Slimbridge Parish Council 23 Tennyson Road, , Glos, GL11 4PZ Tel: 07943 894637 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Minutes of Slimbridge Parish Council Meeting in the Jubilee room at Slimbridge Village Hall, at 7.30pm on Monday 18th February 2019

Present: Chairman P Garrett, Cllrs S Tilley, E Ferrigno, P Cope, R Payne, R Meaden, J Cullimore, Clerk Helen Dunn, Parishioners x 2, County Cllr S Davies, District Cllr H Jones

1. Apologies for absence None

2. Declaration of interests on the agenda Cllr R Meaden – personal interest Item 9

3. Public 10 minutes 2 parishioners asked about the costings of the car park and ongoing costs, this was discussed; it was asked why was the car park not going to be a pay and display – the pros and cons of this were explained; it was asked about the parish council accounts in general – an explanation of what was in the accounts was given; it was asked about management of parking overnight and anti-social behaviour on the proposed car park – it was explained a barrier will be installed with a lockable facility if need to be locked over night; Permits for the car park – whilst Tudor Arms had offered this service, the Parish Council had not taken this up and were not looking at permits at this moment in time, the parking will be monitored for the future running of it, parishioner asked where boatowners will park their cars; SPC explained the running of the 2 other car parks in the village where there has not been any issues to date, it was noted that if needed options would be looked at to control parking at the car park if issues arose.

4. To approve and sign minutes of meeting date 21st and 28th January 2019 as a true record. These had previously been distributed and were accepted and signed as a true record 5. To receive report from County Cllr Stephen Davies • The full budget was passed with no major change. There will be £20-25,000 in the Cllrs Highways project budget this year. • At a recent meeting, climate change protestors had glued themselves to the seats, GCC do take climate change seriously and have noted this. • Ernest Cook Trust have now signed the papers with regards to the bridge at the back of the school and it is hoped that works will start imminently.

6. To receive report from District Cllrs H Jones and G Craig • No reports from SDC • It was noted the Local Plan responses were in after the consultation. A developer has been in contact with other parishes inviting them for talks on the proposal • Since the request from the Parish Council for SDC to do more in the parish to offset the impact of the Gossington waste centre being put in place, SDC have now offered


to be able to do some extra planting or mowing etc, but not on the A38. Clerk to circulate a list to gain some ideas from Cllrs as to what could be suggested. • Cllr P Cope asked if the SDC lorries could stop accessing Tyning Crescent residents access road, as this is still happening despite numerous e-mails and signs on weight limit of vehicles. • Cllr H Jones was asked to chase up the works on clearing the ditch at A4135 / Wisloe • Planning website access issues were raised by a couple of Cllrs, Cllr H Jones to take this back to SDC • Cllrs raised the issue of the caravan and car in the layby at Elmcot that has had vehicle abandon stickers on recently, however these have been removed – could an update be given as to whether this is now abandoned or not?

7. Planning: Cllrs E Ferrigno, R Payne and J Cullimore • Applications to consider: o S.19/0059/FUL Land Adjacent to Georgia House, Ryalls Lane, Cambridge, Change of use from workshop/studio to single dwelling Parish Cllrs resolved to comment on the application with regards to the sewerage capacity issues in the area o S.19/0142/REM Land at Greenacre, Road, Cambridge, Erection of one dwelling. (Approval of reserved matters - siting, design, external appearance, drainage and parking/turning) (Resubmission of S.18/1162/REM) Parish Cllrs resolved to comment on the application with regards to lack of turning space in the drive way should there be more than one car parked. o S.19/0098/HHOLD Longaston House, Longaston Lane, Slimbridge, Replacement of single-storey extension & porch with two-storey extension & porch Parish Cllrs resolved to give no further comment on this application o S.19/0040/FUL The Stables, Wisloe Road, Cambridge, Application for mixed use of site. Retention of current equine use as well as apply to operate under a sui generis use for dog day boarding. The sui generis use would include the erection of a wooden office, additional fencing and use of some of the existing stables for dog indoor activities Parish Cllrs resolved to give no further comments on this application o S.19/0181/FUL Location: Land At, Kingston Road, Slimbridge, Creation of car park (Resubmission of S.18/1421/FUL) This was noted. • Permissions: None received • To receive updates for land at Kingston Road, and resolve actions in meeting those who have expressed an interest. A meeting has been arranged with one interested parishioner to ascertain their future plans for the land.

8. Next planning team: Cllrs S Tilley, P Garrett, P Cope

9. Patch Parking Project • To receive updates on progress and resolve any actions / expenditure on this The planning application is in at SDC, and the application for GCC is being put together after having a meeting with Highways today on completion of the forms. • To note STW expenditure for services maps To obtain maps from STW on service pipes, a payment of £36.00 was required which Clerk authorised under delegated powers. Clerk to send out a round robin letter to all


services (list provided by GCC) to ask on services in the area of the proposed car park. Cllr R Payne stated he could also send information from what he has access to too. • To resolve and sign application form for PWLB Cllr P Cope proposed to sign the papers to take out the loan, this was seconded by Cllr J Cullimore with majority agreement. • To receive report from WWT meeting Cllr P Garrett and Clerk had met with WWT who had explained that they felt the verge parking was the most viable option and this was why they had withdrawn their £1,000 offer per annum towards the rent of the car park. All information on the car park was given to WWT so as to obtain the £10,000 funding which they continue to support. An update on the was given to Cllr P Garrett and the Clerk with the proposed design; and this would be done with SDC putting in planning permission hopefully around autumn time. Cllr H Jones questioned the lack of support from WWT with regards to the £1,000 and asked if the Parish Council would like for him to speak with them on their behalf. It was resolved, for now, to obtain the £10,000 and address this at the next meeting, a discussion of maybe asking WWT contributing to a ‘annual community fund’ instead was suggested.

