County Administration Workshop: October 16, 2014 9:00 a. m.— Board Conference Room Attending: Commissioners Keith Heck and Simon G. Hare (Cherryl Walker was unavailable); Wendy Guinn, Recorder

Vice Chair Keith Heck called the meeting to order at 9: 00 a. m.

1. DEPARTMENT REPORTS& BUSINESS UPDATES A. Human Resources 1) Request for Hiring Above Step 1— Assessor' s Office( Scofield) 1J Scofield, Human Resources Director, spoke about the top candidate chosen for the Chief Deputy Assessor' s position and based on experience he would like to start this candidate above step 1. Also this new candidate would have to break a lease to get down here so he was asking for a signing bonus to offset that. Staff was directed to place the item under Administrative Actions on next week's Weekly Business Session Agenda.

2) Request for Job Description Approval— Public Health (Scofield) JJ Scofield, Human Resources Director, spoke about how Public Health is recruiting for a Healthy Start Public Health Assistant position. Public Health would like to revise the job description to better reflect the duties of the position. Staff was directed to place the item on the Consent Calendar on next week's Weekly Business Session Agenda.

B. Department Updates 1) Transit

a. ODOT Agreement 30110 for the Development of a Transit Master Plan for Josephine County( Chancey) Scott Chancey, Transit Program Supervisor, explained about a planning grant for the development and adoption of a Transit Master Plan for Josephine County. Scott then explained that this project is included in the existing 2014- 2015 budget and includes local match requirement of$ 18,750. Staff was directed to place the item under Administrative Actions on next week's Weekly Business Session Agenda.

2) Public Works Rob Brandes, Public Works Director, gave a brief update of Public Works and spoke about wanting to hire four( 4) Road Worker 1 Positions. Rob mentioned that it is rare for Public Works to hire full-time employees without them temping first and he now has four temps that he would like to hire permanently. Staff was directed to place the item under Administrative Actions on next week's Weekly Business Session Agenda.

2. FINANCE REPORT& BUSINESS UPDATE A. Fee Proposal and Timeline for FY 2014-15 Arthur O' Hare, Finance Director, introduced the four( 4) departments that were present requesting fee changes; Assessor, Building Safety, Parks and Public Works. Commissioner Heck would like to know why these fees have to be raised and Arthur mentioned that each department will come up and explain their fee changes.

Connie Roach, Assessor, explained that there would be two new fees and these fees will cover some of the cost of the work involved in the Assessor' s Office. When there are subdivision and redraw maps, the assessors are having to go out to properties and look at them as new when before they were one parcel and now they are more than one parcel. She said it does take actions on our part that is a cost to the County and these fees will compensate that. The cost increase doesn' t cover all costs but she didn' t want to hit the new developers hard and keep the price reasonable. The new price should be$ 90 to cover all of the costs but she is asking$ 30 to cover some of the costs. Commissioner Hare said this isn' t a charge as a revenue stream it is just funded to cover costs and suggested we put this one on hold to reevaluate the costs. Commissioner Hare said Connie needs to sit down with developers to evaluate costs to come up with a correct fee to cover the entire cost just not a portion of it. Commissioner Heck mentioned this is a self-defeating exercise and no one can defend the fee costs. Both Commissioner Hare and Commissioner Heck agreed they would like to table this for now. County Administration Workshop October 16, 2014 Page 2 of 3

Robert Rice, Building Safety Director, passed out( Exhibit A) the States Consistent Form and Fee Methodology Rules which he has to raise fees in order to meet these rules. Robert went on to say that an investigation fee charge is a fee of the actual or average cost of doing the investigation. Now with a fee table there isn' t an hourly charge so we need to establish an hourly charge to do investigation work. Robert said there are a lot of changes being made not just increases.

Recess for two minutes

Doreen Ferguson, Park Manager, passed out( Exhibit B) the parks proposed fee increases. The only fee that will be decreasing is an RV park in Wolf Creek but all the others will go up. The Parks plan to raise camping fees and day use areas to$ 5. Both Commissioner Hare and Commissioner Heck like the proposed fee changes.

