Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 56(2):537-542 (1997) 28 February 1997 THE OF () FROM SOUTH-EASTERN AUSTRALIA

John H. Hawking

Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, P.O. Box 921, Albury, NSW 2640, Australia


Hawking, J.H., 1997. The conservation status of dragonflies (Odonata) from south-eastern Australia. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 56(2): 537-542. The conservation status of the dragonflies from south-eastern Australia is documented and the species with limited distributions and/or larval habitats which are vulnerable are discussed. One hundred and seven species are recorded from South Australia, Victoria, and southern New South Wales. No species is considered endangered, but nine species have high conservation priority. These species are endemic to Australia and all have suggestions restricted distributions. The vulnerability of the larval habitats is discussed and for their conservation and management are made.

Introduction measures to be implemented. Conservation status of the odonate species is evaluated on the the At present, 305 species of Odonata ( basis of the categories adopted from IUCN Michaelis (1988). and dragonflies) are known from Australia Red Data Book by Hill and are: (Watson et al., 1991, Theischinger, pers. The categories serious risk of dis- coram.). Of these, approximately 40% are (a) are in present endemic, and many can be considered as appearing within two decades if southern species, possibly Gondwanan relicts causal factors continue; endangered over a (Watson and O'Farrell, 1991). Most of the (b) are localised and or endemic species are uncommon, and restricted longer time or extremely in distribution; in distribution. These two factors suggest vul- patchy are not currently threatened but nerability to change and therefore their conser- (c) Rare species localised or patchy in distri- vation status should be evaluated. In contrast, are extremely the non-endemics are generally common and bution; suspected of being have much wider distributions. For this reason (d) Indeterminate species are but too poorly known to assign to the conservation of these species should not be threatened the preceding categories. ignored, but given a lower status. one of The IUCN Invertebrate Red Data Book Hemiph- (Wells et al., 1 983) listed the Species considered of conservation significance lebia mirabilis Selys as endangered, the only al. (1991) recorded 107 odonate Australian odonate so listed. Hill and Michaehs Watson et species from south-eastern Australia and from (1988) listed auriculata Tillyard I) have been identified as and as threatened and these nine (Table of conservation evaluation based on the another 14 species (of which only Austroaeschna worthy rarity and restricted distribution. hardyi Tillyard and Synthemiopsis gomphoma- Aus- cromioides Tillyard occur in south-eastern Hemiphlebia mirabilis Selys which the late Dr J.A.L. Watson tralia), Hemiphlebia mirabilis was first positively were of significant conservation suggested recorded in the early 1900s from Alexandra, value. Victora and has been recorded sporadically limited attention has been given to the Only from this location since (Trueman et al., 1992). Australian Odonata, except for conservation of A population was discovered on Wilsons Prom- mirabilis. This paper attempts to Hemiphlebia ontory (Davies, 1985), and its ecology has been conservation status of the Odonata evaluate the studied in considerable detail (Sant and New, south-eastern Australia, list the threatened from 1988; New, 1993). The recorded distribution of identify the species habitats, list the species, this species has greatly expanded with sub- species and suggest conservation threats to each sequent discoveries in Tasmania (Trueman et

