'T” 21 9 r


Form of recognition in occordonce with Appendix J to the Internotionol Sporting Code. X .i; - i£ m J m ft 1/ J A F tt ft ♦ 1*181BIJ1 : « ^ Û if. A A.

( Reciprocotionll 66 cm ^'7 1 .1 Cylinder-copocity ) ^ fèWÎÂÜ [ Speciol cm^

Toyota M otor Co. , L td . Model ».'!Afttrj6fef’. T o yo ta C o ro lla 1200, KE30 chossis Seriol No of KÆMtev r KE30~000001 Monufocturer r j i Q y Q ^ ^ MOtOr CO. , L td .

engine Monufocturer T o yo ta M o to r CO. , L td . 3 K ^ Recognifioit IS vülid from ^ ^ List

The monufoctynng of the model described in this recognition form was storied on A p r . ” 7 4 end the minimum ptoduction of

5 0 0 0 •denticol cars, in occordonce wiih (he specifiCü(ions of ihis form wos reached on M a y ' ^ 7 4

Photograph A, 3 /4 view of cor from from VAA, AiSfmijij^)

the vehicle described (his form has been sub|ec( to (he following amendments

V o rio n is Normal evolution of the ty on 19 re c N o List on 19 re c N o Li St on 19 rec N o Li st fee. N o on 19 rec N o List fee N o on 19 rec N o . List ec N o

Stamp end signature of the JAF Stamp and signature th e F, I. A

J AF£i*en&tr*É

Page I / I 5 J A T“ 21 9

Make T oyO ta M odel K E 3 0 F.l. A. Rec. No. VA

underlined items must be stoted in two measuring systems, one of which must be the metric system See coversion

toble hereofter.


1 Wheelbose 237.0 cm 93.3 m c h e i . t . - f - — X Front track 129.5 cm inches h U ■/ K (H'i) 51.0 Reor track 128. 5 cm 50.6 inches t U ■/ K (m ) 4 Overall length of the cor 399.5 cm

5- O v e ro ll width o f the c a r 157.0 cm

6. Overall height of the cor 137.5 cm

7 Ccipocity of fuel tank (reserve included) 50 Itrs ~mMy> ^ trü ~ 13.2 G a llo n US G a llo n Imp

8, Seoting ca p a city 5

9. Weight, totol weight of the cor with normal equipment, water, oil ond spore wheel but without fuel nor repoir tools 'KfATl"à“(iî?/4t^. 1UL«IK 44 11H-<: fiî: <) 755 1667 lbs

♦ Differences m trock coused by the use of other wheels with different nm widths must be stoted when recognition is requested for

the wheels concerned.

* * Specify ground clearance in relation to the frock and give drawing of two fixed points of the vehicles Structure Ot which

measurements are taken.

These ground cleoronce dimensions ore only for information when checking the track ond can in no woy offect the eligibility of

the c a r.

19 cm 19cm

Unit : cm Width of the cor measured in the vertical plane passing through the axle of the wheels.

Front 1 c c cm Rear cm ■7 o > h J- J 3 156


1 inch / pouce 2.54 cm qu art US 0.9464 Urs

) foo l ' pied 30 4794 cm pint (pt) 0.568 lirs

1 squore inch / pouce carre 6.452 c m ' goHon Imp. 4 546 Urs

1 cubic inch / pouce cube 16 387 c m ' gallon US 3.785 tirs

1 pound / livre ( 1 b) - 453 593 gr. hundred weight (cwt) 50.402 •>g

Page 2 /j 5 à . j A Füiîs';- T ~ 21 9

F.l. A. Rec. No. Make T o y o t a K E 3 0

CHASSIS AND COACHWORK (Phoiogrophj A. B end C) r . r - 20 Chossis /body conslruclion : / umlory construction r ■ ^ - / -H 7' < X«»XX/ «.«a 21 Unilory construction, moleriol (s) Steel

22 Sepofote constructions: inoteriol (si of cftossis ■ tr-ru - 23. Motenol (s) of coochwork ■ttf- r Motenol (s) 24 Nunnber of doors Steel KT- K > - 's K irtH K Glass 28 Motenol (s) of windscreen -ray ho-f Ki'-'sKiriMW Glass [LAMINATED] 29 Motenol (s) of front-door windows -ray V V T O < y K - « H W Glass 30 Motenol (s) of reor-door windows ■I 7- K TO < > K - TtHU 31. Sliding system of door windows Vertical, manual KTO-( > K-«ISirfltjA 32 Motenol ($) of reor-ouorter light Glass ■ir7 T - f - o < ^ K -75HW


38 Interior heoting ye» - X K

39. Air-condilioning 30SC - no

40 Ventilotion yes -

4l. Front seats, type ot seots ond upholstery Separate, Vinyl 7 0 > Vy- TifShtOMS 42 Weight of front seot (s), complete with supports ond roils, out of the cor 7 u > h > - K 7 ) * 8 l( r 7 T / K v-l-U-tl-ff)

