T" trlt~

EUfIflS DIRECTORY. BODCWI.4v:. WHOLES;ALII&AND "RETAIL RAD. Waousw, No, 41Canal street, opposit the Cu.tKo. 8oea. d4 lIy ee ital, he :._mlh.' Ml 13ONIE& UC~iOS STOKNOT AND towMAu.LWess p ispe - E~hane roa m,'8rarondlat rstrel, N. O n228m traow wdarnnre rn-r ts r MDI!W,6*. C. & CO. SHIPAHONlO AND OUY- NEW ORLEANS DAILY cRESENT. Oad, sttingNYrEi tt .. . MISSIIONRKRUHANTS, ' lC01,n p ND 11. PUBLISHED EVERY that sfh moatIoert XE & BRIIAUX, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW,No, 68 DAY, SUNDAY EXCEPTED, BY N XNON& ADAMS, AT'NO. 70 CAMP STREE'T. OaPtret NewOrleans. at ly " LER & CO., J. H., IDEALERSIN STAPLE tenmoefulerthe • n and soc Orocerlesof all kinds,corner Common and ON, whforaetr r oui~imstreets. VOLUME IX. SATURDAY MORNING, FIEBRUARY 28, 18,7. NUMBER 808, EL H F1 W., WINE. DRANDIDO,PRESENT Thmaoeur e, wa edFrult'r, l aanestc:etc.,No.. 110 ommonstreet. weaoeat*lYIdoforEm " RNEL US. Vi. ATTORNEYAND COUNSEL. SEA-GOINGVESSELS. SEA-GOING VEBSES. STEAMBOATS DEPARTURES.. Telegraphe to NtheluwO er •Crescenrs*the•r.lto to. gtthane hKowat•,i-• ptar •"" t; er".ts"r,naa.t "- LOR-AT-LA.AND 'U. S. COMEMISSIONEB, Roya Tel *%I.over the ost"Omoo. jeki emus LRiI& Qttr tst. ao.naway with m heg•at• ,a TEXAS AND MEXICO. FOR BOSTON. LOWER MISSISSIPPI. = rr.Or.,oottvsOrs.rra,,LDe.r.Vonveaan . e.wroaolk placethe rk iea•h wife ohtahtese•e-ww.;. To sailonSUNDAY, March let At9 o'clnf A.14. CONGRESSIONAL. h.P ,.D O ID ,.. FOR BOSTON-REGULIAR LINE-THE Ii Leavestt1 TflRDtAY, 28th tl.t.t P. M. Pride. ~ A~7C 0 AN SOUTHEREN FIrEAMSHXP COM- Al oclioppohork ('0 oooleatsI '.n)-For vesmon Mytey elf I'CNnvEcnrS dl CC., WHOLIISALEGROCERS Ad ndlIndianola--U. S Ma1l l 0ortiof hercargo engaged,will have quick PA I1F.-atudayPackret-ForY Hem, Sarso0 o. sxa. Ins,the n tgoamagnifoWit ol steamshlp WpI" Greenvlle,an Inters fir as lseusa a aN xrow url. lane IH.Tnihnt eoomnndsr, Loua. utlippoob.For hal.00Pce ofiic hloi ... OhioHe. lena, Napoleoa, all . a1dDEALERS IN TIRA, LIQUOtI. TOIIAIICOAND Wm. will le-,,,ast.hve. For 1.23 030. W.W.HYN8D~&C),~d,Ho;w~YNso N &00., 87famD akat., 3o. -pddlateladdIe., tdaesplnd pac.et steamer, ebraka, feight orpeerage, having superioraommodations, apply on - 'Ti a curious fact as ever was known board b Alea. R. Irving, master wll be roaeoeo receivefreight on WAnootroa, Feb. 26-Housea-In LG.ARN,onto., of Canaland New Lay- streets,New Or- or FOR BOSTON-"CRESCENT oINE'-TliE8 this morning,at the foolof Oirod street,and wil leavean But often In humannature shown, the HoE e was HARRISk MORGAN,Poot of Jnlitatreet, 4E very[Ht .oiiogAl Americanship Bell Bock. sohoabove. For freightor W NsT.. HY on CO..o r ht., Alikein castleand cottage, passedpass the Miscellaneous, Army Nlay, Fortication DMPU I . & Co., GENERAl00OMMIS- oppotitethe SteamshipLtnding. Graham,master, Is now llog and wll have immec t 1-Thesttmahlipsof this Company will hereaottr po light. d siaedlios. Forfreight of 1000 bhi,,lo 380 blieO of bats will take Irelghtthgtlom to White That pride, like pigs of a certain brood, and Ocean Mal bilk. Action was also taken upon SiEonIGHT,Forwnnittg EDMUNDand 16,ivirnlg P., M.rchants,ATTORNEYand DealerAND cotton jig- Thi.slin. erageon goodsfromPow der Horn to La.vaa. opapplyto RiverRir to M re.tiitdon th WhiteRiver Packets, in Hale, Will manage to live and thrive on food Shihpppers' formbillawilloP Ioftadong. `dearsprovide None otlhtr themselves oillbsgne,with t the steamter'- 1(. the Senate'sI amendments to the Indian bill, which bad a gwuntyperty, know whfgtnna itinthat dlmeht- pariahof DWealg. COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW,PrIduIa C and Naval 6*ores.Nap~p~oleovlle,DEALERS IN CARPET. As JONES.MACKINDER & C00..0 9OPOPIP. st.00 JessJ1.1eLazar andExB~anrs at Napoleon.Alas t Hanbi As poor as pauperpottage. a practice Forpapsoge,hapllg oneaopommollodltlos,, apply to captain wlth wlilthe pakett Al..and Polar filarfor Nashville. Ife been tabled during ptlnLa WIII In the parl.0,. of Aaeumptlou. f2iO the esedo. t iateO leI ." Ei, e • oo,,-Inge,Oil Terro.IonnD Cloth..etc., ad *. Sllt. 124(,analMaq. . Referstocrest. O. Hewes onboard. eekeda b y W. To oalon THURSDAYMarch 6th at 9o'lock A. M.t. eve VPEDIISWeave.P.(TI. ItA P.AM., Of all the nofable things on earth. A taracs ocrred between Wright, of Tennesee, thedr Mere~r.Slack, 8tsu(Ter s Co.;Hon. C. Yeowhfsl;Hon. E, SOUTHIERN STL~AMSIHIP COM- FUR BOSTON'-CRECSCENTiINl"-TRE The queerest AIdge. di Em PANY-Far O.(ALVETO N AND MATAIOOR- ,ploodidncow cllpper bakhnCdeCl-r, C.Coliho, thing is the pride of birth, and Sherman; it l suopposedthat the ffair will result AshtonPt Packet-Forn arallinasddlntr MAUEL BILESSET &l Co. DEALERSIN GA MAY.-U.0.141 1.100.e-Thtgpo tod (0(0 ktp.,tthSkt L.,dhi,, Lake Prtvtd,,,,..ehen Amongour "fiercedemocracy !" iin adaduel. PRODUCEAND MERCUANDISE,fxr. Pitch,. Rosin mastcr, havig,have 0lmeodiate arll dlspatoh. For oalap.aof Can dng I m.'. Bond,Vicksburg, Grand Gait, A bridge acros a hundredyears, ad Lod Oil No. 81 Ilnnl0wi 10t l ,tAowshipCharlesoltvlao. F0r triegt morgalo, ortpassag, H. Pit,halvng commntdersuperlor fngfreight,apppl to Ro and PointWonteog an .Snde.-In the Senate =,Srltp Turpen.lne,Isered, Cator 0).., 91 Gpalorste.et. Rodney,Natchz, Lake Washington, Wlthout a propto save it from sneers- a bill was passed to expe e ,clesrest,New Orleans. felt r stcoomrlodationt,apply on hoardor to JO)NE, MACKINDER& ThneciegatAnd swg runnaingpassenger packt retnmerR. HARRIS,ROSiAA(N k bO., footof Julia e.t Fop passage,1t" finelopg a0comm 10.dios, apply to thePp W.W Powell.tJAH. rthit, wllleav as Above. Fo, fretght Not even a couple of rotten piers- dite the building of a telegraph to i acifo. AND)DILIL omioltsth~e Steamship Landing, htia"ohopordPoot ?7P.o pod Diptic. 0.2 or pt eg,applyon hite.4...to A thing for laughter. flings and jeers, FNo.N,.1' 80 St.Chnrles L.A., street,STOIiCK, NOTE BROKER, teamltdpsofthinCopmpany gsTr .111 hereafterpa FOR BOSTON-REIoULAR LINE PACK. I T. t. SMITH. 4 Tchopl,.hluitrt. Is American aristocracy !N New York Markets. NWIns.ra4cIScrip, LundWarrnts, .,t.,purchased at anr. I ship Julict, Moulton,roos- E.TS-Ti, Al popket SLeaveseeerTIIURSIDAI at 6o' Ioek,P. Al. NEw Yona, Feb. 2--Cotton is buoyant-.the t To ToailonTiTHURSDAY t, havingnearly all her cargoengaged, will have A rate.,aet 1 IN ROOTS.sretDHOES, d9 8mNO M,.ooaI2thaat 9o'elokAA 5, qoil 0 palph. Pop lmpp hpeghtorRpP20Isg, Pply e . (IEbmRT dUTPHJERI( BELLE Depend upon it, my snobbish friend, of tto-dayamopat to 4,000bales; yesterday, rR3o5T &aCO.,IDEALERS~lrn~rl BRA SOUTHERN ST AIAMISIIP COM- ,h of to tl ealm 1' gang,,ith, 11.1)"W., No.10 INsgolaO, 9'PolO 0000. N. HYNSONA 0C.,82C tmp street.o ttP . Porth,, commander,EIt.r a' AovPe Your family threadyou can't ascend, ame , PANY.-FiIR 144100SSANTlAO~iA.oitio _ amounted to 6,000 bales. Flour Is sllghtly loser; (YflKA6LT J. N.FAUCTOR COMMISSIIONAND D l,,,,and Indianola-U. S. MadlLine,-The new FOR BOSTON-THE iifor Grand Lake, Caroline lanig Ashton, Pil- Without good reael to apprehend t Al FAST SAII.INiP ph, SLipwlith'.Landi Lah, P,,rovidence.C..- State, $6 10 to $6 30. Wheat , FOIWARIINI.IMERCRIANT, No. 13ICommon 16eet. 1, and magnificentlsteamship Atlantt e Henry Sheppard, ship CarocotkE Capo.Emelson. Is nop loadingand d4 mhers'sm ROGoodri4ch',,'tPoint L.andings. Mllik,,'. ]t.,t,Ytihcksbug You may find it waed onthe other end Stat is unsettled. Corn, cummxnder,will sail ,, .to.v, punetunli,. F'orfrieiAt or.,.itndjefttclr.applyhaveForfrsiphtt, wi~all O, GrandGulf. Rodne. Nn.char, and all intermediatelandings. By some plebian vocation! Mixed,Mix 71c. Rice hasadvanced 26c. per wt, and is ODWON dl POSTER DEALERSIN FLOUR- Ipaosage,hbaypn elepont .att.-roomaoeoooedotlono, appl, to .IhP. WHITNEY CO.IRrropdelt t. The Sont ern tet1 wlll continuein the abovetrade G HARRIS,DtORtiAN k CO. (optorJu,,ioreet,. For P ha,,yophpoaplin hioard. fe1t _throughout the the year, and will attendto the businessof the Orworse than that, yourboasted line, heliheld at 4c. to 4di. Freights am lower. CornerPydond NewLevee street., myllly 5-Freoightwll be tAkenfor BraveoSaotorgo, but nonefor steamerEclipse during her absencefrom the VIiksburgtrade. May end in a loop of stronger twine, tL OGttnhonand Indianolo. NEW YOREK. LouisianAi legilatar. VUIOLA,THa. F., WHOLESALEAND RETAIL, 1sshippers will ploter provldethemselves with theteamer's FProyfreight or pttsage. IDIJyonboard. to hr That plagued some worthy relation. Dealerrin Doeu Fon AHiles. cornerCanal sad St. ChOas., felhS ROAtIWELL,BROS. A CO.,8S Irier, .t. Bros Rou, Feb. 27.