Bradford District Risk Reduction Plan 2014-2015


Introduction ...... - 3 -

District Policy ...... - 7 -

Organisation ...... 4

Bradford Local Risk Reduction Areas ...... 6

Planning and Implementation ...... 9

Monitor, Review and Audit ...... 16

Appendix A: Risk Reduction Targets ...... 18

Appendix B: Community Prevention: Partnerships and Initiatives ...... 8

Appendix C – Glossary ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Introduction District Commander Martin Speed

The Bradford District is in the north west of the county. It covers an area of approximately 140 square miles and has a population of over 500,000. It is one of the UK’s most diverse areas both ethnically and culturally. In addition the of Bradford features one of the fastest growing populations of any major city in the UK (1).

Geographically, the district is very diverse and is 66 per cent rural. It contains several urban centres, villages, industrial areas and remote moorland. It is an economically challenged area containing a large range of socio-economic groups from the wealthy to the very deprived.

All of the factors above create a wide variety of risk profiles we must monitor carefully to make certain that our resources are targeted in the appropriate areas - 3 - to ensure the greatest effectiveness in reducing the number of fires and other incidents. This will be achieved by the utilisation of a District Risk Reduction Team (DRRT) and Local Area Risk Reduction Teams (LARRTs) which, by careful dissemination of data and local knowledge, will share resources where they are most needed.

Additionally, much of the effectiveness of the district’s community safety strategy lies in the links which we maintain with our partners, and it is our aim to strengthen and increase these significantly.

West Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) have been proactive in preventing fires and other incidents for well over a decade and have achieved huge reductions in both. However, we are ambitious and we will continue this excellent work into the future to achieve even better results. This District Risk Reduction Plan (DRRP) details how we will deliver these results in Bradford by the

carefully planned integration of Prevention, Protection and Response resources.

This DRRP provides a risk based framework for the delivery of services in the Bradford District.

Its purpose is to ensure that our staff and resources work both efficiently and effectively towards our ambition of ‘Making Safer’ and our aim to ‘provide an excellent fire and rescue service, working in partnership to reduce death, injury, economic loss and contribute to community well-being.’

Within WYFRS’s 2011-15 Service Plan, four strategic priorities have been identified which assist us to set objectives, direct resources where they are most needed and manage performance. These priorities are:

Deliver a proactive fire prevention and protection programme

Deliver a professional and resilient emergency response service

Provide a safe, competent and diverse workforce

Provide effective and ethical governance and achieve value for money in managing resources

Stopping a fire occurring in the first place is our priority, therefore, fire prevention work is at the heart of this plan. With the current financial challenges that continue to face the community it is extremely important for us to remain focused on this area.

If a fire does occur, fire protection measures are important to control and mitigate its effect, whilst a swift response from firefighting crews is critical to rescue life and deal with the incident. Recognising this, elements of fire protection and response work also feature within this plan.

The work we carry out with other agencies and stakeholders within the community has been vital in achieving reduction in risk and will be even more important as the financial squeeze tightens. Therefore, we will continue to be proactive in developing effective partnerships and initiatives; building on our successes of reaching vulnerable people who need our support and who are at a higher risk of having a fire occur in their homes.

This District plan provides the strategy from which Local Area Risk Reduction Plans (LARRP) have been developed. These plans focus on the needs of the local communities within the Bradford District and contain greater detail of the work which will be carried out within them.

The community can be assured that we will strive towards making Bradford a safer place to live and work. It is far preferable to prevent an incident occurring in the first place but, where incidents do occur, I can assure you we will attend quickly with a highly professional response service, a service that the people of Bradford can be proud of.

Martin Speed

District Commander

(1) Source – Bradford Metropolitan District Council ‘Big Plan’ 2008-2011.

District Policy

Community risk is managed by fully integrating Prevention, Protection and Response services. These services will be delivered in a risk proportionate manner across Bradford District to continue to achieve the ambition, aim and strategic priorities set out in the 2011-2015 Service Plan and to comply with statutory duties.

