Discover Dunwich Dunwich Museum newsletter Issue 3 July 2021 reopening again Welcome WELCOME TO Issue 3 of Discover Wreck’s Dunwich, another “coming out lock- down” reopening special. This is a pdf version of a black and identity white edition that was printed to be given to Museum visitors for free (do- nations welcome). Article submissions to: news@ remains or c/o Dunwich Museum, St James St, Dunwich, Suffolk, IP17 3DT. Pdfs of back issues are at www. an on, to get future editions by email:
[email protected]. Volunteers are always needed at the enigma Museum – contact details are below. Graham Scott gives an update Matt Salusbury, editor on the mysterious Dunwich Bank Wreck DUNWICH MUSEUM THE DUNWICH Bank Wreck is 700 Chris Freeman (left) and Andrew Hamilton 01728 648796 or 07979 metres out to sea off Dunwich Heath, (right) lower the anchor (thought to be from 428058 roughly level with the Coastguard Cot- an 18th-century Admirality survey ship) manager@ tages there. It was discovered by Stu- into place in its new stand outside the then art Bacon in the 1990s, Stuart and his still closed Museum in May. They kindly team hauled up the magnificent bronze donated their labour. Photo: Jane Hamilton cannon that greets you as you come schools bookings: in through the door of Dunwich Museum. art Bacon’s team – working in poor visibility
[email protected]. ( for more on – took to be ship’s timbers now appear to be uk the Dunwich Dives and the cannon.) natural wood that’s been washed out to sea.