The COVID-19 virus has brought into sharp focus one of the great faults of our current healthcare system: the inability of workers without health insurance or those who are underinsured to get and afford needed testing and treatment. A public health crisis like this, that can cause widespread job loss in a matter of days, is one more reminder that health insurance tied to a job is unstable, insecure, and in need of reform. Now is the time to let our elected officials at the federal level know that there is a sure- fire way to solve this problem and keep us all healthy and safe even when there is not a pandemic: universal, national health insurance as proposed in the Medicare for All bills in both the House and Senate: H.R. 1384 in the U.S. House authored by Rep. Pramila Jayapal and S.1129 in the U.S. Senate authored by Senator . We ask that you contact your U.S. House Representative, our two U.S. Senators and House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (phone numbers listed below) and personalize the provided script or use your own words to call for their support on H.R. 1384 Medicare for All Act or S.1129 Medicare for All Act as a co-author. The only member of the Minnesota Congressional delegation to currently co-author either of these bills is Rep. . If she is your representative, contact her to thank her. Neither Senator nor Senator Tina Smith currently co-author S.1129, Medicare for All. If you do not know who your U.S. House Representative is, click the link below and enter your zip code. If you would rather email your U.S. House Represenative and Senators, you must do so through their websites. You can find their websites through the link below as well. Phone numbers for all are provided below. Who Represents Me?

We speak loudest when we all speak with one voice! Thank you!

SCRIPT "The identification, spread, and treatment of a dangerous virus is upon us. This virus is pointing out all that is wrong with our current healthcare system. We are only as well protected as the least among us. If we had in place a universal, affordable health care payment system like Medicare for All, a national health insurance plan, this would not be as frightening and unmanageable as it is proving to be. The time is now to support a Medicare for All policy and not piecemeal policies for each event as they happen. It's time to sign on and support the Medicare for All bills in the U.S. Congress: H.R.1384 in the House.and S.1129 in the Senate. (Adjust the bill number referenced based on if you’re contacting a Representative or Senator).”


Congressional District One . 507-323-6090 202-225-2472

Congressional District Two 651-846-2120 202-225-2271

Congressional District Three 952-656-5176 202-225-6351

Congressional District Four Betty McCollum 651-224-91941 202-225-6631

Congressional District Five Ilhan Omar 612-333-1272 202-225-4755

Congressional District Six 763-241-6848 202-225-2331

Congressional District Seven Colin Peterson 507-537-2299 202-225-2165

Congressional District Eight 218-355-0862 202-225-6211

Senator Amy Klobuchar 612-727-5220 202-224-3244

Senator Tina Smith 651-221-1016 202-224-5641

House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi 415-556-4862

Health Care for All – Minnesota 2469 University Ave. West St. Paul, MN 55114 United States

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