Cross road onto bridleway and follow bridleway by canal to junction with road by Three +RUVKDP5XGJZLFN/R[ZRRG,WFKLQJÀHOG ROUTE &RPSDVVHVSXE7XUQOHIWWKHQDOPRVWLPPHGLDWHO\ULJKWIROORZLQJµ:H\6RXWK3DWK¶VLJQV )ROORZURDGWREULGOHZD\RQOHIWDWVKDUSEHQGZKHUHURDGFURVVHVWKHFDQDODW:H\DQG$UXQ MAINLY OFF ROAD 25 canal junction at Tickners Heath. Experienced 36 miles (57.93 km) 5 hours 6. Left onto bridleway by car park sign and follow middle tarmac road towards Sedgehurst. Map - Explorer 134 & -XVW EHIRUH WKH KRXVH WXUQ ULJKW ZKHUH WZR EULGOHZD\V PHHW IROORZLQJ µ:H\ 6RXWK 3DWK¶ bridleway. Turn left at track crossroads and follow canal path to T-junction opposite white house at Old Knightons. This route follows and links two historic transport systems which have been closed for their original purpose and partly restored for  /HIWRQEULGOHZD\IROORZLQJ:H\6RXWKSDWKWKURXJK6LGQH\:RRGV7XUQULJKWDW7MXQFWLRQ recreational use. It follows sections of the Shoreham to Guildford railway line (now with road by white house, then immediately left following canal to Loxwood. The section from The ) which was closed in 1966 and The Wey & Arun Junction canal, built Loxwood to Drungewick Lane canal bridge has been restored and you can rest your legs with during the Napoleonic Wars as an alternative to the sea route to Portsmouth threatened a drink and canal boat trip at The Onslow Arms in Loxwood. by French Privateers. The canal was abandoned in 1871. It also passes the Dunsfold Aerodrome, which has been used by the Top Gear TV programme as a car testing site.  5LJKWDWWKHDTXHGXFWDQGFDQDOEULGJHLQWR'UXQJHZLFN/DQHIROORZLQJµ:H\6RXWK3DWK¶ $OWKRXJKWKLVLVDORQJURXWHLWLVÁDWH[FHSWIRURQHVWHHSVHFWLRQRQ7KH'RZQV/LQN VLJQVDQGOHIWRQWREULGOHZD\LQPHWUHV*RVWUDLJKWWKURXJK0DOKDPSDVWSRQGRQULJKW north of . and follow bridleway to the right where the woods on the left side are joined by those on the right. Continue to T-junction with B2133. 1. Start anywhere in Horsham. The Denne Road car park is a good car park. Turn right  /HIWIRUPHWUHVDQGOHIWDJDLQRQWREULGOHZD\E\)LVKHUV)DUP3DUNDQG%DWDQG%DOO from the car park past The Drill Hall and left into pub. Cross canal at lock and straight on following bridleway over the to T-junction Chesworth Lane. At the end of the lane follow with road. Turn left on road for 150 metres then right onto bridleway. Follow bridleway the cycle track past Chesworth Farm over WKURXJK+DPSVKLUHVRYHU¿HOGVWKURXJK:\QVWURGH)DUPWRMXQFWLRQZLWKURDG7XUQULJKWWR Denne Hill to the junction with the road. Turn meet the A29. right and follow Street to the T- junction with the road leading into Southwater. 10. Right. You may wish to push on the footpath on this busy road, then left into New Road, Turn right past The Hen & Chicken pub to signed , and left at T-junction signed . Turn right after ¾ miles (1.20 km) Chesworth Farm bridleway on left beside a row of houses. RQWREULGOHZD\MXVWSDVW3RVVHVVLRQ+RXVH)DUPDQGFRQWLQXHWRFURVVURDGZLWKIRRWSDWK  7XUQOHIWDQGIROORZEULGOHZD\RYHUWKHURDGLQWR&KULVW¶V+RVSLWDOSOD\LQJ¿HOGV0DNHVXUH /HIWRQEULGOHZD\WKURXJK0XQWKDP+RXVH6FKRROWRMXQFWLRQZLWKURDGDW,WFKLQJ¿HOG \RXEHDUOHIWWKURXJKWKHSOD\LQJ¿HOGVDQGWXUQOHIWDWWKHEOXHµ&KULVW¶V+RVSLWDO3ULYDWH(VWDWH¶ 7XUQULJKW3DVVVFKRRODQGOHIWDW7MXQFWLRQ&RQWLQXHRQURDGLJQRULQJWXUQWRULJKWDQGWXUQ notices. At the railway line follow Downs Link sign to the right, meeting the road by the Christ’s right at sharp left hand bend and follow sign to Downs Link. Continue on bridleway towards Hospital school gate. Turn left over the railway line and follow The Downs Link signs to meet , ignoring left turn to Downs Link, to the old railway line at Baystone Bridge. junction with A264. 3. Follow Downs Link north for 5¾ miles (9.25 km) through Slinfold and Rudgwick to the 12.Turn right and right again at roundabout to follow cycle restored Baynards station. Continue for a further 1¼ miles (2km) to bridleway crossroads by route past Tesco and Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre. gates and a pond (GR066364). Cross A24 on footbridge and continue past Tanbridge House School following cycle route along Hills Farm Lane and 4. Left to junction with road. Then right on road and almost immediately left (GR059367) :RUWKLQJ5RDGWR+RUVKDP$WWKHWUDI¿FOLJKWVGLVPRXQW passing white house on right to by-way on left by Lauriel House. and push bike through the pedestrian areas of The Carfax, :HVW6WUHHWDQG0LGGOH6WUHHW$WWKHWRSRI(DVW6WUHHWWXUQ 5. Left on by-way (Lion’s Lane) to junction with road. Then left on road to T-junction with A281. right into Denne Road and the car park. East Street, Horsham Continued on back page Cycle Routes Cycle Routes HORSHAM Farm Chesworth NK LI NS W P O Southwater D A 24 1 Hen & Chicken P.H. Hen & Chicken Tanbridge House School 2 Worthing Heath Christ's Hospital 12 Tesco Broadbridge Bridge Baystone 3 School Muntham Barns Green

11 A 264 A

Slinfold N



A K N OAD Farm


L R E A 29 A I V S R N W E W Possessionhouse O N

D 10 Rudgwick Farm Wynstrode Baynards Station Baynards

4 L

A Bat & Ball PH 8 Malham Lauriel House CAN

Fishers Farm Fishers

A 272 A





N 9






U R A 281 D B 2133 P.H. Onslow Loxwood Arms P.H. Alfold

L Three Compasses

A N A C PATH OUTH Y S E W P Wisborough 6 Sedgehurst Guildford Wood Sidney 1 Heath Tickners Dunsfold Aerodrome 7 miles Old 0 Knightons