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VOLUME XXIII LEXINGTON, KENTICKY.FRII) A Y .MARCH 21. 1933 NEW SERIES NO. 15 KERNEL CONTEST KERNEL, KYIAN CONTINUES CALL SO THEY HELD AN ELECTION APPLICATIONS - • i m row M FOR POPULARITY Members of the Men's that later constitutions must be voted on by the their knowing the candidates names before visit- ARE DM APRIL 4 rlay held an election. student IkxIv before they became active. The re- ing the polls. Such is the election procedure authorized by the Questions on Style Have Councilmen determined the election date and vised constitution from which the incumbent Aspirants for Positions On election Theater Tickets as Reward council derives its authority never ha* been sanc- council's constitution. If yesterday's Staffs of Publications the means of petitioning for candidates. They for Answer*. tioned by the student body. was honest, it was not the constitution that made Must Qualify presided at the polls and counted the votes. The it so. This election apparently was honest; the The Kernel does not especially condemn the Wll.l. PLACE BALLOTS council's proceedings are accepted and unques- next may not be. BOARD TO PASS status of the constituton. It does condemn it for IN POST OFFICI HOXES ON \PPI.K ATIONS tioned by the student body. its inadequacy. Doubtless, the constitution is inadequate. Aggrieved by practices allowed under the pre- Winners of Theater Tickets Today, the University heralds a new Junior I'nder this inadequate constitution the council Promptness. Accuracy In sent constitution. The Kernel in other editorial for Answers to Questions Prom Queen. Apparently all is well. But is it? yesterday was able to hold the Junior Prom Filling Slips Is utterances this year has advocated the revision Announced Yesterday's election probably was handled as Queen election under most debatable conditions: Urged of the present, or the drawing up of a new con- ably and conscientiously as most student elec- The council president and a member of the Do you know what famous ce- stitution. Noon. April 4. is the deadline set tions; The Kernel believes that it was freer of prom committee, not the entire council, deter- lebrity of rolls his nock*? For a time the council was adamant. Finally, by the Student Publications Com- you know what rulei wore no underhanded methods. In controlling the elec- mined the place of election and the petition re- mittee for applications for editor Do through the activity of several of its more con- socks at all? What color are the tion the council acted within those powers dele- quirements. and business manager for The Ker- Blackshlrts of scientious members a resolution was approved nel and editor of Kentucklan. shirts worn by the gated by its constitution. It acted within the let- TOi Though first announcement of election dates which provided for revision of the constitution decision eminated from the com- ? furthermore, can you ex- ter of the law. mitter it plain the situation In the Par East? and petition requirements appeared in Tuesday's and its subsequent submission to the vote of the when met at 4 p. m. Tues- No. we do not know the answer The council acted within the letter of the law, Kernel, the petition deadline was set for Wednes- day with Prof Enoch Orehan. head student body. of the department of but an inadequate law is Journalism worse than no law. And noon ; the election, for Thursday. day This revision vote was passed Tuesday, Febru- chairman of the presid- Perhaps, fellow student, you could committee, the present constitution is far from adequate. ing. Klve us your opinion as to the best Late publication of these dates allowed stu- ary 7. Since that -4ime no consummating move Even its legality is questionable. dressed ed or ette on the campus dents less than 36 hours to name candidates. The has been made. The board Is composed of Pro- not that your opinion would matter The latest constitution acted upon by the stu- limited time between nominations closing and the So yesterday they held an election. Will such fessor Orehan; D H. Peak, business manager of the University; Jam-s unless it coincided with some other dent body is that of 1924. This writing provided election date precluded even the possibility of elections continue to be? opinions. In other words, an elec- Shropshire, graduate manager of 8tudent Publications; Russel C'.r^s tion is not won < except by one's person) unless more than one president of the senior class: John vote is cast. Now to speak plain- Ewlng. president of the Men's Stu- ly, what we were commencing to dent council, and Lois Neal, presi- get ready to begin to start to say. dent of the Women's Self-Oovern- was that ballots for the election of Mary Alice Palmer, Alpha Gam, Is Junior Prom Queen lng association These officers are the best-dressed ed and co-ed will automatically membprs of the com- be distributed through the poat- mittee due to delegate power which they hold. ofllce boxes on April 4 and votes New Q Will Be ( rowned This committee replaces the old Board of Student may be cast from April 4 to the 6. Library Exhibit Commemorates at Festivities of Publica- A box will be placed In the post- ENGINEERS' BALL FORUM tions which was done away with by MEETING March 81 office, so be sure to cast your vote executive order of President McVey. In the general direction of the box, 100th Anniversary of Birth of The date. April 4, as the deadline WILL BE TONIGHT ATTRACTS CROWD OUT OF 146 BALLOTS for in fact, you might even shove it applications for editor of The PALMER GETS 101 Kentucklan Inside if you want it to be counted. Dr. James Kennedy Patterson CAST. was set by unanimous Inflation consent of the Of course, if your best girl is with Dance, Sponsored by .More Than 100 Attend First board The applica- Robinson. Reynolds. Shivery tion must be in the hands of the you, write her name on the ballot Tau Beta Pi, Is Revival An exhibit Meeting of Body; "Steep commemorating the chairman. Professor Grehan, and drop It where it. Are Second. Third, Fourth to- she can see of Former Engineers' 100th anniversary of the birth of Grade Ahead" Is gether with statements of qualifi- She ll appreciate that. James Kennedy Patterson, Respectively Carnival former Topic Subject cation, previous experience, and a Personally we nominate for the president of the University has been And We Thank honor—Oh, you guess, we don't Mary Alice Palmer, Alpha Gamma scholastic standing certificate from WILL BE 9-12 established on the main floor of the want, to tell you; besides, we might FROM Providence LED BY PR. A. E. BIGGE registrar's office. After the the library. The exhibition is be- Delta, was elected queen of the 1933 committee has passed upon the ap- hurt somebody's feelings. Further- ing Reviving the annual social func- held under the personal super- For the Queen Junior Prom by the third year men plicants more, we maintain there ain't no More than 100 students attended for Kentucklan editor, their vision of Margaret I. King, tion of the Engineering college, the libra- will Justice! We're bitter! Will the first meeting of the student in the names be submitted to the some- rian, and is being sponsored the engineers' Inflation dance which by Maybe Mary Alice Palmer, junior class for the vote. The date body please explain to us why the Alumni club. forum, led by Dr. A. E. Bigge Tues- day in the will be Informal will be staged from 19 year of the election will be determined ed or co-ed who can afford to be under the auspices of the Mens 9 to 12 p. m. tonight in the Alumni Included in the exhibit are day night in Patterson hall. "Steep the best-dressed among the throng by the president of the Junior class, gymnasium Music for the dance, speeches made by Doctor Patterson Student council. She will be crown- should need a new Michael Stern Grade Ahead" is the topic subject Horace B. Helm. which is sponsored by Tau Beta Pi. before the legislature when he was the third- ed at festivities of the dance which suit, given by Oravas. Cox and which will last for two or three Application for editor and busi- honorary scholastic engineering fra- trying to obtain an annual revenue year men had chosen her as company or a knitted suit given by weeks. The topics on which Dr. will be given Friday. March 31 in ness manager of The Kernel must ternity, will be provided by the Blue for the Institution which is now the queen ol the Junior Prom. Embry and company? Bigge spoke are those which are the Alumni gymnasium. be turned into Professor Grehan and White orchestra. University of Kentucky, com- She was graduated from Pro- Interesting before April 4, accompanied by the One thing we do like though, to complaints received in the mencement vidence high school, in most and most debatable Miss Palmer won the election in Due exercise speeches made down same statements about the Style contest, is the idea to all students: cutting, grading, landslide, five-sevenths of qualification Dean of Women's office concern- by Doctor Patterson at various col- Webster county, three years a getting of of questions and cheating. necessary for Kentucklan editor. and answers with the- ing absentees from Saturday morn- leges, and a copy of the only com- ago. the total number of votes cast. Out ater tickets as prizes. You might Doctor Bigge took each of the out the 146 Junior men to ballot, The committee on Student Publi- ing classes, the dance will end at mencement speech that he made to And for the boys who like try it, fellow-student, if cations selects the editor of you want 12 p. m. instead of 1 a m. as pre- a graduating class at the Univer- important items, and contrasted the popular Alpha Gam polled 101. The to. But then, if you don't like the American of handling Her nearest rival was Lois Robin- Kernel, who In turn selects his staff. viously announced. sity that was mado to the class ol there's^a* fcfsson" behtnd^the manner guessing you can And the answers them with some foreign manners. son. Alpha Delta Theta. who re- The same process is followed in the Contrary to former engineers' 1908. A picture of Doctor Patter- election of the Alpha Gam in the next issue of The Kernel, and In Europe, is ceived 21 votes. Kitty Reynolds. election of The balls, this year's "inflation" dance son taken out of the old library she doesn't smoke! But don't no attendance re- we might have a better chance if is given in the hope that the sub- also has been added to the exhibi- labor under the impression quired at any class. If the stu- Kappa Kappa Gamma, was third there aren't too many students scription price will in tion. dent is interested in learning all and Madelyn Shively rounded out A new power has be harmonv that she is old-fashioned. Oh. trying -out. with economic conditions, that he can. he will go to school. the field of four the editor of The A picture of tne faculty of the no! For Mary Alice has a We are reminded that many stu with economic conditions. Proceeds This naturally does away with the a new plan has been adopted. The University in 1883, a biography of of The vote in the Junior Prom dents can And the right answers will used in- "cuts" which the American stu- Kentuckian editor will appoint the from the dance be to the former president, prepared by Queen election this year was much to question, even though they may augurate engineers' loan fund dents are in the habit of taking. business manager of that publica- an Mabel Hardy Pollitt. and an opin- lighter than that of 1932. Last year not know them off hand. Here are present tion with the approval of the pre- which will supplement the ion of Woodrow Wilson, written Grades and cheating are very a total of 221 votes was cast in those that won picture show ticketr sent Publications Committee. student loan fund. upon the request of Judge Samuel closely related in our schools. We the election which was won by by turning in the proper answers to According to Kane, presi- John Wilson of Lexington, are also In- are so Interested In making a cer- Anna Mae Lewis. Delta Delta Delta, "In this way a more economical the questions asked in Tuesday's decorations dent of Tau Beta Pi, cluded In the exhibit. tain standing, that we cheat in or- who gleaned as many votes as the and clear method of handling the Kernel will include ornaments total for the affair Doctor Patterson's personal libra- der to get an "A". It was suggest- number cast In the 1933 elec- production activities of the year Virginia Young. Charlotte Coff- the College of Engineer- tion. taken from ry, containing more than 3.000 vol- ed that we should adopt the for- book can be accomplished, and the man. Elizabeth Jones. Margaret ing. In carrying out the inflation umes Is being catalogued and will eign method of dealing with this Miss Palmer entered the Univer- editor and the business manager Warren. Margaret Qreathouse, Wil- as a Prof. S. idea, balloons will be used be ready for In C. Crouse difficulty by having no grading sity in September of 1932 after hav- will work together more harmon- liam FranZ. Cove Heilbroner, John use the University decorating medium. library system at all. The student would ing attended Georgetown ously than has been possible in the Ewing, Jane Kane, and Parker Hur- about the first of June. His Addresses C. of E. college former either pass or fail. If he were during her freshman and sopho- past." pointed out James Shrop- ley. home, located on the cam- pus Is being repaired for use as a above the average, he would pass more years. At the Kentucky col- shire, secretary of the committee. Finajfty one more question, at 'Alumni Loyalty' Is 10 a.m. Wednesday recreation hall for University wo- with honors of various degrees. lege she was a member of a local All bids for engraving, printing, least one you have never heard Address men, as a memorial. The erection Prof. the school system differs with sorority and participated in campus and photography shall be in the before: Who do you think is the Subject of C. S. Crouse was speaker Our of another Patterson memorial is all activities. hands of the chairman by noon on best dressed man and woman of at the sophomore engineering col- foreign systems in that there By Dean Taylor being planned by the Alumni club. subjects are elective. The student Since enrolling at the University, April 18. They are to be sealed and the campus? lateral held at 10 a. m. Wednesday The Alumni club of the Univer- may take those in which he is most she was pledged and initiated into accompanied by contracts and will Loyalty" the sub- in room 111 McVey hall. His sub- "Alumni was sity will give a James Kennedy Interested. American students lack Alpha Gamma Delta, social sorority. be approved or rejected by the en- DICKER RESTS EASILY ject of a radio address by Dean W. tire Patterson Memorial dinner at 7 p. ject was "Relation of the Mining the seriousness of students of other Miss Palmer is engaged in many committee. FOLLOWING ATTACK 8. Taylor Monday afternoon, from Metallurgy to Every Day Life." countries. European students are extra-curricular activities, among The fact that action on the con University extension studios. the far more self-supporting than our them. Strollers. Kentucklan staff, tracts will take place immediately According to report sreceived late Professor Crouse opened his ad- In his address, which related parti- own. and Y W C. A. following the appointment of the yesterday. Prof. J. B. Dicker of the alumni of the University, McVey Announces dress with the definition of mining cularly to One reason that the foreign stu- Plans editor and business manager of the College of Engineering, is resting for the annual Junior Prom, Dean Taylor defined true alumni nnd metallurgy. He said. Kentuckian is for the purpose of Award Committee "Mining dent reaches a higher plain of according to Bentley better from a heart attack suffered examples of Sampson, loyalty and cited some may be defined as the art of eco- learning, is due to his previous letting the heads of the publica- days chairman of the committee, are still a few ago. what a truly loyal alumnus can and nomically obtaining minerals from tions know exactly what appropria- Eight Are Named by Presi- training. Our high schools are not rather indefinite. The committee should do for the good of the in- the earth, and metallurgy as the tion they may have, so that adequate, declared Doctor Bigge. on arrangements has entered cor- stitution from which he was grad- dent to Officiate in Prize urt of extracting metals from they may make their plans for these In Kentucky there are only 16 high respondence with the Music Cor- the uated. Selection minerals and fashioning them for lan- year book accordingly. schools which have the three poration of America in an effort to Dean Taylor defined alumni loy- use in the metal industries- guages taught. bring a famous orchestra to play alty as an ever present interest In Appointments of the members of Next to agriculture the production These interesting subjects were for the dance. Announcement of the institution from which you have the committee to select this year's in discus- Kampus of metals is the greatest wealth pro- far from being finished the orchestra engaged to play for BAND TO PRESENT been graduated—interested in its Algernon Sidney Sullivan award ducer that exists. Spain's greatness sion, and will be discussed to a the prom will be made early next welfare future growth—inter- been made by President Mc- and have during her heyday is directly at- greater degree at 7:30 p. m. next week. yesterday. est in its program and sympathe- Vey. It was announced tributable to Professor Newberry will Kernels the apparent endless Tuesday. Members of VESPER PROGRAM with its purposes. is composed of Dean the Junior class, boys tic cooperation The committee flow of riches, mostly in the form lead this meeting. Peak. Profs. C. C. and girls, will receive two stag bids "The University is supported by W. S. Taylor. Bart of metals from her new world pos- and one date bid. while those I'niversity Philharmonic Or- citizens of the commonwealth Jett. Downing. P. E. 