The European X-ray Free- : General Status of the Project Massimo Altarelli European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility 22607 Hamburg, Germany [email protected] Status of the European XFEL

The European XFEL 2

Some specifications n energy 0.24-24 keV n Pulse duration ~ 10 - 100 fs n Pulse energy few mJ n Superconducting linac. 17.5 GeV n 10 Hz (27 000 b/s) n 5 beamlines / 10 instruments § Start version with 3 BLs and 6 instruments n Several extensions possible: ¥ More undulators, ¥ More instruments …….. SASE2 ¥ Self-Seeding (= SASE1) ¥ CW operation

17.5 GeV SASE1, λu= 40 mm …. 0.2 Ð 0.05 nm SASE3, λu= 68 mm 8.5 GeV 1.7 Ð 0.4 nm

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

European XFEL Project - Time Structure 3

Electron bunch trains ! (with up to 2700 bunches, 0.1 - 1 nC)!

600 µs! t

100 ms 100 ms!

10 - 100 fs Photon pulses! Δt = 220 ns!

FEL! process! t t t

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Organization of the European XFEL Project 4

European XFEL GmbH In-kind Contributions Council Chair R. Feidenhans’l Accelerator Management Board Consortium Managing Directors Advisory Committees Coordinator: M. Altarelli, Chair DESY C. Burger, Admin. Director SAC Institutes from D, F, I, CH, PL, ES, Scientific Directors MAC RU, CN, SE… S. Molodtsov AFC A. Schwarz Other In-kind IKRC + T. Tschentscher Contributors Detect. AC

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL AC

Status of the European XFEL

Financial participation (2005 Euro) 5 663 M€* 25 M€*

306 M€* 17.5 M€* 11 M€ each

36 M€ 17 M€* 4 M€

33 M€ 12.7 M€*

* Increased contribution decided in 2012

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Staff Growth 2009-2013 6


8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Staff nationality distribution 7


8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Scientific staff nationality distribution 8

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

European XFEL: the most brilliant X-ray source 9

Undulator/Photon Tunnels

Injector at DESY campus

Experiment Hall in Schenefeld Linear Accelerator 1.9 km 17.5 GeV 8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2013 in summary 10 n All underground construction completed

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2013 in summary 11 n All underground construction completed

Experiment Hall, June 2013 8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Hutch structure (presentation by Tobias Haas) 12



13 8thFebruary Users' 2013 Meeting, 29 January 2014 TobiasMassimo Haas, Altarelli,Photon System European Coordinator SASE3XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Schenefeld campus, when completed 13

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Call for tender for the XHQ building, issued 17.12.2013 14 ”U O” needed re-examination of statics calculations

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2013 in summary 15 n All underground construction completed

n With installation and start of the RF conditioning of the electron gun, accelerator commissioning begins

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2013 in summary 16 n With installation of the electron gun, and start of its RF conditioning, accelerator commissioning begins (Nov. 2013)

The gun in the injector building

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2013 in summary 17 n All underground construction completed n With installation and start of the RF conditioning of the electron gun, accelerator commissioning begins n Problems with mass production and integration of a few crucial linear accelerator components: shift of major milestones by ~ one year.(See presentation by Hans Weise)

XFEL village, Saclay

RF Couplers

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2013 in summary 18 n Problems with mass production and integration of linear accelerator components leads to shift of major milestones by about one year. Milestone Description Old date New date

Linac is ready to be Linac tunnel closed cooled down in order 30 Jun 2015 30 Jun 2016 to take beam Beam has been passed First beam to XS1 through the Linac from 30 Sep 2015 30 Sep. 2016 Dump injector all the way to the main dump First SASE1 (SPB & First Lasing SASE1 FXE) in 15 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2016 possible XHEXP1 possible First SASE3 (SQS First Lasing SASE3 &SCS) Photons in 31 Jan 2016 15 Feb 2017 possible XHEXP1 possible First user experiment SASE1 Instruments at SASE1 (SPB & FXE) 31 Mar 2016 30 Apr 2017 users’ operation possible Status of the European XFEL

