17 JULY 2009 TRAVEL ISSUE YOUR FREEFREE COPYCOPY TTHEHE EESSENTIALSSENTIAL GGUIDEUIDE TTOO LLIFE,IFE, TTRAVELRAVEL & EENTERTAINMENTNTERTAINMENT IINN ICELANDICELACE IssueIssue No 1010 – JuneJune 1199 - JJulyuly 2 – 20092009 www.grapevine.iswww.grapevine.is + COMPLETECOMPLETE CCITYITY LLISTINGSISTINGS - INSIDE!INSIDE! Sigtryggur Baldursson Goes Glastonbury - Read The Legendary Drummer's Tour Diary - Björk Guðmundsdóttir Interviewed - New Music, New Methods, New Ways Of Thinking - Swimming All Over The Place - Rural Pools Rule! The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2009 2 Editorial | Haukur Magnússon Art Director: 009 LY 2 17 JU TRAVEL ISSUE YOUR FREEFREE COPYCOPY THETHE ESSENTIALESSENTIAL GUIDEGUIDE TTOO LIFE,LIFE, TRAVELTRAVEL & ENTERTAINMENTENTERTAINMENT ININ ICELANDICELACE Hörður Kristbjörnsson IssueIssue No 1100 – JuneJune 1919 - JulyJuly 2 – 20092009 www.grapevine.iswww.grapevine.is + COMPLETECOMPLETE CITYCITY LISTINGSLISTINGS - INSIDE!INSIDE!
[email protected] Haukur’s 10th Editorial! Design: Björn Lárus Arnórsson So we got this letter: on censoring our writers - neither their This is all beside the point, though. Photographer: opinions nor their vocabulary. Agree with her or not, why should Ms. Hörður Sveinsson / hordursveinsson.com Dear editor, Now that you mention it, there were Knútsdóttir not be entitled to her opinion, Marketing Director: a lot of 'Fucks' in issue eight of the and why should we refrain from printing Jón Trausti Sigurðarson Sigtryggur Baldursson Goes Glastonbury - Read The Legendary Drummer's Tour Diary - Björk