This Section Describes Potential Impacts from the Implementation Of
4.15 UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS This section describes potential impacts from the implementation of the proposed General Plan and Energy and Conservation Action Strategy (ECAS) on utilities and services, including water supply, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste, and energy resources. Impacts associated with hy- drology (groundwater and water-related hazards) and water quality are addressed in Chapter 4.9, Hydrology and Water Quality. As noted in Chapter 3, Project Description, impacts are deter- mined by comparing the proposed General Plan and ECAS to existing conditions, rather than to the existing General Plan. The following evaluation is based on a quantitative analysis and ex- amines how buildout under the proposed General Plan and ECAS would affect utilities and ser- vice systems in Vacaville. A. Water Supply The City of Vacaville provides potable water service from three water supply sources, including the Solano Project, State Water Project (SWP), settlement water from the North Bay Aqueduct, and groundwater sources. Potable water production facilities include groundwater wells and sur- face water treatment plants. The potable water distribution system consists of one main pres- sure zone (main zone), which is capable of serving pad elevations below 222 feet in elevation, plus several higher elevation pressure zones (upper pressure zones) capable of serving pad eleva- tions above 222 feet in elevation, in various portions of the city. Large diameter water mains form the backbone of the system and convey water from the water production facilities to the major sectors of the city. 1. Regulatory Framework A number of federal and State agencies manage and regulate water resources for the City with the intention of safeguarding these resources for domestic and agricultural use, environmental conservation, and power generation.
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