Summer Bulk Rail Distribution 2009 Terminal to be Established

The Pennsylvania North- major benefit to the bur- dozens of new primary and east Regional Railroad geoning drilling secondary jobs as a stimulus Authority (PNRRA) and industry in Northeastern to our regional economy. Linde Corporation are Pennsylvania since many of “The announcement of this proud to announce the es- the commodities, such as new facility and jobs is very tablishment of a Bulk Rail , pipe and water can be timely since it coincides with Distribution Terminal in transported much more the major tie-replacement Carbondale, Pennsylvania. cheaply and efficiently by project that will start on the The facility will be located rail transportation”, Malski Carbondale mainline within in the former Carbondale said. the next 120 days. A Rail Yards Industrial Park, Chris Langel, Executive Freight Assistance Grant which comprises much of Vice-President of Linde from PennDOT’s Bureau of the famous former Dela- Corporation, said that this Rail Freight will allow the ware & Hudson Carbon- partnership will allow Linde installation of approximately dale Yards, which have to provide one-stop shop- 7,000 new ties on the Car- operated since 1825 for rail ping for the growing gas bondale mainline to allow the yard operations, and consti- drilling and transmission new rail traffic to efficiently tutes one of the oldest such industry when it comes to traverse this mainline”, Mal- facilities continuously op- providing access to effi- ski said. “Rail transportation erated in the United States. cient, low-cost rail shipping is again becoming a growth The rail distribution facility for their gas utility clients. industry in Northeastern will be served by “We will be able to provide Pennsylvania - the place PNRRA’s contract rail seamless, one-stop shop- where it all started in Amer- operator, the Delaware- ping for all of the gas drill- ica.” Lackawanna Railroad ing industry’s bulk trans- (DL). The DL has direct portation needs into and out Submitted by Larry Malski, interchange connections of Northeastern Pennsyl- PNRRA President with two Class I rail carri- vania with ers-Norfolk Southern and this part- Canadian Pacific Railway. nership”, “This facility will be avail- said Linde. able to all of the many in- Mr. Langel dustries in Northeastern also stated Pennsylvania who are not that this directly served by rail to partnership reap the benefits of low- will benefit cost rail transportation sav- the North- ings in transporting their eastern products in and out of our Pennsyl- region,” said Larry Malski, vania region PNRRA President. “The The Delaware and Lackawanna Railroad will serve the new by providing facility will also provide a bulk terminal.

STC Hearings To Be Held The State Transportation Com- Trust Fund and expiration of at the East Mountain Inn, Plains mission (STC) will begin gath- Act 44 and SAFETEA-LU), Township. CONNECTIONS ering public testimony on the discussion continues as to Additional information on the update to the Twelve-Year exactly when the update of hearings, plus the guidelines for Program (TYP) in August. the TYP will occur. presenting testimony to the Due to serious issues regarding The hearings for the Lacka- STC, can be found on the MPO transportation planning financ- wanna/Luzerne MPO region Web Page (address on page 4). ing (solvency of the Highway will be held on September 3rd LACKAWANNA/LUZERNE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION PLANNING METROPOLITAN LACKAWANNA/LUZERNE SAFETEA-LU To Expire on September 30 - Varying Opinions on How To Proceed