-Smoae.In the .Senate $treats. rormof 1,111,1oPinrli,. Noneother willAe alpooe. 1r27 FOR NEW YORK-REGUi.AR LINK- Because you flourish in worldly affairs, todtodaythe House amendment relative to the emanld- (IIQUEL& JAARESON.,STALE ANDFANCY DRY Tb. Al splendidclipper hopE W A ECopue,, LIVERPOOL. fS n master,is o w eoadingaoolndhwdili hpae, gooik FOR B(EUF RIVER. pation of slaves, was taken up ad coaouued in. S.IId of dIlorectIportation,No. IS Chartre street,. !feli . For loispip,of fpriehltor pasage. Ipplyt DoWith not beInsolent haughtypride and of pat station on airs, !. pati (IAINES C. A. Co., InI'lOIFRRS AND DEAL. FOR LIVERPOS L-THE Al ATILLOYD'S 2ll 0EO. W. HYNSONh O(, 82 Cpp-.eet. Leaveson TStlAY, Mot.l, 1d,at b P. M. ilThe JudiciaryCopunettee reportpdfietyonthe JRS IN'IIARI)WARE,CUTLERY, ,to., NW..216.g.- ~ s" solling Piet Br1tih slhipJoseph Rowan, Hoti. - REGULAR PACKET FOR Don't be proud i turn up your nose and nrvler nn, freight.fa too loadl tonawill havt immodiate BtIReRIvt,...hlgh.. Ptlstri. Je nt Hartt- At poorer people ln plainer clothes, hillbill relative to the mannerof diaweog f the pt•ltig mine 44)G atea.. . BALTIMORE. sobWaoburg.Trinityy And .1I IntermediateIandiols on ma aot hiA fahsm-ie dofthey f Ire l ,UIUINUCOLIECTOR. HOUSE- faplafe ForPreight ofoI( neck.Lgraino. appl to - But learn for the sake of your mind'srepose, and HYATT, A; t J. WHITNEYk 00,~5 Caoadeletst. BackscRiver, the ne and aobrtantiaIsteamer LOtpa, Wm. and judicial advertising. :rr Brokeranld t~eue al sNeopape AIent, orestill to b. FOR BALTIMORE-REGULAR IINE. BI, from Belo myan f. Forpotsage, tpplylo theapotlanonAboad., roN 5 G. Wltlon, DIIDillon,master, will leave as above. For freight orpassage That all proud flesh, wherever it grows, [ House-la The eaprmtri nof Xe, Freas;tai t oe, S'Sod,at No.21 IommerooIPhce.-I'oI,,, halvig COLLECT- TheAl pogul.orpnoO[hok David Is subjeotto irritation!! tineHo tse athelilroaed bhltiwa IONSt,, tuako. ,g tmoHOUSES mell orrentl, yof the to hire,etc. FORL1VEIEPOOI.-T HN:AlAr LtOY D'S iPei.pcokmptr, ha.ingmoi1ut' herbpogo ngag.gd, street., wt I hoveqlpck dispatch.For balaonp c, i P. It, BINTON &CO.; 12 Ca.l amendedas to requireprivate sbscrlptitna to the opa 1oIhll.l I ADIVERIITISEIn xoy ,, the,Ih,,1i , m Aolrfa rt of Ireightoppaws., 1l6,l,,IFDIpp,,,ineI ,er, or to SUBSCIRIIIEfur any of the Ame, nlgitish, ship Jessle Mlunn, Ducketttt I m10 1r(s0po londinp. poorigl I, ppIYto ptr.et. A NEWAND VArvLUAr Wonu.-We have received amountami of $500,000 before the State shohlid dvance and faith1 GPO. W. IOYNSON-kCampCO.-02 REGULAR PACKETS. f t.,n nnor yadF" Igo'l~itcrxry N..lollrills, Y Cnnmnlewill ci hDDllyIhte prompltly .. al 1000ailpen tPETER MAIXWEIA CO., 347 Uegoinelt.(.t _ from the publishers, Messrs. Miller, Orton & Co., 25 her portion of one fifth. The bIlts ajinen• e was orpPOJ.~P. WHITNEYk CO., 3t UaroodlAlt,to. _NTF UE1 AIS ETRI-,S ps f EINDHERSON Cao.. N. a A., ORUOCRsr- -oonegeapymcptain, on hoard. fe10 PHILADELPRIA. .. WEE LYMAIItdifYiIi LIE ParkBow, New York, and 107 Genesee street, Au- .-paspassed by a vote of 49 to26. tADDboaDD,and Family SupplIes, corner MIione and Nat- TO VIHURSDAYO. aThe New Orleans Election bill was ordered' to be t FOR LIVERYWUOL-P 'ApOAAGONLY-- FOIl PHILADELPIOIA - RE.GLLAR ,I- ON TUESDAY,at 0N THURSDAY,ON SATURDAY,A. burn,b a new book entitled "The Arctic Explorations 1 k T ThA. ey fl.tltollb0 AlIAmedicanps0hol shlp City LINEO-TheAl ne packethIah Fontiaie, iC-i b Y. 111P. M. 5PM. Oltelhil,001er, having.011her M. U. aand Discoveries forits third reqdog SAIeUYL SORACE, STAPLEAND FANCY DRYy off Brooklyn, lp'erpnp,ir, oI.ow.loaing and lIi hove quiphdi.- Thei msgnibcentU. Themis n Thershne ei of the Nineteenth-Century. It con- .engroseed eng .on to-morrow. -The tioorle, 'nol-Idenes, etc., No.188 wnmpstreat. cargoengaged and going on board,wilt asilIIIn x ew rluya. patooh.For balance of freiipt 18.(OES, tACKIND - k C I.. Oravioeretrtat. or passage,apply to fts ttains about 500 pages, and is, as its title indicates, a testa vote was on Mr. Robinson's motionto poet•poe 68 hi23 G3,1. W. HYNSOONA 1o.. dl IpPmps .L Statespi mail Pacet . S mal te Sttes itpacetackt It. l(., A I'UoDhY-.ATILAI, No. Foropa.ooo only,hlavng , uperfor popommodatiooo,applyto _ - WI~lson, tileave pt J. B. CtnolT.P. leather, till compendiumC of Artic discovery during the present theLt bill until the 1st of April next.' The followirg is HOWELL,CLIAr'S-rest,E .talc.,p IA I I E _the 0 almi0 an bard, P.0..04,Third 100100c. IoN - Wil isthe vote, after which opposition ceaed:. FOR SALE. Perfor Donlsnvtlle. .ii leve or D n ev for Donaldson- of the expeditions the 6. FOKl LIVERPO L-1'71F:tAl VERYFAST PlaP,6quemneBto adsBte Plaqe ile.lau- 6edcentory, comprising the outlines IA`1.0,, CHEMICAL, U YPAPER,,l.. 77OR 75 Toh,,n xaiin, Americn ehip ltloharti Molle, Per- RiFORj SALE-A SUPERIORAl FASTSAIL- ,"RgeFotHdo R ieogee ouge.coo, oge,Port Had- underI Boss, Parry, Back, Franklin, McClure and IdYea.- Messrs. Alexander, Ahde ,. Beecher, Acommes -Timoth,,nmo yestedicadhaiaty Ain,,mointer,lIxo noloadilng todwill toteaotoodi. ing Sipof W10ihalescpit~iy. Ailhi solOlop x to BayouS. Sara, RedPot Hudsn, B% sel, B era, ed 1 ., atd1,. For frel4t. flpIY tol Sl1Ar Red Riv,, L Cothers, and the first Grinnell expedition under De CalCarry,o Dawson, Duperler, Finnemoie, ysrLhey, Gib 'CJENIIEIKSON & (*AENES. DEALERS IN CHI. ApplYRi Iioaeara .. ar. p River L,,dlnlsFo River endig,Fort havleafrreme piahoety~ mowug k ULAi. SEART WHENWARE, eo., ISCl st. J, P. WHITNEY A CO.,35 Carondelett,. poO (l6Ol. .PIYN;OI &O0.., 2 Camppreet. .4Adams., Notch, Ld Pin AdrtAd.AdNathN Wt- , 177N.k, Forpat,.ce spplyto the 101,,00on boo.. fe1, WalE 11'fRdneA. N Rce,We- J.ept,Eh,'dg.cl d t .Haven,I followed by the final effort of the lamented sondson, Hawkins, Jourdan, Lanier, Oliver, Pike,.RobMii 0S N~.IOR Al AT I liIYD'0 TJ OLMES R CLALDSS ORI)UER AND DEALERS LIVI.RI'OL-TF.IE r .lopof onyleto addl Dr. Kane. Samuel M. Smucker, A. M., is the com. n.son, son Sandford,;Thompson of -Caddo, and E. Wool- rI vIN BcIIN PRODUCLE,Nos. 14 New Levee IS T;A 0u1fSITHEAt.t.5 Jnteph, WI11,, ,,ad StIS. Wat4,,,M..,.dViOkai IA and 14 Togt~dllog0,111-i, tIip Blannockburn, (1000, H J~e,,bO,.. veryBTU1- pilerI and editor. The book is cheaply bound, and ddridge.dri, ?IDcylloplion,,,,reen 020IydAk _j woaxier,is now lodiiog and will bare ilmmediatedls- ILTUESDAY,TIIabrr ".&P.vr 5 VicksburgurgulfWarenton,Hl~li- DAY, urg albP. M. HYNNOV, UN. W.S. & Co. ,iSHII'INH AGENTSfS PtIelt Yur rlaoiglhof provioit or051baler i otlloooppl}to . Pr e S,t a k can, we suppose, be purchased in any of our book kNays-Albrlton, Bernard,Berry, Canonge,Col*e AND I:I1I\I'Mf;N YIERCH1HTD.S2IAonpD. SToWART A CO..,I6 Caoodoletstreet, I iNF-Fp pepApp PoPIPIemC Thpplendid lop- M a weekenadig othe t a nt i.,,r - - or J. P. 1VH1E A CO.,35OCroudelet street. Pressure pxket a Ciba, RI. ioHupl. stores. maman, Downes, Dugas, FPavrot, Fortlean, Gantt, JEWELERS,corn., Canal1 0or1p0.,p",Apply tothea Coimion hIoord. fION . Floroda, N ii H.Hehp.xs master; Callfor- blood Reach ad --- Ga hadhitte apraadk . .•. HYUii.-, . Rnral & 00OUi.CI1,nrrlrte. Gaode, Gordon, Guilbear, Hamilton, Hargst, Harpe, FOILLI VE .PO0OL-TII(EAl FASTS.AIL- nlsD, A. L. Nyer, master, bnilheoprpoily for the Lake SOMEOF THESEoRETS OF WAn.-AmongthePdocn. 