• DIREOrORY.] . FRENOBAY. 153 rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in 1872, from designs i of the manor, H. J. Mirehouse esq. Captain Hobert Henry by Mr. Ewan Christian, architect, of London, is a building 011 de Winton, of Graftonbury, Hereford, and Mrs. Hall stone, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of six bays, lof Keswick Bouse, are the principal landowners. The aisles, south porch, and an embattled western tower with I crops are roots, barley and wheat, but the land is chiefly four pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 fine bells: the Iin pasture. The soil is rather rich loam ; the subsoil is stained east window is a memorial to Cann de Winton esq. clay. The area is 1,576 acres of land and 335 of water; late of Olifton: all the windows but one are stained, and rateable value, £7,383; the population in 1891 wag 2,400. are memorials, and there are monuments of the 17th These figures include Pill, which is given separately in this century to the Morgan, Wilkins and de Winton families: work. in 1890 an alabaster reredos was erected by Henry Parish Clerk Henry J. Mirehouse. John Mirehouse esq. to the memory of his wife and two ' .. ' sons: the church affords 350 sittings. The register dates ActIng ParIsh Olerk, Thomas Geo. Prescott. from 1559. The living is a rectory, net yearly value POST OFFICE.-Charles Robert Mattock, 1mb-postmaster. £173, including 35 aCres of glebe, with residence, in the Letters arrive from Bristol at 7.15 a.m. 4 & 7.30 p.m. ; gift of the Bishop of London, and held since 1867 by the sundays, 9.30 a.ID.; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. 4.30 & Rev. Arthur Walker M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, 7.30 p m. ; sundays, 7.40 p.m. The nearest money order and surrogate: the rectory was built in 1868. The charities & telegraph office is at Pill, I mile distant. Postal orders amount to £16 yearly. There is a brewery at Lodway. St. are issued here, but not paid - George's hill is the residence of Henry John Mirehouse esq.\ National School, built in 1869, for 100 children; average Major Antony Gibbs of Tyntesfield, Wraxall, who is lord attendance, 75 ; Mrs. Angelina Cooper, mistress

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Maggs John, farmer &; dairyman [Letters for Lodway should be addressed .Alvis Ernest &; Arthur, farmers, MaggsWm.carpenter & bnilder,Lodway Lodway, Pill.] Manor farm Mattock Charles Robert, shopkeeper, & Bellamy Frederick Bishop George, King's Anns P.R post office Hall J ames WiIliam H BlewettWilliam, corn. trav. Lodway Morgan &; Newsome, physicians & srgns Hall Joseph, Lodway villa. Bridgeman WiIliam Pendock, farmer Morgan Thomas Whitworth Sewell, Hall Mrs. Wm. Keswick house, Lodway Brown John, farmer, Happerton M. R.C.S., L.S.A. physician, & public Knight Joseph, The Laurels Carey .Albert Frank, master mariner, vaccinator, No. 8 district, Long Ash­ Lance Rev. Edwin Mildred M.A. Lvicar Lodway ton union, Lodway of Pill], Vicarage Comerford Edward John, commercial Newsome Herbert M.B.,B.S. physician & Lovell Capt. Nicholas de Jersey, Lod- traveller, Lodway surgeon (firm Morgan &; Newsome) way house Hall & Sons, brewers &maltsters & wine Parsons Edward, farmer, Rudgley farm Mirehouse Henry J obo,St. George's hill &; spirit merchants, Lodway brewery Pallsons Joseph, farmer, Overhill Morgan Samuel, Lodway Hardwick Arthur, farmer, Court house Porter Philip, commercial trav. Lodway Morgan Thomas Whitworth SeweIl, Hardwick William, farmer, Happerton Prescott Thomas George, wheelwright Windharn house Hendy Ada(Mrs.),laundress,Happerton Smith Francis, carpenter, Lodway Nash William HowaI'd Mabel (MISS), ladies' school Stidfull William, beer retailer Newsome Herbert, Lodway Hunt Hannah (Mrs.), laundress Watkins Geo. master marinr. Lo:lway Oram Anthony Hunt WaIter, market gardener Watkins SidDey, mast. marnr. Lodway Phillips Roger, Haberfield hall Hurditch .Alfred, farmer, Lower Hap- Wyatt Charles, fanner, Priory farm Shepherd Rev. James [missionary for perton &; Sheephouse Young Thomas, butcher the Seamen's mission], Stonefield ho Jones William PhIlips, farmer, Parson­ Walker Rev. Arthur M.A. Rectory age farm (originally FROOMSBAw, the wooded bank , a hamlet forming part of the ecclesiastical of the Frome) is a tithing, and with the hamlet of Ham- parish, is situated half a mile north. Here is a Congre­ brook was formed, August 12, 1836, into an ecclesiastical gational .chapel, with a school ; and at Hambrook is parish from the parish of Winterbourne, ; it a mission chapel, belonging to the Church of . The is I! miles north from station on the Bristol and Cottage hospital here, established in 1867, contains six beds Binningham 'rection of the Midland railway, and 4 north- and is supported by voluntary contributions. by-east from Bristol, in the Southern division of the county, Parish Clerk and Sexton, Albert Ford. Barton Regis union, Lawford's Gate petty sessional division, POST OFFICE, M. 0., P. O. & R. B.-Miss Kate Vowles, sub- Bristol county court district and in the rural deanery postmistress. Letters arrive from Bristol at 6.30 a.m. of Stapleton and archdeaconry and diocese of Bristol. The 2.17 & 5.50 p.m. (for callers (.nly); sundays, 6.30 church of St. John the Baptist, consecrated in 18340 is a a.m.; dispatched at 9.15 a.m. 4.45 & 7.25 p.m.; modern building of stone, in the Gothic style, consisting of sundays, 5 p.m. Hamhrook is the nearest telegraph office nave offive bays, aisles, north porch and a w(',stern tower with POST & M. O. & T. O. & S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office~ spire containing a clock and I bell : it will seat 800 persons. Hambrook.-Miss Emily Good, postmistress. Letters The register dates from the year 1834. The living is a arrive from Bristol at 6.30 a.m. & 2.40 & 6 p.m. ; dis- rectory, gross yearlyvalue £405, including 185 acres of glebe, patched at 9.15 a.m. & 4.50 & 7.40 p.m with residence, in the gift of St. John's College, Oxford, SCHooLS:- and held since 1892 by the Rev. William Brooke M.A. and formerly scholar of that college. Thereare Unitarian and Free National (mixed), erected in 1841, & since enlarged, for Methodist Chapels and a meeting house for the Society of 160 children; average attendan<:e, boys & girls 73 & 50 Friends. Frenchay House, which stands in grounds ex- infants; Henry John WadIow, master; l.\'Iiss Emily B. tending over 110 acres, is the property of William George Yates, mistress (infant.c;", & Miss M. (iow, pupil teacher Tanner esq. principal landowner and lord of the manOr of British, Hambrook (mixed), for 17~ children; a.verage Winterbourne. Malmains is the residence of Captain William attendance,. 145 boys, 36 girls & 3? mfauts; LeVI Luff~ Belfield .l.P. The area is 1,172 acres; the population in j master; MISS Martha Pendock, aSSIstant teacher 1901 was 1,194. . OMNIBUSES TO BRISTOL.-Thos. Pearce, daily, at 10 a.m. I COMMERCIAL. Hambrook. Frenchay. Breddy Charles, ml\rkf'lt g-ardener Crossman Edward M.D. Whiteshill RESIDENTS. • PRIVATE BullockThomso;l,teagardens,TheCottage Dove Jacob, Hambrook house Baker George, Manor cottage Gough Lncv Ellen (Miss),ladies' school, Eadon Wm. Fredk. Bailey, Hambrk. ct Belfield Capt. William .l.p. MaImains Clarendon house Hill Albert Brooke Rev. William M.A. Rectory Gregg Frances AIk-e (Mrs.), shopkeepr Luff Mrs Coles Hugh Thomas M.A., J.P. Begbrook Ham William, miller (water) Powell Mrs. The Hollies Crampton Miss, Frenchay lodge Horsman John, farmer COMMERCIAL. Deedes .Alfred, Manor house Moore Thomas, file & flock manufac- Adams Robert, quarry owner Elliott Chas. Hugh Babington,Cliffcourt turer, Frenchay mill & tea gardens, Amos Albert, Crown inn Godwin John O. Woodfield Fern cottage Chamberlain lsaac, currier Hewitt J. Gregg, Newlands Neale Susan (Mrs.), White Lion P.R Coombs Alfred, shoe maker Hughes-Garbett Percy, Cedar hall Newman Simon, shopkeeper Coombs Joseph, miller (water) Jenkins William H. P. Frenchay park Newman WiIliam, shoe maker Crossman Edward M.D. surgeon,& medi- Lewis Frederick W. Frenchay house Robe &; Orampton (Misses), ladies' caI officer of health, Barton Regis Robinson Mrs school, Frenchay lodge rural sanitary district, Whiteshill Robe Miss, Frenchay lodge Stiff lsaac, cowkeeper, Glen cottage Eadon WilliamFrederick Baile~' L.R.C.P., Thorns Frederick TayJor Joseph, haulier L.R.c.s.Edin. surgeon, & medical Tuckett l"ranCl8 Fox Vowles KaLe (Miss), grocer, &; postoffice officer 5th district, Barton Regis Ward Henry W Whale William, shoe maker union, Hambrook court ,