Environmental Management Plan

March 2015

Subproject: Bank Erosion Protection for Thuong Thoi Tien Town, Hong Ngu , Dong Thap Province

Viet Nam: Greater Subregion Flood and Rought Risk Management and Mitigation Project

Prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the Asian Development Bank.







EXCHANGE RATE (at as 24/03/2015) Currency – Vietnamese Dong (VND)

$1.00 = 21,490 VND

UNIT ha – Acre

kg – Kilogram

km – Kilometer

m – Meter

t – Ton

NOTE (i) In this report, "$" means US Dollar

This Environmental Management Plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.


1. INTRODUCTION 8 1.1 Subproject overview 8 1.2 Legal and institutional framework 9 1.2.1 Environmental legislation of the Government of 9 1.2.2 Relevant environmental assessment guidelines of the ADB 10 1.3 Description of the subproject 10 1.3.1 Scope and objective of the subproject 10 1.3.2 Summary of structural components of the subproject 10 1.3.3 Summary of construction methods of the sub-project components 12 1.3.4 Work volume and investment cost 13 1.3.5 Implementation of the subproject 16 2. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE SUBPROJECT 16 2.1 Positive impacts 16 2.2 Negative impacts 16 2.2.1 Pre-construction phase 17 2.2.2 Construction phase 17 2.2.3 Operation phase 20 2.2.4 Risk of environmental incidents 21 3. MITIGATION MEASURES 23 3.1 Pre-construction phase 24 3.2 Construction phase 25 3.2.1 Air environment 25 3.2.2 Water environment 26 3.2.3 Soil environment 29 3.2.4 Ecological environment 30 3.2.5 Social environment 31 3.3 Operation phase 32 3.4 Risk of environmental incidents 33 4. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 36 4.1. Monitoring of environmental parameters 36 4.2. Monitoring of implementation of mitigation measures 41 4.2.1 Monitoring plan 41 4.2.2 Estimate budget for implementation of mitigation measures 51 5. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 52 5.1 Community consultation during the development of environmental management plan 52 5.1.1 First round consultation 52 5.1.2 Second round consultations 52 5.2 Community consultation and information disclosure during project implementation 53 5.3 Cost of information disclosure and community consultation 54 6. IMPLEMENTATION ORGANISATION 56 6.1 Implementation responsibility 56 6.2 Reporting responsibility 58 7. ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING/ INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY STRENGTHENING PLAN 59 7.1 Training objective 59 7.2 Training courses 59 8. WORK PLAN 60 9. BUDGET ESTIMATES 60 9.1. Basis for budget estimate 61 9.2. Budget estimate 61 10. FEEDBACK AND INFORMATION HANDLING MECHANISM 62


Table 1.1: Design parameters of the embankment line ...... 11 Table 1.2: Main work volume of the subproject ...... 13 Table 1.3: Cost estimates breakdown by work iterms of the subproject .Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 2.1: Environmental impacts of the subproject ...... 17 Table 3.1: Proposed mitigation measures and the implementation responsibility ...... 24 Table 4.1: Plan of environmental sampling and analysis of environmental parameters . Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 4.2: Summary of monitoring and sampling locations ..... Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 4.3: Monitoring plan on implementation of mitigation measures ...... 43 Table 5.1: Estimate budget for information disclosure and community consultation ...... 54 Table 5.2: Summary of public consultation activities ...... 55 Table 6.1: Responsibility for environmental management implementation ...... 56 Table 6.2: Reporting requirements on implementation of mitigation measures...... 58 Table 7.1: Management capacity building activities ...... 60 Table 8.1: Tentative work plan for the subproject ...... 60 Table 9.1: Estimate of budget ...... 61 Table A1-1: Results of surface water sample analysis under the subproject ...... 68 Table A1-2: Results of growndwater sample analysis ...... 70 Table A1-3: Results of soil sample analysis ...... 71 Table A1-4: Results of air quality monitoring ...... 72 Table A1-5: Population in the subproject area in 2012 ...... 73


Figure 1.1: Location of the Subproject area ...... 8 Figure A2-1: Typical cross section of the embankment route ...... 76 Figure A3-1: Map of sampling locations to assess the current environmental status ...... 78 Figure A3-2: Map of sampling locations for environmental monitoring during the construction phase ...... 79


APPENDIX 1: Summary of environmental status of the subproject area APPENDIX 2: Typical cross-section of the embankment APPENDIX 3: Maps of environmental sampling APPENDIX 4: Results of environmental samples analysis APPENDIX 5: Minutes of community consultations meetings


ADB – Asian Development Bank

AH - Affected Household

AP - Affected Person

CPO – Central Project Office (MARD)

CPMU – Central Project Management Unit

DARD – Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

DONRE – Department of Natural Resources and Environment

EMP – Emvironmental Management Plan

FS – Feasibility Study


IEE – Initial Evironmental Examination

IMC – Irrigation Management Company

MARD – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

MOF – Ministry of Finance

MONRE – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

PPMU – Provincial Project Management Unit

SIEE – Summary Initial Environmental Examination

Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” - Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Subproject overview Subproject “River bank protection in Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” is one of four structural sub-projects proposed under the “Greater Mekong Sub- region Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project (ADB-GSM1)” for funding by Asian Development Bank (ADB) to the Governments of , Lao PDR and Vietnam. The subproject was approved at Decision No 873/QD-UBND.HC dated 30 August 2013 of Dong Thap People’s Committee.

In 1994, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2002, 2006 and 2008 there were numerous erosion points along the Mekong river in Hong Ngu district where the Government and international organizations invested for the river embankment. Many locations were severely eroded, particularly in Thuong Thoi Tien which should receive further investment to protect 3,000 households along the bank of 3,224 km long. It is expected that the subproject will also enhance the environmental and ecological landscape in the region.

Project area, 3.225 km long

Figure 1.1: Location of the Subproject area

Once completed and operational, the subproject is expected to bring significant socio- economic and environmental benefits, in particular:

- To protect Tien river bank in Thuong Thoi Tien town against erosion and to ensure the safety and long term stability of the local people living in the area, contributing to the protection of existing infrastructure, road network and other public works in Thuong Thoi Tien ;


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” - Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

- To enhance the environmental landscape in Thuong Thoi Tien town area and to form a protective corridor and to enhance people’s living conditionsin the Vietnam – Cambodia boundary area;

- To improve sanitation conditions for local people affected by floods and spread of communicable diseases during flooding time in the project area. 1.2 Legal and institutional framework This environmental management plan (EMP) elaborates detailed environmental management and monitoring plans which are presented in the initial environmental examination (IEE) of the project to help closely manage and monitor environmental performance for the subproject and minimize the negative environmental impacts during project implementation. This is also the document for the environmental management and monitoring during the construction works of the components of the sub-project. It will help to identify more clearly the mitigation measures and implement these measures effectively before and during construction and operation of the subproject.

The EMP is based on the environmental policy of the Government of Vietnam and ADB, including the following legislation: 1.2.1 Environmental legislation of the Government of Vietnam Relevant environmental legislation of Vietnamese Government includes: - Law on Environmental Protection of the National Assembly of Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam dated 29 November 2005 and promulgated on 12 December, with effect from 01 July 2006. This law enacted policies and regulations on environmental safeguards, and rights and obligations of organizations, households and individuals related to environmental protection activities; - Decree No. 113/2010/ND-CP dated 3 December 2010 of the Government on valuation of damages caused to the environment; - Decree No. 29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 May 2011 04 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 80/2006/ND-CP dated 09 August 2006 and Decree No. 21/2008/ND-CP dated 28 February 2008 of the Government on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment, and environmental protection commitment; - Decree No. 179/2013/ND-CP dated 14 November 2013 of the Government prescribing administrative sanctions for environmental protection; - Circular No. 12/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 14 January 2011 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on hazardous waste management; - Circular No. 26/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 18 July 2011 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment detailing a number of articles of Decree No. 29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April 2011 of the Government on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment, and environmental protection commitments. - Joint Circular 21/2013/TTLT-BGTVT-BTNMT dated 22 August 2013 of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment providing guidelines on environmental management and protection in the areas of inland water transport. - QCVN 05: 2013/BTNMT – National Technical Regulation on ambient air quality; - QCVN26:2010/BTNMT- National Technical Regulation on noise;


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” - Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

- QCVN 27:2010/BTNMT- National Technical Regulation on vibration; - QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT – National Technical Regulation on surface water quality; - QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT – National Technical Regulation on ground water quality; - QCVN 03:2008/BTNMT – National Technical Regulation on heavy metal residues in soil.

1.2.2 Relevant environmental assessment guidelines of the ADB The relevant safeguard policy and environmental assessment guidelines of the ADB include: - ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (June 2009); - ADB Environmental Assessment Guidelines (December 2003); - Environmental Policy of the ADB (November 2002); - ADB Environmental Guidelines for Selected Agricultural and Natural Resources Development Projects (November 1991).

1.3 Description of the subproject 1.3.1 Scope and objective of the subproject The subproject of bank erosion protection of Tien river is on the left bank of Tien river in Thuong Phuoc 2 and Thuong Thoi Tien commune of Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province, with a total length of 3,225m of embankment protection located upstream from the existing ferry to ensure safe and stable living conditions for 13,290 people, and to protect the existing infrastructure, transportation networks and public structures in Thuong Thoi Tien, contributing to the development of the economy, culture and tourism in the area, especially the development of Vietnam - Cambodia border economic zone.

The subproject has the following specific objective: - To protect from erosion and landslides for 3,225m of Tien river bank in the area of Thuong Thoi Tien commune, ensuring safe, long-term stability of living environment for about 10,000 households living in Thuong Thoi Tien commune, contributing to the protection of the existing infrastructure and future infrastructure works to be built in areas such as office of the People's Committee of Hong Ngu district, road system along the river, office buildings of agencies and organisations, and other public works in Thuong Thoi Tien commune; - To enhance the environmental landscape in Thuong Thoi Tien town area and to form a protective corridor to prevent encroachment by the local residents living along the river bank, and to enhance people’s living conditions, economic, social, tourism development by creating good conditions for economic development in the Vietnam – Cambodia boundary area; - To improve sanitation conditions for local people affected by flood and spread of communicable diseases during flooding time in the project area. 1.3.2 Summary of structural components of the subproject The basic design parameters of the subproject components do not change from the investment report stage to the detailed design stage.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” - Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

(a) Embankment line of 3,225m long ∗ Embankement body: Wall of the embankment is made from reinforced concrete M25. The height of the embankment is 2.0 m, with top elevation +5.8 m and bottom elevation +3.4 m. Pillars of railing on the embankment top is made from stainless steel, with the railing made of galvanized pipe Ø90 and Ø33. Decorative flower parterres are to be arranged at an interval of 10m and lighting system at 20m interval.

On the top of embankment there will be constructed road cover of 17m wide, sidewalk with shade trees (oil tree of diameter 10 ÷ 15 cm). A protection buffer belt of 12m width is to be planted with grass to protect from erosion.

∗ Bottom: The embankment bottom is 1.5m wide, at elevation +3.8m, and made from ferro-reinforced concrete M25.

∗ Reinforcement: Reinforcement at elevation +0.26, 1.5m wide, assembled by stone PVC gabions (1.5x 1.0x 0.5m) ∗ Slope: The slope side elevation is from +4.60 to +0.26, coefficient m =2.5, assembled from 3 dimensional self compacting concrete structures (40x40x16cm) of M200, lined at the bottom by broken stone of 10cm thickness and geotextile liner.

(b) Supporting components

Along the embankment line there will be access wharf of 5m wide at the interval of 150m.

A sewer system along the embankment is made from box culverts (0.5 x 0.6m) of ferro- reinforced concrete M25. Sewer reception system of Φ 80cm is placed at 150m distance interval.

Design parameters of the works to be built are as per Table 1.1.

Table 1.1: Design parameters of the embankment line

No Technical parameters 1 Class of structure class IV 2 Calculation safety coefficient K 1.15 3 Top elevation m + 5.80 4 Bottom elevation m + 3.40 5 Construction water level m + 0.0 6 Structure length m 3,225 (Source: Project investment report)

(c) Land acquisition The land area to be acquired for the construction of embankement will be land corridor along the river of about 40 - 50m wide. According to the resettlement plan of the subprojects, total land area to be acquired is 128,050.7 sq.m including 68,366.3 sq.m which belongs to affected households. The rest 59,684.4 sq.m is river bank alluvial soil, public land under transport or irrigation works.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” - Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Table 1.2: Total land acquisition of the subproject

Land area Land area in Thuong in Thuong No Type of assets Type of land Unit Phuoc 2 Thoi Tien commune commune 1 3 4 5 6 7 Number of affected 1 households 111 19 Acquired land to be 2 compensated for

residents 61.936,9 6.429,4 Residential land m2 2.964,3 0.00

Perennial crop m2 14.572,5 3.899,0 land Annual crop m2 3.605,1 0.00 land Paddy land m2 28.529,0 233,3

Ponds m2 12.266,0 2.297,1

Acquired land not to be 3 m2 1.155,7 58.528,7 compensated Transport land m2 721,8 652,5

Water resources m2 433,9 0.00 land Ponds m2 457,1

Alluvial land m2 57.419,1

4 Sum by commune 64.958,1 63.092,6 Subproject total 128.050,7 130 (Source: Hong Ngu District PC, Detailed plan of compensation, assistance and resettlement, 2011)

1.3.3 Summary of construction methods of the subproject components (a) Preparation of construction sites - Within the land area acquired under the subproject, the contractor shall select appropriate location for arrangement of warehouses, construction camps, assembly of machinery, materials, components casting lots, transportation roads during construction, clearing sites, manual construction of drainage ditches on the sites. - Arrange and schedule usage of construction machinery suitable for each stage and the nature of work to maximize the machinery usage. - Plan for electricity and water supply to the construction site.