43 Rear seots. type of seats and upholstery Bench, Vinyl

44 Front bum per, m otenol (s) Steel Weight 5.0 It* r a y ^ > HK CM 45 Reor bum per, m otenol (s) Steel Weight 4.0 >»s It RR

WHEELS r i — ly

50. Type fiiA Pressed Steel 51. Weight (per wheel, without tyre ) 5.0 lie «•t 52. Method of ottochmenl Kif-f It h it 4 Nuts inches 53. Rim diom eter 304 mm 1 2 •I U i t . 54. Rim w idth 102 mm 4 inches •I / . H i


60 Type Recirculating ball KA 61. Servo^ossistonce no -<7— At T 'I > T ^ - n 62. Number of turns of steering wheel from lock to lock 3.6 a , 7 r — a / 7 63. In cose of servo-ossistonce


Page 3 / 1 5 J A T ~ 2 | 9

Make Model K E 3 0 F.I.A. Rec. No.


70 Front suspension fphotogr. D ), type Mc.Pherson u . f T 7.-; ✓ ^ i ; 71. Type o f sprmg 7 7 j > 7 / t+tn Coil 72. Stabiliser (if fitted) Torsion bar A9 73. Number of shockobsorfeers 2 , 7 7-’/ • ■ a 74 Type Hydraulic telescopic

78 Rear suspension (phologr. E). type I r, Rigid axle 79. Type o l spring -r 'I . 7 -■ t+ tk Leaf 80. Stabiliser (if fitted) .MfrA 8t. Number of sfrockobsorbers - • 7 .' K

82. Type IfiA Hydraulic telescopic

B6 AKES (pfioiogropbs F and G)

90 S ystem Hydraulic t1 « IjA 91 ServOKissistance (if fitied), type •r .r X 7. I- 92 Number of fiydroulic master Cylinders ■ 7 f ^ 'I > 9- ■ ■ 7)0. FRONT REAR *7 Ü > t •11- 93 Number of cylinders per wheel : 1 . I', I) ^ I) ; /. «ISIÉ 96. length of broke linings -> i - > rsnk ? 19 2 mm 192 mm 97 Width of broke linings •7 f ^ r7 .fe 4 0 mm 3 5 mm 98 N um ber of shoes per broke y V ^ 'I c^> >r j. - 7) a 99. Total oreo per brake I ru - ^ g 1 5 , 3 6 0 1 3 , 4 0 0 Disc b rak es - ^ 7. 7 -/ u - • * 1CX). Outside diameter r -f 7 7 101. Thickness of disc =r { f 7 IV * 102. length of broke linings . . . - ..U-- 103 Width of broke linings t -''fcH 104 Number of pods per broke. r ^ h ./ a 105. Total oreo per broke 1 -r u - s

Page * / \ S J A T - Moke Toyota Model KE 3 0 F. I.A. Rec. No.

IN O IN f (photogrophs J ond K) * * I - > > 130. Cycle 4 -f ? /u 131. Number of cylinders X 'J > r - f t 4 132. Cylinder orrongement X 'I > In-line 133. Bore •■ff T - 7 5 . 0 2 . 9 5 inches 1 3 4 . Stroke ! 66.0 X. ^ D — ^ mm 2 . 5 9 inches 135. C opocily per cylinder 2 9 1 . 4 4 .1 1 X I) X 1 7 . 7 9 cu. in. 136. ToloL cylinder-copocily 1 1 6 6 7 1 . 1 6 cu. in. 137. AAoleriol ($) of cylinder block X 't X r — To , 7

'>HVi “ Aluminum alloy N„™b., 140. Number of inlet ports ft 4

141. Number o f exhaust oorts 4 143. Compression rotio / £ « it 9 . 0

143. Volume of one combustion chomber '3 c a J O . 4 144. Piston, material f x Y x in tiH Aluminum alloy 145. Number o f rings Ty- K a 4 Bearings • • -< r 1) X r 158. Crankshaft main, type Plain Dia. mm y -r X- -fTh 8 . 9 •‘g 163. Connecting rod 3 X P V K 0 . 4 7 kg 164. Piston with rings ond pin I'T. Y -y t'J y T . f x â tr ) 0 . 4 0 kg

I * fo r additional information concerning Wonkel ro ta ry engines see page D - y i;-xxx-X(l 01!^

Page ^ \ J A F i i ^ * ' . ; 2 J 9 Make Toyota Model KE30 F.l. A. Rec. No.

FOUR STROKÏ ENGINES * * 4 -t-f ? /U i y i-- > 170. Number of comsftofls f> t- y-r-J \ ('>& 171. locotion « A X T 7 h Cylinder block 172. Type of comsfiaft drive Chain 173. Type of volve operation 'fplll->ïA Push-rod

INLET (see page 8 i 4r, * *

180. MulerioKsf of inlet manifold -e-.t. — ii- K»)M1S Aluminum alloy 181. Diometer of volves 1.38 inches '. Y inti 35 182. Max. valve lift 8.7 ''•n-rij 7 I- 0.34 inches 183. N um ber o f volve springs ' r< n a 1 184. Type of spring ' < i t . r x r ‘i > r r > n u Coil 185. Number of valves per cylinder 1 i. ') y r - S ')

EXHAUST (see page 8 I 4r, iF A WiÂ*

195. Moleriol (s) of exhaust manifold ir*r>n -5>A.t.-iv V.CIOI. XX. un 196. Diometer of valves mm 29 1.14 inches 197. Mox. volve lift mm 'O t-n i 7 I- 9.15 0.36 inches 198. Number of valve springs 1 'y *** 199. Type o f spring Coil 7

^^f^®y^FTION (photograph N) K ftîî

210. Number of carburettors fitte d

211. Type fiA Down-draft 212. M o ke illiS ê fi Aisan 213. Model 'SIA 3K 214. Number of mixture passages per carburettor O A T 7’ u i5 I) (p/< k/Uft ^ 215. Flange hole diometer of exit porl(s) of corburellor 7-k y-tiinw i* 28 & 28 mm 216. Minimum dimensions of mixture posoge(s) 2 1 ' & 24' mm v K ik i3£}c>k x k (}C3< b e g k jjM X Q c k jâ d x -Tk + x. 't-rnS/b.fii oexxXiXKSOXXXXXKiH

♦ ) for oadihonol information concerning two-stroke engines end super-charged engines see page

* * ) for additional information concerning Wonkel rotory engines see page D - y I) - X >- i-- > (1 H

Page 6 J A Kai"»i; *1*-2J 9 Moke Toyota Model KE 3 0 F. I. A. Rec. No.

INJECTION (,f f.iledj

220. Make of pump

221. Number of plungers -r^>yr-iT)Si 222 Model or type of pump

223. To^al number of injectors

224. Locofionof iniectors / ;C/UiT)Q;a( 225. Ml nimum diameter of inlet pipe

iNOINE ACCESSORIES > « » 230. Fuel pump

231. No. fitted ■t > -T ir. R 232. Type of ignition system Make & Break 233. No. of distributors — y - « a 1 234. No. of ignition coils 1 a .f in n a 235. No. of spark plugs per cylinder/rotor 1 ^«(XXK-XXJOXX) 236. CeneiDlor, XiTcecdR tK/alternotor-number fitted - /« s iE a 1 237. Method of drive V-belt 236. Voltage of generator 12 volts 239. Botlery, number /<ÿ I) — soa 1 240. Locotion Engine room 241. Voltage of botlery 12 /< ■/1 ') - * r ± volts ENGINE AND CAR PERFORMANCES (as declored by monufoclurer ,n calologue) 250. AAox. engine output 71PS (type of horsepower: J J g ) ol 6000 rpm 251. Maximum rpm 6500 output at that figure 67PS[JIS] 252. Maximum torque 9.7 ol 3800 rpm

253. Moximum speed of the cor 150 km /h o u r

255. Com profile f! U~T a -7 i

Inlet com »S5tv>> .i. s - 21.1 0.83 inches T = 15.4 0. 60 inches U = 30.8 1.21 inches Exhoust com W it» A s = 21.2 mm 0.83 inches 15.2 mm 0.59 inches 30. 4 mm 1-19 inches

Page 7 / I 5 j A Fiiiii.»'-; pi p

F.l. A. Rec. No. KE30 Make Toyota V A

Drawing iniel mooifold porls. side of cylii'der- head/hoosing scale or dimensions ond monufocluring 26 to le ro n c e . n(i V .. -t- - 'I- v m *- h ( > ‘J > / — / Kffll )

Orowing of enlr- 26 once to inlel porl of cylinder- 20

- f — heod -'housing scale or dimen­ sions ond monufoc- 22 luring Icleronce ^ ,| , KWW'rt-t'- h 1W Vs"? — ~ l-f^ ' ■ 22

□ rowing exhaust

manifold ports,

side of cylmder-

heod housing

scale or dimen­

sions and monufoc-

luring tolerance. - .+ - 'I- Kcn.+ - t- [ y ') > V - Ml! t

□ rowing of exit

to exhaust port

of cylinderheod housing.

Indicate scale or

dimensions and


to le ra n c e . .. I) > i KiTS}*Vv.+ - '■ 1 » KW)

U n it; mm

Tolerance: N a :■>)!'

Page 8 / ^ 5 J A KK^^iv'.; T " 21 9

Moke Toyota Model KE30 F.l. A. Rec. No. *,"A DRIVI TRAIN

CLUTCH 7 ^ ' f 260. Type of clutch Dry single plate lf;A 261. No. of plates 1 -r 262 DiO. of clutch plotes 1 8 3 mm r u / ^ T - -T" u • I- 12 5 mm outside 180 263 D io . of Immgs. inside il-tF •7 , - X > rn\'i\f 264 Method of operating clutch Mechanical (1 *t| >>A GEAR BOX (photograph H) / y 3 > Method of operotion 270 MoituoI type, m ake Toyota Mechanical ( *t)A-' V Æ iîftfi 271 No. of geor-bo* rotios forward 4 t|i) lit 1 3 f t 272 Synchronized forward ratios 1,2,3 & 4 273 Locotion of geor-shift Floor 7 t u r ' — Ï 274 AutomotiC. moke type »;A 275 No. of forword rotios Î ft 276. Locotion of geor-shift ^ 7 t- u ' V - 3t

_ _A^nyal ______A u to m o tic n ^ ______Allernotive monuol XJCitiMflC f *5. 277. Ratio No. teeth Ratio No. teeth Rotio No. teeth f Ratio No teeth A r Jt f*itt I A A- rt: * a 12 35 3.68 ffxfl

2.05 X i3. 23

1.38 X 2 3 28


. 32 ^ 41 reverse ; / f — 7. 4.31 X

278 Overdrive, type h 7 •( -rnijf 279 Forward gears on which overdrive con be selected T ^ ÿ 1 280 Overdrive rotio K 7 -f T'tt FINAL DRIVE

290 Type of finol drive Hypoid gear ttiA 291 Type o f d iffe re n tio l Bevel gear ^ WtillfiA 292 Type of limited slip différentiel ^ f fitted) I , . .- Z ‘I 7 f 7 7) Its A 293 Final drive rotio 4.300 4. 556 * - e - J t Number of teeth £3 41 itHft 10 9

Poge 9 / 0 ^ 5 J-A F i > 2 J 9

Make Toyota Model KE30 F. I. A. Rec. No.


* Max Bore 75 .3 mm 2.96 inches - * ♦ Aitox Copacity Per Cylinder 294 cm’ 17.94 cu. in * * :(! Max Total Cylinder Capacity cm’ cu. in 1176 71.76 - COMBUSTION CHAMBER

* Volume of one combustion chamber of Cylinder head. 30.4 cm’ 1.86 cu. in * ♦ Thichness of cylinder heodgosket when compressed. 1.2—^1.4

Optional équipement affecting preceeding information. This to be stated together with reference number t "T 'y 3 y \ BRAKE Disc brake on front Front Rear (Drum)

93. Number of cylinder per wheel 1 1 94. Bore of wheel cylinder [s] 48.1 mm 20.6 mm 100. Outside diameter 218 mm

101. Thickness of disc 10 mm

102. Length of brake linings 78.6 mm

103. Width of brake linings 38.5 mm

104. Number of pads per brake 2

105. Total area per brake 6052.2 mm^

Photo. F Front brake disc with caliper[s]


Part No. 47710 - 12090 [RH]

47720 - 12090 [LH]


Part No. 43512 - 12060

Page 1 0 /\ 5 — Continued on Page 2 } ÿ I

Make ToyOta Model K E 3 0 F.l. A. Rec. No. •,’ A

P h o to g ra p h '>rt f, inienor view ol cor through driver's door (open JfXW KJÇkX E, 3/4 view of cor from rear * with dashboard itfeiSIWi'x

O,Front axle comolete. removed from cor. Vi^ithout wheels. ^tReorXaxle complete without wheels, remove<3 from car >f r - *r -X. 1 >

f, Front broke, drum removed 5CXlXKX(3iOOlt>Ort$iC G.Rear brake, drum removed Ot}dMX^>fcXXliCMXK / i; ✓ h '/* u — ,| I, _ !(.


vtcw from iide h ^ i ^ 3 ItSilencer ^ exhaust pipes ofier exhaust momfold

Page I 1 / I 5 J A Y - 23 9 * Moke Toyota KE30 F.I.A. Rec. No.

P h e tb s ro p k • ' Engine unit out of cor, from right. With clutch ond ^ , Engine unit out of cor, from left. With clutch ond oc- J. occessories but without oir filter nor geor-box. :r ; > j.wuflj . .. -K, cVssories but without geor-bo* nor oir filter, x ; /, ik,,;,,

L,Combustion chomber *« Ÿ /5 ç }e jj^j^j{jç X X 'X X X X 9 ■ W


with oil occessoriet, bonnet openXKMSWMük N, Cofbureltor (view from side of manifold) 'Âftiîî T -r-'-V " ' Jjjr-

P, Inlet monifold 1‘k'A'^ - .t t £jihou$t mooifoid 'i h

Page >2^25 J ■ A ■ i* **/ J ^ Make ToyO ta Model KE30 F-1. A. Rec. No.

DIMENSIONS OF INTERIOR IS f ,t Coniorm to Art 253 b of Appendix J'<

^ -'T l " o r x 'jî e r N 4 V ft

p ------

m t-

-32 /a

M inimum Dimensions (cm)

25 131.Î 24 133.(

Minimum Dimensions (cm) 1 r " ...... 1. H j M m l< • m p k k r ^ t m K t L f M

1 28. 0 32.5 1 47.5 41.5 1 63.0 69.0 21.5 95.5 120 - ' ------0.91. - 25.2 0.85M -40.4 0.85(k T m )=53.6 (15) (95) (120) L

For two seaters 2S>« Minimum Dimensions

B c

! cm cm

Poge I 3 X 1 5 j-A -Fcaâ» T - 21 9

AAok» Toyota Model KE30 F.I.A.Rec.No. VA

Optional équipement affecting proceeding information,

This to be stated together with reference number.


Photograph H Gear-box, view from side [Part No. 33020-12110]

271. No. of gear- box ratios forward 5

272. Synchronized forward ratios 1, 2, 3, 4, & .5 Manual Alternative manual 277. Ratio 1 No. teeth Ratio 1 No. teeth 1 1 1 3. 59 1 33 15 2.70 1 33 12 1 — X -- Y 1 23 14 1 23 ^ 17 1 1 ' 33 2 2.02 31 1.73 1 21 X li 1 « 22 1 23 24 1 3 1.38 1 33 26 X 27 1.29 1 l l x 1 23 28 1 23 29 4 1 1.00 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 5 21 0. 86 - 21 0.89 1 l l x 1 23 35 1 23 34 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 33 34 1 reverse 3.48 1 1 7 3 ^ 14 1

Pogel4 ^5 j A T~ 21 9 Make Toyota Model •,n i; KE30 F.I.A. Rec. No.


C. Interior view of car through driver's door(open with dashboard)


Poge 1 5 /1 5 JAPAN AUTOMOBILE PEDIRATION jAFfia*^ T “ 219V-t t t a 1 9 74^ 12fl 3 IH a A F. I. A. Homol. No



Form of recognition accordance with Appendix J to the International Sporting Code. ItjRS X .1; - J JH S t/J A

M odel Tovota Corolla 1 2 0 0 ,KE 3 0 . Ic A «iSèii«Toyota Motor Co. ,Ltd. chassis iêHi> r — > — K E 30 —00 0 0 0 1 Modificotlon s oopiicolion slorts with sariol No ov engine > tS A fn Application of this amendment started the , , _ _ . «ffl^fiH Apr. 1974 Commercial denomination after opplication of modifications 1 2 0 0 SsrieS.

The modifications are to be considered os: Variant/' ;»î(!k w k î^x *« k » * 5 ! / mm Dole omendment is volid from ^ List

Description of amendment

Another type of coachwork can be selected for KE30 cars as

Maker's option.

Serail No. of chassis and Weight.

Serail No. of Type of. body Engine capacity Car weight chassis

KE30-000001 4door 1200CC 755kg

KE35-000001 2door Hardtop 1 I 780kg

KE40-000001 4door Sedan 1 1 7 80kg ------

Stomp end signature of the JAF afûre

J A F^>â2ÉP&t/?Çf,

Yasuharu Nanba Page 1 / ■ T - 2 1 9 V - 1 AAok* Toyota M<^.l KE30 F.1.AR.C.N0 ,


1, 4Door Sedan

Photo.A Photo.B 3/4 View of car from front. 3/4 View of car from rear,

.. ■sa?

Weight AUTOM 667 lbs

2, 2Door Hardtop

Photo.A Photo. B 3/4 View of car from front. 3/4 View of car from rear,

■ ■ ■ n il

Weight 780kg oU'AUTOMCBILEyiy 1722 lb

Pag# 2/3 j-A F»a«u T “ 21 9 V ~ \

Toyota Model KE3 0 F.I.ARoc.No b60? i/ iv /

3, 4Door Sedan (Sprinter)

Photo.A Photo.B

3/4 View of car from front, 3/4 View of car from rear,

VftUTOWCBILE Weight 780kg 1722 lbs

P«u« 3/3 JAPAN AUTOMOBILE FEDERATION ■i-A i- y.itnni; T-219V-3

it. A «3^05 1 ^ 1 H 3 10 r - ’ F. I. A. Homol. No 5502

1 SPO.-s'Tivr


Form of recognition accordance with Appendix J to the International Sporting Code. I'J.v ' I- /.(.Aiiuii.i ,1 A ij . '

M o ke Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. M o d e l Toyota Corolla 1200, KE30 V.'.-j 4fiii.y, i . . .11 y, McKlificahon’s applicolion slarls wilh serial chassis AMI i ^ ,*!; KE30, KE35, KE40 engine AMI i . : ,f,i;

^ m!'*'n° m ° " ‘'o'ipct the 1st. Sep 1975

Commerciol denom.nal.on alle- oppi.coMon of modificohons TOyOta Corolla 1200 Series

the moddicalions are to be considered as:as: Vori Vori an. ont , /K3O0Kbcj»dlfl.!»KKkjtxXK« j n . I u r *9 XO X K ic K k Pale amendment n vcilid from , j n ^ ^ A T ï *

Description of amendment

Another type of disc wheels can be selected for KE30 cars as maker's option.