Rob Brandes, Public Works Director, spoke about fee increase justifications for street plugs and road vacations. These current fees have not been increased since 1971. Both of these fees will be increased to cover the actual cost of staff time to review the applications and complete the process. Both Commissioner Hare and Commissioner Heck liked these fee increase suggestions.

The Board agreed to table these items for further review.

B. Dimmick Tower Update Arthur O' Hare, Finance Director, said Munitor Construction, LLC started work on Monday and they are being housed over at the CCF office for their construction work and there' s an optimistic chance that Public Health won' t have to close or move. Arthur mentioned there is now air monitoring equipment which is in the Public Health building so there is a bench mark for what the air should be and they' ll be monitoring that actively. There are also live cameras at have been up since last week which Arthur would like the link put up on the main County' s webpage for everyone to see.

C. Financial Update Arthur O' Hare, Finance Director, passed out and discussed the Beginning Fund Balances( Exhibit C).

D. Miscellaneous Arthur O' Hare, Finance Director, mentioned the budgeted project for jail cameras and was getting that starting now. He' s working with John McCafferty, Technology Director, about buying a couple of switches to start the jail cameras which are in the budget.

3. BOARD BUSINESS A. Resolution 2014-040 In the Matter of Adoption of Revised By- Laws for the Josephine County Library Board of Trustees( McElmurry) Commissioner Hare and Commissioner Heck both mentioned they read the By- Law' s and thought they looked good. Staff was directed to place the item on the Consent Calendar on next week' s Weekly Business Session Agenda.

B. Matters from Commissioners Commissioner Hare has various reports from AOC and O& C and asked if there were any questions on the reports. He said he would set all of this literature on the counter for both commissioners to review.

C. Liaison Update

None reported. County Administration Workshop October 16, 2014 Page 3 of 3

D. Miscellaneous Items None reported.

E. Other: ( ORS. 192. 640( 1) ". . . notice shall include a list of the principal subjects anticipated to be considered at the meeting, but this requirement shall not limit the ability of a governing body to consider additional subjects.") None reported.

Board all agreed to cancel General Discussion for this afternoon.

Meeting adjourned at 11: 22 a. m.

EXHIBITS: Exhibit A: Consistent Form& Fee Methodology Rules Exhibit B: Proposed Fee Increases Exhibit C: General Ledger Beginning Fund Balance Consistent Form & Fee Methodology Rules Effective: January 1, 2009



918- 050- 0000

Purpose and Scope

Division 50 provides administrative procedures for use in all regions of the state and, where

applicable, to specified regions of the state. These rules address a uniform methodology for arriving at building permit and inspection fees to provide consistency in fee calculation. Where a permitted item is not covered by the methodology in these rules, a municipality may either, fit the item within the appropriate program area or develop a reasonable permit fee. These rules do not supersede or repeal the existing provisions of the state building code and related rules. These rules become effective on January 1, 2009.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020& 455. 048 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020 & 455. 046

918- 050- 0010


Terms not specifically defined will have the meanings ascribed in the state building code. 1) " Administrative fees" refers to fees assessed by a municipality to cover costs of administering and enforcing the building code apart from inspection and plan review services. Surcharges, assessed as part of the cost of doing business within a municipality and that are assessed without regard to whether the municipal action relates to the administration of the building code, are not administrative fees for the purposes of these rules. 2) " Tri-county region" or " Tri-county regional" refers to the geographical area that includes

Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020


vor)A1/ 0

1 111, 1 , Consistent Form& Fee Methodology Rules Effective: January 1, 2009

918- 050- 0020

Standard Statewide Application Forms 1) A municipality must use standard permit applications containing at least the minimum content required by the division. 2) All municipalities within the Tri-County region shall use intake checklist forms approved by the division 3) The division shall consider for adoption proposed amendments to the standard

application and intake checklist forms.

a) Proposals for amendment to the application forms shall include: The existing unamended

form( s);

A) The form(s) containing the appropriate amendments; and B) A brief explanation of the need for the amendments.

b) Proposals to amend the approved forms must be filed with the division no later than

February 1 or August 1.