The Safe, Accessible, Flexible, Efficient Spend $10 million for U.S. DOT to develop and the lack of transportation choices Transportation Equity Act - Legacy for Us- performance goals and establish guidelines Americans have as additional reasons why a ers (SAFETEA-LU) will expire on Septem- for states and localities on project evalua- bill should be formulated now. ber 30 this year. This means that either a tion; The two proposals agree on some provi- new transportation authorization bill will Increase transparency in state and local sions, such as performance metrics for need to be passed, or the current one will project reporting; transportation plans, and policies that will need to be extended enhance the livability of communities. Congress and the Administration differ on Support efforts to improve regional access the answer to that question. The Administra- and mobility, and enhance the livability of The Blueprint states that since the comple- tion wants to extend the current legislation communities. Livability guidelines should tion of the National Highway System, the for eighteen months, and infuse $20 billion include reductions in travel times, smart national transportation policy has lacked into the Highway Trust Fund (HTF), which growth, preservation of open space, and focus. Although states and MPOs across the is expected to be cash-strapped as early as more-integrated responses to land use and country develop long-range transportation August. transportation needs. plans, they are not assembled into any cohe- sive national plan that is intermodal in na- In a memo sent to Congress, Transportation Unlike the Administration, James Oberstar ture and national in scope. Secretary Ray LaHood stated that the HTF (D-MN), Chairman of the Transportation cash infusion could come from international and Infrastructure Committee, is urging the In regard to the financial aspect of the Blue- tax enforcement, but stopped short of actu- Administration to pursue a full six-year print, the committee is proposing an invest- ally making that request. LaHood further authorization bill now. He and other mem- ment of $500 billion - $450 billion for high- stated, “Legislation to address the HTF bers of the Committee have developed a way, safety and transit projects, and $50 shortfall should pass before the August re- Blueprint for Investment and Reform in billion to develop 11 authorized, high-speed cess to avoid disruptions to state cash man- which they outline why a new bill needs to rail corridors that would link major metro- agement for further strain on state budgets. be authorized, and how it can be shaped to politan areas of the country. This financial Although an extension of the HTF is urgent, better address the numerous problems fac- investment represents a 38% increase in the administration believes that this opportu- ing the country’s transportation system. transportation investment over the current nity can be used to put in place a limited set legislation. According to the report, decades of under- of carefully thought-out reforms that can investment in the transportation system has There is no clear indication at this point as form the basis for further reforms in a full cost the country in many ways. Accidents to whether the Administration or Congress six-year authorization.” and crippling congestion in major cities will prevail on how to proceed once Secretary LaHood has called for the follow- cost Americans more than $365 billion/ SAFETEA-LU expires. Those involved in ing minor reforms to be included in any leg- year. Almost 61,000 miles (37%) of all lane transportation planning realize the impor- islation that would provide interim funding miles on the National Highway System tance of having a secure funding source and to the HTF: (NHS) are in poor or fair condition, and comprehensive policy that will promote an more than 152,000 bridges, one in four, are efficient, safe, and inclusive transportation Establish performance goals and base pro- system for the country. ject selections on merit criteria that increase structurally deficient or functionally obso- returns to transportation investment; lete. For more information on the Blueprint for Investment and Reform, go to: Spend $300 million to improve state and Oberstar also cites the increase in total cost MPO project evaluation capacity (a volun- of logistics for private companies, the im- tary program); pact of transportation on the environment,

Bicycle Commuter Act Passed The Bicycle Commuter Act was passed clude: purchase of a decent commuter bike, transportation benefits in the same month. by Congress as part of the Renewable bike lock, helmet, shower facilities, and However, Congressman Earl Blumenauer Energy Tax Credit legislation in 2008. general maintenance. (D-OR) introduced legislation earlier this year to make those two provisions possible. The intent of the Act is to give those who Employers may provide reimbursement of commute by bicycle qualified transporta- $20 a month for reasonable expenses in- Employers can either manage the benefits tion fringe benefits. Employees who use curred by bicycle commuters. However, in-house or through a Commuter Benefit transit to get to work, or drivers who get unlike those who drive or use transit, the Provider. compensated for parking receive such bike benefits cannot be funded through For more information on the National Bike benefits now. employee pre-tax income, nor can a biking Bill, go to: commuter receive both transit and bicycle The type of costs covered by the Act in- news/100708faq.php.

Page 2 CONNECTIONS On-Going Road/Bridge Project Updates

‘Tis the season for road construction, and PA 924 Widening Project - Pipe installa- commuters and travelers who use I-81 to tion and utility relocation are currently un- travel from Hazleton to Scranton have had derway on this widening project in West to become adept at navigating through Hazleton Borough. The road is being wid- cross-overs and driving in single lanes ened to 5 lanes throughout the majority of enclosed by Jersey walls. the project length, and widened to 7 lanes at the intersection of PA 924 and Barletta There are currently 9 interstate bridge Drive. New traffic signals, drainage im- contracts underway along I-81. Most are provements, and paving are also compo- being funded through Act 44, and the oth- nents of the project. ers are being funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), Phase 1, which runs from the I-81 junction also known as stimulus funds. to Barletta Drive, costs $5.49 million. Phase II, which runs from Barletta Drive to just Repair and replacement work continues on the North The southernmost road and bridge preser- west of Scotch Pine Drive, will cost $7.1 Crossvalley Expressway vation project is located in the southbound million. Phase III, which is slated to run lanes of I-81, on the 18.5-mile stretch at the end of July, which will be followed from Scotch Pine Drive to the Schuylkill between Nanticoke and Hazleton. Work by deck placement. The causeway (gravel County line, is on hold due to lack of fund- on Phase I (Nanticoke - I-80 junction) is road built to allow construction) will be ing. Slusser Brothers Trucking and Excavat- currently underway. The $7 million pro- removed from the River Street side of the ing is the project contractor, and the work is ject includes the following repair work: project, and reconstructed on the western expected to last through two construction concrete pavement and joint repairs, con- side of the river this fall. The old bridge will seasons crete pavement patching, diamond- be removed once the new bridge opens. grinding of existing concrete pavement, PA 309 (North Crossvalley Expressway) - The project also involves improvements to and bituminous paving. The following 11 This $3.15 million preservation project, the River Road/8th Street intersection, in- bridges are included in the project: currently underway between Exits 4 and 6, cluding turning lanes, which will help alle- involves the encapsulation of 6 piers on the Little Wapwallopen Creek, (Mile Marker viate traffic back-ups that occur during peak Kingston side of the , (MM)158); periods. concrete bridge repair, and joint replace- Blytheburn Road (MM 158); ment. The estimated completion date is Nyleve Bridge Corporation is the contractor (MM 156.4); October of this year. Susquehanna Supply for the project, and the anticipated comple- SR 3010, Alberdeen Road (MM 156.4); Company is the contractor for the project. tion date is early 2011. Over I-80 (MM 151); 8th Street Bridge - The construction of this I-81 Paving Project - PennDOT began a St. Johns Road (MM 149.4); 10-span structure is underway. The new $23 major I-81 resurfacing project on July 20th. million bridge replaces the old 2-lane cam- The resurfacing of both the northbound and (MM 149); elback steel truss bridge which is nearing its southbound lanes will extend from Nanti- County Road (MM 147.4); 100th birthday. Located approximately 12 coke (Exit 164) to the airport (Exit 178A). Black Creek (MM 147.4); feet downriver from the existing bridge, the Work on the $7.8 million project will be new bridge will consist of two 12-feet trav- done at night from 8 PM to 6 AM. Pennsy Over Route 3007 (MM 154.5); eling lanes, two Supply Company is the contrac- Over of Wapwallopen Creek 10-feet shoul- tor, and Slusser Brothers of (MM 156.1) ders, and a 6- Hazleton, the sub-contractor, Phase II of this project (between the I-80 feet wide side- for the job which is expected to junction and Hazleton) will begin follow- walk on the be completed by the end of ing the completion of Phase I. downstream side. October. Farther north on I-81, 2 bridge replace- The new span Wilkes-Barre Downtown ment projects are under construction. One will first be con- Lighting Project: Phase III of is located over Lidy’s Road, and the other structed from the the project is almost completed. bridge is located over PA 315 near the River Road side It includes the installation of former Mayfair Supper Club (between of the river to street lighting on North Wash- Exits 170 - 178). Temporary bridges have mid-stream; con- ington, North Franklin, Union been built to allow two lanes of traffic to struction from and E. Northampton Streets. the 8th Street flow through the construction site. The Information provided by Karen side will then be combined cost for the projects is $9.3 mil- Dussinger, CRC/Press Officer, built to meet it. lion, $4.3 million for the Lidy’s Road PennDOT District 4-0 Bridge, and $5 million for the PA 315 Beam setting is bridge. Work is expected to be completed expected to occur Work continues on the new 8th Street Bridge on these projects by April, 2010.

SUMMER Page 3 Lackawanna/Luzerne MPO


New River Common Park Offers More Walking/Biking Options

On June 19, the culmination of a project water, are located within the base of the Walkers, runners, and bikers will now that began in 1998 was presented to the bridges. have the ability to travel from the public, and it was very warmly received. Luzerne County Courthouse, located on Although 100 trees were removed during When the new River Common Park was the corner of N. River and North Streets, construction, more than 250 new trees, unveiled, it revealed in no uncertain to the Darte Performing Arts Center on 500 shrubs, 12,000 perennials, and terms that a levee system need not consist the campus of Wilkes University, located 30,000 pieces of groundcover were re- of mere walls and earthen embankments. on the corner of S. River and South planted. The variety of plantings will Streets, without having to cross any Sponsored by the Luzerne County provide an ever-changing palette of col- streets. (The distance between these two Protection Authority and designed by ors throughout the year. points is close to a mile.) Sasaki and Associates from Water- town MA, the new riverfront park Those desiring a longer trip can offers access to the Susquehanna access the River Common Park River at two locations along River from the Kingston Reach of the Street in Wilkes-Barre - one across Levee Trail, located on the west side from the Wilkes University Campus, of the river, by traversing either the and the other across from the Kings Pierce Street or Market Street College Campus. Bridges. The access is provided through two In addition to providing another area portholes that were cut out of the to walk and bike, the park will also levee wall creating sandstone plazas be used as an amphitheater, a river with lighted, interactive fountains, landing, and a fishing pier. It will bridges above the plaza openings, also provide visitors an opportunity granite stairs leading up to the to enjoy the riparian environment bridges, brick pavers, and a plethora along the river, perhaps for the first of new plantings. Flood gates, Visitors enjoy the walkways of the new River Common Park on Opening time in their lives. which can be closed in times of high Weekend