Council (21-22.11.2013) Decisions 19 n The Council… instructed the Management Board, in collaboration with the Accelerator Consortium, to continue their effort for a reduction of the delays, in particular by

§ Exerting immediate pressure on the industrial subcontractors involved in couplers production to increase their output of subcomponents substantially; § Exploring concrete possibilities for alternate suppliers of couplers worldwide… § Continuing the activities of.. [an ad-hoc DESY-CEA- XFEL.EU] …Working Group to plan a speed-up of module assembly rates and to start implementation as soon as possible. 8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2013 in summary 20 n All underground construction completed n With installation and start of the RF conditioning of the electron gun, accelerator commissioning begins n Problems with mass production and integration of linear accelerator components leads to shift of major milestones by ~ one year. n First demonstration of hard X-ray imaging detectors at 4.5 MHz acquisition frequency. Reduction of specs for soft X-ray detector likely, at least on day-one.

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2013 in summary 21 n First demonstration of hard X-ray imaging detectors at 4.5 MHz acquisition frequency.

n M. Kuster

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2013 in summary 22 n First demonstration of hard X-ray imaging detectors at 4.5 MHz acquisition frequency.

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Imaging detector projects 23 n Reduction of specs for soft X-ray detector likely, at least on day-one. n The DSSC project, for a detector performing especially well in the soft x-ray region, was confronted with problems of various nature, leading to fear of serious delays

n Lately, a simplified linear-response sensor, with modified ASIC was proposed, with a good chance of working on day-one, although with slightly degraded noise and dynamic range

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2013 in summary 24 n All underground construction completed n With installation and start of the RF conditioning of the electron gun, accelerator commissioning begins n Problems with mass production and integration of linear accelerator components leads to shift of major milestones by ~ one year. n First demonstration of hard X-ray imaging detectors at 4.5 MHz acquisition frequency. Reduction of specs for soft X-ray detector likely, at least on day-one. n Good progress of undulators, optics, X-ray instruments, optical lasers, diagnostics and DAQ.

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL

Status of the European XFEL

Undulators and Photon Beamlines 25

n WP71, J. Pflüger


SASE1 0.2 Ð 0.05 nm SASE3 1.7 Ð 0.4 nm 35 X 5m sections, 40 mm period 21 X 5m sections, 68 mm period

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Undulator Segments 26

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL Undulator Segments Ð Over 60 delivered, tested 27

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Photon energy ranges 28


Ti Fe Ca

keV window

25 20 keV 284 eV - C K 284 CK eV- 410NK eV- 543 eV - O K 543 O eV- 2145 eV - P K 2145P eV- 12.4 keV 2470K S eV- 4992eV- 7112 eV- 7112 4038eV- (DAC,etc.) 500-1300eV RE 3d TM, 2p water

500 -1300 6 -14 keV 18 - >25 keV

Hard x-ray undulators SASE 1 & 2 (40 mm) Soft x-ray undulator

SASE 3 (68 mm) 3.0 Ð ~25 keV

0.25 Ð ≥3 keV

sets 17.5 GeV 14.0 GeV 12.0 GeV 8.5 GeV Electron energy 200 eV 1 keV 10 keV

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Laboratories in HERA South 29

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

WP 73 Optics and Beam Transport 30 Offset and distribution mirrors n H. Sinn n 11 offset and distribution mirrors are required to guide the beam to all experiments of the SASE1, SASE2, and SASE3 beamlines. The first mirror of each beamline is exposed to high- energy spontaneous radiation and will absorb up to 10 W (100 W for SASE3) => static deformation will be corrected The idea is to make most by the second offset mirror. mirrors the same length and shape, and to have at least the second offset mirrors bendable and adaptive.

