PARISH OFFICE | OFICINA PARROQUIAL 89 Bull Hill Lane | West Haven, CT 06516 WELCOME! Phone: (203) 934-5249 | Fax: (203) 934-1055 ¡Bienvenidos! OFFICE HOURS | HORARIO DE OFICINA Monday to Thursday · Lunes a Jueves 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Bilingual Secretary · Secretaria Bilingue Monday to Thursday · Lunes a Jueves 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM


Rev. Father José A. Mercado Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Father Eric M. Zúñiga Parochial Vicar [email protected]

In Residence at Saint Lawrence Rectory

Rev. Monsignor Stephen Adu-Kwaning Chaplain, VA Connecticut Healthcare System

Rev. Monsignor Augustine Mangalath Corepiscopo Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy & Chaplain, Yale New Haven Hospital, St. Raphael Campus

Rev. Father Austin Phiri Chaplain, Yale New Haven Hospital, St. Raphael Campus & The Connecticut Hospice


The Office of Radio & Television (ORTV): (Mass in English) You can stream the Mass On Demand at, or watch it live on WCCT-TV (Channel 20) and on WCTX (MyTV9) each day at 10 AM.

Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN): (Mass in English/Misa en español) To find the channel according to your cable/digital/satellite provider visit: (Para buscar el canal de EWTN en español de acuerdo con su proveedor de cable/digital/satélite visita el enlace.)

On Sundays, an English Mass and a Spanish Mass celebrated by Father José Mercado and Father Eric Zuniga will be posted on our parish Facebook Page (Saint John XXIII Parish / @StJohn23Parish)

Los domingos, una Misa en ingles y una Misa en español celebrada por el Padre José Mercado y el Padre Eric Zuniga sera publicado en la pagina de Facebook de nuestra parroquia (Saint John XXIII Parish / @StJohn23Parish).

SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2020 · DOMINGO, 22 DE MARZO DE 2020   SAINT JOHN XXIII PARISH · PARROQUIA SAN JUAN XXIII WEST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT   PARISH STAFF MASS INTENTIONS PERSONAL PARROQUIAL INTENCIONES DE MISAS Mrs. Christine Ukleja SAINT LOUIS CHURCH SAINT LAWRENCE CHURCH Administrative Assistant [email protected] SATURDAY, MARCH 21st SATURDAY, MARCH 21st Ms. Lissette Andrade 4:00 PM Faye Levenduski 4:00 PM Peter Strogie Secretaria Bilingüe [email protected] SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd Mr. Joseph Muraski 9:00 AM Russell W. Blakeslee 8:00 AM Damaco Pereira & Gloria Carreiro

Bookkeeper [email protected] 10:30 AM Efrain Casaverde (1 Month) 10:30 AM Alfred, William, Michael Jr. &

12:30 PM Agusto Diaz & Carmela Molina Kenneth Price Mrs. Monica Pang Ramiro y Guillermo Diaz Director of Religious Education | Pasquale Cariglio Directora de Educación Religiosa Phone: (203) 934-5240 MONDAY, MARCH 23rd MONDAY, MARCH 23rd [email protected] 12:00 PM Mass Intention Available 7:30 AM Natalie Burgh

Mr. Andy Sacco TUESDAY, MARCH 24th TUESDAY, MARCH 24th Mrs. Christina Collura Mr. Thomas Borino 7:30 AM Dolores Franco 7:30 AM Arthur, Joseph, Erminia & Mr. Jose Xicohtencatl Raymond Ferretti WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25th Mr. Clemente Hernandez WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25th Musicians 12:00 PM Rosa Rosario (1st Anniversary) 7:30 AM George Gallion Mrs. Maria Valencia THURSDAY, MARCH 26th THURSDAY, MARCH 26th Mr. Gabino Xicohtencatl 7:30 AM Pat Weyer Mr. John Saleeba 7:30 AM Mass Intention Available Custodians FRIDAY, MARCH 27th FRIDAY, MARCH 27th

