" SHABBAT SHALOM. Today is 21 5778. Tonight we good – so that you will be able to continue to live – because begin Selichot at the midnight hour. of your offspring whom you will be needed to raise.

TORAH DIALOGUE 5. “In the morning you will say, ‘I wish it were evening’, and (p. 859 Hz) (p. 1117 S) (p. 768 Hi) (p. 1058 AS) in the evening you will say, ‘I wish it were morning’.” (28:67). KI TAVO Deuteronomy 26:1 The Peninim Yekarim interprets this verse homiletically. At [Compiled by Rabbi Edward Davis (RED), Rabbi Emeritus, every stage of a person’s life his evil inclination attempts to Young of Hollywood-Ft. Lauderdale] dissuade him from studying and observing the Mitzvot properly. In the morning of your life, when you are still young, 1. "Now, it shall be, when you come into the land that the you say, I wish it were evening – I have a whole life ahead of Lord your God is giving you as a heritage-estate, and you me – I’ll wait until the evening years of my life to serve inherit it and settle in it" (26:1). The last part of the sentence Hashem. However, once you will reach the later years of your reveals the Torah's reason for what follows. Every Israelite will life and you are weak and infirm, you will say, “I wish I were receive his farmland; it will sustain him and his family well; and young again, and would have the powers of concentration and feeling secure and self-sufficient, he is likely to forget the the stamina of my youth to be able to study Torah and observe Almighty. If one person does another a favor, it is human it.” nature to forget it soon. Hence now the people will see that the Almighty "is giving you" the land as a gift; but soon enough 6. “[The punishments in Admonition will come upon you] they may see it as something they inherited, so that it is because you did not serve Hashem with joy…” (28:47). In the entirely theirs, and they owe no one anything for it. How easily introduction to the Iglei Tal, the Avnei Neizer writes about the a farmer can then see his fine harvests as solely the results of importance of learning Torah with Simchah. A fundamental his own hard labor – hence this commandment to bring first- part of the of Limud Hatorah is to rejoice and be happy fruits to the Temple and recite the words that the Torah now and enjoy one’s learning. Only then the words of Torah prescribes. First the individual is reminded of his people's become absorbed into his blood. Once he enjoys the words of origins, from the troubles that Yaakov, the founding ancestor, Torah, he becomes attached to Torah. The Meiri in the second faced, and up through the slavery in Egypt. Then the Israelite chapter of Shabbat writes that sorrow blocks the heart and remembers and acknowledges that the land is a gift which the closes off the paths of understanding. Almighty "is giving you": a gift of a source of sustenance and The Commentators ask: Why would Bnei Yisrael deserve prosperity that He continues to bestow, providing sun, rain, such awesome retribution just because they did not serve health, etc. So the obligation to observe the laws of His Torah Hashem with joy? The Pri Megodim and others answer that continues. (K'li Yakar; Akeidat Yitzchak). the punishment will be wrought upon them because when they did not serve Hashem it was with joy and gladness – their 2. “An Arami (Lavan) tried to destroy my father. He went to consciences did not bother them. Egypt…” (26:5). What is the connection between these two phrases? The Yalkut Ha’arim explains that if Lavan had given HAFTORAH Rachel to Yaakov before he gave Leah, then Yosef would (p. 847 Hz) (p. 1134 S) (p. 917 Hi) (p. 1201 AS) have been the legitimate firstborn of Yaakov, and would have ISAIAH 60:1 deserved the preferential treatment which Yaakov accorded him. However, since Lavan switched daughters and gave This week's haftorah brings us to the concluding Leah first, Yosef was not the Firstborn. This caused the other dimensions of Hashem's encompassing efforts to comfort the brothers to resent the special treatment that he received which Jewish people. The prophet Yeshaya shares with us a in turn caused them to sell him to Egypt. And as a result of glimpse of the glorious era of Mashiach and reveals Hashem's Yosef being sold to Egypt, the rest of Klal Yisrael was forced unbelievable sensitivity and concern for His chosen nation. to join him there. This being the case, Lavan’s treachery Yeshaya begins, "Rise and project your light because the indirectly caused Bnei Yisrael to go to Egypt. radiance of Hashem shines upon you." (60:1). The prophet's messages is that in the days of Mashiach the Jewish people 3. “And you shall erect large stones… and write on them all will serve as a reflection of Hashem's light unto the nations of the words of the Torah…” (27:2,3). The Abravanel observes the world. Yeshaya continues, "Lift your eyes and see them that other nations erect monuments and statues to coming; your sons coming from afar and your daughters commemorate their victories and to honor their kings and accompanied by the kings of the world." (60:3-5). The cloud warriors. Bnei Yisrael also erect monuments. However, what of darkness and confusion which continuously plagues society is their purpose? To inscribe the words of the Torah on them will finally be lifted and the entire world will flow into Jerusalem to serve as constant reminders of their responsibilities towards in streams to discover the truths of Hashem and His Torah. their God and their fellow man. Instead of the all too familiar scene of the Jewish people flowing out of their homeland into exile, a new flow will occur. 4. “And Hashem shall leave you over for good, in your Not only will our oppressors permit us to return to Israel, they offspring…” (28:11). The Chatam Sofer says that the Rambam will even personally escort us back to our homeland. And to wrote to his son that there are certain people who quickly complete this picture, nations will display sincere interest in complete the mission for which they were sent to this world, the Jewish people's traditions and will flock to our homeland and leave this world at a young age. However, if Hashem sees to discover our Jewish values and systems. The influx will be that they are needed to educate and raise their children, He so overwhelming that we will wonder in amazement if we are will keep them alive for the sake of the children. This is what merely imagining these sights or if, in truth, history has made is alluded to in this verse: And Hashem will leave you over for a full turnabout.