This risk reduction plan aims to provide a framework within which Bradford District can achieve the priorities set by the Service Delivery Board.

District Priorities

• Bradford, Fairweather Green (FWG), Odsal and Stations will continue to be priority areas for risk reduction work. will continue to support Keighley in effective risk reduction work to lower the risk banding from High to Medium.

• The Fire Response Unit (FRU) will support effective prevention and hot strike work across Bradford, FWG and Odsal station areas.

• Prevention staff will focus risk reduction work in the highest risk wards.

• Partnerships will be developed to deliver additional risk reduction capacity within the district. As part of this, private rented accommodation will be effectively targeted.

• A strategy will be developed to ensure that the risk is reduced for the very hardest to reach or to influence. This strategy will look at innovative ways to work within the community.

Specific targets have been set for each of the district stations and these figures

can be found in Appendix A. The local area risk reduction plans for Bradford District will, therefore, reflect these priorities by the proportionate allocation and prioritisation of Prevention, Protection and Response resources toward the higher risk areas.

We will maintain resilience and availability of appliances at and Retained Duty System (RDS) stations.

We will work with Parish councils in the to identify how the Fire and Rescue Service can support local rural communities to deliver Community Safety Services. Specifically we will contribute to the and Worth Valley Community Service Project, with the Bradford District Commander sitting on the project Steering Group and the Haworth Station Commander sitting on the Working Group.

Risk Reduction Hierarchy

In order to achieve these priorities and reduce risk across the Bradford District, this plan is aligned to West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s risk reduction philosophy. Four elements provide a focus for our activity, known as the Risk Reduction Hierarchy:

Fire Prevention Fire Protection Operational Response Resilience

Fire Prevention - Fire Safety in the Home

Bradford District staff will:

• Direct our resources into areas and communities which have the highest level of risk.

• Work closely with communities and our partners to identify and visit the hard to reach and the most vulnerable within the district.

• Carry out home visits with a challenging new points based target (77,700) to reduce the risk of fire. Where required, we will fit smoke detectors to give an early warning in the event of fire.

We will operate the following hierarchy of risk for completion of Home Fire Safety Checks (HFSC):

• Vulnerable individuals and groups identified through partner agencies

• Priority risk areas and households identified by lifestyle type

• Hot strikes after a fire

• Direct calls requesting a HFSC for vulnerable individuals and households

• Hot line referrals for vulnerable individuals and households

• Non licenced private rented accommodation let to vulnerable individuals

• Advice on request

Within the Service Plan 2011-15, the following headline targets have been set as part of our drive to improve Community Safety and in particular Fire Safety in the home:

• Reduce the number of accidental dwelling fires by 24% by 2015.

• Reduce the number of deaths caused by accidental dwelling fires by 26% by 2015.

• Reduce the number of injuries caused by accidental dwelling fires by 36% by 2015.

• Reduce the number of non-domestic fires by 34% by 2015.

These targets will be achieved by ever closer working with our local communities and partner agencies to identify the most vulnerable members of society.

The District Prevention Team will co-ordinate the response to arson related prevention activities and work to protect any ‘at risk’ property. If appropriate they will carry out ‘target hardening’ measures at properties which have been identified by the Police as being at risk from an arson attack.

The District Prevention Team will be proactive in removing waste and other combustible materials from the streets of Bradford with assistance from partner agencies – a proven prevention activity.

We will support and deliver education programmes to a number of ‘at risk’ groups throughout the District. Specifically, children and young people will be targeted by a programme of Year 5 talks and the Young Firefighters Scheme we run at Fairweather Green and Keighley.

Fire Protection – Fire Safety in the Workplace

The Fire Protection Team and operational crews will carry out a comprehensive and audited risk based inspection programme of commercial and non-domestic properties. Operational crews and local retained support officers will inspect a combined total of 1270 premises per year.