537 538 J.H. HAWKING

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al., 1992) and King Island (Endersby, 1993). Archipetalia auriculata During the preceeding two decades this species Tillyard was believed to be extinct and subsequently Tillyard (1917) collected the first specimens placed on the endangered list in the IUCN of Archipetalia auriculata from Cradle Moun- Invertebrate Red Data Book. The recent papers tain, north-west Tasmania, at an elevation of Trueman et al. (1992) and Watson (1995) between 1100 and 1500 m, and considered it suggested that since H. mirabilis is now known very rare. Allbrook (1979) listed A. auriculata to have a more extensive distribution, it can no from nine sites in the highlands of Tasmania, longer be regarded as endangered. Although this considering its distribution restricted and rare. species has a wider distribution than previously The larvae are also rare. They occur in shallow thought, it is uncommon at the known sites streams, under exposed rocks and crevices in (Hawking unpublished data) and is appraised as fallen timber (Allbrook 1979). This species is rare. regarded as rare. Conservation appears plaus- isabellae ible as these collection sites are all in either the Theischinger and O'Farrell Southwest National Park or Cradle Mountain Park. Hill and Michaelis (1988) listed the major Austroargiolestes isabellae has only recently threats as water pollution and fire. been recognised as a discrete species (Theischin- ger and O'Farrell, 1986). It appears to be restric- Austropetaliidae patricia and A. Mountains, ted to the Sydney area and the Blue tonyana where it is never common and should be con- Tillyard (1 909) described the adult and larvae sidered rare. Watson et al., ( 1 99 1) listed its habi- of Austropetalia patricia from Leura, Blue tat as streams and boggy seepages. The larva has Mountains and considered it an extremely rare not been recognised, and judging from the rarity species. Theischinger (1995) has re-examined of the adult, the larva will, most probably, also the known specimens of A. patricia and from be rare, and its habitat will probably be unusual. them described a new species, A. tonyana. Col- This species is classified as rare, based on the lectively these species occur along the Great restricted distribution and rarity of the adult, Dividing Range in Victoria and New South and that the identity and habitat of the larva is Wales, with A. tonyana occurring from Canberra unknown. south, and A. patricia north from the Blue Austrogomphus angeli Tillyard Mountains. The larvae occupy an unusual habi- Austrogomphus angeli is a little known species tat, being found on logs or amongst moss in the for which only about five adult specimens have splash zones of waterfalls. Many of the collec- been recorded. These were collected over a sub- tion sites are protected as they occur in conser- stantial length of the River Murray (900 km vation areas, but sites outside these areas could from Morgan, SA to Corowa, NSW) (Watson, be affected by forestry activities. These two 1991). They were recorded over a long time archaic species are seldom collected, either as an period: 58 years — Morgan (1909), Renmark adult or larva, and are considered uncommon. (1948), Wentworth (1967) and Corowa (1967) These species are listed as rare. (Watson, 1991). Watson (1991) recorded its gigantea Leach adult habitat as mature, slow-flowing parts of is Australia's largest the river, suggesting that the larva may in fact Petalura gigantea not be a stream-dweller. Hawking (1986) and its larvae live in burrows opening (Tillyard, At present recorded the larva and its habitat as unknown. above water level 1909). This species must be given high conservation this species is only known from three locations: Mountains National Park), status, due to the limited numbers of adults Katoomba (Blue having been collected and the larva not being Audley (Royal National Park) and Wingecarri- Robertson. Specimens have been collected. There is uncertainty with this species' bee Swamp, collected from near Tillyard's original site at existence and it is listed as indeterminate until a Mountains and exuviae have detailed survey can be undertaken. The distri- Leura in the Blue Royal National Park, almost bution of this species corresponds to a section of been found in the years after the January 1994 bush fires River Murray that is under severe pressure from two park urban development (mainly building of destroyed 95% of the vegetation in the pers. comm.). The population at holiday villages) and many agricultural (Theischinger, Wingecarribee Swamp may have become activities (especially salination from irrigation as neither adult nor larval stages have practices). extinct, 540 J.H. HAWKING

been found recently. Wingecarribee Swamp is sites and suggested that this species was restric- under threat from 'peat mining' operations ted to the swampy buttongrass plains at all alti-

which is destroying the larval habitat, through tudes, where it is locally common. Sant and machinery removing the peat from the swamp Hayes (1990) agreed with Allbrook, reporting and by the machinery clearing vegetation from adults locally abundant in the Pelion area. the perimeter of the swamp. This species is listed Cradle Mountain and in the Mount Melaleuca as rare. area. Many of the collection sites of this species are in the Southwest National Park or Cradle Archaeophya adamsi Fraser Mountain Park. This species is listed as rare. Archaeophya adamsi is possibly the rarest dragonfly in south-eastern Australia. Only five Discussion adults of A. adamsi have been recorded; the holotype from Edungalba, Queensland, three The nine species investigated are all worthy of specimens from Berowra Creek, near Hornsby concern, having met the criteria to be given a and one male from Somersby Falls near Gos- conservation status ranking. Hill and Michaelis ford, both sites in New South Wales (Theischin- (1988) listed four species (//. mirabilis, A. aur- ger and Watson, 1978). This species appears to iculaia, S. gomphomacromioides and Aus- have disappeared from the Edungalba and Bero- troaeschna hardyi) from south-eastern Australia wra Creek sites and possibly only exists at Some- as of conservation concern and the first three rby Falls (Theischinger, pers. comm.). Fortu- species are listed as noteworthy species in this nately the Somersby Falls site lies within the paper. However the last species, A. hardyi, has a Brisbane Water National Park. Thus the natural wide distribution and is not given conservation habitat is being preserved, furthering the popu- status. A further seven species (Austroargiolesles lations survival. However the site is under isabellae, Austrogomphus angeli, Austrocordulia increasing pressure from agricultural activities, leonardi, Austropetalia patricia, A. tonyana and dairying and fruit growing , which are increasing Archaeophya adamsi), not listed by Hill and in the upper catchment immediately up- Michaelis (1988), have been selected in this stream of the park. This species is listed as paper, for recommendation of conservation vulnerable. status. Archaeophya adamsi is classified as vul- nerable, Austrogomphus angeli as indeterminate Corduliidae Austrocordulia leonardi and the other seven species as rare (Table 2). Theischinger Much of the Australian odonate fauna is Austrocordulia leonardi is a recent discovery. endemic and unique. All the species selected are

It was found in 1 968 in low numbers from the endemic and have strong Gondwanan links. Woronora River and Kangaroo Creek, south of These relict dragonflies have very restricted dis- Sydney (Theischinger, 1973). It seems to have tributions, their larvae are relict forms, and are disappeared from the Woronora River as the found in unusual and different habitats (splash- result of the Army demolishing a small weir on zones of waterfalls, burrows etc.) (Table 1). the river. Further investigations have revealed Archaeophya adamsi is probably the rarest populations on the Nepean River at Maldon and dragonfly in south-eastern Australia and should at Audley in the Royal National Park (Theis- receive prompt conservation attention to estab- chinger, pers. comm. 1995). The discovery of the lish its distribution and habitat, and only then population in the Royal National Park will aid can preservation measures be implemented. the conservation of this species which has a very Austrogomphus angeli has been listed as indeter- restricted distribution and is listed as rare. In minate, due to only a few specimens being col- contrast, its A. congener refracta has a wide dis- lected, and these occurred over a wide range. tribution and is extremely common. The status can be established formally only after intensive collecting has been conducted and the Corduliidae Synthemiopsis species distribution, and larval identity and gomphomacromioides Tillyard habitat are determined. Tillyard (1917) originally collected Synthem- Habitat conservation is hampered in the cases iopsis gomphomacromioides from Cradle Moun- of Austroargiolestes isabellae and Austrogom- tain, north-west Tasmania, at an elevation of phus angeli because their larvae are not known 1 m. 500 He gave details to distinguish the larva, and their ecology can not be characterised. but since then no larvae have been positively Without this information recommendations to identified. Allbrook (1979) listed 19 collection conserve their habitats cannot be suggested. CONSERVATION STATUS OF DRAGONFLIES 541

Table 2. The suggested conservation status of each species and conservation priorities for their habitats.

Species Status Conservation priorities

Hemiphlebia mirabilis rare preserve the known habitats Austroargiolestes isabellae rare identify the larva and its habitat A ustrogomph us a ngeli indeterminate identify the larva and its habitat, determine its distribution Archipetalia auriculata rare preserve the known habitats Austropetalia patricia rare preserve the known habitats A. tonyana rare preserve the known habitats Petalura gigantea rare preserve the known habitats Archaeophya adamsi vulnerable establish the distribution and habitat S. rare identify the larva and its habitat

All the species suggested, except A. angeli, are economic activity and the natural habitats of found in montane areas, generally within many dragonflies being destroyed. Preservation National Parks or in State Parks (//. mirabilis), of habitats is urgent, but in the specific cases and with continued preservation and monitor- treated here, sites cannot be recommended until ing, these populations should remain viable. In the distributions and ecology of the rare species contrast A. angeli occurs along the lower reaches are known. This can be achieved through initial of the River Murray, an area which has been surveys which should initiated immediately to heavily effected by salination from intensive determine the identity and ecology of the irrigation and with very little chance of the unknown larvae; and the distribution and popu- degraded land being rehabilitated. lation size of rare species. Much of the distributional data on Australian From larval and ecological information, the dragonflies on which this paper is based, has not following conservation recommendations can been derived from commissioned surveys, but be suggested: from naturalist collectors, post-graduate 1. Conservation of natural aquatic and terres- research students or scientists like Dr J.A.L. trial habitat by including the sites in National Watson. This type of collecting helps to build up Parks or as nature reserves, by purchasing the databases of distributional information over a site if it is on private land; period of time, but cannot provide the detailed 2. Control pollution discharges to aquatic habi- information of well designed commissioned sur- tats through co-operatinon with the relevant veys, such as the survey of the dragonflies of the private land owners and the states Environ- Kakadu National Park conducted by CSIRO mental Protection Agency; staff (Watson and Abbey, 1980). Detailed sur- 3. Transfer of conservation knowledge through veys should therefore be undertaken initially to education of non-specialists and children; establish the true status of these species. Once 4. Monitor the success, or failures, of the above the status is known, conservation procedures conservation measures and modify when can be implemented. necessary. Currently there is no conservation strategy to Conservation of Odonata depends on the pro- preserve our unique Australia dragonflies. In the tection of the adult and larval habitats which in past the major conservation emphasis has been many cases are very susceptible to destruction directed to the preservation of//, mirabilis (New from urban and rural development. 1993) and only recently Sydney Water has had Wingecarribee Swamp (a known habitat of P. Acknowledgments gigantea) listed on the Australian Heritage I would like to thank DrT.R. New for providing Register of the National Estate. Council's advice on conservation methods and his com- ments on the drafts of this paper, Ms F.J. Smith and J.I. Thompson for their comments on the Conclusions and recommendations drafts, Dr P. Horwitz for providing literature on The conservation of Australia Odonata has not conservation issues and the valuable comments developed at the same rate as urban expansion. from the referees. 542 J.H. HAWKING

References Theischinger, G. and Watson, J.A.L., 1978. The Aus- tralian Gomphomacromiinae (Odonata: Cordu- Allbrook. P. 1997. Tasmanian Odonata. University of liidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 26: 399- Tasmania: Hobart. 431. Davies, D.A.L., 1985. Hemiphlebia mirabilis Selys: Theischinger, G. and Watson, J.A.L., 1984. Larvae of some notes on distribution and conservation Australian Gomphomacromiinae, and their bear- status (Zygoptera: Hemiphlebiidae). Odonatolog- ing on the status of the Synthemis group of genera ica 14: 331-339. (Odonata: Corduliidae). Australian Journal of Endersby, I.D., 1993. A new locality for Hemiphlebia Zoology 32: 67-95. mirablis Selys (Odonata: Hemiphlebiidae). Vic- Tillyard, R.J., 1909. Studies in the life-histories of torian Entomologist 23: 4-5. Australian Odonata. No. 1. The life-history of Hawking, J.H., 1986. Dragonfly larvae of the River Petalura gigantea Leach. Proceedings of the Lin- Murray. A preliminary guide to the identification nean Society NSW 34: 256-67. ofknown final instar odonate larvae ofsouth-east- Tillyard, R.J., 1917. On some new dragonflies from ern Australia. Albury-Wodonga Development Australia and Tasmania. (Order Odonata). Pro- Corporation, Wodonga [Technical Report No. ceedings of the Linnean Society NSW. 42: 450- 6]. 479 Hill, L. and Michaelis, F.B., 1987. Conservation of Trueman, J.W.H., Hoye, G.A., Hawking, J.H., Wat- and related wildlife. Report on the Aus- son, J.A.L. and New, TR„ 1992. Hemiphlebia tralian National Parks and Wildlife Service Sur- mirablis Selys: new localities in Australia and per- vey of Conservation Needs. Occasional spectives on conservation (Zygoptera: Hemiphle- Paper 1 3, Australian National Parks and Wildlife biidae). Odonatologica 21: 367-374. Service, Canberra. 40 pp. Watson, J.A.L., 1991. The Australian Gomphidae New, T.R., 1993. Hemiphlebia mirabilis Selys: recov- (Odonata). Invertebrate 5: 289-441. ery from at Wilsons Promon- Watson, J.A.L., 1995. The conservation status of the tory, Victoria, Australia, and implications for enigmatic Australian dragonfly Hemiphlebia conservation management (Zygoptera: Hemiph- mirabilis Selys. Pp. viii, 16-18 in: Corbet, P.S., lebiidae). Odonatologica. 22: 495-502. Dunkle. S.W. and Ubukata, H. (eds), Proceedings Sant, G.J. and Hayes, E.A., 1990. An investigation of of the International Symposium on the conser- four significant species of Odonata within the vation of dragonflies and their habitats. Japanese Southwest National Park of Tasmania. Report Society for Preservation of Birds: Kushiro. xii prepared for the Wilderness Baseline + 70 pp. Study. 9 pp. Watson, J.A.L. and Abbey, H.M., 1980. Dragonflies Sant, G.J. and New, T.R., 1988. The biology and con- (Odonata) from the Northern Territory. CSIRO servation of Hemiphlebia mirabilis Selys (Odon- Division ofEntomology Report 21: 1-44. ata: Hemiphlebiidae) in southern Victoria. Arthur Watson, J.A.L. and O'Farrell, A.F., 1991. Odonata Rylah Institutefor Environmental Research Tech- (dragonflies and damselflies). In The insects of nical Report 82, v +35 pp. Australia. 2nd edition. Melbourne University Theischinger, G., 1973. Eine zweite Art der Gattung Press: Melbourne. Austrocordulia Tillyard (Odonata: Anisoptera). Watson, J.A.L., Theischinger, G. and Abbey, H.M., Annates Naturhistorisches Museum. Wien 11: 1991. The Australian 387-397. Dragonflies. A guide to the identification, distributions and habitats of Aus- Theischinger, G., 1995. A second species of Austrope- tralian Odonata. CSIRO: Canberra and Mel- lalia Tillyard from Australia (Odonata: Austrope- bourne. taliidae). Linzer biol. Beitrage 27: 291-295. Wells, S.M., Pyle, R.M. and Collins, N.M., 1983. The Theischinger, G. and O'Farrell, A.F., 1986. The WCN Invertebrate Red Data Book. International Austroargiolestes Kennedy (Zygoptera: Megapo- Union for the Conservation of Nature: Gland. dagrionidae) Odonatologica 15: 387-428. Switzerland. 434 pp.