'Kar- I 1 in the H. H sessions. 's supremacy In (.KANT COMF1 1 I WORK the senior class are to receive for the purpose of training citinens raker, and W. W. Jennings. Mar- the one chestra Will (live Sunday past century was built solidly date bid. The following ad appeared In the efficiently to ex- King, librarian, and Augusta Freshmen are not allowed of the state more garet upon her great resources William Grant, former teaching Afternoon Musii-ale at I section of the Cour- of iron to attend the Junior Classified Ad ecute the duties of life," he declar- Roberts, secretary Y. W. C. A. the department of Eng- and coal As her leadership in the assistant in I'. M. In Memorial Hall ier-Journal several days ago: the is the highest honor ed. In return for such training This award steal industry passed to the lish, has completed his graduate "Wanted: Snappy lady to United alumnus owes his institution his that any University student may States, work on his M. A. degree. He re- so likewise did she decrease ABC Bulletin Is The University Philharmonic or- men whole-hearted receive. Each year a boy and girl signed in February to take a posi- in manufacturing wealth. chestra with Prof. Carl A. Lampert line.' of the University are chosen to re- tion us instructor in English at Pri wonderful chance Univer- During the past 30 years the nted by Kernel as conductor will present the Sun- What a ceive this honor, the basis of which school in Louisville. Mr United 8tates has Male high day afternoon musicale in sity of Louisville co-eds have to Home Ec Honorary recognition and stimulus been the world's Memorial is "to give Grant took his A. B. work at Ken- The A B C. a through school. greatest producer of copper, lead, University bulletin auditorium March 26. at 4 p. m. work their way to high thought and endeavor" tucky Wesleyan and will get his containing • • • To Give Jap Party zinc, aluminum and iron and her facts about the purpose, This will be the orchestra's last ap- Also, besides the University stu- M. A. degree here in June. history, Sigma Delta Chi. men's honorary present financial supremacy has government, und depart- pearance on the series this season dents, the committee selects a citi- ments of fraternity will have a Phi Upsilon Omicron. home eco- been to a great extent based on the the institution has Just and Professor Lampert has prepar- Journalism zen of Kentucky not connected with is been issued. Any meeting at 2 p. m. next Wednesday nomics professional fraternity foundation of her mineral resources person desiring ed an interesting program for the the University, for this honor. a copy discuss giving a Japanese party from 7:30 may get it from the Alumni in room 54, McVey hall to The conferring of the honor will Kat, and to 10 p m. Saturday in the student The featured soloist of the after- plans for the Kampus place at the annual May day building take room of the Agricultural University • Among the noon will be Iva Dagley. contralto exercises this year. The committee Debate All student* who desire to many facts In this The invited guests are all of the bulletin are those which Miss Dagley has but recently re- | will be assisted in selecting the can- apply for the position of edi- show the club home economics students and the Team Will Engage relation of the citizen turned to Lexington from New A meeting of the Spanish didates by recommendations from tor of the 1934 KENTUCK- of the state York at 3 p. m. Tuesday. faculty. The Invitations are in the to the University and city where she has been studv with will be held various members of th# faculty Georgetown Today IAN, and all student* who de- how much recreation post office boxes The Japanese each citizen pays Madame Ernestine Schumann- March 28. in Boyd hall The recommendations must be In sire to apply for the positions toward the up- room. Mary Asher will be In charge motif will be used throughout the and keep of the University through Hi ink Prior to her work in New the office of the Dean of Men by The University debaters will meet far busine*" nuuuger program decorations, refreshments, and the taxes. According to the bulletin York. Miss Dagley was actively con- of the April 19 the Georgetown college debating editor of The Kentucky Ker- • • • entire program. each nected with musical circles nel for the M^sion. 1933--34. person pays approximately 18 in Lex- are. team at 3 p. m. today in room 231 All members of the Cosmopolitan The committees in charge writ- cents in taxes to the University ington Her friends will look for- McVey hall. The proposition to be are hereby notified that at Whltlock Fennell and i to club will please be present an decorations. application!, setting forth ward this opportunity of hear- debated Is "Resolved That the ten meeting in the Y. M. C. Dyer; food. Mrs. O. J. Jones I • I S - ing her again Important Jane qualification* for these var- NOT PAID BY STl'DIA I Arsdall; program. Shall Agree to the A. offices, at 7:30 p. m , Friday. and Sarah Van together with eec- Other soloists on the program in- "Notice U hereby given that Cancellation of all Inter-Allied War ious duties, Plans for the spring week-end camp Hattle Mae Price and Dorothy A story in lust Friday's issue con- clude Mary Ann O'Brien and Ethel ruled bids for the printing, Debts " Prank Trimble and James tifiicates from the Registrar's will be discussed at this meeting. Prows, and invitations, Ayleene cerning the changes to be made by Congleton. harpists; Lee Crooks, establishing their scho- ! • • • engraving, and photography Moore the University's office wiU uphold the government in the commuta- violinist: of the 1934 KENTITKIAN part of lastic eligibility, must be in I Chi Delta Phi will meet at 4. p. m The Invitations are in the shape the argument Hon of military uniforms was in Lela i W before the hands of Prof. Enoch Ure- reading room of is will be received on or In the of a fan and on one side a Jap- The University debaters are try- I error The fees are not to be paid pianists. by Prof. anese character meaning "for health noon. April 18. 1933, ing to arrange a debate with the by the students but are the amounts of of journalism, and c h ai rman | Knoeh (irehan. chairman University Tennessee but at the allowed each student and of | by the govern- ('KADI ATE GETS Ph. D. of the < ouimilU-r on Student on chapter, Order of De present time the details have not ment for his uniform The changes Publications by noon, April 4, to- C. BANQUET y, will meet at 7:30 p m W. A been completed. i nthe basic course will affect only Rebecca Smith a uraduute of the 1933. The same to be night at the Masonic temple for its members of the band, who will, next University with an A B. degree In Administration Mmbers of the University debat- mitted for final quarterly election and regular meet- The Women's any and 'I'll bids' year, be allowed for their uni- English ing squad are H Clyde Reeves, sen- Signed) 18 and now a professor of present council met at 5 p. m Wednesday. I ing. All members please be I Signed): forms For first English at ior. Madisonvllle: Phil Ardery. year advanced Texas Christian Univer- March 21 In the Women s building if because Important matters relative JAMrS SI Moore. course students the allowance will sity at Fort Worth, has Just annual A. C ban- sophomore, ; James A to the coming 10th anniversary of Plans for the W be $25: for second year advancedadv ed her Ph D degree in the installation of th course students it will be 110 of be discussed uppolnted'

