Havey Wins; Validity Questioned

liv URl t I I I UK iiu- incident, he claimed ihai ii was Id,to, •II a mistake, lhal In- did sav these things, bul did nol mean them Altai an elei inn, mai red b\ theft l Steinberg refused comment on destruction and slander, Susan llavv has lieen elected the tils! anv ot the 041 uieni es. hut the origi­ nal elei Hon roles slill lemaill miss woman ;'• • • dent ,>i the t ndet uaie Studeni Bodj Government Ing 11sm, i several members ,d the Klection i omiiussion told the llurrii tine that "Vi e hav e been aw a;e ,,l lhe use the) were willing lo stav up all • it unethical campaign practices nighl. and relahiilale tht voles, e\- r i ighl from 'li' start I ehruat v .' I i luding anv lhat did nol belong, hui hm refused lo he concerned about they wen- not granted permission it. in partiiIpate in it," Havev, the lo llll so 20 \ eai uld funloi .aid In the original elei imn Hav i d< i he Supreme i oui t w ill heai Mi feated Kathv McPhee hv ovei IMI Phee's complaint on ruesday, April votes ind again in rueaday's run 13, al ti.Mt in room 205 of the Stu off, Havev defeated McPhee bj ., denl I mon vole ol rC7 t,i |99 Ms,, elei led were Sieve (Islllskl a in. pi esident ami Rii k Supei stein as i reasurei l! v as a split ol the In kels. as llnvev VV HII a . an II dependent, Osinski rai the t sv Deans Rated, lu kel anil Supei stein ,,n Ih • RF sulls In kel lit salts Kept A dav alter iiie results were tabu lateii , until med, ami announced, McPhee filed a Student Supreme Court Petition In protest the result-. I mler Lock nf the runoff Supreme COUrl Justice Al thin Manes held a hearing Wednesdav Hv l>AK> MA I I l( \ evening to de< Ide whether or nol to <>.•-.-.. .1,1. r. • ,r hear Ihe i oniplainl the court del id ed hv an unknown vote to hear the rase which asks thai the runofl in- rerun III v In, till s im 11,1,1 i , i, tiling McPhee s petition listed the foi , I,. Iji tin Uni i,. .,„• inliitm tin

low mi- foui • omplaints llllllll. i .itn tint ti 11 s ,,t iti, ifimli • \ ; ,, ,,i people w im r, I III III if. IIII. .1 I.l ,,l „. nut lull time undergraduate stu dents v ,,ieii in the elei tion, includ iiii i ih. . tin,it ,,i , i mi i. iii, i, mn Debbie Mlga lean Massett, Ida ill. III lit,, «l / I\ • lllfllllllllH sotiie p.iii I, I.I ked mon and Iliad knlhenhei g • K.OIiv Ml I'hei ull e M l .,• nil Senate h.i i HIII- balloi bul hei lie .'., ph ted ,i evaluation ol all depai l« piiiu hed "in e • I,'.in inn ha- refused n» • i he mean determining • • • i he finding puhli, \n, la w Ini he: ,i ,i iili-ni li., paid an .n lo mi ml .• , >hlng lo ,•,- lhe re« Ilv lee '.'. hii ll is a Cl llll ia lot ., • nil •in du ... it) going i" Ihe sen vaiui vote i "'. i in-, king tha bai k III' "llu e. hut Siudeni ,i ,11 nol he grounds on I I > pit tui ei i !,>• elei allow ed '" ••• the i epoi i tiim Commission did nol check this i v aluatlon loi m v ei e handed as people voted ml I" lhe I.II ult\ three weeks ago. • Standing in line and I ilking to ind in genei al ., iked ihem to rate people who vuied shows ihii ,, Ihe pel Im main e ol Hi,-II ile,m . I he nu in tier ul people .'. li" v "led iliil not Im in. we,, a, ui i ui ed m the same have then I 11 . . .ilnl.ii.-.l ., ol ei i Him i i. the student 'professor ond semester du.ui,ni lonus "We won Iwti i- ami we'll Un ll ll Is a VIM poll! V In evaluate Hie I again it we hav, to," said liinnv chairmen oi each department ev.-, (iiittheh. Havev i ampaign i hall Ihree veal 1 lie I SI ultv Senale il,•- man elded tliat iiei ause 1 ID lai ultv WSS Aftei the In -! 'lei I ion. the t-lei ' i.,in.,oil ihe administration tion roles, signed hv all voters, was .hould be i aied in -.ome way ,iiilen Manes has impounded the Hit,ire the forma were senl oul rolls ol Mm runofl until the i ourt's the Senate voted lo keep lhe nil,,, decision ll made 'nation iimlei loi k anilkev According to an elei imn iiunmts sinner at the Ha' nil I uesdav nighl when the results vv ere announi ed a fellow i ..IIIIII . ilonei announi ed A nn t t m,rillt\ In Im i i in I mil lhal tn had I,eel, bai king Ml I'he, mW> .mil. unit t iilntil lititilts in, mti, i Mt.irs, Humcono .1, v, •< .', .ill along and that he had the miss mc elei tion i nils nl, ml. In J I lit' itimilli women's tower of the I9HH complex to publicize National (nl Robert spak lhe i ommi isionei. nil Campus Cleanup Today lege "Pitch In'" Week handed m ,i i >• Ignation thai night The week ends todav with a i ampus wide cleanup cam tint I le, Hon i omnii .-.ion ' hail I ,,. ,,/, , s I, I I, mt Environment! member! stretched i 50 fool square plastii paign that starts al I p.m al the Student I rnoti , in le ami end woman Hll Steinberg refused in si t„„ , •s.il.i i epl il sign between the men's tower ol tlie 960 complex and tht 'l"s all pariit ipants to Iree heei tomorrow When Spak VS , .'• I limed ,itn>•,! .' II.I' . • epl , ., ,,l ,, , . , \ I I I I ,| I I", i • II.iiiii ,, i the Initiators ol the • leai. evuiu II program, said shi ,ei . the ,)„, ' hould lie made Dormitory Renovations Begin \\ ilii $3(ML(KKI llllllll, I he itudent ihouM know hov \ pre signal lire u i ,tem e|| their tie,111 .lie lining then Ilv ISIDROGARC IA "Ihis niunev has neeu building (llliei n-paii s in Pearson will in up for 11) or 15 vears After we use • Hide a refurbishing ol all three ele will he installed I,,I the entire i om ..li. I ei i - K II- itm aid Hurrictnt Stall *•.,», these funds, we will hegin over .it,us. installation "f tire retardeni p ei ' I i an i ..,'. anv thing about tin Residence Hall Director .lames doors (or all student room reinsu I aton Hall •• ui rei eive a total il results," Senate ( hauiuaii Garv again to accumulate capital," r Grimm has announced that funds 1 ii'imiii said lation of air i ondiiionlng pipe to loi ation of $7 i.uiiii to renovati . iizman ild ', nu're going lo totaling hall I million dollars will He said manv renovations have improve effii lent > and painting ii s elevators, install tin- retardeni have to find "in, individual fai ullv he used in begin a renovation pro­ aireadv begun, and the) should all along vvilh general repall • I"' tbe doors and replace the malfunction membei v hu want to shorn his gram tor Pearson, Mahoney, Eaton be completed before the beginning exterior ol the building Mso thi Ing hot water system w HI • i op mouth ofl Halls and the I niversity Park of the fall semester lobby area Will l»' :, d.i orated per piping A protessoi m the Business Apartments Preliminary reports have aireadv Mahonev Hall projeils will , University Hark Apartmeni build Sl hool who Wished 10 remain anim- "Studenls have impressed upon heen distrihuled lo resident assis­ tosl approximately 1200,000 and nigs ai t; toi -e>41 t Santona Street i is said thi ' ea ion the Senate e. the University frusta*! that major tants (RA's) in an effort to make v. iii im hide water i ooler raplai e ind III I- I I2li South llixie H refusing i" release the findings is renovations are needed in these students aware of the renovation in, ni on eai h flour a redei orating • will he complete!) reroofed I !• Hn- deans were rated -,o halls, "(iiiiiini said program. Grimm said •ol the lobby area wilh nev i and all apari mints will he outfitted low thi .'."iild "Mti ti like hell" ll The monev is (oming trom a fed­ rota] coats lor Pearson Hall pro- inn-. Installment ol i eramii tile to • iii, surfaie mounted dead bolt . ilun n MM , allowed lo pnni eral Indenture ol Trusl fund thai let Is are expei n-d ti, he approxi­ replace won, . arpeting and the re Im kson front and hui k dm he result • t not hei pi ufi HI Irom the Ian- the government requires all smh mately $200,000 plai ement "f rtud; de i i hair on I otal , mi .,! I nl •'" ill lage ,1,-p.nnml i laid the Senate buildings!•• re'.nn hesjni Pearson Halls air conditioning four floor Vparliiieiii , • -.p,a Grimm said the half a million svstem will be replaced because -Additionally, all iiudent room Iv 131,000 i want IO make puhlu tin- ,. i thai Ihe dean are im ompetent dollars represents the total Unlver- presenl mills have deteriorated be- u ill be re outlined w ith fire retai (,iinnn .,, d ihi '" - si ti " d • itv reserve in ih, I ederal Inden­ .ond the point ul economical re­ |,lllll - I ,1 lllllll inhapp 'dii the denl door .nni ai ihree elevatoi See page :l ture ol I rust l-und pair, drimmssid. will herenovai',1 .,,imon (ration Cafeteria Milk Wastage Estima

