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Issue: 012 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference NOVEMBER 2012 STORIES OF FAITH Advertise your Business in the Next Edition of TARGET YOUR ADVERTING $$$ The Advocate... TARGET YOUR ADVERTING $$$ From the Advocate team... Advertise in the next edition of Advertise in the next edition of We wish March Special Feature – The Advocate. The Advocate. Function Centre’s Call Now! Call Now! everyone a very This is the perfect place to Ask about our great Ask about our great Merry Christmas package deals package deals promote your restaurant, club and a or function centre

happy and safe Phone – 03 57213484 Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 [email protected] Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 Email - [email protected] Email - [email protected] New Year BOOK YOUR AD TODAY

Issue: 001 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference NOVEMBER 2011 Issue: 002 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference DECEMBER 2011 Issue: 003 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference FEBRUARY 2012 Issue: 004 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference MARCH 2012 CHANGE FOR THE FUTURE Bishop John reflects on the path ahead The worldwide expan- There are three ways A CHILD IS BORN HEADING HERE One bOdy... many parts1 Corinthians 12:20 BY BISHOP sion of Anglicanism in to react to this situa- the late 19th and 20th tion. The first is to give We celebrate around our Diocese IN the middle of the centuries provided a up, and accept that the 19th century Jean- particularly english forces arrayed against CONNECTING “Christmas is about happiness and celebrating Baptiste Alphonse cultural expression of us are just too great. Karr wrote, Plus ça the faith to flourish. The second is to retreat the birth of Jesus” change, plus c’est la The particular chal- into the laager, to lock William, age 8, Wangaratta. même chose? “The lenge for Anglicans has the world out and hold more things change, CHURCH AND COMMUNITY been to find appropri- on to a conservative the more they remain ate enculturation of the view of both faith and the same”. It may well Anglican tradition in culture. The third way For a child has Nothern Albury have been true then. an increasingly diverse is to embrace change – Cobram It certainly is not true been born for Yarrawonga and pluralistic world. to see in it opportunity. Nathalia Albury now. The only thing Rutherglen For those of us who This seems to me to be us, a son given Numurkah we can be sure of to- are older, the tradition at the heart of the bib- Wodonga day is that things will of Anglican eucharistic lical revelation of God Chiltern to us; authority Tallangatta Corryong continue to change worship as a four hymn in christ – the jour- and change ever sandwich of word and ney of understanding rests upon his Wangaratta West Yackandandah more rapidly. Shepparton Beechworth sacrament provides from the household or shoulders; and WANGARATTA order and stability in a tribal God, through the The rate of change world which seems to discernment of ethical poses particular prob- he is named have gone a little mad. monotheism to the full Benalla lems for contemporary Myrtleford But there grows an in- realisation of God in Wonderful christianity, especially creasing gap between christ. And any study in its Anglican expres- those of us for whom of the history of the Counselor, sion. on the one hand Bright Mount Beauty this is an indispensa- church demonstrates Nagambie Euroa we proclaim Jesus Mighty God, ble part of an ordered an organisation adapt- christ, the same yes- life and the many who ing to change as it Everlasting terday and today and find our forms of wor- finds expression in the forever (Heb:13.8) ship anachronistic and culture and context of Father, Prince of But we make that proc- incomprehensible. time and place. Seymour lamation into a rapidly Peace. Mansfield changing context. The Added to this discon- Nobody pretends that (Isaiah 9:6) Broadford truth is timeless, but it nect has been the ad- this is easy. on the Yea Alexandra Kilmore needs to be interpreted vance of secularism, one hand at the heart “...Christmas “...Christmas afresh in every gen- and the suspicion of of embracing change eration and in the wide what post-modernism is the fear that we will “Christmas is an ever-renewing to me is, means diversity of cultures has described as meta- trade off that which is which make up our narratives. Meta-narra- of ultimate importance proclamation of hope, and especially telling the working hard Marysville modern global village. tives are untold stories and timeless relevance. when all seems dark...” And it is the very need story; loving, The Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta that unify and totalise on the other is the fear Bishop John Parkes to maintain to contextualise the the world, and justify a that failing to embrace sharing and TOGETHER WE Gospel message which culture’s power struc- the focus on causes us so much tures, and religion is a Bishop John conducting a confirmation service on Saturday 20th August for 28 Year 9 students at Farmers Market at Beechworth CELEBRATE heartburn. Continued page 2 the Chapel of St John the Baptist Geelong Grammar school – Timbertop Campus near Mansfield. caring....” classic example. Jesus...” As the Church looks for the future and the ex- region on the first sat- into the future. Last year outward, we reach into pressions of our faith. As urday of every month, the markets were also Fr Peter Tinney Fr Trevor Smith BY FR PETER MAClEOD-MIllER duties and expressed ly completed her stud- obtaining the qualifica- the community and we we strive to achieve this with stalls open from involved in the spring carolyn has worked a wish to become a ies in December 2008. tion of Medication en- find exciting new oppor- across our diocese many 9am – 12pm and located Graze and are now mem- at Kellock lodge for 6 Personal care Attend- She continued working dorsed enrolled Nurse tunities to connect the of our parishes look for at Christ Church on the bers of the In the bleak mid win- KELLOCK LODGE years. She commenced ant within the next two as a cleaner and in food in December 2010. church and our faith with new ideas and expres- Hill, Ford street Beech- Food and Wine Festival ter? wasn’t quite The Diocese of Wangaratta is now blessed with a full house of clergy to offer priestly leadership and spiritual support across the Diocese. her employment in carolyn did not have the lives of those who are sions to develop that con- worth. These great mar- held yearly. winter, but the rain was February 2005 as a any funding for this not regular church goers. cept. kets offer a large range It is exciting to look pelting down before the As all of our parishes are laid out on a map in front of us we see the vast area that our Diocese covers with their separate towns and NATIONAL TRAINEE AWARD part time cleaner. She Carolyn is a quiet achiever, certificate, which she “Christmas is supposed to be As the world changes, The parish of Beech- of stalls that provide an at the new opportunities, midnight mass at st Mat- thews and Bishop John Buttrose on Monday had won the AccV worked 25 hours per undertook in Seymour, the church is faced with worth has opened its array of wonderful fresh ideas and partnerships regions. Yet we also see an obvious bond that extends beyond our churches and into the communities. We come together as one church to who was very reluctant Parkes shared his golden BY MAuRIE PAwSEY about joy and peace and most of declining numbers, ag- doors or more precisely food and produce from that the parishes all over 12th September, at a State Trainee category week, allowing her the cope with a small stranger about this nomination,... ing congregations, less its grounds to the commu- around the region. As we our Diocese are creating. celebrate God’s love, to seek opportunities to work together as God’s people. formal Function in Syd- Award for excellence flexibility she, as a sole Continued page 2 who joined people from all remembering that ‘love came energy for mission and a nity for regular farmers are all more conscious As we all look outward to KellocK lodge has ney, that carolyn had 2011 [Aged & com- carer, needed to look far and wide who came to growing inability to offer markets that are proving of good health and nutri- hold out our hand to the This strength of our Diocese and our collegiality will enable us to more effectively extend the kingdom of God through our Parishes and into been celebrating with won the HeSTA/ Aged munity care Victoria]. after and be involved years. services and added the down at Christmas’...” worship the Christ child our staff member, care Services Associa- This placed her for with her young fam- carolyn commenced role of Personal care relevance to a younger to be a very popular day tion as well as the need to community it offers us at the manger. the wider Community. Trainee Nurse –caro- tion- National Trainee consideration with oth- ily-4 boys. In 2007 she training for her certifi- worker. But caro- generation. for locals and visitors to live within an eco-friendly strength and direction for Gervase Ingkatji, a Rev’d Patti Matthews Our relationship with the area. Everyone is in- environment markets of the future. lyn Bridgart, since the Award for 2011. er State winners in the added a Food Services cate 111 in Aged care lyn had her goals set ten year old indigenous community needs to vited to sample the great this kind have potential shift to her cleaning in 2007 and successful- higher and went on to announcement by Ita last month carolyn National Award. change as does our vision produce from around the to grow and develop well Bishop John shielding Gervase Ingkatji from the rain. • CONTINUED PAGE 2


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Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 “the Diocese is only a click away...” Email - [email protected] Email - [email protected] “the Diocese is only a click away...”

Issue: 005 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference APRIL 2012 Issue: 006 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference MAY 2012 Issue: 007 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference JUNE 2012 Issue: 008 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference JULY 2012


Harmony day in Wangaratta BY FR THOMAS LESLIE

ON Friday , March 23rd, 2012, holy Trinity Cathedral again played host to the annual harmony Day celebrations for the Rural City of Wangaratta. Cathedral College, in partnership with North east Multicutural Associa- tion (NeMA), The Rural City of Wangaratta Council, Goulburn Ovens TAFe (Wangaratta), Villa Maria Aged Care, and the Cathedral Parish, or- ganised a collection of performances, food stalls and information booths celebrating Wangaratta’s ethnic diversity. harmony Day is a national initiative, seeking to promote inter-cultural respect and the value of multiculturalism in . This year, Wan- garatta community’s celebrations included spectacular Japanese Taiko Drummers and Greek Dancers from Melbourne, performances from lo- cal Primary School Choirs, and an address by the Mayor of Wangaratta, Cnr Roberto Paino. Despite the freezing winds and frequent rain, the entire student body of Cathedral College joined with the Bishop, representatives from Appin Park Primary School, and the general public to create a giant “Peace” Symbol on the lawns of the Cathedral, an initiative of three Year 10 stu- dents at Cathedral College, which was photographed (in a fleeting mo- ment of sunshine) by a pre-arranged passing Glider plane organised by NeMA. What a blessing it was to have the Cathedral as a large enough gathering space out of the weather – which meant that the performanc- Bus image: cako74 (istockphoto) es (originally to have been on the lawns outside) continued in comfort, against the symbolic backdrop of the rich cultural heritage of our diocese. The greatest impact upon the students, however, seems to have been SYNOD 2012...THE ROAD AHEAD the stalls selling various international foods. Their embrace of multicul- The second session of The Synod examined turalism extended to swiftly emptying the sushi stand, and the curry stall, the Thirty Seventh Synod ways to work closer to- much to the surprise and delight of the vendors! for the Diocese of Wanga- gether, to plan and to It was a delight to see so many diverse groups using and enjoying our ratta was held on Friday grow our parishes and Cathedral for this event, and to hear, after the event, the inevitable report the 25th and Saturday our church into the fu- that – for some of the broader community of Wangaratta – it was their first 26th May 2012. ture, to embrace new venture in beyond the processional doors. Clergy and Lay Syn- ideas and value the ex- CLOCKWISE: The Holy Trinity Cathedral, St George’s Church Numurkah surrounded with flood water on Monday 5th March. Photo: Revd Kim Benton od representatives from isting. We celebrated each parish across our together the collation Wangaratta in many different aspects. The diocese came together of our newest Archdea- pristine Cathedral pipe organ. The ornate under the leadership and con – the Ven eden Ni- tapestry of Christ on the cross which hangs Aerial photograph on Harmony Day 23rd March 2012 displaying a peace symbol involving students of Cathedral College on the grounds of Holy Trinity Cathedral Wangaratta. guidance of our Bishop cholls as Archdeacon behind the altar for all to see. The long aisle The Diocese reaches out to those in need - the Right Rev’d John for the Deacons and we and grand Cathedral ceilings. Celebrants Parkes AM. acknowledged the work Chair with the tapestry behind. their way across to the are a 1% chance in any and people in our parish- tered on each day, ready Ministry Regional Co- The Synod was and dedication of a won- BY VEN JOHN DAVIS Murray. Moira shire, given year. We may have es at least for the rest of to deal with anything, ordinator for the whole APPOINTMENT OF NEW PRINCIPAL opened with a Pente- derful young man in our which includes Yarrawon- moved from the news this year. our congrega- working alongside all the Hume region - which is cost eucharist at the Diocese Clinton Mon- Most of us in the north- ga, Cobram, Numurkah reports but the tasks tions are there already, various government and essentially our diocese, Cathedral, celebrating teiro with the Matthew ern part of the Diocese and Nathalia, was most and burdens of recovery our clergy and people support agencies. over plus a part of Bendigo. God’s Spirit in our work. McInnes Award. A Combination for the Future have no memory of such hard hit. Local clergy re- and rebuilding are only have responded wonder- the last 18 months we Details of the Bish- FOR CATHEDRAL COLLEGE Together the usual for- There were many We are all aware of what structed in three stages completed in stages and ing windows by Auguste built by english maker week from 9.30am - 6pm is to grow closer to God sustained and heavy rain sponded at once and were just starting. For some, fully well, but they them- have had several training op’s Flood Appeal, in- malities and governance speakers who provided can be achieved when we over a 56 year period. On was completed in 1965 to Fischer in the nave and Henry Bevington c 1845- The walls of this and to grow in caring re- as that which fell during in there, along with Bish- particularly those on the selves are tired and carry sessions for clergy and cluding the provision for The chairman of the January 2013. announce that Mr Adrian of Middle School since of the Diocese were ad- insight into various as- work together as a parish completion the Cathedral the designs of Louis Wil- porch and Brooks Robin- 46. building are strength- spect for all people. Why the first week of March. op John and Archdeacon land, the full extent of the big burdens. lay people for this partic- tax deductible donations, Cathedral College “We were pleased Farrer has accepted the 2008. The Camberwell dressed with enthusiasm pects of our Diocese and as a Diocese and this became a focus of local liams, who modified But- son in the Lady Chapel. Today this grand old ened with the love and not visit this wonderful Many centres recorded in John. Jill Allen mobilised damage and destruction the recovery centre ular ecumenical ministry are included in this edi- Council, Mr Michael to receive many quality position as Principal of Grammar Middle School and vigour providing op- such as education, aged is nothing new. In 1855 pride and identity. ler’s original. The Cathedral is Cathedral continues to faith of people through- symbol of the Grace of the old language over 10 the resources of the VCC- is only now becoming in Numurkah is at the of community chaplaincy tion of the Advocate. Noble announced to applications, which the College.” comprises 400 students portunities to continue to care mission and minis- Wangaratta Anglicans The present cathe- The temporary tower home to two beautiful be a significant landmark out the years and it opens God united with the peo- inches in just a few days. trained Anglicare work- apparent. the personal time of writing the main and personal support, so there have already been parents and students produced a strong Adrian is married to and has 70 staff. explore and strengthen try. The Synod offers the met to discuss building dral was designed by houses a peal of eight old organs and the main in Wangaratta and plays its doors to the future. It ple of God. Mt Buffalo had over 20 ers, even though she cost and stress is great. remaining recovery cen- Anglicans are now able to a number of events and the appointment of Mr field of candidates. At Jacquie and has three Adrian has indicated will have the opportunity connections between opportunity to continue a significant church on Walter Butler of firm of Rudhall bells cast in 1805 one was built in 1922 by an important role as the is a joyous place to wor- inches. so there was both herself was flooded in in the long term needs for tre. VCC Emergencies be very heavily involved. special collections held Adrian Farrer as the new the conclusion of the daughters – Chloe (6), that he is looking forward to visit the College on a Church and community. to walk together, to ex- the hill and then in 1908 Butler & Bradshaw; Wal- for St George’s Church, Henry Willis & Sons and Mother Church in the ship and to enjoy fellow- Yarrawonga for several support and care across Ministry have had teams As our resources in the in support of this Appeal. land and water-course principal of the College. interview process, the Lucy (5) and harriet (2). to getting to know the few occasions during the The Bishop delivered an tend our knowledge and the foundation stone of ter Richmond Butler was Bolton, in the UK. Other Lewis & Company Ltd, of Diocese of Wangaratta. ship, it is a bold and beau- days. By mid March, the these many communities there from across our re- north reach their limits, We would like to be able flooding. In some places Mr Farrer who is the son Council’s Appointment A teacher since 1996, School and he is keen to next three terms. inspiring address that to share the journey… the Cathedral was laid an accomplished english- important facets of the London, for the Second Holy Trinity Cathedral tiful place for the people area had been declared to large and small are going gion and beyond from the we are calling on people to make a difference in Archdeacon John Davis it all happened very sud- of David Farrer, former Committee was Adrian has been teaching meet many people in the “We look forward to embraced our direction, by the Right Reverend trained architect with di- cathedral are the many Church of Christ Scien- offers regular worship around the Diocese to be a national disaster. to be very considerable. beginning. the need is from further south. Arch- and through our parishes Regional Co-ordinator denly. For others, there Bishop of the Diocese of unanimous in its at Camberwell Grammar College community prior welcoming Adrian and his our opportunities and our AV Green, Bishop of rect links to the english beautiful stained glass tist, Rathmines, Dublin. daily and is open to the gather for special occa- the experts are say- As a Diocese, we will be now so great that 4 VCC deacon John Davis is now in the areas of greatest Hume North, VCC was an agonising wait as Wangaratta, will officially decision.” School since 2004 and has to the commencement of family into our College love of God as we put our Ballarat. Holy Trinity arts and crafts move- windows that offer a The Lady Chapel con- public for prayer, reflec- sions. the floods slowly worked ing that floods like this needing to support clergy volunteers need to be ros- the VCC Emergencies need. New Principal for Cathedral College Mr Adrian Farrer. Photos: Jane Bower Emergency Ministries commence duties on 1 “We are thrilled to held the position of head the 2013 school year. he Community.” Faith into action. Cathedral was then con- ment. The design was range of images includ- tains the smaller organ, tion and viewing 7 days a Their aim as a parish


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“the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...”

