
Solid /Exsolution C. Noguera, B. Fritz

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C. Noguera, B. Fritz. Solid Solution/Exsolution. Encyclopedia of , pp.1-8, 2018, ￿10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_350-1￿. ￿hal-02505590￿

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C. Noguera1 and B. Fritz2 1CNRS-Sorbonne Universit´es,UPMC Univ. Paris 06, UMR 7588, INSP, F-75005 Paris, France 2Universit´ede Strasbourg/EOST,CNRS, Laboratoire d’Hydrologie et G´eochimie de Strasbourg, 1 rue Blessig, F-67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France (Dated: June 21, 2017)

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I. DEFINITION (See Trace Elements, Clay Minerals, Oxide Min- erals, Silicate Minerals, Carbonate Minerals). Two main By analogy with , a solid solution, processes lead to the formation of SSs: condensation from sometimes called mixed crystal, is defined as an homo- a melt or precipitation from a supersaturated aqueous geneous solid-state solution of one or more solutes in a fluid. Understanding SS formation conditions may bring . Its composition may vary in a more or less wide insight into global element cycles, composition of natural range of compositions, between extreme values which cor- waters, diffusion of elements in contaminated soils, and respond to pure solids, known as its end-members. At may be useful to try reconstructing past conditions. variance with a mechanical in which the com- In substitutional SSs, the process of mixing relies on ponents are mixed but not chemically bonded, mixing in the existence of local interactions between substituent a solid solution occurs at the atomic level, generally by (solute) and host atoms. In order that mixing takes place substitution of one type of atoms by another on the same at the atomic level, several conditions have to be fulfilled: lattice. Many alloys, oxides and silicates are sub- • the of the solvent should remain stitutional solid , but solid solutions may also be unchanged upon addition of the solute. End- formed by insertion of foreign atoms at interstitial sites in members should thus have the same atomic struc- the host crystal (interstitial solid-solutions), or by loss of ture. atoms in non-stoichiometric compounds (omissional solid solutions). The importance of solid solutions comes from • the substituting and host ions should have ionic the synergistic properties that they may display com- radii differing by less than ≈15% (Hume Rothery pared to their end-members and to their ubiquity in the rule) (See Ionic Radii). natural environment. • for single substitutions, the substitution has to be In some cases, an homogeneous SS may become unsta- isoelectronic (replacing ion of the same as ble with respect to its components and separation, host ion). For multiple substitutions, global electric also called demixing or exsolution, may occur. More pre- neutrality requires a coupling between charges and cisely, exsolution is the processes of separation of an ini- molar fractions. For example, substitution of Si by tially homogeneous solution phase (liquid or solid) into Al in the tetrahedral sites of phyllosilicate minerals two compositionally different immiscible phases. This requires a correlated charge compensation in the process may be triggered by pressure, temperature, or interlayer space or in the octahedral sites. composition changes, but mostly by the two former for solid phases which show little volume change upon pres- • the chemical affinity of host and solute atoms sure. should be low, otherwise defined compounds are formed rather than solid solutions. If these conditions are not fulfilled, SSs are restricted II. INTRODUCTION to a composition range of a few percents. Conversely, SSs which exist in a large composition range are usually Solid solutions (SSs) are often encountered in chem- made from elements which are close to each other in the istry, as well as in the Earth Sciences: miner- . alogy, petrology or geochemistry. In metallurgy, alloying Depending on the sign and strength of the interatomic elements are added to to improve their strength interactions, fully disordered SSs, SSs with short range and their hardness or their resistance to corrosion. In the order or defined compounds with long range order may natural environment, compared to pure minerals, mixed form. In some instances, may take minerals are the generality rather than the exception. place, for example leading to exsolution upon cooling. Indeed, the formation of SSs is often thermodynami- Simple models of mixing account for all these possibilities cally preferred over the separate formation of their end- and allow deriving generic phase diagrams as a function members, as can be judged by the frequent incorporation of the thermodynamic conditions (temperature, pressure, of trace elements in minerals, the ubiquity of complex composition, contact with an aqueous solution) and dis- oxides, silicates or carbonates, and the scarcity of pure cussing out-of-equilibrium processes. 2