Kv ELENA si 11 / Having purposelv chosen ihe Sundav hrunch which is Ol* Ed.toi usually less bus) than uiher meals during the ••- --ek Morrov admits his estimate is "nol verv accurate" and that the •,•,] amount ol wastage Is "probablv a lot mon Some students ma) be trying over spilled milk, so to speak, when they realize how much of their meal plan monev His professor Kichard Kreske. aid lhe project signifies isus-dtopav for it. the need for student responsibility" in controlling all kinds A "verv conservative estimate of milk wastage at the of wastage 960 cafeteria, according to a research project conducted by a "We look lo others (or solutions v hen we ourselves do a student fur his Population Geography class, places the prolific job of wastage. Kreske said amount ai roughtly $2,000 per semester, or more than six per cent of the $29,000 spent for milk there last semester. SAGA Manager I rank Burrows claims aitual milk WBS lage is "six or seven HUMS as much" as Morrow found and With the cooperation of 9bl) Manager Jim Seaton. Junior that it used up 10 percent of last semester's milk money. Bill Morrow collected and measured leftover milk from glasses, cereal bowls, dishes used to catch milk dripping Burrows said students did not respond lo the recent six from machines and other containers at a Sunday hrunch two week "ecology program" in the t afeteria-t where poctei weeks ago pointing out various kinds of wastage were hung After the one meal Morrow said he found a total of four gallons and three pints of wasted milk Seven pints were col­ 'They thought ll was some kind of a trick SAGA was lected from the machines, and three gallons and four pints Tying to pull over on them and that the monev should he put from people's trays in to food instead of posters." he said "Multiply that by the number of days in a semester, and "Some people take two or three glasses Of mile and then it becoraesusignificant amount." Morrow said decide they're not thirstv or thf. ^.ani a Coke instead That I sing his tabulations from the meal. Morrow estimate! money could he used for more red meat or something else approximat'-lv ] 200 gallons of milk are wasted ai MOcafete- ..indents want risthroughout the semester He said the average waste per person fur He 9 In Ms project, Morrov aid he did not emphaeui nu . • >" WICtO-N inlionai value lost n\ milk wastage he, ause people don I vended the meal was Hounces, or y tj ounces per v, eek Total ih.'ies ,,r proteins, hut the nuipli- ol thousands ol Milk I -n,Ilv Drip*I HUM \\. H imn - wastage by the itl'i students alone would tome to 87 gallons a dollars the; •• ipending .v eek or 93k gal Ions p.-r semester. ni t. H.i t:mm „,.,lit miSfitl Iti.l <• in, .1., ut 'Uill < » * IHF MIAMI HI KK1CANF I riday. April 9. 1976 \ keeping tabs J

will be issued along with the caps Mortar Board and gowns During the initial distribution pe­ Taps Wen riod, each candidate will be able to buy engraved announcements at the Mortar Board, traditional honor Bookstore. society for women who have at­ Ihe commencement reception for tained distinction in scholarship, the candidates, their families and Meetings [round Campus leadership and service, for the first friends will be held from 4 to ti p.m. time tapped men during spring cer- on Saturday. May 1. in the Lowe • '.ollege Women in Broadcasting, Monday. 7 p.m., S226-B Student emoniesat I'M Art Museum. i'nion The four men tapped are Alan • i ,a\ Alliance, todav, g p m , SJ-11 Student Union. Marcus. Steven Garnett, Kick Su- • I-n vironment, Monday.* p.m.,s;M5 Student Union. persteinand lonTepper. CirkleK • Ken, mg, Monday, 7:30 p.m., ( ampus Sports and Recreation Cen- The women tappees were Hannah ter. Cohen, Katrine l adie, Oail Freed- Elects (Officers • Orange Key. ["uesday, 7 p.m S226-B Student Union. Elections lander, Sue Ann Carger, Darcy I a- Will be held and all members are urged to attend. Circle K, UM'i campus and com­ Fountaln, Anna Noble. Terry Sal­ munity service organisation elected ganik, Lynne Schewe, Jill stein- officers for next year. Spanish Society Initiation berg, Bonnye Stitt and Cynthia Wil­ President is Tyson Turner; vies liams. president is Don I egere: Bruce Carr Sigma 1 lelta Pi, the Spanish Honor Society, Will have its annual Ini- Tepper was elected chapter presi- ceremon) Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Wesley Foundation, lhe pro­ was elected secretary, and the trea­ den, I aFountain vice-president and surer is Steve Weiss gram will include a poetry reading and a lecture by Spanish professor Rick Superstein treasurer. Dr Donald Randolph. All members. Spanish maiors and interested stu­ I'M was one of 25 schools repre­ dents and professors are invited to attend. sented at the 17th Annual Florida Summer District Convention in St. Augus­ MiimiHimcml DION SKOLNIK Freshman Honorary Initiation tine. Registration Club members received four Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honorary will hold its initiation banquet awards for outstanding member­ Islamic Leader Farakkhan Speaks VI I M tonight at 7 p m. in the Green Dolphin Restaurant at the Mianiarina. ship. Early registration lor the lirsi The purpose of the convention is Abdul Farakkhan, representative ol the nation ol Khun, ^ptlk•p aboul tha Anv initiates needing rides should contact Dean Papino at x-(iS0() or An­ and-or second summer session DiVii drea at 271 -ti.'iH2. to promote fellowship and motiva­ goalsoi toda} 's Black Muslims before another < apacit) i rowd in ihf ibisCaf- will be from Mondav, April \'i to tion, to elect district officers and to i ti -I.I mi Mondav night. i riday, May 7. sele, t nutstandingclubs. Farakkhan was invited to speak as part ol I'M's Black Culture Week Vetc Organisation Meets Stuaents are asked to complete their early registration forms re­ l here will he a meeting Monday at 7 p.m. in the Flamingo Ballroom ceived in the mail, and bring them IMii Kappa for the purpose of establishing a new organization on campus to help to Merrick 10-4, the summer ses­ meet the needs of the handicapped students here. Anyone interested sions office, Monday through Fri­ ENVIRONMENTAL may tome, or leave a message |n the Orange Key box in S235 of the day from H:.!0 am. to 5 p.m. and Luncheon Student Union. from 8:30 to 8:30 p.m. HOTLINE Participation in the early regis­ lhe I'M chapter of Phi Kappa Baroque Trio Performs tration program means avoiding the Phi, the highest scholastic honorary i in- Contemporary Baroque 'l rio will pertnrm a program ot Baroque long lines during the regularly which recognizes and honors out­ 666-1000 scheduled times standing achievement in all aca­ iiiiough modern musii ai Gusman I oncert Hall tomorrow at 4 p m. The demic areas, will hold its luncheon trio, (I aura I arson, I.ee (rocker and I vnda Fowler) will feature work It there are any questions, call and Initiation ceremony tomorrow. by Bach, Quant/, IhertandKeger Admission Is free. the office at x-3933 or x-_'_''H. A total Of 107 new members from all i olleges and schools will take Philosophy Colloquium Graduation the Phi Kappa Phi pledge at cere­ Dr. Edward Schuh Will speak In rm. lHOot the I earning Center at 3 monies after the luncheon. p ni His topic will he -fs the Philnniaii Conditional Philo's?" Ihe public Exercises The Initiates qualified tor mem­ is invited. bership bv ranking in the top ID per Commencement exercises lor all cent of their class Just I S 1/ Music Marathon undergraduate and graduate The guest speaker at the lun­ Singles! Sigma Alpha Iota, the professional women's music fraternity, will school! will be held Sunday. May 2 cheon will he Dr. Minnette Massey. hold a 2 1-hOUI benefit marathon to help raise money for the SAI Philan­ in the Beach Convention ot the I.aw faculty, who was lapped thropies, Inc . in Nancy Greene Hall at the Music School, beginning 9 Center, 1700 Washington Avenue, as this v ear's honorary member. Privatt a.m. tomorrow. SAI will play classics from Bach. Beethoven and Miami Beach, at .'i p.m. Dr. Harry p. Sehult/. I hairman ot Is time so more Initial distribution of admission interview Brahms. Donations will be accepted at the door and are all tax-deduct- the chemistry department,will pre- tha passing life ibh . tickets will begin at the Bookstore side over the Induction al which ky appointment on Monday, April 19. and will end tinu the newly elected officers will and just to wait MDHP interviews on Friday. April 23. During this pe­ ii,- introduced ["hese include: Dr. ••*- riod, each candidate for a degree lodav is the last day to he interviewed for membership on the Donald A Randolph, president; anytime before will be entitled to receive up to six / Could you be J MIIIOI Disciplinary Hearing Panel Interviews will be held from 2 to 5 Donald 1 Kubit. president-elect. 8:00 P.M. tickets and. if he has need for more, p III. Applications can be pii ked up In anv residence hall, Student Judi­ Ilrike Neville, student vice-presi­ I happier if yotif (ieeMiaf Sat. tti See.) may be permitted to sign up them. cial Office, Student I'nion desk or USBG office, dent; Helen Fagin, secretary-trea­ Shade* Waller, Any tickets not picked up during [ dated right' surer; Sharon F. Carman, public re­ teeial teeteftaet thai week will be declared surplus. lations officer; and Tonia Dempskl, Ital Advisory Board Application* Requested additional tickets, if administrstive assistant. Also. Ann Pfceee (Ml) Ml 8612 available, will he issued a-fcnp WMl Sommers, • biology and economics Applications |,,r Rathskeller Advisory Board membership musl be the caps and gowns from April -'ii submitted bv Mondav I hev are available in the Pat. major, will be presented to the through mion, April 30 gathering as the recipient of an Mursing ina ids llii nan rl Instructions concerning proce­ Honorable Mention In the National dures for commencement exercises Phi Kappa 1'ln Fellowship. SERVING ALL OF Hie Nursing School Will hold Us annual Awards Banquet April 30at 7 p.m at tin Green Dolphin, rickets are $7 50. Call l indaal 221-1574. II omen's League Lecture r Invite the bunch . . Women's Action league witl present a lei lure bv Merta Videl of HOLY WEEK \'- • "'in.i "ii 'The Inriure ot Women Prisoners in Chile," today at 1 Mix a great, big bucket full of p.m ni ih,- Flamingto Ballroom. Videl is associated with the United SERVICES States Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners. 0|M»n Hon*** Punch! Equity Playhouse APRIL 11-17 Serves 32 tastes like a super cocktail' EPISCOPAL Greatest drink evei insenteJ! V1h a iwtcl in advance, rhe Law School's Equity Playhouse will presenl lhe Wizard nt cmie. ,i musical com d\ satire, in the Ring I heater Tickets are on sale I CHURCH CENTER add ice ai d "I P at th« lasl minute serve thi for t'i at the Ping I erformance* w,n be Friday, April 23, at h p.m. ami right oul ni the bucket' Smitoth n -'•. Saturday. April 24, at 2 p m. and •• M p.m rhe show is written, pro- (across from Mahoney Hall) dui ed and acted b) students Sunday Carillon Recital Palm Sunday Liturgy 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist 8:00 & 11:30 AM Ijvl carilloniieiir Dr. Ralph Harris will give a recital Sunday at 5 P iu from the Ashe Memorial Building. His program vviii include The Na­ il Anthem, Adagio from Moonlight Sonata I he Holy City and Jesus, Maundy Thursday Liturgy , • ( t • • :> Keep Mi Ni ai the! !rosi 8:00 AM & 8:00 PM igrtdit • '.' • Biomedical Ensineerinu Proaranx Good Friday Liturgy I cy r* r* i ugene C. Eckstein, Ph.D., assistant biomedical engineering profes­ 2:00 PM & 8:00 PM sor, v II be the final speaker this v ear in the I'M's Bunnell,, al Engineer­ I ing sen,mar Program on Monday Dr Eckstein's t.,pic will be "Flow Ef- fcits.imt ihioinhosis In Artificial Organs' al I p.m in Room 211, McAr- thur Engineering Building I EASTER DAY Vou know it s gut to be yumi .shun it s made nv,//i Easter Vigil Liturgy 5:00 AM Festival Eucharist 10:00 AM Southern 1 am fort A DATE TO REMEMBER... Free gift for grads Come in and get your Bicentennial medallion It s more WE'RE THE ORIGINAL than iust a key holder, • v.. r ,t as a charm or MIAMI'S » 1 NITE CLUB pendant. You ll love it! "SOUPTONinyPLACE P»ISINTS and if vnu can net here before 6 p.m. you can get a VJ Mr ^4 SOUTH FLORIDA'S 1 BAN! FULL COURSE SLICED . ^CAMERON STEAK co AC hoice •••••••*• graduates DINNER 5SvM.W NIGHTLY SPECIALS Charcoal Broiled Sliced Steak Gals Guyv Broiled Chopped Sirloin Steak $3.50 Brink*'Sink $5.50 Smothered with Ontont All drinks FREE Broiled Filet Lemon Sole Lemon Butter