10. To receive Clerks report Clerk gave an update on a recent meeting with the monitoring officer with regards to a parishioner’s letters. Monitoring officer is due to be in touch when spoken with parishioner and potential further investigations could be made.

11. Highways: • To receive monthly report o Dan Tiffney from Highways had sent an updated report on issues in the parish. It was noted that new 30mph roundels had been painted on the St Johns road today, but still no ‘H’ markings on locations such as outside the village hall which would assist in parking matters. o The A38 road by the roundabout going south – the foundations are failing and needs to be looked at. o It had been bought to the attention of Cllrs that the fencing outside the works at Cambridge Mill often crept onto the pavement causing limited access. Cllr P Cope had spoken to them and it is moved back when asked. Cllr S Davies to check if a request to close the pavement had been received at GCC. o Recent gas works on the corner of Wisloe Rd, and Dursley Road had been noted that the Highway drain has not been reinstated as it was previously – Cllr S Davies to chase up and look into.

12. Footpaths: • To receive monthly report (Cllrs S Tilley and R Meaden) Cllr Meaden reported that the stile next to his property was loose. Clerk to report to PROW Cllr S Tilley and Clerk to meet with Simon Maher at SDC on 27th February to look at ideas on how the Greenway can be connected through the parish to the WWT from the Cam & Dursley train station.

13. Slimbridge cemetery: • To receive monthly report (Cllr P Garrett and P Cope) The hedges have been trimmed, Cllr P Cope has checked the graves, Cllr P Cope to send Clerk updated map of new graves.


14. Slimbridge Churchyard • To receive updates on recent meeting and resolve actions on this Clerk and Cllr P Cope had met with the Reverend Bill Boon and the church warden and walked around the churchyard highlighting various issues. Clerk to write up report and put together action plan. The History Society are planning on doing works updating the information in the churchyard, taking photos of each gravestone and recording the information. Clerk to stay in touch with them on this. The History Society are also undergoing a project to have 2 commonwealth graves installed and a 3rd grave for another soldier who died 4 months after being able to claim a commonwealth gravestone. Clerk to keep in touch with History Society regarding this.

15. Slimbridge Playing Field / Pavilion: • To note monthly reports for the play area and resolve any actions Cllr S Tilley to ask volunteer parishioner if they wish to continue doing these reports as reports have not been received. With the new equipment going in this needs to be done regularly and could be given to the maintenance man.

16. PARCS – to receive updates and resolve any actions (Lucia) • To judge the name for Slimbridge playing area, put forward from children at Slimbridge school and shortlisted by PARCS. This had been delayed, and Cllrs resolved to have this on the next agenda.

17. To resolve Operation London Bridge policy and expenditure for condolence book Cllr P Cope will ask the church if they are happy to host the condolence book and also to suggest a place where people may lay flowers if they so wished. Cllr P Cope proposed that a condolence book was purchased – one example had been circulated of a 50page loose leaf book for £34.00, this was seconded by Cllr E Ferrigno and agreed by majority.

18. To receive any report from Town and Parish Council meeting Cllrs who attended found this interesting. The afternoon session covered planning information in a ‘speed date’ style afternoon covering topics such as enforcement, local plan, affordable housing and Community Infrastructure Levy. The evening session included talks from the new Chief executive, Brexit, the Local Plan, SDC finances and the monitoring officer.

19. To note request from Slimbridge Local History Society with regards to the notice boards and one being used for a name roll of soldiers The History Society have produced a roll of names of soldiers from the parish from WW1. They wish to make this a permanent display by replacing the Velcro backing in the noticeboard in the church with an oak veneered board with the names on. The Parish Council are ok with this in principle and ask that the History Society keep the PC updated.

20. To resolve Clerk attending Health and Safety Course at SDC (£59.00) This course would be split with Whiteshill and Ruscombe PC and involve risk assessments and a qualification afterwards. Cllr P Cope proposed this, and all were in agreement.


21. Accounts: • Bank reconciliation to be signed These had previously been circulated and signed at the meeting. • Resolution: The following payments were approved in accordance with the budget Staff Salaries, tax, and pensions £ 907.61 LGA 1972 s112 (2) Pensions Act 2011 Helen Dunn Expenses (Utilities March), £ 246.08 LG(FP)A 1963 s5 phone, mileage, microsoft 365, ink, paper Steve Marshall Village Maintenance £ 168.00 LGA 1894 s8

22. Next meeting dates: • Monday 4th March Planning Meeting 7.30pm • Monday 18th March Full Council Meeting 7.30pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm