11th September 2016 th 24 SUNDAY (Year C)

Mercy has been shown me.

THE WORD THIS WEEK All found. In God’s mercy the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost and dissolute son, are found again. Even Saul, the persecutor of Christ’s Body, the Church, can be brought back, the greatest evidence of Christ’s inexhaustible mercy. We might even dare to say, as discovers, that the eternal God relents, the changeless changes. Only the elder son, the brother who has no mercy, can’t forgive, is stuck outside. So he misses what always follows and celebrates the gifts of mercy and reconciliation: a good thanksgiving feast – a ; communion.

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE: (Psalter: Week 4)

Exodus 32: 7 – 11, 13 – 14. The Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened. Response: Psalm 50. Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness. In your compassion blot out my offence. O wash me more and more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin.

A pure heart create for me, O God, put a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, nor deprive me of your Holy Spirit.

O Lord, open my lips and my mouth shall declare your praise. My sacrifice is a contrite spirit; a humbled, contrite heart you will not spurn.

1 Timothy 1: 12 – 17. Christ came into the world to save sinners.

Acclamation for the Gospel: Alleluia, Alleluia. Alleluia! God in Christ was reconciling the world to himself, and he has entrusted to us the news that we are reconciled. Alleluia, Alleluia. Alleluia! Luke 15: 1 – 32. There will be rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner.

Prayer of the Faithful: R/. Have mercy, O God, in your kindness.

CONGRATULATIONS to Johanna and Brian Greenaway, for whose Golden Wedding this Saturday evening’s Mass is offered, and who are offering us a toast in the Hall after Mass. CONGRATULATIONS to Aoiffe, Emily, and Daniel on their World Youth Day pilgrimage: Lots of photos at the back of church – looks like they enjoyed it!

MASS AND SERVICES DURING THE WEEK: Sat 10th September 23rd SUDAY in ordinary time 6.30pm Brian + Johanna Greenaway Golden Wedding Sun 11th September 23rd SUNDAY in ordinary time 10.30am For the People of the Parish Mon 12th September 6.45pm Evening Prayer of the Church 7.00pm Joe Rossi (LA) Tues 13th September , and 9.45am Morning Prayer of the Church 10.00am Mervyn Williams (SW) Wed 14th September The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 9.45am Morning Prayer of the Church 10.00am Anthony +Barbara Burns (MJ + AH) Adoration 2 to 4 pm & 6.00 to 8 pm. Thurs 15th Our Lady of Sorrows. 9.45am Morning Prayer of the Church 10.00am Aloysius Thomas (TT) Fri 16th Saint Cornelius, and Saint , Bishop, Martyrs 9.45am Morning Prayer of the Church 10.00am Giuseppe +Rosa Gambetta (L+JG) 2.00pm. Wedding of Nicola McCarthy + John Seabourne

th Sat 17 5.45 – 6.15pm The Sacrament of Reconciliation 24th SUNDAY in ordinary time 6.30pm For the People of the Parish Sun 18th 24th SUNDAY in ordinary time 10.30am Sister Veronica and Baptism of Cameron Edwards . THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 5.45pm to 6.15pm, or at any time by arrangement with the priest.


Preparing For Your Child’s BAPTISM starts on Wednesday 28th September, and will run for three evenings; Please fill in and return a green ‘Your Child and Baptism’ form from the porch.

The Sacrament of RECONCILIATION, in the Jubilee Year of Mercy: Hoping to bring your child to celebrate Reconciliation in this ‘Year of Mercy’ (and to join in Communion next year)? Please register your interest Today: Registration forms are available in the porchand should be returned By this Sunday. This Tuesday (13th September) all parents are asked to come to an introduction and overview of the help the Parish offers them as they prepare with their child. Then on Tuesday 20th September we will have the first Parents and Children’s Session, and the Mass of enrolment the following Sunday. Please book these dates now, and be sure to register your this weekend.

ARCHDIOCESAN CENTENARY PILGRIMAGE OF PRAYER The Pilgrimage of prayer round the Diocese to mark our centenary moves to All Parish, Newport, with the churches of Saint Anne, Malpas; Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys, Rogerstone; Saint , Malpas; Saint David Lewis, Betws; Saint Mary, city centre; and Saint , Pillgwenlly. The Parish Priest, Canon Michael Evans is assisted by Revd. John Boye of Accra Diocese, and Revd. Deacons Richard Withers and Pasquale Cinotti. Also in the Parish are the Sisters of Saint at Skelmorlie and at Malpas. ’s High School, and Saint Woolos Hospital and the Royal Gwent Hospital are served from the Parish. The HOLY DOOR for the Jubilee of Mercy is in Saint Mary’s church.


will take place on This Monday, 12th September, at 7.45pm in the Hall

Please do your best to attend, to know review the past year, interact with the other

members and ministries of the Parish, and look to the coming year and ongoing plans

and development. Together we form the Parish and become the People of God.

“DOES CARE OF THE DYING MEAN CONCERT at Mount Carmel, RATIONING MERCY?” A talk by Baroness Ilora Pontygwindy Road, 7.00pm on Finlay, Professor of Palliative Care at University Wednesday (14th) in aid of ‘Open th and Consultant at Velindre, on Wednesday (14 ) 1.15pm Doors’, a charity serving at Saint David’s Cathedral, Cardiff. For a (free but persecuted Christians worldwide. necessary) ticket, please contact [email protected].

