ability, we will provide the news- F/T, Xray lie & front desk ••school and during the school day. Solve minor paper training to let you grow with us. exp. Friendly, motivated per- NEW 19B7 FORD TAIHIUSG -hardware and/or software problems. Secure the son for quality otlice. Green- Compensation Includes salary plus commis- brook area. Excel! salary & 1st MONTHLY PAYMENT $248 1st MONTHLY PAYMENT. $255 i;:lab at all times and close down at end of day. sion, mileage and lull health benefits. II you are benefits. 908-435-6567 SECURITY DEPOSIT $300 SECURITY DEPOSIT $300 ready to excel In a fast-paced, deadline envi- DANK FEE $0 DENTAL HYGIENIST BANKFEE $0 Qualifications: Must hold or qualify for County CASHOFUnADE $0 ronment where success Is rewarded, contact Restorative Practice CASHOR TRADE.. $0 TOTAL DUE AT DELIVERY $548 Substitute certifcate (minimum of 60 college cred- Recruitment Director Michael Kelly at: Berkeley His.:!9M5j4;33rt__ TOTAL DUE AT DELIVERY $555 4 dr., 4 cyl, auto O'E) linns , pwr sting/ Inks. AID.

, 4 cyl. aula trans.pwr Mercuiy. 4 eyl. «uto htm, pwi Ford, 4 dr, 4 cr'. *uto trans, pwr WE VALUE DIVERSITY - AA/EOE ftrKrtnkstoiniMofti. *Jr. AWTM »l«*o ltfiutKti. Am. AUTM BIKM AflSto . W.VTM Stew cat*, .alum _*Ms, S2.0I? rniiM, VIN cm, alum whit, 7,Bft8 mlt«». VI cui, 15.354 mll«l. VINI1K6*61S cass, alum whls. 11,500 irllvs. •VW2760JB. VINIVM10?B!6

CERTIFIED USED CARS INCIUDE * M vfl«/$*?.K.t"' Mtrcurv. 4 di. 4 cyl, aulr> trans, pwr s(inc/ABS/w 4 *, 8 eyl., Mo trans. pwi simy ADS bill wtrtd/ lockt. Ain, cass. alum. *W>. Permanent Part-time Positions Available T, 21.<0r mild, VIN.tTAG6aiS1. 24 Hr. Roadside Assistance 12.94S mUn VIN IVA1S9934, 1OO Point Inspection Sales Associates • Sign-On-Bonus

Fotd 2 d> 6 eti, avlo trant. r. ... w Commission Sales • No Selling bitv mind/ loan, AIR, mm i!. cait. tKjm.^^

1 Erolotmenl Full Time 240 240 limilflynnal Full Time 2*0 Employment Full Time 240 Empioymenl Part Time DATA ENTRY Medical Recept. PRODUCTION MANAGEFV THE CRANFORD RECREA- WAREHOUSE TION & Parks Department is Murray Hill Distribution Cemer iO-hr P.T. 7-11 posilioni, Full Time. Busy front office, OFFICE MANAGER m Cianforb area IJI experience in general front Organized self-starter for fasl- accepting applications tor the seeks dependable warehouse allowing P/T positions; personnel lor pick/pack opara- lata entry into a Windows desk duties. Individual fam- aced. home based Crantord asetl system Above aver'nyo iliar with computer & in- marketing firm. Detail-oiiented Recreation League Dasket- tton Knowledge ot UPS help- 1 ful. Permanent position. Full kills req'd Fax issumes (o surance. Call 908-464-4200 w/exc. wnltsiVvBr&al skills to -ball refe rees (Boys & Girls) 08-276-9650. attn Lauren handle phones, word process- Senior Fitness Instructor time/benefits Call ing, computers (Mac & ISM), & For Further Inlormalion Call 90a-464-?400, Rich DENTAL ASSISTANT-, multiple protects Knowledge 908-709-7283, E/CE/M/F/WH xpenenca prefd. but kvul Medical ol graphic production a •>. Employment, P>rt Tims 255 •am Pleasant wooing condj Duties incl: project scheduling ons Call 889-5272. jve nisij, /coordmalion, purchasing, TREE CLIMBERS A»A»A Opportunity Surnmil Medical Group. New io All The Way To The Top! DENTAL HYGIEN1ST PCT- Jersey's largest multi-specialty client/vendor contact, estimat- Christmas Afound the World WESTFIELD ing, proofreading. Assist staff Growing co. seeks respon. /Gifts wanis you1 Local super- group, currently has ttie lollow- hard working indiv's Seeking learn member tt'i ing opportunities available: 'clients, create/maintain forms visor hiring sales reps >ut prevention oriented pta'c- Challenging F/T woik all yr. AnnMan«908-_272-1579 tiles & develop a system that ^DL a * Sal based on exp. ce Tuesdays 1 -8pm. App!<- works Knowledge of Mac :onls must be enthusiastic a^i Bnits avail. Growth oppty. BABYSITTER-Aftet school. 2 Receptionist/ Word, Excel, Quark, IBM Quick ielf motivated 9O8-232-61W, Books. Mm 5 yrs exp $33,000 '"riendly work env. Sage children, 2-3 daystaK Driving Registrar ree Svc 90B-666-S858 _ &fid 07 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST j /yr tan resume 908-276-1314 '6ople person, computti' CHILD CARE/Housekeeper nowledge helplul. Westfield ofiice: Full lima re- WAITEFVWAITRESSES Exp'd only. Apply in person: 3 days Musi be hard worker & 908^32-6672 _ ] caption sl'regislrar lor RECEPTIONIST good with children. References New Prestige Diner, 1318 IRECTOR OF AOULt internal medicine office. Local accounting firm seeks pringliald Ave, New C^L^ao 131 DUCAT1ON. Part-hmC Must have excellent com- receptionist weight book- Providence. 90a-665-02i t. mergetbc person to coordinate munication skills, be friendly teeplng. We will train, ideal CHILDCARE- Nonsmoking, in ducational programs and lri|.* and outgoing and have Hie tor recent HS graduate. Exc. my home tor 2 boys. 5 mo 8 3 WAITERS/WAITRESSES, lorarbotelum. Requires strong ability to make our patients benelits. Salary: $9-S10/hr. yr old. TUBS & Thuis. Bus Persons & Food Runners ompuWr, ofganizatinal anil (eel welcome and com- Fax resume to: 2^7:30. 008^3174546_ Please apply in person:' jeople skills. Knowledge ill fortable. 908-272-4911 FINAL 0KM.-OPPI Scotties Steak House, CHILDCARE. P/T; 2 days/wk. 'agemattor and Excel dq- of mail to PO BOX 160. 595 Morris Ave. Springfield 8-5pm in our Westfield home irablo Includes preparing Duties include general re- ranfOrd.NJ 07016 ception and registration, WAITER/WAITRESS: •river's lie req'd, Cheduls. hiring instructors NORRIS CERTIFIED USED CAR CLEARANCE! ante ring insurance coverage PT/FT.AskforTom: Nonsmokor, 906-654 • 1289 nd publishing quarterly new j- data, billing and patient de- Receptionist 9O6-32g-OZ00 loiter of events. Four days par '93 TOYOTA TERCEL iiomouruwunwMON ti CHIVY MTIOMSS VAN eok,9am-3pm, $11 perhouj 2 df. 4cyl,S apd man trans, caoallt, 8 cyt.^ aulo (rant, AIR, p*» 4 dr, B cyl, milo Inn*, mographics You will also Surgical practice seeking or- CLERICAL i/d.l. Alrt. pwr tlmo/bilia. «,S4I •KnaMiaNmid, MR. 7i ma*a patient appointments, ganized & people friendly WAITER/WAITRESS, Bus- P/T 10am to 2pm 3 times a end resume to Reeves-Reef I m»M. VINfPOM925T. VIH#MD1 9S7TS. 65,7*0 mtlas, VIN • assist with medical records from desk person. Computer persons FT/PT avail. Exc pay week. General office duties, Arboretum, 165 Hobart Av«, and handle general oHice skills helpful. Office exp. & & bnfts. eip'd pret but not phone. Some basic com- mitry 07901 J duties as assigned. exc. communication skills eq'd Apply in person Echo puter skills preferred Fan re- HOUSECLEANEH- Twice to req'd. Send resume to: Sum- Lake Country Club Westfield sume or request application eek to clean and do laundr} II you are looking for a career 908-232-4141 !Plt lj>?f3 0B38. IS CWVY tUMM IURO SNtT •MCHfVtOUT CORSICA •MIUKKCtPITUlY CUSTOM mit Orat Surgery, 155 Sum- Expertonced. reliable referen- '91 CMC JIMMY 4X4 that Is 10O°» people oriented cyt. turo 52. Exp'd Only FT/PT. 30 hrs week 4 some Sals Cus- maintaining a cbeeiful. RECEPTIONIST MEDICAL ASSISTANT pleasant environment that is Exc Tips. Friendly At- tomer Service exp Helpful Call -Jeodod lor chiropractic o) Westfield oftice seeks exp'd in- mosphere. Call 908-233-6B87 908-233-4300 or FAX pleasing lo our patients, ws dividual to be responsible far rco. Certification or liconfiu want you on our team! Ask for Tom or Vickl 908-233-4353 ceq'd Must tie caring peisqii telephone reception. Dulles in- wilh upbeat personolity. Tv*i clude support clerical func- '02 JHP WRANGLER 4X4 MOLDSMOIUICIHA We orfei competitive salary ovening positions avnllnbfc) \ 2 tjr, * cyt, tmo &»n#, pwf ttrnatorfci, 4 dr, ft cyl, aulo liana, p*r ions. Flexhrsol approi. 30 tirs with some Snturdays reqij. AIR, bird A vail lop, 70.031 frit, 6 MONTH/6000 MILE airng/bikaAalnd/locha, AIR, caaa, and excellent benefits. It you per Ak, Mon-Fri. Send resume VINh«n Ot 908-763-7555 PRE OWNED BLOWOUT! nosemane973-375-9-t00.' lown & (A)iuihy r Lincoln fa Mercury In Brulgewater We'ivOn \bnrR(Hul W:WWW 'Ib Savings!

7995 Mercury Villager GS 1995 Li/ico/;« MorrV VIII 1997 Mercury Mountaineer

M>. «U9 Tm» a/00.4 El V-S, F/Sm P/ABS Brlu, M. CliraM M$2699 Uaa Hwl «W0, AuW rt, VA /S 5 ! PBMnp SolM Minw FRrVD. Mo »J00. 30. V-« tm P/Stu ffriy Frl I ft Art;. P/WcvUMhUed Mat*. P/Driv Sti Cftri, Tiadlon Crtrt. Fj'SaivWrkUa'CWrj, Dua1 Ait Bie>. B,W. MrVC . 0uurn* *l mmf Bap .«-wo P/Wn*Ua/!*rt, MO «OD. .S P/Orrni a. v-a. P/S«Ol EBTF/. P/ABB SS im. t>rffe9»lrVMIIVW*H.TilDuis«.*WFMSlCi1J M Vtai I* Crun*. Mar Wfol Woy Witt. StC SfMm. MU Wry. tyStm. TlilCrurat. Alto VWt. Satuh Syj). H*ite» trfty, JBl A^Wa/i^HlFW»rtl**2Ur*rtVWSllJOT AWMSlC*WdMl0l1l nii WWSV6I9W 1-kisy liiiaitciiigAvaihible! this Is Only A Partial Listing! 1994 Mercury 1993 Mercury 1994 Mercury s JbptizGS Tracer Sable GS CougarXR-7 209 RWO. 4 Oi **>W ia 4-&I Eng, FVS6J, » Dow, FRWO Uo »/00.1 914-Cji, P/SUJ. 2 Dr *469 Sot Out«« Bags. IVM. III. Cruise, Iras W<»| Alter WrecH. I/Glan. «*TM Stt» MATM 5W50UU. TAfe] 1 Mord 1!.S/*K Vrii, TAA trfea r r'/i EcA Bite. Art, PW«6AkVMKT». PWrt JM. P/Afe Brto. til. Alt, Dm Ctrl. P/Wf»UV«*y Old Air B*p. IVW. tin. Cruhe. Altoj WlJs. Sec W/BcM Sett Dual i> B*p fVW. T*. Cn*M. FfW Satt, rVtWWprJ*. Cwta.« Wprt. r SK Snfcm I'tyten E*r WVFM a Cm i Syl ftyteu Crfry Al AM/f M *J Tjr'.vU), *»««*, KmteJlrtf) WUSlCai.Mwn tea mt, WM t*« cnWiAod Ind Del 4 M»«f aiOJrr* vwr.vrot?rjO ftrf.f/Kl* Itad «A»n VlHIfrY/WWa, fctar' LAlltvaatii WJ«VA6U0311. ....ACURA 3.5 RL PREMIUM 1997 ACURA 3.5 RL PREMIUM 1997 CHEVY BLAZER LS4DR 4x4 6 cyt aulo ps, pb, a/c, AWfU cass, p. wJndAxks/fiwrafs. 6 (M, aifo, ps, pABS, a/c, AM/FM cass/CO, p. wW/kKks/ 6 cyl, aulo. ps, pABS, a/c, AM/FM cass, p. wndAcks/seaJs/ r *15>695 *17,795 "$167995 $23,495 (Miots/seats- ' i . , .'LI* , illiMd. , suwoolI b.l . Ik' 1. .airbag _ f L .. , t.-i-..SK. factory m, ciisse, sunrool, tlhr, I/N, r/del, Aim, Whl, 90 daj/ alloys, step car, Jcl Black, factory wan, 24,389 mi,, • ""3m,STKieo2o,vwncoori 3,000 mi lactofy warr/linaiK, 2,?ll mi, STK 1/384, VI mm& mint condition... very low mileage... great sport utility... low mileage... vcoo™ $37,995 $22,685 1995 HOND$23,99A ACCORui 5D LX4DR 1995 PLYMOUTH NEON 4DR 1994 TOYOTA CAMRY LE 4DR Somersets Exclusive Lincoln • Mercury Dealer! 4 cyl, auto, ps, pb, afc, AM/FM caw, p, wttlmm, cnisc, 4 cyl, aulo, ps, pb, a/c, AWf M cass, sunrod. alloys, remain- I cyi, auto, ps, ft), a/c, MM c&s, p. wvd /to, ciiise, ato mi, Green, 60 day/2,000 mi warriinanc, 51^50 Aiol lactoiy wan.onfv. 16,280 fii,, VIN ISCMia aiteg, imm d lactay msimc, 27,174 mi, SIX t*—ta •aaaaa] m,, STK 17946. VWISAD6O239 «te3VH«H464«V B \ $13,595 $8f995 "'Ti 3,595 J Routo 22 West. QridgoWator Mnn • I n 9nm 9pm

l M>i From mH) O Servicing Satisfied Customers For Over 49 Years! of somervme 704-0300 \nOUTE ill llrliWI 701 Rt. 202-206N • Brklgewaler, Nl • (908) 722-1100 NGW J/orsey's Volume Acura O&ater ? ill i . .!>. I II 1)1 • Prices Include all factory rebatos and inc<]nlivos, Losses rosp. lor main!., excess woar& loar,and ai end of loaso Iw rniioauo in GXCOSS - ol 12,000 ml,/yr, al I5e/inl. All pricoii incl. costs lo bo paid by a consumor---oxcepl lor lie,, rflg., arid taxes. Not resp, loflypos. ,