III. MIXING PROPERTIES OF on the energy difference between chemical bonds con- SUBSTITUTIONAL SOLID SOLUTIONS necting identical or distinct species A0 ∝ 2WA−B − WA−A + WB−B. Usually, the largest contribution comes The thermodynamic state (molar volume V , entropy S, from nearest neighbors but longer range interactions are enthalpy H, Gibbs free energy G) of a SS of the A1−xBxC also be included in this term. Multi-body interactions type is conveniently characterized with respect to the (triplet, quadruplet, etc) are accounted for in the higher thermodynamic functions of its pure end-members AC order terms A1,A2, and so on. ∆HM varies with tem- id and BC (McGlashan 1979) (See Geochemical Thermody- perature but usually more weakly than ∆SM . namics). When no chemical interaction takes place at the Aside from experimental methods to determine mix- atomic level, which is the case of a mechanical mixture, ing properties, the huge development of numerical sim- these quantities are obtained by simple linear interpola- ulations in the last decades has allowed calculations of tion between those of the end members, weighted by their thermodynamic properties such as short-range or- respective mole fractions XAC = 1 − x and XBC = x. der in SSs and composition-temperature phase diagrams. For example, the molar volume of a mechanical mixture A methodology, known as the cluster expansion method is equal to VMM = XAC VAC + XBC VBC , which is the (Kikuchi 1951; Ducastelle 1991; Vinograd 2010), consists expression of the Vegard’s rule, and its Gibbs free energy in parametrizing the energy of an alloy under the form: is equal to GMM = XAC GAC + XBC GBC . X When mixing takes place, the linear relationship be- E = giJi (Πjpj) (3) tween the SS thermodynamic functions and those of its i end-members no longer holds. Mixing quantities (∆VM , ∆SM , ∆HM , ∆GM ) are then defined by difference be- in which the index i scans all existing pairs (in which tween V , S, H, and G and those of the mechanical mix- case, j takes two values), triplets (j takes three values), ture, e.g. ∆GM = G − XAC GAC − XBC GBC . etc, of degeneracy gi associated to occupation numbers A first contribution to ∆GM , of entropic origin, arises pj = ±1 in the configuration upon consideration. The due to the disorder induced by the substitution. In the coefficients Ji of the cluster expansion are determined by case of full randomness, it reads (R the gas constant): fitting them to the energy of a relatively small number of

id configurations obtained through first-principles computa- ∆SM = −R(XAC ln XAC + XBC ln XBC ) (1) tions (See Density Functional Theory). The convergence ∆Sid is a positive quantity, which lowers ∆G = of the expansion is usually rapid. Only a few terms rep- M M resenting pairs and small triplets are necessary to obtain ∆HM − T ∆SM (T the temperature) and thus stabilizes the SS with respect to the mechanical mixture in the good accuracy on thermodynamic properties. The cluster expansion method gives a rationale for the whole compositional range. When ∆GM has no other id Guggenheim expansion. However, the latter is a mean contribution than ∆SM , the SS is said to be ideal (hence the superscript id). field approximation in which the probability of finding However, very few SSs are ideal, as shown by numer- an AB pair is replaced by the (uncorrelated) product of ous results of advanced calorimetric and diffraction meth- site probabilities XAC or XBC . Going beyond such an ods (Geiger 2001; Navrotsky 2014) (See Calorimetry). approximation, for example by using Monte Carlo ap- This stems from so-called excess mixing terms, including proaches, based on the cluster expansion Hamiltonian, entropy as well as enthalpy contributions. The excess Eq. 3, is necessary to account for fluctuations of proba- mixing entropy includes the vibrational entropy and a bilities around their mean values and for possible ordered contribution due to the decrease in the number of acces- phases (van de Walle and Asta 2002). sible configurations with respect to perfect randomness When only the first term in the Guggenheim expansion when short range order exists (Benisek and Dachs 2012). is important, i.e. when the strength of the interactions The excess mixing enthalpy involves elastic and chemical is independent on composition, the SS is said to be reg- terms. The elastic one, always positive, results from the ular and ∆GM is symmetric with respect to x = 0.5. lattice distortions associated to mixing which increases Depending on the sign and the value of A0, ∆GM dis- the internal energy of both end-members. The chemical plays a single minimum (A0/RT < 2) or two minima term is associated to effective interactions between sub- (A0/RT > 2), as shown in Figure 1. stituent and host atoms. They are both accounted for SSs which require two terms in the polynomial expan- in the following polynomial expansion of ∆HM proposed sion of ∆HM (so-called two-parameter Margules model) by Guggenheim (Guggenheim 1937) for non-ideal SSs: are called sub-regular SSs. The A1 term accounts for a linear dependence of the interactions on composition. It ∆HM = XAC XBC A0 yields an asymmetry of ∆GM with respect to x = 0.5. +XAC XBC (XAC − XBC )[A1 + A2(XAC − XBC ) + ...] In the infinite limits, A0 + A1 and A0 − A1 rep- (2) resent the of B in pure AC and A in pure BC, respectively (See ). The first term relies on the number and strength of each The chemical potentials µi of the end-members (i= AC type of nearest-neighbor bond. Its constant A0 depends or BC) in the SS are derived from the knowledge of the 3

only involves the ideal mixing entropy term:

id ∆SM = −R(x ln x+(1−x) ln(1−x)+y ln y+(1−y) ln(1−y)) (6)


Igneous rocks are formed when a magma or a lava cools and solidifies. Metamorphic rocks, for their part, result from the transformation of existing rocks when they are subject to heat and/or pressure. SSs are often encoun- tered in these cases. The phases in presence, once ther- modynamic equilibrium has been reached, can be read on a temperature-composition T − x phase diagram, di- rectly derived from the canonical ensemble expression of G discussed previously (See Phase Equilibria). FIG. 1: Composition dependence of the mixing Gibbs free energy of a regular SS for three values of A0/RT = −1.4, 0 and +2.8. A. Thermodynamic equilibrium

molar Gibbs free energy G = ΣiµiXi, as: When the mixing Gibbs energy is negative and dis- plays a single minimum as a function of composition, as  ∂G  in the case of ideal or weakly non-ideal SSs, an homoge- µi = G + (1 − Xi) (4) neous mixing is energetically favorable over a mechanical ∂Xi P,T mixture and a SS exists in the whole composition range. When ∆G displays two minima, as in the case of and this allows determining their activities a (See Ac- M i strongly non-ideal mixing, there exists a composition tivity and Activity Coefficients) through the relationship range x < x < x , called the miscibility gap, in which µ = G + RT ln a . For a given composition of the SS, 1 2 i i i an homogeneous SS is unstable with respect to the co- a and a can be graphically read at the intersections AC BC existence of two immiscible SSs α and β of compositions of the tangent to the G curve at x = 0 and x = 1, re- x and x . Phase separation thus takes place. For such spectively (Figure 2, left panel). The activity coefficients 1 2 a process to be thermodynamically stable, the chemical γi = ai/Xi of the end-members in the SS are equal to 1 potentials of the end-members µi (i =AC or BC) have to in ideal SSs, and their deviation from 1 evidences the ex- α β istence of excess terms of mixing in the Gibbs free energy. be equal in the two phases: µi = µi . This requirement Following Redlich-Kister, they read (Glynn 1991): graphically defines the compositions x1 and x2 of the α and β SSs as the abscissa of the points of common tan- gent to the G curve (Figure 2, left panel). The locus of RT ln γ = X2 (A + A (3X − X ) + ...) AC BC 0 1 AC BC these points when temperature varies is called the solvus 2 RT ln γBC = XAC (A0 − A1(3XBC − XAC ) + ...) (5) (Figure 2, right panel). For a given average composi- tion x of the solid phase, the proportions Qα and Qβ of These concepts may be generalized to the case of the α and β phases are given by the ratios MM2/M1M2 multiple substitutions. For example, when the two and MM1/M1M2 of the tangent segments represented in substitutions occur on different sites and are uncou- Figure 2, respectively (lever rule). When T increases pled, the solid solution, of generic chemical formula at fixed pressure, the generally becomes A(1−x)(1−y)Bx(1−y)Cy(1−x)Dxy has four end-members (A, narrower, because the negative contribution to G coming B, C, D), associated to molar fractions XA = (1 − x)(1 − from the ideal entropy term increases (in absolute value) y), XB = x(1−y), XC = y(1−x), and XD = xy. The mo- much more rapidly than the positive enthalpic contribu- lar fractions are linked not only by the usual relationship tion. Beyond a critical temperature TM , called the upper XA + XB + XC + XD = 1, but also by the cross-product consolute temperature, the region of phase coexistence equality XAXD = XBXC , which results from the fact vanishes and the components of the mixture are soluble that there are only two independent composition param- in all proportions. eters (x and y). Such solid solutions are referred to as The generic phase diagram displayed in Figure 2 is reciprocal solid solutions. Contrary to the case of a sin- highly simplistic, since only two ordered phases are con- gle substitution, they are non-ideal with end-member ac- sidered (the end-members). The phase diagrams of tivity coefficients different from 1 (Ganguly 2001), even metallic alloys, for example, often involve several ordered when the mixing in each site is ideal, i.e. when ∆GM phases, several regions of miscibility gaps between them 4

FIG. 2: Left panel: Composition dependence of the Gibbs free energy of a strongly non-ideal regular SS at fixed temperature T (A0/RT = +2.8). The plain straight line is the common tangent to ∆GM , marking the limits of the miscibility gap x1 < x < x2. Right panel: Typical phase diagram of a strongly non-ideal SS. The region of the miscibility gap is delineated by the solvus (plain line). The spinodal line is represented by a dashed line. and SS phases with various compositions. Mixed car- which are also formed at high temperature, do not ex- bonate minerals may also display more complex phase solve. All intermediate compositions are known between diagrams, the most famous example being the calcite- their end-members and anorthite. These magnesite system with the ordered dolomite phase at SSs play an important role as components of granitic 50% composition. Several numerical codes allow calcu- rocks and major contributors to hydrothermal alteration lation of the phase diagrams of binary systems, e.g. the or weathering processes at lower temperature. ATAT code (and the OpenCalphad code (Fries 2013). The process of exsolution of a SS may be used in solvus geothermobarometry (See Geothermometry and Geobarometry), due to the sensitivity of the exsolved B. Exsolution process phase composition to temperature and pressure. Data on geothermometers are derived from both laboratory When a SS which is homogeneous in the temperature studies on artificial assemblages, where minerals range T > TM enters the region of a miscibility gap, are grown at known temperatures and pressures and the phase separation, also called demixing or exsolution, oc- chemical equilibrium measured directly, and from cali- curs. Exsolution begins at the atomic scale but as it bration using natural systems. They also require a theo- continues, the exsolved phase usually forms irregular pat- retical thermodynamic understanding of the components terns (lamellae, films or patches), depending on the re- and phases involved. The measurements and interpreta- gion of the miscibility gap in which it takes place. A spe- tion are not straightforward and may lead to noticeable cial curve, called spinodal (Figure 2 right panel), which uncertainties, because it is difficult to assess if a system connects the inflection points of G inside the miscibil- has truly reached thermodynamic equilibrium. More- ity gap (condition ∂2G/∂x2=0), separates the latter in over, the synthesized minerals are difficult to characterize two regions in which the early composition fluctuations due to their often poor crystallinity and their submicrom- leading to exsolution are either periodic or exponentially eter sizes. decaying in space. Most minerals exsolve upon appropriate conditions of temperature, pressure and composition, e.g. , V. SOLID SOLUTIONS FORMED BY pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas, oxides, carbonates, sul- PRECIPITATION FROM A SUPERSATURATED fides (e.g. Schumacher 2007). For example, the impor- AQUEOUS FLUID tant group of feldspars, to which belong the most abun- dant phases of igneous rocks, can be described in the Another important class of SS formation processes con- ternary solid-solution system : albite NaAlSi3O8, mi- cerns the precipitation from a supersaturated aqueous so- crocline KAlSi3O8 and anorthite CaAl2Si2O8. Albite- lution (AS) (See Aqueous Solutions). At variance with microcline SSs, called alkali feldspars, which are formed results obtained in the canonical ensemble (fixed P , T at high temperature, easily exsolve at low temperature, and composition), the mean composition of a SS in equi- each end-member being only able to substitute a small librium with a multi-component aqueous medium is not amount of the other alkali ion. At variance, a priori fixed but depends on the composition of the AS, 5 which may change if external conditions do so (Glynn and B. Stoichiometric saturation state Reardon 1990; Prieto, 2009). In natural solutions, a large number of chemical elements are usually present which Thermodynamic equilibrium conditions (Eq. 7) are may participate to the formation of secondary minerals, equivalent to saying that the stoichiometric saturation either as major constituents or as trace elements in solid state I(x) of the AS with respect to the SS of composi- solutions. Clay minerals which are very commonly pro- tion x is simultaneously equal to 1 and maximum with duced in geochemical systems (weathering sequences, hy- respect