Grid Ref: 510899 270927

Date of Registration: 14.01.2014




1.1 The Old Vicarage is a large Victorian dwelling in a prominent corner position within the Stow Longa Conservation Area. In addition to the principal dwelling the site comprises a range of outbuildings on the northern boundary of the site, a large garden with incidental smaller buildings, and a number of mature trees. To the south of the domestic curtilage lies a paddock. The existing vehicular access is to the south of the dwelling, opposite April Cottage.

1.2 To the northeast of The Old Vicarage is a green space with mature trees. To the east of the wider domestic curtilage and paddock are a number of dwellings. To the north and west is the public highway, and again beyond that residential dwellings.

1.3 The Proposal is to erect a dwelling in the domestic curtilage of The Old Vicarage. The scheme comprises a dwelling with the outward appearance of an ‘L’ shaped range of outbuildings. The ridge height will vary from 4.8m to 7.6m. It is proposed to share the existing vehicular access from the public highway, which will branch off within the site.


2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) sets out the three dimensions to sustainable development - an economic role, a social role and an environmental role - and outlines the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Under the heading of Delivering Sustainable Development, the Framework sets out the Government's planning policies for : building a strong, competitive economy; ensuring the vitality of town centres; supporting a prosperous rural economy; promoting sustainable transport; supporting high quality communications infrastructure; delivering a wide choice of high quality homes; requiring good design; promoting healthy communities; protecting Green Belt land; meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change; conserving and enhancing the natural environment; conserving and enhancing the historic environment; and facilitating the sustainable use of minerals.

For full details visit the government website government


3.1 Saved policies from the Local Plan (1995)

• En2:“Character and setting of Listed Buildings” - indicates that any development involving or affecting a building of architectural or historic merit will need to have proper regard to the scale, form, design and setting of that building

• En5: “Conservation Area Character” - development within or directly affecting conservation areas will be required to preserve or enhance their character and appearance

• En6: “Design standards in Conservation Areas” – in conservation areas, the District Council will require high standards of design with careful consideration being given to the scale and form of development in the area and to the use of sympathetic materials of appropriate colour and texture.

• En9- “Conservation Areas” - development should not impair open spaces, trees, street scenes and views into and out of Conservation Areas.

• En18: “Protection of countryside features” – Offers protection for important site features including trees, woodlands, hedges and meadowland.

• En20: Landscaping Scheme. - Wherever appropriate a development will be subject to the conditions requiring the execution of a landscaping scheme.

• En25: "General Design Criteria" - indicates that the District Council will expect new development to respect the scale, form, materials and design of established buildings in the locality and make adequate provision for landscaping and amenity areas.

• H31: “Residential privacy and amenity standards” – Indicates that new dwellings will only be permitted where appropriate standards of privacy can be maintained and adequate parking provided.

• H32: "Sub-division of large curtilages" states support will be offered only where the resultant dwelling and its curtilage are of a size and form sympathetic to the locality.

• H33: “Sub-division of large curtilages affecting protected buildings or features” states the subdivision of curtilages will not be supported where development will adversely affect the qualities of a Conservation Area or affect trees worthy of protection.

3.2 Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alterations (2002)

• HL5 – Quality and Density of Development - sets out the criteria to take into account in assessing whether a proposal represents a good design and layout.

3.3 Adopted Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2009)

• CS1: “Sustainable development in Huntingdonshire” – all developments will contribute to the pursuit of sustainable development, having regard to social, environmental and economic issues. All aspects will be considered including design, implementation and function of development.

• CS3: “The Settlement Hierarchy” – identifies Stow Longa as a smaller settlement in which residential infilling will be appropriate within the built up area.

3.4 Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013)

• LP1 ‘Strategy and principles for development’ - The Council will support proposals which contribute to the delivery of new housing, economic growth and diversification and infrastructure provision.Development proposals will be expected to: a. prioritise the use of previously developed land in accessible locations; b. contribute to the creation or maintenance of mixed and socially inclusive communities by integrating development of homes, jobs, services and facilities; c. make efficient use of land, buildings and infrastructure within existing settlements whilst preserving local character and distinctiveness; d. promote healthy, active lifestyles by protecting and enhancing green space, sport and recreation facilities e. maximise opportunities for use of public transport, walking and cycling; f. provide appropriate infrastructure to meet the needs generated by the proposed development; g. support the local economy by providing a mix of employment opportunities suitable for local people; h. minimise greenhouse gas emissions, oxides of nitrogen, fine particles and other forms of pollution; i. reduce water consumption and wastage, minimising the impact on water resources and quality and managing flood risk; and j. protect and enhance the historic environment and the range and vitality of characteristic landscapes, habitats and species.

• Policy LP 2 ‘Community Infrastructure Levy’- Applicable developments will be liable to pay the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) as set out in the Huntingdonshire Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule or successor documents.

• LP10 “Development in Small Settlements” - A proposal which is located within the built-up area of a Small Settlement will be considered on individual sustainability merits, taking into account whether it is in accordance with other policies of this Local Plan. Sustainability will be considered on issues including the: a. availability of services; b. availability of sustainable modes of transport; c. efficient use of land and existing infrastructure; d. in relation to new homes, whether the proposal contributes to the mix of housing type and size having regard to the current Strategic Housing Market Assessment; and e. effect on the character of the settlement and surroundings

Stow Longa is identified as a Smaller Settlement.

• Policy LP 11 ‘The Relationship Between the Built-up Area and the Countryside’ The countryside includes all land outside built-up areas and those hamlets, groups of buildings and individual buildings that are clearly detached from the continuous built-up area of a defined settlement that are not themselves defined settlements. New homes in the countryside will require special justification for planning permission to be granted. The requirements are set out in Policy LP 26 'Homes in the Countryside'. Policy LP 13 ‘Quality of Design’ - A proposal will need to be designed to a high standard based on a thorough understanding of the site and its context.

• Policy LP 15 ‘Ensuring a High Standard of Amenity’ - A proposal will be supported where a high standard of amenity is provided for existing and future users and residents of both the surroundings and the proposed development.

• Policy LP 18 ‘Parking Provision’ - A proposal will be supported where it incorporates appropriately designed vehicle and cycle parking with a clear justification for the level of provision proposed, having regard to: a. the potential to increase the use of alternative transport modes including public transport, walking and cycling; b.highway safety; c. servicing requirements; d. the needs of potential users; and e. the amenity of occupiers of nearby properties

• Policy LP 29 – ‘Trees, Woodland and Related Features’ A proposal will be supported where it avoids the loss of, and minimises the risk of harm to trees, woodland, hedges or hedgerows of visual, historic or nature conservation value, including orchards, ancient woodland and aged or veteran trees.

• Policy LP 31 “Heritage Assets and their Settings” A proposal which affects the special interest or significance of any heritage asset or its setting must demonstrate how it will conserve, and where appropriate enhance, the asset. Any harm must be fully justified and this harm will be weighed against the public benefit of the proposal. Substantial harm or loss will require exceptional justification. Harm to assets of the highest significance will require wholly exceptional justification.

3.5 Local policies are viewable at • Supplementary Planning Guidance: • The Huntingdonshire Design Guide 2007. • The Huntingdonshire Landscape and Townscape Assessment 2007 • Developer Contributions SPD: Dec 2011


4.1 There is no planning history.


5.1 Stow Longa Parish Council – Recommend Refusal [attached]

5.2 County Council Highways – No objection subject to a scheme to improve the existing highway crossover.


6.1 8 letters of objection made up of 3 letters from no.1 Spaldwick Road, 3 from no.3 Spaldwick Road, 1 from No. 7 Spaldwick Road and 1 From ’Foxearth’. The objections are on the grounds of:

- Impact on Views and access to daylight - Proximity to boundary with 1 Stow Road - The proposal is selfish and thoughtless - The proposal would dominate the gardens of 1 and 7 Stow Road - Impact on Trees and arboricultural report is out of date. - Not in keeping with the character of Stow Longa - The dwelling should be sited on the frontage to allow views for all. - Conflicts with policy - Impact on Conservation Area - Impact on Listed Building - Inappropriate scale of development - Loss of light - Loss of privacy - Overbearing impact of development - Impact on wildlife. - The scheme as designed is an ‘eye sore’


7.1 The main issues for consideration are: * The principle of development * Impact on Residential Amenity * Impact on the Stow Longa Conservation Area and the setting of nearby Listed Buildings * Highways matters

7.2 This proposal will not be harmful to the public footpath FP2, which is adjacent to the paddock to the south of this site.

The Principle of Development:

7.3 Policy CS3 of the Core Strategy sets out the settlement strategy and identifies Stow Longa as a Smaller Settlement. Residential infilling of up to 3 dwellings is considered acceptable in principle in the built-up area of the settlement. Policy LP10 of Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013) maintains the thrust toward sustainable development.

