Watch List 2020 Autumn Update | 30 September 2020 Every year Crisis Group publishes two additional Watch List updates that complement its annual Watch List for the EU, most recently published in January and May 2020. These publications identify major crises and conflict situations where the European Union and its member states can generate stronger prospects for peace. The Autumn Update of the Watch List 2020 includes entries on Afghanistan, Colombia, Kosovo-Serbia, Lebanon and Somalia. CONTENT Introduction Keeping Intra-Afghan Talks on Track Colombia: Peace Withers amid the Pandemic Toward Compromise between Kosovo and Serbia Preventing State Collapse in Lebanon Political Turmoil ahead of Somalia’s Elections Headquarters International Crisis Group Avenue Louise 235 • 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 502 90 38 • Fax: +32 2 502 50 38
[email protected] Preventing War. Shaping Peace. Introduction COVID-19 is still with very much with us, but it is not too soon to draw some tenta- tive conclusions as to its implications for global peace and security. The virus has upended millions of lives, wrecked livelihoods and sharpened dis- putes between government and opposition in country after country. Yet equally striking has been the pandemic’s so far marginal influence on fighting in major warzones. Where there were opportunities for peace, COVID-19 hasn’t derailed them. Where there weren’t, it hasn’t created them. Fears of a major uptick in vio- lence as governments grew distracted by the health emergency have not material- ised; hopes of coronavirus-inspired ceasefires championed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres didn’t take shape, either.