Paris, Washington DC, 20.10.2020, 01:14 Time

USPA NEWS - The president of Regions of , Renaud Muselier, a very notorious politician of the French Right wing, launched the opening of the 16th Congress of , in front of the presidents of regions and departments, and read a statement in tribute to the professor history Samuel Paty, beheaded three days earlier. This 16th congress brought together this year, many presidents of regions and departments of eighteen (18) territories including 13 regions of France and in the exceptional presence of the very influential and renowned, Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, the charismatic Gerard Larcher, President of the Senate, François Baroin, former famous journalist turned politician, former Minister of the Budget and then of the Economy, President of the AMF (Association of Mayors of France), the very dynamic Valerie Pecresse, President of the Ile Region of France (Ex Minister of Higher Education), Dominique Bussereau, ex Minister of Transport and Agriculture, President of the ADF (Assembly of French Departments), Centrist of French Right wing, and Herve Morin, renowned for his World Forum of Peace in Normandy, Pdt of the Normandy Region.

RENAUD MUSELIER PRESIDENT OF THE REGIONS OF FRANCE IS A BENEVOLENT AND NOTORIOUS POLITICAL MAN OF ------Renaud Muselier, the current President of the Regions of France, (Former European deputy, until 2019) is a very benevolent man, working for years in the politics of the French Right, and known as a great figure in the politics of France. Marseille (He was the Deputy of Marseille Jean Claude Gaudin), is a sports doctor and was vice-champion of Karate de France and was vice-president of the famous OM football club in 1997. Renaud Muselier is also the father of Maurice Muselier, former resistance fighter during the Second World War.------RENAUD MUSELIER SUBMITTED SIX PRIMORDIAL POINTS TO PM JEAN CASTEX FOR EFFECTIVE DECENTRALIZATION------President Renaud Muselier (The President of the PACA Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur region) then recalled the primordial role played by the regions of France, during the very complicated period of confinement vis-Ã -vis the fight against the spread of COVID- 19. He also warmly thanked Christine Lagarde for her presence "We are lucky to have you, France is lucky to have you". Renaud Muselier then announced the arrival in some time of Prime Minister Jean Castex who is the guest of this year. Renaud Muselier recalled the attachment of the French to the regions of which they are very happy with their proximity policy "For 79% of the French, the Region is the ideal community for experimenting with innovative public measures and policies. 77% of those questioned believe that the Regions should be able to put in place public policies that are very different from one another if they so wish. And 74% of them agree or rather agree with the fact that the Region is the level of proximity that carries out public action closest to citizens. "(Source Poll Ipsos)

VALERIE PECRESSE INSISTED ON THE “T“ OF TRUST OF THE STATE-REGION PARTNERSHIP CALLED DDD TO SUCCEED THE RECOVERY PLAN------On the political level, the day was first marked by the exchange that the Presidents of the Regions had with Prime Minister Jean Castex. Three weeks after the signing of the States-Regions partnership agreement for relaunching, the Prime Minister endeavored to reassure the Presidents on the modalities of implementation of actions on the ground, thanks to the “relationship of trust “built at the highest level. In response to the concerns expressed by President Renaud Muselier, Jean Castex assured that the resurgence of the epidemic will not put the recovery effort in the background, and pleaded for an “alliance“ between the State and the Regions to “ to further increase the scale of this essential stimulus “. "The recovery will be neither rapid nor rigorous unless it is anchored in the territories closest to the realities of our economic fabric," he explained.

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