Wt WEDDING GOLD WATCH PRESENTS. BRACELETS. NEWEST AND BEST. Real Cold Self-fitting Bracelet t LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. with Jexcelled Lever W atches FROM 6 0 /- EACH, y „ Wm.Bruford&Son, Q diam Ukt and SKIvertmiths, Wm. Bruford & Son, FASHIONABLE VISITORS 100,XerminuB-rd., Eastbourne

Telephone: 22#, Sabtbotjshi* the O.P.C. os a Newspaper. EA8TBOTJRNE, 8A' 'AT, JULY Mi, E s t a b l is : PRICE ONE PENNY

THB EASTBOURNE COLLEGE H E LADIES’ COLLEGE, S C H O O L O P COMMERCE, T GRASS INGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. 11. f e v e n s h y b o i d . A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen, at Moderate Prices Principals: Languages. Latest MISS HITCHCOCK akd MISS CRAKE CERTIFICATED TEACHERS only are EMPLOYED. (Successors to Miss Des Rudies) ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS, Dear and Evening CUma ^ ^ 'n d lttf ual Tuition. 2 Assisted by a large Staff of Resident and Visiting SCHOOL for the Bans DAY’S WASHING * ' Masters and Mistresses. Ytlsphoas ' 'SS, 1 J V f f l P ' Pupils prepared. If desired, for the Preliminary, Junior. I 0 A AS IB • Dl« ROAD, Senior and Higher Cambridge Local Examinations, also i for the Universities the Army, Nary London Univoraity, for the Soolety EASTBOURNE. 6 . LIBMORE ROAD EASTBOT , Profession* and Oommerolal Life. of French Professors In London and for the Examination Preparatory School f by the Associated Board of the Royal Aoademy of Musla I Abut aftd Navt Glasses. and Royal College of Music. ad Information as to reoent Successes, FEW PENNYWORTH Students desirous of pursuing their studies after leaving bo made to th e H ta n Master. . RnhnnlSohool may™„r. Joinl.l. Advancod a -I------1 nClasses----- MIn ) , JAteratOW Is oompuMf tor the whole School. and History, Frenoh, German, Latin ian d Mathematics, mVilUkD « w . I t l , SLOOOMBE), » Hookey, Net-ball and Tearits Clubs. Sohool French Llbittu HIGH - CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS & GROCERS, LLY- K PPLBSTONE A FEW BOARDERS ARB\1RECEIVED.______T under )H-tenable at) the 0 OTM8 ^ETOI^EASTIKIC ROAD, E a s t b o u r n e . tiiPSoftSS*?*??for threeP11**®years years * examination in conneo*conneo- OPPOSITE COWS XAUi, BAWrBOUBWB. *" ?, won wiuitnignela in January of every your.

Private School /tor School for Girls (I lory and Finishing), i^ S g ^ E k ^ ^ 0^ 8’**•'«»* to *• WINES, SPIRITS and MINERAL WATERS. l B.—The Principals ie to see Parent i Premises with 3 acres of ground. Mrs. F, H. Browne is* T ait-R eid, B.A TSH WASH Fridays between the and 1.80 p.m. Old filenUvet Whiskey, 8/6 k 4/- per bottle, fin ) Old Tawney Port, 36/- k 42/-per dozen r e e n o r o p t - k l l e TJTE r i - N E W JAM S. ASK BOB PB1CB LOT. G i , SPENCER ROAD GEORGE’S SOHOOL (U] >PBBTON), BOTTLED FMUIT8, Ac, Z B U P B O R I $9. Eastbourne Gas unpany, (Labe of 33, The Avenue), Rome School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. MISS LLOYDS has .removed to more oommodioua 10, St ssex G premises and Is prepared to receive an Increased number of DAILY PUPILS. l uA Mrs. JamflMC. 1 f, Gatbome Orr. Em., a HAlTigR A SMALL CLASS FOR THB CHILDREN X Telephone No. 835. A OF GENTLEPEOPLE ONLY CHARLES BREACH, Is held at 8, GRANGE ROAD. OHOOL CHIHE1 MADE BREAD. HOUSiEj, GAUDIOK ROAD, Pupils can be prepared for the Cambridge Preliminary TBOURNE. Examination!, Ontractor' and Sanitary Plumber, Beginners ate received. .tort and F inishing References from Parents of Pupils. OF THE TOWN DAILY, Wo rks, Meads. Residence: 1, Matlock-road, M Apply, Miss E. Cleatbbb. RSo (Lond.) late ATX8 GIVEN FOB GENERAL SOUSE BEPAIR8. MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAT SCHOOL TION GIVBN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION. [T NO CRM A BOON SO HOG FOR GIRLS 1 by a well-qualified Staff LV AND KINDERGARTEN situated a'its own Ground*. Good FO R GENTLEMEN’B CHILDRKf (Uppkbton-road). >ad Pbgb g Field. Recreation and HNYS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL Principals » • - Th i Missis Simple. FOR BOY8 | ■ tor Mnl o and Modem Language!, E RENOVATIONS Girls 4 to U years; Boys 4 to 8 years. (T e c h n ic a l I n s t it u t e , G r o v e -b o ad). and references, on application. Visitors’ Children received. No Boarders. Flannels Washed «n Bain Wader, far the storage of whieh lari * underground Concrete Tanks hats beeneomtrucUd* Lessons In the Garden (weather permitting). 'ED; excellent Registry, 188. GREEN GIRLS’ COLLEGE. 88, CARLI3UB 'ROAD. MARTIN r ASSISTANT erred; pleasant r r m m o d e r n s c h o o l of l a n g u a g e s , MORNING CLASSES KINDERGARTEN to Stores, (Ter- be Bobby&Oo.'s Arcade, i

\ f i BS-Trf-Tv.- -

!'■ -t* 2 -t EASTBOUBNE^OnEONIOiai. 8A URDAY, JULY 10, 1915 p "i - i i. i, ■■ ■ -I. I -.... 1 , B both public t but they had gained j he the coi oould but weshi ild not feel -the effect of that until next y„ e— a r . if f 1 :r T O W COUNCIL. considerably on _ and power, suoL success He thought the ill t they could do was to assist [the l This latter, After all, • is. the best pa' „ He| Glasgow Council b; sending something of this kind: I MOTCOMBE (EAS1 BETTERED & SON. most of the eneiffyJ »utilised in t ie Committee i&d recognised the “ That this Council .pprovea of the resolution, provided I , In this match on _ v . thought they ought i congratulate the engineer (Mr. j manager e thoroughl] work, and it was the Minister of ilture is satisfiedfctbat a l :j "f.-.T F Telegraphic Address: Mr, Steed-(skip.) ...... lorB Bradford Councillor A. J.’IT the cause of some of the complaints heard was’ at the been behind generally. Councillor Hollins said when it was recommended iclllorO Breach Councillor H. Mori gasworks. - “Elliott’s Stores, Eastbournr.’* " ' ' ^ J | ncUlorF A. Carter Councillor Niedermayer The Mayor : There has n an office open in the to! build the baths it waa pointed out they would be run Mr. Craske ...... POLICE COPET. MORE “ THOUGHTS 0 1 THE lUncillorA. A. Chapman CbunclUor J. W. Rearso Not a War Bonus, j . ’ Town Hall qurinftthe pastfoi night for the registration at a loss. It was'a matter affecting the sanitary welfare xMr.Lash ...... iiinclUor J. Duke Councillor J.yckir Councillor Marshall oommented upon the following of skilled min wfio are willii to do munitions work. of the town that there should be swimming baths open '*Mr. Know-ley...... Councillor FJ O. Durell Councillor J. PuEford ^That^ork f baa been, carried >ut jinder the Labour at a reasonable rate.; j Thrv also looked upon them- as- Mr-Woodfleld (skip.).. Councillor Monday.—B®bre Mr. A., Mayhewe' (in the chiir), 'VART* :; Councillor J. Rawles Bonus. ilioation is ’submitted from a rfixtfBange, and a certain nu| nber of men have been educational and a fair coetjcobe borne by the rates of Major H. P. Molineux, Mr. 0. Bishop and Mr. A, G. ■ A ,i Councillor Councillor S. Russell secured. the town. i- j J Councillors N.Ji'ox Councillor 6. B. Soddy number of the woi "men for a war bonus. Resolved Mr. Hewett...... 3 WilWn HARK, IT IS—THE CANNON’S Councillor Jj, Hoadley ;e_____ Town. C lerk (Mr..__ __ H. W. ... Fovargue), the Medical been in charge At the office, and ii that way we are Councillor Hollins : It is merely temporary ahd in Mr. Prior (skip.) ...... 1 The Royal Marine Laundry Company were sum­ leer of Health (Dr. W. 6. Willoughby' the Boro'Borodgh _ He wished to know vhether the inc were to take trying to supply volunteers for mu; litions work. We- . . due to tile- extra cost of coal. The loss is TEA\ • AND • • : -■ • - COFFEE • -Tf moned for a breach of the building by-laws on or al out or (Mr. A: E. Prescott),the______Building Surveyor _ the form of a war be nuBor an inc of wages. If a have not any large factories in which we can, undertake ntryside been more \ C. Fi eld), the Electrical_.___ jj Engineer Engineer (Mr. (Mr. J.K J. . vyar bonus he took it every . man Id benefit, but ling decreased now j a there are more people using thei -June '12th. beautiful than during the past fortnight. Flaming s), and the Aotlng Borough Accountant (Mr. to do such wprk,; but we have [lathes at our motor "bus baths. To-day (Saturday) the | The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue) appear* l to otherwise only a few wp\ affect It was nearly June, indeed! Yet a quiet ramble in the fields is almost Burrell). J time all had an inci works, and we [have made aji effort to assist, but at The committee’s ; iroceedings, as amended,- were the Gildredge Park. •.prosecute. , ' impossible, at least in this pdrt of Sussex. The thought AN ABSENT COUNCILLOR, present no decisipn has been o< approved. EXPERTS, mhi Mr. W. C. Field (building surveyor) stated/tha": he Alderman Martin said the committee considered Councillor DugE said the coi • REDOUBT] of the Wac calnnbt be driven away. The Wild roses, the he followir j letter was read, they were paying the men very well, and they did not put the lathes at | w a tc :I Coaim ittee. found that an addition to the laundry was being bi ilt, honeysuokle, the meadow sweet, and scores of lovely the disposal .of. the Governme|pt sot ie time ago before Alderman Simmon! moved ahd' Councillor Fox The above match of which he had received no notice or plan. In a le iter 28, Alfre L-street, Islington, London, N., July 3rd. propose making any addition as a war bonus. Per­ the-new Minister of ,Munitioi i was .ppointed. 'If the' resulted in a victory fo flowers crdtvd the hedges and meadows, all distractingly ^ -1* 1 " sonally he did not believe in the principle of a bonus. feconded the adoption of this committee’s 11 he had received from Mr. J-. S. Gowland the latter lovely, but in vain,—one cannot bard to them. authorities Would not use the tthes otning more could endatioiqna . , j i The visitors had a good I stated that the alterations were not of sufficient import­ sond an _____ "" correct method was to pay men according to their be done. the Redoubt put in man/ In this awfnl time garlands and hosegays are out of )xt Monday. I have not been engaged on war w o t tty; that was the;<» r.Ai,«w he folio' would ■ «# CouncilcUlor R ussell had asked a question e ance to submit a plan. , the War p 55*®*1—- c-*- (ring the last three weeks and have become enrolled Councillor I WhiGHT: I erredea to the South of number- of accidents I that had taken pIpcA in < of trial Messrs. James| The case was adjourned fop five weeks to allow the Thoughts of ' r and nothing but the War be dictated to by ’rades Unii other party •nd generally. and the deep and imminent peril the Empire is inland tongst the at py of munition workers and have orders to what he was to pi i men. In ihe same way he road,- and wae.iaformed that four had oc< FREE CHINA TEAS* Peckham club, proved I plans to be considered • " ' ~ j| l report on M inday morning. , mcillor [Marshall : If Cpuniicil, or Wright likes to tbe past three years, the one on June! all that the War means cannot be driven away. It is ’tailing you|aU a good and friendly meeting, id not think they as •rporatianoui it to be dictated go further fer h‘ Redoubt. almost a mistake to go into the fields and lanes far from by a member-of th) les Gounoil information he V ill find that shells most serious. Cfouacillor Russell said TOO MUCH LIGHT. Youas faithfully, are being mede n works within thirty miles of East- known there had been: a great deal of reckless c Another batch of 22 “light” offenders were sum­ the haunts of men and women in out streets, only Councillor-Marsha^. : Very__ w well,__ tl in, as a member Mr it. Baker .... Arthur X. Wood, bourne. Eastbourne lately, and he thought it was the SO MUCH RECOMMENDED BY THE M r . Corrlngham moned, the defendants being: Henry Dreach, Mari because of one dreadlful thing. In the town at least of this Council I want to know what is fomg to be done Councillor Be* you heard little else but the noises of the town, the hum The Mayor : At all events we are not working on as regards these men. L asked whe( would be possible the committee to took after the interests < ‘ blic Mr England “ parade; Ellen Wallis, Seaside; Walter Eyre, Seaside; ilosives in tl lis Council at the present time. to state the nu, iber of______she! could turn out, and take such stepis as would effectivi Mr. fish -skip.).111 Henry Konnard, Hanover-road; Alice Quast, Seas de- of motors, the tramp of many feet, all the manifold Councillor R ussell wished to knt w whether the (laughter), ‘It might be a an MEDICAL PROFESSION. clamours whiob are unceasing from dawn to midnight. Iderman R iwe : Not at this moment. question was in order. Ling. itter,” added the accidents ooourring in future.' , . . road ; Florence Ellis, Albion Hotel; Laura Oastli. speaker, “but itlis important 1 )knoi it number can Councillor PearsoN: On several occasions I have Terminus-road; SidneyEaston, Seaside; May Clap: on, Many thqte are who little know what these town noises SUB-POST OFFICES: HOUR OF CLOSING. Councillor Marshall I want an; answer; As a be produced. Alight we have Mr. Baker, sen. member with (he suggestion, the committee the other band, there were fatal aocidents, and they | 2/5 per lb. Mr. T. Holloway stated that she was not. in the house at the time and case there is the solemn warning that rending oouvey* . Lei hen Orange, Sydenham, 8.E., June 9th. Resolved—That tenders for execution- of the work be- awakened tol thq fact that a s was a useful oould not help.thinking there was carelessness, in some Mr, W. KennardS d i » knew nothing about the light. now invited by advertisement. j j ! thing after all? [He now su| Mr. Christie .... to all qareless men and women. To-day the murmuring . Mr.^ Fjovargne,—Will _ you _ thank the Town 8ted:|l ,t the telephone of these oasea As to Councillor Pearson’s remarks, if Mr. D. Dunoan The case was dismissed. is low and faint. Will it grow in volume till it over­ of Eastbourne very sincerely from myself and Council Beal seconded. should be used qua call ol whicl vas essential to they put a man on point duty at every corner he did an (skip.)... /I MILK PROSECUTION. comes the clattering of the traffio in opr streets where s £pr t heir kind vote of idolence to us In our Councillor Marshall Ntrongly objected to the action the neighbou ’hood. '•> i’ T not know what the police force would obst. SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Mr. 8 . Rabey ... .. of pleasure goes, on anf avement. My husband to thl last took the keenest of the obairman with regard to the Gore Park-road1 Councillor Duke : - It was the Mot -r 'Bus Committee CounciUor P eaIison : Alderman Simmons is quite Mr. W. Reynoldslari’ ::::::::: II Henry B. Marchant, of Prideaux-road, was l warmest hr terest in anythli connected with East- Mr. C, Conolly...... 4 ...... (i little sign of War. Who knows! .] passages. Is it, he said, the usual thing for a chairman whioh awakened the Pleasui Gf >unds Committee wrong. I did not toy put a man at every comer, j I Mr. J. Hkrrisonn (skip.).. / 1 moned in three cases for offences under the Food , with v hich place he been connected from to get up and say “ I am going to take such a paragraph want them in the , dangerous positions. That is what Drugs Act. The church bells ring now and again .fitfully and and wptched' develop tojfu present prosperity. summon to prayer,; and all the consolation to be gained 'have had trstimbny bn alla!iU sides ' and " overwhelming | back ” ? Is that the principle on which! the business of lerman Simmons oaUed attei ion to the 00m- ydu'should do to protect citizens. The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargae) appeal numbeumbers of letters from committees and societies with the Council is conducted? Is it'in our Standing mittee’s reooinm^ndation to applioation from CounoiUor AIarshall referred to a paragraph in the prosecute and Mr. W. T. Ricketts, instructed b; thereby—alas, there are far too many whq need that consolation—but that low, wrenching, persistent uproar which my dpar husbandand*was associated bearing Orders? Mr. -H. F. Alatfieson for the rifle range in Chief Constable’s report,- recommending the approval I#--,. —Farmers' Union, (defended. teftim ony to hi» ability and fearlirless stand for right, and The Mayor: You are asked to allow it to go back. Gildredge Park >n one evenii t ek by the" Church of a plan of proposed [alterations to the British' Queen Mr.'E. G.’ Spears, inspector under the Act, si whioh comes so sternly over and by the sea never stop*. in this pitlace — - tietfie CorpoCorporation ai_.,nd Conservative Society few:- It calls to the young and strong bf both sexes for aame- Alderman Martin : These passages require doing Lads’ Brigade. jHe hoped the jttee bad taken the public house, and nipved that the matter be referred that on June 8th he saw a, man delivering milk am regret his loss extremely and haverewritten most feelingly. more than any that I (mow of in the town, j precaution that no for Any accident which back, if it did not provide for the widening of the road took samples from three churns. One of the sambles thing more than prayer, it demands instant action. AU Yours tmly, r- On' a vote being taken 18 were in favoinr of, and 10 might occur jshobld rest on tl Council or the 00m- between the British Queen and the White Hart. That showed a deficiency in milk fai-pf 6.6 per rant, and] the the prayers in all Christendom will not stay the burst­ Henrietta Cecilia Oh. ELLIOTT’S ing of a single shell! ; against, the paragrapl ; back. la mif road was a thoroughfare to Hampden Park or Upperttm two others 10 per cent. Councillor AIarsi there only 28 members- Alderman |Dugs: fWe no responsibility. As and he thought something should be done for the people By' Mr. Ricketts: He had never known a pre' ■ The daughter goes on, and will go on, ever increasing jTOJFN CLERK’S 25 YEARS OF SERVICE. present? regards the nfatter referred ly Councillor Boat, I am living at the Seaside end of the town. The place was complaint against the defendant. He had no reasoi because our men ahd munitions are stiff insufficient in A ( lONdiBB H istory of Events. The Town Clerk : I only oounted 28 votes. pleased that jfor once we ha' done something to the like the neck of a bottle. ' :j STORES, numbers and quantity. Ittwould be well if all went for suspect that anything had been done to the milk, he Mayor -ead the folk)wing letter from the Town Alderman Rowe : Does it matter ? satisfaction of tie represental of Hampden Park . Alderman Keay : There are no external alterations. Boy’s Dealt defendant having no separator or machine for^extr awhile into the still pastures “ far from the i Councillor AIarshall: Yes, members should vote 'he Motor ’Bps imi (tee were anxious Alderman Simmons said the matter was quite [formal LIMITED j ing the fat. On Jnne 16th he took another sample of crowd,” and listened and pondered and though* e&eh Janeffw'-k- one way or the other 6r leave the Council. to have the I ilep ione[ and as ley w sre willing to bear in going to the committee. The alterations were to D r. C a s s e l milk, and this was deficient in fat. This result would for himself or herself, ” What am I doing for , tor Mr, Mhyor,—As to-day I complete 25 years’ The vote being token again 25 held np their hands in half the exp the Pleasure iroune a Committee were the interior of the house. They had done (Opposite 8. Saviour’s Church), . novbe due to the addition of water. The herd wai in or-what " " can I do?” ‘ Surer ’ then "..... that tremulous oanaon ribe as Tov n Clerk of'Eastbourne I should like to favour of referring baftk the paragraph. pleased to joii in withith thenthem. they oould with the owners of tne premises »uu n excellent condition. He did not suggest there was a . whiohtioh i(pries so pitifully from afar will beat into their ~ imorate (t by asking you to accept on behalf of the Councillor [ Mrs. Russell, 8, Far-J bloitfift III ______^ ^__I _ |_ Councillor Breach said, after that decision, he would ea,rson : Can it he made use of by the offers had been made from time to time. Certain ringford-road. Westl fraud in this case, but the cows appeared to have 1 een brainsjnn8 andi inspire them. If not, then nothiiw on losed concise account of some of the move that paragraphs relating to other passages be also pnblio? penaation had been Offered, but they bad not been earth will. ' event I whioh have happened in the munidpal Fam-lanc. StratiortiJ fed more with the idea of getting a quantity of milk bou- ne during that period. 1 sent book. Alderman 'CRB It is the [idea that it shall be a to came to terms. They had no power to refuse these EASTBOURNE London. E.,*ayt: "ity and also with the object of getting them fit for the 1, of sosiee, many matters which at the timo ' Councillor Aloe: I second that. AU shonld be publio call ofl ioe. alterations, because they did not affect the construction And at MEADS. son. Harry, had in| butcher. tore L of the greatest importance and which treated alike. " I J 'll..-' ! ' In reply1 to Councillor O. Wio asked that the of the premisre. fluenza about two Air. W. G. Willoughby (medical officer of health) Said hred lengtl y discussions at Connell and committee 1 Alderman _ Sharp said he had asked for the other not band on the ifropt might oom( ioa[ playipg at 7 p.m. Councillor Marsl...... ’s amendment was not seconded, years ago, and oft^n the Sanitary Committee thought the proper thing to do FUNERAL OF ERNEST C0LBRAN. lugs, but v ffiloh I have not thought it necessary to to be taken that day fprj a special reasoi. instead of 1.30 Allderman said the present and the oommittee’s port was approved. th a t he was alwa:/fl| was to send all these cases to the Bench, and not i le a Te4n tbe t ridf summary I have made. I leare the AldprtnaTt Kway riairt as nf th* mnfinn arrangement was until the of July. Thp corn­ ailing. Then a na».; tribunal themselves which would be liable to ques ion ion of pt bUcation entirely to the Council. The w “S, “ cough cam© on Much sympathy has been expressed with Mr. -Rad has taken some considerable time to prepare and I oommin ¥ ‘?r aPP*?)nF f° T tondere he vould not have mittee would mejet shortly ier what arrange- FINANCE GENERAL PURPOSES The M ayor : We know exactly what you mean with­ be began to lose I by tbe outside public. In regard to a suggestion by the [ Airs. Colbran, of 54, Willingdon-road, in the death1 of . and belief e it wiH be useful if only to remind our- supported the sending j back of ^the paragraph unless aep au< Sqptember. pMMITTEE. ,j | out going into the economios-of the question.! badly: He had Board of Agriculture that farmers should be asked for ives and fut ire generations of some of the things there was some good He he the Oounoil Tl’he oommi itee s mgs were) approved. Councillor M arshall: If you don’t go to toe full rheumatism, too, aiK I an explanation, Dr. Willoughby said: The Board of their youngest ohild, Ernest, aged eight years, who died T he elephonB Service. On Jane 30th. The funeral took place at pllshed 1 or the improvement and the good role would .njot listen to t Uor Breat 's amendment, length toe matter js treated in a light manner. I hope his he a rt wae I Agriculture is ont for the farmers; I am out for the svernmei t of the town. | which was whoUy nnne PUBLIO Alderman TownebI proposed the adoption of the the Council will take this seriously, because we have affected. We had CounciUor Breaohi: us the reMaon tor sending Councillor EaRTBR, in sub above committee’s'minutes. got the winter to face. Work will not be so plentiful advice for Harry, hu service was thought is one of gratitude tor the invariable kind- il. this committee's Alderman Duke seoonded. ment, so we got him : P Mr. F. Pike, of The Goffs, stated .that the mill; in tecreoy? report for oonfirn atii je presentation of as last winter and we shall have a good many worker* •question was hieing supplied to him by the defendant ..... 9- S. ich hasjbeen extended to me by aU the Mayors , Weed whether 1 ^JJd en m in H abd|ing| called attention to toe follounrig better when he came | Pratt) conducted tbe service, assisted by the Rev. H. B. losses of a German flat oaptui eperationsin Togo- practically starving. » - symptoms returned, ‘ « By Mr. Ricketts: There was a warranty to the ef ;ect Davis and Rev. H. Plume, the’ choir bdiag also back passages oould not be deferreJuni a the war, land by Alajw • | resident of East- - Councillor J, Duke seoonded the amendment, remark­ too country, but whe- that it was pure milk with all the cream. He had ntyer present) There were a huge number of wreath*, the > been “ cal led away ’ or are not now t • on the when the owners won! bett« f poaiti.ition to do bourne. The ft the i mseum and was a Telephone Servict -A letter was read from Mr. ing that if the. Government only put their hands-on tha soon os ill as ever, ill before, had a cause to complain. 1 - inscriptions attsohed to which were as foUows :— what was required. splendid spec mep of ) German stanc ard, and the oomf Roland Burke, 1 J out that recently tbe atton- ooal it would be: of great benefit to toe countriy. If only we tried Dr. Cassell's I Mr. Ricketts submitted there , was no offence, and any change i have taken plaoe; the town has grown Councillor Morganss tion given at tne Harry from tha ftrel 'From his broken-hearted Father and Mother and .lopulation 1 ram about 31,000 to about 55.000,, In’ rate- !|. lid some of the were m mittee were pleased [to receive itj as a war '— "--I! slephone exchange, especudly at the Council oould strengthen, the'Government in’ these that if a man was feeding his cows in a reasonable Me value ripn £206.000 to £455,000, and In imp< very bad state, an] the work conic not Be delayed, There had a so-beer two '— ’ ---- presented to : night, is extremely unsatisfactory, and stating that matters they would be doing a great deal of good. . cotive, and now he is| " manner- without knowledge that it was affecting the I Brother People going home in he has Written He has no oough, In loving memory, from Grandfather and GrandmSttmr it Is now countyty borborough, but the delightful be dark tumbled over all sorts of library from ;he fi, ily of 1 .igbt Hon. W. El the Superintending Engineer - Councillor Resell objected to the “ sweeping sound.” -quality of the milk he was not open to conviction, [f a and famUy . .1 s pression whi ih1 Eastbourne _ ie made upon me on the first things. tone, wl lioh wi 9of great) it. The oommittee asking him to thoroughly into the matter, generality ” of the resolution, and said nothing oould ha man was producing milk from animals which were With love and much sympathy, from Grandma I saw it remainstins to day and a: it is a source of much - CounoHlor Avard 0tested against works also rece ved a Resolved ^ That ‘ le matter be referred to the more absurd than a motion of this kind. ; flcation tc ne to feel Uiteat despite its growth the luaole w colour drawing of properly treated he suggested it was never contempts ted Parsons required ip the ini 1st of the pub io He old Eastbourie from [Airs. rten >•.y BeU, depicti Telephone Advisoi Committee. Councillor Huggetti said he oould hardly afford a that this should he an offence against the Act. With deepest sympathy, from Unde B1U and A u t Sne sold sweetness and charm. thought the Medical Boer would hear if and family ' . a good deal about the past. e.g., the out that it Eastbourne ii i 1856. [With -rd o the proposal He thought t . agree that since the: telephone hundredweight of coal now, and when the .winter Aims m The Chairman said in cases of. this kind it was n ost In toying memory of little Ernie, from Unde Peroy 1(188 (usually the opposition) of the Eastbourne was most essential t] passages sbo ild be cleansed the librarian at!Hampstead lx rrowers from the service had been in the hands of the Post Office they he did not know what- his position would be. Ha desirable to have a proper inquiry. The standard. of and Auntie Sue 1 itepayera’ Ae-Delation, which has now “ ceased from ' repaired. They Wei m places almost impassable, Hampstead ] ‘ublie Libraries us 1 the Eastbourne had not received the same attention as when it was thought it was time the Government did something ia> milk was so important that no pains should be negled ted members who had any doubt about In loving memory of Uttle Ernie, from Auntie Lfl 1 _ ’ the Town Council, presumably because the doubtmbt about the foulness of Libraries on production of T t ckets, he had no under control of thp Nhtional Telephone Co. There were the matter. ' ' to ensure it The law on the subject was by no me ans Uncle Jack era of tl at association were at last satisfied that ) places should ( see the germ* for themselves. doubt that in a short! time - constant complaints, sometimes very serious ones. Only Alderman Duke said he felt the resolution was far uetubers ol the Oeuncll were actuated by one sys »m would become so clear, and the Magistrates thought it would be In loving memory of dear Uttle Ernie, from Amat 1 were germs I that were no# worthy of theuniversal I J- ’ ' J-i ” , ” reoentty a very serious operation had to be performed too sweeping,'but if the committee took toe matter desirable that the case should be withdrawn on pay­ lie and Uncle Ted , r, namely, t; leie prosperity and welfare of KastbounEastbourne, nftme3 of0f Eastbourne ( The Mayo: Dr.’Cassell's Tablets 1 dev Uttle Ernie, from Cousin Annie and Beet . hope an1 [ believe that ” ' 'the ratepayers generally 1 aij„. remarked toat seemed rather a one- at one of the Red Ckoss hospitals, but it was found back they might be able to form a motion, of a lea* for oB farms of nerve ment of costs. . lth deep sympathy, Auntie EmUy and Unde Harold - ave the same : eding with regard to Its offldafi. Iderman Sharp-: 1 Weather that is sided arrai _ ient. He tho ght[ ihat more Hamp- impossible to communicate with toe medical officer drastic nature and it might strengthen the hands of toa yoqng. Compounded of j This course was adopted. In kind reiflembrances,nces. from all at 115, Lower-road > tbe qdnorMmityPportonity now at patting into writing 1 all this excitement. Ih reply to. Councillor stead people' likely to - e - Eastbourne than through the telephone under teal minutes or a quarter Government with these commodities. indisputably proved effici Pulsford I may say tipat [where these . are very riot verta. modern borne treatment | OBSTRUCTION. In loving memoryr of Uttlelittle Ernie, from Mra Adkett t Iniuleireately expressed at the last Council of ail hour. That meant a serious risk to the p*son The M ayor : The letter asks us to adopt thrir and Bessie ' - ” m , most sincere thanks to you, Mr. bad we are obliged to > f Wheite we reasonably CounciUor iu a I t is < introduction, concerned. It was repeatedly found that if they asked resolution. Hbw oan we frame one of our own ! ' NCRVOUI breako IVIth sincere sympathy, from'Mr. and Mrs. & 8. Ook ----r kind references yon made to my defer it we try to do so. , Alderman ght, ref to the picture, said. for the trunk line they had to wait sometimes a very Councillor Fox : No sensible Corporation would HERVE PARALYSIS In affectionate remembrance, from his Uttle Meitts, to the'Council for the generous (Die Mayor maintained that Obuncillor Breach’s (PINAL PARALYSIS I Marjorie and Teddte Cox _____ m and again to assure yoa of my “Members o{ thie Council be ulad to know this long time before they oould get in tbuoh with toe trunk, undertake to support this resolution. action was inconsistent ! picture is of ei value ” (laugh •). ! whioh had to oome through toe Post Office itself. Then Alderman H arding : There is a possibility that wa INFANTILE PARALYSIS | defendants time daring the obstruction was taker To dear Uttle Ernie, from bis Uttle friend. Dora it endea[voiir to deserve the confidence whioh 1 After further discussion CounciUor BgBACH withdrew NEURASTHENIA With all true sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. Peas'.... to fee I ia placed In me. „ - Councillor 1YKR : I did : ' igg eat it was not. lain, when they were put into communication with may convert them to a more sensible wayof looking at NERVOUS DEBILITY by gossiping. 1 _ From Mrs. Baserger and family 1 i Yours faithfully, his amendment. Alderman " ht,: It mi mggested that some e trunk they were told of toe facta long time before things. I don’t think we should rs-oonsider. the Raw- (LEEPLE88NESS A fine of 2s. 6d. was imposed. To dear Uttle Ernie, from his old playmates, Arthur, H. W. F ovargue. Gbbys-boad Barrier. things arem value, but they could really speak, and frequently they had to tenstall resolution at all; but get them to take into obft-' | My riorle and Geoffrey Cunninglon , , -AMnai this -jase it is of value. MJCIU HORSE ASTRAY. -some of his own the M ayob said he had (The following is from the committee’ report The artist < ’ 1804 Mrs. wait several minutes aft* being told that communica­ si deration the supply of commodities being taken up Specially valuable for Nl With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. WakeAdff George Hai [tot tion had been established If tney rang off they would by the Government. • George Davis, of Romney-street, was summoned With deep sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. Whlshaw the Town ■k'S record of events during the past Barrier at Junction of Greys-road andid The Greys.—1 His the Critical Periods of I| In loving remembrance of little Ernie, who in Ujfe was 25; years. I t ' ided an account of various measures The Town...... Clerk 1 id heredn, an< ie committee father’s name (rej what constantly find it was! a long time before they could get Alderman Towner consented to take the paragraph •21 pert* of the world eell 1 allowing a loony to stray in Seaside on^June 27th. you are referring [to,. “I; am sure, on again. Lately there had evidently been a change in back, and subject,to this amendment the oommittee’s P.O. McMullen said he found'tbe pony- at 2.20 a.m. lovingly kind to one in weakness .. whel her adopted or not, and different works having_ fully . conside toe matter,.... ras resolved,, With deepest sympathy, from Doris and :en by the Gounod for the improvement of the six-votto to five!: That’hat the fuifurther consideration The Matok : I! don’tdon’t. Ithinl you1 teid;: Mrs. George tbe man who attends in the evening and there was bow proceedings were approved.- [.^ to yon on reoeipt of nan Defendant, who was represented ,by his wife, Bartholomew Hamilton nai a great difficulty in getting on. He thought it i was With deepest sympathy, from Mrs. Meech mid of en ante of interest in municipal life, such as pt the matter be deferredBd for the preephtpi An amend­ W ‘ ~ I HOUSING COMMITTER1 ifined Is. NO' UDENSE. 7^- - from not) Me persons. He (the Mayor) thought ment was moved and seconded, buibut the same whs Alderman eorge Hamilton wae his time the Oounoil took steps to see that the telephone [S'! With sincere sympathy, from Mrs. and Miss Haight On the proposition of Councillor Fox, seconded by From F. Smith. With deepest s Gomied 'w oula agree with him thftt this record negatived by six votes to five : TIThat the Oounal be name. service in Eastbournetboume! waswaa impr—improved J in — every *-1 wav1 • r and r> 4 - John Woodall, of Gfbve-road, was summoned To dear Ernie, from his playmate,. abbons ~ he publ shed, and with a view to making it more recommended to take the steps advised by counsel, OounciUor ran ? I thougl ypi said Mrs. Georgs he suggested that toe Advisory Oommittee should take Councillor P earson, this committee’s recommendation* driving a motor oar without a lioense on June 25th. In remembrance of Uttle Ernie, from Polly PowdL. lete, Mr. Fovargue had kindly consented to viz.; to make an Order declaring (hat Greys-roed Hamilton wi her father’s naminam (reniiwed3d ’laughter), everything into consideration and see whether they were adopted. K b a h n o ’s p o t P.C. Morris said he saw the defendant driving In remembrance of my little chnm, fromLue Heed luce it v ith -a similar account of happenings shall begin at Vicarage’-roadand end at Borough-lane, The Mayo| I am afraid getting rather could not do something to effect some improvement ! ' These inoluded the postponement of toe carrying out KEATING ’ 8 p o t Rosebery-avenue. When asked for, his license he said With sincere sympathy, from Chum and Deftly awl the noorporation of Eastbourne and his and that the whole of it be named G toys-road. mixed up. Councillor Soddy ®id toe service was getting worse of the scheme. he did not possess one. [ Alfrede-Reed ieot as Town Clerk. This again would he FoUpwing criticism of th| ire by A irm an and worse, and he strongly complained of what he KBATINGPS POT With sincere sympathy, from Mr.-and Mrs. DWedk Councillor Breach moved as an amendment that the Townbr, All Defendant said he was in toe army and had been and family jedbyai outline of what was done during the Oounoil make an Order declaring that Greys-road shall rman WRIGHT e did not say tire described as the unsatisfactory looation and remedying The nmtvaUed kiL • driving in France, and he was licensed by the G With deepest sympathy, from the clergy and Sunday 1 oLthe < Id Local Board, and Mr. Fovargue had 1 pioture was He did not any picture was Of faults. 1 - I ■ ' j T . ' Handle* to flomei lugh-lane, and true—if itw Councillor Huooirirr - undertook a defence of the THE FLY PEST. ret the genuine Ki , ment to drive a oar. School teachers of St. Michael's Church itea to s ipply this, thus providing them with a | This was ;ood one (lauj , The imagination Chief Inspector Taylor said there were several con­ With deepest sympathy, from members of St MichtAKs _l_ - <■ administration of the town ’ had to be oaU| ito play, an< ihere ‘ore an artist must service and said toe pvfolie generally were under the nydiaataraonroal victions against the defendant, who was now fined and All Angels' Chn>ch Men’s Club things thi years. They were indebted to ih seconding^ re-called the Ii his imagim ion (1 raghter). ■ impressiqB that the operators were at fault. If anyone IS “SPRING CLEANING” A REMEDY? J £ I L L 8 W IT H With sincere sympathy, from Mr. Sharp and Mira ’ovangie! rad he (the Mayor) thought they would Ihe Mayoj : JL. think we h -e hall a more animated oould be in the exchange for five minutes it would clear - DRUNKENNESS. Symons removing le road barrier discussion -J KILLS WITH With deepest sympathy, from Miss Walker (ornaisW. 1 to accord t Heir thanks to him for what he had done, Greys. ot only was the this committee'i proc aedings than ever their minds as regarded the operators. He did some Bessie Bottle, of Green-street, was •hareed With sincere sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. 9ea* and l/what he hi d 'premised to do. Tbe preparation of ffore. of toe work himself and he sympathised with those who AN AMUSING EXPERIENCE. - being drunk and incapable in Gildredgea Park on t an anoi ly in a puhlio Alderman K H U 3 W IT H famUy thp addition m ght take some time and he (the Mayor) thoroughfare, bub it involved a great itice to the- .e| y, referring toe proposed thter- had to do it Tbe work feqm other towns created Here, pet »my 2nd. T In memory of Uttte Ernie, from his Uttle dram, Fred „ refer the matter to the Finance and mnge of libi ry tiokets, said] would be a great difficulties and the operators had to do their best under without first It, P.C. Peall proved the case, and a fine of 2s. 6d. Gioombiidge public. iy more -pie come to the circumstances. The public seemed to have an idea The beginning and end of the trouble of fighting the with Keating'r ] m General Fnrpo lee Committee, leaving them to decide in Alderman Keay that as the ouri e than Eastbourne imposed. With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and M » Stewart what form and when ft should be printed. He moved to Hampstea d they would derive a that ho sooner than they took hold of the receiver there fir plague is that inventors or scientists have as yet M-, M. and la. e To dear little Ernie, from Hilda Powell matter ihohided legal. dealt with as lefit whii cwoverednothing that will effectually frighten fifes away AN EXPIRED PASS. With deepest sympathy, from General and OkaiUU (to* L j - 1 i - private and confidential local people wi ild have no ebsmoe of was someone waiting particularly for them, whereas B U G S ft John Brookshaw was charged with being drunk w iile Alderman R ivre, in seoondieg, said it was i _ Stine- So: ie years ago it 1 that visitors there might be 20 or 30 other calls, and that was the aqfl nothing that will annihilate tne old guard of the Roberts CounedUor Marshall [warmly prol against the should not enemy, who refuse to retreat. BUGS ft Bl in charge of a horse in Seaside on July 4th; also \ -ifh Witlithslnoere^-.r-.^,.-™ ^—------r^ ~ - ■ _ •to,note that th > oommittee included the “ Father praotioe of referring to! the private confidential e the run of tL_ 3 library, but reason they had to wait Tbe department took every being an absentee from the Home Counties’ R.F. A at With sincere sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. H. B. tbe Council in Mdprman Keay, and also the “ Father ” stajge questions affecting publio righl _ ;They might under this sy: im the people wi 3 to Eastbourne means possible to meet the demands, but it was nqt A correspondent to the D a i \ y M m # writes: “ All the B U G S ft B l St. Leonards. / GUbert of the Local I card in Alderman Toemer,—the latter and transfer their tiokets am the library. He generally known toat sinoe the -commencement of toe remedies against flies are merely palliatives. I have in deepest sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Sands and family rely on Councillor HnggCtt, as a reasoi ibfe man, avoid- glit it . P.O. Cane said the pris&ner passed him drivin; a the to ail-man and the form* a member. ing matters calculated to prejudice pub io interests, sa ^ d i set up. war (he night staff had been depleted and they had had tried them all.' I have spent as much in fly papere, fly In affectionate remembrance, from the girls of fit. derman H arding : People joisons and fly traps as would have bought me a lot of horse and cart. Witness saw there was something wrong Mithael’s Sunday School Kjji ffhemotlon, enbodying the thanks to Mr. Fovargse Councillor Huggett.,.thought they would be in wiljfget more benefit to bring m other-men not used to the work. A lot of with him and noticed he started thrashing the horse In affectionate remembrance, from the gtols ef St. tor his ihbereetitig record, was carried. better position to di the “ matterin ’ iVate. from Eastbourne than elsewh] “nat is what we operators had had to be replaced and trained to the War Loan vouchers. I have festooned my rooms witV With a walking stick. . Witness Btopped him and asked Michael's 8chool 1 , [. Alderman W Many: I presume it will be sent to thp Alderman Keay’s ion was toi igreed to. expect, isn’t it. : work. castor-oil plants, oat the flies bring all their relatives and DO NO’ him to get down. He then noticed the prisoner vas In ever loving memory, from Lennie Baker Leaden Press. ^ Councillor Easier could not i any harm ooutd Councillor HotLtfts said theiB deterioration began friends to see the decorations. I have burnt anti:ny DERING. drunk and not fit to take charge of the horse. At the From E. Robinson. With deepest sympathy The Mayo>r It will be in book form, no doubt, end resiilt from the practice. when the Government took over• toet telephones. If toe xjwdera on shovels and driven everybody out of the 1 police station witness asked for Bis, pass, and the , With sincere sympathy, from Mrs. Reed and Mb*. beasoesstbls to anybody who may wish to read it, Councillor O. tragraph stating Oounodlorf rior took exoeptiion to the German flag complaints had only been made during the last twelve louse—except the flies. I have distributed solutions of until yon are really J Harrison :at Mr. Mark Hi months what Councillor Huggett had said would be formalin in saucers, and next morning found tbe saucers treatment. Imme prisoner produced an expired one. ■ With deepest sympathy, from Ivy and Stanley PavaMr ing the lowest, ,n 1 fl,“ — 1 and; suggested toat it! always be given Gilbert White, a leading , boatman at the coastguard With sincere sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. De Minim MOTOR ’BUS IRREGULARITIES. id been accepted for i a should se< tions-and used for coraect. Eastbourne seemed to be a sub-office to Tun­ empty and the files waiting for more. - aerswen dusters. He they lead to morel station, gave oorroborative evidence, and P.O. Reader With sincere sympathy, from Miss Watts Aldennan M iotin asked for an explanation in regard asked whethe* oth« giv< r S p o ^ y to put ian the nmuseum bridge Wells and so far as he could understand if any­ It is alleged that flies only thrive where there is DUiOQfl ■Gray said the prisoner was drunk when brought to the Tq Ernest, from M. Dally, Mewitt and Caldloott to the non-rum ing dr unpunotuality of certain Hamp­ of [tendering. He notii td in regard to the flag of a ry that tw . itself.i...... in t one wanted a farther installation of instruments they uncleanlineSs. My household suffers every year from a To- Ernest, from Stace, Chatfleld, Maifewiek aud of civilized l i p police station. 1 den Park ’bus is, which, he said, bad lost hiln several these private improvemi t woTksthal only the name a. It i ba 1 to take tl had to send to Tunbridge Wells, where the supply was spring cleaning that leaves afi its human inmates % sensation A. Prisoner called his wife, who said Brookshaw had lad Balcombe v c intments. ofiMr. Hookham was evi mentioned, their musei e objected o n gy -to 'J a German flag kept. £He He o considered a t there“ was something... . wrong wrecks, bnt stiU the flies come. I am told that if the To Ernest, from Knight; Dennis and Whig# being put thi Lours—im]impaired dp a drink, but waa-sober. To Ernest, from Bobbie Markwicfe r. I bdcrmayeb, chairman of the oommittee, OcaonialL—lor R"——'ussell ol irved that^ae Hnokham’s Eastbourne being a sub-office to Tunbridge Wells. e«p of the fly are destroyed he will have no symptomsms that two < ' Brookshaw said the reason he had not gone back vas With sympathy, from scholars of Form HU. w 1 reply, the effect of which was that the tender was toe lowest, there ve been other Councillor BEhall called attention to the followiruj | The matter then dnopped. AH I can say is that the eggs of the Great Auk____ tenders.! paragraph s—| organs in the body- because his bioycle had broken down. With sympathy, from scholars of Form life. irregularities w ere due to unavoidable causes. The War Loan. not be rarer than flies’ eggs after 'that spring cleaning, liver—are not work Prisoner was discharged and told to report himself to With sympathy, from scholars of Form IL Councillor Carter : I am told otht had ’ a ohance of tendering (dissent).- ' resignation second Alderman Towns* said the CouncS might have me as I write. They afe pestering me for. more fly- Hqnt remedy to To Ernest, from school friends ' stai it. The Chairman notioed they were applying for £10,000 War Loan for Cowsettor B ucaoh asked the chairman of the The report, subject to the exceptions agreed to reported tl he had ] temporary female killers. “ TOO MANY DOGS.” To Ernest, from school friends during toe discussion, was then approve J assistant al tbe Corporation sinking fund and it was the intention To Ernest, from Masons Grey aTs Consmitti e whether tbe small; chalk mark on i 7s] 64-per wee! lolved—That this | to apply for a little more, as the Borough Accountant The Nocturnal BlusbottCe. TAl Joseph Lewis, of Dennis-road, was summoned for To Ernest, from school drams ipsia near the j: motion of Victoria-place and the ] be approvi , and that toe mn arid Deputy If I directly attack the flies in a room I slightly r keeping a dangerous dog on June 29th. was where the proposed refuge was to be placed 1 MOTOR OMNIBUS ' ' Chairman was formulating a scheme to pat before the employes as To Ernest, from O. Blogg riithqrised - trained female to investments themselves,. Every workman in toe wound one fly, and my own casualties are an electric- whenever there is A little girl eight years of age, stated that she Was From Allen and CoUlns and S. Wo Alderman S iabp (chairman of toe oommittee): I Councillor Niedermayki,’in movini the adoption of assistant atlnol light bulb, a mirror, a picture frame and various per­ that all is not pitying with Mrs. Boniface’s daughter, who was btyen To Ernest,_____ from Roberts .and Wi and Baleoobe know nothing 1 ibout it- JL this committee’s recommendations *1 d to the employ of the Corporation could,- if he liked, have toe and Tomsett . . :■■ - - .. . . _ He thought tie general I; where female opportunity of holding £6 worth of this ..loan. r. sonal injuries. I am a pessimist as to fly campaigns ateestiom, is on the face by the dog. . The Mayor : The question is, who is respdnsible for report of the motor omnibus undeirtal especially labour took the;place V»ntil the scientists stir themselves. known trustworthy ■_ Mrs. Boniface said her daughter had to receive To Ernest, with love and sympathy, from Tern to the excellent increase in the reoeipl net profit, should be an scheme vtos that tile Corporation should take up Etherington - IB ohalk maih ? equivalent v jrave receiving, had snob enormous | medical attention and stitches were put in the woi nd. Alderman R >wb : The chalkist. - he said, was £3,078. 4s. 3d., whioh 1 inoreaseof loan and! it would be made out to the ”~ “ The great plague this year is a new and super- To dear Ernest, from A. Court and W. Swaddling and he asked, as! supply a female bluebottle, with a 100-horse-power Gnome-engine boat. ment of digestive Defendant said the dog did not db anything in an^er. G. Dordell- The M ayob said he was informed it was only put £760.166. lQd. orer the previous year, difficulties assistant at have tried this Therhe children were playing with the

t ' -?i4k - ■ m m # ? * ? ir g |^ i|^-r" ■ |-- -v- ’ -1 V;- ■'•*'• '*• . 'i-M'1 ' - ^ i k-rkk"-*..' ■>■ y >w* » ljl WHS S

EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1915. i_J_ BOWLS. .CRICKET. ROYAL HIPPODROME. IE PARK. PIER. mV MOTCOMBE (EASTBOURNE) v. BEXHILL. EASTBOURNE v. 8UMMERDOWN CAMP. “ READY MONEY.” “ RUPERT OR HENTZAU.” ,'V - WHAT THE) BUTLER SAW. In this match on Saturday, the Mjatoombe Club T he conclusiou of this match, which was played o mes Montgomery’s clever Ame !can detective This splendid film, the sequel- to “The Prisoner of jPh k, the butler n ; Toden Wells Hydropathic estab­ PARIS MODELS VISIT gained an easy victory. the! Saffrons last Saturday, was somewhat exciting, ] .■dy Ready M o n e y forms the priucii d attraction at Zenda,” which was screened last week, will he shown lishment, was aver- important personage and naturally i Bk chill. Eastbourne being but four runs from viotory when time Hippodrome this week, the piece u- successfully twice to-day in the Pavilion. 'Large audiences have his varied duties f rougnt him into contact with the rT- Motoombx. was called. able company, manifested the warmest appreciation of “Rupert of LINGERIE Hr. T. HOuneom ...... \ Hr. Newman .ted by Mr. Forbes Russell and finestf. Being an ibservant man he could not help Mr. Barrett SUMMERDOWN CAMP. Eastbourne. . has been considerably “oui in order to Hentzau ” during the week,i the dramatic soenes being otiemg that within the walls of the converted ancestral EVENDENS Ltd- Hr. Barnea Lance-Corph Wilson, o Lieut MoConkey, b .it it within the limits of a music 11 performance; i vividly and effectively portrayed by the company which iCrne there was som sthing more than the attractions of FROCKS ►BES. f t i B t o * eal (skip Baker, b Smith...... 17 Wilson ...... t...... 2 all the essential features remain anc lejirocesa of inoludes Mr. Henry Ainleh, Mr. Gerald Ames, Mr. the Hydro that earn ed the guests, both young and old, H r. J. Gurney (skip.) ...J H r. Neal (si Private Bland, b Smith.. 20 A. Baker, b Perrett ...... 32 Mr. Barter lination has in no way detrimeni Chas. Rock and Miss Jane GaiL to prolong their sta; beyond the time originally settled. H r. Q. Baber Private Perrett, b 8mith 0 R. A. Gtevett, o and b elements of the niece. The woi FOR THE H r. Castertc nSeesaseasaasaas . \ Rev. Kankln, st Wago­ Wilson ...... 9 1 f‘THE MIDDLEMAN.” The fascinating Jac sBarrington was the idol of all the Just Delivered at Hr! nl Dunbar Mr. Cole., .•••••••••••■•a I ner, b Smith ...... 9 W. Grevett, o Perrett b , “ Jackson Ives,” who makes dol girls, and he, not bi ing averse to the amorous atten­ H r. J. Walker (skip. Mr. Bray (skip.) IMlMiniM / Col. Bostook. retired hurt 18 Wilson ...... 33 e United States Government, Next week a film under the above title will feature tions bf the fair sex carefully conceals the fact that he VERY LATEST M r. WeatoottlOUbb ••••a****aataea 1 Mil Fache •• ^ Corpl. 8tevenson, not out 22 Lieut. Hogg, b Williams 26 ] eving the fortunes of young Ste; Mr. Albert Chevalier in a faimous r ile . The following is a married man, at i devotes himself to his admirers Special Prices. H r. J . J . W alker \ ...... « •••••••«aaaaaaaaa ( Private McLnugham, o Private Bolwell, cClay, ^ of an apparently worthless n are some extracts from a Critique taken from the Kine- without a thought o 1 the, iroublous times ahead. Like H r. P . Ashah mmain an ..."____ f ® Mr! Godwin!••••••aataaaaaa aDd b Smith ...... 2 implishment of his self-imposed matograph monthly film reobid!:— a bolt from the blue his 1 vife suddenly arrives on the FASHIONABLE TIBNB H r. T. Bladen (skip.) Hr. Smith (t Up.) Private Nixon, b Smith.. 13 W. BL Baoon, b Wiiiiams 0 pea detection by Oapt. West, of th< “ ‘The Middleman’ is a jfilm masterpiece reflecting scene! and quimr to ibserie the true state of affairs she Sergt. Williams, b SrAlth 4 J. 8. Chari wood, o Bland, oredit on producer and artistes alike. Few of - our SS Private Davis, o Baker, b >b Wilson ....„...!X...... 18 latter unceremoniously invades the decides to payflqer 1 usbatld hack in his own coin and I S m i t h .....! E. W. Smith, not out.....12 Ivi and Baird are engaged in oonvi reademcan have forgotten the stage play with its lead­ him to yri.Ho v her to pose as his sister-in-law. REDOUBT (EAS’ !) v. WEST HILL, Lance-Corpl. Olay, o Mo F. G. Wagener and V. acti Uy having the bogus notes on L ing oharacter of ‘Cyrus Bleakam, and they will recall ngement le ids to;tho most absurd complications the Redoubt, the game Conkey.b Grevett..... Nunn did not bat leans of a clever ruse, however, that this rtKe was created by Mr. S. E. Willard. The end before the usua explanations are forthcoming we Summer This match was playi Py good bo wl‘ Extras ...... Extras ...... 8 me iminating envelope containing th drama is admittedly a! one-mah play and evidently it are treated to many merry scenes.: being a very pleasant on was thought, and rightly so, jthat whoever sustained the and the victory was with oubt ballpoints. Total ...... i US Total (for 8 wktsj.142 stii ting it for another in his nanc MrJ Lionel Rigno! d’s company, whioh is responsible the leteotive again has an opportunity leading oharacter should be One of the cleverest expon­ for thb production ii the Pavilion this week,-comprises Rdoubt. Wi MR H. OORNFORD’S XI. v. MUNICIPAL ’y, but his own expert is unable ents of silent expression living. Albert Chevalier was an array pf talentei artists, whose enthusiastic and L (3 lin e s). J. are genuine or not Baird r selected knd in the film h)s acting is almost beyond H r. Worofold ...... !. Shoesmlth | .teeteotesff i» SCHOOL. energetic work is re- vardfeil by the best possible results. Attire his agent to the effect that a rii criticism. He is the play, find around him circle the The piece is carried through with exhilarating spirit to H r. Littleton ..... Mr. Gallop.. IlMiHMIHSMS1! U The above m&toh was played at Hailsham on Satur- lesser artists as satellites an ind a star. Not that the H r. Blsmnr .....1 25 Mr! White------day, the Municipal School securing the viotory. { T. P. beei discovered, and there is a *- the tljorough enjoyn entOf the audience. Mr. Aubray M r. Stead (skip.) Hr. Eiohard^on (skip.). J hi) others are in j any sense ii ifferent; they aye all dis- lieu, as “ Jack Barrington,” is always prominent, Press, for the losers, did some good work with the ball, tinctly good, but Chevalier icupies the centre of the WHICH IS NOW THE Rink 2. taking six wickets for 28. Forbes Russell "himself undertakes the part of ipersonation lx ing characterised by a witty and ' >*r. . jkson Ives,” his impersonation of the counterfeiter stage. His is a masterly re ering of a difficult part; manner. In he later stages of the play, when :: SUBJECT OF :: H r. Craske .... Mr. Jones .., ) Mr. H. Cornpord's XI. Municipal School. he was so thoroughly id ear so oblivions to all but Hr. Lush ...... Mr. Farrol... W. Boniface, b Blackburn U Blackburn, c Bonlfabe, b beiijg a masterly exposition. Mr. Reginald Faber is ortunate Jac]: has to admit he has badly blun- M r. Knowsley. Mr. Thompson •■.••stcstcs.cj 18 E. Rowland, e Franois, b Press ...... to advantage as “ Stephen Baird,” these two his adopted. rU______e that he corn] the deepest attention Mr. Mallaliei is seen at his best and his efforts EXCEPTIONAL H r. Woodfield (skip.), Hr. Wood (s rip.) ...... i Kingham...... 6 Read, b Boniface...... being responsible to a large degree for the throughout It was a good (subject the London Film a most favou nble impression on the audience, O. Pragnoll, b Blackburn U Francis, o Cornford, b of the production. Amongst the, other ebarao- Company selected, one with I depth and power beyond osephine Middleton, as “ Mrs. Barrington,” has Rink A W. Matthews, e Kirby, b Rowland ...... j...... 16 | (may be mentioned Mr. Christian' •*Morrow iMa as “Sam the ordinary. ‘ British brillknoe ’ has scored again, and which opmes veil within the scope of her abili- OFFERINGS Mr.Hewett. Mr. Overy • eajesseesetetessMese 1 Blackburn ...... 6 Hoddart, b Cornford.....16 W( ih, Mr. Harold Wilson a? “Sydney Rosenthal,” onoe for all let us kill the bogie that the home producer ir natural charm of manner rendering her per- AT Hr..R 1 aw les Hr. Eaton '•J.MIMMMIIMMM | O.Van Loock.c Kingham, Kirby, lbw, b Press...... 1 cannot turn out film drama pf the highest excellence.” M r. Boox, sen.....•eeseeMssstss*’ Hr. H. Gallo 9 ..... b Blackburn ...... 2 Seymourji Press...... 7 Grace Heath as “ Grace Tyler,Tyler,” Miss Gwen ce doubly at raetiye. Mr. Frank Lidington is Mr. Prior (skip.) Mr. Saxby (s rip.) T. P. Press, b Blackburn A Jarvis, b Press ...... 1 ’kins as “ Margery Tyler,” Miss Evelyn Vahdray The above film will be screened during the whole of good effeetj as “ Sir Charles Foden,” while W. Martin, o Blackburn, Aldridge, st Pragnell, b Mrs. John Tyler” and Mr. B. Howard Alford as next week and will be supplemented by the customary 85 64 b Kingham...... 1 Press ...... 3 . p t West” minor itema There will be two exhibitions daily at 3 and 8 o’clock. Special W. H. Smith, b Kingham 2 Kirby 11., not out...... 2 ie first part of the programme includes Tom Gott, a To-day (Saturday)) the Redoubt play S t Leonards at Moon, 0 Rowland, b Press 2 the Gildredge Park. B. Holtham, not out ..... 1 shire comedian, whose songs and jokes create for tbh provocation df. mirth. L. Streatfleld, o Kirby, b A. N. Other, absent ..... 0 amusement In his first item he impersonates a FORTHCOMING GI^AND CONCERTS. Ambngst the othei outstanding features in an excel- Blackburn ...... 8 » ' REDOUBT VISITOR L H. Cornford, absent ..... 0 in and holds forth on the fault of man, while in I* OPERA IN ENGLISH. lerit company are th a “ Abraham Wenishein” of Mr. The above match on W< dneaday, and Extras ...... 4 Extras ... second number he delivers a caustic attack on Opportunities of hearing excerpts from several well- ”Fried ’ Dobell, the “‘jGenepil Gem Dunlop ” of Mr. Arthur resulted in a victory for the visitors b; ’ . ion. Patti Loffcus is a Scotch comedienne who known operas (to be rendereq in English) will be given Palling, the “ Miss ] 'ode; of Miss Leila Russell, and Prices Toe visitors had a good team to represei t them, while .Total 15 Total cornributes a couple of acceptable songs whioh are on Friday and Saturday, the 23rd and 24th insb On the “ (Professor McS!lale” if Mr. Philip Gordon. sup demented by a skilfully-exeouted dance. Wood- Thq concluding pe fori .nces of W hat the Butler Saw Hie Redoubt put in many of their new me mbers by way EASTBOURNE COLLEGE v. MASTERS. the evenings of these two days, and also at a m a tin e e on «f trial. Messrs. James and Waite, *>f t! le well-known | hou e and Wells are a couple of amusing comedians, the Saturday, the principals Of theH. B. Phillip’s Opera take place to-day at 2.45 id 7.45.1 Inspection and Comparison High sooring was the rule in this match on the and they keep the audience highly entertained, their Peckham club, proved to be fine bowlers. Company, from the Shaftesb lry Theatre, London, will St IERDOWN CD of Values earnestly invited. TEAS* College ground on Saturday. T. A. Ryder, the Sohool . “ We Both Locked One Another Up/’ proving a appear in representative sele (turns from “ La Boheme” BAND ENGAGED, Bidoubt.. Vh tors. captain, bit up a brilliant 160, whioh included two 6’s success. Muriel Haydn is a comedienne .whoee The; excellent baild foi ced in connection with the Rink L (Puccini),J-biooini), 1‘Rigoletto “ Rigoletto ” (Verdi)(Veri i) and “ FeFaust ” (Gounod). and twenlty-eight 4’s, the total of his aide reaching 287 are rendered With obanning grace. ’ The Devonshire' ire Park OrchesOrchei tra'tra will take part in the Convalescent Camp i ,t Sui pmerdown has been engaged Hr.H.Baker ...... lb . Walker for three wickets. The Masters had not reached this to play in the itind the Pier to-morrow after* BY THE Hr. Corringham....:...... Mr. W.J.Sndtl figure whbn the time for drawing stamps came, but | , “ MERRY MISS MADCAP.” iormanoe, whioh will be Conducted by Mr. Hubert noon and evening. H r England ...... j 18 Mr. Tagson .... th. Further particulars i ire given in an advertise- . • , v Hr. fishvddp.)...... > Hr. James (s|rip.) 'ley were allowed to finish their innings. Next week the musical comedy revue,1 “-Merry Miss menb The band will compiem i its performances at 3 and 7 )N. Eastboubni College. The Masters. Cadcap,” by William,T. Ivory and Kenneth Morrison, ORCHESTRAL | CONCERTS. o’clock respectively. ! Kink i T. A. Ryder, st Whaley, Rev, F. 8. Williams, b will be presented by Mr. William F. J. Hewitt E VENDENS ttd” H r. Baker, sen...... \ : Mr. Walker ^ b Tordoff...... 160 Kermode...... 6 Although the revue idea predominates, there | is a TO-NIGHT AND j TO-MORROW’S '' : COL. MAUDE’S jWAR LECTURES. Hr. LeTjn«...... | u Mr, W. Smith... D. W. Kermode, o Til- K. Y. Browne, o Read, b ^ definite plot, and the piece is a constant succession of PROGRAjMMES. TO-MORROW AFTERNOON AND-EVENING. lard, b Peacock ...... 31 a, dance and humorous episode. The essem Hr! Smith (skip!) !!.!•!...), H N. E. V. Patterson, b B. Tordoff, ii Kermode... 66 The orchestral oonoerts oontinue to hold a first plice Col.;F. N. Maude, C.B.,]gives his promised lectures DRESSM AKING in the HIGHEST-A (Foot of Devonshire Place), 3a production is, of course, brightness and fui nong the multiform attractions at Devonshire Park. Buncl TordofT...... 47 G. H Peacock, o Patter­ pis there is in “ Merry Miss Madcap ” full me on the! War to-morro v (Suhday). In the afternoon his * ORDER of PERFECTION at **s.SMS*f.sa...s 1 R. fi. Whistler, not ont... 16 son, b Ryder ...... 39 Exoept when the weather is nnfavourable (when the subject will he “ The present situation in Flanders and B. G. Gascoigne, not oat. 11 H. F. Morres, o Hunt, b sr dahoing is contributed by the Empire Trio, and Floral Hall is used), the performances take place in the Northern France,” a id in the evening he will speak on ECONOMICAL CHARGES. Eastbourne. ItMMlIII.IWNI j 2j| 3 ia< a special scena called “ Interruptions,” whioh ::“! u • ••iH-tlulfW & Kerraode ...:...... 64 Gardens, which are now looking at quite their best. “ The (general situati >n onjthe Russian Frontier.” skip.) «■■*•, / P. J. Meers, A. K.Co wper, Rev. F. Atkinson, o Pat­ ntributed by the Tee Quartet This latter attracts Oonoerts take plaoe twice daily, viz., at 3.30 and 8 p.m., ip.) F. B. Browne, F. R. terson, b Ryder...... 27 j>d deal of interest because, of some very unexpected Last Saturday evei ling, ffiol. Maude was lecturing at Hunt,-J. Muir and 8. H. P. Jameson, b Browne 0 pop nents. exoept on Sunday, when the orchestra plays in the thi "^aftesbury Tl i T l b . 51 69 Read did not bat. Milward, o Meera, b evening only, the time of commencing being 8.15; As ive and ciuite unex MOTOOl (EASTBOURNE) Ryder...... 32 is now probably generally known, the orchestra is aug­ of the;lecture. Some wopdjen in the audience started to ALEXANDRA J. J. Welch, b Ryder.....35 mented on Sundays to 40 performers. \ ! sing “ Uod save th > King,” and as if by magic the 1 (HASTINGS). P. Tillard, b Kermode ... 0 ] * F. J. Whaley, not out ... For this evening’s popular concert Mr. Norfolk Whole audienoe stood up and joined in the singing. It NEWS IN BRIEF; HEALTH ON THE SEA. J In this match at Eastbourne on Wednesday Mot- Extras , 22 Extras PICTURE HALLS Megone has compiled the following programme| was an eloquent indi< ation of the emotion which seeks I aombe were successful by 16 points. . Details :■ French march,‘‘Lorraine!’ „i...... O a n n e expression in this gri ve ho|ur of the national crisis. Hotcombx. Alex lndra. Inns. dec. cloeed..287 Total ...... 300 | Overture, “ La Gazza Ladra”...... J„...... L. el. Maude had a Very iteresting memory to tell of 1,000 Canadian A irmen, j HOLIDAYS AS USUAL. CENTRAL CINEMA. Fantasia, “The Tales of Hoffman ” ...... the Kaiser. Twenty yi ago, he said, the Emperor Mr. Rldeevi MILITARY MATCH: “ 0 ” AND “B ” “ A Wireless Rescue” is the title of the ohief The Ottawa correspondent of the Central News ____ i t ) Mr. Hiokmi came to Wimbledon 5>mi |on to attend a review of the Btatesthat, according toithe Free Press, more than a BLEND* 18 DIVISIONS. attraction at the above popular -Seaside-road cinema “ Le Long dn Missouri ” ...i...... In an article on Holidays at the Seaside this year the ____,G. English. Mr. Pavler “The Awakening of Sprite” ...... B i n d in g - Yolunteera In the evi ig he (CoL Maude) had an thousand Canadians have asked to be enlisted in the Hr. J. Gurney (skip.) Mr. Smith (skip.) to-di y, the reproduction beifig a Vitagraph drama of opportunity of talkii g to e German military attach^ D a ily M a il These two divisions met on the Saffrons on Tuesday I an e ceptionafly interesting nature. Other subjects in Selection, M 'Die MaSrlage IMarkct ” ...... Canadian branch of the British Naval Flying Corps. ’ on Monday observed M r. Dyer... r in the inter - divisional competition, "B ” Division “ Molly on the Shore ”.....j...... Percy G r a in g e r and several membeis of :he Emperor’s staff. They awell-onosen programme are “ The Girl at Nolan’B,” L iman von Sanders W ounded. “The need for h’bjidays was never greater than it is Major Weston HIIUlHUl winning by 25 runs. For the winners Hazell took six “SerbianDance" .....1...... said, “ You English doi |t understand the potential') this year. The infant mortality, to whioh this news­ Mr. Gosling fU drana; “Gentleman of Nerve,” Keystone oomio, Overture, “Mignon"...... f. Ambroise Thomas power of the men y have got behind your It is learned from a private source that General wickets for 25 runs, while for the losers Annis captured j featiring Charles Chaplin; “ Come Ronnd and Take: paper called attention long ago, and which seems to Mr. Abrahai (sUp.) | four for 21 and McLaughlan four for 30. _ Score , , To-morrow evening the orchestra will render the fol­ army. We know al out ir conscripts and how they Liman von Sanders has been wounded in the Darda-' affect every class of child in the community, is an urgent the Elephant Away,” oomedy: “Coaxing the Neutrals, - will fight^but we can not nelles. f H r. G. Baber ivision “ O” Division. lowing among other compositions| v iculate what your at present warning that the annual change of air should not be ION. H r. W. Reynolds “ B" D . >n: and “ The Floating Peril,” interest. unorganised men maj do ien required.” • R otal “ Cuddley ” D olls. Gunner Fielding, bAnnts 11 Private McLaughlan, b Monday and the two following days a splendid v Slavonlo March ...... TschaUcowsky omitted. In the maze of discussion that is taking place O. ConoUy.. Mr. Bowker S u l l i v a n Two “ cuddley” dolls, the one stuffed by Queen H r. J. Harrison (skip.). J Mr. Burden (i Up.) Gunner Bailey, b Mo- Fielding...... 6 four-jpart drama, “ The Avalanche/’ will be screened. Overture. ‘1.D1 Ballo’U...... ;...... ] PIERROT CONCERTS. at the moment on every topic connected with the war Laughlan...... 34 Sergt. Pugh, b Hazell ... 8 Dream Mi j from “Han — ilandGretel”___ Alexandra and the other by Princess Victoria, were far too little has been said about the health of the child 63 i Gunner Parry, b Annis... 8 Private Palmer, bHazeli 7 J J i_ Humperdinck These humorous end , morally attractive concerts sold at the Savoy Hotel on Tuesday afternoon for £15 and, incidentally, of the health of the mother. Some 47 ItaffSergt. Hazel], o and Private Annis, b Fielding 12 knoi n novel! and features Catherine Counteas! and Suite, “Les Deux Pigeonsf ...... M e s s a g e r . take p ace daily at 3. .5 (ii. the bandstand) and 8.15 (in and £5 respectively. b MoLaughlan ...... 2 Lance-Corpl. Crossman, Will am H. Tooker. John Malvin Grey, a Grand FantastA “Faust"}...... Gounod l years ago the late Father Dolling, the well-known alum the te room). m—■—Thege -■ is)a constant change, of pfo- No Conscription. Sergt Plant, lbw,b Annis 0 c Brown, b Buell -..... 0 operator on the NeW York Stock Exct _ , Overture, “ 1812”...... j...... Tschaikowsky gramme. J| parson, made a comparison of the health of children | Gunner Sivers, b Mo- Private M aynard, b appe rentlv all that the heart of man can desire—a To-night Mr. Harold Montague oonoludes an engage­ In the House of Commons on Monday Mr. Asquith who had had a fortnight at a bracing seaside camp with Tangthii...... 0 HaxeU ...... J!...... 2 detif htful home, a charming wife and a little daughter. “ TO-1IORROW ”: MA' EB PERFORMANCE, stated that with respect to the National Registration the condition of children who had not had that advantage. Private Brown, run ont. 8 ment that has been attended (luring the week with con­ The results were startling, and furnished convincing Gunner Clarke, b Annis. 0 olYet^heforehisYeai a before his marriage, however, Grey was engaged siderable success. His humorous pianologues ” have Atte ition is -agai i led to the special m a tin e e Bill the introduction of forced labour or conscription | Lance - Corpl. Hill, run Lance-CorpL Newman, b to ‘ a Clara ”Fenton, who jilted him in favour of one constituted a very pleasing feature of the programmes. arranged for Thursda y ne: on behalf of the Eastbourne was not in ttye contemplation of the Government. evidence of the fact that an annual change, preferably Pete: Vaughan, a multi-millionaire, but after some to a bracing atmosphere, is an essential The thrift ont .....„7—...... 14 Hazell ...... -...... Miss Mary Grey (soprano) opens a week’s engagement Red (boss and Geieral .Equipment Sooiety, j— an Camp F ood W aste. campaign, which is only just beginning and the import­ lunner Vale, not out ... 0 Private Jeffs, b Hazell... time she tires of her marriage with an old man, and she at to-morrow’s concert. organii ation that has been xximplishing a vast amount Replying to a question as to food wastage in military W e a k C h e s t | Lance - Corpl. Luke, b " Private Chapel, net ont. tries to exercise her old fasomation over Grey, and after of useful work ever sim ance of which has not been thoroughly realised by the >RE& MoLanghlan .... 0 CorpL^Hart; run out ^0 | Vaughan succumbs to a.heart attack she devotee all her 6„ ^riw0^ w w ,m ' I campi,"M/ Tennant on Monday stated that instructions nation, should not deter seekers after vacations by the Extra;...... 1 To-M oirrow (by Kit y ie ana u . w. wneeier), I had been given ensuring that only the food required for Boy’s Health Restored by v axiras ...... ■ ^ ^ eB^n n ^jng Qrey, from his wife.' Her plan ; which is to be played on le occasion, is a clever and sea. In no circumstanoes is it possible that seaside 1(3 ‘ consumption by tbe troops should be issued. The resorts will be so crowded as to cause & risq in prices. \--i3h Total ...... 78 ' Total ...... 53 | appe irs to meet with success, and by astute manipula- fascinating productii n, id we are assured that the I bread rations had been reduced and the issue of jam Dr. Cassell’s Tablei 1 bon of the Avalanohe Mines stock by an aooomplioe, DEVONSHIRE PARK THEATRE. performance will be in respects an excellent^one. “ It is probable, indeed, that the whole scale of life at HASTINGS GRAMMAR SCHOOL v. EAST­ and chees$ suspended and money allowances in lieu the seaside this summer will be on a much more Grey finds himself confronted by ruin. Then she Saves | We| s ncerely hope the m a tin e e will be largely thereof granted. Other steps had also been taken. Mrs. Russell, 8, Far- BOURNE MUNICIPAL SCHOOL. him tom disaster, and so great is his relief that ip his STEP THIS WAY” REVUE. pal on sed. economical basis than usual. The charges for accommo­ ringford-road. West . In this match on Wednesday, on the Central Cricket- gratitude he embraces her. At this moment his wife The enl imenta at thq Park Theatre maintain The important part of “ rick ” will be filled by Miss Z eppelins for A ustria. dation in hotels, boarding and private houses should be a Fatn-lane. fitratlord, and 11 family solicitor enter, and the former believing Antoinette Bentinct, and I lies Iris Rowe will take the The Austrian General Staff have placed an order for matter of bargainby the visitors. Amusements will neces­ )URNB- London, E., «ays-/‘My + Ground, Hastings, the Eastbourne Sohool secured an their atl ness, the programme for the current easy victory by five wiokets and 89 runs. Huddert, for this is the culminating point of a series of meetings up to the average in point of artistio title rofe. A numbei of i icidental dances have been three Zeppelins with the workshops at Friedrichabafen. sarily be curtailed, not-only by reason of the insistence . eon, i Haxry, had in- with Clara, leaves her home and sends Grey a note excellence__ , arranged by Miss Ele mor i latcliffe. They are tp be used when compteted on the Italian ofthelig „ . but because many... people are fioenia about two the visitors, took eix wiokets and also made 34 runs. quality. The outstand- not in a mood for the customary annual merry-making years ago. and after Franois and Seymonr also did well on the same side. stating that she will institute divoroe proceedings. ing feature is a ivue entitled".StepStep T h i t W a y , the scene front. :!| ! j. ’ that he was alwaye For the losers Parker gave a good all-round display, Clan now thinks she has won and confesses her plot, an of some and ontertainiqg doings being the I VISIT CF THE FOLLIES^ German Submarines Bom(MBAlRDEp. by the shore. Early hours, such as have always been ailing. Then a naaty hatting in creditable style and taking fonr of. the five actio i whioh has the opposite effect to that which she pianoforte it of some large etoreo. Vocal and A warm welcome nay ixmfidently be bespoken for Thh following communique was'isswas1 issued by the French kept by the French families at the quieter seaside cough came on and wiokets that fell on the other side. Soore:— desirid. i- instrument (solo and < oncerted) is tmbdominant the famous Follies, w th al their power of dissipating ['Ministry of Marine on" Monday evening: “ Two resorts, should be welcomed by health-getters. Early ypw« an with- The began to lose flesh Th > supplemental items will inolude ‘1A Change in factor, he artists being several talented the saddest cares anil toe most persistent of worries. to bed and early to rise, on toe daylight-saving badly. He had had Hastings Gram. Sobool. Eastbourne M. School* German submarines were bombarded by torpedo craft principle, is no hardship. At Homburg, Marienbad, Carlisle, o Huddort, b W. F. Franois, b Parker. 41 Loves” (oomedy) ana “Making Shell and Shrapnel” singers formers, wlose renderings of many Their engagement ext mds i iver the whole of next week. belonging to the French.2nd Light:Squadron in the to the fnQ rheumatism, too, and (inteieet). bright Their entertainment i qll bi distinguished by the usual Aix-les-Bains and a score of other Continental resorts h is heart, was Franois...... 6 H. L. Eh Keriey, b Parker 17 ’ing riumbers evoke well-deserved Channel yesterday. One submarine was struck by the bands are playing and the people about at six in the I hope aPectod. We had good Parker, b Huddart...... 16 & W. Huddart, b Parker 34 Ex ribitions take place daily at 3, 7 and 9 o’clock. on Mr. Elven Hedges and Mr. Billy happy combination o; vauieville and burlesque. For several shell* before she disappeared.” we have I Martin, b Huddart...... 16 A. L. Aldridge, o and b mard devolvi toe burde l of toe purely amusing r part of tin ir. formanoe the company have morning, the best time of toe aay. advice for.Harry, hut there was no improve­ EASTERN CINEMA, j H ugs N ew Searchlight, plentiful ment, so we got him into hospital. B »seemed Taylor, b Francis...... 8 Shannon ...... 6 side of the ad in their different ways both give mormous repertoir 3 fro: i whioh to offer continually I njustice to Seaside Towns. * ~ annon, b Franois...... 7 F. Seymour, not out ....;, 87 To- Jay’s programme at the Eastern Cinema oompi 'ng selections, al d fr the latter they will draw candle-power searchlight, the invention better when he came ont; but soon all,the old achall, b Francis...... 0 A. Read, o Martin, b. highly account o 1. themselves. They are The injustice to seaside towns (continues the symptoms returned. Then w« eent Turn into an a oellent series of high-class films, chief amoi capitally by-Miss Isabella Dillon, Miss Ivy their latest sc created at toe London A. Edison, is announced- by Reuter Barclay, o Franois, b Parker ...... 1 whiot is a capital drama in two parts entitled “ eu n during then writer) of placing upon them the burden of national the country, but when 'he came bona i he was Huddart ...... 6 O. J. B. Jarvis, not ont... 6 Howard, Mr. Hfidgge’ versatility is shown engagement there. The ork.\ Fed by storage batteries, it is said to apprehension should be patent to ill. These towns soon no ill as ever, if not woree. It - rse then HcOlean, o Keriey, b Child Killers?’ Other interesting subjects are “ in singing te pla|ying, and others to con- lies, under the din ction if Dan Everard, are fresh flrful portable searchlight in the world, wc tried Dr. Cassell's Tablets, and they helped Stage Coaoh Driver and the Girl ” (drama), “ A SI c a I ong and sucoei sful rar of the principal theatres havq, as a rule, short periods of prosperity each year. Harry from the first. He grew string and Huddart ..... 0 W. H. Kerloy, H. Smith, tribute most in a musical way are Mr. James iy designed for use in mine rescue work, at It would be. regrettable and contrary to the publio | Farley, b Huddart ...... 0 R. Moon-and Stoner I in Tr mpe ” (oomedy), “ The Once Over ” j Gordon (tenor .. Mr. A If Lennard (violin solos) he i rovinces, and, we ay be sure, give us of the fires, in ships and in aeroplanes. . eotlve, and now he is better than ever before.. Wright, o Francis, b did not bat.. “AY ery Rare Companionship ” (interest). In addition t< i thi six evening performaaoee interest for a whole series of important municipalities and Mr. Tom nt (harp solos). There are some “N onk W ould Surbender.” to be gravely impoverished by the unfair localisation of aouodU ™ cou®*1’ aiDd his heart see ns quite Huddart ...... 0 Du ing the first part of next fireek a two-part > w 11 be m a tin e e s m ‘ lesday ana Saturday. Hall, not ont ...»...... 4 iretty dam the choins (chiefly ladies) goes An outspoken tribute to the Valour of the men of the a fear that should be equally applied to the whole of “ One Flight UpU will form the ohief attraction. I( ihrough a t -hat light measure of duty in a sucoess- Extras- i...... 2 Extras ...... 6 an exi iting and dramatic stoiy of how a girl ne1 Rifle Brigade is offered by a German soldier in a letter the British Islands. For whatever we may know about ful manner. Zeppelin raids, one thing is certain, and that is that a Total...... 69 Total (for 6 wkts.)148 xir er captured a gang of criminals. Detective" or Several variel. turna precede toe revue and greatly addressed to the Tagltche Rundschau, of Berlin. D r. C assell’s lioei dramas are always popular with every class of AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AN “ Every one of the hundred men in the captured great many Zeppelins are being constructed, and their contribute to the" s of the performance. W<ina, trench,’’ he writes, “had to be skilled by a hand visits.are more than likely to have in them an element audio ice and this film should prove no exoeption to the the comedy’ ickater,” is an adept in card feats, rnla There is a sensational opening to the etory and PPEAL grenade. None would surrender. They were hei of surprise as to location. We know that they are Arthur Lewis as a clc g dancer; Hugh Hughes all. Suoh is hardly the behaviour one would e; ' stationed as far north as Heligoland and as far south as EASTBOURNE CONSTABLE AT THE the ex pitement oontinnes to the end. “ The Girl on the does some and amusing things as a comedy -u T a b l e t s . Trestle” is another drama which should meet with from mere hirelings.” Brussels and Zeebrugge, and they have proved that FRONT. cartoonist; and ing and Benson prove themselves a To {the E ditor. iven the proper weather conditions, their range is such genen 1 acceptance. An explosion under the Joro couple o f v-----ery humorous ahd engaging vaudeville [ Men Blown Overboard. Dr. C M 't Tablete •» a'genatae Jwn^jy trestle destroys the structure. The accident is reported You were kind enoui :h to pnt a letter from me hat they could reach any point in England, Scotland for «B foot ol nens or ______----- —in old or A telegram to the Danish_ P o H lik e n states that two or Wales. On the other band, and without in any way yonn*. Componnd-d nt r . ontrientt snd tooira ot NARROW ESCAPE. to Helen, the operator, and she, knowing that the rear paper ori Jrn e 12t i, in which I asked for help 0 *3 are tbs woognised- The concluding performances to-day will he at 6.45 1 a collection ( f “ - disclosing, information likely’to be useful to the enemy, iadispnUbly proved efltaL passeqger train is due shortly, wires to the^ext station. id9 o’clock. their modern home treatment to Corporal F. Austen, of the King’s Company Her message is received too late, and realising that a Battalion of to > the Hun may be assured that he is likely to have a hob NERVOUS BREAKDOWN KIDNEY DISEASE j Grenadier Guards,-formerly a constable in the ! sharp carve would hide the damaged trestle from the “ BUSINESS AS USUAL.” Sin01 then, I have bee: l askea to collect as many pairs welcome at places at which he may least expect it.” bourse Polioe Force, i§ home on siok leave after f as possible for othe regiments, NERVE PARALYSIS INDIREEnOII engine bit’s view, Helen climbs aboard a: freight oar The ohief item in next weekfs “hill” is the London A ustrian Submarine D amaged, SPINAL PARALYSIS 8TOMA0H DISORDER months’ experience in the trenches in Franca Go | standi ig on the siding, loosens the brake and allows the very pleased o be able to say that during the PARALYSIS MAL-RUTRIT ION ■ to the Front on November 10th, his battalion ooooc e production, Business as Usual, which weeks since m\ letter was published in your The. Austrian submarine which Was attacked by ah WASTING Dl IEASE0 oar to ran down the steep grade. Approaching the id attract good houses. airman in the Adriatio on the 1st inst. Was not sunk, reserve trenchee on the first day of the Neuve Chap -rained structure, Helen applies the brake, leaps to the have reoeivea not c nly the 500 pairs of socks NEW TRIAL REFUSED. DEBILITY PALPITATtOI | affair, and on the second went into action, losir l for by the K.O.S .B., put I have been enabled to but has been towed to Trieste in a damaged condition. VITAL EXHI USTION great number of men and all the officers exoept I land and makes her way through the Bmoke across Four of her erew are dead. PREMATURE DECAY t shaking hand of steel. Arriving on the opposite ‘'"' .pairs to ano her regiment and 60 pairs to a THE JUDGE’S OBITER DICTUM. Mothers, Ml doling Subsequently they were relieved and retired to Lev* side of the ohasm, she dashes down the track until she POLICE C^URT MISSIONARY AS . L Gurfew Shall R ing. m Chemist, end stores in where their full complement was made up and ‘ can see the approaching train, whioh she stope in time i success, whi ih is yond my most sanguine For the maintenance of the curfew bell, £100 was left M of tbs world sell Cassell'! Teblsti.. Prioss: held trenches near the latter place. The day af fc . Ilhave to thank di intributors in Eastbonme, upas trust tojthe churchwardens’of Wickeu, Essex, by Most of toe business at the Eastbourne County Court end 2/9—the: 2/9 si» being i most left there the Germans violently bombarded the topro ent a terrible aceident. 3j . ■ J MOTOR DRIVER. .Iff A t o . Trial Supply wi 1 the programme will also include “ They were on as our old p ij present pupils, and their the Rev.' William Bliss, for over 60 years the Viear, on.Tueaday was disposed of by the Registrar (Mr. J. B. d eddresi anft (II wo - penny . position, having been evidently informed that their .Honeymoon” (oomedy), “Ham amongst the T have been most contributors whose estate is of the value of £47,001. Campion Coles). Before his Honour Judge Mackamess ig. AddrsM: Di. OsseDs were there. From Levante they moved to Bethune (] Redskhs” (comedy), and “The Fall of Przemysl/'a nt study.sad practice, Mr. Percy but I should |like |to acknowledge socks sent M istook P oison fob W hisk?, Mr. W. H. Burt (of Messrs. Hillman, Burt k Warren) Meacheeter BassAe) and on to Festubert Here they ,held reserve cartooi i of an amusing as well as clever character. . ''- jjg iary for Eastbourne i ’(dew's Mite” and A Maid,” through your madecan application on behalf of Mrs. M. A. Buchman trenches while the division on the left charged, and at The; e are daily exhibitions at 3, 7 and 9. qualified for service i (ins, as they gave i le no address. A verdict df death by misadventure was returned at for a new trial in regard to a case heard at the last dawn Corporal Austen’s division followed suit, and been___ told__ tiat an Englishman’s seide of Islington onl Tuesday, at the inquest om Elizabeth Court, iri which Mrs. BuOhman made a claim against WHS P O succeeded in taking the portion assigned to them. is a keen sem e of i ivourstoeome.” Therefore Scopes, aged 58, who died from toe effects of poisoning. C. M. Rabinson. a schoolmaster, in respect to goods When they relieved the London Territorials they fonnd From a statement made by thfe deceased it appearec ;oat lot be surpri* d iff T~1 ask Cr— you if I T------may make------use sold. Mr. C. G. Thomas appeared for the defendant. fO ’ 8 P O W D B E themselves only seventy yards. from the enemy’s d u : OF DEVONSHIRE lurne, Hailsham and Uckfield aper to ask foi hel;ila towards the upkeep of the that she drank spirits of salts in mistake for whisky._ | trenches, and there was a very heavy bombardment. THE Mr. Burt stated that at the last sitting the Judge XBATINa'S POWDER / his* duties as missionary with i, which has beefi lent to ns, "through my An Overjoyed M other. foxnd in favour of the defendant with costs. The case bffioer.ij His efiiaient and con- Bis wnrivsOsd UDei of alleU IInsects. While Corporal Austen 'was takingia party of eight WAR. Miss Frankie Browne, and which is at A distressing home-coming took place at [Wilmslow, was conducted by Mr. Hillman for plaintiff, and he had Hennleaa todomestioi to obtain water a shell arrived Just as they left the scientious i been mudh appreciated. At tbe ipported by Olo -elly epplestone Sohool Cheshire, on Tuesday, when Private Barber returned fully set out' the grounds of the application for a new get tbs gennine Keel | communication trench. He lay flat on the ground, and end of the hopes to rfesume this work, which present pupil i). Tie o- r of the ambulance, home unexpectedly and his mother, a widow, was so ■W signature on red 1 The Duke of Devonshire, speaking at Leeds Uric meanwhile at any rate as Eastbourne is con- Who idir * ■ *■ - * trial. remembers being blown into the air, after which he lent it to n y daughter, desired that it I excited that she became suddenly ill arid died shortly His HoMpr said he could not see, any tiring in the became unconscious. On recovering he found seven of sity oi' Saturday, said the University had from tl oemed—will 1 ormed by 1 Irs. Kimpton. ahoull erever it was noet needed, and at the 1 afterwards An apoplectic seizure is said to have been DY 7 £ I L L 8 W IT H HAS! r uaw, ouu .uo ■ outset i idapted itself and provided every] possible facilil particulars supplied to him which could be called the party dead, and the eighth died soon after. He ne, I learn fropo| Mr. Simpson, who I the cause df death. grounds for a new trial. It, appeared that the plaintiff KILLS WITH EASE reached the treneh and, on being relieved the next I for ass iting in the present war, with skill and cl the medical transport in Eastbourne, that I minatihn. Courage, imagination, and sympathy \ “its' V.O. W ounded by K indness, assumed defendant would call a certain witness, and the night, was taken to the Canadian Field Hospital, where vices are invaln ible ’ here for moving wounded defendant did not do so. That was not a ground for a K n j£ WITH EASE require i to bring the war to a satisfactory ole PRESENT. soldi’ from the Eastb lurne groups of hospitals to the --Major Frederick Barter, V.C., will! not forget Nerer pot awaj clothe* or wooUena of an; he received most kind treatment from the colonials. J iloome to on Tuesday. He was publicly new'trial at all. Indeed, it was a very striking instance _ The'shook to the system was, however, so great that oouragi in the field, Imagination to deal with prob outlying fitals. ThisLius naturally involves longlonr | ““ j w w r ““ , Ue wVfrom flntuaYintf wefl nrinUad them as they arose, and sympathy between all classes of The , peak on w lioh we stand, joumeyi wear on tyrei,tyro , Ac., and expenditure of k,l88ed b5*a young woman at the Exchange and a box of of toe legal adage. “ Tbe law does not help people who f fighting the 14., it most be some time before he will he well enough to go to sleep ” (laughter). have as ye* SSacssriiiS& r'1 resume active service. oommu lity. A seed, watching there the Past, petrol Id pupils of t lesclle sc] uool give tbeirsemoee as chocolates thrown at him as tribute to his gallantry* The fair -. dimming,, fleeting fast; arivi took the sWn off toe bridge cof his nose. Mr. Burt said he could not carry the matter any iten fifes away BUGS & BEETLES, MOTHS ft FL E A S . | [ guard of tha Or here a void, toe future Land. •liter a id I Appealed for help before on S easide H olidays in Germany.: further, and the Judge, therefore, refused the applica­ BUGS ft BEETLES, MOTHS ft FLEAS. Tbe present ;ht, mighty spaces spanned, the Ladies’ Moljqr Ambulance Corps we tion. PUBLIC LIBRARIES. “ OUR HOLY W AR” most general s response, and I feel sore that | FLEAS. Will bethel am of sofne planet vast; BU M * BEETLES, MOTHS ft (Thh Bishop op London). The present -ray is toe Sunshine past ave the same success again. mountains, ^ __ The following recent hook additions have (Dedicated to Canon Soott Holland and Dr. Lock). Of unknown irlds where unknown fives expand. Yours faithfully, traffio, espeoiaUy of women and children, to favourite WAR LOAN AND SAVINGS. exhibited in the show oase during the past week, and A fly that on gauzy w iriglet fleet F, H: UROWNE. reeorte on the Bafijc, Saxon Switzerland, and South r!SC&& rooms with, ] will be in issue on Monday morning next Germany was on toe whole fairly normal. North Sea At esirlv morning, when the spider weaver r To our slow e) i imaa b multiplied, V Goyelly-Kepplestone Sta- ey-road, resorts like Borkum, Norderaey, and Westerland-Sylt TO THE EDITOB. DO NOT WAIT CENTRAL LIBRARY. Elf c adles out of dew and light and air, A fly for every ly throbbhg beat, i July 3rc . A present, pa ' ’ 'uture, side by Side; are dosed to the public on account of! tbe war. S i r : We consider it is the duty of every Englishman r out of tba 132.L Schofield, A. T. “ Christian Sanity,” with a | Divhdyfair; . - ■ > |j. Neutrals may not visit n n f German seaside place this to do what is possible to encourage saving and until yon are really £11 before reean ing to ' r the Bishop of Durham. 1906. Whil) in a rash of radiance every blossom Yea, Present >t beneath our feet, 1 solutions of Elliott “Haunted Highways! and Tie all we' Time’s dominion wide. scammer. -T popularise the War Loan: First, that the nation may treatment. Immediate attention iboaM VDonnell, And every emerald of the lowliest leaves, E ight Schoolboys Drowned: be financially strong enough to carry the war to a . be given to minor ailments lest To th e son’s bosom 0 LAST L OF DEFENCE. I B§__0lf_ rGlad______8t bare, Every mile of trenches, it is estimated, should have have tried this ; ■—an d now Family.” 1914. I With the death surges foaming at His feet And on toe fa i the fiery haze. by cannot fail, hey < annot faltex, - it least' 100, “ “ OOt sandbags. which £Bs. 5s. only will be repayable and payment lebottle. number a great : ide—are itire ly 920. “Bennett. Arnold,” by F. J* Harvey Darton. Thus, ar, no farther, may the uttlows roar ' ose faiths are 1 cm c i splendid fears, extended over a similar period, so thatjthe five mpnths. | have switAed Sib Er Grey’s R eturn. allowed by the Government will be extended by us, to. satisfied that, to t __.. its of PSSSft 8eUere!%ev. William E. “ With Our Fighting That ireak in mercy on the Eternal Shore. i vision theirs i hat fi -rtnest Bees, I his engine the fibs stomach and the 11' th e re to n e th in g ii y fight for us i pon t heir knees. Sir R Grey, who has been absent from London for ten months, this being equal to a bonus of five per cent, Men.” The story of their rellglcuu faith, oonrage and For a 1 that is mpst sacred do we fight FUTURE is expected to resume his duties at tbe in addition to the advance of the balance without; to endurance in the great war. Coloured frontispiece. slum and ps lace i pward rises I reverol wqeks, Illustrations. UN5. Freed >m and truth, the hearth, the altar flame Office it trip end of. the present week, interest. Again rt beast shame; - l The sullen Wave )W breaks oh dull grey shore, i$ common plea in Ei gland’s care, 961. Langdon, William B. ‘‘Too Thousand Things t cloud toe hij h anc humHe share; Speci it Constables and the A bmi. 1 To popularise the War Loan, we are prepared to- Relating to China and the Chinese.” An epitome of the For w omen’s honour and the unarmed weakness The sodden eliffs iwn o’er the dismal sea, accept scrip or hotels of the new War Loan at par and BEECHiAM’S genius, government, history, arts, trade, Of old age, and our children's love and Kgh| Where !eirts broken bui Id ne' r paradises, Sir John Sin on. in a printed Parliamentaify reply to jhostiy gull roams free; Sir Leo Ohiozz i Money, states that since their enrol­ plus interest for even months in payment of cash customs and social life of the people of the In tre nbling meekness, A few white ten nothing more. ,(‘temple of an < mpir i’s prayer. purchases, and we would suggest that if the' Psess Empire. Illustrations. 1843.1 _ , And t le poor suffering souls for whom 0 ; came. !t c Dines from sile loe sal and lone, ment over 6,090 special constables have joined the PILLS. 973. Busbey, Katherine G. “ Home Life in America.” | From .ont be deep-jroicefi warnings roar, jil is the halo ro md t le throne. Army, and frdi l week to werik others are enlisting. would take the matter up ana publish a list of the Illustrations 1910. Oars ik toe triumph of the trust, that lies firms who are prepared to accept War Loan scrip at par At tlu foundation of dear liberties. : Where pe in vagup obscurity, Another Yeab OF»Wju«i |j -• F iotion. - With Death ‘rig close Upon their lee; ’h< re is a sound o won ex weeping, i in payment of purchases, it would give an immense I Birmingham, George H. ’’Minnie’s Bishop,” and other I Ah, G xl is striving for and with ns yet, The signal loud frdi a,Headland hoax. 1 lie lord and laboi rer h te join hanas It is stated ii Munich that the. war may last another impetus to the issue of War Loan Stock, particularly P rbparbd only BY stories of Ireland. !_ !! _ • I We gi ard the solemn rights, the heavenly source Inc I link their woi ds wi ;h distant lands-; year. The Go vemment has made all arrangements for amongst small investors, who might be afraid otherwise Bronson, Edgar B. “ TheRed-Blooded Heroes of the Above fool foroe; Oh, Thou, Futnril toe great (Unknown ,; !bc y hold a solem i wat ih unsleeping,! toe purchase efi food and the revictualling of the troops to lock toeir money up for fear they might have to sell THOMAS BEE0HAM, St. Helena L ane. Frontier.'” Ours i > the splendid charge of spacious-living, All­ Ob, myati' —, - 1 eyes of veiled To-morrow, ' ?hs t binds ns dos i wit! golden banasi for another twe lye months. at a discount should they wish to realise at any time. “House of the Misty Star, The,” by the author of the Like eyes Orient maid, o’er yashmak shown 1 ’ ’be ruffian who w mid f y now Btays, / We would also be prepared to accept the old War Loan to Bluebottle Sold everywhere in boxes, “ Lady of tho Decoration ' The star that in the darlnsese never set Jacob. Violet “ Flemi—— _ __ Of utxlost givpng, ■!'' . -JI Thyme from our wishes i tiU we borrow, He {feels toe summjons and he prays. at £95, plus interest, in payment for cash purchases up Prioe li (66 pills) and 2/9 (168 pIHs). O'Gradv, Standlsh. “ In the Wake of King James.” And g rides the earth along its dsstsned course. E’en tho desert with dead hopes be strowri ;j ”he rudest lips, tfe babj tell you I lost m y boss, Hou. to toe tone fixed for conversion so as to enable those TrentjPau'auL —“ The “Second Chanoe,” Faith holds the hand that strikes, the ensang ied 7 pain or pleasure? joy or sorrow ? i jry to tbe God i fly know, _ killed in the trenches by a ‘Jack who are otherwise unable to convert to invest the bn Oity and sword 11 ’ down below; Johnson.’ Thrit is three bosses I have lost since we equivalent in new War Loan. j Avknhji NoN-&roae Book. A, E. Styles. ' Yhp still works same ont here.’f—A soldieris letter. • ! ' t j 1 dividend for Clabkk’s B41 Pills Is love itself, and sharpened by our Lord. ’ ’ ’he shout for help the twhisper, It might also tend to populariso the War Loan if toe O il CAN BELY S5.J. Clifford. W. B, “ The .” Coloured | i a Safe an d Bure 1068. Diagrams. 19R. - F. W. Obds Wabd. i Tall straight from overflow. “ Cooking1 is going on night and day,” large stores and provision dealers generally offered to r. In either Bex, for all l __ orComtitutional A simple outline of the ehlef hranohes of the illing the The y do not ask fc r . s pride, writes an officer at toe Front, “ so that at whateifar acoept the War Loan vouchers in payment for their i Urinary Org_ G ravel, Pi ins in the S F Canning F actories w ith serviee. , _ _ • Canadian Loi Hut would with 01 cist crucified. tone a wounded man is brought in a good meal is reacyy goods. We are, Sir, yoi^ obedient servants, d complaints. 50 Yean Success. J uvbnilk 8toby Books. Huge lobster catches are “ T h i t dreadful war 111 d e m o n the reported off eastern coast. The boats are F. W. Obd* Ward. S h im .” -'j. i OETZMANN k CO., LTD. Alcook, Deborah. “ The Spanish Brothers.” 4/8 Me, for C L A E K E ’S sacrifice______of the finest flower of otr an taking these the factories can pack them, ‘It is ighowovfr men are sticking > (Fred. A. Oktzhann, Cbaisman), ___ by the “ The Childs Companion.” 84th annuhl voli Australian legislator to a friend in Li- the The catch the various canning factories, I it out here,’ a soldier at. the Front f “I ‘ i Lincoln and Coloured plates. Illustrations. B 4 1 P : [ L I * 8 sacrifice must be made.” Bath his the One boat well-known fleet recently took Ireland’s emigrants las; year amounted to not be$p tl bed siaee I volunti Hampetead-road, London, W., I D ane Co., as many as July 2tad. (Tree from M ercury). StrettoofHesba. ISoyd’s Last W11L” I Front. 20,614, toe lowest numbe •on r> cord. August EA8TB0UBNE

------LTD. >w n e H & BBO] :oB&W.BENNe t t : AUCTIONEERS, AUOT iOl o u s e a n d fcSTATE GENTS, D AND El TATE AGENTS.. SURVEYORS LND VALUE YOBS. VALUERS. Edgar Allan Brown. Clerloal, Naval, Military and Ladies’ Tailors, HAG ENTS FOR i A LL P INCIPAL P, tOPERTIES \ Bnhtn . MonMs frorsrtp Rsyltter. ;i r f ■ .1 , j \ v - j! Auction Sales Conduo d in Town am 1 Country. ■ 10, CORNFIELD ROAD, Surveys tc Valuations j IB MoBTOAGB, Probatk, Ao. 84, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. is 1234 Eastl ourne. ’•», _ 7 ■ ' ; I : • • • - I | ■ -v ■ ’ j ' ; : ’* • | * Rents Collected. PARK ORCHESTRA Eco: Tnanrantf is Oakdens, 1 lastboun ta. I^VONSHIRE PROMENADE COSTUMES AND BIDING HABITB A SPECIALITY. THE AUCTION MART, K ROAD Musical Director NORFOLK MEQONE. EASTBOt All Garments Hade on the Premises by First-class Workmen In good Sanitary Workshops. ON THURSDAY NEXT. s Daily in the Gardens. By Order of the Executors of Mrs. M. S (except Sunday) at 3.30. 13, SOUTHFIELDSROAD, EAST iourne. it 8. SUNDAY EVENINGS at 8.15. SALE OB' THE VALUABLE CONTE!; TS OF THE turday and Sunday Evenings, admission Is. RESIDENCE. . . ] R. FRANCIS & SONS, Ltd , including d to 40 Performers at the Sunday Evening Concerts, J. 0. TOWNER A BROl lass, household HI commence at 8.16. EASTBOURNE CEMETERY Are instructed to Sell mr! Public Au ware, a gentle- Premises, as above, on THURSDAY, J wood dressing AAtistes : HUCKN. Monumental Sonlptori and Sx gravers. very choice T " " f T " I ; ig stand, white L ash bedroom Saturday E ven ing HAROLD MONTAGUE in Humorous Fianologues. OUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Effects, xrtains, a satin Week commencing J MISS MARY GREY, Soprano. TORI «d Btudio. 87, UPPKKTON ROAD, BA including superior brass and Iron French bed- ending dining 120, Lewes Load, Brighton! t. excellent wardrobe* In mahogany chairs, stained m u d m u m w o m a n a . t e l b f and burr walnut, lests of "drawers, duchiesse and other : dresser side- dressing tables, i------...... p washstands jin mahogany, iterfleld settee, MEMORIALS walnut, satin walnut, rch and ash, bedchamber arm and occae onil chairs, a 1-ft. carved lark oak table, CINEMATOGRAPH The Children’s Corner. suite In polished pitch line, well. made solid oak an eight-day grandfather dog chairs In morocco leather, set of superior walnut------’— "- ’ ng a set of f mr film rating “Shoot- TO-I'AY at 3 and & DAILY, 11 to 1.30, 3 till 10. Goldsmith le ditto, armchairs enl suite, exoelleht walnut and ilett, after G to. Stut i), and miscel- Illustrated Catalogue Submitted Pres. ogany writing table,jihlaid mahoguriy bureau, two laneouB i LAST TWO\ EXHIBITIONS. very superior On ’ ipendafle - style chairs fn carved LIFE TARGETS. Silversmith mahogany, easy an occasional chairs, inlaid mahogany Items on View "ly, from Ten settee, pair of vei elegant carved mahogany china till Four; o'clock. “ Rupert of Hentzau.” Rifle Practice under Ideal Conditions. Terminus Boad cabiF ____------___ lug, ctird, occasional,,side and curio Sale to oommei seat Two o’ol< ok pr< Sequel to “ Frlsoner of Zenda.” tablj pair of inlaid satinwood curio cabinets, valuable Catalogues inn r be obtained at tt ADMISSION FREE. POPULAR PRICES. Watchmaker Frei----i commode------with marble--- top, solid oak bookcase Offices, 10, Cortafl ld-road, Eastb lurne. with glazed■ jdoors,— v hall furniture,—j-—. goodcarpets,linoleum, ! Telepl one 1231 Easttx urne. MONDAY, J uly 1 2 t h . Jeweller. fenders, ornaments, old 0\r lass, plated goods, books, j Telegi quantityot bed and tabid en, large Ujon-stone china ims Oakdens, I jastboi SEA WATER SWIMMING BATHS. „ . . . . __ ,__me 8-day Block In long iddleman ” One Ton JOHN NIX JOHN case, prmolu chandelier with'Sevres china Heated to 70 Deobees. eqj MARRIAGES. mpire-style chlmhey glass, flie-proot safe (by A Screen Version EL A. Jones’ Famous-Play, BELT—LUCAS-SHADWBLL.—July 3, stand, vacuum cleaner, usdful cupboards, Mixed Bathing Monday, Wednesday & Saturday lie and chain, Cffilnary utensilA garden roller, ituring i Hanover-square., ___London,,__ _ by the_____ Rev.F. Thicknesse, Francis Belt, Litieutenan t R.N.V.R., "R.N.A.S., son of t, hose on reel, abd general effects, HOT SEA Sc OTHER PRIVATE BATHS), the late Mr. William—— ~ Charles . Belt, B of Adelaide, E. MORRIS & SC NS. immence at Twelve o’clock, MR. ALBERT CHEVALIER. Australia, to Violet, second daught[hterof .the late Mr. - ! -y -f,. . . . ' / the Day previous and Morning of Sale, (SATURDAY] at 2.43 and 7.45. S O L E A G E S William Lucas - Shadwell. of T1-.'he Hall, Fairliglit, es to be had of the Auotio neees, The Auotlon Hastings, and Mrs. Lucas-Shadwoll. erminus-road, Eastbourne. . • irmanoesof theS terry Farcical Come JONES-SCOTT. - July' ‘ ;.1. at St. German's Churbh, 6 6 , S E A S I D E B O A D , E A S T I • __Blackheath,______by,, ______the Blshoilop of Lewes (the Right R< v. ’ “ *. : ! , c'; A '• j * | - CONCERTS. Dr. Jones), assisted by the Rev. A. N. Scott (vicar of ESIDENQE: T$ JLET^ UNFURNISHED. t the B ttler Saw, s. Kempsford, Glos.), uncle of the bride, and the Rev. J. Ironmongers, Cutlers, Electrio and Gas Fitters, FRIDA AND SATURDAY,. JULY 23rd and 24th, F. Kendall (incumbent of the Church), Edward L. tlQN MART,' SUNDAY, Jtr.Y 11 Jones, son of the Bishop of Lewes, and Mrs. Jones, of Hot Water and Sanitary Engineers. )AD, EASTBOURNE, EACH EVENING ir 8/ MATINEE (SATURDAY) at 3. 2, Eaton-gardens, Hove, to Kathleen Nairne, daughter SPEOIAl," .7 tt * BROMLEY T e l e p h o i it Public Auction, at the OPERA IN ENGLISH nRNS! An ITRITRSnA V. 90th 1 - ‘ DEATHS. I COL. F. N . M i UDE, C.B. [>als of the H. B. Phillips* Opera Company, from the SHAFTESBURY COHEN.—July 3. at Palgraye-mansU H. C. BHTLEE, THEATRE, LONDON, Amelia, wife of John Cohen, aged 4tS. RNITURE Afternoon a t 3.—M Thf l 'resent Situation in BOOKBINDER. 1L Flanders and Noirt} NEWMAN.-On July 3rd, at North Vi, in due d6, n|> t h e DEVONSHIRE PARE ORCHESTRA, Builders road, Eastbourne, Mary Jane, wid E vening alt 8i—“ T h e Oi Councillor W. Newman, aged 83. j Inv Excerpts from : PYPER. —On June 27th, at Nottinf 1 a , SUSANS BOAD, BAM i IfAe R u s s ia n F S A N I T A R l Richard Pyper, formerly vicar of 8t. 1 .ndrew’siChurih, ' |- : Seat'sl .... L ... “ LA BOHte^E” (Puccini); “ RIGOLETTO” (Verdi); “ FAUST” (Gounod) ELECTRIC I Nottingham, and afterwards rector ol # r BOOkB BOUGBT.\ Seats from ls.l 6di upwards may rved in advance aged 55 years. i . . . - ’ . ' * :> ' A ' ' : J . ler Gates oi by Tel 574. : i A r tistes : Designs a n d FsM| STRETTELL.—July 2, at 25, Lauristou-road, IURNE. Brighton, Ceoilia Mary, wife of WUUam J. E NORA D’ARGEL. L i ROSINA BUOKMANN. S u b m i t t e d . WILLIAM SAMUELL.- ATES.—Mrs. G. Bates and Family vish A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED HISTORY AND J GLADYS ANCRUM. HUGHES MACKLIN. B | express their heartfelt thanks for the great sy pathy shown them in their deep bereavement, and rcTOB. ... H u bert B a th : ask all kind friends to accept this, the only int imatii as they feel quite unable to reply individually. July; 12th. Six N Ights at 7.45. (reserved)f 2s. (reserved , but unnum bered); Book Seats,. Is, GUIDE TO HERSTMONCEUX CASTI Wednesday an l Satur lay at 2.15. Subscribers Half-price to Reserved Seats only. . a. PELISSIE R GOIIPANY, V. (OOfTMBB*), e v e r y ; AMES ANDREWS, Mason and Sculptor, LUES, By i h i B a r. E, E. CRAKE, M.A, DEVONS IDS PUROHA srt lie direction ot Dan E tkbard. Advai EtED. NO EXP1 VAUDEVILLE and, BURLESQUE, One of the most Interesting and Pictnreeqne Castles in the County of Sussex, includv Iff The funeral of the late Mr. George Bates, gunsmith W hy; 1 ■ , '• and tobacconist, Seaside-road, took place on Monday Cyole < PRIOR UXPVOB. ’ALUATIONS.AJUWAAAV1'O' | L - If. ’oljies’ PAGE£ OF; HISTORY,” at Ocklynge. Numerous beautiful wreaths testified ha -pVENDENB L td., [OUSE AND ESTATk AGENCY.—Exclusive List* The Follies' G: ammat ■ ubday), at 6 45 and 9.0. the great respect entertained for the deceased in the AJJ Funerals Furnished for Sale onjance of thu Verl ‘TO BE,’” anoes of the Great REVUE, May be obtained of the ISURAN0E8 of town and neighbourhood. The late Mr. Bates passed and PerSonaUy Conducted. And their Gel ibrated T h is W ay.” away after a very brief illness, an attaak of pneumonia GEORGEl FAMILY AND COMPLIMENTARY MOURNING SSQUE of a MGS 1C HALL.” having followed a chill contracted when attending the on the Shorteri Notice. , . {■ FARNCOMBE SB GO., LUCTD, f 8 ■ be UU AWre( erved_, --- In advance a widow and grown-up son and daughter. Mr. Bates ■Phone 8«. , EASTBOURNE, Under m Mdme. dE Montilla. atthePierlates. ce Rightly. 9.0. 663, G R O V E rl j Doors open a ■ 2.15 an d 7.15. succeeded to the business established many years ago ju a n it a J T he Actual on Hippodrome Pboduction by his father. A man of great integrity and of courteous Accessories, I M*IUMd76Y«*H. TetaphooeNoaBUtnazOE. 7, LEWES RC knomenal Success, bearing, he was a skilled gunsmith and had a consider­ a i n e a s o n / t. B A B B A T :URSDAY, J ui|y 16t£, at 3.1. able clientele in the district. The funeral arrangements >ss as Usual.” were carried out by Messrs. Haine & Sons. UNDERTAKERS. FARNCOMBE L im it e d , * m Years'i \SPJSCIAL MAT NE'E fteonJ H 11 Sell by Auotioi 1 at the Private' Residence, ist Inoludes Appended is-a list of floral tributes :— Funeral Carriage and Villa Juanita," 7, Lie fee-road, on MONDAY, J uly OUIDA MACD) ott, Ha r r y piddo ok, and Floral monument, “The gatesa-jar—In loving memory Motor Hearse Proprietors. 2th, 1815, at Two o’d, )k .th e | ■ f . . f‘bPo-Mo:rra ROSE THORNE i from his sorrowing wife. “ Rest in peaoe ” The Mayor and Man EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF ARTISTIC PRINTING AT IEHOLD MJRNITURE: By Ern y Barns and:). !W.' ’HEELER. (In his Origins. as played by him at the London Cross—In affectionate remembrance ot our dear fattier, Bolton) are spending K, CAVENDISH PLACE & 19, SOUTH 8TRI JET from his boy and glrL “ Until the day breaks and the Wells. Oak bedroom sul handsome Spanish mahogany In A id of the Eoatbouirne le d Ore land General "•■“'lows flee away” it of drawers, car, bak bookcase, Tnrkiy carpet, Equipment i ociety. THE 'PBRARY GIRLS. reath—With deepest sympathy. In loving-memory The Rev. E. B. Tei. 788. 3. B. A. HAYLAND, Tel.' red oak elbow chai ■on-fnuno upright grand pianos of a kind brother, from Ben and Jane assistant clergyman sin ebonised case, to is. -; )th Beauty Chorus. Wreath—With deepest sympathy. In loving memary v*d In advanoe at been appointed by the I TTNDERTAKER A FUNERAL OARRIA of dear brother George, from Nettie, Archie and Ada of Hankham. U PROPRIETOR. the Pier G ites. 3 Y STORM Cross—To dear uncle, with deepest sympathy, from. rer-pl&ted coffee Ben, Jess and Mrs. Upton A. O. Getley, pupilc . OPEN CABS, GLASS os CLOSED HEARSE STREET, EASTBOURNE, lenal Vocalist Cross—A token of sympathy, from Lottie and George 0HBONI0LE PRINTING WORKS, SOUTH MONDA’ July 19th, a id during the Week. Spray—With deepest sympathy. In loving memory of was one of the twent tO Years' London Experience. nd many other usefu World-Famous I aught, m Maker. Uncle George, from Bert and Annie recent examination - For further Pardon MONDAY. J uly1 19th, for Six Nlghto. at a . Spray—With deepest sympathy. In loving memory of sioners for Assistant I ARTIFICIAL WREATHS IN ■ GERAT VABIE .notion and Estate Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30. Uncle George, from Frank and Harry the Royal Navy. IS, PEVENSBY ROAD, lEASTBOURNE Wreath—with deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. gAXONHOLME, SOCTHFIELDS I Coates, Chesterfield The July InumberJ The D’Oyly Carte Opera _ Wreath—In loving memory of uncle, from G. and K. contains ah essay on r E stablished 1874 A convenient and well-arranged non-basement i HUDSONS Ltd StOT C O N Harriot , reviewer calls “ one Five minutes to Station. ..company. Wreath—With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. helpful studies.” ROBERT S. HART, Containing seven bedrooms, dressing-room, TWICE D U L Y . Jilks and family, Pevensey reception rooms, good entrance ball REMOVALS n oons at a 15 (in the Bfl _Wreath—Sincere sympathy, from Mr. Moore and Miaa The-engagement is t DERTAKER & COMPLETE FUN! Convenient domestic offloes, separate staircase, HOUSEHOLD lings at 8.15 (in he Te Woodyard M. A, B.O.L., of the 1. light fitted, fair-sized garden. F.AX, Spray—With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. R. Miss Grieve, daughterl FURNISHER, Rent *90 or near offer. Would be Sola Hudson a n d STORAGE. IUSE AGENT Mrs. Grieve, of Eascbl 14, HiaB-STBXBT, Old Eastbourne. Further particulars apply Local Agents, or to Wreath—In loving memory, from Mr. and Mrs. P. Tas the Bar at the Inner! 2, Station-parade. •) Cross—In affectionate remembrance and deepest Funerals Conducted to All Parts. rmpathy, bom Mrs. Walnwright, Gertie and Claseto where he obtained a At a moment 'hen Russia is, eo far as can since been appointed EXPERT PACKERS. POUR be seen, entering upon a period of trial only Wreath—With sinoere sympathy and deep regret, the University of V comparable wit that through which She from Mr. and Mrs-O. Weston. probable candidate fa CENTRAL WESLEYAN CHUB EASTBOU RNK. Wreath—With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. V PEYEN8EY ROAD. passed a hundrt years ago. it is important Election. ro iass, Brass and Sheffield Plate FOfi DIBPOBAL Hreotor...... Ml Bmi nrr W. W o rm . that English pe )le should understand fully H. J. Tyrrell and famuy peoially Low Prices. A visit of inspection FURNITURE DEPOSITORIES « - - ~. Hxrbkkt Raymond. Wreath—With deepest sympathy, from Gny and Ethel The preacher at — Preacher for Sunday Next, July 11th: uoUalted.—Alfred Wright, 1(U and 106, Squth- the spirit which i sustaining , the great people Molyneux ’ , — the 18tn inat, will be >■ KEY. I8AAC SHEMMIN. Victorl l S tation LONDON, S.W. TO GENTLEMEN. MONO. Y J uly 12th, a id during the Week. over whom the C ir rules and will bring them Spray—From an old friend, J, W. W. will plead the needs ca r ria g : •BANG Tories Nightly it 7 a id A . triumphant thr, gh the fire. There were ^Sjjray—With sincerest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Scott is an old fria , Morning at U—Subject: “Joy and Strength.” Tsrminub Gates , BRIGHTON. WILLIAM '. I. HEWlTT p: esent his No. I Company many earnest ( jple in this country, who Cross—v/ith deepest sympathy, from Mrs. Dumbreli be his first appearancel ' Evening at iaw. Jut it is to Crescent—With sincerest sympathy, from Mr. and CC Special “ Egg and Flower Service” 3 p.m. VEGETABLES Vol.IL (Illustrated), price Five Shillings, poet free. be hopedthat iple in this count Mrs. Gossow ,!! Preacher:".' j ■ ’ •ising neW four-wheeled at tlful Scenery i Ipeola ty pal Wreath—In affectionate remembrance, from allot 90S: cart,; three landaus, two an effort to 61 n a closer acquai Seaside ENTERTAIN MElj REV. H. E. BARBELL (former Ministir). flU M F t ES OF OUR ANCESTORS US oree char-a-banc, pa^horse the Russian ia m, with its ideak . Wreath—With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs: Annuql Outing, Wodnegday, 14th inst Tipketa-fld. lies and bridles, Cecil Chandles8, Sherrington Manor, Berwick n * { s u s s e x . ' ,; ' ■- i Novel and and with the ure of the Government which Wreath—With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. 1 f : OOkTAENS A COMPLETE HISTORY they have in ) past bad often enough good Gale ARfNE HALL, LONGSTONE ROAD. italogues apply Nate the e. We have every encourage- Spray—In affectionate remembrance, from. Hr. and The Committee of i OF Mrs. K. Duke v merdown h&ve issued a | TICE PELHAM FAMILY. ! Allies this compliment, and Spray—With siuoerest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. ■** M r . H e n p y P i c k e r i n g ______limple act of justice. Russia Laurence Caffyn work carried oot for T" i Of Glasgow, will(D.vj)give •• As well as .Articles on the Sussex M artyrs: Th« B y O r d e r o f th e 1 who le Minquiahing has deserved 'the; gratitude of Europe in this Spray—From Miss Hines. “ God is our refuge and eeoents at the above < STATION PARADE, Quakers; The Hermits jWIbchcrafl:; “ Gleanings war. She sacrificed nobly at its veiy outset to strength, a very present help in trouble ” The various suh-com_ FOUR ADDRESSES on the jpoLLOwiNG : “ bURLEY,” 83, Tl INUE, | EASTBOURNE. Wreath—With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. with the Commanding! AT 8 P.M. save France. She has achieved the greatest Lamb and family * M essrs. EDGAi N & CHARTRES CINIM. social revolution of modem times in the pro- Wreath—With muoh sympathy, bom Mr. F. R. men (both staff and pa MONDAY, July Uth- Have been favour® astructlons to Sell bv hibitionof tlkejsale of vodka, and her people Bromley, The Drive, Orpington rehder the strongest " How the War proves ti Bible True 1 Auotion on the Pr i TUESDAY, 27th J uly, DAILY .... - 8.0, |7.0 and 8.0. Wreath—With much regret -and sincere sympathy, statement includes the | 1915. the well-made have entered] into the struggle with a unity from H. J. Bromley TUESDAY, July 13th- SPECIAL PREPAID BATES. 7 Wreath—“Rest in peace, your -work Is o’er, but we ; ENTERTAINM “ How would Christ be welcomed if He THURNITUH AND EFFECTS, TODAY (SATURDAY), July 10th, shall miss you more and more.” With deepest sym­ to-night?” JD Oataloguea in worse of e Auction sbrs. pathy and profound regret, from Mr. and Mrs. Mllee. Concerts have been mth Side, “ The Child Killers.’» “Riviera” special concerts by.a I WEDNESDAY. July ttth- . . WANTS o f a l l k in d s , > War Drama to r wo Barts. booked. Stationery a. “How, when and where will the last i ARTICLES FOR SALE. TIE ST AM COAOHE«JFIR>.ND THE1 GIRL’1 provided f6r the recreai battle of Armageddon be fought! zines and indoor gam>ia s e r v a n t s w a n t e d o r s it u a t io n s r e q u ir e d , ) BY AUCTION. “ a! STUDY INYRIMPK" Comedy. The establishment of HOUSES or APARTMENTS TO LET, “ THU ONCE OVEU.” C< medy . employment daring 6 IITH (late f. W. LerwiU), A VERY ikiR E COMPAJ IONS IIP.* EdueaUonaL sideration. ' Axe Advertised to the whole ot Pathe Gazette and Singing Picture.' DRIVES T. SAVIOUR’S EASTBOURNE md SILVERSIMITH, _ „• Aboht a thousand children participated in the oom- The “ Drives” Org. Farncombe & Co.’s Sussex Newspapers 7, COKNFIELI ROAD, EASTBOURNE. MONDAY, July J ft A ■drives for the convafo^ s OBGAN BB0ITAL (Ltd.) I . . ;bined treat in connection with Christ. Church, S t equally available for all At One Charge, via :— MB. B 1BERT PLATT “1 One F lig i t TTp-', j1 ;:H us, Philip’s and S t Andrew’s Sunday Schools on Wednes- those who are lame or i •On WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON NEXT, Drama in T^ro Parts. . V j I . , m- day, the event taking plaoe in a field at Horsev Bank, 1 Insertion ... (hot*over 20 Words) Onb Shillin j (Auctioneer ai Appraiser to the Gold and int kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. Duly. ; In charge of On an average 100 to ’ AT 3.15, BY j deals with i any historical matters. The burning of 8U\ “ THE GIRL ON THE TI .ESTLE.” Drama. P t Notices have been 3 Insertions...... Two Shillings and Sixpence ;hfi the vicar (the- Rev. H. von E. Soott), the Rev. H. "Miss WINIFRED IVENS, Mua Baa, Sussex beret ‘m during the reign of Queen Mary, the Has__joen been favouredfavoured w instructions to SeU by Auction, “ THEY WERE ON Tl KIR HONEYMOON.” p]e Pain, the Rev. W. A. W. Leese and Miss Haigh, Miss and boarding house 7 I nsertions ...... ,.•...... FIVE Shillings EEnlffhta Tom d a n . a n a th e noble fam ines o t the county on THURSDAY CT, J uly 16th. and Following how money should ... , A.R.C.M. withm anyol her suhjeote, find plaoee In these pages,”— Daps, at 11a.m. i I and 7 p.m., o: i the Premises, as “HAM AMONGST THE®1 TeDS]ONS.* Comedy. of Davies, Miss Reece, Mr.. North (superintendents) and , Mr. Mark Hookham (churchwarden), the youngsters made. By filling in thq Vocalist: MastEr Ebio Relf. Lan**r AdvaribHoaBl* at Proportion^* B*t«. awfaw® JPoi t» - . - j I i above. •• f a ? FALL OF PRZEM fSL." 'Cartoon. • them to tne Organising! 3DERN and ANTIQUE „18 spent a very enjoyable afternoon despite the boisterous If Booked the usual rates will be charged. FARNOOM 3H a o a , Looted, P bintbhs, &o., Pathi) (lazette and Singi ig Picture. *or wind that swept across the marsh. Several hours were in advance, residents or| - - Lewes Bastbourne and East Grtnsteud. rELLERY, party of any: number fo| j^ O E t h e B E IT I8 H w o u n d :l: an suoh announcements appear onoe fn the following: us. occupied in carrying out a lengthy programme of sports, ~ ' U . 'i y * * L And of all Booksellers. * v7j'- " tdiesi and; Gents', rh i. ;«et,w(thdlaiionde,8apphtre8, Id., 8d. and Sd.- All Ti f-ups. om in which all the children were invited, to take part trouble or delay.. L Eastbourne Chronicle ibies, emeralds, pear o ;c.; diamond pendants, brooches j A, Special R< served andR alud Sei its. Telephone 70S; Suitable arrangement id ear-rings, gold bn t Jts2 guards, ne cklets, &o.; Gents’ the several hundreds of prizes being distributed to the livery-stable proprietor Miss Ethel Robjohna . East Sussex News UMCBOUS WORKS WRITTEN ild alberts, seals, rii 'er. winners. Tea was served under cover, and altogether Orders for motor co IS GIVINa A ... watches,! the ohildren were highly delighted with their outing. Bastings Independent C EK 1 E A L CINEMA, &a, given through th._ VIOLIN RECITAL on FR10AY, JDLY 76th, East Grinstead Observer FU1UEB SUS8EK DOGGEREL. ■ SPUD filLVEl ■fnl PEVENSEY ROAD CONGREGATIONALISTS.' the maximum of accom| imprising tea and i SEASIDE roau. lowest cost. , AT 3.80, AT 4 Sussex and Surrey Courier a trays, cake basl On Wednesday the' scholars attending the Pevensey- JSt. Andrew'8 Church Ball, Blackwater- road Horsham Times 1 lMUSING. Evebyohi (Hould Read shes, toast raoks, < . D A IL Y a t . 8, 7 end 9. . “ road Congregational Sunday School held their annual SPORTS Thum. ,3 •' oases of fish and ion outing, the locale choeen being Hampden Park nearer An inter-divisional (through the kindness of the Rev. J ambs Reid, M A.), Thereby securing, at; a veir small cosh an amount tf > TODAY (S A T U R D A Y ),| J u ly 10th. publlolw throughout the important distriot of East CUTIERY. the home than usual owing to the impossibility of obtaining among the fivb division Kindly assisted by EW AND ELEGANT EDITIONS. Table and dessert knf carvers] spoons and forks, & a, fed the customaiy facilities from the Railway Company, every Tuesday on the I' Sussex, among the most influential inhabitants. *' A i W ireless Rescue.” Miss L. WATSON GRAY; (Elocutionist). lOfOOO Copies already Sold. by the best Sheffield i akers.. Also a kvariety------of marble bhe The Sunday‘Schools attached to the branch churches at lent for-the purpose Unequalled by any Other Local Medium. and wood docks, broa M, and optical goods and general Vitagraph Domed r. ; no- Polegate and Friday Street joined with the Eastbourne Football Club. Rubl>_ A COLLECTION WILL BE TAKEN IN AID OF Inoy stocks, “THE GIRL AT NOLAN’S ” Vita graph Drama, 0Di children, making a total of about 350, under the charge provided for the teamf L A D P O L E ’S ■■]) Sales Each Day i 11 a.m. and 3 end 7 p.m. at mittee. THE BRITISH WOUNDED, " i a combined Sale “GENTLEMEN OF NERYE ” Key tone Comic, featur­ I of the Eastbourne superintendent (Councillor John The Publishers guarantee i above ado No Oatag^fue. ing Charles Ohapli i. ™ Duke) and the secretary (Mr. G. W. Roser). The The Convalescent Cal Miss Robjohns cordially Invites aU interested exceeding U R N E Y TO ilonisation of the Polish ] '-s'- ’ 7 tn ho nrp«Ant. The Auctioneer calls i nttentionto Uii S Sale as the “ COME HOUND AND T. IKE 1 ’HE ELEPHANT 1^9* minister, Rev. J. G. Henderson, was present and. about gramme of music fron to be present. Stock is of a hlgh-olaa being chqeiin to r a good AWAY.” Domed r. ■ vinces of the Etucasus and of the Ba ItlC 150 parents and friends. Games, Ac., served to pass owing to private generc 15 ,0 0 0 COPIES WEBKL ) ail tr»di provinces whicl has gone on in recent ye men are supplied with! ounmeodlttothenotioeo^allwho I Further particula i nay be 1 premises. “ OOJX1NG THE NE1JTRAI&” Cartoon. trs. the time very enjoyably, and the catering arrange- Whloh means that these announcements are “THE FLOATING Tntamgf His object in ’ riting the book is that his ments made by Mrs. Duke were completely satsa- funds. B. LLOYDS eeen by about i enjoy a good laugh.”—Brighton Mr. Herbert Platt,} 17, Ameihury Avenue, snipTW). country and! hi epuntrymen may be uni ler- factory. Sports gymkhanas t VALUERS AID ESTATE FU 1D stood. Russia, le claims, is the most de mo- ALL SOULS' SUNDAY SCHOOL, -camp with the band, AGENTS, TEN TIMES AS MANY BEADHE Telegraphic Address Golslltrad, Brixstret, London.” for the gymkhana eve cratic country a Europe. The heredit ary Hampden Park was the venue selected for the annual mittee. A cricket pructj system has ho place in her politics. Tl ere treat in connection with All Souls’ Sunday School, door skittle alleys are pq O rders shi be sen t d irect to F abnoombe & Co., L td., !7Hb c o m p a n io n w o r k , U O K * is no right of p Inogeniture. The Monar shy where about 260 ohildren spent a verypleasant time ia or left with Authorised Agents, pie,- Mrs. Westhead’s fields, Park-lane,x>n Wednesday. The “ WELCOME l a t the above Low Rates. . A UOTIONEEl KSTAT depends direct i on the .will of- the peo The German viri s has poisoned the organ expectant youngsters marched to the railway station The house presenti SURVEY! , headed by the bugle band of the All Souls1 C.LJB. and erected and arranged L of the Empire f< r two hundred years. T "T*f entrained for Hampden Park at 12.15 p.m. in charge ot R. W. H. HAMBLYN, TERMINUS eradication has wen now not beeh achiei ' Meals are provided daill UKONT IR a PHIO. ea> ' the Rev.- Evan Hopkins (vicar), Mrs. Hopkins, the No funds have so far! E AGENT, BUILDING SURVEYOR, PRINTING WORKS. YatsMtionsfor M M c am t othkr Purposes. and German ini rigue at Petrograd is bj I DO Rev. H. Mvlohreest and Miss Rowland, Mr. Woodgate ___ AUCTIONEER . . ANDa d s VAMriBb';?7: VALUER, ^ - “QHRONIOLE Seats, 81,6 L and: a Committee for this porn Agents for aU the prtnoiwJ Looal Residences a means a t an en l; but Russia has awake ned and Mr. Russell (superintendents). The proceedings well as soap, and the nel 8, ELMS BUILDINGS, SEASIDE ROAD, very' slowly to the truth and complete de- 1 in the afternoon were entered into with considerate ’their friendly reception! EASTBOURNE. Telephone 898, EB B A 00., Umltod, Germanisation i \ now Certain. The futui e jg zest by the youthful excursionists, who found muoh to It is proposed to give! Mr. H., having had qver ST years' load experie GENERAL PRINTING bright for the R ssian peoples. • j amuse------„ them----- in,the sports,---- onoket, cricket, swings, swings, pony pony ridest rides. ^ leaving in drafts for the| ff uxlng tte flrsblSof which he wae oocupied to praotd SB W R IG H T, « AND LITHOGRAPHIC &a, and so pleasantly did the time pass that it was vrorkm the Building Trade) Js specially qualified II i> much that is ludicrous andfmmy with evident reluctance that they started on the home- GARDENS Valuta g and Managing House Property; or 8uparvis OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . not a Utitta w it” —Bolton Chronicle. AND VALUERS |, HOUSE, PRIN T BBS. Canadians T. : t h e ir A musements.—The waK* i°nrney about 8.30. Decorative gardens Properoee during rectlon. ______ESTATE AGENT! and Gejn sral P r nttag expeditiously • camp have been made i FREE SIXPENCE EACH. xeouted it Mod irate Charges, one cent amusemen ix has come into foraeat Montreal. I i i i — {Executed In the Beat Style at Reasonable Prices ROAD, EASTBC IURNE It is for the benefit work and npkeep. PriJ fWiAui «nil OOUStj Bai Works, kmth-i treet, Eastbourne. the hospitals in that city, also for „ „ charitable institutj i. Henoeforth this tax will be 1 P r e a c h e r s a n d T h e i r C r it i c s .—From S t. and plants presented, ^ T r a n s f e r a n d o tt charged in connect i with every ticket purchasea for Saviour’s Magazine“ We have received a letter from this branch of the v/c| fC OMBE & 00., L ndnn, Publishers, EMQRIAL! CARD 3, Sin tie Black £ towards a noticeable UCTIONEBRS, VALUERS, H( n a, EsatBOusn and Bast OnniBnAn. r|S8 von SALE. 'a theatre, moving ricture show, amusement hall, a correspondent with reference to a sermon preached in LAND. ESTATE, BUSINESS and YUBHIBH8D An .C ards, With givelqpes tomato i : 12, Is. lOd.; concert hall, cire ilayground, racecourse or skating St Saviour’s last mouth. We do not propoae to open and tone of the camp. And all Bockrallsn. 6 d .; WO,7a B lack Edg id Folded C ards: 12. Every,hut now has : INSURANCE AGENTS, ,8d.; 50,8b.; 100.9e.6d. IrtlsUa Folded Oajcl rink, and it will payable in cash or' by means ol our columns to oritioisms of sermons, though possibly CHRONICLE PRINTING WORKS. i r e o t i o n - i tickets issued by lty. The new tax is favourably we may refer to the matter in a later number; the being the work of ski MIDLAND BANK CHAMBER! rtpatterns: 12.8s.jM ,4 1.6d.; flD,7ald.: 100, occupants of the huts.| 7 TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. OTB 1 ’APER, Visiting Cards, Sx. factored at Lw free tor cash with order. -Famqombe and Co regarded and is' cted to yield a very considerable point at issue has often been fully dealt with from the (Limited) Printing W 30TSp Son th-ti treet, Kastb inrne, i revenue petition is held every And at Hampden Park. SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. garden arch with dimq The judges are the ■

i f f f i ),

EASTBOURNE BATUKDAY. JULY 10, 1915 £ I jjaararmni

T r a d e H a r k Registered. Gift, of a JGbrman Flag, 'i " VISTO. The acceptability iof a German standard NEIGHBOURS AT VARIANCE. VTEW Supporting ELASTIC STOCKINGS capturi '.uring the joperations at Togoland, XI from 2a.3. 6 i, each. and ited to thq Eastbourne Museum by STORY OF PEAS PUDDING, FISH ^RUSSES, BANDAGES & Sui BELTS, air oi nd former resident, was indignantly a|n D JjlILK CANS. &0., of every doacrip' challen by Councillor Prior on Monday. BARGAINS ARTIFICIAL LIMBS CRUTCHES, fta, The 1 member regards the exhibition in the Kitchen. MADE AND REPAIRED. IN {i J r a of an ei r flag as insulting and humiliating, ALLEGED ASSAULTS. : . Lists Free, and gc far as to suggest that the hateful I l SUMMER EBOOK?, , etnblei should be cut up and used as dusters, 8LIP-0N_ COATS, ./ PAEMEE’S This oi irst of patriotic resentment arises, At the Borough Police Court yesterday, before Alder- COATS AND SKIRTS, evidew from a misconception of thje spirit nwj.li H. W. Ke i»y andij other Magistrates,. Winifred | RAIN COATS, 3TJRGICJAL SUPPOBTS DEPOT, ■ r- in whi the .captured trophy has been Wickham, a yofing married woman, of Roselands- lens. can be secured with satisfactory tei race, was su nmom for assaulting Mrs. Eliza | NAVY SERGE 80 ITS, TWEED 8KIRTS, 80, QUEEN’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. accept ,nd o f the jtrue object of the com- , M irtin on the lsi inst. results by burning our ; :: mifctee adding it to the attractions of the. iifr. F. Allen apj for the complainant, and I SILK COSTUMES, GOLF SKIRTS, T musei An enemy flag taken in battle is a de endant pleade 1 not lilty. | of peculiar value, and what more 1 M. V. Me Kochni stated that on the previous MUSLIN DRES9E8, LINEN DI.ESSES, 1 * Ling place for its ' idlay than a building set Pi (day Mrs. Mai tin car to him and complained that i C & n e e r ts , art ror rare and, Interesting curiosities? he! chest had b sen hr and her leg injured. He EVENING FR0CK8, MODEL BLOUSES, HUCKNALL e only jbjection «ah find to the exhibit ex imined het, an 1 foum that one of l^sr ribs, though is. that it answers toe literally to the descrip- no 1 broken, was 1 lightly] int. 'There was very severe TAFFETA GOWNS, lO B B L E S at 3 bruising on the leg. 1 e injuries ccaild have been LADIES’ SHIRTS, i Pfanologues. TORKARD tion 0: “ fine ” g given by Councillor inf icted by a blui it implementlATlfb ! ’ 1 Easter, | airman o: 'the committee. From ] defendant: ( lould the injuries have been self- FA8HI0NABLE HATS, WASHING SKIRTS, both a y timental .Ud spectacular point of inf icted ? view th< '■ cap_„_ture 1 Would______have been______still ' Vitnees :| It w< uld take a good deal of doing. MODEL MILLINERY, LINGERIE, more act iptable if riddled with bullet holes, Complainant ftated that on the 1st, inst Mrs. | Corner. and bearing other visible evidences of a :W ekham threw some and peas pudding at her. STRAW HATS, UNDERWEAR, A mixture of Bright and Hard Coal, 'which sanguinary struggle. ■ ■ | j It did not hit h >r, am defendant picked «;up and I '•V ■ ■■: ■ I thi ew it into th s je, Defendant next threw a I gives this Coal remarkable DURABLE mi k can at her, c nd it truck her on the left leg, and M a Wickham h t her tbe left arm. Witness went | GOLF COATS. makes little istbessing Occurrence. to '.’ go for her,” 1 ut did othither. properties. Intensely Hot, Th bathing in has opened with a ;] n reply to Mr. len, the complainant said in regard :: smoke, and flues are free from soot. :: doubl lityofe, .rticularly sad character, to ihe “ rubbish ” tl .t Was thrown at her she threw it itions. Dr. and ; easier (son and daughter a why., Since the issue o E the summons! the defendant of Mr. A, 1. Teasier, i. well-known and highly- had said she wou] i “ kill her after this was over.” PRICK , ickham said ihe hat not spoken to the complainant I esteemr ’ esident), both lost their livesives whilwhile sin :e the summon i was issued. m i enjoyir swim at jBeachy Head on| Thurs- ] f.O. Paokhami tated that on the night in question he ... day. rJ appearsito be no clear apdeon- we it to the com] dainant’s house, where he saw some | M aison Flora’s Sum m er Sale One Ton equal to One and a Quarter Tons of many qualities. elusive rleage of the circumstances in mi k cans and sot ie fried fish and potatoes. which couple weije drowned, for although 1 Its. Caroline Thelfall, of Beach-road, said she had I a siste: is8 Eileen jTessier) remained on the seeta a large bruis i on Mis. Martin’s left leg. FOLDING 5NTS, beach the bathprs went into the water, 3 lefendant said the quarrel had been going on for a loi g time. She v as going to her house And she had the 59, 61, 63, 63A, GROYE ROAD. 4’0" x 4' C" x 6'2" it is itood she iwas unaware that any- paper containing the pudding m her hand, and 21/- each. thing ward had happened until she missed she threw it at sc me cal that were sitting on her door-1 • M / SOLE AGENTS: h er' ir and, sister, neither of whom was step. The oomp ainanl she alleged, threw two milk | m again alive. Somp enlightening informa- cans at her and o uised tion ms forthconhng at toe inquest to-day ] ty Mr. Allen: The implainant said, “Youdidn’t! S. SQUIRE & CO. hit me,” but she (lefeni ,nt) replied, “No, but I should S. BRADFORD & SONS, on the 1 iy of Miss KrG. Tessier, which was ’ Eastbournian Missing in the Darda- recovered t a point torne distance from where ha 'e done if I had bee] itrong enough.1’ Prances Mi I 13, said one of the cans was LOCAL NEWS. Nslles.—Mrs. Fox, of Eastbourne, whose son Charles, Furnishing Ironmongers, the bar were last observed; otherwise toe thi own by M of the Naval Division, is reported missing, has received , and hit her (witness) on the a letter from her soil’s friend, Fred. W. Hurd (son of 2, STATION PARADE occurrei is surrounded by some mystery. foe t. She did no, 'ts. Wickham throw a can at TIMES of HIGH WATER & LIGHTING-UP Presumal either Dr. or Miss Tessier got thi complainant. Mr. and Mrs. Hurd, of Leslie street), who is also on the TERMINUS ROAD High Water. T.lfMJnf Gallipoli Peninsula. He states that he was with F oe T e l e p h o n e 8 6 4 . into ties and that the other went to r. 'he Chairman i aid ti i evidence was very conflicting, i Horn. Alter. Up am! the Magistra »s thi just before they went into the assault, but at tbe render listance, with toe result that both lght the case would be met by Saturday, July 1 0 . . . . 9.40 10. 7 - 9.15 critical moment the latter was bat to be seen. The two were drawn under the water. The spot at eaqh party payinj thejr, >wn costs. Sunday, July 11 ...... 10.20 10.50 .. 9.14 had been great friends practically all their lives, and FRENCH FLAG DAT which the fatality occurred is opposite what Monday, July 12 ...... 11.10 had arranged to stick together wherever they wend Message ind 11.31 - 9.14 - is known I as The Falls (below the Beachy Tom irnest Message,! of Roeelanda- Tuesday, July 13 ...... 11.52 .. 9.13 since they were called up. In concluding his letter ON ter -ace, were sum noni for assaulting Elizabeth Martin Hurd says: “ Charlie went into it like a hero, and all Builders and High -Class Decorators. Head coastguard station), and is not con­ on (July 1st Wednesday, July 14.. 0.10 0.32 - 9.13 WEDNESDAY; JULY 14th, sidered a dangerous place for bathing, at an; the lads miss him very muoh.” SANITARY SPECIALISTS. 1 Irs. Martin sti ted tl at the two defendants’were out- Thursday, July 15 ... 0.50 1.12 .. 9.12 IN AID OP rake for persons able swim reasonably well, sid > her house c bout , 1.15 .p.m. on the . . evening____ g in Friclayl'July 16...... 1.30 1.60 - 9.10 Church Lads’ Brigade (St. John’s ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, &c. Any risk there may \ is when the current is qufietion. The y< uni -rj Message, Tom, came out pf his Company). — “ Our company ” (observes St John’s FRENCH - BELIEF FOND. strongly set in an eas{ noose and punch id Parish Magazine) “has always been a small one owing Designs and Estimates Works: >rly direction, when toe in the ribs, without saying a wo -d. The fath >r all struck her oni the head and Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to the limited number of boys from whom to recruit, ST. LEONARDS ROAD. bather tnay be rapt Lly and unsuspectingly S u b m i t t e d . carried ov|er a long ■eef of rocks, which if Bta-ted swearing. Wi ess went to go into her house, to Animals, Eastbourne Branch. Hon. Seo., Mina but it has been done splendidly, and Mr. E. G. Capon, R O Y A L | but| the defendant^ trii to prevent her, the son saving, ' Eaddon, 1 , Compton-street. Subscriptions Office and Showrooms: NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION. only slightly coverec by water may prove a I will do for yoi; e aid not know why they did sntly needed, and may be paid to the Hon. veritable death-trap. ,rrel with them.. ____er, H bnbt Holyoakx,! Esq.. “ Fairmont,” 1, Langney-road, | Patrons: y j I. - i it, is she had had np qi , De Roos-road, or at Lixjyds Bank, Ltd. All oom- T heir Majksths the K ing and Queen. 1 u reply to Ton M< . the complainant said that plaints shtmld be addressod to Inspector Albert laid down their lives The numbers available now for : h >n he came oi t she' as just finishing the quarrel E. WagstA t , 29, Oavendlsh-avenne, Eastbourne. drill, *a, are naturally small, but at a meeting held om Tdephone 1 2 3 3 . Eastbourne. (EASTBOURNE BRANCH). Dangero^ s Motoring. t h Mrs. Wiokhf m. Monday, June 21st, some 25 boys promised to do their High-glabsmTootwear. No better value. best-to attend the summer combined parades on Wed­ • I s .- This qj estion eame before th Tom Message, a private in the 2nd; Royal Su___ IFEBOAT D A T iment, said h" wasihome from the!Front on sic) ^ New season’s goods.—J. J. Saunderx 106, South- nesday evenings It is hoped that a church parade may on Mori aly, and sur ily not without reason. street (between St. Saviour's Church and Devon- be arranged for Sunday night, July 18th.” Oouncilli sell st iurough. He wis sitring down, having his supper, chlre-ploce). i Saturday, July 31st, 1916. that the prevalence hen he heard thi diatiiroance. He went out and tried EVERYTHING for CYCLES and MOTOR CYC is. of reckl' ving is “ the talk of the town,” Luminous Watches, invaluableffor night IJirths and Deaths.—The return f6r June- iTRRET COLLECTIONS . ONLY. .rate Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Widkham, but tbe shows that during that month there were 65 birthB (36 and lor Pe ion . and other members ■onipiainant came forffiiin, and he put out his clenched use, reliable Hme keepers, from 18s.' 8d- Clients President: His Graoe the Duke of Devonshire. decli a tth ep r own jWatc es and Clocks made Luminous.—F. 0 . males and 29 females), a rate of 14‘18 per 1,006 of the Advance in Prices of Cycle? and Motor Cyclei. Chairman: 0. A. Leatham. Ksq., J.P. tice has so increased as lar d and Mrs. Mi rtiii ran into it. She then picked up Clemenck, Goldsmith, Silversmith and Watchmaker, ulatiou per annum. Deaths numbered 57 (29 males Hon. Treasurer: Major Moliheux, J.P. to di furtherre^ ve measures. Lest ;he doormat and hit him over the head with it. “ I 18, Cornfleld-road, Eastbourne. Phone 782. 28 females), which is equal to 12'44, or, excluding i Rn-tA*, gunsmith W hy Bay a New Cycle or Motor Cycle when you can have yottr old Hon. Secretary: Mr. Arthur W. Infield. toe i wildly-carfi. .. . , ring section of motoi- laie heard languige i4 the Arnly,” he added, "but At this period of the year Window Blinds the deaths of non-residents 9’81. Twenty of tbe deaths Chairman and President Ladles’ Committee: Mrs. ists should derive! encouragement from lev in my life have (I heard! such language as she took place in public institutions, and 18 were of persons i on Monday ile.or•Motor j Cyde Re-tyred, Repaired, Re-enamelled, equal to new, Astley Roberts. _____- S generally want renewing or renovating, and the best acq lace to get them mode and fitted quickly and cheaply 65 years of age and upwards. - . s testified to. toe ‘ttal verdicts in the two Parade 1 rnest Message! said be did not see Mrs. Martin, let SHOWING YOU A SAVING OF fatality i, it may bn well to point out that Ei Vinalls’, Drapers and House Furnishers, 63 ana jfified in the > List of Tables. ilo le touch her. He did not know what he had been 63a. Terminus-road, where a largo supply of HoUai ds French F lag -Day.—W ednesday next trill I Lbndon S t County Bank Mrs. Astley Roberts. quite ex iptional considerations accounted for mn moned for. . and Rollers is always In stock. Estimates given. be observed as a French Flag Day in Eastbourne, the 3a tee passed B .relay’s Bank ...... Mrs. F. H. Kmary. toedei ops arrived qt. Furious driving is as Bcontributions of the public being asked on behalf of tbe PHONR Mrs. Message, vrife of Ernest Message, said she was : pneumonia GEORGE DOUIJL & CO. (gtobchi1Douix.) 608. L ingney Roto...... Mrs. Briggs. French Relief Fund. Collections will be made from T le Avenue...... Mrs. S. Martin. certai: offence nbw.as it ever was, and it lav ing supper, wl en isbe "hear a can come along, i Her Notice.—All those who wish to Warehouse ; attending the Prompt Cycle and Motor Cycle Repairs. The Wish (tower Mrs. and MlMiss36WMt« White. would jdeplorablejif the decisions in the itt! e girl ran out, ind witness went out after her. She their Furniture should not do so nntil they have tables plaoed in various parts of the borough. Grand Parade...... The (Mrs. Bolton). recent led to a^y relaxation of official law her son tryiii bto separate Mrs. Wickham and Mrs. Inspected Messrs. G. E. Maynard’s, Limited, Ware­ f age and leaves. Matin. Her ha hand called to Her to oome indoors, houses, which are the finest In Eastbourne. Estimates Church Missionary Society.—W riting in Mr. Bates b sue i me he had no op) ortunjty of touching the complainant. free.—Note the address, G. E. Maynard, Limited, his parish magazine, the Vicar of Holy Trinity says:— 56 , GROYE ROAD. 48, GROVE ROAD. 1, WEST Removal and Storage Contractors, Greystone- “ Owing chiefly to the War, our Church Missipnary The Chairman laid the Magistrates :did not think buildings, South-street. Eastbourne, Society has ended tbe year with a heavy deficit of lot courteous Accessories, Petrol, OH, Ty res, etcn in Stock. Repairs and Hiring a Licensed Houses. isitter o( the deftndantswere at fault,:and dismissed ay s ashing £23,667, and is in a somewhat critical position. Repre­ 0 iklynge...... Mrs. and the At q cial meeting yesterday of the : he lease with costq against the complainant. A D ’ W for a few pennyworth of sentatives from all parts of the country were asked to Devonshire and Lord Willingdon. The State of the E renden's Corner...... Mrs.J. H. andMre. O. S.Haine. Licensing ustices there was a disp gas with the British wash-boiler.—Eastbourne Gas Co., meet at the C.M. House a week ago to see what -could personal ant § o M . & aside...... Mrs. Tim Errldge. iposition to 10, Sussex-gardens. “irdens was also considered in awarding the prize for Meads Street ...... Miss Hardlsty. meet the ’reasonable appeal if licensed be done. The question is an exceedingly difficult one. le divisional best hut competition held last month. 8i mmerdown Road \ Mrs. Evill and Mm. Alexander victuallers j for more mvenient and advan- “ Truth for the Times.”—A series of four If the society has to withdraw missionaries now, it will Camp)...... / Campbell. tageo of open Ig. Many houses have MUNICIPAL MOTOR [BUSES, addresses on “ Truth for the Times” isannounced to be mean the paralysing of the work perhaps for years, the i (Councillor and Mrs. 0. W. CAMP MILITARY BANI). Tl ie Town Hall ...... Mrs. and the k?; ! i ’ven at; the Marine Hall, Longstone-road, by Mr. losing of unique opportunities, and the prejudicing of four dear father, short holiday at Tunbridge Although outside the work of the committee, it will 011 Town (Green Street undoul suffer without serving any our Master’s cause before the non-Christian nations. It SATISFAO ITIOIS enry Pickering, of Glasgow. The first; address will r break* and the Wells. interest members to learn that the camp now possesses lomer)...... Mrs. Hole am Miss Hammond, useful c or mil purpose, from the IT DRY POSITION OF THE be delivered qn Monday evening next, admission being is easy to speak of retrenchment, and of making expen­ an excellent military band of 80 instrument mTh e- H impden Park ...... Mrs. A. L. Jo nson Jones. • vmdul; hour of! commencing business, UND35RTAK!KING. The Rev. E. B. Davis, M.A., for some time an free\ ' r n - . j diture square with the income, but with such a huge assistant clergyman at St. Michael’s, Blast bourne, has men are very keen. Applications for e wements for Mfe£ & weU) S! ! viz., n. The ustices’ amendments to concern as the Church Missionary Society is'is by no been appointed by the Vicar of Westhata to take charge the Summerdown Camp Military Band uld be made P resentation.—Mr. James Bi wster, for means easy. There are some in our parish who sub­ Pevensey ...... ■■■•■ j \ \ the exi order hav ird to this among HE COMM VNDEERED “ LEYLAND6.” six years chairman of' the Eastbourne ind Distriot of Hankham. to Colonel Bostook, 0.0. Summerdown East- other ions, but ; le proposed altern­ scribe generously to help on the; work of the society; bonrne. ;.: I Licensed Victuallers and Beer Retailers Association, but all over the country it has been decided to try fa A. C. Qetley, pupil of Robot VOUE SUPPORT AND HELP tions Ire the cor ation of the Home ghas been presented by 44 of tbe mem' with a gold was one of the twenty-five sui PRIVATE ENTERPRISE Ii his annual re] ort n viewing the work and financial get new subscribers of a penny, twopence or threepence -.HAVE NEVER BEFORE BEEN | Office, irecise indication of what is con- watch and fin illuminated address in i ^nition of h a :r week’ or more. There are only two alternatives reoent examination held by the Civil ilervioe Commis­ In addition to the facts mentioned above «mp] pesifits of the mo or oijmibus undertaking during the fieen done by private enterprise and ould he premature. W ith respect much-appreciated services. Thepresenl tion was made ifore the society in view of the difficult years ahead. sioners for Assistant Clerkships (Accout tant Branch) in . W A xvr TT B D to mi offioial year, t ie General Manager (Mr. P. Ellison) on behalf of the subscribers by ounc or J. Eden, the Royal Navy. of His Majesty’s Forces, an order The one is retrenchment, which, as I have already said, I A Pe r s o n n e l o f oom m itte 7 BO MUCH AS NOW. |V . has *.e by the General Commanding Local Divorce Suit.— lire. Kate Oarwar- would be deplorable, and is an exceedingly difficult- The July number of the London Quarterly Review SUB-COMMITTEES. restrici to the periods between 12 and the result of tHe year’s working shovre a net profit dine obtained a divorce from hei huaband, ;Mr. Edward matter ; and the other is to enlist the help of many- contains an essay on “ Tie Kingdom ol Gbd,” which a The oommittee and sub-committees are constituted as , We appeal^ to. oil to h ty y * fyrrvJm -, <■. i and 6 9 p,m. (8 psnifc. on Saturdays) the f 8,078. 4a 3d„ i 'hich is am increaso of £760. 16a 10d, Russell Carwardine, on the usua grounds Ion Monday. more small subscribers.” reviewer calls “ one of the Rev. F. W- Orae Ward’s ’er the reoord p: ofit i f £2,317- 7a 5d. of last year, H e parties lived at “ Westgal ” Mil ton-road, East- helpful studies.” follows:— I . ,11 •; '• 01 JR HUMANE AND NATIONAL WORK. iht it ain refreshment at licensed houses, A W arden’s F ind.—St. Saviour’s Magazine Genebal Oohmittee. e iteration.. A, that in future toe '.though benefit las h sen derived owing to various bourne, and evidence was given of the respondent’s contains the following:—“ The Warden of the Choir- The engagement is annonnoedof Mr. (T. Arthur Levi, (88 being jaid off, the department has been infidelity, and also of his intemperance nd violence, o and Miss Chairman. Mr. C. O’Brien Harding; Vi» Chairman, military ,y not, enter public houses of an Sohool lately discovered in his hall a mysterious pack­ B M.A., B.O.L., of the Inner Temple, bairister-at-law, to WOMBN WOBKaRB. nl in man itaini ag in serviceable condition He had, it was asserted, often threatened is wife, and age; it was almost as.big as the hall; he eagerly Mr. S. N. Fox: Members—the Mayor of itbourne, The npw order takes effect froih li es, tbe life of wbic i nas already passed the limit on one occasion he followed her to the bath room and .and Mrs. R. Miss Grieve, daughter of the late Mr.. ohn Grieve and OoL Bostock (0.0. Convalescent Cami' Broome, unpacked- it to disoover what unlooked-for treasures Mrs. Grieve, of Eastbourne. Mr. Levi was called to rtiHE NATIONAL UNION OF WOMEN i : , - led to "them in tl b first instance by the Local threatened to throw her out of the windowj—There was lurked within, and presently discovered innumerable the Bar at the Inner Temple after bung at Oxford, CoL Hawkins, Rev. Canon Streatfei iv. W. N. ’krmnent" no defence^ and a decree nisi, with costs, i granted. Willis, Mrs. A. J. Bowen, Mrs. J. wart, Mrs. A WORKERS have now a Complete List of Women boxes of delicious sweets; at least, tbe choir boys, for where he obtained a le first” i i law. He has m ;.,,. I available for work daring the period of the War; W ^3 Service for W omen. are three I prominent items mentioned in the V ioi ecital or ritish whom they were intended^ said they were delicious^ iand since been appointed ' of the Fai :ulty of Law in Almerio Paget, Mis. Astley Roberts, L _ Et iployers requiring. Workers in any of the following ugh Accountalnt’s report, which point out that R : F B ' OUNDED. Mrs. Vigers, Mias Croahaw, Miss Alice at tbe Towii Hall for the register- -W ith' He commendable object of raising i ids for the and they ought to know, Both wardenirder and boya are the University of Wa 'H e is mentioned as a neon, Miss shSuld apply to the Hon. Secretary N.U.W.W., Town The oi .is : - ,- i deep regret, Pattisson, Miss SamneL Miss Thf ‘ Mri! A.L E Hill,Eastbourne. ing of ten willing to undertake definite I British .wounded, a violin recitalital is to befie given at St. very grateful to this unknown benefactor.” probable candidate for 1 'liament at t le next General Brigstooke, Mr. Roland Burke, Mr. Mr. J. Numberer at present kn inorease in the number of passengers carried Andrew’s j Church Hall, Blackwater-road,Blacl on Friday i Mr. and Mrs. .vailablp. work di j the War has fully justified the per dar milt; 1. O. Eddison, Mr. P. Ellison, Mr. H. W. Fi Mr. policy of lintaining this special department. afternoon!next,. by . Miss Ethel Robjohns. She f ...... will lie The preacher at at St. Saviour’s on Sunday, F. Hollins, Mr. Albert Paine, Mr. A. E 1 .____Mr. Poultry Farming ...... LI*. 18 kn increase in the in oome per cir mile; assisted by Miss • L. Watson Gray, elocutionist r and Ethel. Motor Drivers...... ;...... 8 n a il i 'JO females have filled in the official . k decrease in the $k lenditure per oar mile. the 18th inst., will be Rev. H. von E. Scott, who H. Tulloch; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer,'Mr. Sydney Horse and Cart ditto ...... 6 Admission is free, but a collection will be taken for the will plead the needs of the ‘ o f ------Hudson, Junior. a form, lployment has beep found for a At the outbreak^ of t be War in August, 1914, tbe patriotic fund above indicated, j Gardeners...... U considi roportion of the applicants, toe Mir. Scott is an old friend of St. Sa: SuB-CoMMirrara.* Light Farm Work...... 10 ilary authorities too: possession of the six latest Income Tax and Its REci) very. -Although be his first appearance there as Vicar of i Church. Entertainments.—Chairman, Mr..Fox; dra. Ewart, Waitresses ...... i:i..... 13 practii in viewf being to release male ILe rland ” omnibiises o vned by the department. On no one at the present day is likely to try tc BARGAINS Clerical Work...... 29 t of payment! of tl ese vehicles, the profits of the avoid pay Mrs. Astley Roberts, Mrs. Tulloch. Mrs. B ex tall, Mrs. Shorthand Typists...... 1 emplo. military or other types of W ar ing his just share of Income Tax, there are neverthelessnevei Sprot, Mrs. Travers. Smith, Miss Thornton, Miss service, iere are si ill many waiting for ment made it po sible to pay off; the whole of Also 28 Girls and Women prepared to go on rounds for ie 1 >an outstand in respect of them, including that many cases of overcharge in which claims for repay- Samuel, Canon Streatfeild, CoL Broome,' Id r. H. Holv- orders or deliver goods. xositioi ited to th e t tastes and qualifica- ment can id shonld be made. This is lly thi SUMMERDOWN CjiMP. oake, Mr. A. J. C. • Laooste, Mr. Pn iscott, Mr. lions, and other employers pre- it] of tl e bodies. These bodies were case whi inoomee are derived from divi rents THIS DAY (SATURDAY) Tullooh. FT impressed by ' mi) itary authorities! ;and therefore xared ■place fiable m en by female an asset oi this department, which does not and the Unfortunately, cases are qot unknown WORK OF AND SUB- Drives.—Mr. Paine (organising honJ secretary), Mr. abour xvited to ci iBult to e list of eligible where its have failed to realise that such claims Eddison, Mr. Ellison, Mr. Brigstooke, Mr. Caffyn, Mr. in the accoi its, ai id which will involve no future should landled by experts A narrow escape from and all Next Week. I’Plummer. i : women an< girl worl printed in another cuts. ovei of an Eastbourne resident has recently Sports.—Mr. Willis, Mr. Hollins le column. ten it beoomi isible to obtain delivery of a mding nui if new chassis the necessary ie attention of the Eastbourne and District ENTERT^ UVES SPORTS, “ Welcome Hut”—Chafanah, Miss Thoriiton; Mrs. Inoome fix Reclamation Society of 7, SBolton-road. I wart, Mrs. Astley Roberts, Mias Aliofe Hudson, Mias fare will ■ represent the; cost of the ■.andMre. Ac. After a fim had been made by the claimant personally GARDENS iumiel. | ’ MjlIHI JULY chassis, bnt the de] ;m nt will be in possession of six for under unaH ~4, revised by an amateur helper to just over AT Gardens.—MiasPattiaaon,CoL Bostock. BiPHlSG (xjunpleta omnibi [i lpped with bodies of modfim g f ftQ(j ivisionally fixed By the Inland • Revenue C H H 1 M E S The Committee of the! Con- Camp at Sum- t The Chairman and Secretary are members on the information afforded them at nnder of all sub-committees. are no loan it tariffing in respect to any of ' l. Mr. and merdown have issued a iving a f ummary of the fPER DROWNED. £10, the xriety by their expert knowledge and the B R Q m B it AND 81 tie stock, sp p irts, &«., with the exception of produotic of further information made a claim for and i Mr. and Mrs. work carried out for the bea of the: nilitary conval- STEAY £jT20|pn the two “ J lyland ” ’buses. 1 received xyment of £61. .12s. eeoents at the above-camp. Tl e decrease in i costs and in expenditure per Y.M.C.A. MARQUEE. A sad hat! lii g fatality ha) pened at the Falling Sands, i file affords ! _ ey denoe---- . of the -v ij, quality 0 { ay fo r omen s in The various sub-committees t ih do le co-operation F lag D W ’ HbsjpiTALS SALE T h e T o w n Co u n c il a n d P o l it ic s , near Beaohy ) lead, on Thtarfiday. It seems that Dr. < mnibuses - recently purchasei 'his decrease F bancb id Serbia.—To-day, by permission of the with the Commanding Officer, Beers, I ’.C. officers and | been obtained in face of a, substatu men (both staff and pal the cam o, all of Whom The Camp now has its’ Y.M.O.A. mqrquee. Qn m b was when, at meetings of the Town Claude Ti aged 37 yeafis, and Miss Kathleen Graoe rise in the Corporate in, there will be a sale oLminiature flags in Thursday the men showed their approval by rolling np Teasier, „ 25 years, sot and daughter of Mr. and ret price of petrol, ’ rhioh has involvr an expendi- the street m_aid of the Women’s Hospitals in France Tender the strongest support The official Council, politics were strictly taboo. It was if almost £500|in excess of that whii statement indudes the following in very large numbers. An excellent concept was given Mrs. A. G. 'easier, of 16, C ranville-road, proceeded to v/oula have and Serbia. These ho pitals ar ' g worked by the THERE ARE TO BE FOUND MANY sympathy. by the Convalescent Camp Comedy Oompj—■ n— — a {wholesome and desirable rule, because it b en incurred had fuel p ioes remained al eir previous National ■Union of ■omefi’s ge Societies, to ENTERTAINMENTS SUB-COMMITTEE in Eastbourne as the 4 K’s) and some of the to maintain the dignity of municipal the spot mi timed for the purpose of bathing. Their level; which tl Eastbourne Women’s ■Suffrage Society is ladies provided tea. It is understood that a permanent sister a J* ipt nied them, - but did not bathe. : Tl Tl s price of carlfide, (ori or ill:illuminating purposes, has affiliated. I The reuse is an excellent one; and should ENGLISH TAILOR-MADE COATS, Concerts have been arranged twice weekly. Two entered ter soon aftet 12 o’clock, and Miss Eil< a^o ncreased h ially. 1 - - command the generous support of the inhabitants. Each special concerts by a London ooncert pirty have been hnt will be built later. Meantime Mr. Leonard-Pass, London, of S. Anselm’s, Cambridge, and three other o unaernaxe puonc worn, xiieu u> xisu cue Teesier led on the beach. Her attention was As regards the i ost of fuel the results of recent authorised collector will be provided with n collecting booked. Stationery and writing materials have been diverted ime and when she looked out seawards lfivet tigations into possibility of petrol substitutes | box) and the public are advised to contribute to these COSTUMES, provided for the recreation rooms, as ah o books, maga­ University men are at x ' ’ in the marquee. “ m portant sequent or incidental advantage of again her it) ter and sister had disappeared, They will be grateful fd rifts of books. Good novels, ni luring a concentration of energy upon aje s ifficientlytly favofavi to give confidence that pnoes only. zines and indoor games.. . I An vas at onoe riven by Miss Tessier and will aot be furthe: i icreused materially ana per- The establishment of a carpenter’s she p for j books of trayel,! the iphics, and magazines, are those local matters with which the Council A W aIrm Sunday.—The following is from RAINCOATS AND FURS, eagerly welcomed. lowers are also much several r i from the flg'A.M.O. at tbe Whitbread m am ntlyi employment daring the winter month! is under Of late there has Hollow were soon on i be spot. Tbe body of Miss Th i uniform of- ’ershas been muoh improved, Monday’s|Hotly E x p r e s s : “ London was again the sideration. o depart from Kathleen^ ier was subsequently seen in the water efipeflially as hottest place in the country’yesterday, with a shade AT DRIVES SUB COMMITTEE uate protection against win­ temperature of 84 degrees. It was a| day of dull, | SCHOOLS. ______„ and practice, some distam from where the young lady had been ter wjeather. The “ Drives” Organising Secretary h is arranged the bathing id fit |was recovered and brought ashore. The Very generous es have been granted by the oppressive heat, with fewer than six hours of sunshine, _ in theoom- an 1 unless a w ary eye be kept upon th e intro- but tbe thermometer did not at any time fall below 65 Practically HALF-PRICE drives for the convalescents in rotation, t o. that they are :tion of political questions Eastbourne may soldiers 1 to artificial, respiration for nearly an oomr uttee to the r authorities, especially to the . Church, St. equally available for all,, but special atteiition is paid to hour and but unfortunately their efforts proved Sumioerdown Oonv nt Camp, which; has reused a stboume, with 12 hours, held the reoord ' l on Wednea- those" ’ who ’ are lame — ocin ‘ • .|’iosintaL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF GIFTS, sot h find Itself added to the fist of those unai the body afterwards removed to su bet tntial loss of i he. f 1 j ; i ■' On an average 100 to T ) drive out eve y fine day. unenviable towns that administer their affairs 16, i rood in a motor ambulance lent to tbe Ur fortunately fo the department the war obm- East./ stglian Association.—The members on party lines. Last Monday the Council Notices have been pit «d in the poet-offioes,' hotds The Officer Commanding (Lieut • CoL Bostook, police by 1 lovely. Thelbody of Dr. Teesier has not m me ad during the season when the receipts were of this'At ociation have contributed £10 towards pro- Twice a year it is the and boarding ho plaining the system, and also R.A.M0.), the committee amind convalescents very webt out of their way to deal with the 8ta< yet been 'Wired.-;, v '.Lii-.i * ■ -i 1 at tleir highes* promptly brought about a vidinjg’foc for East Anglian '.soldiers imprisoned in how.. .money shoi Lint or invitati ins to sddiers control of national commodities—a subjei dt ere ise in the 1 i onsiderably over £100 a week, Germany, It is hoped to increase this amount by sub- dents) and „gratefully . thank the dolonors of the many kind gifts Thesy itl y of our readers will be extended to Mr. custom to re-mark Every made. By filling in the oi irds so provide d and posting which reachreaoh the camp. ThThese include the Hon.______Mrs. G. ms nifestly foreign to toe functions for which and Mrs. easier in the great bereavement they!have Th i old Milnes 3 ’buses, which were oonverted scriptions from members who haye nob already sub­ "them to the Organising Be oretary, Sumh erfiown Camp, in bo lorries and m __ excel- scribed. isitors can cal and collect a Oarew, Mesdames Abbott, Bain, Behrens, Carruthers, the members bave been elected by the rate* I Garment Very Cheap. in advance, residents or v: Scott Bankes, Bradley, Cambridge, Bruoe Clarke, Oole- pa; rers. A problem which responsible States- to the lefit serrioe for . it, to the iN view of the possibility of raids party of any number for f i drive or tea without either . man, Dash wood, Dean, Dunderville, Dunning, Foley, lotion of the.) Surveyor. 1 j . trouble or delay.. I mea would probablyngedwaaks to consider, It ■ nil be i sh&tpi here isaoonsider&ble increase residents a id business people in Eastl would be qui‘ civb fathers aurily'disposed'of in about wise in insuring their furniture and jainst the ,. Shiitalfie dffflmgemente atli4S p. in wajee of %. o: ring to a general advanoe all livery-stable propnetors ax ten minutes. As may be supposed also, the roint. risk of honihs, whioh is not covered b ordinary fire Orders for motor coaol she rt discussion was notf ree from heatand class Wt rallowanoe i ited to the dependents of employees t policy.-'-For particulars apply to H. orpe, Lloyd’s THIS DAY (SATURDAY) roul &»., given through the ling Secretary, ensure bias, and toe pious opinions of the debaters serving with his ajesl y’s foroes show a oost to the | Bank Chambers, Eastbourne. Telepho the maximum of aoooi being seourto at the Pennant, Richardson, Astley Roberts, Ryle, Sarel, IALISTS. Salt, Soott, Strickland, Symington, Thorpe, Water- may be expected to influence the Government VISIT OF A FORMER EASTBOUR,NE ddpai traent rince 1 i war oommenoed of £225.12a 10d.” Open-Air War Talks.—A large gathering lowest coat. house. Wehner, Williamson, Wilson, Young, Samuel, in i nuch the same way as water affects a duck’s assembled at the. Fountain, Seaside, bn Saturday even­ All Goods are very ’ the Pevenaey- 8PORT8 SUlB-OOMMlTTfeE the Rev.’ E G. Satterthwaite, the S.P.O.K., the MINISTER. ing, when a “ talk ” on “ The Russians and the mean­ their a.nnnkl ba< k. Much Reduced. An inter-divisional cricket league bail been formed Brookley B.P. Scouts, Messrs. Bunyard k Co., Carter OlD: i a n d o n e d .—Stow Green, ing of their present Retreat” Was given! by Mr. R. Park nearer and Co., Castle & Co., Davison k Co., Hermitage and Ft ir, probably the oldest carnival Goulbum Lovell, a well-known and able lecturer on war of obtaining -amongthe five divisions, and league mat ihee are played Coal “ and Other Things.” The Rev. E. Barrell, fc several years the minister every Tuesday on the Saffrons ground, vhich has been Son, Maynard, Ltd., Partridge:* Co., Prentice* Co., of theBaj ' mrch, Ceyl -plaoe, is to oonduct the in En jfiand, has < J (» exist. It was established in topics. Mr. Goulburn Lovell’s address was of a lucid Comp Ryder * Co.,- Smith •* Oa, and the Workers, Sun True, a resolution so sweeL.sweeping w that. it the ; of King „ Eli., and has been held annually and informative character, and was followed with keen lent for the purpose by the Eastbourre Cricket and -i .. - 'iThnll Sunday miversary i vioee to-morrow. These Football Club. Rubber Shoes, tea and oigarettes are Laundry. ■ 1 embodied “ all commodities” was finally boiled include a afternoon * Egg mid Flower Servioe,” foi1 m arly seven hundred years. Normally,! Stow Fair interest bvi the assembly, which included a| good many COSTUMES, provided for the teams on these oocasic ns by tbe oom­ dotvn to comparatively modest proportions— also to be by Mr. >ul' 1 have been hi last week, but the'exigencies______ofmen in khaki. The speaker made, incidentally, some th i w ir have abdut its cessation, which is to be very pertinent and forcible remarks on the subject of mittee. lv it lieing reduced, in fact, to “ coal and other Mr. left Eastl ' The Convalescent Camp military bard plays a pro- St. John’s Old Choristers’ Union.- for Bombay—his former fin aL , At one iqftjir lasted for three weeks, but | thrift , FURS, ' FUR COATS, r. noser), Th» ‘ Thanks thi igs, in which -f^nj it was referred to a able to a new and beautiful in rec snt years it bee l limited to a few days. Land, about gramme of music from'rom 3! to 4.80 on tie ground and con im ittee for fu rth er consideration. B u t the within a few strenuous years. [Ho is The Rev. I. Shimmin to Remain.—It was owing to private generosjl 106 teas for the band and the St John’ Mi 38 B r a d d o ^ ’ Fill.—The will of Miss to paw daring the past ____ _ Coi tncil are still philandering with a dubious now . t le Dawes-road Church, Fuuiam. Many announced! some time ago that the Superintendent TAILOR COATS, RAINCOATS, arrange* men are supplied withov strain on tie committee’s old will be glad tojrenew their acquaintance Btadc on (Mrs. Ma the novelist, author of “ Lady Minister of the local Wesleyan Circuit (the Rev. Iaaao funds. troops. So far we have furnished over 100 arid vie have pri lcjple—dabbling, that is, with a subject Aiidliy’s Secret,” S' other novels, who died last the wherewithal to purchase something like another 200. with s Rev.. David Bagron is preaching for Shimmin' as ’■■■*' retiring in August on account5 of ill- Sports gymkhanas take place every We inesday at the outside toil purview of their legitimate duties. Mr. ;hat day in Lbndon. Fc bn ary at the age) 77 has been proved at £68.112. health, i was ordered by his medical adviser to take FRENCH FEATHER B0A8, - camp with the hand. Prize money and die necessaries The members of the union are still keen and working On the question of coal Councillor Marshall ..... 't all her T 1 an|d MSS. (but not copyrights), a year’s it, but, feeling unable to dblkfiisat such a IQOL. for the gymkhana events are provider by tbe com­ well. Perseverance is the great'requisite of to-day,-ana took another opportunity of blaming the her riside ise, Richmond, and her time of ional anxiety, be decided to gq for a short l tor the annual mittee. A crioket practice net has been set op and out­ with all the enoonragement they have received we are household c i and consumable stores to stay at irindod Wells. He now feels well enough confident that the O.C.U. will contribute thpir share of me rchafits for the existing high retail prices, tORiAL H ospital, Many Cases HALF-PRICE ‘ f .School, door skittle alleys are projected. Helalso claimed that a remedy would be easily he r si n William Bal igtfm. After bequests to nieces to retain office until September of next year, a deoi- this important factor in the direction of making sand­ itions.—The following anl| of £50 to her coachman, she attune ra found in the exploitationploi------of to . e K .. ent coa!i sion______whichhas been received, with mudh'satisfaction y. The “ WELCOME HUT” SUBCOMMITTEE bags. A few friends of the members are giving a will- jnts for week ended left! '■ equally between her among Ms many Eastbourne friends. The house presented to the oommittee has ing.helping hand to make up for the loss -pf nine old fielis. O ar own information is (hat in both July ibsjr of " SOthl 62*; four c ifldren. ' onhters who have enlisted/’ admitted the week, l during the EA8TBOURNE AND DISTRICT STATIONERS. erected and arranged with cooking apparatus, *e. res >ects th e energetic L abour m tative Dis a s t r o u s 3t o r m in Now is the Cheapest time to have je n i 0} remain' U at date, 59. Booksellers and Newsagents’ Association.—At a ' Meals are provided daily for all new path mts on arrival. H elpers in the W ar. — Holy) T rinit ’ ‘ ’ ‘ Any avoid qf a reported from general meeting of tbe above Association on Tuesday your FURS altered and made the No funds have so far: been asked froi i the Gem . H H I ^ ... lUr. This hos open to t) of visitors on Parish Magazine says!: “ Nurse. Loch, who v m of i is i^ot clue to any “ ring” on the jiart of Sundays edays and Holidays from. 2 to Here: irdshire. of . was suddenly it was decided not to open the shops this year on Committee for this purpose. Cigarettes i ire supplied as very great help to us in our work among the recruits merchants, but rather”to the selfishness ol1 d into a toti kdarl and a fierce wind correct shapes. Estimates given to well as soap, and tfie new-oomers appear to appreciate ( P « . j 'spbseribers axe urgently Wednesday afternoons during the exemption period of during last winter, has now been given the desire of her mil le owners, who, it is asserted, are piling up needed, L thankfully received by iwn oak and i i tn ea. covered the ground the Shops Act, except during August It was also 'their fnendly i___ i very much. heart, and has gone! out ’as nurse to the wounded of the pits in rnnfe four i Ififeii ep. Hundreds of all work in every case. i found much to. It ia proposed to tjive packets of cigarel tee to the men hu( ;e stacks of coal in the Hon. rien Harding, iJ.P., unanimously agreed that after July 19th the shops soldiers in Serbia, where help is so much nee led.”. . for a period likely to la_—■ ! to m ore advan- West Ohiawiok' House visitor: Mr. araee were: hed quantities of oom should olosu from L15 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. leaving in drafts fofr the Front if finds ar s forthcoming. and i the poles and wire- Practical Furrier. Over 35 years' experience. , pony rides; > Church S unday School Teachers’ tag sous trading. Tbe mine owners, ofIboi course, Charles were fail that it was GARDE Vs SUB-COMMITTEE W tit fik' . I Farms situated on St. Saviour’s Organ Recitals.:—The first . on the home* Association.—The annual su -finer service was recently | do i xot admit this, their explanation being that Th e TS D. ih Na hills ti id not suffer at farms within a of two reciials at St. Saviour’s Church is announced to Decorative gardej round the huts ind about the held in Eastbourne Parish Church, when over 100 rai] way transit facilities a n n o t sufficient to (somewhere ioe) : “ be bio mfie v ere practicaUfi five miles from take place on Wednesday next, for which occasion the --camp have been i fie and the men are in ierested in the teachers were present A special Litany for Sunday allc w of toe supplies being distributed as they a hundred yards | talented services of Miss Winifred Ivens,| Mns. Bac., School work and workers was used at the seryioe and an ; Ain’t I ,plam my Ledb" .. ~ ' 4 a hundred yards are produced. In either case the real offenders bloomin’ T h e . no Fifty-five large F.R.O.O.,*is.,havebeenrequisitioned. Hi addreas was given by the Rev. T. W. Cook, dean ’ the hail drove | will include Bibb’s fugue in G minor (The L ---- I.—From St. this'branch of the work has done as jmHoh as any I of Hastinga~ .His words were a great stinuli to all are not .the merchants, whose limited 1 V irtue e measi of. a man, not his in thel lations are the result of ordinary intellect tbe.. and* corridors, Samis’ Breton Rhapsodic No. 2, and the Scherzo from la letter from towards a noticeable improvement in t! le appearance engaged in this important Church work. Sq ently Gnilmiant’s 5th Sonata. Master. Eric Relfi will sing In i r ikn I . -nnninl nwnmnfV vttqo kold in +Vio e n of* “ The pre^ution. With regard to the alternative glass in the % frames were smashed CHRIMES, and tone of the camp. a social gathering was held in the — fruit tore' the stripped. . Many Sir Hubert Parry’s new sacred song “ A Hymn for more elaborate Lawn,” bv kind permission of Miss Ellis; 108 down expedient of opening up the Kei fields, not Every hat now has its garden, the mor W reaths, hare o f! wintry appearance, Aviators.” ,i / I being the work of skilled gardeners, (he temporary to' tea. The Rural Dean proposed hearty vi of onl y would such a course entail Wi *" On Another farm i oats was stripped of Electricity. .W orks W ell. — Since the Furrier & €ostumier, occupants of the huts. A divisional girdening eom- thanks tq Miss Ellis and the Rev. T. W. Cool ; and but the coal itself is regarded ______4 a , 5a, 7a . the ears, as if it had!) although the straw . ■ ' i ■ _ is held every three weeks, the[prize being a | then for an hour the teachers enjoyed the n, Ao. Extra lam ! siaen, 21a to 63b.—J. a new air lift at these works has been fitted the supply of The singing of suitable glees by the Girls’ Choir beii lg quite unsuitable for oi Hastings, 10* Pevensey-roed lx, Oompton-street, famained (’—A water has been well maintained and is slightly above __„ arob with climbing plants preeei it Tela 580,706. TERMINUS ROAD. The judges are the head gardeners of the^Bnke w<6 very much a] consumption. 1 lOWLING I u—A baby show. the average raised for many months post.

