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BRAC University Journal, vol. I, no. 2, 2004, pp. 141-143


Munibur Rahman Chowdhury1 Department of Mathematic, University of Dhaka Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh e-mail:[email protected]

We draw attention to a simple , which can be used to prove many of the usual and important on countabilty of sets. We formulate it as the

Countability Lemma. Suppose to each of denote by ak(1)+1, a k(1)+2, . . .,ak(1)+k(2) the the A there is assigned, by some definite rule, a unique natural in such a manner that to k(2) elements of A corresponding to n = 2, each n∈ N there corresponds at most a finite provided k(2) > 0; and so on. This gives us an of all the elements of A number of elements of the set A. Then A is countable. 1. Every of a is

countable. The principle embodied in this lemma is not new, but we have not seen it expressly formulated . Suppose a , a , a , ... is an anywhere. Needless to say, N denotes the set of 1 2 3 natural (which naturally begins with 1). enumeration of the countable set A and B is any We recall the basic nonempty subset of A. If, for some n∈ N, the element a belongs to B, then we assign the A set is said to be equinumerous with a set T if n there exists a bijective mapping from S onto T. n to it. For each n∈ N let k(n) Many authors say S is equivalent to T, but we denote the number of elements among prefer not to overuse the adjective “equivalent”. a1, a2 , ..., an , which belong to the subset B. A set S is called finite if it is either empty or it is Then 0 ≤ k(n) ≤ n . Therefore, B is countable by nonempty and there exists a natural number n such the Countability Lemma. that S is equinumerous with {1, 2, 3,..., n}, the set of the first n natural numbers. If no such n Theorem 2. The set Q of rational numbers is exists, then S is called an . countable. An infinite set is called denumerable if it is

equinumerous with N. Proof. To 0∈ Q we assign the natural number 1, A set is called countable if it is either finite or r denumerable. Some authors use the term countable and to each nonzero in reduced instead of denumerable; for our “countable” they s have to say “at most countable”. form ( where r, s ∈ Z are coprime and s ≠ 0 ) we The elements of a countable set S can be written assign the natural number down as a finite or an infinite sequcence n = r + s ≥ 2 . Then to each n∈ N there a1, a2 , a3, ... where repetitions are allowed. We call this an corresponds a finite number of rational numbers, enumeration of S. because r and s are natural numbers and

Proof of the Countability Lemma. Let k(n) a = ± a . Therefore, Q is countable by the denote the number of elements of A which Countability Lemma. correspond to n. We denote by a1 ,

a2 , . . . , ak(1) the k(1) elements of A Theorem 3. The Cartesian of two corresponding to n = 1, provided k(1) > 0 ; then countable sets is countable.

1. Part-time faculty, Department of Mathematics and Natural Science, BRAC University. Munibur Rahman Chowdhury

Proof. Suppose A, B are countable sets and k-element of A has the form a , a , a , ... is an enumeration of A and {a ,a ,...... , a } where 1 2 3 i1 i2 ik is an enumeration of B. Then b1, b2 , b3, ... i1 < i2 < ...... < ik . A× B = {(ai ,b j ): i ∈N, j ∈ N }. To this subset we assign the natural number n = i1 + i2 + ...... + ik . Then to each natural To the element (ai ,b j ) we assign the natural number n there corresponds only a finite number number n= i + j. Then to each natural number n ≥ 2 there correspond n – 1 elements of A× B, viz. of possibilities for i1, i2 , ...... ,ik , that is, only a ()a1,bn−1 , (a2 ,bn−2 ), …, (an−1,b1 ) finite number of k- element subsets of A. Therefore Therefore A× B is countable by the Countability A is countable by the Countability Lemma. Lemma. Theorem 6. The family of all finite subsets of a Corollary. The of a finite family countable set is countable. of countable sets is countable. Proof. Suppose A is countable. Denote by Αn the Remark. This result does not extend to a family of all n-element subsets of A. Each Αn is denumerable family of denumerable sets, as shown countable. The family of all finite subsets of A is by the example NN. It is the set of all of the of all Αn, n∈ N; as such it is countable by natural numbers, which is known to be Theorem 4. uncountable. A real or is called algebraic if it Theorem 4. The union of a countable family of satisfies a polynomial equation with countable sets is countable. coefficient; that is, if it is a root of an equation of Proof. Without lost of generality, we can denote a the form countable by (1) A1, A2 , A3, …. Suppose ai1, ai2, ai3, … is an k k−1 a0 x + a1x + ... + ak = 0 , enumeration of Ai. Then ∞ where a0 ,a1 , ..., ak are and n∈ N. Υ Ai = { aij : i∈N, j∈N}. i=1 In particular every rational number is algebraic; so To the element aij we assign the natural number n= are many irrational numbers. A which i + j. Then to each natural number is not algebraic, is called transcendental. It is n 2 there correspond at most n –1 distinct known that e and π, the two most important elements of A. Therefore A is countable by the numbers in Mathematics, are transcendental. Countability Lemma. Theorem 7. The set of all algebraic numbers, real Remark. The union of a denumerable family of and complex, is countable. denumerable sets is denumerable, even when the sets in the family are pairwise disjoint; whereas the Proof. If x is algebraic and satisfies the equation Cartesian product of denumerable family of (1), the to x we assign the natural number denumerable sets is non-denumerable (uncountable), even when all the sets in the family n = k + a0 + a1 + ... + ak . Then to each n∈ are the same. This is one of the many surprises of N there corresponds a finite number of choices for transfinite set , “ the paradise created by k, a0 , a1 , ...,ak ; that is, a finite number of Cantor from which no one can drive us out” (Hilbert). equations of the form (1). Each of these equations has at most k distinct roots in the system of Theorem 5. The family of all subsets of a complex numbers (according to the Fundamental countable set having a fixed and finite number of Theorem of ), each of which is an algebraic elements is countable. number. Therefore, to each n∈ N there corresponds a finite number of algebraic numbers. Therefore, Proof. Suppose A is countable and a1, a2, a3, … the set of all algebraic numbers is countable by the is an enumeration of A. Then every Countability Lemma.

142 A Simple Approach to Countability

Theorem 8. The set of real transcendental numbers reasoning. We have established the existence of is uncountable. uncountably many real transcendental numbers, without needing to know a single specific Proof. R is the (disjoint) union of the set of real . algebraic numbers, which is countable, and the set of real transcendental numbers. If the latter set Acknowledgment. The author wishes to thank Md. were countable, R would be countable. Moshiour Rahaman, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Natural Science, BRAC This existence theorem ranks among the most University, for his generous help in the preparation amazing instances of the power of mathematical of the typescript.