to x. This can be proved by considering the sto- drothermal alterations, diagenetic transformations) are ichiometric solubility product K(x) of the SS, equal to: striking examples of SS phases formed in the presence ∆G  of an AS. They display a large composition variability, K(x) = K1−xKx exp M (8) by substitution in their skeleton (tetrahedral and octa- AC BC RT hedral sites) and/or cation exchange in their interlayer and writing I(x) = IAP/K(x), i.e.: space (See Fluid-Rock Interactions, Hydrothermal Alter-  1−x  x ation, Weathering: Chemical). Clays as well as other SSs IAC IBC share the major property of being able to adapt their I(x) = (9) (1 − x)γAC (x)) xγBC (x) composition to the evolution of the fluid composition as a function of time. When only the condition that I(x) is maximum with respect to x is fulfilled, one speaks of the stoichiometric saturation state. It amounts to considering the SS with A. Thermodynamic equilibrium respect to which the AS is the most supersaturated (Pri- eto 2009). Its composition xst obeys the implicit equa- tion: As a general statement, a solid of fixed composition is I I in equilibrium with an AS when their chemical potentials AC = BC (10) are equal. The chemical potential of the relevant ions in (1 − xst)γAC (xst) xstγBC (xst) the AS is equal to µions = RT ln(IAP ), with IAP the It obviously only depends on the composition of ion activity product, and the chemical potential of the the AS through the quantity W = IBC /IAC = solid phase is equal to its Gibbs energy per mole, which [B]KAC /[A]KBC , proportional to the ratio of activities defines its solubility product K: µsolid = RT ln K (See of the exchangeable ions. Eq. 10 has no analytic solu- Solubility). Equilibrium is thus reached when K = IAP , tion. However, it can be solved numerically quite easily or equivalently, when the saturation state of the AS with for regular and sub-regular SSs (Noguera et al. 2016). It respect to the solid I = IAP/K = 1. has a single root whenever ∆GM displays a single min- The generalization of this condition to a binary SS imum and three roots if ∆GM has two minima. The A1−xBxC in equilibrium with an AS involves two condi- number of solutions of Eq. 10 thus only depends on the tions, one for each end-member i (i =AC or BC), stating values of the coefficients A0 and A1 in the Guggenheim that their chemical potentials are equal to the chemical expansion of ∆HM . potential of their corresponding ions in the AS. Using When Eq. 10 has three roots, two correspond to a the expression µi = Gi + RT ln Xiγi and introducing the minimum of I(x) and one to a maximum. Of the two solubility products Ki of the end-members and the sat- minima, the one which is relevant is associated to the uration states Ii of the AS with respect to them, the lowest Gibbs free energy of the system (lowest value of conditions for thermodynamic equilibrium read: − ln I(x)). Because the I(x) curves associated to the three roots cross each other, a discontinuity in xst be- IAC = (1 − x0)γAC (x0) tween two values x1 and x2, characterized by the same IBC = x0γBC (x0) (7) Gibbs free energy, takes place for some specific value of W , as shown in Figure 3. The discontinuity x2−x1 marks Numerical codes, like KINDIS (Mad´eet al. 1994) or the existence of a miscibility gap, which increases as the PHREEQC (Parkhurst and Appello 2013,) allow the de- SS becomes more and more non-ideal. In this representa- termination of the SS characteristics in equilibrium with tion, W combines the information on the AS composition an aqueous solution. and on the solubility products of the end-members, in a Eq. 7 shows that, while a BC compound would not more compact way than the (equivalent) classical Rooze- form as a pure phase in a highly under-saturated AS boom plot (Mullin 1993) which displays xst as a func- (IBC  1), B ions may easily be incorporated as trace tion of [B]/([A] + [B]) but requires one curve for each elements in the substitutional sites of an AC compound, KBC /KAC ratio. if the AS is nearly saturated with respect to the latter (IAC ' 1). This illustrates why most mineral phases produced in natural systems are not pure end-members. C. Out-of-equilibrium processes Conversely, quasi pure phases are strong indicators of the composition of the fluids that produced them and may The stoichiometric saturation state does not fully char- be an indicator of paleo-conditions. acterize thermodynamic equilibrium, but its characteris- 6