c) The division shall notify all municipalities and interested parties of the division's determination regarding proposed amendments and provide copies of the amended form(s). d) Any form changes shall be effective in all regional jurisdictions on July 1 or January 1 following adoption.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020& 455. 048 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020& 455. 046

918- 050-0030 Standard Tri-County Regional Processes All jurisdictions within the Tri- County region shall use uniform processes for permit application, plan review, permit issuance and recording inspections as approved by the division, including, but not limited to:

1) Minor labels;

2) Issuing permits when no plan review is required; 3) Recording inspections;

4) Partial permits;

5) Deferred submittals;

2 Consistent Form & Fee Methodology Rules Effective: January 1, 2009

6) Over-the- counter permits that require plan review; and

7) Plan review issue resolution.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 048 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 046

Uniform Fee Methodology

918- 050- 0100

Statewide Fee Methodologies for Residential and Commercial Permits

1) Residential construction permit fees shall be calculated using the following methodologies:

a) A plumbing permit fee for new construction includes one kitchen and is based on the number of bathrooms, from one to three, on a graduated scale. An additional set fee shall be assessed for each additional bath or kitchen.

A) No additional fee shall be charged for the first 100 feet of water and sewer lines, hose bibbs, icemakers, underfloor low-point drains and rain drain packages that include the piping, gutters, downspouts and perimeter system.

B) The plumbing permit fee described in this section does not include: i) Any storm water retention/ detention facility;

ii) Irrigation and fire suppression systems; or

iii) Additional water, sewer and service piping or private storm drainage systems exceeding the first 100 feet.

C) Permit fees for an addition, alteration, or repair shall be calculated based on the number of fixtures, appurtenances and piping, with a set minimum fee. b) A mechanical permit fee shall be calculated per appliance and related equipment, with a set minimum fee.

c) Effective January 1, 2009, a structural permit fee for new construction and additions shall be calculated using the ICC Building Valuation Data Table current as of April 1 of each year, multiplied by the square footage of the dwelling to determine the valuation. The valuation shall then be applied to the municipality' s fee schedule to determine the permit fee. The plan review fee shall be based on a predetermined percentage of the permit fee set by the municipality.

3 Consistent Form & Fee Methodology Rules Effective: January 1, 2009

A) The square footage of a dwelling, addition, or garage shall be determined from outside

exterior wall to outside exterior wall for each level.

B) The square footage of a carport, covered porch, patio, or deck shall be calculated

separately at fifty percent of the value of a private garage from the most current ICC Building

Valuation Data Table.

C) Permit fees for an addition, alteration, or repair shall be calculated based on the fair

market value as determined by the building official, and then applying the valuation to the

jurisdiction' s fee table.

2) Commercial construction permit fees shall be calculated using the following


a) A plumbing permit fee shall be calculated based on the number of fixtures and footage of piping, with a set minimum fee. b) A mechanical permit fee shall be calculated based on the value of the mechanical

equipment and installation costs and applied to the municipality' s fee schedule with a set

minimum fee.

c) A structural permit fee shall be calculated by applying the valuation to the municipality' s

fee schedule with a minimum set fee. Valuation shall be the greater of either:

A) The valuation based on the ICC Building Valuation Data Table current as of April 1 of each year, using the occupancy and construction type as determined by the building official, multiplied by the square footage of the structure; or B) The value as stated by the applicant.

C) When the construction or occupancy type does not fit the ICC Buildin Valuation Data Table, the valuation shall be determined by the building official with input from the applicant.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020 & 455. 048 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020& 455.. 46

918- 050- 0110

Fees and Fee Schedules

1) A municipality may develop its fee schedule in any reasonable manner to provide for the administration and enforcement of the Building Code program.

4 Consistent Form& Fee Methodology Rules Effective: January 1, 2009

2) Administrative fees assessed by a municipality to cover administration and enforcement shall be incorporated into a municipality' s fee schedule. Changes to a municipalities fee schedule must be adopted in accordance with OAR 918- 020- 0220.

