Minutes, Approved 2019 07 04

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Minutes, Approved 2019 07 04 STANTON BY DALE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting of Stanton-by-Dale Parish Council held at 7.30pm, on Thursday, 4th July 2019 in The Village Hall, Stanhope Street, Stanton-by-Dale. Present: Cllr S Broughton (Chair), Cllr A Farnsworth, Cllr P Harvey, Cllr G McCahill, Cllr C Wallbanks, Cllr P Woodward Cllr W Major (DCC & EBC) Cllr J Frudd (EBC) Cllr Mrs L Frudd (EBC) M Fox (Clerk) and 5 members of the public. 113/2019 Apologies - None 114/2019 Variance in Order of Business – None. 115/2019 Declaration of Members Interests -None 116/2019 Public Speaking – (15 Minutes). Traffic liaison speed awareness in the village took place outside the school which is not the best place, also CREST has been in Dale Abbey and resident asked why this can’t happen in Stanton by Dale. Cllr Harvey confirmed this would be happening within the week. The June issue of the Ilkeston paper printed that the Ilkeston/Hallam area has plans for 700 houses. Cllr Wayne replied that the Core Strategy is coming to an end and there were 2000 planned for Stanton Ironworks and this is looking un-deliverable, so other areas are being looked at. The Core Strategy is being renewed for the Greater Nottingham area and there is a housing target from national government and Erewash will get a housing target and will have to look where they can put the houses. It has a 25-year span and the first five years are most important and will need to be deliverable. EBC will do as much as they can to preserve the environment. The Brick yard near Kirk Hallam is also contaminated and likely to be developed. The new vicar, Phil was welcomed to village and to the meeting. Resident is concerned about parking on the pavement on Main Street as his wife is visually impaired and this is a problem. Council to look at taking the matter up at a higher level. Police – No incidents sent but only two weeks since last meeting. DCC – Council Plan has been published with DCC priorities. Action Grants are available for community groups and details are on the DCC website On 15th July at 6.00 there is a meeting at Long Eaton Police Station for anyone interested in Community Speed Watch. EBC – Local Councillors Surgery to be held the first Thursday of each month from 10.30 to 12.30 in Kirk Hallam Community Centre. The trees are being sorted in the Rectory garden and this should help the light in the Middlemore cottages. Councillors have done walks around Kirk Hallam to speak to residents re problems. 117/2019 To approve the Minutes of the Meeting of the Stanton-by-Dale Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 20th June 2019. The minutes were approved with two amendments and signed by the Chair. 118/2019 To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. – None. 119/2019 Planning Applications. ERE/0619/0037 Moorfield Farm, Hixons Lane, Stanton by Dale, Derbyshire, DE7 4PG. Demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of a replacement dwelling. No objection but comment made on material to be used. ERE/0619/0049 Seven Oaks Road, Stanton by Dale, Derbyshire, DE7 4QU. Lawful development certificate for the erection of a detached dwelling house. Objection due to setting precedent for future developments. ERE/0719/0002 43 Dale Road, Stanton by Dale, Derbyshire, DE7 4QF. Construct rear/side porch. No objection. Tree Applications (For information only) None. Decisions ERE/1218/0029 William West Distribution Ltd., Lows Lane, Stanton by Dale, Derbyshire, DE7 4QY. Erection of an extension to warehouse. Approved with Conditions. ERE/0519/0051 The Rectory, 33 Stanhope Street, Stanton-by-Dale, Derbyshire, DE7 4QA. Works to various trees (including some felling) within a Conservation Area (13 x individual trees & 5 x groups of trees). Approved. 120/2019 Memorial to Dale Road Air Crash. Charity event going ahead and encouraged residents to attend. Two hundred tickets sold but aiming for three hundred. 121/2019 Village Hall refurbishment/repairs Water problem has been sorted by Cllr and new taps are required. Cllr Farnsworth to purchase taps at approx. £20.00. Syphon in ladies’ toilet also to be repaired and invoice to be submitted to clerk. LED lights - electrician coming next week to give quote. Window cleaner to come monthly for the outside and quarterly inside. New replacement window in men’s toilet with vent and a Georgian wire cast window in the front door, quote came in at £840.00. Cllr Major will fund half the cost with a grant. Another rail required for the entrance hall and Howard to sort this. WI are going to buy materials for a cupboard and Cllr Farnsworth will build it to house items at present in back room. Councillors discussed fund raising evenings, ie quiz nights, themed evenings. Also, to try and get more organisations to use the Village Hall. To put on the September agenda. 