
NOTE: To avoid joining in the middle of a strip, start a new skein after making 2 strips.

Stole: 5 strips of hairpin with 240 lps on each side of strips.

Finish Strips: When 240 lps are made and before taking loops from loom, ch 10. Now slide all loops from loom and work as follows: Insert hook through first 5 lps and work 1 sc, *ch 6, 1 sc in next group of 5 lps, repeat from * to end of strip, ch 10, 1 sc in center of hairpin lace strip, ch 10, and work up other side of strip the same as the first side, ch 10, and sl st in center of strip. Fasten off. Repeat for rem 4 strips.

Join Strips: Row 1: Join yarn in first group of first strip, ch 6, 1 sc in first ch-6 sp, * ch 6, 1 sc in next ch-6 sp, repeat from * across, ending ch 6, 1 sc in sc of last group, ch 6, turn. Row 2: 1 sc in first ch-6 sp, * ch 6, 1 sc in next ch-6 sp, repeat from * across row ending with ch 6, turn. Row 3: 1 sc in first group of 2nd strip, ch 3, 1 sc in first ch-6 sp of first strip, ch 3, 1 sc in next ch-6 sp of 2nd strip, * ch 3, 1 sc in next ch-6 sp of first strip, ch 3, 1 sc in next ch-6 sp of 2 nd strip, repeat from * across row, ending ch 3, sl st in last group. Fasten off. Join rem strips in the same way.

Outside Edge: Join yarn to first group of 5 lps, **ch 6, sc in same group, * ch 6, sc in next ch-6 sp, repeat from * across row ending ch 6, sc in last group. Ch 6, sc in same group. Working across end, * ch 6, sc in next space. Rep from * across, ending with sc in first group of other side. Woman’s Hairpin Lace Repeat from ** once. Join with a sl st. Fasten off. Weave Shawl in ends.

WR1650 RED HEART® “Soft Yarn™”, Art. E728 available in solid colors -- 5 oz (140g), 256 yd (234m) or prints – 4 oz (113g), 204 yd STOLE measures approximately 22” x 67” (187m) skeins.

RED HEART® “SOFT YARN™”: 3 skeins 4600 White ABBREVIATIONS: approx = approximately; beg Hook: 4.0mm [U.S. G -6]. Adjustable Hairpin = begin(ning); ch = chain; lp(s) = loop(s); mm = Lace Loom, set to 3”. millimeters; rem = remaining; rep = repeat; sc = single Yarn needle. crochet; sl = slip; sl st = slip stitch; sp(s) = space(s); st(s) = stitch(es); tog = together; [ ] = work directions in : 16 sc = 4 inches at center of strip. brackets the number of times specified; * or ** = repeat CHECK YOUR GAUGE: Use any size hook to obtain whatever follows the * or ** as indicated. gauge.

©2008 Coats & Clark For more ideas & inspiration — P.O. Box 12229 www.redheart.com www.coatsandclark.com Greenville, SC 29612-0229 www.crochettoday.comwww.knitandcrochettoday.com www.redheart.com

©2008 Coats & Clark For more ideas & inspiration — P.O. Box 12229 www.redheart.com www.coatsandclark.com Greenville, SC 29612-0229 www.crochettoday.comwww.knitandcrochettoday.com