The Oxford Democrat. NUMBER 24. VOLUME 70. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1903.

you will not regret It WheWydOes the "Thunder!" lie shouted, half t&lM» WW W>> In hie hand. wni no time to be lost. The JON Farm Labor. his cane gripped firmly There He out tbeee C. S3, The Dignity of princess sleep?" Jerked j bis hands to bli eye·. « AMONG THE FABMEKS. followed with drawn revolver. abductors were creeping op the step· tig ^ of 1 υ ^ ^ ·1ΤΓ> wW» ·1 ^ «W· »W· Anguish word· quickly, breath· The Bishop Shrwsbury, preaching 3É3ÉCdK3k^WT» «1W» Aak^3&3fe^:É;&3fc3tk2k3fejfc"m· Πρ· ΐρ· *ρ crtjr> eager, pleading Something rushed upon him from tw» Smith & Machinist, made ·Τ^® "If1 So still was their approach that they already, and the cook moat be dis- at a harvest festival in his diocese, ♦♦♦♦♦♦» >♦♦♦+♦» lessly. vu a acre am then MAINE. >♦♦♦♦*♦< >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»+♦♦> llnd; there and « SOUTH PARIS, WtU»»**»*** were upon the figure of a man before posed of. He had blown oat the light • " some interesting remarks concerning How am I to trust your cas· baek steam ei SPEED THK PLOW." Manufacturer of générai machinery, on the land. He said it was im- were aware of the fact In the which he carried and wa· now a Terr and tooli labor they • from the bed. t Liii III MV'l! Ill »Ί nés, m in work, «pool machinery whisper an to be unaware of the fact that darkness the foremost American saw dim shadow. Lorry forward I 'is, net icrew», tap·, die· and drill» made I possible glided "Here la a revolver. Take it and Sewing, mowing and threshing ms there was a distaste for this; outline of a human and In an Inatant stood before the repalied. growing »κ the figure bending kill me if I attempt the slightest in- •i!re«, pump· of all kind·, presse», gun·, pli Comwpondt noe on practical agricultural topic* that the lot of the laborer aad rt In- agricultural over a on the He amazed fellow, Jamming a pistol into iv -, knives, trap·, etc., promptly le solicited. AUdree· all communication» long object ground. Where are He felt neatly was even looked down Jury. your* along Steam and water piping done to ordei tended for thin department to Htxitr D. ill thought of, could smell chloroform strongly and hie face. j..iireil. Editor Oxford Dem- there was an φ the bed with bis hand. Hammond, Axiicultural upon; that unwillingness and die!" he hissed. ile. grasped the situation. The Viennese "▲ sound yon she ϋ. l'ARK, ocrat, farts, on the of the lads who had stayed "Keep away! Pleaael Please!" part his com· "Don't movef' came another wM·· ^LBERT at school and the GRAUSTARK was administering the drug, sobbed. profited by longest him and a second revolver teuahod hie Licensed Auctioneer, good education that was now given to ..·■»... panions having left that duty for per, "Take the pistol! Be calm, and in PARIS, MAINS. The was a call- to No doubt the treacherous ear. The did not know SOUTH Drought. go to farm work, as though it ΗΚ: perform. cook, perhaps, heaven's name help me to save her! Terms Moderate. at this time of were fitted was on his but be under· \o such serious drought ing beneath them, and they jél:: GEORGE BARR McCUTCNEON guardsman lying calmly their language, certainly Those wretches may have killed her has occurred within the memory for better—for and stood Its He trembled sad Λ PARKER, Lear something employment buck, bound gagged, welcoming meaning. already!" in as that which some of the arts and crafts, Herbert & Stone of those engaged farming iu towns, in Copvriçht, not, by unconsciousness with a smile of securl· would have fallen to the floor had not th· |)ISHKK and Counsellor· at Law, which The revolver dropped upon Attorney· now extends over the New the manufactures and business hand of him * ty. the strong Lorry pinned clothes. He was eagerly over, PALLS, MAINS. states, and even their borders. found their home in them. He desired bending Kl'MFORO beyond As boou as his to the wall. The hand was on his six weeks or more no in to that to mere are ai icaoi. tcu w Lorry gained bearings the curtains back. A Collection Department. Fur a period of that night, opposition view, "Xwo: holding Special call he to fell the wretch throat too. friend is in the hall. We have l>. Blsbee, Ralph T. Parke rain has fallen, except an what he did not hesitate to ί CONTINUED.] tbem!" fully pr-'pared "My George uphold and don't shower in certain sections, and«ccasj?11»1 all kinds the of the work of the cultivation die- who was to stund watch. Anguish "Chleroform him, Hsrry, traced the men to the princess' door, I I dignity hissed the "You fool: The three guards are L. BUCK, of are any of the soil. it was the oldest The man uamed Michael heard his friend's figure suddenly shoot let him make a sound!" whispered the Be Do wish to see vegetation suffering beyond Certainly of In advance, two of the Vlen- think. quick! you /J before known at this season of the of all God Him- into the ears of his compan- posed to an erect There was a whir- owner of the hand. twitch- thing industries, appointed by foregoing two are position. Anguish's her stolen from under your eyes?" Dentist, in the tiese are left with the horses, Surgeon The loss is in the grass self for man. Before man fell, ions, the Americans bearing ε s disturbed then succeeded those of his year. principal palsied win- ring sound of air and ing fingers "You are now in the princess' room," PARIS, MAINE. both in field. his read "that chucked off under the princess' SOUTH crop, pasture Md mowing days of innocence, they every word distinctly. They scarcely a dull thud. rolled over on friend on the cook's throat, his pistol the voice from the calm- but and one stands at the We Something answered bed, work warranted. So severe is the that there is God took the man whom He had made," so tremendous was the re- dow, gate. and the All my beet drought breathed, all was still. He ,wae wau returned to his pocket, er and with some "Is this best the the Gardon of "to can the man at the the fel- the ground, and alacrity. little feed in the pastures, and put him in Eden, their nerves. A slug gate, use. straint imposed upon au instant Uttlc bottle came again Into that tell me?" p. as as οf- it." And after the window are at Lorry's side in true you il. jones, "round being dry and parched dress it and to keep as the abduc- lows under tho harmless, crime so huge, so daring whis- "I'll go ahead. Follow me as soon is witness. And yi. ten occurs in In the' fall the was still laid upon man and that leaves but our two friends "I hope I haven't killed him!" "As God my you^- I August. necessity a the actual invasion Be worse. Τ of tion of princess, Here is his bot- as you have finished this fellow. the the Dentist, fields the condition is even to cultivate the soil as the condition aud the cook. We have every advan- pered Lorry. "Qulek! you—are you princess?" gasped of a castle to commit the tbeft of a hu- turn to the left when old fields that have not been plowed for obtaining from it his daily bread; though tle of ether. Hold It beneath his nose. careful and yoo man, drawing back. NORWAY, MAINS. tage In the world. Can't you see?" in seasons in which there is the of it should man being Just as an ordinary burglar come to the was years will as part of penalty sin, onl risk I am to pile the body of thto top." "I am. Where Is Dannox?" She of aud make with the "You are right! Come I'll going Mice Hour»—'J to 13—1 to 4. plenty of rain a light crop |hay, be with difficulty, and with effort, would steal in and way will was off across the marble floor, the the yield It with We will save the Princess guard crosswise on top of him. He Lorry sitting bolt upright in bed, pis- in the sweat of his brow, such as he contents of a silver chest, was you! and M.D., beyond to arise if he should recov- headed for the stairway, Anguish tol in her iiaTlO WOODBUBY, A.M., for the earth of Graustark!" not be able trembling fingers. did not experience before, their of comprehension. was in of the cook, of whom not power er conscic.usness." left charge "He Is one of the conspirators. One "Diinnox! Do strike again!" IJ «3 shared the curse which man's obdience how it is to be "Don't you see it will be Jnst as easy & "We understand fully he was to make short work. Now and two other are Physician Surgeon, left for us to enter the castle as for these All this was done in a moment's time, of the cooks guards blow across the bead and brought upon him, and, untilled, and we shall her to Ganlook uncertain of stinging MAINS. done, get were headed for came the desperate, part In the Can trust me enough SOUTH PARIS, η.Λ be worth mowing this season. Fields it would forth thorns and thistles robbers? The way will be clear and and the two trackers plot you neck. As ho sank helplessly, angrily, bring on said Qeddos confidently. transaction. he were to Street. and Butas time," The was two the Suppose to leave bed and hide in another wall: < cii. e an l residence, 12 High that have been fertilized and worthless weeds. husbandry will be clear. Jove, man, we need the entrance. gate ajar your to his knees he heard the princess plowed, "Not a hair of her head must be kept at the head two or three are was the oldest in- hearts meet the two conspirators of the room? The scoundrels have seeded within years and labor in the fields not be more than seconds behind or three feet With turbulent part "Dannox! Do not strike again! You tho arch thirty or that the "-.SMITH, the better and will so was the most and harmed." cautioned conspira- of the stairs, or in the hall, but be standing drought dustry, it necessary tbem. Is all stole through. mistaken the door, they may bave killed him!" i. "In four I shall meet you at your pistol right?' they tl a crop of for man and beast aliko were tor. days other traitor, Dannox, should appear here at moment You must be tho at S fair hay. universal, this time the two men were speed- "Keep along the wall," whispered any As be rolled to the floor be saw Attorney Law, would the in ««eh he Ids. it for existence. And Ganlook. You will keep her in close By to frustrate all. It was the most try- help grass dependent upon the "and trust to luck. The castle quick! I will protect you-I swear it! forms near the bed aboat MAINS the was hear from me. ing along the grassy stretch toward Lorry, two moving SOUWAY, While the drought is cutting hay all that the earth produced confinement until you moment in the whole life of the Hide!" though ran the wall. is to the left" ing Come, your highness! shadows. Two red tbat re· Block. Collection· a specialty. in such fields from a third to a half, he it as the uniforms that road that beside They like objects Home crop (îod's gracious gift, gave Have you tho guard's reckless Lorry. in the anxious whis- there is toilsome labor. looked to their and placed tbem Without hesitation they crept over Something fierce, eembled dancing telegraph poles leaped unless rain comes immediately result of man's careful are to wear pistols he * PARK, you tonight?" the When near the top of the steps, her confidence. The miracle reason to the ^om su-h nthb And so it followed that there was no in- carefully in outside coat pockets. the noiseless grass close beside per gave him from he knew not where, and expect crop balustrade and cau- past I p.UKICK num- "They are with the carriage In the near hugged the high had been wrought! He had composed the of · at to be worth nearly as much dustry to be compared to it for the "We must throw away these heavy wall. Directly they heard sounds then there was a shout, report Attorneys Law, ravine. Oatrom and 1 will don them ahead. He found him- most cir- full « on Id have been at the reduced ber it nor was failure in any the to his The abductors were tiously peered tills woman under the trying a horrid bear* MAINS. crop employed, canes." whispered painter at hand. binding pistol, yell. Something BETHEL, or all before to the castle. In case we self down a long hall, at the have been im- I price of ordinary seasons. branch of industry, in put together going friend, who was a or so ahead. and the at the ar- looking cumstances that could crashed down beside him and writhed. E. Herrlck. Ellery C. Park. it pace chloroforming guard A>> Uson It is too to the result to be for a moment to the loss are seen will throw observers off far end of which, to his right, a dim She from the bed and yet early predict compared they "Keep it! We'll need one of them to bor. After waiting for some moments agined. slipped Ills eyes were closing; bis senses were of the the corn in which would be inflicted on the world, track for us to secure was There was no about 1 i.»HN S. HARLOW, drought upon the long enough fellow's head at the the in the light burning. threw a long, loose silken gown he was numb and Away, crop,^as; of labor on crack that gate. they heard party glide away going; sleepy. seasons corn if, through the abandonment α start In our sound and there was no sign of the ordinary *'.ί1ι.&Γυ* good flight" Gad. it's dark here I" darkness and followed. The body of her. off In the distance be beard Harry An· at if planted the fifth or sixth ot{ the land, it was to go out of along or to the Attorney Law, Imre by permitted "Remember, there is to be no failure. two men either to the right are she "How the devil are we to know where wus outside the "Who you?" asked, touching λ MAINS. J une. Much that was may cultivation and the of food was the guard lyihg Just gulsh crying: j DIJFISLD, planted early supply This may mean death to you, certainly left His heart felt like lbad. They which will add to to mouth of the arbor, and the odor of his arm. "That settles need planting over, to cease. go?" I the you!" a long prison term, If you are appre- evidently fcad entered princess' "I am a American— the i 11. ΑΥΤΟΝ Κ. Β HOOKS, the cost and probably give a Those who did not know, continued "We'll stop when we come to the chloroform was almost overpowering. foreigner—an Some one lifted bis bead from hended. I know it is α daring deed, but room. How was he to find that room? he seed bed to that earlier^ ,nf®rl™ in the the because they did not think, gate where we climbed up the wall to- Once inside the long arbor, the Ameri- Grenfall Lorry. Hurry!" implored. and α woman's voice was cry* prepared bishop, across carpet at Law. to there was no it is of the kind that succeeds. Slowly he wriggled the broad, not move a but Attorney season It is not yet too late plow were to that Just entrance I saw cans moved and with greater She did for moment He was apt imagine day. That is ttie only slowly in the lng something unintelligible. for corn for the silo or in whereas the Who would dream that mortal man dark hall, straightening up heard her catch her Notary Public. and prepare land skill agricultural labor, is near th« caution. There was a dim light in a he distinctly conscious of an effort on bis to, along the west wall, and It From this part for millet. A farmer will make fact was that an laborer could find the courage to steal a prin- shadow of a great post. SOUTH PARIS, MAINS. experienced as soon as the en- basement window ahead. Toward the breath. the blood from streaming over mS a and kind of castle. Just gang wall for a dis- prevent I no in turning over who was ready for any every cess of the realm from her bed and point he edged along the "Am I she murmured receive my personal atten- mistake we'll crawl and front of the castle and In the second dreaming?" ber last bit of gallantry. The Collection· prompt ..f l ind is ruineu, a farm ters that gate up get or feet to the left gown—a I where the grass crop work that demanded, needed, spirit her away from under the very tance of ten twelve Her now clutched bis tion. rid of the fellow who stands watch." a faint glow came from another faintly. fingers sound of rushing feet, eboute, firearms Kt-mlKances made 'lay claim 1· aud after a few and indeed an intelligence is Btory sound came from farther down the paid. «Μ possessed, noses of her vaunted guardsmen? It be from A arm All ii alters on than classes It was so dark that could window. They guessed it to tightly. —oblivion! reported promptly. of fertilizer to the acre plan more keen and varied many that they barely and he he heard some s h^djouad. the bold, the impossible plan of the hall, imagined "I should say not! I don't like to «oddjgor of mechanics, who, through the sub- see the roadway, and they found it nec- the princess' room or from that • •••999 in wins." one approaching. order but"— division of the work which prevailed to cease as slunk countess. you around, your highness, essary tailing they Ilis hand came in contact with a were "We cannot fall if your men on the "Come-come to the she In- [TO BU COSTLVTJtD.J Dr. R. 0. every kind of manufacture, engag- beside the wall. Occasionally At last saw four figures steal light!" Bailey. inside do their work said Ged- along they or tapestry, and he ed after day on a single piece of well," One of heavy hanging terrupted excitedly. "Over here!" «lay they paused to listen, fearing that they past the dim basement light its find- Veterinary Surgeon, revival ami «η. ο ** or construction and dos, repeating what Ostrom had said. quickly squirmed behind folds, she drew him across the suffering beyond production .only, draw too close the men halted near the window and three Noiselessly cn He might upon them a door which Telephone. South Pari·, caDe a failure. The appi» ι were not to go beyond it. "All depends on their faithfulness." ing himself against the fell across his face. THINGS THEATRICAL. I general required had before. At last in the darkness. Presently room until light Office and Ke*l»7. 12k are to leave undoubtedly castle, judging they Ills hand. Just as he was about to ι leason. mortgage I, day as will pay them, and they pull and two are to this room. Where Registry of Book farmers of New for many of farm labor, though they us Ostrom and that coming ind reconled In oxfonl lk*eds, England meanly the distance we have come. Let Geddos and they a man to Bvr a farm but believe that it the country as quickly as possible. At by aside the curtain glided past, be madam! Sidney has been delighting :t:, pages 524, 525. 526, and 527. conveyed With the excellent demand for year^ were too good for it; to wait. shall I go? Come, quick, George of cross the road and lie directly opposite. would not have long another. Provi- tu savings Hunk and Trust Company Berlin, winch the to them an in which Calas they will be able to join a pack quickly followed by carted oif to Gan- I audiences in the farce comedy of the follow- and crops present offered employment little blaze of Do you want to be arge Ν II one one half undivided part garden Be careful!" Soon a bright light 1 In cause, and at better of and mind, too, train that will carry them to the Great dence had kept him from running Ing described parcels of real estate situate·! business conditions their powers body, Then look? Then don't stand there like a— 'Busy Izzy." and stole across the crossed the basement opening. were the I'iwd of Bethel, Me. than have been known for yeara, be healthily developed, they Northern railroad. From there they Like panthers they squarely Into them. They going wbo has been In prices might α second time and like a—pardon me, I won't say it!" Miss Elfle Fay, to have the volume to for their road and down a short embank- it returned, crossing and he realized that the land described In a deed from t is a serious matter might help perpetuate will have no trouble in reaching Vien- grassy toward the left, I alarm the the last season, is to be Klr*t—AH All was still The soft "I trust you fully. Shall raudevllle » Mason anil Λ ν res Mason to William cent as a brave and inde- ment. At α third. again. were now the Eunice of farm crops reduced per fatherland vigorous, na. You will explain to them, Geddos. Anguish's suggestion Lorry they approaching prin- her season. vv lNiS, reconled rustle of arbor guard?" she whispered, recovering itarred next Mason, 'late·! May 11th. occur in It wouW race. his handkerchief about shuille of a foot, the ""ook 136. 