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Best Copy

Puite Two THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Friday, March 24. 193.1

devoted to questions Local cinema addicts will have Miss Barry, known abroad as the their first opportunity of seeing the most beautiful blonde In motion The Kentucky Kernel noted English screen beauty. Joan pictures, enacts the role played In thla kind are of es- DOTES AND QUI8 VADIT? A'ROAMIN' on Tuesday and Fridi>« sential vahie to the student, to the ANTIDOTES THE RIALTO of the Meml>ei faculty, and to the cltltens College Prcw Auorialion state at large Profound thought National By JOAN CARIOAN r.< By TINV I Hi ^iair Pre« is provoked and statements with Aiomialion timely Impetus behind them are Kaydee Jane Allen Webb has be- Lee Tracy, who plays the fast- They are capturing the I of Commer«e of Clear All Wires. brought to open debate Tersely, it come a self-appointed dog catcher talktng hero ...Professor Canady. math depart- Metro - ooldwyn - Mayer version of Is an opportunity for student and young moderns . . these ..( ihr Student, of ment, excused her from class to the stage hit now showing at the teacher to exchange views without capture a lost dog which was cross Strand theater, again plays a news- classroom. won In the obligations of the lng the campus. . the di paperman He fame news- "different" new al roles "Blessed «M(*HCTip4imi $2 00 » \nx Fnlered The forum Is open to the general perly returned to Prof papermen In Event"

. a< Srroncl Half-Naked Truth." Tracy . PoMoflke and "The I Mm-'"" Kv three more sey. physics department Cla» Mail Manet Is supported by Benlta Hume, re- subsequent in The Chios again... The pledges cent Import from the English stage Tuesday nights In Patterson hall, of that sorority were being preped James Oleason. Una VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE and culminating Just prior to the for their coming Initiation the C. Henry Oordon. and goat -mother was stressing the ne- others. Oeorge Hill directed. of the dean* Raster holidays. Anyone vitally In- • • • Interest cessity of an entirely white en- terested In student problems and woman on the semble, to be worn at the ceremony "Sailor's Luck." fourth James express a public opinion the opportunity to at- desiring to ...the pledge Instructor was nam- Dunn-8ally Ellers co-starring ve- advantage of ing the articles, "white dress, white hicle, to the Ken- 1 guld- should take the op- oomes 8unday shoes, white stockings, and white tucky theater. It depicts the ro- unmentionables." when one young mance of a happy-go-lucky. A. W of pledge meekly asked. "How will they is I treat O. L gob and a girl who down wear white co-eds are know If we don't on her luck but up on her wise- pants?" cracking. meeting* are lead by 62 per- The 81galfs at the University of Ten- Others in the cast of this Pox sons actively engaged In the voca- nessee have a large Iron lion which Film comedy are Sammy Cohen. their resi- catlons in which the women expect JEST AMONG US adorns the front lawn of OUSSIE GUGGLES Frank Moran. Victor Jory. Esther dence last Saturday night It was Mulr. Will Stanton, Curley Wright. to enter. These meetings make It "It Is not always the spasmodic very cool in Knoxrtlle and the Al- Jerry Mandy. Lucien Littlefleld. co-eds to come in direct expression of passion on your pan >le for fataws gave the Hon a warm coat— Buster Phelps, and Frank Atkin- that influences the voters." says with members of their vo- tar and feathers. son. The direction Is by Raoul Now that "hell week" Is over, the a a a Ousste Ouggles. entrant In the "best Walsh, maker of "What Price Glory" dressed co-ed" contest Oussie says cops, who take pride in their fair Deltaw pleb "Harpo" Hellbronner and "The Cock -Eyed World." are. for the most that the latest thing In feminine The meetings city, won't have to detour the tour- receives several letters each day... • • • attire will be Shanghai calico and You've never 9een such part, informal, and open to discus- the number totals Taking Its place In the current Oxfords ists around Main street. he also mosquito bar. designed in the elab- of the various as six some days list of the adventure cycle, wherein smart leathers and so sion of problems • • • orate fashion of a Mother Hubbard a letter from his aunt each much of the fantastic is coupled occupations. In some cases, practi- Monuments: Here's to the fra- jumper. The cluster of spaghetti, much style ... the new reverse calfskins are lending with a two dollar bill enclos- with the credible. Is Paramount's cal suggestions are made, and valu- ternity who never had Its pledges ed. "Brother. Can You Spare a dangling from Oussle'a midriff will "King of the Jungle." It opens their charming presence . . . have an enticing influence on the here also Chic brown able Information Is received in re- stand in front of one of our hotels Dime?" Sunday at the Strand theater. • • • VI and white calf combinations . . . and brown calf and gard to prospective employment. and say "Lafayette, we are Buster Crabbe. swimming cham- I've purjured my soul smoked pion and much-heralded successor • • • pigskin . . . just paralysed and they're the right price . . , $2.95 It is particularly appropriate, two parks of cigarettes, to Johnny "Tarzan" Welssmuller. last words: "I hoarse, bat during the present time to make Famous my arm. talked myself has the leading role as the white by the ten (count 'eml toes of possible such vocational guidance my lipstick Is off?" boy, adopted by a lioness after the the Prophet I have a pin list. It I)ont forget —the best Jae- • • • LOOKING BACK Hons had made a rather satisfac- meetings Undergraduates are di- may be augumented from week to queline Shoes from don't these ground hogs hold tory lunch of his parents, captured those vocational Why week, to month, or from rected to major In month with the rest of his Jungle friends ear to ear. bnt anyway, what I THE COLLEGIATE SHOE DEPARTMEN1 fields for which they are most suit- —with MARY JO LAfTERTY to be shipped to America for a question settled? have will be released (If It isn't ed. At the same time, seniors are circus. Arrived at the destination. « • • censored) in the next Tuesday's Mr. Crabbe is captured a second given Information about the kinds column. Look out for H. Then Can you answer this question? Arrangements were made for the time by the charms of Frances Dee. Mitchell, Baker Smith content until I get second & be my ' We wonder why all students are installation of a chapter of Tau who promptly becomes his trainer wind Kappa Alpha, national forensic fra- or teacher Bruce Incorporated making a neat appearance lately?" • • • H Humberstone ternity. 1913. this If you can. send your answers to the Dots and Dashes: Lieutenant "The Infaginary Invalid," pre- STUDENT FORUM Jester and you will be given one Criswell. military department. Is playing the part of a British officer sented by the Coffer-Mill players, first In a series of four stu- (or maybe two tickets to the Or- was given as the second production The In the next Oulgnol play . . . Alfagam of the Little Theater season. 1923 dent forums was held last Tuesday Ruth Wehle has a new pansy color- Inter-class track began Patterson hall. A large ed dress. . Kappaslg C. O. Wallace evening in 1923. Won't you gals bring back those had another date with Kahpa undergraduates partlcl- number of Prances Rhodes night. Wildcats opened baseball season "Quiet" signs to the library? If you Sunday ln a discussion of current Pershing Rifles are wearing white by dividing a two-game series with will the Janitor won't say anything Ohio a vocational guld- cotton gloves this week . . . their Ini- it. Naw, were threatin' about not . the type tiation period is drawing near. ya\ Prof. Roy Owsley Is back In town March 24 of constructive activity In which the HE tendency in a a a after a few months absence. . Chio Doctor Tigert, director of ath- deans of women are engaged. Each Taken from the "Best Dressed' Virginia Rubel Is 19 years old... it woman student owes an expression Alfataw Gaylon Brown Harvey Is football coach who could teach aca University styles to- ad: "Questions Concerning Women's courting Virginia Daugherty, form- demic subjects as well. 1913. ol gratitude for their sincere and Apparel Will Appear In Tuesday's er band sponsor. Intramural spring track meet was day is toward the earnest efforts in providing this Paper." Now that the depression Is Deltaw Ralph Kercheval hints won by Sigma Chi fraternity. Chio valuable opportunity, comfortable beginning to subside do we have to that Chio Catherine "Cab" Callo- Omega won the first sorority relay easy, problems which face the University way is right nifty . . . Slgalf Brad ever staged at the University. 1928. start that argument all over again? • • • Stevenson and former Treydelt Sus- type of clothing . . and its student body. The hour a a a an Whitehouse attended the tour- program was divided into two parts: Someone's idea of a bright re- nament Saturday. . .Deltakye Cal Law students helped to save the toward \ soft, easy- the guest speaker presenting a mark: "So our feature columnist Ho.sk ins is in town... I've said en- Natural Science building from be- twenty minute talk on the subject be*n ough so I'll see you Tuesday. ing completely razed by Are. 1918 draping fabrics, cut of the that in a careless, non- chalant manner. T S FIOBSHE.



as worn It takes You by don't HAVE to resourcefulness . .