Specialist officers will cover the most complex and the highest life risk premises such as hospitals and fire engineered buildings. Operational crews will focus their inspections on the following premise types:

• Warehouses • High Rise Premises

• Waste Sites • Premises that are high risk to fire-fighters

During these operational risk visits (ORV) crews will also gather safety critical risk information. Safety critical risk information is vital in ensuring the health and safety of attending operational crews and maximises effectiveness when attending incidents. Details of the inspections to be carried out in each area in relation to ORV`s can be found in the station risk indicator tables in Appendix A.

Operational Response and Resilience

The distribution of operational response resources throughout Bradford district will be determined by the WYFRS Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP). Although the number of operational incidents continues to be driven down, we will continue to ensure that our firefighters are fully prepared to respond to incidents as and when they arise.

To ensure that emergency response assets are proportionate to the level of risk

across Bradford district all response asset distribution will comply with WYFRS’s risk based planning assumptions.

The day to day management of fire cover across Bradford district will be determined by WYFRS`s Control Centre and will directly reflect levels of activity and risk. Station personnel will actively ensure that risk information gathered in their own area is made available to all WYFRS personnel.

District personnel also complement day to day training with a programme of training aimed at addressing the greatest risks we face. This training programme is identified by the monitoring of local, national and international events, as well as information obtained through our partners. Finally recent incidents are also analysed to ensure we learn from our own experiences and promote best practice.

Current themes for our district based training programme include:

• High rise fire fighting.

• Positive pressure ventilation in commercial premises.

• Cross border training with colleagues in North Yorkshire.

• Timber framed buildings and the hazards associated with them.

• Specific risks within the Bradford District.

This training is achieved through a combination of site visits, crew familiarisation, training sessions and exercises.

Working closely with our partners we continue to inspect derelict and unoccupied buildings making them secure to reduce the risk of arson. Many of these buildings present significant risks because of holes in floors and more serious states of disrepair. Rough sleepers are also present in some of these buildings and work continues with partners to address this.

Local and National Resilience – Dealing with Major Incidents and Civil Emergencies

We will prepare to deal with incidents that are a threat to the resilience of Bradford and the nation. We will train and exercise to those incidents that are the greatest risk to Bradford and public safety. These risks have been identified by the Local Resilience Forum and are detailed in the Community Risk Register.

A large scale terrorist attack on the City will require a large scale response; these have been modelled at a national level. We will ensure that firefighters across WYFRS are equipped, trained and available to provide this Model Response should it be required in the City or elsewhere in the district.

We recognise that inter-operability between responding agencies is critical to achieve a successful resolution to large and complex emergencies. Therefore, to improve this, we will train with other emergency services and agencies.

Those partners include:

• West Yorkshire Police • Environment Agency

• North Yorkshire Fire and • Metropolitan Rescue Service District Council

• Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Risk based service delivery strategy

Bradford district staff will employ a risk based approach to service delivery. We will focus our resources towards vulnerable people and high risk premises.

Primarily, we will direct staff and resources to work in areas and communities that have the highest level of risk. To achieve this we will release staff and resources from areas we believe to be at a lower risk to carry out this work.

Organisation Resources

The following WYFRS personnel and resources are available to deliver this plan and achieve the priorities and risk reduction targets for Bradford District, as detailed in Appendix A.

District Command Team

The District Commander, the Assistant District Commander, the District Prevention Manager, the District Support Officer, the District Administrator and five Station Commanders will ensure that resources are deployed to meet the priorities within this plan and achieve the targets relating to Local Area Risk Reduction Plans and their area of command.

Operational Resources

Approximately 240 personnel are employed at the 10 stations across the district, these personnel operate 12 frontline appliances and a variety of special appliances. They have primary responsibility for the operational preparedness, response and resilience across the district. They also carry out the majority of prevention and protection work in accordance with this plan.

District Prevention

One District Prevention Manager and a deputy work across the district to complement the prevention work of operational crews.