3SK. to will many ^y pendent All we need them for, as you know, Is wrapped tightly cess' room. How he came to be ahead i>xf.»nl County Records, pane now cou α of what the a man crawled self Warner, the English actor, Is ma. also same properly described surprised vill be seen next season "Sunny said thThUdroughrrcannot and morals. But of if their hats, buttoned their coats tightly compulsion. fore the next and most important step in lee·I from Betsev K. Swift. Uuandan. to conducive to health will be 110 danger capture you him "Follow me." Hart recorded sa'd rec he sank to with bound- and were at the open- room by saying. fim," written by Joseph Mi-hq. late·I sept. «h. 1S75, as he knew something of town life, once her outside the walls. You and down wait, Lorry Anguish impelled him softly to enter the ·η<1 to which deed get She led him to the doorway. "Stand Vanna" bas oris. Book 169. p:«gee 527 388, b^^ViSe^a^pUtwo them that if mi- hearts the ar- a second or two later, lying flat on Maeterlinck's "Monna more between hundred not assure they before she ing and tingling nerves, ing for an instant's breath. awl recon! of same reference U ma le for a The"'difference could can be half way to Ganlook I will call the countess-at - would find and for sounds here, and one hundredth .lescrlptlon. and two tuns of to towns they improve- from the castle. Nor can rival of the abductors, mutely praying their stomachs listening Holding to the door, he stood Inside j mssed its performance particular pounds grated Is missed this wi ere it Is dark." In a deed in the same tlie lor while at the same time they would from within. The dim was still side, Deutsche» theater, Berlin. Thin! —Also all that lan.l described found held, ment, she found at Ganlook If follow that they were at the right gate. light and drew himself to his full height it the William W. Mason, ilate·! and be you the door and stood from Mlghlll Ma-*>n to mer land not for years more for their accommodation, window was and there She opened gently Victor being upon plowed pay I last It there, the open a and tremulous breath. The name of the play by January 24th. 1Ό. reconled In saM recor's, which the Instructions gave nlglit. taking long for a second. He saw be- record ref- up..» lose many of the advantages they was a sound of in the light Richman Is l'..>ok 1«7, page 168, to which ilee·! anil 1 and in half an CHAPTER IX. whispering. Lorry There was no light in the room, but dapes in which Charles ρΛΙ?-hv lesson that teat nee in the and which went is now nearly o'clock, a in a more 'lescrlptlon. it8 side is an fore him trailing ere nee Is made for particular object possessed country AND ANGUISH. raised his head and peered through, his came graceful figure more in their hour the will be as dark as THE EXPLOIT Or LORRY through the door crack to left ο scintillate is "Captain Barriiigton." :—Also certain of land situate the of farming far to make up for tho difference night and then he saw her face. She fourth parcels I good In calculations while the light now knew white, is to be In sal·I Oxford County, «madvantage seasons. no one men; have no more the half bour spent taking a dim, broad streak. He Edward Uarrigan, wbo In the town of Albany IÎ J in drv than in moist earnings. He hoped piesent Erebus. Go. you was Miss » In a from John made it He saw an open door Guggensloeker! 1/ AH that lan·! described deed not that what he had said was to for this must be accom- the grassy ditch or gutter they possible. where he was. This room was next to itarred under Liebler & Co.'s manage- W. «lete«l The fertility in the soil only pushes would think time lose, he A. to William Mason. Sept.3rl, I on the side of the low room, "Heavens!" hoarsely gasped, stag- i'lngree to the occasion, for, feeling not more than half a opposite in which the princess slept for next season, has named bis new 1«7"'> recorded In said records Book 16JS, paire ♦>, unfitted plished slowly, carefully, deliberately. spoke th^t her. "You! You I The nent and on with gering toward so all the pine trees standing growing of moisture, that the touched very deeply no huste until are dozen tlines and In the faintest steps beyond leading upward. had he not seen the light from her Wheeler I amount subject There must be you DURING )lay "Under Cover." a deed from Rowrna land described In atmosDhere he it not un- hear the Between the window and the door there he was now in the princess?" W dated 14th. 189». re- I their life, thought for the race to Ganlook. Go, but, of They could window? Perhaps to William Mason, Sept. daily ready whispers. eue Vol. to worth of dealt with by a preacher. the were no obstacles. Up those steps Next "les, ι αιη rnncess îeuve, corded In said recorl», -27, page 3B6, being for God's sake, do not harm her! And guard pacing the driveway Inside room of the Countess Dagmar. and recorls reference Is made for as she from PENCIL AND BRUSH. which ileeds ».·« «■»"'" —Mark Lane Express. but aside from his he saw three men creep, the leader door! Next door! Even now the dar- whispered, smiling glided PEN, of the same. VS&Zi do not fall!" ^ ponderous gate, a more particular ilescrlptlon h contains moisture, and tl « dim The door was his side. His weut round in his fo'- wink us than to no sound was carrying the light Geddos and Ostrom were crawling eyes Fifth:— Also all the land described In the the Value of Fertilizers. "Failure means more to footsteps distinguishable. ing Meredith, the novelist, ha· tn «aid Ox fori dition of the soil prevents passage The left doubtless to afford unim- head, his legs seemed to be anywhere George lowlng deed of land In Newrv half the A sense of came over the open, toward the bed of the ruler of Grau- farinaceous from Andrew M. stowe and of moisture in the subsoil ^ the you. Michael," whispered oppression he up bread, meat and County, vtx.: l>cel the of soluble commercial fer- exit from the building in case feet Hie but beneath him, he felt as though jlven William W. Mason, dated June One value Ostrom. two watchers as the minutes grew peded stark, not twenty away. Melven Stowe to under- hoarse For tods and is living on fruit and eggs. In Book to atmosphere through capillary and one that is not usually of touched the were toward the celling. I'.'th. ls.75, reconled 172. paw 144, in w tilizer, means to ine! I and more deathlike in their still- emergency. Harry Anguish first Impulse was to cross and open rushing reference Is made fora its is done in the soil att^tion, the is "Failure everything longer ie an painter which deed and record I stood and by farmer, arm. aur- the moment he was uncon- C. Ricketts English the appreciated ness. Lorry's door leading to the next room, actually more description, reserving par- tjl01 bacteria must have her!" lead of Bocklln particular its influence upon the nitrifying the two from that then his senses rushed back, re- ivho is following the els sold to A. N. stowe and Francis C. Stowe, were mov- the surround- "I took pistols that It would be unlocked, but scious; soil. These organ- Already the two hirelings They knew nothing of mlsing centaurs, by deeds dated August 13th, 1SS5, and April l«th, of the microscopic man out there. We need his mission and his ind Franz Stuck in painting the the road that ran west there was the dan- Vienna may he remembered Anguish, who was calling danger. 1&3. isms that have for their function ing off toward ings. If they failed, in Biblical as well as clas- them, nere is one for yourself. Go this the "She is sleeping so soundly that I lie indulges sixth:—All the land described In a deed from down of the matter of of the castle Michael watch- of shot the guards before doubtless, by time, stealing up beaking organic grounds. ger being by a soft sical Β Is be" to William VV. Mason of land In and first he whispered. must not be fear to awaken her," whispered subjects. Calvin the soil in order that they may live, ed them for a moment and then start- an could be made. If they Lorry," stairs. They separated, Kllev In said County, dated Nov. explanation The Plantation, this matter soluble and in Lorry stuck the revolver in his coat for it would two cool voice at bis back, and he turned. Till a few years ago Rudyard Kip- >;th. 18?*), recorded Book 188, page 116, to which which makes ed swiftly In the direction of the city. succeeded, it must be through sheer require steady, a more the win- was in the was the best paid writer lee·! and record reference Is made for condition for food for growing been able to pocket and gently slid through heads to deal with the villains. It was princess standing doorway. ing probably proper The watchers had not good fortune and not through prowess the particular description. cannot live unless a certain dow to the floor below. His friend fol- to "Then stand back where you η the English luuguuge. Since plants, the faces of the mind or muscle. Both knew the not one man's work. As he turned pray all the trees now standing existe in distinguish conspira- of It Is seventh:—Also pine amount of soluble food and to listen. Tak- he how won- will be out of danger. They will be South African war, however, pos- on land In a dee·I from plant could never the act would be to lowed they paused leave the room thought and growing deecvlbed these tors, but they forget sensible, judicious to Sir AlmlraA. to Charles P. Bartlett and the soil. For instance, organisms had in here in a moment unless they have lible that he bad to give Hanllng calm, cold voice of Michael, with its alarm the and thus avoid all derfully well they succeeded pi^ou William W. Mason, dated July 2âth, Is»), re- cannot live unless the soil contains solu- guards delicate so far. been frightened away." Arthur Conan Doyle. eorded In said records Book IS», page 2o2. Said acid. Now in some in- quaint, Jerky English. possible chance of a fiasco. With mis- the enterprise In said To ble phosphoric "Ybu shall not she McNeill Whistler, the Ameri- land situate In Andover County. we do?" An- in their hearts the His knees struck the door, and there expose yourself," James is made for a stances a small of fertilizer "What shall whispered givings and doubts which deed and recorl reference application in said should you risk will receive the degree of the men were out of hear- of the was a dull thump, not loud reality, positively. "Why can artist more particular description. is simply the making of crop. Say guish when the two self appointed guardians of and Farmer. will make of a to him. A life now? You have accomplished loctor of laws at the forthcoming Eighth:—Also all the lands In the town I 200 lbs. of fertilizer per acre ing. princess lay there upon the grass, but like the report gun your said described In the follow I havo You have saved the cere- Byron, lo County, a difference of a crop or no crop. "This the fear- sudden rustle in the darkness of the your object prin- (ilasgow university graduation via. Deed from J. Hodsdon in Summer Drought. "God knows!" answered Lorry. afraid to give up project, yet lug deeds, Abigail Feeding a left un- will be conferred in re seen a the width of drill and then a voice, soft and cess!" iiony. The degree to William W. Masou, dated June 12th, IS*, a normal strip is the most damnable thing I ever the outcome. room, sleepy The of maintaining was not ing state of Mr. corded Book 217, page 5t»4 Deed from Charles necessity fertilized and there enough as α woman wltb "Ah, the princess!" he said. "And ibeentia, as to the a summer drought Are we Did we "The dickens will be to pay, Lorry, quick, of awakening yea, owing P. Bartlett to William W Mason, dated January How of milk during for the while heard of. dreaming? be to Book for wheat to pay harvesting, in- a start: I am sorry you are the princese," Whistler's health he will be unable Kb, lst«>, recorded in said reconls. 221, be all who feed prof- see and hear those men?" He If of this guard on the will conceded by in the next drill mark the wheat was a really they dispose 321». the Wisconsin are added In her ear. je page it. In soiling the 200 lbs. of had risen to his feet, his companion side and lock the gate. Then how "Who is it?" present P. Bartlett to William W. complete crop. Certainly Deed, from Charles shows that one aero of soiling good His heart ceased his "Sb!" she whispered softly. Mh. lift*», recorded In station did not all the necessary weakly before him. we to follow?" whispered Anguish. beating, body Mason, dated August one-half acres of fertilizer supply sitting which be bad first said records. Book 3l«. page 465. Reserving all crops two and in It was about It! It's a was for awhile. He stiff and Immovable. Again the The door through POULTRY POINTERS. W equals food for this difference crop. "There's no question Lorry thoughtful grew lands described In said deed sold by said llltam for feeding dairy was and were bluegrass pasture the fertilizer had on the soil we have it in of In his a touch of alarm in it now: come softly opened, they W. to which deeds and records of same good ' the effect case of abduction, and felt the chill discouragement voice, Ma.'on, soiling is an economy one was best of milk a more cows. Partial extra of conscious that some entering. One of the ways giving reference Is made for particular descrip- other than the supply plant our to the whole Job. By heart. "Is that you, Dannox?" no farmer should neglect. power spoil In the mix their soft feed tion. that dairy food that must be credit for some She In German, and the voice Lorry and the princess stood to fowls is to up to come about given but this Is luck. Gren!" Anguish "In that case we must lie outside and spoke Ninth -Also all the lauds In the town of Box tho drought this of gad. she close be- Supposing of it. Undoubtedly application as he with the came from somewhere in front and to dark shadow of a curtain, fvith It burv In said County, described In the following theSfôth of June, your first substitute was quivering with excitement wait till they come out prin- O. Mitchell to fertilizer gave the nitrifying could hind his stalwart He could when are the dec Is via. Deed from William if have it. Don't soluble "Shall we old a sudden assault and his right He could not answer, figure. Fresh bones ground 1S*>, will be red clover, you to a start on rose to his feet. notify cess; then make William W. Mason, dated February 17th. clover bacteria of the soil food get indecision hear bis own heart and hers beating, valuable for being full of 3s3. Deed it will taint the milk. If or alarm the steward? There's her. In the darkness we can not move. The paralysis of nost poultry, recorded said reconls, Book 221. tiage use rye; and in turn, breaking down the Dangloss rescue < 1 Edmonds to W llllam W Mason, sow and they by was could feel the warmth of her body, al- inimal matter. from H-tavIa is not ou hand, Canada peas in the fur- no time to be lost if we want to trap make them think there are a dozen res- upon him. recorded In *ald records, insoluble food existing soil, .luted May 16th. IS»», one and a half bushels per "How is it that the outer door is though it did not touch his. His heart the and dries 575. I from P. M. Edmonds to oats, each food for the grow- these fellows. The chief devil Is bound he at length. After Lime purifies quarters Book 221 "page Wed 10 or 20 nished soluble plant cuers," whispered W. dated l«th. IrtH). record acre. For a succession days is not all. the beat with the pride of possession, of It is and and William Mason, May crop of wheat. And this to escape, for we cau't get him and awhile Anguish asked another appal- open?" them. cheap plentiful said reconls. Book 221, page 374. Deed If the season proves ing that he bad ed la later sow again. of this is not lost in one crop won't on of brain This time there was like power, with the knowledge should be used freely. Charles H. Phllbrook to * llllam W Mason a The effect others too. and they peach ling the outgrowth something from tirst sowing will be failure, question, but to stretch out his hand and touch dated Mav 16th. ISMO. recorded In said records. wet, your or in one season. These organisms go be What a in the tones, still low. build the nests Hats are for they him. Come, we must lively! racking study: reprimand Never high. Book «4. Deed from Joseph Uoodbout as far as the pea.s concerned, food in the one woman in all the world. 216,"page be- on freeing the insoluble plant there for? The trap who will be He almost could see the wide open, them so low that the bens can step In to William W.Mason, ilated August Slat, lisu, will and rot off. When cured are you standing "Suppose these fellows, .5 lodge the soil and improve the Across the dim belt of light from the recorded In said records. Book -221. page this makes ex- permanently should turn about eyes. nstead of in. fore to shell from a com- must be set!" In guards' uniform, searching jumping Deed from Sewell Goff to William VI Mason, ripe enough land. There is a change open doorway in which they stood In said reconls. cellent winter feed, being rich in protein. soil. "Wait! Why not do the whole Job and us. What then? We are Flat are best because they dated May 3Uth, hfttt. recorded lifeless soil to a living capture a man. perches lilram M. Cox to to the acre about paratively crawled the dark figure of Her Book 230, page 236. Deed from Millet, sown one bushel be about ourselves?" and our story would not be CHAPTER Χ. ire more comfortable to the feet and W. date·! #*h,W». record- to This condition might brought strangers, baud touched his back William Mason, May of will be ready YETIVE. unconsciously Book 227; to all of the middle May, but the and "How—what do you mean?" believed. They could slip away in the support the breast best ed In «aid records. 223, page in 00 in another way, cheapest as if reassurance. He shivered anil reconls of same reference is succeed the peas aud oats days. an sound and dieP' he hUtcd. be no further hesi- seeking these tleeds bis way will be to give applica- "Why should we alarm anybody? excitement and leave us in a very awk- "A you HERE oould When selecting male birds with a made for a more particular description this time King Corn has elevated quickest beneath its gentle weight Another Hy tion of commercial fertilizer. Otherwise We know the as well as these ward tation. Something mast be done. fiesh and of land situate ! In the town be of way. plans position." Lag Anguish by tbe band tbe otber led the riew to propagating prolific Tenth:—A parcel banner and should given right food remain fol- I closed "orm followed the first pausing la to I. W. Mason, Herman of this insoluble plant may scoundrels themselves. Why not if we are going to hatch up where he and instantly. He gently should be moderately short of Koxburv detded Λ of some of the early varieties "Harry, the way straight to the spot their aying they Mason and Sarah Mason by C. P. plat locked for years. the to look toward doorway. Mason, frank another of Stow- practically up low them right Into the castle, capture all sorts of let's give up the door. the door before answering light Bartlett his deed of warranty, dated August sweet corn, followed by possibilities, remembered seeing was doubtless remember- egged. by do alarm- nervousness he The abductor Oxford Look 23u, will through them red handed, and then the the now. I have thought ot men tbe third question. In his 13th, l;4M, reconled Registry, βΙΓβ Evergreen, carry you thing right Boldly the two began breath- to chloroform the 4S6. no waste Potato Culture. the Princess of realize In to the mid- ing the instructions page until the held corn is right, and ing? I'm In for saving a thousand contingencies, and I less ascent of tbe stone The spoke English, advancing SHAMROCK III. town of Box steps. top Then came the odor of A parcel of land situated in tl»e one of the above mention- our own bands and be. We dle the room. to see the countess. Her- land, for every Ata recent institute Professor Brooks Grauetnrk with how desperate the Job is to was and far down a of Impossible bury, deedexford. deceased. pei coarse and raw stable manure, do not clean. Doe* X straining. ao as to cause * « worn w Homsr· ιami mm* estate of sal Notes. Avoid There was a of feet It may develop slowly sons having demands against the Poultry of harbor- of West slight shuffling "Oh Γ she moaned. mummmm μ mpamt, mo im tmm buttons are valuable as «Doyenira. aame to if it is William K. Parke, Boylston, disturbance the whole deceased are desired to present the particularly suspected " a "Sb!" little If any during Momrnm that com· ημμ rust nails in the vessels contain- : One uf my cows was re- near the gate, suppressed and "Listen! You must aid me! Do you seulement, aad all In· le Mad thereto are requea Keep rusty bad Commercial fertilis- Mass., says rime, A OOBfCMiM. water. ing company. bred After treat- then silence. The period of childhood. ed to make payment Immediately. ing drinking used for a time on foul land. peatedly ineffectually. deathly gate opened, hear?" —Do think tt K. ers may be Farm Breeding then of the Mrs. Hatterson you June 2nd, Ι'Λβ CYRl'S CHAPMAN. There is no danger of white-washing ment with Hood Antiseptic a faint creaking attesting the fact fol- It may produce irregularity Another heart breaking moan. "1 eCOTT'9 EMULSION winter. Powder the first service was successful." stomach and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh, proper to bow to a man In a ckib win- too much even in lowed the heavy breathing of men, am here to save the There if tub μκτλλ mrmamarti amo NOTICE. when sur- by and marked tendency to consomption princess. «/Mm Beware of too much inbreeding Practice tillage with light SOWNSNMMr ΛΟ MMMMf MS dow? notice that I frequent the noise of subdued activity, the scent before manifesting itself In ranch cutaneous a to abduct her Already The subscriber hereby gives the sea- Hood Farm plot tonight. THM HEALTH OP HOTM MOTHMM AMO If· of ti mating up the breeding yards. face working tools throughout or swelling. Mr·. Catterson—That depend·. has been duly appointed administrator af- the of chloroform, some whispering and eruption glandular there are men in the castle, perhaps in CHILD. to keep alive son. This is hard on weeds and does be sure that are chance I have to estate of Feeding just enough the of the It Is best to you quite she Send for frw uunple. the only recognlne my late of Porter, or Powder then creaking gate. Its eradica- her room. You must tell jne where NANCY H. ToWLK, fords no material for eggs growth. crop good. Antiseptic Breeding free from It, and for complete SCOTT ft BOWNK, Baser. In and 1 Πι—Μι, husband.