3) The plan review fees shall be based on a predetermined percentage of the permit fee

set by the municipality.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020, 455. 048 & 455.210 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020, 455. 046 & 455. 210

918- 050- 0120

Statewide Fee Methodology for Electrical Permits An electrical permit fee shall be calculated based on the categories, procedures and requirements established in OAR 918- 309- 0020 to 918- 309-0070.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020, 455. 048 & 479. 870 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020, 455. 046& 479. 870

918- 050- 0130

Statewide Fee Methodology for Manufactured Home Siting Permits 1) A municipality shall charge a single fee for the installation and set- up of manufactured homes. This fee shall include the concrete slab, runners or foundations when they comply with the prescriptive requirements of the Manufactured Dwelling and Park Specialty Code, electrical feeder and plumbing connections and all cross-over connections. 2) Decks, other accessory structures and foundations that do not comply with the prescriptive requirements of the Oregon Manufactured Dwelling and Park Specialty Code, utility connections beyond 30 lineal feet, new electrical services or additional branch circuits, new plumbing and other such items that fall under the building code may require separate permits. 3) When a municipality has reason to believe that the existing electrical service to a manufactured dwelling may be unsafe or inadequate, the municipality may require a separate permit to inspect the electrical service.

Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

5 Consistent Form & Fee Methodology Rules Effective: January 1, 2009

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020 & 455. 048 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020& 455. 046

918- 050- 0140

Statewide Fee Methodology for Residential Fire Suppression Systems Stand- alone and multi- purpose fire suppression system permit fees shall each be calculated

as separate flat fees based on the square footage of the structure with graduated rates for

dwellings with 0 to 2000 square feet, 2001 to 3600 square feet, 3601 to 7200 square feet and

7201 square feet and greater. The permit fee shall be sufficient to cover the costs of inspection

and plan review.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020 & 455. 048 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020 & 455. 046

918- 050- 0150

Statewide Fee Methodology for Medical Gas Installations 1) A plumbing permit fee for the installation of a medical gas system shall be determined based on the value of installation costs and the system equipment, including but not limited to, inlets, outlets, fixtures and appliances and applied to the municipality' s fee schedule, with a set minimum fee.

2) The plan review fee shall be based on a predetermined percentage of the permit fee as set by the municipality.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020 & 455. 048 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020 & 455. 046

918- 050- 0160

Statewide Fee Methodology for Phased Projects A municipal plan review fee for a phased project is based on a minimum phasing fee, determined by the municipality, plus 10 percent of the total project building permit fee not to exceed $ 1, 500 for each phase.

6 Consistent Form & Fee Methodology Rules Effective: January 1, 2009

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020 & 455. 048 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020& 455. 046

918-050- 0170

Statewide Fee Methodology for Deferred Submittals A fee charged for processing and reviewing deferred plan submittals shall be an amount equal to a percentage, determined by the municipality, of the building permit fee calculated according to OAR 918- 050- 0110(2) and ( 3) using the value of the particular deferred portion or portions of the project, with a set minimum fee. This fee is in addition to the project plan review fee based on the total project value.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 455. 020& 455. 048 Stats. Implemented: ORS 455. 020 & 455. 046

7 Important Points For purposes of establishing the Permit Fee Multiplier, the The BVD is not intended to apply to alterations or repairs estimated total annual construction value for a given time to existing buildings. Because the scope of alterations or period ( 1 year) is the sum of each building' s value ( Gross repairs to an existing building varies so greatly, the Square Area x Square Foot Construction Cost) for that time period Foot Construction Costs table does not reflect accurate e. g., 1 year). values for that purpose. However, the Square Foot The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the Construction Costs table can be used to determine the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square cost of an addition that is basically a stand- alone building Foot Construction Cost takes into account everything from which happens to be attached to an existing building. In foundation work to the roof structure and coverings but the case of such additions, the only alterations to the does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land existing building would involve the attachment of the does not affect the cost of related code enforcement addition to the existing building and the openings between activities and is not included in the Square Foot the addition and the existing building. Construction Cost.

a' b, d Square Foot Construction Costs

Group( 2012 International Building Code) IA IB IIA IIB IIIA IIIB IV VA VB

A- 1 Assembly, theaters, with stage 224.49 217. 12 211. 82 202.96 190. 83 185.33 196. 14 174.43 167. 83

A- 1 Assembly, theaters, without stage 205. 71 198.34 193. 04 184. 18 172. 15 166.65 177. 36 155. 75 149. 15 A-2 Assembly, nightclubs 177. 15 172. 12 167. 31 160. 58 150. 83 146. 74 154. 65 136. 68 132. 81 A-2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 176. 15 171. 12 165. 31 159. 58 148. 83 145. 74 153. 65 134. 68 131. 81 A-3 Assembly, churches 207.73 200.36 195. 06 186.20 174. 41 168. 91 179.38 158. 02 151. 41

A-3 Assembly, general, community halls, libraries, museums 173. 36 165. 99 159.69 151. 83 138. 90 134. 40 145. 01 122. 50 116. 89

A-4 Assembly, arenas 204.71 197. 34 191. 04 183. 18 170. 15 165. 65 176. 36 153. 75 148. 15 B Business 179.29 172. 71 166. 96 158.70 144. 63 139.20 152.43 126. 93 121. 32

E Educational 192. 11 185.49 180. 05 171. 90 160. 09 151. 62 165.97 139. 90 135. 35

F- 1 Factory and industrial, moderate hazard 108. 42 103. 32 - 97. 18 93. 38 83.24 79.62 89.22 68.69 64. 39

F- 2 Factory and industrial, low hazard 107. 42 102. 32 97. 18 92. 38 83.24 78. 62 88. 22 68.69 63. 39

H- 1 High Hazard, explosives 101. 53 96.44 91. 29 86. 49 77. 57 72. 95 82. 34 63. 02 N. P.

H234 High Hazard 101. 53 96.44 91. 29 86.49 77.57 72. 95 82. 34 63. 02 57. 71

H- 5 HPM 179.29 172. 71 166. 96 158. 70 144. 63 139. 20 152. 43 126. 93 121. 32

I- 1 Institutional, supervised environment 177. 76 171. 50 166. 52 159.45 146. 31 142. 45 159. 13 131. 29 126. 72

1- 2 Institutional, hospitals 302. 44 295.85 290. 11 281. 84 266. 80 N. P. 275.58 249. 09 N. P.

1- 2 Institutional, nursing homes 209. 38 202. 79 197. 05 188. 78 175. 72 N. P. 182. 52 158. 01 N. P.

1- 3 Institutional, restrained 204. 27 197. 68 191. 94 183. 67 171. 10 164. 68 177. 41 153.40 145. 80

1- 4 Institutional, day care facilities 177. 76 171. 50 166. 52 159. 45 146. 31 142. 45 159. 13 131. 29 126. 72 M Mercantile 132. 04 127. 01 121. 20 115. 47 105.47 102. 39 109.54 91. 33 88.45

R- 1 Residential, hotels 179. 14 172. 89 167. 90 160.83 147. 95 144. 10 160. 52 132.93 128.36

R- 2 Residential, multiple family 150. 25 143. 99 139. 01 131. 94 119.77 115. 91 131. 62 104. 74 100. 18 0 R- 3 Residential, one- and two-family 141. 80 137. 90 134.46 131. 00 125. 88 122. 71 128. 29 117. 71 110.29 41/4 R- 4 Residential, care/ assisted living facilities 177. 76 171. 50 166.52 159. 45 146. 31 142. 45 159. 13 131. 29 126. 72

S- 1 Storage, moderate hazard 100. 53 95. 44 89. 29 85.49 75.57 71. 95 81. 34 61. 02 56. 71

S- 2 Storage, low hazard 99. 53 94.44 89. 29 84.49 75. 57 70. 95 80. 34 61. 02 55.71

U Utility, miscellaneous 75. 59 71. 22 66. 78 63. 37 56. 99 53. 22 60.41 44. 60 42.48

a. Private Garages use Utility, miscellaneous b. Unfinished basements( all use group)=$ 15. 00 per sq. ft. c. For shell only buildings deduct 20 percent d. N. P.= not permitted

t• 1 core. - so -d t no ( 1) ( c) Josephine County Parks Department

e mo

To: Board of County Commissioners

From Doreen Ferguson

Date: October 9, 2014

Re: Proposed Fee Increases

Our objective to have our fees reflect true market values, and Josephine County is often lower than our neighboring county fees and lower than most state and private campgrounds.