(b) Construction technology and methods b1. Construction technology: - Construction of underwater items will mainly involve dropping of sand bags, spreading of geotextile layer, stone layer, and use pile driving barge complex for the embankment bottom at +0.26 elevation.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” - Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

- Combine manual and machinery to assemble pre-cast concrete structures and pads M200, concrete beams M205. - Transport construction materials to the site by vehicles combined with manpower. - Excavation work is conducted by combination of machines (digger + excavator + bulldozer), combined with manual work. - Construction of the terrestrial components mainly involve concrete piles casting, pile driving and casting concrete embankment wall, conducting sand work, construction of drainage ditches, pavement of concrete tiles, construction of roads and arranging grass protection of embankment slope.

b2) Construction method: - Dropping sand bags, spreading geotextile layer and assembling stone is mainly conducted by hand combined with specialized mechanical equipment. - Concrete pile driving: combine piling barge, self-propelled pilling machine and underwater pile positioning frame. - Installation of prefabricated structures is mainly done manually. Installation of precast components is conducted in synchronisation with geotextile lining and gravel lining from the embankment enforcement position to the top of the embankment. - The work of sanding, sidewalk building, installation of railings, road, sewer system is mainly done mannually and in combination with machines (toad compactor, 9 ton capacity compactor, bulldozers, excavators, ect). Proceed with ground preparation, pavement of concrete tiled sidewalk, corridors and drainage system & road. - Installation of electrical posts, planting trees, plant grass slope protection and finishing works. c. Transportation of equipment and materials - In the project area the water and road transport is quite convenient. For road transportation there is highway 30, provincial roads 841, 842 etc. Water transportation is facilitated by Tien and Vam Co rivers. - Road transport system generally has been upgraded so it is convenient for transportation. Supplies and equipment will therefore be transported by water or by land to temporary stockpiling yard and then transported to the construction sites of the embankment - Transport within construction sites will be via internal service roads, service roads for construction of the camp premises, warehouses, roads to supplies unloading wharf. Traffic between along the embankment sites can be by boats (for people) and barge (carrying materials, equipment). - Materials will be sourced at the construction site gates and supplied via waterway to help reduce cost and impact on the air environment. Yards for temporary storage of materials are arranged at the beginning of the project site. 1.3.4 Work volume and investment cost Work volume:

Table 1.3: Main work volume of the subproject

No Items Unit Volume


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” - Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

No Items Unit Volume 1 Concrete M300# m3 7,676.64 2 Concrete M250# m3 15,398.90 3 Concrete M200# m3 18,374.22 Under sidewalk sand of K=0.9 compactness and 10cm 4 thickness m3 5,580.00 5 Support concrete layer M100# m3 2,214.34 6 Sidewalk mortar lining M50# of 3cm thickness m3 1,674.00 7 Plaster M100#, 2cm thick m2 3,539.35 8 Mortar M100#, 2cm thick m2 512.69 9 Plaster cornices M100# m 4,882.1 10 Brick masonry M75# m3 139.61 11 Form work m2 332,985.21 12 Color concrete brick M250#, size 30x30x5cm m2 2,539.02 13 Red brick m2 2,511.71 14 Coarse grain concrete 5cm thick m3 1,860.00 15 Medium grain concrete 5cm thick m3 1,860.00 16 Graded soil class 1 m3 6,200.00 17 Graded soil class 2 m3 21,886.00 18 Steel kg 2,068,345.07 19 Zink pipe kg 15,990.44 20 Broken stone m3 7,582.42 21 Geotextile above water level m2 83,530.10 22 Soil for tree growing m3 510.00 23 Cajuput pile pile 181,136.67 24 Earth excavation m3 135,780.00 25 Sand K=0.95 m3 410,316.00 26 Geotextile under water m2 99,200.00 27 Removing the weathered soil layer m3 48,980.00 28 Steel net carpet covered by PVC piece 387.00 29 Electric post piece 248.00 30 Steel slab kg 100,356.17 31 Box steel kg 219,170.00 32 Welding line 8x5mm m 12,090.00 33 Oilpaper m2 1,398.55 34 PVC pipe d=26mm m 13,549.07 35 Peony unit 2,413 36 Grass m2 1,020 37 Green tree tree 18 38 Decorative areca piece 27 39 Bituminous 1kg/m2 kg 37,200 40 PVC joints m 1,231.73


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” - Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

No Items Unit Volume 41 Handrail paint (3 layers) m2 11,781.35 42 Steel V10, 6.5mm thick kg 4,007.68 43 Welding line m 82.67 44 Screw M12, 20cm long piece 19,433 45 Pile head concrete breaking m3 83.70 46 Earth fill =0.95 m3 716,038.00 (Source: Project investment report) Investment cost

The subproject of river bank protection in Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province under the “Greater Mekong Sub-region Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project” for funding by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and AusAID has the approximate investment cost of VND284 billion, of this the ADB contributes loans of 89.2% of construction cost, 47% of compensation cost and other costs for four subprojects under Components 2, and 68.2% of cost for Component 4. Grant (AusAID) covers the cost of Component 1 and 3 and consultant cost for Component 4. Central counterpart funding covers costs for some of the component works. Local counterpart funding covers consultancy expenses, other costs and 53% of the compensation cost.

Investment into the project has been divided into two phases: Phase 1 investment covers the line length L = 2,765 m; Phase 2 covers the line length L = 460 m. Investment cost of the subproject under various work items is described in Table 1.3.

Table 1.2: Cost estimates breakdown by work iterms of the subproject

No Items Cost (VND)

I Phase 1: L=2,765m 1 Civil work 220,864,378,161 2 Project management 2,684,943,339 3 Construction design consultancy cost 5,289,283,126 4 Other costs 6,620,595,593 5 Contingency 13,915,638,732 Total cost Phase 1 (rounded) 249,374,839,000 II Phase 2: L=460m 1 Civil work 29,635,302,028 2 Project management 523,609,672 3 Construction design consultancy cost 654,622,443 4 Other costs 1,242,157,934 5 Contingency 1,923,341,525 Total cost Phase 1 (rounded) 33,979,034,000


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” - Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

(Source: Decision 161/QD-SNN dated 21/10/2014 by Dong Thap DARD)

1.3.5 Implementation of the subproject Construction of the subproject components is expected to be during the period of 4 years from late 2014 until 2018.


For the purpose of assessing impact of the subproject, the EMP consultant conducted survey to update baseline environmental data during a field visit in July 2013, and obtained update on the project design during further field work in October 2013. The baseline environmental status of the subproject area is summarized in Appendix 1.

Based on the current state of the natural and socio-economic environment, the subproject interventions as summarized in Chapter 1, and the results of the IEE, the environmental impacts of the subproject can be summarised as follows.

2.1 Positive impacts Key positive impacts of the subproject include: - Prevent and control of erosion and landslide of Tien riverbanks in the sections of Thuong Thoi Tien and Thuong Phuoc communes; ensure safety for residents living near the river banks and help them stabilize their livelihood; minimise the persistent risk of damage to the riverbanks during the storm season. - Stabilise flow, facilitating navigation of water transport vessels on the river would help to mitigate operational risks for water transport. and contribute to cleaner water environment in the area. - Minimise the spread of water-born disease associated with flood such as cholera, fever, typhoid, diseases and fungal infections; limiting the growth pests and harmful parasites.

2.2 Negative impacts Negative impacts would occur in all stages of the subproject. However, negative impacts would mainly be found during the construction phase. Potential negative impacts on different components of the social and natural environment due to the subproject in various stages can be summarized in Table 2.1


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Table 2.1: Environmental impacts of the subproject

Affected environmental Source of impact Level of impact Discussion of impacts components 2.2.1 Pre-construction phase

Land and property Land acquisition Moderate/ can be According to the resettlement plan of the subprojects, total land area to be acquired is 128,050.7 on land mitigated sq.m including 68,366.3 sq.m belonging to affected households. The rest 59,684.4 sq.m is river bank alluvial soil, public land under transport or irrigation works. The land loss will affect the lives and incomes of the local residents. Total number of affected households will be 130 households in 2 communes of Thuong Thoi Tien and Thuong Phuoc 2. With the estimated loss of land and properties on land, this impact can be assessed as moderate. However, this impact can be mitigated by compensation and other support as described detail in the resettlement plan.

Land clearance Low/ temporaty/ - Generation of waste, dust, noise, and water pollution. unavoidable/ - The plants to be removed include rice, annual crop plants, common orchard trees and perennial controllable trees such as bananas, papaya, eucalyptus, casuarina etc. There are mainly small and some big eucalyptus trees along shrubs, grasses Balak, river bank. There is no rare plant species listed in the Redbook which should be protected. but none of trees was classified as important/endangered species and listed in any Redbook. Although the number of trees to be removed is very small, removal of trees along the embankment route for construction of roads and embankment would change the environmental landscape. This activity would also lead to environmental pollution if the waste generated during the land clearance is not removed thoroughly. 2.2.2 Construction phase

Air environment Transport activities of Moderate / - Dust generated from activities of transport of construction materials, soil, rock, machinery and construction materials localized / equipment, spillage of soil and materials on roads would generate air pollution in the area.

temporary Operation of - Noise and vibration caused by transport activities on roads, loading and unloading operations of machinery, equipment materials, especially at Tan Chau ferry.


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected environmental Source of impact Level of impact Discussion of impacts components and construction - The operation process of construction machinery and equipment including transport activities, site activities on site levelling, ground compaction, construction of roads and project components will burn fuel and generate emissions mainly SO2, NOx, CO, volatile organic compounds (VOC). - Construction activities of machinery on the sites such as those of pile driving, excavators, compactors, compressors, drilling machines, concrete mixing ... will generate vibration, noise affecting residents living in proximity. Water Demolition and Moderatey/ Activities to remove concrete or brick structures, and transporting rubble materials or other waste, if environment clearance of existing unavoidable/ not properly collected and treated, could be released into the river and other waterways, causing structures for site controllable water pollution. clearance Domestic waste and Moderate/ Pollution of surface water at the construction sties would mainly due to waste generation (sewage, waste from temporary / soild waste, waste oil..) of construction activities and from workers on site. If the waste is not construction activities controllable collected and treated before being discharged into water sources, it would create surface water pollution. Water pollution can be caused by stormwater runoff with contaminants into surface waterways and canals, especially from material stockpiles, waste dumps and auxiliary areas, increasing the turbidity of the river water by suspended solids. Solid waste from construction and living activities of workers if not properly managed would block the surface water flow, causing congestion and pollution of surface water resources, deterioriate hygienic and sanitation conditions and the amenity of the area Construction activities Moderate/ The construction site is on the river bank. During the construction a large amount of soil and other alter sediment temporary / materials would fall into the river, causing increased mud and sand deposition in near the riverside deposition in the controllable and might affect the aquatic life riverside Construction activities Low/ temporary / Construction wastewater would accumulated in low elevation ground and wastewater seepage can would affect controllable contaminate groundwater. groundwater quality The activities of pile drilling, soil excavation, foundation excavation works may increase the likelihood of groundwater contamination if proper construction methods is not applied.


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected environmental Source of impact Level of impact Discussion of impacts components Wastewater escaping Low/ temporary / Soil and mud dredged by dredgers during construction of embankment slope will be dumped to site from storage site of controllable on riverbanks. Water espacing from the dredgged sludge could cause local flooding/contamination dredged sludge from for nearby low-lying fileds. embankment slope Due to the fact that construction site is liner by nature (narrow site), the volume of dredging sludge would affect at each location is also small and disperse (unconcentrated). The sludge will be dried and used for surrounding areas embankment at site. Soil environment Construction waste Moderate / Excavation and backfill process changes the structure of the soil. Disturbed soil without protective would contaminate controllable coating during storm would be washed away causing soil degradation. soil Process of construction activity would generate some waste volume onto the ground causing soil pollution (soil spillage, garbage, sewage).. Vehicles, vessels Moderate / Due to the loss of the covering soil layer, the exposed soil is vulnerable to erosion caused by storm transporting materials temporary / water / activities of controllable Activities by transport vehicles and construction machines near river banks can potentially case construction damage/ landslide at the riverbanks machinery may cause landslides in Operation of vessels transporting materials could cause spiilage of materials onto the river and in riverbanks the unloading ferry area. Ecological Construction activities Moderate / can Construction of camps without proper planning would affect the environment landscape; the environment result in landscape be mitigated vegetation cover and trees on the riverside would be lost, altering the landscape for the worse. change Landspaping work to create construction sites, excavation activities, riverside dredging would also adversely affect the visual landscape and damage to the ecosystem of the area. Construction activities Activity of embankment slop dredging, concrete pile driving, arranging sand bags, geotextile affect the habitat of material and stone... to build embankment will change the shore contours, changing the hydrology terrestrial/ aquatic life regime thereby adversely affectting the living habitat of the aquatic life and aquatic ecosystems. An increased traffic volume and intensity of vessels carrying raw materials affect aquatic habitat such as prawn and fish along the riverside. However, there is no endangered species and impacts are temporary and insignificant because river is large and construction activities will be rolling, not simultaneously.