CATHOLIC BIBLE SCHOOL - the Image of BOLIVIA: Find out more about CAFOD’s work God and the Protection of Human Dignity: in Bolivia, which is the poorest country in What does it mean to be created in the image of America, on Saturday 17 September, 10:30 – 1:30 God? And what are the implications for human in the Mostyn Room at St David’s Cathedral, dignity and the right to life? Saint Philip Evans Cardiff; A talk by Tania Dalton, CAFOD’s Church, Saturday, 17th September, 10am - 3pm. communications officer for Latin America: a great Please bring a packed lunch. For more opportunity to learn more about CAFOD’s work information see www.catholic-bible- and how you can get involved in the Harvest Fast school.org/events. day appeal in October. All welcome.

th Invite a guest through the Door of Mercy! On Tuesday 20 September, Saint Aloysius’ Church (Chestnut Way, Gurnos) is offering guests a simple meal, free of charge, followed by an opportunity to pass through the Door of Mercy. We need to get the word out to potential guests that they are invited to this meal. The invitation is for Catholics who are no longer regular attenders at church, and for people who have never followed the Christian faith. And who is going to invite them? You are! It’s not easy, asking family members or friends to take the seriously, let alone visit a church. But for this special event, Saint Aloysius is offering a welcome, in the form of a simple meal. At the end of the meal, a parish representative will give a short explanation of what the Holy Door means, and invite those who wish to take the shuttle back and forth to Saint Mary’s to pass through it. The key message is that everyone is welcome as part of a local community of worshipping Catholics. We are emphasising the importance of “being welcomed among the worshipping community” rather than “receiving the sacraments”, as there are many potential guests who are not, or not yet, in a position to come to Holy Communion. There are invitation cards available for you to pass on to your family, friends, and work colleagues. Who will you invite? Which members of your family are Catholic, but not active in church? Has someone among your friends and colleagues expressed interest in your Catholic faith, admiration for Pope Francis, fascination with , recently declared a saint? Please invite someone! Even better, bring someone with you!

PARISH PRAYER LIST: In our prayers we are asked to pray for all who are sick or housebound, including: Pamela Griffiths Teresa Meade Sheila Harris Gerry Phenis Graham Jenkins Sandra Bray Jean Kerrigan Lloyd Jones John Maguire Cecelia Mawby Pat Emanuelli David Mabey Isobel Cummins Pauline Richards Dorothy Warmsley Valerie Donovan Paul Costigan Margaret Jones Carol Morrissey Claris Howell Margaret Foster Mary Morrissey Grace Donovan Christine Parr MaryCanwell

REQUIESCAT IN PACE: Please pray also for the repose of the soul of Bridie Tolan, who died last Monday, and Maureen Welsby who died the following day, and pray for their families. SAINT HELEN’S COMMUNITY CENTRE – THIS WEEK:

Date Time Event Mon 12th September 9.30am Toddlers 7.30pm Annual General Meeting Tue 13th September 6.30pm Reconciliation Parents Wed 14th September 9.30am Toddlers 6.30pm W.I. Thurs 15th September 9.30am Toddlers 2.00pm – 4.00pm Sunshine Club Sat 17th September 9.30am – 12.30pm Dance Sun 18th September 11.30am Tea, Coffee, & Biscuits 2.00pm – 5.00pm Party

OFFERTORY COLLECTION 4th September 2016 Gift Aid Weekly £ 214.20 Non Gift Aid Weekly £ 86.12 Gift Aid Standing Orders £ 502.04 Non Gift Aid Standing Orders £ 65.00 Loose £ 328.07 TOTAL £1195.43 Many thanks

LOTTERY BONUS BALL CONGRATULATIONS to Terrance Miles and Lorna Elliott, winners of Bonus Ball no. 11. No winner on card 3 this week. A total of £85.00 was made for parish funds. TRY YOUR LUCK AGAIN THIS WEEK.

A.P.F. Mission Boxes Don’t forget – these are being collected in throughout September. Please bring yours in to church or pass it to your collector, as soon as possible. Thank you.

Next Sunday Geoff York will make an appeal for help with the A.P.F. (Association for the Propagation of the Faith) RED MISSION BOXES which many of us use as a as a way of collecting for the Church in areas of need and evangelisation: This is not an appeal for money, only for help – there will not be a collection.

CHRISTIAN PRAYER. Section Two: The Lord’s Prayer: ‘Our Father’ Article 1: The Summary of the Whole Gospel: III. The Prayer of the Church (2771) In the Eucharist, the Lord’s Prayer also reveals the eschatological character of its petitions. It is the proper prayer of ‘the end-time’, the time of salvation that began with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and will be fulfilled with the Lord’s return. The petitions addressed to our Father, as distinct from the prayers of the Old Covenant, rely on the mystery of salvation already accomplished, once for all, in Christ crucified and risen. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1992

Parish Directory Priest: Revd. John Kelly 20883192; Chair of Parish Council: Graham Taylor 20860919 Hall: 20883192 Saint Helen’s School: 20852532 Cardinal Newman School: 01443 494110 SVP: 20866838 Safeguarding Officer: 20864112 Bereavement support: 07895092009 Music: Brett Pugh 07971848734. Cafod: 20861930 Newsletter items: 20883192 Website Additions:[email protected] [email protected] www.sthelenscaerphilly.com NEWSLETTER: All items for inclusion no later than Wednesday evening please.

Saint Helen is a Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff, a Registered Charity.