Josephine County Parks staff and the Parks Advisory Board are sensitive to the economic needs of our community. We, too, feel the effects of a struggling economy. To that end, we have offered a` work in exchange for a free pass' program. A family of four could put in 2 hours each raking leafs and have an ADUP for an entire year without taking any money out of their pockets. Additionally, we offer all disabled veterans with service related disabilities a free pass. We also offer a$ 5.00 discount for on each additional ADUP.

People who bring in a valid disabled parking placard receive their passes for$ 5.00.

This demonstrates that we are working hard to accommodate the needs of those who are struggling in our community, which is a positive reflection on our county government overall. Most counties do not provide these discounts.

However, the economic crunch is upon us, as well. Because we are fee based, it is important that we are allowed to operate in a fiscally responsible manner, which is why we are asking for these fee increases.

We are not asking to increase the cost for our ADUPs, which are a great value. Taking a family of four to the movies which is only for one day costs about the same as a yearly pass. An ADUP allows swimming, horseshoes, fishing, basketball, tennis, disc golf, bird-watching, hiking, biking, photography, and more.

That money will go a very long way toward our overall goal, which is, simply stated, to provide the highest quality outdoor recreational experience we can within our budget constraints.

Thank you for considering our fee proposal,

Doreen Ferguson Parks Program Manager 125 Ringuette Street Grants Pass, OR 97527 LJ 541474-5287 J ( 541474-5288 FAX EXh(/

mer L — fC)

1 ib)/ iy Private Campground Rates in Josephine County

Beaver Creek RV Resort

Merlin, OR. Full Hookup Site 25

Bridgeview RV Resort Grants Pass, OR Full Hookup Site 30 Full Hookup Site ( River) 35

Joe Creek RV Resort Hugo, OR. Full Hookup 27

Country Hills Resort After 4 people, $ 2. 50 for each additional person on all sites Cave Junction, OR.

Tent 17 Partial hookup 25 Full Hookup 28 CURRENT FEES

Summer Fees Full Hook Up Tent County Parks Jackson County: Howard Prairie 30.00 $ 20.00 Grizzley 18.00 Willow Point 18. 00 Klum Landing 20. 00 Rogue Elk 24. 00 $ 20.00 Emmigrant Lake 30. 00 $ 20.00 Douglas County: Pass Creek 23.00 $ 15. 00 Stanton Park 23. 00 $ 15. 00 Whistlers Bend 23. 00 $ 15. 00

State Parks Prineville Resevoir 31. 00 $ 21. 00 partial hook$ 29.00 $ 21. 00 30.00 $ 21. 00 Valley of the Rogue 28. 00 $ 19. 00 Wallowa Lake 30. 00 $ 20. 00 $ 31. 00 $ 21. 00

Day Use Fees Valley of the Rogue 5. 00 Jackson County Parks 4. 00 Benson State Park 5. 00 Coos County Riley Ranch $ 5. 00 Crater Lake National Park $ 10. 00 USFS- Squaw Lakes 5. 00

Private Parks Address Phone lAmmenities Beavercreek RV Park 1200 Merlin Rd 479-7445 Showers& Laundry Bridge View Resort 8880 Rogue River Hwy 582- 5980 Showers& Laundry& Cable Chinook Winds RV Park 8110 Rogue River Hwy RR 582- 1686 Showers& Laundry& Cable Creekside RV Resort 999 Old Hwy 99 Wolf Creek 866- 2655 Showers& Laundry& Cable Jack' s Landing RV Resort 472- 1144 Showers & Laundry& Cable Joe Creek Waterfalls 699 Jumpoff Joe Creek 479- 7974 Showers& Laundry Good Sam- Sunny Valley 140 Old Stage Rd. Wolf Creek 479- 0209 Moon Mountain RV Resort 3298 Pearce Park Rd 479- 1145 Showers& Laundry& Cable 01 Jo RV Campground 156 011is Rd CJ 592-4207 I 00' S$ Riverfront RV Park 7060 Rogue River Hwy RR 582- 0985 Showers& Laundry& Cable Riverpark RV Resort 2956 Rogue River Hwy 479- 0046 Showers& Laundry& Cable Rogue Valley Overnighter 1806 NW 6th ST 479-2208 Showers& Laundry& Cable Shady Acres Trailer 27450 Redwood Hwy CJ 592- 3702 Showers& Laundry& Cable Mountain Man RV 28288 Redwood Hwy CJ 592- 2656 Showers& Laundry& Cable/WiFi Seven Feathers Canyonville 877- 839- 3599 Showers & Laundry& Cable/WiFi