u September 12, 199T£ B-6 Record-Press f-DartmenH Unturned 4C5 Slore/Olfe SpaceForjanjj Kwnet Far Silt Homes for Sila 330 zto SCOTCH PLAINS. , CLARK AREA - basement 3 WESTFIELD-3 rm apt. $915 AFFORDABLE live In Nanny ELIZABETH $135,000 WESTFIELDPrime Northside NO PLAINFIELD-Near Rt 22.4 prof"!offices E!eva1or.cw...=1J POLISH AGENCY room apt. $550 all utils incl. 1 CRANFORD-Spacious 2 BH VETERINARY RECEP- /Au Pair, legal (or 12 mos. Av- CREAM PUFF! Elmora Col. location. 4 BR Colonial. 1 full rms S695 + utils. laundry, prkg. mo heat supplied, 1 Vt mo se- pacing, suites available from Specializing in older & sick mo sec. 908-574-9427 apt to share with prat I female. TIONIST Pal time, lor evening araga cost $220/wk. 272-7873, care, housekeepers, live Hdwd firs, newer oak kit. up- bath, 2 half baths, extra large 2 No pets. Prol'l prel. 561-5065 curity, waik to NYC trains & Washer/dryer, bsmt storage. I.OOO-S.OOOscj ft. Includes hours. Very busy office, heavy In/out. Exc. rels. dated bath & frpl. Century 21 car gar, deck, screened porch, CRANFORD- 2 bedroom shopping. No fee. No pets. Close to train S462-50 * 1(2 1600sq It beautifully decoralefl AN EF AUPAIR European live RAHWAY 2 BR, excellent for phones, training from Sam to 906-689-9140 D S. Kuzsma 908-272-6337 updated baths & kit, fin bsmt. newly remodeled. No pets. Ideal for prof! couple. Call utils sec. req'd. 906-931-0537 4 fully equipped medical suite 2pm for two weeks and then In Child Care. Exp the benefits beaut mainlain'd. Principals $850t utilities. Avail imsned. commuter, call george 908-903-1053 w.2 private baths. Realty position is from 3 30pm to clos- ol flexibilty. Affordable inter- Atrtwllcti GOVERNMENT FORE- only. $295.000. 908-654-4696 Ca»niahts903;931-1047 908-388-2166 Concepts 908-322-9444 "TS ing- Monday thru Friday, and cultural child care. Carefully CLOSED HOMES (or pennies WESTFIELD: 2 Br, 1 Bin. Vic- NEW PROVIDENCE- 1BR. owner 908-322-8Q81 • j screened & trained. English BERKELEY TWP-Toms River. on $1. Delinquent Tax. Repo's. CRANFOHD; 2 BR. LR, EIK, in RAHWAY-2V4 rm EHcy, just torian 2-Fam, Immac cond, W w/0 deck, yard. S550/mo. + alternate Saturdays. Serious Income Promrtv 335 2-Family home, walk to town & Inquires only. 908-276-1661 speaking aupairs with legal US 150 X 150 lot for retiremt/2rid REO's. Your area. Toll free decorated, nr R Ft, $465 mo incl /D & Re incSd, gas heal, CAC. util. Avail 10/1 908-771-0147 SOMERVILLE- 2 Office ) visas. Average weekly cost of home. S37.9K. 973-267-9354 1-800-218-9000 Ext. H-5139 LINDEN*-"""* S189.5OO trains, heat 8. hot water in- H/HW, no pels. 233-2511 Si300/per mo. Avail 10/1. Professional Suite. Carpet ) $320. Convenient live In care tor cu rrent listings/directory.' EXC INCOME PROPERTY cluded, no pels. $11O0/mo Remax Realty Pros. Ask for AC. Parking,. 9O8-72j*j66rj» VETERINARY TECHNICIAN (609) 338-4828 or (609) ROSELLE PARK-house fof SUMMiT-2SR Townhouse. 2 (or your children. For more info (4) 2 BR units, $2700 mo rent. Ellen 233-9292 Or 654-6514 1 Pbrt Time. 2-3 days & some LINDEN 5192.900 953-3722 evenings^ rent, 2nd fir, 3 Irg. BR, Lfl. DR, minute walk to NYC train $625 WESTFIELD-2 ilrS.^tAva' call Michelle 908-272-7873 Sep utils, great cond. Century eves. , Saturdays. CaljjOajggJgei^ 2FAMILY+-(1)2BR,(1)3BR, Irg. kitchen. 1V4 bath, iaundry separately or as one. 7 yr BRIDGEWATERBeacon Hill. 21 D.S.KuzsmaRlty272B337 ELIZABETH-2 BR apt. H/HW. HOME NUHSINO:To care for sap utils, fin bsmt w/summer Kit rm.,90B-241-4040 old Wdg 1700 sqft perjJwVJ Mini 2 BR 1 bath, moderate cooking gas. no pets. 1vj mo ChilJCire Nursery School 270 your loved one. Exc exp, refs. Income. 2nd (Ir. $79,900- 4 full bath. Century 21 D.S. RAHWAY...**... $204,900 Industrial/Commercial Sep entrances prKg Tn| Kuzsma Realty 908-272-8337 6FAMILY+ BUSINESS sec. 908-241-6993 10-4pm UNION - Prof I female seens 908^W-3410 _ll" , . Ceil. NJ lie. 90B-7B9-3129 Owner w/help w/closing. ROSELLE PARK-Modem Stu- same, clean, quiet environ fCHILDCARE PROVIDED Apt income $4OK/yr + bus in- ELIZABETH-ELMORA 4 rms. Pftaertv For Rent 110 HOUSECLEANING 90B-704-1030 Mountainside • Ranch, 3 BR, dio & 1 BR apts avail. Rent incl W/D. $295 - 1'3 ulils. In Dunellen by Mom of 3. come. Owner motivated- lozzi- 3rd (If., carpeted, nf NY bus & WESTFJELD-DQWNTOWN Quality work, reliable, honest. 2.5 Balhs, Jacuzzi, LR w/FpIc heat, hot water, cooking gas & TRENTON; Immediate Slate 2 room office. 2nd floor, avaji Penced-in yard, fun activities. 1 CHATHAM-IBRCondo. Hlver William} Rltrs 908-382-4441 park, HT/HW ind. $695. Sac. & yr& older. 752-5259 Refs. available. DR, Euro EIK. Rsc Room, prkg. Call 908-241-4344 or aft House Access. 4.60O S.F. immaa Si600mo Triple Net view w/deck. 3 yrs old. Gar. lease BOB-355-6383 4-30pm. 908-241-8481 till 9pm 908-563-2635 Many upgrades. Pool/tennis. 2 car, .82 landscape acres. Dill 0) SlUe Pfapertv 355 total office space; 2,500 S.F. J4Q COLDWELL BANKER' •MONDAY MORNING INC» Lg deck, Low taxes $299,000 ELIZABETH ELMORA SEC- immed. avail, on floors 1 & 2. HOUSECLEANING - House & 14 ml from NYC. Near all trans. SCOTCH PLAINS-4 rm apt, Reliable, Insured care lor in- Call 906-654-3250 for appt. •BARGAIN HOMES' TION 3 modern room apt. No Perfect (or lobby group, pro- Office. Good refs. Exp'd Own Asking t145.000 By Owner. 2nd fir. $770 mo H/HW incl. WESTF5ELD: Office spape.i, lanls & toddlers. 908-656-4664 Thousands of Government pelsJCaN 908^58-1423 fessionals. Sale or lease CHATHAM-protl office btdg trans. 90B-757-5364, Ivemsg. Call 201-701-1061 NEW PROVIDENCE: Murray 1 'A mo sec. Call 322-8758 700- sq It. wbasemem ''• T Foreclosed and repossessed ELIZABETH good area mod 1 $210,000.00 John Schragger rental 2.100. 4.000 or 6.000 » Nannies » Companions • MOTHER'S HELPER Hill Split w/updates galore. sq ft + storage. Idea! location* Call 90B-7B9-?5q CRANFOHD: BY OWNER properties being liquidated this & 2br apts avail. Hent incl tit, UNION-1BR, carpeted, near Reafty. Inc. Brkr Baby Nurses Avail. Live In/Out Babysitter. Took courses House mint cond. 7rms*+ full commute. 201-635-3563 _ English village. month! Government financing. hot water, cooking gas & prkg. shops & transp. $685 incl H 609-637-9548_ Rooms Furnished ServeU Well BOa-383-0277 & e«p'd. 908-278-7410 1BR top door elevator bsmt, deck, level rear yd. Quiet Low/do down. Call lor local list- lam neigh. Walk to train call 908-558-9325 it no answer /HW. no pets. 201-376-3796 building, Washer/dryer, Ings! 1-800-336-0020 ext 199. beeper* 908-478-3191 CHANFORD-female. PnwioymaHl Part Tina dishwshr, parquet floors. $249,900. Call Glenn Re/Max PEAPACK-Pnme otiice space UNION - 2nd fir. 2 lamily. Love- available. 1350 sq It can tie smoker, 1 beclrm with waikiji 1118,000; 906-709-3270 Townsquafe 90B-273-6OO0. COASTAL NORTH CARO- KENILWORTH- 2 apts avai! ly 6RM, 3BR'S, 0/W, elk. w/w CHATHAM - 1 BR to share. divided Easy access to Rtes closet, pvt bath, Kit & launriri LINA-Frae Brochure of water- immed. No pets. 1 mo sec, privileges. Avail ion. S521 UNION""""" $101,000 CMNFMD front and water access home- 4rms each. $800/mo ht/hw inc. cprt. C/A, $1100+ 1 % mo sec. close to transp., $55O/fno. + 206.287. SOB-334-2050 utils. Call John 201-635-7516. /mo. 908-276-5140 ,-, ,.t! SU PER CONDO-2 bath, 2 BRs NEW CONSTRUCTION sites starting at $17,900. Slips 908-276-6225 avail 11/1; Call 908-666-2426 + frpl. Pool & NYC transp In available. Coastal Marketing & complex. Cenlury 21 D.S. Build th« home you deserve. Development Company. Kuisma Realty 906-272-8337_ iYour plan & design with 1-800-482-0606. [SPANISH Guilders approval. Northside WESTFIELD $53,000 location. Call for more details. RETIRE IN SOUTH CARO- WHY RENT? 1 BR Coop w EM Matter Sharks? LINA. Beautiful large tosls in BI-LINGUAL /newer bath & Kit, Bsml * pool flMfion Mt-Zn-2970 small private community on In complex. Century 21 OS. 50,000 acre Lake Murray. Re- Kuzsma Realty 908-272-8337 TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS Hoffltt FHrSalt_ 330 stricted • No mobile homes al- lowed. Buy now. build later. Af- MUST BE FLUENT IN HoittForSiii JJJ PLNFLD-Sleepy Hollow Sec fordable waiarfront and lake view property. Gat more for BERKELEY HTS - Ranch con- 8V OWNER [ENGLISH AND SPANISH Offers wanted! Buy before your money. Call today vert, loc. wVparklike rear yard, 800-796-8742. LR/fpl, FDR, EIK, fam rm, 3BR, Sept. 30, gat $5000 for C.CI [• Sign-On Bonus Zf.bths. breezeway, 1c. gar. Spacious Ranch, 3BR, 21* bth, Irg rec rm. Walk to SO. CAROLINA WATER- $189,900, Call Glenn fle/Max FRONT SALE. Beautifully Townsquare 908-273-6000 exc grade School/Tratn/Bus. • Earn Extra; Money! 3.95 Fin Avail to qual buyers. wooded, dock approved parcel . w/lony frontage on spectacular • BERKELEY HTS-By Owr»r 908-753-7643 Low 190s • Pleasant Working Must sell. Besl qualified offer 50,000 acre recreation lake in over I245K. by 9/16/87. 4 Bfl, flAHWAY $115,000 So. Carolina-next to 18-hole Environment 2 bath, Expanded Cape. Great START HERE! Large rms. af- championship golf course. family neighborhood. N»ar fordable price. Breakfast bar, Fish, boat, golf year round in • Permanent PT Position trains & I-78. Principals Only. deck, lenced yard. Century 21 our fantastic climate! Paved By appt. 908-464-3360 Iv mag D.S. Kuzsma 908-272-8337 roads, u/g utils, much more! Financing Available. Call TLE • Flexible PT Schedules ROSELLE $169,000 800-704-3154. CLARK*""*"" $520,000 2 Family-Two 2 BR Units with HERE'S HOW WE BEAT THE Available WATERVIEW. Tremendous 5 DR. EIK. sap utils, fin bsmt with BR center hall Col, 4 full A 2 bath. Century 21 D.S.Kuzstna BilltHlttWinttd 360 Applicants must be reliable and possess half balhs, possible AuPalr or JB0B-272J337 In-law suite 1st fir. Century 21 CASH PAID for 1-4 (amity a clear, professional speaking voice houses. An/ condition. Call D,S. Kuzsma Rlly 272-6337 • . $99,900 090 MrsFlaga90B-769-7285 Lots of space, 3 BR, 2 bath Col CALL STATISTICAL CRANFORD- 3BR Ranch, cul- on quiet St. Lg rms, 2'A car ERA Suburb Really Agency de-sac. FR, w/tpte, fg bsmt, gar. Century 21 D.S. Kuisma will buy your home lor cash. No YOUR RESEARCH, INC. $199K 241-5949/276-8650 Realty 908-272-8337 red taps. Fast service. Call YOU 322-4434. CRANFOHD""" $159,000 UNION; 124 GLENWOOD CT 908-654-4000 between MASTER SUITE on 1st fir, 3 8yr oldBI-level M/D.4 BR.3 BA. VKttlonProwrty 310 9 am-4 pm & 7-9 pm BRs. 1rt balhs, screened 2 kltchs, den. deck, 2 car gar. porch i, deck. Century 21 D.S. Kuzsma RltV 272-8337 • AND. GOT ACAMPGROUND MEM- 128 GLENWOOD CT: Lg Split, BERSHIP OR TIMESHARE? 15.OOO Mile Service C/A, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, den, deck, CRANFORD""" $319,900 We'll take II, America's most fcOO S Riverfront. 3 BR, 2 bath Col garages, wlH sell seperately successful resort resale clear- with fam rm overlooking river, • MAKE OFFER* inghouse. Call Resort Sales In- 30,000 Mile Service 379°° Ig MBR w/3 closets. Century 21 BrookB Realty-272-0004 formation loll free tiolline D.S.KuzsmaRlty272-a337 Ask for Mary or Call 686-8891 1-800-423-5967. Timing Belt »454°° MEDICAL LIBRARIAN CRANFORD**"" $219,800 UNION By Builder $300K AmrtfMBtsFurnlttiid 400 ROOMY-3 BRs. 1 vi bath Col, 3000SF+ CHC, 4/6BR, famrm Front Brakes ^69°° den, deck & deep lot. Lg w/tptc, skylHis, jacuzzl, bsmt, SUMMIT-lovaty cow loc BR, PART TIME closets & rms. Century 21 D.S. C/AC 2 zoned, brick & stucco, LR, bath, den, & EIK, No Kuzsma Rlty 908-272-6337 more, Manueia 732-683-0903 smoka. no pets. 908-277-2465 Children's Specialized Hospital, NJ's only rehab facility solely dedicated to pedi- atrics is searching lor a Medical Librarian IQCHI. CMUIMC for our Mountainside facility. Responsible Selling Made Easy fetor hospital library services; providing Modern, State-Of-The-Art Facility, Express I books, periodicals and other materials With Our Change Bays, Convenient Service Drive-Thru. [ appropriate to meet staff needs. Assists • library committee In preparation of short and long (arm planning of library ser- COUNTRYWIDE - opmMVBONes a sain vices. Promotes the Mission and Vision of Gail Now For Your Appointment Children's Specialized Hospital. Requires CLASSIFIED ADS! Master's degree in Library Science or equivalent. Bachelor's degree in health WHEEL DEAL Auto Program related field preferred. Medical Librarian 3 lines = $34.95 Additional Lines Only $7S0 each Certification or eligibility preferred. SOPERDEAL - $50.95 (2 Counttei) Medical Librarian Certification or eligibili- > MEGA DEAL S9B.95 <4 county coverage) ty preferred. Experience in cataloging, ftim ft Iff YauMmlUt! Union, NJ reference and research required. Hospital library experience preferred. Qualified GUARANTEED MERCHANDISE RATE For General Merchandise H 01 up up to $2,500. candidates please send resume to: 3 tines 1 week = J24.95 Stephanie A. Carroll. Employment Specialist -5597 SB per add'l line, add another county for only $13 more. If you don't sell the CMMwn'i item in the 1 st week, call us & we'll rerun it the 2nd week FREE! 1 item per ad.

150 New Providence Rd, CALL FOR DETAILS ON THESE SPECIAL OFFERS. Certain class restrictions apply. Mountainside, NJ 07092-2590 ANY REPAIR OR SCHEDULED Equal Opportunity Employer M/FAW 1-8OO-559-9495 MAINTENANCE Countywide Clasifieds... Try It, You'll Be Sold! FRENCH BI-LINGUAL TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS MUST BE FLUENT IN Don't wait an eternity ENGLISH AND FRENCH • Sign-On Bonus • Earn Extra Money! to own an Infiniti. • Pleasant Working New 1997 InHniti Q-45 Environment 1994 J-30 V per • Permanent PT Position mo. Low Mileage! Immaculate SUirtingat *' leas$e 36 • Flexible PT Schedules for 629 mos. Available $O Cap Cost Reduction $19,995 Applicants must be reliable and possess SO Bank Fee 14 Others a clear, professional speaking voice $0 Security Deposit To Choose ' CALL STATISTICAL $629 Due at inception From! RESEARCH, INC. 908-654-4000 between Infiiiiti Certified Pre-Owned Collection 9am-4pm & 7-9 pm 101)5 1995 5A (H5A ,1§»1 1991 1994 rvwrOuort/Ofr c#H.fuoc tmt* laofwr. M ,j* •'•B.T - J.-30. .... J-30 tutpmnlien. /Belgo M.I t! ml itfioi'ml. „,-,,„„„. ALL PHE-OWNEi) VEIIICMCS SOLI) WITH 72 MO/70,000 MI, or 84 MO/IOO.OOO MILE WARRANTY! ADULT OTHKK I'RK-OWNED MODELS ARRIVING DA1LV Ray Catena There really is a Difference. CARRIERS 900 Route 1 • Edison, NJ 08817 Needed for one day a week delivery. Must have reliable car Infiniti (908) 603-9600 and valid NJ Driver's License. p/nnEHpumii upuiuiai OOBI; u

15yrFlX 6.75 2,625 5% 60diyi 7.29 available. Call For On» ytsr 9 monm* e month* 3 months 15 yr FIX 7.375 0 20% 60dayt 7.376 FORRAlESKESfOfl LWSWTH aqo ago «qo sqo Zero Point Quotes z0!O discountpotnt* 30yrJumbo 7.975 0 20% 60day» 7.875 Mortgtgm Miik0t Intormsuon Servicmm ai South Stntt, Morrlatown, NJ 07M0 (A) 277 FilrfWd Rd., SI*. 309, FalrftoM, NJ 07004-1*42 Send your persona! invitation to over 1 yr ARM Hudson City Savings Bank 908-549-4949 South Bergen Savings Bank 800-273-3406 200,000 readers in our 9 newspapers. 5/1 yr ARM 7.125 0 10% 9O*dayi7.M 1-8D0-212-0333 pager SOyrFIX 7.7S 0 20% 60 days 775 Your ad will appear in our Thursday and 1W1 yrARM 7.375 0 10% 90 + dtyt 7.72 9*n-9pm.7<»¥». S.l.'XbirN 1 yrARM 5.75 0 20% 60days 7.44 tm.WilwdUKM.TVwithPM Friday publications for only $27.00 ISyt FIX 7.375 0 10% 90 + dayt 7.42 5/1 yr ARM 6.75 0 20% 60 days 7.27 www.ioutftorg«riuvlngi.cofn (C)WMt M Cantury M., , NJ 07W3 (C) aso Valtoy Boutavtrd, Wood-ftldga, NJ O707S To pUce your ad Kentwood Financial Services 800-353-6896 United[National Bank 800-223-1123 for next week's 7.625 5% 60dayt 7.7S 15 Commerce Centre 5/1 yr ARM 6.625 2 20% 60 days 77B Alk about our 7.2S 5% 60 days 7.38 Succas'jna NJ 07B76 MORTGAGE 10/1 yrARM 7.125 2 80% 60dayi 7.69 FlratTlmt Honwbuyam publications call 1s;yrJurrfto7.25 10% 60 days 7.38 program. 1-800-559-9495 (A) 15 Cemmarca Cantra, SuccMumw NJ OTfcTi RATE (C) 1130 nt. 32 Eiat, Brldgawalar, NJ 0M07 Liberty Mortgage Services, Inc. 800-562-5200 INFORMATION World Savings 908-302-9790 30yrFIX 7.625 5% 45day« 7.68 30 yr FIX 7.35 0 5% 60 days 6.1 FrM Pit-ApprovM, No Inwms/ 15'yrFIX 7.25 5% 45 days 7.5 RUtt JsrttsNctattCtiKl famd ON THE INTERNET 1 yrARM 3,75 1 20% 60 days 7.6 Ho Awl Vwfolion. Aiwfci'i 30y Jumbo 7.875 5% 45 days 6.13 http://www.interest.com/njnc COFIARM 5.25 0 20% 90 day* 7,56 s Qfli 51 CHbcrtfrPr.. tte If, Morrta Wins, NJ 07*60 (C) 1M Waahlotfon Vrttty Hd,, Wswwn, NJ 070W I.BGEND: (A) Licen<«d Mortgage Banker • NJ. Dtrwnnuni of Banking (Bl Licenxi) Montage Urokei - NJ. Dfrianiwiil of lijnkimi ir.unlij doc mil make tuan comtnitlmenli (or llii#d (irufrumv lumlinj for listed pi Bank IDI S&L. Ralei are sub)eci to change uiihuui nulice. AFK > Annual Percentage Hnle. N.A. » Kales 1101 u\ uikihle ut time of urney. I'uintk Include diwounl Si origination. Troth in lending diwlmuniv Al^ioan payments ha^d on .V)year BmonJZAiion 4MU inonlhly payinentii) with the enceptiofln or lOyejir fined 1 1^0 inunllil>' pu>meritsK 15 >ear fixrd & /umtx> 13RU monthly puyHlenlii). 2U>ear Dxed 1240 munthly pflynwnfu. 7 yr BoUuim^ 7/33 Balloons IMi yr amoriizaiion. &i equal payment w/onc balloon payment I und 5 yr tinlknin and ^/^.^ tlalluonx ^Mt)t uiiurrtl/niion, M)e4|iml puynieiiu u7tme hallonn pa) inenU.'AI'R legend APft'^un variaMtf rale loans ott subjeci 10 I '.e but may decteavc. O Copjfijht 1997 Mongagt Market Informalion Stnite>. IIK. » K. Si. Charley Villa r.uk II.Hi 181. H«r iiHwc.infnniuihin.call MM1S H0O-7W-t0H.lmvty Ottol WDT • . .- \ ,> '

/ ..•'K'V''* Final Pontiac/GMC ftt&IS Leftover Close*Out! Once a year, Queen City Pontiac/GMC clears out the remaining inventory of leftover models. Credit less than "perfect?" Don't hesitate to call ;oUr; feredit Some of New Jersey's smartest shoppers wait all year for Hotline. Our operator is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. this sales event: The prices are lower, the discounts are deeper, Why not call now and arrange new or used car financing right the factory rebates (as much as $2,250) still apply, and we're of- from your home? fering 2.9% financing for up to 60 months on selected models. Just dial 1-800-NEW-WHEELS for credit OK. Extra bonuses and incentives are also In effect for college grads, current college students and post graduate students. We're also substantially overstocked with more tharv 150 This sale is definitely limited only to the 1997 models now late-model trade-ins, so we've significantly reduced the prices in stock. Purchase, finance or lease while they last! on all of our used cars and trucks for this sale. Prices now,start as low as $998, Purchase, finance or lease your choice;, v Tj