—Harper's the County of Oxford, deceased, give mixed with bran Can "They've gone/' whispered Anguish. tion can on sleeps. There is no time to be lost P«wl Street, New All bavin Boiled pumpkins With full directions, Is sold for 91.00. you rely 409-41; Yttfc. bonds as the law directe. persona form arose to a and ill ar a ration for the hens. to on the A. Lorry's crouching pos- am no thief, before God! I am telling joc. #1.00 5 arufgMU. "'"""Iflt y'·"» tlyi estate of said deceased make good Do not let the weeds go seed four times larger, 92.50. For sale by F. ( turns her back to the turner* desired to the aame for settlement, an and and a moment later he was cross- not be 1 Mercy present manure in the fence corners, South Me. ture, Hood's Sarsaparitla you the truth. Do alarmed, all are to make pa; should not pile·, Shubtlkff A Co., Paris, Indebted thereto requested FOwls kept for breeding the road with the tread of a cat The best of all medicines for all humors. Trust madam, and dfnl.—Quarie·. meat the highway. ing Implore you. me, Imaedlataly. too much food. along June ind, NM. FRANCIS Α. ΓΟΧ. have fattening Hebron From the Region. Academy. West Paris. Notes Rangeley of ESTABLISHED 1838. Buckfleld. Bethel. The is the programme at East Sumner, .Tune 10,1003. following THE OXFORD BEARS. of The rain of the week has been Sixty-five men are now employed to ueinees gets settled good running BercalaureMte by r been in town. Harvey, made the forest fires. Whilf Plain. SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY. >rder. available space in town c hanges by Qro(« of Jamaica William T. Eustie has of late eturned after a two weeks' vacation. Every of it was sad June IB, 1908— becn| for rents. t be trip was one interest, Mondar,, At in town. Mrs. Seth Walker has returned from a 1 s being occupied the Bxninlnatlr>ne of the three lower claases. ail accident insurance ο witness the wrought by now to wear muslin waists, and cool sum· SOUTH PARIS, JUNE 16,1903. eliciting Mr. Frank L. Willis is t damage 7 ρ M In the » hurch, Annual Prize Debate. It is about time dresses, MAINE, Puis Hill. has lost his of isit to her in Farmington. papering, paint- after :S0 Daniel Emery job night daughter inside for i 1res. Nearly all the way passing Tuesday. Jnne 16. 1903— Mr. and Mrs. Park and visit- 1 ng and thoroughly repairing the < ratchman since the rain. daughter t he cleared lands in Byron, to Bemis, Annuil Meeting of the Trustee·, Reading ner i the house formerly occupied by 10 Λ0 A. u Examination clothing. First Baptist Church, Bev. H. H. Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Irish went to d South Paris Wednesday. rent, of devastation is seen. Boom. Stuitevont Hall, ATWOOD & FORBES, 11 a M < Ireadful work classes. by Senior 1 arfor. i reaching every Sunday at of re- lis father, Mr. John Willis. of three lower Becepti<>n a new or to attend the Miss Isabel Woodbury Norway but little is left the of School from to muslin for dress waist, you will iun School at 12 U. Junior C. B. at 3 ■» p. u'. armington Thursday Ames of At Bemis except jClass to Alumni and Friends the If you have neglected get your Kriitora and lay urned to Mrs. Thomas' Leominster, Home. Proprietor·. Service at 7:30 p. m. Y P. 8. raduation of their Ella. her home Wednesday, having railroad station, round house, 8.Ό0Ρ. ν until 10.-00f. m. at Sturtevant lod a line here to select from. Sabbath livening daughter a is at the home of Lewis ustic j large evening at 7:30 p. x. Praver and two teen the of Mrs. Chandler for Mass., visiting Present itlon of Class eift. FOKBKS. Rev. Mr. Abercrombie, wife guest < mill and Barker's Plain and dotted muslins, figured stripe·, many color· UKOItUK M. ATWOOl). Λ. E. » Λ Mann. ûummings' Capt. June dimities, figured plain, Meeting Thurndav evening at 7:30. Covenant are VI, or two Wedne«liiy. 17,1908— 19 from Woonsockot, R. I., reek. < steamers, aad one a. m. and at9â0 ( ind all I-9c. Meeting theι teat Frl «ay before the 1st Sunday hildren, and Mr. Pike of samps and Graduation Exercises at qao pattern· of the Mr. W. Baker and Miss Helen Mr. Walter Chandler have Dinner at 1 ..... it the month at 2 30 p. m AU not otherwise con- ere to minister to the wants Burgess < Above Bemis the fires p.m. AnnuM Commencement Mercerized laee mualin in color· and black, are for the Paris Manu- ottages. ol Invited. are invited. vera united in Wednesday Norway working land- FM. A 11 former «tudent·» of the sch aaiUbie aecteil conllally [ethodists. marriage up to the steamer In ▲ fine line of white nainsook, organdie·, madras, dimities, oxfords, Τ EUX a —$1.50 a year If paH strictly In advance, Κβτ· J· H- Utt»e. Pastor. factoring Co. and with Mr. and ixtended nearly Annuel Com.ueDcement Concert at ft 00 p. v., a a rain will boarding From this latter OSc. otherwise ti.00 a Single copies 4 cents. c;hurcl·· " 11 A· What change little make, vening. ! at South ! or waists and children's dresses, from up. year. Sun,Uy Emerson of Mrs. Albert ng Rangeley. the church. nd what destruction the flood, Tuesday evening, Miss Rydej\ to the forest growth The duck skirt seems to be very this season. We have the duck AnVKKTISKHKNTi»·—All legal advertisements alas, Miss Nina B. has gone to tation Oquossuc wash popular a of the few for the American Bryant 27 inches are riven three connective insertion» for 11.50 told the story to townsman York, secretary ι is has not been materially injured ST A RTLING EVIDENCE. I η black and Blue with white dots, the colors, wide, 191*9, Miss Eflie V. Morris arrived here for in Gar- Bethel fora visit of several days with yet polka popular per inch In length of column. Special contracte minister who put up with a Missionary Association, spoke fires. But if fires shonld spring up made skirts of black and blue duck, also white pique, good sizes, advertle raveling lier Mrs. Eva Fox. >y Fresh in is Ready made with local, transient and yearly the summer Friday. in the faith. It a and She from thirty cousin, Bryant a brisk testimony great quantity 98c. ood sister being very Chapel. spoke ill for several 1 îere and control under Dr. ere. Dr. M. M. will go to Wilton in the work and a Ralph Bacon has been gain constantly coming in, declaring >nly Houghton ry time, the woman asked the minister rears' experience gave wind, the big hotels at Ilaines Also other in better Job hut steam of this week for about two work with the measles. j loutherly New Discovery for styles grades. Pitnrm(a Sew tvpe, presses, Tuesday for rain, so he for rain, nost accountof the jays View would be King's Consumption in and workmen anpray prayed interesting have terminât- ! Landing and Mountain to A White shirt waists many styles prices. lH>wcr, experience·! prices weeks' vacation. our new All cases of the measles and Colds be unequalea. our busl nd in a little while there came a littl»· rom Alaska to possessions, as the woods extend Coughs muslin trimmed with 98c. combine to make this department of so far. j η imminent danger, from T. J. McFarland One new lot white prettily insertion, On Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock, Islands. sd very favorably eur- recent expression noes complete and popular. loud, a few drops of rain and a great lie Philippine :lose to each The lakes and He Good line of ill who own or a pew are request- Ellon Mrs. W. Ridlon and daughter place. Bentorville, Va. serves as example. waistings. occupy rind, and blew the bee-hives over. The Saturday evening, June 6, Miss George were in a the church and Bèrtha have come from Portland to stay •ounding country enveloped writes: "I had Bronchitis for three ed to meet at Baptist he was a Meth- Frances Gibson died at her home on Id lady said, "I tiiink until < lense smoke. time without NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. the house in order. Those who was well the summer months, and doctored all the help put overdid." After we ipring Street. Miss Gibson through a little settlement has years the work will dist, they always with Mrs. Ridlon'e At Oquossuc, benefitted. Then I taking cannot help do please shower I met the and cnown in our own state as teacher of September, parents, about the sta- being began tad a slight man, Fuller. sprung up in the woods and a few So routs Boots and Ox fonts. hand to Mrs. J. C. Cummings the sum his which she followed Mr. aud Mrs. Caleb but Dr. King's Now Discovery, Wearables. eferring to the story he said that elocution profession :ion where two years ago nothing Hot Weather of 25 and she will have the work Gib- The W. C. T. U. met last Thursday bottles wholly cured me." Equally Thomas Miss Kor cents, [linister at his service η tho west and New Mexico. was seen. At South Range- Bugs. Sunday lightly Mrs. L. B. Swan and a forest in all and Throat Smiley, done. love of her nfternoon with effective curing Lung llanesUnj; Machinery. nvoked the powers to refresh the dry ion always won the pupils by the Lakes Steamboat Co. Summer Good*. several flower mission was successfully ley Rangeley Pneumonia and Unofficial measurements by the "I 1er own cheer- program to and troubles, Consumption, Notice of Petition In ,nd thirsty land, but says man, personal charms, always aas on a line of steamers A Maine. 112-2. Bankruptcy. seem to indicate that about live carried out. put Guaranteed by F. A. Shurtleff Norway, Telephone, Collier's people h ink there is a rail for more fervent ful and and not only her pupils tho Grip. Weekly. and bright, E. Wheeler is her peo- from Rangeley village, making trip Matchless Value. inches of rain fell during Friday her but she also drew to her a Mrs. F. visiting Co.; Novea Drugstore, Norway, Drug- Indications are that we are oved to tho famed mammoth Rangeley Lakes Meeting of State Assessors. irayers." time in Bath. Trial bottles free, sizes Saturday. them. circle of friends. For some ple a half and gists. regular The Twentieth Century. laving arge had a sick ilotel in about hour, affording All who are interested are requested from health had caused her friends Dr. Wheeler recently very 50c. and $1.00. Eastern Steamship Company. Howard I'. Shaw has come home failing but ι view of the most lovely to meet at the Universalist church Wed- of a horse and came near losing it, by delightful Annual Meeting. 'Tech" to his vacation. inxiety, but with the hopefulness lake in the chain of lakes known as tho See Our Hats. at 8 to clean spend hard work saved the animal. nesday morning o'clock, Gardner was home from Dixfield lature like hers added to the confidence These steamers make close WORST OF ALL EXPERIENCES. Guy Ernest Cushman is at home from New Rangeleys. house. η that often to feel recovery consumption gives, sonnection with passenger trains of the Can be worse than W. C. T. U. Resolutions. Wm. H. wife and daughter, of londay. In York for his summer vacation. anything Dow, The Masonic of this enter- ihe returned to New Mexico last fall. L. but do not connect that rniuute will be your last? for lodge place Mrs. Aida is relatives R. F. & R. line, every The are the resolutions I ortland, are at the Hubbard House even- her Miss Jennie Gibson, Bryant visiting Mrs. S. H. following ained the Canton lodge Monday April, sister, it Such was the experience of convention λ few after in Errol, Ν. Π. Oquossuc. adopted by the recent county days. went to accompany her home, and to the dense smoke there was Decatur, Ala. "For three of the Paris Hill ng. Mrs. F. S. Farnum will have a mark Owing Newson, of the Woman's Christian Temperance The annual meeting a .wo short months in the home and with on that "I endured insuffer- Rev. Mr. Turner attended quarterly summer milli- Dot the amount of fishing going she writes, at West l'aria: Water Co. was held at the Hubbard the disease down sale of spring and years" Union at Uixtield the 10th and 11th the dear ones she loved, be seen when clear weather sets in. able from stomach and and the old neeting shirt waists, etc., Tuesday and will pain indigestion, House Saturday evening, :ame off conqueror in a battle most nery, visitors are Death seemed inevitable nst. week. The crowd of summer begin- bowel trouble. board of officers was re-elected. Funeral services were Wednesday of this the members of Oxford For a combination for driving cows to bravely fought. to arrive, and soon the big hotels when doctors and all remedies failed. Wo, Cour.y On account of the storm which inter j Mrs. S. Clarence Curtis and son Gerry ning ,nd from a dog, and bi- tield at her late home Monday afternoon. and will be filled, as an unusual At I wan induced to try Electric DEERING & WOOD Woman's Christian Temperance Union, with the the chil- pastures boy, of Boston have been visiting Mr. and camps length fered preparations, but to be two Itev. F. E. Barton assisted by Rev. Mr. are for tho and the result was miraculous. assembled in our sixteenth annual con- lycle will do, up-to-date Bucknam. number of guests registered Bitters dren s concert of the Universalist and Rev. F. C. conduct- Mrs. A. R. desire to the day ►oys fill the bill. fennoy Potter, summer season. I atonce and now I'm complet- vention, express gratitude School has been until was a improved Sunday postponed have a who no ad the services. Miss Gibson fishermen from West Sum- For Kidney, of our hearts for the guidance our ΐ neighbor predicted Andover. A party of ly recovered." Liver, MACHINERY. the evening of Sunday, June 28. ho informed member of tho Rebekahs in Bethel. The the Electric HARVESTING Father has us in the ain until August. When ner started for the lakes on Monday Stomach and Bowel troubles Heavenly given iiev. Mr. and returned of a of the new Universalist Bishop family ne he had been with the moon have the sympathy largo The dedication "after the clouds roll is the medicine. 50c. RAKES. past, and with renewed confidence to week. juggling Family 8th inst. Later, Bitters only Only NEW YORK CHAMPION from their vacation the last of* the had learued his circle of friends. church at this took place Wednes- to A. Shurtleff A our^e'ves to steadfast faithful- told him I was glad I place by" your correspondent proposes It's guaranteed by F. pledge Mar-V Wiley and her son, Mellen but he had been Dr. Gardiner L. Sturdivant and family in connection with the meeting of the with full line of on hand at ness in this work for "God and home authority, didn't know day make his fifth annual tour of lakes, Co.; Noyes Drug Store, Norway. A stock of above machines repairs constantly of Bethel, are visiting her sister, after a short Oxford Association. The weather big Wiley, :onsulting the hazel twig or something liave returned sponding the for notes and observations. and every land." C. L. Carter. Mr. the Mrs. Wiley graduated iubstantial. He broke over an acre time in Brunswick. was fine and a good audience greeted Resolved, That we s^and unchangeably last week. up TO DESPERATION. A. W. Walter cfc Son. from the I niversity of Maine tho rain has services each The Rev. seems to be understood DRIVEN to the cause of total absti- aid potatoes, nevertheless. Saturday morning heavy day. singing by It generally committed Mrs. and Miss Edith Brown planted Falls re- Brinckle Mrs. and Mrs. Carrie raised the River and the Stanford Mitchell of the Rumford no announcement of the at an out of the way place, sure when sections that bear the name of the machine nence from all forms of intoxicating the Henry Nulty Androscoggin though positive Living Be buying they left Monday morning to attend U. intervales are under and the river was fine. been made that the mote from a is often and narcotic that >paulding attended the W. C. 'Γ. water, church exceptionally fact has yet Bangor civilization, family for which used. liqrors drugs, believing exercises of Howard Semi- has season in case of graduating •on vent ion at West Paris. «till rising. The excessive dry weather given and Aroostook Railroad will next driven to desperation accident, total abstinence is fundamental to |>er- in which Miss iiarv. Bridgewater, Mass., Mr. Tom Hastings had a valuable us but little to write about regarding undertake another big feat of railroad resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers sona' welfare and national life. of the (rertrude Brinckle is a member horse drown this morning. fanning, as that b/anch has been at a and will attempt to construct a etc. in a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Resolved, That we are opposed to any South Rumford. building Lay graduating class. standstill for a long time waiting for branch of its big system straight Salve. It's the best on earth. 25c. at system giviug legal sanction to the liquor from this already I he social circle of the Universalist Most of the young people rain. heart of the forest. The road F. A. Shurtleff & Co. ; Store, we are to | Pond. into the Noyes Drug trallie, and decidedly opposed on went to Rumford Corner Bryant's church will be held Friday evening, >'ace Saturday Hon. Π. V. Poor has a crew of men be is an extension of the resubmission of the Frank M. Colo is disabled said to planned Norway. prohibitory liquor June 19. A little entitled to the wedding îeception of Mr. entirely his beauti- in bright play light, free from building new roads through Katahdin Iron Works branch north law. and Cream" will be with md Mrs. Howard Miller. Over from work, but has been quite 'Sugar given eighty ful and a mile or more through an almost direct line to Chesuncook lake Kesolvi d, That we in the wide- use- heart until after- grounds, THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. rejoice the cast: vere present, and m~ny pretty and spells lately, Tuesday which when our following He his new complet- and eventually to Chamberlain. state were the noon. when he had another attack. purchase, perhaps leave if you used spread awakening throughout Wentworth. a gay widower....Mr. Wlnsiow ul presents received. Among miles of as Would quickly you, our | ed will give several pleasant The route is through the very with reference to the enforcement of ri'r rank VV eutworth, hi* bou and chum. were the is better at this writing. proposed Dr. New Life Pills. Thousauds >resents following: as can bo found in the county. of the woods and except King's laws; and will urge our con- Albert Bowker is from driveways deepest deep of sufferers have their matchless prohibitory Elegant oak rocker from II. H. Ilutchlus anil convalescing & Co. are an even proved > V\ lrdeld, a widow, somewhat given to' W. W. Barnes building at Roach Pond will not stiti· t this sentiment Lucy Harold Mutchlnh and Charles Moore, the but not able to return to his perhaps for and Nervous Headaches. icy strengthen by t&isiug, Mrs. Lyon. vlfe, grippe, and merit Sick from Mr. anil Mrs. 0. M. Elliott, the addition to their store dwelling cross a of cleared land. The Katah- j example and appeal. a maid, much Interested in famllv ('ouch, work at present. piece make pure blood and build upyour spruce, >ride's a much needed and necessary Works branch of the They That in v!ew of the determin- Mies Eilie Morris parente. Miss Jessie Tolman of South Paris is house, din Iron Bangor 25 back if Resolved, e__ rocker am! oik from Mr. and health. cents, money ν in London. Willow rceker, from Brownville Only ed of the traffic to con- ene—Λ cosy apartment with Mr. and Mrs. Robert arrangement. and Aroostook extends A. Shurtleff the Lord's and the arrangements Soau dish, cake of of towels, Mr. O. W. Rob- meetings their very the Bangor and Piscataquis day. grow- soap, pair Asa Sessions, Billings Hill, with but it has us that the held July S are t»> be made. mil Mrs. W. M. Adams (;ood congregations. He is a man of that road was by the Bangor us, taught ing tendency to forsake public worship bins, South Woodstock, Ε. II. Pike, the purchased whose FLANNEL OR WORSTEO left of last week One-half dozen oatme-il «aucere. Mary Pullor and those who listen to his words the Katahdin Iron Works body that 'succumbs is the one New Summer and to the and study of Harry Lyon Monday Mrs. J. H. Estes. Whitman and A. L. Rowe the ability, and Aroostook, Styles neglect reading course Table cloth, Mr. and District, tone is and that whatever will seek tor Annapolis, to enter upon bis will wisdom. branch went with it. Before this, vital lowered, God's word, and that we by Pickle dish, pal' towels. Magnolia Beesey. village and vicinity, which will be the gain along it ^ uited States Naval Academy. card one-half dozen is full of attend- the iron mines had been restores the body to its normal vigor in Shirts, our influence and to make the Pudding dlsli, receiver, | means of in better roads in the The village strangers however, OUTING SUIT.. example tauce Mr and Mrs. Jackson. resulting When are in a condition services of W ord has been received that his physi- dishes, the Univerealiat Association. abandoned. The is, it is curative. you Sabbath a holy day and the Ina Hutchlns. future, as