swisstopo 2020

Folio Focus on Added Value

20 years of Federal Coordination of Geoinformation




Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Confédération suisse Confederazione Svizzera Confederaziun svizra Coordinating Agency for Federal Geographical Information GCG Ittigen, coordinates 2 603 152, 1 202 514, 522 metres above sea level swisstopo Folio 2020


Foreword by Federal Councillor Viola Amherd, Head of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) 2

Foreword by Fridolin Wicki, Director of the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo 3

Innovative, far-sighted and courageous 20 years of coordination of geoinformation in the federal administration 6

Turning data into knowledge for all Milestones, awards and statements by involved players 10

“Green” means low risk Ski touring guides would be lost without the geodata and maps provided by swisstopo 14

Knowing from where the wind is blowing Greater visibility for the weather-related data from SwissMeteo 18

Carrying out research and learning playfully How students learn to work with geodata thanks to 20

Designing the future with permaculture Permaculture designers use as a basis and an auxiliary tool 22

Less noise means better living conditions How the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) develops strategies aimed at reducing noise 24

“Full charge, please!” Use of real-time data on the “Electric Mobility Roadmap” website ( 26

Outlook Geodata will provide answers to questions we have to face 28

1 swisstopo Folio 2020

Dear Reader,

“The coordination of geoinformation throughout the federal administration is a success story in from which every citizen is able to benefit.”

When COGIS – the division responsible for the coordination expert and flexible partners such as COGIS who are able to of geoinformation and services throughout the federal react swiftly and offer sound solutions. administration – was established on 1 January 2000, I was officiating as vice president of the municipality of Brig-Glis. The coordination of geodata during the past twenty years Back then I would have been very happy if COGIS had has been a success story not only for COGIS and swisstopo, already been in existence for some time: if it had, we would but also for all the authorities involved in the coordinating have been able to save a great deal of time and effort in agency for Federal geographical information. The latter does so many ways. not only hold discussions – through its cooperation with the cantons and municipalities it has also achieved a great deal Coordinating geoinformation throughout the federal in practice. administration simplifies the tasks for everyone who needs the data for one reason or another. And in Switzerland, I would like to thank the specialists at COGIS as well as that means most of us. We all benefit from the high-quality the personnel of all the authorities participating in the and standardised data and services provided by COGIS, coordinating agency for Federal geographical information including at the political level, in the public sector, in trade and everyone at swisstopo who has performed such valuable and industry, in science and education, as well as in private services during the past twenty years. I look forward to households. continuing to work together with everyone in the future.

But what COGIS does is not only highly valuable, it is also Viola Amherd a matter of security: in times of crisis such as we are Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Department currently experiencing due to the outbreak of the corona of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) virus, it is particularly important for us to have access to up-to-date and reliable datasets that can be processed beyond cantonal and municipal borders, as well as language and cultural boundaries. The federal authorities need

2 swisstopo Folio 2020

Dear Reader,

“With the map.geo.admin federal geoportal, COGIS has created something that enables the federal government to provide an enormous benefit for everyone and save a great deal of money at the same time.”

On 1 January 2000 a new unit was launched at swisstopo: heavily frequented websites of the Federal Office of the COGIS (Coordination, Geoinformation and Services) Public Health (FOPH) remained at users’ disposal. They also administrative unit. Its mandate: to secure coordination in supported the Federal Customs Administration in that the field of geoinformation so that it would not be necessary they showed it the 2,086 routes that lead into Switzerland for each federal office and each canton to develop its own via its national borders. infrastructure. But of course, cooperation is always the key. Without the COGIS was small and flexible and was initially manned active support of the involved federal administration units, by a crew of just four. It turned out that they were the right COGIS would not have been able to develop as it did. people to get COGIS sailing smoothly, despite some strong I wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank them for headwinds. Their formula for success: they chose their route their valued support and I look forward to continued so that they had the wind at their back. In other words, cooperation with them in the next few years. they brought all involved players on board and set their sights on joint solutions. Everyone was encouraged to state The examples presented in this year’s Folio indicate the their requirements and voice their own opinions. This enormous added value that the activities of COGIS have form of cooperation was unparalleled in the federal adminis- created in the past 20 years. I trust you will find this edition tration, and proved to be a recipe for success. interesting and informative!

Under the influence of COGIS, swisstopo was transformed Fridolin Wicki from a producer of geodata and creator of maps into a Director of the Federal Office of Topography comprehensive service centre. And COGIS, too, continued to (swisstopo) and Chairman of the Coordinating Agency evolve. What started out as a very small unit is now a for Federal Geographical Information (GCG) full-blown division with around 60 employees, and it is still running smoothly even in the midst of the current crisis. Thanks to their experience, even during the corona virus crisis our specialists at COGIS were able to ensure that the

3 “In the past I spent much more time searching for information. Now I can find everything on”

Marcus Pan, permaculture designer and initiator, designer and implementer of the “Auenhof Permaculture“ project, Feldbach

4 , 431 metres above sea level metres , 431 621


1 848, 848,


Feldbach/Hombrechtikon, coordinates 2 coordinates Feldbach/Hombrechtikon,

5 swisstopo Folio 2020

Innovative, far-sighted and courageous

The Coordination, Geoinformation and Services division has been shaped by its history of pioneering spirit, readiness to cooperate and courage within its management to break new ground. In a round table discussion, three directors of swisstopo talked about the evolution of COGIS (Coordination, Geoinformation and Services) from an administrative unit to the third largest division of the Federal Office of Topography.

COGIS was launched in February 1998. At that efficient, popular public resource which also pro- The team. The COGIS product group team time, a federal resolution called for the Federal vides the other federal authorities with valuable commenced work on 1 January 2000. At that Directorate of Cadastral Surveying to be inte­ services. But let us go back to the beginning. time it was an administrative unit that was grated into swisstopo and for these two entities housed in a building opposite the premises of Resources. swisstopo was designated a “FLAG” to jointly create a geoinformation coordination swisstopo in Wabern. For a long time, the team unit (FLAG = managed with a service level agree- unit. The original reason for this move was to cut comprised four personnel, but today COGIS is a ment and global budget) in 1997. This proved to costs based on the principle that not every division with around 60 employees and is the be a wise move because it opened up the neces- federal unit should have to develop its own third largest after Topography and Cartography. sary room for manoeuvre for the coordination of infra­structure. The added value that resulted from It is therefore not difficult to judge the impor- geoinformation and services, for instance by this move only became apparent in the course tance that COGIS has attained in the 20 years of recruiting suitable personnel for establishing and of time. The online map viewer, which was its existence. Not all the posts were newly successfully developing it. introduced in 2010 as an integral part of the created; many of them were transferred internally federal geoportal (, is a highly from swisstopo to COGIS.

6 From left to right: Erich Gubler, Jean-Philippe Amstein, Fridolin Wicki.

Need for tact and diplomacy. For the initial Far-sightedness. The performance, expertise, 20 years of COGIS: coordination of team it was clear right from the start that, if the social skills and professional approach of its geoinformation and services new entity was to be successful, it would be employees were decisive factors for the success Since 2000, the COGIS division has been necessary to integrate the whole range of players, of COGIS. They not only had a thorough under- responsible for coordinating the activities of the i.e. other federal offices and the cantons. standing of their specific tasks, but also had the federal administration in the areas of geodata This called for a considerable degree of tact and courage to adopt fresh approaches and break and geoinformation systems. At the federal level, diplomacy: neither the representatives of the new ground. For the development of the federal COGIS is responsible for the further development cantons nor those of the other federal offices geodata portal ( they chose to and implementation of the federal government’s wanted to appear to be disenfranchised or work with cloud computing and open source geoinformation strategy, the coordination of pre-empted. Ultimately it was trust that faci­ products, at a time when these options were little basic geodata and geoservices, and the promo- litated the formation of the “Coordinating known. And their courage paid off: in the tion and implementation of a national geodata Agency for Federal Geographical Information” 20 years of COGIS’s existence there has not been infrastructure. It develops and operates the (GCG) in spring 2000, which is still managed by a single IT scandal, nor have there been any federal geodata infrastructure as the basis for the COGIS today and is represented in all federal serious technical glitches. This speaks for the maintenance and publication of the geodata of departments. good instincts and the high level of expertise of the federal administration in the federal the management and staff. They have geoportal ( Strategy. In 2001 the Federal Council adopted demonstrated that they are capable of correctly the new geoinformation strategy, and the Within swisstopo, COGIS supervises and assessing and identifying risks, as well as implementation concept was introduced two coordinates ongoing projects relating to the web, determining when and where investments make years later. This strategy provided the basis for geoinformation systems, information technology good sense. the Federal Geoinformation Act, which entered and telecommunications. into force on 1 July 2008, after a record pre­ Outlook. Under the influence of COGIS, Further information paratory period of only five years and practically swisstopo was transformed within 20 years from without opposition in Parliament. This legislation a producer of geodata and creator of maps into a stipulates that geodata relating to the territory comprehensive service centre. In its turn, COGIS of Switzerland must provide the greatest possible evolved from an innovative, agile start-up into benefit for everyone, i.e. not just for the authori- a well-established organisation, with all the ties, but also for the business sector, the scientific accompanying advantages and disadvantages. community and society. While some aspects As organisations grow larger, they also become of the original strategy are still applicable today, more complex and their administrative burden swisstopo is to formulate a modified version by increases. For COGIS, size will be a challenge: the end of 2020 that will reflect the present-day the pioneering spirit that was prevalent in its and future challenges. early years is to be maintained, in spite of the division’s growth. COGIS wants to continue being innovative, far-sighted and courageous in the future.

7 “map.geo.admin provides more visibility on our data and services – thanks to close coordination within the federal administration.”

Estelle Grüter, head of Data Integration, MeteoSwiss

8 es above sea level 563, 424 metr 563,


1 946, 946,


Dübendorf, coordinates 2 Dübendorf, coordinates

9 swisstopo Folio 2020

Turning data into knowledge for all

Alain Buogo

The lasting success of the coordination of geodata One of our achievements concerns the implementation throughout the federal administration by the COGIS division of the federal geoportal with its official map viewer is attributable not only to the skilful use of the available (, which recorded around 22 million queries technological options, but also to the incorporation of all last year, a figure that increases each year by around the involved players right from the start and a consistent 30 percent. focus on the creation of added value for everyone. In 2002 we initiated our preparatory work on the Federal 20 years ago I was invited to attend a conference in Geoinformation Act, which entered into force in 2008. This to speak about COGIS. The conference was also attended legislation provides a legal framework for the geodata by two representatives of the Kogi people from Colombia, infrastructure at all levels. In addition, during the past few plus a geographer who has lived with the Kogi and has years, practically all the cantons have created their own written three books about them. I had an opportunity to talk supplementary legislation based on the Federal Geoinforma- to them and was able to learn how they solve problems: tion Act. Today these geodata infrastructure components are they go into a hut and talk with one another, and they only becoming more and more interconnected, not just leave the hut once they have found a solution that is geographically but also in terms of thematic areas and acceptable to everyone. disciplines.

This is how I envisage cooperation between the federal This networking process and open access to information government, the cantons and other players. It is also how are important for society as a whole. Everyone in Switzer- Switzerland functions as a whole. People talk to one land should be able to have a say in decisions that concern another, acknowledge diversity and try to find solutions that us all. At COGIS we make a contribution towards this are acceptable to all – that is the spirit of federalism. goal by rendering information and knowledge accessible Federalism has its price, of course: it can sometimes take and creating equal conditions for everyone. longer to reach an agreement. So, it is all the more pleasing for me to report that we at COGIS have spent a lot of time Alain Buogo, COGIS Head of Coordination, talking, but have also succeeded in achieving a great deal. Geoinformation and Services

10 COGIS (Coordination, Geoinformation and Services) milestones, 2000 to 2020

• 2000: Introduction of COGIS in January and • 2013: Federal Council Resolution on the the new interdepartmental “Coordinating securing of the financing of the federal Agency for Federal Geographical Information” geodata infrastructure; introduction of the (GCG) in April, in accordance with the 1998 time series as a service and in the map viewer, Federal Council Resolution. with the “time series – maps” application. • 2001: Federal Council Resolution concerning • 2014: Official Swiss representation in the the federal geoinformation strategy. “United Nations Committee of Experts on • 2002: Concept and initial information event Global Geospatial Information Management” for a national geoinformation programme, (UN-GGIM). “Official geodata form the basis for modern “”; analysis of the Swiss geodata • 2015: Agreement between the federal mobility concepts. These data can be used by market and the federal geodata pricing policy. government and the cantons concerning the companies to create products and services for our • 2003: Federal Council Resolution concerning free-of-charge exchange of official geodata future mobility system: for example, routing the concept for the implementation of the among public authorities; introduction of services, which show us how we can get from federal geoinformation strategy (through the geoinformation as a school subject with the A to B as quickly, conveniently and ecologically as development of a national geodata project. possible. This is why we need COGIS: its special- infrastructure); kick-off of “” • 2016: Federal geodata infrastructure ists are our partners for everything relating to programme, initial “WebGIS” pilot application. now 3D-capable: further development of the geodata.” • 2004: Compilation of version 1.0 of the associated services and the map viewer “” metadata catalogue; preparatory (; 2016 analysis of the Gery Balmer, work on the Federal Geoinformation Act. Swiss geodata market: increasing benefits of Vice Director, Federal Department of the • 2005: Formation of the “” geoinformation for the Swiss economy. Environment, Transport, Energy and management body, consultation of authorities • 2017: Conclusion of the nationwide Communications (DETEC), Federal Office of regarding the Federal Geoinformation Act; information and communication technologies Transport (FOT) start-up of the initial “WebGIS” applications project, “go4geo”; nationwide address (e.g. motorway maintenance perimeter). services provided by the federal geodata • 2006: Integration of COGIS into swisstopo as a infrastructure now freely accessible; availability separate division. of the federal geodata infrastructure “linked • 2007: Initiation of work on the development data” service. of a common federal geoportal for all geodata • 2018: Incorporation of geoinformation into of the various federal authorities. the “Digital Switzerland” strategy; federal • 2008: Entry into force of the Federal geodata infrastructure goes online with initial Geoinformation Act and Federal Geoinforma- real-time data as services and viewer. tion Ordinance; analysis of the Swiss geodata • 2019: Availability of additional financial market. resources for the further development of the • 2009: Version 2.0 of the “” metadata national geodata infrastructure; more than catalogue; initiation of the migration of the 20 million hits for the federal geodata federal geodata infrastructure to the public infrastructure; successful crowd funding for “Almost all services today have something to cloud. OpenLayer 6 facilitates the provision and use do with geoinformation in one form or another. • 2010: Launch of the federal geoportal with of VectorTile services via the federal geodata Geoinformation is a precursor of digitalisation map viewer (; securing of infrastructure and global depiction in the and forms the basis for a broad range of other the financing of the federal geodata test viewer. data. Together with COGIS we are shaping the infrastructure. • 2020: Celebration of the 20th anniversary of national geoinfrastructure and ensuring that • 2011: Mobile version of the introduction of COGIS. Switzerland’s citizens, as well as its economy and now available. public administration, benefit from efficient • 2012: Successful international crowd and attractive services and products.” funding for the further development of the Mirjam Bütler, “OpenLayers” open source software General Secretary, Conference of Directors of (version 3.0) as the basis for the map viewer Building, Planning and Environment (

11 “Right from the start, COGIS set its sights on “COGIS provides us with valuable support for “I greatly appreciate inspiring exchanges with innovation and fully digital products. It adopted the development of the military geodata infra- COGIS specialists concerning strategic and an entirely new approach to production using structure, which makes a significant contribution technical issues. They have developed a vision of open source and cloud solutions, as well as new towards the security of our country: it enables a viable geodata infrastructure that they are business models. Its personnel are not only the armed forces to improve their information successfully implementing with the full support of experts in their specific fields: they are also skilled management and thus to make the right the federal administration and politicians. For me, at incorporating all involved players, including the decisions without delay, including in response to the COGIS personnel are visionary specialists who private sector, scientists and the public sector. natural disasters. We have COGIS to thank for possess comprehensive professional and social Furthermore, I have always appreciated the fact much of what we have accomplished in the area skills.” that they are constantly on the ball.” of military geodata infrastructure.” Professor François Golay, Peter Fischer, Roman Frick, Director of the Environmental Sciences and Head of the Federal IT Steering Unit geographer, Swiss Association of Transport Engineering Programme, Federal Institute of Engineers and Experts (SVI), Manager and Technology, Lausanne Member of the Board of Directors, INFRAS,

“I was involved right from the start, but was “COGIS provides us with valuable support for “When I was Head of Armaments, swisstopo initially sceptical. Back in the 1980s already the the development of the military geodata infra- was a unit of armasuisse and was under my federal administration had been keen to build structure, which makes a significant contribution command. During joint meetings I perceived the up coordination in the fields of geographic towards the security of our country: it enables COGIS specialists to be distinctly creative and information services and geodata, but made little the armed forces to improve their information dynamic. They repeatedly put forward improve- progress. When COGIS was reorganised in 2000 management and thus to make the right ments and new ideas that were of enormous I realised that the new management organised by decisions without delay, including in response to benefit to the armed forces. I always described swisstopo was serious about the question of natural disasters. We have COGIS to thank for swisstopo as a pearl in the federal administration, coordination and that the entire unit was strongly much of what we have accomplished in the area and this applies equally to COGIS.” committed to it. We have worked together of military geodata infrastructure.” Alfred Markwalder, constructively since then, and thus successfully.” Michael Lanini, Head of Armaments, Swiss Armed Forces Rainer Humbel, Head of Military Geoinformation Service (retired), Federal Department of Defence, geographer, retired head of Geoinformation (Defence), Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) at the Federal Statistical Office Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS)

12 Awards for the federal geoportal, • 2010: Nomination for the Open Source Software Award, utilisation of open standards and use of open source software • 2010: Public Excellence Award, “Excellent services” for the implementation of e-government projects • 2011: Electronic Spatial Data Infrastructure Net Award, for innovation in the implementation of the geodata infrastructure • 2012: United Nations Public Service Award, effectiveness, efficiency and quality of services in the public administration • 2013: Swiss Cloud Award, use of cloud services in Switzerland’s public administration • 2013: Euro Cloud Award, use of cloud services in Europe’s public administration • 2013: Geospatial World Award, exemplary implementation of geodata infrastructure based on open standards Presentation of the 2012 United Nations Public Service Award. • 2013: Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Award, best software integration with open source software • 2014: Best of Swiss Web Awards, three awards for innovation in technology, public services and mobile web technologies • 2014: Open Source Software Award, utilisation of open standards and use of open source software • 2014: Swiss ITC Public Award, public’s choice award for implementation of modern web standards and use of open source software • 2015: 3 eGovernment competition awards, “Best eGovernment project 2015”, jury and public’s choice awards, each 2nd place, and special award • 2017: Swiss Digital Transformation Award, award for companies and organisations that have made special progress in digital transformation (award for swisstopo, with special reference in the laudation to the federal geodata infrastructure)

13 “Without swisstopo geodata and maps, Skitourenguru would not be possible.”

Günter Schmudlach, developer and operator

14 2390 metres above sea level metres 2390 168, 168,


1 087, 087,


Arolla, coordinates 2 coordinates Arolla,

15 swisstopo Folio 2020

“Green” means low risk

The planning platform, “”, helps ski touring enthusiasts select a route with a low avalanche risk. It is a clear example of how community portals can create added value thanks to the close coordination of geographic information within the federal administration.

Greater safety. The “Skitourenguru” digital Assistance in choosing a tour. Ski touring Risk map. Risk is calculated on the basis of a platform generates a list of ski tours where the enthusiasts select a suitable (green) route static avalanche risk map and the current risk of avalanches is expected to be low. This on and do the first part avalanche bulletin published by the Institute for automated avalanche risk evaluation method of their planning at home. It is recommended to Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF.) The ava- covers approximately 1,200 ski tours in Switzer- plan a tour using the map viewer (map.geo. lanche risk map provides information on whether land. The risk on each route is indicated in a, and/or a printout of a section of the the conditions at a particular spot in the terrain similar way as a set of traffic lights: green (low), map. Skitourenguru indicates, among other could be “right” for triggering an avalanche. The orange (elevated) and red (high). things, the critical spots on the tour, which must following four factors are decisive: the gradient, be carefully assessed at the location in question size and form of a slope, and forest coverage. and closer to the time of starting the tour. The first three are calculated with the aid of the digital elevation model, swissALTI3D; information

16 Günter Schmudlach

about forest coverage is provided by the Günter Schmudlach and his “Skitourenguru” topographic landscape model, swissTLM3D. After a sabbatical year in 2012, ski touring enthusiast and software developer Günter Pinpoint precision. With the aid of a Schmudlach started work on constructing the quantitative reduction method (QRM), Skitouren- “” platform. The portal is based guru generates a risk map for the day in on maps and models developed by swisstopo and question based on data from the avalanche risk the map viewer ( The project map and the avalanche bulletin. It attributes a receives support from renowned partners, continuous risk not only to a specific terrain but including the Council for Accident Prevention to every point on it. The QRM was derived from (BFU), the and several 1,500 avalanche incidents and inspection data well-known outdoor and mountain equipment from 50,000 kilometres of completed ski tours. brands. In the final step, Skitourenguru combines the point risks for the prepared routes to calculate a Approximately 10,000 people regularly use risk indicator. Skitourenguru, i.e. 500 to 1,000 daily. In addition to the approximately 1,200 ski tours, the platform Taking personal responsibility. Skitourenguru offers a number of services for ski touring cannot in any way be a substitute for an enthusiasts, including tips for beginners and on individual’s personal responsibility. The 3×3 rule avalanche awareness. applies at all times: in each of the three phases – trip planning, local evaluation and slope selection Skitourenguru is free of charge and can be used – the following three factors must be assessed: without the need to log in. conditions, terrain and human factors. Skitouren- Further information guru helps select a suitable route but, of course, it cannot know the local conditions and the condition of the people embarking on a tour.

17 swisstopo Folio 2020

Knowing from where the wind is blowing

MeteoSwiss is Switzerland’s national weather and climate service. The weather data of the Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology are also published in map viewer, “map.geo.admin”. This creates significantly more visibility and added value for the public.

Head office of the Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology at .

More than the weather. Weather and climate Aviation. The aviation weather services in Measuring stations. MeteoSwiss maintains monitoring is only one of the many tasks carried Geneva and Zurich provide important information around 250 automatic weather stations that out by the Federal Office of Meteorology and round the clock about the weather, especially for measure various parameters, such as precipita- Climatology (MeteoSwiss). The data also flow air traffic. No aircraft takes off without these tion, wind and temperature. In addition, there are into a model: on the basis of available data, essential data, since pilots must know what about 400 stations that measure precipitation scenarios are developed to anticipate how the weather conditions to expect on the flight ahead only. Almost half of them are operated manually, climate in Switzerland could change in the future of them. which means that every morning at 7 o’clock and what the impact of such changes could be. someone empties a collection container or Widely available. Until recently, MeteoSwiss Another important service provided by Meteo­ measures the new snowfall with a rod. The published its weather information exclusively on Swiss is to send out alerts to the public about results are transmitted to MeteoSwiss by text its own app and website. Today, it is also pub- storms, heat waves and ultraviolet radiation. message. lished in the federal administration’s map viewer, A further example is the calculation of the solar map.geo.admin, from where it can be easily World recognition. The monks from the Hospice potential of roofs and façades. This is done by embedded in other websites via iFrame – includ- on the Great Saint Bernard Pass have recorded combining the global radiation map developed by ing in the MeteoSwiss website where it appears weather conditions for the last 200 years; the MeteoSwiss with the data on buildings provided under “Measurement values” – and is regularly weather station there has the longest meteoro- by swisstopo (swissBUILDINGS3D). The results are updated. logical records in the entire Alps region. These published in cooperation with the Swiss Federal long reference series provide extremely important Office of Energy (SFOE) on its information about how the climate changes over platform. Thanks to close coordination within the time, which is especially valuable for higher federal administration, such information is easily altitudes where there are fewer weather stations. accessible for everyone. In 2017, the station was officially recognised in a festive ceremony as the first “Centennial

18 Centre for Meteorological Measurement Technology, Payerne.

Observing Station” worldwide by a representative MeteoSwiss in brief Further information of the World Meteorological Organisation. Weather-related data have been recorded in Switzerland since 1863. In 1881, the Federal Weather balloons. In Payerne, MeteoSwiss Council founded the organisation now known as operates a centre for meteorological measuring MeteoSwiss. The Federal Office of Meteorology techniques. Weather balloons carrying instru- and Climatology records comprehensive meteoro- ments for measuring atmospheric temperature, logical data over the long term, makes forecasts humidity and pressure are released into the air on and provides meteorological services for flight a daily basis. safety and aviation operations. One crucial task is The Swiss weather app. The MeteoSwiss app to alert the public and authorities to imminent provides real-time forecasts and measurements weather-related hazards. for Switzerland and push alerts in the event As the competence centre for meteorology and of hazards. It is one of the most popular apps in climatology, MeteoSwiss participates in national Switzerland and has been downloaded about and international research projects and nine million times to date. cooperates with international institutions active in the field of climate research.

19 swisstopo Folio 2020

Carrying out research and learning playfully

With, swisstopo and other federal offices help students develop their ability to use geodata. Here, clever ideas abound for interdisciplinary education in all the country’s language regions, and they also comply with Syllabus 21.

Making use of geodata in education. Whether Interdisciplinary skills. According to Syllabus 21, Map viewer as basis. The basis for working for planning school outings, working out the best students are required to understand the correla- with the digital maps is the federal map viewer route to and from school, playing geo-games, tions between economic, ecological and social ( With this tool it is possible finding out which regions are tick infested or processes. sCHoolmaps helps them do this in that to calculate height differences, volumes and going on virtual journeys through time: on the geography combines other subjects such as distances, compile height profiles and create own platform teachers can find lots of history, biology, mathematics and information maps using the “Draw” function. It is also ideas for the classroom with the aid of federal technology. Even housekeeping can benefit: possible to view aerial images from the past and digital maps that they can put to the test in for example, why not look up where the various combine thematic maps with numerous data practice. types of cheese with protected declarations of from other federal offices. origin are made?

20 Children and youths love sCHoolmaps: gateway to the world of Further information Youngsters enjoy the playful nature of digital maps • and benefit from its educational Digitisation is also on the rise in the classroom. • content. They especially appreciate the journeys provides a broad range of • through time, for example concerning their educational material and examples for working home or school location. These virtual journeys with the map viewer for practically every school also impressively document the development level. Even children in year four learn how to of glacier retreat and often elicit expressions of work with digital official maps under supervision. astonishment from young researchers. The public platform can be accessed via map.geo.admin free of charge and without the Joint efforts. The teaching ideas on need for registration. are jointly developed by teachers and specialists in the fields of geography, Teaching ideas on teaching methodology and media education. • Switzerland as Europe’s reservoir Teachers can participate in workshops where they • Where were the old town walls previously are able to develop their own ideas under expert visible? guidance. This form of close cooperation with • Teaching idea for sports teachers: teachers has proved highly fruitful: according “Orienteering Challenge selfie” to a study conducted by, around 50 percent of all Swiss teachers already use the map viewer in the classroom.

21 swisstopo Folio 2020

Designing the future with permaculture

Permaculture designer Marcus Pan uses as the basis for his planning and consulting activities, as well as for his own special project: Switzerland’s first learning and demonstration farm for regenerative agriculture – Auenhof – is being created in Feldbach (canton of Zurich).

First impression. On map.geo.admin, perma­ Finding out how the land was used in the The planning thus has to take these circumstanc- culture designers can obtain a great deal of past. The journeys through time featured on es into account. valuable information in advance about the plot of are a valuable planning tool: these Keyline farming. In recent years there tends to land and the soil they plan to use: geographic show how the land in question once looked and be either too little or too much water. During the location, surroundings, topography, type of soil, how it was used in the past. For example, if it summer it is too dry, and when it rains heavily rock formations, risk of erosion, connection to had been used for many years to grow crops with there is suddenly too much water on the ground. bodies of water, nutrition and water storage a high nutrient intake, this tells the permaculture The top soil is washed away and the water capacity, incline, zoning, forest, flora, fauna, etc. designer that the soil is probably depleted and cannot be retained in the ground. In view of this, In addition, thanks to the coordination of data needs to be regenerated before vegetables can keyline farming is to be used at the Auerhof site: throughout the federal administration, the maps be planted there. In the case of the Auenhof site, vegetables, fruit trees and berry bushes are to produced by swisstopo are highly valuable when the Siegfried maps dating from around 1800 be planted along the contour lines. In addition, it comes to the planning stage: they can be used show that part of it was once wetland. This irrigation channels in the form of drainage as the basis for planning zones and sectors, roads means it would be ideal for establishing water troughs have been installed. The plants hold the and paths, water courses and other individual gardens, but unsuitable for cultivating fruits and ground together and the water is retained in that elements of the intended permaculture system. vegetables. it drains slowly into the troughs.

22 Trix Barmettler and Marcus Pan.

And of course the permaculture designers What is permaculture? Further information are able to use the contour lines included on In 1974, Australian biologist Bill Mollison drafted • swisstopo’s maps. the concept of permaculture together with one • (Academy for of his students, David Holmgren, and in 1981 he Permaculture Design) Regenerative agriculture. Permaculture farms received the Right Livelihood Award for his • (Swiss Permaculture all over the world show that this system remains pioneering work. website) productive and flexible. The three-hectare • (keyword “Soil”) Auenhof site situated on the first terrace above Permaculture is a design principle for stable, the Lake of Zurich is the first operation of its sustainable, ecological and economically viable kind in Switzerland. The operators of this learning systems that are largely self-regulating and and demonstration farm want to show that self-preserving. This can be achieved by applying regenerative agriculture is both beneficial and certain principles such as diversity, recycling economically viable, as well as ecological. economy and function management. The characteristics of permaculture include small- Academy for Permaculture Design. At the scale land use, the cultivation of wild plants and Academy for Permaculture Design, students perennial crops, and the objective of searching learn how to successfully plant and operate for long-term solutions that have low mainte- perma­culture systems. They, too, use the maps nance requirements. and data that are available on and which are provided free of charge. The overall concept of permaculture can be applied all over the world and is not restricted to gardening and agriculture: residential develop- ments, companies, communities, projects and buildings can all be organised along the principles of permaculture.

23 swisstopo Folio 2020

Less noise means better living conditions

The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) is able to identify the level of noise pollution in Switzerland, calculate future immission levels and formulate specific noise abatement strategies with the aid of topographic and building data plus the corresponding models provided by swisstopo.

Noise maps. Under the heading of “Noise”, the How are noise levels measured? To calculate country. Factors such as reflection and noise map.geo.admin website provides various maps noise data, the Federal Office for the Environ- attenuation play a role here according to the local produced by the FOEN showing areas exposed to ment (FOEN) relies on the following models from circumstances (terrain and buildings). noise caused by road traffic at different times swisstopo: the swissALTI3D height model, the Noise abatement measures. If the specified of the day and night, as well as by rail traffic, swissTLM3D topographic landscape model and the limit levels are exceeded, the involved cantons helicopters and other aircraft. The maps clearly swissBUILDINGS3D buildings model. The number and municipalities have to respond and take show that the concentration of noise is at its of cars, light utility vehicles and heavy goods appropriate countermeasures. Structural meas- highest in the agglomerations, where more than vehicles travelling along a given stretch of road ures in the form of noise prevention barriers are 90 percent of the people exposed to noise per day is calculated from the traffic census. labour intensive and costly, and are not always pollution live. Based on the recorded traffic volume, the special- sufficiently effective. In view of this, preference is ists at the FOEN then identify the noise levels for given to measures that reduce noise levels at each stretch of road and for the rest of the

24 source: the engineering of the road surface, sonBASE: noise monitoring in Switzerland lower speed limits, low-noise surfaces, quiet In accordance with its official mandate, every five tyres. years the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) produces an overview of noise pollution in 30 km/h speed limit is effective. If a speed Switzerland. The latest findings stored in limit of 30 km/h is applied instead of 50 km/h, sonBASE, Switzerland’s noise database, were noise levels are reduced by around 3 decibels. published in 2018. In order to depict noise This is equivalent to halving the volume of traffic. pollution throughout the country, various official The lower speed limit is only one of the reasons geodata are integrated into a geographic why this measure is so effective: on these information system together with the calculated stretches, people drive more consistently and noise data. they brake and accelerate less frequently and over shorter distances. The result is that The data that are provided thanks to coordination traffic is able to flow more smoothly. throughout the entire federal administration are of uniform high quality for the whole of The “urban sound” of the future. The acoustic Switzerland. This saves both labour and costs, properties of towns and cities are gaining rapidly and is thus a major benefit for the FOEN as well in importance. The reference here is to the overall as the tax-paying public. “urban sound” that results from the acoustic properties of materials used for streets, façades, Further information buildings and design elements, and which •, keyword “Noise” influences not only people’s sense of well-being, • but also the attractiveness of residential zones. laerm.html How can buildings, public spaces and infrastruc- ture be planned so that a town or city “sounds” good? Here, too, noise data play a major role.

25 swisstopo Folio 2020

“Full charge, please!”

Electric vehicles are energy-efficient and quiet, and are enjoying increasing popularity. Within the framework of the coordination of data throughout the federal administration, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) and swisstopo have jointly created a dataset that permits an overview of recharging facilities throughout the country – and thus exciting prospects for electric mobility

Promotion of electric mobility. In accordance One dataset for everyone. The aim of the Real time overview. The www.ich-tanke-­ with the Federal Council’s “Electric Mobility dataset is to provide a comprehensive, non-­ website presents an up-to-date Roadmap”, the aim is to increase the proportion discriminatory overview of the existing recharging overview of the recharging stations along the of registered electric vehicles by 15 percent by infrastructure. The federal government accepted country’s main networks. The real-time display 2022. To accomplish this, one of the require- responsibility for this task as long as the infor­ indicates which stations are currently occupied. ments will be to create a national e-mobility data mation can be freely used by everyone in the When a user plugs his or her car into a socket, infrastructure as the basis for a broad range of form of “open government data” – for example, a signal is sent within seconds to the online map. services, including those provided by third parties. for developing apps or carrying out research. Occupied stations are displayed in red, free ones in green. As of the end of 2019 there were This includes the analysis of catchment areas around 1,380 locations throughout Switzerland from the point of view of their economic poten- with a total of 2,800 charging points. The over- tial, and finding solutions to demographic issues. view is being constantly updated.

26 Breaking new ground. With the use of real-time Multimodal mobility. The national e-mobility Development of a national e-mobility data data technology, both the SFOE and swisstopo data infrastructure is also creating an essential infrastructure: a joint project found themselves breaking new ground. They dataset for the development of multimodal In 2018, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy were able to build up valuable know-how in the mobility services. Multimodal mobility means (SFOE), swisstopo and the operators of course of the associated project. With the rapid using different forms of transport at different recharging infrastructure for electric vehicles progress of digitisation, the use of real-time data times: for example, a bicycle in the morning, initiated the development of the national is becoming increasingly important. a bus in the afternoon, a “Mobility” vehicle e-mobility data infrastructure. Together they tomorrow and a train the day after tomorrow. created a publicly accessible dataset providing real-time information. Multimodal mobility systems are formed through the clever networking of (real-time) data The data infrastructure combines a variety of regarding options and services available from sources and harmonises the stored information. as many providers as possible. This gives rise to The result is a comprehensive overview of the an intelligent overall network – and thus better recharging infrastructure, as well as of the quality utilisation of the various means of transport and up-to-date availability of the recharging and the associated infrastructure. stations for e-mobility in Switzerland.

Further information (map depicting recharging stations in Switzerland)

27 “We are no longer merely searching for data and information, but are also looking for answers to issues we have to face.”

Alain Buogo, COGIS Head of Coordination, Geoinformation and Services

Space and land are limited in Switzerland, as ing in their immediate vicinity and region, have to increasingly acquire the ability to provide they are in every other country. We need to including what is being built where and what knowledge objectively and neutrally for every work together to shape the environment in which consequences it could have for them and the region and every citizen, the public administra- we live. We have to decide how we should treat environment. tion, the economy and the scientific community. our surroundings and our infrastructure. All Simplifying the way in which we transform data We all want to have a say when it comes to the involved players influence one another and we and information into knowledge is one of the development of the world around us. For this must all contribute to solving the issues we are biggest challenges facing the entire geoinforma- purpose we need more than just data, we also facing. This does not solely apply to specialists. tion community in the coming years. need knowledge. This means that our systems Ordinary citizens want to know what is happen-

28 Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Confédération suisse Confederazione Svizzera Confederaziun svizra Coordinating Agency for Federal Geographical Information GCG

Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Seftigenstrasse 264, CH-3084 Wabern c/o Federal Office of Topography Tel. +41 58 469 01 11, Fax +41 58 469 04 59 COGIS (Coordination, Geo-Information and Services) [email protected] email addresses • Federal Office of Topography swisstopo: The coordination of geographic information within the federal administration is under the strategic direction and manage- [email protected] ment of the Coordinating Agency for Federal Geographical • Surveying: Information, GCG. The same is true for the [email protected] information technology platform for geographic information. • Aerial photographs and geodata: It will comprise at least one representative from each relevant department, as well as from the Federal Chancellery, the [email protected] Federal Institutes of Technology and the Federal Office of • Sale of publications: Topography swisstopo. [email protected] Each such authority will appoint its own representative. • COGIS: The practical implementation of the strategy for laid down by the GCG is the responsibility of the Federal Office [email protected] of Topography swisstopo. • Swiss Geological Survey: [email protected]

The Federal Office of Topography swisstopo is Switzerland’s Publishing details geoinformation centre. We supply accurate, up-to-date and © 2020 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo reliable basic information for surveying Switzerland, collecting Edition: 3,500 copies in German, 1,500 copies in French. data on the landscape and subsoil and documenting this The English and Italian versions of “Folio” are available over time. With swisstopo, every location in Switzerland can be as PDFs from Detailed versions precisely determined to the last centimetre. swisstopo thus of these texts are also available via this link. fulfils a federal task. Design: Atelier Ursula Heilig SGD Our products include national maps, elevation and landscape Text: escribo/Claudia Fahlbusch models, aerial photographs, orthophotos, geological data Photos: Béatrice Devènes and maps or applications on the Internet, as well as on mobile devices. The federal government’s map viewer at Cover photo: Schliern school/Köniz, is a particularly important element. coordinates 2 597 924, 1 195 267, 680 metres above sea level