Spaghetti and Meat Sauce 2.95 1 aa ore** met {No Potato) For her: ' 53074 Oval faced FULL COURSL DINNER INCLUDES: beauty with tine mesh Choice ot Bowl ol Home Made Soup du Jour bracelet and champagne or Chopped Chicken Livers "^ sua om*trail* £5^^"* dial 23|eweis $79 95 . Crisp Green Salad • Choice of Dressing ^» BMt>ttmmPBMa -s^ r /' Baked Idaho Potato or French Fries Basket ot Rolls and Butter - Freshly Brewed Coffee ******* pSBfi Choice ol Dessert: Ice Cream - Found Cake - Crumb Cake If vour world includes • DANCING NIGHTLY /wlllUS aJ| only the best. aloqn FROM 9 PM-3 AM / mm Hal,,gh belongs to you. That • SMACK AREA L 75' (ORAL GABLEBS U2 Miracle Mile £tealu' Bulger • SHOPPING BAZAAR *** — 443-2S44 Bruw.irJ: M^I-imMt • AMPLE PARKING Miam, Beach • Hall.inil.il> • 11,,IK wood UCITEI JUST NEST SF PilMETTO EJMtSSNH IT I.N. l OJAO ST K 'Place 558-6530 Friday. April 9, 19711 Mil MIAMI HUKKKANI Student \t mil inn Serrircs I eer \cl \ ism" Foror Fresr resnnich n

IU ll Wll I HIIIIKIN ••• pi •• ,ni\ isi-it Bui ke '•.mi Muff .cant SUItWr.ttr u . ai • like hig brol hei - and ng preaentatioi on i M Kuundiahli lo in alli'ii nn M.iv 8; tin denl \i .nli-" ii Sei \ n es is We irj in help tbe students be 'Sl idenl V ademii Si" ii i t 'inn multi-fai pted programs lo mil .iv imn li as possible nt her \v,i. Papino said m oming freshmfn hlend Into \\ e handii .i good uumh students M. im .in undecided, and il \, ademu Kdt '.• 11 berg will also he A .• n.i\,- ,t \ to ,i department advisoi show g I tiomas Papino asslslani Kiev might imi gel .ill the lime the> Pap no ud ,i • i1 f.u ulties, said b\ Mi.,; mi (,,ll 111,11 lean •,,-.-.,- .•••ii with Papino said onl) students with ,in methods ol il Ing pi ojei t- ihex IPH would • i east a J.4 < um, •* ho hav e been .md t isual i luiiiiiunii atin positive in nature for oui program here .i semester, are comfortable ,,, ||h exploi,nn.ti in '"'• I'apino said he w ill head an ai •' v\ iiii the i ampus and bat e a tl Ilii III.IIHI Ol llllll.il hotline iuggested b\ om in assist anothei studeni with ad Burke w ill tie u ,,• kn . leam lustmenl, an be peeradx tsurs oping i '.; .n.i1 .in 11 . ltd ' ' . Il.ll lllll Will Pt"\ llll "We are into advising foi «um pi in rs- •, I.I >inii md moi i- - nut* Ol ' iittimiinit ,i .nui lull iei in-, .mil general ad Papino s.mi linn!, im tin studeni , isitig im un,im lared students and Slated in go into operation June undirected students (those who Pal Papai . in- >aid ilif hotline will answei have inn shown motivation m those sm . , ame up v iih lhe dea •' questions dealing with I'M inn noi realistically prepared loi i rating lhe Studeni V ade i hools • olleges \ ariou- majoi i. he said \ ii es building, he ',.n,i majors community services, contin­ i Ithei efforts al aiding ini oming I his is a good uing education and spei IfN quei freshmen are being woi ked on •>•.• man pi • ipli il 1 iiiuisaboul the rules ol the »t hools '(im team headed u\ K.nen Pel '•-• • • Papin isaid di iiu' auspices .u the aca • ii ppei ,nhi-.iiis ,ni,i supervIsed > .i professional advising •.t.iti Pa Focus: America Presents pinn s.ud ii will nol Infringe on the il the i.n ultj in ,ui\ Vi ,i\ \i ademii \d\ isoi Ra> Bui ki i d "Vt e 'I.I ,e two ad\ isors ,i peei Fa Lee Bailey on ZET I / mil ,i professional adx ising the MM simultaneous!) which will Hx NAM VI AMIS I I l\ swered .ol the question i he studeni supei .p-ei ional al Murr.Ctrtttltll Wr.ttr even a shuddei ' ni I he program is the nunh l Aii e\i insiv e intei \ lew with .n i ,n* MANIIf i | IP| • I n ,i i^li .mr *ei \ ii p.s we kei p if 10 i ompleted pei 1 i...nt". 1 I ee Bailey w ill be pre iudeni .i- informed .i - po made possible Hn nugh i Litterbuiis tin sin I • .,\ oid erroneous time and i osi m niiieil mi I inns: America Sundat It tf HI ,1 in nil U I.WI M /I I \ | the Burger KlngCorporatioi llu' htiu-s were actual!) Environment tmeni Papino .aid Iii i rare application ni Dade County's . ki ••mi ii Ihi il m. •, has ,t ilosl Kn \'enstein who has al Mil '.' ill ,ni . anti-litteriaf laws, (oral Gables offic-ars ar­ members publicizing "I'itch In!" week, and . •• id ni'a.i • •: his major hui i.s un.stin i-adt taped Ihe show. questioned gi .tin .HI lis new s and .i ' rested two litterbttgs nn Mir.ii Ir Mile last like must litterbttgs, lhe\ ^ot off scol Ini ' ' ' j* mui sei in lake, he • ,n ., Baile) on Issues com ei ning the i'n service along • nd WIN/ ' li n i.i Ileal ^1 trial will ,i... all be pi", week. • iv essential lhal litest I he ii.pn -. nn ludi thi ki". end ni April .i defin p. n ii is ui evidence con vii linn Pattt nni heen set •\)t- grounds for appeal, why Ballet ' „ik the i .ISI Pattt s 'r.ltlie "I \:en item .- Ini V al| .. mind and the moral issues con- IIII WINZ, will leave I ui us Amei MDIIIMs Filling Positions On Panel i erning in ainw ashing trenstein iea .ts ni Mat I II said ^1111 <1r\ ille si,llu nl : male po .ition • Ihe i me i • i Bailet was xen frank He an let \ iew s Im WIN/ •) AI AN \IAK< I S beai •• • I • : 111 lilable items editor . • .• a i I In MDHP meets mi ihe at • mi no • - • I a I '• I ' • UM's Mm..' I'IM jplinart Hearing ever) two weeks but In Mtv Assistant liean ol Si late memtx Panel (MDHP) wa d six quern .ii pi nds mi the numbei ol yeara ag I ' idenl fell thet UiiiMci ot iaid I i.a.r Mi i " a 'i lhe • arp three DON'T in ixnu i I:KI:\I J pending nredfri a bodj to disi un­ Aftei i bi - ' •• - • • ' • .1 M'll'l llOd I '' matii - the admin in nasi years, ihere have been charges brought against then • • ommittee aboul IW ,i|i|iin ations for the teal • i nm t t tn n IA \ t ito \ »i i \ r 5 thei niversitt , itoi and listen • 1 • . ' (HI- pose he a.mi •• ,, io . uni Mi ( uv iaid tie is ho|iinn io 9 \ . ,: .'. iuall; i Ml'Ml' ' ' ,| | • it ii i imi numbei again tin-. \ eai looking to liH 22 positions oi nine guill oi in in •• and pa )( SHOW THAT YOU CARE BY PARTICIPATING IN • ii I tie applii ations deadline Is Mon panel VI d fipiii •:•• v bul ma> beextended, he said THE CAMPUS-WIDE CLEAN-UP THIS AFTER Ihi' pui pose nl i he pani I he "• ilso one pi • • I he program allow foi more itu NOON. npul mi i ampus li also pro he Board coi il. expei linn e in i he itidn ial pro ALL ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS WISH Gardner (lommission \\ ill M, i .e s.ud ING TO PARTICIPATE CAN MEET AT THE STU DENT UNION CIRCLE (MILLER ROAD) AT 3:00i Hold (ihairperson Election P.M. FREE BEER, ALL YOU CAN DRINK, WILL RE AVAILABLE SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT THE i iai dnei Harpi RAT FOR ALL OF THOSE WHO PARTICIPATED M II d OTHER PRIZES WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT THAT f ' im I In mill v : I lime in di • ectioi il executive se, i .• TIME. .• .1,1 ,,p. III ,i ' .tudenl . .in app and I'.-m - ii i>| agenda ' .• 'in po .ition ' mun, F idenl Kenn) I ..miner s.mi PITCH IN AND HELP BEAUTIFY YOUR CAMPUS " I he i ..!• ii'ii Harpi mu Ih. mi •.. ill be respon SPONSORED BY I \ » IMON »ll \ I ' WITH THI HEIP Of P Pd Ol 'IH' .IL " all meetings nl I OTHER ORGANIZATIONS INCLUDING f MM. •!•"' iffl • N'.| |nd niversil) and is re. ogiu/ed b) ible and IIM a cia Imnrovement • in tudenl il 7 '.' I.I: rtnei siinl ZETA I lull onus Begins \\ iih LEAVE NOW! i $500JMH) DRIVE A CAR FREE