■ V -'I JM k - tia/k^k/2 v:' l


The jury found that prisoner was an habitual Jacob Baker, son-in-law' of prisoner, said he lived Plaintiff said he drove his own taxi-cab and1 on SUSSEX SUMMER ASSIZES criminal. . house at Pepper Alley, DanehiU. December 28th he was returning with the empty taxi­ The Judge said prisoner had been given opportunity Prisoned took two cartridges ‘from the'kitchen and cab from Brighton Station along Western-road and again and again of leading an honest life. He had | witness heard two shot! three or four minutes after- on approaching Brunswick-place there was a horse The Sussex Summer Assizes have been proceeding not only taken the oath and denied committing the wards, ' About a minute later prisoner came indoors ’bus in front of him. Ho sounded his horn and came burglary, but had committed perjury in skying, it. *t Lewes this week, the Judge being the Hon. Sir and putt two . discharge i cartridges on the table and level with this at the crossing, and as he was passing He might have had work found for him if he had said, "That‘ has" given the -— something to go on 1 it he saw defendants’ motor van proceeding np Xbarlee John Darling, K t His Lordship arrived in liked. with.”___ Witness___ asked who he meant, and he said, I Brunswick-place. He could see that the only way the town early on Saturday evening, and proceeded Prisoner s»id he was half-starved when leaving gaol, “Gilbert.” He did not! appear upset. Later prisoner i for him to avoid a collision was to put on speed, K r To ensure to hia lodgings on the Brighton-read in a motor oar. as he had been under ' punishment. 1 remarked to witness that there were a few more which he did, but the van struck the Back wheel of Names and 1 The Judge: A great many people do a good da- faggots to get in and that he (witness) would be able his taxi-cab and carried it across the road, striking a toe Publishing! OPENING OF THE ASSIZES. work on- food which is not as good as that to do that. He added, “I expect somebody, will be lamp-post on the opposite road, and the van finished his toe Libraries oi The business commenced on Monday at the County in prisons. There was some suggestion. after me presently.” . up with the two front wheels on the pavement. H» Is made for jf-11 TT.H at 11 a.m. An innovation was introduced by Lordship, that prisoner’s mind might be affected, but Cross-examined: Occasionally prisoner went out to did not hear the horn of the motor car sounded. the Judge travelling to Court in a motor car pre­ the prison medical officer would be able to deal with shoot rabbits in a field some distance from the house. His average takings were 28s. a day, and he deducted KT This list is ceded by two trumpeters of the Royal Field Artillery that. Re-examined: Prisoner said- nothing about going 6s. a day for expenses. He claimed 18s. a day for Residents. tut horseback, thus changing the practice which has Prisoner: My' head-piece is as good as yours out to shoot rabbits. [ - the loss of the use of the car. Dr. George Mervin Sydenham, of Chelwood Gate, existed for generations of using horse-drawn vehicles (laughter). In cross-examination, counsel said based on his R t tor the purpose. He was accompanied by.the High The Judge: Some people who think themselves the deposed to being called to see Head on June 5th. 1 estimate plaintiff’s-nett income would be £340 a year, He had a gunshot wouhd-in his left shoulder. There Birk elbt.—Pant, i Sheriff (Col. Stephenson Robert Clarke, C.B.) and sanest are the most mad, but you and I won’t argue and asked whether he paid Income Tax on that, Channbl Vrgw. - 1 the Sheriff’s Chaplain (the Rev. J. L. Brack, rector about that (laughter). . ■ i . was no' scorching of the edges of the wound, but the amount? Mrs. Palsh, His Lordship added that if prisoner was found to I shots were in a concentrated area, and he should Plaintiff: No, why should I? Plaintiff added that Conway (2) . Ardingly). THj; CAlENDA|r . . be unfit for work ho would not have to do it, but it I say that Head was about two or three yards from he bought the car secondhand in August, 1913, und RBNBv.-Mr. and Wi The calendar contained the nam^a of 12 prisoners— was essential that Booietv should be protected against the muzzle of the gun when it was discharged. There it cost him £200. The car was laid up 97 days. . 2L—Mrs. WUfcinson. 11 moles and one female—concerned in 12 cases. a person who so far as he had any profession it was were pellet marks in Head’s right hand below the Witness estimated his speed at about 12 miles an hour, POBTHEATH —Mi-l-'l b.urglary. and who whenever he was at liberty broke thumb. John Edmund Davies, driver of the horse’’’bus, Phillip-. Miss Phi into people’s houses qnd stole things. He would be Boston H ousb.—Mif THE CHARGE. Deceased’s waistcoat was worn by P.C. Jupp at{ said his pace was about five or six miles an hour. Walker Hia LordBhip, in charging the Grand Jury, said sentenced to three years’ penal servitude, and .after I the request of the Judge, and the doctor poihted out He estimated the speed of the van at about 15 miles Ailsa. Lieut, and be did not think there was a single case in which that he would have to serve a further term of proven-, | the position of the shot. j I an hour, perhaps a little more. Ho had to pull up Canton. M ra Cor there was any necessity for him to say anyuung to tive detention for five years. Whether he Berved Sergt. Edwards, of Uekfield, and P.C. Jupp, of short to let the van pass him. It was close to his Estcourt.—Miss N i them, as they were gentlemen of experience in these that further term of five years or not depended Danehill, deposed to the statment being made by horses’ heads, and as it passed it collided with tne . A . Perl. Mr. and! natters. He regretted to say there was one charge entirely upon himself. If he showed any sign of risoner when arrested, and said he added, “ What! taxi-cab, which' was going in the same direction as Mr. Leslie Punter. | «f murder and two of manslaughter, but all these reformation and behaved himself properly he . would f have got to say I will say at my trial.” witness. -eases ware of great simplicity. As they knew, every be given the opportunity of leading an honest life | Dr. Thomas Dowzer, house surgeon of the Royal Charles Ballard, of North-street, Brighton, an B ouvrare H ousk.- homicide was presumably a murder, and in the case after serving Ills sentence of three yqars. Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, said Head was inspector of the Brighton and Hove ’Bus Company, Cruikshank. Mr. a Before them in which murder was charged it was A BOGUS ARMY OFFICER. 1 admitted on June 9th with a .septic wound on the said he was conductor of the ’bus in question. He Cowen. sen. Misal beyond dispute that the cause of death was the firing back of the left shoulder. Hemorrhage set in and gave similar evidence, saying if the driver of the- W hite House.—mh «f a shot gun. In that case he thought they would Women Defratjded at Brighton and E ast­ an operation was decided, on as being absolutely ’bus had not pulled liis horses up sharply the van Norman, f. M isii bourne. Miss Worthington L unhesitatingly come to the conclusion that, at all necessary. Head died nder the operation. would have collided with them. Lilbubn.-M rs. Hmil •vents, the matter should be investigated hy the jurv. George Clifton (32), Chief Warder Pickles, Charles Dyke, a taxi-cab driver, estimated the and Mrs. Henry Kif The manslaughter charges were oases in which people feloniously stealing a d deposed to serving oner with a notice as to tfe speed of the valrat from 15 to 20 miles an hour, and; J7.—Mrs. Pooock. ’ ■wen killed by others who were driving a motor cycle watch, two £5 bank ------■ v. — taking of Head’s dej aons, and said prisoner said he thought it was going to collide with the Sedgor (2). or a motor car, and in these cases it was highly belonging to Gertrude Maude Tracey, at Brighton, hopes of tho ’bus. Brunswick-place was a rather l Habtinqton HOUSsa elected to be present nd-he attended at the Royal -Stun H ouse—Mrs. t important that the matter should be thoroughly between June 14th and 17 th. Sussex County Hospi! , on June 17th. ; steep hill. investigated—and investigated publicly. Mr. T. I. Gates prosecuted. In cross-examination, witness said the taxi-cab AhBiiiN Hotel.- Mb His Lordship remarked that at the time prisoner I Herbert George Baker, clerk to the Justices’ Clerk J?rebble. Mr. Borrl at Brighton, produced the depositions of the deceased driver could not have seen the van until lie passed 'and Mrs. Orlebarl met the young woman he was wearing the uniform | the ’bus, nor could the driver of the van have seen Keddie. Mr. Cottl of a lieutenant, in the Army, and that Was how he J man, taken in prisoner’s presence. In the course of hia statement deceased said he remarked to prisoner,! the taxi-cab till it was proceeding by the horses. Payne Cook. Ladj TRIALS' OF PRISONERS. imposed upon her. He would tike to know how he Arthur Smith, of Western-road, Hove, estimated' and Mrs. Yates. L | got that uniform. “Come out on the Coi m and serve me the same Mias DeJane. MrJ as you served my father, and prisoner said, “IE 11 the speed of the van at from 15 to 18 miles an hour, Finney. Mr. and I Prisoner: I bought it. . . . , and said it did. not check speed before the collision. • V FOURTH CONVICTION FOR ARSON. Detective Supt. 'Forward, of the Brighton Police soon do-that.” He went into his house and returned Mr. and Mrs. Pain Albert Wright ,(44), labourer, pleaded guilty tel with the gun. Head proceeded: “He put the gqn He thought, the speed of the taxi-cab was about 10 or O’Shea. Mr. w a goodi Force, said prisoner stated that he was born on the- ] 12 miles an hour. Davidson. Major4 ■feloniously settingrfire to a stack of hay, the go high' seas, and that his father was a native of Holland, to his shoulder. 1 made a grab for it, and he shot M. Veriume. M ra| i t Percy Hahin, at Chichester, on June 16th. at me twice pretty quickly, one shot after the other. Henry Stanley Gotto, motor engineer,, „„ of Hove, where the birth was registered. He went to Brigh­ and John Henry Roberts, manager to Messrs. Samuel Mr. John Flowers prosecuted. ton when eight years of age and was eduoated there, He was then only two yards from me. The first time an^ John Henry Koberts, manager to Messrs Samuel MA— gupt. Ellis, of-Chichester, | said he had known remaining till -he was 16. He then went to Spam I was standing sldewal The first shot came by toy jl •PTtuhlev H ouse,—i ohest and tore my waistcoat, and two shots hit; my f deposed to the repairs to i the taxi-cab being carried, Mr. W. to WUsodI prisoner for 20 years. He was a man who would no! and America, and served in the American Army. out as quickly as possible owing to delays caused by w k . This was the' fourth time he had been chargee He returned to England about 1906, and was con­ hand. I was then turnings round. He slaoked the i DawsoD. Madamef gun down from hi6 shoulder and put it up again and ] the war. i \ RoxBV.-Mrs. Harr with arson. victed at Newcastle and Manchester for larceny and For the defence, George Miles, of the Star Laundry, - Wood. Masters 1 false pretences. Recently he was fined at Bourne­ fired again. He said nothing all the time. . . . The . Mrs. Victor lulls The Judge said this was the fourth occasion -or second shot hit me in the shoulder.” In reply to Portslade, said he was driving the motor van. On which prisoner had‘ been convicted of setting fire mouth for wearing His Majesty’s uniform without entering Brunswick-place the. speed of toe van was authority, and he was also bound over under the I questions by prisoner, Head said he did not take t g r J to ricks. He was convicted in 1890 of stealing i hold of the gun. He .tried to. j I [ about 12 miles an hour, and on approaching Western- L—Mrs. Edith Iho watch, in 1898 of setting fire to a rick, in 1905 o] Aliens’ Act for failing to register and handed over I road he slowed down to 9 or 10 miles an hour. Ha Bareham netting fire to a rick, and in 1909 of setting fire to i -to the Brighton Police. On March. 10th' he joined Mr. Gerard Lloyd, ] gunmaker, of Station-street, sounded his horn twice, and getting no reply ha lr-M r. Miditch, f. r io tF o r setting fire to ricks he had been sentence! the R.G.A. at Preston, and after serving three weeks - 4 - Lewes, produced tne result of experiments he had looked on both1 sides of the crossing, and seeing Billlat’a f. M ri he deserted. There was a warrant out for his arrest made witb prisoner’s gun as to the scorching of cloth Blmmouds to eight years’ penal servitude, three years’ pena Hastings) and tobk steps to obtain a commission. At cab with Miss Hilda Bontoft, having entered it out­ the motor char-a-banc on he wrong side. He nothing approaching ho thought the passage was at Eastbourne and prisoner wished that t o . be taken and the concentration of shots fired at different l —Rev. Goddard. „ nervitude and five years’ penal servitude. It wa< the time tile commission was cancelled he had a side the Hippodrome. Deceased was the driver of swerved, and witness, see ng that there must clear. He passed the horses of toe ’bus about six Hubert Miss Huh obvious that he did not care to be at liberty. Hr into consideration now. The property obtained from distances. . From these he was of opinion that the feet from toeir heads. Then the taxi-cab shot out the young woman had been recovered with the excep­ severe attaok of malarial fever. He committed a the taxi-cab and they proceeded along the Parade at be ai accident, ra l to the spot. W ien he got there two men were a little tnore than three and not quite -8.—Mrs. Martyr. knew perfectly well what would happen to him. He series of crimes or whioh no excuse could be found a moderate pace. They were drivingf towards tire Miss Gobel am the prisoner weie lying in the road, i at a speed of 16 or 18 miles an hour, and witness Sommons.ons. ...Miss had done a great amount of damage in order, hi tion of the watcht but of_the £19 in money only 30s. four yards away from]one another at the time the had no chance to avoid the collision. Master Chalk , was found- upon He saidaid he forgot whatr except that circumstances had been terribly against Head camp. Wh|Bn near DevonBhire-plafle By. the Judge: There was no reason why prisoner shot which struck Head’s shoulder was fired, 3-ft. 6-in. -supposed, to get himself in prison. The only thing him, and that ifter haring tried to redeem his yellow lights in front and immediately after­ should not have passed on the 6 her side of the char- William .Holland, who was riding on toe vain, gave 8. —Mr. and Mrs. Grod to do with him was to put him where he could m done with the watch. I ' having to be deducted for the length of the barrel corroborative evidence. 9. —Mrs. Hebgrath, f. j .s, of the Eastbourne Polioe I character he was i prevented by the knowledge wards tne collision;occurred, < in which their driver a-banc. Jl f ,.,'f of the gun. '■ .■'-■j; .;!.]• 10. —Misses Ellen HI. < longer be a danger to the public. Probably he ough; Detective Sergt. W< possessed by the War Office about his conviction to] was killed. John Kenneth Ijrosvenor Munro, corporal in the William Standen, who was cycling along Western- «mt to be given a chance of coping but again. . He -Force, stated that on June 18' irisoner went to In cross-examination, witness expressed the opinion road from;west to east, considered that the speed of U.—Lady Watorfleld in the: name of South Af Africa.rica. Irisoner’sPrisoner’s family were willing to do Dr. Kenneth Fraser sail |he was on e Parade at 22nd Divisional Signalling Co. H.EJ said he left his _ Mrs. John White. would be sentenced to seven years’ penal servitude. Eastbourne and stayed at an he ___ a good deal towa -ds making good the amounts Eastbourne between 10. id 11 p.m. j m May 19th motor cycle oujtsice the Redoubt or the morning in that the shot mark id the sleeve of Head’s waist­ the taxi-cab was greater than that of toe van. The I t —Mr, and Mrs. U, Lieut. Alfred George Howard, of the R.G.A. He coat might have been imade with the muzzle of the horn of thfe van was sounded. J t r . and Mrs. Taylm SOLDIER CHARGED WITH BIGAMY. ______- __ -J ___ U L . L i Alin wiKnAn a t i n a had lost, and probably prisoner himself could rai.. and saw a car pass at a imendous sp lortly question. Witnei i did not lend it t > anyone, but he was wearing khaki uniform with the ribbon of the the (rest of the money of which he had defrauded afterwards he heard a and he fop d that two missed it and ajftei wards saw it on tl le Grand-parade. gun not more than 2-ft. 6-in. from the man, but; it Witnesses from the Brighton and Sussex Motor West View.—Mr. an William George Johnson (29), a bombardier in thb Distinguished Conduct Medal, which he Baid he had » was somewhat difficult to express an opinion on this Carriage Works said toe repairs to the taxi-cab could Mrs. Bradshaw. people. Counsel concluded with an appeal for motors had collided. nery was lying in the road, Cross-examin ed: He was in tie motor cycle trade Royal Field Artillery, pleaded guilty to feloniously point. i. have been executed in three weeks. Miss Hunt ring Florence Eva Mayoock, at Brighton, on | leniency. and he died about 12 minutes after wil is arrived. and had acted ps a demonstrator. Speaking from Princess Mansion. His Lordship aid prisoner had pleaded guilty to Surgeon J.“ A.“ Watson; “ R.N. said [e was riding experience, he sh raid say, jud fingj, from the small Sup. Criddle, of Uckfield, said on June 21st, after ,The jury returned a verdict for defendant*, and Walker. Mr. and 1 his wife, Alice, to whom he was married made the acquaiptani cautioning prisoner, he charged him with the murder judgment was entered accordingly. 08—Mrs. Sadler, t 1 1st, 1913. being then alive. of a lady and went to stay with her at a private hotel. obtaining a coniiderable sum of money. He knew in the oar with been from amount of damagign > done to the m< nob H; cycle, that the how to conduot limself, being a member of a good Redmont, their___ to item end of m: slower than be witnesses said he of Head, and he said, “Head owned at the hospital FURNITURE WAREHOUSING DISPUTE. 61—Mrs. Callender, > Mr. J. E. Raven appeared for the prosecution. He left the hotel with the lady and went to a, local the Parade and were It wqs a powerful was— travelling.------g.j I! he had been geing 15 miles an that he grabbed at the Gumish Guerden, t.| Lieut James Browning, R.F.A., said prisoner wai garage and showed her a motor car, which he stated family. He use< his elder brother’s name and pro­ . gun‘” i i T Another action before his Lordship and a common oa.—Mrs. Dawson. 1' he was about to purchase. The [lady left him to go fessed to be him, and by his manner he had no car add he had the grea! oonfidencelin prisoner’s hour witness woul 1 have expectid tie damage to the Prisoner gave evidence. evid He said he lived at •ttested for the Royal Field Artillery on April 28th, driving: He had been li lg out to sea, and find- maohine to be greiter than was the. case. Codings Court, Danehjll. and had been there over jury was a claim by Mrs. Annie Lizette Covvey, of Stdney House.-M m, 1806, and his record stated that he married Mrs shopping and he returned to the hotel alone and difficulty in macing people.believe he was Lord Littlehampton, against Messrs. Fellingham & Co., of Mtb. Chambers. Mr!] ” ■ " He d d not actually want the goods, but ing that the oar slowed town slightly he turned his Dr. Deane gave < ividence as to be njuries sustained 30 years. He had "know ieceased since childhood.- Mra. Holmes. Mast! Mayoock, the widow of a soldier. There was no went to the lady’s bedroom and asked the house­ head and saw the lights of another vehicle in front, by the deceased y rang woman. sen.) and asked him why Brighton, for damages for wrongful detention df' ■entry against hirn^on his record. He received gun­ keeper if she had any keys, as he wanted to get some­ ught hem in order to defraud furniture. i McCandlsrs. Mr. thing from a bag. Shortly afterwards, he drove to a giving" cheques or larger amounts, than _ . approaohing in the opposite! direction. A few seconds Chief Detective Inspector Pirker, of the East­ m witness’s frontage and and Mrs. Tucgay. shot wounds in the right forearm and shoulder in cost, so that he might reoeive the balance of the later there was a collision.! He estimated the speed bourne Borough [Police Force, laid he arrested the g that it was not very Mr. Rowand Harker appeared for toe plaintiff, and \ Palo. Mr. and Mr. France on November 10th last year, but had recovered locksmith’s and the taxi-cab driver saw him lay- a of their car at just over —!,J-miles an— hour.“— TLieut. * prisoner, who mace no reply wlen charged. should tend them -just' Mr. John' Flowers was for defendants. Msk. Mrs. Coffin -and was fit for duty now. If he received a senteno» small box on the counter. Then he went to the back money. He wss satisfied that prisoner was a Mrs. MaoCandless of the shop and forced open the box. When the thoroughly frauc ulent person: He had disgraced his Jones was on duty at Byj Mr.. Gates: He had made inquiries and found 1 a stick and he struck Mrs. Cowey said her husband and herself were of imprisonment he would not be taken back in th > family, the sohoc 1 at which he was educated, and the t Cross-examined: H the lights 'of the other that the prisoner rare an excell rat: character. put up his hand and the tenants of toe Coach and Horses, Brighton, and they Sea View.—Mrs. Ke lady roturned to, the hotel she missed a diamond le fingers. Witness took gave up possession last August. On August 11th she- Mr., Mrs. and Miss •Assay. j ' neoklet, valued at £30, and her jewel case contain­ Military College and the regiment to which he had oar swerve inwards j the accident. Lieut. This closed jth> case for tie prosecution, and S Miss Dnssob. Mr. 1. The Judge: If I do not send him to prison he will ing all her jewellery- and some money. The total belonged. He h id committed fraud upon fraud, and Jones was driving careful) prisoner gave evil enoe on his < wn •: behalf. He said the stick away from him, and Head then rushed [to went to see Mr. Fellingham about warehousing her Mr. and Mrs. E. H. ] continue in the Army and go to t^e Front again? value__ of _ the_ property ______missed was about £136. bad adopted a i Bghlar system of defrauding people Frank Pethers, a taki-cat iver, said he was taking that at the time ii question he vas {in his Way to the the brook, at the side I of which was a stone a little fumiture, .which she valued at between £500 and Thomas. Miss Pate Lieut Browning: He will rejom the Army, but Priaoper had pledged £83 worth of the jewellery in | by meanti ofwo rthless cheques. The only thing he a fare to the R.A.M.P. ip and a naval oar passed Manchester Regiment orderly room. When he was larger than a brick. lAs he was stooping to pick! thi: £600, until they obtained another house. M!r. Carter. Miss Kren whether he will go to the Front 1 cannot say. London for £30, and he gave[the rest to various had heard Which Would indupe him to mitigate the him, going in the opi direction,: at about 15 riding along the Parade he saw the char-a-banc1 and up witness pushed him headlong and Head fell on Fellingham agreed to remove the furniture for V Miss Palmer. Mil ge: That is kept as a treat for people at women in London. > 1 sentence was thi state of his health. Be was not miles an hour. It was not i iven in a straight course, passed it on its rear side. He dii that as he his face, which caused ins nose to bleed slightly, £2. 15s. and to chargd a sum of 5s. a week for storage. Mr. and Mrs. Phllh. bht was first on one side >f the road land then on Head said he would turn his cows out on the Common Nothing was said about an inventory. Sherasked for Mias. Hopper. Mi-sl I behaviour. , The Judge: Did he stay at the hotel with this going to pass a lets sentence upon him because he going ub Viotoria -place and waite j to make a wide Burn. Messrs. Heatf woman? 1 belonged to a gt od family. That fact only made the the other. There were no i lamps tin the Parade, turn. He noticed the two ypuni; li pies when he was on the following day, and he walked away grumbling. an estimate, but did not receive one. The furniture His Lordship said if. prisoner had married a youm; Frederick Edgar Platts,, lead waiter fit the Hydro Shortly afterwards his son came up and asked wit­ was removed on August 13th, and she received ara Mr. Wll-on. Mr., I girt the case would 'probably have been dealt trip j Witness: Yes, my Lord. 1 case worse, beoa i»e he had had opportunities which 15 or 20 yards ofl thorn.. They sc aed to stop and Mr. and Mrp. Woui Did be promise to marry her?—He spoke to her the ordinary run of criminals had not possessed, and Hotel, deposed to seeing oar travi igi about 20 one of them stepjied back into hi; There would ness, “What have you been doing to my father? ” account on August 20th amounting to £3. 15s. for and Mrs, Webber.] very severely. He married a widow, whom he miles an hour along the . le, Witness said, “Nothing much, we only had a!few the removal of toe furniture and £1. 10s. for an atiy a short time. In the ---- about• marriage. • 1 *— crimerime deserteddeserved greater punishment because he have been plenty of room for h to pass if toe Robertson had thrown awi.y his opportunities. He would be Arthur Dodswell, a Sea •ut and watcher, young lady had n it stepped bac k. .words and he nit me mth a stiok.” Before witness inventory, which she did not ask for, and for which Chatswokth Hotel.! of the country being what the; I Prisoner denied that he promised to marry the could say any more he said, “Come on outside and she declined to pay from the first. Later her ___, _i thought he would be justified in the cou woman at Eastbourne. He said the Governor at sentenced— J to 18 months’tils’ impimprisonment, ent, but solely spoke-ike to seeing -a car-L- goi- L: fairly fi along the Cross-examined: It was correc; he out in front Rev. and Mrs. Gillia T his heal! sentence would Parade about the time of r_ , collisio:____ and Henry of the motor chai-a-bano. we will settle it,” and witness replied, “Yes,.that I husband_ and and herself took tjie New Inn, LittlehampLittlehamp­ Miss Weaver. ) be was about to take. If prisoner was ‘sent to _ Manchester Prison advertised to find him a situation 1 owing to the sbte can do, as I am just coming out.” He walkedido; ton, and she saw Mr.r. FellinghamFellinghath with referreference to- Kpnt Mies Wall be would be entirely lost to the Service! Be was | leaving gaol, but when it' became known that he I be without hard labour. Lewis, another coast watoher, said he lenged the The Rev. Trevo r Basil Woodc, v: ■ of St John’s, ear referred to by the lost witness *~- the lights Fitzroy-square,; Lradon, said lie vos walking up the path to his house 4) yards away. Witness had a the removal of toe furniture to Littlehamptonton, whiwhich Miss Allardyce. ... valuable man in a military sense, though not in been oonvicted' of forgery; people would not A MERCIFUL YIEW. , Brown. Mr. Borns loy him. On the Governor’s advice he joined were; so powerful. Victona-placo and saw the two yoi ng ladies ooming field about a mile awsy, and as he had not seen it Mr.. » Fellingham...... ,.H estimated 8 ------would__T. cost She- £11. £1 S Hucklesley. Mr. anl Army, enlisting in the R.G.A., but on being Annie Mannin j (30), cook, pleaded guilty to endea­ Serg|t. Geer gave evideooe as to skid parks on the towards that thoroughfare. 1 s he motor cyclist for some time he intended going down to see whether stipulated it the fhrniture should be deliveredilivered on Nldd. Mr. Fardell af I drafted to Bristol he found that the sergeant in vouring to conoe il the birth of her chudjby the secret road, and said from the positions of the vehioles he appeared the ladic s hesitated, oi e „ ping forward and the gates were 'all rt?ht, and'he always made a October lsjt, bqt. Mr. Fellingham said owing to the Batollffe. Mr, and! disposition of it i dead body, at Brigh|ton, on May assumed that the Naval car was, not on its proper toe other backwaids into the notoi eyrie. She gait practice of taking his gun with him, as "there were Government having;, commandeered his vans and as Hitchlngs. Mr. Mail I charge of his battery was a police sergeafit, whp knew rabbits in the field. He took four cartridges out of he had very few men he did not know whether he H it and friends. he had been arrested for forgery, and ho Made his 22nd. ' f side and the taxi-cab was. The road -was strewn involved in it and was thrown d iwn! Rev. ffi. Broadett BURGLARY AT A SCHOOL HOUSE. Mr. L; G. Hoi ton Smith appeared for the prosecu­ with nuts, bolts, spanners and pieces of wood of the Asked as to the lace of the me tor hycle, the witness a box. He walked down to the gate with the gun on would be able to do so, but if he could not the cost life suoh a perfect hell that he deserted. He went to his left arm and opened the gate with his right hand. of warehousing would cease after that date and he Cavendish Hotel.- Richard Allen (35), shoemaker, was indicted f4 I London ana bought an officer’s uniform, and he had tion, and Mr. hj iles Hansell represented prisoner. same colour as the taxi-cab. ■aid it was going faster than hs should ride on his Major and Mrs. £ and burglariously breaking and enti been giving reoruiting speeches in different parts Detective Supt. Forward stated that prisoner had Sergt. North deposed to interviewing the accused, own push bicycle, but not so fast ai one saw motor Gilbert Head was staidiDg about three yards fro: would deliver the furniture as soon as possible after Band. Capt and -house of Felix Crawford and i of London,-hia appeals resulting in 486 recruits being previously gliver birth to two illegitimate children, who said they were jonly travelling af a moderate cycles travel. ; him, and as soon as witness turned from the gal. that date. ' The furniture had not arrived by October Salire- Gen. Barn» ___ „ ; of jam, a bottle of Bovril, 1-lb. of 1 obtained. both of whop w sre alive. -peed, and that there must have been ai cross-road at Dumbr ty, of Kensington Coirt, W., sister of Head rushed at him and grabbed the gun with hii 6th and her hupband wrote to Mr. Fellingnam, and Taylor. Mr. Lewis. , of tea, a bag of prunes and other goods, The Judge si id it oould not be said definitely he place. oua i {witness,...... oorroborated her brother’s right hand, and nearly pulled witness' headlong) failing.to obtain toe furniture the matter was placed Mrs. and Mies Field. I His Lordship said prisoner made the acquaintance ------•- -C J'J-J _ - itness recovered himself'and nearly pulled the gui in toe solicitor’s hands. Mrs. Stephenson. M ' i Green, on April 6th. ' of the young woman at Brighton, and, foolish girl whether thsjohi d had a separate existence. In the Ernest William Loyd; arage prop etor, deposed The mdtor cycle, ahd added, was making M . circumstances ai id bearing in —“ 1 **•-* ‘ to examining the the”collision.ollisic The Naval noise. | , out of Head’s hand. Head - was pulling hard am Cross-examined: She' denied receiving an estimate Mrs. Seymour Hffhl John Flowers prosecuted, and Mr. P. Sut ' as she was, she listened to his proposal of marriage witness’s hand slipped up the gun close to the guan from Mr. Fellingham for £3. 15s. for the removal of Chas. H. Smith, Graeme defended prisoner, who pleaded i as he was dressed as an officer) -wearing a uniform two children grei e living he woi oar was on to >uld work |up from four jury, afte • about a n mute’s deliliberati,tioh, Mr. Gibson in the sum of i 20 to come up to 90 miles an hour, ixi-cah was'oh third speed, found he prisoner not guilty, land he wass at oionce and the gun went ofl. Witness threw both hands the furniture. She received the furniture on | to whioh he had no right whatever. The. girl took called upon. . . i the maximum of wl id be 18 mites an hour, up and pushed deceased from' him. Deceased was November! 19th. She paid Messrs. Wheeler £6 for -! tQUEEHSBOBOtrbHl Crawford, schoolmaster, said i he lived at the him for what he professed to be. He engaged to twisted round and the gun came back over his left removing tye furniture, of which she believed He had House, Wisborough Green. le went to many her and got her jewellery and money) Ha AN UNCLE’S OFFENCE. Percy Ellison, gem ager of the Eastbourne Mtyi Henderson. M William Brool hurst (43), carter, pleaded guilty to Corporation motor ipartment, expressed the shoulder. Witness gave the gun a hard snatch and j *° pay i 10s. to Mr. Fellingham for unstoring it. Bishop. 'Capt and U.45-OU the night in questk i and about 2.4 agreed to meet her at the registry offioe and she overpowered the deceased; as the gun.came away She paid Mr. * Wheeler an additional 10s., as she Gator. Mrs. Young. le heard his dog barking and a smash went there expecting to be married to him, but he criminally assaulting Ethel Greenfield, aged 14 years, opinioh from indicai _ the ‘ lent that the THURSDAY^ Mrs. McEarlane Mb m at Patching, on or about December 5th. speed pf the Naval not less 30 miles an from deceased it wenu off, and deceased ran away thought he waa hardly dealt with. but thinking that a lamp which v | never appeared. Next he went to Eastbourne and shouting, .“Ohl Ohl” He saw him run about 100 Li the course of the cross-examination his Lordship Garratt Mr. and M. len he did not go do’ On i practised practically the same kind of thing there. Major W. W. Grantham prosecuted.ed. • hour. The weight :xi-cab was from 23 to 25 F a r m e r ? ’ f a t a l q u a r r e l , rand Mrs. Horlock. Mr I of the little girl cwt. and of the Na iver two to: yards, and toon he went indoors and said, “ He has said the case appeared to have resolved itself into a Mr. and Mrs. Alien.. ' „ ___ ling he found that He was going to take into consideration the East­ The Judge sai 1 prisoner was uncle of v e r d ic t Of ao<;i and lived in the lame house. He1 wouldiqld be sentenced efence, Lii Jones said TAL. done something for !hi mself to go- on with.” Head questionuestion ofo! law, and counsel agreed to the jury being Misses Bright Mrs.' disarranged, and burnt paper bourne case in passing sentence. Prisoner had been Giving evidence ip bis j .. had his sleeves tucked up and appeared ai though dispensed:------j Srith,- ' lying about, while the scullery dc. was open convicted previously and it was perfectly clear that to 12 mdntfas’ hi-rd labour, and he wasraa not' sure that ie had been in the Naval Rea sinoe 1906 William Bro? (60), descri >ed a wood dealer, iteerod for lying’servioe. he did not mind what he did with witness. Witness Mr. Ralph»h BiBrown Weir, managing clerk to Mr. the window broken. Certain article were miss | he’ wore the officer’s uniform with the object of that was not toe light a sentence. , and in; Ootober last year ras charged toe Wilful mi ler of Gilbert had only been out of hospital from a serious opera­ Arthur Shjelley,. solicitor, of the Town Offices, Little­ Dr. and Mrs. Steek whioh he valued'at 12s. He idee ied the article deceiving people and in order to rob them, and now He whs First Lieu! the Eat eurne Flying Mr. Parker. Mrs. Da, AN ABDUCTION CASE. of flying lore. He had lumphrey He at Danehill, c n te 5th. tion for a few mont is. He denied making the hampton, said he was admitted as a solicitor in 1885. 3 ■ produced as some of them which he . indu he told them that he was entitled to great credit for Station and chief remark that his son-in'-law attributed to him, and He tendered £4. 10s. as payment for toe removal and Aldons. Mr.audMrsT] • book on algebra, which was used daughter! | having made speeches inviting people to join the William Owon Jones (24), soldier, was charged wiih been on service to ge and ( id. On the Mr. H. F. | ickens, K.C., and F. St. John Mrs. Gattey. Miss Gatj the abduction m ither’s .house and some time befo seemed to swerve and the struck'lcroS Danehill, whe prisoner also a farm. He ^Prisoner^rejilied that the police often put a jit! plektns. Miss Lawred on the morning of April 7th. He l than went awi y together, the mother probably ;oing to turn his warehouse. There were two pantechnicon loads, Monsieur .Var.glebbo Jacob John Astley (32), described as of no occupa­ his eyes. He thought ie car was wanted the ji ra follow very oli v the evidence comprising about 4i tons. He also informed plaintiff having a rest. He was moved by witne tion, but who was wearing the uniform of a lieutenant noticing that they were somewhat intimate, told down!one of the openini on to thi parade. The on the point i{ther this may ha- je been a case of In reply to. Mr. EUio tt, prisoner said he had hi way about an hour later. Afterwards witn«{ prisoner!the girl’s ago, across front of his that toe charge for rent would be 5s. a week, which The Lahse. in -the Army, pleaded guilty to l feloniously forging car seemed to swerve aoddental shi___•tir g. His subm issii would be that been on good terms wit i young Head previously. she agreed to pay. He took a written estimate to among the hay 1-lb. of tea, a box of crayo | and uttering an order for the payment of £6, at -Lieut. Stuart Cheeseman, of the own car and the eollisio urred. Hi could not say it oould not hav.vp been aooide n! in the sense in Mr. Dickens, in a brief address, contended that Miss Flanagan.. Mirel blotting paper, a bag of prunes, a pot of ; Brighton, on June 28th; also to obtaining from Lotus exactly what he did to land avoid ii He tried to the Coach and Horses the same evening. It was Boyd. MIssGoodwin. and a bag. whioh prisonei>dall ed that it w as. Dealing witfi toe evidence of the actual occurrence and the surroum customer " ‘ ’ ‘ r Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Hymati-%, 16s. by false his brakes and ,, jte to turn to foots, counsel__ prisoner__ siemi to Have some circumstances showed prisoner’s guilt. any artic Mrs. Couseos. Mrs. E. Cozens, oiif Wisborough Green, deposed to e June 28th; feloniously fo: m eat Witness ;bt;to avoid the ion, but re was not feeling of irrit&t on with rogi ang the accused in Hugher Copse cii th j r d Head’s father Mr. Elliott said' prinner appeared to he a man of complained i Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hughes’ Copse on the Loxwo I for, the payment of £85 , ______the re; ' .ent. clear the other le. having his cows ojpposite his friire ntag|e, prisoner seem- MIsb Kendall Mrs. road about 11.30 a.m. on April 7th. He v Brighton, on June 29th; and, further, with unlaw- .mender Philip n . 001 iding at the peculiar temperament. He was so obsessed with the account to £2. 15s. for the removal and £1. 5s. for too -Lieut Clark, Mire _ The si id'he couM quite believe prisoner’s ing to think! ' le was eiitit ed have no other idea that he was in thi right that he did not realise so> inventory, ticketing and storing.' Mrs. Cowey was near a fire and when he saw witness he story g irl raa away with him as much as he ie Aerod ,. ie stat. , was a school cows than his there. It was iterial whether Mrs Hale. Mr. and , said Lieu! Jones was a muoh as some would :hat the young man was killed satisfied and he quoted £11 for the removal of fRe Perkin--. Mr. and Mrs. | did v He had been m prison three mont that wag right; oi wrong. There was an altercation through the; unfortunate difference which oocu furniture from his warehouse to Littlehampton. Mr. and Mrs. LJoyd. attempting to obtain from the same Company tea and he . i ot have him kept there any long! ffioient officer easentii He was on between deceased 's father and ] irisoner, and prisoner between them. If itlhnppened in the way prisoner.*, cases^trf wine with intent to defraud on June 28tk but sente ice him to three days’ imprisonment, ,t the time of lision.' appeared to have Winifred Sears, clerk in toe employ of toe last MoSTt!l| wrawuug into tile school house and took mm Dai grown very i ngr ’ and put his fist he was not guilty of the crime of murder, o t not evi witness, said she' _ id an estimate for Mrs. Cowey which, lag fr xn the commencement of the Assizes, ixamined: wmch Lii it. Jones was in -the face of pld Mr. Head. 1 'he atter Had a small Mrs. Godsmark. . there. On the way prisoner said, “If I had stolen Mr. Rowand Harker prosecuted. upon would not exoessii speed, but ,of manslaughter. Buu if they thought that, bavin and gave it to Mr., _ ellingham,__ o______on August llto. Ob would lean his immediate discharge. stick in his and he app sared to have struck regard to tne previoui quarrel and the words wit September 28th, after a visit by Mrs. Harverson. Miss Cro- lot of money instead of this lot-you would not hai Detective Supt Forward said! prisoner was born at probal " r he would be _ get back his quarters, “irisoner in thi f we. Prison! r ti ereupon knocked >1 n a /vfCiMA D— - # J . Coweyiwey to defen- Nlooll. . Master - Leslie took me so easily, because when you came down in ‘FOLD PUNISHMENT No. 2.’ seeini e had been on < since 4 a.i young Btead, and that in a1 heated struggle and while dant’s— office, j—. ■ witness —— ------found— an w..■ envelope u.wps conti containing Mr. and Mrs. rails, j that copse I should have dropped half a tree on you , Melton Constable, Norfolk. He was single and was iim down, Head went bi ck o his own house his blood was up he discharged the gun involuntarily, pe the estimate, which hafl been left in the office. and Miss Murlls Ura [ the seoond son of the late Lord Hastings. He was William Gilbe rtj Fowler (17), soldier, pleaded Ca] Scarlett,tt, r m enter of stations, said and told his si vj'hat had happened Thereupon the — " ...... ~ i. Wit­ ~!jjt this lot is not worth it ” (laughto^ to aa attempt* di criminal assaalt on Edith Lieu! always en well rei submitted that he would have been guilty of m ness also spoke as to the interview between Ms. Weir Mrs Cooban. Mire I. at' Eton and in 1901 enterea the Rordl Jones had irted on, and son, unarmed an! without haling a stick, and not slaughter. He asked the jury to dismiss from thei apd Mr. Fellingham. aria Madams. Ablay. in the articles found on prisoner was ! Military College at Sandhurst After remainmg Harriott, aged ) years, at Keymer Urban, .on Ji his , were vi ;entiy roqt even having is! eeves rolled u i, wi int to Browning’s Masters Hnttoc. Mrs. book, which Mr. Sutherland Graeme i 5th-. minds prisoner’s mental attitude. He ought, and be James Mardell, manager to Messrs. Hudsons, Ltd., therein 12*"—12 months 11 1he —was gazetted — “ to• the •* 16th ’Lanoen Thi jury, after v minutes’ deliberation, house. He m doubt went there vary angry ai toe would when he came to a proper frame of mind, - Cpcll Abbott Miss appeared to have some connection with algebra. as seoond lieutenant, and resigned his commission is Mr. John Flo vers prosecuted, and Mr. T. L re! led a verdict o gmlty,’ Lieut. Jones av in which hitit father had b ran treated, and just of Brighton, said it was toe custom of the trade_to Harverron, sen. Mr. _ The Jud^e: Are^tiiere any instructions for represented prii oner. was discharged. as tie came oi appreciate the gravity bf the case and would mourn, for prepare an inventory of all furniture stored. Efe Mr. tellers. Mr, Wood 1906. His father died in 1903 and prisoner stated g l tpe pathway i ear; Browning's farm the rest of his life, the fact that ho bad been toe unwil­ thought s proper charge for removing the furniture, /Mrs. tee. Mrs. Goodi that he inherited £8,000. He lived upon that for Capt, Robinsi n gave prisoner a good character. he trailed to Browning who was going out1 to feed Sutherland Graeme: I should not have under- . In reply to he Judge, Gapt. Robinson said his horse, i’Are ling instrument of the i ieath of a young man like Head. storing it and toe inventory would be about £5. 10s. Mrs. Gillies. Miss Cii- some time. On September 10th, 1912, he was con­ ou going t > ti rat me like you Clarenoe Sadler, estimating clerk to Messrs. Layton. Mrs. and Mlt] them if there were, my Lord (laughter), victed of fraud at Cape Town and bound over to thought prison! r oould be punished in .toe j l TU E5 •DAY. treated my rathe " ! ft"'nsoner__ '. (H sail “ “That I The Judge, in the course of his summing up, said He Mrs. Moore; er went into the box and went through He would speak to the Colonel about it. After the altercs tion with ole M was at a loss to see any evidence which would justify Dnrtnall, of London and Brighton, Baid an inventory oome up for sentence when called upon. In A HIGHLAND^ a c q u it t ed . Head prisoner West . many of whioh, he said, contained no November, 1913, he qras charged at Cape Town with The Judge: Menty of drill, confined to had) [one homi He said little aboi t the all ireation, him telling the jury that upon the case as laid bi" was always made and charged for when furniture was *a m . by which they oould be identified. He aud all that. i les Hetherington arson, a lanoe >ral in them in the evident* it could be mauslaugl stored. He estimated £5 as. a fair eharge for the Col. Chamberlain. obtaining £11 by fraud and said he was sentenoed to J but made] ai observation abc it ha- given Klngham. Mire C. . oil knowledge of the book on algebra and -some r Capt. Robins m: We can give him Field Punish­ tile rdon Highlanders, rai indicted foi , miously somebody a ar ting. After he Prisoner’s defence was that il was an accident brpi removal of the furniture, storing and inventory. six months’ hard labour, but the Metropolitan Polioe had 3 : young Sometimes the inventory was included in the estimate Miss Mlldren. Mr. an tile other articles. He said he used the crayons “It said it was seven months. In September, 1914, kt ment-No. 2. . ; ■* killiai and slaymg Lily 1 bel, at Eastaoiiurne, on the Head and de the remark 1» hi m went about by deceased’s struggle for the gun. It was Constantine. Mr. and •ketch between a lie and the truth.” \ The Judge: IE you will do that I will not give 1 'ebruary. straight back the jury to consider th j evidence carefully, and di and sometimes not. enlisted in the Natal Light Horse , and became tisr house and into the it room, Mr. Flowers argued that Mrs. Cowey must have Mrs. Inches. Miss Bi The Judge: Nobody has ever been able to skew sergeant-major. He served until last March, when punishment N o. 1 ” (laughter). See that he %\ Rowand Harl ited, arid Mr. Gates, where his gun!wall kept... . He .... to ik ‘ gun and loaded whether they could take that view. mss Steel. Mdine. D « true portrait of a lie. I wish I oould (laughti plenty of it. . ins! Oted :by Mr. J. R. iedermayer, defended. The jury were al*en! just one hour. They returned had the estimate from Mr. Fellingham and that ft Miss Browning MIsm he returned to England with a . view to obtaining a barrels be went out. Two! witnesses would was clear she agreed to the amended aooount of Prisoner handed in a plan of the commission in the Army. June 2nd he wgs The Judge tod prisoner that he had disgraced J. R. Thacke i t borpugh surveyor speak to hi two shots firei 1 and then to hearing a verdiot of not guilty, and prisoner was liberated. Gammon. Miss Dewc- he was found, which he said he dree in Po gazetted a seoond lieutenant ih the North Somerset '‘uniform which he wore. In consideration' of itbourne, prodi of the | Grand-parade young Head but, “Fetch a doctor,” arid they '-z-'-aj ■ ■ - | i £2. 15s. for toe removal and £1. 5s. for the inventory, Row-ell. Lieut and Prison while awaiting trial. He I that.) .stbourne whe fatality td Lily Gobel &c. -Gonzalenz and party. Yeomanry, but tyro days later, in consequence .of the being punished ,in his regiment as he deserved to I saw; away. Evintuilly he found his Mr. Harker: said the real cause of the action wa* Mire Harvey. Mdme. into toe school house, and left it to \ i jury 'to jii War Office having ascertained his record in South ha would bind rim over fti toe sum of £10 to i ued, and gave van- measuremtyts, way home wil he help of a net. nei| 1hibour. .... Prisoner ■ ___ CIVIL BUSINESS. I , Butler and party. Mis he got behind the tree hide from Agnes Lennard, Irmaid at tod Royal Hotel, went back to " toe attitude of defendant in claiming £11, his charge Africa,'the commission was cancelled. He opened up for judgmeit when called upon. “Behave ) }m& He ap lear id perfectly calm, Medwyn fi-1“ ble or to g out of the rain, an aocount at Messrs. Cox & Co.’s bank at'Cnaring self in future,’) oonolufied his Lordship, “ for . East' iurne, stated that the day id question she and said to i-in-law, “Tl at his given tne - for removing.the furniture to Littlehampton, before Crawfiford (re-called) ■ ______said ie crayons went fo# a walk with ly Gobel, i who was in Ten actions, inoludng two for breach of promise he would part with toe furniture, and that he was Mr. and Mrs. Lnke Cross with £63 outfit allowance and advance pay. at Sussex Assizes will bo a very i one to go on His son- n-lai ? asked him who not entitled to do this. Duckworth. Mrs. Cut produced were similar to „ ose used in He received a cheque book containing 25 cheques. tern; >rary employment the Royal Hotel. They he meant, am h t said, “Gilbe t.'” Later, when toe of marriage, have been entered for trial at Sussex and he identified the pen as belonging t o ! were walking along 'arade in the direction of His Irardthip said , in his opinion the proper course Mi-s Jee. Mrs. Curtii The whole of the money was drawn by ten cheques policemen he, prisoner said, “i; know you chaps Summer Assizes, and Mr. Justice Darling commenced Mrs. and Mire Galash daughter through the end w by June -11th, and the: other 15 cheques were pre­ EASTBOURNE MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE Beachy Head and mi to go up Victoria-plaoe. cannot help il did my] dut A statement for---- plain!solicitor to have adopted would have Mrs. Young. Miss Lie) Hu Lordship said .it was for the iury to sented to various persons and were returned as not FAILS. Thoy crossed over the and saw a 1 motor cnar-&- was taken fro; Head before hi i die 1, and he said he toe hearings on Weditesday. been to toe coincidence of articles similar bano going west. 1 then to ,ve brought an action in tSe County Court 4 Lascelles Hoc .t all events having been met. These totalled £122. 9s. The NavlaL Aviator Acquitted. about three parts of tin made a grab tor the gun. Pri ranei -’a story was that PULBOROUQH LIBEL ACTIC tooee lost being found i in the where cheques were paid mostly for the hire of motor cars, way across they saw >tor cyclist, (rho was dost Head got holf f the gun, b it it would be stated for the ivery of the amount which plaintiff elainled Mire HtU. Mrs. . had been. Prisoner said he used crayons . Robert Hilton Jones' (26), on bail, a lieutenant in to them before they q1 —1 him. Shq did not know A libel action brought by Dr. Ernest vrauge iverpaid. It would have been a question Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. t and prisoner’s practice was to make out a oheqae in evidence there was. m scorching of Head’s of Pulborough, against Mr. Gerald Maurice Bujn Miss Davies. Mr. am •ketohing a lie against the truth, ire had net the Royal Nav tl Air Servioe, was charged with the whether Miss Gobel . forward >r backwards, waistcoat, am of a few! pounds only, and oould have been settled for a larger amount than toe account and to receive manslaughter if Ernest Henry Chimnery,’ at East­ the gun ha> 1 be ra fired close to was first mentioned. A* B. Van Raalt. Mi yet been an artist who was able to ski the absolute the' balance in cash.': On June 22nd prisoner hired but when witness looki ound skis ' lying on toe dposased the: v ould undoubt sdly have been some very quickly. He thought the plaintiff was entitJea truth so far as he knew (laughter] Even the 0ld bourne, on Ma r 19 th. - Mr. J. E. Raven, Counsel for plaintiff,intiff, slated that to recover in the present action, for he considered Kmnm. Misses Fllrai a oar for, two days at Newmarket, stating that he scorching. Mr. Rowand Harker who appeared Mis, Caatleton and ftl masters never attempted to sketcl a lie, so was op speoial service, and was going to Portsmouth. Mir. P. Satoe land Graeme prosecuted, anj Mr. G. -examined: She not look see whether jiest Hei. id for defendant, that Mr. Fellingham had no right to detain the goods. Elliott, K.C., a id Mr. Rowand Hadter appeared for Fuller, archil ect ; ind surveyor, of would make a statem rat on behalf of the,_ defendant, Geendoweb anyone should say at once, “This is a lie.' He whs away eightjlays and was traced to Brighton. there; was anything any " eli rating besii toe char-a­ Lewes, produi a plan of thi spot. He said from Had he been called upon to decide upon the question 92$$ people had attemp to sketch truth and He gave a worthless cheque for £30 for the hire of the defence, a ] lea of not guilty, being entered. banc. She did not 1 le mo to le until it was and after that he (Mr. Raven) would aakjfoi of toe tender of the money by Mr. Weir he woula Browning’s h ms 9 to the spo: wl ere toe shooting ment for an amount (a be endorsed on the briefs. labelled it “Trut------on the frami so that the car. At toe Royal York Hotel, Brighton, he Cctansel for bp prosecution said the - charge was dose upon them. took place wa have been inclined to accept the view of Miss Sears ty^kinson.8’ Mre^Ho know it (laughter). But toot accused drove a motor car so recklessly, Private Henry S. of toe ly Service lp yards. . Mr. Rowand Hark ir said part of toe terms we and Mr. Fellingham, and he also believed that as Franklin. Mr. and M presented a worthless cheque in payment of a small _ William wuuam needHi a farmer,tarmer, bf if Gollingfordt ollmgford Farm, that he on defendants partsshould read an apology. dor Kecken. M. and further than that aocount. On the day of his arrest he hired two oars, egngCbtly'anil at such a speed along the Grand- Corps, stated that at lie of toe ■dent he was estimate was sent bv defendant, though it was quite Goldstein. Mr. and Mi jury found prisoner guilty. He admit™. a taxi-cab driver at Danehill, said deceased Was■ bit■ Iso son n ’ He had .known The apology was as follows: “I, Gerald Maurice giving the name Lord Paget,land did not pay for parade, Bastbo ime, shortly befere 11 o’clock on the kboume. toe day in prisoner for possible that plbintiff herself did not see it. He Lammene. Mdlle. Lai previous conviction for being in possession of hoi them. That morning witness had received a warrant night of May ! 9th, that he collided with a taxi-cab question he saw two h irossmg toe Irand-parade. tr 24 years, aid his farmhouse waB Burn, the above-named defendant, hereby publicly thought obviously plaintiff wap liable to pay £5 at Mire Hills. Mrs. Rtote breaking implements with intent to Commit a felt A motor cycle overtook about 300 or yards away fre m B -owning’B. There state and admit thaj the accusations made by Mr. and Mrs. A. King from Newmarket against prisoner for uttering a proceeding in he opposite direction. The taxi-cab ohar-ariranq and it looked had been __ all events, but defendant entirely misconceived lfis cut he denied being an habitual criminal. forged cheque for £4 at an hotel at which he had driver was thn >wn out and died as toe result of a as if tiie rider wanted cross toe ! id. Witness jute i between thim a tout thej'oows on against the above-named plaintiff and contained rights with regard to a lien upon- the: furniture. Mrs. Harrison. Miss Several previous convictions were pros frdctnred skull. Prisoner was a flight lieutenant;in rated the speed at the Common "Du i “this was ths worst go.” ] Witness certain letters written by me on the 4th and 11 Miss hlphlck. Mr. a stayed, and hi* Lordship was asked to take this ipto to 30 miles ■ an hour. He saw Bro’ According to his own document he oould not clajm King. Mrs. Fagan him, including one at Bodmin in 1906 for burgl I consideration. > the Royal Navj engaged at the flying'school at E ;he collision. The i aed to emerge oh Saturday, June j to, about 5 p.m., May, 1914, to Dr. Archdeacon, the co-partner oi the £11 for the removal of the furniture till it arrived ’ him not to lit his oows go out'on toe sentence being three years’ penal servitude, I By Mr. Flowers for prisoner) r Accused bourne, and hraftd his services were held in , toe near side pf One above-named plaintiff, in his practice as a m outside the house at Littlehampton, He did not Howabd House «me in 1909 at Winchester A-ssizee for burghuy, highest regard it the Admiralty. Oh three oocasiq ine hesitated and t s itness asked 1 im v-hat he had to do ----- ’ • ...... ■ 8) think there was muoh 'evidence of damage suBtauied | was under the of [drink when he was AL J tin. Brownii g put himself into Mrs. R. B. Ward an •entence being five years’ penal servitude. arrested. -21 he had taken ] wrt in attaoks made on the Belg' ;ed flown. The! seemed to by^ plaintiff ^ through the furniture having Been Mire Frost Miss E. ( sea coast in to > occupation of the enemy and try tb get out of each i '»/way. They were ran i footbi and Mr. and Mrs J. Parker Supt Alee, of the West Sussex Polioe, said wl Mr. Flowers pointed out jthat the ohampagne Irowning in the face with a detained, and he gave judgment for her and assessed w custody prisoner said, “I like doing you ohapsj ordered at the Grand Hotel was not supplied. It bade with the fareatest credit. Jin i reply to Mr, Gat witifass said iff Miss Gobel ------—ick, and] and my wife are ai uutely _ false JB and defamatory h toe damages at £5 with costs. _ J. and D. Hill. Nurr half keptdoin^the aocid -Broi hmi dow l. Witness went without, the slightest! foundation," " and nd -I desire Herbert Rev. R.J. have done the police many times. I generally I was ordered to be sent to Lord Hastings* prisoner’s The Judge ai ked K the accused was on duty at I |t would not Have happened, with Counsel intimated that they would come to an ----- l, • ! if that dog time the acdKte it occurred? ldy of Messrs. Chapman cbws and his i on tor cyclist at she heard to o sl ots and saw the His Lordship: Then there wifi be judgment coming out. Restores and 1 a dan 25 to 1 ted them to fi tch i, doctor. Witness the plaintiff oh terms endorsed on the briefs. strengthens the Hair. Auxahdba Hotel “ “ toe Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society I prison he did what he could to redeem his character, i)t to de RENSWER. * Is not a Dr*. H. Freeman. Mr. i must be getting rioh on prisoners’ gratuitirt.’’ I Immediately the rebellion connected with the present ing the position of' the motor dars on the road. Cross-examined: If Gobel not stepped 1’s house anc toll his parents and A BRIGHTON ACCIDENT. Cousins. Mr. and 1 Prison, he declared, would oniy^aake him war broke oat he joined the Natal Light Horse and In cross-exaz lin&tipn, witness said toe road was SO k there would! i no accident to th and jifterfrarda she sent Miss Bardcastle am rogue than he was before. . rose from the rank of trooper to sergeant-major. feet wide at to i spot and there was room for a car to ~enry Thos. Cob motor romietor. of* am to George Frederick Wilson, owner of a Employer: “ Look here, Miss Smith, w henl ^ Mr. James Palo. A The Judge said they were not there to diso iss He also served in German South-West Africa apd pass between t be taxi-cab and toe kerb. fcboume, said he riding along- George Cli t Newnham, if Blrnt Hdqse. Dane- cab, brought an action before his Loi engaged rau, you told me you could write shorthand ?,”■ Dutton. Mr&Brov Prisoner 8 grievances with the Discharged Prisoners’ obtained a commission. As there was very little Rudolf Viele -, photographer, of Seaside-road, Parade on toe mo i questii | «t a fast pace, hill; deposed leanng two ihots;quickly following common jury against Messrs. Miles, launwj Typist: So I can, sir, but it takes me so much longer Preston, ion. Mr. aduied photographs of the spot ' afterwards saw a ! lift'!" ifroad. one another Portslade, for damages to his taxi-cab and ooi Hals ton Head. Mi -ty. So far as the evidence went the Socii itv fighting there he was anxious to go to France, and then a scream H »ran in'toe direc- loss of profits, which he alleged to have been di than ordinary writing.”—Tfte P atting Sjhow. and Mrs. Bowles. , - employment, but on coming out of giol with that object in view he returned to England, t oocurred. .Tin. Skinner, of toe iliqe and at tion of whe the scream came frtm and saw Head Mrs. Hansell. Modi be started walking away from the mob who had co ne ilia George Shearer, R.A.M.C.. stationed toe m time , of the ------acd{tent i be Bsstbourne the negligence of defendants. being commended by his commanding officer. He id« of 4 path. . Je fetched Dr. Syden- Mr. Rowand Hfirker appeared for plaintiff, and and Miss Holden t o take him to that employment went to live with nis mother, the Dowager lady at Eastbourne, stated that ke wta driving fti toe taxi- Borough Poliee Force, motor ojdift lutmf ^ MACKINTOSH’S TOFFEE DE LUXE— Mr. Harold Brandon for defendants. . A sheer delight „ LANSDCV '9.—Mrs. Thornton. Mr. ' ia-MiMNorton. Miss] IL-Mrs John Eberste