•Pontiacs •Chevrolets • Hondas! •Vans , ,,., Suburbans 0 jJfGMC Sonoma Pickups •Olds • Fords •Toyotas • • Blazers '" •4x4 SUV's •Jeeps/ |7 J0 Trans Sports & Montanas •Buicks • Lincolns Including Extended Body 4-Dr. ModelB •Cadillacs • Nissans • Pick-ups •Various Imports Pontiac Grand Ams All the hard-lo-get colors f jQf Utility Trucks (USV Vans) 4-Dr. Jimmy 4x4's 22fifSunfires, Firebirds Here's a Few Examples of thd'150 Used Vehicles Now In Sto'clc... ^"^ and Grand Prix's 2-Dr. Jimmy 4x4's All Significantly Reduced For This Final Close-Out Sale! 2 flf GMC Hi-Cube Vans '93 Plymouth Sundance *6&98 *^ 14'and18'Bodlos '91 Olds "88" Royale '6998 4 Q4-Dr. Custom Jimmy's 4«Df. frCyt, Auto, PS/PB, Alf, St«r»o Cu». VINIMH32533O62547MI 4-Or, 4-Cyi. AWo, PS/PB, Air, AM/FM Slereo, VIN»PN027OZl'5fl382MI 4 jQfGMC Savana Vans 3 J0 Mason Dump Trucks '89 Honda CRX '4998 '87 Pontiac Sunbird , *1998 ^^ 1 2-WD Diesel & 2 4x4 Gas Engines !-Dr, 4«y), Auto, PSfTB, Air, Stef»o Cui, VIN»K80f46«7/flMOBMI • 4-Dr, 4-C/, A«tO, P6/PB, Air, VINKH75078+4/9354SMI 34 j9f Pontiac Bonnevilles 9 0 Medium Duty Trucks ^^ Including 4011 Anniversary SSE'a '94 Ford Tempo GL '7998 *92 Ford Crown Victoria *9998 *^ T-Saries "6000" & "7000," 24' Van Bodies 4-Dr, 4-Cyl, Auto, PSffD, Air, Ster«o CaM, VIN»RK1620fl&35018MI 4-Dr, Air, Auto, PS/PB/PW/PL, SI. Caas, VlN#NXH73efl/58Q8OMI I0J0GMC Pickup Trucks jA GMC Delivery Vans *^^© 4x4 Regular & Extended Cabs Prices include all consumer costs except license, reg, tax, doc & MV fees. - (3) 2-WD Regular & Extended Cabs *^^ Rsady to go to work, shop today! • ' - ll, >', America's Oldest & Largest Pontiac/GMC Dealer Queen City Pontiac/GMC l.l'I IO1 Route 22, Green Brook, NJ • (732) 752*3000 ieptember 12,1997 B-8 Record-Press FufBiiure 560 GtmnlHarctianJite 580 General Merdiindite 580 MtKiul Instruments J85 Wartled To Biv financial Services 655 TUTORING & CABINETRY 873 CARPENTRY 875 CERAMIC TILE 905 GIAMTS TICKETS BABY GRAND - Hallet Davis, GUNS-SWORDS-KNIVES CASH NOW FOR FUTURE • TILE. SOFABED & Loveseal-Jewel Ref/ig , washers.dryers $85 & MILITARIA & Fed Lie. INSTRUCTION 825 • THE WOODWORKS • REMODELING • 2 Season Tickets S70O exc cond, dark walnut, $2300. PAYMENTS! Ws buy pay- Floors, Walls. Kitchens. tone tapestry, great cond $400 op. Also service minimum Top cash paid. House calls ments from Insurance settle- Carpentry, Cabinets, Formica DONE WITH A FLAIR 906-233-9512 aft 6PM $19.95 Calf 908-754-7209 Call 908-752-2S42 Bathrooms, Countertops, /obO.BrHyHtj 908-790-1576 made. Bert 732-821-4949 ments. Annuities. Casino Win- Work. tns. 908-232-1089. EXPERT CRAFTSMAN FLUTE-Arm strong, excellent TUTORING: Reading & Math Backsplsshes,Repairs Patch GOLF BAG: 10" Spaulding nings We also buy Owner 25+ Yrs Exp. 9OB-322-7O34 Free Est. 964-5164 SOFAS CHAIR: Jennifer Con- cond, hardly used, asking OLO or ANTIQUE FURN In Your Home, 10 yrs puOiic Profl, Cord/Choc/Ciiognac, REFRIGERATOR-Maytag, Glass, China, Any unusual Finance Mortgage Notes. FtSP vertible full size sleeper sofa, white side by side model # $300.608-964-743B sch sx. NJ cert K-8 & HS matri. Pastel mulli color fabric w exccond. $225.908-B89-1962 items. House Sales by Nancy. Capital Resources CARPENTRY 875 RSW2400EAE. 25 CU ft, 36" 272-5056 or 233-8157 1-80O-33B-5815. __ MAdegree 908-272-5315. CERAMIC TILE 905 CLEAN-UPS & /matching seafoam grsen color HIP SLED/LEG PRESS - with widex68"tiigh, brand new, lists chr. Askg $800; 908-497-0450 weights, 1 yr old. orig $1200, #1 ALL TYPES CARPENTRY HAUUNG $1300, asking $1000. Call MINT CONDITION Ofaedltnce Triinino 635 DEBT CON SOLI DATIONS Cut Expert Craftsman. Otiai Work ATLAS TILE INSTALLATIONS 915 asking $750.908-755-5736 Mika 908-604-4903 monthly payments up to SOFA & LOVESEAT- Perfect PIANO For Sale with bench. BATHROOMS 870 25t yrs. Robert 908-276-2003 Ceramic • Granite • Marble *K-9 OBEDIENCE* 30-50% Reduce interest. Stop 11AAA CLEANUP - House- condition, floral. $650/obo. IBM COMPATIBLE $295: We Excl Cond/Like New. $1400/bo Installations* Repairs WestfiefsJ. Guaranteed collection calls. Avoid hold or constr., debris removal 908-754-3215 also buy & repair computers, REFRIGERATOR Frigidaire Call 973-376-4701 #1 SEE 608-764-8909 low rate, free est. 232-5146 monitors, printers, drives & SidebySide,25Cu.FI., wtiile. ResultsI Call 908-689-8566 bankruptcy FREE confidential BATHTUB & TILE PIANO The "Carpentry Specialist" SOFA & LOVESEAT Contem- boards. 90B-464-7496. 6 mos old, mint. $1250 help NCCS non-profit, licensed RESURFACING CRAFTSMAN-Ceramic tile & 1-2-3 CLEAN UPS-We take' porary, brown/beige/black, Large beautiful antique upright Peti 5 years warranty. Iree esti- Home Improvements from attic 908-497-0406 after 7pm. /bonded 1-60O-955-0412 marble. 40+ yrs exp Kitchens, anything$119TRUCKLOAD ! $2S0/bo Call 9QB-272-Q92S KITCHEN CABINETS piano, $1000,90B-317-0684 (TPP). . mates. Call 908-756-5351. to basement. Int/Ext. Reas, re- $50 Buys any pup In 41 Puppy liable, fully ins. Call Sam The baths, foyers, etc. Free est. Includes loading & dumping 70% Off List. Lowest Prices! SOFA: Tan Camelback- Roiled REFRIGERATOR - Whirlpool, House. N.J. Largest Selection Perfectionist. 90B-273-836O Call Antonio 90S-276-7699. MidranoBros, 908-574-8816 Free Delivery & Estimates side by side. 25 cubic ft, white, 625 of $50 Pups. MC/VISA Open MONEY TO LEND- Credit arms, bun seat. Sharp, good Cabinet Restoration & Problems? Debt Consolida- HOMECRAFT REMODELING AAA-AL'S CLEAN UP Cellars cond,S25Q9QB-362-5673 6 mos. old, mint cond. $1250. 1AAACA$Hforrecords,mags, September 13 & 14, Hours Custom Layout & Design MIKE MUSSO CERAMIC Refacing Availabla Call 908-497-0406. after 7pm, 10-5. JP O'Neill Kennels. US tions? Apply for a Mortgage CARPENTRY & ROOFING Gamges. Etc, We Remove It KITCHEN EXPRESS dolls, radios, toys, coins, banks over the phone, 24-hour-a- Refs, Free Est. Insured Repair. Ceiling & floor porches, Tile Installed. Repairs & fle- All. We're Cheapest! Visa/MC General Merchandise MB & lighters. 908-654-6686 Highway #1 Princeton, N J op- Call Joe 908-322-8288 grouting. 908-352-1936 aft 5 1-60O-905-3980 SERVING ISLAND: 24«S4 posila Hyati Hotel. day! No Hassle. Private. US Steps, paint. 908-356-9020. 201-777-8586/342-6020 A FISHING TACKLE Colleclor Mortgage Corporation movable. White cab. w/oak b. Wa ask our rMdtrs that ire COMPUTERS • Fully Loaded LEADBETTER Swing Trainer want! lo buy old, rods, reels, 1-600-8660358. a. top, $250:906-381-6522 ••Ding or giving away an PENTIUM MUX Computers, /exerciser asking $175. Call lures, catalogs. 909-233-1654 Complete With Software & 15* 908-755-5731. animal to pitas* ask qu«s- THE Home Loan You Need - SOFA, loveseat w/lhrow tlon* («cr««n) th« potential Monitor, Starling at $1625... pillows, good cond. $200. Alter ALL LIONEL, tves, Flyer & When Other Lenders Turn You MATTRESS & BOXSPRING oth*r trains, Top prices paid, owntri. Checking rttoren- FREE Delivery & Sel-up... 5pm, 908-574-1884 Down! Call Fairbank Mastercard or Visa Accepted.., 13" |umbo orthopaedic 800-464-4671/201-629-1006 cet and identification Is a Mortgage, problem-credit pillowtop. Reg $700 per set. way to stcura tha futura of Calf Toll-Free 1-888-624-2372 STAIRMASTER 40COPT, 1 specialists for 35 years. Cus- Speciui at $299 per set for full ALWAYS BUYING Postcards the animal. For furttwr Info To Get Yours Now. year old. orig $2400, asking tom p rograms for any situation- or queen, Delivery available. Sheet Music. Radios, TVs. contact: $1500. Call 90B-7S5-5736 including no-income verifica- 908-68B-6177 Camerae. Toys, Military, Pens. START, at 201-785-1245 tion, bankruplcy. Quick ap- COMPUTER: Toshiba, Lap- WorWs Fair, e!c. 272-5777 top, 405CS (like new> 76MHZ MOVING-Unlted Freezer, up- TREADMILL DP Concourse K tTTY'S & CATS Need homes provals & closings. 800-346- Pentium, 772MBHD diskette right, Industrial, exc cond. 2-10 hp, elec Incline, heart rale ANTIQUES S USED FURN Immd. Neutered & shots! LOAN ext. 413. NJ Lie 141 BO. drive. 14.4 modem. 4x CD S350.908-889-1775 mon. $250 (906)464-0690 Old dnrm/bedrm sets 1800's SAVEAUFEI 973-379-6373 ROM, Win 95, carrying case, to 1950. Indiv pcs, glassware, Nordic Track Walklit Exerciser SEVEN (7) Kittens free lo good INVEST $5DO$500Q $600:908-232-7256 WASHER, $75. Dryer, $75. hOUS« contents. 908-647-1959 homes. All have had 1st vacc Treadmill Model 4000, mint Stove, $75 Refrigerator, $150. FOR 2 YEARS COMPUTER: Used laptop cond, $250; 906-273-6539 BOOKS-OLD SETS-Singles and worming. Call Boulevard Can deliver Color console TV Veterinary Clinic /desktop IBM compatible. $100. Pis call 722-6329. Autographs, old postcards, old Super Deal 90B-245-7737. REFRIGERATORS, Washers, mags, antiques. 908-272-3999 908-276-1661 For Details Call Dry ers & Stoves-$79 & up. Siberian Husky-Free to gd Kathryn Hoffman CFO OIANT Moving Sale. Pool Delivery avail. A-1 Furniture, WASHER/DRYER Whirl/GE DRUM, CYMBALS, Per- electric, Lrg capacity. Great hma.8 mo old, papers, shots, Alliance Information Group Talbes Plus, Route 22 East. Rte. 22 west. Hillside, next to cussion, Wanted. Call Richard hse-brkn. Josfe .908-889-2083 GraenbrooK.80B-B68-8gg8 Shop-Rite. (908) 688-6177 condl $ 150 (908)464-0690 201-635-1918 TWO (2 YRS,( old cats, 201-989-6769 Aoirtffltnti U nrf urn tsh B d 405 Aairtmtnb Unfumlihed 405 toirtmentt Jnlumithtd 405 IK spayed, declared and fully SEE vaccinated. Meed to go to a CLASSIFICATION 270 lood home together. Mittens & FOR CHILD CARE ADS Socks. Very sweel. Call Boulevard Veterinary Clinic Ertlertiinnunt SOTICM 755 90B-276-1661 New '98 Volvo SP€Clftl OFFCft* $550 • JEFFREY HEART DJs» •98 Volvo iuilnwOtPOrtunlllti 650 Wedding * All Occasions • 1-B88-267-3535* AWNING/CANVASS S-E JOHNNY THE CLOWN-Crazy Off & shop space In sign shop. 1 Bedroom ftpts fun for your nexi party. Bun- Auto, Cokl Wealtef Rg. A/C, Cloth fnl, 2 LOADEOI Auto. P/SGrfW/US. Lock Dltli. VS ml QSP. 908-245-8579 nies-Belly Laughs-574-9361 Front/Side Air Bags. SIPS. P/S/BAMks. Unr. lm Pwr. sunroof. 2 ftorwSde Air Bags. *0n a 12 Mo. Lease - Last 8 Mos. $691 or $707 H ATE MLM? Hate Sales? Hate AMTM Stereo Cass. Tracs « more! MSRP Cold Weather Pkg, At P/Ant. Tit & Cmisa. Scams? Me tool FInallyl An In- 771 S29.3W. WW W142990O. 6201 Demo MSRP$36.005. WWWI123721. 36Mo. , New Tenants Only credible service that allows In- miles. 36 Mo. closed-end lease w/S2684.3i lease VWS32W5O cash (town t credible profits! No aelllngl Full body. No appt nee. L on Ex cash down 11st mo pyt » SJ50 ref sec dep 1st mo. pyt. < £350 rel sec dep • S495 acq Listen to my 3 mfrtuts record- 131 oflPkwy. Fronts rearpkg. t K95 act). lae due a) incept. Tax & MVertra. fee due »t incept Tax S UV extra. R«B. 7 days, 10-10.90B-388-O707 Rftld: $18,962.29- incept II: S367B3I. II $20,522.85. Incept tt S443J.5O. Tl pyts: Ingl (972)283-5332. Life De- pyis:!£964. Lease tl.S12.3OT.3l. SI2.564. Lfaiet! S16»35<1 sign. Dept 4643, 6942Abrams BROOKSIDE GARDEN APTS. Rd, Dallas. TX 75231, TUTORING 4 LOCAL CANDY ROUTE. 30 INSTRUCTION 825 &"' New Upgraded Kitchen On-Site Management Vending Machines. Earn apx, SBOO/day. All for $9,935. Call A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE : Quality Appliances Small Pets Allowed ($25) 1-800-99B-VEND. Introductory flying lessons $40 TAKE Advantage of the Econ- plus. Gill cart, available. Laundry Facilities New Thermopane Windows omy. Useyourknowtedge. Use PRINCETON AIRPORT. Open our system. Use our solutions dally 7days/wk.609-921-3100 24 Hr. Emerg. Maintenance Hardwood Floors to btgin the road to llnanclal Independence. Follow our pro- MmlciHitilnictloiti 7JS cess GUARANTEED PROFIT f Off Street Parking Includes Heat & Hot Water or MONEY BACK. Call 1-88B-56B-653O Ext. 655 Mul- vv. 129 Mercer St., Somerville, NJ Ipte Technologies. mmm :lH»clitS«rvic« If MM PMftH pMWlVf BMC 855 KMr CASH Immediate $$ for 908-725-2909 structured settlements end de- ferred Insurance claims. J.Q. Hrs. Mon-Fri: 8-5 - Tues and Thurs until 7 - Saturday 10-3 Wentworth 1.688-231-5375. 8082339409

CENTURY SKYLARK \* Or, An. P/S. P/B, AC. (W. I CORSICA UJMINA EURO I P/L, »1«reo c»s. 69,894 mlbs. I

•UYi FORM ^588 JZ985 MOS •BJai^l FOR 48 "IDS': •M^ MOS BERETTAGT ,k BONNEVILLE |Ve. P/S, P/B. A/C, 6 cyl, rr I St r. tilt. «pw*r. 71,570 I talks. Vln #PY1OS49£.

FOR 48 FOR 48 MOS •182 MOS BLAZER 2DR CORSICA JIG 4X4, A/T. P/S. P/B, A/E, rr doff, PAV, • 4UH * a * *yi, *'. *£> P'S- f^. P^- ^ I Am/Fm (IIIH an, ttfitel coraoli. n (kh, lilp SKYLARK CAVALIER P/L, Am/Fin )ta«D. 69.511 miles. RIG SAVINGS yin'N012yi'N012B15B 2 I OB.taits ir IW?JI32 m*5.V«ifTTC3<3JS "BUY I I BUY'

FOR 60 *147 MOS CAVALIER LS CAVALIER TRACKER 94 CHEVY ~ Auto 4 cyl P/S.IVtf.lVCA.WfMSItreo.Dial % CHEVY lOWHILtaUKMW! WT, P/S, P/B. 4 cyl, WC rr (!«fr. I {tjl, i spi, AnVTm jlerso. P(S. P(B, alloy Air B«s, Rut Dtl. Fir Ui\y W WpMt. ^mffm slstea. ilr bag. 20,446 miles. I wNs, Ontr4!33 raltv V.n (SC9M13) «.45*milti. Vm H7226633. CAMARO SPORT, LUMINA yin#TSB13B87, • IME=\A/ BUY! BUY > 10485 CHEVY BJW-a FOR 60 FOR 60 FOR 60 MOS MOS •15B MOS 1B8 BLAZER 4X4 4 "" ffl.095 ""1/ NISSAN Htghback bucket seals, 5300 Ib GVWR, Vortex _jfclll MO! 4300 V6 cno, 4spd A/T trans, till, sprj control, fl ALTIMAGXE luggage lack.AnvFm slBreocass.fr split loCdirtg % CHI VY ... . P/S, P/B. 7 pass A/T. P/S, P/B, P/W, P/L, seat, blackwall tires. MSRP $28,271. Vln Lease I |A/C, Bloroo coss, P/W, A/C storoo. 2B.6QO tnllos. P/L. Vln #ST13917G. Vin #NC128GQ7. IV22553B0. Total pyts: $10,05984 Inept «• for .SMARI EXT. WCN ^2979.44. Lease II: $12,759.84. 36 mo t mo. BUY *Q.8B5 *|3285 FOR 60 FOR 60 *221 MOS MOS NEW NEW "8'•13,905 '97 CHEVY FOR 60 '97 CHEVY MOS JIMMY SLS 2.2L SFI 4 cyl eng, 3 21B JIMMY Spd Auto, cloth bucket A/T, 6 cyl. 4x4 A Dr. A/C. A/T, e cyl, 4dr, 4x4, P/W, CAVALIER 2DR 4 spd AH", V6, rr P/W, PA, 37.1 B2 mllOE. P/L. A/C, 33,984 mllDB. seats, doc IT defr, radi- LUMINA4PR Vln #52500704. Vln #SKJ17557. al tires, slereo/- buy defr, A/C, P/S, cass/clock, (Ir mats, BUY I P/B, P/W, P/lks, dual visor vanity mirr, for ml ?!!i Sl"t!> tl51' *"• Ollis« * •18,595 int wipers. Vin 13.499 Am/Fm stereo. 999 "»rf lltimUu VrM^ VK2I9211 FOR 60 #V7342421. MSRP buy Vin #V1145903. 85 MOS mo. for •348 ^£13,732, for 60 mos. $17,835. 175 36 mo t mo. FOR 60 MOS FOR 60 •5SP MOS BSO ROUTE SeW. METUCHEN -47OO