SAINT LAWRENCE SCHOOL 12:00 PM Mass Intention Available No Morning Mass

ESCUELA SAN LORENZO SATURDAY, MARCH 28th SATURDAY, MARCH 28th A Mission of St. John XXIII Parish Established in 1912 4:00 PM Joseph Pirolo (10th Anniversary) 4:00 PM Rosemarie Raucci (7th Anniv) “Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow” SUNDAY, MARCH 29th PRE-KINDERGARTEN TO 8TH GRADE SUNDAY, MARCH 29th 8:00 AM Mass Intention Available

231 Main Street 9:00 AM Deacon Richard Fournier West Haven, Connecticut 06516 10:30 AM Catania & Humphrey Families 10:30 AM Mass Intention Available Phone: (203) 933-2518 Jose Medeiros 12:30 PM Mass Intention Available

Mr. Paul DeFonzo Principal [email protected]


Mrs. Elaine Carroll Mr. Richard Antosca

PARISH FINANCES SANCTUARY LAMP FINANZAS DE LA PARROQUIA LAMPARA DEL SANTUARIO WEEKLY OFFERTORY · OFERTORIO SEMANAL This week it will burn for the Glory of God in... March 14-15, 2020 Marzo 14-15, 2020 $5,108.00. SAINT LAWRENCE CHURCH for The Intentions of the parishioners of St. John XXIII Thank you for offering the Lord the first fruits of your labor! ¡Gracias por ofrecer al Señor los primeros frutos de su trabajo! and in SAINT LOUIS CHURCH for This weekend the second collection will be Catholic Relief Services. The Intentions of the parishioners of St. John XXIII Next weekend there will be one collection.   FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT  

