Mt Oak is a 1140 Ha property, on Ngarigo country south of , of which over 80% is now covenanted under an agreement with NPWS (NSW). It was purchased in 1977/78 with funds raised at the second Confest and is now managed by the Mt Oak Community Association with the title being held in trust by the Free Land Association. It has had a long and varied history. Sheep were removed many years ago, weed control for some species has been undertaken, regular bird surveys are done by the CBOC and a 250+ species herbarium is maintained. The land presents an interesting opportunity for further studies and surveys.

We are inviting interested naturalists, ecologists, botanists, twitchers, herpetologists, entomologists and bryologists to visit the woodlands and grasslands of Mt Oak and be part of the Mt Oak Biobushblitz 12-18th Jan 2015.

Given the seasonality reptiles are likely to be a drawcard. Mt Oak supports a population of Rosenberg Monitors. We have anecdotal evidence of the Pink Worm Lizard but have yet to photograph or record them. Sheoak Skinks and Earless Dragons would be are possible. Insects such as grasshoppers and moths will be plentiful. Very few small ground dwelling mammals are known to occur at Mt Oak however quoll scats have been recorded, various macropod species abound, a feathertail glider was found dead in a tank, and bats are numerous but yet to be properly surveyed. The cryptogamic layer and bryophyte cover is incredibly diverse but yet to be assessed.

There are limited facilities at Mt Oak. However, there’s 3G reception, Murrumbidgee water to cool off in and rain water to drink, a community shed with very basic kitchen (no fridge but plates sink etc). Some limited indoor accommodation. The 6km drive in to the community area is rough and slow but most cars with decent clearance will make it down the “gulch” and we can pick up people from the gate or car pool. Come prepared to camp, share food and experience hot weather and a billion stars. All welcome. Kid friendly

The address is 395 Rd, NSW.

That’s 3.95km from the Highway


Gidja Walker [email protected] or Philip Jensen [email protected] or ring either 0359 886 529 (until early January) or text 0418 416 182

See the Mt Oak website…