The Coloma Courier Wanted!
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THE COLOMA COURIER WHOLE NO. 1372 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1919 * VOL 25. NO 29 DUm Of LfKI MS RED E1AC WAS SCORED AT en «[ ON WM NEW FIRE TRUCK WAS IAL ram HONDJ! HORNING DELIVERED FEB. 1 REPUAN CONVENTION OF A COMITY WW Had Lived With Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Berrien County G. 0. P. Passed WILL ELECT NEW OEEICERS Completely Equipped With Chem- Lewis for many Years. Timely Reaolutiona. conduct their business, where tbe town Levi D. Holmes, the youngest son of ical Tanks, Hose and Ladders. The Berrien county republican con- The object of this meeting it for the Courier'! Mwnorlil Plan Also and rural people might And a place for Channcey and Lucy A. Holmes, was vention which was held at the Bijou Important Meeting Will be Held election of ofiicers, to discuas important rest and recreation, where tbe Meetfl With Approval bom Febroary 1st, 1B58, in Pierpent, theatre In Benton Harbor on Monday Monday Evening. Feb. 17th. queotions regarding the work of recon- young folks might ahave a place Ashtabula county, Ohio. His two elder QUUIQED FOB IHE PSEStNT transactcd a lot of business in a very struction, and to take up any motters for healthy Indoor' sports, and brother*-Edwin and Herman—gave short time. The presence of a large which may be presented by tbe mem- where public entertainments of an their Uvea for tbclr country In the war number of women as delegates added bers. The need of a live commercial mm educational and uplifting nature might organization as felt by tbe busineta subkci wts m of the rebellion. One sister, Caroline IN CENM SMEI GARAGE considerable Interest to the convention BANOOET WILL BE SERO he held. He also tonobed upon tbe Allen, lives in Austin, Minn., and and they were given places on the im- interests, the agricultural Interetta; the com picnic advlaahlllty of constructing such another sitter, Mrs. Loulta Lewis, lives portant committees and some of them market Interestt. the good roodt move- building at a memorial t* the boys from in Coloma, and with her Mr. Holmes la One of Beat Investments Vil- 'were also choeen as delegates to the AT THE METHODIST CHURCH ment, the social interests of the com- tblt vicinity who have taken their part had made his home for many years, state convention. munity. and the time is now ripe for in the great war. lage Could Make. the local organization to be up and Pint Home Guard Midwinter Picnic patting away at .1 a. m., on Monday, E. A. Blakeslee of St. Joseph was Mitt Ida Stoneclilfu waa tbe next February 10, 101U. He alto leaves one Good news. Coloma now has the chosen chairman of the meeting, with Every Man Interested in the Com- doing ita share for the betterment of the Waa a Complete Succeea. speaker and voiced tbe needt of a com brother, O. C. Holmes, of Hartford, vicinity. best Are protection that has ever been Mayor Fred Rusback of Benton Harbor munity is Expected to be Present munlty building tuggetted by Mr Mtab. afforded the village, but It Is hoped that It makes no difference whether you Coloma and the community turround- as secretory. Krake, but waa of the opinion that the An early marriage to .loeephine it will be some time before there Is any The Coloma Commercial Club is not are a member of the Coloma Commer- ing tblt thriving vlllaK<) need a Com- Chairman Blakeslee struck the key- school could be made the community Beardsley proved to be unhappy and a occasion to use the now (ire truck. dead , even if it has been sleeping for cial Club or not. If you have the Inter- munity 3u11(Uok. There to no qoesllon note of the convention In a brief ten centre of the vicinity. She pointed oat separation followed. Two children. Some time ago the vllluge cminci' some time on account of the war con- est of the community at heart, come about tbla in tbe mlnda of thoae who minute talk. He declared the country many of the needs of the local durtrict Bertha and Maurice, were born to them, ordered a new tire truck through H. ditions which have caused so much and attend this meeting. The bonqaet were prwent at tbe mld-wlnUr picnic was approaching serious times: that and ita shortcomings, pleading for a but it is not known whether they are Chorpenning of Ronton Harbor. It was uncertainty throughout the length and will In served absolutely without held Tbnraday eveninji of lut week bolshevitm wot rife in the land and new building that woold embody fea living or not. He leaves several ordered through the Keo manufactur breadth of the land. charge, but in order to know bow mony