Prevention Team

The prevention work of Bradford District is also supported by a team employed to work with other agencies to reduce the risk to the most vulnerable members of our communities. The Young Firefighter’ Schemes at Fairweather Green and

Keighley are supported by the Youth Training Team.

Protection Team

A number of specialised officers support the delivery of protection across the district, and there is a dedicated team that monitors and drives the reduction of unwanted fire signals from fire alarms.


Bradford District Staff are involved in a number of partnerships in order to reach those most at risk; details of these partnerships are contained in Appendix B.


WYFRS has five established local areas within the Bradford District whereby the delivery of services will be undertaken on a risk proportionate basis. These areas align to those of the local authority and neighbourhood policing teams which match areas of similar demographic and social profiles. It is anticipated that at some point a sixth area, known as ‘City’, will be introduced by partners and we will amend our areas accordingly.

Bradford Local Risk Reduction Areas

Operational Response and Resilience

Operational resources and personnel respond to incidents and provide fire cover anywhere across the county as required. The structural distribution of these resources is determined by the Fire and Rescue Authority’s Integrated Risk Management Plan.

Roles and Responsibilities

The District Commander will ensure that a working relationship at strategic level exists between the District Commander, the local authority elected lead Member for crime and community safety and district Members of the Fire Authority. Additionally they will use the resources and structures listed above to achieve the priorities set out in this plan. The District Commander will report progress and

performance to the Area Manager Fire Safety and Service Delivery Board on a bi-monthly basis.

As part of the Bradford Safer Communities Partnership the District Commander also sits on the Neighbourhood and Resources Group and reports to the Crime and Offending Group on request.

The District Prevention Manager, will deputise for the District Commander on matters relating to prevention. They are responsible for the day to day supervision and co-ordination of prevention activities across the district.

The Assistant District Commander Operations and Training will deputise for the District Commander on matters relating to operational response and resilience. They are responsible for the co-ordination of operational preparedness and resilience across the district.

The Fire Protection team work peripatetically across West Yorkshire and work in line with the risk based inspection programme.

Each local area will have a lead and deputy Station Commander who will report directly to the District Commander. They will produce a local area plan that details how they will deliver the priorities for their local area. These plans will detail the effective deployment of available resources against the individual station priorities.

The Local Area Lead and Deputy will be required to forge links with the District Community Safety Partnerships (DCSPs), the Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Ward Officer teams and Area Committees, that assist with the delivery of the local plans. The sub groups which sit below these structures may be attended by Prevention Team Leaders or Watch Commanders as appropriate.

WYFRS employ staff and resources that work centrally to support the District service delivery of Prevention, Protection, Response and Resilience activities. The effective use of these staff and resources are essential to the delivery of this

plan. They will be expected to support district work as identified by prior agreement with the respective department or on approval from the Service Delivery Board.

Administrative support for the District plan will be provided by the District Administrator and Station Clerks.

Local Area Lead Commanders and Deputies

LARRT Name Lead SC Supporting SC DPM

Bradford East SC Richard Hall SC Jon Needham Tom Rhodes

Bradford West SC Paul Taylor SC Richard Hall Tom Rhodes

Bradford City SC Richard Hall SC Jon Needham Tom Rhodes

Bradford South SC Paul Taylor SC Richard Hall Tom Rhodes

Shipley SC Jon Needham SC Andy Clayton Tom Rhodes

Keighley SC Mark Helliwell SC Andy Clayton Tom Rhodes

Planning and Implementation

The WYFRS 2011-2015 Service Plan has established a number of challenging outcome-based targets for the delivery of Prevention, Protection and Response services. Successful performance within the Bradford District will, therefore, need to reflect the expectations and aspirations outlined by the Service Plan to achieve the ultimate aim; to make the Bradford district a safer place by the provision of a fully integrated community risk management strategy.