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Basic design of the adaptive mirror 31

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Metrology tests at HZB Berlin 32

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Metrology result from vendor (SESO) 33

Height measurement (Fizeau interferometer)

20 nm PV

Slope derived from height

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

2-D Map from HZB/BESSY 34 Slope measurement (NOM)

This is already one of the Height (integrated slope) best available long mirrors 500 nm PV today (0.3 µrad(incudes rms gravity sag))!

th Height Ð 6 order polynomial Frank Siewert, 30 nm PV Maurizio Vannoni, Riccardo Signorato, Idoia Freijo

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL


Metrology with 2nm- accuracy on 1 m mirror is now demonstrated

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Slide from Frank Siewert Status of the European XFEL

How would this prototype perform at XFEL.EU? 36

PV 27 nm PV 2.7 nm (sphere removed) (10 x reduced ≈ EEM)

PV 15 nm PV 0 nm (5th order removed)

Best long mirror 2013 After EEM polishing 2014

SASE1, 12 keV, SPB station 8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Calculations by Liubov Samoylova, Maurizio Vannoni Status of the European XFEL

WP76: Controls, Data Acquisition & Management 37

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL n Ch. Youngman Status of the European XFEL

“Karabo” workshop 38 n Karabo is the European XFEL software framework, created by WP76 n 3 day workshop held 24-26.9.2013 was well received n One WPL went directly to FERMI beam line and used Karabo 1.0! n Useful 1 day CFELÐXFEL data management and scientific computing workshop n Karabo development continues n Importing LCLS images (xtc) n Continue GUI development (custom panels, for tests as a source of non- projects…) biased data n Need for stabilization and consolidation

8thn Users' 8th Users' Meeting, Meeting, 29 January 29 January 2014 2014 MassimoMassimo Altarelli, Altarelli, European European XFEL XFEL Status of the European XFEL

WP78 Pump-Probe lasers status 39 n 400W-pumped Burst-mode Parametric Amplifier with Arbitrary Pulse Selection n M. Lederer

n diff. lim.

n 15fs

n 600µs burst

Some other features: ü >180µJ per pulse, 34W average power during burst

ü Nearly transform limited pulses: 15fs … 75fs n Arb. sequence ü 200kHz and 4.5MHz intra-burst operation

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

20kW booster for very high power parametric amplifier 40

400W n Measured slope 7kW of Booster stages 20kW 1 and 2

n 20kW

20kW NOPA-pump status: ü System installed ü 20kW (during burst) is reached ü Characterization ongoing

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

WP74, Photon Diagnostics Ð XGM (DESY) 41

n XGM X-ray Gas Monitors (DESY-FS)

Design was finalized and now features two so-called Main Chambers (MC) and two Huge-Aperture open MultiPlier (HAMP) chambers per XGM unit, assembled on a common girder. The HAMPs are essential for the resolution of individual pulses at MHz rates and a prototype was successfully tested with beam at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Berlin, Germany.

Each of the four chambers can now deliver intensity and one transverse position measurement

n J. Grünert

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

XGM (DESY) Ð evolution of the design 42

July 2013 November 2013

October 2013 October 2013 W.Freund, 12-2013

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

K-monochromator for undulator commissioning 43

n The K-mono prototype built in 2012 for tests at DORIS III and PETRA III is being revised for the full SASE 1 version: cooling and a new absolute in- vacuum encoder were implemented. The procurement of all parts was completed and the assembly has started, in order to have the device ready for tunnel installation in the second quarter of 2014.

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL Transmissive online spectral monitoring: Participation in LCLS beamtime LA35 (PI: C.David, PSI) 44

Grating period d=200nm The horizontally diffracted beam from the grating was Grating structure height h=1µm (d200M) Thin transmissive diamond gratings in YAG2 screen (just upstream of diamond exit window) spectrally dispersed in vertical direction by a bent Attenuation 0.1 combination with bent Silicon crystals for Transmission for 1st harmonic (E= 8.46keV): 1.115e-01 crystal onto either a traditional slow imager (scintillator Transmission for 3rd harmonic (E=25.37keV): 9.226e-01 andminimally-invasive CMOS camera), or monitoring onto a fast ofline each detector single-shot that Slits s1: 0.5mm x 0.5mm matchesspectrum the withfuture high European resolution XFEL MHz repetition

rates. direct beam

diffracted beam f/2.0 on the 25mm lens



Acknowledgements: PSI: Christian David, Petri Karvinen, Aldo Mozzanica, Luc Patthey, Pavle Juranic, Julia Jungmann, Sebastian Cartier, Mikako Makita SLAC: Diling Zhu, Yiping Feng, Marcin Sikorski, Sanghoon Song

