Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Vol. 30, No. 8, August 1989 Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

Retinal Reattachment of the Primate Macula

Photoreceptor Recovery after Shorr-Term Detachment

Christopher J. Guerin, Don H. Anderson, Robert N. Fariss, and Steven K. Fisher

The macula of the neural from 12 adult rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatto) was detached from the overlying retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) by subretinal injection of a balanced salt solution. Seven days later, the two layers were reapposed by draining fluid from the vitreous cavity and replacing it with a 3:1 mixture of sulphur hexafluoride gas and air. Animals were sacrificed at 1 hr, 2 days and 7 days after detachment, and at periods ranging from 3 to 14 days after reattachment. At 2-7 days prior to sacrifice, some eyes received an intravitreal injection of 3H-L-fucose. The eyes were then fixed for light and electron microscopy (EM), and tissue sections were processed for autoradiography (ARG) or immunocytochemistry. During the 7-day detachment interval, rod outer segments (ROSs) and cone outer segments (COSs) degenerated, but inner segments remained intact and the rest of the retina appeared normal. The apical RPE surface dedifferentiated during the detachment interval. At 3 days after reattachment, a regrowth of rudimentary ROSs and COSs had. occurred, but the disc stacking was clearly abnormal. ROSs and COSs both showed an increase in length and a tendency to return to their normal configurations with increasing time after reattachment. ROSs and COSs regained approximately 40% of their normal lengths after a 2-week reattachment period; however, persistent outer segment abnormalities were frequently found in otherwise well regenerated areas. Autoradiographic results confirmed that new disc membranes were synthesized subsequent to reat- tachment. Newly synthesized rod disc membranes were uniformly labeled using antibodies to bovine . Regenerating outer segments interdigitated with newly formed apical RPE processes, and radiolabeled were identified within the RPE cytoplasm by 1 week after reattachment. Proliferation of the RPE cell layer was identified at some locations in all animals, and was strongly correlated with a lack of underlying outer segment regeneration. Because of the short detachment interval, and the absence of underlying pathology or trauma, the recovery process described here probably represents an example of optimum recovery after retinal reattachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 30:1708-1725, 1989

The outer segments of photoreceptor cells are or- Evidence from experimental studies of retinal reat- ganelles specialized for the absorption and transduc- tachment is generally consistent in demonstrating tion of light quanta into neuronal activity. Degenera- that outer segments retain some capacity for regener- tion of these organelles is one of the most prominent ation after detachment.1"4 In addition, the prevailing morphological changes, and one of the most signifi- evidence strongly suggests that detachment duration cant factors in the loss of vision, after retinal detach- is an important, and perhaps critical, variable in that ment. Conversely, the capacity of rods and cones to process.4 Precise identification of temporal parame- regenerate their outer segments and to reestablish ters, however, has proven to be elusive due to small their normal anatomical relationship with the retinal sample sizes and the variability inherent in the exper- pigment epithelium (RPE) is an important factor in imental detachment procedure. In studies of human denning the limits of visual recovery after retinal retinal detachments it has been reported that visual reattachment. acuity following reattachment can sometimes ap- proach predetachment levels, although the prognosis is much less favorable if the macula is involved.5"9 From the Neuroscience Research Institute, University of Califor- nia, Santa Barbara, California. These results imply that the photoreceptor-RPE Supported by research grants EY-02082 and EY-00888 to DHA layer in the macular region either has a reduced ca- and SKF, respectively, from the National Eye Institute, National pacity for recovery, or that the high degree of ana- Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. tomical and functional specialization of that area Submitted for publication: September 19, 1988; accepted March leads to more severe consequences following injury. 8, 1989. Reprint requests: Christopher J. Guerin, Neuroscience Research Here we report our initial findings on morphologi- Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. cal recovery of the primate macula after experimental

1708 No. 8 PHOTORECEPTOR RECOVERY AFTER RETINAL REATTACHMENT / Guerin er ol 1709 retinal detachment and reattachment, focusing on vanced through the retina. When the pipette reached the early stages of recovery following a short detach- the subretinal space (SRS) a small retinal detachment ment interval (7 days). The photoreceptor-RPE in- formed which could be enlarged to the desired size by terface undergoes an extensive degree of "remodel- regulating the amount of fluid injected. As the vol- ing" in the first week following reattachment, with ume of injected fluid increased a bullous detachment slower but continued recovery occurring over the formed which separated the neural retina from the next 7-day period. There is no indication that the RPE. In most of the animals the entire macula was macula is more or less susceptible to the effects of detached, and in no case did the detachment include detachment than any other retinal region. The pho- less than 50% of the macula. Initially the height of the toreceptor and RPE abnormalities, previously identi- detachment at its apex was at least several millimeters fied in the detached and reattached cat retina,410 also above the RPE surface, however, over the course of occur in the primate macula. It is highly likely, there- the next 7 days detachment height decreased sponta- fore, that these abnormalities contribute to the lack of neously. At the end of the 7-day interval, detach- complete visual recovery usually associated with ments were not ophthalmoscopically visible. Postop- macular retinal detachments. erative antibiotics, consisting of gentamycin sulfate (Elkins-Sinn, Cherry Hill, NJ), cortiosporin ointment Materials and Methods (Burroughs Wellcome, Triangle Park, NC) and peni- Unilateral retinal detachments were produced in cillin (Bristol) were administered and all animals re- 12 adult, domestically bred, rhesus monkeys whose covered without complications. Retinae were reat- average age was > 10 years. Reattachments were per- tached by means of a simple fluid gas exchange with a formed after 7 days. The detachment and reattach- mixture of 75% sulphur hexafluoride gas (Matheson, ment intervals, in days, are as follows with the num- Cucamonga, CA) and 25% room air. Postoperative ber of animals at each time point given in parenthe- antibiotics were again administered as above. All ani- ses: 1:0 (1), 2:0 (1), 7:0 (1), 7:3 (2), 7:5 (1), 7:7 (2), mals recovered without complications. No attempt 7:14 (3), and 7:30 (1). The boundaries and other was made to seal the retinal hole and in no case was characteristics of each detachment were recorded on redetachment observed. a standard ophthalmic detachment chart at the end of each surgery. The eyes were examined periodically Light and Electron Microscopy using an indirect ophthalmoscope. The animals were The fixation protocol and staining techniques em- killed by an overdose of barbiturate followed by car- ployed in this study have been previously published.10 diac perfusion of fixative. All animals were cared for Briefly, eyes were fixed by intracardiac perfusion of according to the ARVO Resolution on the Use of 1% gluteraldehyde and 1% paraformaldehyde in Animals in Research. phosphate buffer, and then enucleated. Animals were entrained to a 12:12 light-dark cycle and euthanized 4 Surgery hr after light onset. After removal of the anterior seg- Unilateral retinal detachments were created using a ments, eyecups were immersed in the same fixative variation of the technique we published previously.4 overnight. This was followed by post-fixation in os- In brief, animals were anesthetized initially with an mium tetroxide, dehydration in graded ethanols and intramuscular injection of Ketamine HC1 (Bristol, embeddment in Araldite 6005 resin. Sections (1 ^m Syracuse, NY) and Xylazine HC1 (Haver Lockhart, thick) were cut for light microscopy and stained with Morris Plains, NJ), and surgical anesthesia was a mixture of methylene blue, azure II and toluidine maintained with periodic injections of these agents. blue in aqueous solution containing Na Borate, and For local anesthesia a retrobulbar injection of 0.5 cc then counterstained with basic fuchsin and photo- 2% lidocaine HC1 (Vedco, Saint Joseph,. MO) was graphed using a Zeiss photomicroscope III. Ultrathin given. An infusion canula was inserted into a 20- sections for transmission electron microscopy were gauge incision made in the inferotemporal pars plana cut with a diamond knife, stained with uranyl acetate and connected to a bag of lactated Ringers solution and lead citrate, and then carbon-coated prior to (Baxter, Deerfield, IL). A second incision was made viewing. superior to the first and a complete vitrectomy was Outer segment lengths were measured using a Zeiss performed. Using the superior incision a micropi- Photomicroscope equipped with a XI00 oil immer- pette (80-100 /xm tip) was inserted into the vitreous sion objective and an ocular micrometer. The proto- cavity and advanced using a micromanipulator until col and criteria were essentially the same as those it was just above the superior vessel arcade of the described previously." Aligned rod and cone outer macula. Balanced salt solution (Alcon, Fort Worth, segments were measured in the maculas of normal TX) was slowly injected through the pipette as it ad- control eyes and from the regions adjacent to the 1710 INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE / August 1989 Vol. 30

Table 1.3H-fucose injection schedule Reynold's lead citrate and uranyl acetate, after which they were carbon-coated and viewed in a transmis- Detachment period Reattachment period Labeling interval (days) (days) (hr) sion electron microscope. Control sections were cut from nondetached areas of the experimental eyes as 7* 3 72 well as from the normal, contralateral eye. 7 7 168 7 14 2 7* 14 96 Results * Two animals were injected at these timepoints. Changes after Experimental Detachment Acute (ie, <1 hr) retinal detachments produced detachment in experimental eyes. Measurements some disruption of the outer segment tips and the from normal areas of experimental eyes, and normal apical RPE surface in the detached area; this was areas from the opposite control eyes, were pooled and more severe close to the injection site. Occasional red averaged together. Likewise, measurements taken blood cells were apparent in the subretinal space but from animals with identical detachment:reattach- the detached retina surrounding the retinal hole re- ment intervals were also averaged together. Only mained intact. Figure 1A and B are low-power elec- outer segments that were well oriented for their full tron micrographs illustrating the morphological ef- length were measured. At many of the earlier time- fects of separating the two cell layers using the de- points rudimentary outer segments were very disor- tachment procedure outlined in Materials and ganized or absent entirely; the lengths of very disor- Methods. Many outer segments remained intact and ganized outer segments were not measured. Simi- attached to their respective inner segments (Fig. IB). larly, those photoreceptors with no apparent outer Some large packets of lamellar material apparently segment were not included in the measurements. detached from their inner segments as a result of the procedure and these were situated immediately above Autoradiography the intact outer segments. Pigment granules and as- 3H-L-fucose (500 /xCi) was injected intravitreally at sociated membranous debris derived from the apical the timepoints listed in Table 1. Sections were pro- RPE processes were also present in this location. Very cessed for electron microscope autoradiography using little outer segment debris was identified in the rest of the flat substrate method of Young and Droz12 as the newly expanded subretinal space. The RPE cell outlined in Anderson, Fisher and Breding.13 Thin monolayer was intact although the microvilli on the sections (60-70 nm) were dipped in Ilford L-4 emul- apical RPE surface were smaller, less numerous and sion under Na vapor illumination and exposed for shorter than normal (Fig. 1A). At the edge of the 4-6 weeks at 4°C. The autoradiograms were devel- newly created detachment, there was an abrupt tran- oped in complete darkness using either phenidon de- sition zone between detached and attached retina. veloper for 1 min at 15°C or Elon-ascorbic acid after The detachment height at the transition zone was gold latensification.14 quite shallow (ie, <1 retinal thickness) (Fig. 2). The adjacent attached area appeared normal. Immunocytochemistry At 2 days post-detachment, the appearance of the For the immunocytochemical studies we employed retina was similar to the acute detachment. Most the indirect, post-embedding technique described in outer segments were still present, but the normal par- Erickson et al.15 Tissue specimens were fixed as de- allel alignment of the disc membranes at the outer scribed above, except that immersion fixation was for segment bases, the site of new disc assembly, was only 1 hr, the tissue was stained en bloc using 1% disrupted. The apical RPE surface had a scalloped aqueous uranyl acetate, and dehydration was through profile and was populated by microvillous processes a series of graded methanols. Tissue specimens were much shorter than those that normally interdigitate embedded in LR White resin polymerized at 52°C. with photoreceptor outer segments. Thin sections were placed on nickel grids and prein- After 7 days of detachment the region of detached cubated in normal goat serum for 15 min before retina that included the macula appeared flat oph- overnight incubation in rabbit anti-bovine or rabbit thalmoscopically. Histologically, however, this region anti-rat opsin diluted 1:400 in phosphate buffered was still shallowly detached. The height of the de- saline containing 1% bovine serum albumin (PBS/ tachment at 7 days ranged from tens of microns at its BSA). After several washes in PBS/BSA, grids were periphery (Fig. 2) to several hundred microns at its incubated in goat anti-rabbit IgG-Au (5 nm) (Jann- highest point. At this stage, the photoreceptor outer sen, Piscataway, NJ). After further washing grids were segments had degenerated almost completely, and then stained briefly with osmium tetroxide vapors, the expanded subretinal space between the photore- No. 8 PHOTORECEPTOR RECOVERY AFTER RETINAL REATTACHMENT / Guerin er QI i l l

Fig. 1. Electron micro- graph of the RPE (A) and photoreceptor layers (B) < 1 hr after microinjection of balanced salt solution into the subretinal space. (A) The apical microvilli that interdigitate with the pho- toreceptor outer segments were shorter and less nu- merous after experimental detachment. Otherwise, the morphology of the RPE cell layer was normal. (B) The photoreceptor layer and the rest of the retina also re- mained intact after detach- ment. However, some outer segment fragments ap- peared in the subretinal space (arrows), while others remained attached to their respective inner segments. Membrane-bound vesicles and other cellular debris, presumably derived from damaged outer segments and RPE apical microvilli, were located in the inter- photoreceptor space and immediately above the in- tact outer segments in the expanded subretinal space (A, X2400, B, X3625).

ceptors and the RPE was filled with lamellar debris distal inner segments. A small amount of disorga- (Fig. 2). Photoreceptor inner segments appeared in- nized membranous material was also evident at the tact, although the organelles usually concentrated in distal tips of some of the inner segments. The mor- either the ellipsoid or myoid regions were often co- phology of the RPE monolayer was similar to its ap- mingled in both cellular compartments. The number pearance at 2 days post-detachment. of mitochondria in the ellipsoid was reduced, individ- ual mitochondria appeared distended, and photore- Outer Segment Recovery after Reattachment ceptor nuclei were occasionally displaced from their usual positions into the inner segment. Phagocytic A light micrograph of a parafoveal control area cells, filled with large amounts of membranous mate- from an experimental eye is shown in Figure 3A, rial, were prominent in the subretinal space near the illustrating the normal morphological relationship 1712 INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY b VI5UAL SCIENCE / August 1989 Vol. 30

Fig. 2. The RPE-photoreceptor interface 7 days after experimental retinal detachment seen near the transition zone between attached and detached retina. Seven days after production of a macular detachment, the retina appeared flat by indirect ophthalmoscopy. However, histologically the retina remained shallowly detached. In this animal, the subretinal space was filled with lamellar debris (inset) almost certainly derived from degenerating photoreceptor outer segments. Only small disorganized stacks of membrane were apparent at the distal tips of some inner segments (arrow). Phagocytic cells of either RPE or hematopoietic origin were located in the subretinal space (asterisks) (X3300, inset X390O0).

between the photoreceptors and the RPE. The tips of ally elongated and tended to regain their cylindrical the rod outer segments (ROSs) are enveloped by the configurations as the reattachment interval length- RPE apical processes and are in close proximity to ened. At 3 days, the earliest reattachment timepoint the RPE apical cell surface. Extrafoveal cone outer sampled, many photoreceptors appeared to have no segment (COS) tips are recessed from the RPE apical outer segment. The outer segments that were present surface and are ensheathed by an organized array of had a mean length < 3 jam and their shape was highly processes, the cone sheath, that terminates near the irregular (Figs. 3B, 4, 8A, B). The longest COSs iden- outer segment base. The cylindrical rod and cone tified were about 3.5 fim (Fig. 8B) and, at this stage, outer segments are closely aligned, as are the myoid more cones than rods possessed rudimentary outer and mitochondrial-rich elipsoid regions. Pigment segments. At 5 days post-reattachment the majority granules are positioned near the apical RPE surface of inner segments had accompanying outer segments and sometimes within the apical processes. (Figs. 3C, 5). COSs remained quite short (x = 3.2 fim) Figure 3B through E are a light microscopic survey and showed more irregularities in the organization of of 7-day retinal detachments followed by 3, 5, 7 and their outer segment membranes than did rods; mean 14-day reattachment intervals. Figures 4-7 show the ROS length more than doubled to 6.4 pm. At 7 and corresponding electron microscopic appearance of 14 days mean ROS length increased to 8.7 and 9.9 these at the same four reattachment time- fim, respectively, whereas COS lengths were 6.5 ^m points. Overall, rod and cone outer segments gradu- and 7.2 jum at the same timepoints. The increase in No. 8 PHOTORECEPTOR RECOVERY AFTER RETINAL REATTACHMENT / Guerin er ol 1713