Issue: 009 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference AUGUST 2012 Issue: 010 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference SEPTEMBER 2012 Issue: 011 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference OCTOBER 2012 Issue: 012 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference NOVEMBER 2012 THE WONDER OF CREATION Christ Church, Beechworth Holy Trinity, Yackandandah St Stephen's Tallarook St Andrew's Longwood. STORIES OF FAITH Advertise your Business in the Next Edition of TARGET YOUR ADVERTING $$$ The Advocate... TARGET YOUR ADVERTING $$$ From the Advocate team... Advertise in the next edition of Advertise in the next edition of We wish March Special Feature – The Advocate. The Advocate. Function Centre’s Call Now! Call Now! everyone a very This is the perfect place to Ask about our great Ask about our great Merry Christmas package deals package deals promote your restaurant, club and a or function centre happy and safe Phone – 03 57213484 Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 [email protected] Email - [email protected] Email - [email protected] New Year BOOK YOUR AD TODAY CALLED TO SERVE Issue: 001 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference NOVEMBER 2011 Issue: 002 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference DECEMBER 2011 Issue: 003 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference FEBRUARY 2012 Issue: 004 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference MARCH 2012 CHANGE FOR THE FUTURE Bishop John reflects on the path ahead The worldwide expan- There are three ways A CHILD IS BORN HEADING HERE One bOdy... many parts1 Corinthians 12:20 BY BISHOP JOHN PARKES sion of Anglicanism in to react to this situa- the late 19th and 20th tion. The first is to give We celebrate around our Diocese IN the middle of the centuries provided a up, and accept that the 19th century Jean- particularly english forces arrayed against CONNECTING “Christmas is about happiness and celebrating Baptiste Alphonse cultural expression of us are just too great. Karr wrote, Plus ça the faith to flourish. The second is to retreat the birth of Jesus” change, plus c’est la The particular chal- into the laager, to lock William, age 8, Wangaratta. même chose? “The lenge for Anglicans has the world out and hold more things change, CHURCH AND COMMUNITY been to find appropri- on to a conservative the more they remain ate enculturation of the view of both faith and the same”. It may well Anglican tradition in culture. The third way For a child has Nothern Albury have been true then. an increasingly diverse is to embrace change – Cobram It certainly is not true been born for Yarrawonga and pluralistic world. to see in it opportunity. Nathalia Albury now. The only thing Rutherglen For those of us who This seems to me to be us, a son given Numurkah we can be sure of to- are older, the tradition at the heart of the bib- Wodonga day is that things will of Anglican eucharistic lical revelation of God Chiltern to us; authority Tallangatta Corryong continue to change worship as a four hymn in christ – the jour- and change ever sandwich of word and ney of understanding rests upon his Wangaratta West Yackandandah more rapidly. Shepparton Beechworth sacrament provides from the household or shoulders; and WANGARATTA Churches in the Diocese of Wangaratta order and stability in a tribal God, through the The rate of change world which seems to discernment of ethical poses particular prob- he is named have gone a little mad. monotheism to the full Benalla lems for contemporary Myrtleford But there grows an in- realisation of God in Wonderful christianity, especially creasing gap between christ. And any study in its Anglican expres- those of us for whom of the history of the Counselor, sion. on the one hand Bright Mount Beauty this is an indispensa- church demonstrates Nagambie Euroa we proclaim Jesus Mighty God, ble part of an ordered an organisation adapt- christ, the same yes- life and the many who ing to change as it Everlasting terday and today and find our forms of wor- finds expression in the forever (Heb:13.8) ship anachronistic and culture and context of Father, Prince of But we make that proc- incomprehensible. time and place. Seymour lamation into a rapidly Peace. Mansfield changing context. The Added to this discon- Nobody pretends that (Isaiah 9:6) Broadford truth is timeless, but it nect has been the ad- this is easy. on the Yea Alexandra Kilmore needs to be interpreted vance of secularism, one hand at the heart “...Christmas “...Christmas afresh in every gen- and the suspicion of of embracing change eration and in the wide what post-modernism is the fear that we will “Christmas is an ever-renewing to me is, means diversity of cultures has described as meta- trade off that which is which make up our narratives. Meta-narra- of ultimate importance proclamation of hope, and especially telling the working hard Marysville modern global village. tives are untold stories and timeless relevance. when all seems dark...” And it is the very need story; loving, The Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta that unify and totalise on the other is the fear Bishop John Parkes to maintain to contextualise the the world, and justify a that failing to embrace sharing and TOGETHER WE Gospel message which culture’s power struc- the focus on causes us so much tures, and religion is a Bishop John conducting a confirmation service on Saturday 20th August for 28 Year 9 students at Farmers Market at Beechworth CELEBRATE heartburn. Continued page 2 the Chapel of St John the Baptist Geelong Grammar school – Timbertop Campus near Mansfield. caring....” classic example. Jesus...” As the Church looks for the future and the ex- region on the first sat- into the future. Last year outward, we reach into pressions of our faith. As urday of every month, the markets were also Fr Peter Tinney Fr Trevor Smith BY FR PETER MAClEOD-MIllER duties and expressed ly completed her stud- obtaining the qualifica- the community and we we strive to achieve this with stalls open from involved in the spring carolyn has worked a wish to become a ies in December 2008. tion of Medication en- find exciting new oppor- across our diocese many 9am – 12pm and located Graze and are now mem- at Kellock lodge for 6 Personal care Attend- She continued working dorsed enrolled Nurse tunities to connect the of our parishes look for at Christ Church on the bers of the Melbourne In the bleak mid win- KELLOCK LODGE years. She commenced ant within the next two as a cleaner and in food in December 2010. church and our faith with new ideas and expres- Hill, Ford street Beech- Food and Wine Festival ter? wasn’t quite The Diocese of Wangaratta is now blessed with a full house of clergy to offer priestly leadership and spiritual support across the Diocese. her employment in carolyn did not have the lives of those who are sions to develop that con- worth. These great mar- held yearly. winter, but the rain was February 2005 as a any funding for this not regular church goers. cept. kets offer a large range It is exciting to look pelting down before the As all of our parishes are laid out on a map in front of us we see the vast area that our Diocese covers with their separate towns and NATIONAL TRAINEE AWARD part time cleaner. She Carolyn is a quiet achiever, certificate, which she “Christmas is supposed to be As the world changes, The parish of Beech- of stalls that provide an at the new opportunities, midnight mass at st Mat- thews and Bishop John Buttrose on Monday had won the AccV worked 25 hours per undertook in Seymour, the church is faced with worth has opened its array of wonderful fresh ideas and partnerships regions. Yet we also see an obvious bond that extends beyond our churches and into the communities. We come together as one church to who was very reluctant Parkes shared his golden BY MAuRIE PAwSEY about joy and peace and most of declining numbers, ag- doors or more precisely food and produce from that the parishes all over 12th September, at a State Trainee category week, allowing her the cope with a small stranger about this nomination,... ing congregations, less its grounds to the commu- around the region. As we our Diocese are creating. celebrate God’s love, to seek opportunities to work together as God’s people. formal Function in Syd- Award for excellence flexibility she, as a sole Continued page 2 who joined people from all remembering that ‘love came energy for mission and a nity for regular farmers are all more conscious As we all look outward to KellocK lodge has ney, that carolyn had 2011 [Aged & com- carer, needed to look far and wide who came to growing inability to offer markets that are proving of good health and nutri- hold out our hand to the This strength of our Diocese and our collegiality will enable us to more effectively extend the kingdom of God through our Parishes and into been celebrating with won the HeSTA/ Aged munity care Victoria]. after and be involved years. services and added the down at Christmas’...” worship the Christ child our staff member, care Services Associa- This placed her for with her young fam- carolyn commenced role of Personal care relevance to a younger to be a very popular day tion as well as the need to community it offers us at the manger. the wider Community. Trainee Nurse –caro- tion- National Trainee consideration with oth- ily-4 boys. In 2007 she training for her certifi- worker. But caro- generation. for locals and visitors to live within an eco-friendly strength and direction for Gervase Ingkatji, a Rev’d Patti Matthews Our relationship with the area. Everyone is in- environment markets of the future. lyn Bridgart, since the Award for 2011. er State winners in the added a Food Services cate 111 in Aged care lyn had her goals set ten year old indigenous community needs to vited to sample the great this kind have potential shift to her cleaning in 2007 and successful- higher and went on to Bishop John shielding Gervase Ingkatji from the rain. announcement by Ita last month carolyn National Award. change as does our vision produce from around the to grow and develop well • CONTINUED PAGE 2


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Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 “the Diocese is only a click away...” Email - [email protected] Email - [email protected] “the Diocese is only a click away...”

Issue: 005 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference APRIL 2012 Issue: 006 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference MAY 2012 Issue: 007 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference JUNE 2012 Issue: 008 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference JULY 2012


Harmony day in Wangaratta BY FR THOMAS LESLIE

ON Friday , March 23rd, 2012, holy Trinity Cathedral again played host to the annual harmony Day celebrations for the Rural City of Wangaratta. Cathedral College, in partnership with North east Multicutural Associa- tion (NeMA), The Rural City of Wangaratta Council, Goulburn Ovens TAFe (Wangaratta), Villa Maria Aged Care, and the Cathedral Parish, or- ganised a collection of performances, food stalls and information booths celebrating Wangaratta’s ethnic diversity. harmony Day is a national initiative, seeking to promote inter-cultural respect and the value of multiculturalism in Australia. This year, Wan- garatta community’s celebrations included spectacular Japanese Taiko Drummers and Greek Dancers from Melbourne, performances from lo- cal Primary School Choirs, and an address by the Mayor of Wangaratta, Cnr Roberto Paino. Despite the freezing winds and frequent rain, the entire student body of Cathedral College joined with the Bishop, representatives from Appin Park Primary School, and the general public to create a giant “Peace” Symbol on the lawns of the Cathedral, an initiative of three Year 10 stu- dents at Cathedral College, which was photographed (in a fleeting mo- ment of sunshine) by a pre-arranged passing Glider plane organised by NeMA. What a blessing it was to have the Cathedral as a large enough gathering space out of the weather – which meant that the performanc- Bus image: cako74 (istockphoto) es (originally to have been on the lawns outside) continued in comfort, against the symbolic backdrop of the rich cultural heritage of our diocese. The greatest impact upon the students, however, seems to have been SYNOD 2012...THE ROAD AHEAD the stalls selling various international foods. Their embrace of multicul- The second session of The Synod examined turalism extended to swiftly emptying the sushi stand, and the curry stall, the Thirty Seventh Synod ways to work closer to- much to the surprise and delight of the vendors! for the Diocese of Wanga- gether, to plan and to It was a delight to see so many diverse groups using and enjoying our ratta was held on Friday grow our parishes and Cathedral for this event, and to hear, after the event, the inevitable report the 25th and Saturday our church into the fu- that – for some of the broader community of Wangaratta – it was their first 26th May 2012. ture, to embrace new venture in beyond the processional doors. Clergy and Lay Syn- ideas and value the ex- CLOCKWISE: The Holy Trinity Cathedral, St George’s Church Numurkah surrounded with flood water on Monday 5th March. Photo: Revd Kim Benton od representatives from isting. We celebrated each parish across our together the collation Wangaratta in many different aspects. The diocese came together of our newest Archdea- pristine Cathedral pipe organ. The ornate under the leadership and con – the Ven eden Ni- tapestry of Christ on the cross which hangs CELEBRATING THE GLORY OF GOD IN OUR DIOCESE Aerial photograph on Harmony Day 23rd March 2012 displaying a peace symbol involving students of Cathedral College on the grounds of Holy Trinity Cathedral Wangaratta. guidance of our Bishop cholls as Archdeacon behind the altar for all to see. The long aisle The Diocese reaches out to those in need - the Right Rev’d John for the Deacons and we and grand Cathedral ceilings. Celebrants Parkes AM. acknowledged the work Chair with the tapestry behind. their way across to the are a 1% chance in any and people in our parish- tered on each day, ready Ministry Regional Co- The Synod was and dedication of a won- BY VEN JOHN DAVIS Murray. Moira shire, given year. We may have es at least for the rest of to deal with anything, ordinator for the whole APPOINTMENT OF NEW PRINCIPAL opened with a Pente- derful young man in our which includes Yarrawon- moved from the news this year. our congrega- working alongside all the Hume region - which is cost eucharist at the Diocese Clinton Mon- Most of us in the north- ga, Cobram, Numurkah reports but the tasks tions are there already, various government and essentially our diocese, Cathedral, celebrating teiro with the Matthew ern part of the Diocese and Nathalia, was most and burdens of recovery our clergy and people support agencies. over plus a part of Bendigo. God’s Spirit in our work. McInnes Award. A Combination for the Future St Paul's Euroa have no memory of such hard hit. Local clergy re- and rebuilding are only have responded wonder- the last 18 months we Details of the Bish- Together the usual for- There were many is to grow closer to God St Dunstan's, Violet Town. FOR CATHEDRAL COLLEGE We are all aware of what structed in three stages completed in stages and ing windows by Auguste built by english maker week from 9.30am - 6pm Holy Trinity Cathedral, Wangaratta sustained and heavy rain sponded at once and were just starting. For some, fully well, but they them- have had several training op’s Flood Appeal, in- malities and governance speakers who provided can be achieved when we over a 56 year period. On was completed in 1965 to Fischer in the nave and Henry Bevington c 1845- The walls of this and to grow in caring re- All over Australia we are often faced scape and of course the winter snow as that which fell during in there, along with Bish- particularly those on the selves are tired and carry sessions for clergy and cluding the provision for The chairman of the January 2013. announce that Mr Adrian of Middle School since of the Diocese were ad- insight into various as- work together as a parish completion the Cathedral the designs of Louis Wil- porch and Brooks Robin- 46. building are strength- spect for all people. Why the first week of March. op John and Archdeacon land, the full extent of the big burdens. lay people for this partic- tax deductible donations, Cathedral College “We were pleased Farrer has accepted the 2008. The Camberwell dressed with enthusiasm pects of our Diocese and as a Diocese and this became a focus of local liams, who modified But- son in the Lady Chapel. Today this grand old ened with the love and not visit this wonderful Many centres recorded in John. Jill Allen mobilised damage and destruction the recovery centre ular ecumenical ministry are included in this edi- Council, Mr Michael to receive many quality position as Principal of Grammar Middle School and vigour providing op- such as education, aged is nothing new. In 1855 pride and identity. ler’s original. The Cathedral is Cathedral continues to faith of people through- symbol of the Grace of the old language over 10 the resources of the VCC- is only now becoming in Numurkah is at the of community chaplaincy tion of the Advocate. Noble announced to applications, which the College.” comprises 400 students portunities to continue to care mission and minis- Wangaratta Anglicans The present cathe- The temporary tower home to two beautiful be a significant landmark out the years and it opens God united with the peo- inches in just a few days. trained Anglicare work- apparent. the personal time of writing the main and personal support, so there have already been parents and students produced a strong Adrian is married to and has 70 staff. explore and strengthen try. The Synod offers the met to discuss building dral was designed by houses a peal of eight old organs and the main in Wangaratta and plays its doors to the future. It ple of God. Mt Buffalo had over 20 ers, even though she cost and stress is great. remaining recovery cen- Anglicans are now able to a number of events and the appointment of Mr field of candidates. At Jacquie and has three Adrian has indicated will have the opportunity connections between opportunity to continue a significant church on Walter Butler of firm of Rudhall bells cast in 1805 one was built in 1922 by an important role as the is a joyous place to wor- with the harshness of the Australian providing a great opportunity to ex- inches. so there was both herself was flooded in in the long term needs for tre. VCC Emergencies be very heavily involved. special collections held Adrian Farrer as the new the conclusion of the daughters – Chloe (6), that he is looking forward to visit the College on a Church and community. to walk together, to ex- the hill and then in 1908 Butler & Bradshaw; Wal- for St George’s Church, Henry Willis & Sons and Mother Church in the ship and to enjoy fellow- Yarrawonga for several support and care across Ministry have had teams As our resources in the in support of this Appeal. land and water-course principal of the College. interview process, the Lucy (5) and harriet (2). to getting to know the few occasions during the The Bishop delivered an tend our knowledge and the foundation stone of ter Richmond Butler was Bolton, in the UK. Other Lewis & Company Ltd, of Diocese of Wangaratta. ship, it is a bold and beau- days. By mid March, the these many communities there from across our re- north reach their limits, We would like to be able flooding. In some places Mr Farrer who is the son Council’s Appointment A teacher since 1996, School and he is keen to next three terms. inspiring address that to share the journey… the Cathedral was laid an accomplished english- important facets of the London, for the Second Holy Trinity Cathedral tiful place for the people Archdeacon John Davis area had been declared to large and small are going gion and beyond from the we are calling on people to make a difference in it all happened very sud- of David Farrer, former Committee was Adrian has been teaching meet many people in the “We look forward to embraced our direction, by the Right Reverend trained architect with di- cathedral are the many Church of Christ Scien- offers regular worship around the Diocese to be a national disaster. to be very considerable. beginning. the need is from further south. Arch- and through our parishes Regional Co-ordinator denly. For others, there Bishop of the Diocese of unanimous in its at Camberwell Grammar College community prior welcoming Adrian and his our opportunities and our AV Green, Bishop of rect links to the english beautiful stained glass tist, Rathmines, Dublin. daily and is open to the gather for special occa- the experts are say- As a Diocese, we will be now so great that 4 VCC deacon John Davis is now in the areas of greatest Hume North, VCC was an agonising wait as Wangaratta, will officially decision.” School since 2004 and has to the commencement of family into our College love of God as we put our Ballarat. Holy Trinity arts and crafts move- windows that offer a The Lady Chapel con- public for prayer, reflec- sions. the floods slowly worked ing that floods like this needing to support clergy volunteers need to be ros- the VCC Emergencies need. New Principal for Cathedral College Mr Adrian Farrer. Photos: Jane Bower climate however we are also blessed perience the fun and fascination of a Emergency Ministries commence duties on 1 “We are thrilled to held the position of head the 2013 school year. he Community.” Faith into action. Cathedral was then con- ment. The design was range of images includ- tains the smaller organ, tion and viewing 7 days a Their aim as a parish