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected environmental Source of impact Level of impact Discussion of impacts components Socio-economic Activity of demolition Low/ - During demolition of riverine properties for site clearance if garbage/ rubble is thrown into the river environment and site clearance unavoidable/ can it would obstruct the waterway transport. be mitigated - Risk of electric shock/ incidents during the site clearance process can cause fire and explosion or generate smoke, dust, debris endangering workers and the people. - The site clearance and leveling work without prior notice for affected persons to plan timely their movement can affect their business and income. Transport activities by Low/ controllable Transportation system in the project area only meet traffic needs of local people. Thus, increased vehicles/ vessels traffic actitivites due to transporation associated with construction would result in traffic jams, road carrying materials damage, and temporary traffic pressure in the locality. would impact the Increased pressure on the operation of the ferry terminal where the locals also anchor their vessels. normal road/ water trafic, damage roads or cause ferry congestion Waste, dust, Low / can be The construction process would generate solid construction waste, domestic waste and wastewater emission, noise from controlled from workers. Waste if not disposed at designated places, and untreated sewage would create construction activities hygienic and sanitation problem, posing risk of infectious diseases spread. affect health of workers and local community Influx of workers would Low / can be Concentration of workers and free migrants to the project area would make the social management affect social order controlled task difficult, imposing additional social order issue. Social evils would arise and difficult to control. Conflict in daily life of the local residents and workers would arise. 2.2.3 Operation phase

Erosion, landslide Poor quality of Low / can be - If the construction quality is poor, it would pose safety risks for the people and the properties on/ of the river construction work, controlled near the embankment. embankment and inappropriate - Inappropriate maintenance of embankments would reduce the effectiveness of erosion control of riverbank operation and the embankment system, and thus damage the water resource infrastructure. This damage can be


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected environmental Source of impact Level of impact Discussion of impacts components maintenance of the minimized by suitable operation management measures. embankment Habitat of flora Riverbanks hardened Insignificant - Hardening of riverbanks by concrete would alter the habitat and result in loss of spawning area for and fauna by concrete change a number of aquatic species such as crabs, fish.. However, the impacts are insignificant because the habitat of flora the river section is comparatively large and the construction activities will be conducted on rolling and fauna basis, step-by-step, not widespread/ simultaneously. - Newly planted trees on embankments if not appropriately taken care of would not grow well or even die, deteriorating the visual landscape and failing to meet the desired outcomes. - The embankment makes it difficult to access from the shore into the river vice versa. This would Daily living activity Change of Low/ can be affect anchoring of waterway transport means as well as movement and daily living activities of the and movement of topography and mitigated residents (such as fetching water, use of river water for domestic purpose). residents structure of the river shore - Waste from operations on embankments without collecting and processing can cause aesthetic and environment impact, attracting rates, flies and mosquitoes. The hardened embankments may alter the natural flow, adversely affecting the shore line of nearby Change of the The hardening of Low/ can be areas such as Tan Chau Giang embankment line in opposite side as well as in the downstream. natural river flow riverbanks by mitigated concrete changes the natural river flow 2.2.4 Risk of environmental incidents

Electrical power Moderate/ Fire and explosion: during the construction process, fire or exploision due to electrical falure would failure, fire, explosion controllable occur in worker camps, causing dirrect accidents to the workers and damage the flora and fauna in the area.

Oil spillage Low/ controllable Vessels transporting materials on the river and construction machinery working on water could collide and be damaged, causing oil spillage on the river Labor unsafety Moderate/ Poor knowledge of occupational health and safety or lack of protective equipment can lead to controllable unfortunate labour accidents such as: drowning, fire, heavy objects falling into workers during cran


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected environmental Source of impact Level of impact Discussion of impacts components operation Traffic accidents Moderate/ Vessels transporting materials on the river and construction machinery could collide if no adequate controllable signage installed The current transport system can only meet the needs of the local population. Therefore, with the increased operation of high load capacity vehiles, the transport system could be damaged, affecting the movement of people, causing traffic safety risk, especially in road intersections.


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

3. MITIGATION MEASURES The site preparation, construction and operation of the project would cause negative impacts on the environment and people's lives. However, these negative impacts can be mitigated. Measures to mitigate negative impacts proposed for different phases of the sub-project are summarized in Table 3.1.


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Table 3.1: Proposed mitigation measures and the implementation responsibility

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components 3.1 Pre-construction phase

Land and Land acquisition - Develop detail plan for compensation and resettlement of the subproject PPMU, the Land As specified in the property on land cause adverse based on the existing legal framework of the Government of Vietnam and the Clearance and resettlement plan of effect on the life, Safegard Policy Statement 2009 of ADB, with consultation and participation of Compensation the subproject income and households affected and displaced. Board, in employment of the conjunction with - Implement compensation for land acquired for construction and associated people affected local authorities property loss in fair and reasonable manner which is aceptable to affected persons. Provide relevant information about the project to the people; organize meetings to explain project components and negotiate to achieve consensus in compensation. - The compensation for land loss and property for affected persons should be completed before commencement of construction and must be supervised to follow resettlement and compensation policy framework aprroved by the government. - Agree with the affected persons on specific implementation timelines. Publicise the compensation policy and conduct consultations with people affected. Land clearance Land clearance The agreement with the unit / individuals to remove trees should require cleanup PPMU, the Land generates waste, the ground after trees are removed. The local authorities to have propaganda Clearance and dust, noise and about keeping the environmental landscape, and in coordination with Compensation water pollution environmental team of villages/ commune to ensure household cleaning ground Board, in after demolition works conjunction with local authorities


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components 3.2 Construction phase

3.2.1 Air Air pollution caused - Spray water within the area of about 50 m from the boundaries of the Contractor Included in the environment by dust, vehicle construction site outward or along highly populated routes during hot, dry and contractor's cost emissions from windy weather conditions. The number of spraying is dependent on on level of transport vehicles dust generation on roads, but at least twice a day. and construction - Cover vehicels carrying bulk and loose materials which could easy cause machinery spillage and generate dust along transportation routes.

- Clean any spilled materials and soil on the road during the transportation. - Use of fuels containing less polluting substances; transport veciles should meet standards by the road traffic authorities TCVN 6438-2001. - No use of outdated machinery; vehicles must have valid registration certificates. - Conduct periodical maintenance of transport vehicles every 6 months Noise and vibration - Remind drivers not to abuse honking especially when passing populated areas Contractor Included in the pollution due to such as schools, clinics, administrative buildings. contractor's cost activities of transport - Use construction machinery and equipment meeting noise and vibration vehicles and generation limits to ensure compliance with QCVN 26:2010 and QCVN 27:2010 construction for surrounding areas. machinery - Use only construction machines having valid registration certificates. Conduct periodical maintenance of construction machinery every 6 months. Encourage use of advanced mechinary with low noise emission. - Limit noise-causing construction activities at night time in the sites near residential area (from 12 midnight to 5am). Where necessary consultation with local communities should be conducted, and night time construction activities can only conducted with the consent from the local residents.


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components - Major sources of noise such as pile driving, power generators should be allocated 200 to 300m far away from sensitive objects. - Workers at the site should be equiped with labor protective cloth, face mask, ear plugs against noise. - Use appropriate construction techniques to reduce vibration impact at sites near residential areas 3.2.2 Water Activity of - Prompt removal of waste to collection point; not allowing waste to fall into the Contractor Included in the environment demolishing brick/ river or to misappropriate the surrounding arable land area of residents. contractor's cost concrete structure - Reuse of materials or excavated soil for site leveling where possible. during site clearance Pollution of water Implement measures to manage and control domestic waste water from workers Contractor Included in the due to wastewater contractor's cost - Domestic wastewater from camps will not be discharged directly into water but or garbage from will be treated to required standards before discharge into receiving water workers living in (QCVN 14:2008). camps or on the construction site - Construction of hygienic toilets for workers. Depending on the specific conditions of the construction site there could be latrines with septic tanks or mobile toilets. Where the number of workers is small, discuss with nearby residents on possible use of their toilets. - Have means to collect and dispose solid waste at the construction sites and the workers camps: there sould be gabarge bins for conventional waste and separately for hazardous provided. Depending on the specific circumstances a contract can be made with local professional garbage collectors for waste collection and disposal. If it is impossible then arrangenment should made to collect dispose waste to hygenic and sanitation requirements. Hazardous waste must be collected and treated by local professional environmental organization. - Worker camps and construction sites must have storm water drainage to


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components minimize the impact of runoff carrying surface pollutants down into the water body and also affect the ground water through seepage. Pollution of surface Implement measures to manage and control of waste generation from Contractor Included in the water due to construction activities. contractor's cost wastewater and - All workers and supervisors should be trained on environmental hygience solid waste requirements during the construction process generated during the construction - Require workers who operate on-water equipment and vessels not to discharge activity on sites waste water and garbage onto the rivers or canals. No washing of machines or equipment be conducted at canals and rivers. Wash wastewater of machinery should collected and stored in sedimentation tank and not be discharged to river or canal or local farmland. - Divert waste water from machinery and equipment wash to settling pits for treatment from sediment, sludge and oil before discharge into the environment. - Minimise the generation and discharge of waste water from concrete mixing into the environment by the use of closed concrete mixer trucks, or collect the waste water by trenching around the concrete mixing areas. The waste water (if any) then will be treated in setling holes nearby before being discharged into receiving water. - Make boundary draining ditch for storm water surrounding construction sites and soil disposal sites. - Oil, fuel & lubricant storage area should be isolated to manage any leakage to the outside. Any oil, fuel & lubricant in the construction sites should be placed in area with roofing, impermeable ground, boundary bunds and draining ditches. - The Contractor shall clean up sites from any oil stains, dirts, pollutanting substances generatd during the process of construction or caused by construction workers as required by the supervising engineer. - Excess oil will be collected to suitable containers for reuse. Waste oil,


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components hazardous wastes in liquid or solid form must be disposed of properly as per the regulations on hazardous waste Circular 12/2011/TT-BTNMT. Dumping waste oil into soil or water is strictly prohibited. - The maintenance sites of vehicles, construction machines will be arranged with collection system for waste oil from maintenance and repair ofvehicels and machinery. To minimize the impact of oil spillage to water, the maintenance sites should better be located outside the consttruction sites. - Barges carrying bulk materials should be covered to avoid spillage of materials into the river. Impact on the Construction of disposal site for dredged sludge with boundary bunds and Contractor Included in the sedimentation of the wastewater collecting ditches to ensure good drainage and easy to pump waste contractor's cost river banks and the water out the site. The wastewater from the disposal site should be directed to surrounding settling ponds prior to discharge into the river in order to not affect the land use environment due to of surrounding cultivation fields. water drained from

disposal site of dredged sludge for construction of embankment


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components Construction - During construction the contractor installs textile materials, sand bags at Contractor Included in the activities affects embankment foot to limit the amount of rock and soil falling into the river which contractor's cost sedimentation in the can cause sedimentation in the river sides and affect aquatic ecosystems. river banks 3.2.3 Soil Soil pollution/ - Implement measures to collect waste oil and construction waste containing Contractor Included in the environment degradation due to hazardous substances, limiting their impact when being absorbed into/ mixed contractor's cost construction waste with soil leading to soil pollution/ degradation - Waste or leaked oil will be collected in containers made of suitable material to avoid being leaked out to the ground. Measures to collect and manage waste oil in construction sites was mentioned in the previous section. - The Contractor shall appoint person(s) to collect waste generated daily from the construction sites for disposal as follows: + If the waste cannot be recycled or reused and is not hazardous waste, it shall be collected daily by the communal environmental service on a contract basis; + If the waste can be recycled or reused (package, containers etc) and is not hazardous waste, it shall be collected separately and sold to recyclers; + If the waste is hazardous, it must be disposed in landfill in accordance with regulations on hazardous waste management. Landslide on - Cover surface of newly excavated or backfilled soil to prevent erosion caused Contractor Included in the riverbank due to by stormwater runoff. contractor's cost construction - Arrange machinery and construction works appropriately to limit the impact of activities the equipment on bank landslide and subsidence (select construction machinery with loading capacity suitable to the conditions of the riverbank sections, avoiding position with weak foundation, reinforce riverbank when necessary to make it more stable before activities). Upon discovery of landslide risks the construction activities must pause and appropriate measures be taken to solve problem.


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components - Vessels carrying materials, approaching, loading or unloading materials should follow prescribed procedure of the ferry. 3.2.4 Impact on aquatic Have appropriate construction plan to: Contractor, Ecological ecosystems and PPMU - Control/ limit activities which would lead to increased turbidity, discharge of environment water ecology waste into the water body when conducting construction near the river shore. during the construction - Conduct construction activities of embankment, under-dyke culverts step by step and on each portion of cross section to minimize narrowing the flow, ensuring smooth flow during the entire construction period - Prohibit vessels carrying materials to dump waste or waste oil on the environment. Change of Restore visual landscape at the construction sites after completion of works, Contractor, Included in the environmental including: PPMU contractor's cost landscape due to - Remove and clean up camps, auxiliary facilities, leftover material, soil etc to construction return ground, restore top soil to the original status. activities - Plant native trees and create garden to improve the landscape.


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components 3.2.5 Social Vehicles carrying - Give prior notice of construction schedule and plans to use transportation route Contractor, Included in the environment materials disturb the (at least 1 week in advance). PPMU contractor's cost traffic and damage - Coordinate with traffic management authority to manage the traffic plan for the roads project. Materials carrying - Reduce construction activities during peak hours at busy traffic routes. vessels place pressure on the - Vehicles transporting earth, materials shall not be overloaded. water traffic - Use appropriate warning signpost where necessary to reduce speed such as near concentrated residential areas, schools, office of the PC, river pier. - The contractor shall be responsible to repair any road damages caused by vehicles under the project.

Impact on health of – Provide storm water storage tank and arrange toilet facilities for workers. Contractor, Included in the workers and PPMU contractor's cost - Implement mitigation measures for dust, emission and noise as mentioned in communities by the previous sections. construction - Implement measures to control, manage, collect and treat domestic waste and construction waste as mentioned in previous sections. - Require workers to fully implement regulations on hygiene and sanitation and prevent spread of infection disease as guided on 2.0 Occupational Health and Safety (IFC_WB guideline). Security and social - Train workers on appropriate behaviors and conduct when in contact with local Contractor Included in the issues due to residents contractor's cost concentration of - Coordinate with local authorities to manage workers, encourage workers workers participate in cultural and social activities of the local community - Educate and raise awareness on prevention of social evils, communicable diseases, HIV/AIDS for workers 31

EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components - The contractor to cooperate with local authorities to solve any conflicts arising among workers and local residents in timely manners

Improvement of Include in the bidding conditions preference for hiring local labor for simple Contractor Included in the contractor's cost income source for construction work such as cleaning, tree planting etc to help improve their the local residents income. 3.3 Operation phase

Erosion, landslide Pose safety risks for - Implement annual environmental monitoring programs. Regularly monitor the Dong Thap Project’s cost, of the river the people and the river to take timely handling measures. DARD/ the annual provincial embankment and properties on/ near system operating budget for riverbank the embankment; - Inspect, detect and remove any termites damaging the embankment unit (Dong Thap environmental damage to the water foundation. IMC)/ Local protection in the resource - Prohibit overcapacity vehicles moving on the dike corridor. authority agricultural area infrastructure (commune) Habitat for flora Loss of habitat for - Take care and protect newly planted trees. Dong Thap IMC Included in the and fauna aquatic ecosystem; system operational - Raise public awareness to protect the environment death of newly budget planted trees due to lack of care Living activity, More difficult access Arrange access staircase down to the river to serve people's need and movement of to river water appropriat boat docking (at 150m interval as per the technical design) people

Change in natural Affect downstream Regularly monitor the river to take timely response measures Dong Thap IMC Included in the flow area of the system operational embankment budget


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components 3.4 Risk of environmental incidents

Traffic accidents Apply measures to prevent traffic accidents including: Contractor in Included in - coordination with contractor’s cost Install civil work warning signposts, requesting slowing speed near the local authorities construction sites. Appoint personnel to direct entering/existing vehicles in the construction sites for materials transportation and unloading - Ensure adequate lighting during nighttime - Inform via mass media of project activities and install suitable warning signs in necessary transport routes - Install appropriate warning signposts on transport routes near concentrate residential areas especially at schools, administrative buildings etc - Conduct communication and information campaigns to residents via mass organizations such as Veterans Union, Women Unions, Youth Unions etc on transport safety especially for children Labour accidents - Within 2 weeks from commencement of construction, the Contractor shall Contractor Included in the organize training workers of environmental protection requirements and OHS contractor's cost principles. This training will include any local laborers - Appoint staff to monitor implementation of environmental mitigation measures including labour safety measures - Install fences, warning signs to restrict unauthorized entry to the construction sites. Install necessary signs on the sites to ensure labour safety - Not to overload transport vehicles of bulk materials (such as rocks) to minimize risk of spillage off the vehicles during transportation. Vehicles body must be properly secured and covered to prevent spillage - Supply full labour protective equipment to workers in outdoor conditions and unfavorable weather conditions to protect health and prevent disease spread


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components - Furnish protective clothing (boots, gloves, lifebuoy etc); have first aid kit at the construction sites - Ensure that all workers working on or near water have swimming skills. Organise swimming lessons for construction workers who operate water equipment (if necessary). Electric accident, - Training workers of fire prevention procedures in the construction sites. Contractor Included in the fire, explosion contractor's cost - Install fire fighter equipment in fuel and oil storage area. The fire prevention equipment should be regularly checked. - Machinery and construction equipment on the site must ensure electrical safety. Workers shall be trained on electrical safety principles to avoide electrical accidents. - Store material of high fire risk such as fuel, oil... far away from heating sources such as welding activities - Install danger warning signs and fire prohibition signs - Store fuel in durable containers; conduct regular check to ensure they are free from leakages - Install boundary bunds at fuel storage site to prevent any leaked fuel from spreading out and for ease of response in any emergency - The fuel storage area should be covered from weather conditions, with impermeable floor Oil spillage - Water transport vessels participating in the construction activities should follow Contractor, Included in the regulations on water transport safety owners of contractor's cost vessels - Conduct periodic maintenance and check of vessels to ensure safe operation - Install appropriate signposts on canals to direct traffic, preventing from accidents and vessels collision


EMP for “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”

Affected Potential negative Implementation environmental Proposed mitigation measures Remark impacts responsibility components - Have preparation measures in place to timely prevent spread of oil spills in case of incidents, including having available oil absorbent materials and training of workers in responding to oil spills in the river.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” - Environmental Management Plan (EMP)


The environmental monitoring program for the subproject has two phases which correspond to two investment phases: Phase 1 for the line L1= 2765 m and Phase 2 for the line L2= 460 m. Each of the monitoring phase consists of two parts: ° Part 1: monitoring of environmental parameters in the project area to identify: (a) undesirable environmental impacts of the subproject, (b) whether water environment criteria are being met, and (c) implementation of the design criterion and operation of the Project.

° Part 2: Monitoring the implementation of mitigation measures and determine the efficiency and effectiveness of the mitigation activities taken. 4.1. Monitoring of environmental parameters Monitoring of environmental parameters includes: ° Develop a plan for monitoring environmental parameters in the project area including detail description of the monitoring method, parameters to be monitored, the measurement techniques, technical standards applied, sampling locations, frequency of monitoring, determination of the threshold to make mitigation measures accordingly.

° Make plans to implement environmental monitoring and periodic reporting

Specific environmental monitoring plan for Tien riverbank erosion protection subproject is given in Table 4.1


EMP cho Tiểu dự án “Kè chống xói lở bờ sông Tiền khu vực thị trấn Thường Thới Tiền, huyện Hồng Ngự, tỉnh Đồng Tháp” 2013

Table 4.1: Plan of environmental sampling and analysis of environmental parameters

Environment Estimated cost Parameters Location Method Frequency Responsibility component (VND)

1. Pre-construction phase

No need to conduct monitoring except for supervision of resettlement and land clearance work. The monitoring requirements associated with this work are presented in the resettlement plan of the project. 2. Construction phase 150.720.000

Phase 1: L1= 2765 (m) 02 monitoring locations: Air - Dust - Use of dust gauging Conduct weekly Environmental visual monitoring - Noise - Location 1: Begin of the embankment line, and noise measurer, 4,320,000 Thuong Phuoc 2 commune, Hong Ngu district compared with relevant observation and consultant, - SO2 sampling every 3 PPMU (K1) permitted levels Included in the months - NO2 cost of - Location 2: Tan Chau Ferry, Thuong Thoi Tien - Implementation in commune (K2) environmental - CO accordance with current monitoring Vietnamese regulations - Vibration consultancy package

Surface 03 monitoring locations: pH, salinity, Water samples are Visual Environmental water 47,700,000 conductivy, TSS, - Location 1: Beginning of the embankment line, taken and analysed in observation of monitoring DO, BOD5, COD, Thuong Phuoc 2 commune, Hong Ngu district laboratory; compared turbidity and any consultant, Included in the NH +; NO -; NO - against relevant 4 2 3 (M1) oil traces, PPMU cost of PO 3-, Zn, Fe, Pb, technical regulations conduct sampling 4 environmental Hg, As, total - Location 2: Do Ngang Ferry, Thuong Phuoc 2 every 3 months Implementation in coliform, oil & commune, Hong Ngu district (M2) monitoring accordance with current consultancy grease - Location 3: Tan Chau Ferry, Thuong Thoi Tien commune (M3) Vietnamese regulations package


EMP cho Tiểu dự án “Kè chống xói lở bờ sông Tiền khu vực thị trấn Thường Thới Tiền, huyện Hồng Ngự, tỉnh Đồng Tháp” 2013

Environment Estimated cost Parameters Location Method Frequency Responsibility component (VND) 01 monitoring locations: Ground water pH, hardness, Water samples are Every 3 months Environmental salinity,TSS, DO, - Location: Beginning of the embankment line, taken and analysed in monitoring + COD, NH4 by N, Thuong Phuoc 2 commune, Hong Ngu district laboratory; compared consultant, - - NO2 by N, NO3 by (N1) against relevant PPMU N, Cl-, Fe total, Mn, technical regulations 12,480,000 Zn, Pb, Hg, As, Implementation in Ecoli, Coliform Included in the accordance with current cost of Vietnamese regulations environmental monitoring consultancy package

01 monitoring locations: Soil/ pHkcl, pHH2O, total Soil/ sediment samples Every 3 months Environmental 8,400,000 sediment dissolved salts, - Location: Near the material stockpile area, are taken and analysed monitoring mobile Al, total N, begin of the embankment line, Thuong Phuoc 2 in laboratory; compared consultant, Included in the total P, Zn, Pb, As, against relevant commune, Hong Ngu district (D1) PPMU cost of Cd, Cu technical regulations environmental Implementation in monitoring accordance with current consultancy Vietnamese regulations package

Phase 2: L2= 460 (m)


EMP cho Tiểu dự án “Kè chống xói lở bờ sông Tiền khu vực thị trấn Thường Thới Tiền, huyện Hồng Ngự, tỉnh Đồng Tháp” 2013

Environment Estimated cost Parameters Location Method Frequency Responsibility component (VND)

Air - Dust Use of dust gauging Conduct weekly Environmental visual monitoring - Noise and noise measurer, 15,120,000 compared with relevant observation and consultant, - SO2 01 monitoring location: sampling every 3 PPMU permitted levels Included in the months - NO2 - Location: Ending point of the embankment cost of Implementation in route, Thuong Thoi Tien commune (K3) environmental - CO accordance with current monitoring Vietnamese regulations - Vibration consultancy package Surface pH, salinity, Water samples are Visual Environmental 15,900,000 water conductivy, TSS, taken and analysed in observation of monitoring DO, BOD5, COD, laboratory; compared turbidity and any consultant, Included in the NH +; NO -; NO - 01 monitoring location: against relevant 4 2 3 oil traces, PPMU cost of PO 3-, Zn, Pb, Hg, - Location: End of the embankment line, Thuong technical regulations conduct sampling 4 environmental As, total coliform, every 3 months Thoi Tien commune (M4)) Implementation in oil & grease monitoring accordance with current consultancy Vietnamese regulations package

Ground water pH, hardness, Water samples are Every 3 months Environmental 12.480.000 salinity,TSS, DO, taken and analysed in monitoring + COD, NH4 by N, laboratory; compared consultant, Included in the NO - by N, NO - by 01 monitoring location: 2 3 against relevant PPMU cost of N, Cl-, Fe total, Mn, - Location: End of the embankment line, Thuong technical regulations environmental Zn, Pb, Hg, As, Thoi Tien commune (N2) Ecoli, Coliform monitoring consultancy package


EMP cho Tiểu dự án “Kè chống xói lở bờ sông Tiền khu vực thị trấn Thường Thới Tiền, huyện Hồng Ngự, tỉnh Đồng Tháp” 2013

Environment Estimated cost Parameters Location Method Frequency Responsibility component (VND)

Soil/ sediment samples Every 3 months Environmental Soil/ pHkcl, pHH2O, total 8,400,000 sediment dissolved salts, are taken and analysed monitoring in laboratory; compared consultant, mobile Al, total N, Included in the total P, Zn, Pb, As, against relevant PPMU cost of Cd, Cu 01 monitoring location: technical regulations Location 2: End of the embankment line, Thuong environmental monitoring Thoi Tien commune (D2) Implementation in consultancy accordance with current package Vietnamese regulations


cho Tiểu dự án “Kè chống xói lở bờ sông Tiền khu vực thị trấn Thường Thới Tiền, huyện Hồng Ngự, tỉnh Đồng Tháp”

Table 4.2: Summary of monitoring and sampling locations

Number of samples Monitoring No Location period Surface Ground Soil/ (months) Air water water sediment

I Phase 1

1 Begin of the embankment line, 36 12 12 12 12 Thuong Phuoc 2 commune

2 Do Ngang Pier, Thuong Phuoc 2 36 12 commune

3 Tan Chau Ferry, Thuong Thoi Tien 36 12 12 commune

II Phase 2

4 End of the embankment line, 36 12 12 12 12 Thuong Thoi Tien commune

Sum 36 36 48 24 24

Note: Map of sampling locations is given at Appendix 3

4.2. Monitoring of implementation of mitigation measures 4.2.1 Monitoring plan Monitoring the implementation of measures to mitigate environmental impacts of the project is conducted for assessment of compliance with operating procedures relevant to the environment, the national standards and / or technical requirements of the contractor including the requirements of the EMP.

Close monitoring will prevent and minimise the negative impact on the environment of the sub-project, ensure the effectiveness of the project. During the construction, environmental monitoring consultant will carry out regular monitoring of the implementation by the contractor as detailed in the bidding documents and environmental management plan. If monitoring indicates that the mitigation measures or their implementation is not efective, there will be request for immediate corrective measures.


cho Tiểu dự án “Kè chống xói lở bờ sông Tiền khu vực thị trấn Thường Thới Tiền, huyện Hồng Ngự, tỉnh Đồng Tháp”

Plan for monitoring the implementation of mitigation measures is presented in Table 4.3 which focuses primarily on the construction phase where there are most anticipated negative impacts on the environment requiring mitigation.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Table 4.3: Monitoring plan on implementation of mitigation measures

Monitoring Environment Monitored Mitigation activities to be Implementation Monitoring Location frequency and Budget component parameter monitored responsibility methods responsibility Pre-construction phase Land and Land - Monitor compensation for land PPMU in Affected Check dossier PPMU PPMU’s property on acquisition acquisition conjunction with area of stakeholders budget land and local authorities consultation - Monitor the compliance with compensatio compensation policy of the n Government and ADB Construction phase Air Dust - Check the careful shielding and Contractor Whole Visual PPMU/ Cost for covering trucks transporting constructio observation, Construction environmental

construction materials. n sites, combined with Supervision monitoring transport community Consultant (CSC) consultant - Check the regular water spray routes for consultation. conducts daily/ of road surface during transport constructio Quarterly weekly monitoring to reduce dust generation n materials sampling and Independent analysis of Environmental samples against Monitoring current Consultant (IEMC) Vietnamese conducts quarterly regulations monitoring/ sampling Emission - Check the use of construction Contractor Office of Visual PPMU/ CSC Cost for vehicles and machinery having the observation; consultant environmental registration compliance with contractor, record of conducts daily/ monitoring emmission standards TCVN parking registration. weekly monitoring consultant 6438-2001 emissions; area Analysis of IEMC conducts 43

Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Monitoring Environment Monitored Mitigation activities to be Implementation Monitoring Location frequency and Budget component parameter monitored responsibility methods responsibility compliance with registration for samples against quarterly road transport vehicles current monitoring/ Vietnamese sampling - Check the regular maintenance regulations of equipment and machinery every 6 months Noise, - Check the use of machinery, Contractor Office of Visual PPMU/ CSC Cost for vibration construction equipment meeting the observation, conducts daily/ environmental noise limits contractor, combined with weekly monitoring monitoring parking survey with the consultant - Check the implementation of IEMC conducts area local mitigation of noise in sensitive quarterly communities, areas and at nighttime; monitoring/ check record. sampling - Check the rational arrangement Quarterly of space and time for the measurement of operation of machinery causing parameters noise to mitigate the noise against current impact. Vietnamese - Monitor the use of noise regulations protective equipment for workers. - Monitor the implementation of vibration mitigation measures and compliance to TCVN 6964:2008 on vibration of construction machines Water Surface - Check the water well drilling for Contractor Entire Visual PPMU/ CSC Cost for environment water supply of construction and constructio observation, conducts weekly environmental

domestic activities in accordance n areas and checking record. monitoring monitoring with procedures. worker consultant Conduct IEMC conducts camps - Check the treatment of quarterly water quarterly


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Monitoring Environment Monitored Mitigation activities to be Implementation Monitoring Location frequency and Budget component parameter monitored responsibility methods responsibility wastewater from toilets in camps sampling and monitoring/ before discharge to receiving analysis against sampling water against standards (QCVN current 14:2008). Vietnamese regulations - Check the construction and use of sanitary toilets on site. - Check the supply of garbage bin (each site has at least one bin); check the transport of waste to disposal site. - Check the waste collection and cleaning up activities (soil, construction scrap, construction waste). - Check the equipment maintenance, management of waste oil, leak chemicals on site. - Check the arrangement of water drain ditch surrounding construction sites, temporary dumping site for dredged sludge to collect waste waster to sedimentation treatment pit before discharge into external water sources - Check the treatment of alum affected wastewater drained from sludge disposal site before being discharged to the environment.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Monitoring Environment Monitored Mitigation activities to be Implementation Monitoring Location frequency and Budget component parameter monitored responsibility methods responsibility Sedimentatio - Check the mitigation of bank Contractor Constructio Visual PPMU/ CSC Cost for n near erosion risk during construction n sites observation, conducts weekly environmental

riverbanks activities on riverbank along the checking record. monitoring monitoring embankme Sampling and consultant - Check the collection and IEMC conducts nt line analysis against handling of waste oil. quarterly current monitoring/ - Check the covering of newly Vietnamese sampling excavated earth surface to regulations prevent soil erosion due to stormwater runoff from riverbank. Soil Soil pollution - Check the collection of waste oil Contractor All Visual PPMU/ CSC Cost for environment / degradation during maitnaince of vehicles and constructio observation, conducts weekly environmental construction machines. n areas checking monitoring monitoring records consultant - Check the storage of materials, IEMC conducts fuel, oil and other chemicals on quarterly consttruction sites in the manner monitoring/ not polluting the soil ground. sampling - Check the arrangement of disposal site for dredged sludge does not affect surrounding soil environment. - Check the restoration of top soil fertility, recovery of original status of land temporarily aquired for construction and camps to the owners after construction is completed. Riverbank - Check the covering of newly Contractor Whole Visual PPMU/ CSC Cost for erosion, excavated or backfilled earth constructio conducts weekly environmental


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Monitoring Environment Monitored Mitigation activities to be Implementation Monitoring Location frequency and Budget component parameter monitored responsibility methods responsibility landslide surface ro prevent erosion due to n areas monitoring monitoring observation, stormwater runoff. consultant checking IEMC conducts - Inspect regularly stability records quarterly conditions of riverbank to detect monitoring

and take timely response measures to any risk of land slide due to construction activities Ecological Environment - Check the restoration of site Contractor Whole Visual PPMU/ CSC/ Cost for environment al landscape after completion of construction, constructio observation, IEMC conduct environmental restoration of vegatation and n areas checking upon the monitoring planting to improve landscape. records completion of consultant construction Aquatic life Check the activities on the Contractor All Visual PPMU/ CSC Cost for and construction site which have the constructio observation environmental IEMC conducts aquaculture potential to cause deterioration of n areas monitoring quarterly aquatic ecosystems and fisheries consultant monitoring resources by way of discharge untreated domestic wastewater or contaminated construction waste to the river. Social Disturbance - Check the transport vehicles not Contractor All Visual PPMU/ CSC Cost for environment of road and overloaded with materials, constructio inspection on conduct weekly environmental waterway cargos. n sites and site/ Survey/ monitoring. monitoring traffic; adjacent consultation with consultant - Check the installation of IEMC conducts damage to areas local adequate warning signpost at quarterly roads, pier communities construction sites. monitoring and when there is - Inspect the reasonable traffic incident arrangement to reduce congestion.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Monitoring Environment Monitored Mitigation activities to be Implementation Monitoring Location frequency and Budget component parameter monitored responsibility methods responsibility - Inspect the repair work for any damages made to roads by project activities. - Check that vessels carrying materials have valid registration certificates. - Check that anchorage of vessels follow rules and does not obstruct movement of other vessels. Waterway - Inspect the compliance with Contractor All Visual PPMU/ CSC Cost for traffic water transport safety regulations constructio inspection on conducts weekly environmental accident/ of vessels involved in n sites and site monitoring. monitoring incidents transporting materials, adjacent consultant IEMC conducts machinery, soil and rock for the areas quarterly project. monitoring and - Check the response plan for oil when there is spills when ships were sunk by incident collision, overloading, or technical failure. Security and - Inspect the presence of training Contractor All Survey/ PPMU/ CSC/ Cost for social issues workers on appropriate behaviors constructio consultation with environmental IEMC conducts and conduct when in contact with n sites and local monitoring quarterly local residents; raising adjacent communities consultant monitoring awareness of community sense, areas prevention of social evils, communicable diseases, HIV/AIDS for workers.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Monitoring Environment Monitored Mitigation activities to be Implementation Monitoring Location frequency and Budget component parameter monitored responsibility methods responsibility - Community consultation to check the coordination between the contractor and local authorities in solving any conflicts arising among workers and local residents in timely manners.

Health of - Check if the water supply for Contractor All Observation/ PPMU in Cost for workers and workers at camp meet hygienic constructio check records/ conjunction with environmental communities requirements. n sites and consultation with local authorities to monitoring adjacent communities conduct weekly consultant - Check the arrangement for areas monitoring and cleaning up construction areas when there is and disposal of solid waste into incident. designated collection place. IEMC conducts - Check the collection and quarterly disposal of construction waste to monitoring designated places during construction activity. - Check the presence of training for workers on prevention of social evils, communicable diseases, security order compliance. - Check the presence of periodical medical check-up for workers. Labour - Check on organization by the Contractor Observation/ PPMU/ CSC/ Cost for accidents, contractor of workers training of inspection on environmental IEMC conducts


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Monitoring Environment Monitored Mitigation activities to be Implementation Monitoring Location frequency and Budget component parameter monitored responsibility methods responsibility electrical fire OHS principles, provision of site/ check quarterly monitoring or explosion protective equipment. training records monitoring and consultant when there is - Check the implementation of incident safety regulations for workers on the construction site. - Inspect the implementation of measures to prevent eclectical fire/ exploision in storage area and construction sites. Operation phase Status of the Erosion, - Ban on vehicles having loading Dong Thap Entire Inspection on The system Included in the embankment landslide of capacity exceeding the DARD; The embankme site/ checking operating unit structure line riverbanks, prescribed load from moving structure nt route records (Dong Thap IMC) - management embankment along the embankment road. management every 6 months budget organisation; during the first - Inspection and handling of Local (commune) year of operation threat from termite or other threat authority to the stability of the embankement body. Visual and Caring for - Check the caring and protection The structure Entire Inspection on Dong Thap IMC - Included in the environmental landscaping of newly planted trees and management embankme site/ checking every 6 months structure landscape of trees and the decorative vegetation along the organisation nt route records during the first management the sanitation embankment. year of operation budget enbankment status along - Maintenance of environmental route the sanitation along the embankment embankment. - Organisation of awareness raising for the locals on environmental protection 50

Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

4.2.2 Proposed budget allocation for implementation of mitigation measures

Budget for implementation of mitigation measures include: During the pre-construction phase

This phase involves implementation of compensation and resettlement policy for the subproject. - Budget for compensation and resettlement is VND 21,143,000.000 (this will be confirmed upon the approval of detailed construction design of the subproject) - The budget for compensation and resettlement is included in a separate package and implemented by the project investor. During the construction phase

Budget for implementation of mitigation during this phase includes the following: - Procurement of covering materials for vehicles carrying construction materials and soil, to cover areas of material stockpiling, and to cover area of newly exposed earth; - Periodical watering along traffic roads in the construction area of the embankment (2 times/ day); - Installation of warning and traffic signposts (along transportation routes and at the construction sites); - Periodical maintenance of vehicles (every 6 months); - Arrangement of toilet facilities on construction sites; - Installation of domestic wastewater treatment facility at the worker camps; - Collection and removal of domestic and construction waste from the sites; - Collection and transport of construction scrap to disposal site, collection of waste oil or leaked oil; - Treatment of waste water drained from disposal sites for dredged sludge and soil; - Removal of camps, return ground and replant trees to restore landscape at the sluice construction sites after completion of construction activity; - Repair of damage to public infrastructure due to construction such as roads, bridge, culvert etc; - Periodical health checkup for workers, training on OHS, fire prevention, disease prevention, provision of labour protective equipment.

This budget is estimated in the construction costing by the contractor and therefore it is included in the contractor’s bidding package. The mitigation measures will be implemented by the contractor. During the operation phase Budget for the implementation of mitigation is included in the system operating budget.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

5. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 5.1 Community consultation during the development of environmental management plan 5.1.1 First round consultation During the field trip the EMP consultant team conducted initial community consultation on preliminary assessment of the environmental impacts and proposed mitigation measures for the subproject.

The consultation was held at the office of Dong Thap PPMU. Consulted audience included representatives of relevant provincial departments and representatives of Thuong Thoi Tien commune and other communes in the sub-project area.

Feedback from participants

In general all were basically agreeable with identified potential environmental impacts and proposed mitigation measures, and would like to see commencement of project implementation as soon as possible. Concerning imitation measures, some notable suggestions made as follows: - Plans for temporary and permanent land acquisition should be public and transparent. Land for resettlement purpose should be provided for those who loss their land due to acquisition; - The land which will be temporarily acquired should be returned to the owners in good shape after the construction completes and assistance should be offered to the farmers for any production loss; - Appropriate mitigation measures should be applied fully for dust, noise, waste and wastewater generation from the construction sites; - ; - Direct management responsibility for sanitation and waste management issue should be assigned to the Contractor. It is requested that the contractors to closely coordinate with local authorities in managing workers during the construction period.

Consideration of feedback

Feedback from the participants have been considered and integrated by the consultant in proposed mitigation section of this EMP.

Minutes of the community consultations meeting is given at Appendix 5.

5.1.2 Second round consultations

The second round consultation was conducted in October 2013 after the draft environmental management plan of the subproject was prepared to collect opinions from the community.

The consultation was conducted by the EMP consultants of the subproject during the second field trips in order to gather feedback on the draft environmental management plan of the subproject.

The consultation was held at the office of the People’s Committee of Thuong Phuoc 2 commune. Consulted audience included representatives of affected households of the


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP) subproject area communes, representatives of commune level People’s Committees and Fatherland Fronts.

Feedback from participants General feedback - In general the participants to the consultation seminar agreed with the assessment of environmental impacts and mitigation measures proposed for the subproject, agreed with the environmental management plan developed by the consultants and expressed their desire for this plan to be fully implemented in practice to reduce the negative environmental impacts of the subproject; - Appreciate the quality and coverage of the EMP report, the comprehensiveness and high level of details of assessment of impacts on the natural and socio-economic environment as well as of the proposed mitigation measures; - The impact of the subprojects in the pre-construction and construction phases generally is considered to be short-term and negligible compared the long-term benefits that the project will bring about; - Participants wish that the subproject implementation starts soon and the construction schedule is stick to plan which would contribute to improved environmental landscape, address the erosion problem and improve the living conditions of the local population. Specific feedback - Contractors to pay attention to issue of bank erosion caused by the construction and in the case of increased sedimentation appropriate measures should be taken to address; - Suggest that mitigation focuses on environmental impact caused by dust and emissions from vehicles and machines; - Pay attention to hygiene and sanitation issues for construction workers because this can adversely affect the surrounding environment. Toilets should be arranged on the construction sites and waste should be removed from construction area.

Consideration of feedback The consultants further elaborated for participants the mechanism for information exchange and organisation for implementation of the environmental management plan as stated in the report. All feedback have been taken on board for review and finalisation of the EMP for effective implementation in practice.

Minutes of the second round community consultation meetings is given in Appendix 5. 5.2 Community consultation and information disclosure during project implementation During the implementation, the Project owners shall regularly inform on the mass media for the communities in the project area of schedule of project activities and construction schedule, environmental management measures, and channel to receive feedback from the community.

The following information shall be communicated to affected persons: ° Project components; ° Key impacts of the project and mitigation plan ° Legitimate rights of affected persons ° Compensation activities ° Responsible organisations


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

° Right to participate in public meetings ° Process for appeals and litigation ° Supplementary plans 5.3 Cost of information disclosure and community consultation 5.3.1 Cost of information disclosure Information discloure to local resident communities shall be made by annocement via loudspeakers, commune radio station prior to commencement of construction. Estimate cost for information discloure is as follows: ° Each commune level administrative unit shall issue 3 radio announcement periods: 01 during pre-construction phase and 02 times during the construction phase ° The project area has 2 commune administrative units including Thuong Thoi Tien and Thuong Phuoc 2. ° The number of radio broadcasting: 2 times during pre-construction phase, 4 times during construction = 6 times in total. ° Provided that radio broadcasting cost is VND 400,000/ time, the total cost of broadcasting is: 6x VND400,000 = VND2,400,000.