Time and again, Bell System engineers have IckjIc below the surface! demonstrated their pioneering bent in working out University Men unusual telephone construction problems.

what's thore . . . when you * You inow Kor example, they laid a huge conduit under the At Graves-Cox the man interested in the new Harlem River. They dredged a trench in the river Florsheims. Forty yeors experience of fine- styles will find many interesting new University bottom, lowered enormous sections of iron pipe, fashions. He will see suits of Glenurquhart Plaids sent down divers to join the sections, encased the •hoemoking gives you every $ they and white q finished tube in concrete. Through this ran chalk stripes; he will find topcoats with cables forming one of New York's main only the BEST. O telephone the new Prussian collar, tailored in correct Uni- lines of communication. Across the dila River in

versity styles. Prices are moderate . . . suits range Arizona they constructed a catenary span 2373 feet long. To bridge oceans, thev developed radio tele- from $18.50 up.. phony- They have built telephone lines over moun- HA VH AIM'S PAIKWA1 tains, across deserts, through swamps. Their resourcefulness in getting through, over or PQBTUNI shoes MjM & HJ| under natural barriers makes possible telephone ser-

vice that is practically world wide in reach.


. . . Kills 411 LOWEST At-THM a;30 V M -

>y Available J

Friday. March 24 Music By 9 • 12 BLUE and WHITE ADMISSION 75c ENGINEERS' INFLATION ORCHESTRA Informal DANCE Sponsored by Tau Beta Pi

MM AND lONC. AGO. are Misses Virgin!* Wool- Library C ircle Meeting A» A PIOWMI. Ai A n«F. A HTSI arel Oreat house. Ellrs- Miss M Norma Cass and Mils Mil- I FOOTF*IL beth Leslie. Flortne Williams, urn! dred Semmons met their vocational I w - »r Louto w,11 »< '' Mary Ellen at the Alpha Tau Omega IN A H>S«. i. «n» Grace Lovett. guldance groups In a Joint meeting M * * • • • I I I Bottnott, Wednesday 3 -SAR\ UDAI Wednesday afternoon In the staff Wood. Marie Louise Bu- night for three I Y fill 0Cy|y Kappa Tau F.terltm room of the Library Bull. of the University j 'ford. Jacqueline Miriam Bur- Those initiated l.iim h«wi flab Today Phi Kappa. Tau anncAinces the Library ton. Willie Hughes Smith, Nellie were Messrs uavld Dorner. Frank- The "Dutch" Lunch club, apon- (election of the (ni lowing officers: Taylor. Farrls Anne fort. Lfcf IT Kf. LrT ft ai roncoTtrN for rvta *sn sored by the university Y. W. C Mr. Luclen Oongleton. president: FORGOTTEN d Lu- Hill; for town girls and commuters, will Arthur Muth. vice-president; L»T It M FfMll.olllN. A FLOVtrR M *vr«. Mr at 12 o'clock today In the unl Mr William Franz, secretary, and Mm... lis tim n a kino frifnd, hi mu WkM Miss Helen King Mr Robert Adams, treasurer MMHRI a' MB THAT ONC1 ««l M in n will speak on the "New Spring JH All IF WTM AMU. »AT IT WAI FfWMITTFN Fashions, and win be introduced Party by Miss Marjorie Wiest, chairman. The mothers of the active mem- ANSWERS TO TUESDAYS QUESTIONS AD women students who reside bers of the Phi Kappa Tau frater I^xlngton or who commute from nlty gave a bridge party Wednesday Mens Questions Women's Questions TYPEWRITERS nearby towns to the university are afternoon at the chapter house cordially invited to attend. Those present were Mrs W T Con la a L Marlene Deitrich. gleton. Mrs J. Lancaster. double breasted, half - belted W Mrs 2. Ctre chiffon. Sapper Otto Koppius. Mrs D Mnhanes, coat, with or without an In- 3. Gray. The alumnae of Alpha XI DelU Mrs L. C Jenkins. Mrs. A B verted pleat in the back. entertained Wednesday night at the Tompkins. Mrs. E. B Shannon. Mrs. t. From the part* of the 4 Rubber—Designed in two chapter house with a buffet supper D. V. Terrell. Mrs. J A Carrlck ramrl subjeet to the least es- effeet. bandeau and In honor of the actives and pledges Mrs Andrew ft The supper table was covered was | hostess 3. White chalk stripes with a lace cloth and the center- SALE OR RENT piece was a bowl of sweet-peas. Yellow candles and roses were used The pledges of Alpha XI Delta S. Wool. Milcrlm. etc in the front rooms. elected the following officers Mrs. Robert Northcutt. Special Rental accom- Wednesday night : Miss Ruby Dunn, Rates to panied by Miss Shelby Northcutt. president: Miss Isabel Burner, vice- WINNERS IN TUESDAY'S QUESTIONS sang two solos .and Mrs. Frank L. president: Miss Sarah Brown. sec- McVey gave an Interesting talk on The By-Products of a Mens Women's Following the supper, a WILLIAM VIRGINIA YOUNG Triangle House Dance COVE HEII f'HARLOTTF. COFFMAN

JOHN I I 1/ Mil I II Triangle fraternity will entertain EWTNG JONES STANDARD Kappa Delta Banquet from 8:30 to 12 o'clock Saturday Epsilon Omega of Kappa Delta night with a house dance. Music MARGARET GRFATIIOUSE TYPEWRITER CO. entertained at 6:30 will be furnished by Roy 8harpe W sat Stmt SL in the Palm room of the and his orchestra, and the chaper- hotel with a banquet in honor of the ons will be Dean and Mrs. F. Paul Call at The Kernel Business Office for your tickets. new initiates. Alumnae, actives, Anderson. Deans Standing and pledges and patronesses were guests Holmes. Prof, and Mrs. D. V. Ter- for the evening rell, and Prof, and Mrs. L E Nol- Table decorations carried out the lau. theme of the program. "A Deck of • • • Cards." The tables were arranged in the form of a "U". In the cen- Dr. and Mrs. Frank L McVey ter of the "IT was a beautiful flor- were assisted at their Wednesday al decoration of green and white afternoon tea this week by Mrs. arranged In a diamond shape, the Lucien Carter. Mrs. H. B. Morrison, form of the sorority pin. Four large Misses Anne Coleman, O r a z i e trump cards were the predominat- Combs. Stella Mae Ison, Eli.-Rbeth ing motif for the decoration of the Belle Ison. Ruby Dunn. Louise Mit- center table. The College Girl Other table decora- chell, and Messrs. Coleman Callo- tions were green tinted and white way, George N. Calvert. Perry Pro- carnations in white vases, and green man, Edwin 8. Campbell, Walter tapers. The place cards were tiny Hocker, James B. Irvine, Scott Mc- cupid dolls attached to club, dia- Oulre, and Wllliard Meredith. "With Just So Much To Spend—" mond, spade and heart bases. • • • The program was centered around Education Group Meets Will Hail With Open Arms a group of toasts carrying out the The girls who are interested in general theme: "The Dealer," Hor- education as a vocation were met tense Carter: Spade." Jane Allen Wednesday afternoon In the new This New Webb: "Diamond." Madelyn Shlve- Women's building by Miss Kitty ly, "Club," Elizabeth Jones: "Heart" Oonroy and Miss Ruth Haines. Edith Burtce: and "No Trump." Joy Following the conferences tea Pride. was served by the group leaders. During the banquet the guests Those in Miss Haines group are enjoyed a floor show of musical" Misses Lyda Katherine Hale. Jane STOR.B /OF YOUTH numbers by professional entertain- Moore Hamilton. Pauline Harmon. ers. The show consisted of vocal Fannie Herman. Mary Higgason. solos, tap dances, and instrumental Helen Hixson. Margaret E. King, selections. Virginia Lamb. Eleanor Latimer, A silverIver cup was awarded to MMiss and Dorothy Lykins. Mary Elizabeth Earle for hav.vlng Miss Conroy has in her circle Because here she will find made the highest stai of the Misses Margaret Brown. Edna initiates. An announcement Brumagen. Anna T. Buttermore, was made that Miss Nancy Becker Winston Byron. Anna Carpenter. was voted the outstanding pledge. Wilma Caldwell. Vivian Conley. Active members: Misses Helen Florence Dal ton. Rebecca Dudley, STUNNING NEW FROCKS AT Wunch. Dorothy Buckley. Edith Patty Floyd. Josephine Crowe. Eth- Burke. Hortense Carter, Betty Dim- el Oum. Christine Rhea, and Mary ock. Madelyn Shlvely. Bessie Clay D. Roundtree. $5.95 $7.95 $9.95 $14.95 Farrls. Alyeen Razor. Mary Prince Fowler, Elizabeth Jones, Amelia Ll- Zeta Tau Alpha gon. Myrtle McCoy, Hazel Nollau, Alpha Chi chapter of Zeta Tau Mary E. Stanley, Mary C .Terrell, Alpha announces the formal Instal- Jane Ann Mathews, and Odeyne lation of the following officers for am. the coming year: Lucy Jean An- New Initiates are: Misses Nancy derson, president; Virginia Riley, Becker. Mary V. Dulguld. Mary E. vice-president; Dorothy Lee Mar- Earle. Mary T. Faulkner. Mary Lo- tin, secretary: Virginia Lamb, treas- TAILORED OR SPORT SUITS AT gan Hardin, Jane Allen Webb, and urer; Mabel Jones, historian, and Juanlta Osbom. Muriel Wlss, guard. $14.95 CHALK UP CHALK DRESS OR SPORT COATS AT STRIPES $9.95 $12.50 $14.95

For this is the new and correct thing i n young men's CLEVER NEW HATS AT suits for this $1.00 $1.95 $2.95 $3.95

We would Mke to have you remember this pre- diction of ours in regard to the coming populari- ty of the not-too-conspic- AND THE BEST CHIFFON HOSE uout chalk stripe suit with the stripes set SHE EVER SAW AT THE PRICE about 3-4 of an inch apart. Kight now they Pair - 2 Pairs 85c are the thing. You II not 42V-C only see the best dressed nioxie stars wearing in the New Spring- Shades (hem. but they're unusu-

.tll> popular at the lead- ing universities of the country. We predict that a year from now you'll see them b> the (hou





derson; Robert Lee. Lovett. Lawrenceburg : Malcolm L Foster. M LeltchneM; Everything In ROTC Seniors Are Nicholasvllle Robert M McOaughey, Hopklns- rhnrge of the line Is rr^rr^iLAW students vllle; John H McOavock. Clover Assigned To Units Robert E. Potter. Lexington; wiches. James E Ransom. Verona: Riff E. port. HEAR E. WIEST Forty-nine Prospective Grads Ratliff, Ashcamp; Thomas M Quis- AT LARGE—8tgma Gamma Epal- senberry. Winchester; Oeorge T. CONFECTIONERS OPENS Orders K> lon pin; lost at early hour last From Sklner; Coleman R 8mlth. Lex- Commerce Dean Cses An Sub- ON S. LIMESTONE ST. week on north end campus; ject Economic. Commercial new a Lawyer"* A confectionery under the Relations To Prospective R. O. T. l> graduate* Robert L Wheeler. Lexington; IX>8T-Palr of white gold frame name ' SuKy" has Just been opened who intend to accept their Reserve Walter F Whltson. South Oorbln; glasses on campus Finder please at 657 commissions upon graduating have Farrell R. Worley. Ashland; Thorn- 8 Limestone street, opposite turn them Into Kernel Office or INTRODUCED BY FVANS been assigned to their respective ton M. Helm. Lexington; Lawrence Memorial hall, according to an an- call Ash. 5212X Reward. organizations, according to orders A. Herron. Covington; John K nouncement received from W. B lift West Main Street Dean Edward Wlrst of the College received by the military department Keys. Lexington: Frank M. Lock- Griggs, proprietor. The place was LOST—A light grey trench coat. of Commerce was speaker at the from the headquarters of the Ken- rldge; Mt. SterlingT William A. Lu- formerly occupied by the Alexan- Please return to Jack McDonnell. new SPRING Law School convocation held at 10 tucky Military are* at Louisville. ther Harlan; Lowell P Marking. der's store. Call Ash 4651. Reward. a. m Thursday. In the Law build- The assignments, to be effective up- Lexington; William M Marrs, Lex- In*. Dean Alvln E. Evans Intro- on the date of acceptance of the ington and duced the speaker. commissions as Reserve Officers of Charles R. Maxson. Lexington; COATS, SUITS DRESSES The subject of Dean Wlest's the army, are as follows: Joseph H. Mills. Lexington: Horace speech was "Economics and Com- Headquarters Lexington Military M Miner. Lexington; Fred 8. Mor- "NO, the rain won't in the Collegiate Styles DEAR— harm my wrap merce As Part of a Lawyer's Train- district: Willard R Meredith. Lex- rison. Lexington: Sidney F. Mussel - ing." He developed his discussion ington. man. Cynthlana: James R. Nunnel- or dress because both are protected by At Lowest Prices in the City along two main lines: economics 399th Infantry Clarence T. Ad- ley, Lexington: Wlndell O Reading. and business administration. Al- ams. Lexington; Ray W. Alford .Ft. Lexington. thing the speaker stressed these 400th Infantry Of MR AN I) new Thomas; Howard W Baker. Ver- James W Boyd, HUNDREDS prerequisites to the laying of a law sailles; Elwood C Barber. Ashland; Pnducah; Winifred A. Crady. Lyons, enreer he recognized that there James O. Begley. Lexington; Dur- Harry H. Emmerich. Henderson; were fundamental lines of HATS more I Leo Evans. Fordsvllle; ward E. Callahan, Lexington; John James R. RE-TEX training than economics, such as M. Carter, Stanford: Cameron V. I Foster. Springfield. Just Kereived in Time for Easter English, history, and possibly lang- Coffman, Lexington: Frederick J. Horace B. Helm. Henderson; Ollle uages. Creusero. Newport: Rodger O. Da- J. Price. Princeton; Walter H Steit- I First the subject matter that is ler, Utica: Robert 8wope. BRINGS BACK LIFE TO FABRICS $100 to $495 vis. Newport; William H Farmer. H Hen- $J95 usually designated as economics Something NEW! and Astoum contains a philosophy of human be- nrotm :::::::::: Buv Your Easter Ensemble Here and Save! havior that is of Importance to the In the cleaning of your legislator In helping him to make up his mind as to how people will BECKER'S now feature react to specific pieces of legisla- Silk or Velvet tion. The history of prices was "Re-Tex"—a. new refta- briefly referred to as showing that 9mm ishing for dresses of velvet, in the fixing of rates of public utili- rough crepes, silk or wool DRESSES ties and railroads Justice demands ind for cloth coats. Gives a We Can 'SUIT' You Girls that such rates be not too rigid. beautiful, lustrous, lasting Prices rise and fall and this fact "KING OF sheen. Resists moisture and Dry Cleaned by the AND - - - HOW ? ? should be recognized by the court "MIDNIGHT perspiration. Keeps pleats set. In periods of low prices the legis- THE JUNGLE" Holds shape of garment. New RE-TEX Method lator is besieged by debtor groups WHIRL" Spilled liquids or raindrops IN A for the enactment of inflationary BUSTER CRABBE tend to roll off—usually don't MANNISH SUIT measures that would cause grave Singers. Dancers show water marks. On vel- monetary disturbances and work —Thurs.-Fri. Sat. vets you'd almost think "Re- for great injury to the creditor. In 50 Girls, Tex" gives a "cellophane" $ many cases the creditor is the In- protection. Tests prove "re- $16.75 surance company or the savings "FROM HELL texlng" makes fabric wear 1 bank in which many Individuals are TO HEAVEN" LLOYD HUGHES and keep clean longer. interested. MEN'S TIES RE-TEXED, CLEANED In the second place the speaker CAROL LOMBARD called attention to the importance "THE HEART 10c Each-6 for 50c of a knowledge of accounting, an JACK OAKIE understanding of the uses of ne- PUNCH" m gotiable Instruments, and the <* Thrift-T Servic* theory of insurance Sunday thru Wed. — ON STAGE THURSDAY — Dean Wlest took some time trac- Indies' ing the development of scientific PAUL RENO eft) DrcsMH ' ccounting. He showed that that W. L. W. Radio < 0at,, jfl 2 the courts for many years refused Presents his Company of to allow the deduction of deprecia- Audition tion as a cost from corporal* earn- 50 People in a New ings in public utility cases. The Musical Revue principle was finally accepted by Next the United 8tates Supreme court in —On The Screen 1909 BECKER "42'D STREET" GIRL MISSING" "CLEANERS THAT SATISFY' Literary Exhibition Its The Best Picture Ashland 621 Honors Patterson Of The Season na««u:::::::::::::::::::w::::::::::::::i (Continued from Page One) m. next Saturday at the Lafayette hotel. The program will be broad- cast over WHA8. through the Uni- I versity extension studio. ! Doctor Patterson was born in

, . , on March 26, 1833. In 1842. at 9 years of age he came to the United States and settled in with They're , his parents. He resided in that state until his graduation from In 1856. Milder After his graduation Doctor Pat- terson went to Muhlenberg county, where he took charge of the Green- and yet ville Presbyterian academy. He re- mained * Navy Blue there until 1859. when he went to Clarksvllle. Tennessee to become professor of Greek and * Grey in 8tewart oellege. At the outbreak of the Civil war he came to Lexington and became * Beige principal of the Transylvania high school. In 1859 Doctor Patterson was made president of the A. & M. Col- lege which now is known as the CUT TO FIT University of Kentucky He re- mained as head of the University until 1910. when, considering his You get what you FIT TO WEAR work completed, he resigned and was made president emeritus. During his presidency, Doctor on all your want, you don 7 1 Patterson found time for many lines and bat of endeavor, principal among Sportive Affairs them being his editorial writing for the Louisville Courier-Journal to which take what you don't want FIRST FLOOR 1 he contributed for five years. He was also a cultivator of the classics, reading novels and drama In San- skrit, Greek. Latin. French and • EMBRY & CO. It's like this: You don i German with as much ease as h? read English. a strong, rank cigarette; y

don't want one that's taMtfc

You want one that lets OPEN FOR BUSINESS! j

know that you are smoking, !

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CURB SERVICE t£e- ciyaretfe /fialj milder

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