one road commissioner cannot ing present plan cal examination was satisfactory, and he Kerry dish, the south side of lassitude, weak, nervous and no OUTING Underwear, the and God's word handkerchief, Mrs. Phi la Need ham. to the roads in town and said, for the road to go up pale, sanctuary honored, Cakeplate, attend all keep Oxford. are the has entered the dozen sliver Mr. and Mrs a notch in you inviting all germs is as to them tbe revered. academy. One-half teaspoons, them in condition. of Silver Lake and through ippetite, indispensable (luring room D. H. Abbott. good mot on or all the disoases. we to It is expected that the audience The Conference the Ebemee of mountains to of SUITS warm weather as the overcoat or ulster Hosiery, Resolved, That will seek bring <»ne half dozen silver knives and forks, Her- The Universalist held its first Congregational range »'f the church will again be oc- society and with a at- and from there Dr. Parker's Tonetic Tablets are the these the children and of our several Baptist t>ert Smith circle of the season at Amos Tuesday Wednesday large nearby the Ropch Ponds, is in cold weather. Anticipating youth the Bryant's Din- latest of medical the and i habits of the cupied for the services next Sunday, silver butter knife, cakc plate, Evallne an- tendance and interesting meetings. north to Chesun- production science, wants we have a variety of these Neckwear, communities ito attending afternoon. pre.ty nearly straight known. large now about The Lvdla Abbott. Thursday ner were served at Tem- will bo restorative medicine Sabbath services of the church, and of repairs being completed. have a and supper cook. The length of the road greatest Suits to show you for Glass fruit dish, pair of pillow slips, Mrs The Baptist Society appointed and Straw Hats, a walls have been tinted, the ceiling Hall. 50 miles and the mount- will build up your body give TROUSERS this seventh part oî life in Henry Abbott. committee who are funds to perance about through They spending the inside W. Κ soliciting of Hill, an and a to 1 their moral and papered, and all woodwork, knife and fork, Mr. and Mrs. a Mrs. Charles Fuller Pigeon ains some difficult building will you appetite good digestion ay that shall promote Carving a lot and lay a foundation for pretty that are Duck and outside, has been The Clark. buy died June 7. Her once there it will be draw nourishment from all you eat; repainted. W aged lady, Sunday, be encountered, but ready to $10. spiritual development. un· parsonage. will build $5 ■nside blinds have been taken off, and 90 years old, survives means etrength, vitality. They Resolved, that we tender our warmest nan. Mrs. Eleanor Whitman was at the husband, nearly smoother sailing. Crash Hats. .vindows of cathedral substituted Mr. and Mrs. Ε. K. her. up your imide rervcs, which give vigor for thanks to the West l'aris Union for their glass »ilaw set, Maitliv afternoon for tho first you. and have Tnttle. village Thursday and Here and There. to the vital that means en- ODD TROUSERS with Cuffs and to the com- for the old windows. New steps Cheese plate. Byron Mrs. C'has. Spring of Chicago all organs; delightful hospitality, • Mr. and Mrs. Ε. E. Abbott. time since from the grippe. been built in front, and numerous other 'racker iar, recovering H. E. of Boston are durance. will build up your blood belt add much to one's com- mittee who so decorated the fruit Mrs. Prances Hutchlns. the W. C. T. Miss Hersey expect- They straps tastefully Glass dish, Mrs. Emily Felt attended and sallow to those w ho minor items of repairs made. sliver ladle, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Thnrs· ed on and banish anemia, pimples and and church for pleasure, and soup IT. convention which was held at West Friday. It may bo well to note that the laws of fort appearance, $2 $3. ton. Mrs. A. L. is feeble. that means beauty, strength, en- h~ve contributed so much to the interest Mrs. E. Paris. Hersey quite the state make it a misdemeanor to skin; west tsetnei. G lis·» fruit dish, picture, pair pillows, Mrs. Orin Jones of Mechanic Falls, a durance, fullness of life! of our meetings the beautiful service P. Klllott. Mrs. Mamie Crockett went to Portland kindle a fire on land not own, vitality—the by "He senil* the weltome showers when they are your latest We Two and «-uicers, dish, Mr. an· former attended the conference Dr. Parker's Tonic Tableta—the of music, songs and recitations. neeileur mighty leader locth things Mrs. Graee Pelano. ping mother, and nerves. Μλκτηλ Β. Syrup pitcher, is ing teeth extracted. in blood Chapman, of Sofa cover. Maora Thurston. Adelia Curtis, while she away. on a Sunday picnic Brunswick, they '•«Soil's world I» full beauty, pillow Now cases of measles are Put up in boxes of fifty tablets, at 50 F. H. NOYES W. Thurston. constantly the con- CO., Theresa Pottl*:, W here'er we turn our eyes; China dish. George and Anthony Mrs. Angie Berry still remains in very built a not only without some five or six. fire, cents a box, six boxes for $2.50. At all E. A.G. Sticknet, Αη·1 If each heart does It·* th. blessing, Mrs. Brown. ordinary they see cause. Coolers, Robes, the one of the year set A heifer that came in some will hold services here fort- made its sud- purpose flay Uoru.ce E. Walker was married on young dedica- day and the coAinent, but instead the deeds of our May Miss Ethel Ford attended the MARY O. DURGIN late of Porter, deceased; apart to commemoiate of Kumford. weeks since is missing from E. Allen's after June 21st. den from off the Atlantic 30th to Kiss Clara Wyman tion at Mexico. nightly appearance trill and petition for probate thereof, and the ap- fallen heroes. drove of cows. Slio has been missing Walter Buckman has been to Boston and found us with open as administrator Etc. The meat of porcupines is eaten by Mrs. is at Alden Ocean, waiting pointment of Jay L. Κrink Whips, Brushes, Our need to be educated for two or three and so far Blodgett working a of horses and two It is as welcome will annexed L. young people and is said to be very days, they and purchased span arms to receive it. just with the presented by Cyrue of many people, Chase's this week. Mr. Chase is grad- widower. to a higher standard of appreciation have been unable to find her. The pas- covered to as if it had been a slice of the Kansas Durgln, sweet and good. out, not able turn I carriages carry sportsmen. Call and inspect our stock before you buy. services rendered them, and to realize ture is large, with many trees and thick ually wearing being ty which flooded so cities. ELLEN R. KENI80N late of Rrownfleld, de- Colorado beetles while waiting for himself in bed. downpour many of as a matter been but will and for probate thereof, and the accepting are their brush, and the heifer has sick, bast Bethel. ceased; petition ingr^tude potatoes to come up depositing ;he of Jay L. Κ rink as administrat- of coursWthe results of such sacrifices. a fine lot of milk. Obituary. appointment eggs on grass and weeds. gave East Sumner. Mrs. Π. E. Bartlett is visiting relatives or with the will annexed presented by Geo. G. How can this be about, if not by The sick are not in many was in W. brought Mr. Vinal B. McLane and Miss Kosa improving in Lowell, Mass. Patty Wentworth born Buxton, Kenlson, widower. W. 0. & G. an of firm resistance to A shower made Frothingham, we have three slight vegetation died in setting example C. Bean, both of this village, were mar- cases, although good Miss Lillian Colo has returned homo Oct. 24, 1803, and Brownfleld, ZILPHA McDONALD lateof Rrownfleld, de- SOUTH PARIS, MAXNB. these encroachments!' tho sick in this appear more animated and respectable. bor but a few for onler to distribute balance ried in Portland last week and have en- physicians attending from Washington, D. C. Her brother, May 20, 1003, making :eased ; petition Are we tired of the sad of But the Where In his hands by Francis A. story death, are hay crop—"Where, 0, came and months less than 100 years old. •emalnlng presented joyed a short wedding tour. They place. Mr. Fred Cole, with her spent Fox, administrator. disease, and broken hopes? It is quite School closes the 19th. is She." was the of Dea. William to sing in Prof. Wight's concert next a few days here. She daughter evident we are not tired of enjoying the The children rehearse twice this week A steam shovel and two ballasting and Merrill Wentworth. The JAMES E. HARRIS late of Rrownfleld, de- Tuesday evening. Miss Blanch Bartlott went to Portland Betsy final account for allowance by fi α its of those and the bless- the and for the trains below the station is attracting the to in and ceased; presented struggles For Children's Day 14th, last family moved Brownfleld 1812, F. L. Κ rink, administrator. our of horses and nervous Tuesday. ings brought us by fallen soldiers close of the school; very busy. attention skittish from Mas- here faUier, mother, two and East Waterford, Miss Florence Young daughters ADDISON E. of aald Court. the broken remnant of the re- returned to last women. a transformation has two DERRICK,Judge and array Alice Davis Lynn Quite sachusetts is relatives here. one son died. The sisters, Patty A true : Alton Ames is working in the Harri- taken in the station An ex- visiting copy—attest maining. Monday. Work started up in the shop place yards. Mr. William Brown from Berlin, Ν. H., and Mary, were left in the old home, and ALRKRT D. PARK. Register. not be allowed to exhibit our son chair factory. has work that tensive of off a We may where she works, and she job grading rocky swamp visited here last week. here Mary has cared for Patty in her manner in which Mrs. Otis Martin is sick with erysipe- and in new has in the exact will not pay to lose the putting sidings greatly son of feebleness. There is one Bister loyalty las. job. Mrs. Koscoe Clark and little Hugh years » but we can cherish and now have a meat cart and a fish its When the new they ditl, We changed appearance. from Sacu are her Mr. Mrs. Eliza Merrill of Gray, now I Lulu Mclntire, who has been at home will visiting parents, living, strengthen the same spirit of devotion .art on Wednesday. On Thursday a station is in place passengers hardly 02 of and Mary is 80. sick, has returned to Academy. and Mrs. C. M. Kimball. years age, past to the dear old dag. Bridgton team from the Union Tea Company and recognize the locality. was a member of the a free dance in his Mr. William B. Bartlett and Elias She Congrega- we shrink from Fred Kilgore gave and several Work on E. P. Russell's new store and \ueen> If, however, basely fruit team, come-as-you- Bartlett from were called here tional church seventy-six years, always of and new barn Saturday night. tenement is in of A. Bangor the ordeal sacrifice, selfishly pre- persons who call on for patronage. progressing charge last week the death of their and interested in its wel- will Miss Dora Stevens' school is to an by father, loyal deeply fer our own ease and pleasure, "It give The friends and relatives are in- J. Berry. fare. Her mental ranked above entertainment the city Mr. Jonas Bartlett. capacity be as certain as it is just, that we shall Wednesday evening, us that shall soon be with Probably work will soon bo resumed the and her interest in current ualîù they Patent forming average, we are to en- 17th. on the new hall. 'ose the liberty unworthy us. and hope to find a big lot of early grange events, what related to the re- K. Mrs. Henry Young underwent a suc- has been Maine News Notes. especially joy." vegetables for their benefit. John T. Glover making and political world, wore unabat- cessful for appendicitis at the and ligious operation changes in his buildings improving until a few months before she Maine General the 13th. Mr. ed passed .Maine Editors. Hospital the same. a was With Brother Peter McClary, weaver, drown- away. She was a Bible student, much Young, who accompanied her to Port- Mason. is the corn Mr. Gerry calling upon ed at Fairfield Wednesday, while bath- interested in the prophecies. She had a Leather land, returned home Monday. Mrs. Minnie Saunders and son and to their are the Leaders Ilersey planters trying keep up remarkable memory, which made her a Shoes Editor E. S. Stearns of the Thomaston at ing. ire visiting Douglas Cush>ng'e. waning courage. to converse with. Herald has of the The four old son of A. Preane very interesting person suspended publication Denmark. Ernest Morrill, road commissioner, is With a little more rain corn and up- year for four weeks, a made nec- on She lived a and useful life, and Boots Oxfords paper step on the road. will be fell from the third story of a house long $3.00 S»ÎVSÎS $2.50 Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Smith are the working land farms all right. has to her reward. essary by the condition of his health. is in Al- Knox street, Lewiston, and was instant- gone Fast color never weir brassy. happy parents of a boy baby born Satur- Stephen Westleigh working E. A. G. Stickxey. Shoes eyelet», Hebron. ly killed Sunday night. The Maine Press Association will day. Dany. East Brownfleld, Maine. make its annual excursion this year to Mr. C. O. Pendexter has been in Port- John Westleigh is quite poorly. Mr. Senter of Bates, a former graduate The champion killer of Han- are acknowledged to Behind every fact lies a reason. and Waterford base hedgehog Camden and vicinity, during the week land for a day or two. The West Bethel of the academy, preached here Sunday. cock county, so far as heard from, is Suicide at East Sumner. When there are a multitude of shoes trying to be will sail teams at West Bethel next Bearce and Howard Churchill be beginning June 22. Headquarters Mr. Frank Jewett has been ordered play Henry John Hubbard of Bucksport, who has William Churchill, late of Poland sold, and one shoe far surpasses all other· in volume be made at the Kickers' new house, the to cans at the corn Saturday. homo from Orono last week. Ira 81 of the and stop making shop, by got slaughtered animals, pre- who had just begun work for E. a reason for it. Rachel is for Mrs. as Spring, of sales, there is Sam-O-set, Kockland Breakwater, with the Burnham Λ Morrill Co., on account Westleigh working Boarce came yesterday (Thursday), sented the required credentials to the I. Brown of East Sumuer, committed Bean. for the commencement exer- This one shoe is Its sales are side trips to Camden. Thomaston and of the dry weather. he waited town treasurer. suicide Saturday night, the 6th, by hang- The Correct Dress "Queen Quality." more of other women's other places in the vicinity. A number of farmers in this vicinity cises. When discovered morning then double the sales any a fox The convention of the World's Woman's ing. Sunday are over their sweet corn. North Stoneham. Master Ernest Gurney caught extinct. No cauee is as- shoe. It can't be because of since other To from the condition pro- planting Christian at life was wholly price, many recuperate Mr. A. C. Jewett is a in bis trap last week. Temperance Union, Geneva, Shoe this Season. the o'er-stienuous life of news- building large II. B. McKeen and Will Culbert went for the act. lie was about 57 shoes cost the same. It is a of duced by Glover's have a that Switzerland, last week, was presided signed simply triumph addition to his barn. Mr. A. B. Ord- on II. T. boys dog left no He had L. P. Evans of the Piscata- ίο Lovell village business Tuesday. over Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens of years of age and family. at our paper work, so far has killed 10 woodchucks this sea- by Maine, If you will call will way is doing the work. Walter Butters of East Stoneham and driven teams for the Rickers at Poland leadership. Observer announces that he in the absence of as in quis Mr. A. H. Witham has been ordered son. general vice-president, four and "Queen is recognized the leader style. vacate his and take a rest for the re- iiis son Sewell of North Lovell are peei- the Spring for the past years very store we will be Quality" post to kill his cow which was sick with The ladies' circle held their "food Lady Henry Somerset, president. It leads others follow. It others summer. Evans for Η. B. McKeen. work for Mr. Brown. ; originates; copy. mainder of the Brother ng poplar etc. recently began tuberculosis. sale" Tuesday. Ice cream, cake, pie, Oliver Bowen of Montville met with a has devoted himself assiduously to his Mrs. Leonard Gammon is caring for Mr. Churchill left brother, Almon to show Everywhere it sets the style. If you wear "Queen Mr. Chus. McKeuna has been in town were on sale. About $15 was realized. an accident a few since which pleased you results tfrs. James Merrill of East Stoneham. days Churchill of South Paris. He was im- are with in work, with very satisfactory was the leaders fashion. for a few timber. Mr. W. A. Bartlett, who injured caused his death. Ho was re- Quality," you which in the columns of his days buying Amos Lawler and family from North eventually mediately notified, and cared for the appear pa- a fall last is but many different styles to Lovell visited at Adams' by week, improving, hauling hay, walking beside the load, mains and took them to his home in per, and a good long vacation ought Dickvale. Wesley Sunday. His familiar still confined to his bed. when he and was thrown under was do him Grace Adams is at work at the Bridg- tripped South Paris, where the funeral held at to suit all. good. Mrs. J. H. is is missed on the streets and we He was about prices Lovejoy reported failing. ;on House. She was at home Sunday. figure the wheels and crushed. on Tuesday. J. F. FurnUher, On three score and five. Mrs. O. C. Allen is still confined to fear it will be some time before be gets of PLUMMER, attaining Lyman Hilton was at Wm. Gammon's 75 years age. We also Market SOUTH PARIS, ME. Brother George E. Brackett of the Bel- the bed. out again. carry 31 Square, sunday. Al of Livermore Falls killed The Kawartha Lakes. fast Sea Breeze and the Temperance Mrs. Henry Davis, Mrs. 0. O. Tracy The most of the district schools close Teagïto Telephone 106-3. his wife and then himself at The known as the "Kawartha Record expresses himself in these appro- and Mrs. Hannah Bowker remain about this week. by shooting region and Dress Newry. the Lake camps, 15 miles into Lakes'1 situated about 40 miles to the Trunks, Bags verses: as last reported. Mrs. S. P. and Mrs. H. A. Cushman Blakesley priate June the woods north of Lake Ontario combines the iKTKosrxcr. Great was the rejoicing Monday, have*had a handsome granite monument Eustis, Monday. north of when after the severest drouth one lot in the Jealousy to have been the wildest mountain and Suit Cases. Three score and Ave. Lite's 'liai mark 5th, placed on the family cemetery appeared primeval granite, Brownfield. cause of the had for- Upon the 'line of passing lay» :an remember, God sent his refreshing near where the town house was burned. tragedy. Teague forest soenery with lovely grassy, shrub Is thereon cast weak anil The showers of rain in the last bidden his wife to into the to by paling rays, light •ain. Vegetation has taken a sudden The lot was seeded earlier in the season. go camps and vine-clad shores. Throughout the ▲n>l étui·low- dit which presage 'lark. one look W 0. & G. W. few cause every to pleased. one but she it ie under- the tourist and are at At three score and Ave. days itart and every is hopeful. work, disobeyed, chain sportsman years I. O. O. are mak- Pequawket Lodge, F., J. S. Allen planted one and one-half Lovell. stood, and ran away from home. Teague no point remote from busy town or vil- an addition to their hall. The century's half seemed faraway, ing quite teres of beans the 10th on land that had followed her into the woods. He was with excellent transportation CASTORIA W ben lustful the drove. William H. Abbott of Boston has been lage. youth spirit The freeze of a few weeks ago has for rain for weeks. from cancer of the stomach and and in seclusion. hrhWiejcM*» And on the future victories throve; >een waiting suffering service, yet comparative the as here on a short visit. Frothingham, <* to stav without doubt spoiled apple crop sow oats in some his death was a of weeks. find here C&yjfÏG&i# The sweets, and fruits refuse Farmers will and Frank C. Stearns and of Hot only question Canoe and camping parties TilKUYnHiiiAhrinBH|U W score and five. as all wild and the daughter a wish Itb three years well berries, drought jlacos corn, and the crop, It is said that he had expressed their beau ideal of summer outing. South Paris, Maine. plant hay are here. He came up through the look thin. ■ Springs has made hay crop late, will some returns. that hie wife might not outlive him. illustrated descriptive mat- Full orb id the day of manhood's prime, in :hough yield the floods of the west and struck the Handsomely and dowers Mr. J. L. Frink is visiting friends who has had a Their two six and ten years old, ter sent free on to J. the best, full rawhide Whip The venture waved, bloomed, Mrs. Mary Foster, drat storm of the season here. children, application Quintan, I · Buys length But frost· have seared and » were with and many doomed, Portland. ievere attack of the and been sick Mrs. Teague witnessed District Passenger Agent, Grand Trunk _ ever sold for that It is a Till life's aftermath's bat rime, grippe Quite a number attended the session of price. poor more a is much the shooting. P. tor three score years and live. 