14, 6IA.KINLER adoCo. iI1IFPIN0C~hlegt,JooChahse,master,t b inl Anltripel dlipj tradewith suppprior Peai.'moilliioOa-Pone of the toppsteame1r Harrison, Humphreys, Lawrason, Leggett, Mctay, r\Lp'IIa andCommion Merchants,No. 31 0,104,, Street. w0,.A1i.i have diipnll. PFurt're gi, opplym0 will0,,eth. PhntchartraioRailroad DAILY ol the arrival ments submitted to Congress with the correspoydence 'eMatthews, Moore, Oswault,Patton, Protbor, Randall, pP iS, 4 Pb. M, ipoltlinol,. The Abovementloned s.plendid passenger pahts till Is J.. It. ASHIIRIDGEk CO,10.".IiCommonstreet. fwd, t the hour eppotnted.All 1lbetween Gen. Scott and Secretary Davis is the ac. iets:io gipaillitopa Pascago0laMIONDAYS t6- ontheirregular days, rtl'oot c BRanney,Rigaud, Semules, Shields, Sairt, gt ndge wththe eatseniga uienn thinabt ati n thn T.' EAH k ALFCOW' COS.IlISSlONMERCHA~iT. T. PFoptoioote,apply to the captaino Iord,. IsidTHURS- heelseeeentranted to their care willbe promptlyand faithfully Sterling, 100 DAYS.1 p c . attendedto. Frellpbtaken for Y'ruao, oo lgntdto W. M. count of Gen. Scott Thompson, Tircuit, Trepagnier; Van icle, Walker K Teece,In Ilmc, Pil'rrl, W61- OlUe., Ceolru0,Fengliah, Ah" FOR LjVF.RrOOL-THEo OOMAREA-I if, of his disbursements during the T .tot Itemsmuntk thda prneaty nton*n that thehngtam 76 aSSHAW,the.,,,,4,f Ill, hilStltt Vit wholwlllforward Pitt'1.:;{od PelbwcolIFire Bricks, etc., etc., No. 72 MIlolsloAl ' feat.011 AI,,dICXo.Alp Cordell., Dck. Fare each. way...... bg, d Mexican war from the secret service fund-a fund and Wright. else ammo. .27 -inlnpmaster,i-Inv red114to receive heavyi footoht . l N. lEODflEP.AiPPOP. 10li Rac itto, withoutolly, andw it onte anyextra carge. Theseboat' wll not t'esponsiblefor Auy letterorpseekag rwhich was placed at his disposal to pay spies and Ingine,. anda atcho nltbin alntat anAalaae- berbhOe AND'Ds aiin dwntithl Dpoooidilolotl'. FoafogLptl. apply to EVOII CU., J.., DEAIEHSI N STAPLE J. H1.AAOORIIDiA10 CO., ii. 1k1 ommonstreet. T containingmoney, j eiaelryor other valuables,unless regular SECONDDIsri•r•.-The vote taken on the finalid, na nnsfreedoat;he matnplymaeaenmnear atstb litbaaniAntst L Finnv U'y':,l**lr, corner I;.rlla and Iloarhonstreet.. ,d bills ^f ladingare taken, specifyingthe contents and value,and d secret agents, to obtain intelligence of the move- It,q-Th shovebip mnlhleI-r voyageLancer to Cork 'in 2o' i OTiOAERCreole-Popr Ocean Spring. cld hi IAN'I)I JOSED'HI &l Co. CIDIMiISSIONNOR. new eiid splenppdilid the h freightpaid: 1orfur 17yaluaIler dopositedwith tte lerkt `ments of the enemy, etc. Some of the items are papassage of the Railroad bill was as follows : men,and rat himto tVdfthe t ,iten hyanstyatea gt ba tin m0 iin Itl9 lI(top0diateinolhgs,. -The 80 IIAXTSANID DEALERS IN i'WSTERNiPROIDUCE, , dat,. and1rum Neoo NetwOorlexo, 2l Jo.y. - lop pressurepabP, steamerChOIIOE, Lewis Nelon. ,oaster. b E11.IIIIIr..,IIio,ebylh odinhtbloao std . Yeas.--Messrs. Albriton, Alexander, Anderson, the Caaait Bnakta of Yew Orle ans; rhattbjatama natrwlth-,, FOR LIVERPOOL-'i If Al FAITSAII.- I aolopiduliionaO,,iii,iiI Flrfrtigbtlrp~l~gtIg~,IponlyI~llhltrL 11 curious. We copy a few, from which it will be seen ing AmerleAnehp Dorcas Prlttce,York. "'x,- builtexpresly fortlisi[laitlaswith superior ;.1 CAHRoI.I.. PITCFI1ARHD&CO., o Beecher, Brice, pe taho PoibchnrtralrRailroad onihe arrivalat theLare of Brown, Canonge, Coxe, Carry, Do- rpecttlt hIatdw ded him lWe- I A.ILLE:. F. C., ATTIJIIIIXIhTlAW, NO. 18 18'tei now load"',li wIill have ~nme", ate dispaltch. l UlhnonRow. 5s ,lndtlet 1t.that there were traitors in the enemy's camp who be t Fo'Ioaug,FPaI_ oppoDi1,the P0,1 OtrDI,New Orlean. [. the care,aefollow,: is blanc, Duon, Duperier, toqD SearryigaYingeatconedtnedaSday rF1ve aenii; • bdPntaMak eadj.tllea-, Fur Lena}tr 11011. r fraichtof 3,t1bleaballlon. mpply to Opipion. FromOcean Springs. ..Thy T. It. SMIT H, No. 3 T111 pitTnIL 0st. Favrot, Forshey, Fuller, t ,cgsa., J. P'. WHITN:Y A (' 0.., t :oo4del00street. Frum Nop were under pay of the American General. - All isa Gantt,s Gibson, Gordon, 1 O' TUCESAYtESESINO , 4 P.Mr. SN IIAYEVEAINOG. - Vfair in war," they say, but the mind revolts at the Ht .Goire, Hagaman, Hamilton, LL'1G 4'1'(11\& Il3itBi)T. CLOTHIER,,ncorner of For p a l 1,1to.teiy l 00011ron CIo-. fell PiOUROIIpAYSiiRNIiSNA.1i IliiNESIiiAYY FIONG. D X lt.nli ______e Harper, Harrison, flawkins, Haynes, Jordan, La FOR LIVEIPOOL-'0IIE Al P.F10' 41It.- ATPURIDAYESENING.4P.PIFRIDAY MOiNINNO. Iraile yof ,ie aas tdrda D*•hhlm,aon ai E. LII lIID ODDOO1lADExcclalor,('ap~t.Swirl.N i". tau Amer~ydlllie.,i,shipl newO 0. 00 00ES.Agent. 10 Bok Plae.o . thought that such rascalsshould have so profited by Grove,G Lanier, Larille, Lawrason, Leggett, Mackey, IEVEHICI, \U1I). nOto LTON OTHEET.-WLINEOIF S.ORS ANUICOMlMIIION MERC1 HANTS. NI. 24 Old )Idre0paopleading andinoi,i-e veil, diplo'lh. k01 FbiroryPIS. 1F7. fehi hiarn nieET a compa F theirvillainy : ttfib .eenbee , AsYm .Ott bri.g a pithet betit an::. lgbt, applyto 1 oewOrleons. Oliver, Oswalt, Planchard, Pike, Ranney, Rigaud, l3 PACKETSetween \fetphie andNew Orlenna EDNsDAYcruder the name PETER 11 ONW.EII,.4 0.CO.3; {lngdiapIt. OFFICl OF NEW ORLEANS SAVINGS G W i,,,, S.5iip ,EWSIy ONAYPH.l 31-,A.telocnier ar, pactidteasIndt hnt.I m tgtP Ca.*r)IIIJI.Ud~d THE5 E.NYSIdANDNEW ORLANS PACKETT May ...... $1o noSRobinson, Ito Sanford, Semmes, Shields Sterling, Suze- o Lo000.,.ON.-laospNo. 141 Ii0oil street-pnorpOrpre" '"'Co1PaNY.nndtislof An.2-Col. - idde camp, i ,od or J1. Y,1111 1IIITNO;1 to } h,,rd.k CO.. 35 Curolndlet 0. ORLPti P. CKET LINE.-I. orderto-ae- etc...... teho an, Weling eard ba aepnsvn a (tentts thenla igitonobetha e .. j"IIS(sE)S.G S.,VIIIILI" S. 1S FLIRNIISthec.rplllilnrn1 For pnara,",a led ullperAll of tho.Lpoiegloli,me0011h 300,h. 1020. June4--An IrEishman ...... 2 P neau, Tercuit, Walker, E. Wooldrige, It. Wooldrige, - Thepolsof theiib tipoiinni ill be openfuo the riieptool ofi0of TPh BoItFRompristngthe Line are all ofthe FIRSTad d m,'., CASST q -- FOIR LIVERPOOL-TIIAI Al FASTSAII,-I . kommoda.lthepuhlic, the ownerA + Wright. countfor inveigling addW,"W haheshetn, i , I(loiL 06 Oan 11'1I'Sg and 0'.s-.errticlr,______N,_WHOL corner CIn,1__AE______TOILS, street and I Depositsevry motlpo.,(Oiudayp exoepled}dirom oRl3 o'lock, a, adJune 15--Paimeessenger ofthe -n Cospa.0l O t.. m d 1 If ii.ALEm I , Ic No.13 ,lunrin* l .rr.lt. &10loOAaerit(an snip Pocoll n 'ts ol:drrnon.an.*o.ni iotnrdpp eviiisi Rom tlo o'locp, ol lUi,,,ili.of Onlei Dollar pod opnd opilbe received. F S Nays.--Andrews, Bernard, Berry, Boote, Colt- dayh,coa in trans, ol andnie 'laveMarmonwith torun awy. Hea foditIty 9t 1-P- 00.00mnter, 0 0( ix1 n, 0 I. 01 0 , f r of5U) baleoof June 18-Meloen ehglneer...' ...... 3~ m,sig i'phialar;nbareineti. Ai:\LtLr: TT, JOSEPHP, COMriIllrdttl. ;KI;liv-eat elton, moldyto Tiieeopi,1.ipioln oflthe fundp i strictly lilmiteliby the Actof ,I,.IP. WHITNEYA Cm. 36 Carondeletst. JLneo'3-AcohetMe .an.en r...... 2 sman, Downes, Dogas, Fennimore, Fluitt, Fortson, haetedaa n thnthpatlih o •athheingd.ptentionefptting Iti'" In-oppof i to tho rioooeoDoMlh S of UoeUn;1ed Stats, of the ToftLhepacket' heretoforein the t1e betweenthe two cide, .Junel ecorier, fl.rt smll manof the F'or nasaare,army m ttbuenotain nn Loess. fell city IMexie. 1000 OGaude, Guilleau, Harris, Humphreys, Jones, Math-te. ,sideact. weTheren buhnded.n(wn b thlage t eby wailinleyaeahr.aperetba bt.. _h_,k wa Stateof f Loein~nnx.and of the Citly New(n rleall*. July 2- ex an oc erofrank ...... N167 o oo Lopoit;oooi, olo1opof'nnencpppioboph10 ouiinripod Reel 1.--- 10.0 ewe, Moore, Patton, Polk, Proctor, Randall, gth-;hiS aetingratherCmercyb, rthbadly, andAn enbtlallnrangwe ea nthCrene pne, elquitte aeoiOdintho h.palaknalary; theyAearAU ( :gluon es FOR I.IVERPO1OI.-TiIE Al phTSAIL. SE ae wthinththe limitsof the ihy of New Orleans,not exceed-,de Ingw.nr. I,. McHEATERgh,master. July t ...... 00 e Smart, e anfaran-lai ing an 411rl, CLip ittit, Capt. Porry, is ...... 35 25 eaer loTgll101pl.r cetl,. ofthe n piioedi cash salve. ,' 1Jll 17---- t rier...... a Thompson, Thompson of Caddo, Trepaganer andnchInd taeWnm. et Waodstrn heaphatbad an aterIf'al prmtdeactarby dck ,-fA ,mIww 1',r0,oleveing bILl,,. 0111110to nioon-oliipieage ofloo epAlof c olthe llooppopoO lioks ito P S lgIJohn O.EndW.1y51. Il P. K..ste July 17--Mexticnofcer ...... 1 0 T. IJ.P.\tiITNl~EY k CO",35 Caroodcletet- 11. Dl11lH.R. W. HSI l, 'hoIid .0 . N., maste. uog.12.