THE CELEBRATION OF MASS IN LA CELEBRACION DE LA MISA EN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD LA ARQUIDIOCESIS DE HARTFORD In light of what the CDC has issued on March 15th regarding the A la luz de lo que emitieron los de CDC el 15 de marzo con cancellation or postponement of large events and mass gatherings respecto a la cancelación o aplazamiento de grandes eventos y of more than 50 people, and given the March 16th mandate of reuniones masivas de más de 50 personas, y dado el mandato del Governor Ned Lamont requiring the closure of all restaurants, bars, 16 de marzo del Gobernador Ned Lamont que requiere el cierre de gyms and movie theaters, the Archdiocese of Hartford has todos los restaurantes, bares, gimnasios y películas en los cines, la cancelled all weekend and weekday Masses, effective Tuesday, Arquidiócesis de Hartford ha cancelado todas las misas de fin de March 17, 2020, in the churches of the Archdiocese (the counties semana al igual que las misas diarias, a partir del martes 17 de of Hartford, Litchfield, and New Haven) through April 3, 2020. marzo de 2020 hasta el 3 abril del 2020, en todas iglesias de la Priests will celebrate a daily Mass alone with no congregation, Arquidiócesis en (los condados de Hartford, Litchfield y New remembering in prayer all who are affected by the pandemic. Haven). Los sacerdotes celebrarán una Misa diaria solo sin Parishes will be encouraged to make provision for their churches to congregación, recordando en oración a todos los afectados por la be open at some time so that individuals can still come and pray. pandemia. Se animará a las parroquias que hagan unos Further direction and updates from the Archdiocese will be arreglos para que sus iglesias estén abiertas en algún momento provided in a timely manner regarding Holy Week and all para que las personas que quieran puedan ir a rezar. Se celebrations beyond that date. proporcionarán más instrucciones y actualizaciones de la Additionally, in response to the March 15th mandate of Governor Arquidiócesis de manera oportuna con respecto a la Semana Santa Lamont requiring the closure of all Connecticut schools through at y todas las celebraciones más allá de esa fecha. least March 31st, all Archdiocesan high schools and parochial Además, en respuesta al mandato del 15 de marzo del Gobernador schools will also be closed through March 31st. Lamont se requiere el cierre de todas las escuelas de Connecticut hasta al menos el 31 de marzo, todas las escuelas secundarias Arquidiocesanas y las escuelas parroquiales también estarán cerradas hasta el 31 de marzo. MASS INTENTIONS BOOKED AND REQUESTED INTENCIONES DE MISAS RESERVADAS Y SOLICITADAS IN THE PARISH CALENDAR EN EL CALENDARIO DE LA PARROQUIA Father José Mercado and Father Eric Zuniga will be celebrating a El Padre José Mercado y el Padre Eric Zuniga celebrarán una Misa private Mass alone everyday. Each priest will be celebrating the privada solo todos los días. Cada sacerdote celebrará la Misa por Mass for the intentions already booked in the parish calendar las intenciones ya reservadas en el calendario parroquial (que (which includes those booked for the churches of St. Lawrence and incluye las reservadas para las iglesias de San Lorenzo y San Luis St. Louis in our parish) as scheduled during the week and on en nuestra parroquia) según lo programado durante la semana y Sundays, while also, as mentioned in the above announcement los domingos, mientras que también, como se mencionó en el praying for all who are affected by the pandemic. If you would like anuncio anterior, orando por todos los afectados por la pandemia. to book a Mass Intention, you can call the parish office to inquire Si desea reservar una intención de Misa, puede llamar a la oficina which dates are available and you can mail your donation. Please parroquial para preguntar qué fechas están disponibles y puede note, that Mass Intentions booked during the time wherein public enviar su donación por correo. Tenga en cuenta que las Masses have been cancelled will be celebrated by each priest intenciones de Misa reservadas durante el tiempo en que las privately. Misas públicas han sido canceladas serán celebradas por “In the Eucharist, the priest personally draws near to cada sacerdote en privado. the inexhaustible mystery of Christ and of His prayer to “En la Eucaristía el sacerdote se acerca personalmente al the Father. He can immerse himself daily in the misterio inagotable de Cristo y de su oración al Padre. mystery of redemption and grace by celebrating El sacerdote puede sumergirse diariamente en este Holy Mass, which retains its meaning and misterio de redención y de gracia celebrando la Santa value even when, for a just reason, it is Misa, que conserva sentido y valor incluso cuando, offered without the participation of the por una justa causa, se celebra sin la participación faithful, yet always for the faithful and del pueblo, pero siempre y en todo caso for the whole world.” por el pueblo y por el mundo entero.” —SAINT JOHN PAUL II —SAN JUAN PABLO II Holy Thursday Letter to Priests (#6), 1999 Carta a Sacerdotes el Jueves Santo (#6), 1999   CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA   PRAYER OF ORACIÓN DEL POPE FRANCIS PAPA FRANCISCO ASKING THE VIRGIN MARY TO PIDIENDO A LA VIRGEN MARIA WATCH OVER THE WORLD IN THIS PARA VIGILAR EL MUNDO EN ESTA CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC PANDEMIA DE CORONAVIRUS O Mary, you shine Oh María, siempre brillas en continuously on our journey as nuestro camino como un signo a sign of salvation and hope. de salvación y esperanza. We entrust ourselves to you, Confiamos en ti, Salud de los Health of the Sick. At the foot of the Cross you participated enfermos, que en la cruz fuiste asociada al dolor de