under tbe aoaploes of tbe Coloma Home that it was time all "thinking people tares which would provide for an agrl nephews and nelces and many friends lag Co. of Lansing, and was delivered Every man In the community who is plates the ladies are to provide for it Uoardf, and wbicb was attended by a should assemble and pass upon the prob- cultural coarse, % manual training and acquaintances to mourn bis death. In Coloma last Friday. February Jth, Interested in the welfare of Coloma and will be necessary that oil who can vry Write crowd of men. women and lems that are so vital today." He men- course and a domestic science course, Burial took place at the West Covert by Mr. Chorpennlng. vicinity is not only invited, but it re- poetlbly attend thla good fellowthlp cbUdreo. A bountiful potluck aupper tioned prohibition and woman suffrage. together with a gymnasium and an cemetery on Wedneeday afternoon. The new truck Is the last word In quested to lie present at the Methodist meeting to make their resenrotioM m wat lervod In tbe dining room in tbe Thank God we have both," he said. aodltorlnm sufficiently large to meet chemical fire. IlKhtlng apparatus. It church on Monday evening, February toon as poatible, and not later than Sat- bannuot of the Congregational church, "But they bring problems that will re- all tbe needs of Coloma and vicinity. has a 30 horse power motor, and is ITth, at U;il0, to partake of a banquet urday, February inth to the undersigned. tbe Home Ooardi acting aa waiter*, and quire Intelligence and pure Americanism Mist Stonocllffo't remarks were endorsed equipped with two thirty five gallon which will be served by the ladles of This Invitation is extended to reeideaU their wires bad charge of the work in YOUNG SOLDIER JANES to handle and handle correctly." He and tupplemented by Mitt Belle Carter that church. The spread will be paid of the farming community Jatt at the kitchen. chemical Are extinguishers and two declared the women had a right to vote. strong as to the residents of town and and Prof. W. A. Conrad. hand exUnguishers, five hundred feet of for out of the funds now in the treasury Folkmlitf tbs vory cnjoj-abls sapper, GHARHING GOIOHA BRIDE "Their coming into the party," he said, It is hoped that the church will be Supervisor A. W. Baker, who it alto buoe and onoogh ladders for "•f in of the Commercial Club, so every mem tbegnests Were Invited to the church "Is not ia intruiion, bat a change, one filled at this meeting. a member of the school boerd, was fires which originate In Coloma. ber is urged io lie iu attoudauui and get W. II. BALI., Pnaldcat. tudUorinm far an evening of community I think la for the better." called upon and ably defended the local what Is due him. F. W. OOCHRDN, Secretary. enUrtalnmont. An hour of vlaiting While one of the tanks is being emp Here Is what the convention did in a school situation, pointing out tb&'good Lawrence Sllhanek and Loretta wat enjoyed before Rer. Vf. H. Fuller tied the other can easily lie filled, so busiuess way: things that were left unsaid by th> that a stream of water can be kept con coodocved a most hearty song service Taoey Married Last Saturday. Elected thirty delegates to the state previous speakers. He admitted thai stantly turned on any fire, and will lie In which every voice that could carry Cupid's arrow proved to be a better convention. Including half a dozen a new school hnlldlng Is needed and a tune parUcipated. Misa Dorothy suflldent to cope with any small fire. shot than some of the Oermans' for the women. that It will come In time, hut that thf Baker presided at tbe piano and patrl heart of Lawrence Sllhanek. who re Tbe old fire truck which was built a Elected a new county committee with time Is not yet opportune to make the oUoaoafi made the walls of the build- centiy secured hit ditcharge from the few years ago for the village of Coloma A. H. Burger as the chairman, and expenditure which would be necessary ing ring. army, fell a victim to the charms of Is equipped with one of the best pumps Mayor F. P. Rosback. the secretary. to provide tbe featnns asked for by Following tbe song service. W. H, Mitt Loretta Tacey. a charming young to be found on any kind of a Hre truck. On motion of R. E. Barr of St Joseph tbe proceeding speakers. He stuck t Ball too)( charge of tbe program and lady of Coloma, who led him to the It also has a chemical and hook and voted, by standing, ita tribute of the popular chord with tbe audience when iotroduftd the various speakers after be iltar latt Saturday and they were ladder truck and will be used as a trailer lote Theodore Roosevelt.