-ooot mentiled olffeornuol ls cocopouoloc....130 o 0yV,1Van Wickle. S tdoo.thenteemsha onn pleli Ltn .Fortnatei lnyanto New1lrlenrns, tau[ arxerlliep 6U per cent. of themarket valve. v CKEoTl-s1 .JuiAu. t4-Si-a-Toame an Frenchman t:glishman...... fr inf,ermatlonof Valecia, 3 81 had hi ee. an7 Wet. Foulo.na",n11,l n to thll,(llain ol, Innrd, frl. Pro01 OprivedProm the ollllolmenl of theo1 C .ldaT adJunerenchooman 12-A ...... 0700 on, FaoIonnyDln.-imothyCnnr.-TFhsn e hfl t'tawin;on `-_ FiOR i~lVF.IPOUL-l 110 AIY LKAOlAl AAllif,1rre-1 11 1gnBeh.. ho1 ,111, R. AlIlDl. ml, Hter r daybd, ownaoan;e htrfseeiffded egbeinagply ng4eita thahp ,jaaraerP t-thmm af ereta '. aI nli II 1 1 I1 lIWFIUI cllll Uie. /1.Yeas. ,F~ hi andl,is to be dli1rilo ipoOl.1i11Mn.lly oimrop the iirporiorl. Ang. 7,.-AMsiecan otfIert-"•ateh that hehrmioiee Joen,ynn n tel etltengtolMrs Thompine, aPo ane, ae M .iR~oSSJCH.,I(D& AT .A.INY-A'I UIoIY.C, . (011St.OtttFO, 0 , aIlies, ,0,er,1 hv110n tn No'molp cn llreel iretlooiy or indiily brroppoyofoihb.fuids, NvAL CornY or I.q tRY.--TheSecretary of the ehntiio teeanai er outheIn eaiee.A 0 atrecelvlo anyl y or ellmolunllwhatever,. it 0ea•lqt -torFe Part or hercargoopotl 1, wllhoae immodiate ors 101infeorThe Lineto none co.nects ti theat West Memph. or South with forthe sped,1Memphiscomfort ndl CAIt. Aug.the29--An drothe as armistice notlma,plviolated ...... alco, .: ...... to reportviolatioln of 3010000 Navy'ordered1C a courtof inquiryto beheld inWash- r:K[ d,"v).tcl. FA r' eirit of :n,,1,"d,-. cmto,,. ~role to :ertilicxhesof "appish,,hi ing interestat a rate to ol. reed n N Mettteehant.5a trop.i" ' ... . t'Y JONES,}IACKINI IF:R opoo,cill he issuodfoay nme notless Ibhtha gll At dP1.-1L. 1. A\II DIiTU'Il,11. k CO.,.91 Glrilv nirer~t. O1(p0Pited aefoP,liih StalLine, leave and each with placeall theevery railroads MONAIY,and boats WEDPES;AY for Nashville, andSt. Sept.th Sept.15-A5--Same member oman,frtoihimysoof th mnicipality onmentand...... edcapeto me 10 iingtonon the20th, for the purposeof makingsuch 011100N.0"1 D l PDIII,.61. .lN.512,y RrtooD >': Fnr Pna~nnee.nlnlc to ihr eeaplnlnnn bmllrl. tell TRCSTe>ES. 1Louisi,Leoisrille, etc. investigations as may be direged under act IET A\I eIS&O,aTFlN""rC -ART'IOIIS 3 ,011RLIV ERPOOUL-'fit IC. .01 YFIAST0 A continuanceofea the pntrmutg. hitherto extended to the Sept.1--Dr, - ...... 325 • the ap- GeorgpS~bI, A. 0. ITOerpyrts SIT E0 01110.101'1100oAlnklt .bin 5. Curl1s' holly. WllliomiioiTgl ownerrof thilsLine is respectf'ullysolicited. For freightor pas oSept. F olenchbmn,a deerter, ero'tof nta Annao10my) JanUary U Ioolo, Ti, 511C0D1DI('LIDEI( Curllttt h0sN. W. ylor heeipf. Urqulioot R. A.Sumner. amcrl, 17--A pproved 16,1857, entitled " An actto promotew,te baen renethe hto-day : hnat sage Applyo board,^r t s Sop,.l-A. M.C...... '. 81350 m".01b,,110,lol.1A1Z,0 1 hateo0 '" d0.Opair. 0.1;.I lio A. lie1, 0o-oe dJoi.ves.the JR-Particularattentio willbeoro;.bpad to ay the efficiency thebrone one of hisnat bye allnfraothe uppeedtothse:y;Dan nlIS"OL2. A. 1,01(ump acct, CHMAK) I)FS' 'k.126 JOHN C. HYDE,& CO.,66 Pgsdra5 steet. Sept.2t0-A fbragmentof letter book,etc. belonging to of the Navy." The following" generala rPeeLtqh batherdenkGaery, stetmerbirtea sluthern ,om iesttr' Btale. o e netheipe teae latayen.an-es ,alwe : ItC., ;,U-patch.Fofpply o, Ln.iic"Lt Wilipbo[.iBox0,00, P. N. Wood. Ths. AClark. all, O,N 01.A(7KIhN1)E5s1 bas Eton, k an.CIII . 11191 Ovi0r I~rret. tealD. "rs1 n C. L.hnr o KETTLESr. b nrcaofrwar ...... "140 o order" discloses-the course which will beobserved in ANDrnpairel'. WTIIII; E o WlIr TCH S. ll jewelry holc~e. T~hosA. Adams, K.A..13 SEM D.RD.PlWilther. FRONTNT Sept.2--eoher of the munitipoahty,second weehly t achtakento flithea in.t n e ,,atWN i. MNFR(ER, Praride t. .L REAVSTER- di ZACJIARPE-NO. bb weekly c00l 1'1pal;on d.. , 1, 0 fell A. Ii. KELY SSTRIEET,AND NO.M3 FLI.TON STREET~.-We ould old dt--r, ept. pa-. secon.d nst...... hymenot--hea ...... firso oI2 Nr considering the casesof suchoflictfrs as hayO appl.d, e the penltentt*ry;Woin.Batlet t•ed .C.,ATIONE 11"IUr l,:1 I L.HOI,CvIEK RY*I,E. tderapah n''heLentit.FlasTn disTnne TnngnnW. ConyinaenThnad Bartthatiaon,attWpllana, wqain aneananabin eldt. IN FO'R LIVERPOOL-TI(EAIAIFSRTANll N YD I. 0}Vi Priden.tseo.,.to reepretirrlJyeallarattniontoollr ealsbilshtent,Ns.36Froutsod ishSep,. 24--to visit aaonro ando report...... 3 or may hereafter apply, for an investigation under Bra N'I 4w. kite~Fr . I.t No.W0 Cinnp . trerl R.. OUMNoIR.) 3d F'Wton+t rests wherewe art preparedat x11times to filmfnh o Tyer inthe peBten• ;ThooB : s eo aIh tn.a a- - at,., 1i AVOl.Llli}" Iii-hon5.mxrttr. will meet with th. sof ept 2i--To a mes.engerto vis, Tolucaaon rport..... 195 at- dJ.onebe an year the In bench the pn,itentilregt : na leTanlaar Nlane,and anio DliD.iTGR OITRS Tpo...... at the EIoOfret noticeand on most lieru term'. all kind. of llO the law: G e IlA P.. J CI(R. atmpendrem otn i chtd on yet the4 p N. B.-Copiesof the Act ofincorporation and By-l.or :cancan IOPYEH. TIN ANDSHEET IRON WORK,BRASS CAST-'T- loet.Ort.3--[exlrn 12--Aalcnce tficerto Don for --, icformatiuo . C. andaibout Gov.-...... powderaw'ks PI010 05 GENERAL ORDER. temptedrapenon .fhgelda one ea.r ing the pnea datlls d memberof the firm 11 o eriJ t' ommi.a;~,ulirl rrdDOlmT)e anaoa,No 46Cllrulllele[ iircrOt. ttBrnllt I beob,,inop0 toeolfioo. oilfivIv INGS, HI,.ACKSMITHINGIere. Each SLynh,Lynch,tn aatemptndntn Cemptetlteonep.on a chd chid,a sixx mnoothrtil, tdhIie a• Peniten- .11st. "1,:1101th. 10 11 lo:alil , o to , Adg..t.n 4llto1 ht givt.R his tars...) attenltionto eachdepartment, we can oiler eOct. 31--Through Duo - andGov. - ...... ,20200 NAVY DEPARTMENT,Feb. 12, 1857. t Peh i lary; ThomeheandyAnnmenl,one aye rnIhat pegeneairy ; TIEATS All DiteAOOOSE'S ... eriorindlucements to partiesdeaeling with ..a Court nesayt;ThomiGdy, laraeny, the p SflOCTOR B-lAKiEE 0 for furni.rhinRthe following work are not na. The aggregate amount of the disbursements from A Naval of Inquiry, to consist of Captain I-ILCHR.i-•-•II)UintCH- Co..r';"ll, )AC5. ki 11 ('(F'iS i 00.-D. Olroalos'will Isogir ppeciaeecnl barfarrilities o~ur. E. TORSAND ttnE1?IISSIONMLERCIIANTS, 4V S.No4de of 111ioiiel,to thb follingollAilplF aAOplOP : 0h0bp, CoidCo Conot passedby towhhnuar in the South or )Vest. this secret service was $225,291 45. E A. T. Lavalette as President, and CaptsS.. H, Johnihtoney, earrng eeahad•e Ji nt , :xir+. nlClht ly n O,,ii-i 0,10011oiboo PIPES; alreadybeen pr n for leathof me q stem I•ter-1,. c,,rnites f l:t, lPtrre, ,Ip AT: 1,1 -, lil, "nn LipGeorge (ire, n, FaAgitorn, P lo,,, hlooioo, A-iiioo. COPPER.TIN AND SHEETIRORIN Strinigham andWin. J .McChMey as members, and J. Inali,,..I)i. i), obo, ioiliAroiti oar.-0ha`thrr I CFIS)INI~ES,IIREECIIN(;S; patehpron; Ann Fw , larny,, P isWSII(llCEYW J, H. A CO., 31' Collmon at. di.edirirnr cnoou atenltion theiifiiiison.1 t oaY trea~tment of - BClfhit,,l1111h11C H. Ll. ,EI1rCr. (Pa.)In- SI.Carlisle, Esq., Judge Advocate, is hereby orderedind Le-I.,LOverettn ThDaM.twoyesr , enn a hab ,da i ,-terllbinowloading. 00, Fm t'reit ut 4WbF0es o1 ibaom Scilldrofula. maclRhen.non- FIRE.BEDS, ASII YAKS; IonoRtoan PaREcT.--The Bocks county 1 lathepleqtrrra Mn.,a e ' P FNl HIN2?H1i l'S. No 7 'mp street. x2" Iy Oabo'clock WRS to convene in the city of Washington,on Friday, the Forp01(000n, apply to cnin nn boa0rd. Cell 00.S1'1dli[,o chro.,ni,Nouip00i0, Poolpol,,o. Ellop o.heeboatsSTf ol.Ship PsSTA.'SW.pera and possengeratoLFRIDA, P. hamay ORKSS relyon the punctualityAhisCR. or the ftitJohn einloeey, canrring codthted enepoentmolth ngtl Iy cotton,~Ilpiy m liver FILTERERS.JUICEP BOXES; telligencer, of the 17th inst., states that the body of 20th day of February, ak- Penr .tiontfo ntt'Itn.ei OceandPtndt.Cgarper, Rl,.9 U , a Cf1A9 F.V*Y III)*T d thlestomach, liver 1857, for the purpose of mak- Hnd on eyer T1111.,H FORL LIVEoRPO1OL.-TIEAI F(10011 ,- oio1'poo ll lel lipimei w of ,Iat- CLARIFYINGKETTLES; UOli : 0?&T.