• i yp * AtwteftomEUKm • 5Mhutes Rm rVtodt

For your convenience, to cancel your classified ad 24 hours a day, 24 HOUR OAHOELLATIQHUHE SIMPLY CALL LL September 12, 1997 Record-Press B-9 CLEAH-UPS4 CLEAN-UPS & CLEAN-UPS & DECKS & PATIOS 930 ELECTRICAL 945 HOME KITCHENS 1035 MASONRY 1065 PAINTING I TREE SERVICE 1155 HAULING 915 HAULING 915 HAULING RONSON ELECTRIC 915 IMPROVEMENTS 1015 KITCHEN TUNE UP PAPERHAWING G, MURPHY TREE SERVICE • DECKS UNLIMITED All types of electrical work. BRAVO Masonry-Steps, 1075 • Restorations » Ftelinishing walks, patio brick pavers, trpl & We build al! types of decks Lie .#5532, Insured - Free est. AAA HOME IMPROVEMENT All Tree Care-Stump Removal • BARGAIN CLEAN-UP CLEAN UP & LIGHT HAUL- JUNKREMOVAL • Wood Relating • foundations. 908-322-1689 PAINTING 4 PAPERING ~irewood $120 Cord Delivered Allies. Basements, Garages All work guaranteed 10 yrs 25 yrs exp. 908-752-5683. Spec in kit. bath, bsmt, decks. Int. 4 Em. Quality work. ING of all types. Free esti- Attics- Basements-Yards Free Est. Ins. 908-276-8377 Free est, ins. 906-654-3540 Call 908-755-1977 Free Est. 245-6423 Lite Hauling. 908-686-0576 mates. Insured. Low rates 7 Call Joa 287-1281 DINIZO&SON $85/rm, $20/roll. Why pay HOME CRAFT REMODELING more? 909-707-9872. day service. Call Toll Free Wash away Dirt, Grime. FLOORS 970 LAWN CARE 4 CONTRACTORS. All .CLEAN UP SERVICE. 1-688-781-5600. Mildew, Tree sap Bestcomm. Baths-Kilchens/Countertops Masonry work. Free Est. WALLPAPER 1173 • •& DEMOLITION — DECKS & PATIOS 930 grade sealer on the market for •ALL COUNTIES FLOORING Bsmts-Decks & Wood Porches LANDSCAPING 1040 908-889-5771 Free Est. Ins. 908-322-8288 PLUMBING 1065 WALLPAPER BY DONNV All Types of Clean Ups & Demo CLEAN-UPS BY RICK decks 3yr wrnty 628-4204 Installation, Sand & Refinish 23 YRS. Experience Attics»Basemenls»Garages Staining. Free Est. Ins'd • BEST PRICES • MASON CONTRACTORS Barman Pltimb/Htg-Drairt Basamenis, garages, attics. Classic Decking • HOME OWNERS*' Steps, Sidewalks Painting & Plastering Lowest RalesaFres est. No We rent all size dumpsters. Comrn/Rasi. 908-356-5008 Absolutely Free Referrals Yard maintenance, design, cleaning/repairs. D. Barman 908-272-3632 job loo Big or Small! 249-9103 custom crarted decks, very DRIVEWAY 940 1-80O-734-5O08 landscaping, trea service. Patio, Chimney Repairs Plumbing Lie »4396. 667-4648 908-273-7063 teas, rates. 908-756-8655 for all kinds of approved 35 years experience CONTRACTORS in NJ Yardscape 908-233-5816 WALLPAPERING BY FEMI- • EAGLE FLOORS • Insured. Free Est • NATALE PLUMBING/HTG NINE TOUCH-Reasonabie Asphalt Driveways Sand/Hefinish Hdwd Floors HOME IMPROVEMENT • BONACCORSO NURSERY No Job Too Big or Small BYPFEIFER Call Dean Koep rates. Prompt service. Freo es- 322-7115 & 1-80O-675-O212 RESOURCE SERVICES Landscape Construction 90B-9O3-1O26 or 757-7421 908-322-4298 Dennis Natale 233-5857/ 685-5B43 1-800-551-4477 timates. No job too small. Interlocking Pavers, Patios Plumbing Lie* 5322 Call 231-0282 RR Ties* Curbing Driveways & Walks. Block & FUEL TANK • MR. DO RIGHT*' • RALPH MARINA • Backhoe & Bulldozing Selling? Renovating? Moving? RR Tie Walls. Maintenance & MOVING & PLUMBINGS HEATING WINDOWS I DRIVEWAY SEALING SERVICES 975 Call me for atl your work. Exp. Excavating. SO8-382-49B9 STORAGE Water heater, oil & gas boils r GARAGE SALE, painter, spackling, tile, porch & 1070 Deck Water Sealing & TANK ABANDONMENT re LANDSCAPING repair & installation. Resl & SCREENS 1190 Powerwashing, Quality Work screen repair. Storm doors In- Lawn & shrub maim., mowing, SCHAEFER MOVING Comm. Emergency Service. moval & install, lie, ins'd. stalled. Master of the small REPLACEMENT Vinyl Double Call 908-526-7478 Best prices. aO0-583-TANK. fertilizing, thatching, yard 2 Hf Minimum. Very Low Rates Fuel Oil Delivery. NJ Plumbing Berkeley Hghts jobs, 909-96S-7540 cleanups. Jed: 753-6742. Lie *PM 00561. Ins. Free Est Lie #10003.908-686-8972 Hung Windows. Free Esl. Call Mountainside Scotch Plains TANK REMOVAL & TESTING DRIVEWAY SEALING VERSAILLES RENOVATION 908-964-1216 anytime 908-560-3953 or 560-3888 From $290. Environmental SCHNEIDER PLUMBING 106 Robbins Ave (off Spring- 1140 Summit Lane: Sat Sept Collegiate Sealers will apply a French man does painting & LAWN RENOVATION • MOVING SALE V Remediation. 732-692-8707 State license 4675. Service, 1305 held) Ff-Sa., 9/12-13, 9-5. Blip 13, Sun Sept 14,9am-5pm. HH thick coating by hand. Top Soil-TilUng-Thatching riding mower/catcher, spreadr 2262 Beechwood PI, Mtn Ave Free Estimates. carpentry. 201-377-2137 PAINTINGS. Rarnod Repairs. Est. 1916. items, books etc. Great stud Aeration-Seed-FertiSizer 908-668-0136. HONDA 1986 Gold Wing SEI, Sears electric mower+ more to Evergreen Glvd to 908-429-4170 GARDEN SUPPLIES 990 Free Est. 903-276-6895 PAPERHANGIN6 1075 41K mi, loaded, exc cond. 365 CENTRAL AVE • Sat/Sun. Beechwood. Sat-Sun Sept HOME! OFFICE $6000. Call 732-382-1892 CLARK 13-14, 9-3pm. HH items. GIORDANO PAVING CO. MULCH/STONE: P-Up or del. 9/13 & 14, 9-2. Multi-Family! • BARTELLBULK* CLEANING 1020 Relall/wholesaia. Eagle Fence 1-A Richard's Painting POOLS & SPAS 1090 HH itams, clothing, toys, etc. furniture, toys, clothing, etc. Asphault & Concrete Top Soil, Mushroom Soil. Campers t RVs 1320 5RUNNYMEDERd-9/12& 13, Contractors lor over 25 yrs. 8. Supply 1-800-262-3245 Experienced. Int/Ext. Very 9-3, Multi-lam; Antiques, HH & Stone, Quarry Dust, Wai! CLEANING reasonable. Free Est. Fully BAYSIDE POOLS, INC. 40 YEARS of Treasures to MOVING SALE-Sat 9/6 Only. Free Est. Fully Ins. Stone. Grinnell Block, RR (Your own personal maid • me) • FALL CLEANUPS • Liners/Concrete Decks/Acid RV MARKETPLACE baby items. Rain or Shine 201 -374-7536/ 908-687-1711 Ins. 24 lit answering serv. Trinkets. Man's suits, women's 9am-3pm. 440 Warren St. (Otl Ties& Firewood. House/apt/condo/otfice Lawns Rosoodod-Feriilizod 732-499-9234 Railway Wash Paint. Expert Laak NEW-USED-LEFTOVERS CHATHAM clothes. 92 5Vi shoes. Elec- Mtn. Ave.) Misc. Everything! Battell Bulk Olv. Gen/special projects. Avail Lime-Weekly Maintenance Detection. No Job Too Small, Special for 1 si time Buyers trolux vac. appls. Fri. & Sat. PATERNO PAVING P. Mazzilli 908-232-9146 A&P PAINTING-Wall cover- Free Estimates. 908-757-0518 •Sept 26,27,28 Curbing & Sidewalks 654-1566 or 388-1581 days/eves/wkends. Exrels, 32'Lafayette Ave, Thurs-Fri- 9/12-13. 9-4pm. 334 Short Dr So. Plainfield 90B-298-19B2. ings & plaster. 30 years experi- Rockland Community College Sat-Sun Sept 11-12-13-14, Free Est. Call 245-6162 • FREE WOOD CHIPS • T & R LANDSCAPING ence. 908-245-2331 Sulfflrn, NY Thruway Exit 14B 8-5. indoor/outdoor turn, pool New Providence * MULTI FAMILY BOO Valiay St. immediate Delivery DO YouNeed Help In Cleaning Reas. prices. Lawn maint. top POWER WASHING 1093 • SEALCOATING Your House? I'll Help You soil, MULCH $16 yd. stone, CARLOS VALVERDE PAINT- access, clothes, art. Furn, excer equip, something Schmiede Tree Expert Co POWERWASHING Boilt t Motors 1330 Wedgewood, lots more. By R.F. Landscaping 908-322-9109 Call 90B-575-9652 cleanups, removals, planning, ING-lnt/Ext. Rositfl/Comm'l. lor everyone. 9/13 9-4pm. Decorative, repairs, carpentry, RK Kleaning. house, decks, 16' Deep-V (Tight) Nordic Call with square footage for Do You need Someone to sod, shrubs. Sml bk hoe, MOVING SALE-760 River Rd, Springfield * price quota. 908-276-6895 stumps, chipperserv.de! avail. plastering 8, sanding. Fully patios, driveways. Free Est, Crestlmer Aluminun Fishing GUTTERS* clean your Home orOtlice? Re- ins'd. Frea est. 201-669-8123. 908-248-4114 Boat $650. 908-272-6978. Sai Sept 13,9-2. Housewares, «*> UNIQUE <*> liable, Exc. Ref's. Own Transp. Insured, We return all calls. toys, books. Beanie Baby wall 466 Central Ave, Sal 9/13 & 369-5590 M. ROMANO 4 SON LEADERS 1000 Non-Smoker. Call at lleana CHHISTADORE Aulomotiva Strvlcei 1380 hanging, some crafts, etc. Sun 9/14, 10am- No Early 50 New Brook Lane (off So. 908-598-0654 /beep 261-2137 ROOFING 1100 Birds. This sale has every- Springfield Ave), Fri-Sat Paving-Driveways-Curbing 11ACLEAN GUTTER PAINTING CRANFORD Prof'l Painting. Reas BUMPER TO BUMPER thing. Pool tbl lights, bar signs, Sept 12-13, 9:30-4. Moving Belgium Block-Buck Pavers All Debris Bagged From Above EUROPEAN WOMAN-Home A. BALESTRO ROOFING Mobile detailing. End ol sum- T's, & HH items & much more. Sale, sofa, lamps, chairs, RR Ties-Walks-Patlos Gutters Flush Cleaned /office cleaning, babysitting, Nobody Covers II Betterl Roofing & repairs, gutters. sld Free powerwash w/ext job mer claanup. Prep ol vehicle to tables, 9 pc Hiichkock din set, All Types of Concreto Work Quality Serv. Peas Prices. Ins help foraldarly. 908-486-1069 ing, vinyl windows. 687-1864 II• . unmtiiti it 'ft Free ost.Fullylns. 876-1127 be sold, end of lease cleanup, 52 Charnwood Rd. off Passaic dinner serv lor 8, crystal, statue Free Est. 26 Yrs Exp Landmark Management HOUSE CLEANING M & S ROOFING- Shingles bach-to-school, carpool. Hand- Collect, HH, carpet, tools, St. Fri, Sail Sun, Sept 12,13, on pedestal, kit set, rettig, den Weslfield 654-5803 Experienced & Trustworthy EXTERIOR/INTERIOR Paint- slate, gutters & tar jobs. washing, Interioi shampoo, ciltig,|ewelry, lurs & more. 471 & 14,9-3. Many things. (urn, 40's art deco bedrm set, 908-789-2293 Thorough Cleaning-Rel's. ing-Also gutters/carpentry. Free est. 908-753-0270 gentle orbital polishing & wax- Srookslde Ct, Sal 9/13 & Sun oak bedrm set, chest, antique Free est. 908-486-1069. HANDYMAN 1505 Affordable 4 Reliable NHI Flat Roof System Special ing, complete detailing. Quality 9/14,9-4 No early birds 66 FOURTH ST • Sat, 9/13, dressers, bric-a-brac. First Cleaning V; Price service al your door! 740-1192 9-4. Toys, Clothes, Ap- FROSTY'S PAINTING tzing in rubber, roll, mop KENILWORTH * ELECTRICAL 945 • HANDYMAN • Free est. Call Kim 752-4843 iancas. Furniture, Books, ate. SUMMIT Int/Ext. Reasonable Rates No downs, UV seal coaling. Best Autoi For Silt 131$ AIIWofkFromAtoZ HOUSECLEANER MASONRY job loo small. Fully Ins. CALL comm. grade material in the 303 North Michigan Ave. (off Rl ABLE ELECTRIC Painting Specialist 106S Exp'd-Refs-Own transport GARY AT Market, 15yr Wrnty. 62B-42D4 ACURA 1986 Legend 90k mi, 22 G) 10am-4pmSept 13& 14 Quality work 276-8692 Call 908-322-7189 FRI/SAT 9/12 & 9/13, Rain 9 Call {908)965-0514 A-1 WAYNE P. SCOTT 908-815-1933 excellent condition, asking Lotto! orcat itflrnsf No oarivs 688-2089 Lie. 11500 LiNDEN-30 YALE TERB.-(Off /19 A 9/20. Antiques, collec- JAMES COTTON III Quality Masonry services. $5000, 908-273-9441 tibles, sterling, china, fuke box, HOUSE CLEANING- Exper, Free estimates. Relerences, INTERIOR PAINTING & SHEETROCK! Linden Wood Ave.} Fri-Sat-Sun. ALK Electric Contractor PAINTING & refs avail, own transportation. too much to list. 21 Wallace Rd. HOMEIMPROVMENTS Insured. 43 years a family busi- Wallpapering plus odd jobs. ACURA 1993 Integra GS, 40K, 9/12-13-14, 9am.6pm. Anti- Resl-Comm, No extra charge 90B-756-7440 after 3pm, SPACKLING 1120 2 dr, 5 spd, blk, sunrl, exc cond, 20+YRSEXP. 732-545-0906 ness. Every job a specialty. Cal! 908-241-8754 619 Rosewood Terrace off ques, 1 urn, bikes & much more. WESTFIELD lor eves & wkend. Free Est. ti 1.500,908-273-0544 Stiles 51, Frl/Sat 9/12-13. Ins. US #9732.908-755-4030. Call 908-968-5230 J P. PAINTING PATCHES TO WALLS HOUSEWASWNG 1025 INSURED ACURA 1994 lntegra-5spd, 9am*5pmf HH itsms/furn/fflns * Scotch Plains * ALL TYPES OF MASONRY Quality Work at Low P ricas HILLTOP ELECTRIC HOME CALL 908-868-0249 blk, ac/pw/amfm cas9. great METUCHEN * 535-536 COLEMAN PL. • 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE • Free est. 20 yrs. exp. lie. & Ins. 13 Yrs Exp. Ins'd. Free Est. HOUSE SALE 1480 Perrill Rd. 2 FAM. MOVING/YARD, Sat Ceiling Fans, Service Up- IMPROVEMENTS 1015 WASH YOU R HOUS E TODAY 908-298-06B0 "FBUX Finishes" Ext/lnt PROFESSIONAL FINISHER cond S9800/bo. 908-654-5435 9/12 to 9/14, 9-4, turn, small 9/13, 9am-4pm: A/Cs, drk rm grades, Post lights. Free Est. Specialists, 908-632-9362 Special izlrg-taping & spackl- 8tri ANNUAL TOWN-WIDE • 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE CALL 908-232-7466 BCOLANDREA ACURA 1995 INTEGRA, 5spd appliances, boating euipment, equip, furn, guitars, baby 732-968-4040 Uc# 11373 ing. Since 1977,906-B55-B9B7 black, snri.lulty loaded, 1Bk mi. '••• GARAGE SALE Complete Remodeling CAPITOL RESTORATIONS Patios* Walks* RR Ties • OLD GUY PAINTINGS SUNDAY. SEPT. 14lrt, 9-4 lawn & garden equipment & items, toys, SNintendo & cart, $14,900. Call 201-467-4796 books, clothes, MORE...No Inter-County Electric, Inc. Sheetrock-Spackte-Trim Professional Powerwashing Brick Pavers* Driveway- Need Interior Palming? Rain or Shine. Look for houses collectibles. Cash only, 20 all types of electrical work years accumulation. early birds, R/D 9/14, DoorsWi ndows-SlrJIng Deck Specialist- 15 yrs exp Sealing* Retaining Walla Call The Old Guy TOPSOIL- GRAVEL t ACURA 1996 Integra LS27K marked with balloons. Lie #13970 B08-382-2242 Free Est. 908-561-1291 Mike Seal & Repair 90B-903-9030 9O8-340-04B4 FREE EST 908-769-8971 auto, 4dr, all pwr., mnrf, ex SAND 1150 COnd $16,987. 908-232-1972 • BONACCORSO NURSERY ACURA 1988 Integra 2 dr, Top Soil-Stone* Mulch manual, ps/ac/am/lm cass, — COME VISIT OUR CHEVROLET OPEN HOUSE! Mo Delivery Charge. 362-498! $2500 neg. 908-771-07B4

APR < Ifiotce tfAPXQRY <

vv o R



S FE '3627 WE 4288 '1564 ON A NEW 1997 CHEVY ONANEW1997GEO ON A NEW 1997 CHEVY ON A NEW 1997 GEO 4X4 S10 EXT, CAB LS SPOffTSAE 4X4 PICKUP I TRACKER CONVERTIBLE 4X4 CAVAUER COUPE Std equip ncl: 4 cyl, rw sinwfcrks, t/gfs, luB spare, b/e mirrs. dual air Skf. «quf> inct pwi ilmjtuk!, t'gls. Opt. equip, inct 4.3L VS. autoOD tans, Stf equip iret 4 eyi, pw smatrki tgis, b's mitts, M spare. bcHs. Sspdman Std. equip incr. 4 cyl. pwr. sling! trts, ASS, dual an bags, cloth, Of* euw w\. bags. Oti. equip, mci. mats, b/s mtdos. AIR, auto locking hubs, auto AIR, sktarAnind,*/! lies, tS,crutS8, IS decoi. a)um.*,casstlle,Stkl5829HT, trans. Opt. ew «l: *1R, custom strpe. &S.I5922HT, VIN.IY5926305, MSRP auto trans, AIR, eri. ap? pkd, cass, r/del, V% mJdgs, in w:p. stripo, del., OD trans. Slk. I5777HT, VINJV69O2O36, MSRP $17,765. H mo. VIN.IV3I54629, MSRP 119,652. Ind. $15M lacl. rebate (MOO Recent Coll. S1S.62S. incl. $3600 lactor^ lebale & $400 GUAC Recent CoJiegs Grad rebate Sik I£»B, VIN JV7 \tm. MSRP SI 3,987. IncJ $500 Factofy rebate I (400 closed end lease w/12krai/yf; (5e ihefeaBw. J4M0 cust cash = dewm Grad lebate if quaJ. 36 ma dosed end lease vIM local mi; IU Ihereallsr. $3SM i qua!. 24 mo. closed end lease w/12k mty; 15c theceaRet. S4000 cust cash GMAC tecenl col orsd rebate \i quat)". 2» rw closed end lease w/38,000 MT.nl, I si pymrJ, $ 150 nl sec dep, $400 bank fee = i5090 27 due at cust cash, 1400 Recent College OVad Rebate (rt qiuij"«down pni. 1st = dewnpymm, !sl wmnt, JI50 SK dep. MM bank let = $4671,22 due it IfM mi; !k ttiereafler. S35OO eusi cash, (500 Isctory relate = dmn pymnt, lease signing. Tllpymnls:$336e.48.Ttl. Cost: $845675. Purch. opi at py

$ SA1 SAVE '2782 SAVE 1967 SAVE 45: ON A NEW 1997 GEO ON A NEW 1997 CHEVY ON A NEW 1997 CHEVY ON A NEW 1997 CHEVY METRO LSI 4 DR G25OO EXT. CARGO VAN ASTRO CARGO VAN MONTE CARLO COUPE , ShJ #fiQ rel 4 cyl, pwr bfk;, dual air ta;s. f-j's. FM), cfeHfi ttkls, Irto ir seal, l Std. equip inch pwr strng/brks, t/gls, b/e Std equip incl: V-6, aulo OD trans, pwr Std. equip V-6, auto OD trans, pwt stingfakj, Vrjls, AIR, tilt, pm dual outside mirrs. Od equip ireUuto tans, mats. AIR p*f sling, .iM.W.w wind/loch, dual air bags, ABS, cass. Opl. equip incl: bckis, r/rJol, ' »»3 rtlpjmis K397.35.11 Cost-J63B4.11 Purch. rebate. pymnls: {4567,20. Ttl. Cost: $6332.50. Purch.opt a! lease end: opt al lease end: 1670415. Lessee tesp !oi eicess wear 1 leai. S1500 factory8.987 rebate. 1 $16,697 l#1907J16,728l@512,986,40. Leswe resp lorcjcmi woat S taar. s99"4s10 SUPER SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR AAA MEMBERS lUItMUl "tit I Looking kmtumhmml JMrflfflllZMimUlll for a 1991 GEO STORM GSi 4DR 1995 BUICK REGAL CUSTOM 40fl 1991 P0NTIM GRAND AM LE COUPE 1994 BUICK LeSABRE 4DR 1992 BUICK PARK AVE V-6, auto OD trans, pwr 2 dr, 4 cyl, auto OD trans, pwr, 3800 V-6, auto OD trans, pwr 4 cyl, auto trans, pwr. 4 dr, V-6, auto OD lians, pwrslrng/brks/clual I Btrng/brks/seat/wlnd/locks/Bnt/rnirr, till, strng/brks/wind/lochs, till, cruise, AIR, strng/brks/wlnd/lcoks/mlrr/soal, AIR, l/gls, lilt, Bls/wirid/luchs/lrunK, dual zone AIR, cass, New Car? slrng/brks, t/gls, AIR, cass, r/del, sp. cruise, r/del, cass, nlumwtils, w/w tiies, "13520 r/dol, till, cruise, alum whig, <1G,