Additionally, it is important to note that the reduction of risk to WYFRS personnel is also a fundamental area of this plan and specific targets and on-going work relating to this can be found below and in Appendix A.

The Bradford DRRT has been provided with a comprehensive set of performance statistics, demographic software and maps to facilitate the establishment of targets for inclusion within the District Risk Reduction Plan (DRRP), which underpin the Local Area Risk Reduction Plans (LARRPs).

Although the District Priorities outlined within this Plan will be generically reflected by the LARRPs, they will also ensure that the allocation and prioritisation of risk reduction activities is undertaken in a manner which is proportionate to risk levels.

The desired outcomes communicated within this DRRP are generally mid-to-long term and will require a sustained programme of risk reduction activities in order to achieve them.

Bradford, Fairweather Green, Keighley and Odsal will continue to be priority areas for risk reduction work. Specific targets have been set for each of these stations and these can be found in Appendix A.

Risk reduction work will, therefore, be focussed more within these four fire station areas to meet the targets set by the Service Delivery Board in respect of:

• Total operational incident activity levels.

• Incidence of arson.

• Actual rescues.

• Dwelling fires.

• Non-domestic building fires.

• Prevalence of false alarms.

• Fire related injuries and deaths.

• Road Traffic Collisions.

By 2015 it is anticipated that the risk banding for the following station will be lowered: -

Station Current Anticipated

• Shipley Medium Low

The combination of focused risk reduction work within the District’s priority fire station areas, together with a sustained level of work for all other fire station areas, will enable the 2011-15 Service Plan outcomes to be achieved. The 2014/15 Plan for Bradford District provides the next instalment of output based targets and the next step in achieving longer term outcomes. It will achieve the following:

• Meet the operational incident targets set by the Service Delivery Board for

each priority fire station area (see Appendix A).

• Achieve the target of 77,700 points for HFSCs across the district. This will be achieved by prioritising the highest risk areas and individuals for our fire prevention interventions.

• Undertake in excess of 100 visits to primary schools as part of the Year 5 School Talk Programme.

• Carry out a minimum of 1270 Operational Risk Visits within the district.

• Complete risk templates in respect of all sites categorised as ‘very high’ or ‘high’ risk within the Bradford District.

The above outputs do not include other key elements of risk reduction, such as partnership working and strengthening links with local communities. An overview of these is given in Appendix B.


Throughout the planning and risk reduction processes, the DRRT will be responsible for ensuring that both operational and organisational resilience is maintained at all times by performing a robust co-ordination of resources aligned to risk, operational activity and the Appliance Availability database.

Deployment of Resources

In order to ensure resources are targeted at the areas with highest risk it will be necessary for appliances and operational staff to move towards the highest risk areas. The balance between delivering HFSC’s and Fire Protection inspections will be dependent on the level of risk identified in that station area.

Resources will be deployed to ensure that operational preparedness and training toward risk is achieved alongside the delivery of the prevention and protection work as detailed below.

District Prevention staff, in conjunction with local operational crews, will target reduction work on road traffic collisions.

Operational risk visits for completion by operational and specialist officers will be identified by the Fire Protection department. Identification and location of premises will be in line with the district priorities.

The number of false fire alarms will be targeted and reduced by Fire Protection staff.

Operational activity may result in resources being diverted from prevention and protection work toward response and resilience activities, as required.

Station Risk Band Projected Band Risk for14/15 Strategy Bradford personnel will carry out fire prevention and protection Bradford High High work, in their own station area, to reduce the overall activity levels.

Personnel will continue prevention activities to maintain a risk band of Bingley Very Low Very Low very low and will support prevention work in Keighley’s station area.

Personnel will continue risk Fairweather reduction activity in their own High High Green station area.

Is an RDS station; no formal HFSC target, at risk cases will be completed by the LRSO. ORV’s Haworth Very Low Very Low will be completed by the LRSO and communicated to all RDS personnel.

