 Carry out IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS MODEL based on the topic you have just covered. If you Association word have a partner, try to recycle items when you are The word (part of speech, formal /informal.), simply talking or writing to each other /pronunciation/

 Select “ OF THE WEEK” which you Synonym 1 Antonym 1 try to use as often as possible Synonym 2 Antonym 2 Collocation 1 Affixes (suffixes/prefixes),  Real -life situations: Collocation 2 Derivatives Always try to find opportunities to practice what EXAMPLE SENTENCE (S) you’ve learnt and to identify the possible gaps you may have in your EXAMPLE  Create links between unrelated words and It reminds me of my friend Fabian (letter F). make sentences. We ate ice cream together and I liked its VOCABULARY This will encourage you to think about the context flavour (similar word). more. For example, can you use the words Favourable (adj.) /ˈfeɪv(ə)rəb(ə)l/ ubiquitous and triceratops in one sentence? Advantageous Harmful FOR

Helpful Disadvantageous  Use FLASH CARDS (paper or electronic). Include the information about the word on both Convenient Negative INDEPENDENCE sides: e.g. the word on one side and translation, ---condition favourableness, noun pronunciation, or synonyms on the other. --- report favourably, adverb ---impression unfavorable, adjective PRACTISE ONLINE He made a favourable impression on his Vocabulary Quizzes: http://a4esl.org/a/v3.html boss. Academic Vocabulary: THE SELF-STUDY REFERENCE GUIDE NB Of course, it is impossible to record all this www.academicvocabularyexercises.com information in one go, so you can add a little English Media lab (games): extra every time you revisit the new word. www.englishmedialab.com

Learn That Word (create your own word lists): USE A RELIABLE www.learnthat.org Fun Vocabulary games (A1-B1): Cambridge Online Dictionary: www.englishactivities.net http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ Job specific vocabulary: Online : http://thesaurus.com/ www.englishformyjob.com Oxford Advanced Learners: Quizlet (flashcards): www.quizlet.co.uk http://www.oup.com/oald-bin/web_getald7index1a Pronunciation Dictionary: http://forvo.com/ Vocab Sushi: www.vocabsushi.com Compiled by A.Sahutoglu English club (word of the day): Reverse Dictionary (type a definition and find the word): www.englishclub.com/learn-english.htm http://www.onelook.com/ Vocabulary lists and games: Oxford collocation dictionary: www.manythings.org/vocabulary http://oxforddictionary.so8848.com/ 2016 Phrasal verbs: phrasalverbdemon.com Ozdic collocation dictionary: http://www.ozdic.com/


 Read regularly. NB Words in ISOLATION cannot be easily remembered, so NB Revision does not mean looking at the word  Set goals to learn a certain number of words per always look for a context in which the word is used and try to and trying to remember its meaning. day/week. find its collocation, too. Revision means trying to use the word ACTIVELY  Repeat, revise and recycle words. and REGULARLY in different situations.  Look for different uses of the same word. When you  Use a SEPARATE VOCABULARY notebook. look up a word in a dictionary, don’t stop at the first You don’t want the new words to get lost among your notes.  GROUP and RE-GROUP new words in your definition.  Don’t focus on TRANSLATION ONLY. notebook Explore the word’s synonyms, opposites, collocation, etc. You  or create WORD DIAGRAMS (ideally, at the WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO KNOW A WORD? don’t have to record everything at once- you can revisit the back of your vocabulary notebook) word and add new information every time you revise it. Draw up the main word/theme in the centre of a

blank page Arrange the other words around it. Draw  Create ASSOCIATIONS. up a series of arrows showing the links between the Imagine the “picture” of the new word in your head: different words Use a dictionary to fill in any You may make associations with a word that sounds similar, obvious gaps in the diagram. first letter shapes, things or people you know well, and keep

this image in your mind! Next time you try to remember the WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO KNOW A WORD? word; you will probably remember the image first. NB Keep adding new words to the diagram- this may happen when you move up a level, or when  Create a WEEKLY CHART you read an article or watch a film about this topic. Choose the most challenging/ interesting/useful words and write them in your “words of the week” chart.  Create sentences/stories. (Funny or absurd stories are easier to remember  Create ANAGRAMS (helpful if is a problem for than sensible ones) you) It is important to learn the context in which the Take a list of new words (5-10), and write the words in large new words can be used and the grammatical rules capital letters on a piece of paper, but mix the letters up, e.g. instead of SPELLING, write LISNPLEG. that are related to them. Put the letters into the right order again to reconstruct the original list  Connect your sentences to your personal A good follow-up is to try to make up different words using as experience. many of the original letters as possible You will remember real examples better than the abstract ones.  Anyone around you can be your potential tutor: just ask “How do you say...?”  Train your memory WHEN YOU SEE A NEW WORD IN A TEXT: Select 10 new words. Make 1 sentence with a new NB A one-off “encounter” with the new word is not enough,  Skip unknown words in the text unless they prevent word, say it aloud but don’t write it down. Then because we forget a lot of information immediately after the nd nd you from understanding the overall idea lesson. make the 2 sentence with the 2 word. Then st nd  Guess their meaning from the context. So, try to come back to the new word… repeat the 1 and the 2 sentence aloud, and move  Analyse the part of speech (N./V./Adj.)] of the on to make the 3rd sentence. Again, repeat the 1st, unknown word. 2nt and 3rd sentence aloud and move on to the 4th  Analyse parts of the new word (affixes and roots) and 5-10 min 24 hours 3 days sentence. Once you have 10 sentences with all the try to guess the meaning. 1 week 1 month 6 months later  Use a monolingual dictionary new words, write them down. (To make it more fun, you may create a story instead of 10 unrelated  Ask your classmate/housemate/teacher for help. sentences).