I i mn page I TO N.Y., N.J., CONN., . in plexes along with the gpai ment area • will also be ri ivatet PENN., MASS., AND ALL ' general h idgel OTHER STATES Grimm said theae buildings in . eligible im funds from ihe i >•.! eral Indenture 11 ual sm. t I be i DEPENDABLE CAR TRAVEL SERVICE built A uh private loan i ivi nol been required la sei 237 23rd ST. OFF COLLINS AVE. mimes aside foi repair and replai i meiii .11. Him:-, HI the pasi MIAMI BEACH " I llllllll llnini", W ill tn il h' . ted i.i innii s.mi 538-0516 t irimm s.mi i uition ai • ounts onl; MIL NOW TO RESERVE MRS .. pari nf the nine || operating FOR JPRIL, Mtt budget i h iaid he expei t mosl funds I. C. C. LIC. 175978 Inr remit„ iom of '"• i • '"'H com- plexes .md the apartment areas to . ome fromp iti donai ions U of M Student's mo Dinner Special: Newsstand Boobv Mnqo/'Mi", card*, » Buy any meal on our entire menu I gttM, head goodi. papert I Get the second meal M? price

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(Diagonally across from the Univeraity) a Thi with the right equip" i"' auto shif Dowernt' "aiiqaie or fading ramp • Hand trucks furniture. I * • Move one to 7 roc 667-0459 • Nationwide road se-. ,- • Moving 'ips & ins.- Open 24 hours

325-1515 Daily Dinner Entree Specials Ryder Truck Rental • Delicious Desserts to Creative Club Sandwiches 1590 N W 21st Terrace • Breakfast Served 24 hours a day THE MIAMI HURRICANE Eridav. April 9. 1976 Predict Sex By Amniocentesis THE /VMA/WI HURRICANE e.e. cummings wrote, "Noth­ desk which reads. "Live one ing makes any sense unless day at a time." Try it. even if III IMI' I llll Strvf Rotker you love someone." A fine psy­ you have to cut the time peri­ chiatrist whom I consulted re­ Across od down to half an hour. Editor tuiincsi ¥onnq»- cently believes it's essential to have some special person in Mrs.G's desl Q. My baby is five, and I your life. Both are true, of nink she's too young for sex course. But for those of us by Marian talk. But my husband dis­ Post-Election whose personal rainbows have agrees. He even gol her a hook blurred edges from the tropical of naked children to look al storms, there is still the great Grabowski that makes me blush. Sour Grapes joy of giving love. Unless you continue to give of yourself A. In the first place, 1 don't I he Supreme Court shall be solely empowered to remedy or without expecting bread cast had an abortion. Somehow this brication. The thing about con­ believe that a five-year-old invalidate any disputed election, in whole or in part for prejudicial on the waters to return in made a tremendous difference doms which is not new and child is a baby. Your describ­ irregularities which would have affected the results of the elec­ loaves, the pitcher you are in his feelings about me, and which worries me most i.s that ing her as such reveals some tion." This i.s a«quote from the USBG constitution, page 24. Chap­ runs dry, and emptiness breeds he now wishes to postpone our they are kept in wallet and need in you to keep her in a ter 5, section 9-3. loneliness and despair. marriage. What can I do? purse instead of where they baby stage. On the other hand. All of the "facts" in Kathy McPhec's complaint, if true, al­ So even when a circle of fire belong during sexual inter­ you and your husband better lowed people to vote who shouldn't have. But in any case, such surrounds the sun, as we had A People tend to draw the course. One billion a year are do a little talking about sex ed­ votes, cast in error, were not in any way "prejudicial." this weekend, seems to por­ line at different places, and sold in the United States, and ucation so that the child does To go over the sour grapes, or complaints filed, makes us won­ tend the end of your present you cannot live with "if on- surely they can't all be used not sense the ambivalence der why the Supreme Court went along with hearing the case. world, the answer still is love, lies." Having told him. can you for show and tell in junior high present in your family, and be­ Firstly, the first complaint talks about students being full time given without stint from your now sit down and talk with school. come confused in her own sis or not. No where in the USBG constitution does it say that you heart. This will not stop the him about your reasons for Buy name brands, safe­ ital growth. must be a full time student to vote It onlv says that vou must pay pain, but I assure you that cou­ having the abortion, and about guarded by the FDA. and use I know the book about which the Student Activity Fee. pled with work or study you vour plans and hopes for hav­ them. If any of you discover you are talking. I bet that even Second, the fact that Kathy McPhee voted twice and onlv had enjoy, which is rewarding for ing children of his. If this com­ what the colored ones are sup­ though it makes you blush, it her I.D. punched once is irrelevant, lt says nowhere in the consti­ you, it will keep you a com­ munication is not sufficient, posed to match, I would like to makes her giggle At her age. tution that I.D.'s must be punched. Also, by virtue oi the fact that plete person. perhaps he would consider know. she's delighted to find out that she got away with it only shows her ability to pull tiff something Let's not give up on our­ premarital counseling with little boys are not made of sneaky. No system is fool proof. selves. Where we had long you, either at the Guidance Q. My girl (three years sticks and stones and puppy Thirdly, discussing the means of knowing whether or nut stu­ suspected there was only jello. Center, or with one of the Uni­ steady and both faithful) has dogs tails, and also that little dents paid their activity fee by looking at the color backgrounds of we have found steel in our versity chaplains. decided to call it quits. I can't girls are very much like her the I.D. pictures is undependable, since I.D. photos are not taken backbones. Dare to be your­ 1 realize that it's not going sleep or study. I am very badly- But the greatest sex education any more, and paying the fee a year ago could leave you with the self, a loving, giving person, io make you feel better for me upset. My parents say it's jusl of all is the relationship which right color background. Also, how did McPhee know what the and grow from your painful to tell you that it is much bet­ puppy love and will go away. she sees between vou and vour election workers were looking at when thev looked at people's experiences. These will not be ter to discover if his attitude i.s Why can't they understand? husband. This is what is going I.D.'s? the last you experience, and inflexible now than in the to shape her attitudes and feel­ Lastly, McPhee in her complaints talks about standing in line your increased understanding years to come. Give it a good A. There is no such thing as ings about boys and then men talking to people. Since when is a candidate allowed to stand on and awareness will help you try. honey; you both have a lot puppy love at your age. Some with whom she has love rela­ line and campaign right in front of the polls? across the next obstacle. I'm of emotional investment in of the most painful and stress­ tionships. I.iink into your There were so many complaints from McPhee. who had every not exactly referring to final vour relationship ing rejections can occur in heart, mother, and start talk­ blatant advantage in the election, right down to the campaign examinations, although they, young people. The only advan­ ing to the man in your life. workers using McPhee pens to sign in voters. too, are approaching like a Q. What's the latest in con­ tage is that you have many- Robert Spak's admittance of out right favoritism is a sickening streaking comet, which will doms? years ahead of you to recoup. Q. Can you predict the sex display of what can happen in politics, even on the small level. have head-on collision with There will be other loves in nf an unborn baby? Going back to the question of prejudicial, the only way thai our campus soon. A. I assume that you mean other times in other places anything could have led to more votes for one candidate would condoms of brand name, pur­ Your parents are trying to help A. Yes. by amniocentesis. A have been if someone from the campaigns arranged for those ille­ Q. My fiance and I plan to chased at the corner drugstore, you. Please understand that small incision is made in the gal votes to be cast by people who amounted to little more than be married this summer. He and not those ordered from a they suffer as you do, because abdominal wall, and a sample innocent stooges. knew lhat I had sexual rela­ catalogue with eccentric latex they love you I was really an­ of the uterine fluid withdrawn We must ask that if the illegal votes were not canvassed for tionships with other men. I fringes. So far as I know, noth­ swering you, wasn't I, in to­ Examination of the cells in this Ihem how could the Supreme Court call those votes predjudicial? told him just last week thai I ing is new. except color and lu­ day's lead I have a sign on my fluid will reveal the sex of the And on the other hand, if they were arranged, then who should child. Because so many fami­ we say did it? Havey, with no points against her for campaign ir­ lies, now limiting the number regularities? Havey, who had already shown her ability to win by of children, seem to wish for a taking the original first place in the election? son, there is some fear that if Or should we look at Kathy McPhee, who ai last look had ri',2 this becomes popular, even points against her. and who had her campaign run by someone though it does carry some dan­ who was not even a UM undergraduate student? ger, there will be an Imbalance The Hurricane feels that there should be a decision from the in our population between the Supreme Courl to keep the present president-elect, rather than fall sexes, caused bv aborting fe­ tor cheap trickery. If there were improprieties in the runoff, and il male fetuses. I realize this must be run ovei. then those same must have occurred in the orig­ sounds extreme, but it is h.ip inal election, then let's run that over too. pening. Most obstetricians After all. if it was rumored that you spent over .$1000 on a stu­ whom 1 know will not perform dent government election, how quickly would vou admit defeat'1 amniocentesis for this purpose Nol twice, but maybe after the third time Q. Why is gomioi rhe.i now supposedly in an epidemic Career Jamboree stage? I ihoughl il always had heen around. A. More sexual i ontacts Aids Students with more people, resistant strains of ihe gonnoccous On the Student Union Patio Wednesday, UM students were which do not respond to pres­ able to check out many different job fields in Career Jamboree ent . medication, self-diagnosis, Day. lack of proper treatment, re­ The day was put together by two UM students, Maureen fusal to name contacts, Short and Shelley Miller, in cooperation with Dr. Tom Vest of the shall I go on'.' On this positive Volunteer Impact Program. side, some epidemiologists at­ The "day" proved to be quite interesting. tribute, as a possible reason Burger King was willing to send students through a three for the rise in the number of year "whopper" college Board of Trustee member Stanley Arkin Politics Marred By Deception cases, the open discussion of not only discussed the construction industry but also University gonnorrhea and other venereal problems. By CESARK GUTIERREZ war ot an African state, he is not reprimanded diseases, which has lead peo­ Representatives from almost every school at UM along with Hurrican* Ctlumnlil for violating international law. He is hailed as ple to seek treatment, which Is representatives of the Air Force, Navy, the Federal Government The world of politics and international rela­ "an expert in African affairs" and a "friend of •hen reported to the local and architects, cookie makers. Saga Food service and brokerage tions has traditionally been characterized by in­ the African peoples." Board of Health lirms. trigue, deception and secrecy. But what makes Or, when it is discovered that a multination Almost every student who attended received useful informa­ this phenomenon more dangerous today than in al business enterprise has given money to a for­ The number of cases of gon­ tion about the fieid of their interest. the past is that contemporary governments eign politician, it is denounced as an example of norrhea on this campus is have much greater powers at their disposal. "capitaliat pluto-democracy" and the entire much higher than that of sy­ philids, which give-, rise to MIAMI III KICK WI. VIM I Modern technology makes social control more world is in an uproar However, when a govern­ efficient and pervasive; nuclear weapons make some inquiry about the stabili­ published >emi weekly dufing the ocodemu yem ment puts money into the pockets of foreign wars irremediably destructive. ty ot both casual organisms, f Copynght 1968 by the University ot Miomi politicians, this is called "foreign aid" and "a Now, the liberal philosophy of the 18th and gesture of good will." but little significant data. Nat­ tUndergroduote Student Bodyi urally, investigation is under­ Copyright 1971 bv the University ot Miami 19th centuries sought to drastically reduce the Or, if one country attempts to criticize and powers of the authorities to wage wars, impose peacefully change the domestic policies of an­ way about the possibility ol f 0. I0X Mill IMVINSIT1 It MIAMI. MRU UILH. FLIRHI 111*4 contracting a disease other ruinous taxation and dispose of people as thev other, this is called "Yankee imperialism'' and a than through sexual relation­ pleased. But it was only partially successful be­ "violation of the right to national self-determi­ ! |lt< 1 t-. "-• '• .1'-"t- nt the UniverMty n* MlO-fl* EHttr.nnl n«W1 ships. hetCtfl I r j r 11 v ther rf Rffhei tr,. 1 iM iriiult, 0' rirtmnnitf OtiOn fore the socialist movements with their empha­ nation."' But if a person within that same coun­ sis on a strong centralized state attained a try proclaims his right to individual self-deter­ About twenty-five years HKI I I I 1-HR SIT VT ROI KIR greater success. mination, he is branded a "traitor." a "counter­ ago, 1 was almost fired from a I ililor Business Managei It seems that as a result of this trend to­ revolutionary," and sentenced to 30 years in teaching position for telling Managing I ditoi leti Shenk wards more governmental control, political prison (See the case of Cuban political prison­ the ageless anecdote about News I rill,,: . .Alan Marcus machinations and secrecy have found their ers.) the individual who insisted he 1 ditonals I ditoi l.ynne Schewe breeding ground. Every dav something is uncov­ Meanwhile, writers and statesmen approv had acquired gonnorrhea in a 1 ntertainmenl I ditoi Joan Donohue ered and-or somebody exposed in high public ingly refer to these manifestations of modern public lavatory. The doctor re­ Spur!-. I iiiii,i Rick Remmert sponded, "That's a heck of a Photo 1 ditoi Steve Tlsty office. It is nol without reason that public confi­ despotism as "the dawn of a new age" or "the place to take your girl." Times Copv lililui Elena Selez dence in government is at an all time low. emergence of a new world order." have changed, but the hasn \i i ountant Janet Reynold'. One can only smile and shake one's head in Produi lion Managei Art Terdoslav li h Then we look at international relations and principle of communicable amazement at the kind of "world order" they i ii in • il Managi i Steve Avellone find that if the dictator of a Latin American V.D has not (in ulation Bill Quinn country sends troops to intervene in the civil are talking about.