Station Risk Band Projected Band Risk for14/15 Strategy Personnel will continue prevention and protection work within their Idle Medium Low station area to reduce the risk levels to low

Ilkley is an RDS station; it has no formal HFSC target but will

Ilkley Very Low Very Low complete referrals on a risk assessed basis. The LRSO will complete ORV’s within the station area. Personnel will continue risk reduction activity and receive Keighley Medium Medium support from Bingley crews to achieve a projected change to the risk band.

Personnel will continue risk Odsal High High reduction activity in their own station area.

Personnel will continue risk

Shipley Medium Medium reduction activity in their own station area.

Station Risk Band Projected Band Risk for14/15 Strategy Silsden is an RDS station; it has no formal HFSC target but will

Silsden Very Low Very Low complete referrals on a risk assessed basis. The LRSO will complete operational risk visits within the station area.

Monitor, Review and Audit

The Bradford District Risk Reduction Team (DRRT) will robustly monitor progress being made by the Local Area Risk Reduction Teams (LARRTs) against their associated LARRPs. However, the responsibility for achieving outcomes and outputs within local areas has been devolved to the LARRTs.

The performance management visit process will predominantly focus upon fire station performance against the priority station targets. This process will be accompanied by quarterly meetings between the District Commander and the chair of each LARRT.

The District Commander for Bradford will ensure the levels of performance are on schedule to deliver the respective outputs and outcomes for each fire station and local area.

The District Commander will provide the Service Delivery Board with a quarterly performance update together with any resourcing issues which need to be addressed.

Ultimately the Chair of the Service Delivery Board will report on performance against targets to the Community Safety Committee.

The following is an overview of the monitoring and audit process:

• Intranet Performance Management Report

• Local Area \ Station Commander Performance reporting

• Measurement of achievement of required targets for Fire Protection and Fire Prevention activities • Prevention database reports

• Reporting of performance to Service Delivery Board

• Twice yearly reporting of performance to Community Safety Committee

We will ensure the operational preparedness of our response and resilience capabilities by continually monitoring the performance of crews throughout the year, which will include Station Commander audits of training. This will culminate in an annual performance visit by the District Commander to ensure each Watch is operationally effective.

Partnership Board will provide a mechanism for performance managing all partnership activity across the Authority; ensuring district partnerships continue to deliver against the Service Plan by achieving those objectives that require partnership working. It will ensure compliance with the partnership policy and will provide a formal opportunity to identify and share good practice from partnership working across the service. The Community Safety Committee, made up of elected members supported by senior officers, will oversee and scrutinize service delivery on behalf of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority.

Appendix A: Risk Reduction Targets

Bradford - Apr 15 Target Risk Indicators (2014/15)

last 3 Years Average Incident Target 2014/15 Performance

All Incidents 1577 1726

Arson 482 528

Actual Rescues 30 37

Dwelling Fires 61 67

Non Domestic Building Fire 27 27

Prevalence of False Alarms 797 906

Fire Related Injuries and Deaths 12 16

RTC 34 41

Malicious False Alarms 54 66

Operational Risk Visits 240

Current Risk Band High

Projected Risk Band Apr 15 High

Fairweather Green - Apr 15 Target Risk Indicators (2014/15)

last 3 Years Average Incident Target 2014/15 Performance

All Incidents 1237 1375

Arson 425 449

Actual Rescues 27 29

Dwelling Fires 61 65

Non Domestic Building Fire 21 21

Prevalence of False Alarms 600 670

Fire Related Injuries and Deaths 12 12

RTC 28 28

Malicious False Alarms 28 31

Operational Risk Visits 210

Current Risk Band High

Projected Risk Band Apr 15 High

Odsal - Apr 15 Target Risk Indicators (2014/15)

