News: Praise and Anger Follow Raids on Minister

May 7 - 20, 2010 Issue No. 39 Now on sale for € 1

Arms Raid Raises NEWS New Conflict Fears EU Nudges in Macedonia Kosovo, Serbia Discovery of weapons on Towards Sarajevo both sides of the Summit Macedonia-Kosovo > page 4 border raises concerns about renewed destabili- sation of the country, and the potential resur- rection of disbanded eth- nic Albanian militant group. See Page 2

FEATURE Kosovo’s Battered EULEX: No Evidence of Wives Still Suffer in Silence KLA Organ Trafficking > page 7 Matti Raatikainen, chief war crimes investigator for the EU mission, tells Prishtina Insight that investigations into alleged NEWS KLA organ trafficking have uncovered nothing so far Serbian Phone ket. Former KLA fighters strenu- Out of these are 50 cases in which cials have helped with witnesses By Jeta Xharra & Lawrence Marzouk ously denied the claims. there are more than 10 victims.” and evidence. Service ‘Restored in Last year EULEX revealed it was He said that looking at all the And according to a EULEX Most Areas’ ccusations that the Kosovo looking into the claims, but speak- war crimes cases in Kosovo, 70 per source, an organ harvesting opera- Liberation Army, KLA, was ing to Prishtina Insight, cent of the victims were Albanians, tion would have required sophisti- > page 10 Ainvolved in organ traffick- Raatikainen said enquiries by the 25 per cent Serbs and the remain- cated logistics beyond what a small ing from the so-called “Yellow EU rule-of-law mission had uncov- ing 5 per cent involved Roma and farmhouse in remote northern FOOD & DRINK House” in Albania are not support- ered no evidence to back them up. other ethnic groups. Albania could have provided. ed by evidence, Matti Raatikainen, “We have investigated the Yellow The case has gained further trac- In 2003, an UNMIK and ICTY mis- chief of war crimes investigations Puro Exclusivity House case but to date our prosecu- tion internationally over the past sion visited a house 40 minutes at EULEX, said. tors have found absolutely no evi- year following claims by the from the village of Rribe to investi- > page 10 The allegations, which first sur- dence or intelligence that would Serbian war crime prosecutor’s gate the allegations that organs faced in the book Madame lead us to believe this happened,” office that it has evidence of organ from Serbs abducted from Kosovo Prosecutor, by Carla del Ponte, for- he said. “We followed the clues but trafficking, and the launch of an had been “harvested” there. The FEATURE mer chief prosecutor for the no evidence or intelligence about investigation into the matter by inquiry did not proceed further. International Criminal Tribunal this case ever materialised.” Dick Marty, a Swiss senator repre- Kosovo and Albanian authori- International for former Yugoslavia, ICTY, are He added that while the case was senting the Council of Europe. ties argue that the investigation Artists arguably the most shocking lev- not closed, it was no longer a prior- Prishtina Insight understands never went anywhere because the elled at the KLA. Del Ponte said the ity: “Of about 900 cases we inherit- that EULEX’s war crime unit has allegations were “cooked up by Showcase KLA might have kidnapped several ed from UNMIK, we are working on asked to see the evidence held by Belgrade” to undermine the legiti- hundred Serb civilians in 1999 and about 60, as this is what we have the Serbian prosecutor but has macy of Kosovo’s war for inde- Work in taken them to northern Albania, capacities for. received no positive answer. This is pendence. where their vital organs were “We have prioritised them main- in contrast to other investigations Prishtina removed and sold on the black mar- ly on the seriousness of the case. by EULEX in which Belgrade offi- continues page 2 > page 10

Gracanica Mayor Confident Kosovo Unions Fear Labour NGO FOCUS on ‘Marigona Complex’ Deal Law May Meet Delays The International Civilian Office, ICO, Trade unions in Kosovo say they fear leg- Youth Initiative for last week criticised Prishtina Municipality islation aimed at bolstering workers’ Human Rights: for issuing planning permission for a rights may never see the light of day on 100million residential complex in the account of vested interests. Broadening neighbouring district of Gracanica. At the moment, they say, too many But Prishtina Municipality has defended employees work without contracts, which Horizons its decision to Prishtina Insight and the means they have few or none of rights that most workers take... city mayor of Gracanica... page 6 business page 5 > page 14

Y M is supported by: C K 2 May 7- 20, 2010 news Arms Raid Raises New Conflict Fears in Macedonia Discovery of weapons on both sides of the Macedonia-Kosovo border raises concerns about renewed destabilisation of the country, and the potential resurrection of disbanded ethnic Albanian militant group. which then spread across most Albanians make up about a quar- northern and northwestern parts ter of Macedonia’s population. One of the country. political demand that has become a By Sinisa-Jakov Six months of clashes in 2001 source of bitter arguments con- Marusic ended with the signing of the cerns state pensions for NLA veter- Ohrid Peace Accord, which envis- ans and the families of killed and acedonia’s security situation aged greater rights for ethnic wounded NLA fighters. has the potential to deterio- Albanians. Among others points, it The DUI head, Ali Ahmeti, has Mrate, analysts have told envisaged proportional employ- promised to resolve this issue ever Prishtina Insight, though the chances ment of Albanians in the security since the party joined the govern- of an escalation into a repetition of forces and in administration in ment with VMRO DPMNE in 2008 vast revamp project for the capital, serious effort at demilitarization,” the armed conflict of 2001 are slim. return for dissolution of the NLA but has yet to reach a deal. He also dubbed “Skopje 2014”, which she says, arguing that “the prolif- Last week’s police discovery of a whose leadership subsequently promised Macedonia’s swift involves erecting large monu- eration of weapons is a fact. large weapons stash hidden in the formed what is now the country’s entrance into NATO and EU, which ments linked only with the history “The international factor has a mountains near the Macedonian biggest Albanian party, the have been slowed by VMRO of the Macedonian majority, and certain interest in controlled pres- border with Kosovo raised fears of Democratic Union for Integration, DPMNE’s failure to reach a com- last years’ controversy over a gov- sure on Macedonia, primarily renewed violence and of the resur- DUI. promise with on the vexed ernment-sponsored encyclopedia because of the name issue, but not rection of the disbanded National The DUI, now part of the govern- issue of Macedonia’s name. which called Albanians “settlers” in its utter destabilization because Liberation Army, NLA, the ethnic ment led by the centre-right VMRO “Many people are discontented and used the derogatory term this will ruin all their efforts and Albanian insurgent force that DPMNE party, condemned the com- over the condition of the Albanians “Shiptari” for them, have raised successes in the region,” clashed for six months with muniqué as “false” and a “provoca- in Macedonia and are not as concern among many Albanians. Vankovska continues. Macedonian forces in 2001. tion”, saying it was aimed at patient as Ali Ahmeti,” Dulovi His refusal to settle the issue of She fears, however, that “those On Wednesday, NATO expressed spreading fear among the popula- said. NLA pensions and his govern- working on the ground might mis- concern following the recent case tion. One man considered an NLA ide- ment’s failed attempt to make understand the signals of foreign incident. “There is only one legitimate ologist, Fazli Veliu, recently Macedonian language classes com- factors and use the situation for “The quantity of seized ammuni- NLA leader,” the party said, nam- warned the authorities to settle the pulsory for Albanian first-graders their own lucrative or political tions was very large and this is ing its head, Ali Ahmeti, who led problem over state pensions for were also seen as provocative. goals”. very worrying for us,” Admiral the insurgency back in 2001. The NLA veterans. Speaking in the vil- Dulovi argues that although no Vankovska argues that NATO, Mark Fitzgerald, Commander of party condemned the use of vio- lage of Slupcane he said that if the local political players would open- as the biggest military force in the the Allied Joint Force Command in lence as means of accomplishing issue were not settled soon, the ly support violent destabilisation, region, with the widest intelli- Naples, said during his visit in political goals. Almost all political head of VMRO DPMNE, Prime some might hope to potentially gence assets at its disposal, should Kosovo. parties joined in condemning the Minister Nikola Gruevski, would benefit from such developments. help Macedonia in combating rad- “Such actions could destabilise a alleged communiqué, while the EU be responsible for any unrest that “Gruevski might see some form of icals. country like Macedonia, so we have office in Skopje denounced it as might follow. “Macedonia has two contained conflict as a good oppor- However, Blagoja Markovski, a to be concerned,” he told before “unacceptable”. options for its future, one is cohabi- tunity to excuse himself from the military analyst from the Balkan journalists. Police insisted matters were tation and the other is separation; responsibility of settling the name Security Forum, an NGO, argues During the bust the police came under control. “The timely action Albanians are ready for both,” he dispute with Greece,” Dulovi spec- that there is little chance of a across NLA emblems and a large of the Macedonian police, which said. ulated. return to something like the 2001 quantity of weapons, including 20 seized all the weapons, has pro- Following these and similar Greece has blocked Macedonia’s conflict. missiles, three mine-throwers, duced results,” Interior Minister statements made in the public entry into NATO and the EU, con- Markovski, spokesman for the three field guns, 81 kg of plastic Gordana Jankulovska said over the domain, NATO, the EU, the OSCE ditioning its entry on changes Macedonian army during that explosive, and hundreds of weekend. and the US last week issued a joint being made to the name “Republic conflict, says Macedonia is now a grenades and mines. But Lirim Dulovi, editor of statement expressing concern for of Macedonia”. Gruevski is under more democratic society and is Police also encountered armed Koha, an Albanian-language daily, the country and reaffirming sup- constant international pressure to much closer to NATO and EU, resistance from an unidentified told Prishtina Insight that the lat- port for the Ohrid Accord as the reach a compromise with Athens, membership of which is the com- group of uniformed men apparent- est developments reminded him of “only option” for future progress. which would, however, undermine mon goal of both Albanians and ly guarding the sniper rifles, mor- the start of the 2001 clashes. “We firmly oppose any violence his unmatched popularity at Macedonians. tars, missiles and other weapons. “All the parameters are the or threats of violence, as this will home. “These are former NLA fighters The group retreated to Kosovo. same,” he said, pointing to the then only harm political and economic Dulovi said the leader of the who are dissatisfied because they Shortly after the bust an alleged police statements boasting about progress and is in sharp contradic- opposition Social Democrats, did not get what they were prom- NLA representative sent a commu- their successful actions, condem- tion to the values that our institu- Branko Crvenkovski, might “also ised,” he said of the men behind niqué claiming responsibility for nations of violence and extremism tions represent,” the statement profit from instability because he the recently uncovered arms the arms stash and for engaging from all sides and exchanges of added. The DUI refused to com- could then blame Gruevski for cache, “or maybe they don’t agree the police. accusations among the political ment on Veliu’s claims, saying he this, and so boost his low populari- with the idea of achieving pan- The communiqué arrived by parties. was a marginal figure. ty ratings”. Albanian unity through the NATO email at the local Alsat M TV sta- He warned that “the situation Since taking power in 2006, Biljana Vankovska, professor at and EU integration of all Balkan tion, signed by a person named could get out of control” because of Gruevski has faced criticism for the Skopje-based Faculty for War States.” Arben Selimi and bearing a stamp growing dissatisfaction among the pursuing policies that allegedly go and Peace Studies, has been warn- Markovski estimates that the of the NLA. It stated that the NLA Albanian community over the slow against the spirit of the Ohrid ing of a possible “resurrection” of weapon stash found by the police existed and intended to “continue implementation of the Ohrid deal, which foresees the creation violence for some time. She told was intended for classical terror- operations in all Albanian-populat- accord. “Any attempt to disregard of a multi-ethnic society. Prishtina Insight the recent events ist actions but doubts the unidenti- ed parts of Macedonia”. this [Ohrid] deal… gives additional He insists his government is were predictable. fied armed men guarding it The message echoed statements fuel to alternative solutions and to doing its best to ensure full imple- “This region lives in a condition enjoyed significant support from that the NLA sent nine years ago, those who instigate them,” Dulovi mentation of the deal. of negative peace – with absence of the local Albanian population in when the 2001 conflict started, and said. However, his insistence on a open violence but also without any the region. EULEX: No Evidence of Organ Trafficking Claims from page 1 Albania. Army maintained in Albania dur- ried out a house search and arrest- inmates, who were political adver- "We did find testimonies and ing the NATO bombing of former ed a man, understood to be Sabit saries, people suspected of being In Belgrade, officials have con- data on people who were detained Yugoslavia. Geci, in connection with war spies for Serbia and others tinued to highlight the claims, por- in Albania but none regarding Balkan Insight discovered in an crimes. EULEX said the investiga- engaged in feuds with some KLA traying them as proof that the organ trafficking." investigation published last year tion was in connection with authorities, were tortured and in Albanian guerrilla war was a that the KLA had maintained crimes allegedly committed some cases murdered. criminal enterprise Suspect in Kukes War detainment cells in a base in the between April and June 1999, EULEX confirmed last summer Belgrade’s Humanitarian Law Crimes Case Arrested northeastern Albanian town of while sources confirmed to that it was looking into the allega- Centre is the NGO which has most Kukes. Prishtina Insight that the arrest tions of the torture camps in seriously documented war crimes A Kosovo Albanian man was Yesterday in the Pejton district was linked to KLA detention facil- Albania. Y of former Yugoslavia arrested yesterday on war crimes of central Prishtina, EULEX’s ities in Kukes. This is the first arrest for war M Its head Natasa Kandic said: charges, and Prishtina Insight has executive police department, The cells appeared to be part of crimes related to the former C “Humanitarian Law Center has no learnt that the case is tied to tor- under the supervision of the a loose network of detention facil- Yugoslavia which occurred in the K data about organ trafficking in ture camps the Kosovo Liberation Special Prosecutor’s Office, car- ities in the country, where territory of Albania. news May 7- 20, 2010 3