Fig. 3. Light microscopic survey of the photoreceptor-RPE interface after short-term reattachment. (A) A nor- mal control region from an experi- mental eye located just nasal to the optic disc. The zone of detachment in this eye included the macula and a surrounding zone temporal to the optic disc. (B) Seven days' detach- ment: 3 days' reattachment. The outer segment layer is virtually absent, al- though small stacks of discs can be identified at the tips of some rod and cone inner segments. (C) Seven days' detachment: 5 days' reattachment. Most rod and cone inner segments have a short outer segment at this stage. Vacuolation at the basal surface of the RPE shown here, and to a lesser extent in (D) and (E), is an artifact at- tributable to the perfusion fixation. (D) Seven days' detachment: 7 days' reat- tachment. In this parafoveal region, the ROSs and COSs have elongated somewhat, but the disc stacks remain disorganized. The scalloped apical sur- face of the RPE {see E also) is charac- teristic of retinal regions that had been detached. (E) Seven days' detachment: 14 days' reattachment. After 2 weeks, ROSs and COSs remain substantially shorter than normal (A-E, X1000). INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY tjl VISUAL SCIENCE / August 1 989 Vol 30


Fig. 4. Seven days' detachment: 3 days' reattachment. At the shortest reattachment interval examined, many inner segments have no associated outer segment. Of those that do, the disc membranes are usually highly disorganized. A small minority of photoreceptors have well organized stacks of disc membrane (arrow) although the rudimentary outer segments are much shorter than normal. RPE phagosomes are rare at this stage (X4200).

Fig. 5. Seven days' detachment: 5 days' reattachment. At 5 days more inner segments have an associated outer segment. Large whorls of outer segment membrane appear in the subretinal space (arrow). A few aligned ROSSa re apparent. The content of the RPE is very low. The swelling at the basal surface of the RPE (asterisks) is artifactual (X4200).


Fig. 7. Seven days' detachment: 14 days' reattachment. After 2 weeks, ROSs and COSs have elongated somewhat, and their tips abut the apical RPE surface. Disc packets in the process of detaching from the outer segment tips are clearly visible (arrow) as are freshly shed phagosomes (arrowheads) (X4125).

12A through D are representative COSs selected from margin of inner segments instead of being positioned the retinas reattached for 3, 5, 7 and 14 days, respec- at their distal tips. When this occurred, the connect- tively. Although the degree to which they regained ing cilium was displaced laterally from its normal their normal morphology was highly variable, both location. ROSs and COSs tended to be more cylindrical at the 7- and 14-day intervals. At the earliest timepoints, the Recovery after Reattachment: The Photoreceptor- COSs consisted of only balloon-like extensions of the RPE Interface cilium (Fig. 12A); in other cases the outer segment was comprised of a short stack of closely apposed disc At 3 days after reattachment, short microvillous membranes (Fig. 12B). Stacks of outer segment disc processes were present on the apical RPE surface, but membranes were frequently located at the lateral they did not interdigitate with the rudimentary outer No. 8 PHOTORECEPTOR RECOVERY AFTER RETINAL REATTACHMENT / Guerin er ol 1717

100 Reattached Rod Outer Segments 1 Controls: • Macula G Periphery

100-i Dav 14


n = 49 so- 20- mcan = 19.2 Day5 scm = 0.24 40- Fig. 8. Frequency histo- 60- gram of ROS and COS 80- length as a function of reat- Dav3 20 tachment interval. (A) 60- Reattached ROSs; (B) reat- n= 110 tached COSs. ROS and 20- mean = 9.9 40- COS lengths were measured sem = 0.23 in areas of reattachment n=130 using the protocol described g 20- mean = 8.7 in the text. Lengths were §• 40- scm = 0.24 measured in normal control n= 118 eyes and at 3, 5, 7 and mean = 6.4 14 days after reattach- scm = 0.18 ment. Measurements were B o 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 " " 3 ? , , grouped into 2 ^m bins and mean = 3.1 plotted as a percentage of length (urn) scm = 0.17 total frequency. Inner seg- ments with no apparent outer segment were not counted. Overall, both ROSs and COSs tended to Reattached Cone Outer Segments 1 Control: Macula elongate, and their distribu- tions widened considerably with increasing time of reat- tachment. At the 3-day timepoint, both ROSs and COSs measured about 10% of their normal adult lengths. At the 2-week time- point mean length of reat- tached macular ROSs was approximately 40%, and reattached macular COSs Dav3 were about 35% of normal mean length.