'or than month, very Union Conference of Railway, Montreal, Q. Hiram. Congregational Black Stallion, very tough and I guar- >etter. Churches at and Whip now It's narrowed dowa so small Albany, Wednesday a farmer, about 45, And Miss Anna M. Fowler of is Mr. and Mrs. John Dailey have moved Hatch-Cousins. Byron Doliiff, aged antee them to I only hope and trust I've done Augusta Thursday. himself at hie home on 50 Cents give recently Some little some credit won. Mrs. £li C. Wadsworth. ο Rumford Falls lately. C. P. Hubbard has moved into the A of much interest occurred bung thing, visiting Dr. wedding bhe Hollis five miles from Bidde- satisfaction. Will he accept the scanty all « Currier of Thurston's rebuilt on the site of road, Miss Ûary W. Roxbury, mill, W. A. Eastman house, which has been evening at the home of Mr. Several Of three score years and Ave? is Wednesday ford. Mr. Doliiff was married. Miss Μ. £. and her he old one burned recently, nearly a H. of Belfast, is*». Mass., Wygant put in good order and stable is being and Mrs. W. Cousins Fryeburg. herself. Maine, will commence saw· years ago bis mother hung Mrs. Van Beuren of N. completed and they built. was married to DECORATE, sister, Brooklyn, Their daughter Mary are at Eli C. Wadsworth1·. ng very soon. Governor's Y., boarding Carl S. Hatch of Boston. Only the rela- The Institute in Portland, Inch a Appointments. Sweet of Mr. Robert Foster and Miss Mary Keeley "Every King." Miss Emily H. Arlington West Buckfleld. tives and immediate friends were present on is successfully Among recent nominations by Gov- both of River, were Maine, Munjoy pill, record a Heights, Mass., also arrived Friday. iackson, Sunday at the ceremony which was performed drunkards and users. By Dare Devil, 509. ernor Hill are the June 2d. R. C. Lowe has a sick cow. During drug following: Miss Addie Clough is confined to her inited in marriage Tuesday, Rev. T. Pitts, pastor of the of JAMES N. FAVOR, »s$VoVUCKER Court— John Thorne and wife from Buokfield by Edgar junOSly I >am, dam Lord March, Recorder of Bumfonl fall· Municipal bed with lire. Lizzie Chapman of Swan's The Jewel, Bumfonl Falls. consumption. Congregational ohurch. wedding James B. Stevenson, is It is she were at James Richards1 Sunday. arc 2 :ii Point a :ai 1-3. Dr. L. Bennett of Bridgton Corner very sick. thought was followed a attended re- Muj Children Sickly. 1-3, and Dexter, Main Maine. Justice of the Peace and Quorum—Daniel Joseph Mrs. Mason from Berlin Falls is visit- by largely 91 St., Norway, Waterford. was in town this week. iae Mother Sweet Powder· for Children, ς Brown, appendicitis. Gray'· ·> for at her Mrs. Fred Bennett. ception. need Motner a nurM in Children'· lend circular. On June 12th and 13th we have had a Boarders are steadily arriving Pop- ing daughter, entire was by Gray, is in The house very beautifully Home, New York, brake up Cold· In M hour·, an- ar a favorite resort. Freeman Mrs. Mahala Bennett at work A call has been issued for the 15th rain. Hotel, the room were the bridal :ure Peverli-hneM, Headache, Stomach Trouble·, pouring Sumner for Blake Keen. decorated, party W. J OASTORlAtaMurtON» gf*"» nual convention of the National Associa- Mr. Albert F. Howard has bought a Sims, colored, ia coachman. received decorated with maiden reethlng Dlaorder·, and Destroy Worms. At Wheeler, Most of the attended being ill Sample mailed FBI·. Ad· c tion of Railroad Commissioners at Port- of male· and finds them use- Olive Powers ia working for Mn. Granger· Orange rose·. DruffUtotKe. Maine. pair very hair ferns and white In··,Abas. Olmsted* Le Bay, H. T. iouth Paria, land, Main·, July 14. ful and more hardy than hone·. Jalph Kilgore. meeting Saturday. s- k CO. New train timo cart I STATE OF RAINE. F. A. SHURTLEFF & CO. F. A. SHURTLEFF toetexA femocrat may be bad byy The South Paris Schools. Speaking of tbe recent fires In the rki calling at the Democrat office. NORWAY. northern α THE CARL LAMSON The remaining five schools in Soutl woods writer in the Bangoi News recalls that on October a COUNTY COMMISSI ONERS' COURT Rev. Lucien M. Robinson of Philadel-μ Paris village olosed«iaet week, with ap- 8,1825, ont Maine AND ROAD BILLS. phia is a guest at Wallace Ryeraon's. propriate exercises in each. conflagration broke in central SOUTH PABIS. which overran more than a million acrea May Term, 1906. and SOUTH PA BIS and Calomel. George Harjjrave wife of Portland] QBAMMAB SCHOOL. Second Cnngrrgiitioul Church, Rev. B. S of land and swept all before it. About Violin I COUNTY OF OXFORD Paris Green, Bug Death, Hellebore, were with Pastor. service Sunday, School, To JONATHAN Dr. pabm ροβτ orna relatives here over The exercises of Hideout, Preaching the same time a fire arose near BARTLBTT, ♦oiTB Sunday. the Grammar School, Men'i Quebec will their 10.-40 A. M.; Sabbath School, 19:00 M.; Of Portland, Bfe., open 1908. β Λ0 to 7 Λ0 A. M; a.~00 a. M. to Miss Eva £. Walker were held Social t :1β P. on the St. Lawrence river, which killed DiBce Hour» £. L. Dunham left to a teacher, Player Meeting at β Λ0 ; Meeting, Feb. 3 at session, $600 Saturday join Praver more than 17,to day· Parle, adj. i »f. *. at Bemis for a few in the high school room Thursday after- M.; regular weekly Meeting, Thursday 6000 persons, including nearly To 4? mile» travel, S 36 party days' fishing. C. R. noon, with a attendance of evening; Y. P. 8. Meeting Friday evening every member of the Mamelons tribe oi BRANCH SCHOOL to 2 at Parla, adj. teaelon, 6 00 For Files. good parents at 7:30. Mar.31, day· THINK KAILWAT. Mrs. Elizabeth of —AT— To 42 mile· travel, 3 86 UBAXD Bdgerley Portland1 and friends. The programme was as fol- Rev. Caroline E. Indians, and which poured a tide of Poison and Paper, Universalis! Church, Angell, to 2 at Norway on of Cattle Oil, Insect Powder, Sticky Fly visited her relatives here a few on at 1030 fiâmes across the of May 5, day· petition Commencing June 14, IMS, days lastt lows: Pastor. Preaching service Hunday scorching province B. F. Smith, .V-ΓΤΓΓ. 6 00 week. à. Sabbath Y. P. C. U. meot- and South But He's not Home with the M.; School, 11Λ0; Quebec, licked up the northern end of To 43 miles travel 3 30 Shoo &c. LKAVK SOUTH PARIS Duet, Coming 7 .Ό0 P. M. Norway Paris, Fly, rtul*s Evle anil lng, New not until at Sumner, on petition of Mrs. Boy», Penley Anrfo Ripley. Method let Rev. B. F. Flckett. Pastor. Brunewick and did stop I May 11,2 days «town a. *., (dally. Sunday» C. A. Record and son Miles of *8alutatorv Hebbard. Church, selectmen of Bamner, 6 00 soon. All can be fouud liolDs' (MM)—4:51 Clyde 10:30 Λ. Sabbath the of Lawrence was You will need them A. 4 Λ» P. M. Sunday only, Preaching service. M.; School, margin St. bay To 80 miles 6 40 lacluded). 9:30 M., Assinippi, Mass., are visiting the r The Hen With One Chicken, Karl Bennett. 7Λ0 travel, family McNeil'· 13:00 M.; Social Evening Meeting, P.M.; reached and Miramichi turned to cin- JUNE 1903. to 3 at session,-. 900 t>1M V *■ of her Geo. B. Crockett. Jennie Bide, Gladys Bonney. class 18, May 14, days Parla, reg. ni. A. * 3 38 P. 10.15 father, prayer meeting, Tuesday evening; meeting To 43 miles 336 t.oluji went)—10.U0 After the Battle Fannie RUbee. ders and dust in a day. Advanced student* u well aa beginners travel, At the Pharmacy ·ΐ Sunday β Included). Sunday only, The New* .Robert Oleson. Friday evening. _ r *·. dully. Penfold took the of 5 Dying Boy, Rev. K. S. taken both privately and In claaeea. Ralph place George Solo Baptist Church, Cotton, PSjStor. $53 68 ΐυ ϋ a. M. Angle HIS HOPE REALIZED. A. Briggs in the Parisian Male > Ripley. Preaching service, 10:30 A. M.: School,I. LAST Quartette The Kntflneer*· «tory Balph Gray. P.M. JONATHAN BARTLETT. IS Λ0 M. ; Prayer Meeting Sunday evening 7 the CHIBCHE*. at the Congregational church Vl«lon of Monk Gabriel, Evle Pen ley [From Sentinel, Gebo, Mont] South Paris, May 14,1903. Sunday. Sweet and Church. Rev. W. K. Bye Bye BTATKD MKKTIHQN. In the first of Oklahoma t & ongregaUeeAl Miss Florence W. Lowell of a Huartette,elen Barnes, Waldron, Leona Stuart, opening OXFORD F. A. SHURTLEFF CO., l>. t>„ Preaching services, 10 .43 Auburn, | Josephine settlers in the of this : COUNTY OF Br^k», pastor. ami Rose of Oxford Lodjn ,t 188Θ, editor pape Class I RANDALL L. Dr. former assistant in the Murphy. M. Regular meeting Children's To TAYLOR, an l P. Sunday School li *.; Y. high school here, MA SOUTH PARIS, MAINS. 4 *. [ The Enchant*.-.! Shirt,... Robert Kerr In Masonic Evening on ο r was the seekers after fort K. β Ρ- Church prayer meeting on has been the 0f Mrs. No. 18, Hall, Friday among many 1903 ρ C· *-« guest Walter L. Poor Little Hazel Edwards. Arch • at 7 SO o'clock. not other Jim, before fnll moon. Oxford Royal Chapte: nne who made the race one fine Feb. 3 at evening AU, Piano ο big da; 17, to Paris, adj. aesslon, $900 Tui-»l»y Invited. Gray. Solo, Rlzpah Morton. No. 29, assembles Wednesday Evening, on day· 5 00 F. CO. F. A. SHURTLEFF & CO. connected. are cordially LUtle Driftwood M in his abou 20 Lessons STES: $6 To 70 miles travel A. SHURTLEFF & wise <*010. Dolly Helen Barnes. moon. Oxford Coancll, R. A 3. April. During traveling ; Church, Rev. A. W Pottle, Pastor. before fall Mar. 4 days at Paris, adj. session, 12 00 Methodist The Odd Fellows are to The Old Ways aid the New, Myron Farnum. after fall moon. Oxford Lodgi and afterwards his hii 1 31,jo morning prayer meeting, 9:30 a. requested Friday evening, camping upon Pupils wishing to engage leaaona To 70 miles travel, S 60 Do Sundav, •Valedlctorv Louis Clark. evening afte r once 10 45 a.m.; Sabbath School meet at their hall at 1:3t after- No. I, Ark Mariners, Wednosday claim, he encountered much bad water writ· at to 6, to 3 days at Norway, on petition ι ; Tuesday Presentation or Diplomas. May preaching«errlce Meeting, 6:15 r. M.; to attend the full moon. the severe heat offc.F. Smith 9 00 Γ H., Kpworth League noon, funeral of Brother | Class Ode meetln ( which, together with meeting 7 P. v.; prayer meeting I. O. O. F.—Norwav Lodge.—Regular To 74 miles travel 5 92 •«ηΐηκ -.'rayer Fobes. 'Same Rank. * Evenlns him a severe diarrhœa whicl claas meeting, V evening. llenry I in Md F· Uows' Half, every Tuesday gave very to 2 at on evening; rlday meets In Ou 1 Carl Lamson Violin School, May 11, days 8umner, petition Tuesday Rev. H. 8. Plnkhani, Pikjtor. The are those who will ente Wlldey Kncampmont, No. 31, it seemed almost to check of selectmen, 6 00 Baptist Churcn, The Berlin excursions on the following and fourth Even impossible service 10 45 a. m.; Sab- Sunday Fe'lows' Had, second Friday case β( 914 CoB|rtii Street, Portland, Maine. To 92 miles 4 16 iid Sun lav, preaching | the school: and along in June the became travel, 7.DO r. Grand Trunk were started on I high Ines of each month. Mt. Hope Rebekah l.odgt j 5 at 15 00 ν κόΙ 12 praver meeting a.; the 14th, one May IS, to days Paris, reg. session,.. am Louie Clark. Nô. m· ots on first and third Friday of eaci bad he expected to die. One day oi 2 80 meeting Tueedav evening. and will continue from now until the Angle Ripley, 5H, CABL LAMSON, Director. To 35 miles travel, prayer Rev. J. 11. Little, Pastor. |I Clyde Hebbard, Ralph Gray, month. his him one smal I'alversalbt Church, end of October. In TUoc! neighbors brought ▲ DELBEBT SJOHOLM, Manager at 3:30 p. m., In Rlzpah Morton, Robert Olceon, K. of P.—Regular meeting Hathaway $75 08 Pre hltt.· service every Sunday υ. A. O. bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera School at Si» p. *. Erie Penley, Myron Parnum, every Thursday Evening, B., Noye RANDALL L. TAYLOR. New Hall. Sunday ne memo oi trie Metnodist mfeU third Friday of eac.1 and Diarrhœa as a last A Wearables. Ν··». Weather Hazel Robert DMelon. 12, Remedy hope. Hot pulpit Edwards, Kerr, 1 South Paris, May 14,1908. next Sabbath will be ''The Relation ol Fannie Blsbee, Earl Bennett. month. Lake Assembly, No. S3, P. S., seconi big dose was given him while he was Legal Notice. STATED and fourth of each month. Children to the and the Ground Friday evenings about on the in MEETING^. Church, P. of Grange meets second am I rolling ground great United States of America, District of Maine, hp COUNTY OF OXFORD M.—Paris Lo»lge, No. '>4. Rearul* * H.—Norway I To EDWARD P. FAUNCE, Dr. γ » λ and Obligation of Infant Baptism." fourth Saturdays of each month at Grange Hall agony, and in a few minutes the dose In tbe United States District Court In ana fo Hot weather will soon be here and you .< evening on or before fullmooi URICK INTERMEDIATE. Ί !·»> G. A. R.—Harrv Rust Post, No. M, meet» li was The effect of the said District. 1903. Κ —Mount Mica Lodge, regular mee I repeated. good γ I. ;).<>. Advertised letters in South Paris of the > New G. A. R. Hall on the llret Tuesday Evenlni In the Matter of wn «« to 2 at session,.. 6 00 for it your evening of each week.—Auror j* poet Exercises Brick Intermedial I medicine was soon noticed and within an Feb. 17, days Paris, adj. should prepare by replenishing In*·. Thursday of each month. FRANK H. WHEELER Ι In To 14 miles travel for same 1 12 Hret aaU third Monday evening s office, June 15, 1903: School, Miss Susie M. Wheeler teacher οΓ°ύτ„η,,.ν W. R. C.—Meets In New G. A. R. Hall, Mon hour the patient was taking his first of Rumford, In the County I to 2 davs at Paria,adJ. session,... 600 of summer hosiery and un- month. Mise Saille were Crc'™ Mar.31, supply shirts, of each flyman. held Friday afternoon with the fol evening. sound for a That one of Oxford and District of To 14 miles travel for same, 112 —Mount rieasant Kebekah Lo'lgc, N< day sleep fortnight. J etu|on [> or K Ν. E. 0. P.—Lake>-lde Lodge, No. 177, meets li Maioo* J to2davs at Norway, on petition derwear. Our stock of shirts is complete, ami fourth Fridays of eac a S. F. Davis, Postmaster. lowing programme: little bottle worked a and 1 May 5, Hi meet·· >ccond New G. A. R. on the flret and third Wed complete cure, To the Honorable Clarence Hale, Judge of thi of E. F. 6«0 Hall. Eflle Hall, Smith, mlintn In »>;:iturday evenings Cutting and fourth evenings of eacl Nor- Maine, Daniel H. Patrick and Fred O. Conant To 14 miles travel for same 112 time. 4. Vacatlou Mattle Pratt second Wednesday Stevens, Oxford; Noyes Drugstore, Belief Corjis Hall. Recitation, song month. both of said Portland, copartners doing buslnesi and shirts in small stripes Grange, from May 1 to Oct. 1 5 Abraham Lincoln cheviot figures, I· f H.-Parl* Composition, U. O. G. C.—Norway Commandery, No. 247 way. under firm name of Conant, Patrick Λ Co., an· 14164 and fourth Satunlay ; during th The Lewiston District Bi.-ew «mh'I Epworth League Angle E.Thayer meets second and fourth Thursday evenlngF| ol Steadman Hawkes Co. a corporation existing bj EDWARD P. FAUNCE. and cuffs like shirts, 60o. meets 1j 1 6. The Laborers some 85 plain white, remainder of the year, every Saturday, Convention is invited to hold its annual Dialogue, month Elijah Norton, of Dover, has law and located at said Portland, Nine Bove and Olrls each respectful]) 8outh Paris, May 14, 1903. (jraixe Hail. near the shows : we offer all de- ο r with the Methodist church in foxes at his fox farm village, and $1.00. In underwear 1 .0 a. C —Second and fourth Mondays meeting 7. Recitation. Poor Little Joe Myrtle Back No celebration 4th, '03. It will That Frank H. Wheeler, of Rumford, Count) South Paris β. Solo The Little Lllla C. Farrar July several been born the 8ΤΛΤΕ OF MAINE. each month. Wednesday and Thursday, Quaker, in youngsters having of Oxford, and β ta te of Maine, has for the great sirable and 25o., 45c., «>. Brook No. IS] 9. True take July 4, '04, Norway. weights fabrios, ν K. P.—Stony Lodge, Dialogue, Courage place present season. Last winter he had 43 er portion of six months next preceding the I COUNTY OF OXFORD, 88. fourth ; JulyS-9. Iza Marshall and Shurtleff are thankful. jrti. and Wednesday evening Stanley Rain. All of eeveral. At the date of this resided at Rumford May 14,1903. has decreed 10. Dot an>o. lJ3b7, meets second and fourth Tue» Geneva Sturtevant and Ethel Barrows. the absence year. says good going lan>i>. Woman's at Kent's Hill return- choir at South Paris during That petitioners are creditors of sal. Burbank attended Myrtle Ruck, original in distinguished 340, to me, the June 24, and the assessors' Malcolm O' Brlen, A Thayer, Much credit is due the municipal officers said County of Cumberland, on the twenty-sixth Decile, Book 205, Page conveyed new I'niversalist church at Andover nesday, ngle statesman carried it on many notable drew the Weetbrook one one-half part In common anil the Stanley Shuttled, Lllla Farrar, and dis- day of May A. D. 1903 from andendgned, office, Kumford Falls, June 25. for the faithful painstaking of a Trust the sum of then and there undivided of certain pieces or parcels of real last week. Friday, Lewis Marston, Gladys Cobb. journeys are in the possession Co. #300.00 being And are worth it. We are sole in Oxford duties in this a and and remov- situated in said of Oxford and they agents County. charge of their respect. Rockland S. T. Kimball, who part of his property, then there estate County » Albert Swett has arrive»! from The meeting of the Universalist parish Those not absent one-half day are as has several new lawyer, ed and concealed the same with the Intent there- bounded as follows : Master II. L. Thurston placed has refused a make a of fine Boot and Shoe on of this week will be values the relic highly and to hinder, delay or defraud his creditors. the described In a deed from We Repairing. Dorchester, Mass.. and will spend the Tuesday evening follows: and in his place of busi- by First:—All land specialty pianos organs cash offer for it. Also for that the said Wheeler on divers days Eunice H. Mason and Aycrt Mason to William bis Mr. and held in Engine House Hall instead of at Mattle A. Pratt, Carroll Cutting, large summer with grandparents, ness in the Noyes Block. and times within four months next preceding W. dated 1865, recorded In Ox-1 the church as announced on Effie Ε Hardy, Maud Gilbert, Mason, May 11th, Mrs. Jacob Nichols. Sunday, Charles and George E. Walker Stomach and Liver Tab- the date of this petition has conveyed, transfer- ford County Records, Book 130, Page 386, tu no Harold Cutting, Ray Jenne, Crosby Chamberlain's or removed or of h's a as there are arrangements for light- work on the side- red, concealed, part parts which deed and record reference Is made for of Mt. Pleas- Ida M. Field, Karl W. Rrseey, have been at plank lets are what need when you Intent to or de- There will be a rehearsal the church. The is at 7:30 just you property, with lue hinder, delay more description. ing meeting Geneva sturtevant, Bertie Curtis, the week. A careful at- after fraud bis creditors. particular team of walks during have no feel dull eating land In a deed from ant degree Wednesday evening to see what action the will take Mvrtle Buck, Stanley Shurtleff, appetite, that Second :— All that described SMILEY SHOE parish on their in order And further represent k. tention is part and wake with a bad taste in your your petitioners K. Swift to William W. Mason, dated STORE, this week. Team members please take toward funds to the Lllla C. Farrar, Lewis Marst in, required up said Frank wheeler hoe absconded, and his Betsey t raising complete Elmer F. Mildred E. llain. them in a safe condition. recorded in said records. Book and be Lane, to keep mouth. They will improve your appe- whereabouts are unknown to your petitioners and Sept. Cth, 1875, MAINE. notice and try present. whole and for the 200: also same described In building, provide II. Brown died at his home cleanse and stomach service cannot be made on him. 172, Page property 1 NORWAY, Ephraim tite, invigorate your personal deed from K. Swift, Guardian, to said II. Jackson and Nel- same. Wherefore pray that notice Betsey and Mrs. Α. daughter on Danforth Street Thursday morning, and a relish for your food. your petitioners dated 1875, recorded In said Ε. N. SWETT, Manager Salesman. F. W. FAUNCE, Salesman. give you shall be as provided in the Mason, Sept Hth, lie are relatives and friends in SPURTLEFF PRIMARY. '03. Born 1818, E. P. given by publication Book 169, 527 and 528, to which visiting The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs ob- June 11, September 17, For sale by Shurtleff & Co., Parlin, acts of relating to and record·, Pages 112-3. Residence 112-12. other in hie Congress bankruptcy, deed and record of same reference Is made for a Telephone Lowell. Boston, and places served their annual memorial day on The Shurtleff Primarj' School closed and moved to Norway with parents, South Paris; Stevens, Oxford; Noyes that he may be adjudged by tho Court to be a a few weeks. four within the of said act·. more particular description. Massachusetts for to Riverside at with as and Lucy· (IlealdJ Brown, bankrupt purview Sunday, going Cemetery Friday, June 12, programme fol- Ephraim Drug Store, Norway. Wherefore that