M vvss IAI i Leslie rannenbaum. Assistant \' u s I ditor; Daniel Dubrin; Marsha Rule, Isidro Garcia; Shawn Hollander. Darv Matera: Nainv New Group To Include Handicapped I andstein Paula Fremont: Steve (»sin>.ki By MAUREEN HANNON dent group is because our help them during their first p.m in room 226D of the Stu­ I DITORIALS STAFF: Andrea Schechterman, Cvfttrttutifif CvlumAiit week in finding their classes as \ssistant Editorials Editor; Daniel Gottlieb; Mar­ goals have expanded. Many dent Union Members of Or­ ian Grabowski; stev, CMaakl During the past few weeks people have inquired about well as aiding them in the reg­ ange Key and the Graduate you have been hearing about how they could offer their ular orientation activities. Students Association are urged ENTERTAINMENT STAH .lames Janoff. Orange Key's program of help, and with this additional 1 was surprised to discover to attend as well as all those Assistant Entertainment Kditor: Dary Matera. working with the handicapped input we can do much more in talking to one of the blind who are concerned about the Archie Waugh; Dennis Menard; 1 inda Charlton students that she had never Jackie John; Greg Huns ', R V Ren/er: Mike students on campus. Now a The original idea was to set up issue. Any other service orfca i io/diesk fundamental change in policy a handicapped students hotline been given a tour of the cam­ nizations interested in joining has come about. Rather than at x-3571. This will run from 8 pus, a courtesy which has been efforts are welcome and en­ SPORTS STAFF Kuk Straub, Assistant limiting the volunteers to Or­ to 9 a.m. and 5 to 6 p.m extended to all students and couraged to send representa­ Snorts Edit,, Al I en/a. Bill I iaae; Stephen ange Key members, along with Through this, any disabled stu­ visitors. This is a minimal way tives. I n^iiil. Dr. M.trk A Silverman Dan Voss the Graduate Students Associ­ dents experiencing an emer­ to get these students off to a And equally important, we ation we are sponsoring the gency or any other difficulties good start at UM. Think back invite the handicapped stu­ COPY STAEI Rhonda Abes; Jo Ann Musto. to when you were new on cam­ HuhHirshoii:Dar\ Maters MariaNajera development of an entirely will have some place definite dents to bring their ideas and new organization. This group to call for temporary help. pus and how welcome any help support. A variety of ideas are PHOTO STAFF. ( ai VV llson, Assistant Photo will be made up of members of A new program we would was. This may be a good way being discussed, such as at- 1-ditor: Marsha Ru,' Hulent O/.goren. Rick the two groups listed above, as like to see set up for next fall to return the favor. ranging for students to take Straub; Eric Schimnu Donna iranklin: Jaime well as any physically handi­ is a handicapped orientation A meeting has been set up to >,alindo;DionSkolnik note for another or establish­ capped students and all other program This would be simi­ give an opportunity for all ing a reader's service for the BUSINESS STAFF: B-rn srofano; IsMro Garcia interested people lar to the present SOS on cam­ those interested to come and students who would need it The reason we would like to pus. Our purpose would be to get more information. The By helping others you can onl-. establish an entirely indepen- give tours to disabled students, meeting will be Monday at 8 help yourself Friday. April 9. 1976 IHF MIAMI Hl'RRICANI etters to the editor

Bahamas Press Is Free, Computer Tool For Dirty Work, Criticizes Government //, / Makes Free Time For Creativit y To the Editor: might be true that "in the To the Editor: exactly what vou tell ihem lo (lo and I would like to correct an er­ United States there is more "they" do not question .vou as to wheth­ roneous impression given by a freedom of expression than in KamafitTiiwl. This is a comment to the column er it is the hes' ihmg lo (Iii III not Any­ quote out of context in Janna the Bahamas" when it comes written by I.aura Pollack in the April ri Kamins' kind article on my to electronic media, it is cer­ GB 1 t/will fetir one who has worked with computers edition ol the Hurricane, which was ti­ work in Tuesday's paper. tainly not true as a blanket knows they can never replace the tled "Computers are Replacing Human The Bahamas i.s a small but statement covering all of the reptafclte human mind. media, or of the atmosphere in Mind, Students Don'l Do Much Work I he Inst tiling a person asks himsell active and alive democracy On Own." The article is very well writ­ the Bahamas as a whole. (At Human mind when seeking the help ol | computer is with a free and vital press ten, but I wish to share my own opinion the moment there is only one what does he want and why, so as to which criticizes the govern­ I will WW re­ on some of the phrases used. That's the radio station there and no tele­ start programming the computer the ment openly. And while it place ft* computers job today." Ihis appears in vision.i most efficient way possible. Human parenthesis and refers to the point that minds are responsible tor the designing hurmn many professors leave the job of grad­ Regarding working in the of inputs .nni outputs for each particu­ Da vis Message; ing the studeni to the computers I States. I hope to do this for a lar problem 1 .iter on, results should he agree with this point and I thought this while only as a part of the analyzed and submitted to error analy­ Truth Prai svd was the explanation foi whai was sis. All this is strictly the |ob of the learning process rather than meant by the phrases. "We are at the abandoning my work in the human mind mercy of computers,'' and "Computers I think it is the time to see the com­ To the Editor: Hahamas where I am happilv are a great help, but thev should not be puter as il is, a tool lot doing the dirty involved. substituted for the human mini! " This letter is meant as a work, leaving the human mind to dis- tribute tn Angela Davis. Manv thanks for your inter- I think computer! are the most stu­ cov er the wonders of creativity est. WfllfDl pid "people" in the world. "Ihey" do Though you have been Xsyi I .mi • n I . Wei n.itiiliv Elizabeth Nathaniels scorned, despised and threat­ ened, you will not die. Your Associate Editor message is one that has been Bahamas Tourist News The Mun There Knows kept from me for so long. Your message . . truth, short and simple. Justices that I have been deprived of for centuries Hurricane Editorial "Irresponsible Journal ism' can be reasoned out through your words of knowledge. They despise you because you To the Editor: system during periodic clean­ locked the door and relumed to the supposed tire, pro or ble journalism, to say lhe least, can see through the evils of an I refer tn vour editorial "No ing of same. However, the im­ to my post con. (What if there had actual- and of little sei vice to the pression left on the reader by unjust system. You are a April Fool's . m which Iv been a conflagration') readership ol youi esteemed vour editorial was that the Li­ These two gent leinen siihse threat because you can not be you stated that in response to organ, although the self-right­ brary employee (myself) was quentlv finished their investi­ turned around. "black clouds" ostensibly issu­ I he use by the editorial eous tenor of youi editorial uncooperative, to say the least, gation and exited the lihrarv ing forth from Library tower w nter of obviously unchecked, would su indicate. Angela Davis you are a light in aiding the investigation of a through the front door with on April I that the night guard one-tided information, then for dawning minds, whispering fire (sic) in the building the aid of one of the cleaning Oil duty "was not happy about moralizing on same, followed Herb Northrup through crevices of my mind. I personnel. They did not even having to leave his guard posl by ugly (and falsely based) in­ "the man there" hear your words. I look, listen give me the courtesy of in- of watching for book thieves Whai actually happened was nuendo, appears to me to be an (in the library) and react. Your words will be lorming me of their findings us to let the fire hunting secuniv that two men rushed past me example of rather irresponsi­ embodied in my mind in an officer upstairs lo the stacks Into the Library without iden­ everlasting endeavor to be to check." Oddly enough, there tifying themselves or asking aware of this world. i.s no subsequent reference to, tor aid After I pursued them To me you are a statue of or explanation of, the afore­ well into the Library, one of liberty. In you I find a refuge mentioned black clouds (sup­ them slated they were trying in which I voice the fears posedly seen, by the wav, to gel upstairs Io investigate Girelli which mount in my mind and against a night sky!). smoke coming from the oyth heart. Through your words I floor." which the person had Lambrusco. seen with his own eyes 1 ex­ 'A find strength and courage to As I had repeatedly ex­ i ravel with undue speed plained to a number of stu­ plained about the air condi­ Sunny, smooth through a morally corrupt dents that night, there was in­ tioning exhaust, but he insist world, I truly wish the United deed a mist shooting up from ed that he had seen "smoke" States were a united state the tower, formed by the ex­ as well as a "yellow glow" etinui and sassy. haust from the air conditioning from inside one of the win­ I .inh Rolle dows. I then unlocked the door Tho fun wine to the stairwell and veiled to the cleaning personnel on duty imported trom Italy USBG Elections Amazing there (they are then al! by Dennis & Huppert through the building from the I o the Editor: whose vote is predicted on the econd floor on up) to please number of free pens and aid these two investigators in Being a first year law stu­ matchbooks he receives. finding their way upstairs on dent at LJM, I watched with Jack Goldberger the elevator. After this, I amazement the recent Under­ graduate Student Body Gov­ ernment elections. The amount of money the various candi­ dates spent on their election campaigns goes far beyond what might be considered rea­ sonable on a campus this size. It is ridiculous that the same students who united a month ago in their opposition to yet another tuition increase, al­ lowed this type of spending to occur. In this era of post-Wa­ tergate morality, it is impor­ tant that candidates for office, whether it be at the national or local level, convey the issues and the different platforms to the electorate. It seems to me that more time was spent by the candidates in this cam­ paign seeing who could pro­ duce the most T-Shirts and loving gift for Faster posters, rather than trying to Laughing rabbits, buttrrtlic-. imi bir-.li inform the students of their kittens mil poodles ind more various positions on issues. finest quality i hina, I am not suggesting that sculptured vs. it li life like charm. campaign "gimmicks" should Adorable animals, ill Irnm ((.90 not be used in future elections, It sum ssurl,! nu Iiiiii s ,,nIs tht htU Hnlm-li hrlnney In vnu for this is one of the ways in which a candidate can bring his platform to the electorate. But. the type of campaigning iloqn done here in the last two weeks is totally unnecessary and only tends to propagate CORAI (,\HI 1 S BMIAMI HI AC H HAIIASDAI1 HOLLYWOOD the image of the UM student as an unconcerned individual. Impurmi Oumnnd I utt«M tsl.tr Htrilsris Mjnullt tuff r» Straight-Leg Levi's? RECORDS UNLIMITED Look No More. 7216 Those straight leg Levis' Jeans South Miami, Fla. you've been looking for? Well. 665-8534 County Seat has the largest selection of straight leg Levi's Jeans and cords around' In sizes ALL UM STUDENTS BRING IN THIS COUPON AND GET to fit all sizes of guys and girls (Levi's for Gals) Come straight ALL REGULAR *6.98 LP'S FOR *3.99 AND. ANY >7.98 to County Seat where the Levi's li. is most complete! TAPE FOR *4.99

OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9:00 PM 0A0ILAN0 MALL Itttt .trttt Bank) 8 T O P E S -J WISH AND MALL < lllr* tt. bit, ttttttttt b»rtit«tr SUNDAY 12:00-5:00 • ALM BEACH MALL (ft tstm Utah RECORDS UNLIMITED: Where You Never Pay More Than $4.49 For Any $6.98 Album. UH MIAMI 111 RKICANL I ridav. April 9. 1976 'Smooth' Watergate Film Opens Tonight

Watergate Caper, actual newsfilm bookkeeper (Jane Alexander) for IR.VKI \/m isedited Into the mov le the Committee to Re-elect the Pres­ Snttrtainmtnt Wriftr We watch while Nixon is helitop- ident, who admits the existence of • inng me Wa­ i, red onto the Capitol lawn on June a secret fund in the committees' ite -, andal i senioi Senator I 1M72. cheered by the House of safe It is this piece of evidence iles, ribed the govei unient bureau- Representatives Nexl. one sees the which leads to lhe final indictment , rai v as a Ft movii I v ,•• drsmatization of the burglary at the of John Mitchell and ('ompany ihing is in sl,,' motion .md ' Democratic Headquarters, and the At one point in the year long in­ lointed loo •",.• s. • unexpected capture of the five vestigation, executive editor Ben Hut in i,intrast t,, the Nixon an perpetrators thereafter, the doiu- Hradlee (Jason Kobards) is asked to State "I rhe I nion, the new I: n '.irv lie, omes a movie a dra- reply to the White House counter- \n ihe President's Men BCtion Ol the events which accusations Ih passes around a • id. detailed .,,, ounl nl " • note with the words. "We stand by 'V .,'. 'gale pi ,1 on the made historv our story." Thai line is the essence best.selling book aurl reportage r,. ll is this third rate burglar) " • I.,, h i ilv desk man. Woodward of hard-nosed journalism at its hest. (Robert Redford) covers In muri Al the arraignment ol the five hut I'lars. the nidge turns i" M, < lord win, , l-iinis he is ,i "sei unlv , onsul- rant "lor whom?" asks the judge "For the CIA." replies Met ord VI this moment Redtord dressed in a corduroy suit, leans forward, fell pen in mouth, note hook in hand and murmurs, "hoi) still I rom Redford'S expression one gains an insight into lhe re.,, imn of both reporters and perhaps Ihe whole countr) No "lie believ - I'd the consplrac) would lead "that high up." s Woodwards contacts lead lunl \i liull III W ,l-sil ill ".It HI On I lit lt | is HI I In I llll ,II \ MM i ui" i ess I'mi III I n^ '' "iii Hunt (vv hose favorite past!mil­ iliirina HlmiiiB „l' III iht I'n .iilriit's I/. «' ls investigating Ted Kennedy) lo I ,ils,in, spei nil , ounsel lo Ihe Presi­ I me, ',,1 Man Pakula and i am- ages I,, poiirav ins charactei with mav be vears before Ihis film is denl At this point, Bernstein (Dus- eraman Gordon Willis show the all the proper Inflei tion and truly appreciated, for it is almost Iltil I III.HI i:..H.I.i iiu Hoffman) manipulates an as- h.il.ui. i ,,; ., line , ast .tuii appr ei ia miam es for whii h he is lamous ipossible I" react to Ihe immedi- Bob V1- ••"' • ,',! .md i .i'! Hei nsiem meni on the Watergate storv Hradlee required of ihe reporters imn ot important detail with,,'.' \nd .niii,nigh he dramat ti past II and when il is placed In "I Ml,' '." a' I',, ' llu-v re hungr) Remember when iwo sources confirming each fact which this film i ould not sui i ei d stem w uh intensity and vv ii he iropei jocio-historlcal context. ' • a : • aside \ run senli- you w ere hungry?' veils city Editor before printing a storv As lhe re­ i lhe Washington Posl newsroom is blends beautifully with the more it will stand among the finest as a foi vhalevei i MI: politii al llarrv Rosenfeld (Jack Warden) io portage progressed, manv ot theit hrilliantlv reproduced) n i as if subtle, restrained Redford lhe .mi dramatization of Amern an i hemistrv is further demulsified • ,II doesn'l rev ise Howard Simons (Martin Balsam) facts were denied Hui Hradlee Pakula read lhe book and then put political histor) the supporting i usi lending hisloi • .'. hat mi ee ai luallv hap­ Once together, the -porters notes there is a difference betv een his head in ,, Xerox I opie r I hi the 11 im a hauntingauihentli it) pened j, ., ,,,., in,, iilm is ,i -• an li for reliable sources, inter- a non-denial denial (non-specific sonaiuies are not overshadowed by dm UIIII ntai • I'd,i differem • v levying assorted w iinesses manv of denial I and a rebuttal, calling the the iai tualdetail As ,, pie, e ot filmmaking il All lhe President's Men' open-v I h" . • inrav,'hui' of the whom refuse to talk Except for one reporters "liars" I lust in Hoffman as usual, n I .lands ,,ii us ,,... n merits Still, it tonight sl area ihealres.

