Springboard Resources | Version 10.6

Student Quick Guide for Springboard 10.6

The Appearance has Changed One of the first things you will notice is that we have updated the Springboard logo, scheme, and the navigation bar. The ​ new interface creates easier navigation throughout Springboard while focusing your attention on each page. The will load and perform better on a wide variety of mobile devices. The navigation bar has also been condensed to fit all tools into one line. NOTE: Instructors have the ability to customize the navigation bar to add or subtract tools that are being used in your ​ ​ ​ course.By default, the course homepage should look similar to this: ​

Tool Names have Changed The vendor performed usability testing and found that some tool names were confusing. The following tools have new names, ​ but the functionality has not changed for these tools: ​ ​ ❖ News will become Announcements ​ ​ ❖ Dropbox will become Assignments (students and instructors often confuse the Springboard Dropbox with the file ​ ​ ​ storage system Dropbox) ❖ Pager will be called Instant Messenger ​ ​

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Personal Dashboard The Personal Dashboard is an optional new landing page that provides a more visual home page experience and an easy way to edit your profile. When you login, there will be a personal tour that will show you how to switch between the new and the classic homepage. It will also show you how to favorite courses. To repeat the tour, you can

1. Click the Settings link above your profile. ​ ​

2. Choose the option to Reset welcome message and homepage tour. ​

If you want to access your original MyCourses home page, you can select the Classic Homepage link. You can also choose your ​ ​ default landing page to be either the Classic Homepage or the Personal Dashboard by clicking the Settings link. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

View overdue content topics There is a new Overdue feature for students in the Content section. You can view a list of all overdue content topics within a ​ ​ ​ ​ course in the Overdue tab in the Course Schedule area of the Content section. The topics on this list are sorted from most to ​ ​ ​ ​ least overdue. You can click the topic to immediately access and complete the topic. Only topics with a set due date but no end date or an end date later than the due date appear on this list. If an item is listed in the Overdue area, it means that you still

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have an opportunity to complete the topic late. Please read your syllabus carefully for information regarding whether your instructor will accept late submissions and to determine if there is a grade penalty for late submissions.

The number of overdue topics in the Overdue tab appears in red beside Course Schedule in the Content menu. When you access an overdue topic, it disappears from the list in the Overdue tab. When you complete all overdue topics, the Overdue tab disappears from the Course Schedule area.

Subscribe to a Use feeds to access your Calendar events outside of the learning tool. With iCal feeds, you can view your course events in external such as and , and on mobile devices such as , iOS devices, and Android devices. Subscribing to an iCal feed syncs your external calendar application or device with the Calendar tool, keeping you updated without logging in to Springboard. Refer to your device or application instructions for adding an iCal feed, as each application can have a different method for managing iCal feeds.

1. Click the Calendar tool from the Course Materials dropdown menu. ​ ​ ​ ​ 2. In the Calendar views area, click Settings in the Calendar views area. ​ ​ 3. Select the Enable Calendar Feeds check box. ​ ​ 4. In the Calendar views area, click Subscribe in the Calendar views area. ​ ​ ​ ​ 5. From the drop­down list, select which calendar you want to subscribe to, or select All Calendars and Tasks, or Tasks ​ ​ ​ Only. More features and enhancements to existing tools:

❖ User Progress contains statistics on the amount of time you spend in a content topic. The update to this feature ​ corrects the inaccuracies that can occur when your session times out or loses connectivity. As a result, the statistics for the amount of time you spend in a content topic will now be more accurate. ❖ The File Submissions area of Dropbox (now called Assignments) has a log that can be used to determine if and when ​ ​ ​ ​ you submitted a file and if anyone deleted the submission. There is now a record of every time you attempt to submit an assignment, when you submit an assignment, or your assignment has been deleted (in this case, your instructor can restore the deleted file). This will help to ensure that your assignments are protected.

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