Jesús, in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith. You, Salvation of the manteniendo firme tu fe. Tú, Salvación del pueblo romano, Roman People, know what we need. We are certain that you sabes lo que necesitamos y estamos seguros de que lo will provide, so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee, joy and concederás para que, como en Caná de Galilea, vuelvan la feasting might return after this moment of trial. Help us, alegría y la fiesta después de esta prueba. Ayúdanos, Madre Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Father’s del Amor Divino, a conformarnos a la voluntad del Padre y will and to do what Jesus tells us: He who took our sufferings hacer lo que Jesús nos dirá Él que tomó nuestro sufrimiento upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us, through the sobre sí mismo y se cargó de nuestros dolores para guiarnos a Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen. través de la cruz, a la alegría de la resurrección. Amén. We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Bajo tu protección buscamos refugio, Santa Madre de Dios. Do not despise our pleas– we who are put to the test – No desprecies las súplicas de los que estamos sometidos a pruebas and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin. y líbranos de todo peligro, oh gloriosa y bendita Virgen. CONFESSIONS & CHURCH OPEN FOR PRIVATE PRAYER CONFESIONES: PENITENCIA Y RECONCILIACIÓN Confessions will continue to be offered on Mondays during Lent in Las confesiones se seguirán ofreciendo los lunes durante la St. Louis Church from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Confessions will only Cuaresma en la Iglesia San Luis de 7:00 PM a 8:00 PM. Las be offered behind a screen, and not face to face, as a precautionary confesiones solo se ofrecerán detrás de una ventanilla, y no cara a measure. You may contact the parish office for times when the cara, como medida de precaución. Por favor de tener caridad a church will be open for private prayer. This is to avoid a large los demas en mantener silencio profundo y distanciamento social. group of people to congregate in the church at one time. Many of OFRENDA / COLECTAS DE LA PARROQUIA the pews will also be roped off to facilitate and ensure social Mientras se han cancelado las Misas públicas en toda la distancing when coming to the church to pray. Arquidiócesis de Hartford para evitar una mayor propagación del PARISH OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS coronavirus, sepa que su continuo apoyo financiero de la parroquia While public Masses have been cancelled throughout the es crucial para su funcionamiento continuo y sus obligaciones con Archdiocese of Hartford in order to prevent the further spread of los empleados, etc. Tenga en cuenta que también somos sensible the coronavirus, know that your continued financial support of the al hecho de que algunos feligreses pueden estar enfrentando parish is crucial for its ongoing operation and obligations to dificultades financieras debido a la epidemia. Sepa que puede employees, etc. Please know that we are also sensitive to the fact enviar sus contribuciones por correo a Saint John XXIII Parish, 89 that some parishioners may be facing financial hardships due to Bull Hill Ln, West Haven, CT 06516 o puede hacer sus the epidemic. Know that you can mail your contributions to Saint contribuciones semanales en línea a través de Our Sunday Visitor: John XXIII Parish, 89 Bull Hill Ln, West Haven, CT 06516 or you can make your weekly contributions online through Our Sunday Visitor: Beneficios para los feligreses que dan su contribucion semanal en línea: Cómodo acceso en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar a Online Giving benefits for parishioners: Convenient anytime, través de Internet. Seguro y confidencial. Se adhiere a los anywhere access through the internet. Secure and Confidential. estándares bancarios. Flexible. Comience, pare y cambie sus Adheres to banking standards. Flexible. Start, stop and change contribuciones en cualquier momento. Sencillo. No es necesario your contributions at any time. Simple. No need to contact your contactar a su banco o la oficina parroquial. La parroquia se bank or the parish office. The parish benefits because it stabilizes beneficia porque estabiliza las contribuciones. Las ofrendas contributions. Regularly scheduled gifts allows the parish to programados regularmente le permite a la parroquia administrar effectively manage monthly expenses. It is efficient, saving time in efectivamente los gastos mensuales. Es eficiente ahorrando bookkeeping and is a tool for people who prefer electronic tiempo en la contabilidad y es una herramienta actual para las services. personas que prefieren los servicios electrónicos.   SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2020 · DOMINGO, 22 DE MARZO DE 2020   SACRAMENTS PALM CROSS SALE BAPTISMS · BAUTISMOS Beautiful 24” x 12” Palm Crosses, decorated By appointment only—please contact the parish office. with 60 pieces of palm, color ribbon, 2 Para asistir a las charlas pre-bautismales debe inscribirse con artificial lilies and individually bagged cost Lissette Andrade en la oficina presentando la acta de $9.00 each. Last day for orders is Sunday, nacimiento del niño los siguientes días: lunes a jueves de 4:30 March 22, 2020. Orders can be picked up at PM - 6:00 PM con 2 semanas de anticipación. both St. Lawrence Church and St. Louis MARRIAGE · MATRIMONIO Church on Palm Sunday Weekend. If Masses The Archdiocese of Hartford establishes that at least 6 are cancelled, arrangements for pick up will be communicated to months of preparation time must be allowed before a those who placed their order. wedding can take place in the Church. Please contact one of the parish priests. VENTA DE CRUCES DE PALMA

La Arquidiócesis de Hartford establece que el tiempo de Las hermosas Cruces de Palma de 24 "x 12", decoradas con 60 preparación debe ser por lo menos 6 meses para que una boda se piezas de palma, cinta de color, 2 lirios artificiales y empacadas lleva a cabo en la Iglesia. Favor de comunicarse con uno de los individualmente cuestan $ 9.00 cada una. El último día para sacerdotes de la parroquia. ordenar es el domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020. Las cruces estaran WE LOVE HAVING YOU AS PART OF OUR FLOCK, disponibles para recoger en ambos iglesias de San Lorenzo como STAY CONNECTED! en la de San Luis el fin de semana del Domingo de Ramos. Si se cancelan las Misas, los arreglos para la recogida se comunicarán a Keep in touch with us via email & text! quienes hicieron su pedido. Text WESTHAVEN to 84576 -or- CANCELLATIONS | CANCELACIONES Connect Online:  Lenten Fish Dinner | Cena Cuaresmal de Pescado (March 27) Saint John XXIII Parish Father José Mercado  @StJohn23Parish @FatherMercado Connecticut March for Life | Marcha por la Vida (April 15)

RELIABLE FENCE The Catholic Cemeteries Association “Reliable Fences make great neighbors” of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Inc. Big Joe Iannone Advanced Planning of your Cemetery needs is a loving General Manager gift that relieves your family of a difficult decision in the midst of their grief. Whether a Traditional Grave, O 203.933.5404 • C 203.641.1178 1072 Boston Post Rd, West Haven Mausoleum, or Cremation, [email protected] let our caring team of Family Service Advisors help you choose your cemetery needs.

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Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St John XXIII, West Haven, CT 03-0173 Friendly Staff, Low Prices Keenan Special Order Anything You Want! Little Angels WEST HAVEN Funeral Home Home Care LLC Philip M. Appell, Sr., Managing Partner FUNERAL “Offering Full Service, Cremation Live in and Pre-Planning Services” Care Givers Only A Journey through HOME 330 Notch Hill Rd., North Branford • 203-481-3217 240 Myrtle St., Shelton • 203-278-1436 History, Art & Faith 238 Elm Street, West Haven • 203-933-1217 174 Main St. (1 Block From Church) [email protected] 203-933-2775 LTC INSURANCE ACCEPTED • Reg #HCA0000732 203-934-7921 FREE ADMISSION WE AB Fotografia & PARKING DELIVER Y Video Fotografia y Video para todo tipo de 1 State Street, New Haven Eventos Sociales, Bodas, Bautizos, Open 10-5 daily Order Online: Quinceaneras, etc. 217 Campbell Avenue, West Haven 55 FULTON STREET • NEW HAVEN 203-931-0666 • 203-931-0122 203-627-2835 • 203-901-8678 Check out our other location 203-865-0400 669 Main Street, Ansonia • 203-516-5784 ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS 10% Off for Church Parishioners WINDOWS • PATIOS • DECKS WEST HAVEN WINKLE BUS ANIMAL CLINIC COMPANY 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE 959 Campbell Ave. West Haven, CT 06516 School & Charter Bus Service 18 Months No Interest / Low Monthly Payment 203-934-3528 (203)795-3112 [email protected] By Appointment Only 10 INDUSTRY DRIVE • WEST HAVEN Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-2, Sun 11-1 203-927-5999 (203) 878-6912 (203) 934-9243 LIC. HIC. 0650162 Ralph L. Padilla, D.V.M. All the Assistance You ENSALADAS DE FRUTAS / SMOOTHIES Need to Stay at Home HELADOS / MILKSHAKES / TORTAS TACOS / TAMALES • Companions, 271 GRAND AVE, NEW HAVEN, CT Home Care PCA’s & Live In’s (203) 782-4757 Professionals • Nursing & Therapy • Home Modifications MEXICAN RESTAURANT 203-777-1234 “Hablamos 65 Elm Street - West Haven • Respite Services. Fruits & Beverages Espanol” Fourth Generation • Residential Specialist State Wide Services PORTO FERRIE BROS. Paving Contractors • Asphalt FUNERAL HOMES Concrete • Driveway Sealer (203) 773-1201 • (877) 302-2323 Statewide 830 Jones Hill Road, West Haven, CT BEN VINNY 203-934-5000 203.932.5665 WEST HAVEN, CT 06516 Offering assistance with: PRE-planning and PRE-financing Burials ~ Cremation FISCHER & Directors: FISCHER, LLC Anne Marie Porto DeLucia JAMES E. FISCHER, ESQ. Clement L. DeLucia P.O. Box 568 / 568 Washington Ave / West Haven, CT Albert M. DeLucia 203.933.2516 234 Foxon Road, East Haven (203) 467-3000 [email protected]

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Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St John XXIII, West Haven, CT 03-0173