Additional County

DODGE • 1993 Intrepid, red CHEVROLET 1978 Impala 4 DODGE 1975 DART ps. auto. FORD 1987 Country Squire .JCCURA 1990 INTEGRALS: BUICK 1978 Riviera, an-CADILLAC 1989 FleetWOOd CHEVY 187BNova,Good end! CHEW 1988 NOVA-S spd, Chevy 1989 Beretta GT 6eyl, AC. "slant 6" eng. 52k orig mi' /gray. 53K, service records, 3-dr, 5 spd, while, sunroof, niversary model, 1 ol 1200 aic, exc cond, NO RUST, 130K dr, 1OOK +. Good Condition, auto, ac, all pwr, am/fm cass. Wagon-9 pass, fully loaded, Coupe, loaded, garaged, new dean, 67K tune-up, muffler Clean! $1,195 Call exc. $9395.906-272-2765 $1700/BO 9O8-6S8-8041 ; reOk, S550D- 908-322-7468. made. 2 dr. mint cond, black & /exhst $1375 908-667-4871 ml,$1300neg.a25-B928 $500/OBO. Call 903-241-5454 57k. S4400/BO 908-241-6228 tires, lo miles. $7500 90a-S55-6815forappUv msg. DODGE Intrepid 1996 4 dr, Acura 1992 Inlegra 41K, 3dr, silver, loaded, $5000 B/O. 908-789-4694 alt 6pm CHEVY 1990 CAPRICE CHEVY 1979 Z23 Camaro: DODGE 1977 WAGON loaded, exel cond, $12,900. FORD 1988 Tempo auto, PB 5spd. clean, all maint records Contact 732-815-9256 CHEVROLET 1979 Caprice- 4 CHRYSLER 1966 TOWN 4 Classic Wagon, auto/ac/rfrack, 34Kofigmi,4spd, 350. 1 Owner. Pb/Ps/Air. Naw tires. Call 908-233-3334. /PS, am/lm, 97k, runs weil S850O 908/233-3179 alt 7 dr, 8 cyl, 78k, p/s, p/b, pta, am garage kept, $6,800/bo: COUNTRY-Wfln new trans BUICK 1984 SKYHAWK 1984 CADILLAC Brougham Stretch 74K ml. $6500 908-276-4692 $1200/OBO 90B-6B6-5367 $1500.908-687-5897 FIAT 1981 SPIDER CONV. $1000/BO, 908-4S4-5084 Great car, exc running cond., Limo 1989-81K mi. fully /1m cass, a/c, new water pump, 908-241 -3296 between 6-8prn AI.FA Romeo 164 aulo 1991 rebuilt eng., good cond, $950. 908-276-660?? loaded, exc cond. $6000. master cyl, starter, brakes, re- CHEVY BAR ETTA QT 1993, DODGE 1986 Colt Vista Wgn: FORD 1969 Taurus GL, 4 dr, • fecyl.4dr , 38k, abs, 200hp, wht cent major tuneup, runs good, C HE V Y1987 Celebrity Wagon CHRYSLER 1989 LE BARON New batt/lires ps/pb a/c 74k S37O0/BO. Call 908688-286? Igtf llhr. heated sts. p/snrf lux 908-561-3963 mint, 6 cyl, 5 Spd. 58K, $6000 loaded, Great cond, must sell, BUICK 1997 LeSabre good $1500/0bo908-686-74B4 /best offer. 908-665-9075 100k, 1 owner, well main- Conv, loaded 75k, grt cond. $1700/bo908-464-O9B3 okg, alwys gar IMMACULATE $4,500/bO 908-317-5413 FORD 1977 T-Bird-ps/pb/pw, $1850.908-273-1186 cond reliable car. must sail, tained, $2000- 908-51B-1562 orig owner, 76K, Gd cond! Gar- J12.3K 201-796-5935, $700/bo. 908-654-7097 CADILLAC 1989 Deville FWD DODGE 1989 DAYTONA full pwr, lilt, cruise, 39K ml, like CHEVY 1979 El Camino runs CHEVY 1994 CAMAROZ28 aged. $1100.908-233-5842 FORD Mustang GT Conv but needs work, $150O. T-Tops, low mi, like new, w/ext CHEVYMONTE SS1988, new CHRYSLER 1990 LeBaron SHELBY-2D* Turbo, all pvvr, Attention Special Rate BUICK 1989 Estate Waoon: new $5990.973-726-7001 350 w/warr. must see. $5900 ac/cass sier/alrm, 107Kmi. 1989-Blk, loaded, 617Kmi| Wheel Deal Advertise rs Call 908-351-4195 warrty. $12.900 201-226-0273 Conv-V6. loaded. 100K hwy FORD 1985 LTD- Loaded, good cond. 94K mi, /ODO.90B-654-31Z0 mi, $3600, 908-574-1519 orig owner, exc cond. $3000 New Brks/Batt/Tires. Pb/Ps/Air $6500/000. 908-272-2109 Ourauto acts are Jesuits driven $5,8Q0/bo; (908)686-8196 CADILLAC 1992 Sedan DeVii- 908-354 0989 (Itaihin iha 21 day period). CHEVROLET 1982 CORVET- $15O0 903-687-5897 days or 906-272-9361 eves le, 34.000 ml, While/blue CHEVY CAPRICE 1993, slat, CHRYSLER - 19B3 LeBaron, 4 FORD 19B9 Taurus SHQ-220 However, should your ad need TE- Burgundy, Auto, T-Tops, leather interior, exc cond+ war- wag. extra seat, P/W, P/S, P/L, dr, silver, 67K, fair cond. $650. FORD 1966 TAURUS MT5. HP. 5 spd. loaded, 31K, $5100 teMrtstalement you need to catl BUICK LeSabre 1989, exc, 60K, Good Cond. $6000/BO. MINT CONDITION ranty $14,500. 906-889-5507. auto level, sec. sys exc. cond, 908-245-5322 Good cond. full pwr. askg or B/0.908-851-2487 eves. -' i'.fiOO-472-0151. Otherwise, cond, 95K highway miles, Call 337-2201 CHEVY 1994 CORVETTE 67K, $10.500.908-233-0666 $675:908-269-1251 aft 5pm you will need to be re-billed. $3990.233-4981, Glass top, all options, special DODGE 1990 Daytoria, auto, FORD 1989 Taurus LX,/4dr CADILLAC 1992 ELDORADO. CHEVY 1982 Corvette 45K seats, Burgundy/Grey. 6.000 CHEVY 1986 Monte Carlo, CHRYSLER • 1987 LeBaron ac, ps/pb, till, am/lm cass, FORD Mustang 1987-Very ( AODi 1984 Qualtro 4000S Bulck 1992 Park Avenue Ultra Dark blue, 43K mi, ftxt wrty. GTS. 5 dr. 67K, good con- good cond. 68K mi, 4 cyl,3 8 V6, ac, pwr snrf, kaylai* Sports Coupe- 5 spd, 4WD, orig. hilly equip, exc cond, orig mi. PERFECT, $26,000. Good trensp. rebuilt trans. white. Exc cond. 4cyl. 71K. entry. $4595.90B-273-77fo»; Beautiful cond., lull pwr, Ithr AsKgS 16,000. 906-362-3336 $14,00Q/bO. 908-687-4849 991 -7235 or 997-3030 Runs ad $1200 906-466-1164 dition. $2500.732-332-3252 $3,995. 843-3166 $2900. Call 90B-245-0403 exc conrJ, 160k, $2400 int., 50k, extended warranty to 908-464-7906 evening 1999, $11,950908-273-8669 CADILLAC 1996 Sedan deVII- CHEVY 1986 Corvette, wht, /908-582-53-IOday le: Loaded wftlue carriage 4+3, mint cond, 1 owner, 80K BUICK 1992 Roadmaaler Lim- 'AUD11996 Cabriolet: Auto, air, roof. Must see. $29,000/0*0. ml, $6000,908-272-6367 ited 60K, blue w/gray Ithr, 908-654-9100 ', ps/pb/pw/pl. cruise, disc, sport luxury full power RoacJmaster CHEVY- 19MCftmaroZ28VB ' seals, wood kit, alrm, meg pkg, Incl 6 way seats and If you want buyers to CARS FOR $100 OR BEST auto. PW. PL, AC, T-tops, CD whis, green/palomino. 18K ml, defrost mlr-ors, am'fm stereo player, |25O0ft>o. 647-5419 ' S29.995. Days: 201 -994-9001: /cass, Exc Cond $10,900 OFFER. Sslzsdand auctlontd by DEA, FBI, IRS. All models, • awes & wkend: 201-467-4044 908-232-2481 CHEVROLET 1986 El 4wds, boats, computers and Camino, 63K, AT, 363 wig, exc 'AUDI 1995 A6-4dr, like new, BUICK 1994 REGAL • 2 dr, 1 more. Your area nowl cond $8500,201 -427-7245 wairenty, auto, 31k, loaded, owner, dealer malm., 32K ml, 1-800-451-OOSOx.Cm notice your car for sale I $22,000,201-664-4844 $13,500.908-241-2209 CHEVY 1986 Mont« Carlo 3S • :BEflTONE-19B7 Italian Sprts CHEVY 196S II Nova. 98% 110K, orig. ownar, 'j car conv. fuel inj. 6 sp, exc end, rntorad. 99% stock. V8 $2800/090,906-381 -0739 . tea ban. attar i. M3-aa*l. 4aK$3000/b7536B13 $4.000. Call 908-789-2276. LAWSMARK APARTMhjN : HONDA TRX200 Dwtlc ••Auction* BMW 19B7 red 3261, exc cond, BUICK 1994 ROADMASTER CHEVROLET IQBSIrocZ, fully On All Apartment* auto, ac, sunrl, hiway mi, LTD • loaded, only 5K, CHEVROLET COHVETTE • lo»d#d, b*aut In/out. A black ^ " »» tnm Rant S6300/bo, 808-233-3432 $19,500. Lv. msg1974,64K. , exc cond, $10,800. bHUty. Only S1K, 16000/BO. Only $19 (Qualify 9OB-233-M53 808-241 -6519 111*1 BMW 19B7 535 IS, great cond, 201-932-1243. Otlaa* lowml, $11.500thru Edmonds BUICK i979Refl«l- 105k, anrf, Bating Guide, 2BS-1167 runs, passes emlis,. body ok. TURN TO ! BMW 325i 1987 Conv-llhr Inl. $350 Sprlnflild 973-564-7116 mel champ, brown root, 5 spd, BUICK 1987 Skyhawk • 81K, $BQOO/obO,90B-709-0945 ps/pb, am/fm cass, acgd run'g iBMW 1987, 5S8E, exc. cond. cond $950.908-925-6089 Uffllll orig. owner, 5 spd. burgundy CADILLAC 1988 Eldorado •nly, 113 /tpnllhr, loaded, snows. It. 103 Loaded, mini, 1 owner, 106K IMS ar i S6B00.903-464-4271 ml. $4450. 908-925-6806 TIM BVlW 1991 325i Convert. 6cyl. CADILLAC 1979 EIDorado •PiCI furnlir onto, red w/tan Ithr, lo ml,,Classic. 1 owner, Mint cond. Classifieds *p«rtm*ntt with many ••tr idadod, ABS, immac, cond, *d, addl up 10 UtllltlM and cable furnlM Gorgeous Aqua mist w/leather Service Svtr thetiundt at dol- launary and «acurl(y lyali $35,900. 906-429-9101 Inl, sunri, 34,000 ml. New loel IKth whnl, tuagti- Acctu ta lacunt »n4 w EJMW 1991 325I Convert. 6cyl" Eagle tires. Value $7,500. Best Ilil I U.no.00. Our prlct tat-Bill, t la *, auto, red w/tan Ithr, lo ml., Directory uM. Tr.v.l trallart offer. 908-687-1253. mater lwn« tits w»y vn- J LAKGI StOnOOMST' ,cfet), ABS, immac, cond, tttd Hit. iv*n • utM itain. UrnhH 4 Qtu flu 3,900 ObO by 9/20,429-9101 CADILLAC 1979 EIDorado Classic. 1 owner. Mint cond. mentn alutlui i '•• It. »v»)U j1995 31Biblk/sandint, Gorgeous Aqua mist w/leather When problems arise around 5ispd, garaged. Southern car Inl. sunri, 34,000 mi. New the house - don't panic! $ei,500.908-232-1440 Eagle tiras. $7,500 value. Best OHer, 908-667-1253. Just turn to the Classifled's CADILLAC 1983 Coupe de Service Directory in this 4' jpCJ) Ville-tml blu. loaded, exc, Park it in classified! BllICK 1971 ELECTRA 225-2 cord. $ 12O0/bo 908-276-1431 newspaper, We've got the dr. hardtop, brn, blk vinyl root, llfir, loaded, orig Mint cond! CADILLAC 1984 Coupe DeVll- help you need when you need it. Qar kept. 53k, $9500. le: New molor, new tires, BDB-354-93D8 alU $2,600; Call 201-635-9349 -..'•o

N.J.'s BEST DEALSVEHICLES UNDER 1 1997 CAMRY LE ON NEW TOYOTAS! "JuBt Imaglnm SUPER SALE! driving m brmnd • Utttlmw" nmw '97 Toyotm "Whmn •/•• Corollm forfumt c*n you find $159 m month!" m grmat uamd car or truck tor •AUTOMATIC TBANS 1997 Corolla "CE" undmr '59931" •AIB CONDITIONING 4-Door Modell... >91 CIVIC LX '5995 •POWER DOOR LOCKS •AUTOMATIC TRANS. Honda 4-Door, 4-Cyl Eng. Automailo •Am BAQS, mtc. •POWER WINDOWS Trans, Power Staarlng & Brakes, Air LE4-Or. 4-Cyl. PS/PB, Cru/M, Antt Lock Bt*k— Cond, AM/FM Stereo Cassette, & Morel VIN»VU038944/iei23MI •POWER DOOR LOCKS Power Winds & Door Locks & Mora, "Take advantage of my obsession. Come see my •AM/FM STEREO CASS VIN#ML0U895/96824MI Ex Cond! collection of the 100 absolutely cleanest used cars & •AIR COND, etel '89 SABLE LS "4995 '17,395! the best new imported vehicles in the whole world!" Mercury 4-Door, 3.8 Liter 6-Cyl Eng, Automatic Trans, Power Steering & Original MSRP '20,358! 1997TOYOTA NEW 1998 TOYOTA Brakes, Power Windows, Power Door . Locks, Power Trunk & Seats, Air Conditioning, Tilt Wheel, Rear Defog, 4-RUNNER Tinted Glass, Leather, AM/FM Ste- 25% OFF MSRP! SPOm reo, ABS & Morel VIN#KG665802/ Hyundai Accent 102470 Ml Ex Condi 4-Door Moehl SR-5 UTILITYl •Auto »Alr Cond '93 TEMPO '5495 •Powr Sttmrtog 36MOS! Ford 4-Door, 4-Cyl Engine, Auto- 1.B Liter, 4-Cyl Eng, Power Steering a •7993 just '149 per mot Brakes, Dual Air Bag, Tinted Windows, matic Transmission, Power Steering 4-Dr. w/S Utw4-Cyi Eng, PwrCHscBrks, T/OI, ste. Orfa. Buy It VIN0VZ538751 MSRP $16,782 & Brakes, Air Conditioning & Morel MSRPWJSB, GOrrm, 9,9% APR, S1,000Down, R- VIN#PB206244/a9020MI Ex Condi nance $6995, Total olppn'Is $9940.96 V\N*TU2702W for just •AIR CONDITIONING [MAKE JAMES AN OFFER! 15081 Ml. New Car Factory Warranty, otcoursal '26,995! •AIR BAGS '91 TAURUS "5995 IVlfvEAR'SBEST •AUTOMATIC TRANS •AM/FM STEREO Ford 4-Door Wagon, 4-Cylinder En- •AIR COND 'V-6ENG CASSETTE & MORE! VALUE IN AM IMPORT!' PICK-UP Regular Cab, S-Spcr, 2.7 Lllir, 4-Cyl gine, Automatic Transmission, Power •PWR WINDS & DR LCKS DOHC EFt Eng. PS/PB, Rtdiai Tires, Dull CM. Steering & Brakes, Air Conditioning, aldt Miiiars, Mil Cycle Wtndthleld Wlpti$, •CRUISE •CASSETTE VlritWZ00322S Power Wlndows/Mlrrora/Seats/Locks, {"Special factory P&PB, STKIP78i6$ VINIVOOSt2S4/lBU9Mt MSRPS29 691 4,000 OFF Air Bag, AM/FM Stereo Cassette purchase - choose and Morol VIN#MA113455/90715 Ml $*}Qt%PER MO! $ HYUNDAI ELANTRA Ex Condi from over 30 - ORIGINALLY $£% CQJI *// the colors!" >m+7+>¥24 MOS! 1998S JtAKE JAMES AN OFFER!±MAKE JAMES AN OFFER! 1 MAKE JAMES AN OFFER! MSRP $20,366- WHAT A DEAL!

CREDIT OK BY PHONE .. . WHILE YOU WAIT! •Old Credit Problems? *New Job? UNCONDITIONAL 45-DAY USED CAR »No Prior Credit History? 'Retired? SATISFACTION SALE HOURS: Man - Frt 9AM-9PM, Sat 9AM-6PM New to the Area? 'Recent Grad? GUARANTEE CLOSE TO YOU: Just minutes awey...taka a ride out tontghtl >Bankruptcy?'First Time Buyer? p f Divorced? Call now, drive tonlteL TOYOTA • HYUNDAI • HUMMER I NoT^tS^^SSL/Vos Fntnmos Portuguee Nous Pnrlaz Francals ROUTE 202, FLEMINGTON, NEWJERSEY*1- 60Q'TOYQTA-6 (1-800-869-6826) * CALL WITH ANY AUTO QUESTION1(908)788.57001-6OO-NEED-LOAN (1-800-633-3562) 24-HOURS • 7 DAYS! Jlces & terms include all rebates & inconlivBS, superoode previous offers & Include afl costs excep! tax, license, and registration Ices. Closed end leases w/12.000 miles allowance per year then lOt/ml Cost Reduction Is1 mo ovmnt Rel Sec Deo Bank Feebncunwnt & MV fee due at Inception. Total tf pymnlsfflof. Sec Dop/Ban.Fee/Cap CosI RoOTotal due at Inception: Corolla $f724/$200/$495/$20ffQ7$2854, Pick Up$8659/$200/$495/$1.495/$2389,4-RunnerA 2,76&00 $ can sold at wild prices contingent upon dealer financing Ihfough primary lender approval; qualiM buyers only. Ad offers may not be coW. Auto Outlet will Issue fenpowy Plaies an SUS SStaA at press Sadfine but subjecl iJi pff sale so X?3y aSdSl September 12. 1997