('ollA, l lll ForwIrding NrcIhtUn,,,6No.A61 aioiiolldbn chronic eal dnrl~r Charlotte Teany, daughter of Jacob Teany, of Nocka- ing it such investigations as may be directed under theal paNihprtlen; A Fladynegen,IeeyaOh daechnnargedaetaea 10 011.10 ,, , P. SNIPINter k 120CSron.. ventotohSp~uilllat. tentension bnwc: wull illl-;lll W givento tho treatmenttof0fthe e EyeFl aan E Dr. HEA.TERS,etc~, etc. icemixon township, was found one day last week frozen 8 the oPn"lforksIdng a, let.o rengsay. Delane andpsltyon aOuid 111t will produceduce Attarbed, to our establishment wee ha~ve a general Furnishing( flttsection of the act. approved January 16,157,. For p I P Ie,(ilsltothe mater onnbiord. fel pookle hIamadeoiply discoveryof perfect nb orptioos of thle "" ntilmrt,"anml restore pe ,anaentsent store,where .11Arttalca re SC ,i'sfor STEAMBOAT, PLAN entitled" An act to amend an act entitled an act to O0BINSON&i CO., ii. 1I1, t5Il ESNIlE ANI) RI- AND USF. stiff and partially devoured by mice, in a wretched e tat/G;r,)err--Steamboat and family nsppelies, No..i a and FUR00(.IVIRP -TIIE AIISFIRS001.101 vi.lnn to t`e eyerwrthma, thle use of theknife. Dr. Basket,canco~n TATIlON HOUS~E traybe found. promote theefficiency of d 5 nx,-ore,For applypth'the (0 lnliin ,o board. Tro Rae'PUIPS.-WotntsFiafetyPump.S.F.rilr hi t,, Stam the Navy." ehltcoin Inetheirpallnei aoib ith the intentionof puteingrWnn- The who " 61 mArter,is ,I,,, Jowl.." Fm Olelgh[o!' :W bnieacot- 'rdci, 1 rauerP,s Old hnun Kartsh orntfetsofhspretsccs Ulcers,Fi-tula,h Swellingss or Tmnorsncrmore FirePumlp. Ceet cases of those haveapplied for an investi- (x- toF FORStoo, AV ApplyAE. Iran, Braesund L'opper Force of every deacriltio Wadwiithoot ibs useof thiekfnife. Speloio,dial STEAMGA itoW g tSckad'er' 8 Vacuum r.d nndSteamfart Gorge, pllrge, a gation under the said law, shall be taken up in the dth S mernytalreadyThefollowingand been nn priaonpartes for were a dlength dhchawrgdof timeby qual noll t. te• of , sent newarticle, showing higyhestpoint to whichsteals may have Ar wae a lq.Ctteet rpommtnst., Nausea,must tie madewithi Dr, lianker.for thetreatment the RE, HghI(po \, ,AlNiNR kF. Co., FAIT125 S II.Iti AI~Atarrr t ad- carried duringits Fiearoll'JWater Gauge. Se three years ago, and not living agreeably with her followingf order : First, those of the officerswho havethe ,Daniel leTerettbEnglehart, . ThompgE~san, thEngle ' . F'Ur[ II lV RE-Tit of theIxst ,tamed disea.-s, m~ they willresults his constant ad. bee. use. AinnadetbarWlledbam, atried od I)1; L1' J.'II.,a Co, SNEAIIIN IN HARI?? PAlE, and TINWRARE. family, her father had placed her in this wretched hut, bbeen dropped from the rollsof the Navy; secondly, I celobrated1viiond a1,,iilion.Snmwmiioi i Dr.andol,pif IlolCIPoloixinoisw oneof the.ppiliilng. pooTeHisskillful le and is Is ChafingDishes, Buckets; ur HtWatson,e . Pont, Pep Feanda J aPhip f.n~1,-4 5,'?'SS55etSB S .0IPPe.L11. AEHHYIIO,: .i. A: Co.,I-- Confdol't,(t. undoubtedly perished from want and ex-t those of otcers who have been placed on " fur- Dinhi Baskets,J~elly a~nd Cake Molulds where she lough Power,Mary Foley, Ara. Brown, re. arper, Hyote Boy,' " 01111now1personallp.iin nearly every principaloly in the wio.d.istop ;" and lastly, those of officers on "leave of abi.teickI Keoarsmhhrd. KeOl4 W. Delmeyad Park I l e r,. Fr n:,r s .rstr t , I, ?w~t , n Orl v i xra n d h'a tc h a* tr ee ts. HIVY A F OREA-Oll,1EW1 llSTS0IL- oiilre elnt')PIrom ). canop, correctly slatingailts suture of Coffeeand Te a pooure. I8eThe follo. ing partis weredischaged "•sttelt NewOrleails, lIa .11 re of Pyramidsr,anilUrn,, ether SoupWere,, et, oftln s ull; varieties. sencepay." Priority of investigation, in casesof the I bynol q " . 01(0 Ametrican01xbi(p111 osl Sppra.- ntton, oIetesil;reeledpAll to Dr. pliliD. (uioeibpofopoibple stipp anteheNsha all camred with anultadbtt John Ba -LtcAK N. . \TyI'IONEY-A'T-IAW,No. 52 LAMPrer- ma.,ter,6.nil~ls anow loading,no. W"eraton,F'orRoodbmsy,freiy7,t oP lWwlol balesmeoot thledirurusr, shell be promlptlyanswered, end thepatients treated ;edTogether with Cai ndSeet IronCookb Stoves; Washing and same class,will be regulated by the order in which t It', e F sFs. " I-NE ;outof I SINGULARERFEOT OF To ECoLo.--The Nantucket Lr.aottoa,appnly to Ironingand It u- Stoves; FanlcyC:Rhin and ParlorStoves ; Otl i requestshave filed. t RE1 op.1.P. WO1ITNr.:Y51t1.. 20 CAS:oddelet (t. toi5P. M. written been +•rrra.ie lhl3,1 llonitarnll d tU,,;Dhile- & Nelson; Frier- 1,a'110. di0 (0 01 Fuortflg.P1e11 xp14 to libOl3iihouri oliA opyil fromlop. ofi.i M. amnauderand Caanon Stores: D~eckStove,, etc-; Forges; Fite Mirror says that when the ice broke up last week, the J.V. DOBBIN, o h 3.!3ol 2 DOCTORBAAKER. Baskets; Rocket Wrencuhes;Steam Whistles at d Valve.; Pow- Secretary larceny, (:o, _S,%vth'U_ I )Ilc uice& Rnty,Sho e Mt.r a; ,pppipii&W No.ooCaropplpt nt.,N01 Orleans, Iif'A. derMagazines ; rate Bars; RatcehetDrills; lion ; Brass, of theNavy. (:IIInW1Hos, & No.44 (amp - eswhole eastern shore of Long Pond, from Jeremy'e ECOaDen L1'.•IIRIE,rn,,,.,one A. &.,,r,srs-rx.AETTIKNr:Y-A'l-IAW, Nest Orhn's. P111 ly Cylinder,Bribb Stop and CouplingCocks; 1}augae and Force STITr's8CouIBT.-A. L. B t•Le . a., Esq., S lrevepIrt. il. LOCKWOOD, WHOH.9S hIADFIVE YEARSI.xmpu,etc.,^t'alldARS Pump locks ; Lanterla, de~cripttono. J. t'Ill i CO1.,inden, Is.; D. L. lodge, DR. Cove to the bridge at the Narrows, wao found filled as yesterdayseatbefore the Fnt DriotCourte to bete fo 1 exp0e l Wanin this city as upiocltioner i o medicine.forfop BRF.WSTER FIWrr Yeas HEENE.--Right Reverend Bishop '-F?A NE,l'( C:HANKLNS A., SI>FI;.I,IN FINEIll e,,od,01,P110,1,,,11o 11100 AZAHYARIE, egvlblPeteraMullen, awhite , 5J5u5li55 a1•l. F5i1rlltte, Nos,. l7,sal 1 Canl' a'seet.* C ihefiture o illottiil prilnciplllyto1llie0 practice. He tae.peke. Nos.35 Frontand ,3Fulton streets. withS eelsIs shantylocated to the indepth a swap. of two orThe three Intelligencer inches, so thicksays pClarkedelivered a lecture in Cambridge,fMss., on the man,a bloodydeatheg with S I.P. WFHIITNEY A CO., AlCnrondrllt street. L. thismethod of iniiiirmigl [lh plic hlitipOh he trea11with nlho oral- rpol- Sole Agentsfor Schaffer'.St,', and a opsnGauges ; Hear. brioelbatada stickof wood, o Mardl-grae.MeoMullet, It ap- P., IIEALEIN /IE IIILLI- r ('EMANLE a CU.. U. 'S p FO-Io, 0:1041 -TH Al39 ,.,l' Natcll- .,AI at, A1N, io..oe" 0,lopI.iio,,1. Coo. n lip,. i.ippp.5mrt. oart, eon'sWadter Gaulge : S. i'. Kose' Fire Psmnps; Rod G.W. Cot.a thatthat thisa spear poor thrust woman, in havingbeenat random mentallyby way of deranged experi- g eIy.sd FinesFany DryGoods, Nos. 12 sOd 14 Chbartsttrnr orI:1IOIEVY k FAlf.1VIlL, lelol,.iiiop 17th, taking forhissubject, FiftyYears Hence. From peard, wamakti g on8 hadrle.teet; samete e th$wnIe etree:. I Bipliadiloor,l(:lio Diarrhe,!n,iii .opod,pllchrollic eaiauto- Amt'sPatenlt PistonFieuda And Orata R.- x1151] Sment,took out ten. Where such a body of eels came on ItontohiC,,pl fololtlp Woodgury,Al(0100 0. pioioio andRiinmvtlinmiiio inits worstform. Also. lhpdiseases a sketch inthe Cambridge Chronicle, we take the fol- onBore, anod he, balucvig MBMutleanto bethe meut, ht•pta s from is a mystery. I Inthe back of thebal withebrick, ead followed tp [NEw. -nester,FORFOrtJ.R ixI. nowST. WHITNEY'Iol~ratdrlng. PETE For CO..SRSO freigtlt 35 Carond.let w -'R5WMbnieastreet. of of womenand obii-bpl--oopecpiollpof elolmles YtProoili Uteri, LEEDS' FOUNDRY, NEWORLE.ANS.-LEEIIIA fr lowing extracts: the u- bTRIJINO MIS' Co.,T I)IMMIsSISS ANN FOR- - IFleurAibio, Amllipbopo,etc.. aie..and that1las0 of lipeases oa. IronFoundlers and JLhanufauturerr of Velrtical anld Hart. eaut For FOI.Inteapplyto cenT onERin board. -l 12 witha stclk,getting pretty well bruisedbimselt in the op- ,RDNU M~I~KCHANS, No. 24 Poydr&.steet, my8 Ne GKEtermed Al Venereanl,loar *1iritISteam F.n les, Boilers,Sulgar Mlls, VacuuCCPanC, Su- Fifty years hence the newly married pair will step f•rkern, ,1- uterngwod"do!,17.prim~arYAll an.,ra\1oloa callbofore ngTRoI BfN•VOLmNe.