122/2019 HGV’s and speeding in Village – Establishing a coherent traffic mitigation policy. Cllr Harvey has contacted DCC and the police and has been trying to arrange for CREST to do a survey. There has been a speed check in the village. CREST will install 2 traffic survey units between the Church and car park and a second on school Lane and they will be there for about a week and will measure speed, numbers and weight. Cllr Harvey suggested to delay the Village Entrance Gates until after the survey. He suggested that we need a cohesive idea to get sorted and he favours the Hamilton Bailie approach. Parish Councils work in isolation and Hamilton Bailie looked at the three villages, Stanton by Dale, Dale Abbey and Risley and the way forward is to work with the other local Parish Councils and re-educate Derbyshire Highways. A larger group will encourage them to take more notice. Clerk to invite two Cllrs from each Council and Sandiacre PC to meet with Steve Birkinshaw (EBC) in August. Cllr Major will also try and arrange for James Biddleston from DCC to meet with Councillors in Stanton by Dale to walk the village and look at problem areas. 123/2019 Playground – play equipment with tyres hanging from a high beam, the beam is bowing. Cllr Broughton to check when he is next on playground. 124/2019 Village Entrance Signs See above, to defer for the time being. 125/2019 ERE/1117/0036 Main Street, Stanton-by-Dale - £7360.00 space enhancement money. Awaiting a reply from Richard Snow and Eilish Gardner (EBC). 126/2019 Residents request to make the triangle more attractive. This was an idea for the above money and to be discussed later. 127/2019 Newsletter. Chair to look at the content and ask other Councillors for input. 128/2019 Establishing a wider rapport with village residents. Councillors have already talked about fund raising and social events in Village Hall. It was felt that residents don’t understand Parish Councils and they only attend meetings when there is a major problem. We need to build on the fact that 50% of residents voted at the last election. Suggested a coffee morning or something similar. Also suggested getting email addresses from the residents and ask if they want information regarding the Council. Howard Foster to process this. 129/2019 HS2 Consultation. Chair to write to HS2 regarding the impact on the village. 130/2019 Lamp post on the triangle – No connection for Christmas lights. Clerk has spoken to DCC Lighting department and according to their records the attachment is in their Stores, but the Storeman is away until next week and unable to locate so will call back next week. It will be replaced. 131/2019 Report of the Parish Clerk on: - a) New Website is now up and running, any problems, please let clerk know. b) Playground inspections – May and June inspection sheets received. Clerk to send blank from to Chair for middle of month inspections. c) White lines, Main Street/Dale Road junction – work is scheduled. d) War Memorial. e) Stanton Regeneration – to remove from agenda. f) Notice boards outside Village Hall – to take off agenda. g) Risley Education Foundation – nothing to report. h) Summer Play Scheme with Sandiacre and Risley with Hopwell Parish Councils – the Community Grant application form has been sent in to EBC. i) Seat on playground is still ongoing. j) Sign on triangle, no decision made by EBC. k) Erewash Planning meeting will be at 3.pm on Tuesday 23rd July. 132/2019 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils None 133/2019 Finance a) Accounts for Payment as per schedule for this month were agreed. Also agreed that M Edinborough, R Homer and C Cotes be removed from the NatWest bank mandate and Cllrs S Broughton and A Farnworth become signatories on the mandate, the form has been completed. Cllr C Wallbanks will also complete another mandate to become a signatory to make four signatories, the Clerk, M Fox already a signatory. The mandate needs to be sorted a soon as possible to make us compliant. b) Income - £800.00 from Aircraft Memorial Fund paid into bank on 24th June. c)Quarterly finance report handed out. 134/2019 Items for Information only; a) Various agendas and meeting minutes for EBC Meetings and Planning Meetings, please ask if you want copies. b) Clerk/RFO vacancies. c) Derbyshire Poppy Appeal 2019. d) VE Day 75. 135/2019 Date of next meeting – Thursday 5th September 2019 The Meeting closed at 9.47 pm.
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