Additional County County Coverag

FORD 1990 Escort 2dr hchbk. aulo, amfm cass, 53k, newFORD 1992 Taurus GL: Full FORD 1993 Taurus Wgn, 45k FORD 1983 LTD STATION HONDA 1985 Civic • Super HONDA 1990 CIVIC EX 4dr. HONDA 1992 ACCORD EX, HONDA 1993 CIVIC DX- MAZDA 1993 MX6 73k mi, all MERCEDES 1995 C22Q, front tires, struts & shocks exc pwr. a/c. 85K mi. $4500.'obo. mi. dual air bags, 3.8 V6 eng. WAGON- exc cond, new tires, clean, looks great, runs new, burgundy, auto. ac. loaded, Auto, gar. Ex cond. fully equip Goupe. red, 5spd, ^I8K mi. exc pivr. sunri. cruise, red. excLoadBd. blK. tactcy wrniy.24k. cond $3500/bo 732-381 -4913. Cj^jterJiprnjjSOa-889-0631. all pwr, 3rd seat, very gd cond, $595. bo 201-376-6621 go to California, super reliable, runs 100%, S460O 68K. $9500 908-233-7339 cqnd. $7000 MB-273-383G cond, 310.000 903-620-1220 $25.950.fl08-464-lBO908-232-3;l02 AC, ani-im cass. good cond /Blackinterior. Every FORD 1992 ESCORT GT HONDA 1987 ACCORD 4dr. WGN 5spd. a/c. snrt, 83k, mint. 5spd, greal station car, $1200 HONDA 1990 Civic halcfi 3 dr. AsW$5900 90B-598-9557 option avail, factory CD^ FORD-1994 Mustang GT33K Hatchback • 36K, maintained, 4 spd, AC. cass. moving ovsr $9,000 Call 201-635-2613 HYUNDAI 1989 Excel. Sspd, iCKEAM PUTF) FORD 1993 Thunderbird, V6. /BO 908-233-9174 blk, am Im cass. many extras MERCEDEDS 1975.^50 Sl.C. phone $<17 500/obo mi, garage kept, Alpine am-fm all receipts, 5 spd, A/C, C/C, seas $360Q/bo 908-273-6920 CALL 595-7376 '• FORD 1991 MUSTANG GT auto. 51K. all power. 1 owner. HONDA 1994 Accord LX 4dr, 77K. _$90ftBO 908-232-3402 2 lir coupe, sun rool. comp exc cond. Ask $6000/bo stereo C D player. Custom mag pwr snrt, alum, rims, am/tm HONDA1989 Accord LXUdr. MERCEDES 19Sr300E,-n Conv Sspd gar kept red loaded whls & wood grain dash cass. $5600 neg, HONDA 1990 Accord LX 4 df. 5spd, orig own. 82k hwy. alt HYUNDAI 1995 Etantra GL rpst mini. 68K mi S1I.90O 27k, S15,300/bo 797-2963 908-273-3941 mint cond, loaded plus extras, pwr$9100/bo. 908-665-2788 I'obo. Jolm 75l-77768-5pm wht'blue llhr, garage k^p.tj $13,500,908-851-9852 CALL 973-376-0620 60K, $6800. Call auto, AC, lull power, exc cond. silver .aulo.a/e.caES. 23k, warr 120k.$5900,908-464-3919 153K. now trans w/3 yf.vysf, 212-841-77BS or HONDA 1995 CIVIC DX.5spd, SA000/no9 900-G34-2970 MERCEDES 1976 ?B0S. V6. new nc w/1 yf war. sve'd evor> 9O8-2OS-0669. HONDA Accord LX 1990- wht, a/c, am/lm cas. new (ront tires. LINCOLN Continental Town nil pwr, runs woll, 194k hi-wy 3500 mi, nil records avail; askg $9500; 908-276-6774 II!),. ask S1300 6<17-7972 .'.' SACRIFICE.'.' HONDA 1S89 Civic LX: 4dr, 5spd. p/snrt, pw r opMons, Car 1979 4 dr, good cond, $10,500. 201-376-2523 MERCEDES 1980 2B0SL '1 1997 Metro LSI Halchbk, 5spd, pw/l, a/c, 1 owner, exc. $6,800/bo 908/322-1729 HONDA - 1995 Accord EX dk $12M/bo1Call90e-4De-496'l. LINCOLN 1987 Town Cur Sig spd 2 (ops CarmeWvory 1D2k MERCEDES 1995 Bern CJgQ, I, black, auto. 7,900 ml. cond,. $2500. 908-30MO77 HONDA 1990 Accord LX. 4dr, green/tan llhr, loaded, alarm, omarald groen. 4dr. snrt, ,8* Sones, carriage rod, oxc cond. ACSB.JI9S. 908-665-9S4B lobo, 201-797-2963. auto, lull power, ac, excellent! 31K, $16,000 908-522-3072 cond. 45K, $27.000/bo-. MARANO & SONS I HONDA 1989 Civic 4dr, 5spd, S3800 nog, 908-3B2-8792 MERCEDES 1081 Bonz300D- AC, cass, exc cond. 1 owner, $6450 or will take best oHer. HONDA ACCORD 1989. LXI 973-992:3632 days ^ 908-464-7509 LINCOLN 1968 MARK VII, Exc cond midnight blue, auto, $3,950; 906-789-7070 hb, 121K. 5 spd. ac. all power, p/tti, mn/lin cass, a'c, $'1000 MERCURY 19"fl4" CAPRICE .'.' SACRIFICE !! Good cond. Gray. $3390 HONDA 1990 Accord LX.4dr, HONDA 1991 Prelude St exc, cond. $4200, 754-4275 Call908-789-2791 ns 5 0. sspd. 66h. all nw GE01997 Metro LSI. Hatchbk, 3G2-34G3 parts, $2.500/b» auto, lull power, ac, excellent! p/snr), p/w, p/mirr, air, cruise, MERCEDES 198230OSDnew loaded, black, auto. 7,900 ml. HONDA 1992 Prislude Sl-Hol LINCOLN 1969 Town Car Sig. 908-272.19-15 __ J $6450 or will take bast otter. log lamps, new tires, 3ZK, red, 5spd, pwr mnrt. Mini! 79K. flng/lrans'exhaust. Custom $600Q/obo, 201-797-2963, 908-464-7509 $10,900.908-464-5494 Series. w/tV iCDpiayof 70k. wheels, nxc cord, S'*700 MERCURY 1990 Sabl* BO by 1071.906-497-2100. 1 $4500.1)0 90e-2?6-5710. 304-0369 or Bpr 466-9128 Wagon-Ail pwr. Mini cond. 73K mt. $4,500. Call 908-4 64-377O- LINCOLN 1991 Contm'l 64K. Mercedes 1982 240D II blus. new Gd Yr (ires & a'c, 2 air- '1spcl,snrl,pw.l62k,min! cond.. MERCURY 1990 COUGAR- bags, $8000. ?P.8-232-547 7 ask S4500 908-233-3')00 day toadod. exc. cond,, new LINCOLN 1991 Town Cur 90e-e54-3632oveninps brakes, tues&luneup. "•* Exec. Series, gray. 6iK ™.MERCEDES 198-i' 380SE. Askinrj S54_O0 90B-276-5105o loaded, garage kept. S8300. Onrk blue, mint condition. MERCURY Sable GS Wagtfrf AUTO SALES Inc. C 118.000 im S11.000 or 13 0. 1992 72k mi, great cond,' Lincoln 1993 Carter- groal S7500/bq Call 908-954-5123." cond., fuliy loaded, 1 owner. MERCEDES 1984 300 T.D;MERCURY I992 Tracer. 34Kf Buying & Selling Used Cars & Trucks 34k. $19,000 908-233-702B White Good cond. 1SBK mi,auto, ac, ps/pb. exc cond* Since 1955 LINCOLN 1993 TOWN CAR S4.500/l>O, 908-273-0680 SB20Q/BO, 90B-276-0810 ,,,• 10000 milos, $21,000 MERCEDES BENZ 19B7 300E MEflCURV fopaj'1992: "WE LEASE NEW & USED CARS & TRUCKS" C_allBqe-3B2-0713 auto, -17k. loaded, like new, 4clr.nuto|ran5.allpDwer. Lincoln 1992 Contimmltil Exnc S1'l,900.201-2500126 all extras, exc cond, Z3K mip '97 NISSAN MAXIMA SXE 95 CHRYSLER Saries V6. 41k. loaded, clmin MERCEDES 1392 190E 2 6L $6300. 908-276:0680. ^, '96 CHEVROLET CORSICA LT car. $9,935 90B-753GH1V1 4 dr auto, air, p/s, p/b, p/w. 6 cyl, auto, air, p/s, p/b, p/w, 'IBKnii, mint cond., MERCURY 1993 SablO dSf, LEBAROHLXCOHVT EKC cond, loaded, all pwtci p/locks, p/seal, tilt, cruise, cass, 6 cyl, auto. air. p/s. p'D. p/w, LINCOLN 1992 Continental extras $18095 p/locks, stereo, ABS, air bag, S5000,'ot)0. 908-G54-9660. - •« dual air bags. 25,000 mi.. j/locks, p/seat, tilt, cruise, cass 24,000 mi.. WTY236128.. Silver/Wk, A-1 imniac BMk VINM806806. :eathet, ABS. dual atr bjgs [Oadod^$75CIO 90U-241 -0240 29,000 mi,, VIM Sf 530937. SUPERSTORE *17 $ MAZDA 1G60, RX7. black, 12,995 M 0,495 rem. sunrt. amyf m cass, 89K 97DOKCMTKP1I * 9 D '95 FORDTAURUS SE 976E0PMZMUI SJ2p0,_201-_683-2127 days B M0./B000 MILE WARRANTY MAZDA 1985 RX7 GSL 5spd. Tips 3.5 V6, auto, air, p/s, p/b, p/w, 4 dr. auto. air. p/s. p/b. p/w•.I dr, aulo. air, p/s. p/b, till. cass. WITH THIS AD ciuise. air. pw/pmirr, re- p/Iocks, til!, cruise, cass, ASS, p/locks, p/seals, tilt, cruise, ABS. dual air bags. 17,000 mi., movable snrt. am/lm si, cass daul air bags, 14.000 mi., cass, ABS. dual air bags. 29,000 VIN#VZ40O620. wtec[, $3500/bo 9O8-4G4-5494 for making your ad WVH588199. CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLES ml.. VIN*SA137839. *12495 more effective •15,995 '12,495 x Ima hitiMpCawMk In '94 FORD ASPIRE •9!0tDSMO8IL!ACHIEVA '95 PLYMOUTH NEONI '94 NISSAN SENTRA CXE t A, * cyl. tuba litni. pwi tijnatirlii, k\(\ 4 dr, * tvt, lulo t**n|, pmi ll'figtiki. 41», luiotlm, P" H,IH,\V«.*I;| AMm I MAZDA 10B7RX-7GXL, Exc. no t/c. UVFM tliin. tym • d.f*. wp. M\tM »Kr»c»M t^t»,Mwv t''» nto, AIM, AMTM lltiffo-ciit. tr-aUiv r d*l. »le*ts,, I df I. ifil wp. fi njtlflt. pwt lotk*. I Cond , Orig Owner, all pwr. WE CAN HELP!! Inl win, bell lull, conic.fi, BSW Nil!, Ml WfndriMlii. IK, CWIt.bckl Ifrdlt. 65W kit wtp, tcii I teatt. cent ale, OSW IIIBI H, CJU It, 111! Kit! BSW Intl. S!,l»d I liylrf whU, 50,315 rti, VIN IRG13IMI (ill. l^tad «Hi. «0 5i7 Ri, VN IPWCOU7r. tlyied whi). 11,765 n*. VW • *Mt, J!,9B» mi. VIN >HCB?7j4[ A/C, sunroof. log Us, Rod. 109k NO CREDIT. BAD CREDIT, OR WEAK CREDIT. GENERAL ELEC h $3200/OBO. 903-308-3289 Start your ad with;; TRIC FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARANO & SONS HAVE S $ $ MAZDA 1990 Miata 6 track r.d. mini. 49K, 5 spd, new oxlras, the item for sale, JOINED FORCES TO HELP YOU. 3995 8995 *8995 9495 Wht, $10,000,008-771-0501 '95 FORD ESCORT LX WACOM 9J PONTIAC TMNSPOfT SE 'HCHEYtftETMOIUntlXI '93 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER VAN I MAZDA 1993 MX6 LS, aulo, •94 DODGE CARAVAN 1 V»n I <^ ** iw, KM ilnVki *S *MfU 6P|I *..fcH"t p-M^-yV^ AtFl A I laattior, sunri. new tires, 27K service you are UM. pwi kxlj VQIMI. I 4H. *p, r* b 2 d* 6 tyl »y'o I'tn* w'OD p*'tTpnat*! can pm»n(lt ».!!> nJ VIN I5WIS71JI rdff. niwa t wf Wi. t*uw. bckl I*I!I USW h« irylrdnrtli H 110 M Vli-MJ'XSiOS? offering or job I cass, alloy wheels, dual air bags, seats, dual air bags, 33.000 mi.. bags. 43,000 mi., VIIWHCH2956. $ 5 |a#0[m,Wi*SH&W62. VIIMRR782413. 12,495 title of the person *12,995 11,495 '9,995 9995 '11,995 '11095 LIFE 95 FORD CONTOUR 6L I»CWVROUT CAPRKt WMON MOiDSMONUDdUtlU '94 CHEVROUT CAPRICE you are looking 1 0 cyl, autg Lt»ni *fQO, r*i iirng.ferfai. < O I tVl tuk biKi *O0.!»' «i»Wi AID. Hard lof i, 4 cyl, Aulo Iflin [Al ttMv^V"kl. 3.5 V6, aulo, air, p/s, p/b, p/w, 4 dr, auto, air, p/s, p/b, p/locks. All(, AWiFU iiwiKan. Vd*M, r del. ( » I t,l, «rf« lunt .OO, f m UnnWt, *" *MTM iXiiotlH t'tflil <*' rl if, I"' AIH, AMrMcir'eocas* VQ\»S% titlwf p/locks, p/seat, tilt, cruise, I wip. tot ftp. 1d1. crmtfr BSW il[«». •mik«>ivi»VI ut t'uit. bt« mti BSW bct-i «»MV cc"«i)le, OSW tun iMid 5 spd, air, p/s, p/b, p/w. p/locks. tilt, cass, dual air bags, 21,000 styted wtilj, 67,53B mt, VN PPW lOflOfti >iW.h>v.li'iiiUa.>)linM.Mii«.<9**, Ml ll|Hi KM! <] Dnnlll iriKlIKSJ v.ti'1 31.277 *T\\. VIN >Sf'?4?fl9? JUST cass, ABS, dual air bags, alloy DM iif i HrKiS u* ni VM tmxmi to hire. tilt, cruise, cass, ABS, airbag. wheels. 26.000 mi., VIN* mi., VIWSM13M39. S 5 5 35,000 mi., V!N#SNB71688. 5 $ •11,995 "S ,795 10,495 12,495 M2.995 13,995 13,995 GOT '86 FORO ESCORT U '97 DODGE INTREPID ES I '94 BUICK MADMUSTER f STATC '95FQffO1-TQNHICUIfVAN '96P0NTIACTRMSAM Be descriptive. '96F0ROWIWSTM61 Idt. i cyl, u*ton p* itnhb.AW. WU fl ryl, iula Irani, pm tltiiglirki AIF1 ?*trvlHiolr«iiamhn4inillR I 2'dr hatch, auto, air, p/s, p/b, moon root, aut, air, p/s, p/b p/w Auto, dual air, p/s, p/b, p/w, IWH uu. f.i tlntVxlt. Vdw I iM. I •» AWf M ll«t»o. l/dfin.«" W. I"*' •«» AUf M iMi'to t«H CO, t« »rtjM i cass, wing, allay wheels, dual air p/locks, p/seals. leathei, traction, urtintt. BSW lam. >liM »l,li. Kl.ITO Iglrtl 1*1 *(«*t>1n*iji M tnrw The more informa- p/locks, tilt, cruise, cass, ABS, mi. VINISMJMH9I3 flSWlnn. »lfrj *'•! imtn.W EASIER! i bjgs, 9,000 mi., CO cass. ABS. doal air bags 3 seals, dual air bags. 14,000 " YPTW186017. WAS $10,995. 8,000 mi.. V1N#VH5S9382. nii..VIN#TBfl36046. S 5 tion you provide to S Now you can «ow '9,900 19,495 *16,995 17,495 17,995 M8.995 the reader, '95 OLDSMOSILE AUROM '95 SATURN SCI I '97 DODGE 1/1 TON PICKUP 9SCHEVR0LETIMMLASS 34CMfVMi '95 CHEVROLET TAKOE 4X4 charge your 6 cyl, auto, air, p/s, p/b, p/w, Moonrool, auto, air. p/s. p/b, 1 0 Cyl. tutu irRflt. pwr ttiflgrbrhf. Alf|, 4 df, 0 c>l, KU1O Irtm V^OD. pwi WHW. * cyl iu AIF1. tgUii.i d»l. nt AS), AMFM lliwwi pwi *ni\xll M*n H/itUilttnuli p the better the ks, p/seat, tilt, cruise, CD, p/w, p/locks, p/seats, tilt, cruise, ABS, traction control, dual air lilt. cruiM. leilh Iskt lesli, BSW IH*I. iTOtdiochi/iEiVlnl. Inl wip, b/i mldgi. rt *l>. tit ni'iM Ml. out*, bckl u»h. BSW lilay wills, 16SS m, VIN IVS7O970? ?s.e«7mi,V!Nisnio:U4 hii «iDf Khli *i MJ mi. VHJ #FlJm6lf classified ad tier, ABS, dual air bags, cass, CD, leather. 26,000 mi., bags, 29,000 mi., VlN# pOO mi., VIN#TN242624. VINIS4125260. SZ126253. 5 S S responses will be I M $ We accept: 20,995 $11,495 18,995 21,495 23,495 to your ad. SO"1 1 \ Noulli Avr 1">O Soulli Avi (.arwooii. !NJ O^O [BOB] ROUTE22W Use bold type, I.ix ')OH lax 90K••'H') 1^ white space or decorative characters to HYUNDAI DISCOUNT CENTER bring attention JU1 NEW HYUNDAI' PURCHASES to your ad. I'WMCN VMI MESENTTMIS] :, - U AT TIM! W SMI." GO HOME WITH A 25 COLOR TV! Run your ad for : an ample length of A HUGE SELECTION OF CERTIFIED PRE- OWNED VEHICLES ALSO AVAILABLE! time. Remember, HmUMTmA '91 SPIRIT B3COH0LLA '98 WEON as soon as you get BRAND NEW HYUNDAI Hrumfv, luiomtlv; t'li>, I Dcdga. aufornalic trans. 4 Toyoln, aulomnlic I BRAND MEW HYUNDAI BRAND NEW HYUNDAI CjirrJo mom, povw itmn). eyllndar trgint. power port/or stefl'lfig. p po«» bum, ciiKlii, li(»i rq, powtr brakei. brakes, Air CuiictiliuftiOQ. } results you can 1997 SONATA B7.4S1 mt, V.n IRU52JBt7 AM/FM iigitD ciiitue, AM/FM tiereu cnsielio. del'osl. AM/FM ca^'.piift. 1997 ELANTRA 1997TIBURON TS0I3 ira Vm (TUI!9<54 49 01/mi Ym>PCQ\U?.B '4995 5495 8499 •8900 cancel at any time $ '04OROWHVIO 08 TBKCBL '94 SATURN SC2 '97TIE0N during regular Ford, iulomiliC , V.n 129 159 179VnffW1J/2?rS ' 3J J65 mi tin ISGQ4S4?4 V SU9t73ft* Automatic transmission * Automatic Transmission / fJTVPffVfT^MVVM 7* Automatic TtensmiiaJWi fJ9T99JVVVflBHHWi COIO 10,49.5'10,995 ow r OWOf 9495 9499 • PowftPowefr Sleering/O'aKeSleering/D'ahea I Ifi J.[•iM!Mj}mlftt^ J * [J ' ^•"jinq/RiaKus itffmuWnTTtfl^MTtfii * ^ Slwto^'BraliM ifuWnwHji'TtmWrf^ M • AM/FM StereSt o CussftfiCassetia I LLlMlTI^T^Mlii(BTlfif I • [i V"n* *t ""w^f? /HjTTFflnf4%Hl^B#*Jf I * F'00' MalsVRopr Odfrost f ftnffHvnvimHvwJi£Ii '96 CIBRA SL B7C5C0BTLX • Body Si Okls, automatic, Vf> eng, You can Fax f SSBIKI FOKJ. nuiunialic |iHtis, • 3 yt 36 ml. [\ yi Ui nit [lumper fa Hum|>*f • 3 w Hfi mi uurnpef lo Bump Air Cond, P/wlr>Jows. A^i Condition ing, reaf Warramy W.w'ii'^y froi«ew i. row cut t P/totks, cruise, casiclls, U«fro5t. AM/FM slereo, • 6/60 poweUiiln Wansiity J^GU pej-wer tram « 6/GO Powet Tifltn Warranty rr dolrost, J5.JJJ tm. Vm IS,BOO mi. vinVinl[C7D0)1! hl.iB? n V.n CVi:. , KTO3I017O 9470 P/S. PfU, Aii, (ill. ciuls«. 1 P/»virKlo»H. P/kmks, linl, onvf &tAflnng. fiOiver 3 u nroy I , cninn, P/mnrs, rr tterr, cassells, rilKfli, 4 cylinder, P/«IIKlo«5. I'/lnrks. criisollfl, 2, dlr maint.. exc cond. back, a/c. p/s. p/b, snrf. exc cass, exc cond. 1O8K. Supreme- New paint job. runs 81 k auto. ac. am/fm 1 own new enceli cond, fully equip, 18K. $9,700*0 201-635-3912. •- ' $3.500*09Q8:964-6946 39K mi. white, auto, immac. but needs engine work. Asking ban $2000 bo 908-245-1661 asking$H.00O. 90B-654-8961 s-ul! Power Good cond Ask $12,995 908-317-9479 cond $2700 908-396-3735 S6B00/BO. 906-5981143 Si 1.900/0&O 908-361-6713 •fewo/obo 9QS-272-5562 $500 908-298-19? 1 PONTiAC 1995 Firebird, b!k T- SATURN 1993 SE2- Gr4»n, MITSUBISHI 1992 GALANT MITSUBISHI 1994 3000 GT- NISSAN 1969 PULSAR NX • I " NISSAN 1987 Sentra 5 spcJ, NISSAN 1993 Maxima SE, btk PLYMOUTH 1995 Neon. 4 top 200HP, auto. V6. loaded. with auto, air, and snrf. 37K, Luxury Sedan. 46K mi.. S9600. green, aulo, pwr wind & Icks. 32K, new tires/brakes, auto, T- OLDSMOBiLE 1986 C.Crusser doof. auto. a/c. 39.000 miles. $9,300 Jbo 201 -635-3912. "*GB • 1&77 Convertible 5 sp. (201J 694-9060 ac, sunrf, am/im cas. origown. on Mk. fully loaded. 86K mi. 7K. $13.500903-232-2268 ac.ZOK. $18,000,3930162 76K. $2999/BO, 908-g76-1fl61 roofs, red, am/fm cass. Exc. wagon, loaded 72k. $3500 S66O0/BO. pager 570-1029 •yn/lmcass. gar kepi, origpainl Cond. 57,000.908-381-6151. S9500/BO 908-340-0990 /BO. 90B-869-B779 PONTIAC • 1994 Sunbird. 2 dr. SEIZED CARS FOR (T7S. ;»b, 2nt) ownr, ideal (ormech. MITSUBISHI 1995 ECLIPSE, NISSAN 1985 Maxima 119K 6 PONTIAC 6000 WAGON mint cond. 5 sp. ac. ps, 35K. Pmsctits. Cadillacs, ChWys, 'tefm pora. some minoi wrk rjlacK, 4iko"9 miles, 4cyl, cyS. Recent Tires & Brakes. NtSSAN 1987 Sentra hatch- NISSAN 1990 300 ZX, 2+2, NISSAN 1993 240SX SE snrf, OLDSMO8ILE 1986 Cutlass 1985- v6, auto, ail pwr. Only 908-965-0785 BMWs. Corvettes. Also Je«pt. • |;qU r,6rt bail. 63K. $1500. lull/ loaded, power avorything. AM-FM cass, PD/PW, no AC, back, a/c. p/s. p/b, snrf, axe red, (-tops, 49K, org ownr, pw. ac. 64kmi. $9,800 $13.000 908-274-2062 cond $2550. 908-396-3735 Call 903-709-0797 Cierra. 110Kmi.6cyl. 4 dr. gd 82k. $900 908-783-1923 PCRCHE 1969, 944S2. mint, 4 WDs. Your Area. ToU F(ee «QH ^32-5631 aft 6 Exc Car $2250 908-233-0447 $13,000 call 444-1447 cond, $950 908-752-2842 180O-218-9000 Ext. A-5139 I •• • •• • * ••" cood 45K miles S15.000 lor cunenl tetings/dtrecttxy. I PONTIAC 6000 1966 4 dr. Call 962-6472 I ..MM OLDSMOBILE 1988 Ciera 50K mi. all power, ac. etc Wagon: Good cond. 3 8 lif V6. cond. S35O0. 382-3991 PORSCHE 911 S968IO miles. SUBARU 1987 Tu«o XT: 116K, many new parts, $250 Sspd, nrunt cond, must see 4WD. Zdr, aulo. sun/rt. AC, am 908-654-6661- PONTIAC 1988 Grand PnxLE, S760at>o 90S-464-8392 /fm cass, only 51K, gpaf. all pwr/rnnrf/ong ovmr/TO m*, PORSCHE 1983 944- Turbo shape. $2,000; 908-654-Sga- OLDSMOBILE 1995 Achieva exc cond. $4200 574-3674 Conversion, Metahc Gray. Sun cojpe, auto, 6cyl 3 1 itr engine, SUBARU 1989 GL auto, alt P» Wheel De Root. Aipme Slereo, New ex- pwr, good shape, replaced Guarantee ac, cruise, all power, alarm, PONTfAC 1989GRANDPRIX, haust, tires, brakes, battery & Exc cond! 77K. Gray. $3600. motor $290OVbo 908-353-2236 alum wheels, new tires, 38K, starter. Excellent condition $9500 908-654-1037 908-527-0222 or 352-3463 Asking $5500 201-339-0097 SUZUK11995 Swift 5 spd, duat airbags, over 30MPG, ABS. PEUGOT 1985 505 GL 4df, PONTIAC 1993 SUNBIHD, PORSCHE 1987 944 e«C cond. set black, must see. CD. 30K. Geo twin. $5000*0 aulo, anVfm cass. runs great. 41K. 5spd, /VC. amflm. 4cy1 906-755-3868 Bob 10am-4pm. 76kmiSi500908-6B9-7230 $5.950. (201) 381^051. $8200. Call 906-810-1950 SAAB 1986Turto900S. Sspd TOYOTA 1984 SUPRA 125k PLYMOUTH 1974 Va1ianl-4dr. PONTIAC 1994 LT1 Trans Am, orig mi. alt pwr. snrf. 1 owrwr. AT, alarm. 4-snows. LOADED1 vg running crtd. New parts orig69K, Gd rungcontl! aulo. 145K $1399t>O 709-9074 $1700vBO 908-276-2764 aft 6. psfpb, ac $750. 905-233-5842 37K.S12.900VBO 569-2371 SAAB 1988 Turbo Convertible. TOYOTA 1989 CflESSIDA - 5 spd, a/c. stereo, new P6 wtit. blue Ittir, loaded, great DVERTISE YOUR USED CAR, TRUCK OR VAN TILL IT SELLS Piralfi tires, red w/saddle int. cond, 96k, $6700 376-8331 Fax Your Ad $6300906-964-8674 TOYOTA 1989 CAMARY L£ SAAB 1991 9OOS convertible. VS. Loaded. 1 Owner, 78K. For maximum convenience 85K mr, fully loacted, exc cond. Asking $5500. 908-322-1520 $11,000. 908-273-0812 TOYOTA 1990 CELICA GT just fax us your ad any time, SAAB 19919000 Turbo: 5 spd. Hatch, auto, fuH pwr, cc, snrf, sunroof. Ithi int. .4 dr halchbk. 55k exc cond S690O 368-3532 *7i£l <)t SeCU 24 hours a day at 96k. $9,500903-647-7511 SAAB 1992 Turbo Corivertibie CHECK ONE Print clearly. Use one character or punctuation mark per block. (201) 492-8785. 57k, ali auio, ac. cd player, exel Use one block between words. Additional lines $7.50. cond. price!) to sell $15,750 f~| UNION We'll call you back 908-277-2172 SAAB 1988 900 TurbO- Line 1 to confirm your order. sunroof. 5 speed, air. am,1m cassette, new clulch. radiator, water pump, tuneup $4250 MIDDLESEX Line 2 /Obo 908-233-6918 BtterS. In Dm CUk**tfted« Line 3 ;|Z] SOMERSET Line 4! If you want buyers to notice Line 5 • WARREN your car for sale... Name

