Rtunities Lisar Fort
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CTAE-BOTLETI- TWO. EOKUEUEU N, MONDAY, APRIL 17. lDlC. POLICE COURT DOINGS GOOD FRIDAY ODD ENTER 4 wspiracy; FEtLOVSTO AND NOTATIONS FOUND WOMBS . t A PR011B- - - ! ON STATION BLOTTER . IHIoii: JOIN II A charge of heedless driving will YOUNGSTERS FOR ADD C O. SMITH top; claims mm be made against Harvey Pele Kaio 4 for falling asleep while driving his car over Watmea bridge on the night Phone 1431 pi of December 1, U15. His passengers MAY 6 at the time were 1L Beg and Harry to LOVE'S BISCUIT & BREAD CO. iC .Mabol of the Reform School. ; mm. Murata Tokobuye, the Japanese Mrs. Baby Week AH Day Celebration Will Pay ' James Rath of the Local Teacher 'Will Represent Two Chinese Gamblers Testify plantation laborer who confessed to committee said today that some in Opening Session of Wa-- - Honor to Founding of killing his ld daughter with, mothers have been averse to entering Kauai; Excursion to Garden " a knife; at Camp 5, Waipahu, recently. ' TO) 1 their babies in the examinations, as " hiiw Rrihor Prnha Lodge I Po-- Isle Tomorrow Parent will be charged this afternoon by i they believed they and their babies lice Prosecutor Charles F. Chilling- - would be on exhibition before a crowd Strong indications of a conspiracy, Members of the various Odd Fellow worth with murder in the first degree. Prof.Cyrn O. Smith, principal of of spectators. Their . enthusiastic on part of She-ri- ff in the Honolulu district will the Royal School, has been appointed ; aid for the defense the orders support' has been won by explaining WI STORE VERYTHINt f 1 t ClTtiTRNSFE CO'ipAlO a long-dra- w ri de join in a big picnic day, Saturday, May Kauai representative of the Hawaii Rose and out, Acting on a wire received Saturday to them ..the nature of the examina- MME8 R LOVE cross-examinatio- n two; 6, Moanalua gardens, to celebrate Promotion Committer, an I will attend tailed of the at from Deputy' Sheriff Martin of Hilo, tions and the scoring, which Is entire- prosecution marked 79th anniversary of founding ap-- tho first r the vammittte to witnesses for the tho the 2 Chief of Detectives McDuf fie has i moi'i; organization ly private In every case. The com- morrow th iub. the opening of the hearing Saturday of the parent in America. prehended . Valentine Paeheco, who nia a. Comrcbl ' parisons as to standings of s on A proclamation calling cele Wil- - relative a wItpI-'5- tni.' morning I D. Tm by the Civil Service Commission for the tried to escape from IIIlo on the babies - from in charge against Gray; by entered are made the monS. secreury of the Ilauat Cham-o- f the bribery Jesse bration has been received here: helmina while under police surveil- score cards. Wahlawa police officer. Sessions of Melville : T. Slmontcn, grand sire of lance for alleged gross cheat. The Commerce, aoiitlod A. P. Tay- "The records of baby contests he!d th- - the commission Mill be held every this Jurisdiction. f sheriff's office at Hilo was notified by lor, director c! Hawaii Promctlon ' A. t ' Al . All elsewhere show that few, if any; nigni misiLI weeie in me. yiiy nan unui Committees have already been nam-- wire last evening that the fugitive Is. Committee f Ue appointment. ice am perfect 100 per cent, reach a score of . Xlr. com- the charges are disposed of. it was rd, and a part of tlie program has been held In custody. ; A Timmons also notified the - even among healthy 1 Saturday. proseeu Music by and the babies mittee chat "Ihursday. had beVn t ; j announced The arranged. will be furnished only relatively ' A Delicious Mixture of , tion has one more witness to Intro the 2nd Infantry land of Fort Shat On Saturday afternoon, Orakaua, a a small number ar ride as tha )azv for the official ipp'v ' over 90 per cent, said. re- FRESH ISLAND CREAM, CANE SUGAR:, FRUITS dtrce. declared A-.