service Third:—Also all the land deecrilied In a deed He remained a resident of your petitioners pray and 4:30 p. m. and the graves of lows: years lator. of this with a be made from Mason to William W. Mason, dated Dr. F. II. Packard family spent decorating to petition, subpena, may Mlghlll trade a He Barnum & Bailey's circus is coming Frank II. as In the acta 1873, recorded In said records. week with Mrs. Packard's peo- members buried there. An excellent Selection» School. Norway. By carpenter. upon Wheeler, provided January 24th, the past in first in Maine after but for one It of relating to and that he Book 167, Page 168, to which deed and record doctor is address was given at the cemetery by I'oem. Little Boy Blue, School. was for many years business, all, only day. Congress bankruptcy, in this place. The taking Tlie may be adjudged by the Court to oe a bankrupt reference is made for a more particular descrip- ple Rev. II. S. Pinkham. The music for Song. Vacation Son* School. the then in the wood working will show at Portland July 13th. and to the lakes this a foundry, within the purview of said acts. tion. a vacation goes Drogue, When I'm Man,.Twelve Little Boys. store at it was was a male mill and at a later date in the other Maine cities in which origin- MILLIKEN TOMI-INSON CO. Chas Ο of land situate two or three weeks' the occasion by quartette Poem. Some Day Graduating Class. by Fourth:—Also certain parcels week for tishiug. For will be cut to Haskell. Treas. consisting of Messrs. Blanch Stuart, J. Recitation, The Game of Tag, Carroll Ctimmlngs. the Falls in the grocery trade. many ally scheduled out, owing In the town of Albany In said Oxford County, Over the Hill Lnvel as rates with CONANT, PATRICK & CO. by D. H. Patrick viz.: All the land described In α deed from John The Kebekah lodges of Canton, Buck- W. Chute, Albert Dean and L. W. Hollis. Recitation, Churchill. he held town offices, first clerk inability to make satisfactory Little ones Report,...The Little Ones. years a Copartner. A. Plngree to William W. Manon,dated Sept. 3d, tield ami West Paris have Mt. Dialogue. twelve then three years as the Maine Central. HAWKES CO. Jas. F. accepted Recitation, The Boys Who are Wanted, for years, STEADMAN, by 1873, record in eald records, Book 168, Page 6. invitation tu The summer train schedule on the of selectmen and ψ Treas. Pleasant Kebekah Lodge's HuroM Merrill. chairman of the board Hawkes, the land described In the fol- went etfect Fifth:—Also all Let all turu out Grand Trunk into Sunday Recitation, Read ν for Spring Elsie Holman. also served on the board Uenj. Thompson In in said Oxford visit them June2t>th. assessors. Ile CUTS, BRUISES AND BURNS QUICK- for Petitioners. lowing deed of land Newry The and late trains Recitation, An Unselfish Child, Mae C&Ah. Attorney Andrew N. Stowe and and to make our visitors enjoy morning. early for six He enlisted in County, viz.: Deed from help Recitation, Work Away Turner. of health years. LY HEALED. W. Mason, dated June show the principal chauges, the early Ralph in and Mclven Stowe to William themselves. Dialogue, The Children's Wishes, Co. F, 17th Maine Regiment, 1S62, recorded Book 172, Page 144, to which train now down at 4:51 a. m., anil a I Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an anti- 19,1875. going Six Boye and Girls. served through the war. Ile was United State» of America, Dlstrictof Maine. ( deed and record reference Is made for a more Miss Iva McArdle. who teaches in at 10:15 p. Δ In and when to Couutv of Cumberland. sold the late train arriving m., Recitation, Study Astronomy, of Rust Post, No. 54, G. septic liniment, applied State of Maine, \ particular description, reserving the parcels home the tirst of Freelle Wltham member Harry Mllllkcn Tomllnion Co. Charles O. Haskell, deeds Chelsea. Mass., arrived about as in summers, The with cuts, bruises and burns, causes them to by to A. N. Stowe and Krancls U. Stowe, by previous Recitation, A Klnde-garten Carol, Bertha Wight. A. where he was honored Its Treasurer hereto duly authorize·!, Cona? t. 1885. last week for the summer vacation. She R., much more dated Aug. 13th, 1885, and April 16th, afteruoon train down is twenty minutes Recitation, À Mortlfvlng Mistake Two children survive I heal without maturation and Patrick A Co. Daniel (I. Patrick, a member various offices. by All the land described in a deed from NOW is in rather and came homo now at Other Ethel the usual treatment. ofealil am! Strailman Hawke* Co. -lxth:— poor health, earlier, leaving 4:20. Campbell. Jane Warren of Rochester, quickly than by ilrm, by William W. Mason of land of the term on The Middle One of Three him: Luella James F. Hawke* It* Treasurer hereto «u- Calvin Blsbee to twu weeks before the end trains run as under the winter arrange- Recitation, For sain Shurtleff & Co., E. P. Parlin. duly in said dated Nov. Merton Kills. Ν. II., and G. Julian Brown of Norway. by three of the petitioners above In Riley Plantation, county, IS THE TIME TO BUY ! that account. thorlzed, being 1886. recorded Book 189, Page 116, to which ment. Recitation. Last Day Blanche Scrlbner. he was a South Paris; Stevens, Oxford; Noyes named, do hereby make solemn oath that the U, In politics life-long Republican. deed and record reference is made for a more been Dialogue, The Little Helpers, Three Little Glrle. Interment Store, Norway. statement!* contained in the foregoing petition, Γ1ι« Κ. Γ. Purlin dru»; store has LiHTiia ε*, νιυνivcn turn ouoic Funeral services Saturday. Drug Misses Recitation. Juno fcdua Cummlngs. j •ubecrlbcd them, aro true. particular description. who by of sold t»> J. II. Brooks <>f Auburn, E. Porter of this place were members Recitation, A Little Hoy's Treasuiee, Pine Grove cemetery. M'LLIKEN TOMLINSON CO. by Chae. O. Seventh:—Also all the lands in the town Talbot ri. ν*. In the to-.k hist week. Mr. Brooks Ernest to. I Β* ue^uucui, ^·ι Λ Certain Core for Chilblain·. Haskell. Trciis. Byron, In said county, described following possession of the class which graduated from Farm- L1, J. Hodsdon to Recitation, Polly's Lecture to D. a PATRICK A CO. by D. II. Patrick, deeds, viz. :— Deed from Abigail as clerk in the a Dolly, Capt. SbnLe Into your shoes Allen'» Ko.t-Kasc, CONANT, has been employed drug Normal School last week, and Nettle Newell. inspected Tuesday evening by a William W. Mason, dated June 12th, 1888, record- sell the celebrated ington aud It cure» Chilblains, Frostbites. Damp, copartner. We store of E. Woodside at Sabattus. Mr. of both went to A Poor Little Mother E. Aultmau of the regular army powder. STEADMAN IIAWK ES CO. Jaa. F. Ilawkcs ed Book Page 504. Deed from Charles P. number of the relatives R'citation, Sweating, Swollen feet. At all Druggists and by 217, and has al- Lillian Powers. F. L. of the Trcae. Bartlett to William W. Mason, dated January I'ariin takes his place there, Farniington to attend the graduation. Brigadier General Hoyt Sboe Stores, 25c. Book Recitation, The Little Boy's Lament, was well at- Petitioners. 9th, 1890, recorded In said records, 221, Air entered his duties. Miss Porter Guard. The Bartlett to Baldwin ready upon Both Miss Crockett and Murray Blgelow. inspection Subscribe·I and swnrn to lteforo me, this 4th I Page 320. Deed from Charles P. Dry Refrigerator. of the re- were chosen their classmates for class Recitation, Who Cares Culbert. tended the members company. of A. D. 1ί*β. William W. Mason, dated August 20th, 1890, On account of low water in the river, by Guy by Born. day June, Re- Recitation, When Saturday Comes. The results were most to the FREDERIC J. LAUGIILIN corded In said records. Book 216, Page 464. the raised at Miss Crockett having the essay pleasing in said deed sold A. K. Shurtleff had gates parts. Géorgie McKeen. and Nash. [SEAL.] Notary Public. serving all lands described by see Miss Porter the and officers Capt. to which deeds and rec- Call and them. Pond bust week, to draw some and valedictory, Rt citation. The Ch'cken's Mistake, inspecting of said William W. Mason, Bryant's court Frank In Parle, June 2, to the wife Ueorge C for a more both are among those selected as teach- Dwlght Gowell. In the municipal Tuesday ords of same reference Is made of the water from there. The right to A lit rich, α daughter. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE UPON CRED-1 Poem, Little Hiawatha Graduating Class. of intoxication, and Flavin, description. to ers in the model schooll for the coming Anderson, guilty In Parle, J une 10, to the wife of R. T. I TORS' PETITION. particular Ίο this has for a long time belonged MltJ IftHUB ill »uo wnu V* Presenting Diplomas. Barnard, of assault and λ ElffDtn:—ΛΙΒΟΛΙΙ mill in this year. Graduating Class. Stanley guilty daughter. in the District Court of the United Stated for the described In the the proprietors of the grist Song, to uniler In Denmark, June 6, to the wife of Reuben | Roxbury, In ealtl county, battery, were allowed depart District of Maine. viz.:—Deed from William Ο. | but it has been exercised. A of Oxford who Those not absent one-half day: Smith, a eon. following decile, place, rarely party County people sentences. One Chas. Lowell, to wife of Lee McAllis- I η the matter of Mitchell to "William W. Maeon, Mated February V. suspended In Oxford, June 8, the Bolster & Co., are in the four-masted Ethel Hertha Wight, common Fkaxk II. Wiikleeb, In Bankruptcy. said records Book 221, Page 1 harles Lowell of Lewiston. arrested share-holders Campbell, with being a seller, ter, a daughter. } 17th, 1890, recorded Elsie Holman, Mac Cash, charged of Itumford, ) 383. from Octavla I. Edmunds to William Dayton was sehooner, John P. in the in Denmark, June 4, to the wife of Angue Bankrupt. Deed QS iast week Sheriff Hassett, Biemiller, Capt. Freelle Wltham. was bound over for the grand jury consideration of the petition of Mllllken In said Square, by Deputy Dwlght Gowell, a daughter. Upon W. 11 aeon, dated May 16th, 1890,recorded the Charles Adams, invita- Ham, and in default Bryne, Tomllnson Conant, Patrick A Co., and Stead- fr»m P.M. after hearing bound over to October by special Murray Blgelow, Ralph municipal court Monday In Oxford, June 7, to the wife of Wm. Bouncy, Co., records, Book 221, Page 575. Deed attended the of the Merton Ellis, Penfold, man Hawkes Co. that Frank H. Wheeler be do. William W. dated 16tb, siout: court on the of and tion, launching ship Raymond of bail was sent to a daughter. Edmunds to Mason, May charge selling liquor, Stevle Wendell Howe, jail. clared a It is ordered that the said Book 574. at Bath last afternoon. The Clifford, horse ran Main In Eaet lllram, June, to the wife of William bankrupt, 1890, recorded said records 221, Page unable to obtain bonds was com- Saturday Leland Chester Kasson, Frank Bailey's up Frank H. Wheeler do at thU Court of to William W. being miliar, Dver, a appear Deed from Charles 11. Phllbrook that he interested, most of whom attended Elsie Ethel afternoon into the Elm daughter. to be hniden at Portland, In the In said mitted to jail. It is understood party Gray, Hardy, Street Sunday ϊη Albany, Junes, to the wife of Henry Rugg, Bankruptcy, Mason, dated May 16th, 1890, recorded Joiiea, Hattle Gowell. was district aforesaid, 01. the 2'>th dav of June, 1ΐ*ϋ, 334. Deed from has been and more or the launching: Philip House and field when lie a daughter. records Book 210, Page Joseph making frequent Λ lanson Cummlngs, Alice Pierce. yard at ten o'clock In the forenoon, and show cauee, to William W. dated August Dr. F. H. Packani at»i wife. done In Hartford, June 1, to the wife of George Goodbout Mason, less visits to the two villages without having any damage If anv there be, the prayer of said petition In said records, Book 221, periodic H. H. Cu^hman ami wife. Edna Cu Wilfred Cash and caught Brown, a son. why 21st, 1889, recorded turnings, the in should not be rranted; and Deed from Goff to William W. for some time. 8. L Rues ami wife. other than greatly exciting people in Brown Held, June, to the wife of Fred nick Page"5. Scwell Leon Cash were absent but one-half Ir is Further ohijkked, that a copy of said dated 30th, 1882, recorded in «aid I. W. A ntirews anetltlon, 1 Wallace Maeon et al Lydla A. Reed, deed '"ok into the small and kitchen the Howe Redding, thereon and order for service by by vestry inhabitant. A class of six to seventh lake to cottage. Mr. U. M. luckier of and Mrs. Clarice by publication. dated recorded In said Oxford oldest promoted Waterville Redding Attest: August 15th, 18», which are finished in the basement Oscar Tubbs at E. of Boston. Book 230. 454. being grade: graduates Bently JAMES E. HEWEY, Clerk. County Registry, Page <»t the are a from the State Normal of a cer- Methodist church. They After an illness of some two weeks, Sadie Howard. Izora Cordwell. and Harold Bean Also one-third In common undivided decided addition to the equipment of the Fobes died Sunday morning, at Ella «'lark. Gertrude Howard. School at Farmington this month. tain parcel of land situate In the town of Grafton WOOD ASHES FOR SALE Henry Martin. Died. In said Oxford being the same premises church. The small is of 72 He was the son of Hattle Crockett. Hanora Alice I. Frost is one of the speakers County, vestry papered, the age years. il. Teacher. of which William W. Mason died seized and « Ahhie Jknnk, α; κ and ceiling, with a handsome pat- Capt. Billings Fobes, and a life-long resi- at Bates this year. possessed, and the same described In a deed to at Ih South Parle, June 14, Henry Fobes, aged W. W. Edwards, In desired. tern of paper. The kitchen is finished dent of the town, having resided until Fred 0. Stearns, for several years said William W. Maeon from any quantity his busi- 72 years. dated 19, 1891, recorded In said Oxford in hard and is furnished with a few on the old homestead PRIMARY. Rumford has of In June Mrs. Charles Fuller, aged Aug. pine, plen- within years PORTEB STREET Falls, disposed Oxford, 7, County Registry, Book 223, Page 86, and H. A. of shelf and table room, and road. Mr. in that and will go to 83 in )' closets, farm on the Stony Brook Porter Street ness affairs place years. Edwards, dated June 19, 1891, recorded said CAR LOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY. The following pupils of re- In Bethel, June 6, Ellen Frances Gibson, aged 31. sinks. was a man esteemed Hot where hie people Oxford County Registry, Book 223, Page large Fobes highly by wore abeent one-half Springs, Ark., 42 10 months. School not day relatives and years, In lots 8 and β in I one, an earnest member of the side. He has been visiting in Norway, June 11, Ephralm Heald Brown, Also lots 8,9 and 10, Range 4, \>r Price and Particulars every the term: one third in common and undivided of address, At its regular meeting last Tuesday one of its during for a few 84 8 months, 24 davs. Range 3, church and friends in town days. aged years, In common and Paris V. and A. M., Congregational Ruth E. Farrar, L. Bonney, of In East Sumner, June 7, William Churchill, lot 5ln Range 8, and one-half evening Lodge, 1SS3. Three Philip Pennesseewassee K. P., of 1, all In the town of deacons since daughters Murl J. Monk, C. Andrews, Lodge, about 57 years. undivided lot 11, Range conferred the third on three can- Ralph aged and the degree survive him, Mrs. A. W. Pratt of East Gladys I. Damon, Clarence K. Wlnslow, observed the annual memorial Sunday. In Hartford Center, May 28, Mrs. Ellura M. Roxbury, in said Oxforu County, being of visitors same lots of land of which the said William W. Qu'*e a number Walter H. Swett of Nora A. Dunham, Charlie Κ Ripley, Rowe has a wood and Oldham, aged 07 year*. SIMON f N. J., Mrs. J. T. purchased STAHL, rom of Granite Orange, Evangeline Wood wot th, Philip C. Bolster, is In June 8, Mrs. Mary Frances Jordan, Maeon died seized and possessed. Oxford Lodge Norway, this with whom he had made his timber lot of I. E. Andrews. The lot Norway, town, Francis S. Chapman. 87 years. 1 month, 14 days. Also lot In 12 one-third In com- of West and other lodges some between Witham's aged 1, Range (and AND WOOD. Lodge l'aris, home since the death of his wife situated in Oxford In East June 8, Jonas W. Bartlett. aged mon and undivided additional to the preceding ALSO DEALER IN COAL Those abeent one or one-half Bethel,~ *ere present. A lunch was served. This Fobes. day day and contains about six- 84 third of lot 8), in the town of Roxbury, years since, and Miss Eunice W. and McAllister's, years. », Range is the last of the were: in East Hiram, June 6, William Haley, agod in said Oxford County. 3 am IN AHJS GO] INT. regular meeting lodge The funeral will be held at 2 p. m. Tues- teen acres of excellent growth. until was decided to Gracie S. Dean, Bell Ames, 46 years. The above described lots or of land September, as it in the church. Howard D. Smith, cashier of the Nor- parcels Bears the call off months. The day Congregational Frances 1. Camming·. situate In the town of Roxbury we hereby con- FerlnfurtsiBdCbfldrM. for the next two at p. m. attended the annual or not. at the bouse 1 way National Bank, vey, whether dcecrlbed In other clauses CASTORIA will be wired for electric dur- Prayers of the Signature pall lights and business meeting ANNUAL MEETING. Also two of land situated In the town train John's Letter. banquet parcels Of 'ig the vacation. The change of the afternoon Maine Bankers at the Poland Spring of Roxbury, County of Oxford and btate of OiKUYiiitanAtaaisBtiiikt We read in the Book that the desire of tote Mo. 6 and 7 in the Fourth east minutes earlier makes on Mr. Smith was Maine, being Range goiug twenty House, Thursday. Market Association. > The ladies of the Erskin Club a heart ie to God. Square Building of lof in said town, the same deeded to Israil young it that the forma of the Demo- man's continual prayer of the executive coun- the after- necessary elected a member The annual of the stock-holder)· of the I W. Maeon by William W. Mason by deed of I and a few guests a part of more The continual prayer for rain lias been meeting In I spent crat shall be closed a little prompt- cil for the current a position he held Market Rulldlig Association will be held warranty, dated Sept 3rd, 1890, and recorded noon and of at Oak all over New Do year Square 1 evening Tuesday than before, in order to connect with universal England. at the oflli'o of the Treasurer on Tuesday, July Oxford County Records, Book 216, Page 466. I on the east ly little last year. P. M. the Maxims' Cottage There is not more than one you suppose that the joyful squirt Paris on 7th, at 2 o'clock Also certain parcels of land situated In the ^o«ge. that mail. M. E. Cummings of West M. AT POBTLAJTD DIVISION. of the river. Maxim gave came the other was in answer GEORGE WOOD, town of Mexico, Su te and County aforesaid, de- Myron week in ten that some matter is not left that night his wife was in Clerk and Treasurer. a complaint of arraigned scribed In a warranty deed of Lucy S. Richards q '· tha Im Coait Mid Interior B«torU of *Jde"cm the use of his boat, kept it arrives to the continual and universal prayer, or June IMS. out of the Democrat because the Court Friday, for assault South Paris, Maine, 15, to Israel W. Blason, dated November 24th, 1894, Vnr Kafliid. to the haven't heard? No doubt selfishness Municipal of Book smudge going keep mosquitoes too and we would ask of all who you the Af- and recorded In Oxford Registry Deeds, late, for battery upon complainant. to the of the Rumford ADDITIONAL SUNDAY SERVICE. °«, and attended to their comfort gener- insertion in the was with the prayer, but under la the 239, page 434, subject right have anything for paper mingled ter a short consultation the respondent Good advertiilug Lakes Railroad to cross said, The remained there until with the circumstances it is excusable. Falls and Rangeley party that observe these simple rules quite and took an appeal magnet which pull· trade. land. Commencing Monday, June 8, p.v.'ate a they in waited examination Matchless Value in Children's in the evening, and had pleasanl A deal of thankfulness is now the steamers leave Franklin to it: good the Court to October or of land fnllv de- The is in a beautiful regard but the continual is for from Municipal Also another piece parcel 903, "uting. cottage 1. Don't wait until late Monday order, prayer Court. have as good In the deed of Lucius A. Glover \ t term of the Supreme Judicial You may just scribed warranty Vharf, Portland, and India Wharf, oration, and is a fine place to spend it in. some more of the same sort. the Stockings. to Israel W. Maeon, dated December 12th, 1894, before you send undaunted by as the other fellow, but 1 at few morning and the ful- Nprway Grange, I have one of values and recorded In Oxford of Deeds. J taston, included, hours. 