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

WP79 Sample Environment 45 n J. Schulz

Biology Fixed targets Magnetism Liquids/Gas

¥ Aerodynamic ¥ Hexapod ¥ Compact ¥ Nano-droplets lens (Uppsala ¥ Ultra-fast pulsed ¥ Jets and IKC) sample magnet (1Hz) sheets ¥ Bio-labs change ¥ Permanent ¥ In air (together with magnets ¥ Sandwiches ¥ In vacuum XBI UC) ¥ Cryogenics ¥ In gas cell ¥ COMO UC ¥ Droplets ¥ Dresden UC ¥ Special ¥ Ultrasonic ¥ Advanced conditions beam preparation

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

User sample preparation labs 46

Room for sample preparation n 2x23m² wet labs n 30m² x-ray lab for crystallography, SAXS, and reflectometry n 30m² vacuum labs n 44m² dry sample preparation Sample preparation n 2x22m² Electron microscopy and group labs nano-fabrication lab

MID instrument lab

n 8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Scientific instruments: 47 SPB : Ultrafast Coherent Diffraction Imaging of Single Particles, Clusters, and Biomolecules § Structure determination of single particles: atomic clusters, bio-molecules, virus particles, cells. MID : Materials Imaging & Dynamics § Structure determination of nano- devices and dynamics at the nanoscale. FXE : Femtosecond X-ray Experiments § Time-resolved investigations of the dynamics of solids, liquids, gases HED : High Energy Density Matter § Investigation of matter under extreme conditions using hard x-ray FEL radiation, e.g. probing dense plasmas

SQS : Small Quantum Systems § Investigation of , ions, molecules and

rays clusters in intense fields and non-linear - phenomena SCS : Soft x-ray Coherent Scattering/Spectroscopy § Electronic and real structure, dynamics of nano- Soft x Soft systems and of non-reproducible biological objects

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Theoretical Activities 48 n At XFEL.EU (WP72, G. Geloni group leader) and at DESY (E. Saldin et al.) are continuing their work on self-seeding and undulator tapering schemes for ~ TW peak power pulses. n At DESY M. Yurkov and E. Schneidmiller are working on schemes for high circular polarization yields, lasing on high harmonics,… n Concerning theoretical support for FEL experiments, a collaboration between XFEL.EU and the University of Hamburg (A.I. Lichtenstein) was started, two junior scientist positions on advertisement now.

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

User Consortia: presently received proposals 49 n 1. Bio-labs in XHQ, ancillary facilities UseXBI *(f) n 2. Expansion of computational capabilities DataXpress n 3. A station for Nanocrystallography on a hard X-ray branch SFX *(f) n 4. High energy lasers and pulsed high field magnet for the High Energy Density Instrument HGF beamline n 5. An additional versatile experimental chamber for oriented molecular species COMO n 6. A RIXS station for the soft X-ray branch h-RIXS n 7. A helical afterburner, to produce variable polarization soft X-rays CircPol

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

User Consortia: recent Expression of Interest 50

An Expression of Interest: “Photoemission Spectroscopy at the European XFEL” was received, and a full proposal is expected, to be discussed with SAC (Scientific Advisory Committee)

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL Status of the European XFEL

Conclusion 51 n The project showed remarkable progress in 2013. The underground construction phase came to a successful end, and the assembly and commissioning of the gun marks the start of a new phase n The industrial scale production of a few crucial high quality technical components of the superconducting Linac is proving difficult and progresses at a slower pace than expected, determining the critical path of the project and shifting the main milestones n The photon beam systems (undulators, optical transport, diagnostics, detectors, DAQ, optical lasers,…) are gearing up for installation, after a successful development and the start of component production.

8th Users' Meeting, 29 January 2014 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL