Qaybta 4Aad Australiyada Maanta

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Qaybta 4Aad Australiyada Maanta Qaybta 4aad Australiyada maanta Australia waa dhulka adduunka dhul ahaan u da’ weyn. Waa wadanka lixaad oo ugu weyn adduunka. 38 Dhalashada Australia: Waxa isku-keen xira Australiyada maanta Boggagaan waxaad ka baran doontaa wixii ku saabsan waxa wadankaa ka dhigay mid gaara. Waxaad ogaan doontaa wax badan oo ku saabsan dhaqankeena, hal abuuradeena, iyo waxa lagu garto qarankeena. Adduunka maanta ah, Australia waa horay u socod xagga ganacsiga iyo kala gadashada waana muwaadin caalamai ah oo ixtiraaman. Waxaanu qiimaynaa waxay ku sameeyeen soogalootiga cusub wadankeena kororkiisa joogtada ah iyo cusboonaysiintiisa. Dhulka Australia waa mid gaara siyaallo badan. Todobada qaaradood oo adduunka, Australia waa wadanka keliya oo ay degan tahay hal umad ah. Waxaan leenahay dadka ugu yar tira ahaan oo adduunka, labadii qofba waxay degan yihiin laba kiilometer oo isku wareeg ah. Australia waa dhulka adduunka ugu da’ weyn. Waana wadanka lixaad oo ugu weyn adduunka. Waana wadanka ugu qalalan oo la degan yahay, sidaas darteed qaybaha intooda badan biyuhu waa shey aad muhiim u ah. Dhulka badankiis ciidiisu waa faqiir, boqolkiiba 6 ayaa ku haboon beeraha. Dhulka qalalan waxaa loogu yeeraa ‘outback’. Waxaa jira ixtiraam weyn oo dadkaas ku nool kana shaqeeya bay’adaas dhibta badan oo durugsan. Kuwa badan ayaa noqday kuway Australia ku faanto. Maadaama Australia tahay dhul sidaas u ballaaran, hawadu waa isbedeshaa qayba badan oo qaarada ka mid ah. Waxaa jira gobolo kulayle ah oo ku yaalla waqooyiga iyo lama degaan ku yaalla bartamaha. Dhinaca koonfurta, kulayluhu wuxuu iska bedeli karaa diraac qabow oo dhinaca buuralayda ah, iyo kulayle aad u daran oo xilliga kulaylaha ah. Marka lagu daro lixda dawlad goboleed iyo labada territori, Dawlada Australia waxay kaloo maamushaa, territori ahaan, Ashmore iyo Cartier Islands, Chrismas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Jervis Bay Territory, Coral Sea Islands, Heard Island iyo McDonald Island oo ku taal Australian Antarcic Territory iyo Norfolk Island. Qaybta 4aad – Australiyada maanta 39 Goobaha Hidaha Adduunka In ka badan 11 boqolkiiba qaaradayada waxaa ilaaliya dhul asali ah, xermo ama xirmo Qaran (national Park) oo loo maamulay in loo xafido sida waafaqsan mustawaha caalamiga ah. Todoba iyo toban goobood oo Australiyaana ayaa laga diiwaangeliyey Liiska Dhaxalka Adduunka Ururka Jimciyada Quruumaha ka dhexeeya ee Dhaqanka iyo Sayniska, iyo Waxbarashada (UNESCO). Goobaha raadka noolaha Australiyaanka ee Kayma-roobaadka Gondwana ee New South Xirmooyinka Qaranka Kakadu ee Waqooyiga South Australia iyo Queensland Wales iyo Queensland Northern Territori Fraser Island ee Xeebta Koonfuureed ee Great Barrier Reef ee Queensland Lord Howe Island ee Xeebta New South Queensland Wales Buuraha Great Blue Mountains ee Sydney Heard Island iyo McDonald Island ee Macquire Island oo South Tasmania Territoriga Cirifka Australia 40 Dhalashada Australia: Waxa isku-keen xira Xirmada Qaranka Purnululu ee Western Sydney Opera House Kulaylaha Qoyan ee Queensland Australia Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Dhul-Duureedka Tasmania Willandra Lakes ee New South Wales Gardens in Melbourne Waxaan kugu dhiirigelinaynaa in xoojiso khibradaada adiga oo booqanaya kuwaan iyo meela kale oo la yaab leh bartilmaameedna ah. Waxaad ku socon kartaa xeebta, buuralayda ama dhul- roobaadka. Talaabo kasta oo aad qaado waa talaabo kugu dhowaynaysa dhul khayraadkaan ballaaran. Shark Bay ee Western Australia Xirmada Qaranka ee Uluru-Kata Tjuta ee ku taalla Northern Territori Qaybta 4aad – Australiyada maanta 41 Wadan ballaaran Dugsigii Hawada (The School of the Air) Ballaarka Australia waxay keentay hal-abuurnimo Ilaa 1950kii, carruurta ku nool meelaha cidlada iyo iqtiraax. ah waxay tagayeen dugsiga la seexdo ama ay ku dhamaysanayeen xiisadahooda boostada lagu soo diro. Waayadii hore, dadku meelaha durugsan joogaa waxay u safri jireen mararka qaarkood maalmo Adelaide Miethke, ku-xigaha madaxa Royal badan si ay u booqdaan dhakhtarka ugu dhow. Flying Doctor Service in South Australia, wuxuu Carruur badan oo baadiyaha joogta ayaa ku nool xaqiijiyey in Adeega Royal Flying Doctor Service meela fog si ay u tagaan dugsiga. uu sidoo kale ku caawimi karo carruurta guriga iyaga oo la hadlaya macalimiintooda. Adeega Qoysaska meelaha durugsan jooga way ku Alice Springs Service wuxuu bilaabay inuu sii daayo adkaataay inay u adkeysataan gooni joogaan laba xiisadood oo laba dhinac ah 1948. Dugsiga Xaruma badan oo lo’aad ayaa ku sugnaan kara hawada waxaa rasmi ahaan la asaasay dhowr sano kumaankun kiilomitir dhul ah. Carruurta iyo ka dib. Dugsiga Australia ee Hawada wuxuu kaloo dumarka ku nool halkaas waxaa laga yaabaa in caawimaa wadama kale oo badan si ay u samaystaan aanay cid kale arkin bila badan. Ma jirin telefoono barnaamijyo kuwaas la mid ah. dadkuna waxay dareemayeen go’doon siyaada ah iyo khatar ku noolaansho. Qaabkii hore ee lug-ku-wareejinta waxaa hadda bedelay qabtayaasha hirarka, laakiin Royal Flying Waxaa jiray dhibaatooyin ay dadka Australiyaanka Doctor Service ee Australia iyo School of the Air ahi ku xaliyeen hal abuurnimo iyo da’daal. waxay wadaan inay u khidmeeyaan una faaiideeyaan dadka degan goobaha durugsan ee bulshada. Raadiyaha la wareejinayo Sanadii 1929, Alfred Traegar, oo reer Adelaide ah, ayaa hindisay raadiyihii ugu horreeyey oo lug-ku- wareejin ku shaqeeya. Isticmaalayshu waxay ku wada hadli jireen raadiye iyaga oo lugtooda ku wareejinaya. Guri jooga kelida ah, maxadooyinka durugsan ee diimeed iyo bulshooyinka Aborijiniska ayaa dhamaan ka faaiidaystay aqoontaas cusub. Dumarkii go’doonsanaa ayaa hadda saaxiib noqday oo hawada ka wada xiriiray. Raadiyaha wareejinta ku shaqeeyaa wuxuu caawimay asaasida laba hayd’adood oo Australiyaan ah kuwaas oo kala ah Royal Flying Doctor Service iyo School of the Air. Adeega Royal Flying Doctor Service Reverand John Flynn wuxuu ku noolaa lana shaqeeyey dadka ku nool meelaha durugsan. Aragtidiisu waxay ahayd in sida ugu dhaqsaha badan dhakhtar loogu geeyo dadka degan meelaha durugsan iyada oo diyaarad loogu keenayo. Wuxuu ka helay kaalmo dawlada, Qantas iyo deeqo la baxsan karo. Adeega Royal flying Doctor Service wuxuu bilawday 1928 laakiin weli waxaa jiray dad Carruur wax ka baranaysa Dugsiyada Hawada ee New South Wales aan u yeeli karin adeeg. Soosaaristii raadiyaha lug-ku-wareejinta ku shaqeeya wuxuu xaqiijiyey in dadka meelaha durugsan degani si degdeg ah ku heli karaan dhakhtar sida ugu dhaqsaha badan. 42 Dhalashada Australia: Waxa isku-keen xira Aqoonsiga Australia Aqoonsiga Australia waxaa qaabeeyey hidaheena gaarka ah, dhaqankeena iyo hab nololeedka dadkeena. Cayaaraha iyo Madadaalada Australiyaan badan waxay jecel yihiin cayaaro kuwa badanina waxay gaareen natiijooyin aad u wanaagsan heerka caalamiga ah. Aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay sumcadeena ummadeed ‘cayaar fiican ahaan’. Cayaar yahanada Australiyaanka ah, rag iyo dumarba, waa loo riyaaqay inay wakiil ka yihiin qiyamka shaqo adayga, isku duubnida iyo cayaar wanaaga. Taariikhdeena, cayaartu way saamaysay waana midaysa dadka dhamaantiis. Laga soo bilaabo degidii ugu horraysay, cayaartu waxay ahayd looga cararo xaqiiqada nolosha qalafsan. Xataa xilligii dagaalka, xubnaha xooga dalka Australia waxay isku duba rideen tartan si ay u caawinto ka soo kabsashada cadaadiska goobta dagaalka. Cayaaruhu waxay kaloo bixiyaan aragti siman taas oo cayaaryahanada iyo daawadayaashu labaduba ay dareemeen isku aragti iyo inay qayb ka yihiin waxyaallo muhiim u ah mujtamaca Australia. Dad badan oo Australiyaana ayaa ka qaybgala cayaaraha kooxeed. Cricket-ka, kubbada kolayga, kubada shabaqa, Ian Thorpe, ayaa shan jeer ku guulaystay bilada dahabka ee tartanka hokiga iyo kubada fuutiga Australiayaanka ayaa ka mid Olympiga ah kuwa loogu jecel yahay. Dabaasha, teniska, cayaaraha fudfudud, goolafka iyo baaskiilka ayaa ah xarakaadyada madadaalada ee loogu jecel yahay. Xarakaadyada kale ee jireed oo loogu jecel yahay waxaa ku jira ku socodka kaymaha, bad-loox-kula socodka iyo baraf-loox kula socodka. Australia waxay kaloo cayaartaa oo jeceshahay inay daawato cayaaraha kubbada cagta, rugby league, rugby union iyo kubbada fuutiga Australiyaanka. Fuutiga waa cayaar gaar u ah Australia. Australia waxay si gaara ugu faraxsan tahay guusheeda caalamiga ah cayaaraha cricket-ka. Australiayaanka iyo kooxaha Ingiriiska ee cricketka waxa ka dhexeeyey tartan aad u daran ilaa qarnigii 19aad. Melbourne Cup (Koobka Melbourne), ‘tartanka joojiya ummada’, ayaa ah midka ugu qanisan uguna loolan badan tartanada fardaha caalamka. Koobkii ugu horreyey ee Melbourne waxaa la qabtay 1861. Talaadada ugu horraysay bisha Nufeembar, oo ah Melbourne Cup, waxaa laga dhigay maalin fasax Fiktooriya ilaa 1877. Xubin ka mid ah Kooxda Fuutiga Qaranka Dumarka ee Australia Qaybta 4aad – Australiyada maanta 43 Sir Donald Bradman (1908 – 2001) Sir Donald Bradman ayaa ah batsman-kii ugu fiicnaa criket-ka waana cayaar yahan Australiyaana oo taariikhi ah. Wuxuu ku koray Bowral, New South Wales, Donald Bradman wuxuu cayaaray cayaartiisii ugu horaysay ee kooxda Australiyaanka sanadii 1928. Wuxuu ahaa nin tabar yar laakiin aad u fudud una degdega. Socdaalkiisii ugu horrayey ee Ingiriiska 1930, wuxuu jebiyey rikooradii ka oolaa ku-dhifashada (batting). Markuu jiray 21 sano, wuxuu ahaa nin aad loo jecel yahay. Bradman cayaartiisii ugu dambaysay ee 1948, kooxdiisii waxaa loogu magacdaray ‘The Invincibles’ markii ay guulaysteen cayaar kasta oo ay la cayaareen Ingiriiska. Sir Donald Bradman, oo loo yaqaan ‘The Don’ waxaa loo aqoonsaday batsmaankii ugu fiicnaa adduunka. Garaacidiisu isku-celcelis ahaan waxay ahayd
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