00' S$ US Forest Service Tent 00' S$ Fish Lake 20. 00 Applegate Lake 15. 00

00' S$ 00' S$

00' S$ 00' 5$

00.5$ Josephine County Camping Data Analysis

Site Type Number of Sites Percentage of Total Sites Total Camping Revenue Based on Site type

Yurt 12 3. 17% 13, 475. 91

Full Hookup 129 34.04% 144,865.98

Partial Hookup 36 9.50% 40,427.72

Tent 202 53. 30% 226, 844.40

Total 379 100.00% 425, 614.00

Sample Annual Total Camping Revenue, F-,,,, , 425,614.0°

Camping Nights Within Sampled Quarters 21, 194


MONTH REVENUE Jan- 14 $ 3, 483. 00 Feb- 14 428.00 Mar- 14 440.00 Apr- 14 $ 15, 501.00 May- 14 $ 8,907.00 Jun- 14 $ 17,565.00 Jul- 14 $ 26, 688.00 Aug- 14 $ 13, 966.00 Sep- 14 $ 9, 381.00 Oct- 10 $ 3, 362. 88 Nov- 10 $ 1, 825. 84 Dec- 10 417. 52 TOTALS $ 101,965. 24 Summary of Fee Increases

l — 1

Fee Description Current Cost of - T - Proposed Current f Percent p a--- Fee Service Fee Revenue + Increase CAMPING FEES - -- Tent Sites , 19.00 1 21. 00 20. 00 226, 844 5.5. 2626% 1

Partial Hookup Sites , 1 $ 20. 00 25. 00 r 25. 00 40,428 25. 00% I

Full Hookupp Sites 22. 00 30.00 30.00 144,868 36. 36/ o I -

DAY USE FEES 4. 00 5. 00 I _--___ - $ 5. 00_ 1 1 $ 101, 965 25. 00%

Estimated Total Estimated New Revenue Difference

238,776 11, 932

50,535 10,107

197, 539 52,673

127, 456 25,491 -

C:\ Users\dferguson\AppData\ Local\ Microsoft\Windows\ Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\MJEJ3BAF\ Fee Increase Template 20149/30/20142:28 PM General Ledger Beginning Fund Balance Budget to Actual by Fund

Fiscal Year 2015

Fund Description Actual Budget Variance Percent

10 General Fund 5, 193, 394 3, 531, 000 1, 662, 394 47. 08% $ 1. 5M Forestry;$ 350, 000 PILT 500K extra to Pub Safety;$ 840,000 Reforestation; lean year 2015- 16

11 Public Works 4, 754, 521 4, 100, 000 654, 521 15. 96% $ 1. 045M road dollars not budgeted until received

12 Public Safety 5, 849, 882 5, 627, 000 222, 882 3. 96% Additional revenues in DA and Juv

and June Medical to Asante$ 60K Sheriff( exp budget) 60, 191) Over in Jail Patrol OT/Fill in( WCmp)-

DA( exp budget) 97, 367 Under in payroll

Juvenile( exp budget) 44, 688 Under in payroll

13 Community Corrections 1, 006,994 852, 600 154, 394 18. 11% Grant revenue up; exp within budget

14 Public Health 266, 175 46, 800 219, 375 468. 75%

Admin/ Vital Records* 18, 522) 18, 522)

