100 Songs for Singalong Jams
100 Songs for Singalong Jams Compiled by Jessica Hom and Friends 2 Notes Keys and Capos: Each of these songs appears in a key that is easy to play on guitar (usually G major, D major, C major, or A minor). This may or may not be the key of the original recording. It may or may not be a key that matches the vocal ranges of your jamming buddies. Therefore, I recommend that you use capos liberally to adjust the key if you find a song really high or low. Of course, if your jam includes non-capo-ed instruments (like bass, piano, and wind instruments), then the folks playing those instruments will have a slightly harder time. Layout: The songs are in alphabetical order by title, and, whenever possible, each song fits onto a single page. If a song spans two pages, then it has been placed (sometimes slightly out of alphabetical order) so that you can see both pages without physically having to turn the page. Each chord should appear right above the syllable with which it coincides. When a chord progression repeats (for example, for several verses), it only appears once, unless the chords or lyrics are so complicated that referring back to an earlier part of the song would be impractical. Gratitude: A thousand thanks to jam friends who have contributed to this songbook in one way or another: by suggesting songs; by checking chords and lyrics; by teaching and playing guitar, piano, mandolin, ukulele, bass, percussion, violin, trombone, trumpet, clarinet, and more; by singing; by cooking food to feed hungry musicians; by lending space and humoring shenanigans.
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