5.3.2 Organisation of public consultations Organisation of consultations with affected communities: the composition of attendance includes Project owner, local authorities and representatives of communities from 2 communes in the project area. Tentative budget of consultation meeting is VND 10 million/ meeting

Table 5.1: Estimate budget for information disclosure and community consultation

Estimate No Content Quantity Unit cost budget (VND) Pre-construction phase 10,800,000 1 Announcement via local radio 2 400,000 800,000 system 2 Community consultation meeting 1 10,000,000 10,000,000 Construction phase 21,600,000 1 Announcement via local radio 4 400,000 1,600,000 system 2 Community consultation meeting 2 10,000,000 20,000,000 Sum 32,400,000


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Table 5.2: Summary of public consultation activities

Responsible Method Frequency Content Participant organisation Pre-construction phase - Environmental - Consultation meeting to 1 time Negative impacts caused by construction - Residents in project area (representatives of consultant gather stakeholders’ and proposed mitigation measures affected households and residents in opinions beneficiary area); - PPMU - Representatives of local governments, social organiastions from communes of Thuong Thoi Tien and Thuong Phuoc 2 Construction phase - Environmental - Consultation meeting to 2 times - Negative impacts caused by construction - Residents in project area (representatives of monitoring and gather stakeholders’ and proposed mitigation measures. affected households and residents in management opinions beneficiary area); - Implementation of proposed mitigation consultant - Collect completed measures by the contractor. - Representatives of local governments, social - Contractor questionnaires organiastions from communes of Thuong Thoi Tien and Thuong Phuoc 2 - PPMU Operation phase PPMU - Social study/ impact on the 1 time Effectiveness of mitigation measures. - Residents in project area (representatives of environment and Impact of the subproject on the production affected households and residents in resettlement and life of the local population and poverty beneficiary area). reduction - Community workshop - Representatives of local governments, social organiastions from communes of Thuong Thoi Tien and Thuong Phuoc 2. - Households affected by resettlement, land acquisition.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

6. IMPLEMENTATION ORGANISATION 6.1 Implementation responsibility To ensure the highest effectiveness of Environmental management program, it requires participation of relevant agencies.

The relevant participants or those relevant to the subproject environmental management plan include: − Central Project Management Unit (CPMU). − Provincial PMU, with support from construction supervision consultant and environmental monitoring consultant. − Consultant: environmental monitoring consultant, construction supervision consultant, technical design consultant. − Contractor − Local government agencies and communities in subproject area − Operating organization: Irrigation Sub-department of Dong Thap DARD − Environmental management agency: Dong Thap DONRE.

Each agency/organization will have different function and task in implementing environmental impact mitigation measures and environmental examination program. Provision of requirements on responsibility and capacity building to project stakeholders will help them promptly and exactly complete assigned tasks.

Responsibility and participation in environmental management of the subproject by various organisations is summarized as follows.

Table 6.1: Responsibility for environmental management implementation

No Organisation Environmental management responsibility

1 CPMU - General responsibility for entire supervision, monitoring and preparation of environmental monitoring reports submitted to ADB - Training on environmental safeguard policy for project staff. - Preparation of bidding invitation dossier including environmental mitigation necessary as stated in EMP - Recruit an independent environmental monitoring consultant during the implementation to supervise the implementation of EMP

2 Dong Thap PPMU - Deploy for implementation of all environmental protection and mitigation activities included in the subproject EMP during pre- construction and construction phases - Supervise and report on the implementation by contractor those mitigation measures according to approved detail EMP for construction activities - Support the contractor in implementation of mitigation measures during construction - Facilitate effective coordination among the contractor, local authorities and local communities during construction period, establish linkage among all relevant parties during the project implementation as well as


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

No Organisation Environmental management responsibility

the environmental management work of the subproject - Coordinate with the local governments in dealing with complaints (if any) - Prepare periodical reports to CPMU on the implementation of the subproject and the EMP

3 Contractor - Prepare Contractors’ Detail Environmental Management Plan for Construction Activities to meet environmental management requirements for the subproject. Such detail plans shall be approved by Project owner before commencement of construction activities - Implement measures specified in the EMP, especially effective mitigation measures during construction and other issues related to the EMP for the subproject. Propose amendment or alternative mitigation measures if necessary - Proactively contact local communities representatives and deploy measures to avoid unnecessary disturbance during the construction activities; train workers on knowledge of environmental issues during construction and be responsible for implementation of mitigation and labour safety measures on the construction sites - Ensure that all construction activities have secured necessary permits from competent authorities - Report to PPMU on any difficulties faced and propose solutions. - Immediately report to the local authorities and PPMU of any environmental accidents and coordinate with relevant authorizes and parties to solve. - Solve any complaints concerning construction activities and conduct issues of workers

4 Construction - Support PPMU in supervising environmental safeguard in accordance supervision with daily environmental management plan consultant (CSC) - Prepare rapid periodical report on the implementation of EMP at the construction sites together with proposed improvement to the Contractor for synthesis and submission to PPMU; maintain contacts with the local communities

5 Subproject - Conduct periodical independent supervision of contractor’s independent implementation of EMP and other related components; report to CPMU environmental monitoring - Conduct periodical monitoring of environmental parameters during the consultant construction and operation phases - Collaborate with/ support PPMU and the Contractor in effective implementation of the environmental management plan at the construction areas

6 Operating - Be responsible for environmental management during the operation organisation period the subproject - Implement mitigation measures during the operation

7 Local resident Local resident communities have the right and responsibility to communities supervise activities related to the environment during the construction


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

No Organisation Environmental management responsibility

phase to ensure their rights and safety policy is adequately protected, and that mitigation measures are effectively implemented by the contractor and PPMU. Report any concerns/ unexpected issues arising out of the subproject to CSC/ PPMU/ PCs of concerned communes.

8 Local governments: Monitor the implementation of the subproject based on PC of the province, recommendations of the provincial DONRE and PPMU to ensure districts, communes compliance with the regulations and policy of the Government in the subproject area

9 Provincial The provincial environmental management agency is Dong Thap environmental DONRE, representing MONRE to manage environmental issues in the management province. agency Be responsible for supervision of compliance to environmental regulations of the Government during various implementation phases of the subproject.

10 Other related - Advise and inform of any aspects related to the environmental organisations management and protection regulations of Vietnam; provide technical support during the construction of the subproject as necessary. - Contribute in solving any environmental issues.

6.2 Reporting responsibility On-site officers and construction supervision consultant shall report the implementation of safeguards policy by the contractor as part of construction progress report to PPMU. PPMU shall submit periodical reports on contractor’s implementation of safeguards aspects to CPMU. The reporting requirements are summarized in Table 6.2

Table 6.2: Reporting requirements on implementation of mitigation measures

Phase Type of reporting Frequency Responsibility Agency to receive report Pre- No reporting is construction required Report of monitoring Monthly Contractor/ PPMU on compliance to EMP construction at the construction supervision sites consultant Report of monitoring Every 3 months Independent on compliance and (following field environmental CPMU outcomes of EMP visit) monitoring implementation for consultant Construction subproject (including results of monitoring environmental aspects, community consultation) Report of monitoring Every 6 months PPMU CPMU, DONRE on implementation of during the EMP schedule, quality construction


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Phase Type of reporting Frequency Responsibility Agency to receive report of the construction, phase status of the environment Report of monitoring Every 6 months CPMU ADB, DONRE on environmental during the performance of the construction subproject and EMP phase or when implementation ADB supervision team visits, and once prior to completion of construction Operation Report of monitoring of Every six month The project CPMU, ADB, compliance to EMP during the first operating DONRE during the operation year of operation organization, PPMU

7. ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING/ INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY STRENGTHENING 7.1 Training objective The objectives of the training program is to strengthen capacity of staff of PPMU, provincial management agency and staff involved in implementation Environmental monitoring plan and help them to successfully implement mitigation and monitoring plans specified in environmental assessment in final project design, implementation and operation.

To ensure the success of specilized training courses and environmental monitoring plan, it requires that staff of PPMU and provincial management agencies who are assigned to work in environment should hold bachelor degree. 7.2 Training courses To strengthening institutional capacity in environment aspect for staff of relevant agencies such as: DONRE; department of environment and resettlement of CPO etc., the consultant will be responsible for selection of qualified staff (use specialists who are participating in environmental monitoring and management in the project) to conduct training for staff of relevant agencies. The training courses will be financed from the project fund.

Training courses on enviroment will: ° Provide knowlege and applicaion of law on environment, regulations, standards of Vietnam Goverment on environmental protection; ° Consultant coordinates with CPO to implement a training course on environment for environmental staff of the subproject management unit, the organisation responsible for operation of the subproject (currently being the Irrigation Sub-project of Dong Thap DARD) and some representatives of DONRE, DARD, and main construction contractors. Consultant arranges trainers, CPO or PPMU pays for other costs for the training course. ° Provide instruction on site where require mitigation measures for contractor’s staff in charge of construction supervision and environmental monitoring and evaluation; ° Provide guidance, assist subproject management unit in preparation of periodic reports on environment to submit to ADB as required by the donor.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Table 7.1: Management capacity building activities

Organising Source of Proposed works/activities Cost agency funding PPMU/ Training on environmental monitoring and VND 50 million General budget for Environmntal management for environmental staff of the environmental monitoring subproject and staff of Tien Giang irrigation management of consultant works management company, the subproject environmental staff of PPMU, representatives of subproject contractors (01 course),


The work plan proposed for the subproject is shown in Table 8.1

Table 8.1: Tentative work plan for the subproject

Activity Responsibility Implementation timing 1. Consultation and detail designing 1.1 Inform the local government and communities on PPMU After EMP is EMP and revise implementation plan for subproject approved as suitable 1.2 Integrate implementation requirements of EMP CPMU/PPMU/ Together with to the bidding dossier and contract documents; Consultant bidding process inform bidders on safeguard policy requirements 1.3 Assign safeguard policy officers and CPMU/ Consultant Prior to selection of construction supervisors for regular supervision of contractors contractors 2. Land acquisition and construction 2.1 Implement detail environmental management Contractor Pre-construction and plan of the contactors during various implementation during construction phases of the subproject to meet requirement of the EMP 2.2 Supervise and report on activities of contractors, PPMU/ field During construction together with consultation with local communities officers/ phase consultants


Almost all budget for implementation of mitigation measures and environmental monotring requirements during various phases of subproject improving Go Cong stalwater intrusion control is included in general investment cost.

Budget for implementation of mitigation measures: ° During pre-construction phase, the budget for land aquisition, compensation, resettlement is inlcuded in a seperate package;


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

° During construction phase, budget for implemetation of mitigation measures is the responsibity of the contractor and identifed in construcion bidign invitation;

° During operation phase, Tien Giang Irrigation Management Company (IMC) implement mitigation meaures from its irrigation work management budget.

Budget for environmental monitoring during the construction phase of the subproject is included in a contract with an independent environmental monitoring consultant for the subproject.

Budget for information discloser and community consultation, capacity strengthening training is planed and implemented by PPMU. 9.1. Basis for budget estimate The basis for budget planning includes relevant decisions, circulars issued by the Government, line ministries and local government. Some relevant guidelines include:

° Circular 219/2009/TT-BTC dated 19 November 2009 of the Ministry of Finance on some cost normative applied for projects, programs with funding from ODA sources

° Circular 08/2014/TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance on environmental monitoring fees and Joint Circular 45/2010/TTLT-BTC-BTNMT of the Ministy of Finance and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on collection, management and use of environmental protection fees and charges 9.2. Budget estimate Below is a summary of cost estimates for the environmental management plan of the sub- project. Table 9.1: Estimate of budget Unit: VND 1,000

Subproject phases No Item Pre- Constru Sum Remark construction ction Operation

I. Implementation of

mitigation measure

Land acquisition, Included in separate 1 21,143,000 resettlement 21,143,000 package

Included in construction bidding During package. Expected 2 110,000 110,000 construction cost as 1% of the construction package

Included in the During the first system operation 3 50,000 50,000 years of operation and management budget

II. Budget for environmental monitoring consultant


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Subproject phases No Item Pre- Constru Sum Remark construction ction Operation

Budget for project management/ Budget for During 98,820 150,720 independent construction 51,900 environmental monitoring consultant

III. Collection and 11,200 disclosure of information General budget for 10,800 32,400 and community 10,400 project management consultation

IV. Capacity strengthening General budget for 50,000 50,000 training project management

Note: − Budget for land acquisition and resettlement is included in a separate budget; − Budget for implementation of mitigation measures during construction phase is included in the contractor’s bidding cost (estimated to be 1% of the construction package) − Budget for mitigation measures during the operation phase is from the system operation budget − Budget for environmental monitoring consultants will be included in a separate package estimated for all four subprojects. This will be from the project management budget which is managed by CPMU; − Budget for information disclosure and community consultations (Table 5.1) and budget for capacity strengthening (Table 7.1) will be included in the general budget for the project management.


The responsibility for implementation of environmental management plan belongs to Dong Thap PPMU, Contractor and the organisation responsible for the structure management and operation after the completion of construction throughout the process of project preparation, construction and operation and maitainance. Reports from the environmental monitoring consultant on implementing environmental management plan is submitted to PPMU which will forward to Dong Thap DONRE. Dong Thap DONRE will take charge of inspecting the implementation. If environmental management plan needs to be adjusted, DONRE will refers to PPMU for impmlementation. Reports from environmental monitoring consultant are also submited to the CPMU and ADB.

Throught the construction period, the Project owner shall regularly inform on the mass media for the general public about the construction activities and schedule, the environmental management measures and the operation of the community feedback system.


Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province”- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Affected people will be informed of policies and procedures to ensure their livelihood will not be severely changed. Residents in the project area are also informed that there will be a focal point for environmental safeguards in the PPMU, who will take feedback from complainants. If they have any questions or concerns regarding the project, PPMU will take charge to help and solve. The contact details of the focal point must be made available publicly for easy access by the communities when they want to file a complaint. Complaints need to be recorded. The Process of Grievance Investigation and Resolution will follow these steps • Step 1: Complaint form will be sent by APs, Affected households (AHs) or groups of households to Sub-project Commune People Committee (CPC). • Step 2: Sub-project CPC will investigate the complaint within 15 days. If it is judged by them valid the Complaint Form will be forwarded to the PPMU. • Step 3: within 15 days from the date the complaint is received, the PPMU, and Sub-project CPC will organise meetings to discuss how to resolve the matter. All meetings will be recorded and copies of the minutes of meetings will be provided to APs/AHs. • Step 4: The PPMU shall take such mitigation measures as agreed in meetings from step 3 by PPMU and Sub-project CPC within 15 days, or some other period acceptable to the parties referred to in step 3. • Step 5: When the complaint is resolved, the Complaint Form need to be signed by Complainer/ head of Household, Sub-project CPC, PPMU and annotated at each stage of process by PPMU. • Step 6: In case, If no understanding or amicable solution is reached, or if no response is received from Sub-project CPC within 15 days after the registration of complaint, the APs/ AHs can appeal to the District People’s Committee (DPC). The APs/AHs must lodge the complaint within 30 days of registering the original complaint and must produce documents with copies of appeal that support his/her claim. The DPC will provide a decision within 1 month of receiving the appeal. • Step 7: If the APs/Ahs is not satisfied with the decision, or in the absence of any response from DPC, the APs/AHs can appeal to the Provincial People’s Committee (PPC). The PPC will review and issue a decision on the appeal within 30 days from the day it is received. • Step 8: If the AP is still not satisfied with the decision of PPC or in the absence of any response within the stipulated time, the AP as a last resort may submit his/her case to the court, in which decision is final.