with some truly beautiful scenery. winter wonderland. FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 THE LODGE RESTORATION - Page 7 INTRODUCE US - Page 10 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 EASTER 2012 FEATURE - Page 4-5 LEISURE Page 8 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 AROUND THE PARISHES - Page 4-5 LEISURE Page 8 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 SYNOD LIFTOUT - Pages 5-8 DIAMOND JUBILEE Page 10 Scenes that include, rolling Across our Diocese we have many mountains, stunning displays of Au- areas that reflect the face of God and Make sure you take a look at our Website CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK • View Events in the Diocese • View Events in the Diocese • View Events in the Diocese • View Events in the Diocese • Find a church • Find a church • Find a church • Find a church • Download the latest edition • Download the latest edition • Download the latest edition • Download the latest edition tumn leaves, the freshness of clear shine a light onto our day, offering a of The Advocate. website of The Advocate. website of The Advocate. website of The Advocate. website water as it winds through the land- symbol of new hope and rebirth in a “the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...” difficult time. Issue: 009 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference AUGUST 2012 Issue: 010 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference SEPTEMBER 2012 Issue: 011 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference OCTOBER 2012 Issue: 012 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference NOVEMBER 2012 THE WONDER OF CREATION Christ Church, Beechworth Holy Trinity, Yackandandah St Stephen's Tallarook St Andrew's Longwood. STORIES OF FAITH Advertise your Business in the Next Edition of TARGET YOUR ADVERTING $$$ The Advocate... TARGET YOUR ADVERTING $$$ From the Advocate team... Advertise in the next edition of Advertise in the next edition of We wish March Special Feature – The Advocate. The Advocate. Function Centre’s Call Now! Call Now! everyone a very This is the perfect place to Ask about our great Ask about our great Merry Christmas package deals package deals promote your restaurant, club and a or function centre happy and safe Phone – 03 57213484 Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 [email protected] Email - [email protected] Email - [email protected] New Year BOOK YOUR AD TODAY CALLED TO SERVE Issue: 001 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference NOVEMBER 2011 Issue: 002 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference DECEMBER 2011 Issue: 003 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference FEBRUARY 2012 Issue: 004 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference MARCH 2012 CHANGE FOR THE FUTURE Bishop John reflects on the path ahead The worldwide expan- There are three ways One bOdy... many parts1 Corinthians 12:20 BY BISHOP JOHN PARKES A CHILD IS BORN HEADING HERE sion of Anglicanism in to react to this situa- We celebrate around our Diocese the late 19th and 20th tion. The first is to give PICTURE: Mt Buller Alpine Chapel with a beautiful blanket of fresh winters snow. IN the middle of the centuries provided a up, and accept that the 19th century Jean- particularly english forces arrayed against CONNECTING “Christmas is about happiness and celebrating Baptiste Alphonse cultural expression of us are just too great. Karr wrote, Plus ça the faith to flourish. The second is to retreat the birth of Jesus” change, plus c’est la The particular chal- into the laager, to lock William, age 8, Wangaratta. même chose? “The lenge for Anglicans has the world out and hold more things change, CHURCH AND COMMUNITY been to find appropri- on to a conservative the more they remain ate enculturation of the view of both faith and the same”. It may well Anglican tradition in culture. The third way For a child has Nothern Albury have been true then. an increasingly diverse is to embrace change – Cobram It certainly is not true been born for Yarrawonga and pluralistic world. to see in it opportunity. Nathalia Albury now. The only thing Rutherglen For those of us who This seems to me to be us, a son given Numurkah we can be sure of to- are older, the tradition at the heart of the bib- Wodonga day is that things will of Anglican eucharistic lical revelation of God Chiltern to us; authority Tallangatta Corryong continue to change worship as a four hymn in christ – the jour- and change ever sandwich of word and ney of understanding rests upon his Wangaratta West Yackandandah more rapidly. Shepparton Beechworth sacrament provides from the household or shoulders; and WANGARATTA Churches in the Diocese of Wangaratta order and stability in a tribal God, through the The rate of change world which seems to discernment of ethical poses particular prob- he is named have gone a little mad. monotheism to the full Benalla lems for contemporary Myrtleford But there grows an in- realisation of God in Wonderful christianity, especially creasing gap between christ. And any study in its Anglican expres- those of us for whom of the history of the Counselor, sion. on the one hand Bright Mount Beauty this is an indispensa- church demonstrates Nagambie Euroa we proclaim Jesus Mighty God, ble part of an ordered an organisation adapt- christ, the same yes- life and the many who ing to change as it Everlasting terday and today and find our forms of wor- finds expression in the forever (Heb:13.8) ship anachronistic and culture and context of Father, Prince of But we make that proc- incomprehensible. time and place. Seymour lamation into a rapidly Peace. Mansfield changing context. The Added to this discon- Nobody pretends that (Isaiah 9:6) Broadford truth is timeless, but it nect has been the ad- this is easy. on the Yea Alexandra Kilmore needs to be interpreted vance of secularism, one hand at the heart “...Christmas “...Christmas afresh in every gen- and the suspicion of of embracing change eration and in the wide what post-modernism is the fear that we will “Christmas is an ever-renewing to me is, means diversity of cultures has described as meta- trade off that which is which make up our narratives. Meta-narra- of ultimate importance proclamation of hope, and especially telling the working hard Marysville modern global village. tives are untold stories and timeless relevance. when all seems dark...” And it is the very need story; loving, The Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta that unify and totalise on the other is the fear Bishop John Parkes to maintain to contextualise the the world, and justify a that failing to embrace sharing and TOGETHER WE Gospel message which culture’s power struc- the focus on causes us so much tures, and religion is a Bishop John conducting a confirmation service on Saturday 20th August for 28 Year 9 students at Farmers Market at Beechworth C E L E B R AT E heartburn. Continued page 2 the Chapel of St John the Baptist Geelong Grammar school – Timbertop Campus near Mansfield. caring....” classic example. Jesus...” As the Church looks for the future and the ex- region on the first sat- into the future. Last year outward, we reach into pressions of our faith. As urday of every month, the markets were also duties and expressed ly completed her stud- obtaining the qualifica- Fr Peter Tinney Fr Trevor Smith BY FR PETER MAClEOD-MIllER the community and we we strive to achieve this with stalls open from involved in the spring carolyn has worked a wish to become a ies in December 2008. tion of Medication en- find exciting new oppor- across our diocese many 9am – 12pm and located Graze and are now mem- at Kellock lodge for 6 Personal care Attend- She continued working dorsed enrolled Nurse tunities to connect the of our parishes look for at Christ Church on the bers of the Melbourne In the bleak mid win- KELLOCK LODGE years. She commenced ant within the next two as a cleaner and in food in December 2010. church and our faith with new ideas and expres- Hill, Ford street Beech- Food and Wine Festival ter? wasn’t quite The Diocese of Wangaratta is now blessed with a full house of clergy to offer priestly leadership and spiritual support across the Diocese. her employment in carolyn did not have the lives of those who are sions to develop that con- worth. These great mar- held yearly. winter, but the rain was February 2005 as a any funding for this not regular church goers. cept. kets offer a large range It is exciting to look pelting down before the As all of our parishes are laid out on a map in front of us we see the vast area that our Diocese covers with their separate towns and NATIONAL TRAINEE AWARD part time cleaner. She Carolyn is a quiet achiever, certificate, which she “Christmas is supposed to be As the world changes, The parish of Beech- of stalls that provide an at the new opportunities, midnight mass at st Mat- thews and Bishop John Buttrose on Monday had won the AccV worked 25 hours per undertook in Seymour, the church is faced with worth has opened its array of wonderful fresh ideas and partnerships regions. Yet we also see an obvious bond that extends beyond our churches and into the communities. We come together as one church to who was very reluctant Parkes shared his golden BY MAuRIE PAwSEY about joy and peace and most of declining numbers, ag- doors or more precisely food and produce from that the parishes all over 12th September, at a State Trainee category week, allowing her the cope with a small stranger about this nomination,... ing congregations, less its grounds to the commu- around the region. As we our Diocese are creating. celebrate God’s love, to seek opportunities to work together as God’s people. formal Function in Syd- Award for excellence flexibility she, as a sole Continued page 2 who joined people from all remembering that ‘love came energy for mission and a nity for regular farmers are all more conscious As we all look outward to KellocK lodge has ney, that carolyn had 2011 [Aged & com- carer, needed to look far and wide who came to growing inability to offer markets that are proving of good health and nutri- hold out our hand to the This strength of our Diocese and our collegiality will enable us to more effectively extend the kingdom of God through our Parishes and into been celebrating with won the HeSTA/ Aged munity care Victoria]. after and be involved years. services and added the down at Christmas’...” worship the Christ child our staff member, care Services Associa- This placed her for with her young fam- carolyn commenced role of Personal care relevance to a younger to be a very popular day tion as well as the need to community it offers us at the manger. the wider Community. Trainee Nurse –caro- tion- National Trainee consideration with oth- ily-4 boys. In 2007 she training for her certifi- worker. But caro- generation. for locals and visitors to live within an eco-friendly strength and direction for Gervase Ingkatji, a Rev’d Patti Matthews Our relationship with the area. Everyone is in- environment markets of the future. lyn Bridgart, since the Award for 2011. er State winners in the added a Food Services cate 111 in Aged care lyn had her goals set ten year old indigenous community needs to vited to sample the great this kind have potential shift to her cleaning in 2007 and successful- higher and went on to Bishop John shielding Gervase Ingkatji from the rain. announcement by Ita last month carolyn National Award. change as does our vision produce from around the to grow and develop well • CONTINUED PAGE 2


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Issue: 005 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference APRIL 2012 Issue: 006 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference MAY 2012 Issue: 007 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference JUNE 2012 Issue: 008 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference JULY 2012


Harmony day in Wangaratta


ON Friday , March 23rd, 2012, holy Trinity Cathedral again played host to the annual harmony Day celebrations for the Rural City of Wangaratta. Cathedral College, in partnership with North east Multicutural Associa- tion (NeMA), The Rural City of Wangaratta Council, Goulburn Ovens TAFe (Wangaratta), Villa Maria Aged Care, and the Cathedral Parish, or- ganised a collection of performances, food stalls and information booths celebrating Wangaratta’s ethnic diversity. harmony Day is a national initiative, seeking to promote inter-cultural respect and the value of multiculturalism in Australia. This year, Wan- garatta community’s celebrations included spectacular Japanese Taiko Drummers and Greek Dancers from Melbourne, performances from lo- cal Primary School Choirs, and an address by the Mayor of Wangaratta, Cnr Roberto Paino. Despite the freezing winds and frequent rain, the entire student body of Cathedral College joined with the Bishop, representatives from Appin Park Primary School, and the general public to create a giant “Peace” Symbol on the lawns of the Cathedral, an initiative of three Year 10 stu- dents at Cathedral College, which was photographed (in a fleeting mo- ment of sunshine) by a pre-arranged passing Glider plane organised by NeMA. What a blessing it was to have the Cathedral as a large enough gathering space out of the weather – which meant that the performanc- Bus image: cako74 (istockphoto) es (originally to have been on the lawns outside) continued in comfort, against the symbolic backdrop of the rich cultural heritage of our diocese. St Luke's, Yea St Matthew's Broadford St Etheldreda's Harrietville St Paul's Myrtleford The greatest impact upon the students, however, seems to have been SYNOD 2012...THE ROAD AHEAD the stalls selling various international foods. Their embrace of multicul- The second session of The Synod examined turalism extended to swiftly emptying the sushi stand, and the curry stall, the Thirty Seventh Synod ways to work closer to- much to the surprise and delight of the vendors! for the Diocese of Wanga- gether, to plan and to It was a delight to see so many diverse groups using and enjoying our ratta was held on Friday grow our parishes and Cathedral for this event, and to hear, after the event, the inevitable report the 25th and Saturday our church into the fu- that – for some of the broader community of Wangaratta – it was their first 26th May 2012. ture, to embrace new venture in beyond the processional doors. Clergy and Lay Syn- ideas and value the ex- CLOCKWISE: The Holy Trinity Cathedral, St George’s Church Numurkah surrounded with flood water on Monday 5th March. Photo: Revd Kim Benton od representatives from isting. We celebrated each parish across our together the collation Wangaratta in many different aspects. The diocese came together of our newest Archdea- pristine Cathedral pipe organ. The ornate under the leadership and con – the Ven eden Ni- tapestry of Christ on the cross which hangs CELEBRATING THE GLORY OF GOD IN OUR DIOCESE The Diocese reaches out to those in need Aerial photograph on Harmony Day 23rd March 2012 displaying a peace symbol involving students of Cathedral College on the grounds of Holy Trinity Cathedral Wangaratta. guidance of our Bishop cholls as Archdeacon behind the altar for all to see. The long aisle - the Right Rev’d John for the Deacons and we and grand Cathedral ceilings. Celebrants Parkes AM. acknowledged the work Chair with the tapestry behind. their way across to the are a 1% chance in any and people in our parish- tered on each day, ready Ministry Regional Co- BY VEN JOHN DAVIS The Synod was and dedication of a won- Murray. Moira shire, given year. We may have es at least for the rest of to deal with anything, ordinator for the whole APPOINTMENT OF NEW PRINCIPAL opened with a Pente- derful young man in our which includes Yarrawon- moved from the news this year. our congrega- working alongside all the Hume region - which is cost eucharist at the Diocese Clinton Mon- Most of us in the north- ga, Cobram, Numurkah reports but the tasks tions are there already, various government and essentially our diocese, Cathedral, celebrating teiro with the Matthew ern part of the Diocese and Nathalia, was most and burdens of recovery our clergy and people support agencies. over plus a part of Bendigo. God’s Spirit in our work. McInnes Award. A Combination for the Future St Paul's Euroa have no memory of such hard hit. Local clergy re- and rebuilding are only have responded wonder- the last 18 months we Details of the Bish- Together the usual for- There were many is to grow closer to God St Dunstan's, Violet Town. FOR CATHEDRAL COLLEGE We are all aware of what structed in three stages completed in stages and ing windows by Auguste built by english maker week from 9.30am - 6pm Holy Trinity Cathedral, Wangaratta sustained and heavy rain sponded at once and were just starting. For some, fully well, but they them- have had several training op’s Flood Appeal, in- malities and governance speakers who provided can be achieved when we over a 56 year period. On was completed in 1965 to Fischer in the nave and Henry Bevington c 1845- The walls of this and to grow in caring re- All over Australia we are often faced scape and of course the winter snow as that which fell during in there, along with Bish- particularly those on the selves are tired and carry sessions for clergy and cluding the provision for The chairman of the January 2013. announce that Mr Adrian of Middle School since of the Diocese were ad- insight into various as- work together as a parish completion the Cathedral the designs of Louis Wil- porch and Brooks Robin- 46. building are strength- spect for all people. Why the first week of March. op John and Archdeacon land, the full extent of the big burdens. lay people for this partic- tax deductible donations, Cathedral College “We were pleased Farrer has accepted the 2008. The Camberwell dressed with enthusiasm pects of our Diocese and as a Diocese and this became a focus of local liams, who modified But- son in the Lady Chapel. Today this grand old ened with the love and not visit this wonderful Many centres recorded in John. Jill Allen mobilised damage and destruction the recovery centre ular ecumenical ministry are included in this edi- Council, Mr Michael to receive many quality position as Principal of Grammar Middle School and vigour providing op- such as education, aged is nothing new. In 1855 pride and identity. ler’s original. The Cathedral is Cathedral continues to faith of people through- symbol of the Grace of the old language over 10 the resources of the VCC- is only now becoming in Numurkah is at the of community chaplaincy tion of the Advocate. Noble announced to applications, which the College.” comprises 400 students portunities to continue to care mission and minis- Wangaratta Anglicans The present cathe- The temporary tower home to two beautiful be a significant landmark out the years and it opens God united with the peo- inches in just a few days. trained Anglicare work- apparent. the personal time of writing the main and personal support, so there have already been parents and students produced a strong Adrian is married to and has 70 staff. explore and strengthen try. The Synod offers the met to discuss building dral was designed by houses a peal of eight old organs and the main in Wangaratta and plays its doors to the future. It ple of God. Mt Buffalo had over 20 ers, even though she cost and stress is great. remaining recovery cen- Anglicans are now able to a number of events and the appointment of Mr field of candidates. At Jacquie and has three Adrian has indicated will have the opportunity connections between opportunity to continue a significant church on Walter Butler of firm of Rudhall bells cast in 1805 one was built in 1922 by an important role as the is a joyous place to wor- be very heavily involved. special collections held with the harshness of the Australian providing a great opportunity to ex- inches. so there was both herself was flooded in in the long term needs for tre. VCC Emergencies Adrian Farrer as the new the conclusion of the daughters – Chloe (6), that he is looking forward to visit the College on a Church and community. to walk together, to ex- the hill and then in 1908 Butler & Bradshaw; Wal- for St George’s Church, Henry Willis & Sons and Mother Church in the ship and to enjoy fellow- Yarrawonga for several support and care across Ministry have had teams As our resources in the in support of this Appeal. land and water-course principal of the College. interview process, the Lucy (5) and harriet (2). to getting to know the few occasions during the The Bishop delivered an tend our knowledge and the foundation stone of ter Richmond Butler was Bolton, in the UK. Other Lewis & Company Ltd, of Diocese of Wangaratta. ship, it is a bold and beau- days. By mid March, the these many communities there from across our re- north reach their limits, We would like to be able flooding. In some places Mr Farrer who is the son Council’s Appointment A teacher since 1996, School and he is keen to next three terms. inspiring address that to share the journey… the Cathedral was laid an accomplished english- important facets of the London, for the Second Holy Trinity Cathedral tiful place for the people Archdeacon John Davis area had been declared to large and small are going gion and beyond from the we are calling on people to make a difference in it all happened very sud- of David Farrer, former Committee was Adrian has been teaching meet many people in the “We look forward to embraced our direction, by the Right Reverend trained architect with di- cathedral are the many Church of Christ Scien- offers regular worship around the Diocese to be a national disaster. to be very considerable. beginning. the need is from further south. Arch- and through our parishes Regional Co-ordinator denly. For others, there Bishop of the Diocese of unanimous in its at Camberwell Grammar College community prior welcoming Adrian and his our opportunities and our AV Green, Bishop of rect links to the english beautiful stained glass tist, Rathmines, Dublin. daily and is open to the gather for special occa- the experts are say- As a Diocese, we will be now so great that 4 VCC deacon John Davis is now in the areas of greatest Hume North, VCC was an agonising wait as Wangaratta, will officially decision.” School since 2004 and has to the commencement of family into our College love of God as we put our Ballarat. Holy Trinity arts and crafts move- windows that offer a The Lady Chapel con- public for prayer, reflec- sions. the floods slowly worked ing that floods like this needing to support clergy volunteers need to be ros- the VCC Emergencies need. New Principal for Cathedral College Mr Adrian Farrer. Photos: Jane Bower climate however we are also blessed perience the fun and fascination of a Emergency Ministries commence duties on 1 “We are thrilled to held the position of head the 2013 school year. he Community.” Faith into action. Cathedral was then con- ment. The design was range of images includ- tains the smaller organ, tion and viewing 7 days a Their aim as a parish VOCATIONS with some truly beautiful scenery. winter wonderland. FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 THE LODGE RESTORATION - Page 7 INTRODUCE US - Page 10 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 EASTER 2012 FEATURE - Page 4-5 LEISURE Page 8 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 AROUND THE PARISHES - Page 4-5 LEISURE Page 8 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 SYNOD LIFTOUT - Pages 5-8 DIAMOND JUBILEE Page 10 Scenes that include, rolling Across our Diocese we have many mountains, stunning displays of Au- areas that reflect the face of God and Make sure you take a look at our Website CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK • View Events in the Diocese • View Events in the Diocese • View Events in the Diocese • View Events in the Diocese • Find a church • Find a church • Find a church • Find a church • Download the latest edition • Download the latest edition • Download the latest edition • Download the latest edition te te of The Advocate. tumn leaves, the freshness of clear shine a light onto our day, offering a of The Advocate. websi of The Advocate. websi of The Advocate. website website water as it winds through the land- symbol of new hope and rebirth in a “the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...” difficult time. Issue: 009 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference AUGUST 2012 Issue: 010 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference SEPTEMBER 2012 Issue: 011 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference OCTOBER 2012 Issue: 012 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference NOVEMBER 2012 THE WONDER OF CREATION Christ Church, Beechworth Holy Trinity, Yackandandah St Stephen's Tallarook St Andrew's Longwood. STORIES OF FAITH Advertise your Business in the Next Edition of TARGET YOUR ADVERTING $$$ The Advocate... TARGET YOUR ADVERTING $$$ From the Advocate team... Advertise in the next edition of Advertise in the next edition of We wish The Advocate. The Advocate. Function Centre’s Call Now! Call Now! everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year CALLED TO SERVE Issue: 001 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference NOVEMBER 2011 Issue: 002 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference DECEMBER 2011 Issue: 003 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference FEBRUARY 2012 Issue: 004 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference MARCH 2012 CHANGE FOR THE FUTURE Bishop John reflects on the path ahead The worldwide expan- There are three ways One bOdy... many parts1 Corinthians 12:20 BY BISHOP JOHN PARKES A CHILD IS BORN HEADING HERE PICTURE: Mt Buller Alpine Chapel with a beautiful blanket of fresh winters snow. sion of Anglicanism in to react to this situa- We celebrate around our Diocese the late 19th and 20th tion. The first is to give IN the middle of the centuries provided a up, and accept that the 19th century Jean- particularly english forces arrayed against Baptiste Alphonse “Christmas is about happiness and celebrating CONNECTING cultural expression of us are just too great. Karr wrote, Plus ça the faith to flourish. The second is to retreat the birth of Jesus” change, plus c’est la The particular chal- into the laager, to lock William, age 8, Wangaratta. même chose? “The lenge for Anglicans has the world out and hold more things change, been to find appropri- on to a conservative CHURCH AND COMMUNITY the more they remain ate enculturation of the view of both faith and the same”. It may well Anglican tradition in culture. The third way For a child has have been true then. an increasingly diverse is to embrace change – Cobram Nothern Albury It certainly is not true and pluralistic world. to see in it opportunity. been born for Yarrawonga Albury Nathalia Rutherglen now. The only thing For those of us who This seems to me to be us, a son given Numurkah we can be sure of to- are older, the tradition at the heart of the bib- day is that things will of Anglican eucharistic lical revelation of God Chiltern Wodonga to us; authority Tallangatta Corryong continue to change worship as a four hymn in christ – the jour- and change ever sandwich of word and ney of understanding rests upon his Wangaratta West Yackandandah more rapidly. sacrament provides from the household or Shepparton Beechworth shoulders; and WANGARATTA Churches in the Diocese of Wangaratta order and stability in a tribal God, through the The rate of change world which seems to discernment of ethical poses particular prob- he is named have gone a little mad. monotheism to the full Benalla lems for contemporary Myrtleford But there grows an in- realisation of God in Wonderful christianity, especially creasing gap between christ. And any study in its Anglican expres- those of us for whom of the history of the Counselor, sion. on the one hand Bright Mount Beauty this is an indispensa- church demonstrates Nagambie Euroa we proclaim Jesus Mighty God, LIFTOUT ble part of an ordered an organisation adapt- christ, the same yes- life and the many who ing to change as it Everlasting terday and today and find our forms of wor- finds expression in the forever (Heb:13.8) ship anachronistic and culture and context of Father, Prince of But we make that proc- incomprehensible. time and place. Seymour lamation into a rapidly Peace. Mansfield changing context. The Added to this discon- Nobody pretends that (Isaiah 9:6) Broadford truth is timeless, but it nect has been the ad- this is easy. on the Yea Alexandra Kilmore needs to be interpreted vance of secularism, one hand at the heart “...Christmas “...Christmas afresh in every gen- and the suspicion of of embracing change eration and in the wide what post-modernism is the fear that we will “Christmas is an ever-renewing to me is, means diversity of cultures has described as meta- trade off that which is which make up our narratives. Meta-narra- of ultimate importance proclamation of hope, and especially telling the working hard Marysville modern global village. tives are untold stories and timeless relevance. when all seems dark...” And it is the very need story; loving, The Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta that unify and totalise on the other is the fear Bishop John Parkes to maintain to contextualise the the world, and justify a that failing to embrace sharing and TOGETHER WE Gospel message which culture’s power struc- the focus on causes us so much tures, and religion is a Bishop John conducting a confirmation service on Saturday 20th August for 28 Year 9 students at Farmers Market at Beechworth CE L EB R AT E heartburn. Continued page 2 the Chapel of St John the Baptist Geelong Grammar school – Timbertop Campus near Mansfield. caring....” classic example. Jesus...” As the Church looks for the future and the ex- region on the first sat- into the future. Last year outward, we reach into pressions of our faith. As urday of every month, the markets were also duties and expressed ly completed her stud- obtaining the qualifica- Fr Peter Tinney Fr Trevor Smith the community and we we strive to achieve this with stalls open from involved in the spring carolyn has worked a wish to become a ies in December 2008. tion of Medication en- find exciting new oppor- across our diocese many 9am – 12pm and located Graze and are now mem- at Kellock lodge for 6 Personal care Attend- She continued working dorsed enrolled Nurse tunities to connect the of our parishes look for at Christ Church on the bers of the Melbourne In the bleak mid win- KELLOCK LODGE years. She commenced ant within the next two as a cleaner and in food in December 2010. church and our faith with new ideas and expres- Hill, Ford street Beech- Food and Wine Festival ter? wasn’t quite The Diocese of Wangaratta is now blessed with a full house of clergy to offer priestly leadership and spiritual support across the Diocese. her employment in carolyn did not have the lives of those who are sions to develop that con- worth. These great mar- held yearly. winter, but the rain was pelting down before the February 2005 as a any funding for this not regular church goers. cept. kets offer a large range It is exciting to look “Christmas is supposed to be midnight mass at st Mat- As all of our parishes are laid out on a map in front of us we see the vast area that our Diocese covers with their separate towns and NATIONAL TRAINEE AWARD part time cleaner. She Carolyn is a quiet achiever, certificate, which she As the world changes, The parish of Beech- of stalls that provide an at the new opportunities, thews and Bishop John had won the AccV worked 25 hours per undertook in Seymour, the church is faced with worth has opened its array of wonderful fresh ideas and partnerships regions. Yet we also see an obvious bond that extends beyond our churches and into the communities. We come together as one church to Buttrose on Monday who was very reluctant Parkes shared his golden BY MAuRIE PAwSEY about joy and peace and most of declining numbers, ag- doors or more precisely food and produce from that the parishes all over 12th September, at a State Trainee category week, allowing her the cope with a small stranger ing congregations, less its grounds to the commu- around the region. As we our Diocese are creating. celebrate God’s love, to seek opportunities to work together as God’s people. formal Function in Syd- Award for excellence flexibility she, as a sole about this nomination,... Continued page 2 who joined people from all remembering that ‘love came nity for regular farmers are all more conscious As we all look outward to KellocK lodge has ney, that carolyn had 2011 [Aged & com- carer, needed to look energy for mission and a far and wide who came to of good health and nutri- hold out our hand to the been celebrating with won the HeSTA/ Aged munity care Victoria]. after and be involved years. services and added the growing inability to offer markets that are proving worship the Christ child This strength of our Diocese and our collegiality will enable us to more effectively extend the kingdom of God through our Parishes and into down at Christmas’...” tion as well as the need to community it offers us our staff member, care Services Associa- This placed her for with her young fam- carolyn commenced role of Personal care relevance to a younger to be a very popular day at the manger. generation. for locals and visitors to live within an eco-friendly strength and direction for the wider Community. Trainee Nurse –caro- tion- National Trainee consideration with oth- ily-4 boys. In 2007 she training for her certifi- worker. But caro- Gervase Ingkatji, a Rev’d Patti Matthews Our relationship with the area. Everyone is in- environment markets of the future. er State winners in the added a Food Services cate 111 in Aged care lyn had her goals set ten year old indigenous lyn Bridgart, since the Award for 2011. community needs to vited to sample the great this kind have potential shift to her cleaning in 2007 and successful- higher and went on to Bishop John shielding Gervase Ingkatji from the rain. announcement by Ita last month carolyn National Award. change as does our vision produce from around the to grow and develop well • CONTINUED PAGE 2


CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK TARGET YOUR ADVERTING $$$ TARGET YOUR ADVERTING $$$ Church of the Transfiguration, Pyalong Advertise in the next edition of Advertise in the next edition of e te Christ Church, Kilmore it si The Advocate. The Advocate. bs b Call Now! Call Now! we we

“the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...”

Issue: 005 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference APRIL 2012 Issue: 006 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference MAY 2012 Issue: 007 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference JUNE 2012 Issue: 008 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference JULY 2012

SpecIaL SYNOD A SYMBOL OF HARMONY LIFTO Ce UT Reflecting on the fire in the Cathedral ntre page PAST AND PRESENT of s t PRAYER & SUPPORT his edition SHARING THE JOURNEY Pg 5 -8

Harmony day in Wangaratta


ON Friday , March 23rd, 2012, holy Trinity Cathedral again played host to the annual harmony Day celebrations for the Rural City of Wangaratta. Cathedral College, in partnership with North east Multicutural Associa- tion (NeMA), The Rural City of Wangaratta Council, Goulburn Ovens TAFe (Wangaratta), Villa Maria Aged Care, and the Cathedral Parish, or- ganised a collection of performances, food stalls and information booths celebrating Wangaratta’s ethnic diversity. harmony Day is a national initiative, seeking to promote inter-cultural respect and the value of multiculturalism in Australia. This year, Wan- garatta community’s celebrations included spectacular Japanese Taiko Drummers and Greek Dancers from Melbourne, performances from lo- cal Primary School Choirs, and an address by the Mayor of Wangaratta, Cnr Roberto Paino. Despite the freezing winds and frequent rain, the entire student body of Cathedral College joined with the Bishop, representatives from Appin Park Primary School, and the general public to create a giant “Peace” Symbol on the lawns of the Cathedral, an initiative of three Year 10 stu- dents at Cathedral College, which was photographed (in a fleeting mo- ment of sunshine) by a pre-arranged passing Glider plane organised by NeMA. What a blessing it was to have the Cathedral as a large enough gathering space out of the weather – which meant that the performanc- es (originally to have been on the lawns outside) continued in comfort, against the symbolic backdrop of the rich cultural heritage of our diocese. St Luke's, Yea St Matthew's Broadford St Etheldreda's Harrietville St Paul's Myrtleford The greatest impact upon the students, however, seems to have been SYNOD 2012...THE ROAD AHEAD the stalls selling various international foods. Their embrace of multicul- The second session of The Synod examined turalism extended to swiftly emptying the sushi stand, and the curry stall, the Thirty Seventh Synod ways to work closer to- much to the surprise and delight of the vendors! for the Diocese of Wanga- gether, to plan and to It was a delight to see so many diverse groups using and enjoying our ratta was held on Friday grow our parishes and Cathedral for this event, and to hear, after the event, the inevitable report the 25th and Saturday our church into the fu- that – for some of the broader community of Wangaratta – it was their first 26th May 2012. ture, to embrace new venture in beyond the processional doors. Clergy and Lay Syn- ideas and value the ex- CLOCKWISE: The Holy Trinity Cathedral, St George’s Church Numurkah surrounded with flood water on Monday 5th March. Photo: Revd Kim Benton od representatives from isting. We celebrated each parish across our together the collation Wangaratta in many different aspects. The diocese came together of our newest Archdea- pristine Cathedral pipe organ. The ornate under the leadership and con – the Ven eden Ni- tapestry of Christ on the cross which hangs CELEBRATING THE GLORY OF GOD IN OUR DIOCESE The Diocese reaches out to those in need Aerial photograph on Harmony Day 23rd March 2012 displaying a peace symbol involving students of Cathedral College on the grounds of Holy Trinity Cathedral Wangaratta. guidance of our Bishop cholls as Archdeacon behind the altar for all to see. The long aisle - the Right Rev’d John for the Deacons and we and grand Cathedral ceilings. Celebrants Parkes AM. acknowledged the work Chair with the tapestry behind. their way across to the are a 1% chance in any and people in our parish- tered on each day, ready Ministry Regional Co- BY VEN JOHN DAVIS The Synod was and dedication of a won- Murray. Moira shire, given year. We may have es at least for the rest of to deal with anything, ordinator for the whole APPOINTMENT OF NEW PRINCIPAL opened with a Pente- derful young man in our which includes Yarrawon- moved from the news this year. our congrega- working alongside all the Hume region - which is cost eucharist at the Diocese Clinton Mon- Most of us in the north- ga, Cobram, Numurkah reports but the tasks tions are there already, various government and essentially our diocese, Cathedral, celebrating teiro with the Matthew ern part of the Diocese and Nathalia, was most and burdens of recovery our clergy and people support agencies. over plus a part of Bendigo. God’s Spirit in our work. McInnes Award. A Combination for the Future St Paul's Euroa have no memory of such hard hit. Local clergy re- and rebuilding are only have responded wonder- the last 18 months we Details of the Bish- Together the usual for- There were many structed in three stages completed in stages and ing windows by Auguste is to grow closer to God FOR CATHEDRAL COLLEGE We are all aware of what built by english maker week from 9.30am - 6pm St Dunstan's, Violet Town. sponded at once and were just starting. For some, fully well, but they them- have had several training op’s Flood Appeal, in- Holy Trinity Cathedral, Wangaratta sustained and heavy rain malities and governance speakers who provided can be achieved when we over a 56 year period. On was completed in 1965 to Fischer in the nave and Henry Bevington c 1845- The walls of this and to grow in caring re- All over Australia we are often faced scape and of course the winter snow as that which fell during in there, along with Bish- particularly those on the selves are tired and carry sessions for clergy and cluding the provision for The chairman of the January 2013. announce that Mr Adrian of Middle School since of the Diocese were ad- insight into various as- work together as a parish completion the Cathedral the designs of Louis Wil- porch and Brooks Robin- 46. building are strength- spect for all people. Why the first week of March. op John and Archdeacon land, the full extent of the big burdens. lay people for this partic- tax deductible donations, Cathedral College “We were pleased Farrer has accepted the 2008. The Camberwell dressed with enthusiasm pects of our Diocese and as a Diocese and this became a focus of local liams, who modified But- son in the Lady Chapel. Today this grand old ened with the love and not visit this wonderful Many centres recorded in John. Jill Allen mobilised damage and destruction the recovery centre ular ecumenical ministry are included in this edi- Council, Mr Michael to receive many quality position as Principal of Grammar Middle School and vigour providing op- such as education, aged is nothing new. In 1855 pride and identity. ler’s original. The Cathedral is Cathedral continues to faith of people through- symbol of the Grace of the old language over 10 the resources of the VCC- is only now becoming in Numurkah is at the of community chaplaincy tion of the Advocate. Noble announced to applications, which the College.” comprises 400 students portunities to continue to care mission and minis- Wangaratta Anglicans The present cathe- The temporary tower home to two beautiful be a significant landmark out the years and it opens God united with the peo- inches in just a few days. trained Anglicare work- apparent. the personal time of writing the main and personal support, so there have already been parents and students produced a strong Adrian is married to and has 70 staff. explore and strengthen try. The Synod offers the met to discuss building dral was designed by houses a peal of eight old organs and the main in Wangaratta and plays its doors to the future. It ple of God. ers, even though she cost and stress is great. Mt Buffalo had over 20 remaining recovery cen- Anglicans are now able to a number of events and the appointment of Mr field of candidates. At Jacquie and has three Adrian has indicated will have the opportunity connections between opportunity to continue a significant church on Walter Butler of firm of Rudhall bells cast in 1805 one was built in 1922 by an important role as the is a joyous place to wor- herself was flooded in in the long term needs for with the harshness of the Australian providing a great opportunity to ex- inches. so there was both tre. VCC Emergencies be very heavily involved. special collections held Adrian Farrer as the new the conclusion of the daughters – Chloe (6), that he is looking forward to visit the College on a Church and community. to walk together, to ex- the hill and then in 1908 Butler & Bradshaw; Wal- for St George’s Church, Henry Willis & Sons and Mother Church in the ship and to enjoy fellow- Yarrawonga for several support and care across Ministry have had teams As our resources in the land and water-course in support of this Appeal. principal of the College. interview process, the Lucy (5) and harriet (2). to getting to know the few occasions during the The Bishop delivered an tend our knowledge and the foundation stone of ter Richmond Butler was Bolton, in the UK. Other Lewis & Company Ltd, of Diocese of Wangaratta. ship, it is a bold and beau- days. By mid March, the these many communities there from across our re- north reach their limits, We would like to be able flooding. In some places Mr Farrer who is the son Council’s Appointment A teacher since 1996, School and he is keen to next three terms. inspiring address that to share the journey… the Cathedral was laid an accomplished english- important facets of the London, for the Second Holy Trinity Cathedral tiful place for the people area had been declared to large and small are going gion and beyond from the we are calling on people to make a difference in Archdeacon John Davis it all happened very sud- of David Farrer, former Committee was Adrian has been teaching meet many people in the “We look forward to embraced our direction, by the Right Reverend trained architect with di- cathedral are the many Church of Christ Scien- offers regular worship around the Diocese to be a national disaster. to be very considerable. beginning. the need is from further south. Arch- and through our parishes Regional Co-ordinator denly. For others, there Bishop of the Diocese of unanimous in its at Camberwell Grammar College community prior welcoming Adrian and his our opportunities and our AV Green, Bishop of rect links to the english beautiful stained glass tist, Rathmines, Dublin. daily and is open to the gather for special occa- the experts are say- As a Diocese, we will be now so great that 4 VCC deacon John Davis is now in the areas of greatest Hume North, VCC was an agonising wait as Wangaratta, will officially decision.” School since 2004 and has to the commencement of family into our College love of God as we put our Ballarat. Holy Trinity arts and crafts move- windows that offer a The Lady Chapel con- public for prayer, reflec- sions. the floods slowly worked ing that floods like this needing to support clergy volunteers need to be ros- the VCC Emergencies need. New Principal for Cathedral College Mr Adrian Farrer. Photos: Jane Bower climate however we are also blessed perience the fun and fascination of a Emergency Ministries commence duties on 1 “We are thrilled to held the position of head the 2013 school year. he Community.” Faith into action. Cathedral was then con- ment. The design was range of images includ- tains the smaller organ, tion and viewing 7 days a Their aim as a parish VOCATIONS with some truly beautiful scenery. winter wonderland. FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 THE LODGE RESTORATION - Page 7 INTRODUCE US - Page 10 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 EASTER 2012 FEATURE - Page 4-5 LEISURE Page 8 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 AROUND THE PARISHES - Page 4-5 LEISURE Page 8 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 SYNOD LIFTOUT - Pages 5-8 DIAMOND JUBILEE Page 10 Scenes that include, rolling Across our Diocese we have many mountains, stunning displays of Au- areas that reflect the face of God and CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOOK tumn leaves, the freshness of clear shine a light onto our day, offering a website website website water as it winds through the land- symbol of new hope and rebirth in a “the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...” “the Diocese is only a click away...” difficult time. Issue: 009 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference AUGUST 2012 Issue: 010 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference SEPTEMBER 2012 Issue: 011 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference OCTOBER 2012 THE WONDER OF CREATION Christ Church, Beechworth Holy Trinity, Yackandandah St Stephen's Tallarook St Andrew's Longwood. PICTURE: Mt Buller Alpine Chapel with a beautiful blanket of fresh winters snow. CALLED TO SERVE LIFTOUT Churches in the Diocese of Wangaratta

Reflecting on the fire in the Cathedral Christ Church, Kilmore Church of the Transfiguration, Pyalong St Luke's, Yea St Matthew's Broadford St Etheldreda's Harrietville St Paul's Myrtleford NS CELEBRATING THE GLORY OF GOD IN OUR DIOCESE IO All over Australia we are often faced scape and of course the winter snow St Dunstan's, Violet Town. Holy Trinity Cathedral, Wangaratta St Paul's Euroa T with the harshness of the Australian providing a great opportunity to ex- climate however we are also blessed perience the fun and fascination of a VOCA with some truly beautiful scenery. winter wonderland. Scenes that include, rolling Across our Diocese we have many mountains, stunning displays of Au- areas that reflect the face of God and tumn leaves, the freshness of clear shine a light onto our day, offering a T water as it winds through the land- symbol of new hope and rebirth in a FTOU difficult time. Reflecting on the fire in the Cathedral LI PICTURE: Mt Buller Alpine Chapel with a beautiful blanket of fresh winters snow. NS St Luke's, Yea St Matthew's Broadford St Etheldreda's Harrietville St Paul's Myrtleford ER VOCATIO T TOUT Reflecting on the fire in the Cathedral LIF OS STER O P P ur arson attack on Sunday saw the smoke and raised place of beauty that lifts welcomed and spoken to together after church. we had ministered to, For yo BY FR MICHAEL O’BRIEN 15 July. During the after- the alarm. If the fire had oard their soul beyond the or- him. Many had talked to The welcome and hospi- makes the pain harder to notice b r noon a man came into the been left a little later, the dinary. The cost of keep- him and heard different tality we showed to this bear. Parishioners have 7 ge 6- POSTER The cost of love is pain. Cathedral and set fire to altar could have been en- ing our churches open parts of his life story. This person who came for the not condemned him, but Pa arson attack on Sunday saw the smoke and raised own path to follow; we this journey is individual you As we move through our Part of building healthy this year we introduced within our Diocese. place of beauty that lifts welcomed and spoken to together after church. we had ministered to, The cost of hospitality is the lacework of the linen gulfed in flames, as the or is that people can betray incident has clearly dem- first time to worship on rather have spoken with journey of faith we are need to listen to where we share that journey parishes and ultimately a the new applications for As part of recognising F rejection. every congre- on the credence table and timber was smouldering that trust. onstrated the welcome Sunday reflected the wel- care for the man and his presented with many op- God is calling us to and together and there are strong Diocese is the im- Lay Ministry that will the unique and important gation experiences this the overhang of the super inside the altar. however, in talking and acceptance of the Ca- come God has for him. needs. portunities to serve our together with the people many people who are portance in the people of give us a safer and more Lay Ministries within our necessary information NEW BEGINNINGS BY FR MICHAEL O’BRIEN rejection but it has been frontal on the altar. Both We keep the Cathe- to many of the congrega- thedral parish. I feel a sense of joy that Parishes we will celebrate and forms for you to at- d Lord. We need to devel- of God to discern our di- here to walk with you, to God playing an active role manageable platform r felt most keenly by the burnt, causing damage dral open in our commu- tion members afterwards Those who meet him so many people took the those achievements on tain the required authori- ©Canterbury Cross: From Wikipedia /File:Cantercross.svg/ Life of Riley op our baptismal vows as rection. There are many offer guidance and under- in ministry. to deliver Lay Ministry 15 July. During the after- the alarm. If the fire had Cathedral congregation 1st December 2012 with ties so the clergy in your oa to the timber work and nity for all people to come I was delighted. I was de- welcomed him, each time to share his life and Story continued page 2 b the humble servants of different aspects of min- standing. Together we should across the Diocese. This their soul beyond the or- him. Many had talked to The welcome and hospi- makes the pain harder to parish should be able to after the recent arson at- a Eucharist at the Cathe- Spring heralds new growth from Seasoned Timber e burning the fabric on the closer to God, to find a lighted because this man listened to him, spoke story, and that so many God and as Christians istry to explore within The Diocese has encourage, support and information and the for- c dral. Bishop John will assist you or please con- The Diocese of Wangaratta looks to the future with fresh ideas and but remodelled to offer a different feel. As people of God we are tack. altar and credence table. place of peace in their attended both our morn- to him individually and encouraged him. the church which include started to develop new oti we are called to step out establish a high level of mal acknowledgement present certificates to the tact the Diocesan office directions that grow from the strength and knowledge gained in past called to share Christ and sometimes to do that we need to step out n Wangaratta Cathe- Fortunately Fr Malcolm, lives, to have a focal place ing eucharists and many encouraged him as they That the fire was de- in faith to share the love - the Priesthood, the Di- strategies to enhance the professional standards will give us the ability to initial group of authorised for more information or years. New concepts for ministry emerge as we look at ways to make in faith, to be bold and embrace the spring of a new time so that the dral was the object of an in arriving for evensong, for prayer, and come to a of our congregation had shared time and a cuppa liberately lit by someone of Christ with others aconate and varied Lay understanding and direc- that reflect our commit- highlight and acknowl- Lay Ministers. to discuss any of this in- church relevant to new generations. Many parishes have introduced a church continues to be relevant and engaged with the community noon a man came into the been left a little later, the dinary. The cost of keep- him and heard different tality we showed to this bear. Parishioners have We each have our Ministry roles. Whilst tion of each of our calls. ment. As part of synod edge those who serve Each Parish has the formation further. new style of service that is generally based on our Anglican traditions around it. 6-7 ge FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 AROUND THE PARISHES- Pages 4-5 FR O’BRIEN COLUMN Page 9 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 VOCATIONS POSTER - Pages 6-7 PARISHIONER PROFILE - Page 9 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 ST FRANCIS DAY- Pages 8-9 JUST A THOUGHT - Page 10 POSTER The cost of love is pain. Cathedral and set fire to altar could have been en- ing our churches open parts of his life story. This person who came for the not condemned him, but Pa arson attack on Sunday saw the smoke and raised own path to follow; we this journey is individual As we move through our Part of building healthy this year we introduced within our Diocese. place of beauty that lifts welcomed and spoken to together after church. we had ministered to, The cost of hospitality is the lacework of the linen gulfed in flames, as the is that people can betray incident has clearly dem- first time to worship on rather have spoken with journey of faith we are need to listen to where we share that journey parishes and ultimately a the new applications for As part of recognising For your rejection. every congre- on the credence table and timber was smouldering that trust. onstrated the welcome Sunday reflected the wel- care for the man and his presented with many op- God is calling us to and together and there are strong Diocese is the im- Lay Ministry that will the unique and important John 1:5 gation experiences this the overhang of the super inside the altar. however, in talking and acceptance of the Ca- come God has for him. needs. portunities to serve our together with the people many people who are portance in the people of give us a safer and more Lay Ministries within our necessary information NEW BEGINNINGS The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it . BY FR MICHAEL O’BRIEN rejection but it has been frontal on the altar. Both We keep the Cathe- to many of the congrega- thedral parish. I feel a sense of joy that Lord. We need to devel- of God to discern our di- here to walk with you, to God playing an active role manageable platform Parishes we will celebrate and forms for you to at- tain the required authori- ©Canterbury Cross: From Wikipedia /File:Cantercross.svg/ Life of Riley felt most keenly by the burnt, causing damage dral open in our commu- tion members afterwards Those who meet him so many people took the op our baptismal vows as rection. There are many offer guidance and under- in ministry. to deliver Lay Ministry those achievements on 15 July. During the after- the alarm. If the fire had Cathedral congregation 1st December 2012 with ties so the clergy in your to the timber work and nity for all people to come I was delighted. I was de- welcomed him, each time to share his life and Story continued page 2 different aspects of min- standing. their soul beyond the or- him. Many had talked to The welcome and hospi- makes the pain harder to the humble servants of Together we should across the Diocese. This parish should be able to after the recent arson at- burning the fabric on the closer to God, to find a a Eucharist at the Cathe- Spring heralds new growth from Seasoned Timber lighted because this man listened to him, spoke story, and that so many God and as Christians istry to explore within The Diocese has encourage, support and information and the for- The Diocese of Wangaratta looks to the future with fresh ideas and but remodelled to offer a different feel. As people of God we are tack. altar and credence table. place of peace in their dral. Bishop John will assist you or please con- attended both our morn- to him individually and encouraged him. we are called to step out the church which include started to develop new establish a high level of mal acknowledgement tact the Diocesan office directions that grow from the strength and knowledge gained in past called to share Christ and sometimes to do that we need to step out Wangaratta Cathe- Fortunately Fr Malcolm, lives, to have a focal place present certificates to the Celebrating 1 year in the New Format. notice board ing eucharists and many encouraged him as they That the fire was - de in faith to share the love - the Priesthood, the Di- strategies to enhance the professional standards will give us the ability to initial group of authorised for more information or years. New concepts for ministry emerge as we look at ways to make in faith, to be bold and embrace the spring of a new time so that the dral was the object of an in arriving for evensong, for prayer, and come to a of our congregation had shared time and a cuppa liberately lit by someone of Christ with others aconate and varied Lay understanding and direc- that reflect our commit- highlight and acknowl- Lay Ministers. to discuss any of this in- church relevant to new generations. Many parishes have introduced a church continues to be relevant and engaged with the community noon a man came into the been left a little later, the dinary. The cost of keep- him and heard different tality we showed to this bear. Parishioners have We each have our Ministry roles. Whilst tion of each of our calls. ment. As part of synod edge those who serve Each Parish has the formation further. new style of service that is generally based on our Anglican traditions around it. This is your paper and these are your stories, be a part of it! age 6-7 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 AROUND THE PARISHES- Pages 4-5 FR O’BRIEN COLUMN Page 9 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 VOCATIONS POSTER - Pages 6-7 PARISHIONER PROFILE - Page 9 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 ST FRANCIS DAY- Pages 8-9 JUST A THOUGHT - Page 10 FROM THE VICAR GENERAL - Page 3 WEDDING FEATURE - Pages 6 BOOK REVIEW - Page 9 arson attack on Sunday saw the smoke and raised The cost of love is pain. Cathedral and set fire to altar could have been en- ing our churches open parts of his life story. This person who came for the not condemned him, but own path to follow; we this journey is individual P As we move through our Part of building healthy this year we introduced within our Diocese. place of beauty that lifts welcomed and spoken to together after church. we had ministered to, The cost of hospitality is the lacework of the linen gulfed in flames, as the is that people can betray incident has clearly dem- first time to worship on rather have spoken with journey of faith we are need to listen to where we share that journey parishes and ultimately a the new applications for As part of recognising For your rejection. every congre- on the credence table and timber was smouldering that trust. onstrated the welcome Sunday reflected the wel- care for the man and his presented with many op- God is calling us to and together and there are strong Diocese is the im- Lay Ministry that will the unique and important John 1:5 gation experiences this the overhang of the super inside the altar. however, in talking and acceptance of the Ca- come God has for him. needs. portunities to serve our together with the people many people who are portance in the people of give us a safer and more Lay Ministries within our necessary information NEW BEGINNINGS The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it . BY FR MICHAEL O’BRIEN rejection but it has been frontal on the altar. Both We keep the Cathe- to many of the congrega- thedral parish. I feel a sense of joy that Lord. We need to devel- of God to discern our di- here to walk with you, to God playing an active role manageable platform Parishes we will celebrate and forms for you to at- tain the required authori- ©Canterbury Cross: From Wikipedia /File:Cantercross.svg/ Life of Riley felt most keenly by the burnt, causing damage dral open in our commu- tion members afterwards Those who meet him so many people took the op our baptismal vows as rection. There are many offer guidance and under- in ministry. to deliver Lay Ministry those achievements on 15 July. During the after- the alarm. If the fire had Cathedral congregation 1st December 2012 with ties so the clergy in your to the timber work and nity for all people to come I was delighted. I was de- welcomed him, each time to share his life and Story continued page 2 different aspects of min- standing. their soul beyond the or- him. Many had talked to The welcome and hospi- makes the pain harder to the humble servants of Together we should across the Diocese. This parish should be able to a Eucharist at the Cathe- Spring heralds new growth from Seasoned Timber after the recent arson at- burning the fabric on the closer to God, to find a lighted because this man listened to him, spoke story, and that so many God and as Christians istry to explore within The Diocese has encourage, support and information and the for- dral. Bishop John will assist you or please con- The Diocese of Wangaratta looks to the future with fresh ideas and but remodelled to offer a different feel. As people of God we are tack. altar and credence table. place of peace in their attended both our morn- to him individually and encouraged him. the church which include started to develop new we are called to step out establish a high level of mal acknowledgement present certificates to the tact the Diocesan office directions that grow from the strength and knowledge gained in past called to share Christ and sometimes to do that we need to step out notice board Wangaratta Cathe- Fortunately Fr Malcolm, lives, to have a focal place ing eucharists and many encouraged him as they That the fire was de- in faith to share the love - the Priesthood, the Di- strategies to enhance the professional standards will give us the ability to Celebrating 1 year in the New Format. initial group of authorised for more information or years. New concepts for ministry emerge as we look at ways to make in faith, to be bold and embrace the spring of a new time so that the dral was the object of an in arriving for evensong, for prayer, and come to a of our congregation had shared time and a cuppa liberately lit by someone of Christ with others aconate and varied Lay understanding and direc- that reflect our commit- highlight and acknowl- Lay Ministers. to discuss any of this in- church relevant to new generations. Many parishes have introduced a church continues to be relevant and engaged with the community noon a man came into the been left a little later, the dinary. The cost of keep- him and heard different tality we showed to this bear. Parishioners have We each have our Ministry roles. Whilst tion of each of our calls. ment. As part of synod edge those who serve Each Parish has the formation further. new style of service that is generally based on our Anglican traditions around it. This is your paper and these are your stories, be a part of it! Page 6-7 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 AROUND THE PARISHES- Pages 4-5 FR O’BRIEN COLUMN Page 9 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 VOCATIONS POSTER - Pages 6-7 PARISHIONER PROFILE - Page 9 FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 ST FRANCIS DAY- Pages 8-9 JUST A THOUGHT - Page 10 FROM THE VICAR GENERAL - Page 3 WEDDING FEATURE - Pages 6 BOOK REVIEW - Page 9 The cost of love is pain. Cathedral and set fire to altar could have been en- ing our churches open parts of his life story. This person who came for the not condemned him, but As we move through our own path to follow; we this journey is individual Part of building healthy this year we introduced within our Diocese. The cost of hospitality is the lacework of the linen gulfed in flames, as the is that people can betray incident has clearly dem- first time to worship on rather have spoken with journey of faith we are need to listen to where we share that journey parishes and ultimately a the new applications for As part of recognising rejection. every congre- on the credence table and timber was smouldering that trust. onstrated the welcome Sunday reflected the wel- care for the man and his presented with many op- God is calling us to and together and there are strong Diocese is the im- Lay Ministry that will the unique and important John 1:5 gation experiences this the overhang of the super inside the altar. however, in talking and acceptance of the Ca- come God has for him. needs. portunities to serve our together with the people many people who are portance in the people of give us a safer and more Lay Ministries within our necessary information NEW BEGINNINGS The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it . rejection but it has been frontal on the altar. Both We keep the Cathe- to many of the congrega- thedral parish. I feel a sense of joy that Lord. We need to devel- of God to discern our di- here to walk with you, to God playing an active role manageable platform Parishes we will celebrate and forms for you to at- tain the required authori- felt most keenly by the burnt, causing damage dral open in our commu- tion members afterwards Those who meet him so many people took the op our baptismal vows as rection. There are many offer guidance and under- in ministry. to deliver Lay Ministry those achievements on ties so the clergy in your Cathedral congregation to the timber work and nity for all people to come I was delighted. I was de- welcomed him, each time to share his life and Story continued page 2 the humble servants of different aspects of min- standing. Together we should across the Diocese. This 1st December 2012 with a Eucharist at the Cathe- parish should be able to Spring heralds new growth from Seasoned Timber after the recent arson at- burning the fabric on the closer to God, to find a lighted because this man listened to him, spoke story, and that so many God and as Christians istry to explore within The Diocese has encourage, support and information and the for- dral. Bishop John will assist you or please con- The Diocese of Wangaratta looks to the future with fresh ideas and but remodelled to offer a different feel. As people of God we are tack. altar and credence table. place of peace in their attended both our morn- to him individually and encouraged him. the church which include started to develop new we are called to step out establish a high level of mal acknowledgement present certificates to the tact the Diocesan office directions that grow from the strength and knowledge gained in past called to share Christ and sometimes to do that we need to step out Wangaratta Cathe- Fortunately Fr Malcolm, lives, to have a focal place ing eucharists and many encouraged him as they That the fire was de- in faith to share the love - the Priesthood, the Di- strategies to enhance the professional standards will give us the ability to Celebrating 1 year in the New Format. initial group of authorised for more information or years. New concepts for ministry emerge as we look at ways to make in faith, to be bold and embrace the spring of a new time so that the dral was the object of an in arriving for evensong, for prayer, and come to a of our congregation had shared time and a cuppa liberately lit by someone of Christ with others aconate and varied Lay understanding and direc- that reflect our commit- highlight and acknowl- Lay Ministers. to discuss any of this in- church relevant to new generations. Many parishes have introduced a church continues to be relevant and engaged with the community We each have our Ministry roles. Whilst tion of each of our calls. ment. As part of synod edge those who serve Each Parish has the formation further. new style of service that is generally based on our Anglican traditions around it. This is your paper and these are your stories, be a part of it!


The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1:5 Celebrating 1 year in the New Format. This is your paper and these are your stories, be a part of it!

FROM THE VICAR GENERAL - Page 3 WEDDING FEATURE - Pages 6 BOOK REVIEW - Page 9 NOVEMBER 2012 St Matthew's Albury - Youth Spotlight destruction of an ethnic Our Guide said that even governments resort The striking similarities BY Clinton Monteiro minority to achieve prop- there are always three take part in this form of between current Refu- aganda may have had its kinds of people, the bul- bullying. She said “We gees and asylum seekers The Albury Anglican peak during World War 2 lies who are never afraid, cannot change what Hit- and the Jewish people CONTENTS Youth visited the Jew- but many different geno- people who stand-by who ler did, but we can stop it seem to be obvious. But ish Holocaust Centre in cide programs still do are afraid and then there from happening again”. the question remains will From the Vicar General...... 3 Melbourne on Friday the continue to this day. The are those, not many of Australia was also we still allow ourselves to magnitude may not be them but we do need to coveted as a highly de- be bullied by the hatred Diocesan Calendar...... 3 5th of October. The visit was, as a result of a dis- the same but people are encourage them, people sirable prize by the Jew- spread by both sides of FEATURE - Weddings from our Diocese...... 6 cussion and also the fact not just statistics, people who stand for what they ish refugees who sought parliament and also be that we might be the last still die because of ethnic believe in and challenge safety in the furthest bullies ourselves, or will Canon Andrew Neaum Column...... 7 generation of Youth to cleansing. The Centre the bullies. These situa- place away from their we really remember the actually meet Holocaust had a simple message tions may happen in your dismay. It was a safe ha- past and at least try to Leisure...... 9 survivors. We had a 5am ‘Remember the Past – school yard, workplace, ven and proved to be the change the future. start, not many of those Change the Future’. homes and sometimes best decision for them. Introduce Us...... 10 around and we were A fact unknown to joined by Jane Atkinson, many of us was also re- Classifieds...... 10 Fr Peter Macleod-Mill- vealed during this trip. Diocesan Parish Times...... 11 er and Bruce James a The Australian Aborigi- former Head Chorister at nal community were the People & Parishes...... 12 St Matthews, who drove only people in the world us down there (and also that stood together and agreed to come back to in the form of a peti- an incense free service). tion asked the German This trip highlighted Government through the atrocities that were its consulate to stop the Details committed which caused violence that it was com- The Advocate Newspaper is published by pain and suffering to the mitting against its own the Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta and is Jewish people (and also innocent people, even other persecuted mi- though they themselves distributed across the Diocese on the 1st norities) during the Nazi were not considered to week of every month (excluding January). Regime. We were intro- be Australian citizens in duced to a Jewish Holo- their own country. What Editorial & Advertising Contributions caust survivor who told remains of the fact as Diocese of Wangaratta us of her story of surviv- they mentioned is that PO Box 457 al and of freedom. They history might or has al- The Youth Group with Jane Atkinson (far right) and Bruce James (back) that also mentioned that the ready repeated itself. visited the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne on Friday the 5th of October. Wangaratta, VIC 3677 [email protected] Tel: (03) 5721 3484 Fax: (03) 5722 1427 Spiritual Direction The Diocese is not responsible for the opinions expressed by its contributors. around the Diocese Their views do not necessarily reflect the Walter, an Anglican laywoman from the BY Fr David Still Melbourne diocese with a background policy of the paper or of the Diocese. of nursing and hospital chaplaincy, she Acceptance of advertisements does not In July and September, a new venture has trained as a pastoral counsellor, a necessarily mean endorsement of in the Diocese of Wangaratta began. psychotherapist and a spiritual director. The teaching of clergy and laity to be In 2000, she embarked on an MA in Spir- the product or service. Spiritual Directors. The question may itual Direction through the Melbourne Editorial deadline is the 16th of each month well be asked, ‘Why do we need to be College of Divinity with particular focus trained?’, as many clergy have already on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of (excluding December). been acting as Spiritual Directors to Loyola. On its completion she was invit- members of their parish, either in ed to lecture at Yarra Theological Union Contributions and photos are welcome formal relationships or in an informal in pastoral theology, offering a unit enti- (please limit to approximately 300 words) for way. tled Faithful Grieving: Paths to New Life consideration for publication dependant on Ribbon sandwiches and cakes of all descriptions One of the great insights that through Understanding Loss and Grief, elegantly arranged on the high table. comes from training is there are so based on her thesis. space and content with the understanding many new insights to be learned and The training and resourcing ses- that they may be edited. Afternoon tea to rival the Windsor then shared and the ability to be a Spir- sions will continue with one further ses- itual Director. Those attending have sion in November this year and six ses- Pictures should be provided as a high Courtesy of the Alexandra & Eildon Standard been able to draw on the experience of sions during 2013. If you would like to resolution JPEG (300dpi) or Tiff if possible. Fr John Stewart of the Living Well Cen- know more about the Spiritual Direction training process or be involved, please THE High Tea at St bert – the list was long. tre for Christian Spirituality, based at St John’s Alexandra, held on The superb spread in- George’s Anglican Church, Malvern. contact the Bishop’s Chaplain, Fr Rob August 25 and organised cluded ribbon sandwiches, Fr John is well known in the Diocese of Whalley at the Diocesan Registry. If you by the St John’s Church jelly cakes, scones and jam, Melbourne as a Spiritual Director and would like to contact a Spiritual Director CONTACTS Auxiliary, was an after- cupcakes, sponges and has been a part of the Living Well Cen- to enquire about working with someone Advertising & General Enquiries noon of elegance to rival slices of every imaginable tre for many years. on your spiritual journey, Fr Rob will be Fiona Van Bree the Windsor Hotel. type – bite size so they This month Fr John will be joined able to put you in contact with a Spiritual Beautiful floral ar- could all be tasted. in leading these sessions by Linda Director in the Diocese. Tel: (03) 5721 3484 rangements decorated the The drawing of numer- Fax: (03) 5722 1427 hall and tables were set ous lucky door prizes and a with the best white dam- raffle added to the atmos- My name is Winston. [email protected] ask tablecloths, silver cake phere. forks, and bone china cup, Background music I’m a very special Teddy made for Design & Production saucer and plate sets. from Jocelyn Coates on the children from fine German mohair. Kate Everett- Graphic Designer Around 55 people be- electric piano and Gillian When you adopt me your child or gan the afternoon with a Steward on the flute pro- grandchild will gain a friend for life. Mobile: 0429 951 711 glass of champagne. vided background music I’m fully jointed and child safe. [email protected] Teas, English and for a perfect afternoon. herbal, were poured from The event, a fundraiser Communications Consultant polished silver teapots into for the church, was such a I am a Stanley Bear Fiona Tinney the cups of matching tea success the St John’s aux- created by Eunice Eiseman Wodonga sets of Royal Doulton, Min- iliary hopes to make it an Phone (02) 6059 2552 ton, Wedgwood, Spencer annual event. Mobile: 0451 677 702 www. [email protected] and Stevenson, Royal Al- Printed by Y Media, Kilmore, Victoria. NOVEMBER 2012 THE ADVOCATE From the Vicar General We are well into John our Bishop's time of Long Service Leave. He is thoroughly enjoying being a good farmer on his patch in Carboor and is looking remarkably slim. Two important matters. First a reminder that the Diocesan Conference (for both clergy and laity holding a licence for ministry) is being held this year at Trinity College University of Melbourne from Monday 3rd December to Thursday 6th December. This is essentially an opportunity for inservice training at a high level. There will be six presentations by Trinity Theological School academic staff members covering the full range of theological disciplines. As well there will be a session on what subjects will be offered online in 2013. The 'Friday Program' at Trinity, which is basic Anglican formation, could well be Ven Dr John Davis offered in parallel in 2013 in Wangaratta by adjunct Trinity faculty members. That too Diocesan Archdeacon - would be potentially of considerable interest. All of this and more is on offer. Contact Wangaratta the Registry if you are a lay minister and would like to attend. Clergy only need to indicate if there is a need for permission not to attend. Second is a reminder that this conference is preceded by the day of the recognition of lay ministries across the Diocese at the Cathedral on Saturday December 1st at 11am. There the Bishop will present certificates of accreditation for the next three year cycle of the various Authorised Lay Ministries to people from parishes all across the Diocese. Clearly Fr Trevor and Lyndell Smith on their final Sunday outside Christ Church Kilmore. this is a most significant day of celebration. Each parish has been asked to let the Registry know who will be receiving Farewell to Fr Trevor and Lyndell Smith licences. Another matter of general interest is the now available online statistics from the 2011 census. While it is difficult to Despite Fr Trevor not as Priest in the Parish of match figures with exact parish boundaries, there are still some fascinating differences that emerge across our Diocese BY Caroline Burge being in the parish long, Buckland and Enabler that are worth sharing. Census Anglicans represent that largest possible cultural pool of those with any residual ties. he challenged, encour- to the Parish of Brighton Perhaps up to 10% might be expected to be actually in our pews on any regular basis. So for instance if that applied to On Sunday 21st Octo- aged and nurtured many in the Diocese of Tasma- the 1655 census Anglicans in Mansfield, then we would be hoping for genuine connection with something under 165 ber, parishioners from parishioners along their nia. Despite being sad people in that parish. Kilmore, Broadford, faith's journey. It was at leaving the Parish and Pyalong and Tallarook, said many times by many Diocese, Fr Trevor and Overall, there are some 305,000 residents in this Diocese, of whom almost 60,000 are these census Anglicans. Around all came together and people in the weeks lead- Lyndell's new parish has 19%. This is only slightly down from the 2006 figures. There is though a substantial variance across the Diocese by worshipped at Christ ing up to his final Sunday, given them an unexpected Local Government Area. This ranges from a high of 27.5% in the Towong Shire in the upper Murray to a low of 14.7% in Church for Fr Trevor that he was a priest who opportunity to be within Shepparton. Albury at 21.5% compares with Wodonga at 19.8%. Alpine at 16.5% compares with Wangaratta at 18.4%. Smith's final Eucharist in 'got things done' and was an hour's travel of their the parish. a great motivator to get daughters, grandson, and The full figures will be circulated. But the fact remains that there is a substantial pool of people with sufficient goodwill The eucharist was people to realise their full son-in-law. or residual sense of connection with the Anglican church to take the trouble to make this claim of affiliation. The mission joyful although tinged potential in the parish. May God's blessings question of course is what are we to do with this fact. Fr Trevor leaves us be on both Trevor and Lyn- with sadness at losing With every good wish a very dynamic priest. to take up a new position dell in their new parish. In Christ 75th Anniversary for St Johns', Alexandra - November 24th & 25th 2012 been constructed from be attended by Bishop BY Maurie Pawsey existing furniture and the of Wangaratta, Bishop DIOCESAN CALENDAR font from our now closed John Parkes and Mrs NOVEMBER Eildon church – once Parkes. The program St John's will celebrate 8 Thomas Merton Study- Myrtleford - Yackandandah at Kanumbra is being will feature an historical the laying of the Founda- refurbished [funds pro- display on Saturday 24th, 13 Thomas Merton Study - Mansfield tion Stone of the present vided by our congrega- followed by a “ Back to church in Downey Street, 15 Thomas Merton Study - Myrtleford -Yackandandah tion ]. As our associated St John's Dinner” on Sat- by the Rector Rev. Tho- churches have closed urday evening and a Cel- 17 Bishops Certificate mas Blake on 13th No- over the years a number ebratory Mass on Sunday vember 1937. The origi- 20 Bishop in Council of furniture items have morning, with the Bishop nal timber church from been moved to St John's, presiding and preaching. 29 Commissioning of Rev'd David Valentin - Parish of Central Goulburn 1868 was moved from the the chapel altar and cross Morning tea will con- original site to Downey DECEMBER from Kanumbra, a pair of clude the weekend. Street, next to the new carved candlesticks from Past parishioners 1 Celebration of Lay Ministry - Holy Trinity Cathedral church in 1938 and has Eildon. have been invited and a Trinity Conference - Melbourne been used as the church 3-6 A temporary platform number are coming and hall ever since. Commissioning of Rev Alan Kelb - Parish of Tallangatta created several years ago visitors would be wel- 8 George A Payne of has been removed and come. 11 Bishop in Council Melbourne built the new the floor stained and a church to the design of new carpet provided. The 25 Christmas Day Louis R Williams, one of Contact Joy Welch-Phone church will look beautiful 03 5772 2986 or a number of his churches for the Celebration Week- in this Diocese and this end on November 24th & St John`s Church, Anglican Development Fund was consecrated in Au- 25th. P.O.Box 98 Wangaratta gust 1943 by The Right The weekend will Alexandra 3714 . Reverend T. M. Armour, A Support your Parish by investing with Bishop of Wangaratta. But we are getting D the Anglican Development Fund ahead of ourselves, our Term Deposits -Minimum deposit $1,000 ONLY 3.5% celebration this Novem- 3 months 3.5% ber is of the laying of the F “Every deposit Foundation Stone. 6 months 3.5% makes a Since the appoint- 12 months 3.5% difference” ment of Father Geoff At call 2.0% Poliness, as our Priest Visit our website No –in-Charge for three to downlaod an application form or contact the Fees years, many changes registry on (03) 5721 3484 for interest rates over are occurring. The main Uniting together $50,000.00 altar has moved back to its original position in across the Diocese By investing in the Anglican Development Fund you gain a return the sanctuary, a beauti- on your investment and in addition, the Anglican Development to benefit us all Fund will pay an additional 0.25% annually to your nominated Parish . ful new nave altar has The beautiful altar inside St John's Church, Alexandra