- Cristy, first dep- ter under the direction of Sergeant Japanese laborer, was she ing with tb?' li.twaii Prom tic n Ci railroad dock most encouraging thing about arrange- uty city attorney. , After that Gray's Arndt, The procession will start from shifting moorings of The mittee. He added that all AND FRUIT FLAVORS. TryjltJ assisting in the the entries is most of attorney, J. B. Lightfoot, will take up the Capitol grounds at 9 o'clock. Auto the steamer Holaatia on Pier 17 when all sj far that ments have Seen' made for the coming " mothers are not - 1542 PHONES 4676 the defense. buses will be provided to carry those large wooden pin that held the the concerned at all t the members' pi the committn ?. the in the prizes they may receive if wilt The charges, of conspiracy , were who wish to leave at that hour. The bight of mooring, fast whirled The members of. the commiti the' their babies get the greatest number nor.n t made at the beginning of the hearing, program will consist of music, speech around struck him across the meet at aTorrow, :inl for the ! " and of points from examining physi- Honolulu Dairymen Association as" the result or a request by the de- eB, sports and feasting. '. chest knocking him backwards on his the first timo.the eniirrs membership will fense that Chang Chau. a Chinese head. The man was unconscious for cians, dentists and other specialists; be presen-- Tt.ev to in i Hono- are very of having Z spectator, be -- barred from the court DR. a white, but had regained conscious- but desirous the lulu tomorroTr rveiinj at o'clock SCHURMANN MAY honor being parent 111 rodm. When reasons were requested ness by time emergency am- of the of the best and arriva it Waimca V'ednes I. LEND AID TO GERMAN the the baby in the contest," declared Mrs. day morning, where quarters have popular during hi3 tour of'.illduty here. bulance had arrived. The man had " i . Ime-- slot), the attorney for the defense re- HOSPITAL SERVICE his eyes open but couldn't talk. The Rath. been reserved for them at the MARRIAGES publicly, beyond The executive committee is hard at hotel. It is planned to return to Ho- Cards have been received in Hono--" fused to state them man was cared, for at the emergency lulu announcing Mer- to-b- collecting Sunday officiat-leg- , the marriage in declaring Chang Chau was e : work funds that have been nolulu either Saturday or Rev, L. Loofbourow that hospital. ' With L. ced. California, on IS, of Miss called as a witness for promised and solicit all their friend morning. Joseph C. Clara March the defense. In response to an appeal made in a. 'o Cross and Miss Helen Bronk, daughter of Mr. and Questioned. Chang Chau declared that Kekapa, frequent offend- to help towards completing the de- Those who will make the trip re: Smith were married in the Methodist from In Charles a .Mrs. G. Ole-so- n. was aware IJgbtfoot's recent letter his father Ger sired total of $400 as early as possible Chairman Emil A. Derndt, George An- witneages J. Bronk, to J. Waldemar he not of Mr. many, asking that he devote himself er, was sent to Jail for two months church last Thursday, the Oleson Is Then an so that the more serious work can be gus, W.' D. Adams, J. D. Mclnerny, W. being Henry Nelson Mrs. Hilda J!r. associated with intention. executive confer with others to helping in care of for creating a nuisance. Kekapa is a and the San offices of Ha- the proceeded , O. Aiken, George H. Vicars, A. P. Tay- flSso-'ciate- d Francisco the ence of the commissioners, the attor- half-witte- d with. Nelson, bis wife. .Mr. Cross is wounded soldiers, Dr. F. H, Schur-inan- n man who Is moTe or less ' waiian Pineapple Company, and was neys for the prosecution and for The committee is also desirous of lor and Joseph Du Frenes. who will with M. &. Company, the of this city' may offer his ser- Irresponsible and the police are at a A. Gunst formerly with A Pack, defense was requested. finding some well wisher who will take a number of pictures to ba ushI Mrs. tTo8s being a daughter of Capt. tho Ifaika Fruit d. htm. Father-lan- loss as to what to do with ( vices for hospital work in the Star-Bullet- in Lymar. ing Company of .Maul. Ahlna Telia of Chef a Games. - finance a prise contest. The in exhibition this year by the Paul Smith. i ' has offered two prizes, H. Howe Bureau. ' Ahlna was the first man on the certainly willing1, to go,! Lee Khn was found guilty and fined sets of ' "I am Dr. one for the essay by a sur- MARRIAGE LICENSES stand. He broke out In excited Eng Star-Bulleti- 15 having' 6plttttxln:hIs"posseB-sion-. best mother Dr. Lionel E. Hooper, assistant Schumann told the' n to- for :.. on the care of children or some phase geon occasionally,' most the local U. S. public . liah but jfor the day, "and if things can be arranged of health IC. F. Chtnese-- . part bis testimony was made intelli- of the subject of child welfare, a VITAL service, and Miss Lucille White Rog- Arthur Kaur . .... .2$ satisfactorily I may answer the call STATISTICS . Jennlo N. G. Hoo, Chinese. .23 ' prize of $15, and '$5 second, : In ca- gible through an interpreter. He told v,-- - -- -- for the ers were married St.