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Abell, George 146 B2FH 170, 185 absolute scale of temperature 174 Baade, Walter 114, 116, 141, 165 absorption lines 80 bet with Minkowskii 116–118 abundances 154, 155 background X-rays 175 of light nuclei 231, 232, 238–241, 247 barred spiral 70 acceleration 25, 26 baryons 132, 153 Adams, John Couch 32–34, 47 baryon number conservation 132 age of the universe 123, 148 baryon number violation 133 Airy, George 34 baryonic (normal) matter 183, 222 Alcatel-Lucent 177 Beckenstein, J. 277 Alpher, Ralph 176, 178, 185, 186 Bentley, Richard 90, 92 alternative cosmologies 277–279 beryllium 155 Ambartsumian, Viktor 216, 235–238, Bessel, Friedrich 39 252, 278 measurement of parallax of 61 Cygni by 39 Ampe` re, Andre´ Marie 189 beta decay 189 Andersen, Hans Christian 207 Bethe, Hans 157 Andromeda 57, 58, 60, 70, 252 Bhagavatam 1 anomalous 250 big bang 101, 104, 121–124, 239, 274 and alignments 259–262 big crunch 101, 104 in close pairs and groups of black-body radiation 173–174, 179, 184, 230, 241, 251, 255 242 from VMH 266 black hole 209–210, 233 in -galaxy associations: see alignments strong attraction near 234 antimatter 132, 226, 275 black money 209 anti-particles 153 blueshift 81, 125, 248, 264 apparent brightness 42 Bohr, Niels 269 84 Bolton, John 114 Archives Lemaıˆtre, Universite´ Catholique Bondi, Hermann 87, 119, 120, 123, 128, 134, 137, 102 184, 230, 242, 263, 274 Aristarchus of Samos 14, 15, 39, 41 boron 155 Aristotle 11, 12, 21, 104 Bowen, Taffy 144 hypothesis of natural motion 11 Bradley, James 39 hypothesis of violent motion 12 Aberration measurement of by arithmetical series 268 39 Arp, H. C. (Chip) 253, 255–262, 268, 269 Brahma 1, 2 Arp 220 252, 257 Brahmanda 2, 3 Arp–Hazard triplets 261 Brown dwarfs 214 Aryabhata 15–16 Burbidge, Geoffrey 118, 165, 170, 184, 185, 239, Aryabhatiya 15 242, 270, 271 astrologers 12 Burbidge, Margaret 165, 169, 170, 185, 252, 270 astroparticle physics 187–194, 205 Australia Telescope National Facility 114 C- field 131, 232–235, 247 axiom 94 3C 264 236


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3C 273 150, 151, 236 Crab supernova 244 occultation by Moon of 150–151 creation of matter 123, 128–131, 232, 279 CCD 44 continuous 125–128 Cameron, Al 169 critical density 104, 105, 198, 206 carbon 155, 162–164, 168 Curtis, Heber 60, 62 CDM (cold dark matter) 218, 222, 227 curvature of space see also open, closed and flat Candidate particles of 218 space Central fire 9 negative 106–108 Cepheid Variables 66–68 positive 106–108 period–luminosity relation for 67, 68 zero (flat space) 106–108 CERN 117, 188, 191 cyclic universe 274 Challis, James 34 61 Cygni 41 Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 110, 166 Cygnus A 114–116 Chandra X-ray Observatory 115, 236 chemical elements 153 Dadhich, Naresh 15 atomic charge of 154 dark ages 228 atomic weight of 154 dark energy 183, 218–223, 223–225, 227, 231, 247 building of 154–159 dark matter 183, 214, 231 Chinese mythology 7 composition of 214–215, 216–218 Clerke, Agnes 59, 60 in clusters of galaxies 215–216 closure density 106 in spiral galaxies 210–212 clusters of galaxies 171, 215, 237, 238 in QSSC 249 closed space 197 dark baryonic matter 183, 217 CMBR screen 193 darkness of night sky 75–78 CN cycle 158, 159 Das, Prashanta K. 264, 268 COBE satellite 178 De Revolutionibus 17 spectrum of radiation measured by 179, 231 de Sitter, William 98, 223 inhomogeneities of radiation found by 181, 182, de Vaucouleurs, Gerard 146 231 debate between Shapley and Curtis 60–63 colliding galaxies 116, 117 deceleration parameter 148 Coma cluster 215, 269, 270 decoupling of radiation from matter 226 concordance in cosmology 228 Delta Cephei 245 Copernicus, Nicolaus 15, 16, 17, 20, 47 density fluctuations 226 Cosmic hierarchy 3 density parameter X 105, 222 cosmic radiation 173 Deshpande, Kshitija 110 cosmic rays 153 deuterium 239 energy of 172, 175 limit on primordial 217 cosmological constant K or k 97, 100, 148, 184, deuteron 160 222, 225, 235, 247 2dFGRS Team 146 volte-face on 222 Dialogue on the Two World Systems 20 with negative sign 235, 246 Dicke, R.H. 176, 177 cosmological force 97, 218 Dingle, Herbert 134 cosmological models 89, 97, 98 Doppler 80, 81 de SitterÕs universe 98 Doppler effect 80–81, 82, 264 EinsteinÕs universe 92–98 Friedmann (big bang) models 98–101, 148 Eagle Nebula 43 Hoyle–Narlikar models using C-field 131, 133, Eddington, Arthur 110, 120, 122, 156 134 Einstein, Albert 8, 92, 93, 96, 100, 148, 190, 218, NewtonÕs universe 90–92 223, 265 open and closed 104–109 gravity theory of 47, 230, 257, 273 cosmological principle (CP) 103, 104, 124 relation E=Mc2 157 cosmology 89 EinsteinÕs universe 92–98 Cotsakis, Spiros 15 electromagnetic field 189 Cotton, W.D. 236 electromagnetic wave 113–114 Counter-Earth 9, 10, 205, 217, 276 electrons 153, 154, 185 counting of galaxies 108–111 electro-weak theory 190 counting radio sources 140–147 elliptical galaxy 71, 72 Crab Nebula 57, 166, 167, 169, 244 emission lines 80 explosion recorded by Chinese observers 57 EmperorÕs New Clothes 207–208 explosion recorded by American Indians 57 end of physics 8, 190, 191 Crab pulsar 244 epicycles 9–27, 225

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epicyclic theory 12–14 globular clusters 52, 53 epicycles of modern cosmology 224, 276 Gold, Thomas 114, 119, 120, 123, 134, 137, 142, epoch of last scattering 180–183, 193, 194 145, 184, 230, 242, 274 equilibrium process 165 gold sample of Type Ia supernovae 246 erg 172 Goodricke, John 66 Eta Aquile 248 gravitational constant G 233 Euclid 94 gravitational force 189 ESO (European Southern Observatory) 70 gravitational lensing 258 evidence for dark matter 208–216 gravitational 262–264 exact solution 205 Gunn and Oke 149 expanding universe 78, 84, 89, 98–103, 104, 272, GUT (grand unified theory) 190, 191–192, 199, 273 247 explosive events 235–238 GUT energy 192, 200 GUT epoch 193, 196–198, 201, 204, 226, face of God 182 275 Faraday, Michael 129, 189 Guth Alan 134, 200, 205 Feretti, L. 236 Guthrie, B.N.G. 270 field 129–130 Gutierrez, C.M. 254, 255 of negative energy 129, 130–131 fine tuning 197, 198, 204, 223 Hale, George Ellery 110 fireball 230 Hale Telescope 110, 111, 147, 150, 151 flat rotation curves 210–212, 213, 223 Halley, Edmund 30–32, 269 flat space 197 HalleyÕs comet 30–32, 47 flatness problem 195, 197, 204 in Bayeux Tapestry 31 flux density 141 in the most recent visit 31 formation of light atomic nuclei 226 Hanbury Brown, Robert 150 Fowler, Willy 164, 165, 169, 170, 185, 263 Hawking, Stephen 190 Fraunhofer, Joseph von 80 Hazard, Cyril 150, 151, 261 Fraunhofer lines 80 HDM (hot dark matter) 218 Frederick the Great 32 massive neutrino as 218 Friedmann, Alexander 98–103, 120 heliocentric theory 17, 20 Friedmann models 98, 101, 104, 105, 118, 149, helium 155, 159, 162, 164, 168, 239, 240–241 203 made in 239, 240 Hercules cluster of galaxies 238 Galactic centre 51–55, 244 Herman, Robert 176, 178, 185, 186 galactic disc 58–59 Herschel, William 32, 35–37, 46, 50, 58 Galaxy 46, 50, 54, 57, 70, 114, 175 Discovery of Uranus by 32 galaxy types 255 (see also separately under map by 36–37, 47, 50, 51 different types) telescopes built by 35, 36, 47 galaxy groups 927 Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf 113 Galileo Galilei 17–20, 24, 46, 47 Hertzsprung–Russell diagram 163 Inquisition on 20 Hipparchus 17 Proof of motion of the Earth by 37–39 homogeneity 90, 103 Use of telescope by 17–18, 19 horizon from EarthÕs curvature 195 Galle, Johann G. 33, 34, 209 horizon problem 194, 195–197, 204 gamma ray bursts 237 Horse-Head Nebula 49, 116 burst source GRB 031203 237 Hoyle, Fred 101, 119–121, 128, 129, 131, 137, Gamow, George 159, 160, 176, 177, 178, 185, 217, 142–145, 150, 165, 169, 170, 184, 185, 203, 230, 275 230, 232, 239, 242–244, 263, 264, 274 predictions of relic radiation temperature by breakthrough in nucleosynthesis by 161–164 178–179 Hoyle: private collection 120, 170 general relativity 96, 97, 107, 205 Hoyle and Narlikar 150, 203, 264 exact solution in 205 gravity theory of 265, 278 geocentric theory 12, 20 Hubble, Edwin P. 63, 64, 69, 72, 73, 78, 82, 83, 98, geometric series 269 100, 102, 103, 104–106, 107, 108, 110, 111, geometry 93–97 120, 147, 148, 159, 230, 273 Euclidean 94, 95, 106 measurements of distances of galaxies by 62, non-Euclidean 94, 97, 106 63–68 George III, King of England 36 HubbleÕs constant 147–148, 159 GeV (Giga electron volt) 191 HubbleÕs law 82–86, 87, 115, 138, 142, 147, 250, Giovanni, G. 236 253, 254, 256, 258, 260, 272

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Hubble bubble 131–134, 203, 204 M 32, elliptical galaxy 71 Image Gallery 73 M 82, irregular galaxy 73 Humason, Milton 82, 100, 147, 159, 230, 250, 273 M 101, 69, 211 Hung, Ko 7 Mach, Ernst 264–266 hydrogen 153, 155, 168, 180 MachÕs principle 265 Mackay, M.B. 151 Indian Institute of Astrophysics 31, 80 Magellan 66 inertia 265 Magellanic Clouds 66 inflationary universe 134, 182, 200–203, 222, 223, magnetic field 129 224, 247 in the Galaxy 175 era of 226, 276 main sequence 162, 163 is it necessary? 205 Markarian 205, 255, 256 new models of 204 2MASS/UMass/IPAC-Caltech/NASA/NSF lack of a definite theory of 205 171, 215, 270 inhomogeneity of large-scale structure 145 massive objects 233 intergalactic dust 225, 231, 246–247 mass–luminosity relation 229 interstellar dust 48–49, 51 Mather, J.C. 178 interstellar extinction 50, 52, 54 matter domination over antimatter 226, 275 inverse square law of illumination 43, 44, 47 Matthews, Tom 151 pitfalls of 48–50 Maxwell, James Clerk 190 invisible clothes 222 Mayall, Nicholas 250 iron group of elements 161, 165 McKeller, A. 175, 177, 178 irregular galaxy 73 Mecanique Celeste 119 isotopes 155, 239 merging galaxies 252 isotropic source 44 Merrill, Paul 169 isotropy 90, 103 Messier, Charles 56 Messier catalogue 56–57, 69 Jain, P. 245 metallic whiskers 243–246 Jansky, Karl 111, 112–114, 141 microwaves 172 Jansky (unit of flux density) 141 microwave background 171, 173, 175, 231, 232, Jodrell Bank 114 247, 275, 276 Joshee, Deepak 13 first detected 175–176 predicted as relic radiation 176, 177, 185 Kant, Immanuel 56 conjectured as relic starlight 184 island universe hypothesis of 56, 60 fluctuations of 225, 245–246, 247, 276; see also Kaptyn, J.C. 51, 52 COBE, WMAP Kaptyn universe 51–53, 60 Milgrom, Mordekai 214, 277 Karlsson, K.G. 271 Mills, Bernard 114, 142 Kazanas, Demosthenes 200 Mills cross antenna 114 Kelvin, Lord 178 Milky Way 36, 46, 51, 54, 146, 252 Kelvin temperature scale 159 minibang 234 Kepler, Johannes 12, 20–22, 24 mini-creation event (MCE) 234–235, 239 three laws of planetary motion by 20, 23, 27, 210 Minkowski, Rudolf 114, 116 Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 71 MOND (modified Newtonian dynamics) 214, Kukudmi 1 277–278 monopole problem 195, 199–200, 204 Lambert, J.H. 56, 58 Monte Carlo programme 145 de Laplace, Pierre Simone 34 Motion of the earth 37–39 Lara, L. 236 Aberration resulting from 39 large-scale structure 227, 276, 146 GalileoÕs proof of 37–39 leaning tower of Pisa, 17 Mount Wilson Observatory 51, 61, 82, 107, 147, Leavitt, Henrietta 65, 66–68 165, 273 Lemaıˆtre, Abbe´ 101–103, 120, 136, 230 60-inch reflecting telescope in 61, 64 Leverrier, Urbaine Jean 32, 34, 47 Mount Wilson and Las Campanas Observatory light year 137 64 Local Supercluster 146 Mullard company 143, 144 Lopez Corredoira, Martin 254, 255 LordÕs Bridge 114 Napier, Bill 270, 271 Lovell, Bernard 114, 136 Napoleon 34 luminosity 42, 162 Narlikar, Jayant 131, 143–145, 146, 203, 264, 266, of the Sun 45 268

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NASA 43, 49, 51, 57, 64, 219 perfect cosmological principle (PCP) 121, 124– Hubble Heritage 211, 251 128, 138 NASA/CXC/M. Weiss 237 periodic redshifts 268–272 Nature of the universe 121 phase transition 200 near-black hole (NBH) 233, 234, 235 Philolaos 9 creation near 234 photons 87, 153 nebula 42 physics of stars 228–229 Neptune, discovery of 32–34, 208, 209 Pigott, Edward 66 neutrinos 153, 164 Planck constant h 233 neutrons 153, 164, 168, 239 Planck particle (PP) 233 69 planet 12 Newton, Isaac 12, 24, 25–29, 47, 78–90, 91–93, planetary nebula 168, 169 223 Pope on cosmology 136 apple tree of 28–30 Popper, Karl 128 law of gravitation by 25, 27, 32, 34, 47, 88, 213 positrons 153 laws of motion by 26, 34, 265 postulate 94 magical years in the life of 28 primeval atom 103, 120, 230 tests of the laws by 29–30 primordial nucleosynthesis 159–161, 179, 186, universality of the laws by 28–29 188, 217, 223, 231 NewtonÕs universe 90–92 Princeton University Physics Department 176 NGC 1365 70 Proctor, R.A. 58 NGC 3079 257 proper motions 61–63 NGC 3628 257 protons 153, 154, 164, 239 NGC 3810 256 proton–proton chain 157, 159 NGC 4038–39 252 Pryce, Maurice 131 NGC 4256 257 Ptolemy 14, 17 NGC 4258 260 Pujari, Anagha 65, 156 NGC 4319 and M 205 255 Pythagoras 9 NGC 4676 252 Pythagoreans 9, 10 NGC 5128 252 NGC 5548 257 quantum mechanics 229 NGC 6212 and 3C345 257 quantum theory of gravity 192, 233 NGC 7603 254–256, 268 era of 226, 247, 274 NOAO/AURA/NSF 238 quasi-steady-state cosmology (QSSC) 230, 232– non-baryonic dark matter (NBDM) 183, 214, 235, 240, 252, 274, 278–279 217–218, 226, 231, 246, 247, 275, 276 blueshifts in 248 Norse world tree 5, 6 burnt out stars as dark matter in 241 Noto Keith 50 comparison with the standard model nucleus of an atom 153 247–249 nuclei of galaxies 134 cycles of 240 long-term time scale of expansion 232 Oke, Beverley 140, 151 relic radiation from burnt out stars in 241–246 Olbers, Heinrich 75, 76, 78, 241 scale factor of 232 Olbers paradox 75, 86, 87, 125, 240 short-term time scale of oscillation 232 onion-skin structure 164, 166 synthesis of light nuclei in 239 Oort, Jan 54, 114 very old stars in 248–249 open space 197 quasi-stellar objects (, QSOs) 150–152, 236, 237 Palomar Observatory 148, 151 aligned triplets of 261 Palomar Observatory and California Institute of ejection from galaxies 279 Technology 83 parallax 39, 41, 47 Ra, Sun God 4–5 use in distance measurement 40–42, 63 radio astronomy 112–114 Paranjpye, Arvind 29, 36, 52, 171 and cosmology 118 Parkes 151 radio jets 236 147 radio sources 114–118, 237 particle horizon 109, 194, 195 optical identification of 115–116, 141 past light cone 137 rapid process 169 Payne, Cecilia 156–157 Reber, Grote 112–114 peculiar galaxy 73 red giant 165, 168, 169 Penzias, Arno 177, 178, 184–186, 230 redshift 81, 125, 264, 271

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redshift–magnitude relation 149, 221, 230, 245, Stebbins–Whitford effect 137–140 247, 273 stellar evolution 167–170, 247 repeatability of experiments 185 stellar nucleosynthesis 186, 247 lack of in standard model 228 Stephan, E.M. 252 relic starlight 184 StephanÕs quintet 252–254 resolution 51 strong force 189 Revati 1 Sulentic, Jack 256, 269 Reynolds 72 Sun 163 right hypothesis 10 superclusters 145, 146 Ring Nebula 57, 58, 169 supernovae 165, 168, 220, 243 Robertson, H.P. 103 light curve of 167, 220 rotation speeds of neutral hydrogen clouds 212– redshift–magnitude relation for 221, 231, 213 247 rotations of spiral galaxies 210–212 Type Ia 219, 220–221, 224, 246–247 Royal Astronomical Society 144, 145 supernova cosmology watch 221 Russell, Henry Norris 156 supercooled steam 201 Rutherford, Ernest 122 Sydney 151 Ryle, Martin 114, 142–145, 150 symmetry 11, 12, 104, 124 Ryle–Hoyle controversy 143–147 synchrotron radiation 117 Syntaxis 14 Salam, Abdus 190 synthesis of heavier nuclei 164–166 Salam–Weinberg approach: see electro-weak theory Telescope in Education 69 Sandage, Allan 140, 148, 149, 151, 219, 250 tidal interaction 251 Sanders, R. 277 tidal phenomenon 38, 47 Sato, Katsuhiko 200 Tifft, Bill 269, 271 scattering of light 172, 179, 180 time–temperature relationship 186 Schmidt, Maarten 151 tired light hypothesis 273 scientific hypothesis 10 Tolman, R.C. 108, 120 selection effect 71 tuning fork diagram of galaxy types 72 Shah, R. 245 twenty-one centimetre wavelength 211, 212 Shapley, Harlow 52–54, 60, 62–68 Tycho Brahe 20, 21 Shimmins, A.J. 151 Shiva 1 unified field theory 190 singular epoch 187 universe: accelerating or decelerating Sky and Telescope 121 148–150 Slipher, Vesto Melvin 81 accelerating 148, 183, 219, 221 slow process 169 decelerating 148, 219, 221 Smiley, Patricia, NRAO 112 untested in the laboratory 228 Smoot, George 182 Uranus planet 32, 209 Souradeep, T. 245 Discrepancy in the orbit of 32–34 spectroscope 79 spectrum 79 van Maanen, Adrian 60–61, 63, 73 speed of light c 233 van MaanenÕs observations 60–63, 73 spiral arms 54 variable mass hypothesis (VMH) 264–268 spiral galaxy 54, 69–71, 211 velocity–distance relation 84, 100, 102 spiral nebulae 60 Venturi, T. 236 standard candle assumption 45, 48, 221, 231 very early universe 187 standard model (see also big bang) 226–228 Virgo Cluster 146 limitations of 274–277 virial theorem 216 schematic view of 227 Vishnu 1 static universe 90 voids 146 statistical mechanics 187, 193 Vorontsov–Velyaminov 254 steady state 121, 124, 136 VV 75 172 steady-state theory 118, 119–131, 137, 138, 145, 148, 149, 204, 232, 274, 277 Walker, A.G. 103 accelerating expansion predicted by 148, 149, wavelengths of coloured light 79 183, 219, 222 weak force 189 age distribution of galaxies in 139 Weyl Hermann 103 horizon in 126 WeylÕs postulate 103 response to by academic community 134–135 Whaling, Ward 164 Stebbins, Joel 137, 139 White hole 234

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Whitford, Albert 137, 139 wrong hypothesis 9 Wickramasinghe, Chandra 243, 244 Wien, Wilhelm 174 Yang 7 WienÕs law 174 Yerkes Observatory 61 Wilkinson, David 176, 177, 182 Yin 7 Wilson, Robert 177, 178, 184–186, 230 yugas 1 WIMP 217 WMAP implications 176, 182–184, 231, 245, 275 Zwicky, Fritz 84, 165

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