Child-sensitive return Upholding the best interests of refugee and migrant children in return decisions and processes in the Netherlands November 2019 A UNICEF Netherlands/PFP project Authors: Martin Vegter, LLM (Defence for Children) Roos de Wildt, PhD (Defence for Children) Majorie Kaandorp (UNICEF The Netherlands) Eva van Aalst (UNICEF The Netherlands With support from: Julie Lebegue (UNICEF PFP) Editing: John Hemy Design: Schone Vormen For further information, please contact: Eva van Aalst Senior Expert Children’s Rights, Migration and Asylum UNICEF The Netherlands E-mail:
[email protected] 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research project benefitted from the support, insights and expertise of many individuals and organisations to whom we, at UNICEF The Netherlands, offer our sincere thanks. Thanks, firstly, to Martin Vegter and Roos de Wildt, who conducted the research. Thanks also to DLA Piper NL for their legal analysis on return and Schone Vormen for his work on the report’s design. We would like to thank all those who were interviewed or contributed information. This includes colleagues from a wide range of civil society and legal organisations, IOM, Nidos, immigration lawyers, The Dutch Refugee Council, STIL Utrecht, Solid Road, Amnesty International The Netherlands and the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security and implementing authorities, including the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), Repatriation and Departure Service (DT&V), the Transport and Support Service (DV&O), the Central Agency for Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) and the Child Care and Protection Board. All gave generously of their time and expertise, and this research was only possible due to their participation.