Page 3 THE ADVOCATE NOVEMBER 2012 ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE... Blessings and thanksgivings at Jamieson St Luke’s Yea has a new loo! Father Peter tells vided their time and skills us that a few years ago such as Rob Hamilton and when he first came to his team for the excava- Yea everyone was talk- tions and site works, as ing about St Luke’s need- well as Neil Harris and ing a new loo and he was his team (Andrew Harris, Kevin Harris and Aaron amazed to discover that Sundblom) for the great there was even a song concrete work. about it. Finally after Other people that many years of fundrais- were involved in the ing and a little prayer the project included Jack Mc- new toilets have arrived! Master for the plumbing They are nothing very works, Phil Slaven for the flash, but they are easy- retaining wall, Alan Atkins Parishioners attending the blessing & thanksgiving outside St Peter's Jamieson. clean, accessible, well and his team for the elec- lit, and available for use trical works, and of course garden and the widened path leading BY VEN Eden-Elizabeth Nicholls by anyone renting or us- ATCO for their support. to the church door were blessed, and ing the parish hall or the Of course all of this the benefactors and hard workers Church. came together with the Blessings and Thanksgivings took thanked. The congregation moved in- Lots of people have leadership of Charles Rat- place at St Peter’s Jamieson on Sun- side the church, where we gave thanks been involved in this tray and Russell Hogg, day 7th October, where forty people and blessed Chloe Dillistone, who re- project throughout the who invested a lot of time gathered on a glorious spring morn- ally stole the show with her toddler community and St Luke’s and commitment to this ing. Starting outside, the newly planted charm. would like to thank each project. and every one of them; There were many beginning with Cheryl other people along the O’Halloran who first sug- way who contributed their gested the idea. Marie time and even their mon- Sier organized the first ey to make this happen, fundraiser, a concert and to all of them we are in October 2010. It was very grateful. there that the song was first sung publicly by Jed Hart and The Four Fa- TOP: The new building thers. settles into the We are particularly countryside. grateful for the generos- RIGHT: Fr Peter Blesses ity of people who pro- the new Loos BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS Rev'd Kim Benton with Churchwarden Rob Elliott switching on the solar inverter.

BY VEN Eden-Elizabeth Nicholls St George's Switches on Solar. Animals were blessed at Mansfield and Bonnie 12 solar panels on the the cost to the Parish was Doon on Sunday 14th Oc- BY Lou Hamon roof of the rectory and a $1114. 3kw inverter through GV It is expected that the tober, after celebrating St Community Energy. cost of the initial outlay Francis Day a few weeks St George's Numurkah The Parish was suc- will be recouped within earlier. held a "switching on" cer- cessful in gaining a grant twelve months as electric- Two fish and numer- emony after the Sunday of $5000 from Sustainabil- ity from the solar panels ous dogs accompanied service on 21st October. ity Victoria under their So- is sold back into the grid. their owners to the serv- Fr. Kim Benton and lar in Schools, Communi- The installation was ice at St John’s Mansfield, churchwarden Rob Elliott, ty Organisations program. part of the stewardship while chooks and dogs who was instrumental in Total cost of the instal- component of the Parish negotiating the installation lation was $10.751, less Strategic Plan, where the The Christ Church Bonnie attended Christ Church Bonnie Doon. Certifi- and successful application government rebate of aim of the Parish is to act Doon community after for a grant, "switched on" $4960, less the grant from sustainably in terms of cates and treats were the service, and having the solar power inverter. Sustainability Victoria, af- environmental resources, receiving their certificates handed out, and an enjoy- The Parish of Nu- ter allowing cost of instal- and follows the installa- and treats for the animals. able time was had by all. murkah-Nathalia installed lation of the smart meter , tion of a water tank. From Bach to Lloyd Webber students also performed - James Earl – Music for Everyone at 13 is a fine trumpeter and pianist, Call now for and his sister Emily Earl aged 10 immediate service or BY Rev'd Kim Benton provided Scottish dances and piano for an appointment pieces. “It was an absolute delight,” to discuss your said Fr. Kim Benton, Rector of Parish On Sunday 30th September St funeral needs of Numurkah-Nathalia. Over 80 peo- George's Anglican Church in Nu- ple attended and raised $390 towards murkah was filled with people and the Betty Daniel Scholarship Fund a music for the annual Betty Daniel trust set up to provide assistance to Scholarship Concert with Betty Higgs, young keyboard players. Mrs Betty James Earl and Emily Earl. A broad Darren Eddy & Andrew Harbick Daniel was one time organist at St program of organ, trumpet, piano mu- George’s and the scholarship fund sic with Scottish dancing made a won- 102 Hume Street, Wodonga was set up in her memory. 02 6059 4567 derful afternoon complete with after- Accredited Members Australian Funeral Directors Association noon tea provide by the St George’s Ladies Guild. Betty Higgs well known Betty Higgs, James Earl and Emily in Numurkah played the organ and pi- Earl at the Betty Daniel Scholarship • All Hours, All Areas • Pre-planned Funerals Available ano and two of Betty's very talented Concert

Page 4 NOVEMBER 2012 THE ADVOCATE EGYPT’S JOURNEY WITH GOD - I Mt Sinai – where it all began upon the new people – we call them the BY Dr John Pryor Ten Commandments. And so began the special covenant relationship between The Great Escape Yahweh/the Lord and Israel – a relation- ship that comes to its climax in the life Some time in the 13th century BC (or and ministry of Jesus. maybe the 15th – we can’t be sure), Moses led a small band of Semites in St Catherine’s Monastery a prison escape. We know it as the Exo- at Mt Sinai dus. It was a daring move to flee from Fast forward to the late 3rd or early 4th their Egyptian overlords. In the dead of century AD. Christian monks estab- night they fled across the reed marshes lished a small community at Mt Sinai. at the northern end of the Red Sea. In- From those humble beginnings the stead of taking the normal coastal route famous St Catherine’s Monastery had into Canaan, they headed south east its beginning. In the late 6th century, into the barren desert region, the Si- the emperor Justinian ordered that a nai Peninsula. Why? Well, Moses knew ‘proper’ monastery be built. In time, it this area like the back of his hand, hav- took the name after the Egyptian mar- ing spent so many years there when he tyr, Catherine. Today it is one of the old- himself had been a fugitive from Egyp- est surviving monasteries in the world, tian ‘justice’. He’d even married the and houses some 30 Greek Orthodox daughter of a local Bedouin chief. monks, headed by an Archbishop. And it’s a world heritage protected site! Revelation and Covenant The St Catherine’s Story at Mt Sinai St Catherine’s monastery has a won- They eventually reached Mt Sinai, and derful story to tell, right through into there an event took place that shaped the 20th century – and I will write more the future people of Israel – and also about it next month. us. God revealed himself to this little My tour to Egypt in November 2013 tribal group – he tells them his name, will include a visit to St Catherine’s Mon- Yahweh. In the ancient world it was astery. considered a great privilege to know Tour numbers are strictly limited, so the name of a god. It indicated that this secure your place early. If you are inter- god, Yahweh, would be their protector. ested, contact me at [email protected] St Catherine’s Monastery at Mt Sinai In return, Yahweh imposed his rules or phone me on 03 5766 6436.

Remembrance Day Organ Recital at St Matthew’s Albury St George's High Tea & Choral Evensong. A and FTCL diplomas. Presbyterian Church on interest in the North East BY John Scott An experienced recital- the editorial committee with her cousin being the ist, she has been organ- for the revised Australian well-known Beechworth ist and choir director at Well known Sydney Hymn Book, Together in based singer and choral Scots Kirk Mosman since Song, and she is also a conductor, Margaret Phil- organist Heather Moen- 2006. Boyd will present an chorister with the Sunday lips.  She regularly ac- Evensong choir at Christ Tickets are available organ recital at St Mat- companies major choral Church St Laurence, Syd- at the door on the day : thew’s Albury on Sun- works with various choirs ney. $25, Conc $20, under 18 day 11th November at throughout Sydney and  Heather has a special years $15. 2.30pm. regional areas. Perform- Part of the pro- ances throughout the gramme will pay tribute last couple of years have  to this special day with included Haydn’s The items such as the ‘Adagio Creation, Rossini’s Petite  in G minor’ by Albinoni, Messe Solennelle , Stain-  ‘Nimrod’ (Enigma Varia- er’s The Crucifixion, Req- St Matthew's Albury Choir led the Evensong after the High Tea at St George's, Numurkah tions) by Elgar, ‘Solemn uiems by Mozart, Faure Melody’ by Walford Dav- and Durufle, Handel’s with a High Tea in the Parish Centre on ies, and ‘In Paradisum’ Messiah, Mendelssohn’s BY Lou Hamon the Sunday afternoon, followed by Cho- (Requiem) by Faure. Elijah and Pergolesi’s ral Evensong led by St Matthew's Albury The balance of the Stabat Mater. In 2008 Choir. The evening concluding with a Numurkah Foodbowl Festival soup supper. programme includes fa- she was organist for the held 19th-21st October features a vourites such as Pachel- Three Choirs Festival in The High Tea was well patronised weekend of music and food with con- bel’s ‘Canon in D’, ‘The Albury and Wangaratta, and the Choral Evensong had 95 attend Pilgrims’ Chorus’ (Tan- and last year accom- certs, picnic cabaret, dance, markets to take part in the service with St Mat- nhauser) by Wagner, ‘The panied the memorable brunch in the park with hotels and thews Albury Choir, which was a delight- Swan’ (Carnival of the ‘People’s Messiah’ per- venues also providing live music. ful service. The choir were in fine form Animals) by Saint-Saens, formance at St Matthew’s St George's joined in the festival and were appreciated by those present. ‘ Hornpipe’ (The Water Albury.  Music) by Handel plus As well as a busy pri- provider of nuclear mate- ian economy. ing sense to most Austral- many more that you will vate studio, Heather is rial. This program will en- Having regional allies ians but one must realise recognise and enjoy! a piano tutor at Georges sure that 500 million Indi- in India will see stability what this also means to Heather studied or- River Grammar School, ans will have a sustainable and sustainability in po- the Indian people. The gan at Sydney Conserva- and an examiner with and constant supply of litical and economic influ- lives of some of the most torium where she gained the Australian and New electricity. ences on the region. This disadvantaged people a Bachelor of Music; she Zealand Cultural Arts. The positive response is also a plus point when in the world caused due also holds the A Mus She represented the Sydney organist Heather Moen-Boyd. by the Australian govern- it comes to engaging with to the lack of electricity ment to improve its rela- the country. would change completely tions with India comes The Indian production because in the change of after the Indo-US treaty of energy from nuclear a nation’s capacity to pro- India, Australia And Atomic Sweeteners? on Nuclear Energy provi- reactors will grow to 470 vide for its own energy sions which means India GW by 2050 a huge con- consumption and also to “singing from the same Rev'd Thomas Scott was The Australia-India re- already gets uranium sup- trast to its current pro- make sure that it can pro- BY FR PETER MACLEOD-MILLER hymn sheet” for a very appointed Archdeacon of lationship has taken a new plies from America. And duction estimates of 3,310 vide and meet its own en- long time indeed. Australia under the juris- turn now in trade improv- also from the French, Rus- MW which is about 3% of ergy needs. Much is being made of The First Fleet was diction of the Bishop of Cal- ing this unique shared re- sians and Canadians. Hav- the nation’s energy needs, This move forward the opportunities for new sent to New South Wales cutta. The Rev'd William lationship. India has proved ing a good relation with a having this increase in will see a greater Austral- Australian and Indian part- in 1787. Reverend Richard Grant Broughton, who suc- itself to be a responsible country whose population supply would see India ian-Indian engagement nership but many have Johnson of the Church of ceeded Scott in 1829, was user of Nuclear power and is 1.2 billion is good for becoming a net exporter and also presents Angli- forgotten that Australian was licensed as consecrated the first (and has a good relationship Australian businesses and of energy. cans to connect to the past and Indian Anglicans have chaplain to the Fleet and only) "Bishop of Australia" with the Nuclear Suppliers producers which is also The Anti-Nuclear mes- connections. been “going into bat” or the settlement. In 1825 the in 1836. Group, the International beneficial to the Austral- sage may seem to be mak-    Page 5

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Tanu Nu’u & Nell Parkes Simon Paton & Liz Cinat th 30th June 2012 - St Matthew's Albury 24 February 2012 - St Matthew's Albury

Tim Davenport & Claire Taylor Rebecca & Cameron Grant Ben Mason & Carissa Naidoo th th 2011- St Matthew's Albury 19 November 2011 - St Luke’s Yea 10 December 2011 - St Matthew's Albury

Ramon Coulthard & Maria Ferraren Nathan Vicary & Aimee Kelly Jeremy Campbell & Bree Hamilton nd st nd 22 September 2012 - St Matthew's Albury 1 September 2012 - St Matthew's Albury 2 January 2010 - St Augustine's Shepparton ToHave &ToHold Page 6 NOVEMBER 2012 THE ADVOCATE