Clinical* 137, 998) 10, 800 148, 798) includes$ 100, 000 GF support

Animal Protection 78, 451 36, 000 42, 451

WIC 112, 658 112, 658 Environmental Safety 231, 587 231, 587

15 Mental health 206, 583 242, 300 35, 717) - 14. 74% A& D Grants

16 Grant Projects 1, 956, 446 1, 901, 000 55, 446 2. 92% Project carryforward

20 Building and Safety 1, 137, 587 1, 137, 500 87 0. 01%

21 Comm Children& Families 24, 395 17, 600 6, 795 38. 61% J Bell under expense

22 Court Facilities& Security 17, 034 12, 800 4, 234 33. 08% Base chg$ 5, 667/ mo. plus OT EAP1 1, b L'i- C) Ad-nil/0 I 1 L. Nage 1 of 3 S:\ FIN\ ALL\ BUDGET DOCS\ 14_ 15 Budget File\ Working Docs\ Beg Fund Balance 2014. xlsx General Ledger Beginning Fund Balance Budget to Actual by Fund

Fiscal Year 2015

Fund Description Actual Budget Variance Percent 23 Fairgrounds 68, 568 75, 000 6, 432) - 8. 58% Review current year activitiy Admin 157, 562) 75, 000 232, 562) Wages/ Contracts/ Utilities/BOM County Fair 36, 374 36, 374 mostly direct charges Horse Racing 29, 699 29, 699 Rent income( Rimport LLC) Special Events 160, 057 160, 057

24 Parks 120, 044 100, 000 20, 044 20. 04% Revenue up; exp under

25 Transit 143, 136 180, 000 36, 864) - 20. 48% over estimated BFB for 14- 15

30 Clerk Records 29, 551 52, 000 22, 449) - 43. 17% BFB budget per department

31 DA Forfeiture 133, 501 133, 000 501 0. 38%

32 DA Special Programs 59, 347 59, 000 347 0. 59%

33 Juvenile Justice Special Prgms 4, 597 4, 597 0. 00%

34 Public Land Corner Presery 13, 070 28, 000 14, 930) - 53. 32% BFB budget per department

35 PW Special Projects 138, 890 21, 000 117, 890 561. 38% Land Sale$ 120, 000

40 Administrative Internal Svc 871, 311 742, 000 129, 311 17. 43% Revenue from supplemental budget

41 County Fleet& Building Ops 725, 118 578, 400 146, 718 25. 37% Fleet 273, 249 208, 400 64, 849 31. 12%

BOM 451, 868 370, 000 81, 868 22. 13% Utilities under$ 160, 000

42 Insurance Reserve 149, 047 125, 000 24, 047 19. 24%

43 Payroll Reserve 760 1, 000 240) - 23. 98%

45 County Bridge Construction 682, 413 749, 000 66, 587) - 8. 89%

Page 2 of 3 S:\ FIN\ ALL\ BUDGET DOCS\ 14_ 15 Budget File\ Working Docs\ Beg Fund Balance 2014. xlsx General Ledger Beginning Fund Balance Budget to Actual by Fund Fiscal Year 2015

Fund Description Actual Budget Variance Percent

46 Roads and Bridges Reserve 229, 943 324, 000 94, 057) - 29. 03%

47 Property Reserve 1, 381, 679 1, 350, 000 31, 679 2. 35%

48 Equipment Reserve 683, 855 580, 000 103, 855 17. 91% IT$ 100K equipment not purchased

50 Commissary 51, 838 160, 000 108, 162) - 67. 60% Posted cleared checks

Si G. P. Airport 91, 902 200, 000 108, 098) - 54. 05% State Grant match not in by year end

52 1. V. Airport 31, 349) 31, 349) 0. 00% IV Road access

60 Adult. lail Facility Debt Servi 89, 178 51, 000 38, 178 74. 86%

61 PERS Bond Debt Service 498, 480 385, 000 113, 480 29. 48%

71 County School 17 500 483) - 96. 60%

72 Human Service Programs Trust 134, 590 136, 500 1, 910) - 1. 40%

74 Library Programs Trust 611, 634 614, 400 2, 766) - 0.45%

75 PEG Access Trust 1 1, 000 999) - 99. 89%

76 Sheriff Forfeiture Fund 20, 587 21, 000 413) - 1. 97%

77 Sheriff Programs Trust 53, 159 55, 000 1, 841) - 3. 35%

Grand Total 27, 367, 881 24, 190, 400 3, 177, 481 13. 14%

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