West View Ingleby Arncliffe North DL6 3LX Mr Maurice C Cann Head of Regulatory Services Council Civic Centre Stonecross Northallerton DL6 2UU

27th December 2011

For attention of : Mrs B Robinson

Dear Sir

Revised application for the construction of a replacement dwelling Arncliffe House (formerly Rose Cottage), Ingleby Arncliffe, Northallerton DL6 3LX

We live at West View, Ingleby Arncliffe and would like to express our concerns from Stage 1 over the above Planning Application.

The term ‘revised application’ would imply that the development has yet to take place and the ‘Description of the Proposal’ states that no building, work or change of use has already started. In fact, the building is almost complete and has been occupied by the Applicant since mid November 2011.

In essence, this property has been built ‘at risk’ and the application is a retrospective application for what has already been constructed.

The property which is the subject of this application was originally a two up/two down stone cottage with lean-to kitchen and outside lavatory to the rear and stables to the east elevation. West View and Rose Cottage were adjoining semi-detached houses. The Applicant bought Rose Cottage in 2003 and applied for permission to demolish it and build a new property. Hambleton District Council would have preferred the Applicant to retain and refurbish the original dwelling but this was proved to be economically unviable and permission was granted for a new property {2/03/075/0106(03/01043FUL)}, with certain conditions, the reasons for which were:

1. To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 2. To ensure that the external appearance of the development is compatible with the immediate surroundings of the site and the area as a whole in accordance with Hambleton District Wide Local Plan Policy BD4 3. To protect the amenity of the neighbouring residents and to ensure that the development is appropriate to the character and appearance of its surroundings 4. The Local Planning Authority would wish to carefully examine any alternative use of the garage space to assess whether the development would be acceptable in terms of policy, access and amenity in accordance with Hambleton District Local Plan Policy H12 5. In order that the development is undertaken in a form that is appropriate to the character and appearance of its surroundings and in accordance with the Hambleton District Wide Local Plan Policy H8

When development commenced, HDC Planning Department informed us that this was the permission by which the Applicant was building the property. This is not the case.

The revised plans, and the dwelling as it has been constructed, show noticeable deviations from the original plans: the eaves and ridge are at a higher level than the adjoining property; coping stones have been placed on the gable end of West View; the property has three storeys; slate has been used on the lower section of roof between the two properties; the garage is now an access to the rear garden; there is a garden room; a double garage has been added by separate application; and there are significant internal changes.

The Design and Access Statement of the revised application concludes : ‘The proposed application represents a scheme that is appropriate to its setting. Intending to provide a dwelling which is sympathetic with its surroundings relating to its scale, form and massing. Using materials which are appropriate to the area.’ This is not reflected in what has been built which is an obtrusive, three-storey, executive dwelling, with unsympathetic windows protruding beyond the front elevation of existing terraces. The dwelling overwhelms surrounding properties, has a detrimental impact on the street scene.

In addition, the rear boundary has been realigned so that some of the adjacent agricultural land has been incorporated into the garden.

The attached photographs demonstrate how inappropriate the property is in the village setting.

Yours faithfully

Stuart and Joyce Bean