QUESTIONS FOR PARSHAT KI TAVO 5778 by Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus

I. From the Text 1. To whom did the Jewish farmer present his /First Fruits? (26:3) 2. When Bnei Yisrael crossed the Jordan River, they were to inscribe the entire Torah on twelve huge stones. How were they to protect these stones from the elements? (27:2) 3. Which tribes would later ascend Mount Gerizim to be the agents of Blessing to the nation? (27:12) 4. The Curses would befall the Jewish people for non-obedience of the Torah. It could also occur if Bnei Yisrael did the Mitzvot in a faulty fashion. What could be so lacking in the performance of the mitzvot? (20:47) 5. What did Bnei Yisrael do for clothing and shoes during their forty years in the desert? (29:4)

II. From 6. From which fruits did the Jewish farmer take his Bikkurim/First Fruits? (26:2) 7. “An Aramean tried to destroy my father” (26:5). Who was that Aramean? 8. What is the seven year cycle for giving Ma’aser, ? 9. Moshe states eleven curses in chapter 27 corresponding to 11 of the 12 tribes. Which tribe is omitted, and why? (27:24) 10. What occurred that made Moshe happy and made him realize that Bnei Yisrael truly was the nation of God? (29:3) III. From the Rabbis 11. What exactly was written on the twelve huge stones after Bnei Yisrael crossed the Jordan River? (Ibn ) 12. “The Heavens will provide rain…. in its time” (20:2). When is the proper time for rain? (Artscroll) 13. When did the Curses occur in Jewish history according to the Ramban? IV. From the Haftorah 14. Who is Isaiah addressing when he says: “Arise! Shine!”? V. Relationships a) Moshe – Reuven b) Kehat – Tamar c) Miriam – Korach d) Ephraim – Binyamin e) Mupim – Chupim – Orde


1. To the in his time. 2. They coated the stones with a soft plaster. 3. Shimon, Levi, Yehuda, Yissachar, Yosef and Binyamin. 4. “Because you did not serve God serve Hashem your God with happiness and goodness of heart.” 5. Their clothing and shoes did not wear out during all those years. 6. Wheat, Barley, Grapes, Figs, Olives, Dates and Pomegranates. 7. Lavan. 8. In years 1, 2, 4 and 5 the farmer gives a first to the Levi (Ma’aser Rishon), and then a to be eaten in Yerushalayim (Ma’aser Sheini). In years 3 and 6 the first Ma’aser is given to the Levi and the second tithe is given to the poor (Ma’aser Oni). In year 7 no tithes were given. 9. Shimon is omitted since Moshe did not wish to bless them before he died. Therefore he did not include them in the Curses. 10. Moshe wrote a Sefer Torah and gave it to his . The rest of Bnei Yisrael came to Moshe and requested Sifrei Torah for themselves also, since they were at Mount Sinai and accepted the Torah along with everyone else. 11. The Ibn Ezra quotes Rav Saadyah Gaon who stated that all the Commandments were written on the stones, but not the entire text of the Torah. 12. When the crops require the rain. 13. During the siege of Yerushalayim by the Romans. 14. Yerushalayim.

Relationships: a) Great-uncle Reuven b) Aunt Tamar c) First cousins d) Uncle Binyamin e) Brothers