7.4 Paragraph 5.15 of the adopted Core Strategy 2009 defines the built- up area. This advice is maintained in policy LP11 of Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013)

7.5 In this case, while there is open countryside to the south of the site, the proposed dwelling will be sited in the garden of The Vicarage, not the larger paddock to the south of the site. The dwelling has been positioned to ensure that it will not project into the open countryside and there are existing residential dwellings to the north, east, south east and the vicarage itself to the north west. Unlike Manor Farm at the opposite end of the village, where the garden is clearly detached from the settlement, it is also noted that the pattern of development at this western end of the village includes in-depth dwellings, contributing to the perception of being central within the settlement. Furthermore, The Green upon which the Village Cross in sited arguably represents the historic heart of this small settlement. It is therefore considered that, on balance, this site relates more to the built-up parts of the village than the surrounding countryside and therefore lies in the built-up area of Stow Longa. This proposal complies with Policy CS3 of the Adopted Core Strategy 20039 and policies LP10 and LP11 of Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013).

Impact on Residential Amenity:

7.6 Rights to private views are not protected within the planning system. It is not considered that this proposal will be harmful to the residential amenity of existing or future occupiers of the Old Vicarage.

Impact On. No’s 1 & 3 Spaldwick Road:

7.7 The current outlook is predominantly to tall, mature trees that are protected by virtue of being in the Stow Longa Conservation Area. The proposed site plan identifies that these trees will be retained and the proposed dwelling will be to the south west of No. 1 Spaldwick Road, beyond the trees.

7.8 At its closest point the proposed dwelling will be 25m from the corner of No. 1 Spaldwick Road. The height to the ridge will be 7.6m and the first floor windows in this are considered to be small, especially the window to bedroom 4 (which will also be served by an additional rooflight). To ensure the dwelling retains its rural character, and in the interests of residential amenity, permitted development rights relating to additional windows will be removed. It is considered that this relationship will not result in significant harm to the residential amenity of the occupiers of No. 1 and No. 3 Spaldwick Road.

Impact On No. 7 Spaldwick Road (High Bank):

7.9 The proposed dwelling will vary in distance between 1.2m and 2.1m from the common boundary to the east of the site. No. 7 Spaldwick Road is a 2 storey dwelling, with gardens to the west and south of that property. The gable end of the main part of the proposed dwelling is to the west of and faces towards High Bank with the 1½ storey element and single storey double garage extending southwards. The distance from the back of No. 7 to the common boundary with the proposed dwelling is approximately 20m. There is 1 first floor window proposed to serve a bathroom in the elevation of the proposed dwelling facing No.7, which will be obscure glazed.

7.10 Having regard to the position of the proposed dwelling, the distance of the proposed dwelling from neighbouring dwellings, the retention of trees and the positioning of fenestration, it is not considered that this proposal will be significantly harmful to the residential amenity by way of an overbearing impact, loss of privacy or loss of light. A refusal of this scheme on the grounds of residential amenity would be unsustainable. This proposal complies with policies H31 of the HLP 1995 and policy LP15 of the Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013). Other concerns raised by neighbours have been taken into consideration but do not outweigh this conclusion.

Impact on the Stow Longa Conservation Area and Listed Buildings including Landscaping/Tree Matters:

7.11 The Old Vicarage has a ridge height of 8.53m (at its highest point, approx 900mm taller than the ridge of the proposed dwelling (at its tallest point). Furthermore, the proposed dwelling will be set back approximately 25m from the existing boundary fence to the north of the site.

7.12 The dwelling has been designed to have the appearance of a range of outbuildings, minimising the number of openings when viewed from the north. It is considered that the materials to be used can be controlled by way of a planning condition, to ensure the dwelling retains a rural appearance. Furthermore conditions relating to boundary treatment, hard and soft landscaping, tree protection measures and removal of permitted development rights will ensure the resultant dwelling is sympathetic to this part of the Stow Longa Conservation Area.

7.13 The green space and mature trees both within and around the Old Vicarage contribute to the special character, appearance and setting of the Conservation Area. The character and appearance of the Conservation Area, and the setting of nearby listed buildings (Foxearth, , the village cross, No. 1 The Lane and No. 2 The Lane) is preserved by way of setting the dwelling further back within the site and using the existing access serving The Old Vicarage. The overall height of the existing trees, the depth of the existing green open space, the distance of the proposed dwelling and controlling the materials to be used will ensure that this scheme is not of detriment to the special character and appearance of the Conservation Area and Listed Buildings.

7.14 Regard is had to views into the Conservation Area from public footpath FP2. It is considered that a condition controlling materials will ensure that this proposal will not be significantly harmful to the setting of the Conservation Area when viewed from the south.

7.15 In respect of tree matters it is considered that in addition to conditions already proposed, this proposal can be made acceptable by way of conditions relating to - Protection of trees during works - Retention of existing trees - An on-site meeting.

7.16 This approach is consistent with advice given historically in relation to works to trees within the curtilage of the Old Vicarage.

7.17 It is not considered that this proposal will result in harm to the character and appearance of the Stow Longa Conservation Area or listed buildings opposite the Old Vicarage. This proposal complies with section 12 of the NPPF, policies En2, En5, En6, En9, En18, En20, En25 and H33 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995, Policy HL5 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alteration 2002, Policies LP1, LP13, LP29 and LP31 of the Draft Local Plan to 2036.

Highway Matters:

7.18 The proposal dwelling will share the existing vehicular access from the public highway and there is parking for more than 2 vehicles within the site. Cambridgeshire County Council Highway Department have reviewed the proposal and agree that this scheme will not be harmful to highway safety subject to the imposition of a condition to require a scheme for the improvement of the existing highway crossover to be submitted to, and agreed with the local planning authority prior to the commencement of development. The agent has agreed to this condition.

7.19 This scheme is not considered harmful to Highway Safety and complies with policy LP18 of Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013)


7.20 This proposal accords with the NPPF, policies En2, En2, En5, En6, En9, En18, En20, En25, H31, H32 and H33 from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995, Policy HL5 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alteration 2002, Policy CS3 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2009, Policies LP1, LP2, LP10, LP13, LP15, LP17, LP18, LP29 and LP31 from the Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013) and the Huntingdonshire Design Guide 2007

7.21 This proposal: - Is acceptable in principle. - Will not be significantly harmful to the residential amenity of neighbours. - Will not be harmful to the character and appearance of the Stow Longa Conservation Area and the setting of Listed Buildings opposite the site. - Will not be harmful to highway safety

7.22 In light of National Guidance, Development Plan Policies and other material considerations, permission may be granted for the development as proposed.

8. RECOMMENDATION - APPROVE subject to conditions to include the following:

1. Time Limit 2. Details of Materials 3. Details of windows and doors 4. Obscure glazing to be retained in f/f window facing High Bank 5. PD removal 6. Details of eaves, verges and meter boxes 7. Details of rooflights 8. Details of boundary treatment 9. Details of hard and soft landscaping 10. Protection of trees during works 11. Retention of existing trees 12. Pre-commencement meeting with tree officer. 13. A scheme for access improvements.

CONTACT OFFICER: Enquiries about this report to Clara Kerr Development Management Officer 01480 388434

To: DevelopmentControl[/O=HUNTS DISTRICT COUNCIL/OU=HDC/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=DEVELOPMENTCONTROL]; Subject: Plannig Application 1400072FUL Sent: Wed 2/19/2014 10:43:12 AM From: [email protected]

Application Number: 1400072FUL Case Officer: Ms Charlotte Fox Proposal: Erection of dwelling with garaging Location: Land at The Old Vicarage, Spaldwick Road, Stow Longa Observations of Stow Longa Parish Council: Stow Longa Parish Council recommends refusal of this proposed development for the following reasons 1. It would neither preserve nor enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area as the proposed dwelling is out of scale with and dominant of the Old Vicarage and it's outbuildings. This would thus be in conflict with saved policy En5 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan (1995) 2. It would have a significant overbearing effect on the gardens of Nos 1 and 7 Spaldwick Road and would conflict with saved policy En9 insofar as the views from No 1 out of, and from No 7 into, the Conservation Area would be obscured. 3. The view out of the Conservation Area from Foxearth (Listed grade 2) and the area of Village Green between The Old Vicarage and No 1 Spaldwick would be completely obscured.. 4. The site, having no frontage to a road, and the very large height and footprint of the proposed dwelling, are both out of keeping with the character of the Stow Longa Conservation Area.

F D Stowell Clerk to Stow Longa Parish Council Development Management Panel

Scale =1 :2,500 © Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Application Ref: 1400072FUL Ordnance Survey HDC 100022322 Date Created: 20/03/2014 o Location: Stow Longa



The Site Conservation Area