2020 SHAC Virtual Day Camp Roaring Laughter Supplies

Video 1: § Scissors § Tape § Paper § Pencil § Tongue Twister Game Worksheet § Paper Dice Worksheet § Extension: Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss Rap Video https://youtu.be/hqIbEHNqbPs

Video 2: § Pencil § Paper § Itsy, Bitsy Spider Fill-in-the-Blank Madlib Worksheet § “Stay at Home” Madlib Worksheet § Jokes Printable § Run-Ons Printable § Extensions: The Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein Video and The Book with No Pictures by B. J. Novak Videos https://youtu.be/6t23T6Vfan0 & https://youtu.be/EZwY5BeYcyo § For additional help with Mad Libs: Lily (and Dad) Mad Libs #1 - fun word game for kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro2fDHjt8Z0



Through the meeting or campfire, different people run through with some container (cups, buckets, cans, etc). Eventually the MC stops one of them and asks what's going on to which the reply is "your tent (car, house whatever) is on fire".

Now when we do it we add a great deal to it depending on the location setting etc. The water carriers ham it up by making it look like a real effort or something very serious.

The MC makes some comment to the audience each time one runs through including things like requesting a cup of coffee the next time someone runs through.

Sometimes we have people "offstage" cheering the runner through.

And sometimes we change the "punch line".

Like MC: where's the fire?, runner: there's no fire, so & so is thirsty, at which time someone walks across with a cup and wiping their mouth saying ahhhhhhh.

I think you can get the idea from there.


This one is a run on that requires the camp fire moderator and good timing. One of the nice things about this one is that you can use as little as two appearances or if necessary, you can expand upon it to other situations involving the wordplay about "case" and court. Another line would be at the beginning where the litigant goes to someone for advice, but they say that they don't have a case, prompting them to go buy a briefcase.

Cast: Campfire Chief, litigant, briefcase

Setting: Campfire

Each time the litigant comes in, the campfire chief is about to announce or close a skit. Requires perfect timing or a chief who is able to blend in the litigant's entries perfectly, or both.

Chief: Hello? I'm trying to introduce the next item? What are you doing here? Litigant: (coming in with briefcase) Uh, excuse me, but I need to tell you something. My inspection results today were terrible, so I'm going to (lift up briefcase) bring my case to court.

Next appearance, the litigant is crawling on the ground with a flashlight, without the briefcase: Chief: Oh, it's you again. What are you doing down on the ground? Litigant: I lost my case! I'm looking for it!

Next appearance, the litigant is up on a table, a high chair, a tall tree stump, in a tree, whatever, carrying his briefcase. He makes noise to get attention, and the chief shines a light on him.

Chief: What are you doing now? Litigator: I'm bringing my case to a higher court!

Last appearance is a little dangerous. Be careful to have plenty of open space where people won't get hurt, and that the chief is ready for this. Suddenly the briefcase is flying through the air and the Chief catches it -- if only to protect the audience :) -- and exclaims:

Chief: (Flustered) What's this all about? Litigator: My case got thrown out of court!


3-4 People, Person carrying a sapling

#1: (Runs in) The Infantry is coming! Go to the bomb shelters!

#2: (A moment later, runs in) The Infantry is coming! Save yourselves!

#3: (A moment later, runs in) The Infantry is coming! Let's help them!

#4: (A moment later, runs in) The Infantry is coming! Let's watch the tanks!

(A moment later) Person: And here it is, the Infant Tree.


Q: How do you catch a fish without a fishing rod? A: With your BEAR hands.

Q: Why did God make only one ? A: Because when he tried to make a second one he made a Boo- Boo

Q: Why do polar like bald men? A: Because they have a great, white, bear place!

Q: What do you call a bears without ears? A: B's

Q: What is a bear's favorite drink? A: Koka-Koala!

Q: What do you call a wet bear? A: A drizzly bear

Q: Why don't bears like fast food? A: Because they can't catch it!

Q: What do polar bears have for lunch? A: Ice burger!

Q: What do you call a bear that jumps but never lands? A: Peter Panda.

Q: Why is polar bear cheap to have as a pet? A: It lives on ice!

Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth? A: A gummy bear!

Q: Why didn't the baby leave his momma? A: Because he couldn't bear it!

Q: What do you call a freezing bear? A: A brrrrrrr.

Q: How do you start a race? A: Ready, teddy, GO!

Q: Why was the so spoiled? A: Because its mother panda'd to its every whim!

Q: Why do pandas like old movies? A: Because they're in black and white.

Q: How did the panda lose his dinner? A: He was "Bamboozled"!

Q. What do you get when you cross a bear with a garden? A. Squash!

Q: What do you get if you cross a grizzly bear and a harp? A: A bear faced lyre!

Q: Did you hear about the man who tried to feed a grizzly an Apple? A: It didn't bear fruit.

Q: What did the teddy bear say after dinner?

A: I'm stuffed.

Q: Why did the bear cross the road? A: It was the chickens day off!

Q: Why do bears have fur coats? A: Because they'd look stupid in anoraks!

Q: What do you get if you cross a teddy bear with a pig? A: A teddy boar!

Q: What's yellow, comes from Peru, and is completely unknown? A: Waterloo Bear, 's forgotten cousin!

Q: What do you get if you cross a skunk with a bear? A: Winnie the PU!

Q: Why did Tigger look in the toilet? A: He was looking for Pooh

Q: What is as big as a bear but weighs nothing? A: Its shadow!