F—, Give me SUPER-Deal Address 1. | UtUUtll Af AHTMkH I—12 counties for HONDA TRX200 OrltHc Si' — City/State 4-Wheelef s50es Only $19 Credit Card # Wai I I—iGivemeMEGA-Deal Exp. Date: .Signature r™—14 County Coverage Send this ad with credit card info or check made payable to: vrnltl $ 95 •nlr. •!> - for 98 I. IN NORTH JERSEY NEWSPAPERS/WHEEL DEAL 1JU m < ^Private Party Advertisers Only 10 Park Place, Butler, N.J. 07405 tCI Ivrnltl •HrtinwHl xllH mini «tt UllllttM IM U4U« lurntak Auto for sale ml, to tli JH.»o. Ou, •• lacutit *M H< qer customer / per ad ORDER TOLL FREE! Trtir*i lr«ll*ri 4 mitt iwmi tiit war u* •IM uit. ••*« . • please be sure to ask your Use Your Credit Card Customer Service Representative the last day the ad Is to run, and be sure to call back evety 3 weeks to renew ail. II ad lapses there will be Park it in classified! another charge lor the ad. 1 -800-559-9495 ®ACURA® AUTHORIZED SALES OUTLET IN NEW JERSEY FORYEARS... We do It with PRICE, A HUGE INVENTORY SELECTION Store la and AWARD-WINNING SERVICEIH ConMinnwfora Sotiwrvlllel *1 DEAL from your #1 DEALER! Carman Catena Platktent MAKE US PROVE lH


2-Door, 4-cyl. engine, 5-speed Manual Transmission, 4-Door Sedan ,6-cyl, Engln», Auto. Trans., Pow. Steer- '15,999 Pow. Steerlng/Brakas, Air Cond., Tint. Glass, Rear ing/Brakes, Air. Cond., Tint. Glass, Rear Dsfrost, Front 4 dr, 4 cyl, auto trana, pwr itrno/brki, AIR, AM/FM Ituw-ciH, Defrost, Cruise, Moon Roof, CD-Compact Disc Wheel Drive, Tilt Stter, Wheel, Cruise, Moon Roof, pwr wind/locki, tilt, crutu, VIN IVC253237, MSRP SI9,988, SAVE $3969 Player...and much more! MSRP: $22,545. VIN Leather Interior, AM/FM/Stereo/Cass... and much #VL019771. LEASE... ore! MSRP: $41,435. VINWC011561. LEASE.,. Brand New 1997 Nissan OK AN ACUHA OWNER ADOITIONAT $AMA UEST XE HINIVAN PER $1000 MO. 235 !!CASH BACK *19»185 6 Cyl. sulo trans, pwr slrng/lirks, AIR, AM/FM aterso-cais, pwr WE ARE NO. 1 BECAUSE EVER UNDERSOLD!!! wind/locks, 7-p»»» sealing, cruise, prlv gl«»», vehicle tecurlty ayslem, pwr heat mlrrs, VIH »VDa517B6, MSRP $23,637. SAVE $4452 Brand New 1997 Nissan MAXIMA GXE FEATURING 100's OF TOP QUALITY USED CARS and Acura Preferred Pre-Owned Vehicles • Partial Listing!!! WflALUNl tJINTEQRAlS •n LICE14D ?19,985 MITSUBISHI 'On * CH KONOM DA 4CrL.tUT0 B.4-tU,B-SP0. ACUHA 4DR, S-CTL.AU10 THlNt.PA't. M, I/HLASS. Rl. 4 dr. B cyl, aulo Iran*,pwr itrng/brks, AIR, AM/FM stereo-cast, AUID insNs, r-s.'B, AC. MUt/S/g, At, Hi, OEF, TnANSP/SSMWUU pwr wlnd/locks/saat/trunk release, keylets entry, vehicle security 1,GIASS llr tltr. tEf CRU'Sf. NOON »F. l MOON HOOF, SAVE$4433 /M/strnfofc»ss INT. »M_f Minniatm AM,TM/SUHtO,'CAJS. AKTKSU »y»tom. VIN »VM5213»e, MSRP f?4,418. »i/FM/strnfofc» Ml, 41,411 VIN. SSMiCI) Ml. till! ACURA Ml 4.5GDVItmtn)1O Ml U 111 V1H VABl ASKING $13,995 ASKING 817,995 MWWO tlZ,9W ASKING m.9M Brand New 1997 Nissan PHUT, KM; n tJACCOfiDEX HI MIUEKIA '15 CIVIC t PI {'ufcr* ll«l.l^.' HONO»4DH.4-cn,9SPD. MM.P/S'B.AC.T/QLMS. MMD*1DH.»CY1,* HOMO* 1-tm, 4-eii, i- MWMt-0R,itn,w\ Acutt't Prmttnvd Pn-Owitid Vthtchi Pngum TMNS.P/Sil.AC, T/bl SPDJFUM, lBAt(S.P(S.'8.P/W;l,AC, Ft»lurt» C^UlStMobN b OOKSMF!U(H!RI PATHFINDER XE 4X4 PltH, K, t/BL»SS. Rr DtF. t«lASS.»r OEF, CRIME. AM/FM/SUFtECfCASSMKSMF!U(H!R . TO ML t. UXUHY CAHC tnd Ihum iddlllonsl bfmmtMl. ?J.1O1 VIN SHM895) AUTM/SiiAEQ/CASUT/iiEQ/CASSS. Ml. 3T.1S9 VtH SWOtM ' VehKiti mull I't XI HtlflEfl" * UfKjffyo i iijnswt T^ ptir^l Ml 41,010 ViV. 51104)44 HDJ.SdB VM.SSHDJt t'^l^rlm 'Cd?pt«l by in Acufi kicked 1? mmliil?,0ODmil& ASKiNQ JH.5J5 ASHING J16.BB0 mm $10,988 k'u'lftj wnrality l?4 liourrMrtndt ||Ti»bnc» O-djy |}uifliv ttr.l nthjngt • Sf'ECIM UNANCE IW1E&I 'gsurjlNDCPE KiOHA U CIVIC • r*hlii i • nn c i «lHm-0fl.4-CYl,[-SPD. EI m HOND*;On. l-CTl. AUTO •CERTIFIED USEDACURAS- IBUNJ.f/Sli.AC.tffllMJ M*Hmm, AC, FflUASS, dr IRANS.FYS,'!. «C. T/CLASS. Rr UEF, MDfjNflF, L1A1»IER LKUStCfl.t CYI.AU10 4 dr. 6 cyl. auto Irani, pwr strngforks, AIR. pwr wind/locks/bonlod M«f(<( IISIWC •*)«>'OTHfffS BVSroCK! DEf,iMJfM/Sl(nEO/C*SS Br DEF.MOOX RF, Ml.SI,375 ViN. BSQCU4J miira, cruiso, rom koyloas entry, rt lack, (og lamps, i wind deflect, CRUI«,lf*1HE()lHl.M0rJM/jm H MTM/$rERt!»$.M/$rERt[H!»$JJ. SAVE $4878 '96 2,5 T.L. 4 DR., EMERALD I.41.1JI! VIN Ml 49513 Vl«. PIMS4ZI ltd slip dill, r cargo cov, VIN »VW1cfS59, MSRP $29,566. ASK1M0 *11,9W ASKINQ $9,939 05 LEDGEND LS 4 DR.r GAH5MEHE mm »19,995 di L?(;tt,u •«3UG(N0 HVCOnOS •?) AtRDSTAA 95 INTEGRA OS 3 DR., BLAGK *CUM(DH. BCH.HUIO JtCURtl'DK, J-CH.AU10 rORDVAH.KH.MIIO ifidKs.p^.'B, *c, imm. nt l«MK,PM.AC.imi»SS, TR»XS, P.t.l, AC, idiLASS. '94 LEGEND IS 4DR., CANTEBURY Df F.MDDNRMDr. llATHEfl INI ,^I IH l)FF, CRUISE. HOCMRF, (llOEMliENDIDJPASS. •MTM'SirMftWftWS.S l. 4».«0S VIN, AIO.S AM.TM/SIEfltQ,t»S$. •94 LEDQENDL4DI1., PEARL VIKHCO0HS5 Ml.Sl.iS! VINP7H5J951 93 LEGEND LS4DR., FOREST Ml. USm VIN.FCOOBMt ASKING$19,760 ASKINU $15,998 *SKIItOI14,»W ASKINQ »I,B9Q Pi'ct-s in.^udoall cfi^l* lo bepakJ by a consumer eirceni ICK tavos, $.150 bnnitfee. reo and lit. tee*. 1 it mo. pjmtil • I mo ncuritydep. !5cpermil8o*oM20Wm!l»» wm \n (^ion lo(iu'thnse CL el % 15.75? withapinduction of J1000 and 5500 Ounor Uiyjily CortJoalo, RL a< M1,«5 with $1000 cap wtudion and"t10(X> Buyer's Cort.Sciln Ttit.i! ul pt>miinlt Is 30 x mo pyninl Thu id mu»U>e pmJonlKi ol lime d dcpoail and wtihln 3 day?o»thisetfsdala iw ndwrtised price* I NI5SAW CALL MR. WALTERS SPRINGFIELDNO CREDIT. DAD CREOrT, Route 22 East • Somerville KOOREOrfREJECTS... FOR IMMEDIATE iPi3ffi^i?ACURA BANKRUPTCY... •PRICE QUOTES 1 8 8 8 REPOSSESSION... •CREDIT APPROVAL RTE, 22-SPRIN6FIELD-201-912-9000 MO PROBLEM! n'SO.K.t 1-888-22NISSAN 22 e 4 7 7 ***> »P»»> ln#\ttt • 9p«niHi«ButHii > IWl»n i PoitucutM • Hetxt* • AdWe t at\it Itnguis •WOmW SELECTION Record-Press B-13 he WHEEL DE SO 4 95 l^k SUPER-Deal $5095 MEGA-Deal $9895 Gives you Additional County Coverage! Gives you 4 County Coverage! ADVERTISE YOUR USED CAR, TRUCK OR VAN TILL IT SELLS - 1-800-559-9495 tuios for Sill 1385 Autos for Sale 13SS Autos For Sate Autot For Sale Autos For Sale 1385 Antique I Classic Auto? 1394 Antique & Classic Autos Antiq-JB & Ctassie Autos 1334 our Wheel Orive 1400 FouiWIteel Drive TOYOTA 1992 Camry LE- TRIUMPH Spitfire 1500-1979- VOLKSWAGEN Jana 1995 4 VOLVO 1993 360 Sedan CHRYSLER 1967 Convertible :HEVY- 1992 S-10 ISU^U rooper LS 4wd • VOLKSWAGON- 1988 Fox 1 MERCEDES 1971 280 SL. VVnite. auto, A'C, new tires Bed. restored exc cond new cyl. auto. 23k, elec snrt. alrm. Restored M.ist Sell both tops, vgcond. 98k nppisd fahoe. Stir. 112k. super clean. S spd 4 d good conrt $4500 ?JK SS.900 201-762-3759. top.tires.palrtt. etc. S5000 firm station wagon, snrf. stick. 1 LOOKING GOOD owner. S3OOO9O8-245-2019- cc. air. remote dual minors, de- $18,500 Z01-514-iS22eves S71O0'obo 908-574-1166 at S25K.S19,900 327-6374 3OoverS7000, 967-5972 HO, 90fl 1850 Ca!! beeper 90S 943-0581 layed Wipers, dual ai^gs. aDs. VOLVO 19D3 240 WAGON CADILLAC 196S DEVILLE • TOYOTA Cehca GT Comer? • CHYRSLER 1966 Newport. MERCURY 1969 COUGAR-2 JOOGE Dakoln LE 1989 4«4. ISUZU 1994-Bcx.ico 4«4 5 spa Union, NJ tilt, high adj seats, amtm stero red. B5tiini.exe CO:i:e- 0'iy ovi^c, >;sc cond. • FORD 1957 T-BIRD Black. DODGE 1995 RAM 2500H0 JEEP 1994 CHEROKEE 4d<,' TOYOTA 1992 Celica GT. aged, good conct., under 68k Volkswagen 1995 Cabno-con- MGB 1964 • Lots ol extras' convert 5 spa ac. e*c cond >u:l poi'.t" garage-kept black pspb.pNMid p.seats. Loaned' A ST 3tiO eng auto, 24k. 7.5 bik. yd cond. 6cyl. asking 5~pd. 58K. loaded wflth. Red. $2500654-6064 VOLKSWAGEN 1990 vert, auto.tuity loaded. CD $6000.OBO_. 201-939-6092 nCcond 57700 9OB-771-092Q Caiwiolet. Sp Ed tnpie white, W-ied !t\HHi5r mlenoi. S26.000'obo 201-773-6757 Meyer s plow, svary heavy duty $11,500 908-665-2543 , k Si 6.500 232^666 FORD Mustang 1966. coupe O1.0SMOBILE 1962-88. 2 dr VOLKSWAGEN 1982 Rabt»l 56K mi lully loaded $6500 VW GOLF 19S5 runs, needs S45OO OM 908-353-6053 ption. pnv drive use. babied JEEP- 19B7 Wrangler Laredo, TOYOTA 1992 PASEO-auto 87k ong mi, exc running cond VOLKSWAGON 1995 Passat 289. auto. PS. 2HK Ofig nn hardtop, white w/Wua int. re- 19,995 908-S37-6&S9 •'ObO Cali201-428-3787 bodywork I?3M™.S7Q0 Can CADILLAC 1976 Eldorado binll motor & trans, sharp body blk. 4WD 3 tops. JVC staroo- fed 77K mi snrt/ac/arn!m cass $100050. 908-65-)-5223 GLX 5 spd. foaaed. BMaupe 908-388-1628 /oslored, show winner. t)luo, convert fiOK o>ifj ITO needs US $ DODGE 19B5 RAM P.U w SYS, Viper alarm, aw cond' 1 cgn $7000 908-654-8773 VW 1992 JETTA • 5spd. 4dr. $7995 90H-464-3291 Volkswagen 1985 Jel'.a GL-5 Ithr. 35k. S15000 tvorn, $950 DO 90tJ-232-?481_ /Meyers plow. V8. aulo. ac. 101K. must seil moving. am1m cass. ac, sunroof, 57K Aniitiie 4 Classic Autss 1394 OLOSMOBILE 1969Cul1ass TOYOTA 1994 Celica GT-3dt. spd arrvim snrl 97K $1850 CHrW 1941 P,cn Up 350 • JAGUAR- XKE 1972, coup, new tiros, runs exc.. B3K,55500 4G7-4160 201-467-3141,90^-499-7632 $7200 Call 906-322-7091. VO LV01985 760 4 door, a ulo, i!>0!o- twdy e«ci rwds "it & blk.-lspd.ac. ps. 20kong eic Conv-350.V8.oxc $4600 908-464-6877 au!0.3iKmt. Anvtm cass CD, BRADLEY GT II 1931 t!.llt£"Y cond ts\\\o $8,000. JEEP 198B CueroXDB LTD-' rrnrl,a!arm, sports pkg. Excell AC. loaded. 69k miles S2950 bod S8000 t!O 90B-574-2494 cond asking $19,995 : VOLKSWAGEN 1986 GTI blk. VW 1995 Jetta-Alarm, radar, p*rd Eieehic Spoils Ca.' 585 ORD F1S0 1980-4x4. 6 cyl Red, leather, auto. a.'c, al)i cond $15,500 Call 8 4 2O1-O7O6791 908-089-0330 5spd, i33Kmi, 1 owner, S2000 snrt. Mint, black 13,100 rreles- Pill.??, .;?.??:?!!. Org nii $14,000. 90B-5;?~-p479 CHEVROLET • 1971 Impjia 2 ,lick. NEW clutch, brakes & poftflr, sun lool, now lires.' 90*654-7673. MERCEDES 1970 280 SEL PLYMOUTH - 1933, 4 dr mini' $6500 Coll 908-273-8J67. /best offer 908-241-2566 S13.70O-908-598-S749 VOLVO 1986 740 GLE Grey, BUICK 1987 ltaj.il C.N42K Dr rvdtiip. o>ig omiai 73K lubs Job box. 86K mi. $l?00 bran. 4iir. ong overtiaulod. e«c sedan, restore oi Streol rod. snrf,good cond dealer main- ong mi. ek'C sun'r). q.u k»>pt. S0 irm 908-6J6-0040 $O72 $2500 NtSSAN 1988 Paihhndw Se lained^SOO. 908-298-1785 S9800. 90S-3G2-7753 CHEW 19,3 Corvette '1 spd FORD 19B5 BRONCO • Runs 4wtl. 2dr. v6. cc, soil. nc. Ided. MERCEDES 1965 Volvo 1986 740 Turbo Wgn CADiLLAC 1949 Model 62 it'i L.S2 vory qd Cond TRIUMPH 19B0 TR-8 convert good, new 33" BFG's, 122K 10l)K.S650a 908-665-8425 We'll Run Your Auto Or Truck Ad OS,818 oncjinai miles, 4 door auto,hid seats,85k.surf,gar 510 000110.9/3-773-2207 Only 1700 mlg'il, 5HK ong 2600 HO Call 908-276-1027 4 dr. exc condition $0000 sedan. Tan with hrown inl r. OBO 903272-736S miles Stiong encjitiB. good Trucks & Trailers HOB; CHEVY Monte Caito 19/1 1 Auto, PS, PB. fxe cond. body A top. now interior floods Foid 1987 Bronco II XL 97K owner, (jnr'd. 100 "a ong. !>3K CHEVY 1985 SUBURBAN $ Until It Sells $ VOLVO 1992 blue w'grey IWif. CADILLAC Sedan 1955 Serious collecloss only. some imnor moclVl work. drk tiwa'lgt Ian clean Axi mi. uttia clonn. iuns now, Scottsdnio 360 V8. aulo. ac. survool, carseat. snow tires. 2nd Owner, Drive Anywlwre $9,500, Days: 908-S32-7900 S4450 UO. 00B-68B-324B loaded $3900 201-635-5579 G4K mi. $9000 908-789-9018 $6500130 908-527-0479 S5.900-l)o 90B 654-4934. orEvos 908-7890210 casa. Class 3 ln!ch. cloan, runs FORD 1991 EXPL0HEF1- strong. $1350201•866-2622 four Wheel Oiive 1400 Eddia Bauer Loodod, we CHEVY t993Hlarar 2dr, 4x4. One Low Price With Unlimited conri. bast otlor 9O8GG5-OM1 CHEVY 19B9BlomrS10 or 9G8-G65-B652 alis. nc. aim, one cond. 42K. W'jftW, PS/PB.'AC, stick, hko $12,700 908-527-8171 Charge Your Classified Ad! new $8100,908-904.7924 FORD 1993 Eitptcrer I * Mileage For Your Ad. Eddio Bnuei. 68K milos CHEVY 1993 S-10 TahOeP/U' CHEVY 1993 Biaier-Tahoc IT $12,000; 201-514-1822 Gcyl. SspiJ. lie, 42K. mint, must 4dr, auto, Slhr int, Irlr hitch, 4 3 soil $7050, bo 908-245-1882 V6 ung, lugg rack, prom whis. OOD 1992 EXPLOnHFl XLI 4Dr. dark groan w/ittir, 83K nn, DODGE Ram PU 1987-Now j Call For Details Today! 56K Si3.500. 90a-66S:1382 We Accept musl soil! J1O.OO0 Mp. slant 0 eng. ytnnt cond,' CHEVY Blazer S10 1988 B08 647-4500(9q8-322-1910 S'lOOO/obo 908-647-9377 nuto, excellent conrj, 101K mi. a'ter Sprfi S3 900 Call90fl-464-R89q F0HDt993EXPL0nER-4dr. pwr. 50K. one cond. Ford 350 1901. Dual whools on CHEVY 19U0 K-S Dta/Gi B7K $13,400 908-464-2317. rear, aulo, all mapr pails new tin. sitvorado pky. nuto ovofy- rack body, sidesaddle storage, thing, a'c Exc cond ${!000 ORD- 1991 EXPLORER good shapa, many estras.' 908-709-1075 XLT. 4dr, llhr, nlrti, pwr inn ri, $6000 Snl 908-789-227C ; 13Skrni.j7500il)O 771-0627 CHEVY 1H91 DLAKHH 6 cyl. GEO 1994 Tracknr. rud w'blk 2WD. JMi, nc. /Bk. Mini' nsk 63K mi. MUST SELL! $4200 $6^a0Cnl!908-756-280C conv lop, oxecond. 10,300 int. ,'obo Cull 908-4 74-0717 • n/c, $H900.00 90a-755-!>73G TOYOTA • 199-1 Pirtup, xlrn- ISUZU 1987 Troopor. 5spd, 2 cat), 26.400 mi. 4WD, 5 sp. nc^ dr, low milcis S5400'DO nm/dri ulnn, $12,0O0/DO 90flB51-2655


V)N f V6Z07364, 1 tlH. 7.01. IX'Ht 9 DR. 13L «FI * uvlfiill, fi tpd,. 4 cyl eng., 9 ulufh ml , |uaiRH •pd,cloth Int., bkti. biwllnt. r/tj«t. MBflP: TAURUS GL :i StO.450.