ORANGUTANS, JACK RUSSELS AND TUDELSACKS so, to sing the melodies they have nonetheless find in the very final Rosemary, the assurance that he Grace at the Reception it in them to sing. chorus of his charming Peasant will never ever, ever reject or turn At the Reception that followed the Yet all they get, usually, is an Cantata, which is all about a bu- his back on her, will never, ever in wedding I gave them a grace com- unmusical, fumbling, philistine of colic wedding ceremony, that the any circumstance whatsoever, aban- posed for the occasion as follows, an orangutan. bagpipe and the violin do converge, don her. Rosemary, as well as being a danc- after a fashion. She is freed to be herself then. er, is also a church choir chorister: Jacqueline Russells and bag- The violin plays its sprightly She doesn't have to pretend to be pipes melody to the words: other than who she is in case she BY Canon Andrew Neaum The majority of wives, though, loses him, or in fear of him aban- We thank you Lord for song and remind you of a Jack Russell, try- Wir gehn nun, wo der Tudelsack doning her. She can play the melo- dance ing to play the bagpipes. Darting, der Tudel, Tudel, Tudel, Tudel, Tudel, dy that she has it in her to play, she I composed a wedding homily for a Both of which can spark romance yapping, whining, nagging, at- Tudel sack...... can be the melody that she has it in friend whose marriage I performed That kindles into wedded bliss tempting to draw a sweet melody In unsrer Shenke brummt...... her to be. She can find herself in his in the Western Districts some time And so to happy days like this. ago. He and his wife are keen Scot- from a lazy, uncomplicated bag of steadfast, uncompromising love, se- tish Country Dancers and he had wind, from a great bladder of blah. And the word Tudelsack, as I cure, in complete trust, that he will With Rosemary espoused as wife been part of a group who danced When all it is capable of is a dron- am sure you all know, is German never abandon her, ever. Peter's hobby's made his life, weekly at St John's Wodonga when ing, burping, squawking, belch- for bagpipes. The im-possible has She is given love's freedom to For love his life has so enhanced I was Rector there. The homily ing, cacophonous caterwaul. been achieved. The bagpipes and be herself, and vice versa. This is His every step from now is danced. Ah well! That is marriage. At- the violin have come together in also Rosemary's gift to Peter. (names changed) went as follows: While Rosemary as Peter's wife tempting the impossible. A sweet sweet harmony to celebrate a mar- The wedding present of wed- Orangutans and violins Has had her hobby made her life duet on a violin and bagpipes, riage in the music of the greatest ding presents this, far more pre- With Peter's love declared life long The majority of husbands, said the played by an orangutan and a Jac- of all the world's composers! Noth- cious than anything money can Her every syllable's a song. French novelist Balzac, remind you queline Russel. Hopeless. Why do ing is impossible! Not even a happy buy. It make possibly possible the of an orangutan trying to play the we bother with it? marriage. impossible. An Orangutans and yet Lord, let your music of the spheres violin. Because it can work has a Paganini. A Tudelsack so melliflu- The marriage miracle Inspire their marriage down the How true that is, how devastat- worked, does work, and not infre- ously euphonious as to blend with years, ingly true. We have all witnessed it quently. The impossible, like God, The musical miracle is pulled off a violin. A man and a woman one And every step of their romance over and over again, have we not? It is worth reaching for, aspiring to. by the genius of Bach, but what of flesh. Adumbrate the cosmic dance. makes us want to weep. the happy marriage miracle, what is It is no wonder that in Bach's lit- Women, like violins, are subtle, Bach and the Tudelsack it that makes possibly possible such If you'll excuse my French, "un peu", tle cantata they sing at the end of it Grant them a heavenly "pas des delicate and mysterious creatures, My very favourite composer is an impossibility? all: of infinite tonal possibilities, moods Johann Sebastian Bach. He, in his It is the vow, the devastating deux", and character; sonorous, dark, rich, sonatas and partitas for unaccom- vow, which, if profoundly meant, We're going to the tavern And may a deep harmonious chord devious, ambiguous, deep, mother- panied violin, has worked greater and therefore resolutely kept, binds where the merry bagpipe drones Best symbolise their sweet accord, and shout full of glee earthy; silvery pure, ethereal, light, miracles on a violin than any com- Peter and Rosemary together, for Long live Dieskau (or Peter, or Rose- And now let wit and mirth resound glittering, graceful; humorous, poser on earth, better for worse, for richer for poor- mary) and their kin, And copious food and drink abound And although it is inconceiv- quirky, bouncy, buoyant. er, in sickness and in health, to love May they be granted whatever they Fuelling joy beyond all measure, They require the sensitivity, un- able that such a genius should and to cherish until death. desire And happiness, delight and pleasure. derstanding, imagination, empathy stoop so low as even to notice, let The groom today, Peter gives and whatever they have set their and dazzling technique of a virtuo- alone write for the bagpipes, we as his wedding present to his bride, heart on. Amen. Wide array of creative arts at Seymour Quilt and Craft Fair. their work to be show- narian Marie Coughlin garments to be on dis- tage, Anna’s Patchwork be possible. The church groups, many volunteers, BY Diane Grant cased for themselves and of Seymour. Marie dem- play over the weekend. and Quilt shop at Tagger- ladies and volunteers are and individuals. Their their groups and the craft onstrated her beautiful Thanks to the Salvation ty and The House that to be congratulated for support is greatly appre- Colourful quilts, itself. knitting skills over the Army and St Vincent de Jaquilt from Kilmore and the teas and lunches. and ciated. embroidered, crocheted, Like the past two weekend at her stall area Paul op shops for a loan Marie Coughlin. Anne Foote and her mum This community knitted and spun items Quilt and Embroidery and her two daughters of their mannequins to Thanks to all the Elaine and supporters of event could not be a suc- were all on display at the Fairs in 2010 and 2011, assisted her with her re- display his vestments. church guys for erect- produce and cakes for the cess without the many third Seymour Quilt Fair. many entrants showed off markable display of craft Adele Heritage, well ing and dismantling the church stall. volunteer helpers who Their creators came out their very first attempts at work, which also includ- known harpist from Kil- frames and tables for the For the third year, supported the fundraiser of the woodwork (coun- quilt making. Many did ed her crochet work, and more played for a few event. and thanks to all the Fair has been sup- and community Quilt and try towns) to display not think their item was some pieces of her moth- hours in the church on the wonderful volunteers ported by the Mitchell craft Fair. It is great to their handiwork in the worthy of showing, but er’s, who taught Marie all the Saturday. Her music who helped hang the Shire Council, members see the interest and sup- annual Fair. they were, and they were her beautiful needlework resounded around the quilts and display all the of the Anglican Parish of port from the quilters Their efforts encour- a credit to the maker and over 70 years ago. beautiful church building exhibits on Friday and Central Goulburn, Vic- and their families and aged like-minded people a delight to behold over This encouraged creating a unique atmos- Saturday. Without your torian country quilters friends. to showcase the wonder- the 20-21 October week- other locals to show their phere for the Quilt Fair help the Fair would not from quite a few quilting ful arts and crafts that end. beautiful knitted and patrons. they have made. Christ Following on the suc- crochet pieces and they The displayed items church looked resplend- cess of the two previous were arrayed around the by exhibitors came from ent with the magnificent Fairs, the 2012 Fair was church showed that these as far afield as Wodonga, hand-made quilts hang- also excellent and a great cottage crafts are not a Howlong, Wangaratta, ing around the walls showcase for the quilt- dying art. Alexandra, Buxton, Kil- alongside the display of ers, knitters, spinners Members of the Sey- more, Violet Town, and knitted and crocheted and weavers, crochet and mour Spinners and Weav- from the closer towns articles draped on the embroidery folk. It was ers group demonstrated of Nagambie. Avenel, church pews. When one also a great benefit for spinning and weaving Broadford and Tallarook entered the church the the wider community and their variety of spun, wo- as well as many beauti- “Wow” factor kicked in at coincided once again with ven and knitted items. fully made ones from Sey- the beauty of the display the 2012 Tastes of the Showcasing unique cen- mour. that met your eye. Goulburn Food and Wine turies old traditional All weekend Fair pa- The Church hall was Festival. Lucky draw crafts such as spinning trons cast a popular quilt also full of a wonder- tickets were abounding and loom work. Thanks vote and the winner of ful display of handmade around the Festival and to these ladies for their this honour went to Kath quilts hung on frames to church area for patrons of wonderful hands on dem- Hollaway of Nagambie. enhance their beauty. It the Fair and Tastes of the onstrations. A small group of quilt was marvellous to see Goulburn to take part in. Thanks also go to the traders came to show and the beautiful designs and Included in the Fair Rev. Thomas Leslie, from sell their wares over the the wide variety of quilts this year, were some very the Wangaratta Cathedral weekend. Thanks goes on show. It was a real special fairy lace knitted College, who allowed to Coral Saunders of the Some of the beautiful display of quilts, knitted and crochet items in the Third credit to all who allowed items made by Octoge- some of his ecclesiastical former Euroa Craft Cot- Christ Church Anglican Fair over the October weekend.

Page 7 THE ADVOCATE NOVEMBER 2012 Grenadier Guards commemoration Bonfire Night at St Paul's, Milawa service at St Matthew's, Albury BY Archdeacon John Davis sultation with the Guards the sanctuary. The very Choir and a long term BY FR PETER MACLEOD-MILLER Association Head office real difference between member of the Australian A good old fashioned in London, who provided “onward Christian pil- Army Reserve did the bi- bonfire night - minus the “Onward Christian sol- liturgical material and in- grims “in a politically cor- ble reading and marked crackers and the Guy the closure of that part of diers “rang out with great formation for the service. rect age of spiritual disar- - was held on Saturday enthusiasm at the special The Grenadier Guards mament and the biblical her life due to illness and the sigh of Lisa marching October 20th at St Paul's Grenadier Guards com- is an elite infantry regi- imperative putting on the with the Grenadiers on Milawa. The local Rotary memoration service at St ment of the British Army, whole armour of God in the day was a great sym- club has been a huge the most senior regiment Matthew's on Sunday the readiness for battle were bol of shared challenge help and they ran the 7th of October when rep- of the Guards Division. highlighted. The prayers and courage evening. Major working resentatives of the Grena- St Matthew's Albury is were done by Grenadiers The service was fol- bees produced a huge diers and their families rather mysteriously the and family members ,can- lowed by a champagne pile of burnable material. were present and special national church for the dles lit to remember the reception hosted by the Well over 150 turned up music was presented in Grenadiers but there was fallen and the great organ Grenadier Guards asso- including lots of young honour of the Queens no mystery about the thrilled the congregation ciation and a luncheon families for this commu- diamond jubilee. Patrick level of enthusiasm and with an occasional blast at the rectory. All agreed nity bonfire, games night that it had been a most O’Donohue from St Mat- commitment by partici- from its trumpets. and BBQ. The response memorable day. thew’s congregation and pants as in a very moving An Army reservist uni- of the 10 year old boy a former guardsman ar- service the colour party formed Lisa Ride a mem- See photo back page. who won the door prize ranged the service in con- paraded its standards into ber of the St Matthew's to light the fire had to be seen! Proceeds went to the restoration fund for the St Paul's Community St Columb’s The spectacular bonfire ablaze for bonfire night at St Hall. This could well be- 2012 Diocesan Celebration Paul's Milawa on the 20th October 2012. come an annual event. Meditation - part of the tradition of Lay Ministry tions. Every day via Meditating twice BY Anamaya Milner the email several peace a day, morning and You are invited to a celebration and renewal of licensed lay ministers meditations were adver- evening, for between Meditation is prob- tised somewhere in the 20 and 30 minutes, will ably better known as an world. If we had joined create a discipline that Holy Trinity Cathedral Wangaratta Eastern tradition. We in them all we would will slowly and gently Saturday 1 December 2012 visualise monks and yo- have been meditating pervade every fabric of gis sitting cross legged most of the day! your life. You will find high up in the Himala- It seems that we are that the place of silence 10:00am to 4:00pm yas, in a remote cave, out of balance in our within, which is where chanting a mantra. It is modern lifestyle, with the indwelling Spirit can Learning to Love your Liturgy Better also becoming more ac- all the busyness, doing, be found, will become A Day on How (Not) to do it Right/Rite! cepted as a form of re- and instant gratifica- more evident in your laxation and stress con- tion. There is certainly life. It will ooze out of Prayers, petitions, preaching, and proclaiming for lay ministers trol, as well as for health a need for activity and you and touch those care, and is commonly preparation in our lives, around you, and you will Schedule for Day used in illnesses such as but perhaps there is also find yourself more pa- cancer. a quality of activity that tient, tolerant, confident, 10:00 and following, Morning Tea But it is also a prac- can embrace stillness open, loving - and many, tice that is found in so- and being. many other benefits. 10:30 Introduction to Day and Welcome cial and political areas Sometimes in all Since John Main’s such as the United Na- the busyness we miss passing Fr. Laurence 10:45 History and Theology, Why we worship, where does it come from, what we do tions to bring unity and the important things in Freeman who lived and 11:00 The Hebrew Scripture and Judaism, the people of the book communion of spirit to life. Or to put it another studied with John Main the proceedings. As well way “we don’t take time for many years, has tak- 11:20 Jesus Christ, Incarnation, Spirit and the Community of the people of the Way as in interfaith dialogue, to smell the flowers, en over as the spiritual such as with the Dalai because we are to busy director of the WCCM. 11:30 The Eucharist and other sacramental rites; Lama at the John Main pushing the river”, and The Christian Medi- 11:40 Early Church, Catholic and Orthodox, Lutheran and Reform, Anglican Traditions Conference, a confer- so we miss the beauty in tation groups here in ence held every year life, the meaningful. Victoria are members 11:50 Theology as revelation, reason and experience by the World Christian Meditation often fo- of the Australian Chris- Community of Medita- cuses on the teachings tian Meditation Com- 12:00 Break for Lunch tors. of a great spiritual be- munity, which in turn There is a spiritual ing, in the case of Chris- belongs to the greater 1:00 Liturgy and Community, History of the Prayer Book, The Daily Office and The hunger that is prevalent tian Meditation it is on community of the World Holy Communion in our society today, the teachings of Christ. Christian Community with so much focus on Meditation is part of of Meditators. There 1:20 Welcoming God’s People and Gathering in God’s name, Preparing for Welcome, the material and physi- the Christian tradition, are groups within the Sides-people, Pastoral Partners, cal world, the spiritual as rediscovered by Fr. Diocese at Shepparton, has not been acknowl- John Main, a Benedic- Beechworth, Alexandra, 1:40 Ministry of the Word and Ministry of Prayer; Help and hints for lectors and edged as important or tine monk who died in Mansfield and Euroa. intercessors essential. But we are 1982, He initially began For more informa- finding that it is begin- to meditate with a Holy tion go to the website Praying for the World ning to be recognised man in India, before tak- or www. that this spiritual desert ing his monastic vows. christianmeditationaus- Praying for the Church plays a big part in the He discovered through 2:00 Eucharistic Ministry, Holy Communion and Home Communions state of the world today. reading the writings of Anamaya Milner Meditation groups the Desert Fathers, and initiated the Christian 2:20 Sending Out of God’s People are springing up all over Mothers who lived in the Meditation group at the world, and globally 4th and 5th centuries, St John's, Mansfield, 2:30 Renewal of Diocesan Lay Ministry Guild, Licensing of Authorised Lay Ministers co-ordinated medita- around Egypt - and in which has been sitting Greeting of Peace followed by the Holy Eucharist tions are being utilised particular John Cassian’s in the silence together as a tool of peace, when 9th and 10th conferences for 11 years. At present 4:00 End of Day there is crisis, as at the - that the repetition of a there are 13 members, beginning of the war in word or phrase was even who enjoy a weekly For more information check the Diocesan website Iraq, there was a bom- then encouraged, as a group as well as quiet bardment of another way to a deeper experi- days and retreats once or call Fr Rob at the Registry at 03-5721-3484 kind – peace medita- ence of God. or twice a year.

Page 8 NOVEMBER 2012 THE ADVOCATE Leisure CROSSWORD Issue No. 035 Book Review THE BEST READ OF THE YEAR! “Unapologetic: Why, Despite Everything, Christianity Can Still Make Surprising Monthly Emotional Sense.....” by Francis Spufford. Movie Of all the books I read on a recent two and a half month holiday, the most exhilarating by far was “Unapologetic: Why, Despite Everything, Review Christianity Can Still Make Surprising Emotional Rev'd Kim Benton Sense.....” by Francis Spufford. It is a vigorous, articulate and moving account of what it feels like to be a thoughtful, The Intouchables (2012) proud Christian in our puzzling, cynical and questioning times; of what if feels like to want This French film, “Les Intouchables” (2012) and need to go on believing, while only too translated as “The Intouchables”, is an ingratiating fully aware of the force of all the arguments comedy that plays the race card in a true story of ACROSS DOWN against belief. Spufford says towards the end 1. Curly 1. Liars of his short book that he doesn't know if there cross-racial male friendship. 5. Widespread 2. African striped beast is a god. “And neither do you, and neither does Richard bloody Dawkins, and neither does anyone. It not being a knowable Directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano this 7. Wear down 3. Dog's cries item. What I do know is that, when I am lucky, when I have managed to pay film is at one level an example of the clique ridden 8. Splotch 4. Ontario city attention, when for once I have hushed my noise for a little while, it can feel as genre that highlights 9. Frog-like animal 5. Brush up (paintwork) if there is one. And so it makes emotional sense to proceed as if he's there, to difference colour makes, 10. Publicity short 6. Food taste dare the conditionality.” 11. Evenly matches 12. Fallen timber The book is witty, sometimes “in your face”, painfully honest, and for the likes that’s been the mainstay of me altogether convincing. He articulates again and again just how I myself of Hollywood for decades 13. Once ... a time 15. Awful feel the faith, and why I am still so very much an unapologetic part of it. 14. Ferocious 16. Watchfully à la, Driving Miss Daisy 18. Different ones He is particularly brilliant when dealing with human failure and sin. Instead (1989). 17. Optic orb of the stale and so often misused and misunderstood word “sin” however, he 21. Dr Jekyll & Mr ... 19. Lowest card uses the intriguing acronym HPtFtu – "the human propensity to f**k things A well-heeled, uptight, 22. Trouser pouch 20. Stitched surgically up". He is honest about his own such f**k ups. They have led him to a profound white aristocrat Philippe 24. Synagogue scholar 22. Tar by-product understanding of how Christianity, with its doctrine of unconditional acceptance, (François Cluzet) is 25. Skip 23. Throng makes such emotional sense. “the grief we ourselves cause can be mended”. 26. In excess of In the middle of the book is a compelling, convincing and astonishing retelling disabled from an accident 27. Pale purple of the life of Jesus (“Yeshua”). It is a tour de force and he manages to pull it and lives a life of tedium 28. Political partner off while remaining quite astonishingly orthodox, more so than I myself am. His surrounded by nervous staff. Driss (Omar Sy) a 29. Fenced with bushes account reduced me at times to tears and it illustrates superbly the enormous appeal of both the man Jesus and of his O so challengingly radical message of a black, street-wise hustler finds himself Philippe’s Kingdom of Love. carer. The interaction of these two highly unlikely This is not a book to convince atheists. Rather it is a book to give heart and characters results in the story of a growing READER RECIPE pride to thoughtful believers. I loved it, love it and commend it to every relationship between these two likable men. The intelligent believer I encounter. plot is based on Driss' confidence that Philippe’s SIMPLY CHICKEN. Unapologetic: Why, despite everything, Christianity can still make surprising emotional sense is published by Faber and Faber life and wellbeing will improve once Driss takes Ingredients control. But the way this is portrayed taps into Andrew Neaum 1 Chicken breast sliced into portions, demeaning crass stereotypes of class and colour, 1 medium onion sliced, yet the movie is upbeat and entertaining. 1 cup orange juice, 1 orange peeled, dice segments, Monthly Book Study The role of a good caregiver must be more than 2 -3 Tbls low fat sour cream or natural You are invited to join in a monthly book study on “The Meaning of Jesus, Two lifting, bathing, grooming, dressing, pushing yogurt. Visions.” As Publishers Weekly puts it: “In this valuable book, historical Jesus and supplying medicines - the carer provides Method scholars Marcus Borg (Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time) and N. T. Wright companionship, listening, responding and respect (Jesus and the Victory of God) engage in a lively debate Fry onion until 5 mins, add orange juice and it is this level of human interaction that gives and Chicken, poach until chicken is on the significance of historical Jesus research for the Christian faith. Each of the seven sections of the book credibility to both the story and the characters. tender. Remove chicken from juice, add contains alternating chapters by the two authors... This is a sour cream or yogurt, and orange pieces, splendid introduction to contemporary conversations about Driss’ refusal to see Philippe as a victim on whom when hot pour over serves of chicken{ the historical Jesus as well as an excellent primer on New things are done (even if a little crass) feeds both 2 Serves}. May be served as entre or Testament Christology for general readers.” with rice and vegetables as main meal. men in different ways so by the end of the film Apricots can be added as a variation of This reading group, facilitated by Peter McKeague and Rob both are more than when they started. Apricot Chicken. Whalley will begin in early 2013 and will meet for two hours monthly in a location to be determined, with a meal The lens through which the The Intouchables was likely included. It is open to all clergy, licensed lay ministers, Provided by Mary Muntz filmed might be a tad too rose-colored, but one and interested others. For more information, call Fr Rob at the Registry, 03-5721-3484 cannot fault the superb performances of Cluzet and Sy, leading to awards at the Cesar’s (French Oscars). Church Mice by Karl Zorowski Copyright 2010 Karl A. Zorowski. All rights reserved. Used with permission. This film would be useful as a study on questions of conventions about race and disability and how we understand and deal with difference. French with English subtitles in cinemas late October; rated MA (language).