1 Natural conditions 1.1 Geographic location The project area is located over the left bank of Tien River of Thoi Thuong Tien and Thuong Phuoc 2 communes, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province.

Thoi Thuong Tien commune is located along provincial highway 841, the arterial road from Cao Lanh to the border. It is bordered Thuong Thoi Hau A to the north, Thuong Phuoc 2 commune to the west, Thuong Lac commune to the east, and Tien river to the south.

The area belongs to the economic and trade corridor of the district and the province, a significant population point in the economic zone system of the northern border economic zone of Dong Thap province. Thuong Thoi Tien playes an important role in the economic and commercial activities of the region and has many advantages to thrive. 1.2 Topography and geomorphology Hong Ngu district have relatively flat terrain. In general, Hong Ngu district can be divided into 2 zones: - The high terrian riparian zone of Tien river: the topography has relatively high elevation, from 0.1 m to 2.5 m, with the highest elevation of 4m, and the lowest 0.7 m. In particular, islet communes in areas along Tien River have relatively higher terrain. The current land use status is mainly residential, perennials, fruit trees and vegetables - The low-lying plain terrain zone: includes low-lying and plan land area inland and between the islands (with local concave shape, sloping from the river). The popular elevation ranges from 1.8 ÷ 2.5m; the islet area has higher elevation (2.0 ÷ 2.5m). The land use status is mainly rice growing and aquaculture.

In addition, the left bank of Tien river (Thuong Thoi Tien commune) is the new administration zone which was separated from Hong Ngu district. This area is in the process of development planning. It has elevation ranging from +2.8 to +5.6m.

The whole commune has about 6 km along the Tien River and is located at the convex bank of the river, with many points being severly affected by erosion and land slide, threatening the people's safety and the socio-economic development of the area. The commune is now an important junction of road and water transport network for economic and cultural exchanges between the districts of Dong Thap Muoi and neighboring provinces such as An Giang, Long An and especially with Cambodia. 1.3 Geology and soil 1.3.1 Geology

Based on the geological survey documents and the design drawing report, the general stratigraphy of the embankment line from top to bottom includes: - Layer 1: sandy soil, yellow-gray; loose structures. This is the top layer of the survey area, with the thickness in survey drill hole of 0.50m; no testing sample for physical- mechanical parameters - Layer 6: Dust sand, dark gray, structure from loose to medium tight. This layer has a thickness in survey drill hole of 22.5m, and 11 testing samples for physical-mechanical parameters. - Layer 7: Clay soil mixed with sand and organic matters, dark gray; liquid state. This layer has a thickness in survey drill hole of 2.7m and has 01 testing sample for physical- mechanical parameters. 66

- Layer 8: Clay soil mixed with sand, gray-green, pale yellow, hard plastic state. Three testing samples were taken for mechanical reasons.

1.3.2 Soil

Hong Ngu district has the following three main soil groups: - Alluvial soil with an area of 24,48.13 ha - Alum soil with an area of 1,799.00 ha - Grey soil with an area of 1,478.00 ha - Rivers and other land of 5,301.73 ha

Thoi Thuong Tien commune is on alluvial plain, which is subject to year-round sediment accretion by Tien river and the soil is relatively fertile. Overall, the soil in the commune is generally rich of nutrients and suitable for a variety of crops.

Thuong Phuoc 2 also primarily has alluvial soil with a total area of 1,236.42 ha (80.73%), generally fertile and suitable for crop production.

The composition of the soil is light mechanical, with physical clay content of about 45-60%, high organic matter and rich nitrogen content (from 0.25 to 0.30%).

1.4 Climate Thoi Thuong Tien commune is in hot and humid tropical monsoon climate zone, with abundant rainfall, typical for the Southern delta region. There are two distinct seasons: the rainy season from May to October, and the dry season from November to April the following year.

Temperature: The average temperature in relatively high, about 27oC, and stable over time and space. April and May has the highest average temperature of 28oC. January has the lowest average monthly temperature of 25oC.

Rainfall: during the rainy season the rainfall accounts for 85-90% of the annual rainfall. Heavy rainfall occurs during August – October which coincides with the flood season, causing major flooding. The rainfall during dry season accounts for only 10-15% of the annual rainfall.

Humidity: During the rainy season the humidity is very high of 90-93%, coupled with heavy rains making the region highly saturated. During the dry season there is no rain, low humidity, and high evaporation. Average moisture content is of about 80-83%, the highest humidity is 95-100% in October, the lowest is as low as 41% in April.

Wind: There are two annual prevailing wind directions of monsoon and the Southwest monsoon. The Northeast monsoon is from December to April the following year. The average annual wind velocity is 1-1.5 m/s, wind frequency 60-70%. The Southwest monsoon is from May to November, from the Gulf of bringing more moisture causing rain, wind frequency of 70%. The average wind velocity is about 2 - 2.5m/s. Each year from May to November there is usually large storm with strong wind velocity of up to 22.6 m/s which can cause damage to buildings and works. 1.5 Hydrology


Located in the lower Mekong , Hong Ngu district in general and Thoi Thuong Tien commune in particular is directly affected by the flow regime of the Mekong River and Tien River, the regime of East Sea tidal and rain in the region.

Charactistics of Tien River hydrology: Tien River is a branch of the Mekong River downstream. Its hydrology regime is directly affected by upstream hydrology, the East Sea tidal regime and the regional rain regime. Hydrology regime of Tien River can be divided into 2 seasons:

- The dry season from January to June each year. In the dry season, in addition to the tidal factors, the hydrology also depends on the changes of flow in upstream Mekong River. Starting January the amount of water brought down to Tien River declines, with the annual driest period being in mid- April to May. This is also the time when the intrusion of sea tides of the East Sea River into Tien River is the strongest. In early June there staring rain in upstream area but the river flow in Tien River is starting increase notably from late June. The lowest flow on Tien River at My Thuan is from 800 - 900 m3/s.

- Flood season from June to December each year. Flooding on the Tien River is formed by the Mekong River upstream rain and the local rain. Compared with upstream, flood here often arrive later. But compared to the whole Mekong Delta, the flood here starts one month earlier and ends one month later. The highest flow on the Tien River (at My Thuan) is about 16,000-18,000 m3/s. The flood is not aggressive, with flood levels in Hong Ngu approximately 4.2 to 4.5 m. The flood intensity is low, usually between 2 - 10cm/day (at positions north of Hong Ngu canal).

2 Status of the environment 2.1 Water environment

Surface water quality

Results of monitoring data conducted along canal routes at four locations: the beginning of embankment (M1), Do Ngang wharf (M2), Tan Chau Ferry (M3) and the ending of embankment (M4), in comparison with QCVN:08, show that: - The water has alkaline characteristics with pH> 7, in the range of 7.11 to 7.26; - Water of Tien river section in the area is slightly polluted by organic matters, with COD indicator at all 4 sampling locations exceeding QCVN:08-2008, Column A2 from 1.04 to 1.48 times;

- The BOD5 for sample M1 and M2 exceed QCVN:08-2008, Column A2 from 1.03 to 1.27 times; - The water source in the area also shows sign of biological pollution, with Coliform at M1 and M4 exceeding QCVN:08-2008 Column A2; it has not affected by heavy metals, oil & grease and residue of plant protection chemicals – monitoring indicators typical for these are within allowed QCVN:08-2008 Column A2.

Table A1-1: Results of surface water sample analysis under the subproject

QCVN 08:2008 No Parameter Unit M1 M2 M3 M4 Column Column A2 B1 1 pH 7.26 7.11 7.25 7.15 6-8.5 5.5-9


QCVN 08:2008 No Parameter Unit M1 M2 M3 M4 Column Column A2 B1 2 Salinity ‰ 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 3 EC ms/cm 0.1 0.17 0.12 0.18 4 DO mg/l 4.56 5.12 4.32 5.01 >=5 >=4 5 COD mg/l 15.6 22.3 17.3 19.2 15 30.0 6 BOD5 mg/l 7.6 6.2 5.4 5.2 6.0 15.0 7 Amoni (NH4+) mg/l 0.026 0.021 0.022 0.028 0.2 0.5 8 Nitrite (NO2-) mg/l 0.028 0.012 0.008 0.009 0.02 0.04 9 Nitrate (NO3-) mg/l 0.33 0.41 0.86 1.21 2.2 10.0

10 PO43- mg/l 0.03 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.2 0.3 11 Zn mg/l 0.062 0.064 0.068 0.07 1 1.5 12 Pb mg/l 0.012 0.016 0.015 0.017 0.02 0.05

13 Hg mg/l <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0,001 0,001 14 Asen mg/l 0.0032 0.0022 0.0045 0.0025 0.02 0.05 15 Oil & grease mg/l 0.071 0.065 0.071 0.07 0.02 0.1

16 Coliform MNP/ 100ml 11,000 5,500 1,700 10,000 5,000 7,500

Residue of P-based 17 microgam/l 0.01 0.01 0.012 0.01 0.02 0.02 pesticides

Residue of Cl- 18 microgam/l 0.01 0.015 0.017 0.01 0.02 0.02 based pesticides (Source: Monitoring results conducted in July 2013 by fhe EMP consultant team) Map of sampling location is given at Figure 1 of Appendix 1 Note on sampling locations: M1: Beginning point of the embankment, Thuong Phuoc commune, Hong Ngu district M2: Do Ngang wharf, Thuong Phuoc commune, Hong Ngu district M3: Tan Chau Ferry, Thuong Thoi Tien commune M4: Ending point of the embankment, Thuong Thoi Tien commune

Groundwater quality

As boreholes are located near the banks of the river, the water table in the boreholes is stable and directly influenced by river water. The elevation of the groundwater levels measured in boreholes on 11 November 2012 at hole HK1 is +0.73 m.

Compared with QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT on groundwater quality the measured parameters are generally within the limits: - PH, hardness, salinity of the water samples are within the limits


- Heavy metal concentrations are under the permissible limits. - However the coliform levels of samples are greater 6.3-7 times the permitted limit.

Some parameters indicative of organic pollutants such as COD, NH4 + exceed permitted limits, showing that the water for domestic use taken from bore wells at household residences is slightly affected by organic pollution or nutrients similarly to the surface water samples.

Table A1-2: Results of growndwater sample analysis

QCVN 09: No Parameter Unit N1 N2 2008/BTNMT 1 pH 6.79 6.42 5.5-8.5 2 Hardness mgCaCO3/l 230 286 500 3 Salinity ‰ 0.05 0.05 4 TSS mg/l 12.56 24.5 1,500 5 DO mg/l 4.9 5.5 6 COD mg/l 5.55 5.1 4 + 7 NH4 by N mg/l 1.108 0.189 0.1

- 8 NO2 by N mg/l 0.0055 0.004 1

- 9 NO3 by N mg/l 2.4 2.7 15 10 Cl- mg/l 132 146 250

11 Zn mg/l 0.023 0.102 3 12 Pb mg/l <0.001 <0.001 0.01

13 Hg mg/l <0.0001 <0.0001 0.001 14 As mg/l 0.012 0.008 0.05 15 Fe TS mg/l 0.56 0.75 5 16 Mn mg/l 0.32 0.42 0.5 17 Ecoli MPN/100ml 8 6 KPH 18 Coliform MPN/100ml 19 21 3 (Source: Monitoring data in July 2013 by the EMP consultant)

Note: Map of sampling location is given at Figure 1 of Appendix 3 N1: Well at residence of Mr Tran Van Chua, Hamlet 3, Thuong Phuoc 2, Do Ngang wharf, Thuong Thoi Tien canal N2: Bore well at Hong Ngu veterinary station, Tan Chau Ferry

2.3 Soil environment To assess the soil environment, 4 soil/sediment samples were collected along the embankment route of the subproject and analysed. Results of analysis are given in Table 2.3, showing that the soil samples are from acidic to neutral with pHKCl (5.84-6.51) and pH H2O from 5.32 - 7.25.


The soil is generally nutrient-poor with total average P value of 0.028%, total N is from 0.05 to 0.42%, of these samples D1 and D2 having values exceeding the permissible limits from 1.2 to 3.5 times.

The parameters of typical metals and contaminants as Zn, Pb, As, Cd .. are within permitted levels

Table A1-3: Results of soil sample analysis

QCVN 03: 2008/BTNMT* No Parameter Unit D1 D2 D3 D4 TCVN7373:2004** TCVN7374:2004***

1 PH KCl 6.51 6.21 5.85 5.84 3.6 - 7.66

2 PH H2O 7.25 5.82 6.32 5.32 Total dissolved 3 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.1 salt mg/kg dry 4 Al 8.84 7.21 6.48 7.39 12* weight 5 N % 0.151 0.422 0.056 0.082 0.03-0.12** 6 P % 0.026 0.022 0.032 0.032 0.03-0.4*** mg/kg dry 7 Zn 200* weight 50.8 23.6 46.9 42.4 mg/kg dry 8 Pb 70* weight 29.2 32.6 28.8 25.6 mg/kg dry 9 As 12* weight 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4 mg/kg dry 10 Cd 2* weight 0.05 0.01 0.2 0.1 mg/kg dry 11 Cu 12.2 21.2 18.5 19.2 50* weight (Source: Monitoring data in July 2013 by the EMP consultant)

Note: Map of sampling location is given at Figure 1 of Appendix 3 D1: Next to construction materials storage site in the beginning part of embankment, Thuong Phuoc 2 commune, Hong Ngu district D2: Do Ngang wharf, Thuong Phuoc 2 commune D3: Tan Chau Ferry, Thuong Thoi Tien (100m further downstream) D4: Ending point of the embankment route, Thuong Thoi Tien commune 2.4 Air environment According to the results of air quality monitoring in Dong Thap province in 2012, the air quality in the project area has not been polluted; all monitoring parameters are within the permissible limits.

Overall, the air quality in Dong Thap province in 2012 does not change markedly from the previous year.


Table A1-4: Results of air quality monitoring

Particulate Monitoring Noise CO SO NO No Time matter 2 x station dB mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 4/2012 66.4 0.12 0.093 0.027 0.028 4 Station KK19 10/2012 62.1 0.09 0.50 0.023 0.034 4/2012 64.0 0.14 0.98 0.04 0.031 5 Station KK21 10/2012 63.1 0.12 0.68 0.028 0.032 QCVN 05:2008/BTNMT - 0.3 30 0.35 0.2 QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT 70 - - - - (Source: General report on air quality monitoring in Dong Thap province 2012 by DONRE) Note on sampling locations: KK 19: Near Office of the People’s Committee of Hong Ngu city KK 21: Residential area of Tram Chim town 2.5 Ecological environment The ecosystem characteristics of the project area is agricultural ecosystem typical for Southern delta region with main agricultural crops being rice, corn, beans and fruit orchards which are interspersed with rural residential areas.

There is Tram Chim National Park in Dong Thap province, however it is far away from the sub-project area, about 40 km away as the crow flies, and should not be affected by the project. In the subproject area there is no wildlife as a result of the process of urbanization and agricultural intensification taking place in the past decades. The aquatic species in local rivers include no endangered species listed in Red Book of Vietnam nor the world. 3 Scio-economic conditions In 2012, the GDP growth rate in the district was 13.19 % , with total production of rice and fish being 175,929 tones and 16,893 tons, respectively. Agricultural production is the main source of income for the local population. The situation of agricultural production in the two communes is as follows:

Thoi Thuong Tien commune: cultivated area of rice during period 2000 - 2011 is relatively stable (20,668 ha in 2011 ). Average rice yields tend to increase from year to year (134,310 tons in 2011).

Thuong Phuoc 2 commune: Rice is the main crop in the commune, with annual cultivated area being 2,152 ha (of which about 1,100 ha was of high quality rice ), accounting for 100% of cultivated area. Total annual rice production reached 12,700 tons, average annual productivity was 6 tons per ha. The average rice production per capita is 1,060 kg/person/year . 3.1 Population Thoi Thuong Tien commune: According to Statistics Yearbook 2012 of Hong Ngu district, the commune population was 14,326 people with 3,556 households; average household size is 4-5 persons with an average population density of 468 people per km2. The labor force accounted for 46% of the total population, of which 90% work in agricultural production.

Thuong Phuoc 2 commune: According to Statistics Yearbook 2012 of Hong Ngu district, the commune has 2,636 households with 10,223 persons; average household size of 4-5 people;


average population density is 666 people per km2. The labor force accounted for 60% of the total population, of which 86% works in agricultural production.

Table A1-5: Population in the subproject area in 2012

Population Population density Commune/ Area (ha) (persons) (persons/km2) Thuong Thoi Tien 3,059.56 14,326 468 commune Thuong Phuoc 2 1,531.05 10,23 666 commune (Source: Statistics Yearbook 2012 of Hong Ngu district) 3.2 Infrastructure * Transport:

A common feature of Dong Thap in general and Hong Ngu district in particular is a mix of road and waterways networks. Basically the area has built a transport network connecting centres of communes to villages as well as to neighboring communes. Navigation is through main canal system including Tu Thuong canal, Trung Tam canal and Tien river.

Road traffic network in the subproject area includes the following: + Provincial roads: There is provincial road 841 (Thuong Thoi Tien - Thuong Phuoc 1) with a length of 6.6 km, incomplete surface cover with red gravel. Provincial roads are quite often damaged due to inundation during flooding season, making traffic difficult. The loading capacity of the road on most sections is less than 8 tons. + Rural transport network includes 4 routes as follows: Thuong village road, Thuong Phuoc village road, Trung village road, Trung Tam – Ca Sach road. The roads are 2-3m wide, elevation 6m. They need to be upgraded and widen to meet the increasing traffic needs.

Waterway traffic include: TTT-Tan Chau ferry and 3 piers (Long Thuan wharf, LKA wharf, LKB wharf). The piers should be upgraded to ensure safe traffic for the people, especially in the rainy season.

The road traffic network however has not been comprehensively invested, making the goods movement and transport for the local population during rainy season difficult.

* Electricity supply:

In the past years, increased investment in rural electrification project, renovation of grid and transform station has help address the issue of voltage shortage and extended grid to communes and residential areas, creating favourable conditions for production and daily life of the local population.

* Water supply and sanitation

Currently, the rate of households having access to clean water supply is still low. The majority of households use groundwater from wells, and others largely use water directly from canals or Tien river. Therefore this is the problem which need to be addressed to protect health of the local residents, especially the children. Currently the State is implementing socialisation programs of rural clean water supply, with contributions from


private sector so it is hopeful that the share of households using clean water will increase in the future.

3.3 Socio-economic conditions The economic growth of the district is fairly stable. The economy of communes in the district in general and in the project area in particular is primarily based on agricultural production and handicraft, with low level development of service and trade sector. The agriculture plays an important role in the local economy. However the restructuring of the economy has been slow, with rice cultivation still dominating the agricultural production.

In recent years, following the renewal policy of the Party and the State, the economy of local communes is sustaining well and making steady progress in the economic integration and development of market economy. The production value of various sectors steadily grows and the economic structure is shifting toward industrialization and modernization gradually, improving the face of rural economy and lifting living standards of the people.




Figure A2-1: Cross section of the embankment route 76



Figure A3-1: Map of sampling locations to assess the current environmental status


Figure A3-2: Map of sampling locations for environmental monitoring during the construction phase











Re: Gathering opinions for the purpose of environmental management planning for sub- projects in Dong Thap province

Name of Project: Greater Mekong Sub region Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project – funded by the ADB and AusAID(ADB-GMS1)

Consultancy Package GMS-4.4: Preparing EMPs for Sub-projects

Objective of the meeting: to gather public opinions concerning environmental issues associated with two Sub-projects in Dong Thap province under GMS1 Project

Meeting venue: Conference room of the Office of Dong Thap PMU, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) of Dong Thap province

Time: From 08.00 hrs on 3/7/2013


- Representative from the DARD; - Representative from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE); - Representatives from local governments of the districts and comunes where the two sub-projects are proposed; - Representatives from Dong Thap PMU; - Consultant Team preparing EMPs under the package GMS4-4 of the CPO. (Detail list of participants is attached to the minute) Proceeding of the meeting: 1. Mr Duong, member of the PMU, introduced the participants and objective of the meeting. 2. Mr Cuong, representative from the PMU, briefed on scope of the Sub-projects, content and activities of the two sub-projects which are under the management by the PMU. 3. Dr Hoa, on-behalf of the Consultant Team, presented summary potential environmental impacts of the two sub-projects (both positive and negative impacts during project preparation, construction and operation phases) and proposed mitigation measures for negative impacts on the physical environment (water, soil, air) and the socio-economic environment during various phases of the project. 4. Dr Thang, member of the Consultant Team, requested opinions from the participants concerning the following issues: - Opinions on the assessment and any additional opinions concerning potential environmental impacts of the two sub-projects; identification of environmental issues previously not known in the project area; - Opinions on the assessment and any additional opinions concerning mitigation measures proposed by the Consultants for the two sub-projects; - Opinions on the current environmental management work of the local authorities for those rivers/canals subject to improvement/ upgrading under the propose 5. The participants exchange views and opinions with the Consultant Team concerning the above mentioned matters: - Representative from DARD: agree with the assessment of impacts presented by the Consultants; request that participants to contribute opinions to assist the Consultants in developing EMP reports which will help the PMU to manage the Project and supervise its implementation more efficiently during the construction and operation;


- Representative from DONRE: basically agree with assessment opinions from the Consultants; request that the PMU pay attention to securing sufficient budget for implementation of EMPs in the future, as well as for environmental sampling and analysis as per proposed plan; - Representative from Tam Nong district PC: although the Project activities will be outside the buffer zone of Tram Chim National Park, it is recommended that the PMU requests the Contractor to closely coordinate with the local competent authorities to effectively manage the workers during the construction period. The Project activities on the section of Tan Cong Chi – Doc Vang Ha which runs close to the buffer zone of Tram Chim Park will not involve canal dredging work but it will involve construction of sluice. Therefore the construction activities will not be extensive with mainly dredging activities at Khang Chien canal aand the construction time will be relatively short. The PMU will also request the Contractor to re-schedule construction activities to avoid the period of Sarus Crane immigration (usually April), and ensure control of fire, noise. Therefore impact on Tram Chim National Park, if any, would be insignificant; - Representative from Hong Ngu town PC: the information and assessment of the Project is quite comprehensive which help us to understand it better. We are ready to corporate with the Consultant team and the PMU to supply any necessary information to help development of EMPs. - Representative from Tan Hong district PC: plans for temporary and permanent land acquisition should be public and transparent. Land for resettlement purpose should be provided for those who loss their land due to acquisition. General opinions

- The project when operational will have very positive impacts on the flood control and protection of rivers and canals in the region, contributing to improved irrigation capacity and crop production and improve the living conditions for the local population; - In general the negative impacts on the environment of the two sub-projects are not significant; - The land which will be temporarily acquired should be returned to the owners in good shape after the construction completes and assistance should be offered to the farmers for any production loss; - It is proposed that appropriate mitigation measures should be applied fully for dust, noise, waste and wastewater generation from the construction sites; - Direct management responsibility for sanitation and waste management issue should be assigned to the Contractor. It is requested that the contractors to closely coordinate with local authorities in managing workers during the construction period.

The Consultants thanked participants for attending the meeting and sharing opinions.

Representative of the PMU thanked the participants and concluded the meeting.

The meeting ended at 12.00 hrs same day. On behalf of Dong Thap Authority Secretary of the meeting [signed and stamped] Mr Chau Van Duong, Dong Thap PMU Le Thi Nguyen







Community seminar to gather opinions on draft Environmental Management Plan for Subproject “Bank erosion protection for Thuong Thoi Tien town, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province” 1. Community seminar conducted under the subproject A seminar was held for communities from communes under the impact of the subproject, as follows: - Time: 14:00 hrs on 28/10/0213. - Venue: Meeting room of the People's Committee of Thuong Phuoc 2, Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province - Composition of participated communes: Thuong Phuoc 2 and Thuong Thoi Tien communes of Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province. - Number of participants: 30 (list is attached)

2. Objective of seminar - To update information for local authorities, mass organizations and local people as much as possible on the subproject information, activities and the implementation plan, and relevant environmental issues (according to the draft EMP); - To gather opinions and feedback on the draft EMP report from beneficiaries, affected persons, the community leaders, and other organizations and stakeholders; - To ensure there is consensus/ support of local communities for the subproject implementation. 3. Information presented/ communicated - The purpose of the seminar, the scope and content of the project and subproject activities; - The safeguard requirements and procedures of the Government and the Asian Development Bank to be complied with; - Potential environmental impacts of the subproject; - Mitigation measures proposed for different implementation phases of the subproject; - Environmental management plan and environmental monitoring plan; - Method of monitoring/supervision and feedback mechanism during the process of implementation if people have concerns or opinions. 4. Composition seminar participants Each commune in the subproject area is represented by the following: - Local authorities: representatives of district and commune People's Committees, representatives of the Fatherland Front. - Representatives of affected persons, local resident communities which are likely subject to potential environmental impacts directly or indirectly. 5. Seminar program

Time Presenter/ Content (minute) participant 5 Introduction of participants and opening CPC 10 Introduction to the scope and content of the project activities Representative of and the subproject PPMU 30 Briefing on the safeguard policy of the ADB and the EMP Consultant Government of Vietnam relevant to the project, anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation measures, environmental management and monitoring plan as per the draft EMP report


Time Presenter/ Content (minute) participant 90 Discuss environmental issues and potential impacts, Consultants and all mitigation measures, monitoring of the implementation of participants mitigation measures, community participation in the environmental monitoring 5 Conclusion and closing Consultant

6. General feedback from participants - In general the participants to the consultation seminar agreed with the assessment of environmental impacts and mitigation measures proposed for the subproject, agreed with the environmental management plan developed by the consultants and expressed their desire for this plan to be fully implemented in practice to reduce the negative environmental impacts of the subproject; - Appreciate the quality and coverage of the EMP report, the comprehensiveness and high level of details of assessment of impacts on the natural and socio-economic environment as well as of the proposed mitigation measures; - The impact of the subprojects in the pre-construction and construction phases generally is considered to be short-term and negligible compared the long-term benefits that the project will bring about; - Participants wish that the subproject implemented starts soon and the construction schedule is stick to plan which would contribute to improved environmental landscape, address the erosion problem and improve the living conditions of the local population. 7. Specific feedback from participants - Contractors to pay attention to issue of bank erosion caused by the construction and in the case of increased sedimentation appropriate measures should be taken to address; - Suggest that mitigation focuses on environmental impact caused by dust and emissions from vehicles and machines; - Pay attention to hygiene and sanitation issues for construction workers because this can adversely affect the surrounding environment. Toilets should be arranged on the construction sites and waste should be removed from construction area. 8. Conclusion - Participants have general consensus on the benefit and the need to develop the subproject components under the subproject; expressed desire for the project to proceed as soon as possible; - Participants generally agreed with the assessment of environmental and social impacts and mitigation measures proposed by the draft EMP report; - The consultant team took on board feedback from the participants to the seminar to refine and finalise the EMP report.