profiles) when solid state diffusion does not occur. Con- sidering the typical evolution of xst as a function of the AS composition W as shown in Figure 3, the compo- sition profiles are smooth in ideal or weakly non-ideal SSs, while they display a discontinuity for strongly non- ideal SSs. Except under very specific conditions, W does not remain fixed at the critical value of the discontinu- ity during the precipitation process, so that demixing is much less likely than in processes at constant T , P and x conditions. Numerical codes like KINDIS (Mad´eet al. 1994) or NANOKIN (Noguera et al. 2010) account for the kinetics of precipitation of SSs under various approx- imations. The specificity of SS dissolution kinetics has not been considered in details so far. In dissolution processes, SSs are generally assumed to be defined compounds with a fixed composition inherited from their formation condi- tions. This assumption overlooks the existence of a dis- FIG. 3: Representation of the relationship between a sub- tribution of compositions inside the particle population, regular SS composition xst and W = ([B]KAC )/([A]KBC ]), and the existence of composition profiles inside each par- which characterizes the AS composition, for A1/RT = 1 and ticle. Moreover, when equilibrium is approached, the ac- various values of the Guggenheim parameters A0/RT . When tivity ratio of the ions released in the AS is likely closer A0/RT & 1.15, the xst curve displays a discontinuity. to that in the solid phase than to the one required in the AS for thermodynamic equilibrium. The way equilibrium can be reached thus remains an open question. tics are useful to approach nucleation and growth pro- cesses (See Crystal Growth). Within the classical nucle- ation theory, assuming that the SS surface energy σ and VI. SUMMARY molar volume v are weakly dependent on composition, the change in Gibbs free energy in the formation of a SS nucleus of composition x and containing n formula Solid solutions are ubiquitous in the natural environ- ment, due to the existence of multi-component fluids units reads (kB the Boltzmann constant and X a shape factor)(Markov 1995; Noguera et al. 2016): (aqueous solutions or melts) from which they form. Their major property is their ability to continuously adapt their 2/3 2/3 ∆G(n, x) = −nkBT ln I(x) + n v Xσ (11) composition as the fluid composition evolves in time. Their phase diagrams may involve homogeneous phases When I(x) > 1, ∆G(n, x) displays a maximum as a func- in part or in the whole range, and regions of tion of n, which defines the nucleus size and the barrier phase separation. Incorporation of trace elements is often ∆Gm(x) to overcome for its nucleation: thermodynamically easy, which explains the scarcity of pure minerals, particularly those formed at low tempera- 4X3σ3v2 ture and pressure. While the description of their mixing ∆Gm(x) = 2 (12) 27(kBT ln I(x)) properties and their equilibrium properties has greatly The composition x∗ of the critical nuclei is then deter- improved in the last decades, both experimentally and mined by the condition that the nucleation barrier is min- theoretically, much remains to be done to account for imum with respect to x, leading to a maximum of the the kinetics of their formation and dissolution. nucleation frequency. Since, according to Eq. 12, this amounts to finding the maximum of ln I(x), the com- VII. CROSS-REFERENCES position of the critical nuclei is equal to xst. A similar reasoning can be applied to the composition of the incre- mental growth layers, when growth is limited by surface • Activity and Activity Coefficients reactions. • Aqueous Solutions Since the composition of an AS may vary with time, ei- • Calorimetry ther because external conditions change (temperature or • Carbonate minerals seasonal cycles) or in a closed system due to the precip- • Clay Minerals itation process itself, xst is also due to depend on time. • Crystal Growth Time variations of the particle composition thus usually • Density Functional Theory occurs, which leads either to a change in the average com- • Fluid-Rock Interactions position (if solid state diffusion is efficient) or to compo- • Geochemical Thermodynamics sition inhomogeneities inside the particles (composition • Geothermometry and Geobarometry 7

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