125 Unitary weight ( bare wheel ) 6.5 kg 126 Rim diameter 330 mm 13 inches 127 Rim width 102 mm 4 inches Photo P ; Bare wheel

( Part No. 42611-14120 ) For Tubeless Tire

(Part No. 42611-14130 )

Stamp and signature of the JAF

signoture of the F.I.A. J .\ I- i;.ïi|i'j,> ^F .

Yasuharu Nanba Page I / 2 T-219V-3 AAok* TOYOTA Model KE30 F.I.A.Ree.No. c^qq 2 MA


125 Unitary weight ( bare wheel ) 6.5 kg 126 Rim diameter 330 mm , 13 inches 127 Rim width 114 mm , 4.5 inches Photo P : Bare wheel

(Part No. 42611-22080) For tubeless tire,colour-gray (Part No. 42611-22090) With tube, colour-gray (Part No. 42611-12260) For tubeless tire,colour-silver (Part No. 42611-12270) With tube, colour-silver


125 Unitary weight ( bare wheel ) 7.5 kg 126 Rim diameter 330 mm , 13 inches 127 Rim width 114 mm , 4.5inches

Photo P : Bare wheel

(Part No. 42611-14101)

Page 2 / 2 JAPAN AUTOMOt^lI FEDERATION_____ •I? / ' '.f.; T-219V-2 ♦f? ;C3^:^^iSSIC^i SPO;^TIVt ;f. A ' ' ' BSftS 1 ^ 1 B3 IH ; f I A Homol. No 5602 ^ce3?3 C 2.2.75 1 3 /3 V ‘• > 1I I,. ’ V i ’ '^ fv ' A. A L Î Z. ÎZ


Form of recognition accordance witfi Appendix J to tfie International Sporting Code. ''I"' I r* I 111'! .1'M'} I \| |.|!'|J5I!'| i'l."i.|, i.i \

M a k . Toyota Motor Co. , Ltd. M o d . i Toyota Corolla 1 2 0 0 , KE30 ; ■ ■'*' /■ M<»flifir


D#*^cnplton cl nm^iirjmenf ' ' ■ Another type of engine can be selected for KE30 cars as maker •

. o j ;

139) Compression ratio 10.0 140a) Volume of the combustion chamber 26.5 c m ** 140b) Volume of the combustion chamber in head 32.5 c m ^ 141) Thickness of head gasket inter tightened 1.30 mm

Stamp ond signature o f tfie JA'F

.1 .\

YasuhariT~N anba Poge I / 2 T-219V-2 AV>k« TOYOTA KE30 F.I.AR*e.^4o 5602 VA

CARBRATION, 180. Number of carburettors 18 3. Model 3K-B

Photo L: Photo M: View of the engine, right profile View of the engine, left profile With all accessories. with all accessories.

Photo N: Photo S : Engine in its bay,bonnet removed. Inlet manifold.

Photo T: Carburettor.

Pog. 2 / 3 T-219V-2 Moil* Modtl F.I.A.R#c.N«. 5go2 TOYOTA MA KE30

186)Minimum diameter of venturi 18 & 24

Following table shows constitution of TOYOTA COROLLA .series with

3K-B engine (1200cc, Twin-carb.)

Serial No. of chassis and weight.

Serial No. of Type of body Type and capacity chassis of engine Car weight

2 door sedan 3K-B , 1200CC 760 Kg KE30-000001 4 door sedan 3K-B , 1200CC 780 Kg KE35-000001 2 door hardtop 3K-B , 1200CC 785 Kg

KE40-000001 4 door sedan 3K-B , 1200CC 785 Kg

P o g B ^ / 3 t r n t s a m JAPAN AUTO?<^OBJLE FEDERATION j -a'-i-';.',!■■*;;■ T—219 V " 4

0 7KQ l»m iiX! B B ^ a 5 1 ¥ 4 H 3 0 H ;n A F. I. A . H om ol. N o ^ 5 0 2

{ l k \ /


Form of recognition accordance with Appendix J to the International Sporting Code. n;'.'/. I. -/.L A tiii'i.i'I'l't.'.'.1 A i-'i‘ii!iMnT'i'Hw.i"irij'

M a k e Toyota Corolla 1200 , KE30 v-\ n y. Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. Modificofion’s appltcolion slorls wiJh serial N o . engti Ü/tÎ A V 52 3K Application of this omendmrfil 'loi.led the X st» A pr* 1Q7/|. •l-jh i -i m i i Commercial denomination ciflei of>plicotion of modifications Toyota Corolla KE30 Series

llie modifications are to be considered os: Variant LfeXSÔCfcOSKX ft V’ Dole amendment is volid from A T LisI

Description of amendment Following ecjuipraent can be selected for KE30 series car as maker's option.

^ ^ ^ : o r

*^ralable en Groupe 2 uniquement’^ [ "valid for Group 2 o nly"

Stomp end signature of the JAF S’ cno ture

Ü . Yasuharu Nanba Pogc 1 / 2 J A ^ 2 1 9

Mako TOYOTA Model KE^O FIA Rec. No. 5 6 0 2 VALID FOR GROUP 2 ONLY

i REINFORCED FRONT LOWER ARM Photo: Reinforced front lower arm

(Part No. 48068 - TE351 - A (RH) 48069 - TE351 - A (LH))

2 HEAVY DUTY FRONT LOWER ARM Photo: Heavy duty front lower arm

(Part No. 48068 - TE301 (RH) 48069 - TE301 (LH))

3 HEAVY DUTY STRUT BAR Photo: Heavy duty strut bar valable en Groupe 2 uniquement" valid for Group 2 only”

(Part No. 48063 - TE301)

FINAL DRIVE 101) Type of final drive Hypoid ge 102) Type of differential Bevel ge 1 0 3 ) Number of teeth 37/8 . 39/8 ____ 1 0 4 ) Ratio 4.63■ ' ' «i'...... 4.88 , I .5.13 ■ . . pjga 2/2 JAPAN AUTOMOBILE FEDERATION J A i-T-219

if. A BSftS 1¥ 7^ 310 F. I. A . Homol. No 5 6 0 2 S-//IE


Form of recognition accordance with Appendix J to the Internotionol Sporting Code. in,7I. •■.i.Aimnj'IK}.? .1 A i i'ii'fM ivtAiiv.iiirM A

Make Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. Corolla 1200, KE30

, , ’ L . .. AAplicotîon of modificolions ToyO tâ COITOllS. 12 0 OSGJTISS / KE3 0 / KE 3 5 / KE4 0

The modificotions are to be ronsidered os: ^(XJiKMKrX/ H iù X / normol normol evolution of the type K X It Dole nmendmeni i% valid from _ i1.0CT.19/6 flPT iÛ /C lilt

Description ol nmonclmeni Following items are changed. [1]GEAR-BOX 92)Manual type,make Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. 93)Number of gear-box ratios toward 4 215)Niamber of forward synchronised ratios 1,2,3 & 4 216)Location of gear lever Floor


Ratio Nr teeth

32 36 1 3.79 19 ^ 16 32 29 2 2.22 19 ^ 22 32 23 3 1.44 19 ^ 27

4 1.00 32 30 41 Rev 4. 32 19 X 16 X 3Q

Stomp ond signature oF the JAF A Slomc signoture ^ ttia F.I.a A' c ] c. s -'- y^J J A I-

Yasuharu Nanba Poge t / 2 T - 2 1 9 p - i r

Moka TOYOTA Modal K E 3 0 p.l.A.«ac.N«. 5 6 0 2 VA


@ R)

Part No. /33030 - 12020\ \33030 - 12030/ Dual part numbers of are set only because of the combination with the speed meter. 'Therefore this two kinds of transmission have the same gear ratio and configuration.


101) Type of final drive Hypoid gear 102) Type of differential Bevel gear ' 221) Number of teeth of final drive 43/10 , 41/10 222) Ratio 4.300 , 4.100


Poge 2 / 2 -1.

■ / > JAPAN AUTOMOBILE FEDERATION 0 I Wf. ■I A I .;/((:;• t - 2 1 9 | £ - . 4 *3^5 2^ 7 ^ 3 10 F I A. Homol. No 5 6 0 2


Form of recognition accordance witfi Appendix J to the International Sporting Code.

'' é" ' r .1 HI .j ■ I I

Mako Toyota Motor Co. Ltd. Mod«iToyota Corolla 1200, KE30 , . ■ a', 11

M.-fliticfihon's opplrC'ilion U nrii wiih serinl No. ■SRI x t - KE30 e n g in e 3K Appltcohon of rimendnir'ni ihe 1 NOV • 197 6 c.M.M.prcinl ttPMornim.iion oiip. .pi,cotion of moditicoi.ons Toyota Corolla 1200, KE30“,KE35-

1I.P mod.f.cotion, ore lo be mnvKlerect oj: S C K K » ■ nor,not evolution of the type ii -If fj. DoIp nrnenrlmenl n vtilirl from OC' 1977 List

Descnplion of nmriulment Following items are changed.

COACHWORK * SEDAN Photo A: Photo B: 3/4 view of car from front 3/4 view of car from rear

Stamp and signature of the JAF

igno turo i \ r

Yasuharu Nanba Page t / 5 TOYOTA KE30 Mokt Modal F.I.A.Roc.No. 5 6 0 2 VA * HARDTOP

Photo A; Photo B: 3/4 View of car from front 3/4 View of car from rear


Photo C: Driver’s seat and dashboard steering-wheel removed (TYPE 1) (TYPE 2)

GEAR-BOX * 4 Speed Manual Transmission Photo H: Gear-box (profile)

Gear Change Gate

@ ©

(Gear ratios are not modified.)

P»io« 2/5 T-219'F— ^

TOYOTA M odtl KE30 FlA.Roe.No. 5602 •HA

* 5 Speed Manual Transmission Photo H; Gear-box (profile) Gear Change Gate


rNumber of-ir Number of -i new form-ll- old form J 96 ) 277) MANUAL Ratio Nr. teeth 32 36 1 3.79 19 16 32 29 2 2.22 19 22 32 23 3 1.43 19 27 4 1. 00 32 19 5 0.86 19 37 32 41 Rev. 4.32 19 16

ENGINE rNumberJ u m b ' ofi rNumber ofi L nfiwnew form-* >• old form-* 151 ) 160) Weight of flywheel(clean) 7.7 kg 152 ) -^--) Weight of flywheel with starter ring 8.5 kg 153 ) 161) Weight of flywheel with clutcji^ 11.9 kg 154 ) 162) Weight of crankshaft 9.0 kg 155 ) 163) Weight of con-rod 0.48kg

Photo S : Inlet Manifold

PoQ* 3/5 j-A-rau*» t -219 ^

Moiio TOYOTA Mod«l KE30 P.U.Rac.No. 5602 WA

WHEEL rNumber ofi rNumber ofi I new formJ I old form^

125 ) 51 ) Unitary weight (bare wheel) 6.5 kg 126 ) 53 ) Rim diameter 330 mm, 13 inches 127 ) 54 ) Rim width 102 mm, 4 inches Photo P : Bare wheel

-< 0 > - -- - < o > - < o > - Additional items and photos due to change of recognition forms are as follows. MOTOR 11) Location and position of engine Front(Longitudinal) 13) Drive wheels Rear 14) Location of gear-box Attached to Engine

e n g i n e 69) Maximum cylinder-capacity allowed 1185 cm^, 72.32 inches® 74) Maximum diameter of the big end journal 50 mm 77) Material of flywheel ^ Cast-iron 79) Material of Connecting rod Stamped, Steel 81) Number of oil pumps 1

Photo I: Photo J: View of the engine,right side, without View of the engine j.eft side;vithout acce accessories,without manifolds intake nor fan sories,without manifolds intake nor fan^^

Pog. 4/5 j.A-rttuai) T -2 1 9 ^-^

MtJk» TOYOTA Modal KE30 F.I.A.R*c.No. 5 5 0 2 VA


112 ) Ground clearance 17.0 cm, 6.7 inches ENGINE

136 ) Sleeves No 137 ) Number of inlet ports per cylinder 1 138 ) Number of exhaust ports per cylinder 1 140b) Volume of combustion chamber in head 30. 6 cm 141 ) Thickness of head gasket inter tightened 1.25 mm WHEEL DRIVE 213 ) Number of Discs

Photo Q ; Front seat Photo R Location of spare-wheel

IVeight of front seat: 14kg x2

Photo W : Clutch

Poof 6/5 J A K T - 2 1 9 ^ ' ^

M ole TOYOTA Wodel KE30 F I A. Rec. No. 5 6 0 2 VA

DIMENSIONS OF INTERIOR ■i' IS f >1 (Conform to Art, 255 b of Appendix J) ( SEDAN ) For four sealers 4 t ' *

M inimum Dimensions (cm)

B' . a C D D' P F.

94 103 25° 132 93 92 24° 133

Minimum Dimensions (cm)

L I M m k f m P k k f ^ t m K + I. t M

28 31 48 42 66 71 24 97 124

0 .9L - 2,5 . 2 0 85M -40.8 0.8b(k rm )■■ 56.1 (15) (95) (120)

For two seaters : zsf« Minimum Dimensions


XXXXX cm XXXXX cm J-A K T —2 1 9 t é

Make TOYOTA Model KE30 F.l.A. Rec. No. 5 6 0 2 V j';

DIMENSIONS OF INTERIOR 1-’ IS t i j (Conform to Art. 255 b of Appendix J) { HARDTOP ) For four beaters 4 4» I*

Minimum Dimensions (cm )

Ü B' . a C D D' /} E

91 101 25° 132 93 90 24° 131

Minimum Dimensions (cm)

L £ M k f- m P k k f ^ + m K + L 1 M

28 31 48 42 66 71 24 97 124

0 . 9 L - 2 5 . 2 0 85M =40.8 0.8b(k r m )*' 56 .1 ( 15) (95) (120)

For two seaters : 2H f« Minimum Dimensions

B c y ^ r

xxxxx cm xxxxx cm