Editor’s word Praise and Anger Follow Liria e Shtypit Raids on Kosovo Minister By Lawrence Marzouk High-profile EULEX raids on transport minister Fatmir Limaj’s homes and offices have been hailed by some as a step towards tackling corruption but condemned by others as pure theatre.

and some states were allegedly ewspapers are never impartial. keen for justice to take its course. It might be a surprise to hear an On the other hand, some mem- Neditor admit to it, but I think By Lawrence Marzouk bers of the Quint, the ambassa- attempts to portray journalists as neu- & Petrit Collaku dors of the five most powerful tral observers is to project a fallacy. countries in Kosovo, preferred a Media organisations should strive to softer landing for the minister. be fair, but inevitably social norms, aids on the homes and Voices calling for justice to morals and political views craft the sto- offices of Kosovo’s contro- take its course won the day. But it ries that newspapers cover and affect Rversial Transport is not clear whether this was the way that events are reported. Minister Fatmir Limaj have because all sides were won round For example, journalists work on the drawn sharply contrasting reac- to the argument or whether tions from civil society groups basis that laws should be respected and EULEX decided to act despite the and government officials. do not strive to represent the views of differing approaches. The raids conducted last convicted criminals. That is unless Pressure had been mounting Wednesday by the EU rule-of-law there is a suspicion that there has been on EULEX for months to use its mission, EULEX, arguably con- a miscarriage of justice or that the law executive powers to tackle high- stitute the most controversial is unfair, which is based on the journal- level corruption. Civil society corruption probe in Kosovo’s ist’s judgment. groups had become increasingly short history. When reporting on wars, is it right vocal in their criticism of the Dozens of EULEX officers for journalists to give equal weight to mission as time passed and Fatmir Limaj and his ministry are under investigation for corruption took part in the action. It was the arguments of those committing action failed to materialise. later confirmed that searches Political commentator Mufail In an interview with the pub- crimes against humanity and to the vic- One of those who had called took place at the Ministry, at Limani said that while EULEX’s lic broadcaster RTK, Prime tims of atrocities? These cases also on EULEX to demonstrate its homes connected to Limaj and at move was legal, they way they Minister Thaci questioned require the journalist to make a judg- commitment to fighting corrup- the offices of three companies had carried it out had damaged whether Feith had interfered ment between what is right and wrong tion was Ilir Deda, director of that had won road-building ten- the reputation of Kosovo. with judicial processes, saying and, as a consequence, be partial. And, the think tank KIPRED. He said ders from the ministry. “The government and EULEX the raid sent out the wrong mes- of course, some newspapers openly sup- the raids represented a positive While the mission issued only should demonstrate a better sages. Relations between the two port certain principles and political new phase in Kosovo’s develop- a short press release, explaining partnership to us because the men have been reportedly frosty parties. ment. that a number of searches were last thing we need is a bad image since the meeting at which Feith In my home country, England, most “I see this as the beginning of ongoing, the aim of the raids was [of Kosovo] or conflict between allegedly requested Limaj’s dis- newspapers have backed a particular EULEX’s wider action to fight easy to divine. That EULEX was EULEX and the representatives missal. party for yesterday's General Elections. corruption in Kosovo,” he told investigating suspected corrup- of our country,” he told “The message sent by EULEX This decision obviously has a major Prishtina Insight. “The circle of tion inside the Ministry of Prishtina Insight. through such an action was that impact on how events are covered, but such actions is going to get wider Transport had been the subject “It is indisputable that there is it was as if Kosovo’s institutions at least you know what particular and as EULEX said we will see of speculation for months. It had a social and political need to are at war with international vision of the world you will be given more actions in two or three even been referred to, albeit fight corruption but no minister, institutions, which is not true,” when you pick up the paper. weeks. It’s never too late to do obliquely, in the press. whether Limaj or another, Thaci said. What worries me most about media that.” The newspaper Koha Ditore should be arrested like a bandit,” Deputy Prime Minister coverage in Kosovo is not that some From 1999 to 2009, Deda added, reported back in March that the he added. Hajredin Kuqi took a more cau- media outlets are fiercely partisan, but the international community International Civilian “Such behaviour is unaccept- tious position. “We will not that this manifests itself in the presen- had focused on building up peace Representative, Pieter Feith, had able. The action that we saw is interfere in the work of justice,” tation of a completely warped version in Kosovo, and now was the time urged Prime Minister Hashim similar to actions against the he told Prishtina Insight. “We of events based purely on political for a change of gear. Thaci to relieve an unnamed mafia. This means that Kosovo’s have expressed our stance… on motives. “Over the last two or three minister of his duties in a government is seen as a criminal not interfering in the justice sys- The case of EULEX’s raids on the months, the focus has been on cre- reshuffle before investigations or mafia-led group.” tem,” he added. Ministry of Transport and homes con- ating functional and democratic into the minister’s activities EULEX has denied that the “We look for cooperation, nected to Minister Fatmir Limaj is the Kosovo institutions, with mini- were forced to go public. motive for the operation was to transparency and understand- latest example of this. Rather than pres- mal corruption,” he continued. improve its tarnished image. ing, which are necessary in ent facts, the Democratic Party of “The rule of law should be every country but… for the time Kosovo’s cheerleaders decided to paint “The message sent by EULEX through such an action allowed to work independently being, we are awaiting answers the events as some kind of media spec- tacle. was that it was as if Kosovo’s institutions are at war with without political interference,” from the judiciary.” spokeswoman Karin Limdal In an interview with the daily On the day after the searches, some international institutions, which is not true,” said. Express newspaper, the speaker newspapers didn’t even bother to find a said Prime Minister Hashim Thaci “No institution or individual of the parliament, Jakup willing mouthpiece to put forward is above the law and if there are Krasniqi, was less diplomatic. these views, but simply presented it as well founded reasons for believ- “The material taken that day by fact. Not everyone is convinced of It was widely believed that the ing that material is present in a such a large police force could This is not the work of a journalist, this benign interpretation of minister in question was Limaj. specific location that could bring have been taken in a more pro- but a propagandist. recent events, however. Pro-gov- And while the Prime Minister an ongoing investigation for- fessional way by investigators Don't get me wrong, I cherish a strong ernment papers and in particu- has denied Feith made such a ward, a judge can order a search and prosecutors,” he main- independent media which represents lar papers loyal to Limaj’s party, request, Feith himself has not. of this location,” she added. tained. all views, but newspapers and journal- the Democratic Party of Kosovo, The ministerial reshuffle “These are normal procedures “The way that the raid, or the ists should respect certain norms of PDK, have dubbed the raid a came and went in March without based on the law. To suggest that spectacle, was carried out in the behaviour and professional standards. spectacle. the departure of Limaj. In the the search of the Ministry of Ministry of Transport was more Suggesting that an organisation car- They mostly claimed that the weeks leading up to the EULEX Transport… was a spectacle that like theatre,” he added. “We ried out raids on a government min- action was intended to divert raids, a new, secret plan violated state institutions in believe there were numerous istry and a minister's homes purely to public attention from the furore emerged, which would have seen Kosovo is a groundless accusa- possibilities to get to the truth boost its reputation is an incredibly surrounding Albin Kurti, leader the minister take up a position tion.” without violating state institu- serious allegation and should be backed of the hard-line nationalist outside Kosovo, possibly in New Limaj provided a short state- tions [like that].” up with evidence. Vetevendosje movement, York. ment on the evening of the raids, The speaker said that in the Unfortunately it seems that some Kurti is on trial for taking part Both international and gov- explaining that he would carry meantime Limaj ought to “con- newspapers are more interested in in a 2007 protest in Prishtina that ernment sources have confirmed on working as normal but he has tinue his work… Unless some- being political pamphlets embellished turned violent but has failed to that this plan was on the table since shunned opportunities to one’s guilt is proven, he is not with government ads than doing their turn up in court despite a war- and was put forward out of con- speak to the public or the media. guilty.” job. rant for his arrest. cern that Limaj’s potential At first, no government repre- EULEX told Prishtina Insight A free press, or liria e shtypit, is a Some papers say the raids are arrest could destablise the coun- sentative commented. But in that documents and information keystone of democracy, but regulations an attempt also to draw the try. what appeared a concerted fight- gathered during the searches that maintain standards are also essen- media spotlight from the These sources point to a split back by the government, three were still being analysed and the tial. Romanian EULEX officers Y within the international commu- senior figures later provided spokeswoman would not be Press freedom should not mean free- caught smuggling cigarettes and M nity when it came to dealing interview and statements on drawn on whether they would dom to peddle half-truths and propa- alcohol out of the country last C with this issue. EULEX, the ICO Wednesday. lead to arrests or further action. ganda. month. K 4 May 7- 20, 2010 news

Serbian Bishop Artemije Dismissed EU Nudges Kosovo, Serbia he Council of the , SPC, decided on Tuesday to permanently Tremove Bishop Artemije, the bishop of the Raska and Prizren Diocese in Kosovo, from his duties. Towards Sarajevo Summit According to the SPC statement, Bishop Atanasije also resigned as the diocese’s temporary administra- Diplomats hope use of so-called Gymnich formula will enable Kosovo and Serbia to take part in tor, but will remain there until a replacement is News in Brief News found. key EU meeting and avoid another damaging boycott. Serbian daily Vecernje Novosti learned from its sources that Artemije has denied allegations of fraud in the diocese and openly opposed an offer to retire but said he would “accept the decision of the Council, By Bojana Barlovac whatever that is.” On February 16, police launched a probe into allega- tions of fraud inside the Diocese on the basis of russels is investing strong charges filed by the Church. Bishop Artemije, who led efforts in negotiations with the Diocese, was temporarily removed from his post BBelgrade and Prishtina to find while the final decision of the Church Council was a formula that would allow both sides awaited. attend regional and international According to a report issued by a Church commis- conferences, in the absence of a per- sion looking into the Artemije case, which Balkan manent resolution to their differ- Insight has seen, money donated to the diocese ences. allegedly funded the lifestyles of several of the Italy’s Foreign Minister, Franco Bishop’s close associates. Frattini, on April 29 proposed the The alleged beneficiaries included Simeon Vilovski Serbian officials refused to attend the regional conference in Brdo, Slovenia use of the so-called “Gymnich” and Rade Suboticki. The two men operated Rade model as a solution that could the Serbian delegation to walk out in the Forum for Ethnic Relations, said Neimar, a construction firm linked to the church, enable all parties in the region to protest on a number of occasions. finding a suitable solution to the prob- which was engaged in the reconstruction of monas- attend the EU-Western Balkans The most recent incidents occurred in lem could be easily achieved if the polit- teries destroyed during the March riots that swept summit planned for Sarajevo on February at the inauguration of ical elites of the two sides wanted to do Kosovo in 2004. June 2. Croatia’s new President, Ivo Josipovic, so; the problem was that Prishtina and Serbian police arrested Suboticki on February 17 Under the Gymnich model, only and on March 20, at the EU-Western some EU countries wanted it more than on suspicion of embezzling 300,000 meant for the the names of the participants are Balkans conference held in Brdo, Serbia did at the moment. reconstruction of monasteries in Kosovo between displayed, not the names of the Slovenia. Serbian President Boris Tadic Referring to the Sarajevo meeting, he 2004 and 2009, while Vilovski was arrested in Greece states they represent or their absented himself from both events, added: “The Kosovo side is more likely on March 11. national symbols. knowing that Kosovo representatives to accept ‘no name’ formula and not be Named after a castle in Germany, would take part as well. represented as a state, even if a UNMIK European Commissioner Fuele in the formula was introduced in 1974 The Brdo conference, which aimed to representative speaks first.” by EU foreign ministers as a means present a common front in the region on However, an UNMIK spokesman, Kosovo of holding informal meetings at EU integration, was overshadowed by the Russell Geekie, told Prishtina Insight U Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele which participants could have free Serbian boycott, which also triggered the that UNMIK had not yet received an started a two day tour of Prishtina and and comprehensive discussions on absence of major European politicians. invitation for the Sarajevo summit. “I EMitrovica yesterday on his second official visit issues without reaching formal con- While Serbian officials are open to a so- expect that UNMIK would attend if an to Kosovo. clusions. called “Gymnich plus” formula, based on invitation is extended to us,” he said. Commissioner Fuele is to meet the Kosovo Prime Ever since Kosovo unilaterally an asymmetric presence of representa- “But the UNMIK representative – Minister Hashim Thaci and Kosovo Minister of declared independence on February tives, Kosovo is holding out for the equal- whether it is the SRSG [Special European Integration Besim Beqaj. He will also meet 17, 2008, Serbia, which strongly ity of all participants. Representative of the Secretary- representatives of the international community in opposes the move, has refused to However, some analysts believe that General for Kosovo] or another official – Kosovo. take part in international gather- Kosovo may show flexibility in finding a would only speak on behalf of the mis- Fuele will also visit Mitrovica north, where he will ings at which Kosovo is represented solution as fears are growing that the sion. He or she would not speak on give a lecture to university students and pay a visit to as an independent state. whole region will lose out if the forthcom- behalf of Kosovo, which has its own the business complex in Zvecan. He will mark Europe Kosovo officials have meanwhile ing summit ends up the same way as the leaders.” Day at a formal reception in Prishtina. attended several regional and meeting in Slovenia. Geekie refused to comment on international meetings, prompting Prishtina Insight has meanwhile Frattini’s proposal directly, especially learned that Serbia will insist on a without knowing the details, but reiter- EU Releases Data on Asylum “Gymnich-plus” formula, meaning that ated that the SRSG strongly believed it Seekers in 2009 Kosovo officials would have to be escorted was in the interests of all of parties to to the talks by a representative of the UN attend such meetings and he would like uropean Union member states registered some mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, while repre- to see Belgrade and Prishtina represen- 14,200 asylum applications from citizens of sentatives of other international organi- tatives attend the summit under EKosovo in 2009, according to a recent report sations would be seated at the table as whichever formula works. issued by Eurostat, the bloc’s statistical office. Publisher: well. “I believe the Gymnich formula is one There were particularly high numbers of Kosovo applicants in France (4,580), Belgium (2,515), BIRN Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Vuk possible way for the sides to attend Jeremic, expressed hopes that a solution meetings by avoiding the status issue,” Germany (1,790), and Hungary (1,785). Balkan Investigative Reporting Network could be found that would allow both he continued. “In Prague last year this Asylum applicants from other countries in the Belgrade and Prishtina to attend the gath- formula allowed all the sides to present region were seen in the report as well, including 555 Mensa e Studenteve, first floor ering, while noting that certain lines their views in the same forum, which is from Serbia, 75 from Bosnia, and 5 from Albania. 10000, Prishtina could not be crossed. positive.” Of the 260,730 total applicants for asylum in the EU in 2009, 229,500 first instance decisions were made, Kosovo “Kosovo cannot be introduced any- Spain’s Ambassador to Serbia, Inigo where in a manner contrary to de Palacio Espana, whose country holds 166,900 of which were rejections (72 per cent). Phone: +381 (0) 38 24 33 58 Resolution 1244”, the Serbian Foreign the EU rotating presidency and is Fax: +381 (0) 38 22 44 98 Minister said, referring to the 1999 UN organising the Sarajevo gathering, has Prishtina, Belgrade May Begin Talks [email protected] resolution which authorized internation- also said it is in everyone’s interest for This Year al deployment in Kosovo but stated that the conference to take place. Editor-in-Chief: Kosovo remained part of Serbia. Top EU officials have reportedly said rishtina and Belgrade may begin talks on decen- On the other side, Kosovo’s Foreign that they will not take part in the confer- tralisation, cultural heritage and the northern Lawrence Marzouk Minister, Skender Hyseni, said Kosovo ence unless representatives from all Ppart of Kosovo later this year, the BBC Albanian [email protected] would accept any format for the summit countries in the region, including service reports. Editorial Team: as long as it respected the equality of all Serbia and Kosovo, attend the event, the According to the BBC’s diplomatic sources, the pos- Ana Petruseva, Gordana Igric, the participants. “If there are flags, titles, Serbian daily Dnevnik reported. sibility that talks will be held has increased after sev- or the names of countries, then there The EU High Representative for eral EU and US officials visited Kosovo and Serbia. Jeta Xharra, Marcus Tanner, should be [the same] for everyone,” Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton, and Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini also said Petrit Collaku and Shengjyl Osmani Hyseni said. EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan indirectly in that Kosovo and Serbia could Sonja Liht, president of the Foreign Fuele have reportedly informed Spanish start discussions after the EU-Western Balkans sum- Marketing, Sales & Distribution: Policy Council of the Serbian Foreign Foreign Minister about their stance. mit in Sarajevo scheduled for June 2. Ministry, told Prishtina Insight that as Liht said that the absence of any According to the BBC Albania report, which quoted [email protected] Serbia had accepted a Gymnich-plus for- country from the gathering would only unnamed international diplomatic sources, Pristina mula, Kosovo should accept it as well. “I lead to self-isolation, so both sides may create at least eight working groups to assist in Design & Layout: “Rrjeti” don’t know whether Prishtina will agree should show some flexibility in order to technical preparations for the potential talks. Y on that one but I hope it will,” she said. find a solution. “The entire region is los- Kosovo Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni, who M Printing: Lindi Printing Center Liht accepted that a permanent solu- ing if some of the parties do not take exchanged views with European deputies in Brussels C Copyright © BIRN tion to the problem might be far off. On part,” she said. “Every such move is on Tuesday, said he would favour talks with Belgrade K the other hand, Dusan Janjic, head of only postponing EU integration.” officials. business May 7- 20, 2010 5

Start of Kosovo Highway Construction Kosovo Unions Fear Labour Marked

n the presence of thousands of Law May Meet Delays onlookers, the Kosovo govern- Iment has marked the start of New legislation offering workers greater protection is up before parliament, and not before time, say union lead- highway construction in Kosovo at a groundbreaking ceremony in the ers, who fear the bill could still be held up. village of Vermice, near the border with Albania. Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha, US Ambassador to Kosovo Christopher Dell, UK Ambassador

By Lavdim Hamidi in brief Business news to Kosovo Andrew Sparkes, and many other top officials were pres- ent at the ceremony. rade unions in Kosovo say they fear legis- Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim lation aimed at bolstering workers’ Thaci said that Kosovo was mark- Trights may never see the light of day on ing history with the biggest and the account of vested interests. most important project for Kosovo. At the moment, they say, too many employ- “We are starting the road that ees work without contracts, which means unites us emotionally and physical- they have few or none of rights that most ly with others in Europe,” Thaci workers take for granted. said. He said that today everyone in The head of the Association of Trade Kosovo has more hope and faith in Unions of Kosovo, ATUK, Haxhi Arifi, told the future of Kosovo. Prishtina Insight that many workers have to Albanian Prime Minister work for up to 16 hours a day, get no overtime Berisha said that Kosovo’s govern- and have neither pensions, health and dis- ment has proved that it is able to do ability insurance nor paid holidays. They everything for the national inter- often don’t even receive their salaries on Workers protest in Prishtina against poor wages est. “This corridor makes Pristina time. closer to the sea,” Berisha said. Arifi said poor working conditions had islation “political marketing” and calling the ers’ associations. However the council does Kosovo Minister of Transport been the cause of the death of dozens of announcement on April 30 a blatant attempt not yet function owing to the dissatisfaction Fatmir Limaj said that the highway employees in the workplace this year. The to assuage tensions ahead of the protests. of the ATUK with the number of representa- makes clear where Kosovo is going. Kosovo Energy Corporation, KEK, has one of The union chief added that although the tives in the Council appointed by the govern- “This road is Europe,” Limaj said. the worst records among the publicly owned government had approved the bill, he still ment. The project will cost around 700 enterprises for fatal accidents. During the fears it could spend years gathering dust in Safet Gerxhaliu, from the Chamber of million. Funds for the whole proj- past ten years 28 workers have lost their lives what he calls “the bottom drawer of parlia- Commerce, denies that employers want to ect have yet to be identified. at work, while 1,300 others have suffered ment”. hold up passage of the new law. Employers’ The Ministry has also said that light and heavy injuries over the past five Arifi also criticised the government for representatives on the Social Economic the highway will be built in phases, years. not having approved such legislation earlier; Council welcome the law and parliament starting with the section that runs On May Day, the international day of the annual cost of implementing the new law should approve it as soon as possible, he from Vermice, on the border with labour, hundreds of Kosovo workers took to would cost only 8 million euro a year, he insisted. Albania, to Qafa e Duhles, the streets of Prishtina on to demand better maintained. “The law hasn’t been approved Gerxhaliu said it was not clear why the Suhareka municipality, in south- conditions. A day earlier, the government because some people profit from violating passage of such a law had been held up until west Kosovo. approved a new Bill that promises to afford the rights of the workers, especially in the now, when the legislation was a precondition greater protection to workers in both the pri- private sector,” he claimed. for Kosovo’s further integration into the EU. Israeli Foreign Minister vate and public sector. According to him, around 250,000 Another benefit of the new law, he added, Nenad Rashiq, Minister of Labour, said Kosovars work in the private sector, and was that it would help clarify the true state of in Visit to Macedonia the law would help Kosovo meet all the many pay no tax. “From the non-collection of the labour market. The common statement sraeli Minister of Foreign European Union criteria in terms of work- tax in the private sector, where thousands that unemployment in Kosovo is around 40 Affairs Avigdor Lieberman on ers’ rights. work in the black market, the losses to the per cent was probably not exact, he contin- IMonday kicked off a two day According to the draft legislation, full time budget are many times bigger than the annu- ued, as the total number of people engaged official visit to Macedonia. working hours are 40 hours per week, while al cost of the [new] law.” in the private sector was unknown. The foreign minister is accompa- under 18s cannot work for more than 35 The government says it has set up a spe- By regulating workers’ rights, the new law nied by an Israeli Foreign Ministry hours per week. And under the new law, the cial body, the Social Economic Council, to would help shrink the black economy “and delegation and a group of business- employer will now be legally responsible for look at labour issues whose members also make it known how many workers are men interested in increasing coop- the safety of its employees. include the association of trade unions, the involved in the private sector”, Gerxhaliu eration with the Balkan country. Arifi disagrees, branding the planned leg- Chamber of Commerce and other employ- maintained. Lieberman, who is also a deputy prime minister, is set to meet with Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki, President German Call Centre Opens in Georgi Ivanov, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanovski. The focus of the visit is expected Prishtina to be economic cooperation and means to boost tourism to both Promotion Agency of Kosovo countries. (IPAK). In the course of the visit In a statement IPAK said: Lieberman will meet with leaders By Lawrence Marzouk “Representatives of the German of the Jewish community in company are said to be very sat- Macedonia and discuss the contruc- isfied with the work of Kosovar tion of a Holocaust Memorial employees, in particular with Center in Skopje. rankfurt-based company their knowledge of German lan- Macedonia is currently building MC Mobile guage, which is a precondition a Holocaust Memorial Center in the FCommunication GmbH to work in the call center. country’s capital which, when fin- has opened a call centre in “The company is also closely ished, will commemorate the sever- Prishtina. cooperating with the German al thousand Jews from Macedonia The investment has created 60 language faculty of the who perished in the Nazi death new jobs in Kosovo’s capital and The opening of a call centre in Prishtina will bring 300 new jobs University of Prishtina in camps during the Second World this number is soon to increase issues such as recruitment and mote the country. nonetheless disturbing. War. to 300. training of potential employ- According to official statis- In 2007, direct foreign invest- Macedonia and Israel established The news comes as a boost to ees.” tics, foreign investment in ment reached 441 million euro. diplomatic relations in 1995 and Kosovo after two years of falling This is the third investment in Kosovo fell by 22 per cent in 2009 According to its website, MC since then relations between the direct foreign investment. Kosovo co-financed by ADC from 366 million euro in 2008 to Mobile Communications GmbH two states have been friendly. The project was carried out since the opening of the office in 285 million euro. is ‘an international cutting-edge However, both sides have agreed with the support of the Prishtina in November 2006. While the government attrib- system integrator based in that much more can be done to Y Austrian Development Foreign direct investment in utes the decline to the global Germany’, specialising in data boost economic cooperation. M Cooperation, ADC, and the Kosovo has fallen in recent financial crisis, economic communications and multime- C Vienna Office of Investment years despite attempts to pro- experts maintain the drop is dia. K 6 May 7- 20, 2010 city Gracanica Mayor Confident on Kahan ‘Marigona Complex’ Deal Ertik Bojan Stojanovic, Mayor of Gracanica, says his new municipality is likely to reissue a permit for the 100million Marigona residential complex, which was originally approved by Prishtina Municipality Consultant at Kosova Chamber of Commerce

By Shengjyl Osmani

he International Civilian Office, ICO, last week criti- Tcised Prishtina Municipality of: the Eyes through Prishtina for issuing planning permission to a 100million residential complex in the neighbouring district of Gracanica. But Prishtina Municipality has defended its decision to Prishtina Insight and the mayor of Gracanica, Bojan Stojanovic, said that he was confident a solu- Prishtina Municipality has been criticised for issuing permits for areas now in Gracanica Municipality tion will be found to the issue. In December 2009, under ed that the Mayor of holds. the latest elections, have the Kosovo’s decentralisation plan, Prishtin /Priština ensures that “Since last week, the munici- legitimate power of managing Gracanica became a new munici- his municipality ceases the pality of Prishtina issued an their territory according to its pality in an area formerly admin- issuance of permits with respect announcement that the citizens newly drafted borders. istered by Prishtina. to land over which it now holds of the municipality of “The living complex In a statement, the ICO said no competence. Gracanica won’t be given any Marigona had requested those that ‘municipalities must respect “The ICR has further request- services in Prishtina, but will permits from the municipality each others’ competencies’ and ed that steps be taken to address have to ask for those services in of Prishtina, which has agreed What surprised you most about referred to the Marigona case. the permits issued since the com- their residential municipality. to issue them, but after the Prishtina? Spokesperson Andy McGuffie pletion of municipal elections; “All construction permits for decentralisation, those won’t be said: “All executive authority this includes informing recipi- the area of the municipality of valid. That there are so many nice places from a ‘mother’ municipality ents of such permits that con- Gracanica will be issued there, “We have to work with the to eat, drink and go out. (Next hot transfers to a new municipality struction must stop pending because until now the munici- municipality of Prishtina, and spot for party people in Europe!) on completion of municipal elec- resolution of the matter.” pality of Gracanica didn’t have the Ministry of Local tions. But Muhamet Gashi, the technical ability to issue Government, to find a common What’s your favourite hangout? “The municipality of spokesperson for Prishtina them,” claimed Gashi. ground with the currently Prishtina /Priština is no longer Muncipality, told Prishtina “But, as soon as they establish issued construction permits, and Beer in the sunshine after work at competent to issue construction Insight that a permit had been the cadastral sector, all the con- their future validity. I’m very Rings on Nena Tereze, evening permits for land that falls within issued to Marigona because struction permits will be issued confident that we can find an drinks at Odyssea, Late night at the boundaries of the new part of the development without a problem in the munic- agreement that will satisfy both gjoni’s. municipality of remains in its municipality. ipality of Gracanica,” conclud- parties,” Stojanovic concluded. Food at Basilico, Gresa for Graqanica /Grac anica. The ICO He said: “We have been ed Gashi. About 100 million is expected Schnitzel, fast food shops across has communicated this to the through a long process of issu- Bojan Stojanovic, mayor of to be invested in Marigona, one form the university library after municipality of ing those construction permits Gracanica, told Prishtina of the biggest projects in Kosovo drinks. Prishtina /Priština in person to Marigona because the Insight the municipality has the housing history. and by official letter. requests for the permits were ability to issue permits. “Since The project includes 1,000 flats Do you do anything cultural? “The International Civilian submitted almost a year ago, December 29, 2009, the newly and more than 100 homes over 32 Representative (ICR) has request- and based on individual house- established municipalities, after acres of land. I was forced to go to ballet at the National Theatre. I have to admit that I liked it. Freedom Fest Announces Top Line-Up What is the most annoying thing about Prishtina? International stars have been confirmed to play in Prishtina this summer, but Lady Gaga says she is ‘too famous’ to come to Kosovo Cars parking on the pavement. hopefully we’ll be lucky to have If you were mayor of Prishtina him in Prishtina too,” he said. for the day what would you But unfortunately, Pearl Jam, change? By Shengjyl Osmani Faithless, The Game and Busta Rhymes, have slipped through Tow away the cars from the pave- the net. ment, clean garbage and educate the oni Size, Miss Dynamite and “Many of them haven’t been people on being more environmen- Dave Morales are among the available to come, others have tally friendly. Rinternational stars who will asked for a large amount of celebrate the 11th anniversary of money only to get in contact with How many macchiatos do you NATO’s intervention in Kosovo this them,” Zeqa said. drink a day? summer. “We have also contacted the Freedom Fest, which held its manager of Lady Gaga, who said If we have meetings: uncountable; inaugural event last year, will to us that is impossible for her to if not: tea. take place on June 12 and 13, with come to Kosovo because her show What’s the tastiest Kosovar a stellar roll call. and production is too famous.” food? But the event will have to make Rrahmani Petrit by Photo Freedom Fest will take place in do without Pearl Jam, Faithless, Last year’s Freedom Fest was the first, but not the last a large field, known as the Arena, The Game and Busta Rhymes, Qofte at the old and tiny qofte isers. other artists that have already 2km outside of Prishtina, off the who were either too busy or too shops, boiled meat at Mozaik, mega Roni Size, Miss Dynamite, confirmed their attendance, and main road Prishtina-Skopje road. expensive, and Lady Gaga, who schnitzel at Gresa, beef steak on my Stereo MCs, and The Young Gods from electronic music, Dave This time, the festival will was ‘too famous’ to make the barbecue at home or simply my charge an entrance fee of 5 euro, wife’s homemade cooking... event, according to her team. are among the 15 artists who will Morales and Bob De Rosa are two “We are almost done with the perform at the festival, which other great musicians who will which includes the cost of renting What landmark do you use to preparations for the festival, and this year will have two stages. be part of Freedom Fest 2010,” a tent. tell taxi drivers where you live? Y are only waiting for the sponsors “Super700 from Germany, Red added Zeqa. For more information visit M to confirm their participation, Snaper, Dred Zone from the “Currently we are expecting or the Same street as Hotel Ambassador C which is very important to us,” United Kingdom, Budzillas, the confirmation of DJ Sasha, a Facebook page Freedom Festival or one street below Hotel AFA. K said Leart Zeqa, one of the organ- Bones, and Queens English, are DJ that is known worldwide and Kosova 2010. feature May 7- 20, 2010 7 Battered Wives Still Suffer in Silence Too many victims of domestic violence never report their husbands to the police because of pressure from tradition, the family and society Kosovo News in Brief News Kosovo By Nora Nimani Musa Kosovo: ‘Passport Control for Serbians Next Year’ ’s husband took her to the woods around midnight and s of next year, Serbians will no longer be Ntied her to a tree. There he tor- able to cross the Kosovo border with their tured her with pliers and sexually Astate ID cards. They will instead be assaulted her. He even shot at her with required to use passports to do so, Dukagjin a gun but the bullet missed and she Gorani, an advisor to Kosovo’s prime minister, was dragged home, where the ordeal announced. continued. After hearing her cries for In an interview with Serbian daily Danas, help, relatives in a nearby house came Gorani said that “Kosovo is in the process of visa to N’s aid. They saw her bleeding and liberalisation, which includes the introduction of begged him to stop but he just locked biometric passports”. the door and continued. No one report- He added that “as part of this process it is neces- ed the case. sary to introduce a ban on crossing the border This is not a fictional case but the with ID cards, regardless of nationality or country real-life trauma faced by a 39-year-old of origin. Thus, citizens of Serbia can no longer be woman from Kosovo who, although she an exception, as is the case now,” the daily quoted has escaped from her husband, is too Experts say that more women are reporting domestic abuse, but much remains to be done Gorani as saying. scared to reveal her name. N is not Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from alone is having suffered extreme some time there, having nowhere else bands. Serbia on February 17, 2008. Belgrade rejected the domestic violence for years in silence. to go they’re forced to go back to the These are all some of the reasons Experts believe that while improve- perpetrators.” why N put up with 18 years of physi- move as an illegal act of secession. ments have been made, many women According to Halimi, the strength cal abuse. “I never left the house with- Kosovo has been recognised by 22 out of 27 EU have experienced a similar fate. and breadth of family networks in out him,” she recalled. “He took me to member states. Some 67 out of 192 UN member Married off at 21 to a man she did Kosovo mean that victims tend to turn my parents’ house for a two-hour visit states have recognised Kosovo, most recently the not know, N told Balkan Insight that to “family and friends” for support and twice a year. There was no room for Pacific island of Vanuatu, which recognised she spent the next 18 years living in “rarely go to the proper institutions”. me to do anything without him know- Kosovo’s independence last Wednesday. fear. “If you escape, I will kill you and Halimi says legal mechanisms are in ing.” According to Gorani, reaching an “interstate your youngest brother,” her husband place to protect women from domestic N and her husband had no children agreement” could be an alternative to the intro- told her. violence, but attention needs to focus and so adopted his brother’s son. The duction of passport controls at the border. N’s mother knew of her daughter’s on other areas. Shelters, for example, whole family had lived together until “Kosovo has intergovernmental agreements suffering and begged her son-in-law to provide sanctuary for battered wives 1999 when they built their own house. with Montenegro and Albania enabling Kosovo cit- let N go, but he did not listen, and she but remind women of their inferior The rest of the family knew about the izens to cross borders of the countries in the sum- did not do anything more about it. “A status. “The sad thing is that the vic- violence, but kept quiet. mer time with ID cards only. A similar agreement woman has to be under the rule of her tims [have to] leave their homes Lying sick in bed after a beating, N could be made with authorities in Belgrade, but in husband. He can beat and tie up his because they belong to the violator,” awoke one day to a knock at the door order to do so Serbia and Kosovo must sign the doc- wife if she doesn’t respect him.” So Halimi notes. and was surprised to see a police offi- ument as two independent states,” he said. says the code of Leke Dukagjini, the Divorce law and inheritance tradi- cer. She was afraid to go with him, but The introduction of passport controls was previ- honour code that has guided Albanian tions are other factors inhibiting went in the end. According to Sherifi, ously agreed with the international community, customs since the 15th century. women from reporting domestic vio- she was taken to a shelter where it which has recognised Kosovo’s independence, Although the traditional inequality lence. Women who divorce rarely claim took two months to heal her physical Gorani said, so any possible outcry from Serbia’s between the sexes is changing in their rightful equal share of the mar- wounds alone. side should be sent to Washington and Brussels. Kosovo, reporting domestic violence riage’s common property and wealth, She spent six months in total in the He also said that all who were born in Kosovo remains a taboo. as society tends to disapprove of this. shelter by which time her husband have the right to ask for Kosovo citizenship based Hundreds of cases of domestic vio- Conditions in the shelters in Kosovo had been sent to prison. The judge on their birth certificate, which will then allow lence are reported to police each year are good, however. Gjeve Osmani, cus- sentenced him to eight years and 11 them to get an ID card and passport issued by but women’s organisations maintains todian of the refuge in Pristina, says months. Once he was behind bars, she Kosovo institutions. that for every woman who comes for- there is plenty of space for victims and felt safe to leave the refuge and go ward to complain, many others remain they are provided with a psychologist back to her family. But all she has now Kosovo Albanian Arrested on silent. to help them rehabilitate. A gynecolo- to live on is a 75-euro pension, out of Shelters, social centres and police gist is available. which she has to pay her share of the Serbian Warrant offer their services to the victims. But “If victims need medical treatment, family rent. old traditions still impact strongly on we take them to the doctor and buy all Donika Shabani, a psychologist at erbian Deputy War Crimes Prosecutor Bruno social behaviour. Women’s rights the medications for them. Most impor- the shelter in Pristina, says that there Vekaric has announced that an ethnic tantly, they are very secure and safe is no follow-up to cases of domestic SAlbanian accused of committing war crimes organisations complain of the lack of against civilians in Djakovica/Gjakova in 1999 was awareness campaigns against domes- there,” Osmani says. “There is a police violence in Kosovo; social workers arrested at the Munich Airport in Germany. tic violence, and say victims of domes- patrol available to the shelter 24 hours rarely visit victims. With no institu- In an interview with broadcaster B92, Vekaric tic violence often fail to press charges a day.” tional programmes in place to rehabil- because they do not have enough back- According to a UNDP report in 2009 itate perpetrators of domestic vio- said that the suspect was arrested at the airport on ing from the community. on domestic violence, many women are lence either, “this gives more room for Tuesday while he was traveling from Chicago to “The attitude of ordinary people has not willing to report such attacks. The the repetition of violence”. Tirana via Munich with his family. to change; victims should have more Kosovo Women’s Network found that “For a sustainable solution we have “The procedure against the person detained in social and family support, this is very half of the victims they interviewed to change our mentality and the way Germany was stopped, considering that he wasn’t important,” Naime Sherifi, director of had never reported violence to police. we educate the new generations,” available to our law enforcement. We expect that a women’s shelter in Prishtina, says. Among the most common reasons Hamil says. She finds it a troubling an extradition procedure with the competent The number of cases of domestic victims gave for not reporting vio- aspect of Kosovo culture that discrim- authorities in Germany will begin soon,” the violence reported to the police has lence, or for abandoning a legal case, inatory proverbs against women are broadcaster quoted Vekaric as saying. increased steadily in recent years. were tradition and fear of social con- still being passed on. “If you don’t The man arrested is believed to have been a According to police spokesperson demnation. know why you’re beating her, she’ll member of the infamous Anton Lekaj group, Flora Ahmeti, 240 cases were reported Another factor is poor education. know,” says Halimi paraphrasing an which was close to the former Kosovo PM Ramush during the first quarter of 2009, while According to the UNDP report, the old Albanian proverb. Hardinaj and committed, according to the Serbian there were 301 in the whole of 2008. illiteracy rate among women in Shabani agrees. Children tend to Prosecution, serious crimes against the civilian “Violence is being reported and Kosovo is three times higher than the imitate their parents, she notes: “A population. “Several persons were tortured and at there are five shelters in Kosovo… but rate among men. Girls drop out of young boy aged eight starts beating least four murdered,” Vekaric told B92. this is not a long-term solution,” Sibel school at higher rates than boys his mother. She stays still, as beating In 2007 the Serbian Supreme Court confirmed Y Halimi, a sociologist at the Center for between mandatory primary school for her is very normal – but if this is the verdict of the Belgrade District Court War M Gender Studies in Prishtina, says. and secondary school, making women how we teach social behaviour, we are Crimes Trial Chamber, which sentenced Lekaj to C “After they [the victims] have spent even more dependent on their hus- in trouble.” 13 years’ inprisonment for war crimes in Kosovo. K 8 May 7- 20, 2010 Guide Explore Kosovo’s

Nestled in the rolling hills near Kosovo’s border with Macedonia, you’ll find a series of charming villages of stone houses, grand churches and pristine nature

iven the manmade and nat- venerate the Madonna. ural beauty of south east Interestingly, the two-day festi- GKosovo, the region should val attracts both Muslims and be one of the country’s prime Christians from across the region tourism destination. who take part in a series of mass- Inexplicable, however, it rarely es and processions. features in visitor’s itineraries But the village is a fascinating and very receives little attention. place to visit at all times of the While this is travesty for year due to one of the best collec- Kosovo’s nascent tourism indus- tions of old stone houses in try, the lack of day-trippers means Kosovo and opportunities to walk that it is blissfully quiet and free of the surrounding hills. the scourge of rubbish. The Karadak Mountains, which Letnica is the jewel in the crown mark the border, were once an of the serene region surrounding important mining centre, attract- the town of Viti. ing Saxon, Croat and Albanian It is relatively well know for its miners from far and wide. impressive modern church and But many of the Croats left the Black Madonna Statue, which hamlet in the early 90s to return to according to folklore can help their homeland, leaving their childless couples become parents. beautiful stone houses empty. Each year on August 14 and 15, In 2001, Letnica was settled in by tens of thousands of people Albanians from Macedonia who descend on this small village to were escaping the conflict across the border. But despite the new arrivals, the village still has the feel of having been bypassed by the ravages, and benefits, of the modern world. You’ll find a series of charming stone and Ottoman houses, mostly abandoned, dotted around the vil- lage. The most impressive structure, apart from the church, is the water mill, which is still producing corn flour to this day. The Croatian miller is not par- ticularly friendly, but will show you around the mill and is happy to sell his produce. Serbian Phone Service ‘Restored in Most Areas’

By Bojana Barlovac

erbian Telecommunications Minister Jasna Matic has said that the mobile Sand landline service of Serbian providers has been restored in most of the areas in Kosovo that were disconnected from the network last weekend. In an interview with Beta news agency, Serbian Telecommunications Minister Jasna Matic Matic said that the restoration of service was calling on the international community to In a statement, the TRA said: “Any deploy- of utmost importance. react and stop the Kosovo government from ment of telecommunication equipment Serbs in central Kosovo have been unable prohibiting them from using the phone serv- without prior permission of the TRA will be to use the service of Serbian-based mobile ices of Serbian mobile operators. considered illegal and will be treated as and fix phone networks for several days after The Serbian government had vowed to do such.” equipment at some 20 base stations was everything it could to help re-activate the net- The publicly owned Post Telecom of destroyed by workers of Kosovo’s Regulatory works, and called on the international com- Kosovo said that it had supplied more than Body for Telecommunications and special munity to help restore the service. 2,500 sim cards for its Vala mobile phone units of the Kosovo police last week. Y Kosovo’s Telecommunications Regulatory operator to Serb enclaves for free and that it The incident caused a significant amount M Authority, TRA, said earlier this week that it is working with Monaco Telecom, which of controversy, and some 3,000 Kosovo Serbs had disabled 26 mobile masts in 22 locations provides the network, to offer affordable C in Gracanica staged a protest on Monday, K across Kosovo. prices between Vala and Serbian numbers. 9 Guide May 7- 20, 2010 Catholic Villages

Bizarrely, at one end of the set- looking eatery, Trofta, in town cheeses, plenty of delicious grilled tlement you will find a large, shiny which serves up trout. meat and homemade raspberry replica boat which serves as a Unfortunately, this was closed on and apricot Rakija for your delec- restaurant. The contrast between my visit. tation. this ugly modern structure and However, the next door village of The village itself is very neat the rest of the town is startling. Stubbla e Eperme offers one of the and well worth a wander. It is also Letnica is also a great place to best rural restaurants in Kosovo, worth noted that much of the take a gentle stroll across the Jozefi. infrastructure, including the main green, rolling hills. The building housing the eatery road, was paid for by Stubbla’s Follow the path which leads may be unappealing but the ter- diaspora. alongside the clean, gushing river, race is large and comfortable and If you want to walk off your up hill to get great views of the provides superb views across the meal, you can climb to the top of church and the valley. mountains. the hill behind the village which is As well as the bizarre boat The food and drink is also excel- emblazoned with a ‘Saint Jozef ’ restaurant, there is also a fine lent. You’ll find homemade sign. Kosovo: Police Fail to Apprehend Kurti calling for resistance. Self-determination activists late Ali Aliu and Self- The charges against him were claimed that police used all physi- Determination activist, said. raised in connection to the cal means, such as metal sticks He added that the movement By Petrit Collaku February 10, 2007 demonstrations and tear gas, hurting several holds Kosovo Prime Minister in Prishtina against the Ahtisaari activists. Hashim Thaci, EULEX and the plan for the future of Kosovo in “I want to say that such action at Internal Affairs Ministry respon- osovo police failed in an which two Vetevendosje activists a funeral is not in the Albanian sible for what he called a violent attempt to arrest Vetevend - were killed and dozens injured. tradition,” Liburn Aliu, son of the action by Kosovo police. Kosje, or Self-Determination Kosovo police announced that leader Albin Kurti last Monday, at around 5:30 pm in Prishtina, after trying to stop the vehicle in police tried to stop a vehicle in which Kurti was suspected to be which they suspected a suspect riding. who faced an arrest warrant to be Kurti, for whom an arrest war- riding. rant was issued last week, was “The driver did not obey the attending the funeral in Prishtina Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti order and in meantime hit police- of the well-known Kosovo political asked the driver of the vehicle in men who were at the check point,” figure, Ali Aliu. which Kurti was suspected to be the Kosovo police press release And on Tuesday, Judge riding to stop but the driver man- Ferdinando Buatier de Mongeot of reads. aged to break through the police the EU rule-of-law mission in Police said that three policemen cordon. Kosovo adjourned the trial against suffered injuries as a result of At the same time, several Self- the Vetevendosje leader Albin being hit by the vehicle. Determination activists held back Kurti until June 21.The trial was “In an attempt to neutralise the the police as they attempted to postponed for the 11th time aggressive actions [of Self- stop the vehicle. because Kurti did not appear in Determination activists] the police An arrest warrant was issued court despite an arrest order arrested seven of them and confis- for Kurti on charges of participat- issued previously by presiding cated the vehicle that hit the Y EULEX judge de Mongeot. ing in a crowd committing a crim- policemen at the check point.” M The attempt to arrest Kurti after inal offence, participating in a Police said that at the time of the funeral failed after police group obstructing official persons the arrest of the driver, Kurti C from performing their duties and escaped. Kosovo Police attempted to nab Albin Kurti after he a funeral but failed K 10 May 7- 20, 2010 Food & Drink - Culture Puro Exclusivity One of Prishtina’s most exclusive restaurant does not fail to impress our reviewer

despite the spacious interior. Our waiter promptly arrived at our table, welcomed us to the restaurant and took our drink By Maneater order. Gratefully, his knowledge of the wine list was far more exten- sive than that of most Prishtina he country’s line of ‘blue waiters, and we were quite satisfied blood’ climbs to the high-end with his Australian Cabernet Tsuburbs of Prishtina on a Sauvignon recommendation. regular basis for what they have After flipping through a classic deemed the peak of dining exclu- menu divided into starters, pastas, sivity. The name of the venue is main courses and seafood entrées, Puro Restaurant, positioned on a we decided on a sautéed mushroom quiet hill in Veternik, overlooking salad, lamb kebab penne and roast- the capital city. ed chicken with a special stuffing. Puro is one of Prishtina’s top restaurants The parking lot speaks for its We were warned that our main self, with its series of corps diplo- We spent the next half hour on the eye, with a luscious cut of dued, but the dessert won points entrées would take around 30 min- matique plated vehicles, and ‘000’ downing a couple more glasses of chicken breast, skin intact, and for its martini-glass presentation utes, which wasn’t such a big both- government registrations. Beyond wine and mimicking the same roasted to buttery perfection. The and downright refreshing attrib- er since our wine was well accom- the small lot is a yet another small hushed conversation as our neigh- poultry dish included a layer of utes. panied by a complimentary basket but lavish terrace, with white cur- bouring elite diners. veggie-like pate stuffing, and was Be warned, Puro’s services of fresh whole grain bread, sour tained doors leading to the dining Our waiter passed by now and laid on a layer of soft spinach and come at a slightly more inflated cream and ajvar dipping sauces area. again to attend to any sort of chopped white onion – which I cost than its closest high-end com- and lemon-scented carrot sticks. Floor to ceiling windows grace request. considered a tinge excessive, but petition, but is well worth the Our salad arrived promptly, Puro’s tall façade, lined with skill- Before we knew it, our mains had obviously varies by personal pref- experience for those seeking a adorned with colourful accents of fully dressed dining tables. The rest arrived, again extravagantly plated erence. refined place to dine. radicchio, spinach, green lettuce, of the space is sectioned off into a and overly aromatic. A side of pureed potato and pas- carrots strings, tomato wedges, and bar area, lounge and tables for larg- The penne was enveloped in a try-bagged into a delicate crown surrounded by meaty slices of er, and usually more elite parties. light yet tangy tomato sauce, with added an extra dimension to the mushroom, seasoned and sautéed My dining partner and I had the specks of soft onion and fresh dish. to perfection. ‘privilege’ of eating next to a cur- basil leaves, providing an accurate After a hefty, yet very satisfying Beautifully plated and already rent controversial minister and his balance for the very tender and main course, we went with an 044 658 515 seasoned with a touch of balsamic clan, and a large group of lively well-seasoned ground-lamb, order of champagne and mojito Off the Prishtina-Gracanica vinaigrette, the combined ingredi- Italian women enjoying the Sunday which gave an added character to sorbets for dessert, for a light con- road (to the left just over you leave ents created an interesting palette evening. the already harmonious dish. clusion to our evening. the Skopje highway) in Veternik of texture. We opted for a booth-like table The next entrée was also easy The flavours were slightly sub- for our meal. A series of tropical plants, wine displays and intricate lighting craft an air of discretion Puro Genius Beg Steal and Puro Puro a Glass Puro Down Pretty Puro Puro it Down the Drain International Artists Showcase Work in Prishtina Kosovo’s Art Gallery is hosting two international artists, Soren Dahlgaard from Denmark and Bella Angora from Austria, in May

His work is conceptual and is strongly linked to post-war Japanese performance art – By Petrit Collaku especially the ground breaking Gutai group, the New York avant-garde movement of the ough and ink splatters 1960s and the land art from the aren’t your typical medium 1970s. Dfor art, but both have been He incorporates a type of put to good use in two exhibitions understated slapstick in his at Kosovo’s Art Gallery this month. work. This is mostly apparent in Soren Dahlgaard and Bella his performances and staged Angora are known for art instal- photograph series. Visually he lations in which they show draws from the aesthetics of harsh realities through unortho- minimalism. dox means. Angora’s project “Soft, Slow Dahlgaard uses different and Sweaty” presents drawings types of French bread to illus- and video performances of an trate his art in “The Dough artist in which the person is cov- Show”. ered by ink and slides on draw- The portraits include models ing boards. with their head covered in heavy Angora uses her personal dough. experiences to articulate and The display also includes question common desires. Her Dahlgaard’s video performance concern with universal themes with only one character, the such as intimate relations and Dough Warrior, which is the concomitant issues of love, equipped entirely with loss and new life somehow baguettes. always situates Angora in the The Dough Warrior has middle of it all. appeared in many of Both artists have had many Dahlgaard´s performances exhibitions world wide. throughout his carrier. Y The exhibition started on May Dahlgaard graduated from M 4 and ends on May 16. Kosovo’s Slade School of Fine Arts, Art Gallery is next to the C London. K National Library. By Shega A’Mula 11 in Prishtina Inside Prishtina May 7- 20, 2010

Building Review: Layers of History Revealed at Church of the Presentation of the Virgin

erbia’s Institute for the Protection of Cultural Lipjan’s 14th and 20th Century churches SMonuments has been in teeing their conservation and sur- pelling. Kosovo since last autumn con- vival. “Unlike a monastery, it was only tributing to the restoration of The Church of the Presentation the village church, so anyone could Lipjan’s 14th Century Orthodox of the Virgin was built in the early come in and leave their mark,” church, the Presentation of the 14th Century by a group of noble- said Temerinski. Virgin. men still unknown by name. And by leaving a mark, she With funding from various However, the figure of one of the means literally, as many of the organisations, such as UNESCO, a benefactors was included within walls are covered in engravings, in group of art historians and wall- one of the frescos, which cover all roman and Cyrillic alphabets. painting restorers from Belgrade walls and columns of the church. These vary from names to dates as are currently putting the finishing These wall-to-wall frescos are early as the 18th Century. touches to a truly historic . found in many churches in The grounds of the church are A detail visitors may be interest- Balkans, such as at the famous shared with another Orthodox ing in viewing at the moment is the Gracanica church. Church, built in the 20th Century. original frescos alongside post-16th Temerinski said that the church The new church was named century paintings. was built on the foundations of an after Russian patron saints St Damage to the building’s walls early Christian basilica, which Florus and Laurus, and shares has contributed to revealing the was usual practice in those times. some equally appealing history. multiple layers of work completed The first time it suffered damage “It is very uncommon for over different periods. was in the 16th Century, with the Serbian churches to be names after A distinct form of church archi- spread of the Ottoman Empire Russian patron saints, but this one tecture emerged in the Balkans across the Balkans. is. Also, it is said that the of during the Byzantine Empire’s “The Turks set the church on the Virgin in the church was seen control over the area in the 14th fire, and almost all of its frescos with tears,” said Temerinski. century, Aleksandra Davidov were damaged, especially along the Visitors are welcomed to stop by Temerinski, one of the visiting art upper parts,” she she. and view restoration efforts of the historians from Belgrade, told Although the church was team, which are soon coming to an Prishtina Insight. repaired in that era, it encountered end, and the neighbouring St. In Kosovo, examples of that peri- some additional damage during Florus and Laurus. od are scattered in dozens of towns the 2004 March Riots. and villages to this day, with This, combined with a lack of Lipjan is 11km south of restoration efforts by state and repair work over the centuries, Prishtina off the main international institutions guaran- made the case of restoration com- Skopje highway. Bar Review: Shop Review: Full House The Department Store ull House unexpectedly emerged ror and powder room, and separate toi- on the nightlife scene only a cou- let area – which is thankfully regularly Fple of weeks ago, and has yet to maintained, and a huge improvement on Arrives in Prishtina dishearten the majority of its growing the predecessor’s notion of a washroom. clientele. Bartenders are still on autopilot, and Situated in the location formerly the music varies from house to hip-hip known as Flirt, the venue certainly has acts, depending on the night of the many memories to live up to, but also week. room to offer up even better encounters. With the fast-approaching summer Although I expected a mass of hungry season and the diaspora that comes with clubbers at the opening, the space was it, it’s hard to tell whether Full House delicately taken up by well dressed par- will be able to maintain its exclusivity. ties, seated at tables, booths and VIP Even so, its large outdoor area and guest seating. Noticing acquaintances strict door policy might be able to keep here and there, I realised that word of things in line. QTL is one of central Prishtina’s first department stores the opening had only been spread to This Friday’s act is Dutch favourite what can be best described as the ‘right Eelke Kleijn, critically acclaimed for his lthough small family businesses have Scandinavian favourite Jack and Jones, people’ for the concept at hand. progressive sound and emerging talent. been the main supplier of goods English sports brand Trespass, and women’s The space has gone through a mighty Athroughout downtown Prishtina for lingerie expert Lisca. series of revamps, from its initial Full House years, the corporate folks are coming to town, The space is small, but also includes local attempt at lounge décor, to its transfor- Located Behind the Youth and and are decking out a three-storey shopping Italian Basilico’s second location, with a more center for consumers. mation into full-blown DJ booth and Sports Palace coffee shop flavour of sandwiches and salads, The location is smack in the middle of the laser spinning vicinity. and a great view of the busy street. centre, above Maxi Supermarket on Rr Rexhep A large dance floor sits in the shadow But it is the underground level which has of weekly local and international DJ Luci, and the name is Lesna Shopping Center. the greatest potential, with its emphasis on acts, accurately segregating those who The centre is divided into three shopping all departments of home décor – bedding, want to get down to those who appreci- areas, the first of which includes formal men’s bathrooms, cookware, glassware kitchen ate a private conversation and a drink apparel, such as moderately priced shirts and instead. ties, and a selection of quality leather footwear appliances, cutlery, fine dining, storage and Nevertheless, the most appreciated for both sexes, varying from business casual to table linens. refurbishment feature by far is the new stilettos. Prices can reach well over the 100 What’s impressive is that the selection is Y roomy female washroom located at the euro mark. wide, with an array of prepackaged sets and M back of the venue, with head-to-toe mir- The top level is home to a variety of bou- loses items. C tiques, ranging from a Levi’s store to The gift possibilities are also endless. K 12 May 7- 20, 2010 neighbourhood

Bosnia Calls Elections for Tapping Claims Put Spotlight October 3

osnians will head to the polls on October 3 in what has been described as a crucial on Macedonia’s Secret Police Bpost-war general election, with the out- come likely determining whether the country Revelations that the secret police have been following and eavesdropping on prosecutors are raising will move forward on its EU path or remain News in Brief News concern about the whether the service is above the law. stuck in political deadlock. Bosnia’s central electoral commission decid- ed on Wednesday that the election will be held on Sunday, October 3, while the official pre- By Sase Dimovski election campaign is to start one month prior to that. However, the ruling ethnic leaders began eaked records of the secret servic- heightening their rhetoric months ago, with es following Macedonia’s chief Serbs threatening Bosnia’s disintegration, Lpublic prosecutor and tapping the Croats calling for the country to be divided fur- phone calls of other prosecutors have raised fresh questions about whether ther along ethnic lines and Bosniaks (Bosnian the secret police are above the law. Muslims) insisting on greater centralization. The weekly magazine Fokus pub- lished records of alleged police surveil- Albania Opposition Hunger lance of Chief Public Prosecutor Ljupco Svrgovski on April 23. The transcripts Strike, Protests Continue detailed his movements in the southern early two dozen MPs from the opposi- resort town of Ohrid in July 2009 and in tion Socialist Party along with 180 of locations in Skopje. Ntheir supporters, are continuing their The records include details about his A wiretap scandal has erupted Macedonia, raising questions about the actions of prosecutors hunger strike in the Albanian capital Tirana, movements, meetings and social events “I told her by phone to propose deten- come. pushing authorities to hold a recount of the he attended. tion for the truck driver because the “Saso Mijalkov is first cousin to the “I don’t know who followed me but country’s parliamentary election ballots. department for combating organised Prime Minister and has a high position this is unacceptable,” Svrgovski told The strikers set up a tent on Saturday in crime had information that this was a in VMRO DPMNE,” he noted. Balkan Insight after the magazine pub- front of the office of Prime Minister Sali case of organised trafficking of ciga- Pavle Trajanov, former police minis- lished the records. “I do not believe that Berisha in Tirana’s Deshmoret e Kombit Blvd., rettes.” ter and current member of the commis- this was done by the [regular] police… the city’s main throughway, and have barricad- Eavesdropping on his phone call was sion monitoring the UBK, told Prishtina [but] there might be some other services ed themselves inside. illegal, however, he added, because Insight that the commission functioned involved,” he added. Meanwhile a rally was held outside the tent police are not allowed to wiretap prose- only on paper. “In practice it has not The weekly also published transcripts by opposition leaders on Monday evening, a cutors. controlled the work of the secret servic- of police records, showing they had protest that Socialist leaders say will be a daily Responding to the furore generated es,” Trajanov said. eavesdropped on Macedonia’s organised by the magazine’s revelations, the inte- “In our 20 years of political plural- occurrence until the government fulfils their crime prosecutor, Jovan Ilievski, in rior ministry spokesman, Ivo Kotevski, ism, the secret services have never request. November 2006, months after the ruling on April 22 said that the police had not expressed any readiness to be open Speaking in front of his supporters, VMRO DPMNE party took power. The received any complaints from the prose- before the commission,” he added. Socialist leader Edi Rama lashed out at what phone of Keti Kamceva, a prosecutor in cutors about being wiretapped and the “We lack efficient methodology to he called government-controlled media for the border town of Gevgelija was tapped ministry could only act on official com- control the secret police’s work,” he con- slander against the strikers. in the same period. plaints. tinued. “All the commission does is to By law, police may only wiretap and The Socialists and their smaller political Parliament has a commission for revise reports prepared by the secret carry out surveillance when they are in allies on the left have informed the police that monitoring the work of the UBK and services themselves, and the majority of possession of a warrant from a prosecu- they intend to protest for an entire month. The probing abuses. But both its former and legislators coming from the ruling par- tor or investigative judge. Monday protest follows a rally of tens of thou- current heads complain they lacked ties always approve them. Observers have speculated about sands of opposition supporters on Friday who effective tools to control the UBK. “This is why the commission has whether the tapping was aimed at dis- came from all over the country. In August 2006, after it came to power, never revealed any human rights viola- covering criminal elements in the work Berisha and Rama have been locked in a the VMRO DPMNE-led government tions through misuse of the surveil- of the prosecutor or whether the real stalemate over the results of the June 28, 2009 appointed new heads to both the regular lance and tapping system.” purpose was less defensible. parliamentary elections, which Berisha’s and secret police. Saso Mijalkov, a rela- This is not the first phone-tapping Chief Prosecutor Svrgovski has con- tive of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, affair that has suggested that the secret party narrowly won. firmed that the recorded meetings took came in as head of the secret police. police take little notice of the law. The Socialists have boycotted parliament place, one of which was with tobacco Esad Rahic, former head of the par- In 2003, charges were filed against since the new session began in September, exporter Blagoja Ignjatovski. Svrgovski liamentary commission from 2006 to Dosta Dimovska, then minister of inte- claiming that the government’s alleged fraud said he had done nothing wrong but did 2008, told Prishtina Insight that rior, and Aleksandar Cvetkov, head of was to blame for their electoral loss. not feel comfortable knowing he was Macedonia’s secret services appeared to the sector in the UBK in charge of com- They have conditioned their full participa- being followed. answer to no one. munication control, after it was The records show the prosecutors tion in parliament on a recount of the electoral “One might ask whether the secret revealed that they had ordered the Ilievski and Kamceva were tapped by ballots of the parliamentary poll. police is above the [political] parties, eavesdropping of 55 politicians, journal- the Directorate for Counter and is capable of controlling them and ists and public figures in 2000. Intelligence, UBK in relation to a case Serbia: Motorway Construction shaping them for its own purposes,” They included Nikola Gruevski, then of organized crime, concerning ciga- Rahic said. a minister, and his cousin Saso rette smuggling from Greece to Kosovo Set for Summer He said that when he had headed the Mijalkov, now director of the UBK, even via Macedonia in 2006. body, requests to meet the head of the though they belonged to the party he Serbian minister for the National The main subject of the UBK’s eaves- UBK, Saso Mijalkov, who is still in whose minister, Dosta Dimovska, had Investment Plan has said that construc- dropping was Kamceva, who on office, were routinely rejected. The ordered the eavesdropping. Ttion of the first section of the motorway November 8, 2006 became involved in a excuse was always that he was too busy. The affair never came before the connecting Belgrade to the Adriatic Sea is set case involving a truck that was discov- “I have the impression that the courts because the then president, Boris to start this summer, while construction of the ered transporting 35,000 cartons of Minister of Interior has less power than Trajkovski, pardoned Dimovska and entire motorway should be finished by 2015. Marlboro cigarettes to Kosovo. The the head of the secret police,” Rahic Cvetkov. However, the wiretapped jour- goods had been declared as “Chinese In an interview for Montenegrin daily said. nalists sued the state and each received toys”. Vijesti, Verica Kalanovic said that construc- “With the rights he already enjoys, 4,000 euro in compensation. Gevgelija lies on the southern border tion of the motorway was a strategic priority and with the new law that is being pro- Political parties are also widely with Greece, where the truck was for Serbia and that there was a detailed plan posed, the head of this service could believed to be engaged in illegal tap- seized, and Kamceva was in charge of for its construction. The plan was drafted by become ‘a state in a state’” he added. ping, Two years ago, the head of New determining whether the truck driver the National Council for Infrastructure, which A proposed law foresees the merger of Social Democratic Party, Tito Petkovski, should be detained. is the country’s highest body dealing with the three intelligence agencies - The claimed both main parties tapped his That day, the secret police allegedly infrastructure, and is chaired by the country’s intelligence Agency, the UBK, and the party. This prompted the establishment intercepted Kamceva’s phone calls with president, Kalanovic explained. Military Intelligence Agency - into one of a separate commission in parliament, Jovan Ilievski, with customs inspectors institution. which also produced no results. “Given the importance [of the construction], working on cigarette trafficking and “Even now he’s probably the most The commission “did nothing” the motorway should be finished by 2015. We the head of Gevgelija office of the UBK, powerful man in the country but then Petkovski told Prishtina Insight. “I have an obligation to the citizens and we have Aco Petrov. he would become untouchable,” Rahic think they met once only to determine no right to delay the implementation of the Ilievski confirmed that the telephone Y continued. the methodology of their work and that project, which responds to [the citizens’] long- conversation took place. “I talked to Rahic said that the head of UBK was was it,” he said. “With the current law standing needs and desires, but is also the pre- M prosecutor Kamceva about that case, as always “a political figure with a high there is no man in the country who can C the records show,” Ilievski told Fokus. requisite for rapid economic development,” K rank in the party from which he has protect his privacy.” the daily quoted the minister as saying. opinion May 7- 20, 2010 13 Bridging the Balkans Information Gap Dear Teta Mia... Soon we will have tours in Bosnia, Turkey, Stability Initiative recently pointed out - a Northern Ireland and Georgia. There are significant achievement. So the picture in also plans for visits to Ethiopia, Lebanon Bosnia is more complex than headlines sug- By Nick Wood and Cyprus. The objective in all these trips gest. Teta Mia solves your problems is to give the participants a first hand politi- I understand how editors (and some aca- cal insight into a region, and challenge peo- demics too) like to revive old clichés about n March 2004, amid the worst violence in ple’s preconceptions. conflict in this region – but it is misleading Why is everybody smiling? Kosovo since the end of the war I remember a In an age where foreign correspondents and sometimes dangerous. Gezim, Prishtina Iconversation with a senior spokesperson in are being replaced by user-generated con- So it was with some pleasure I saw the the UN mission here. The mission, tent and blogs, first hand experience of for- reaction of Spanish foreign editors to h, Gezim – it’s true. There’s something in the she explained, was taken completely by surprise, eign policy issues is a premium. Our groups Pristina after a visit last November – they air, and half of Prishtina will need physio- as thousands of youths roamed the streets burn- have access to policy makers and interna- gave gritty overviews of a state burdened by Atherapy for jaw ache, such are the ear-to-ear ing UN cars and besieging Serbs in their homes. tional officials, and perhaps more impor- severe economic problems, but one that was grins gracing our streets and cafes. The extent of the violence was shocking, tantly spend a lot of time getting their boots also vibrant, dynamic, and with an incredi- The April showers are over, and Kosovo has but failure of the UN or NATO forces to fore- dirty and looking at people’s everyday prob- ble night life to boot – “ bars, cafes and turned a lush green. Summer arrived abruptly, see this kind of confrontation was baffling, lems. restaurants in design and style that have feeding us with much needed vitamin D to boost and even more so in the case of someone In Kosovo we start in a village on the bor- nothing to envy to London and Berlin” our immune systems battered by the long win- who apparently lived side by side with peo- der with Macedonia, looking at where peo- wrote Luis Prados the editor of El Pais. ter. Before the sun reaches its blistering peak, ple here. ple get their income from, how many have There are dangers of different kind with we can sip our macchiatos and purr in the The growing frustration of the ethnic left Kosovo and live are abroad, what are the this concept. As in journalism, there is a warming morning sun. Albanian population over status seemed state of local services, and what are their risk of voyeurism or “news porn” if you like Summer officially started at a certain illustri- obvious to me and had the potential to hopes for future. (Take for example the photojournalism ous cocktail party last Wednesday. severely impact the Serbian community. Visitors on our tours have been struck by workshop held in Haiti shortly after the Surreptitious toasts “to justice” and ambassa- At the time I had just moved from Kosovo how these issues – employment, heath, edu- earthquake). Study visits should not be a dorial skips brightened the brewing storm, as cation, and complaints about corruption – vehicle for modern battlefield tours, or trips to Slovenia, and the drowning of the Europeans stretched their orbicularis oculi dominate. Kosovo’s disputed status while through refugee camps and poverty stricken Albanian boys in the River Ibar and muscles into glorious Duchenne smiles. newsworthy is a secondary concern for most slums unless there is a direct benefit for the announcement of demonstrations the fol- The Cheshire Cat was similarly grinning late ordinary people. people affected. lowing day in Mitrovica was cause enough that night, but his smile used only the zygomat- In Bosnia the gaps between perception Ultimately I know Political Tours can not to book a plane ticket back to Prishtina. By ic major muscle, and there was no lightness and reality are perhaps even starker. shake up foreign policy in the Balkans or the time I landed the riots were taking place round his eyes. “New Fears of Ethnic Conflict” was the anywhere else. across the province. Odd that a smile has become a form of dis- headline above one of my New York Times In fact it is not our job to advocate one par- sent in the stiflingly humourless world of The UN’s spokeswoman’s surprise colleague’s articles. There have been similar ticular policy or another, but I hope we can Kosovar politics. But encouraging that the seemed symptomatic of the gap between warnings of conflict in Foreign Policy. But is bridge some gaps between some politicians’ number of dissenters is growing by the day, policy makers, international bureaucrats, Bosnia really on the verge of another war? understanding of region and reality. More boosted by EULEX’s renewed vigour and tem- and a region they wielded enourmous power Milorad Dodik’s threats of secession are generally we should contribute to a more pered only by apprehension that this may be over, and it planted the seeds of an idea. menacing, and there’s no doubt Bosnia need informed and nuanced view of foreign temporary. How, I wondered perhaps idealistically, constitutional reforms. affairs. Smiling is good for you ergo, dissent is could you give her and others like her a Travel to Bosnia and you will find the sug- healthy. glimpse of reality. gestion that Bosnians are on the verge of Nick Wood was the New York Times cor- There are other beams of hope too, especially This is now my full time occupation. For taking up arms against each other is met respondent for the Balkans between 2003 this weekend. The citizens of that proud city of the last six months I have been bringing with dismissals. More worrying for most is and 2008. He now runs Political Tours, a tour Mitrovica are gearing up to celebrate Europe groups to Kosovo on study tours. They have the looming budgetary crisis. And amid all company that takes groups to study foreign Day with a mass clean-up-the-city operation on included politicians, journalists, and a of this Bosnia is close to completing all the policy issues in post conflict and developing both sides of the river on Sunday (meet at group of international civil servants study- legal and technical measures required for nations. Charlie’s at 10am, wearing something green!); ing peacekeeping. visa free travel in the EU - as the European the Mitrovica Youth Advisory Council is run- ning a series of debates among high school stu- Outside In dents in the south on Saturday; and Aktiv NGO is putting on a two-day music festival in the north on Friday and Saturday Kosovo’s British Lesson: Concentrate on ( Gjakova will see cyclists pumping their calf muscles for 20km in honour of Europe Day on Saturday (meet in front of policy, cut the rubbish Hotel Pashtrik at 11am) The European Commission is drafting its Nick Clegg. law enforcement missions such as EULEX in Progress Report as I write, tracking Kosovo’s Why so harshly? Because it is the policies Kosovo. And if these missions prove to be efforts to align itself with EU standards. The of these three men on these important sluggish, the Mancunian lawyer will want celebrations this weekend will be fun and japes By Kreshnik Hoxha issues that will have a direct impact on the accountability. for those involved, but we should also take a life of Britons. And this is where Kosovo Democratic elections enable the voters to moment to think of the staff of newly formed needs lecturing. reward or punish incumbent decision mak- Ministry for European Integration and hope s this edition of Prishtina Insight goes to A lawyer in Decan respects Ramush ers and hence bring a verdict on the past. the line ministries exert all necessary efforts to print, the preliminary results of the Haradinaj for what he went through in The After thirteen years of Labour leadership assist this super-important ministry in reach- ABritish general election will be coming Hague and votes for AAK, while a father in the UK, the Brits are contemplating ing towards EU accession. through. from Inverness wouldn’t consider David whether another five years of Gordon Brown EU membership is a powerful motivator for A four-week intense election campaign Cameron’s grief when he lost his son when are bearable, whether David Cameron is a change here in Kosovo, but to be anything more has shown that the 5pm tea-drinkers believe voting. He would be keen to know how Mr dodgy tact and whether giving Nick Clegg a than a pipedream, the government, officials, Labour deserves defeat, the Conservatives Cameron is going to get the UK out of the chance might mean a wasted vote. media, civil society and citizens alike will need don’t deserve victory and the Liberal recession. Because it is this lawyer that is But, it’s a blurry picture in Kosovo. After to work extremely hard. Data protection, statis- Democrats are messing up the statistics by struggling to pay the electricity bills. just under eleven years since the end of the tics collation and analysis, serious anti-corrup- blowing a fresh breath of air into the British An engineer in Rahovec is obsessed with war, we continue to actively moan about cor- tion results, empowerment of civil servants to political dynamics. Hashim Thaci and orders the rest of his ruption and unemployment. do their jobs without political interference, The introduction of the American style family to vote PDK, while an engineer in But, come polling day, we still cast the bal- stopping the practice of single-source tenders televised election debates has demonstrated Bristol has got no time to empathise with lot in such way that ensures another four for government procurement, strengthening of the level of scrutiny the British voters go Gordon Brown’s unpopularity over his years of moaning on the same issues. the entire judiciary... All these were highlighted into to decide who moves to 10 Downing recent ‘bigoted gaffe’. If elections are a means of punishing or as essential for maintaining Kosovo’s European Street on Friday, May 7. Instead, he would want to hear what Mr rewarding politicians for what has been perspective in the EC’s 2009 Progress Report. Emotional connections with political fig- Brown is going to do about high levels of delivered, then in Kosovo we reward stagna- And let’s use this positive energy from the ures and sympathy towards their past immigration which, he feels, have left three tion. And we will continue to do so until an sunlight, from citizens’ activism, from EULEX’s endeavours just don’t sell, because this is of this engineer’s children unemployed alternative policy making is served to us. new momentum, to get the trains running! Let’s not Kosovo. because the ‘foreigners’ have grabbed the Today, the Liberal Democrats in the UK What sells are lucid answers to the dilem- get the freight off the roads and onto the rails. jobs. are getting ever stronger in challenging the mas facing the British society today. Picnic in Peja, anyone? Shopping in Skopje? A doctor in Podujeve praises the figure of status quo of a two-party system. If Nick Economy, immigration, healthcare reform, Beer in Belgrade? At the moment, it’s not really Ibrahim Rugova and hence votes LDK until Clegg is doing it now in the UK, someone defence, EU and the Euro are the topics that practical to hop on a lovely train, but if it were, have been drilling the Labour leader, apocalypse kicks in, but a doctor in needs to do it in Kosovo’s general elections I would need that physiotherapist too. Gordon Brown, Conservative leader, David Manchester would want to talk to Nick Clegg next year. So, Gezim, keep smiling. Maybe it will be Cameron, and the Liberal Democrat leader about his take on UK’s position in the EU. It That’s if we can convince people to vote alright. Y is his income tax that funds international based on policies rather than tradition. M C To send a letter to Prishtina Insight, email [email protected]. K If you would like your NGO to appear in 14 May 7- 20, 2010 our Making a Difference feature, please NGO Focus email [email protected]

Youth Initiative for Human Rights: Embassies and Liaison Broadening Horizons Offices in offices in Kragujevac, Nis and Novi Prishtina Sad, proving programmes on capac- ity building, advocacy empower- American By Shengjyl Osmani ment and youth participation. Address: "Nazim Hikmet" no. 30 Raba Gjoshi, programme coordi- Arbëria/Dragodan, 10000 Prishtina nator of the YIHR office in Kosovo, Phone: +381 (0) 38 549 516 Travel to Europe was a dream for told Prishtina Insight that this pro- Austrian me, and I believe that it is for all gramme will take place this year, Address: "Ahmet Krasniqi" no. 22 “my peers,” said Granit Shala, a and the application process will Arbëria /Dragodan, 10000 Prishtina participant in Youth Initiative for start in mid June. Phone: +381 (0) 38 249 284 Human Rights’ Travel to Europe 2009 YIHR also runs a “Visiting Belgian programme. “A dream thanks to an Programme”. Originally an Address: "Taslixhe" I, 23 A opportunity that not many people exchange programme for journal- have, but for me it became a reality,” 10000 Pristina ists between Serbia and Kosovo, it he added. Phone: +381 (0) 38 734 734 has latterly developed into a broad- British Established in 2004 in Kosovo, er exchange programme for young Address: "Ismail Qemajli" no. 6 Youth Initiative for Human Right, people. Arbëria /Dragodan, 10000 Prishtina YIHR, attempts to breaks the preju- warm welcome from YIHR repre- Kosovo. “To date 600 young people have Phone: +381 (0) 38 254 700 dices of post-war young people sentatives relaxed me.” Part of YIHR’s human rights participated in the programme, Bulgarian within the Balkan region. YIHR also tries to break the bar- education programme has been the utilising it for personal growth and Address: "Ismail Qemajli" no. 12 While Kosovo’s young cannot riers of young people inside ‘Human Rights Schools’ organised professional networking,” added Arbëria /Dragodan, 10000 Prishtina usually travel to most of Europe Kosovo. each year for young people of 18 to Ms Gjoshi. “The programme organ- Phone: +381 (0) 038 245 540 without completing the arduous “By taking up an internship 25 years, which promotes human ises at least two visits per month, Danish and often fruitless process of apply- opportunity in the YIHR office, rights through games and a multi- from Serbia to Prishtina and Address: "Nene Teresa" no. 2 ing for a visa, YIHR gives them the many young people found them- ethnic group of young people living Kosovo to Belgrade. 10000 Prishtina opportunity to see the Old selves in working positions, met in Kosovo. “Visits last for three days and Phone: +381 (0) 38 249 995 Continent through the programme new people and expanded their Through the Initiative each visiting group consists of up Travel to Europe. knowledge on youth and human Foundation, YIHR offers a small Dutch to four young people. But, for the The study trips are used to rights issues. For example, a grants programme in supporting Address:" Xhemal Berisha" no. 12 moment, the programme is paused explore the culture and infrastruc- Serbian girl, after finishing her smaller organisations in promot- Velania, 10000 Prishtina because of technical barriers for ture of Europe’s great capitals. internship at our office was offered ing human rights and youth activi- Phone: +381 (0) 38 224 61 Kosovo citizens crossing the Since 2007, YIHR has been provid- a job in the government,” claimed ties. Finnish Serbian boarders. The YIHR office Str. Perandori Justinian No. 19 ing visas, InterRail train tickets, Ms Gjoshi. “We offer $500 to small organisa- in Belgrade is in the process of Pejton health insurance and a ride up to The newest programme by YIHR tions, and in 2009 we gave this signing an agreement with the 10 000 Pristina the first European starting point, is the Internship Programme amount to 30 organisations,” added Ministry of Internal Affairs of Phone: +386 43 737 000 Berlin, from where the one month offered to law and political science Ms Gjoshi. Serbia to let the young people cross French journey awaits Kosovo students. students, to spend six months at the YIHR also monitors and reports Address: "Ismail Qemajli" no. 67 the border without any problem. “All those European cities, his- International Court Tribunal of on different laws dealing with the Arbëria /Dragodan, 10000 Prishtina Besart Lumi, a participant on the toric monuments, the different cul- Former Yugoslavia, ICTY, in The implementation of anti-discrimi- Phone: +381 (0) 38 22 45 88 00 ‘Visiting Programme’ to Belgrade, tures are not for me known or seen Hague. nation law and laws on access to Greek said: “As this was the first time that only through the TV screen now,” “This year, for the first time, public information, and recently Address: "Ismail Qemajli" no. 68 I crossed the border to go to the said Granit. Kosovo as well was included in the run a campaign on promoting com- Arbëria /Dragodan, 10000 Prishtina Serbian side, it’s worth mentioning YIHR is a regional organisation regional Internship Programme munities’ rights. Phone: +381 (0) 38 243 013 the rude and abusive behaviour of with offices in Serbia, Montenegro, for students to work at the ICTY for For more information visit German the border policeman. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and six months,” added Ms Gjoshi. Two Adress: "Azem Jashanica" no. 17 when we arrived in Belgrade the Kosovo, including three local students have been selected from office_kosovo.php Arbëria /Dragodan, 10000 Prishtina Phone: +381 (0) 38 254 500 Italian Easy Medium Hard Address: "Azem Jashanica" no.5 Arbëria /Dragodan, 10000 Prishtina |y |y Phone: +381 (0) 38 244 925 Japanese 68 1798 5 Address: "Rexhep Malaj" no. 43 10000 Prishtina 51 8 6 538 64 2893 Phone: +381 (0) 38 249 995 Luxemburg 9 92598 47Address: "Metush Krasniqi" no. 14 Arbëria /Dragodan, 10000 Prishtina 57948576149Phone: +381 (0) 38 226 787 Malaysian 1852 68 69 Address: "Bedri Shala" no. 48 10000 Prishtina Phone: +381 (0) 38 243 467 38 46 5 43 8 738Norwegian Address: "Sejdi Kryeziu" no. 6 8 79 6 87 6 4 10000 Prishtina Phone: +381 (0) 38 232 111 00 36 79 24 598 5163Saudia Arabian Address: Dardania SU 7, building 2, #1 49 86 97 9 10000 Prishtina Phone: +381 (0) 38 549 203 Slovenian Address: "Anton Ceta" no. 6 10000 Prishtina Rental of simultaneous Phone: +381 (0) 38 244 886 Swedish Str. Perandori Justinian No. 19 Pejton translation equipment. 10 000 Pristina Phone: +381 38 24 57 95  Swiss Address: "Adrian Krasniqi" no. 11 10000 Prishtina Services for conferences, presentations and trainings. Phone: +381 (0) 38 248 088 Y Turkish M For prices and booking call: +381 38 602042, [email protected] Address: "Ismail Qemajli" no. 59 C [email protected] Arbëria /Dragodan, 10000 Prishtina +377 44 243376 Phone: +381 (0) 38 226 044 K By Shengjyl Osmani May 7- 20, 2010 15 in Prishtina Timeout Contact Prishtina Insight if you would like your event to feature or to advertise your venue. Email [email protected]

Prishtina Diary Dodona Theatre V-Day Performance Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 7.30pm Peppermint Club: 212 Jazz Club: Eve Ensler’s A Memory a Monologue, a Rent, and a Prayer Friday, May 7, 2010, Saturday, May 8, 2010, from 10 Aragona Band, starting from 11 pm pm, R&B 80’s Saturday, May 8, 2010, -Day is a global movement Center for the Protection of Women DJ LEG OFF, house music, start- to end violence against and Children in Prishtina. ing from 11 pm Vwomen and girls that rais- The series of Monologues will be es funds and awareness through performed in English, revealing Filikaqa: benefit productions of true stories of violence against Playwright/Founder Eve Ensler’s women and girls. Monday, May 10, 2010, award winning play The Vagina Come and enjoy the first ever A JAZZAIR’T (Xhafa e Ilir Bajri) Monologues and other artistic Memory, a Monologue, A Rant and Saturday, May 15, 2010 works. A Prayer performance in Prishtina DJ Flow and VLN Every euro collected at the per- and contribute to protecting our Saturday, May 29, 2010 00 formance will be awarded to the women. GENTI & ORCHID TRIP Fridays from 10 pm, Filikaqa Karaoke. For reservations call 044 788 748 Exit Festival 2010 Full House: Exit has started early this year, Cinema with concerts having started on Friday, May 7, 2010, BC Cinema continues to screen the May 4. Visit for DJ Eelke Kleijn from Netherlands, movies Cloudy Meat Balls, at 5 pm, and the the list of so far announced excit- starting from 10 pm Amovie Let the Ex-Games Begin at 10 pm. ing performers coming to Since May 4, ABC Cinema has been showing the Petrovaradin fortress this year. DJ Eelke Kleijn is one of the best film Yuri’s Day by Kirill Serebrennikov, about a Just as previously, EXIT fans can DJ’s in Europe, played gigs in famous opera singer who visits the city of Jurijev. use [email protected] email many European countries as well The movie Libertas, a drama on the repression of as Lebanon, Jordan, the United address, and if you want to sub- creativity, was an official Croatian candidate for States, Russia, , Mexico, scribe to the newsletter please fol- AMPAS Film Award 2006 and will be screened Argentina and Brazil. His month- low this link broadcasted on May 11, and the movie Robin Hood, ly 2-hour radio show and podcast a film by Ridley Scott the director of Gladiator, will “Outside the Box”, broadcasted r/prijava_eng . start on May 14, 2010. on a variety of online and FM sta- For ticket reservations and further information visit, or call 038 243 117 tions, gives him the opportunity Music Festival Active Live 01, to showcase his sound worldwide. Mitrovica Entry fee: Male 4.99/Female 2.99 Programme for May 7 and 8, 2010 Prishtina International Half-Marathon, May 9, 2010 starting from 10 am page_id=3 he Athletic Federation of Kosovo, Sports runners of many nations enjoyed the event. May 7, 2010, at 9pm, Club Viva Department and Directory of Sport and This year, the organisers hope that the positive Saturday, May 8, 2010, Resident DJs from Kosovo Hip Hop music, from 10 pm TYouth are holding the tenth Pristina experiences of last year’s will motivate even more DJ Wood – Mitrovica, Kosovo International Half-Marathon. athletes will take part this event. DJ Batrich – Mitrovica, Kosovo Pamon on decks ft. ErgeNR & Mr. This run will again promote the values of peace, For more information visit, DJ Pavicevic Dejan – Mitrovica, co-existence and excellence in sports. In 2009, 658 or contact [email protected]. DAS on mic. Kosovo For reservations call Dren Shala DJ Chella – Mitrovica, Kosovo 049 / 044 155 614 DJ Marko – Mitrovica, Kosovo DJ Flekica – Mitrovica, Kosovo the river. Meet at Charlie’s cafe by the Mother Job Fair 2010 *special guest Clean Up Mitrovica Teresa statue just south of the Main Bridge at 10am Sunday, May 9, 2010, from 10am to 4 pm to receive your rubber gloves and bin liners. Thursday, May 13, 2010, from 10 May 8, 2010, at 9pm, Club Viva Those who are comfortable to do so will head To celebrate Europe Day and to promote the am to 4 pm Live performance of local across the bridge and work with our team of north- forthcoming Inaugural Conference of the Forum Mitrovica volunteers run by the Centre for Civil Location: Youth Centre (in front Mitrovica bands for Cities in Transition, to be held in Mitrovica in Society Development; those who prefer to stay on of Red Hall) Cold Shots – Mitrovica, Kosovo the last week of May, this proud and glorious city The American Chamber of the south side will work with our team of south- Dark Sky – Mitrovica, Kosovo will be given a spring clean. Commerce is holding the seventh Mitrovica volunteers run by Community-Building Krvna Grupa - Mitrovica, Kosovo From 10am to 4pm on Sunday, May 9, an ever- annual Job Fair. This is an excel- Mitrovica. Breakdown - Mitrovica, Kosovo expanding team of volunteers will assemble in lent opportunity for you to identi- As a reward for your efforts, they‘ll treat you to Lazy Band - Mitrovica, Kosovo Mitrovica wearing old clothes and brimming with fy companies who are looking to burek and Mitrovica’s Hosenfefer - Mitrovica, Kosovo enthusiasm to get our hands dirty and pick up all give employment or internship If you can make it, email Inge Baanders at inge- And special guest Kanda, Kodza i the litter in the centre of the city, on both sides of [email protected]. opportunities. Nebojsha from Belgrade Spray: Pristina In Your Friday, May 7, 2010, from 11 pm, Utility and Likatek Mum says aliens don’t exist. Pocket tility and Likatek need no introduction, both veter- city ans in the Kosovar techno scene have been turning Uheads locally and internationally. Armed with the best underground tunes, there’s no guide other or better option then to attend at Spray club. So put your anti-gravity shoes on, and join in this intergalactic night of mayhem, at your favorite New issue for club on planet earth. sale at Entrance: 2 Euro Dukagjini and For more information, visit Spray’s profile on Facebook. Dit e Nat Saturday, May 8, 2010 from 11 pm at Spray Y Hip Hop and DJ Goce For more info tel. +38 649 173 447 M Entrance: Women 2 euro, Men 3 euro C K 16 May 7- 20, 2010 marketing