--To the ladies of New Bed- eration. Heweeat downwithout bnefit o bail. 1ND ltolpo0p111 Ilu,0,0tp1,io, 7 al l Lorcargo 71 farKetles, Cliafers, FltersC,StEam no Horse Power DraiC. into an emporiumfor tihesale of houses,look over the en- goloioieiehere.,iind heo pill receiveoppopeand ,iiOenscure. CIIt5iCCCn, SawCMtiniC, 1111 OCeaing CIroIColumns and Sford to belongs the credit of instituting the latest and AllenTyson wae sent before thel Plt. Dttrdlt OoCet,to be t:I'14 , F'lEA-NK Jr. aCo., N'IVIII?1li551AND I ol lolo myoelfto urooaoIleoI.nesphohove Rheabllniism or book of patterns, select one to suittheir tasteand NIRI'HiANTS,AND DEAlERS IN 4Xibdwl L lipthe1naaue. FrntsCforCCiidiugC F1ruare M.E.Ih,,0C. 5C, alhighest order of surprise parties. triedfor brutally beating kickbingElle=a Sdtrds, aand OOIIRFARI)IN'; 1.I. Y.GV IIN -TNI COI 351 (,ndeletstreet. I. Poiieis th1limbs, or obake no charge for mp sporices. M1. Routh.. The objiects of means, order it, and it will be sent home inthe mor- WEST)PRNPROFII'C, NosI) TchSl-ll•lS stneet onI ly Nrachaer requiredt'or Ilse -,theirvisits are poor families to whom they take sup- woundingherin the headwith at erthen For DRRPIt.-ye,apply ther.plain oB bUard. 1.14.4 R Eli ATU)ITIIOPCiIFIC can onlyIx Naiiotn my oipye. Tb,, WCICCCaesb.C dill? ltICrireand ArepIrepared toconstruct ES ning, puttogether andoccupied at night. apittmonpibha own. N'1EiNiI!:l,,'., a O. .-FACoII,HlNA1S CL. 1',E 0 pE ,0,1aief I110F 10re1t diroP1ries in Mioin 1odica.and it is BTIICLMfAN'SOPATENT BAGASSE FURN ACE. hobne,No. 215 Grvier street, onSutday evenlng last. Hegave 'L ISBUR I P407 (AL L,- takenwith perlbcil sa1111 ii Laingo vegeltblycompound. Iutraveling, as great changes will take place. In- OTlIIN, FUNISIIINO 54'I)ODS,TRUNKS, CARPFT FOlST.New PETEI PETERSBURG-,PASSAGE, igA,FUR ST. G-' fe12tdRWC LEEDiS CO. D. p1plies of clothing and food, and stay and make the bail. RB'aS,etc.. N- " ' street._? i ,llclooiipp In .eof tlhemboo hiumpbgodvertapmio int in the stead of the dusty road andcrowded car, there will sn IGpt.l111., I00vintal her catgorengalgled, will nwo lisppers.1 wiih great relutan1 i e ivo mnollTl to tilellP bile. family happy for the evening. DavidMillier, charged with obtaienga moey faron Peter t L'RGICAI.CAI18Al- ov utepnteh,O1nly-Thenew Al (lst xallinAmeliran ship in'H. WATERMAN. CBII.R. WATERMAN.f be a splendid Locomotive Hotel, tfyingover a road 'It'KLI••&• (•4., I)IXUIN,MEIIINES. .'Addressor coll 0000111DAbIilON'S ROW. 04"CARON- Markey,auder the falerpreentetion tLthe wes Capt. Milter_, 7 INITRII)ENTS,etc., whNolIaleind reil. EOs.(A s0ALnd ,1. P. Wlo Tlllll0 ko011,35 COroudeltstreel , J. WATERlEAN & BEROTHEER, carpeted withturf and bordered with shade trees, 1}-Fnr pansn'e,Ap t3 DELITstreet, ielpowenP00,11,1 Oili Iloirinsit se0. IA ItIWVAIt F: MEiCClANTCS, .oru.r.CCCom. 0Stcitr.--A medical student named Whippo com- oftheship M. R.Ludwieck, wr dithargel d Thomas tette 0t;rnlw , lrr lt, n9ly IIyNoIVec onAlpt il.ho 00ard(. Oiieoup-otairs. Hot, s toimiA.S.I to 0ii. M.I and heraldineits approach with sweet music, iu- , . 1) W '• R. lul. mmlanud Mngnzinll arorla have on hauu1and nmittedsuicide in Philadelphia on the 1itb, by taking chargedwith selling a barrel lsoamebody L-HIiEt, N'PAUI'b'ENI & Co., ia s5 .1., L.i15oKW0010I.M. 0. orCdailI rceiving by foreCinCnd domesCticC, iC stead of the demoniac shriek of the steam-whistle, else'. greasetoJab SIRON,etc, No. 64 ia'ls stree, Agentsfor PFsg' SR)i I GENOA. Ridge,and Mrs. Downy, charged with stealing a green meio a9yn rIvaIs, generalAssortment of articlcomplPrising ' prosaic acid. He left a letter addressed to his father andlabelled, "through from Bostonto SanFrancisco illll, tyly PNEUlM1ATIC STEAM GRANU- in part, a' PI capefrom Sarah KICamnaagh, wareal disharged,no'pee a. \til.Y. FAST GnPIANST'U ATOTUi. owrIn use uu;secen pl.)lllull , cnnlrpill the f iu iburdays." AND STAEIONEF4N:B F4111 GlnENO. 1-'THE I1KNIARK CAERI)WARE,CUTLERY, ETC. inI0i Iowa. toe ppearing,. [TEE•• J. B., BOOKKSELLER n kalingAl An-imira barklN. H. Wolfe, A. F. iPs1revt. 1 gx crops,n s willals luollilssl;o lllttio otro of rite Iron,Steel, lisp epa Instead of the unsightly telegraph piles, there will / J NO, )(611 Iloltnesulnrama-',r will meetrwithuirislatch, 'ur1,.'a-lr oolluwihru gt ttktenoftteralivllllrgee is haophbtHelverl, faradmtalaerleg foul lang cgI broken userratty' oter applicationof steno to a stein Srau.- CCIIC,llieuus Sb,hop,, be,lifty years hence, a net work underground, and io) , N. ThL& co., WIIHOI,ESAIF. AND RETAIL'All of1" ur panvge, applyPPIto korn CarpentersCTunIc CumpletCI SINGULARTtAn L IN NEW YORe.-The New York- 1 duaaato Catharie Shubertand her youna sister, at No. d254I- j )'1:1,6)15IN I' SINTS.(IIS,? PFAINT)1111. WIN-VIN fell) I. II ASlllIUtIOG: .k CO.,ltd C:~mtmnnt. underthe bosom of thedeep, and it will click off (Copers'Toni,, e ardstreet, wa made togive ball to keep quietfor the DOWCl ASS'BiSHEIN S, ssd S'slossof si? knIS'Mi SIssa- 1. It regllirc.but a pressureof 3o poundsof etenntto " strikee AnvilI, VicCs.BeIllow, era have a fresh excitement in thle trial of one Dr. tthoughts instead of words. Then the electric battery tnat ta -;rent. alt ly Stock andflies, dnr 1y _GAIA DIB Ri . _ _ 2. It rl;,llltrrrnoadditional water far the boilers. Sere slasl ~ Moore, on a charge of conspiracy with intent to mur- will light all the street lampsat once, enable all the SEIiC1.CEubiC Ill tCC, Elnp L.A. oentrywt arraignedon a chargeofhaving ten fromac OyURINADF, 4... No,81 (RAVIER STREET.(:hitrler DLSISIS 9. Itspipe. serer '"saulc'p of rebluidi , tlt Plogh,, HuyCutter s, , or0ShCleers, derdi a wealthy citizen of Treoton, iMr.Livingston. A clocks in the city tokeep exacttime, and kindle the ,M! M)Irtgnr~eP'nper not nitsldr01)0)M, St.)0t' ly FUB t IIAIIovURG-TOE .11 FAST SAII,- 4. Its nu thatIuuel.,lee i etbqu,, p Isoti,, di, bybI S l .m-dtb bnFeu+!u~ the Poet-Ofice,inFebruary, IMP, a letterwritte bp Mr. and Il~imlllargJrx,:artl y l xLIIIOder, SrLnausea, mn.,l~iler, AgriE.trCalr ilmpen.ents" beaconson the dangerous rocks,where now men C'lup ~ bodyoT juice, a d hTIrd1,o,1, g' thrTi ,FSI h coloredCI mao testified that Dr. Moore had made a earvey,ofEastport, MbI., to J. W.Gitney, which Ii{ Uli. .%l 1t"I,•l.. '1'., (SP't)? ER AND)D(EAL 3AL is newl oaning.~rFnr 1rriishtof wilt hler " atop, np- Mill,(?CIII'C and Pit OCC, letter eoa- or n finet\t*inre lind I,,q,mrnr, No. 17 Ro,:ldtreet. 5. Thestrum hei1,lll rail dond,:-e and returnedto the Loiters hazardtheir lives and wear outtheir lonely days. (bstween plly-u, .J. I'. 1IIIIVIINYA: CO.,N5 Carondelet st. 1 UsCYIkII,BowsC, OIfgkatreC, eN, directdi proposition to hlim to murder Livingaton, offr- tained$150 for tranamhloa toMrs. Harvey in Iral ; Gentry teet, dirct, nloliddilflolll boilers ire requlliredwhere the sager-maill a TurninCCI.,ahC, Then theauthor will notwrite by ourslow process, VI) -EN,T!:O. dlts II., PSIN'TlIS' \SASE.IHOSLE, For Pa'~xase,asps}" to0 the h. m, h mird. bolter,a, Wul~kriellbn Vll d IpI . IIurnacis need-ono havnataken out the letter inhis capacty of agent for GInQe, ' 1115P' criptI'el12UIN: Roes.,HCmeC, Shohds, CnSpdes, PCIIIICICIII4C, ingiC him from $500 to $2,000. A woman named Wor- losingI hisrarest fancies, buthe willsit down to the No. pair ofca-iirLI boilerlrBI inlch-\ iu die, ter and31 fel~ltong, who wasabnt fromthe aty ithe thime.lil given to apper i(treet)Now u. IOrSeS at9 ly withllnuu,'.s H tgx,+r F'moixIcr, new t'rllnlih stvxm m g.*Iin( tl~o AndironsCFenders,ShovelC nCd TunI( Corn MillCse, newest invented chirogeaphieal knntremeuts, and B P.EMNEN. rCppar andiIron Coal Hods, CUobClilsbcrr t undenswore that Dr. Mooreendeavored to induce her mathe 11th. cranePti,ana -bs run the PllscnllllM Battery, s.Nimnktug 10 Bhda ss eaug.,u tE SiuiCIlCCtI)CuuC IIIIHCrirel C, puttiighis fingersen the keys writeas fast as he can ()OEIVIIlllx OiEHAiNi a Co., ?I'M.NIISNlSN to become acquainted with Livingston, engage him A ltgenumber of drunken olafers and btawlee were• la the V ANI) FOW11RDIN0 MERCHANTS,15 TSchNspouplos FOR BIt. lEN.-THIIP AL FAST SAIL- leUue e i'lCCiCII 11C,, think. 2Ji iingA lei ie shi. ColluilldBree. ils. Blisris 6. ThiePel..il..isiIuln ors O.eiulsslo iT opN,ation dotk--the result,we suppoe, afthe presentwarm itreMt. (Sgsia.1Cn Beil,'.lda, inIC a ilitation, and thenoudecoy him into a house of ill mweathee. -j[- 111-'1' K co., .1., I)EALI.ES INPAT'EN'T .1'1)l nov Iuudl to[oIrr:it ell t ut rt muchlee., erlll o Ithel iii,.er thII n )I Iitell Istonesbat- whllicha-se the vPeaomeo toemunitymistal' Se , ,I. Y. \TII'fNRM:1't :U rallrocl rt . IuieoIC.AmiidI PCill fame.Cre, in order to nurder hlim, the object gattee of 1'ciel, Dngrg,Perfumery, etc., etc., Nas.21 anA lCA'ar- M .33 tery orippi'livaio ofsteamI to oak illYsugar, in partor entirelyJ being to oh- RE•AHEAnBLeSICIDE. - A letter from Vienna, 1filr Fe Ip.".S1,IrP t the cn AA neatou .ltli. Er lIS,,, MiT the stareetsPr their k tatle hbaromalg phlieo , A wholesrft ~ [er'k Ke ites, PnnabteForgeyr, i tJ tre9atl ,et. Fur 1lIl I is .l imn idllet with f, 5ifb 1150lons Stain possession of Livihngton's property alfter death. dated the 16thult., in an Englishpaper, says: of r o2R1y Rel-.IIFlCC.C, Tikle. ,F tc. e 'tc thealwreseht to the work-ape,ratd nthttd efthem HliI,) ILI.sEYi Ct) 'S I?'lO NAS;Ot??? and$r;a\rinC trill he fillllrled ox yglicnfilll to thleanLbaerlhcr, The doctor gave her a bottle of poisoo to stupefy her fined. PATENT AMERICAN CHIARCOAL (.AL wileis nw t. sinks151oucd sontnu~p Iirr IhItterr) Evapo Two suicides havetaken place here within thelast ?and.?ITINSION ?1E15'T:IIAS, No. 1it0 (raviER VANIZISI)I RON-Wgs"'agIf,:tedio F-s d rn rthi NBE:KITTREIMOE &L 0.,. I I Thefollowing were I'. u~edurw ide,directsstosdsde or erhllst staitN. AIr~p ICCCCl,iti l Vi victim, and a dagger with which to dispatch him week. A similarone has occurredat Pesth,under the prloelpalafneeUmbapel :Jula e ett)C• P 24,,,,.I+NIF SS dII;LII tinge, bar SSAMUELII. (111\I.1\ ECICCCIIIICI(CCCD~riipCiC rjk. kt-T h,515IIt lex px 1 oIdmox 1'.n hil` IL JglOiI) C Iritnin, it CCbrunch.\'hlhColesC te 7b afterwards; also gave her a hamnmer to kuock his tragicalcircumstances. A Hungarian Orneyand Kate Hall, foraaklnb a pig penof Penn athet, ninIl, l tank,stu nKlsSpnutme, . ( nice, to, dl 31 Kircher, tlrset. New Orleans,I, Sou11Cmail dIClersCr ail lawyer and 11B•AT OCI', 1:. B.I ,'AIL',R INDRUGS, IE)IN 'cAImHiScInKIiCPistolsCCAnd FirCCiCCCCl teCy his wife had arrived in the city with their young 510each; Ann Powers,tfof deplytlqthe pewers of acohotbe w Cinte,Pnlll,, ()ily,etc., No. 13Maxgxr.hne s Ireet. T lEHOUANDNiOLLARS Suivy 55 S6st C~aarles street, nar nidtl~hurler rte brainsb: out, in case the dagger failed, The witness, daughter, years,for the solicitingMarketstreet, with herbaby inher arm., Eentaul 1KUi kA]NU.U.ti l)IPUli'I'ERK AND DEhALER":IN AE SEATDJCERSU rC'CwO(1C,. soi 114MC CICCreCI,(ICi aged 12 purpose of $1t; WWed, we nr, line: ,Kgb, ~Sg5tori,I l,,51gggti'tind gc - F1Ij. ; T1WO1IMI TNN Es.. OAN.M. lSAIsu Ca.dof, C + of NirarmganPassed 0in1COhio . lyty all the while leigniUg acquiesccuce in tile diabolical an appointmentas Judge. general forgettingtoohghl enthusedin the tt. Charlestheatep, v I)I . Iheni/h',•l, Pautent)I"-riiri"ePsi',, t Sits, e ., Ii n deccrreeoIhrll SIIpTCIOEGuvernmen[ Their appearance SI;! n11v+aSta,"kl Plnul T r*raa*I(II I LIlillother hE pit C on ile LJlil .ant-c ins*that OocTCrl mellf LIIIJtll jzetl I)I1If N• scheme, lost no was elegant, an the lady had beenmuch remarked at JamesDickey and Peter Brennan, forputting up at enr,,ixrrfor,)m,4n rlle + "TFt'Ni"e SI AN? g g tudl 1St ,~~ltex time in disclosing the plot to the con- the St. 15 11 5' LLTIEIC IEOICES, FOUNDRY AND't. templhted victim. A strong the theaters onaccount of thedazzling brilliancy of CharlesHotel wLthout registering theirnames, and refusing to 'IIF+r 'TIOSII. h, OKASL'TEIIRAND 8TA. to he et,,r'edon, under tiro direc~ioln and agencyof the uut-1" OICAMlI'NC IL WiO\Vi;SCorncroI I(ICIC one tI effort was made to rule enL lt. p111,15i,tsLel, gAit comldexion. travelwhen requn.ted. each; MuIHsn, [ianer, No.1o5 (1'lud i;reet. 11 nyliof tohenrIldation ITCC[trostnestreI, s ; OfCicCI. .Il 1i;Wit. Char(eIC I`et outn,• this evidence, bat it was unsuccessfil. The de- her One evening, the entire family, in0 Micheel JohnWe -treel.nChIrl itPS *ljls Tamsiivr noder pny!nblr in twenty yesesfro the Ist inst., (Two1,urs from the St, Charles Theater,)Ir~a ifle , dressedas fora fete, wentto thebanksof the Danube, andTim Comaersfor pestering passengers atthe JakasoeRStl- LEVIWIIN'S""" . l~lh5ItC5 I,.s"S .. YL..n. PO •tl()F. Nee rla,+ poll I'ABLF meSIISArE xH thle ihallkuII Luuiiituul analI ar:ring 11E sIX per cent. plerne-1 (cCurcrof tCelatIest (d mostapproved PCCCruC of IIailincC.1,'efelve. ft is that the whole affair is a conspiracy against and,tied together by roadDepot, thereby catsing the newlyarrived toform tanlda- POM1 I' OY I..... CT., . .I'?"i?.\.T.NO.. h tt in" ervt,pnylxblI :utllllllly rats. ,it the Flak llllllli~idilil {ICseIeal a cord, thechild in the middle. NIILES1?N no1t ol}J in thgain c. tolry holtin iinlplnndnnll I'lrluc i ini of CCC1CIC,IDloorsiI(hutCCr, Vi Its, riIgcCISnC( ,'y ANI3GoMMISSI)N . I•'SCHANrITS, 4dlrroudnlelttect, fine. nul'ItiGorerrllnt hike in netapait 4..thisdecree I sIsatutllouInrCCdirs, StCreFlIIICC C0CiCionud All klindskiCC ASTiANII ONI the. CI deendanIt. leaped into theriver in thelnidst of the pieces of ice lousopinlion of thi gpdlycity, $10 each; Ann Iarper,Ned -iewOrlnnas. sl ly -"•yXA'iE-I+3itl.N, J1.BI Ull, IIIPORT•,•RSANi) esulgliAhrIs.IrIi atl 11 YII ltS1' 5H WRUUCCIIIT LIRC'i WOR1Kt'C I tailCiagIC C'p which weredrifting by. A iiercing shriekescaped Kennedy,Tom Htarber antd W .O'Ierm. for getting upa free 111111'rlrnllil,111r sd Vh holde1rsior theirulhitsima ss) mt; the Scrip for which Lau d" RCil(qC, IC((CliCC,,ICCC arCdBuCCClCnllaightsLl tile mother,and with aoist:"ice,the'parents were onThalia street.$10eaeht Mry tHarvey,for being eon- ALER ISIHIARIIDWARE, CCUTLEY, I et.I corner His:,e, r li Iooveree gsrB bring entirelyflrig mtl, tslt -llY (lissrrwmsI ha ers i laa1 leaa .d6 I a1.ChaCrletreet, New TtROrnLEIN RICettIOND.-The editor of the Rich-t tight •ltcazilnU andI Con~nlr -:ar(+ts-...... "i"tbpldTt st ltbr lot Mill.Since the out,but mattlydrunk on Coauet•ee treet, n - Ie "It' isslut.,eetihtedm peteneet sas,laSein c dargged the child had sunk. Thiefattier was $10. MANM Cost,,t,3 treet mood Whig complains that Gov. Wise's buzzard has N' 'T4N,1.11. 111L8ON I. N & .,. It'E: RIIO.ofI..lernP~rtull,linedI 25 hlors tstsP newer,,,stlsgTu8,c the ntr dll bel, 16Ssrsltussl~l~ elink IllOs FiEs A ll 5 p n Orle . Dls UWARCIS, i:Li(IE TO Co deadl,and the mother,on gaining the shore, wasfound Turner,a slave belonging totMr. Fhlaey. was ordered tore- P , i l siboVi R le- 1,lhro ruSotee , uust y iitryllt ti,, WeS been roosting upon the roof of the Whig building, AEnTALLIrCme BUlnleRIA-L,Il ms. sad to bemad. ceivetwenty drachmsof hickory oil for taking one dram of CIIIASI{TI-P 1 S A iIAT StnlE Taill. u-II R 011,(111gsAlllt WISP SIS-inI weo"' inIviteat t-ies wit. Feel irIererdrl hs n. n is 0of;fns3dlnnd'S: Illj~ H'`wlbill A ddanl.) &', 51rLevee, ,,ERS., ;EN;REIt-I 'C,5'O \i55Ii 10t ? ll F ORWARDIN.l rag1*llice clct lrr, ure nl,\ in YiT erve Pr 1WI)I) SUL:CI1!1of TtliP - Sb is,,Tltbis~,yto. Filul, theditb dicTsb,which ib ob and threatens to regale him with a dose of buckshot brandyin a coffee-houseateatth eomar of Gird ad Basinstreets. N.:tit ' l A'• pll'SoPl~ll p.D-.il+•(U lrXll st• le I~ Ihe; )ItTAHLE S'U'EAI :YIIN E3-FRgI\L 'i 1F 1C.-'JAdlto re,IOICCCC.JCC. oa eICerCWCeI. All :in. et-W.-h,,, eI'l to then wt ] receievtheir persoalat LPiss. l'1Ii I sI:, withs tIIIsII timsI ak1dlet from grs i'l7 Cl cripCti'I)C~ of CIIL H iCICCCCCI'At(l, CIC(Iupper, at_CoaC(CICICC Ii. aCdl . CCCCI11C sCI.W T andl tweak gizzard-foot's nose at the flrst opportunity. MELANCHOLY OceCtrIR E.--On Saturday, 21st JameaTaotenhaun, Michael Salliwmn'and John Flnnegan I'ICInow rICCiCCI cotIllIaclorth, akiio,JCSteioC Tr111.CC tI inst., a seamanon board schonner werearrlged on a chargee having brutallyybetee and I mtlOl,nlldl Illeel with pIop)r0n t dI/pllwlIl, Cl'arif CinICOIC:llll OICCfag, BiheCrrs, Juice WIiCCC Cnd the John Griffith. --REFER.ENCES-- tsForsl le b f H. PILCtERb then lying in PensacolaBay, fell from the masthead kicketE. Blumenatltl anddraged him abhoat the street,onthe ,'s .o. FC,?le?(rr! Ps.y dra1 sis overvthig"Pe~prtaininuto the SIII .It s.Str A Seon•S•:s LIE.-A paragraph is going through 5c4s rs. lNl9'l.rte Iatl, .'t Agems sl to the deck, and rebouudiag to on the 11th. . .I) 1 PIF -to o.'(tU 2"•l',E dTN. stret; n- toterrll ofStcnr I.nl-.r trun rbistles, Rlral 1 fell overboard, several 10thtiL BPalgivenapp•ar L r it .21 97 Ourund,"irt t.,corner Lrnion. I'onpl-fuwcuIIIlsyl lR11,1 \Ilc. e .CiC.,etc., CIICliiCraurlonmlgo on to band.i e ta ri the press in connection with the suicide of Mr. Davis, feet from thevesCsel. Iti suiposedthat he was in- NNnnll ' ,t's IL l5 l 5,., 't ?r' 'ierN CCsl-CCIa in eCIeiCslCCl 1eio,11 IC~tCe PUCE.TIIueof of San Francisco, which states that he is the ninth FABKE'S CHAS. C. CiAlNESj C C o.. IMI'Oat'1'EK. whic staulltlylilled, and his body sinking, all efflrts to re- RECORDER COURT.-Catherine Hebbitk, N ll S ,k Co...', 95 shiPr.. .. I UNIN DR.\YEHS ANDF MAIcHNhND DOMES~TICI CiCII. I%lunp, . )tees..T.I.C . T. sC.I, E... I F'CtI..1,N CC member of the Vigiltance Commuittee of that city, coverit wereunavailiog. 'iheunfhsrtunate mao's name a goodlooking Dutch vrow, was yestorday arraigned ona charge , A, II. & .yRoS.. 94 S H.\RI)lC.\1tF., I:L'TI)F:R, etc., No. I Y',Irel le ane A mlleay. ICCgCodA iLawrcCC,W. A U. SICUIIc, A. was LorenLZ,.Baa. He ihailedfrom New York, but o hap,ingtwo busbenda.C.I•ehter, the onewlth theprb a 1s???I N'? *U11 sgg1 'Ss s111,1,N. S.(S A.t~g~ e ll5.W'r 0;r u'TIEETI on hand. and are conatl,.In CCCCCCt Co ;itC II. F.FC.all, Chisof city.to Chomil Iwho has committed suicide. The paragraph evidently was ,I receivingdirect intom tits Uautfactories: ClC by birth,and right.made the complaint, staatng that he marriedCathell in IpectICll'111111 fICICllCCnirChlCC. was manufactured by some impotent enemy of the a German was aged 28 years. pT INNSUL U'IsANCI--'I'IUs)E'WIIHIN(s TO EN EItn'.RTI IeItar usgItI.AitwoLLI w(l Nullsl,C-thLlll Ax s; I I CEN)TNEr'aITool,; [West PortIav. a Taxas,inApril, th5I t,.erwhich -they Earo to reNdily IPOET'. Nr TO COTTON PLA.:NTERS-BY Florida Times,24th. U 9.1+.hin t 5-ln5;u-lc 5d KI, prnltnlhiL bNlises, 1 committee. New Orleans;thatrecently, whilsthe wasup at CietnlaasU•n t'tulhhe ii le l.tllrd(hin n r I,,,.l nmule.) frt-I whlvh ,n ftll r n V gg f:\IE.-.ig.s:plssd Is P. g~r~gs.o~Slld\Tgrr whieh[bI l -- o",C (us[( C IlCCIC'I-(ICI CC.udli.Cag Gea led llrlitll t l etlll+oI Of th e.. t lrv+ lltlt ih Louis bush,s, she took to herself another haabod nammed Kellner ; t-the r+out lnmptttetivt," trilltg, Ilstssg,-H,.,, S..nn Wrg,* hstA. g stPsei C p IItr' Ihtnk Nf O lliltfor i d AnaHoe.TI;idib. SM file, .'hle a,and ll. i Shovtl; I~r:1uws .ss, Coulnterl itsisl.' udI~lilstARt ' atl'urn9rnle although the campaign may be said to have opened tl, no i.,,i f o:, ,r, . I lll:lb x'Pfr I t C l I, almontamountrd to rain. Tle streets are very mud forhis employer, Bain, of Ramatt WO dtateX 511 So -'era FAUN URV AND IACHINU:-S OP. .c xCI6CpCC1 11 fhilly a month ago. The measles are trey sling ex- F. atreeL Beilao sitieateIt 1lr rl Ih+luk.o,t, a,)licaltim fto a fr1293 Jtick..anDIrieScreli Pl t5s; IlTTildlet,Els TT.iF lsts given--tae.lJludge Roherteon. iy1•+,El', ?of.; lie;Said ~'u1lit . i.....i 1,c,1ii t~ho t11o "j tr - 31rCa V k f'.t't'T RRSON,corner of Dteorll,ld S- tensively in eeveral volinteer coritanies. per:tlcularly dy,and particularly the 'Ivee.Tihe weather for the bYt l- Z IbMIrreP,errs.-' Ptelllarri llarlarsl ow preparedtoU C CCCd" ICICCiIClC ((C , II.irn1"iiniCCtrkt last three days has beensuch as to retardbusiness to B. Ageroewas sent before the rstDitrict Curt, to betried jOB C II I~lOt11 HneI mplprr nand Tones gL* II(TOIV in Mosley's, Mit:Mills"and WV.11. Kicudlecle'. One ~l ir1)1Tar, Ph ll .6h. aonld r giti t1555, 1`i,, an. T nrnlnllltnc4.in abslsy_;SHlIse' E:N3a lhTN 5, 'lltd ITT'FTRS a extent. forrattaing MaryAnn •a•atet, a free eltoredide 11 yets NA; Ah1 a'TO'UES:.. of all iill's fo~rSteamn IIfII1, Inge, y. t '7+)111ICCC'CC'CnlI I i 1.rie'cCCn CCI'IICIlIIwIIth meICC atC y n~ul. death hbyme.asles lhas occurnel. WVealhot delpair of great . .. t "t I"•:+•+:,+_.. fef l 1Btrl I IPji SnnIis 5,1, Grind31A,111NEIKT Itoalli sTs, ,,ite;GT5ro5 \Il,l 2lI yards; old,so teverelyto mark hr bpdy oer he aem - }unt 11e.. Railllion*.Sow \iiiIle, llill )resler. 11rsunin3Licli ne, ntd a all ; beleg S tir, Ianythingdecisive being etlhcted, though, as usoal, i ALF' }: K:EARNY, forWelCINNDLES-500 I-,x Iiurr tC n;nall Power,F'heFree,,le ru tiuah* rfoK, 1101lY, RUN Aw dAY.-TheGreen Bay (Wis.) Advocategives andSmatserd, heone of hla pupils, He gae thal. e fel0 _ _ T72 x~ s~+,ineshreet. I F-r-,carup clli( l:IIIIInud Oxnpllp"1 xlllrr:~. Mits, our expectations are very large. 37ollthsiOnusl Hel-x.(peurnitedi r otherwise,x+ they ar Ala account horse: Francois Dorier, chaged wthfal•ely causing thearreat aad f-17 '4'' nptnx te r _a cots fu, xlIltIlllllf ,''erle Kara Bra Rork o of ICIy IC I I 1,111(1'(3 . Cli'NR M ile, t the following spirited of his - 4b hhl•l,"-•le by - -1 imprieanmentofCatherine Piegemana, N. 0. Henthoramd S. PILITIPSTUREPEN'PISI+ of Jllilil.n~)lnr ililPI.J. lliand11 et'rrv rllrriP 1,12, adingesI . ALL on5 OTINtO.--A novel bu rather perilousex- The editor herenf rejiicesiunthe possesslon of a ,\ I.FRIll, KE:ARNY, OIL SODA.\5I--a r.xlt\ I:y teddL'TelGan \ielnl Itmgsn ('C)'.'PI. b-I- Ibo,,ICCCICICC t, horsewho ,eizea every occusionthat he ishis own Steigllta.charged with esmults a•d IR. treet. andablylfursale P1LDI~ AND [iuol: Meta~llcP:a. 1, W lfor Seam kbnedes;and (hy 1,1• I 72NMag9-ine A,LFRED , FIRNY,(NF rte.. Hlilcti-dtt C1,k tar el.l Hod,,, Saw Mills, or Ma pedient was resorted to at Ilordentown the other night, f."In \Invnrmr s.*lr* r, 4 fn., fit 'oiamnn vt. munsletl, ehagedwith teali $t$tworth of Preneh cheea from late rj'i]Sli--211, l,bNl,n,+ H~e,,te rhoice• I1NII k'to 72 mayIhe hirepl of n r cl~riP'ili:l shut Ir(]lird frIS KEII.I to prevent the railroad bridge frombeing carried awayy d annill go wherehe liteth,at sallch speed as 'II"Iltu handi HI al! ;in ,.oatsllasllr. WheelSIrr'lV' ntohim scc,!rtclieet. Armond,were alt diach.trged,for gao d Oatfientf areaec 1111Ukorn.,t + lI,Jlcu•,~ fn S'.\)11r .,tie h\hl, W+)IFF,F5Cam~pst NIrtI'CCCCCC1Ch ((CCCtIaiC side y by the pressuereof the ice. Five locomotives were Unnliiinigdnown street day be- ~'ri2 ortcd -t I nll~lCPfit -I-by Fiatir hen,, Gnn~;u`,i~.C V.1Takl of .11sites used Ly htdiau,. E IA -CaP11.CbiCes Slisre. r r .t, lie capsizedusinlt a snow hank, and t p \I;NT MILLS-A,~1 ran uem.uthe bridgeto keel) it in its place. It il "liT.$915-,"0 t:t cv 'hoir,."ne:,r'r (i'd' t0or7h'•-ist --- Thunkfnlllfor the IlhrHIl,.l songschprrteti'r l~r-o-l tlpr 0e IC'. 11.- )ICII CCC,1)W(I,e CO., thought thlat h d it not been for this great wnsight it then aexl•i.d to theastouishl demnizensof Green BLhAC GCIOSDE RMrIVE,SIn,, RIEC FRENCH ' i-1 JVSI:lll LXNt~fq t .'+. 1:Bay such going as was absolutelymlarvellous, the nl, k n hnl, for PuleR1h,Ileto1nl.*I lLi:, they o;,v, by , ""'. lal..u+uI(il!iiiU it would have been lihned by the ice one carriedI oil Jatcoyta, Fta BLeaonEI'teortoete, L-C.,r T -.- ThaepttiehlaC tLt" :lt To'h",,qD•'Inl•.-+ee'. PUT1TY-.',ubola in Irildller*..,,,t 4r ,1 of m,,t~r ,r;iunue latenImc. ,) by AI.FIPKit LR.\ItNT Haid telre-sllre e o ice been too great for this weight,t, cutter bottom aide up,strewing the road with all sorts sale)ttention f.eshof cityimporteI anlcoaantty bu;e siscalled totheoe•oean 1.')1 I1'1:-!: "I.:I,\\lt)| l Nt t, + i017, n,of things. Herewas a butfdoand a whip-there a L of .l ciglmui nAricand'ytetsl , this ka11II I:.1tCIY the lo-s oft'lperty and life awo:lidhave been great, IN I l.;R,\ N r-.., i, ill t'ri- r,itvhr x'I i~lhear.f -ol:etl~in;:tu' i C .C tihorse Iluuketand iahalter-and hereagail another as mnl.ulyof the euclployeeesof the ronl were on the rat o'clo.-b,hy & hieailazrt.•ge iby c,,, 1._nn: TOB ICCO-kw b.~t-ev, :.tucrIl, Vi.tent Co., atttheir auctio. rooma , No. S et JONX:,Tilt'KINDER it CO.,91 Gratvicrat. trorilre. rope,our wife, and some other articles of little value. houaestreet. f,12 ;U .amPtitre.,), l,Eipi IH'e Vd , 7I.-h n ,: Co .r lllll/ l'"R1.d13i`b Tcbli-pieuliu lis's+eraser. IC'. FlgsE A ii.pC.'.C.CCS blidge in attenudance. I[ew Brunswlclicr. Custom