I A , . . . .. jl .. . J »b Mid1 OB mpty taxi- EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY) JUL! 1 0 , 1 9 1 5 . l-road and as a hors* i and cam* CAVENDISH PLACE. &T. AIDAN’S PRIMITIVE METHODIST RIFLE MATCH. ( passing Jhafyim raM t ©isiAors’ £ is ‘ 12.—Miss Yonnino, Miss Muggerldge m PETTY SESSIONS. ’ THE SALVATION ARMY. HOW GOES THE EIGHT? vv^ding np 16.—Miss Sweetsong. Miss Smith._ UHURCH, SEASIDE. V he only why , i9.—Mrs. Horsley. Mr. Clowes. Mlsseo Clowes (2) LADIES v. SUMMERljoWN CONVALESCENTS. pt on speed, "tCT To ensure aoouraey Visitors an invited to send SL—Mr. F. W. Anderson. Mrs. M. Blsfckstone. Miss DNE8DAY.—B ifore! Mr. Herbert Curteis (in the A WEEKLY REVIEW. Names and Correotlons, dearly i written, either to D. BUokstone. Miss Y. Blacks tone. Miss. F, . Fmery,Emery. qhajr),JBaronn vaniRypnRpemer, Sir Richard Stapler, Mr. R E r OPENING OF CITADEL. |ick wheel of Mr. White. Mr. Page. Miss 111 ! Mr. and lbs. the Publishing Offices, Sonth-stredt, or. at either or SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. On Wedn ssday aftemi in a team of ladies, captained 1 , H. Evill,~ M W. F. Beauford, Mr. Claude Bishop Chinn. -Miss Chinn. Ur. T. P. md Mr. A. Bu tons law." > the Libraries or Prlpplpal Newest ante. No charge Crocker . g by Miss El Bailey John 1, met an equal number of ; The Citadel- in Langney-road, after thorough Aocording to report, tho Kaiser has said that the nent. He isinadetMjpeertJpn. (PortheleUff/read/amilw.) Gucnparke.—Mr and lb s. Brown, f. lessra. Golds- convalesced s from the ummerdown Camp, under war will bo over in October.- By this he means hia worthy (2)'. Miss Goldsworthy. Mias iblnson and ANNUAL PRIZE DISTRIBUTION. O.S.M; 'Pniehard, in a rifle shooting match on the LICENSEE H(i USES [AND SOLDIERS. r^novat on, was re-opened on Sunday. The services ji.u sounded. ■ This list is not Intended to lniinde permanent friend. Mia* Carpenter and friend. ... Whltiiey. gistrat is’ ol erk (Mr. E. O. Langham) stated hearers to understand that, by that time, tho Germans [he deducted Btddents. Municipal | Miniature nge, Gildredge Park. The | were markedly impressive;' [the j congregation also Mias Kaye; Mr. and Mrs. Suggate. 1 rs. Edwards. fixture (had [been arrant by the Eastbourne Rifle Club, ler was to ct me intoforoe on July 10th affect­ evidently appreciated the improvements effected in would have us and our Allies “ beaten to a frazzle,” a day for Mrs. Turner and party. Miss Dawson. Miss Davies. ing! all licensed i retaiies in the County of Sussex east On Sunday special services werei held in connection the conditions being ten l side and eight to count, 25 colour and design of the interior decoration, very as Mr. Roosevelt says. He knows as well as anybody Mr. and Mrs, Hough yards and ton sb ots and a Bi ghter.;er. The wind was rather of the river Arun. j Li censed houses were to be closed on hia ■ BOYAL PARADE tilth the above Snnday School the) preacher being the [to members of I is Majesty’s forces for the sale and appropriate texts, tastefully painted, having been that this will not be tho case, and what he really _— 1 a year, I _ ------.-Rant, and Mrs. Beard ELMS AVENUE. :x>o high for accurate shooting, but the competition was meant was this, when the Russians have been pushed Court lands.—Mr. and Mrs. Grant. Grant I av. T. S. East The afternoon meeting, was Ipreaij nevertheless! very enjoyable, the ladies beating: their (consumption of i ttoxii sating liquor between the hours added, [beside much needed structural alterations. fax onj1 that ' Channel View. -Mrs ttogers sJl*"i Berry. Mr and out of Poland and Warsaw has been taken, the Mrs. Pa! eh, Mr. Jones. Mrs. (Icnway. Misses Clabenob Villa.—Mrs. Rayner. Uayner (2). over by Mr. G. T. Cripps,. who, during the com more experienced rivals !by 43 points. After tea a of 0 p.m. and 15 ^nooi, and 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. This The pla iform has been much improved and enlarged, Mr. H. L. ]Rayner. Nurse Berner |ord|er did not app|y to the Newhaven defences. "and looked quite imposing on Sunday evening, when, added that Conway (3) his remarks, referred to the long period that he photograph was taken of! tne_two_ teams, who) hope to Germans will make one more tremendous attempt to 'BiHBT.-Mr.nnd Mrs. Matthews, t 1 Us3ee Lee (3) HARTINGTON PLACE! h sen: associated with Snndky School work. ]jt had at (return matcR The Eastbourne Rifle Club filled to its capacity, it presented a tyipical Salvation take Calais, and that then, win or lose, they will offer 1913, and SL—Mrs. Wilkin hod. Mrs. KJJloet NO LAMP. 97 days, Chssham Mansion. —____ Mr.'End„ ___ Mrs. Mrs.! t mes seemed somewhat discouraging, yet just recently io were3 responsible for the arrangements war-like appearance. The officers were supported in ireaco on terms which will seem generous, coming •Pobtreath —Mi«-> 1-nule Smith. Mr. Phillips. Mr. W. Darliugton, Mr. Saunders. Mr. and len Beresfiesford] (captain), Mr. H. S. W. Eyre Idward Clarke a labourer, of Heathfield, was sum- the foreground upon one side by the local officers and ;rom the winners, as they count themselves to be, i an hour. Phillip-. Miss Phillips. Mr.andMri.Hnnt ____Mrs...jhompson; Thom Mbs _ „ Thomo-on „ ___ if had afforded him great pleasure to find “ lohed for riding ; bicj cle without a light on June 19th. leading soldiers, upon the other side by the Songster ! horse ’bus, 'Boston House.—Miss Jean drove Tho nas. Mr. Henry , Messrs.irs. A|G. Oouchman, J. Browning, but which will leave them in a position to nurse their NorOBLAC.Dland Hotel ,—M__r.H ■ and ■ Mrs. Peroy r suits were attending his labours, that aftjer many G. Pocook fe did not appeir, bit wrote a letter admitting the Brigade. Their, navy blue uniforms and Halleluiah an hour, Walker T G. A. Hewson. Miss Crisp. Miss F. !rLp. Mr. A 1— the Hen. Secretary (Mr. iffqnce. strength and go for us again in a few years time. Ailsa. Lieut and Mrs. Grant, t. Hr. and Mrs. do y »rs the seed sown was beginning bear fruit He ,m). bonnets were a pleasing contrast to the brass band in It is a pretty plan, but it is our business to see that i IS mile* i Knight. Mr. A Bishop .0. Carter sa: d helsaw the defendant riding with- their red tunics and silver instruments, which pro­ to pull up Canton. Mrs. Cordinsley. Mi^es C jrdiogley (i) Hartinqton L awn — Mrs. and Ml's iwdrey. Hev. s] loke of two cases that had just to bid notice, MERDOWN VALE8CENT CAMP. it does not succeed. Bstoourt.—Miss Nora Goode. Mr. D. F Davies. Mrs. hi. and Mrs. Blake-Kltson. Mrs. Lyle __K. Hodi >ut a light betwsen Horeham Road and the May vided a i charming background. (The admixture of • * ; close to ma­ A. Perl. Mr. and Mrs. Punter. Mi. Harold Pnnter. where the boys had grown into and entered G. Mi ball, 8th Can! ilans...... railand at 10.30 p.m There was no lamp on the several khaki uniformed bandsmen, served to remind iled with tne Mr. Leslie Punter. Mr. Arthur Pnnt jr Mrs. Hurst. Misses Hurst. Mrs. Muuas. Mr. Jo! E is Majesty’s forces, and when hi on furlough they G, A1I< i, 2nd Border glment ...... ; lauhine. <| The Germans, soldiers and civilians aliko, dread son. Mrs. and Misa Pender F. Sha i, 10th CanaO tho followers of General Booth of the ten thousand the ptospeot of another winter campaign. They ari> direction aa MARINE PARADE. hpd called to see their late superim ' int, at the same A tine of 2s. 6d. was imposed. Salvationist bandsmen comrades now serving in tne DEVONSHIRE PLACE.; tine making speoial mention of training wbieh O.S.M. ‘ tchard, Ai most anxious to secure peace before other nations-, Bouvxbie House.—Miss Cassaigne. Mrs. and Mies J. Sebl ,y/Ht Cam THE REGBTIATION OF A SWISS. armies ojf-England. especially Greece, Roumania and Bulgaria, join their ghton, aa Crttikehank. Mr. and Mrs. Cowen. ] dlss Cowen, Mr. Hurlinqham House.—Mrs. Sedgwick, f. Capt. and tl ev had received from him. Mr. -—s urged the J. AltlAitken, 10th Canadian Scottish ...... 69 us Company, Mrs. Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan Morgan cliildren to use every endeavour to ai __ the Sunday A, Genies. Princess Patricia’s C.L.I...... 63 E mily Hatcher, of P svensey jBay, was summoned for Tho Band and Songsters respectively rendere enemies. If they tdo not succeed in breaking through Cowen. sen. Miss Hollands. Mrs. T >oher Devonshire House.—The Rev. 8tone. Mrs. and Mlsa “The Rpll Call ” and “Rock of .Aged” in a credit [uestion. He White House.—Mr?. Pugh. Misses Pugh (S). Mrs. S ihool, and also to appreciate the ti ling which they n-— 5th C a n a d i a n s ...... 38 fail ng to enter pa -ticu( ars of an alien in a register on to Calais, it is quite likely that they will play their •iver of the Norman, f. Miss AUum. Mrs. bin] jar. Miss Hart. Smith. Mr.. Mrs. and Master Hodd “ Hoeived. He also impressed upon e teachers the [ui e 16th. able.manner; an earnest address on MGadara ” w; last desperate card' and try to invade us, making a THORNBORouaa.—Mrs. and Miss Neave, Mrs. Banks. rr' delivered by Adjutant T. J. Joseph; the prayer mee’ grand combined attack with Fleot, Army, Zeppelins, >ly the van Miss Worthington Mrs. Lindsay. Miss Lindsay. Mrs. OookiMr. Dbwaett. ii tportance of their work, at the ear time encourag- P ,0. Qfoombrid ;e stited that Miss Hatcher handed Lilburn.- Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Tilton. Hiss Tilton. Mr. Counted out: iim a registration foim, which was filled in, but'not ing was (piloted by Bandmaster I.- Htorsman, whe| submarines and everything else they can think of. Misa Rich. Mr. and Mrs. Lane. Miss l ane ing them to keep an interest in thi work, ad no one T’ two military men were the first to kneel at the new! ktimated the and Mrs. Henry Nnnn. Mr. and MrsJ Batty The Hanbubies.—Miss Reid. Mrs. Lanron. Mr. W. w is able to estimate the vast amount if good that may C. R. Nickle, 7th Canadian R.F.A...... 34 iigt ed. It relate l to a Swiss; and the defendant said It is now or never with them. If thev wait till we *7.—Mrs. Pooook. Miss Pocock. Mr. dedger. Mlssos H. Tagart. Mrs. Ludwyohe. Mr. Lnuwyohe. Mr. J. Earle, PR.M.R... ” ” ■ 29 ;he alien came to 1 ier h >use on the 9th June. a constructed penitents’ form. No doubt the man; are through the Dardanelles, Russia will got the arms lun hour, and seoger (2) be accomplished by the influence of a voted teacher. sympathisers and friends of the Eastbourne Coi with the and Mrs. M, G. Williams. Misa Osmond. Mr. and Eastbourne Ladies. Defendant said she did not! understand she 1M to and ammunition she needs, and tho Balkan' States Habtinoton House.-M iss ColUngridg a. Miss Bowsell Mrs. Boodle. Mr. Boodle. Mrs. Bllgh and friend.', An excellent address'was given by Mr. J. R. Bizi Mi jr ...... i .... 91 iv s a register. :, will ne desirous of paying a visit of inspection to will be tumbling over each other to get their share t as a rather - Stbn House—Mrs. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Mann Mrs. Daly. Miss Whittle who also spoke of the splendid work that was being Citadel; J An attractive opportunity is i offered and Albion Hotel.--Mr. K. Cameron. Mis. Prebble; Mr. M;!ssral kbride ...... 86 S lpt. Willard sa id Miss Hacker now kept a register. of the spoils. • Prophecy is said to be “the most atcomplished by the Sunday Schools^throughout the Mrs. Bi jll...... 85 pressing invitation is being given to next week-end’ gratuitous form of folly ; ” but there are so many the taxi-cab Prebble. Mr. Borrer. Mr. and Mrs. do Alvarez. l>r. BURLINGTON PLACE. nders...... 84 D Bfendant was (rden id to pay the costs, no conviction and Mrs. Oiiebar. Mrs and Mi« Deane. Lieut, la id. He narrated the case of one'lad, the son,of poor Miss 8e| g recorded. services, Iwhich are announced as the Young People’s indications that this is the German line of country he passed .. Keddie. Mr. Cotton. Mr. and Mri. Sewell. Rev. Park House.—Capt. Tanbman. Mrs. Nnlt, t pi rents, who on one occasion made an application for a Miss Pi ker...... ; 77 Anniversary. An official from the National Head­ that prophecy, in this instance, seems pretty safe. have seta Payne Cook. Lady Butt. Mr. and Kra. Moor. iMr. Brooeue—Miss Folkard. Misa 3chofield. Mr. and Mrs. si nation in ohe of the large London Warehouses. The Miss it...... 76 1 A SOLDIER AN® HIS FURLOUGH. quarters is expected to conduct the services. horses. Bull MlssY. i ts ...... , ___ 65 r - | • I *. • and Mrs. Yates. Mrs. and Miss Wfal elaw. Mrejand Durham House.—Mrs. Bell L ei iployer, upon asking the boy various questions, found Miss E. ey Johnson:...... 55 T lomas Brown, a sol lier, was summoned for assault­ The Life Saving: Scout Brigade assist on Saturda; fcre, nated' Miss Delane. Mr. P. blmpson. 51 r. Parker. Dr. Homscroptt-Mr*.aa!a..—M Miss Sanders ot t that he attended one of the Sunday Schools in the ing Nellie Bonifac > and Godfrey D. Haken, at Willing- — ;— a„d special singing by the children will 1: Now, how does the matter stand? ( The first thing _ _ hour, Finney. Mr. and Miss Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Vabh. Hilbton.-MIss CnlL Mr. andMrs.____ Thornti BelL Mrs. m ighbourhood, and that previous to him applying for Ion on June 9th. ' the Germans must do, if their plan. is to have any tjbe collision, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer and child. Mu. Tucker. ML-s )f the Sunday services, while programm success, is to deal the Russian Army a knock-down . O’Shea. Mr. Warren-Smith. Mr. Ricketts. Mr. PilWngton. Mr.andMrStLeng. JMrs. 1 ' ,rd Mrs. th e situation he .had prayed to God; asking him for Coun ed o u t: 53 r. R. A Niedi er appeared on behalf of Haken. action songs and drills are promised fi about 10 or and Misa Ashdown. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott gi idance. This so pleased the gentleman that he at onoe Mrs. Bi mnigan...... Tie case had blow. It is no good just pushing them back and Davidson. Major Matthew-Lannow i. M. Verhulst, wueTy...... i in adjourned (from the previous Court Wednesday next (July 12th and 14th). taking a town here and a town there. Lemberg M. Verlume. Mrs. Hodges, Mrs. Lit stone i HOWARD SQUARE. . ei gaged him, and at the present time he is holding an or the attendance|of the defi lant, who now said bis of Hove, in portent position in the company at a Bainy. of two ) was Bradbury, and that le was at the Summer- Friends are asked to contribute gifts of any ani profited the Germans nothing; Warsaw would profit Samuel MARINE GARDENS. Qttrndon Lome;—Mr. and'Mm. Sohnmaoher. ;Mr. and th ousand pounds a year. Mr. Sizraur also referred to Howto Camp* Eastbourne. every conceivable kind to a jumble sale, on behalf o them very little more. And ,th4 Grand Duke [of Brighton, •Pttchlet House.—Mr. and Mrs. Hub Aid. Mrs. Hill. Mrs.,U Keigwin. Miss Keigwin • i o't ler cases that had come under his personal observa- tha funds of the Young People’s Corps Troop of thi Nicholas is not at all of a mind to give the enemy the isii»Mr. W.vv» C.\ j * Wilson. vriiBUUi lullMr. A/tkWoUJLlDawson aid friend. Holyrood.—Mr. Peach. Mrs. Kelham.; MlfMies Gibbs. THE BRI FISH RED CROSS SOCIETY. liss Boniface repeated the iment she made on Life Saving Scout Brigade to bo held in the Citadd chanoe of beating him. He is still falling back, fight­ Ibeing carried Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Master Herbert Mrs..Golding. tic rrwhich proved the value of early training in the he former occasion, which to the effect that she i caused by Dawson. Madame Course andid friendfrlei Si bbath Schools. (SuesKx/a15 V. AD.) : on Tuesday next .(July13th). A postcard to Adjutan) ing and causing the Austrians and,'Germans heavy Roxby.—Mrs. Barrop. Mrs. Hartlr; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Brldgeman awj a crowd of I people ie the British Queen T. J. Joseph, 58, Belmore-road, will be much appri losses. But they never really get at him, and they Wood. Masters Wood (2). Mrs. sen. Mr. and Ettingtin House.-M rs. Stanhorounh. ; Mies Street. The preacher at the morning "and evening services Commandant: Ashley G. Cluffe, Esq., M.D. public-house, but she d not: say the defendant was r Laundry, Ills | Mias Bateman. Miss Gaueden. Miss iC. Pritchard Medical Officer : Rr. J. N. Donnellan. I dated and promptly attended to, and all gifts acknov are moving further and further from tho railways Mrs. Victor kilUs (tl is Rev. T. S. East) also delivered excellent discourses, here. The crowd scatl ired and ran towards her. The ledged! i ' i ' which they require to bring up the heavy guns and van. On Cambridge. Mies C. K. Lallemand. Miss Ethel L. w! lich were listened to with rapt attention both by Detachment orders for vyeek ending July 17th,( 1915. lefendant came to her and accused her of having his j van was GRA*TD PARADE. Walker The many members of the local Salvation Army the trainloads of ammunition which have won the L—Mrs. Edith TlThomley. Mr. and Mri. Dnrran. Mias LASCELLES TERRACE.] oh ildren and adulta The subject; taken in the morning Snnday.—Field stretcher [work at 5.30 p.m. tick. He clutched her hands and throat, and she success they have hitherto obtained. Theyrfcannot r Westem- wi s “ A Model Christian,” based on the words found in Monday.—Special drill for Sections A and B. Company smembered nothing more until she found herself at Band whif enlisted in Kitchener’s: Army, and who kn hour. He South Lynn.—Mrs. Victor Martin. Miss Martin. Miss drill and stretcher exercise for others. have the great privilege' for many months 0: move any great number of troops back to the L—Mr. Hldltch, 1 Mias Pildltoh. Rev. and Mrs. King , T II Corinthians xvi. 11 and I. Timothy iv. 12. and in Western front, nor dig themselves in and so hold [no reply he GilUat’s f. Mrs. Simmonds. Misses Ummonda. Mr. th). evening the subject selected was “ Absalom’s Wednesday]—Physical exercise and marching for all James Cowshall] of Lower Willingdon, said he was being •tioned so near home as Bexhill, have and teeing Slmmonds 11.—Mrs. Chance members. J !•>'■ ! ! removed 1 urine the week to Maidstone; most o! them the Russians back. They must go on and on after 15, -M r.F.L. Sturt Mias Ross I Failure,” the text being found in II. Samuel xviii. 33. Friday.—Special drill for: Sections 0 and D. First aid the British Quean public-house, when Bonifaoe came a foe who always slips away. It is a game after the [passage was «.—Rev. Goddard. Mies Goddard. Mmi Walker. Mrk Homzleiqh. -Mrs. Harman. Mr. and Mrs. Norton. inning in. He thought they were having a game, but belonging to tne Royal Sussex. about six Hubert. Miss Hubert ' ; i ' * ' 1 were ver forotheil Russian heart. , Mrs. Mallaly. Father Mnrphy and pArt: thech1 ) Boniface said [“take him away.” Defendant, how- • * » > .„b shot out -4-Mrs.t—Mrs. Martyr. * Miss Martyr. Mn,'Adams. Mr. Faibhaven.-M t. Weils. Mr. Cooper. Attendances—The roll of I lembership is being cotnpared , and witnesa Sommonn. Mies Bernimmons. Mr. and Mrs. Chalk. Cooper. Mr. and Mra. Lebon, Miss Lei interesting feature was- the excellent with the attendance book , and any member failing to ver, seized her by thi throat. In witness’s opinion But. this week we have seen a new move. The Master Chalk Mrs. Dervell in {which the collections were taken up during the day1 comply ith , he rule rega. 'ding attendance by the 31st Sradbury was mad[drunk. UNVEILING OF MEMORIAL TABLET Germans tried something like a combined sea and A—Mr. and Mxr. Grout Mrs. Childers. Llent Lindsey lost, will beai ked to retun i his uniform to the Quarter- P.O. Rhoades stated that he examined Miss i van, gave Belorav*.-M r. Watson. Misa Williams. by scholars of the Sunday School, who were very master. land attack on the Baltic coast. They sent an old 9.—Mrs. Hebgrath, t Williams. Mrs. Joyce. Mdme. J. Me successful in their efforts to obtain a good substantial miface’s throat apd fqund marks as if soms one bad battleship with some torpedo-boats and “a number lt-M isses Ellen HI. Col and Mrs. 1 Min Lloyd MerUn (3). Miss Weir. Mr. Barclay Mi addition to the Sunday School funds.; Special pieces Attentii called to the followiniowing role: Members upped her. I By permission of the Burial Board, a short servici ■ Westem- 11.—Lady Waterfield. Mias Whale. Dodxnan. Jones. Mdme. Jacob, f. Miss. Widgt„— ------qrast attend alt least 33 peii cent, of drills and . of fishing vessels ’•’ to Windau, an insignificant place s speed of Mra. John White. Misses Meredith (91 Harrowemlth. Misses Miller. Mr. and: Mrs. W. H. ware sung by the children, which‘indicated the interest Absentees wi| hout reasonable excuse will forfe Defendant called a ybung woman named Elizabeth was held at the Ocklynge Cemetery on Sunday after] on the elbow where the coast of Courland turns round van. The S t—Ur. and Mrs. Graham, L Mr. am; Mrs. Bennett Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Bremner. thi ,t had oeen displayed in the training of their voices meml !emp, who said shp and another woman qnd defendant noon, on the occasion of the unveiling of a memoria, into the Gulf of Riga. There is a railway from Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Miea Bacon. Mrs. Gordon Molr. Mieses iBattorsby ' by Mi. Essex. Jh;, \ 'j !' ,»■ i Notice. [ere together. Some boys passed a remark. to the Windau to ’Riga, and the latter place is a great r . West View.—Mr. and Mra. Matcham. Mlea Match am. foman and followed hoi Mrs. Bartlett, [the woman in tablet erected by the Free Church Brotherhood anc _ ex Motor WILMINGTON SQUARE.! ] ilr. J. E. Locke presided at the organ in a very able ___ __:8 and Badges.-LTho .Commandant requests Russian naval port. That, no doubt, was the reason Mrs. Bradshaw. Mrs. Dean la Ladr Sheila Scott manner, and also acted as accompanist to Miss (Edith that all who have recenttty received certificates and lestion, took the defendant's stick and hit one of the friends td the memory of their late Secretary (Bro for the German attack. If they succeeded, they xi-cab could' Mtea Hnnt 8.—Mr. and Mrs. Prior. Miss Prior badges should return them!n at once, so that they may be Princess Mansion. —Rev. and Mra. Walker. Miss M les, who sang as a solo “The land where the Is across the fate. Defendant then asked for his James Garrett). . 1 would get behind the Russian Army whioh fe defend­ 11.—Miss Spencer. Mrs. Bartlett Mrs. Sterger, f. presented1 b;by the Duchei of Norfolk at the Annual stick and chased Miss Boniface, but she did not know ing the Northern Provinces, and Petrograd itself. .a n d Walker. Mr. and Mrs. 81mm. Mrs. i effrey I t —Miss Fanny Hall. Lady Mwing. Mrs. Hopkinson an Miss Ivy Lear, Who possesses a fine void ,eang meeting ate t! ie,i Town Hi on Wednesday afternoon, The proceedings commenced with the Binging o: 48.—Mrs. Sadler, L Mr. and Mra. Guibe otian Nebraska Mansion.—Mr, and Mre. Whittaker, f. Dr. wi ;h marked effect “ We are passing on,” the morns July' ‘ '28th. 2 (hat happened in the] public-house. Defendant was one of this deceased’B favourite hymns] “Throw om But the attack was miserably fanned and failed fit—Mr*. Callender, t Mrs, Johnston Mr. and Mrs; and Mis; Yorke Davies, f, Mrs. Walker.! Mrs. Young bei ng taken up by the choir and scholars. £ everal nbt “V properly sobep”sob 1 the banner.” Prayer was offered by Bro. A. J utterly. The Germans lost a torpedo-boat, which Gnmiah Guerden, f. Grampian Mansion.—The Right Houble Mrs. Francis By order of the Commandant. ! Defendant: I w under the impression I was running struck a mine. Nor was that all: Four days later, fid—Mrs. Dawson. Mieses Dawson (2). Mias Stephens ret itations of a religioiis character were given during Walker, and Bro, S. W. Sims read ia portion o: on MoClaren, f. Mr. and Mrs. Walter*. Mr. and Mrs. thh day by the scholars, and the same weir« rendered with i H. R; J. C0PLE8T0N, after Mrs. Bartlett, whd had taken the stick from me. Scripture. the Russian armoured cruisers found a German light . Cowey) of Bn Emeison, t Mrs, Phillips. Miss Phillips. Rev. and go< d effect ■! ! , -Hon. Detach - Sec. Bench decide tojeonviot in this case, cruiser and a mine-laying ship off the Swedish island fra; Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Ravi_____ Mrs. cook ■ . I ■ IF : . ith 1 le alleged assault on Haken, defen' Bro. J. C. CrasKE, who kindly undertook to raise of Gothland. The mine-layer was sunk, and th» _jn & Co;, of , Mi i.O___ , D_ ukkbld. — Mr.__ M and i l Mrs. Rowarth.. . , . , Inm hi j On Wednesday the annual prize distribution took the money necessai-y, spoke of tho ready response he I detention • of Mrs. Leigh. Ml*e Lynch. Miss Green. Mrs. Berthnan. said he remeti lberifd nothing about it, as he was Russians, pursuing the light cruiser, fell in with tho . Strong. 1 [re. Sexty. M r.! 3. There was a large attendance of parents and EASTBOURNE VOLUNTEER TRAINING the influence |(>f drink. had received from the-. members of the! Brotherhood armoured cruiser “Roon,” a sister ship to the a Tun gay. Mre. BrogUo. Mr. and Mrs, Copp i ids. The chair was! taken by Mr.'J. S. Garrard, and from men of influence in the town, also of the [ plaintiff, and Lrkman. Misa ] fir km an . ___ also gave a very interesting address. The [prizes , Haken, a sr of Willingdon, stated that about high appreciation in which he had held the late “Yorck,” which was one of those that raidad - fMr. Goodman Miss Sexty. WILMINGTON GARDENS. co irs. he saw the dc] fendint, who, in his opinion, was Yarmouth in the autumn, and afterwards struck a . MacCandlesa . J Brentwood.—Miss Denison. Mrs. Guthrie. Misses distributed by Mils. L. Taylor, who, previous to Secretary'. ! distribution; addressed the children; complimi qui.rters: 81, SovUl-street, Eastbourne. dfunk, while the , irl Kemp was nearly as bad. . He German mine and sank. . The “ RoOn ” drew her, herself were Sea View.—lbs. Kennedy, Mre. Wall. Mr. Ireland. Guthrie. Mlss Bavlsber. Mrs. Freemap. Jibs, and, -fwtjhe defendant 1 lookjKemp down, and subsequently Alderman E. D u k e (the president), in a touching pursuers among the German submarines, but they , and they Mr., Mra. and Mies Mariott Misa Ad ama. Mrs. and Miss Strelif. Mm. and Miss Skeate. Mias Massard<>. Scholars upon the exjcellency of their behaviour Ordeis for week eridlflg Jnly 18th, 1915. address, said the question often asked when a man Rev. and Mrs. Hind. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton. Mr. the admirable manner in which they sang m the snt after Miss I Boniface. Witness tried to remon- I without damage, and a running fight ensue ; lltit she MlssDnsscb. Mr. Beading, Mrs. and Misses Grimble, Alec Leighton. Mr. and Mrs. Uerriok Sunday, lit! 1.—March out, parade at Headquarter J 5 with.Bradbuk r, bijt the latter took his advice in died was. “What is he;worth? ’’ but the question he which was continued until the Bay of Dantzig was : her Mr. and Mrs. hi. H. Hinds. Mias Him a. Mr. Gordon various hymns. The prizes were then . distributed to 3 p.m.: recruit1 drill, parade at the Saffrons 3.30 p.m. would ask was, “What good had he done? ” Bro.; reached. Here a German battleship, one of the best' Darmstadt. — Mrs. Pavitt Master Pa- Mr. and following scscholars Wednesday; 11th. — Trenching practice, parade at the wrong way and udekedhim and Thomas. Miss Pateshall-Jenes. Miss Bentley. Miss Mrs. Myrlek-Milton. t Mrs. Gnnter, t (Cowshall said bf. ___)k___ the (defendant out .of the • Garrett had not left behind him much of this world’s o' their pre-Dreadnoughts, was torpedoed and sunk Mr. Carter. Miss Kramer. Miss little. Miss BalUrd. roydon ouse lible Class, Girla—1st, K Russell, A Headquarters! f.30 p.m.; recruit drill, parade at the wealth, but he had done what he could; ho had done Miss Palmer. Mias Freeman. Geo. Ross-Church. C H .— Mr. and Mm. Thomson. Mr. and College 7.30 p i l [ I /' itijsh Queen, and| he then sau him kick Mr. Haken by a Russian submarine, and a German submarine: for . Mr. and Mra. Phlliipg.- Mra. EveredJ Mias Evered. Mra Asttny. Mr. and Mm. Undrell Misses Undrell and L. Booth; 3rd, K. DumbreU, E. Mills and Sunday, 18th,—pompany drill, parade at the Saffrons tl > times. his best. (Not being & robust mail, he oould rightly! was rammed by a Russian destroyer. So, like the Misa Hopper. Misa Hnbhard. Miss Serenner. Miss (2). Mis. MlnshelL Miss Hall Rev.and Mrs. Niokol. first Class, Girla—leu, E. Reed; 2rid;' Q. Hoi bjomas Richard Boniface, Lower Willingdon, have taken it easy on the Sunday afternoon, but ini King of Canaan, our gentle foes ’’took no gam m . Burn. Messrs. Heath, i Mrs. Withers, Miss Watson. Mr. and Mr-'. T. W. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. i, K. Jones and G. Whitmore, K Platoon Dbills. spite of his weakness he continued to do His best fori money.” Hawkins. Miss Hawkins. Mr. Harris. Miss Harris. brother of Miss Inifaojs, said he saw the defendant - * • * * ...... "Mr. Wil-en. —Mr., Mr*, e nd-MlssBaUatd._____ Mias Jeffree. Mrs. Alderton and friend. Mm. and Mies Bonn. Mr. id Class, Girla—1st, E. Relf, E. Miles, A ( Tuesday, 13th—Nos. 1 and 3 Platoons, parade at icklMr. Haken. _ the work of the Brotherhood which wks so dear to] Mr. and Mrs. Woolrio 2nd-Llent Woolrioh. Mr. E. (Fishenden and K Le); 2nd, R. Weeks. Headquarters7.30 p.m. him. The Alderman reminded his hearers how and Mrs. Webber, k s Wilts. 1 [rs. Woodbnrn and Mrs. Carwlthen. Mr. Ripley. Miss Woodruffs. (P.O. Rhoades d| that on June 9th, about These movements must have an object. If b o , what Miss Pooook and friends 'hird Class, Girla—1st, F. Blackmar, M. Friday; 16th—No. 4 Platoon, parade at South Fields p.m., he examim :en, who. had a wound on the gratified'they were that so many had responded .tot is it? Perhaps to take Riga, as I suggested above. Robertson and L. Burrows; 3rd, G. Dennis, L. Camj 7.46 p.m.; No. 3 Platoon, no 1 " the eall oft King and country, and who were prepared But that Is only a step on the way. The real object Chasbworth Hotel.—! Evahs. I Use GaunUett. JEVTNGTON GARDENS, 1 Rev. and Mrs. GUliat KellabyTlb. Oldwood. sby and H. Hobbs. " PRO! on. (Defendant said hd oonli not sayan; to lay doyrn their lives for the cauBe of justice and! is either to get the Russian fleet into & position in- 1—Mra Biokmore, t The Hop. Mre. F: e t Mrs. 'onrth Class, Girla—1st, M. Kitcher, M. 8halllro Corpl G. W. ( Ichardsonh (be Quartermaster-Sergeant. 1 bored; not! right. There was a call from the King of kings .to] which It must fight under conditions unfavourable to Miss Weaver. Mrs. wood. h r. Kent. Miss, Webb. Mra and Miss Osborn B matter, as he remr the young* men gjj u„ tge rftnks of those who had K ent Miss Walker. Mrs. UelL 5 rs. Bevlngton. Sunnylawn.—Mra Buokland. Miss ib. Mr. and D. R elf; 2nd, A Gear, 3. Padget and (P. Hide,; 3rd, Shoi INO. r, Niedermayer said iis client did not wirii to press itself, or to shut it up so that it can be patched by Allardyce. " 'is. Mr.; teynolds. Mrs. Mra Atkin i -L. jnglefield and D. Padget On Gildredg Park, Rant on Monday and Thursday, le case against a man wl 0 had served his country, but bee* called to the higher service above. Who, he the old battleships and torpedo-craft of the German Brown. Mr. Somi Mr. Hampstead. Mr. 5— Dr. and Mra Blaokmllne Class, Girla—1st° AA. Kerr, M. Erridi asked, would volunteer? "-’V Navy. Then the enemy’s main fleet would be free Hnoklesley.______Mr.___ and______W ilt W ; ______friends. Miss 12th and 15 th J ly, 5 to 7 p.i thought the public should be protected. Mostfqrd.—Mr* Fodey. Mrs. Greenwell ■ I L ’I Sbirpe; SLV.IPadget * -R. AUfield ‘" and R- , „ . , ' f'A' SlONJ 4.n officer from tne Summerdown Camp, Eastbourne; After the' President’s address tho tablet wall to co-operate in a concerted onslaught on us. Wo Nldd. Mr. Fardcll and friend.______Miss_ Adamson. ' _____ Miss Elton Hoube.—Mr. and Mra King, and Mra I Ka inleen Thom:npson. ■ j! ; " unveiled by the jate Mr, Garrett’s only little boy, must expect that; we certainly peed hot fear it, in Ratcliff6. Hr. a n d ___,____MetoalfA TMl. and Mrs. , Murray $ixth Class, Girla—1st R. Denyer and L As notified ajiHeadqr d the defendant was fit for furlough prior to being Hltchlngs. Mr. Mai thews and Mr. and Mrs. 26.—Mr. and Mre. C. Trevor. Bov. and Thorold, attack to the Frdnt. There was nothing against the assisted by Ms. O Francis. spite of the determined efforts in certain quarters to Pitt and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Pearsall f. Mias aolmas 3rdD. Kerr and ▼. Weeka . • | | Inti ATION. 1 it if tpe Mjagistrates dismissed5 hiiq the Mr. Garrett’s aged father tendered thanks in the play the enemy’B game by drawing alarming pictures Bev. EL Broadett Morninosidb. — Mrs. Edward Smith. its, Girla —1st R Tutt; 2nd, A , Headi will he 01 m for taking recruit of the German designs and our own unpreparednesa. towing hQi 4: Every morning 11 ment he wc get would be to deprive him of name of Mrs. Garrett arid family to the many friends Cavendish Hotel.—Col and Mrs. _ !rey Webster. Miss WebU Mra Seilig. Mrs. White Ba’ tlcombe, B. Denver arid G. Sharpe; 3rd, during who had so kindly that afternoon paid so great a But I do most earnestly hope that every man in tha Major and Mrs. Evans. Mr. N. P. ren wlok. Mre. MissesiTatlereall. Tatter Miss Austin. Mr. and B. Erridge and'V. Padget Monday mrsday evei 1 i6.30to8.15. furlough. workshops is putting ms back into his job and pro­ Band. Capt and Mrs/Haig. Mr. 1 Mrs. J. ▼. Miss Ledger Byordi 'endant said hd was at the Front from September tribute to (the memory of her husband, i ducing the greatest possible output, for when Sallze- Gen. Barnard; Mm. Mm Mr. J. A MHiller’s . Daleali .—Mr. and Mra [ (Signed), ,’Hart.' ‘914; [Until Ajl rtf, 22nd, 19111 and he thooght it The. Re r. J. Westbury Jones offered; the conclud- Taylor. Mr. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. ' Mr. and Mre Biaokborn Company Commander. be very unfai: if hd was not allowed his furloagh, ing >rayer. Mrs. and Mies Field. Miss EvSlyn “ lenr., ' „Mr. “ and Tj Pevensey House.—Hr. and i m Mrs. Stephenson. Mrs. Addle. Mr.j .ddie, Mr.and Ledger. Mr. Moore. Mlssi tion prizes were also given to the folio' Bench found the defendant guilty, and imposed supplied w ith all Iteadp, ------. . . . ^ Mrs. Seymour Hill Lieut and . , Folker. Mr. hacf behaved well but had not attem tinal sentenc of one day’s imprisonment. He guns in hundred^ xnei.time of grace may be veij Cha*. H. Smith. Mr. J. C. Griffin. |Mr. sTGreen. CARLISLE ROAD. the regular prizej[ M.f Essex, K.. THE NAVAL VOLUNTEER....c a d e! irotore hand .over to the military authorities. GENERAL TOPICS. short, and the need of the moment dj'for Everyone Mr. F. B. Gibson f . Cbanlkioh. — Mr. and Mre J. R. ■ Mflea. amef, E. Veness, A. Bradford, L, Dyer, D- Affiliated to th'4(N Navyavy LeaguLeague. to take the last ounce w t of himself of which ne ia Qubknsbobouoh H ovel (G&and ’ABADE). 8wettonham (2) 1 j . B. White, F. Ray, E. White, W. Ruf Headquarters: 7, Susans-rqad,, Eastbourne.East capable, ■ ' y \ SouTRBOBOuaa.—Mre Gordon. Mra Simpson. ___ B01 liiace and F. Hutchinson. * : Ordnance Yard, Seaside, Eastbourne. MIm Henderson.in. Mr*. Mackenzie. Mi Smith. Mre. 1 Fergnsson. Mre. Barnett and friend. Mri. McNeale. Bible Class, Boys.—1st, H. W. O’Dell J- B! 5EX Having regard to'the proceedings in the House of Bishop. 'Capt. and Mra .Cable. Cap Qatar. Mre. Mias McNeale. Mra Gault Misa Ganlt ‘ Mre Co.: Lieut - CommanderHaw !,A. Commons fiver the second reading of the National Thcte are actually people so poor-wirited as io fitter,. rtrs. Yt STonneS Mrs.______Hearne and by. Mr. and Russell. Mre. Bagnril Mre Clcete. Miss Bauman. anc N..Paget. - •. Fellowsi B.N.B. 1 suggest that the attack on the Dardanelles should be HeUand. Mra I iret Class, Boys;—1st; V. Dunk; 2nd, Bert j Register Bill, which produced tee most considerable MraMrs. MoFarlane Miss GUmonr.Gllmour. Miss The Bev. F. Rlohiogs. The Rev. W. Richlngs 1 for week ending 17th July, 1916. ( ICENSE I VICTUALLERS. division since the truoe and the establishment of the given up. Fancy owning defeat when the Empire ‘Garratt Mr. and Mn.iWier. Miss ipbell Mr. sett, E. Hide, H. Wiokerson and T. Attfield. a.m.: Band only to parade at foot of is standing side by side, British Regulars, Territorials, -and Mrs. Hqilook. Mre. and Miss Down.] Mra Pehnora COMPTON STREET. I S econd Class, Boys.—1st, L Relf, E. Hunnii Goalition government, there - alre suggestions from Mr. and Mra Alien. Mite Whit ! usnal, for R A.M.O. Church Parade. sailoss, Australians and New Zealanders mod Indians! Mite Searto. Hazelvtlls. — Miss Barnard. Miss Gordon. Mre HaVlor, A Lee and C. (O’Dell ; 2nd, W. Wet ___ liesday.—Du Ey at R.NJD.Offloe. A meeting of the Licet Victuallers’ Association unduly nervous folk that the gponer, Parliament rises It would be a blow tee Empire would halrdly survive. losses-1 Bright — "Mrs. Wil Ho >hs and R. T utt; 3rd] F. Smith and J. Dent . day.—Band to parade as notified, for R.N.D. for a spell the better. The opposition to the bill was Wabata^.—Mrs. Johnson. Miss Newen. Mr.,and Mra fof the Parliatr ition of East Grinstead was And wa are not defeated, or anything like it I On 1 hird Class, Boys.—1st, F. Kitcher and H. P. O’Dell; , march at Pevensey and Weathatn. 7.0 p.m. not captious or Vexatious, strongly arid somewhat the contrary, we are on the high road to victory. jinstt notion class* 1 at Drill Hall. All bands held it (the White Lie Hotel East Grinstead, on heatedly ah it was expressed, and there is not the [clerk to Mr. Dr. and Mr*. Steele. Mr. Duzsan. Mies Duncan. Mona Houayt-Mr.. Mre and Mactom Bentley! Mr., 2nd, F. Message; 3rd,| C. Stace, S. State — • “ Sir Ian Hamilton reported last week that the French Bfficfes. Little- ______Aldous. Mr. ilform-.whitejcaps and leggings. Recruits esc ay morning, w ion A. M. Betchlbt presided slightest fear that when the Bill becomes an Act it Mr. Parker. Mra Daly. Mr. and Mi Mra tod Master Palmer Thi impson. wiB not.command the oo-operaitioh of-* all sections. attack on June 21st and our own on Juno 28th had ici tor in 1886. Aldona Mr.and Mra ' Mre. and I tls3Galthropp. St. CoTHBERT’a—Mre Reginald Thompson. Mr. and I onrth Class, Boys.—1st, L. Haylor and F. r.—8,30’p.m.: Band practice at R.N.V.R. new | s fair attendant a of embers, resulted in pur gaining a position which turns tha [ removal and Mre. Gattey. Miss Gal Miss Bgletoi l - Mre. IteyelL Mre Goodwyn. Misa Peroy 2nd; T. Akehurst and T. (Thompson; 3rd, S, ” Mr. G. Melly, the new iroprietor of the White Lion The Government, however, has now very little more flank of the Turks on Achi Baba and brings our line j to defendant Mre. Eglee. Mre; Whll Rev., Mrs. 1 md Misa Wale, F ifth Class, Boya—2nd, Frank Mi— r.iv OHiA, business to get through. The Registration Bill will Mr. Storr. Mra Taylor. ix. Hr. and Mre. . CORNFIELD TERRACE. Hul was unamm ausly' elected a member of the be put on tee Statute Book this Week, and, beyond round facing tee forts which command the Narrows. Hof the goods ‘Dongal Miss Bannister. Infants, Bo’m—1st Kitoher, T. Sharpe orders, unles3 specially ation. The French have made a further advance since then, wit- K . Mr. Kelland. 6. VMm. and Mise Milloy. Miss Cook. Mire Rowe pply, another Appropriation Bill, and one or two . Miss Rosa Mra. and " iC arM a Mi:'. Britown. Mr. U.—Misses Smallpleoe. Mr. and Mre Watford Ha lor; 2nd, F. Hide, Denyer, 0. Clark • meeting oonsi< lered the d< ibility of small measures, the useful work of ; Parliament for aad, if report from Athens speaks truly, a gonerai j on pay- Breklue O’l ell; 3rd,B. Akehur B. Erridge, J. Mes . On' :)4; .nra 11 i Wrt i aa I 4a attack is again being made on the Turkish positions. HYDE GARDENS. tee forms must be to the local Benchi e. of Magistrates to lengthen tele ,_J delivery Abaluen Hi , (Grand Parade). Pac get, H. Kitoher and! Haylor. | ho us of { ublio- louses during the summer Our submarines in the 9es of Mamora are still busy, : to £6. 5a, 7. —Mre Haines. CoLUppleby. Misses Uppleby (J» ribse and. there are not wanting signs that the enemy is tbel.. Bliss Bolt*. . larendon ouse During the evening stations, &c., [Were renl____ moat efficient members me nths, am nberS were in favour the t______, _. , MakebamTTMr._ C H ; — Miss Chiloott Mbs Leppage. by ;he scholars. Miss Lear was the recipient of beginning to;be short of ammunition. We are going-, J he carried ' Misses Field. Hr. HoweU. Mr. and Mre Ketohlee. and splicing, &c. of the riotingting hour being beinf made] 10 o’riock all round, sittings in I September, when financial business will Iton. Mr.y Mri. find Miss Ward. Mrs. and Miss Phtglpi. Mre Cheese. Misses Cheese. an ^cchllent teacher’s Bil T upon her appointmi A deputationion was ftl point'.ntod to consult the solicitor to be taken;. put the House will then, ifi all probability, to get! through, and, when we do, tee whole fade of Co. Be Kadollffi Mr. Miles, Mr, and Mre. 1c Mdma tea< her in the Sunday bool being transfer! affairs will be changed. l furniture to tus. Miss Lavrrei Mbs Paries P Miss ILovell Misses KU f thi 1 iation witt a vi to his attendance at the only be aisked to meet at-intervals, since there will eusteur Vanglebbeck. Messrs.a Rlc lardfeon, Mr. GILDREDGE ROAD. •the Bible Class for that jturpote. ie annual lional Cour s of it Grinstead, Uckfield and be little for it to do beyond meeting the monetary ' idley HlfiBBURT.-Mre Beevea Miss Reeves. Mrs. Fitch. School1 ml outing is to ttake! place next Wednesday, ^ Heath to la; the ioase of the licensed requirements and considering and passing the new The German Emperor’s promise of peace ini October- r p i S The Lansdoi Privateatb 'HHi cel. Miss Fitch. Miss Jeffries ' 1 , the__j lioeelose of thedistrithe distribution the Chairman was' Gera before tin 1 and seek their con- War Budget, with whatever new taxation * proposed spends op “circumstances over v, he has no k, which thai iked for presiding, and Mre orWasalso > an amendment e existing Order. 1 estimate to Miss Flanagan. Madame Irabaut Miss ST. AUBYN’S ROfii). by Mr. McKenna. The House pf Lords will not; it control,” "and the first of these is W iwill of tin* Boyd. MlssGocdwin. Mra and Misa Hilt for (he admirable manner in w shejl is anticipated, make a similar demand on! the Govem- Allies. We are going to fight this thing through, aa Jug. It was Pbnbitb.—Ma aa& Mre Holdawav the task of presenting the)ei prizes,prizes. After the votes of | question of tee! retail price of spirits Mr. and Mre. Sto' Mr. Camber. Mr. Grahi East Den*.—Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mise Smith. Mr. Iso considered, iiissex Brewers’ Association rrfent for more frequent sittings of Parliament to Mr. Asquith saiain the House, “to our last farthing,, t inventory of Mra. Conseco. Mre. Mr. , and BL __ “ ___ Sydth, jyi. Mr. and Mrs. Richards ______thanks had Dean briefly acknowledged,acknowl the meeting to the mst ounce of our strength and the last drop of Cowey " and Mra Smith. and Mre, Rowbotham. terminated by the singing of the Doxolofry. notified that tie ea of all' spirits would be that which Lord Curzon made successfully last —) alter Kendall __ _ Mbs Dundoaald Coqkrana bed, and they fed that publicans shonkl autumn. ! The Unionist leaders being now m tbs our blood.” The Germans are champion seif- |l. 5«. lor th*, , Clark. Misa Lloyd. Mra and is Young. I > the prices ol hollauds 2d. per quartern, Government, tee situation is different. deceivers. They probably imagine teat the Allies I Cowey was ' « Hale. Mr. and Wootton. Mr. and Mre. BR IG H T O N . 1 and other draft Id. per quartern. It was Universal" approval is being expressed of the will aooept an offer to make peace and to withdraw ____ u«. Mr. and Mre. ells Jones. GlanvUla fel a uniform prli should be arrived at and from Belgium and Northern France with tears of of thea Mr. and Mra Lloyd. Mr. 1 well NEWHAVEN.ll appointment of Lord Fisher as President of the ' • -- 1 H onour fo r Mb. W . W itcomb Sta in er .— \ adfie: tci, but what' ftethe prices should be was left over Inventipns Board,’ which is to assist thb Admiralty gratitude in their eyes. They will be quite surprised Mostyni; vats Hotel. At Manchester: University on Saturday the research P resentation.—An interesting presenta­ to what the Fede ration! recommended, and hurt to find that no such terms will be looked , „ tiie last tion took place at the Newhaven Industrial and in co-ordinating and encouraging scientific effort in at ; that not one of tee nations in tee field against, Mre. God smart. Miss Evenson.Svi Mr. and Mre degree of M.Sc. in,the faculty Of Technology was con­ A eeting of the Sussi x Licensed Victuallers and relation to the requirements of the Navy. The Harverson. Miss'Cronchley. Mre Mittbewa Misa ferred upon Mr. W. Witoomb Stainer, son of Mr. W. J. Co-i perative Stores after business hours on Tuesday them will consider any terms which do hot includa whe 1 Mr. Arthur Mant, for many years an employ^ Bear Retailers’ Feleraticn was subsequently held. appointment, indeed, inspires the hope that a similar Niooll. Master Leslie Terry. ’ Mre Lancbester, £ 1 Stainer,* ’ ’headmaster ’ ’ • of ‘ the the! BrigBrighton Municipal body will" be set up for tee Army. Evler since the the utter overthrow of tee Prussian system and ___j to defen- Mr. and Mre. KlUa Mr. and Mre. Reei ea" Mr., Mra Secondary School for Boys. The research has extended of t! le Co-operative Society, was made, the recipient of Mi; E. W ellsI ( iretid at for the year) was in the security for tee world against the events of the past ka containing aha idsome marble clock by his former fellow employ to, ohi lir, and there wei 3 also delegates from the war broke out both tee Admiralty aid tee War Miss Mnrlls Green. Mri. Mnlvailcp and child. over a long time, und is “ an experimental inquiry into s. Many < year ever happening again. That is why tee Central f office. Wit- Coobid. Miss Reeves. Miss Spear. Monsieur the self-induction of matter.” Mr. Witoomb Stainer, os at mal-k of tbeir esteem and appreciation, on bis fol owing Asaociatiot s : Brighton and County Licensed Office havej been bombarded by inventors. Many of Committee of Patriotic Associations is organisfiig feen Ma ^ Weir e ir . ; Madame. Ablay, Mr.. Mra and Miss Bn VifctaWlere;lers; BrightonBr: an 1 County Beer J the ideas Submitted have been aoceptec , though : i WvV,.4 ■ 1: ■ who is 22 years of age, is also a B.Sc. of London leav ng the Society. Mr. George Williams made the this connection it must be said that the Admiralty meetings to be held on the anniversary of tho .... J ■ HJfe Masters Burtoc. Mrs, and Miss DyabMe. Mr.and University in the fabulty of Engineering, and has been pres mtation in suitable terms and Mr. Mant acknow- itboume and ■triot ;[Bast (Gribstead; Hastings, Declaration of War, not only,'as I raid last week, ----M, Ltd., “ poll1 Abbott Mite Langtoo. Mr, Walk*; Iedg id the handsome gift, which, he said, he would Bekhill and District Horteam, ,wley and District; has shpwn itsolf more receptive than the War Office, throughout these islands, but, as I have learned sinee. arverson, sen. Mr. and Mra Crana Miss ' for the last trio years on the staff of Manchester am 1 Rye and Distric . The csily fikt the ^rnrk of looking info all the inventions sub­ [the teadajp. [r. tellers. Mr. Woodthorpa Mre Cha: ipell. Mubiorpal alwt ys treasure. .., ■ | l Association not repre- throughout tho whole Empire. It will be a renowal /Mri. sea Mrs. Goodchild. Mias Penman. I Techmoal see tea was that of 0 liohes er. mitted has been at times too great for the staff avail­ of a Solemn League and Covenant, and a declaration, Mrs. GUitea -Miss Chamberlain. Mr.. Mre P romotion.—1The London Gazette ot 'he re were alsopre rent 1 [r. H.G. Robinson, secretary able, and it is common knowledge tl»t inventors commission in His with really good propositions—I am not, of; course, that, if we were right to draw' tee sword a year ago, Layton. Ural and Mlta shortly to join the Army. ana managar of ti e Licensed Victuallere’ Defence we are doubly right, in the knowledge of all that has to Messre. Mri, Moore! Le igue, and Mr. F Peacock, of the National Trade speaking pi the large army of cranks-y-hfve in many happened since, not to sheathe it until complete I an inventory West Rooks (Grand Pabai^ . V is it o f L ieu t. - Gen era l Sib R obert Defenpe Association .while a number' of members of oases been so disgusted at the delay in attending to victory is ours and the object for which we havo Vurniture waa Baden-Powsy-l —Liete. -General SirR. Baden-Powell e hon. rank of.lientenant, June 16tb, 191 tee lm »1 Association were Also among the visitors. them, that but for patriotism they would have given fought fully obtained. .. Col Chamberlain. Horn. Hr., Ares. and Miss on Saturday inspected the Girl Guides in Brighton and up ttee attempt to obtain recognition. I The-Fisher for the I’i: Miss C. Mr. aid Mr. Hall, who has served 30 years in the ‘ 1 'he President (! 4r. Wells), who 1b well-known to ^ invenitorj. the district at Rdedean Girls’ School where there is an proportion of it abroad, has been statii Board is to oontain eminent scientists as well as Navy Miss Mlldren. Mr. and f. MA r.____ &H i many East Grtnsteac people, having in years gope by As a means to this end, the Government are intro­ i the imate Constantine. Mr. and I .Jackson.’ M Kwra Jaokeou. Officers Training Corps to connection with the move- ,ven practically since beginning of the wsr. bet n a frequent viriti r to the town, opened the proceed­ men. If a similar body were set up for tee Array “■ Inches. Miss Sa' and Mrs. Mortoi merit. After Witnessing demonstrations in tent-pitch­ friends in the town will learn with pleasure of with, say, Lord Sydenham at itf head, it would be ducing the National Register Bill, whieh, for some Steel Mdme. ‘ ft Miss Wans. ing 3 by saying the ga bhering was'interesting from more unknown reason, seems to excite the fury of soma ■v must have ■j- ing, signalling and ambulance work General Baden- motion, points than one He was exceedingly glad to welcome able to redder considerable service; to Mr. Lloyd Ii and that n Browning. Misses _ - *• • ■*- * ’ i. and George in respect of munitions, and thus relieve tee otherwise estimable people. » Why such a simple and lei aooount of ■ ~ Miss Dewey; ‘b f f c luring L ^ eboat’s F r u itless J ourney. — ju s t baqtotb the Federate n the East Gnnstead Association, War Office I df work which is bound to piti a heavy obvious measuro of precaution and organreajjon Row-ell. U e u t.___nd Mre NellL Mr, ' befofe 9 a.in. on Wednesday news was received through ant) sa id the propose! presentation, later in the day, to strain on the staff there. There have (been many should do so, I confess, beats me. No compulsion kite inventory, 4 ' ■■ T ;V;:> ‘ Werotto. *L_.______what a h to honoured mem )er of that Association, also added ? • • : : ’ he had seen and he firmly believed the training ofif 1the the Coastguards that a boat was drifting from west- protest* at the neglect of tee War Offioe to utilise the at all is suggested, except the compulsion we all ■S 7 Mte^ftu-v . ,______Mrs. PiniogeE. Miss wan s with only a boy in it and asking for assistance to to jhe (interest of tha meeting. It Bhowed that licensed endure (except ladies of a certain age) when we havo |e action was Butler and party, Miss Savory. Mr. Frajnels Girl Gpidea, was the B P best B J possible B L | . thing. He | (KfidMi], had vie nal lers thorough) ; appreciated the work of sunhYnen services of scientists to the full , his chaege idea he should see such smart girls or such it number of be sint The lifeboat’a crew were quickly summoned Mr.l Ginnsll, the extraordinary little Irjshman who to fill up our census papers. Beyond that, wo aro ( 1: Medwyn (Cabhslk Road). and ipeedily put to sea, under Coxswain Dick Payne, as Mr. Betchley, whe stock nobly to their fellow traders only to be invited to say what we can do to servo ton, befori . them.—Following the inspection tea was served in the and lo: ally supported the interests of the trade. is “a party of one,” and who is for ever (retting into at he was Mr. and Mre. Luke. Mre Wood. Mr. and Mrs* Pavilion, and later on a display of life-saving was given withTEngineer CanteQ in charge of the motors; A ver his attacks upon everbody, from the our country, and what we are willing to do. Yet I Buckworth. Mrs. Cnbltt. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Anm stiff 3.WT gale was blowing and, on heading westward, The PresydBIs’s aid Mr H. G. Robinho* both [ hot, water c find a solemn ass writing to the papers to say m lt “i?- . Mbs Jee. Mre Curtis. Mr. A. Curtis. Mies Cotter- at the Baths. In addition to the local Guides, troops The ptoli weather Speaker or he Prime Minister down to tpe humblest were present from la st Grinstead, Hampstead, Pinner the 1 ifeboat encountered heavy seas. Nothingwas- seen both the „„* id in view of the reduc- rep >rtx d on the prooe sdiugBjat thelrecentiOcliference of • cross his the Bill “is a monstrous and unprecedented inter­ rroperioourp# Mrs. and Miss Gaiashan. Miss Good, Hiss Fleming- Of tie drifting boat and eventually they made Brighton, tion in yiel lice use 1 victuallers a i Harrogate; and Mr. Wells was fellow-Iririu nan who has the temerity. ference with the rights of the subject,” and that it I would have Mre. Young. Miss Llefd Thomas and Highgate. demand for hay! and I path, it an interesting —------personality. r' Cpi 1~ •ftge he lias, whei e the coxswain was informed from the Palace'Pier fodder next of Agriculture and hea rtil y oqngratulatei 1 on the splendid speech he made fids—a frail, ‘overthrows tee whole principle upon which our kfendant and Jt Lasokllm House (Lasosu.es Tebbaoe). T h e W a r L oan. — The Daily Telegraph that the vessel they were loqking for was a Ramsgate Fisheries in 1 nidging before tl e Oonferenoe the question of the I -undoubted!, for it is evident as he l ounty Court ■ attention of farmers to tame figu -e—in his place, with papers shaking British' institutions are based.” When people sfart Hill_ Mre___ Prlestland. MiMra. Martin, Miss published on Wednesday the following paragraph in smai k and that she had blown ashore between the Pier ensilage, system of st ig fodder in the diff srehoe ! in pribei paid for billeting (to licensed to throw the British-Oonstittition at your head, you lintiff elaimed i Lucas. Mr.r.a t nd. Mrs.r ----- Graham,^ ' *' ^(r. r. anandjMrs. ~ Haigate. reference to Brighton and the War Loan: ’’The and the East-street groyne. It appears that during state is viol uai ters and privat 1 resid mts. violently as he holds them in both hands, that he bn a question ! town, and' age has an established ' has a great nervousness to oontrol, and (that facing know at once that it is hopeless to argue with them. Miss Davies.w. Mr. and Mre J. Yard. 1. and response in respect of the new War Load has been theearl; ’ food t, but under ^present T he Conference t leu p ureeded. to ..consider the I fearf^ B‘{S‘d” ‘Ts‘ But it may be observed, in this ease, that “tho sub­ i been settted 1 R a ait..ftto lt.__ and V g . Paul. ME and Ifre entriely satisfactory. At two of the best-known batiks up off no mere joke. to him.1 Laurence ls.es FUram . Carter and friends. ihaj two af advantages. Ensilage mcieased taxes on s urits and their effete on retail Qiimell, _who i n 1 has. represented. hri .native county of ject,” if he is the subject pf Kaiser William by the transactions during the past week are spoken 0f as ashoein v ...... |...I ______~ against -aste should the automn pri< es. The subjeot led to a long and interesting, dis- conquest, will have no “rights ” at all, any PV>ra 1 41’ ston and friend ‘enormous.’ With regard to the conversion scheme, boy aboard. In the meantime a strong 8.W. West Meath since 1906, is a barristei;, and is a self- prove too for harvestin; late hay crops, and it cuasion. Eventually [a resolution iwas proposed reoom- iteduoated mam He is immensely wrapped up in than the Danes of Schleswig have, and that “Banish GlENDOWEB (BURLINQTOfl PlaIoe). fhe opinion in banking circles is that people with sprung up, preventing them from returning -1 ‘ provides, to e, a form ofjgreen food which makes mei idii ig each Assoc ation to advise its members to institutions ” are unlikely to flourish under the heel y W. a. Kbyte. Miss Lee. Miss WtaddoH. Mrs. available cash to put into the War Loan will make arid the smack, struck by the force of t literary interests; and, altogether, his afinaring out­ la very goodli ititute for roots. In many cases hay incijeai a the retail pri le one benny per quartern for all bursts at Westminster are th# last phenomena one of the Prussian jack-boot. It is difficult to read teia lneon. M re Hopkins. Miss Lethbridge. Mr. considerable use of the option rights. In hundreds of her anchor and began drifting :and-1 aftermath be converted into silage.; When ’ Its, except ngn ,nd hollands, and for these the sort of pompous twaddle with patjenoe. I rememier franklin. Mr. and Mre Van der Eecken. Miss Van private houses domestio servants are being encouraged I ashofe, hence the message to Newewhaven would expect from such an apparently meek-tempered der Eecken. M. and Madame Nutans on. Madaime the after) grassy a l top dressing of 3-cwt. urge should be t vdpence per quartern. It was little man. Mr. Ginnell has written biany legal a nation qf old which “rejoiced because they offered typut their savings into the Loan. This feature has | Thelooxswain of theNewhaven lifi gUlphate —.mia or qther quick acting nitro- poii itei l out that some Associations had anticipated this willingly, and that is what, I trust, the British Goldstein. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mias Taylor. Mdme. stimnlated immensely the transactions though the | hims slf that the boy was safe and that : „ works, and was one of the founders eff th^ Irish nation, is going to do when it is asked the question. Lammens. Mdlle. Lammens. Miss Kqmp. Mre-and enous n wonld be useful. It is not too late adv ice and an aftiendi lent was moved to the effeot that Literary So nelly in London. > Mias Hills. Mrs. 8 totes bury. M. Lamms is. S*r. Hill*. Post Office.” coulc be done; stood out to sea, to get an “ offinf o sow crop silage purposes in July and August, this at tion be appro red. /Finally both motion and There is no “compulsion ” needed where people aro Ro pay £5 at M r.and Mrs. A King. MasterTrevorKiDg. air.and run jome under canvas. When oommg round, A mixture as vetches,; eats and a little rape amendment were wi hdrawjn and the following was Old Father Thames, despite the1 war—in some ready to do their duty, as we all are, and if there aro M re Harrison. Miss Parker and frieSd! Mre and ever, the lifeboat was struck by a tremendous would ma' silage. Ijjd MOVprove an effective lonsly agreed M> respects, possibly, because of it—seems to be havinr a few selfish ones who are not willing, I doubt if Mias, hlphlck. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh. Me. and Mrs. ' HAILSHAM. a remarkably prosperous season. Well-to-do foil anyone would object to compulsion being applied to •’ King; Mre Fagan ' f|H lr~' "■ peri “ smother ’ i if sown earfy in July on land ’ ere . Conference *f ntatives of 1 e Licensed f d nTiiajm; roots ma failed because of drought. the Vic mailers’ Associat ions’ Sn hearing who are kept busy in town in connection with relief them. Our Saxon forefathers had a very good plan frill it arrived A dvocacy o f t h e W a r L oan.—A. me and other (war organisations. have taken up their Howard House Hotel (Howabd Square). to advocate local support of the War Loan u as held stubbles :en up as Ssoon as' the oorn is in min ute details of the m differentia- of inducing people to volunteer. There was no com- He did not Mre R. B. Ward_and party ^4). Mre J. J. D. Frost. self through her patent ejection appliance^ am stock and with white j mustard or raj tioz in charges for spirits the auumentatkm of I “bode “somewhere by the river,” betweep Richmond rnlsion. But he who refused was labelled “nMder- (age see tamed the Church Room on Monday, the VicarV (the Rev. ng ”—worthless, and nobody loved him. That ia Miss Frost. Miss EL C urtis.______and Mri. rt. P.Cleve. Preb. F. Clyde Harvey) presiding over a considerable foum I that all the crew were safe. With wind crops for I silo may (be expected, taxatio a,.approved * Pno v adoDted bv several I #ud Henley; artd the week-end excursionists from all laving been Mr. and Mrs. jTparker H\ ess. Mr. B. W. Masters fftvoi r the run home was quickly made, the essential ' silage is compression; toons and n thal where ciroumstanoes ‘ parts *>*rts of Greater London have been legion,legion No more the only sort of compulsion the Bill contemplates, : and assessed J. and D. Hill. Nurse James. Ma and Horace athering. included the delightful wjay pf obtaining a few hours of relaxation and we have all of us made up our minds about that Olimiipson, Mn. J. H. Maryan, Mr. H. T. tings, beinj reached just before noon. is usuallj) best attained the folio win ; iign pnoee he charged : Herbert Rev. R. J. Bryant cut while in the immature con- r quartern; runt and noUandtf 10d.; Irish from the nous and sultry conditions now pre­ ooms to an Mr. A K. Burtenshaw and Mr. J, J. White, dealt x t t ' vailing in capital could be conceived, and the " l l GERARD FIENNES. Kenilworth Court (Wilminmoi» with the matter from varipUB standpoints, R EL IEF FOR dition soon afto] Silage is now . whiskey, XQcL; brandy. Is. 2d.; special Is.; extra a; eeial v hiskies, Is. 2(1” hundreds of thousands-usands of people who bes;besiege the late Mrs. and Master Thorne. Mre. whom expressed a hope that Hailsham KfPei •teve^i'o*] to and trains returning to . wn from Philbrick. Mrs. and Miss Shlell. Mrs. IN THE silo, e Unit Sfi- other mattira of nterest to the tra4e were trams, ’bl Mre Finigan. MreMUnes. Mrs. Po Mre worthily represented in connection with the when your___ Hampton jurt bear testimony to the _i (polarity of BROWN’S been 1 fared in parts of and the n< xt m* eting, in November, was the river .jong the working classes of thg com- EASTBOURNE RIFLE CLUB. Miss Rogers. Master Rogers. Miss . Mr. and and Irritable, or entails than thi stack, and fixed I take'place at! Sastbo ime. Mre. Coombes. t Mr. and Mrs. Mi Mre Shaw, with ASTHMA, or artificial - ; the foddi is chaffed before beini munity. idiers on leave, too, are very keen on a Mr. and Mre Drew and daughters.' a. Mre BRONCHIAL Cough, you will A af thanks - As ac orffpd Mr. Wells for pre- row, and-hi dreds of lads in khaki were!to be seen Roberts. Mr. and Mre Whitley. Ratter. HASTINGS. relief if you stored,; ai Sreater de] " of the silo as ootnpare ‘ to Mr. Bo wson |a»d l|Ir. Peacock for their Gildredge Park Outdoor Miniature Rifle Range (free with its 1 sidj: ig, on Sunday injoying. tea and strawberries in the cool, W. EngUah. Ma. Mid' SfrsT jo te h ^ J Mr, HonWt R ecruiting R etu r n .—T he H asti TROCHES a ensures si irient compression. attetu which abound in the river valley. At to the public) every Wednesday and Saturday after­ Rev. K S. Klrkley. M re Davie. 8 t Leonards recruiting committee secured TROCHES. lozenge for the. othe a stack sa: ‘ *the initial cost noons, (sommencing at 2.30 p.m., practice shoots aro Speakers. onto erected ... y convenient poi A ; tWo o’clock the to an excellent io is fascinating. Houseboats and river MOSTYN TERRACE during‘ ‘last month, and...... of these 72passed ] fc dinner, provided by" -, whose catering villas ate aglow with soft radiance, island arbours held. Instruction given by efficient members of tha m the making of silage will Be found dub - • Alexandra Hotel—Mr. J. and Mrs. T h e L a te Ca pta in J. W . GA Garnier n iE r . — A in Leaflet ] 1 and on catch strops in Speoial Leaflet was thb subject cl At tee Hose of are gaily illuminated with Chinese lanterns, and over H. Freeman. Mr. Leslie Stokes. n. Mies memorial to the1 late Captain J. W. Gamier, for many I P ractical Echo.—An Eni_ the mefil the toast of Our Country and ail nyicn excellent music casts a magic spell which Targets and rifles provided, ammunition five shots a Cousins. Mr. and Mre Sav Linton. No. 28; o,'J 1 f either miy Be obtained- free of penny. Miss ri ardcastle and % Miss Bailey, secretary to the East FSussex Hospital ' is ..... to be passing through a picturesque glen in free, on application to the S< SucOee^ to Our Arms’ was ioaHy honoured. renders tee charm complete. A oontinuanoe of the dsssxszzss: inda subObnptio 1 list has present brilliant weather will certainly mean a record Range Offiaer for to-day, Mr. A. G. Conchman; Mr. James Pain. Mr. and Mre 1 in thait Institution, and a subOfcnption list has told 1 y his guide that at the spot where tary, Board 1 rrioulture and Fisheries, White! Wednesday next, Mr. J. Browning. nitb, wken I Dutton. ■' - Mr. been 01qpeued. The deceased offered his servi es to the a sph ndid echo could be obtained. “ J Letters; or postcards of a) season for boatowners and ^ band l ” Mr. King and oonntry immediately on the outbn ak of the bottk s of whidkev,’ and see,” said the guide, t i ^ ’s need not b|e stomped. SlnTHFXELD Ml at S’ —The weekly I W. W. Denham, Hon. Sec. 1 longer _ Mr. and Mm. Mr. war and he died as the result of wounds received at virito r shouted, ana, after waiting for several minn report from Smithfiek meat issued on Satasday. and Mre Bowles. Mr. and Mrs. . Festabert. The form which the memorial wil) take will tumel to-the Soot. “ I do not hear any echo ' showed a large falling off of i compared with last ‘When!an individual ia miserable, what Mre HanselL Madame Bordon mid Shot Db of this man'or T h e E xplanation.—A defendant explained and Miss I------be derided on later. said “ Maybe n a ” chuckled the Scot; “ but ( by S entry —On his w a y h o i ’s average. The rotal - “ tons. 2,000 fobs does it behove him to do ? the la|etie cornin' wi‘ the whiskev 1 ” at Hotting i Saturday nk -"'T.WJniamr * on the average last; nearly 1,000 tons that, of tiiis or that? To ) i street and the excitedly to the Willesden Magistrate on Tuesday why EANSDOWNE TERRAC wed 58 yet i is deaf, was* lesB than the o - last year. Two world with 1 and ob; ms? Not so at he had not.maintained his wife. “ I had meningitis, 19.—Mre Thornton, Mr. /Thornton; Spirited, but Spirituous.—“ The leading I Reservist 1 ■ duty. A thnoe British-bred all! the i of so; all mo i advise! him hot to and was employed on war Work,” he declared, ‘ and man acts with a lot bf spirit.” “ That’s the trouble. ; Mitcham Peppermint, and MACS challenge 1 - fired int the darkness, the Shot m eat, the remaiifer Bring imported from the Colonise | complain - person or of any : but df himself i op totny mud in knees, Then I broke my ribs, and. StfSsSSiJSSS'u***! He won’t act without a kit 1” Best Toffee are combined in MINT DE LUKE. killing M r.! alone!”—Gariy] i really veiy ilL” EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, NATU. JULY