last 3 Years Average Incident Target 2014/15 Performance

All Incidents 1549 1573

Arson 545 559

Actual Rescues 38 42

Dwelling Fires 73 74

Non Domestic Building Fire 18 19

Prevalence of False Alarms 716 744

Fire Related Injuries and Deaths 16 16

RTC 33 35

Malicious False Alarms 31 34

Operational Risk Visits 140

Current Risk Band High

Projected Risk Band Apr 15 High

Keighley - Apr 15 Target Risk Indicators (2014/15)

last 3 Years Average Incident Target 2014/15 Performance

All Incidents 780 780

Arson 226 226

Actual Rescues 26 29

Dwelling Fires 44 48

Non Domestic Building Fire 17 18

Prevalence of False Alarms 328 376

Fire Related Injuries and Deaths 8 8

RTC 11 16

5Malicious False Alarms 16 17

Operational Risk Visits 140

Current Risk Band Medium

Projected Risk Band Apr 15 Medium

Bingley - Apr 15 Target Risk Indicators (2014/15)

last 3 Years Average Incident Target 2014/15 Performance

All Incidents 293 354

Arson 45 46

Actual Rescues 9 10

Dwelling Fires 19 21

Non Domestic Building Fire 3 4

Prevalence of False Alarms 230 234

Fire Related Injuries and Deaths 2 3

RTC 8 8

Malicious False Alarms 2 5

Operational Risk Visits 140

Current Risk Band Very Low

Projected Risk Band Apr 15 Very Low

Idle - Apr 15 Target Risk Indicators (2014/15)

last 3 Years Average Incident Target 2014/15 Performance

All Incidents 698 698

Arson 190 226

Actual Rescues 15 19

Dwelling Fires 32 33

Non Domestic Building Fire 4 4

Prevalence of False Alarms 306 348

Fire Related Injuries and Deaths 4 5

RTC 12 15

Malicious False Alarms 11 14

Operational Risk Visits 140

Current Risk Band Low

Projected Risk Band Apr 15 Low

Shipley - Apr 15 Target Risk Indicators (2014/15)

last 3 Years Average Incident Target 2014/15 Performance

All Incidents 594 651

Arson 117 117

Actual Rescues 18 20

Dwelling Fires 33 40

Non Domestic Building Fire 10 12

Prevalence of False Alarms 368 401

Fire Related Injuries and Deaths 5 7

RTC 16 18

Malicious False Alarms 14 15

Operational Risk Visits 140

Current Risk Band Medium

Projected Risk Band Apr 15 Low

Haworth - Apr 15 Target Risk Indicators (2014/15)

last 3 Years Average Incident Target 2014/15 Performance

All Incidents 61 61

Arson 12 12

Actual Rescues 2 2

Dwelling Fires 4 4

Non Domestic Building Fire 1 1

Prevalence of False Alarms 22 22

Fire Related Injuries and Deaths 1 1

RTC 4 4

Malicious False Alarms 1 1

Operational Risk Visits 40

Current Risk Band Very Low

Projected Risk Band Apr 15 Very Low

Ilkley - Apr 15 Target Risk Indicators (2013/14)

last 3 Years Average Incident Target 2014/15 Performance

All Incidents 148 169

Arson 11 15

Actual Rescues 10 10

Dwelling Fires 10 11

Non Domestic Building Fire 3 3

Prevalence of False Alarms 88 99

Fire Related Injuries and Deaths 0 2

RTC 5 6

Malicious False Alarms 0 1

Operational Risk Visits 40

Current Risk Band Very Low

Projected Risk Band Apr 15 Very Low

Silsden - Apr 15 Target Risk Indicators (2014/15)

last 3 Years Average Incident Target 2014/15 Performance

All Incidents 73 78

Arson 8 8

Actual Rescues 2 2

Dwelling Fires 5 6

Non Domestic Building Fire 3 4

Prevalence of False Alarms 42 42

Fire Related Injuries and Deaths 2 3

RTC 4 4

Malicious False Alarms 0 1

Operational Risk Visits 40

Current Risk Band Very Low

Projected Risk Band Apr 15 Very Low

Appendix B: Community Prevention: Partnerships and Initiatives


The District has partnerships with the following agencies:-

• City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.