2. Don't wait until morning The earth is the Lord's held an all By a fortunate purchase Registry daily, Sundays Monday rain fall Saturday, day ever about hie Book 239, 435, subject to the rkht of way of ness the cattle on a thousand heavy the beat values in children's hosiery If he tells the public page P. M. before you send it in. thereof; session at the House. The third the Rum fora Falls & Rangeley Cues Railroad, J. B. Cole Λ Son are the bricl we have Opera Genuine for them than laying wait at all before send hills are His. For long years were offered in Maine. long staple ability to do better and reserving one acre of land (old to said rail- F. Portland, the saw mil 3. Don't you and fourth conferred upon J. Liscomb, Agent, foundation walls for "new been constituted a steward or degrees Sea Island the best wearing of be road. it in. shepherd about in the cotton, any one else and you do not de. of the Paris Manufacturing Co the largest class, eighty, knit thread building it in as as you can. of a limited number of His flocks and the assist- all cottons, double through- Also a certain piece or parcel 1>f land deeded an 4. Send just early of the With will the trade. A. H. G. P. & T. A. lne building will have eight-fool and never once history grange. out with three thread heels, toes and get by warranty deed from one J. F. Kane to Israel Hanscom, herds, through neglect the the third degree basement, the full depth of it be before ance of auxiliary fast black lisle a W. Maeon and Henry O. Rolfe, dated the twelfth Calvin V. P. & Gen'l. nearly and beartlesenesa have we placed noon hour. knees, brilliant finish, la to their tn Oxford Austin, »>w of tha was before the Tell people why it day of December, 1&4, and recorded 1 the surface, and the removal one of His in the given just often 25 i Beckler-Bently. Him in the springtime feast was not 20-cent stocking everywhere, advantage to trndo with you. Registry of Deeds, Book 239, page 504, subject to Manager. of earth for a building 10U χ 12 The usual harvest given is 10 sold to the Romford depth On evening last, June 10, condition of the drunkard's be at cents. price while they la»t Tell them convincingly and reservation of right of way offices Foster's Wednesday pitiful the new members as usual but will My Lakes General Wharf, cet makes a hole in the ground was united will. We will re- all sizes. Come and see thrtn. Falls à Rangeley Railroad. big Mr. U. M. Beck 1er of Redding horse. And we never date. cents a pair, keep telling the for the mason worl a somewhat later Coffee, sugar, a Boston, Mass. «n'y is sand in with Mrs. Clarice E. Bently our first. If the Lord cannot get such 1 Also another piece or parcel of land folly de- , marriage sign stewardship were the grange them, you certainly F. Kane to "ιad but the mass of th< was and milk provided by Gooda Reporter. scribed In warranty deed of J. Israel right there, of Boston. The ceremony perform- will furnish the cuds we will do oui was value else. —Chicago Dry t« only most basket dinner anywhere W. Mason and O. Rolfe, dated Deoember material taken out is nearly sufficient of East in so and a pleasant Henry ed W. H. Eastman, Esq., very beet to keep Hia stock order, entertain- 12th, 1894, and recorded In Oxford Registry of STATE OF MAINE. arriiit tm h w-Uf. of the wet a t by all. The literary an complete the tilling region in the of a few invited that we need feel no shame when he enjoyed by The drawing1 power of Deeds, Book 239, page 503, and also by warranty r Sumner, presence Under the Office of Board of Bute Atacaeaore. ( the south end of the land, b; Mr. ment was most enjoyable. lta circula- deed of F. A. Richards to Israel W. Maeon, dated company's the service used. comes. John. than K. So. Paris. ad. la ganged by Augusta, Jane 8th,1908. f , guests, ring being the attendance was more J. Chase, December 14th, 1894, and recorded in Oxford than which means a large amount of spaci Inez filled conditions If want to reach Notice 1* hereby given that the State Aaae More twenty double-page John and his sister tion. yon Registry of Deeds, Book 239, page 507. their available van 1 Redding of >ra will be in aeaaion at the Oxford Hoaae, added to of best man and brides- Card Thanks. the people, aae thla paper. ▲. a Charles the positions Also certain parcels of land sltoated in the rryeburf, Tueariay, Jane 23rd, at 9 o'clock year by room. Parle. Wed- maid. After the marriage the wedding We desire to express our sincere town of Mexico described in a deed from Henry I., and at the Court House. South a of and at the )ana Gibson are to Hall, where to those who us assistance O. Itolie to 1. W. Masou dated Sept. 19th, 18M, eaday, June 24th, at 10 o'clock a. m., Èictures only part Farm has sold ι party repaired Andrews' thanks gave ford June Kingleside recently a lock ι * recorded Book 261, page 18, of the Oxford County Ltaeaeora' Office, Bum Fall·, Friday, come week a was in connection with the funeral ol the that bull and heifer to E. E. Ladd ο t public reception given, goodly Me. Records. fth, at 9 o'clock 4. u., In the County of Oxford, things yearling their fords, to make a good s number to express William also for the beautiful ao horses, two-seated 0 aecure information to enable them Leeds. A foundation for a nic being gathered Churchill, carriages, from Oilman week to readers of good and beet wishes, AI so land described In deed Chap- oat and equal aaaeaament of the taxable prop· by regular heifers t > congratulations flowers. ι ο surries, 4 man of Bethel to William W. dated Also four yearling for some time top buggies, 4 bicycle Mason, rtr in the several town· in aald county, and ?erd. will make their home at Redding, Mbs. Harriett Doble, •*I have been troubled 23rd. Oxford *orey & Co., Poland. Mr. King ha β They I nice three seated December 1875, recorded Registry, 0 inreatigate çhargee of concealment of prop- Beckler is in trade and will Addik S. and sour stomach,'1 carriages (open), 11th, 1876, Book 174, page 120. to aaaeaament aa law. also of the Bickers of Polan 1 where Mr. Mrs. Lord, with indigestion etc. April irty liable required by bought of at Mass W. of wagon, harness, whips, robes, and Ironing Wanted. ΘΒΟΒΟΙ POTTLE, ) Board of bre ] soon assume the duties postmaster South Weymouth, says Mrs. Sarah Curtis, Lee, Mass., I Washing Also land described In a quitclaim deed from «Spring a tine individual and tine run F.M. SIMPSON, State and Mrs. Almon Churchill have been Chamberlain'e Will lease stable to busi- done in first Andrew N.8towe to William W. Mason, dated J four weeks old. His sire i β that place. Mr. "and taking livery Washing and ironing OTIS HAYPORD. ) COLLIER'S calf recorded Book 208, 3V7. and Liver Tablets which have is a clean Auguet 13th, 1885, page Jambs Sec. the world's roost illustrated c Stomach ness. This nice, livery manner. Will call for and lease from Andrew N. S to we to Willinm Plckmbb, progressive oland Marigold, he by Stoke Pogis now can class Also writers and artists Card of Thanks. much so that I < Famous J is Leaf A Miss Anna Lowell of Brunswick, aged helped me very and excellent No W. Mason, dated June 19th, 1875, unrecorded. newspaper. rrospect, and his dam Marigol I not." stock opening. deliver clothes in South Paris. make CoiUcr's α in every home. insane of Miss Carrie Hammom 1 that before could 1 necessity of hii α has been taken to the The family eat many things on terms. And whereas the condition of said mortgage by Stoke making 27, Augusta Will sell easy 1 Pogis Prospect, troub'e with your stom competition. Bend 4 cents in to-day for Mianla mff aa4 son of Stok 8 after to kill desire to express their thanks to neigh If you have any Address, has been broken, now therefore, by reason or the SALESMEN WANTED ÏÏSLSï lUape equal in blood line· to a hospital, having attempted F. B. handionio Uln^tratoU booklet telling of âtbMNn who assiste< 1 not take these tablets and gel FOGG, breach of the condition thereof, I claim a fore- I a Oxford and adjacent counties. Salary or iMm of Stoke of Pro h her father, Stephen, by dabbing bore and friends kindly ach why LAUNDRESS, premium 11 and prixea for CutMfr'$ fnbaertben. Pogis Prospect. Pogis aged > A Ε South Paris. tommiaaion. Addraea t- the them her illneu, also to thos» W»U? For sale by 8hurtleff Co., 1903 pect is many to be the grea him over the head. She approached I during May 3, Care Democrat Office, "ÏÏS&Br A. «DWAEM. THE VICTOB OIL COMPANY, thought by in ι South Stevens, Oxford ΙΟβ-β. 1903. Collier'a Weekly, 4M W. IM* St, New Yerfc est bull. He ia sire of { 3 old man unawares and had struck him who expressed their sympathy gift P. Parlin, Parla; Home Telephone Call, South Paris. Dated at Portland, May 32nd, A. D. Cleveland, Ohio living Jersey Store, Norway. Andrews boose Stable Call, 106-13. vented cows. several timet before help arrived. of flowers. Noyee Drug 59 TOU ENJOY WHAT YOU EAT? DAMES AND DAUGHTER8. a DO YOU WANT IT? HOMEMAKEES' COLUMN. do \ If you don't your food does not p/\A OUT. ■ w\^rmL· WE ARK N1VKB Domepoadenœ on topic· of Internet to the ladle rou much good. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Μη. Margaret Β. Armour ha· given : Kdltor Homkmλκκβμ WOMEN'S Pianos. or to ua will bring It MÛctteU. Addreee ; β the that one should take Woman'· Ivers & Pond postal telephone Main». remedy every 40,U00 to the Kansas City Column. Oxforl Democrat, Pari». _ a ivhen there is with the The C*aserratory Expand*. fou supply promptly. anything wrong .Christian association to establish a itomach. There is no way to maintain Amusing the Children. iome for worthy old people. of \. W WALKER & SON, he and of mind and WOES. The New England Conservatory health strength body has BOOTH PARIS, ME. "Mabol, don't touch that! Oh, dear! is no Miss Leonard of Idaho, who Musio is about to move into its beautiful ( ixcopt by nourishment. There Fay Hard fer any don't you go out on the front porch the stom- teen in the census bureau at Washlng- new on the Back This Coal, Cement, Lime, Hair, Brick, Why ray to nourish except through woman to do buildings Bay. Ice, the worried &c. So. Ιββν—Skakeipearean Jumble. »nd play?" exclaimed tired, must be has been to GASTORUand Children. of music in the Sand, ( ich. The stomach kept healthy, on three years, promoted For Infantg is the largest school to know housework— in the mother, almost at her wits' end or the will let world, and its among Find nine plays jumble. >ure and sweet strength be plant and seed department to pre-eminence how to her many tasks and to attend American institutions has been conceded that, well, measure, ends, all's, accomplish J lown and disease will set up. No appe- has sent Dr. Tol- For, her two little out of mis- Miss Helen Gould daily duties ever it was in 1853 Dr. S. RICHARDS, as, you, keep daughters ( loss of nervousness, head· since founded by much, like, ado, about, It, in ite, strength, nan to with a •I chief. "I won't have you here the sour ris- Europe, photographer, with a You Have Ε ben well, Hamlet, lost, tche, constipation, bad breath, The Kind Tourjee. measure, nothing, kitchen Take Ethel and go ο social conditions and report I when the depart- any longer. ngs, rifting, indigestion, dyspepsia, and study constantly Twenty years ago, tale, winter's, night, labors, out on the front and Don't America do well instruction was the, porch play. J1 stomach troubles are cured eatures that might aching back. ment of pianoforte being OPTICIAN, love'a dinner ie quickly twelfth, tempest, the, come back in the house until Cure. ο developed, a few Ivers Λ Pond pianos >y the use of Kodol Dyspepsia adopt Every woman Bought as con- ready!" F. A. Shurtleff & Co. one of the beat Always the ME. >old Rose were purchased. Since then, SOUTH PARIS, and by Mrs. Fanning, should learn As have No. 1Λ7 A Sylvan Stroll. The children departed obodiently who ^Vegetable Preparationfor has there m mown women in St Louis and cause of lula- servatory expanded, on the to the A sauntered the woods, gun were soon seated disconsolately The of men who rob Peter been 268 Ivers I through majority ras of the Pestalozzi school gradually acquired the alert far front Baby Ethel sucked her Paul to pay Paul. principal backache Pond With the in- In hand and eyes on porch. j >ay nogleot her Bears the pianos. expansion and Mabel brushed away ince 1874, is dead. One of early the cure. the new build- saw an animal the chubby thumb, and cidental to moving into d γ Same. Soon I very the ac- κ ε ϊΙε CATARRH a few tears, silently wondering what she jADIES AND CHILDREN INVITED. tupile was Sol Smith Russell, the board of directors of the con- sound of whose name shows that it Is ing, ta iur« to could She was not in doubt, who cannot now deceased. have their order for 31 raised rifle play. long All ladies and children or, servatory placed well beloved. Yet 1 my but little Ethel the hand, she Ivers A Pond making taking by ( itand the shocking strain of laxative Mrs. Maria Bartholomew, promoter Signature additional pianos, fined. I hit wide of the mark, a and went around behind the house, got ( are invited to Promoles a total of 299. Satisfaction lyrups, cathartics, etc., ind leading spirit of the Old Colored Digestion£heerful· and the creature bounded and an old which Doan's however, shovel basket, { Risers. neither tribute to this famous Boston peach ry the famous Little Early Veterans' World's Fair association, or- ness and Rest.Contains Higher Next a in a she tilled with ashes from an old ash be away unharmed. groove are different from all other pills, the nor Mineral, of art product would hardly possible it to They to promote the interests of pium,Morphine Cream Balm board crossed my and disappear- heap near by, and carried around do not the Even a ganized than 20 years' continued patronage by Ely's path riiey purge system. is the direct ίοτ "NARC OTIC. of a the front When the mother came weaken or xposition among negroes, this most of musical institutions. Gives Relief atone·. ed. A little farther on α portion porch. louble dose will not gripe, Pills critical an a noothcs to see what were doing, half lescendnnt of King Hennilok, South Kidney It c leaned*, i hill rose before me. Something they sicken; many people call them the Easy •Use*.**! up the scrubbed front : it—cure ev- the anrug-1 But among all game yard where Risers do their work well and "I a testimonial In Taste ane sold at a yiy like her? fail to that the FERERS. some from E. W. Thompson OF SLEEP. erty make one sage. They recognize my ness and LOSS The house Ν two -torv, well adapted And 7-S-9 should how to tho ter acres in Nueces, Hidalgo, on Main street. They helped Over bargain. little ones do not know 1,300,000 store, time re· For a play; Daniel liante of short for two families and In fair state of repair. Ail- Elixir I Whole Is a place wherein queen, Otterville, Iowa, and In a ITTrue'swoRM rain- ■ more "Go out and con- Starr and Cameron counties, and there back Immediately, have taken of a liaru The lot contains three I Williwill expel wonn»If A or king Is seldom seen. command play" vrites: "I have had asthma for three or of the trouble.· I Facsimile Signature joining this, large arenotheyexiit,an 1111» homestead. Also one undivided half of the F. recalls age. with doubt so sore affraught. mud pies and cakes. Memory little benefit until I tried Pills "sold''at all drug M containing 75 acres more or My cause, jot very Foley's Doan's Kidney s ( I MS Cooper pasture, Its need the delicious and Frnttcr-Mllburn Co., Buf- l)osi lees. My pen had even voiced looking pies, cookies, Honey and Tar which gave me im- stores: 50 cents. >J J j as mine It white brick- SPORTING NOTES. For particular* and terras Inquire of Ip such a suit brought. cakes, frosted with red and mediate relief and I will never be with- falo. Ν. Y. WILSON Λ GRAY. South Paris. to mako! dust, which wo children used >ut it in house. I recom- The dat is sad ; on blade and leaf my sincerely has re- HILLS, I don't like to have my children The Cleveland baseball club Its tears reflect the fading light; "Ob, mend it to all." F. A. Shurtleff & Co., photographic EXACT eOPY OF WRAPPER.*/ Jeweler and Graduate with mud and exclaimed eased Outfielder Weed to the San 9. Optician. But. lo, as balm to nature's grief. play water," South Paris. Orin Stevens, Oxford. PAUCDAO so Do u I New *ou MTV. SO YEARS' Ton orb would even bah out the night. Mrs. Prim, "they got dirty." Francisco club of the Pacific North- UnlfltHnU SUPPLIES tm( enrraun eoHmnr. Then tcach tlieni to be noat house- CASTORIA EXPERIENCE they? When two women talk the subject of west league. And thus I drive doubt clouds away; Ask them if ever saw w. p. iUAxm, keepers. they their conversation is S. the American sin- My heart, lit up with love's strong conspicuously Constance Titus, their mother with flour and milk daubed ibsont. *43 Main St., South Pari», nr. flame. sculls champion, who will row at iROxiordCouniv. all over her dress. A child will readily gle LowestPrices to Avails itself of hope, say, for of his the Henley regatta in July, sails Mall orders promptly Ulled. "Sweetheart, that we might boar one see the justice of being deprived Kindly take notico that Ely's Liquid in June. name." play if he does not keep himself reason- Cream Balm is of great benefit to those London early Patents neat. sufferers from nasal catarrh who cannot the international NORWAY, MAINE. ably Larry Waterbury, Acroetlc. childhood we had the but must for KXUt mxnna No. lOO—Double On my playground inhale freely through noso, j k>1o player, is in tbe market good a a ^WKBWT Designs My primal letters spell the first name a store, a bakery, a hotel, livery, treat tliomsolves by spraying. Liquid •aclng material. Ile will make a num- Ac. all the trades- not WeaK Copyrights finals the last name of blacksmith shop, in short, Uroam Balm differs in form, but may and my spell ber of additions to bis string. Anton» sending a sketch and description men of tho were in a from the Cream Balm that our whether an village roprosontod medicinally quickly ascertain opinion free a famous Inventor. Professor Milan will try for the big Is Communie»· be all those busi- at tlio head of reme- lOTentlon probably patentable. 2. Not small way. To sure, bas stood for years Handbook un Patents Crosswords: 1. In that place. on circuit with that Hearts tlonsslnctlycontldenttal. ness did not have but catarrh. It bo used in itakes the grand fnte. oldest for securing patents. Team Horses. proprietors, dies for may any of ■eat agency Heavy 3. The river of western places Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine every take'i Muuu A Co. receive soft. great did. "Chil- a trotter, John Mc. (3), 1'atents through then wo imagined that they nasal atomizer. The price, including jterling young who have heart trouble fit'tic, without charge, lu tho woman. 5. In one hundred people iptruii I have several of work Siberia. 4. A young dren live in a world of and tube, is 75 cts. Sold drug- Rex Amerlcus, 2:11%. pairs large imagination «praying by 2:17Vi, by can remember when it was simple indiges- time past. <5. Presently. invest the most and mailed 56 of the horses for sale. These horses have feeling. They insigni- gists by Ely Brothers, Mrs. Julius Fleischmann, wife It is a scientific fact that all cases of form tion. Scientific American.dr. ficant object with any they please, Warren Street, Now York. of Cincin- are not A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest the winter recently re-elected mayor heart disease, not organic, only icientlOc Terms. I? a been worked and see in it whatever wish to see!" cnlatlon of any Journal. through No. 101.—Word Square. they race horses In train- are the direct result of Indi- four months, IL Sold by all newsdealers. nati, has fourteen traceable to, but year: two or tree. When our failed, we went to Penitence lies most on an Also three 1. To protract 2. An evergreen imagination heavily care of Tom Welch. All food taken Into the stomach hauling logs. for ing under the gestion. of entertainment for travel- grandma or Aunt Libby inspiration, empty stomach. ferments and MU Ν Ν S QQ(361Bro*ni>at Druggi*!» sand. Another held a of Paris. Orin the intention of ness. Good open keg supply leff & Co., South Stevens, Ν. Y., has expressed by ·. O. OeWITT * OO., OHIOAOO positions which did for Prepared soft water, duty vinegar. Oxford. Btartlng his new mare, Miss Whitney, smart, We had of and apples, and Sold by F. A. Shurtleff A Co. capable boys. kegs pickles 2:07%, in all the big challenge cup DO YOU WANT STEADY our stuff camo from our If wo had all the virtues wo would at once to garden supply ruces for amateurs this year. Apply Housekeeper Wanted. own garden. Brick dust, fine sand, realize that wo had none. AT GOOD PAY? and their mixtures WOOD WANTED EMPLOYMENT CHASE, MERRITT CO., One who is a cook. Apply gravel, red clay, PULF good a multitude of Wo KODOL GIVES STRENGTH Wc want men over all New Knglanri to answered for things. RECENT INVENTIONS. For the International Paper Co. Mechanic Me. to the kitchen for paper, the to work for us selling nursery stock. Falls, besieged wrapping by enabling digestive organs ami Hcmlock wood, delivered made Spruce, Fir pulp not W. C. LEAVITT, cord, etc., and Aunt Libby assimilate and transform ai.l of Trunk from Mechanic Falls Steady job, pay weekly, experience bags, digest, In the automatic apparatus for mak- at Grand stations, 1 outfit Maine. us by presenting us with a small the wholesome food that may be eaten to Locke's Mills. necessary, exclusive territory, Norway, happy altitude and temperature tracings J. WALDO pair of scales. We made great effort to into the kind of blood that nourishes the ing J. M. free. Apply at once. NASH, In balloons sent above the heights in DAY, mark our correctly, and to adver- nerves, feeds the tissues, bardons the Pond, Me. goods Professor Bryant's tise our wares properly. When too cold muscles and recuperates the organs of which ink would be frozen CHASE & Auburn, Me. which HOMER N. CO., to outdoors, we moved our village the entire Kodol Cure Ossnmn has invented α pen A. Main Street. Licensed Taxidermist, play body. Dyspepsia Mention this paper. 