VtH * EFIV6 auto, y irrt., am/fm %\ttmal r- ckxh, btw »U *•» Kin tirai, C»1>f

13995 QUALITY PR€-OWN€D V € H I C L e S 1991 TOPAZ 1M3TOMU 1995 ESCORT 1992 SKVLAKK 1994 TOPAZ 1995 ESCORT Chevy, VW IJX71 J2<5, S Dfl Cbwy. Mercury. VIN • MK626414. 4 Fun! vims7;r7.)M> h.iii.ti- oiL.ilfy, VIN »HKI,US9i!0. l HIB, 4 cyl. aUo, (Vi/ti. a/c. cyl. w1. f, On, , 4 cyly. aulo.p p/*/b. vrVrrn cyl., Birto, p/a/b, n/c, r/def, h,lf.k. 4 r.yl. iiiltn. li'»'ti, itneo. f«b Int.. f/d«(. pAvind»/ tllityt iUlltri <1«f l''|tv- e\lK, r/dor. .uit/lin atornu, «rVtm >t/dodi, fab irK., 47,966 lab. W. r/(l*t. 1, (iliilnii ml. tin! QII, rid all («k«/min», 37.B97 mi . 43.U96 ml.

1994 ESCORT 1995 ESCORT LX 1994 IM BARON f9MUC0tTVA6ON ViN •RAiQJ^Ci. 4 ni vin»rmi5fTi;i (, ion. , v\H unfifMm. 4 -1 t.yi, ;III!(I, l^s, |j^t», rtA. , Illlill air tJWJt, 'JB.20B ll>l auto, (Vvt), a/c. r/dd. r tag*, roof rizk, 7$,7?b M ,,n/(rn filorr!), f.ibric. Icil, caas, Inl gts, kit wipes, acting, k it gauges, mot rar-k, 43,0(6 mt

I995CHOWNVKT0WA Looking |i im 19*4 MtOM CT 1996 TAURUS I991CONVHS*ONUMI 1994 PHOBE fOHU Vtii»OVH7li5i I! cy<, •rto. IS: f^J • n (f for a dim, t'-j'Mi. l.ini.41,MO!r New Car? M

1995 EXPlOfCR 1S96 FORD 1993UV1JMM4WD 19*7 F-1SO 4H4 r-35O PICKUP IttS WMDSTM SL fort*. V.n «r:.h';i J2t?, 4 fO 6 swrcncAa r V)N »TCA j3H,7, ti '/I. mo. ji/*'l<, n/c, t'.t/i'i? ml 14.995 14,995 '21,225 '21968 22.995 22B27 24273 Check our Classified pages for 245-6100 results!

oB '«•? I"}'«I1'!''! '*y!l EW-wp entept for t leuhtrijfiwi Prkmimttxlf.: As|iim-Sl 000 Purkwtw byally i $i000 f(jt1 tij»ite VIDO COBMK yrtid relKilc, if cpxil; E«of! Si000 Pciikvwry lOOOlotlory rebate,, $45)0tofeqcqraliRtMi$45)0tofeqcqral e iiquiJ; Ttiuruv-SlODO Pwfcvww(07% 'f'™l«i S!500 (mtoty 1 L : rebqie S4L_ - f dd ; GtoSIOOOGontour-SIOOOM MmMlv rebale, MOO toluje mwl relMrto, if tfuti), M50-JxI-SIOOO S MINS from UMION j, $300 conuncf tioi rebde,, ebotete,, If mdml , E-150 Cargo Van-SVait-SIODi DUO Paitvmbtwrwy b>ti!lbyollyy iclxiticlxitcc $30$3000 totimKKi toiiinEf([udl rdxiterdxite,, MOMOOO cofajU e I ,BG MINI} from NEWARK ftrfc j rebale,bl if qudd ; ExjtbrcEb f S100S1OO00 Pwbrtjftk y bytilbtily rdxihrdxih, 'ylOO toltajfl artKl relxilrelxilo iff qutjf; Ouy ptxis < o MINS from WOODUHIDaE ktor-SIOQOPuil. •eble, Sip factory tetde, S400ro MINS from MANALAI'AN iowerfced • as R. 11.9^ fitCTKHW for n>os on select motkk. tl85/. fiii{HKH«| on new 1997 Expbrcr. in itwfc. Sec ut lor (klinh. ao September 12,1997 -B-14 Real Mid-career buyers making second home purchases author and senior instructor Hl Kathleen (Neen) S. Development Association are looking for a place to get some people choose to rent location, tear down the prop- pr found that 50 percent of away that is closer to the pri- before deciding upon the per- erty and rebuild." for the Residential Sales . O'Malley, CRS and most sea- Council. \ Vi'sonal real estate agents households surveyed want to mary residence," noted Bonzie fect house. "It is always possible to »'; across the country are famil- purchase a recreational home Everson, CRS regional vice Consumers will spend two rent a vacation home for part In short, second homes are r.iiar with the typical profile and 35 percent believe they president and agent with years looking for a vacation of the year and possibly year providing a refuge for anyone - have a fifty-fifty chance of Century-21 Towne & Country home, compared to 4-6 round," noted Zollinger. wanting to plan for the future used ten years ago to describe months for a primary resi- "There are advantages to i, the second home buyer: upper owning one within the next in Salisbury, NC. including long-term retire- ten years. "Most people want a home dence. renting out your property; any ment, an upcoming summer ,,. income bracket, empty-nested Buyers' interests are fees you incur traveling to " couples in their late 60s or 60s "The type of vacation home they can get to by driving 150- vacation or even next week- Ul piques during the tourist sea- meet with vendors and con- , planning for retirement. may vary, depending on how 180 miles." end's magical escape. '. the buyer wants to spend his Besides the entertainment son and although showings tractors are tax deductible, as To learn more about the " Today, however, a rising are popular during this time, are a portion of your repairs. "number of second homes are or her free time," said Myra value, owning a second home second home market, visit the * Zollinger, CRS, president of can have financial benefits. most closings occur during the An increasing number of Residential Sales Council's purchased by Baby Boomers off-season, allowing the new people, who do not want to ranging in age from 33-51. the Residential Sales Council A March survey conducted web site, http://www.rscoun- and an owner of the Coldwell by HSH Associates for Money owners time to make home rent their home but would cil.com and review "Second These buyers, while content improvements." like to reduce costs, are pool- n.with their careers, are taking Banker Realty Center in magazine polled lenders Homes, the Reasons and the Chapel Hill, NC. throughout the eleven states While the financial gains ing their resources with Regions." ' ii a second look at their life are not the primary motiva- friends or next door neighbors , choices, "Among them are farm with the most vacation homes. The suggestions from CRS Their results: more than 90 tion behind purchasing a sec- to buy a vacation home." "Second homes have houses, cattle ranches, beach agents include a bibliography percent charge the same rate ond home, the investment Although some people do of articles and information ' emerged as the fastest-grow- villas, pre-retirement commu- potential and possible tax not like to work from their nities, in-town condos, grand for second-home mortgages as sources. ling residential real estate they do for first-home loans. gains may help persuade vacation home, others take market in the United States," estates, ski lodges, hunting unsure buyers. advantage of converting a The CRS that follows a cabins and golf resort town Second-home buyers, as a ' said O'Malley, who is a mem- Gee Dunstan, CRS, anspare bedroom into temporary qualified professional real homes. A good many of the rule, make a larger down pay- estate agent's name attests to "ber of the firm Coldwell ment (twenty percent or instructor for the Residential office. Banker Residential second homes are in "Using a fax, modem and significant experience and Manhattan and in San more) and are less likely to Sales Council and agent in '.' Brokerage, Basking Ridge fall behind on their monthly Ocean City, Maryland, telephone, they can spend completion of a demanding 1 and president of the NewFrancisco, Chicago and other long weekends and work from education program. ' big urban centers." payments. observed, "Some buyers, espe- (.Jersey Chapter of the state's "Because the second home cially those who refurbish home. The closer they get to Less than four percent of i leading agents, those who "First and foremost, people is a discretionary purchase, homes and shop antique semi-retirement, the more the realtors in the U.S. hold have earned the Certified purchase a home for recre- the market clearly favors the stores as hobbies, are willing times they can spend at their the CRS designation. • Residential Specialist (CRS) ation purposes," said Tim buyers," said Jack Cotton, a to pour sweat equity into their second home and commute to The CRS credential is "designation through training Gentry, CRS, of Blowing Rock, homes. work one or two days a week awarded by the Residential v CRS regional vice president and demonstration of profes- NC. and owner of Cotton, a CRS Other customers, particu- instead of four or five," Sales Council, a not-for-profit sional experience. "Some people purchase a regional vice president and larly in the high-end markets, explained Ed Hatch, CRB, affiliate of the National "In the last 10 years, second home here because they can owner of Cotton Real Estate will, purchase a home for its CRS of Greenbelt, MD, an Association of Realtors. home purchases have doubled participate in the sports they on Cape i-to a full eight percent of the enjoy, explore the antiques, Cod. 3.8 million homes sold each specialty shops and restau- "There is Lynne's year." rants nearby or choose simply no rush to More and more consumers to do nothing but enjoy the buy the I are rejecting the theory that vista views." first vaca- Pick D.S. jOnly the upper class can "Although people often tion home 11SMIInSI..Cranford afford a second home. travel great distances to to you see. Across (rom St Michaels o! A study conducted by the spend a short vacation, people In fact, ! American Resort who purchase a second home

MOM DESERVES THIS ONE!! <$ Beware lead-based paint ROSELLEPARK ' $229,900; Expanded and completely renovated home with 2 entirely separate living; quarters. Both floors in mint condition and offering many amenity in residential homes Gorgeous masterbath with Jacuzzi, CAC. skylitcs and more. Plus large jvf£ •139.S7S in these inaues for three years, work- ftOSELLE PARK vately fenced rear property with refreshing inground pool. Call quickly lot Former Gov. Jim ^FJorio, in an this one!! """"*" Aug. 7 op-ed column, made an elo- ing with many groups and individu- quent and accurate argument als who are looking for answers. Immaculate 3 BR colonial with 1 and 1/2 baths. Home features formal DR, underscoring the potential dangers deck, patio, large walk up attic, of lead-based paint in residential Submitted with permission of: homes. Robert F. Ferguson, Jr. •'••** The impact of lead poisoning is Executive Vice President CENTURY 21 0.8. Kinsmi Itoilty («M> 272-8337 or (MO) S75-B338 devastating to the health and devel- New Jersey Association of Realtors "Saving Your N~*ForTh» Pan 30 Y»*m' £ opment of our children. Indiptndanlty Owned And Opaniled i The New Jersey Association of Realtors has been in the forefront of this issue for three years seeking ' solutions to this growing problem. NJAR produced a training video ALL COLDWELL BANKER package and cassette to educate its membership with the most up-to- date information about lead-baaed paint. ,. NJAR has provided its members .with the required forms and book- ,. lets to provide to the public. NJAR has distributed to its 'members training material pre- pared by the National Association of "Realtors. \ NJAR has participated, along with state and federal regulators, in training sessions for members. ,, This all has been done to ensure the real estate licensee understands - the law and complies with it as well as inform buyers and sellers of their ' rights and responsibilities. 1 Members of concerned organiza- Hye-Young Choi - 2nd Place Mary McEnerney - 3rd Place tions should look to improve the ''education process for home buyers '.'and sellers and find ways to encour- ' age more inspections by home buy- ers. NJAR has been working on this >, issue with many groups. Many sellers moved into older homes after the use of lead-based paint was banned and have no idea 1 if their homes contain lead paint. SCOTCH PLAINS $279,900 CRANFORD $223,900 WESTFIELD $239,000 Totally renovated in the last !i yrs. This charming This issue of whether buyers wish Immaculate newly decorated 3 BR Co! in wonder- Charming 1920's colonial. 3 BRs, 1,5 Bths, LR 1920's Dutch colonial offers wonderful charm ful family neighborhood. 2 Bths, deck, fenced yd. w/FP, formal DR, cozy den plus Rec Rm, newer to have inspections for lend-bosed w/modern convenience. WSF7030. WSF6997. Kit. WSF6992. paint is even more complicated, Buyers nre faced with a myriad of issues when purchasing a home. Thia requires families to make choices, The real issue is, sadly, an < economic factor, A lend inspection of an average residential property costs several hundred dollars and buyers spend several hundred more dollars for an explanation of the results, called a SCOTCH PLAINS $439,000 FANWOOD $265,000 FANWOOD $224,500 risk assessment. Immaculate Col in almost new cond. A BRs, 2.5 Stately Tudor. Bright & sunny 3 BR, 2.5 Bth home Well maintained CM Col on cul dc sac. Lg bright It ia difficult for mnny home buy- Bths, Itf Fam Km iiud Florida Rm. Almost nn acre on a quiet tree lined street in great neighborhood, rms, Fam Rm, spacious EIK, 3 BRs, 2.S Bths, deck, era to expend those resources HB ofland.WSF(i. .WASHINGTON, D.C. —give you a vague idea of your written appraisal of your If you decide to refinance, Appraisal Practice (USPAP), 4jow do you know when your home's value, but also be property? an appraisal can provide sup- the appraisal standards rec- prior to beginning work. home needs a full appraisal, highly inaccurate if your The American Society of port to establish the market ognized by the government. The report should be signed •or when an inspection would home has had improvements Appraisers, one of the largest value of your property and the Review the appraiser's by the individual who made o r organizations representing amount of the new mortgage. qualification's statement or the appraisal and who is appraisers of all disciplines, Removing Private job-history resume for his/her responsible for its validity suggests you should order an Mortgage Insurance {PMD documented accomplish- and objectivity and contain appraisal when: Most lenders are willing to ments. that person's qualifications ante uoit Selling your home drop their requirement for Check the appraiser's refer- If you are relocating, know- data, PMI when your home equity ences, including recommenda- The real estate appraisal ing the current market value reaches n certain level. tions by insurance companies, can help you negotiate a sale A current market value banks, and financial institu- report also will likely tell you uzmcin more quickly, especially if you appraisal can provide the evi- tions. about any substandard items have a unique property, such dence necessary to support Conduct a personal inter- related to the property, such as the oldest house or the the equity in your home. view to determine how theas environmental hazards or largest house in the area. How do you find the best appraiser's experience and locations inside flood plains, If you've done any renova- 1 appraiser for your proper- knowledge relates to your and the locations of ease- ANOTHER "SUCCESS STOW" " tions, an appraisal will reflect ty? particular assignment. ments. WE PROUOtf PflESNT NDIWR the increased value to your If you are ordering the Call ASA toll-free at home. (800)ASA-VALU (272-8258) to If the appraisal was CttnWTUSBlffl appraisal yourself, make sure ordered by a lender, truth in Buying a new home you employ the services of a obtain the names of qualified 572 SCOW Art., BfiAIElW Knowing the current mar- professional and experienced appraisers in your area, or, lending laws require that the MEfTMAIBMeTaEDWMDiBNONDI ket value of the home you are real estate appraiser who has you can find a qualified lender give you a copy of the considering buying can keep appraiser on ASA's Web site at appraisal report if you CW9WTOOK WW7 a designation from one or you from agreeing to an inflat- more of the major appraisal www.appraisers.org. request it. ed price and save you money. organizations and who is What should be in the Usually, the request must Buying insurance for licensed or certified by theappraisal report? be made in writing within six real estate state. If you are ordering the By establishing the current months of mortgage closure. Look for an Accredited appraisal yourself, you will Have more questions? "Our home was sold in 2 WEEKS Irom listing It with, i Guzman! Everything market value of the property, Senior Appraiser or receive an appraisal report went smoothtyl Thank you!! you can ensure that you have Accredited Member of the when the appraisal is com- Order a free copy of the facts to purchase suffi- American Society of plete. "Questions and Answers Think you Irom cient insurance coverage. Appraisers. The report should clearly About the Appraisal Mr. Edward & Mrs. Mirgarat Redmond" Filing a claim with an A member of ASA with one state the kind of value being Profession" by sending a self- insurance company of those designations has met determined (usually market •INOTKRIMIEUSrlD A»$OU)IYJU0UaUMR£Aini»C.KilT0«" addressed, stnmped business If you have to file for a strict education and experi- value in n real property envelope to: American Society TH£ OFFICE OF NEVER ENMNQ SUCCESS STORIES,"11 casualty loss, it's important to ence requirements and suc-appraisal). determine the market value of of Appraisers Q&A P.O. Box •OUR KIT REFERENCE IS YOU* NEIGHSHW.™ cessfully completed several The report also should the property to determine written examinations to prove describe the property being 17265 Washington, D.C. replacement costs, his or her appraisal is being valued; the procedures used to 20O41. Applying for a home ordered by a lender, request, a estimate the value, such as ASA is the nation's oldest equity loan list of approved appraisers analysis of comparable sales, appraisal society that teaches, JILL GUZMAN REALTY, INC. An appraisal will help and choose an appraiser with cost of reproduction, relation tests, and accredits apprais- 'OUR BEST REFBRSKCE IS YOUR NEIGHBOR11"' establish the amount of equi- the above qualifications. of the appraised value to a ers. 70 ELMCRA AVENUE, ELIZABETH. NEW JERSEY 072C2 ty you have. Never choose an appraiser specific point in time, or esti- International in scope, ASA Taxation Increase who works for a fixed percent- mntion and analysis of income was incorporated to establish 908-353-6611 If you plan to challenge a age of the amount of value or from the property. tax assessment of the estimated cost that is The appraisal report also an effective professionwide on your home, an being determined. should stipulate that the affiliation working coopera- appraisal can An ethical and objective appraiser has no interest in tively for the elevation of provide support appraiser will charge a flat fee the property being appraised, standards of the appraisal to obtain the cor- for the work, or an hourly fee, or, if the appraiser does have profession. Relief! RANALD C. BROW Time is right 1934 Washington Valley Road, Box 68 Attend one of [iurf>dorff ERA free seminars on the new MARTINSVILLE, NEW JERSEY 08836 Capital Gains Tax Relief Act awl learn how you can save! to trade up Five seminar locations, all held on TUGS., Sept. 23, 7:30 P.M. to a new home Call the Burgdorff Office nearest you for details! The family growing and you need LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! more bedrooms. The twins arc starting BHIDGEWATER $229,900 school and you want to live in a better 6.9 acres. City utilltlesi Heavily wooded with school district. Perhaps your financial viewl situation has changed and you can afford MONTGOMERY $119,700 a more luxurious house with u better Approx. 4 acres! Secluded wooded oasis w/summer cottage. Needs "perc + soil logs + address. Whatever the motive, the bottom well. line is the same. You want — you need — "CAMPLAIN COMM to move to a bigger or better house, but HUNTERDON COUNTY $88,700 AGE 82 REQUIREMENT Quiet, quaint Pjttstpwn area. Approx. 1-1/2 first you must sell your existing house. 1 bedroom unit with hot water haat and central air condition' woodfjcfkres with sfreamf Adjacenrto Arabian ing! Laundry room + basement storage) Cat) qulckll Horse Farm! Approved "perc" ready to gol Several factors have contributed to create a favorable clinmte for trading up to a more expensive house. Right now in Coldwell Banker offices across the met- ropolitan area, there is n tremendous CHARMING PERFECT HOME demand for well-priced homes. That 3 BR, 2 full Bath colonial. New EJK, FOR STARTER demand often results in multiple offers new carpet over hardwood floors, full This home is , *f;iined bo,istiri(! 4 HRs, i Ml Uiitiis, him, Km,, IK w/ll , mortgage amount. move-in condition split Iws tots l<> offer. J;|;ISS windows, wrap nniund porch. newer UK, Screened forth, Deck, 2 ( ,)f G.iiiijje, Once you have a Bonse about what the There are 1 HRs, 1.5 Hlhs Fam Kin, Itefinisheil firs, hiyli ceilings, front ck (AC, 1^. U.'tsement, all set on <|iii<'l tree lined sired market is like, call a Coldwell Bunker EIK, hrdwd firs & lols of closets. Ihe hack Ktairs. Miny upgrades! Offered at in

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