• Bradford Adult and Community Services.

• Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust.

• Drug & Alcohol Support Agencies.

• Bradford District Care Trust.

• Incommunities Group Ltd.

• Alzheimer’s Society.

• Bradford Children and Family Centres.

• Bradford Carers Resource.

• Accent Housing.

• Yorkshire Housing.

• Bradford CVS.

• West Yorkshire Police.

Bradford District Prevention Teams

Home Fire Safety Checks

Visits will be undertaken in Bradford by the District Prevention Team when referrals are received from partners or when incidents identify areas of risk. No formal target exists.

Fire and Road Safety talks

Deliver talks to a wide range of community groups and organisations.

Year 5 talks

Year 5 talks will be offered to all schools across the District and will be carried out by operational crews.

Hot strikes

Hot strikes are a targeted response following a house fire where the surrounding streets are targeted and HFSC’s are carried out to promote fire safety in the home.

Multi-Agency Meetings

Multi-agency partnership meetings are routinely attended across Bradford. These meetings include the Child Injury Prevention panel, Community Warmth, Road Safety Strategy group, both the Child & Adult Safeguarding Board and the Anti-Social Behaviour team panel meetings.

Multi-Agency Events

Bradford Prevention will continue to promote safety in the community by attending multi-agency events such as: • Child Safety Week; WYFRS is committed to reducing accidents that involve children in the home, general safety messages will be delivered during the national child safety campaign, in addition child safety will be included where possible to community groups throughout the year. • Police Summer Camp; this multi-agency event will be held by partners to highlight the positive outcomes of tackling anti-social behaviour. The event will promote reporting Anti-social Behaviour issues across the District. In particular the Prevention Team will support activity related to anti-social driving, in support of our Road Safety initiatives. • Road Safety Week; Road Safety initiatives promote road safety campaigns such as seat belt campaign and mobile phone campaigns. This work involves our partner agencies. A series of hard hitting educational events will again be delivered and aimed at getting road safety messages across to vulnerable road user groups.

Deaf Alarms

Deaf alarms assessments will be carried out as part of the HFSC.

Days of Action

Attend Days of Actions and carry out HFSCs in the target area. This is a multi-agency event.

Prison Me! No Way!!!

Working in partnership with HM Prison Service, Prison Me! No Way!!! is aimed at 10-16 year olds to increase their awareness of safety and the consequences of arson and car crime, with further aims of preventing and reducing criminal damage.


Referrals are received from the supplier of medical oxygen to patients in the District and we will continue to work with these to carry out HFSCs in properties where the client has been prescribed oxygen for medication.

Fire setters

Bradford Prevention will continue to carry out a proactive fire setter’s programme on a one to one basis to educate the child of the dangers and consequences of playing with fire.

Bonfires and Firework Safety talks

Bonfire and Fireworks related talks will be delivered to schools within identified target areas.

Initiatives will be organised and multi-agency events will be carried out to reduce anti-social behaviour, attacks on Operational Crews, firework and bonfire related injuries and secondary fire occurrences during the bonfire period. This forms part of the wider integrated approach to dealing with the bonfire period.

Arson Prevention Advice

Guidance and advice on reducing deliberate fires, controlled burning and arson incidents will be provided to residents.

Appendix C – Glossary

DPM District Prevention Manager

DRRP District Reduction Plan

DRRT District Risk Reduction Team

DSCP District Community Safety Partnerships

FRU Fire Response Unit

FWG Fairweather Green

HFSC Home Fire Safety Check

IRMP Integrated Risk Management Plan

LARRP Local Area Risk Reduction Plan

LARRT Local Area Risk Reduction Team

RDS Retained Duty System

WYFRS West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service


Bradford District Office Bradford Fire Station 540 Leeds Road Bradford BD3 9SB T 01274 385446 [email protected]