99 MASONIC BLOCK, to an unused room over tho kitchen. Of cures Indigestion, Dyspopsia, Catarrh writes red with saltpeter ink on lamp- were all em- course, tliero times when of tlio Stomach, and all stomach dis- blacked Connection. NORWAY. paper. Telephone in our failed to ainuso orders. Sold F. A. Shurtleff & Co. ployment village by A nickel In the slot X ray machine us, then wo went to "pastures new." wise not let bas been invented. The observer places Mothers, try this plan for your little The woman who is will to be a a in the moves a lever, puts ones. If they cannot carry out tho "vil- anybody know if she happens coin slot, cusses. wishes to ex- lage plan," at least, they may represent martyr. Martyrs aro irritating his hand, or whatever be some one of the occupations. Devote a amine, Into a box without any sides TEN YEARS IN BED. MOST A kind of confectionery. half hour of your time each day in teach- and looks down at it through a fluores- The New-York can do this ing them to play. You R. A. Gray, J. P., Oakville, Ind., cent screen which forms the top of the Game·. than to timo in "For ten I was confined to W. H. Winchester, So. lOa.—Hidden much easier spend your writes, years box. LIBERAL as It What game lice hidden from the eye and worrying. Of course, my bed with disease of my kidneys. scolding Tbe latest explosive shell has tbe PURE When, shopping, pongee coats you buy? we have before mentioned, there will be was so severe that I could not move part Its Interior filled with Farmer When to sing inter- best part of Tribune college boys begin times wlion the village will fail to of the time. I consulted the vory greater OFFER BLOOD Of "fana, ruta. buga. blng?" when is melted est, then you must tax your ingenuity médical skill available, but could got no lead, which, fired, by FOR When the engine on the bridge HEADQUARTERS more for other relief until Cure was a composition, so that when for farmers is worth Whistles to boys upon the ridge? employment. Foley's Kidney burning is a national illustrated agricultural weekly Got some old" books and a bottle of to me. It has been a God- molten lead is scat- much When In her neck she has a crick recommended tbe shell bursts tbe did not uk lor a bottle any OF and their and stands at the head of the agricul- than gold. in No! I families, declares It makes her sick? allow tho children to paste send to me." F. A. Shurtleff & Co., a and or twice as I did ask for for farmers, a little Ethel mucilage, tered to considerable distance, cheaper, large, tural press. It is a practical paper practical Fortunately When the dons her hat. taken from old South Paris. Orin Oxford. the lady pictures catalogues. Stevens, the smallest particle causes a nasty PERRY DAVIS* helping them to secure the largest possible profit from of or silver Open brimmed and very fat? Get them a box of and show THE your gold paints, wound. farm through practical methods. When Rob, all tattered and awry, color Color- you like the two-step?" to will a remedy that them how to the pictures. Jigly—"Do is instructive and useful buy Does to his mother quickly fly? ono if the It entertaining, practically ed will also amuse them. Boxes Bigly—"No; step's enough whose interests it the blood and And when the sun my garden parches pencils the farmer's wife, sons and daughters, purifies cards aro nice and is sitting on it with you." GOWN GOSSIP. YEAR. left In but larches? of perforated drawing right girl in an attractive manner. back health· I've nothing green "Painkillernot (or I covers and will have substitute, brings arc inexpensive. If the any but for a limited they quite have used it. my lather used It. and there The regular price is $1.00 per year, mother is fortunate to be able to The of the stole fronted shoul- NEW- No. MM.—Planta Pruned. enough to Mother». reign is no substitute as good. time we will receive your subscription for THE Important In- bottles. draw, she can make pictures of easy out- der cape Is likely to be prolonged Sold everywhere, age, and 50c· and also for your own Trim at the top and leave a fluid. carefully every bottle of CA9TORIA, YORK TRIBUNE FARMER line on stiff manila paper. The children Ι—ι» loiter. rare for Infanta and children, definitely. favorite local newspaper, The Oxford Democrat, Trim at the top and leave to with colored OMfetnd remedy inay sew these bright of the Trim at the and leave an animal. ndaMthattt Length ie given to the front We Do all Kinds of.... Picture Frames top threads. Sewing cards may be purchased means of at small cost. bodice this season by girdle So. in of the PRINTING. Quite In a catalogue 01 Kindergarten sup- points place long popular JOB M rates. will find front Calling terme—telephone plies the mother many things "dip" Year lor and Pictures, Atwood & South Pari·. Botli Papers One Only $1.75. Even the honest blacksmith may be a listed which will be almost invaluable to Ik Un For Over 30 Tear·. The small French postilion, coaëder- Forbe·, her in the little ones. One Tba Kind Too Ban Ahmyi fiooght at the forger. entertaining ably wider at the bottom tban to Oxford Democrat, mention. It Send your order and money The no collection deserves especial the full Mirrors The man who pay8 cash gets cred- top, is attached to most of Maine. Mats, "Gems from the South Paris, and is called Kindergarten." and blouses. Records, Blanks, Horns, it for it "They say Underwood baffled six phy- length Eton jackets Annual It contains drawing cards, sewing cards, Meeting. Your name and address on a card to THE What envious people mostly envy In sicians." "Must have been a terrible New weaves In nuns' veiling have postal awl, pad and paper to make more sew- Paris Me., May 20, 1903. New-York «ill is the wliich create. case." "It was. Although they took cords set at rath- NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, City, Supplies. & you envy you cards, thread, colored paper with the effect of fine silk annual of the stock- Mouldings s,;!L ing him to court could never collect a The meeting bring you free sample copy. Ambition should be called the yeast for etc. These mako they er close Intervals. The material be- designs weaving, cent." holders of the Paris Hill Water Com- Work of life and every child taught how to ideal for evenings and rainy tween the cords is almost as thin and G'ade Portrait employment for the election of officers, and High use the correct amount to obtain the Full instructions accompany each India silk. pany Ν. H. «lays. A SERIOUS MISTAKE. transparent as buisness Berlin, desired effect and the is moderate. Another the transaction of any other in Water color, box, price E. C. DeWitt & Co. is the name of the Sashes of striped or flowered Crayon, of is a little book brimful of plaited, come before said source help Hazel chif- that may "One firm who makes thegenuino Witch taffeta, soft, flexible liberty silk, properly a Key to tke Pussier. suggestions for the mother, entitled be held at the Hubbard on and Oil Salve. DeWitt's is the Witch Hazel mull or other mate- will The New-York sent specialty. fon, transparent meeting, Catalogues application. Sepia Let 8. Hundred Devices for Busy Work." Να 148.—Diamond: 1. D. 2. Salve thaï heals without a scar. features of Paris, Maine, on Saturday, Satisfaction Guaranteed. When mothers recognize that the groat leaving rial are one of the special House, Laths. 4. Detroit 5. Thorn, β. Sin. It is a serious mistake to use any other. at 8 o'clock P. M. ALMOST secret of home government lies in "dress" gowns for the eummer.—New 13, 1903, 7. T. good DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures blind, June the children happily and busily York Post U. H. HEALD, Clerk. Proverb: The keeping and No. 140.—Illustrated will cease scolding and bleeding, itching protruding piles, employed, they eczema and skin diseases. Tribune L. M. TUFTS, sun breaks through the darkest cloud. and cast about for burns, bruises, worrying profitable Sold F. A. Shurtleff & Co. OF CITIES. AS Να 150.—Novel 1. amuso their children. Little by TALES Tri-Weekly Nichols St., SOUTH PARIS. Transpositions: means to and as Sweat, wants. 2. Timid, Idiot 1 children are necessarily active, they is a newspaper for busy people, almost Mrs. Newrocks—"Why, those are St Louie Is twenty miles long on the Satsuma Interior [nails metropolitan 4. tower. 1 must work oil' in some way the super- as a Kural Free Carriei Plato, pilot Owner, Mr. Newrocks— good daily, and your Delivery which is genuine antiques!" river front GOOD Races, areas, tt. Poise, poems. 7. fluous supply of energy generat- are better than brings it to your door threo times every week. A LOW PRICE "Are they? They look to me like second rule In paint. ed in each ono. Making a restless child The small tenement Is the It is on and Fridays, Types, yeast. 8. Aduge, glude. 0. Al- hand stuff." work easy, make a smooth sur- published Mondays, Wednesdays WANTED ! still" is a repression of this en- per cent of the They and contains all the most news of The Daily clear. 10. Slice, close. 11. Stone, "keep Chicago. Sixty-two one can them to important ter, nervous face, and any apply — — which irritates the whole and 00 cent of which is a of its value. ON Peeled Wood, Fir, stern. 12. Dense, speed. ergy, WARNING. front tenements per ceilings, inside woodwork, pan- AS Tribune, guarantee Pulp Spruce, ill and morose- un- walls, If livo in the or on a farm and have not system, causing temper have or trouble rear tenements are two stories or kitchens and furniture. you village No. 151.—Rhymed Word Square: L this If you kidney bladder tries, Many close touch and delivered on ness. The wise mother recognizes surface is non- time for a newspaper you may be kept in Hemlock Poplar, Pastor. 2. Attire. 3. 4. and do not use Cure, der. beautiful tints. The daily Stupid. Tip- and tries to diroct this energy into Foley's Kidney with all news of the world at a verv small cost. right will have to blame for em- and can be and important from toe. 5. Oriole. Λ Redeem. been asserted you only yourself The Washington city post office absorbent kept bright cars at railroad station activities. It lias long with a cloth. A The regular price of THE NEW YORK TRI-WEELLY any results, as it positively cures all forms while Cleveland, O., clean by wiping damp with Να 152.—Enigma: Candy. that "an idle mind is the devil's work- ploys 4G2 clerks, TRIBUNE is $1.50 per year, but you can secure it of and bladder diseases. F. A. ricalor will only Lewiston to Bethel, the F-lnch. Δ child who is and kidney with cash revenues, employs Don't pay fancy prices when your local The Oxford Democrat, Wool Junction No. 153.—Decapitations·: 1. shop." busily hap- greater Interior Knamels" at the your own favorite newspaper, Shurtleff & South Paris. Orin Ste- furnish "Satsuma has no time to think of Co., 185. The ac- you Carpets 2. L-ax. 3. L-ease. 4. S-harp. 5. O-pin- pily employed only frntili!ng privilege same as ordinary paint. Oxford. price coming year. soon as tires of one vens, DAILY lon. 0. L-earn. 7. P-lane. mischief. As he counts for the excess. FKEE Color can! and our booklet, "How to watchful substitutes Home Without New Fur- No. 1. Weather. 2. thing, his parent Of course thore are some souls Df New York Is 3,782,- Befurnlsh the Buying to out odd and clean 154.—Metagram: lofty The populction close patterns another occupation, and ho is of niture." E. W. PENLEY. Leather. 8. Feather. 4. Heather. pleasant who care not for what others say 903, divided as follows: Manhattan, from temptation. some of them a Made by Heath & Co., stock. West March No. 155.—Prefix Puzzles: ex- kept them; but just give the Milligan M'f'g NEWS- Both Papers One Year for $2.25. up Paris, 30, 1903. Change, or 1,017.676; Brooklyn. 1,201.597; The next time your little boy girl to even ! Chicago. Claim, exclaim. chance get and change. Pert expert comes to you questioning, "Mamma, Bronx, 268,341; Queens, 183,081, Floor Floor Coach Also Paint, Varnish, Send order and to The Oxford Democrat, When in want of Act exact. It exit Tent extent what shall I do?" don't answer, "For Richmond, 72.008. Muralo, Ac., your money and Spar Varnish, South Maine. Tension, extension. sit down and keep still, or f axative ftromo Railroad and Paints, PAPER. Paris, pity's sake, Masury's Liquid and address on a card to THE NEW- out in the and play." Quinine Bonne Thermometer·. Your name postal STOPS THE COUGH else, "Oh, go yard Cures oCoW in One 2 For sale by, New-York City, will into Day, Gripln Day» thermometer in every house and, YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Plows, Harrows, THE Guide them pleasant employment, A AND WORKS OFF COLD. for bring you a free sample copy. Chas. F. Ridlon, sew the seeds of happy enjoyment on every Indeed, In every room that Is used to 4 Tablets cure S. P. MAXIM Laxative Bromo-Quinine them and so that when child- save SON, Cultivators, Disk yourselves, yC any extent as a living room would *»AT!*K. a cold in one No Cure, no Pay. rise 40ΓΤΠ PARI«. day. hood's years are gone they may up housewife a headache and Price 25 cents. many a Corn and call you blessed. "She who rightly Corner Main and Danforth Harrows, a near of that drowsy feeling that comes Sts., directs the steps of the little ones de- Jones—"I'm quite neighbor prevent the bare idea!" "Of what, Mrs. I've taken a from in a room that has beifi "Why, serves as much as hero who yours now, Golightly; sitting the naked truth?" praise any RANGE etc., dear?" house on tho river." Mrs. Planters, "Telling sacrifices his life that a nation may live." Golightly— allowed to become overheated during see in some QUAKER call and "Oh, well, I hope you'll drop NORWAY,. MAINE. just Mothers lose their dread for "that ter- —Home Science Magazine. the day. rible second summer" when have day." they Children's Feet The Poet Turned. of Wild Keep Dry. Dr. Fowler's Extract Strawberry TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY dat wot called writer on children the follow- Office Boy—I told poet A. W. Walker & Son. in the house. Nature's for bowel A gives Take Laxative Tablets. E. W. specific Bromo-Quinine wuz out of town. CHANDLER, of sort. advice, which should receive special dat you I have a stock of new We have just received a new line complaints every ing All druggists refund tho money if it large attention: The family doctor should din Editor—Good! What did he say? of Cambridge Steel Plows, Eclipse fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature have Marriage and divorce are represented it into the mother's head all of the time Office said ho thought he Pianos and and and King Corn Planters, The Nation- on each box. 25c. Boy—lie Organs, Finish I a hitch and a kick. that the hoalth of the children lies in an In de Builders' al reversible sulky plow, also the by noticed improvement paper.— some nice trades in second the feet. the feet Never that mere "Gos- I Will fornlsh DOCKS and WINDOWS of uj reversible Keep dry. "Isn't idle gossip?" Now York Journal. Syracuse sulky plow. Chronic bronchial troubles and sum- them wet. No child should be Site or Style ti reasonable prices. work there is let get my dear," answered "is To aid in tho spring and sip, Cayenne, hand instruments. mer coughs can be quickly relieved allowed to go out in the snow or rain, or never idle. It is the most industrious equal to the F. A. InToklnc the Moon. nothing cured by Honey and Tar. rub- on earth." Also Window & Door Frames. Foley's when the walking's wet, without thing A on I have one Colonial Style, mahogany Shurtleff A South Paris. Orin Ste- Roumanian girl seeing the new If Is want of any kind of Finish for Intlde or Co., bers. When children's rubbers cost only Pease octave, almost new order·. Pine Lum moon invokes her thus: "New case, piano, 7£ Outside work, send In your Miller Manure Pulverizer and vens, Oxford. to cents a no- During the summer kidney irregulari- queenl ber and on hand Cheap for Cash. twenty-five thirty pair, In health thou hast found in for $185. Shingle· as an excuse. ties are often caused by excessive drink- me, health is body can plead expense case Poole almost The woman behind the washboard or overheated. Attend to the leave me. Thou hast found me One walnut piano, a fond mother who has lost a child being unwed; and Job Work. Spreader. often to the one in front of the Many ing for worth 1250. Planing, Sawing superior all to the inscrutable kidneys at once by using Foley's leave me with α handsome husband." new, |900, Floor Board· for «ale. also have the hand culti- weepingly lays it Kidney Matched llard Wood We plow piano. Cure. F. A. Shurtleff & South One second hand Ivera & Pond piano, for use. of Providence, when the Co., tivators and weeders garden dispensation Orin Oxford. for worth $300. E. W. whole trouble was the child had no rub- Paris. Stevens, walnut case, •950, CHANDLER, On the first indication of kidney Rauitn Army Doctor·. Very truly yours, bers.—Ex. I have a nice oak case organ at Rum- Weal Sumner Main*. it taking Kid- First seems The of a medical officer In the trouble, stop by Foley's Lawyer—"The judge quite pay ford 11 s tops, that I will sell at a Cure. F. A. Shurtleff & South a wash the sweet on the widow. Second Falls, ney Co., To whiten yellow throat, Lawyer— Russian army Is on appointment $42Γ> trade. nickel rails in the in great The Paris. Orin Stevens, Oxford. throat well at in warm water "What you might call legal tender." a he WANTED ! Walker & night year. After four year· receives second band at South A. W. Son, which a little borax has been added, and, One Fstey organ $600 and when promoted mnjor $1,400. almost new, for $99 Maine. When a politician goes about talking when thoroughly dry, rub in as much Can't be perfect health without pure Paris, are South Paris, it 11 MODEL, easy of "demagogues" the public feels that white vaseline as the skin will take up. blood. Burdock Blood Bitters makes Longevity In Europe. One second hand Worcester organ, QUAKER for A PARTNER WITH $10,000 has a laugh coming. Rub up and down and around the throat. pure blood. Tones and invigorates the Of European, nations the Norwegian stops, In nice condition, $45· not successful whole & six a lialf Interest In a well establish If this remedy does prove system. •nd Swedish are the One second hand Dyer Hughe·, as are to take No health unless the kidneys are longest lived, the to remove ed retail lu»ber business. good after a few weeks try the following: octave, walnut case, never been hurt, they put Cattle. Cure makes the Spaniards the shortest sound. Foley's Kidney take three ounces of sirted meal Belle—"Married next week? you MDIfi NOW Α ΒΓΝΗΕΜ OF #75,000 Stray barley Why, that cost $126, for $05. enclosure F. A. Shurtleff & Co., and mix them told us were booked for a BX Came into my June 4, kidneys right and one ounce of honey, you personally a nice FEB TKAJB. CAR BWUMD, South Paria. Orin Oxford. One second hand square piano, on without bolts. four steers about three Stevens, with the white of one egg. Spread the conducted tour with a small, select Birmingham. In a town of 13,000 Inhabitant» '903, years one, for $115, worth $140. thriving mixture on a of white dear. But Is the oldest Mat of and ha· other town· within a one black and white mix- do bachelors know thickly piece party." Morion—"Yes, Birmingham eight (8) old, color, Newlywed—''What is the oonduotor and Dewn,"i radius of four (4} mile· to draw trade linen and tie round the throat every George personal In 8END FOR CATALOGUES. or roan with around about women?" Oldbach—"Lots; other- manufactory Europe. t Week it from. With a little additional capital the ed, yellow ring for three or four weeks. In the I'm the small, select party." 50 cts. 50 cts. would be doubled. This U wise would not be bachelors." night bualnea· the nose. Three brown or black, they off with warm water and worth the attention of anyone seeking a morning wash on 'Tisn't safe to be a day without Dr. time a man lose· Hilt stamper W. J. a· la one its have good money making busluee· thla of which has white hind one in the world that will pure soap. Always white linings Every Wheeler, W. Hobbs' Only remedy Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the house. and ln.MWM BLOOM, George no humbug. feet. owner can have the same it once itchiness of the skin in any in the collars of dresses. Be sure to head, wtenïbtUo— The stop Never can tell what moment an aooldent of the Doan's Ointment At persevere in this if you hope for im- ••■tli lalM. JAMES HART, part body; is to be^wee^ls Paris, Variety Store, Norway. by paying charges. 60 oents. provement going happen. Milfiord, Massachusetts. R. S. TRACY, Dickvale, Me. any drag store,