Cartmel Priory Church of England School Cartmel, , LA11 7SA

Applicant Information Pack

HEADTEACHER Start Date June 2019 or September 2019 Salary Range L18 – L24

Contents Page Number Welcome from the Chair of Governors 1 About Our School 2 What are we looking for? 6 Views of Students, Parents, Carers and Community 8 What are we able to offer you? 10 Job Description 11 Person Specification 12 How to Apply and Appointment Timetable 14

Cartmel Priory School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, safer recruitment practice and the promotion of equal opportunities. Pre-employment and Enhanced DBS checks will be undertaken before any appointment is confirmed. Cartmel Priory Church of England School

Welcome from the Chair of Governors

I am delighted that you are interested in joining and leading our dedicated team at Cartmel Priory School.

Due to retirement, we are saying farewell to our Headteacher after his outstanding service to the school. We are now looking to appoint a new leader who will have a proven track record of success, high aspirations, enthusiasm, drive and a passion for education. Taking this high performing school into the next phase of its development and making an ongoing and positive contribution to the lives of our young people is essential.

Cartmel Priory is a small inclusive Church of England Secondary School at the heart of the community with a strong pastoral system, ethos of respect, teamwork, trust and integrity. Every student and colleague is valued and we are all totally committed to our school’s vision and Christian values.

The school has a strong legacy and well recognised strengths. We want to keep moving forward in the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of our work. This is an opportunity for you to build on the school’s and your own successes within an embedded culture of care and support.

Year on year, our results have shown improvement and we are recognised as one of the highest-achieving schools in Cumbria. In April 2017, Ofsted rated us as Good in all areas and we are proud of being rated as Outstanding in our SIAMS inspection.

Governors, students, parents, carers and a dedicated, talented team of staff, work together to ensure our young people achieve the best possible outcomes. Whatever their starting points, students make good progress despite the challenges of an ever-changing and demanding educational landscape.

We are looking for a very special person to take us on to the next stage of our development and success. I hope that you will be interested in applying for this post at our school and will come for a pre-visit. We look forward to meeting you, hearing about your vision for our school and exploring what more could be achieved by working together.

If you are a strategic thinker, a proven leader and manager, enjoy working with people and are passionate about ensuring that all children receive the best education and experience possible then Cartmel Priory School could well be the right school for you.

I am sure that if you were successful in securing this post you would find job satisfaction through joining and leading a happy, highly motivated team of people who are ambitious for the school and the students. I am very proud of the school and exceptionally privileged to be a Governor.

Thank you for your interest and good luck with your application.

Dorothy Lownds Chair of Governors Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 1 About Our School

Date of Appointment June or September 2019

Contract Permanent / Full Time

Salary School Group 3 Range L18 – L24

Estimated Number on Roll 320 Age Range: 11-16 Average Class Size: 23

Teaching Staff 24 staff (Head + 19 .41 FTE)

Support Staff 31 full/part time

Senior Leadership Structure Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Business Manager Director of Pastoral Care Director of Science School

Building and Site

The school buildings date from 1958 with some later extensions. It is two storeys high with a U-shaped layout. It includes a school hall, fitness suite, changing rooms and dining room.

Extensive outside space includes garden areas to the front, a yard, a very large school field, tennis/netball courts and a small woodland area. The outdoor spaces are used for learning and social times.

Financial Budget

The School’s Basic Income for the 2018/19 financial year is £1,798,526. Pupil Premium and catch up funding £50,000 (estimated). SEN top up £55,488.


OFSTED The March 2017 short inspection judged the school to be Good in all areas.

“pupils leave the school with strong outcomes” “the quality of pastoral care, guidance and support is outstanding” “pupils appreciate the culture of high aspiration that pervades the school and thrive in the orderly and purposeful learning environment”

SIAMS The March 2015 inspection judged the school to be Outstanding

“students and staff alike receive care and support of the highest quality” “students are encouraged to be open minded and respect diversity” Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 2 About Our School

Our School

Cartmel Priory Church of England School is a Single Academy Trust that provides a unique secondary school experience in a wonderful rural location. The school is situated in the village of Cartmel, within its own extensive grounds in a delightful setting. Cartmel itself is an attractive rural village (recently placed in The Times “30 Best Villages in Britain”). Cartmel is very close to the edge of the Lake District National Park and a 20-minute drive to the M6.

Cartmel Priory School serves the whole of the Cartmel Peninsula, drawing students primarily from seven local primary schools (Allithwaite, Cartmel, Dean Barwick, Flookburgh, Grange, Leven Valley and Lindale). However, there are a small number of students who come from beyond the catchment area.

The Governing Body is made up of representatives from the diocese, parents, school staff and foundation governors who are nominated and appointed by Academy members following consultation with local parishes.

Our Mission Statement

The school promotes the Christian values of compassion, courage, faith, forgiveness, kindness, love, respect, tolerance, truthfulness and trust in an inclusive manner that is supportive of all learners and adults. Our Bible verse is “I have come that they may have life; and have it to the full.” which is the basis of our mission statement “Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All”.

This mission statement reflects our belief that education is about the whole student and that staff and students should aim high. It also reflects our belief that learning should be an enjoyable and stimulating experience. The school welcomes all students irrespective of their beliefs or none. The school puts a high priority on safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and on the well-being of staff.

Christian values run through and are part of the daily life of the school. Visitors comment on this when describing their experience when contacting or working with the school. We are wonderfully served by the local churches within the Cartmel Peninsula and have a strong connection with Cartmel Priory where we hold up to 8 services each year. Every week, students will see a clergy member for collective worship in year groups. We also meet every week for whole school worship led by senior staff and students.

The students run a strong Mission Group which meets to discuss issues to do with developing our Christian ethos such as charity work, daily worship and community links. The group also runs the monthly Sunday youth service. Two youth workers from Churches Together visit school weekly to run clubs and share worship. They are also involved in organising our prayer space weeks and retreat days

Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 3 About Our School

Our students

Cartmel Priory School is a small rural 11-16 school with 321 students on roll and is one of only two Church of England secondary schools in Cumbria. Our intake is fully comprehensive, and, therefore, we have students of all abilities and social backgrounds, but with lower than average levels of deprivation overall (as measured by % FSM). The average attainment of the students on entry is usually around the national average but does vary from year to year. Our students do, however, perform consistently better than students of similar ability nationally. The school has sustained high standards of academic achievement over several years and, since Progress 8 was introduced, the school has been amongst Cumbria’s highest performers.

The school has a strong commitment to high-quality learning, in and out of the classroom, and a determination to ensure that each individual student develops and achieves to their full potential.

Our staff

Our record of success is founded on our dedicated, talented, and caring teaching and support staff. They set high professional standards for themselves and are supportive of one another. In a small school, this engenders the important elements of a happy, harmonious community where individuals consistently ‘go the extra mile’ in the best interests of the students and their colleagues. They have the strong support of parents and carers and benefit from the excellent behaviour and attitude of the young people of our school community. They are enthusiastic and work well with other schools and practitioners to share good practice and seek opportunities for making improvements and engaging in their own professional development.

The South Lakes Federation

South Lakes Federation (SLF) is a high-performing partnership of South Lakes Secondary Schools, and the University of Cumbria. The Federation has secured an excellent local and national reputation over the last decade, having provided effective school collaboration and support as well as high-quality professional development for staff and governors.

As a member, Cartmel Priory School has strong links with others in the partnership including: , , , Kendal College (FE), , Kirkby Stephen Grammar School, Queen Elizabeth School, Settlebeck High School, and The University of Cumbria.

The Federation is funded by its members and employs staff to support school improvement across the Federation. Key areas in which working with the SLF provides effective collaboration are inclusion, curriculum development, teaching and learning and CPD which includes leadership development as well as Headteacher support. A formally-agreed and strong peer review process operates that identifies needs for school support. There is also a Governor Forum which meets and organises governor training to support colleagues across the Federation.

Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 4 About Our School

Our Primary School Links and Liaison

Work with primary colleagues is a high priority and Cartmel Priory School collaborates closely with our 7 local primary schools. Heads meet half-termly as the Cartmel Peninsula Heads Group and strong curriculum links are in place across English, Mathematics, Science and Sport. The Heads Group have recently agreed a joint INSET day at Cartmel Priory School in September 2019 on the theme of boys’ achievement. This work not only ensures close ties and the sharing of projects, knowledge and ideas, but also plays an essential role in providing the best possible support for the transition of children from primary to secondary school.

The Cartmel Peninsula Governor Forum

The Forum was set up in 2014 by the Chairs of Cartmel Priory School, Allithwaite and Grange Primary schools. This was in response to expressed needs for bespoke governor training provided in a convenient, off-site location. The events, which are held three times a year, each bringing together in the region of 25-30 governors from the Peninsula primary schools and Cartmel Priory School. Recent topics have included Student and Staff Well-being, GDPR, Data Analysis, e-Safety and Safeguarding. All events focus solely on the implications for the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of governors. The events provide an opportunity for governors to receive training on key topics, share information and good practice. They are also, very importantly, an opportunity to meet and talk with colleagues in a supportive forum.

Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 5 What are we looking for?

The Governing Body is looking to appoint an inspirational, nurturing, aspirational thinker who will build on our strengths and have the knowledge, experience, skills and vision to lead us into the future. You will be able to identify and capitalise on our capacity and drive for excellence in teaching and learning, continuous development and achievement.

The post will provide an exciting opportunity for you to make an impact on, and contribution to, the education of our young people and the practice of professional colleagues in the pursuit of excellence. The ability to inspire both students and staff to make the most of their talents and skills will be a leadership quality that motivates and supports all in the school.

Your knowledge of secondary education should include recent developments in the sector. Teaching and Learning will be at the forefront of building on the successes, achievements and progress of students to date. However, it is the mission of the school to encourage students to achieve not only high levels of attainment but also to develop a love of learning, a breadth of interests and skills, resilience and personal development which will continue in later life.

You will be an applicant with experience at senior leadership level or a serving Headteacher who has the passion and desire to be a strategic leader of learning; someone who sets high expectations, can translate vision into plans and will strive to achieve positive outcomes.

You will work closely with Governors and the Senior Leadership Team to secure a pathway for the further success of the school which is clearly articulated, shared, understood and ensures that the education and interests of our students are at the centre of all that we do in the school.

As a school with a strong pastoral focus of welfare, care, support and safety, you will be an approachable role model, able to actively listen and communicate with students, staff and a wide range of audiences.

You will demonstrate strong leadership credentials, lead by example and be effective in building productive teams. You will be a resilient, reflective, confident and positive presence as a school ambassador. As an effective communicator you will demonstrate an ability to build good links and working relationships both within school and externally with partners, stakeholders and the community at large.

“We are now looking to appoint a new leader who will have a proven track record of success, high aspirations, enthusiasm, drive and a passion for education”

Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 6 What are we looking for?

Our staff would like a Headteacher who:

Will have a well-considered vision for the school built on new ideas, its future needs and an appreciation of the school’s special ethos and strengths. Demonstrates the Christian values of the school in their working practice; has a caring attitude of compassion, integrity and honesty. Has extensive and outstanding teaching experience and sees the importance of maintaining a broad curriculum which will engage all students. Has a strong knowledge and experience of managing educational data; is able to present and communicate it in a clear way which supports staff in teaching and learning for the benefit of students. Has a visible professional presence, leads by example and is an approachable good listener with an open-door policy. Understands the realities, complexities and demands of running a small rural school.

Our students would like a Headteacher who:

Has firm control of behaviour and all aspects of teaching and learning.

Makes the school a happy environment.

Takes into account ideas of other people when improving things and doesn’t change things for the sake of it. Understands young people and their pressures.

Is firm but fair and is visible outside and on corridors.

Is kind, approachable, friendly and forgiving.

Has a sense of humour and is a good listener.

Gets involved, rewards students and likes the outdoors. Is compassionate and trustworthy. Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 7 What do students say about their school?

“It is a small “It is a caring, close and friendly place community where where we respect students are looked everyone’s opinion” after very well”

“The school is “Our Christian rewarding and fun values of forgiveness and we organise mean that everyone many charity events” has a second chance” “Teachers support students and are helpful” “People are welcoming and kind”

Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 8 What do parents, carers and the community say about our school?

“The parent-school interface is great. I would never have sent my children anywhere else... a village school at the centre of our community.”

“We couldn’t be more “The pastoral care is excellent, with support given pleased. The fact that to students with emotional and confidence issues, our daughter would allowing them to manage the challenges of choose to spend her spare teenage years. time at school tells me “Support staff are amazing, nurturing and have that she feels part of clear boundaries and help our child to access the curriculum. We have always felt listened to and the school family and understood as parents.” feels settled.”

“I had a son and a daughter of very different academic abilities with completely different learning styles and the school really supported their individual needs and provided both of them with extra help so that they achieved their maximum potentials.”

“The academic success of the “All three of my children have school goes without saying. We left with grades better than appreciate the extra-curricular music and drama that our children value we had thought possible, full and benefit from.” of confidence and well-rounded “The strengths of the school lie in young adults. I wouldn’t dream being a strong team where people of sending them anywhere else.... look out for each other and students it’s a real community have every chance to thrive.” school.”

“We are proud to be linked with Cartmel Priory School where we know that our children are given every opportunity to achieve within a nurturing environment. As a group of primary schools, we work closely with Cartmel Priory School on joint sports events and curriculum developments. Our Year 6 teachers also work with staff on common approaches in Maths and English ensuring a smooth transition for the pupils. Our ex-pupils frequently come back and tell us how much they are enjoying secondary school!“ Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 9 What are we able to offer you?

Above all, we offer an environment in which you will be able to enjoy your work with staff and students who will be genuinely appreciative of your personal and professional commitment, expertise and fair leadership. Here your efforts will be valued, recognised and supported as you bring out the best in staff and students and engage and consult with others in making the important decisions which will impact on the future of the school.

We offer you:

Salary. School Group 3 Leadership Range L18-L24

A wonderful place to live and work on the edge of the Lake District World Heritage Site.

A welcoming and friendly school at the heart of the community with supportive parents, carers and wider stakeholders. Students who are well-behaved, enthusiastic, appreciative and genuinely keen to learn.

A team of professional, capable, well-qualified and motivated teaching and support staff who are hard working, have a tangible passion for the school and strive to ensure that all children achieve of their best. Membership of the South Lakes Federation: providing opportunity to work with, and have the support of, peers and colleagues. A strong, well-informed and skilled governing body dedicated to openness, transparency and the success of the school. A school committed to doing the best for its students.

A school committed to the safety, welfare and support of students and staff.

A challenge with a lot of reward.

Well maintained accommodation and facilities.

A school with sound financial health.

Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 10 Job Description Headteacher Cartmel Priory Church of England School

Core Purpose

The Headteacher is responsible and accountable to the Governing Body for the management and administration of the school and the quality and standards achieved. The Headteacher will

Work with the Governing Body to ensure that the mission, clear vision and strategic direction of the school reflect its distinctive Christian ethos, secure its continued development and success, placing the welfare and academic progress of students at its centre. Provide professional leadership and management which translates the agreed vision into clear objectives and plans: providing an organisational structure which embeds the school’s values, enables management systems and practices to work effectively through skilful judgement day-to-day and in the management of development and change. Ensure that teaching, learning, student progress and achievement are at the centre of strategic planning, resource and asset management: ensuring that the school meets student needs, including curriculum and safeguarding requirements, so that all students enjoy and benefit from the best possible educational experience. Be directly, legally and contractually accountable to the Governing Body for the school, its environment and all its work: to operate and manage, within required regulatory frameworks and legislation, the school’s financial, human and physical resources to achieve its aims and objectives and a positive impact on the school and its community. Promote a school-wide, success-orientated, and self-critical culture of challenge and support that motivates and sets high expectations of excellence: enabling all students and staff to share in, and be proud of, working in a high quality, exciting, stimulating, productive and collaborative learning environment. Build a professional, supportive, motivated and caring learning organisation which treats all people fairly, equitably, with dignity and respect: creating and maintaining a positive school culture of teamwork where students and staff can all experience self-worth, well- being and feel valued and recognised. Be able to present an analytical, comprehensive, coherent, understandable and accurate account of the school’s performance and achievements to governors, staff, parents, carers and relevant official bodies and to work with the Governing Body by providing timely information, objective advice and support so that it can meet its responsibilities and accountabilities. Sustain the school as a Christian foundation at the heart of the community: engaging and working with primary schools, partner organisations, wider stakeholders, agencies and the local and business communities, extending learning experiences and opportunities for students, supporting the well-being of students and their families and enhancing and enriching the value of the school within a wider thriving community.

This job description is based on the key areas identified in the National Standards for Headship published by the Department for Education.

Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 11 Person Specification

Evidence A = Application Form I = Interview T = Task R = Reference No: Criteria Evidence 1 Qualifications and Training A I T R 1.1 Recognised DfE qualified teacher status / Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status and * registered with Institute for Learning (IFL) 1.2 Evidence of commitment to Continuing Professional Development relevant to self and the leadership * of a school 1.3 Commitment to preserve and develop the distinctive Christian character and ethos of the school in * * * line with the objects of the Academy Trust 1.4 Relevant graduate qualification * Desirable 1.5 NPQH For first Headship * 2 Experience A I T R 2.1 Substantial experience of successful senior leadership in secondary school(s) as Headteacher, * * * Deputy Headteacher or equivalent 2.2 Providing creative, effective and sensitive leadership and management of change and development * * * 2.3 A proven track record of successfully leading teams and motivating others * * * 2.4 Successful experience of raising standards of student academic progress and achievement * * * 2.5 Experience of data analysis, reporting and performance indicators and target setting * * * * Desirable 2.6 Experience in successful marketing and fundraising leading to improved student recruitment and * * increased physical school resources 3 Knowledge and Understanding of current issues and best practice A I T R 3.1 Experience of the process of strategic planning and translating a shared vision into practice * * * 3.2 Experience of curriculum, design, planning, delivery and effective assessment to meet the needs of * * * all students 3.3 Understanding effective communication strategies within and beyond school * 3.4 Experience of robust school self-evaluation and development planning and recognising the * * * constituents and standards of a good/outstanding school 3.5 Experience of effective strategies for fostering and prioritising actions for maintaining and developing * * school achievement including attendance 3.6 Ensuring and securing the welfare, well-being and pastoral care of students and staff * * 3.7 Knowledge of current national and local safeguarding developments and application in the school * * context 3.8 Ability to maintain and develop a whole school culture of vigilance in safeguarding and the principles, * * processes and practices that underpin Keeping Children Safe in Education Desirable 3.9 Engaging with the Governing Body, providing information, objective advice and support to enable it * * to meet its objects, legal and accountable responsibilities 3.10 Understanding and experience of school budget, financial, human and asset resource management * * * responsibilities 3.11 Understanding of the challenges and opportunities of small rural single academy trust school * *

12 Person Specification

Evidence A = Application Form I = Interview T = Task R = Reference

No: Criteria Evidence 4 Leading Teaching and Learning A I T R 4.1 Proven successful record of teaching of students in secondary education * * * 4.2 Securing strategies and approaches for delivering high quality standards in teaching and learning * * across the school 4.3 Ensuring professional development and support of staff through a learning culture that encourages * * researching and sharing good practice with colleagues and peers 4.4 Awareness and understanding of current national and local educational trends, legislation and * * initiatives and their application to policy in the school context 4.5 Experience of effective strategies for engaging parents and carers in supporting student learning * * Desirable 4.6 Knowledge and experience of new systems and technologies to support the management of teaching * * and learning 5 Professional Qualities and Leadership Attributes A I T R 5.1 A leadership style which is nurturing and builds positive relationships, attitudes and good * * communication with concern for staff and wider members of the school community 5.2 Ability to build, implement and engage the active commitment of others in your clear vision for the * * school 5.3 Skill in high order analytics and problem solving and ability to make informed judgments * * 5.4 Commitment to an open, fair, collaborative style of management * * 5.5 Ensuring and achieving high standards of professional conduct and accountability across the school * * 5.6 Demonstrating belief and passion in placing students at the centre of planning and decision making * Desirable 5.7 Evidence of working, engaging and networking, within and beyond school, with primary schools, * * other key partners and the local community 6 Personal Qualities and Attributes A I T R 6.1 Strong personal motivation, resilience, honesty and integrity * * 6.2 Articulate strategic thinker with drive, passion for education and professional pride * * 6.3 Ability to demonstrate behaviour, beliefs, values and moral purpose which underpin the Christian * * * ethos and mission of the school 6.4 A highly visible, enthusiastic role model and team player, who leads by example and builds trust as * * a positive influencer and motivator 6.5 Approachable with a sense of humour and ability to empathise and listen to others * * 6.6 Ability to address and relate to a range of audiences in a variety of media * * 6.7 Confidence in being the public face and ambassador of the school and building and promoting * * positive relationships with stakeholders

13 How to Apply and Appointment Timetable

Please complete the online application form via the TES website

In your supplementary information please demonstrate how the impact of your knowledge, skills and experience meet the requirements of the Person Specification. Please confine this information to a maximum of the equivalent of 2 sides of A4 (Arial, size pt 11.)

References will be requested prior to interview for candidates who have been shortlisted.

Prospective applicants are very welcome to make an informal visit to the school on Friday 30th November 2018. This is entirely optional and does not form any part of the selection process.

Please contact Mrs Emma Wright, the Headteacher’s Secretary, to arrange an appointment [email protected] or Telephone 015395 36202

Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Thursday 13th December 2018

Interview dates: Wednesday 23rd January 2019 and Thursday 24th January 2019

Start date of contract: June 2019 or September 2019 (subject to the availability of the successful applicant)

Cartmel Priory School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, safer recruitment practice and the promotion of equal opportunities. Pre-employment and Enhanced DBS checks will be undertaken before any appointment is confirmed.

Run Faster, Reach Further, Aim Higher, Grow Tall, Work Harder, Think Deeper, Laugh Louder, Love All 14