2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 ^ 2 3 B length (nm) scm = 0.14

segments (Fig. 4). Newly formed outer segments were were positioned close to the photoreceptor inner seg- attached to their respective inner segments by a con- ments. necting cilium (Fig. 12A). There was considerable la- Within the first week following reattachment, the mellar debris in the subretinal space, but no evidence RPE-photoreceptor interface underwent a significant of phagosomes within the RPE cytoplasm. Pigment reorganization (Figs. 4-6). Lamellar debris in the sub- granules remained within the RPE cytoplasm. Nu- retinal space decreased substantially, although there merous phagocytic cells filled with lamellar debris was no evidence that cells of the RPE monolayer were


Fig. 11. Immunolocalization of opsin in regenerating ROSs. (A) Seven days' detachment: 14 days' reattachment. ROSs from reattached regions of several retinas were uniformly labeled with Au particles, suggesting that opsin was probably transported and inserted into new disc membrane during the reattachment interval.

Persistent Outer Segment Defects cells remained viable and adherent to Bruch's mem- brane. Experimental detachment, followed by a In areas where most outer segments had regained 7-day waiting period, led to nearly complete degener- their typical cylindrical configurations, some photo- ation of photoreceptor outer segments, but left inner receptors showed persistent defects in outer segment segments and the rest of the photoreceptor cells in- alignment and orientation, ciliary location, and in tact. Thus, at the time of reattachment in these ex- disc alignment (Fig. 14A, B). In cones particularly, periments, photoreceptors had either no outer seg- large disorganized whorls of membrane located im- ment at all or a rudimentary outer segment com- mediately above the inner segments were sometimes posed of a small amount of disorganized disc the only indication of outer segment recovery. membrane. In addition, the specialized arrays of mi- crovillous processes that normally ensheath the outer Discussion segments were absent. The experimental detachment procedure used in The earliest phase of morphological recovery that these experiments, direct microinjection of physio- we observed was 3 days following reattachment (7 logical saline into the subretinal space, produced a days' detachment; 3 days' reattachment). At this stage relatively atraumatic detachment of the macula and the photoreceptor cells were closely apposed to the surrounding retina. In acute detachments, separation undifFerentiated apical RPE surface. The subretinal of the two tissue layers resulted in a significant ex- space contained a large amount of membranous pansion in the volume of the subretinal space and in debris derived from the degenerated outer segments. the formation of a dome-shaped bleb, without pro- Phagosomes were absent from the RPE cytoplasm. ducing substantial morphological damage to either Outer segment regrowth was minimal but more cones the retina or RPE cells. The apical cell surface of the possessed rudimentary outer segments than did rods. RPE cells changed abruptly after separation, but the Electron microscopic autoradiograms strongly sug-


Fig. 12. Representative COSs at various reattachment intervals (A) seven days' detachment: 3 days' reattachment. Most COSs at 3 days consist of small stacks of apposed membranes that are connected to an adjacent cilium. (B) Seven days' detachment: 5 days' reattachment. Accumulations ofdisorganized membrane at the tips ofcone inner segments were relatively common in the early stages of regrowth. (C) Seven days' detachment: 7 days' reattachment. (D) Seven days' detachment: 14 days' reattachment. After 1-2 weeks, some COSs had a well organized disc stack. Processes from the RPE ensheathed the OS tips (A, X28.750, B, X30.187, C. X 15.675, D, X 13,650).

gested that the formation of these rudimentary outer ments in outer segment organization.l6," shape and segments occurred during the 3day reattachment in- extracellular milieu.'* such a difference is not sur- terval. Regenerating rod outer segments, when pres- prising. ent, tended to be more cylindrical than the cone outer As the recovery process proceeded, the initial out- segments, which often appeared as disorganized growth of outer segments coincided with a remodel- membranous stacks. These observations suggest that, ing of the RPE's apical surface. At approximately I although the initial regrowth of COS membrane may week after reattachment apical RPE microvilli were proceed more rapidly than in rods, cones do not longer and more numerous and, for the first time, reacquire their normal configurations as readily. The some processes interdigitated with the regenerating implication is that the mechanism by which rod and outer segments. Pigment granules were repositioned cone outer segments acquire and maintain their near the apical cell surface from their formerly ran- characteristic shapes is different. In light of the dom distribution within the cytoplasm, although they known differences between rod and cone outer seg- did not appear within the apical processes as is nor-

Fig. 13. RPE proliferation in the reattached fovea. Seven days' detachment: 30 days' reattachment. (A) Low-power light micrograph of the foveal pit. (B) Higher-power view of the region in (A), upper left, that is enclosed by brackets. An area of RPE proliferation immediately adjacent to the foveal pit. No COS regeneration has taken place in the region underlying the proliferated RPE cells. In addition. some thinning of the cone inner segments and nuclei appears to have occurred. (C) Higher-power view of the region in (A). upper right, enclosed by brackets. In the absence of RPE proliferation, some rudimentary COSs are identifiable: cone inner segments and nuclei are intact (A, x72. B, C. ~ 4 8 0 ) . 1722 INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY G VISUAL SCIENCE / August 1989 Vol. 30

Fi. 14. Persistent abnormalities in photoreceptor recovery 2 weeks after reattachment (7 days' detachment: 14 days' reattachment) (A) Abnormalities in the normal orientation of photoreceptor outer and inner segments is a common feature after reattachment. Cone inner segment (CIS), rod inner segment (RIS). (B)Some COSs fail to reacquire their normal cylindrical configurations and appear instead as disorganized whorls of membrane (A. X8225, B, X 13.750). mally the case. In contrast to the earliest timepoints, fuse pattern of incorporation characteristic of normal membranous debris was no longer present in the sub- cones,I9s uggesting that vectorial transport and incor- retinal space. having been phagocytosed by migrating poration of nascent protein into COSs had not been phagocytes derived from two sources: RPE cells that permanently impaired by detachment. detach from Bruch's membrane and blood-borne Recovery at the photoreceptor RPE interface after monocytes that invade the subretinal space from the 2 weeks reattachment was marked by continued elon- choriocapillaris. At this stage, there was a noticeable gation of the cylindrical outer segments and their in- increase in the number of rod inner segments that terdigitation with the newly formed microvilli that had associated outer segments. ROSS were usually emerged from the apical RPE surface. There was less longer than COSs, although most outer segments re- distinction between ROSS and COSs in their rela- mained <50% of normal length. The outer segments tionship to the apical processes than there was nor- in most, but not all, regenerating rod and cone outer mally. Abnormalities in the orientation of individual segments displayed the prototypical parallel align- outer segments, the location of the connecting cilium ment and cylindrical configuration. and the organization of the disc stack persisted in In autoradiograms, the appearance of a discrete many recovering cells. As the regenerating outer seg- front of radiolabeled glycoprotein in regenerating ments elongated, phagosomes reappeared within the ROSS, together with observations demonstrating that RPE cytoplasm and evidence of disc shedding from this front was displaced toward the tips at longer in- the outer segment tips was observed. These observa- jection-fixation time intervals, indicated clearly that tions, together with the autoradiographic and im- disc morphogenesis was proceeding after short-term munocytochemical data, indicated clearly that after reattachment. Similarly, the labeling pattern identi- only 2 weeks' reattachment, the regenerating outer fied in cone outer segments was identical to the dif- segments had reestablished the two primary processes No. 8 PHOTORECEPTOR RECOVERY AFTER RETINAL REATTACHMENT / Guerin er ol 1723 that account for outer segment renewal: biosynthesis owl monkey,12 rhesus monkey,3 and cat4 indicate un- of disc membrane at the bases and disposal of old equivocally that the photoreceptors and RPE retain a membrane from the outer segment tips.20 significant capacity for recovery after short-term reti- There are parallels between the remodeling of the nal detachment that includes regrowth of outer seg- photoreceptor-RPE interface that occurs after reat- ments and their interdigitation with newly formed tachment and the maturation of these two cell layers apical processes from the RPE. In earlier studies3 it during embryonic development. In the developing was suggested that an initial, supranormal burst of mammalian retina, the outer segments appear first as disc morphogenesis occurred immediately after reti- tubular extensions of the cilia and then become dis- nal reattachment, followed by elongation of outer organized lamellar structures.21'22 Only subsequently segments to normal length after approximately 30 do they appear as well aligned stacks of disc mem- days. The results from the current studies provide no branes. The RPE lacks the dense carpet of apical mi- indication of an initial burst. Rather, they suggest crovilli at early developmental stages and only later, that outer segment regrowth occurs steadily, but that synchronous with the development of large numbers the rate of disc morphogenesis is somewhat slower of balloon-like outer segments, do the apical pro- than normal at least in the first 2 weeks after reat- cesses increase in length and number and begin to tachment. In normal rhesus monkey ROSs, the mean ensheath the developing photoreceptors.21 Similarly, rate of disc displacement is reported to be approxi- our results show that in the detached retina the refor- mately 2.5 /am/day.19 Measurements of disc displace- mation of an aligned disc stack does not take place ment obtained from electron microscope autoradio- until the photoreceptors have been reapposed to the grams of normal control ROSs in this study confirm RPE. In addition, the redifferentiation of the apical those estimates. At that rate regenerating ROSs could surface occurs only after outer segment regrowth is potentially reach normal length within 9-13 days in initiated. The recovery process following reattach- the absence of any disc shedding. As judged by the ment, therefore, is aptly described as an example of scarcity of phagosomes in the RPE, normal disc mutual induction. In that respect, it is similar to the shedding does not appear to make a significant con- process described in the developing mammalian tribution to outer segment length at the earliest reat- retina.21"25 tachment time points (3 and 5 days). Nevertheless, Most of the morphological abnormalities identified mean ROS length at both these timepoints (2.3 nm in the reattached cat retina4 were also observed in the and 3.2 /mi, respectively) is substantially below that reattached primate macula. In this study, where de- which would be expected from assembly at the nor- tachment duration was limited to 1 week, changes mal rate (7.5 jum and 12.5 fim) (see Fig. 8). The pre- associated with longer-term detachment, such as sub- liminary autoradiographic data are also consistent with this conclusion. Data obtained from a single an- retinal gliosis, were conspicuously absent. However, 3 areas of RPE proliferation were identified in reat- imal injected with H-fucose indicate that the mean tached eyes at every stage of recovery and, in one displacement over a 4-day reattachment interval, case, directly within the fovea (Fig. 13). As in the cat, from reattachment day 10 to day 14, was 6.0 nm or outer segment regeneration underlying such areas 1.5 Mm/day (Fig. 10). was uniformly poor. For the most part, however, re- Extrapolation of the results gathered from this and gions of proliferation in the macula were sparse. previous studies of experimentally detached retinas These results are consistent with the conclusion that to those encountered in human patients should be the frequency of morphological abnormalities is in- approached with caution. There is a high degree of versely related to detachment duration; and they similarity between the macular detachments pro- imply that reattachment per se may be sufficient to duced in monkeys and the retinal detachments en- retard or even arrest such changes after they have countered in human patients. It is highly likely that begun. There is now good evidence from studies of this similarity extends to the recovery process as well. human reattachment patients that an exponential re- However, there are also some notable differences be- lationship exists between detachment duration and tween experimental and clinical detachments that the recovery of acuity, with longer durations resulting may lead to a certain degree of dissimilarity between in a progressive decline in final acuity.9 Taken to- the morphological recovery observed and that which gether, these studies provide a strong and compelling occurs clinically. Experimental detachments are pro- case for minimizing the time between detachment duced more rapidly (<1 min) than most detachments onset and reattachment of the retina. encountered in human patients where subretinal The current results, along with results from earlier fluid tends to accumulate over a longer time, and studies of experimental retinal reattachment in the often leads to a progressively larger detachment. Sec- 1724 INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY G VISUAL SCIENCE / Augusr 1989 Vol. 30 ond, several different types of fluid (eg, BSS, diluted not only of the rate of disc morphogenesis but also of Na hyaluronate, enzyme-treated vitreous, serum) disc disposal through periodic shedding.22 Even have been used to produce experimental detach- under optimal experimental conditions and in the ments310'26 or to influence subretinal fluid resorp- absence of underlying pathology, abnormalities in tion,27 whereas in human detachments subretinal outer segment structure and other morphological de- fluid consists of incarcerated vitreous and serum fects persist and are probably implicated in the rela- components. Third, detachments in human patients tively small, but consistent diminution in visual ca- often involve large retinal tears or breaks, in con- pacity associated with macular detachments of short junction with bleeding from damaged retinal vessels. duration. Experimental detachments produced by microinjec- tion result in virtually no intraretinal bleeding and Key words: retinal reattachment, retinal degeneration, reti- produce an extremely small retinal hole which proba- nal pigmented epithelium, retina, photoreceptors bly seals within a few minutes. The process described here applies to recovery that ensues after a macular Acknowledgments detachment of approximately 1 week. Detachments We are indebted to Coopervision, Inc. (Irvine, CA) for of longer, or perhaps shorter, duration would be ex- their gift of the Ocutome microsurgical system. Addition- pected to affect the temporal sequence of recovery as ally we would like to express our appreciation to Geoffery well as the incidence of persistent abnormalities (see Lewis for performing some of the surgical procedures and below). 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