1339. Membrane [16]—cont* the seas, to Reginald de Conductu of the reversion of 211. 9s. 3d. of rent in the , to wit out of a house of Robert de Kellesey in the market of London, 18s. from a shop of John de Besevill, tailor, 4*. from two shops of Rosia Deneyis, opposite the church of St. Thomas of Acony 2s. from a house of Peter Seuecamp in Bredestrete, 12s. from tenements of John de Dallyng the elder in Distaflane, 13*. 4d. from a house sometime of Roger le Paumer the elder by , 26$. from two shops sometime of Richard Gubbe, fishmonger, opposite the church of St. Mary of Somersete, 8s. from tenements of John le Balauncer in the ward of Queenhithe, 13*. 4d. from tenements of John le Mareschal in the Vintry, 305. from a shop of Robert de Stratford, fishmonger, at Oldefisshestrete, 6s. Sd. from a void place sometime of John de Baukwell, called * Iti Brokenseld,' in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen's, Melkestrete, 53s. 4d* from a tavern of the said Reginald in the same parish, 53s. 4d. from a tenement of Matilda la Repere in the churchyard of St. Mary's le Bow, 1 Os. from a tenement of John de Preston in f la Roperie,' 33s. 4d. from a tenement of William son of Margery de Norhampton in Bradstrete, 3s. 4d. from a tenement of the Minoresses without Alegate in Corelewanstrete, opposite the church of St. Mary le Bow, 3()s, from a tenement of John le Yonge in Candelwykstrete, 7s. }0d. from a void place of the prior of Ely. by QueenLithe, 20s. from a tenement of Henry de Piphurst in Goderonlane, ISrf. from a tenement of William de Braughyng in Candelewykstrete, 23d. from a tenement of Emma late the wife of Henry le Whyt, by Oystirgate, 26s. 8d. from a tenement of John Lambyn, fish- monger, opposite the church of St. Margaret, Breggestrete, 11s. 6d. from a shop of Richard Horn, fishmonger, there, 6s. Sd. from a booth (tentore) of John de Sancto Edmundo in Crokedlane, 10s. 6d. from a tenement of William Haunsard by Billingesgate, 6s. from a house of Reimnnd de Burdeux within , 13s. 4d. from a shop in Cordwanstrete, 4s. from a tenement of John de la Pole in Abbecherchelane, 2s. 4d, and from a tenement sometime of Robert Lyghtfot, 4d. now held for life by Walter de Shependon, knight, by grant of Edward II. By K. July 15. Pardon, in regard to his labours and charges in the king's service and Antwerp. the good place which he has long held for him and the realm, and with the consent of the council attending the king, to John de Molyns, his heirs and executors, of all his debts at the Exchequer by reason of lands now in his tenure or to revert to him, or for any other cause, as well of the time of liis ancestors as of his own time, and also of all accounts which he is bound to render of moneys received in those times for the king's service as well beyond the seas as in and Scotland. Grant also that after his death his executors shall freely dispose of his goods in administration of his will, and that the king will not take these for any debts then due but will go to his heirs and lands for these. By K. Sept, 30.] The like. Marquion.

Julytf 15. General pardon to the said John for all trespasses against the peace of Antwerp. Edward II. or of the present king, breaking parks and closes, hunting in these and forests, chaces and warrens, and fishing in stews, stanks and free fisheries of the king or others, trespasses of vert and venison, and of all consequent outlawries; and grant to him of all his goods forfeited by reason of the same. By K. Sept. 30, The like. Marquion. Aug. 6. Mandate to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to- Vilvorde enquire fully touching a petition of William Cosyn, burgess of St. Macaire,