“Members who have any doubt about the foulness hasn’t killed me jet. But if the Corporation, were forget my baptism viction against each defendant, and both were now SPORT—AND OTHER of these places (back passages) should go and see the now to order me o put my pipe oat after dark, it lo Frort. Wei fined £1. germs for themselves.’’—Uouneillor Avard. : would probably h« ye the effect of putting mj> light pout a break; In all the other cases fines of 10s. were imposed. “There were germs there that were not worthy of out as well and I should go off in a puff of smoke [lad when the The Chairman: It' should be known that we can fine THINGS. the name of Eastbourne.’’^Councillor Avardt after all. I should hold them responsible, anyway. 1LIEVING OFPiq: AT TH E FRONT. kceived a good esterday.—Before Alderman H. W. Keay (in up to £100. NEWEST • * * § jtion we were chair), Col. A. B. Mein, Alderman E. Duke i NO COLLAR. (■By SPECTATOR.) Of course you kiow we keep a tame naturalist on pniles to where; Councillor 8. N. Fox. LOWEST POl More often than not the Town Council meetings impany w is Stationed. Wn eve ptually arrived Lillian Wainwright,____„_, _ of______Milnthorpe-road;------J; was aum- the premises. We make quite a pet of him and it FIRE NON-ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL illowing a dog on the highway without a are dull and dreary functions, but there was a has not been found necessary to chain him up—yet. destination, rod the weloone wi > received from “ certain liveliness ’’ about last Monday’s proceedings ur officers ai id the boys m ide t s feel quite at Sarah Selby, of Dennis-road, was summoned for dis- me 27th. 1 ,’A keen, closely-contested match waa seen at the He is the chap wh > writes the local “Nature Notes,” de (Hart, Reade & Co.) appeared on behalf W m . B Baffrons on Saturday afternoon, when ^Eastbourne which broke through the solemnity of the, august and who in nis pc rambulations over the Downs dis­ Ths fortnightly meeting of the Board of Guardians ind we st on forgot the lit ? seymg a sohool attendance order made in respect tc assembly, and dignity gave way to merriment. It ding served when we arrii udant, who admitted the offence, and was xvere opposed to a team from the Convalescent Camp covers things whic l no one has ever seen there before as held at Avenue Home, The Avenue, yesterday waa just a touch of pure comedy that Messrs. Easter partaking oi it we were The Town Olerk-; (Hr. H. W. Fovargue), whc fined 2s. fid, . a t Summefdown. .The soldiers 'were a hale, hearer; —or rincte.' He it great on beetles a»d caterpil ftemoon. Mr. E. 'J. C oi rjnqe presided, and there DESTRUCTION. and Wright supplied. I don’t mean the well-known and such like fere cious insects, and what he doe were to i lal :e an attack at our jart ol ppeared to prosecute, said the order waa first made looking lot and xiejther shrapnel nor gas poisoning Terminus-road firm, you know, bht those two poomis- ■erealso present Couno lk r Bradford (vie i-chainnan), „_____ , att pon the father of' the child, but he joined the Armj Henry Prior, qf Tower-street, was summoned for know about ante isn't worth learning. 1 obsei take up a pretty advanod po sition. obstructing: Junction-road with a barrow on June 28th. had apparently caused them to forget their pricket. . ing young public' men—Councillor l J. Easter and he gave me an intidote for ants in his notes Its. Fahey, Miss Bole eci.tlMiss Brodic Hall, Miss Alderman J. C. Wright- f j . / >r some res son or other 1 he a tack i P.C. Whiting stated that the defendant stood at the True, they didn’t soore very heavily, but most of week (for which ■] thank him), but then he had Davies Gilbert, Miss Councillor Iprior, Count- 'or a day, so that after al w e;wore't comer of Junction and Tideswell-roads for about 15 them played in very good form, and, in my opinion, tailor Chapman, Council k» n our dug-louts. 'The n e it, 4 « we minutes. Alderman Wright is gifted with much book learn­ ireparing pisitions for pi ir tr iops v they were worth more than the modest 145 which ing, and in such matters as. literature, poetry and Scott, the Rev. A. A. 15vt Defendant was fined for a similar offence on Monday, they totalled. I fancy they are of the same opinion eld in re ler re, and then a t abo it 9.3€ and he now had to pay 2s. 6d. art he could give most of us a long start and a beat­ Eev. J. T, Bums, Mi. J. traded and given a few g lod worjls c themselves. ' ' :■ V | 1 K ing. When he says that a picture is valuable, you Mr. J. Youell, M r.Tc .i FORGOT HIS MOTOR CAR. j - - * I • * ! may bet your boots it is so, and when he assures you Mr. (J. Willmot, ,Mr. E. m off we marched to ta re up our Unfortunately they lost Colonel Bostook through further that no picture; *is true—if it is a good one, Haynes, Mr, C. Chandless- tack was to commence v ith 2 boml William Hamilton Gunn, of King’s-drive, was sum­ sin injury to his knee just when he appeared to he you may rely upon it that Mr. Wright is right—as ENEMES’ FIELD GUNS AND Mr. G. Hornsby, Mr. , heavy a; til ery, and whei. they start moned for obstructing the thoroughfare with a motor getting set and in for |U long score, and though usual. But, esnnoissew in such matters «s he is, one H unt (clerk). car on June 30th. SCHOOL Corporal Stevenson, Private Davis, Private Bland -would ,say after what transpired on Monday that S0WITZERS. House C P.C. Cairns said he noticed the car, standing outside U . P H ' and one or two others shaped very well for their ha is -a better judge of an artist’s picture than of his The Master’s Report an bmitted at the defendant’s house at 11 p.m., and it was still there runs, the rest oould not do much against the bowling parentage. :...’ the meeting of the H6ui tatistics.— at 3.15 a.m. He went and saw the defendant, who said of E. W. Smith, who captured no fewer than eight • * • - ....‘-V • irmany adopt id the quick-firing gun in 1905 only, Week ending 26th June; if inmates he “ forgot all about the thing.” There were no lights of their wickets for less nine runs apiece. It happened this way. Councillor Easter, in his ■ having oarri id out trials as unsuccessful as they (House), 131: last year, ; Number on the vehicle. t nncdw un'tk ** ■ nnnlnrfttsul firivuv fiolA rruna • of inmates (Infirmary);']; i increase, Defendant, who said he had done the same thing in Eastboume made a rather indifferent show the Gen lan field guns ef 1896. The present 18. Vagrants, 33; last ye 26. Week Canada, was fined 108. / . oolour drawing depicting old Eastbourne, in 1856 from But had time allowed victory would have been am field guns, whink are styled “1896 «/A ” is (House), of the bye-law. Mrs. Courtenay Bell, and then Alderman Wright, of inmates FIGHTING. to almost a dead certainty. As it was they | nt, new t attem), are the guns of 1896 trans- A fine of 10s. was infl; cted. within three runs of their opponents’ total an in his capacity as Chief Corporation Art Critic, got Vagrants, George Burton, of Gore Park-road, and Sidney Hunt, up and stated that the artist was bom in 1804, died arman gun-tube- of 1896, provided of, Willowfield-road, were summoned for disorderly had two wickets in hand. W. Grevett (33), A. g breech-piece, has now been fitted MORE "LIGHLIGHT” CASES, (32) and Lieut Hogg (26) were the principal,w in 1875 and that Mrs. George Hamilton was his conduct on June 30th. name 1 Of course the Council wouldn’t believe him, ;ed to reooil in a device called a Another batch of “ ight ” ^ cases______were before__ the P.S. Holding said he saw the defendants fighting. LJONJH, j Music, and very good musio, was supplied t ’hen the round is fired, the gun Magjstrates, the defendants being: Douglas _ Rudge, Summerdown Camp band, whose performanc -and laughingly told him so, add'even when the Each accused the other of commencing the disturbance. worthy Alderman corrected himself by saying he 1 ’ “k it the cylinder of a liquid wers. were South Lynn;..._ Ethel —-.— GreBn, ,—..,., Royahparade —.— .., ;°RichardH. —. 1 i t • Defendants were fined 5s. each. - greatly enjoyed and appreciated by a very fai Bsing a spring .which sur- doubt! most of ;rou will have read of!it. I must not. " ‘ ’ e, Oavendish-^venueCavendish-avenue ; Louise Taylor, Royal- meant to have said “his father’s name ” it 'didn’t p’a Church toy anything as t> the result, tut I understand the make matters any better. The Council roared, and mnds tele oylind ir. ■ recoil is spent,-the spring and.{Mrs. Williams. I' I «. Charles’ "Hy. Taylor, ylor, Royal-parade;Royal-parade; An.1Andrew__ DISORDERLY. the Alderman asked them what they were laughing again. The gun and oradle-brake Assistant Master.—Detteri B were read from Mr. E. authorities werp fitisfied. We lad n pleasiig cere­ a______Leonards-road; 1 1“Charlotte Capper, Arlington- Harry Brookshaw, of Clarence-road, was summoned On the College . in Blackwater-road some an elevating-gear support, mony a few weelB ago, as one of c ur mer, Corpl. road; AlfredDouch, Cavendish-avenue; i at. “Why,” said the Mayor with.tne Captain, down his face, “you stated that Mrs. George ie whole formii i __ inting which rests on the to hjave the benefit of jth i extra pay attached to his Willingdon-road;' James Vine, Deimis-i Mr. Thomas appeared for the defendant, who denied T. A. Ryder, is in remarkable form now, and l i g | y a p i [vantage of____ the L system______is that occasion the Gene: al Commanding ou!■ Division spoke ____WorraU, _____ Howard-[-square; Lily Fears, L. , Hamilton was bis name.” “I said George promotion as Lance-Cor; or il, and sating that since in terms of high praise of the worja the Company the offence. s supplemented his previous century Hamilton was his. name,’’, was ! the reply. “I ie direction of recoil may not be normal to the then he had been promoted to the rank-of Corporal. Beatrice Fox, Dennis-road; Sarah Malcolm, St. Anne’i C.C. and his b ig score against B t iViniltrhf M n^linruirl in Pnnnnillnv Uo otnv * * T-/M1 nnirl kt carriage, this contributing fe Was doing out hire., I understand {there has been road; OuthbejrtOuthbert Refers,Rogers, Upper-avenne ; VaughaVs P.C. Copping stated that he heard shouting, and on s condition at the nei t Storage Cistern (Infirmary).—Mr.further decorati McCann m ; reportedawarded to tl e Ccinpany of which going to the spot he found the defendant abusing a Andrews Masters by a brilliant innings of 160 made loss of lateral 4hn. The carriage is fitted with Councillor Eden pro; that he was informed that this cistern .’jeas in a bad Payne,. , , ^Carew-road “ ’ ,; and .1 EjtoahSarah Williamson, oiof Easl in almost faultless fashion against the Masters of East­ siiffioiently extensive shields*.11. to protect the „— gunners lets I am proud tc le a member. I JwUl now close, .bourne. ' | - “ ■ - V - woman and making a serious accusation against her. iport. state. It was depidqd ftslfthanking the Master you firto report the manner on ii which yon released Defendant went away, but later witness again heard f. bourne College. Ryder is evidently a good bit above duringuring firing. The instruments for taking.aim are Mar. WtLtMOT seconds Mr. Rudge said he wanted to know what was meant tile average of acnoolboy cricketers and in normal numerousumemus and of in improved type, prominent among me from my-date is to enable nee to] join the Army, shouting, and found defendant abusing the same woman. I the adoption of the and-also for the generous termi you offered to me, by an-exoassive amount'of light. P.S. North gave corroborative evidence. tomes we should have followed his doings tins season whichrhich is'ais“a GoerzGoers panoramic sight. Each battery has j OEMCraiiB u The Magistrates’ Clerc (Mr. E. O. Langham): That -with the keenest interest. If things go well and the ann observation wi ,gon gon which carries the optical instrtl-instra- and I smeereh t-UBt that I shsU sion be back at By Mr. Thomas: He oould not hear what the woman, Mr.. Auckland prop Eastbourne. I tr ist that this f nds ; the members of is a matter for the discretion of the authorities. Will dear old game is allowed next year to take ate mentslentsand and telephtelephone me equipment. • The ammuniteon is you plead not guilty and have the case heard ?i said. GEORG customary place ia the national life of England we thathat efof the 1896 gun, in complete cartridges, these the Board in tl e lest of health, as I am ver p thank­ Brookshaw stated that on the evening in question he ought to hear a good deal more of this young bats­ eing fitted With a shrapnel or with a high-explosive members of the Board.”! 1 j ful to say it leave^ me at presem. Defendant: Yes. was speaking to some friends, when the woman Baid it man, who is full of the highest promise. His 160 was hell (Oranatc), si or Accidein if j ou Councillor Breach, who resides In Matlock-road, said accelerated-firinjg ” howitzer, and has the san ’Re Payment of Snp)iration A lowance. With regard-to the base of Jane Vine, who denied Eastbourne cab ranks, (and the.fir the offence, P.C. Smith stated that at 10.50 p.m. on the defendant left his van near [witness’s house from. (Ul view very shortly) the male Jehus baractoristic features as the transformed 1896 fie! S pecial E sjemption P o jo y as 5.25 to 5.50 p.in. oh the day in question. He told un. It fires a ; irojectile weighing 14 kg. (30.8-lb. circular was receivid from the Lical Govern- June 30tH he saw a bright light at the back of defen­ MUNICIPAL BE a back seat, I expect.- {They are bo r t (5oard giving details of arrangem nta whereby by the !! dant’s house. ■- { defendant to move, but Gardiner declined to do so. As and in great demand—until one of ( obtain information from Vine said she had onl p just got home from work, and a, result witness telephoned to the police. Defendant turns faint, loses her head and smas iu iwof Nseparation uuauuB auuwtuitiCB,allowances, had continually left the van in the same place. (Technical things before you have time to ham I her toe smelling | dependents o: sailors and SCOTTISH INSC&A Mr. Allen: What you objected to was the blocking ofi salts. Of course women are angels and all that, b u ; lyoerine tuzzle velocity your house and not the obstruction of the street? they are not all to be relied upon to retaas control Sapper PioEo ?eb. CORPORATCOir.. Councillor Breach: That is a matter for the police. illuminate of either themselves or their cabs i ?hen the supreme The Bench inflicted a fine of 10s. m om ent of daqger arrives. following letter whioh had aril. S. Pickover, R.E., one Taylor, it was stated tliat the lights were visible from MODERN officers, who is barring with ID X. XEI'T, theeea. • - «. togs of “ E m in en t M en.” Eastbourne is a pretty black. place at night just r Force in France:— Mr.-Taylor, who Appeared on behalf of Mrs. Taylor, “ My husband,” observed a matron to a now, but apparently Venice throws lit completely into n,4—I now take the pleasure Southern Oouz ties £ op t, _saidII the.he light was ;obs.obscured lured by a.heavya.h plush curtain, group of friends,” was a confirmed smoker with smokers’ : morning song of the cockerel can b« heart when I married him a year ago, but to-day he filing without this gentleman.”—Mr. J the shade. Not content with the usual precautions -on, as I feel I ought to let 'flO.'PETENDEY ROAD, while••• the door window* waa covered Drown paper.! for “keeping things dark,” the authorities of Venice l out here and trying to do OntheOn the nightnig! ‘ in question one of the visitors left the door never touches the weed.” “ Good !’r said one of the ' ! have actually forbidden smoking in the streets after inking tile war to a speedy l 1 ASTI 0TTRNE. open. He the precaution of locking the group. “ To break off the habit of a lifetime requires, we .should have the German flag fin tin nightfall. It the Eastbourne Town Council, in their >ugh I am not ’ a soldier I IP ... . „ P |. jis opinion the person who! a strong wilL” “ Well, that’s what Ijye got !j” said the i into sections and Used as dusters.”— stony-hearted wisdom, were to do likewise and forbid >r [which I anymore than Accident ai d opened the door was the one who ought-to have been wife. I . Principal—L. i me my usual evening weed it would be the last iupti like to .ten yon where summoned. burse, M y0U W esley a n Ch a pe l D estro y ed b straw. Life wouldn’t be worth tiring. I am not . In this case the Magistrates imposed a fine of £L 10s. —Conway-road Wesleyan Chapel, Cardiff, oi Alderman J. C. Wright, much of a smoker myself—nothing; to boast of, that t allowed t o do_____ this.___ At With regard to Mm. Green a fine of 15s. was inflicted. most extensive religious edifices of the city, was < . E. ! talk of selfish motives to ie—though for years past I have managed to get He who bias lee circumstances for his failure have been fi irly quiet of ith’s batjtlei8 are such tt at it is ever In two cases, those pf Sarah Williamson and Chas. by fire on Thursday afternoon, only the walls M “ - 4 \ R. Goul bourn Lovell (at f fountain) through 365 i canoes of tobacco per annum and it portrays his mental infirmity. thankful sw recruit. Hy. Taylor, of The Angles, there was a previous con- standing. 1, SILVERDI


Teh 164. Under l

led teachers. supervision o



, & JU sistants © anteb ECON SPEC! RATES. Oowkeepers ipectable YOUNG GIRL DAILY (first 10 LET (Furnished), small-HOUSE; Uppo* Duke’ To the E ditob. ousework; 7 a.m.tolp.m., Fridaysand. rANTS O F A ru L KINDS, Drive; three bedrooms, two sitting rooms, batl DELIVER HIGH-I » a local paper C r Marshs 11 to 6 p.m.—Apply, Mrs. Sherwood, A m; from July 29th for six weeks,—L., “ Chronicle Three Times DaU To maintain Good iron need Good Teeth. ARTICLES FOIL SALE, As It Is necessary to kx tughtat the KentC latapoued ilde-road, [bourne. ______Is derived we invit* lat we are now pi 'ANTED, f>r small private house, GBNE1 l-delached six-roomed COTTAGE l U A r m A i . c ive Vaoanoies lessly where necea IVAKTS WAJ (TED or 8ITI ATIO N8 BSQUIRBS. LIMITED ) cheapest coal so tor DRIVj ifofo it wofild seeth the prioe of Ke: it must have good references and be abstainers. teeth, and fit Artifi IOUSES m A P A R T M E N T 1 TO LET, Hampden Parlc.\ . If this is correct surely the Electi ie OOD OOOK-GENERAL (Supplj WANTED Bth comfort and prove lerlton Cottage, Ashur»t W< Telephone 463. and Gas Company, who CounoiUbr ■ August for month ; three In fam ANTED,ON 1LD, X t GIRLUiUU forlul Offlce.-Apply,Viuw.-- -4 Ai|e i dvertisedln tt e Whi ile of ive hud in immense stocks of cod, srences ; age 26-S8; hours 10-11 and Cavendlt h-plaoe, Eastbournei Free Repairs and attention to our wi -roomed picturesque, creeper-ci REMOVALS mown this, and no do ANTED, ( ARDEN ER, who is hard times. Advice Free. - jncombe p < Jo.’s (Ltd.) 2 usse i Newspapers T ° d e S ^ r AGE; large garden; outride sanl C A S H A D V A ting of the Gas Com] there will ittie house work; five-roomed cottage tlon: good ware md drainage; 6s., weekly tcnanoi GENERAL 8ERVANT WANTED, at .. . - a . is. weekly.—Apply to j' I At One Ohargi, viz: . Apply, Overton, e Rocks, Ashurst Wood, East Gi APPLY to the Undoubted ly Ivate family: deep in or out,—Apidy, l b Really Painle n Extract i stead. m m u). Vjuthnnvnfl. D ‘ i alrymple, B amsey Old Lewos. ' . 1 [SKRTIONj over 2D Words the astoundi lg 1EIVED in i M 1 8 8 - A . rgot toask w iy ID HOUSEMAID-GENERAL REQUIRED for ANTED, £ mart Lad as •PRENTIOKforGi and Sixpence moderate - STORAGE artmenttopur- In small house, { 1.WILMING ...... , „ „ ^ ______Collieries tn 3y are taken; i wages, given, as, Ltngfleld. ive Shillings e, Eastbourne. ‘ VTIOARAGE DRIVE, - Semi-detached VILLA TO could have saved the ratepayers of Eastbourne a pou id “ Chronicle ANTED, >ARLOl AID; four In family; four V LET; two reception rooms, four bedrooms, bath [OOEK'8 WAREHOUSEMAN WANTED at once. Dibdln, Dormans- room, &c.( kitchen and scullery; rent £46 per annum.— One is almost tempted to call together again the -Gave, Austin & Co., Ltd., South - street, East- Ir Booked q i Usual Bats j \ Apply, 43, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. ■ I I j{ HA. ■' ’ * It SWCfSV. Goods Warehoused in Separate, Ratepayers’ Association and demand an' inquiry into FANTED,DIVA Dels. 4UUUfood Oilall-round * 1 UUUU wCOUNTRY vi'aaia wuuwuBLAOK- All snob Anne l( sments appear in this serious extravagance. In face of the Government OUSEPARLOURMAID WANTED immediately, BMITH.-fApply, Pettltt & Bon, Alfriaton, Sussex. P R O M P T C js.—Mis. Dutton, Lock-up Cpmpartments. e, Eastbourne. rANTED, 3IURSE-HOU8EM AID iim u o tts £1< .(fadw! ast Sussex Net is. OUSEMAID --- , (UIRED------L .MP-( ussexGa S i stboume. 'fisting 8 IndeptncU . Apply, stating age and reference, ANTED. rOUNG GIRL for Tea Rooms; sleep In. A COIDENTS AVOIDED by having Finest Fireproof Warehouses Loudon k ProviiKM ro Hotel, Eastbourne.______MarteUo Tower, Beaford. Terminus Bi ast, Orimtead Oba A. WINDOWS GLEANED by the oldest, Phone 771. Uaseco an d Surrey most up-to-date window cleaners; taking a UNIOR CLERK order too large or 'nope too small.—Old Tov in Eastbourne. school preferrei icellehtopi ir^MOTOiB BNGmimtING1TRAM ? go fori ham, Timet, ing, HaUi for smart ; outh.—Apply, Bo villa Garage, And House Cleaning Company, 70, Green-s rhereby rlni, at a very m lall it, an'amount of A t the Lew * Polio& Oourt on Wednesday Rol ert publicity thr mgbout the li ipor it distrlot of LL KINDS ’-OFF CLOTHING, Smart and Up-to-date Vans- £ 3 Rolf, an elderly fisherman, of Hollingdean-rcad, il Ironers.— East! ifluential . Linen, Bool PURCHASED; oas , »- •- . v .j Brighton, was summoned for entering a prohibited area Eastbourne. rs.-Hart, 6, BI itreet, Lewes. DVANOED Pri . Note of Hand a for the purpose of fishing after dark, on July 2nd. IY, Susans - road, Eastbourne. natitm s SSantei) *BR8 EAST itoAST-OFF BOOTS, &c.. Ladies', Gentli Experienced and Careful Men Mr. E. T. Wellsted, of Newhaven, who prosecuted CANTELUPH V men’s a us: any quauuuy uuugiib Ocklynge-road. Eastbourn. far the Admiralty, said the regulations had been mkde PETROL. i ent direct to F lrnooMbe & only Employed. NO FEES. more stringent lately afid toe alterations had teen >, or left with i .uthor ised Al itoOSTUMES MADS ALTERED and REPAIR] HTIAI__Call wM^y published. The authorities regained the strict (London), i Id at the abov. Low tates. \ j First-class TAII DRESS; Ladies' own mat EQUIRED, young FRENOH LADY (an for toe Work. made up.—Miss O. 1 foodall, 1, Langney-road, “ Prentloe-road ’7. off observance of these regulations as very important, in bourne. house). Established foot, atedfotely ritaLMidtbey viewed thd reourrpnc s of i summer holidays to take cha^eofvw Innarly new), Smyth, 8, ihlhg Machine REQUIRE four sunny UNFl Commander Ian Hamilton Benn, M -P. for Green­ Countei near Lewes Stations or Flat wich, said hq was an officer of the Royal Naval Reserve, Gauntiett 3, W-orple-road, Wimbledon. and produced, the authority of the competent naval IXPERIEN 3KD- ANTED. Best authority for these proceedings. IY CLERK (Male) WANTED >Y. Ladles. Gent’s, am Cosmo Bowyer said he was in command of oni of shorthand igi also Underwear, G H.M . ships, and while on patrol about 10 p.m. on the enoes and Leaml igton 8pa. find fast he saw a vessel whiqh the searchlight revealed G. E. MAYNAED, Ltd to he the “ Good Boy,” a fishing smack belonging to SINKD KINDERGARTE1 Required Shoreham. Reordered the master of the vessel to take for School in Eastboun lUdren in Eastbourne ; dom'eetlca looa lity, v 1th rniole ’’ Office Eastbourne. lent personri references; fatorvlev 8 and 10 Tons. her into port and to report angement.—Write O. BL “ OhronU GENTLEMAN REQUIRES FURNI8HI . Complete House Furnishers, EASTBOU Miohael Connor, chief officer of the coastguard at House and C (Twin); fa flrat-olase! VT ROOM and large BEDROOM, with o< Newhaven, deposed to the accused being m charge of of another bedroom (double); private houe iY wouliii Hike to RECOMMEND young ■r rimed OOTTi GES In East Grinstead minutes of front; quote terms for perman. the vessel. ' URL wi1 thing to work half-days In Eng for the' IV n ••niwflnrar” Greystone Buildings, Defendant said he had no special permit to fish, and SJCFUL HELP or superior GENERAL to attend ks a-little Em E good garden! —Api ing attendance; fate dinner.—Lugano. Devi h e did not know exaotly that he was in the prohit ited i j elderly lady assist genera Small bouse; i tead. oomfortablecomronaoie homeriuuie, uuet in family. is. Ruffle, 1. Uppleby, 7, 1 MOTOR OH OLE and Best Local area. He obtained fas living by fishing, and .had Langney-road. Eaatbourn. wlthfree ei WELIrfUl INI3HED HC USE Jl every OVERNESS CAR WANTED; fit 13 nothing else to do. He had 14 children, two of wjhom ADY RH SO) ENT DESIRES ENGAGJ ip.—QroveGai ige, Orove-i , oonvenienie; at very noderati •Apply, \ T good oonditloririround corners: rul were in toe Army and two fa the Navy. The smack SEFUL HELP WANTED, few hours dally;-little ashdown road price, also colour.—A. 12, “ Chronicle '* Ofi plain oooking.—Apply evenings, 8 to 9, “ Tiverton | MORNHICIG GOVERNESS ~C” : to Children; English 3COMMODATII (EW MILK n OAli&i ttuw did not belong to him, but three of them and the O' raer tonse,"t " 1ft13, Hartington-pl TTftrH no+nri.nlrnfi. oh. Elementary Latin. Greek, German, Separated; and ’ LiTRY.—Ap The Mapleton BLY-FURNISBEDi ned Detached went shares in the catch. He had been earning a tent jr, V. D., “ Ohronida" Offloe, Eastbourne. y Go., Edenbrldg TC LET; bath room i lerate rent.— 'ED, GENERAL for upstairs and table, or aen s-road. East G toste d. TV useim nwp; aisu a a iu iwfor Kitchen;ailuuou, ' small II3LAT0RS and MA1LOAKTB. JHiscelluneous boagfing-house.—30. Marine-parade, Eastbonrne. ill toe 4 IOMFORTAELEUMU 4VW4UQROOMS j Whigh gl tYty EVUVUUUVUUVUrecommended EUNE fllle fransalse parlrienne (professeur dlpld Including suitable foi gentlemen in raslm bs or quiet couple donne lecons- et conversations frangaises ; loi ANTED, YOUNG GIRL for Office, Eastbourne. iririence: progrte rapides; prix modirte.—Melli ANTED, at once, TRIUMPHS, B.S.A., Douglas, TT home.for olean, willing glrl.- 97a, South- [bourne. lew.LasoeUes terrace, Eastbourne. Enflelds, Zeniths or any godd makers: also light teaches a 3AYING GUIC3TS 'OST, on_the opposite Iiansdowne-terrac i Oars; cashwaiting.—Letters, Box214, “East Sussex Bpeeiai Cheap Bales methodmwuiuuj tern born iBw imoderat and CYCLE OAR&- 1 Received ; well appoint in 12 and 1, a GOLD BRACE I ” 1 gtvflfl • • .1 Office, Eastboi irm Wehavbthi and conVeni mt situation Uigbe t refi ______-~Js A. M. D,—£2 Reward Offer ANTED, in Pevensey or Westham. FURNISHED- of Situations Wat UIBES LIGHT EMPLOYMENT rkbrook and id Tovey. | returned to Duggan, 6, Lanadowue-terrace, Eastboi W BEDROOM and SITTING ROOM, with attend­ F o o tball in W a r Tim e .—A jo in t confer! mce 'ANTED, Cook-General apd rlourmald for i seourity given.—Write, E.P., “Ol SD | MOTOR •PAYING------»UI REOElYEDfa UMOKLAL O. DS, Single Blaok Edged -Ch ance, for two persons from August 3rd for month or six for Sate, A p of the English, Irish, Scottish, and Southern Football f Kensington, one tady.^wages &6-6S; Houre- ton, FOR SALE, homo; highly to match: 12, Is. lOd.; 25,3s. weeks.—Reply, stating terms, which must be moderate, {Leagues was held at Blackpool on Saturday to di xmss ourmalds, yonng Housemaids and Betweenmaids IDDLE-AGED [AN WANT'S lo ” A VWifabtt itlo Folded Cards ini all net Box 2,925, “Chronicle Office, Eastbonrne.______^ id v isa b itity of continuing footbaU during next se ison. Private: good Kitchenmaids for Boarding and 20, The Ay inne Bd.; 50; 7s. 6d. ; 100,13a. 6d. 1 '11TANTED,~YTTANTED, commencing July 24th, for -three.three weeks.weeks, irtmdnt Houses ijalso several.good Generate. Diq- ri olfrich-road, Chariton, irder. — Farooombe St Oa, 1 aoed: Single-Handed Cooks, Parlourmaids and FARM TO L IT i l Ichaelmas; station Printers, Lewes, and East Gi V y SITTING ROOM, TWO BEDROOMS: hills I ast bourne 11m i grass, 31 preferred or near Seaford.—Terms to Frauds, 4, Albert- isemaids; aUo Cook-Generals, and Houseparlour- Irided road, Brockley, London.______interests of the nation and those engaged fa the wai and de together.—Myrtleholme Employment Agency, r. o buildings, he i lottery to. Printed those who were making munitions wquld be served by [ge-road. duties. — Address, BATH CHAIR: T*rANTED to RENT, an Unfurnished COUNTRY p i JX-TAVIsn K3KI RIVATE HOTEL T T RESIDENCE, containing three or four reception continuing the playing of football during next seaton on ANTED, BETWEKNMAID In high otass Board- tUBUOANS’ UT BOOKS from on< rooms, eight bedrooms, two bath rooms, &c.; good water- lines to be subeequently submitted to toe Fodtball ing House, July 19th; good wages and good out- OUNG t IDY ^EEKS LIGHT EMPLO’ the wholesale trade supply; house must he In good order; good garden, Association.” It was finther resolved to recommend "Ohronlole” Office, and Co., resand Eastbourne. garage, stabling and some land-.near Lewee preferred. C hronicle that the registration of professional players durfa j the hand-rubbed —Please send particulars to G. W., care of Wilkinson, ensuing season should be discontinued, and that d irrng ANTED, PARLOURMAID and HOUSEMAID TABL1 are;50 inches w Son & Welch, 176, North-street, Brighton. 10 net. Also £ our bedroom i, ba h terienced LAUNDRESS; punotu- OUNG«_X.1 ii. LDY a _1 _REQUIRES1---*. . AnPOSITION In nil in 1 rarne. Assistant my Two-2 6-ftl64n.hy4-ft: ally returned ; moc ite.—Box E S3, ■“ Chronicle r‘ Office, T K r ANTED, small COUNTRY HOUSE (Unfurnished) aonials.— ies when verton, The Ro 15 miles Haywards Heath; two MAID; plain oook x>ms, bath room, Sto.; shed for essential.—6,_H UpperITnnnr (Duke' Tlnlrn'a 'EDjlln a la tchelar.Bolney Farm, Ardlngly. drive. [bonrne. fa I Seaford Horn & Chartres, ANTED, l BETWEENMAID; one T ™ Sir . E dw ard ( !r b y .—Sit Edward Grey is ! who has >n out before preferred; aged 16 to 18 SITUATIONS WANTED for good Houseke >t likely to resume lull control of the Foreign (M ce incentialpoe iriop raid be used y, by letter, Mrs. Astley Roberts,' years at Cavendish Hotel, London; mothi 11 next week, .but he will probably return to the top, sta ble oi garago; moderate Don’t forget, wlhen the Butcher’s Bill is under rarne., i daughter, (look-General and Houseparlou: Termlnns-roa i. Eat iboume. debate fa vour. domeIstic Parliament, to moire the inser- man, wife i nd daughter as Handyman, Co< epartment to-day. {His oculist is vdry well satisfied ANTED, SECOND-HAND PIANOS; PIMP and OHIP Houaeparloi irmald or Nurse; good Cook, t in the Foreign $ecretary’s sight lofty BED-S TTIf G ROOM, divldi tion of a “ saving olajw e.”—The Passing Show.” diven.—Apply, Clifts, Plano Merohanl as the result of rest i first ffoor; private house: Eastbonrne. Is. 2d. dozen, Is. Id. to. per 100.—Apply, Plain Cook, £26; Housemaids, £11-22; {Housep iprletor ” 6, Colonnade-gar li People seldom improve when they have no Scott fe Sons, Wood side, maids, £20-2 ; good Housemaid, long referenw Mere parsimon; iselves to copy, ! [i. Parlourmaii 1, £24: Generals, £16-24; YouDg M Tinted hy toe Proprietors. F ai & Co., Limited, lNTED, at once, a CARTER.—Apply, W. Green, and great expanse, may occupation o f a man is, he and Published by them every •, at their Offices Falmer, near Lewes. fast and greatest attention. South-street Eastbourne.