If you would like to advertise your business in The Advocate please contact the Diocese of Wangaratta on (03) 5721 34 84

Page 9 THE ADVOCATE NOVEMBER 2012 The Eucharist Explored Introduce Us ...

Part 2 - Confession 1. Occupation: Priest in charge, parish brings us to freedom and the whole of life. The me- the Eucharistic mercy of Yackandandah/Kiewa. Also part-time locum new life. Each part of the morial of the Lord’s death and deep love of God. Tawonga and Mt.Beauty. Eucharist adds light to and resurrection brings God wants us be free the whole picture of the us to a point of holy fear of from our sins, and re- 2. My family: Son Niklas attends CSU Eucharist and the Chris- God’s holiness and exult- ceive his new life. Why in Wagga Wagga. He has just finished his second tian life. Each part then in- ant joy because of God’s would we not want to be year of the Bachelor of Animal Science. My dad creases the beauty of the fatherly goodness. free and receive this new lives in Melbourne and I have an older sister and whole. Confession tells of So we offer our sin- life? younger brother. By Fr Michael O’Brien the great majesty of God, fulness because we trust It is in our deep grati- God’s benevolence and in God’s compassionate tude for God’s healing 3. Pets: Two cats, Sooty (8 years) and Lady care for us. love. This trust becomes mercy that we feel at (7 years). One of the options Confession brings us a continual gratitude and home with Him. We are 4. Hobbies: Yoga. in our Eucharist is to to a right relationship with praise. accepted therefore we have the confession at God. To do this we need to We come to know God can accept ourselves; 5. Sport: Weight Resistance Training. the beginning of the be humble, to recognise no longer as a threat but with our faults we are service. This allows our that we are of the earth as the giver of good gifts healed and made whole, 6. Favourite Book/Author: A Rev'd Fay worship follows the pat- and God is above us and and as a healer. This may aware of our need for children's book called "When the wind stops" by tern of Christian life. So reaches down for us to be sound strange to our mod- further purification and Charlotte Zolotow. we acknowledge from with Him. ern understanding where conversion, leading us 7. Favourite Movie: "Chocolate" Fraser Confession, where we do not like to acknowl- into the reading of the the beginning that we and "Shrek 2", depending on my mood. have God with us. But we offer penance is also edge anyone as more im- word of God. then immediately we Eucharist; that is thanks- portant than ourselves, A better understand- 8. My greatest influence: Greatest influence was my darling Mum recognise the impor- giving. We can not under- yet perhaps this is why the ing of the penitential rite who died last year. tance of God, his hon- stand the profound mean- recent aggressive atheists in the Eucharist then our and our dishonour, ing of Eucharistic offering are attacking Christianity helps us to have a new 9. One word I would use to describe myself: God’s rightness and without a sense of grati- as they do not want to face and deeper desire for the Persevering. our failings. tude for the freedom we the reality that God may sacrament of reconcilia- Right from our be- receive from our sins. be more important than tion, that as we open our- 10. What am I most proud of: Winning at the World 'Olympia' ginning of faith we are Confession is a praise they are. Humility then is selves with greater hon- Natural Body Building Championships in Hawaii in 2001. I took two gold medals in aware of our need for of God’s goodness. This at the core of the Christian esty and trust we may the 'Lightweight Physique' and 'Masters Physique' classes. opens the possibility of life. also receive more and God. God is greater 11. What is my earliest memory: Earliest memory is of my than us, so we ac- the whole celebration Some people refuse to more messianic peace. sister saving me from falling out of Mum and Dad's old Ford Prefect when the broken knowledge our need of from beginning to the confess their sins because Him. The love of God end, and then illuminates they refuse to understand door flew open as they drove around a corner when I was about four. There where no seat belts back then. Lynette grabbed my legs and held on, thank goodness, as I screamed my lungs out until they stopped the car! Pastoral Partners Groups Forming 12. If I could live in another time, when might that CLASSIFIEDS be: Being also an optimist I would love to see how humanity is faring in a hundred or The first group explor- hand the need to ensure ing in the ministry of Classified advertising so years time. ing “Pastoral Partners” continuity and co-ordina- the Church with me - it works, so why not met recently in the Par- tion of visiting, and the makes more real the fun- advertise within the ish of Rutherglen-Chil- support and encourage- damental concept that we diocese. Please see below tern to look at parish vis- ment of the visitors." are members together of an number of ways to Sexual Harassment iting and outreach. Ten Pastoral Partners the Body of Christ." place you classified. The Diocese of Wangaratta has policies and procedures for dealing with allegation of sexual harassment. people from Rutherglen, is a program that is al- This initial meeting These may be obtained either from your parish office or from the Bishop’s Registrar on (03) 5721 3484. HOW TO PLACE YOUR AD: Chiltern and Wahgunyah ready familiar to some in Rutherglen will be If you wish to obtain information or advise in confidence, shared lunch, tea and laity and clergy around followed up by a future ☎ - (03) 5721 3484 please ring 1800 135 246 coffee, and some good the diocese. According meeting later this month (03) 5722 1427 ideas on ways we can to one participant at this to strategize and plan - keep in touch with the meeting, it is similar to further. Other parishes registry@wangaratta- Introducing Thomas Merton older members of our the Thanksgiving Pro- that will be exploring this congregations as we wel- gramme that flourished program include Benalla, A Film Biography and a Discussion come new ones. in the diocese in earlier Mansfield, Shepparton As the Rector of the times and, like that - ac- and Wodonga. Further BIRTH NOTICES parish, Fr John Web- cording to Archdeacon information on Pastoral IT’S A BOY! ster, put it: "One of the Eden Elizabeth Nicholls - Partners as well as new Revised interesting aspects was “[both] enables people to opportunities for forma- Share the joy of your new discovering the amount undertake this ministry tion and education for arrival. Why not place an Dates of low-key visiting that and expands the opportu- visiting and welcoming ad in The Advocate for is already taking place. nities for the laity.” ministry will be featured and We noted the tension be- According to Fr John, in next February’s edi- only $11.00 including tween those who ‘don’t "As a parish priest, I am tion of The Advocate. GST Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Times! want to blow their own always encouraged in For further informa- trumpet’ on the one my own ministry when tion, call Fr Rob Whalley DON'T FORGET hand, and on the other parishioners are shar- at 03-5721-3484 TO BOOK YOUR CLASSIFIEDS FOR Followed by three evenings on DECEMBER DECEMBER advocate SUBMISSIONS CLOSE Christian Zen and Thomas Merton Look for us on Join us for an initial meeting to introducing and three additional meetings exploring the place where Mystical Christianity and Zen Buddhism can 16th DECEMBER find common ground. Using the life and teaching of Thomas Merton as a guide, we will OCTOBER Puzzle consider way the contemplative actions found in each tradition can help us live with more peace, passion and purpose. Each session includes Solutions meditation, study and conversation, with time for a cuppa following.

Rob Whalley has taught classes on Thomas Merton, Christian Spirituality, the Enneagram and Social Crossword Ethics at the University of San Francisco and the Theological School, Trinity College, University of Issue No. 035 Melbourne. For more information, call Fr Rob Whalley at 03-5721-3484 Thursdays October 25, November 1, November 8, November 15 Mansfield, 7:00 to 9:00pm

Tuesdays October 30; November 13, November 20, 27 Myrtleford, 2:00 to 4:00 PM; Yackandandah, 7:00 to 9:00pm The Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta

Page 10

The Advocate 16/11/2011 NOVEMBER 2012 THE ADVOCATE


ALBURY Murchison/ Rushworth 1st Sunday 8.30 am Sung Eucharist 10.00 am Eucharist 5.00 pm Evensong Christ Church 1st & 3rd Sunday H.C 11 am St Paul’s 1st & 3rd Sunday H.C 9 am St Matthew’s 2nd Sunday 8.30 am Sung Eucharist 10.00 am Eucharist Murchison 2nd & 4th Sunday M.P. 11 am Rushworth 2nd & 4th Sunday M.P. 9 am Albury 3rd Sunday 8.30 am Sung Eucharist 10.00 am Children’s Church Fifth Sunday 10:30 am H.C. at the church hosting the fund raising luncheon (alternate) 4th Sunday 8.30 am Sung Eucharist 10.00 am Eucharist 5th Sunday 9 am Matins with Holy Communion NORTHERN ALBURY ALEXANDRA St. James’ 1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday 8.30 am St. John’s 1st, 3rd & 4th 9 am St John’s Lavington Thursday 10 am Thurgoona Sunday Sunday 9:30am Eucharist Alexandra St. Mark’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday 10 am St. Paul’s 1st, 3rd & 4th 10:30 am ALPINE North Albury Wednesday 9.30 am Jindera Sunday All Saints Sunday 11.00 am Eucharist St John’s, NUMURKAH & NATHALIA Sunday 8.00 am Eucharist Bright Wednesday 9.30 am Eucharist Whorouly St George’s Holy Trinity Sunday 9 am Sung Eucharist Sunday 10.30 am Sung Eucharist St Paul’s, Sunday 9.15 am Eucharist St Etheldreda’s, 2nd Numurkah Nathalia Tuesday 10 am Holy Eucharist 10.30 am Eucharist Myrtleford Wednesday 11.00 am Eucharist Harrietville Thursday St Paul’s, All Saints 2nd & 4th Sunday 7.30 am Holy Eucharist 1st & 3rd Sunday 3 pm Holy Eucharist BEECHWORTH Wakiti Creek Barmah 5th Sunday Parish Eucharist Sunday 10 am Sung Mass RUTHERGLEN & CHILTERN Christ Church, 1st Sunday 10 am One service for the Parish Sunday 8:45 am Eucharist 1st & 3rd 10:45 am Eucharist Beechworth 5th Sunday 10 am Sung Mass Healing Service. Thursday 9:30 am Eucharist Sunday Wednesday 10 am Mass St Stephen’s St Paul’s (Mothers’ Union on 2nd) Wednesday 9:30am Eucharist Rutherglen Chiltern St Jude’s 1st & 3rd Sundays 10am Morning Prayer Friday 9:30 am Eucharist Eldorado 2nd & 4th Sundays 5:30pm Mass. (Glenview Home) BENALLA All Souls’ Christ the King 2nd & 4th 2nd & 4th Sunday 10:45 am Eucharist 6 pm Eucharist Sunday 8 am Eucharist 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Barnawartha Wahgunyah Saturday Holy Trinity, Monday 10 am Eucharist (Cooinda Nursing Home) Browns Plains 5th Sunday only 10:45 am Eucharist Benalla Tuesday 7 pm Eucharist (2nd Tuesday Only) Thursday 9.30 am Eucharist SHEPPARTON St Paul’s St Aiden’s 2nd & 4th Sunday 8:30 am Sung Eucharist 10:30 am Family Eucharist 5:30 pm Evening Prayer 1st Sunday 5 pm Eucharist 11:15 am Eucharist Saturday 7:45 am Mattins 8 am Eucharist (Traditional rite) 6 pm Vigil Eucharist Goorambat Swanpool Sunday St Augustine’s (Traditional rite) CENTRAL GOULBURN Shepparton Weekday 7:45 am Mattins daily Christ Church Sunday 9.00 am Holy Eucharist (with Kids Church) Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri 8 am Eucharist Seymour Wednesday 10.30 am Mass St Luke’s St Mary’s 2nd & 4th 10:45 am Eucharist St Paul’s St John’s Sunday 11 am Eucharist Sunday 8.45 am Eucharist 1st & 3rd Sunday 8 am (with Kids Church) Dookie Katandra West Sundays Avenel Nagambie 2nd & 4th Sunday 11am Sunday School TALLANGATTA COBRAM Christ Church 1st & 3rd Sunday 9 am Morning Prayer Uniting Church 4th Sunday 11 am Eucharist Sunday 9- 9:15 reflection time Tallangatta 2nd & 4th Sunday 9 am Eucharist Mitta Mitta St Margaret’s 9:30 am Eucharist St George’s, 1st & 3rd 11:315 am Eucharist WANGARATTA Cobram 5th Sunday Parish Eucharist Katamatite Sunday Wednesday 10 am Sunday 8 am Holy Eucharist with hymns 10 am Sung Eucharist 5 pm Evensong Tuesday 8:30 am Holy Trinity St Aiden’s, Wednesday 10:00 am Morning Prayer 2nd & 4th Sunday 11:15 am Eucharist Cathedral Strathmerton Thursday 8:30 am 30 mins before Eucharist Wangaratta CORRYONG Friday 8:30 am Evening Prayer - 5 pm Daily All Saints Tennis Club Saturday 6 pm Sat @ 6 1st & 3rd Sunday 10 am Eucharist 1st Sunday 2 pm Eucharist Corryong Biggara All Saints’ Christ Church 1st Sunday 10:30 am Eucharist 1st & 3rd 9 am Eucharist Holy Trinity Moyhu Greta 3rd Sunday 2 pm Eucharist Cudgewa Holy Trinity 3rd Sunday 11 am Eucharist EUROA Whitfield 1st Wednesday 1 pm Eucharist WANGARATTA WEST & THE WARBYS St Paul’s Sunday 9.30 am Eucharist Euroaville 2nd and 11 am St Michael’s Sunday 9:30 am St George’s 1st and 3rd Euroa Wednesday 10 am Hostel 4th Tuesday 8 am Wangaratta West Tuesday 10 am Taminick Sunday St Andrew’s St Dunstan’s 2nd and Sunday 8 am 11.30 am St Paul’s St Johns Village Longwood Violet Town 4th Sunday Sunday 11 am Tuesday 10 am Glenrowan Chapel KILMORE WODONGA 1st & 3rd 9am Sung Eucharist 11 am Morning Prayer Christ Church Sunday St Stephen’s Sunday Saturday 6 pm Vigil Eucharist 10 am Eucharist with 11 am Eucharist with Kilmore Wednesday Tallarook 2nd & 4th Sunday 7.30 am Eucharist 9:30 am Sung Bach hymns Sunday St John’s 1st & 3rd Sundays 9.00 am Sung Eucharist Emmanuel Eucharist Wodonga 5th Sunday 7 pm Choral Evensong 1st & 3rd Sunday 11 am Eucharist with Mon & Tue 8:30 am Meditation 9 am Morning Prayer 2nd & 4th Sunday hymns Church of The St Matthew’s 1st & 3rd Wednesday 9 am Meditation 10 am Eucharist 5 pm Evensong Thursdays 11 am Morning Prayer Transfiguration 5pm Eucharist Broadford Sunday Holy Trinity 10 am Eucharist with Pyalong 2nd & 4th Sunday 9.30 am Eucharist Bach Bethanga MANSFIELD YACKANDANDAH Holy Trinity 1st 2nd & 3rd Sundays 10:30 am Eucharist. St. Paul’s 1st & 3rd Sunday 9 am - Eucharist St John’s Sunday 9 am Holy Communion St Peter’s 1st Sunday 11.30 am Holy Communion Yackandandah 4th Sunday Morning Prayer Allan’s Flat 4th Sunday Morning Prayer Mansfield 1st Saturday 6pm Jamieson St. Mark’s 1st & 3rd Sunday 8:45 am Morning Prayer. St. Andrew’s 1st & 3rd Sundays 7:30 pm Christ Church 2nd Sunday 11:30 am Tangambalanga 2nd & 4th Sunday Eucharist Dederang 4th Sunday 10:30 am Eucharist Bonnie Doon YARRAWONGA MARYSVILLE Sunday 7 am Eucharist 10 am Eucharist 1st Sunday 10:30 am St Thomas 2nd Sunday 9 am Marysville Monday 11 am (off-site) 3rd & 4th & 5th Sunday 10:30 am Buxton 3rd & 4th & 5th Sunday 9 am St Cuthbert’s St Thomas’ 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday 10.00 am (chapel) 8.30 am Yarrawonga St James Sundays MILAWA Thursday 7.15pm (chapel) St Paul’s Morning Office weekday 8.30am (excld. Mon.) 2nd & last Sunday 9 am Eucharist Milawa YEA MT BEAUTY/TAWONGA St Luke’s Sunday 9.15 am (weekly) Holy Eucharist Holy Cross, St Aiden’s 1st Sunday 5pm 3rd Sunday Yea Monday to Thursday 9.00 am Morning Prayer Mt Beauty Tawonga

Mc CORM ACK FUNERALS incorporating CHRISTMAS n D Anglica iocese of R iverina BAMFORD’S Murrindindi FOUR RIVER OP A.F.D.A. S BOOKSH Working with families within the Diocese of Wangaratta, SERVICE TIMES Specialising in Anglican Theology from Wodonga to Melbourne. Across the Diocese 238 Banna Avenue, Griffith NSW 2680 Upholding the high standards of the A.F.D.A. Make sure your Christmas Ph: 02 6964 0304 Fax: 02 6964 2257 Caring friendly service at an affordable price. services are included Email: [email protected] Mick McCormack 1800 080 909 Send in by the 16th of November Mail Orders Welcome Paul Treacy 1800 079 186 to [email protected]

Page 11 People & Parishes

CHRIST CHURCH, Seymour QUILT FAIR Girls night in for Cancer & All Angels.

LEFT: Toast of the Fair. Octogenarian Marie Coughlin demon- strating her fairy lace knitting on five needles at the Quilt Fair. ABOVE: Members of the Seymour Spinners and Weavers demon- strating their ancient crafts. They also entered quilted, knitted and crocheted items in the major displays.

A parishioner having fun on the Girls night in for Grenadier Guards commemoration service Cancer on the 17th October 2012. Seniors Flower Power Day, at st Matthew's Albury St Luke's Yea St Michael's Fete , Wangaratta West

Members of the Grenadier Guards that attended the service at St Matthew's Albury. Farewell to Fr Trevor Smith

TOP: St Luke's Seniors dressed to impress The stalls were jam packed at St Michael's Fete on the 20th on Flower Power day. October 2012 . ABOVE: Cool Dude Bruce Kindred enjoying the day. Fr Trevor Smith and the Christ Church Serving Team

Do you wish to remember the Church in your Will? A CHRISTMAS WISH Our Diocese has been blessed by the generosity of benefactors in times past. Needed...... photographs of Christmas! As we seek to expand Christ’s Mission in the 21st century, can you think how Do you have any photographs of your you might contribute? parish from last Christmas? You should get legal advice before making your will. If so please send them in before the You may wish to consider the activites of the Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta 16th of November to as the recipient of either a speci c gi­ or the residue of your estate. [email protected] e following wording may be useful for you and your legal advisor when making your will: I bequeath to e Wangaratta Diocesan Trustees in the State of Victoria the sum of .... to be used for the general purpose of the Diocese of Wangaratta A CHRISTMAS REMINDER in such manner as the said Trustees may approve. The Diocesan office will be closed for Christmas on Friday the 21st of December at 5pm and will reopen at 9am on Wednesday the 2nd of January 2013. For more information contact theDiocese registrar at of the w Diocese of Wangaratta (03) 5721 3484