Places to Go • Interviews • Movies • Reviews • Records • Music ' Plavs entertainment

j Never Be Late To Interview A Star

Hv DARV MA II KA On flooi M Ihi ''"nn, • r told mi- Bnttrtunmint w,.,i, Karen had left, bul while he was 'alking. the desk i lerk in ihe lobb; There s an BgP-old iiuirnalistu , ailed me dov I le told me to , all saving that vou i an never be • Mi Way ne When I did, I w as told for an appointment to \n\ex\ iev • • hi opi :.,','• lhal Mi w a) m star I never reallv understood il v. asn'l taking anv , alls for Ihe next until I showed up .in In un late to two hours Wilson suggested lhat interview Ruins singer Chaka ., to lus room but I figured it Khan li' didn'l want to be disturbed • the phone, tie IUI •' ,, hell illiln ' Summer Of 12,* lhe appointment was set foi , vv ant anv hodv , oming lo thedoot pm last Saturdav in the hotel where lhe hand was staving Hurri­ H.u k up '" the band s ! li KU eane photographer (arl Wilson and BI uno" told us thai Mr vv.iv ne I lefl the school al t i * ample lime • .is with his wife for the first time 'IMiiiiilom to reach the hotel in nionl hs I mental I) slapped mv- Tonight sell mi ihe hack for deciding iiiii to Wilson, a Miami : esidenl to: IB v isii him Summei nl '42 might be i ailed i.i ms. .md stars Beef, a homosexual vears. then proceeded lo lead us in film thai began Ihe nostalgia -•• • -star who sings a stolen can- circles around tht iilv |i was t, I lu- ever-present mauls were si ill .,.-, II. Nine' I, an mov • tut it is lata on the Faust legend Ihe Phan­ p.m before we fin-ally found the on the floor, ,i\n\ the) show ed us ,, also significant as one ol the mosl tom, a meek composer who has hotel room where another Rufus membei on .md entertaining v isions been swindled, framed and disfig­ was. Ihere we met a tall, good- , •' adoles, ni, e • ei e.iii/ed mi ured (on a rei ord press) by Swan We rushed up lo l liaka and her returns, clad in a cape and bird looking blat k guv named Bobby, a manager Karen Shearer's room and gan (To Kill s Mock­ mask on opening night to wreak guitar playei Kobbv didn't know found no one home I called the ingbird) bt itifullv din • ted v engeani e where Karen and Chaka were, and room, hut there was no answei I lei ll nu hei best -s,||nig an ••• iiiianis composed the musii foi since he also had company, we i hei king with the desk i lerk I was iitti ihis satire mi the Phantom of lhe thanked him and left. told that Karen had been waiting I ngland island a • ., Opera, A unique combination of for us hm left to eai IS minutes be­ .' '.'. • hare tht i omed) Hack with "Bruno." he took us horror and comedv and of all fore we arrived and p.i'i, friendships and things, rock opera and musual around the hotel Irving to find grov • . pan dominated hv the i omedy. Karen, and then told us to go to the I In I Ins,v, I IML, M,.M. infatuation vv ith a 22-v i in i ild Vi e dei ided lo Wail m the lobb) . bar. have a drink and mellow out Admission is s l KI ^nmhi \\ t tau t 11 nl I i unftHt woman • • •• 11 Neill in het * • * hoping to catch Ms Khan on her until she came That was the lasi we saw of him ile • lius weekend the CM him Soci­ wav back lo the room After IS inci ' hal i ould nol be ety Will present two hilarious mad- minutes, this got old, so we went Stanlev Kauffmann I, cap comedies: Mike Nichols The hack up lo her flour lo Hv to find our "mellowing" consisted of "Wvetl eraivork" i Vrthur someone in the hand Sex,Soul And Funk hirtune and lean-Paul Rappeneau's going out and getting something to Knlghi • .'• .i Mn hei 1 egrand's A Mailer of Resistance. eat I wanted to go to the hotel club • il the most beautiful lhe maids were i leaning the laik Nub,,Is,,n and Warren Real­ and see Herman's Hermits but the n ••-. I hav, ,v er heard in rooms so I asked one which rooms line was too long to get in and we lv star in Ihe fortune.A pair of was the Rufus band in She said she Reed i i ontribute lo had work to do si oundrels take off on a cross. , ouldn'l lell me hut pointed to • Mark Rufus Concert • this unforgettable mo- , ountrv i.iuni with a madcap heir- • •. huge, hald man ai the end of the liliallv I i "iitailed Kar in in tier i a e\, iiing I,, watch as she ess in an attempt to extract her hall and said, "Ask him. he's the t>\m MATI K \ from hei fortune I he time is the room, but since it was now 7:30, tr,l*rlt,tsns*rsl Wr.if ••as I,, listen lo Ihis is a big com­ sum,,.., nl ' t.' •• it, shown to- manager " Although the bearded, I'l.'U's she said she was getting read) 1" pliment since she has the powerful, shirtless man didn't look like he I I'll me something good tell me i in 1 ( 10 \ilmission go out and couldn't give anv more booming voice tha! prompted Stev­ Nicholson sports an An (iarfunk- i ould be named Karen we ap- thai vou love me yeah We love interviews lhat night, which vv as ie Wonder to write Rufus's biggest i i hairdo does ., Stan I aurel Imita­ proai hed him ' on Chaka. we all love vou tion, mingling tears Ineptitude and eas) to understand. hit, "lell Me Something Good." innocence Beattv is sink and i ins '.v as the feeling held f he voung crowd of mostly hard- equally inepl as the brain of the ad­ The man turned out to be thi •so after four hours of driving. of the i rowd after being rocked bv ore Rufus fans gave Khan a stand­ '''m n tions department venture Stmkard rhanning makes road crew manager and was as nn • • waiting and chasing people ii Kufus, and especiall) singer Chaka ing ovation when she made her en- Phantom ut Paradise, to- her screen dehul as the heiress and as he was mean looking "Bruno," hotel, we had no storv and 10 pit • Khan Sundav nighl at the Jai-Alai i CC "ii to stage From the start. '. al midnight eceived widespread critical atten­ the name Wilson dubbed him he- lures At ICBSl we learned ,, good I Toulon Although the Rufus band Khan kept the i rowd clapping. andS dav md I lOp ni tion for hei performance cause of his appearance, odd us lesson about beim late for inter­ was excellent il was Khan who inking along and dancing in their : ' • Paradise is lhe Xanadu .,1 Karen was al a hotel cocktail partv views I'll never take an age-old le theentireshow worth seeing ' .Its Roi - "i" rated b) i vii record ty- lhe fortune will he presented to- on floor M and that we should go journalistic saving toi grained Being ., sultry, well-built singe- Suite Khan turned lhe band in Paul Wii- See page 7 find her there again in the "i ma furnei mold ' Khan See page 7 this weekend

KINK,111 REAUMONT HAI.I - Warren Bealtv & lack Nicholson in lhe tnrlune, h & 10 p an At midnight. Phantom of the Paradise. Admission Sl each show GUSMAN CONCERT HALL - Doctoral rental t iperanza Alvarez- Erv iti, pianist h p m Admission free 1 C HITI HING — Summer ol '42 starring lennifer O'Neill, 7:30 & 4 Ulpni ml (llu Admission Tai ents RATHSKEI I ER - Happy Hour with Honest loin Riggs 1 io 7 p m Admission free live musn by "Hum-si loin's Hand." I ui-li p.m I M Students 50 , ents. gueslsSI

• Kre>kin. the international^ famed mentalist. entertainer and au­ thor, will appear tonight at I p m at (iusman Cultural Center. 171 East Elagler Street. Downtown Miami lickets an- priced at $5.75 and $H 7.r, and are available at all Sears stores SATURDAV BKACMONT HAI.I — Catherine lleiieir..- m A Mailer of Resis lance. 8 & 10 p.m. At midnight. Phantom of the Paradise. Admission $1 each show Gl'SMAN CONCERT HAI I — Contemporarv Baroque I no l pm Admission free RATHSKELLER — Opens at noon lamaican singer I rnie Smith 9:10pm -12:30a m Guests50cents SUNDAY BEAUMONT HAI I - Paul Williams in Phantom ui the Paradise. 7 iii&H:30p.m Admission$1 < ; SMAN CONCERT HAI l - Concert Jazz Band ll conducted hv SI Yates. 1 pm free Guest Artists Series at -I pm pianist Robert Chumbley. General Admission $2.50, free with I'M 1I> I In \in.i/iiii: kreskin LC BUILDING — Dustin Hoffman in Little Hig Man. Ll 110 al Vnu M.(i i'i i I Ut iilv | ,,i \i linn Itmimkl ni (• if tin It t till M 6 10,1 (' 120a! 7 10 [ C 1-tilat Sr.'lllp m Admission free /,, inin-riii ni l •HHiiii I.l.,,. s, Friday, April 9. I97H llll MIAMI III KKK AM Kottke9s Music Intense By AW GOLDSTEIN entertainment writer •\ devoted .1111111'n11- assembled il downtown Gusman < oncerl Hall lasl Saturday nighl to watch Leo Kottke perform with hia beautiful acoustii guitars Playing his 12-string with Intensit) and .i unique style i he devo­ tees weren .' arded for their cheering

I he hr--i sei HI the one-man slims was too measured and monotonous le w ,is slow and i all ulated in In-- expression and played Familiar songs ofl II h albumsa.s M\ I eel Vre Smiling "

In thi- second set, things heated up considerabl) u the crowd pushed lor nmrr After two encores, ,i sizable number of people refuaed to leave .mil demanded another encore, which Leo obligingly pfrfnrnird Speed) -mi^s thai the audience icreamed lor blazed ofl his Fingers and Finally ipenl ai! hisenerg)

I hr Jaiksun I u ( Irom ihr crowd's reaction, one would have to sa) thai Leo Kottke and thru '.'."• bark-up hand often priced il I9.SQ and $12.50 .oul ran be rttt is nl In i .ill liinif>hl in ihr (ii.iml •.'..is ,i major success In his Miami appearance Bui contrary to whai the ( .iharri Ballroom ol ihr Ameri- ing 88M.56H. Ihe \ rirana l» located al .•Tin Collins tana Hotel, I hr\ M ill promotions would have us believe, he is Far from 'hi- "world's greatest perform two shows nii;hil\ .H H Vve., Miami Beach .II inisiK guitarist .mil I I p.m.. i hi i.iii'h Satarday, April 17. rickets are Chumblex On Piano WVUM Robin Trower Rohrri Chumbley, pianist will completing Ihe Mastei ol Musi, de- TOP Ih\ Al Bl MS presenl i recital Sunday in the .-.- .it the luilliard Si hool ol (riirst Artists Series al I pi Musn where he is a studeni il 1. Doobie Brothers Takin' 11 lo ihr Strrrts i. u sman Concert Hall, I M campus Vdele Marcus 2, Santana Amlgoa At Fronton Tickets arr SJ 50 foi the general \mong his honors t 'h imble\ :t. Peter irampton Frampton COITMS AHve lhe Miami I.II M.n I nm 11 ni Stinda' .. Robin - ,t. the winner ol the Miami Musi, I rowei and ( (uiip.iin ' ,. I'I I ' ,i ii ulated lu puhiir and free to thosr with i M •I. Poco I.ive ID's i eai hers' \sscx lation annual com the pel foi mam P petition, aand i ei eived the I 5. Lofgtaa and Messina Native Suns 1 His program will ini lude worl • '"'•'•'" • Ions '' - II the Pai amn ml Cri/i' in ihr I inancial Federal Musi- 6. Jean-I.uc Ponty Allium vhose onl) claim t.i fame -*ai performing nn rarl\ Rolling Stones imus hv Motart, Chopin, liraliitis and . al Show i .isi' lasi \ ear, totaling S I 7. Sailor I rouble ireak how rs ei i m al ed Pi I Hai um Liszt, concluding with Pictures .it iiniiin si holarships ' •' '•' '• riding Ihe i harl v iti ihe \ Vi hilei Shade ol an Exhibition by Mussorgsk) 8. Jesse Colin Young On Ihr Knad rhe 21-year-old native Miamian Pa •' His guitai ivorl >n '. h key 1 rain • ed his talent! '•• hile 9. Return To forever Romantic Warrior Chumhir\ graduated from rem- is thr son of pianists K I I and Song foi ,i Dreamei i huti to l Hendrix In ,1 rxprr ied his mnsi pie University and is present!) Nanettel !humble\ 10. Rory Oalla^her The Story So far il identity lied for 1 Ot h I M Rilenour first (our sr i rower latei ss enl ofl on his own, fori lhe* lethro I ull - Minn ('lis,- Bunkei hui h -.,-. led pro\ ed unsui i i sslul Entei the Robin rrowei Hand rheii fii I release entilted twice Re Fortune' \l Hcaumonl moved Irom Vesterda) caused enough comment In Ihr musical world In pack the band's perform deh it l.n Vngeles W/hiske; \ (in Go In I Mint page H in its humor ,is the M.irs Brothers s lul) . 1973, totheprovei bial raftei -., uinhi in Beaumonl Cinema al and hv New Vorker magazine I he release nl Bridge nl Sinh-. herame Ihr high poinl in I rowei ca I Op III Admiaslon is$l i atheinn- i ir ivt ,t.ns .is reei ind since then ha i released For I arth Below andareceni live album I omorrtm nighl the t M I ilm sn Maria, thr wife ol i phlegmatii rickets are 15.50 standing and $( .'ed for this Cellar I r pre . iety will presenl Jean-Paul Rappe Normandy squire Her husband be ., nt,itmn leau's hilarious French corned) A comes Involved m thr D-Day Inva Matter nt Resistance starring the slon as she discovers "romance' Plavs Continue luscious i atherine Deneuve, I'htlip- • With thr lot .ll 1 ,fl til.1 tl i iillllll,ll! An axpertonce of I Jn«|li nstnil ordtr Two original one-acl pla) ihr Elevator by Robi '• • and Sim • Noirel and Pierre Hi asseui ilanl days in ihr ( rmrirry b) Lili Bits will come to the new UM fheatn Vnne> Si npird h\ Claude Sautel (Caaai A Mailer of BesiMaiKf Will be al B20D Sam Amaro Drive tins weekend, fresh from their successful pi • .mil Rosalie, Vinrrnl, Francois, I'.ml presented tomorrow nighl In Beau ductionat ihr Upstage Pheatre in < loconul Grove .md ihr others), it w.is called ",i monl < inrm.i ,ii H .mil In p m \d delightful corned) as reckless mission is $1 Both plavs arr directed hv Paul Hrown, whose produi lion ol lonesi n's I hr Lesson v» as i ited as one ol the besi South I lorida productions ol 1975 hvlhr Miami Herald Dr Zaller, UM Associate Professor ol History, is the authoi nl • prize- winning studs, ut English history, Ihr Parliameal ol 1131, ,is well .is ,i poet, iriiu i".i dramatist I ih Bita, actress, poet and playwright stars in her own plav rhe Greek-born Ms Bita veil known on Ihe theatre • V ulGtlTMlQD and has produced man) succe ifuleventsoi Dr Zsllei describes his play as ,i corned • oi M Bila i .i powerful drama ol alienation and sexual violent e, promises .i surprise end i"K II7 II J Curl am is ,ii H p m Admission $1 al Ihe d 3-D Clink tt Kit Beauties r 170TH STREET |OlX.*V ^*- that % wh.il thov < all him H vvre- i . r Bfytmm, -at* Is^ap < =i/ \Uamlet • st\-ytt'.\ • rr il: "••«•» - I llll MIAMI HURRICANE 1 ridav. April 9. 1976

Rick Remmert hurricane sports

sports editor Ask One Who Knows; Fraser Guesses: Games Are Good, Bad 40 Wins Enough

Within the same breath. Tom Ciompf can hold the Olympic Games in the highest respect. . t hen in highest contempt. And UM diving coach Gompf is both well-spoken and out­ spoken in his commentaries, draw ing his observations from expe­ For Playoff Spot rience and expertise that few can Hv Al LENZA match: he was a bronze medal-win­ Murnont Sporti Wrtltr ning platform diver at the 1964 I'M baseball coach Ron Fraser is the first to admit that as he puts Games, a highly-pressured diving it. "It's much too early to make any predictions" regarding the Hur­ judge in 11172 and now is fulfilling ricanes'chances of hting selected to i he district tournament. his current role as one of the three Bul Fraser is willing to speculate. United States Olympic leant diving "Right now. I'd say 10 victories •; hould clinch a spot for us," says coaches lor the Summer hoopla at Fraser. who's taken the Hurricanes to the districts at Starkville, Montreal. Miss the last three years. __^ "I'ma firm believer in the princi­ Since ive iave pi games left (as ples of the Olympic Games," says ni Wednesday), I'd ,av il we win 12 nl those we should he right m the Spring Game TOM GOMPF Gompf. Their benefits far outweigh thick of things." said Frasei then detractions. It's a chance lor the amateurs to have their day in I he Hur • i! play a two- iront iit the whole world. I ame series with l ckerd College "And for the non-protessional sports like swimming and diving, beginning tonight al 7 30 al Mark Tomorrow I In (llympici are our opportunity to get a little publicity. The aver­ I ight Field Eithei Chris I \ ni h I age person sitting in front of the '1 v drinking beer wouldn't know Gavin 1 mi; (8-0) will pitch loi Miami I ynch, Long or Boh Roth Mark Spit' from Joe Blow. ,7-niv 111 piti h tomorrow nighl But wnen Spitz went on TV in 1972 and won seven gold UDadeNorth l ast I uesdaj s game with I medals, suddenly everybody knew there was competition and was rained oul and has been re- I he annual Green and White is swimming as a sport. For swimming, diving and the heduled fornextl u da' at 1 10 spring football game, which culmi- mher sports which don't get everyday coverage by the media. four weeks of practice, will li MMnut ieem thai the red-hol the Olympics are our big claim to fame." take place tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Hurricanes, who h.ivr won 17 in a Miami [lade Community College- And other benefits? "You bet," savs Gompf. "The Games are row .md post an impressive 28-8 North fool hall stadium. 11380 NW a chance for real interchange between athletes and nations. It's rei ord, should nol lose more than jTth Ave a chance to pick the brain of somebody from Russia you'd nor­ seven nanus I he res! i if I hi' vv a. mally never see Hm the remaindei of the sched­ lhe game is free to any and all interested viewers and was moved "The perfect example of this is the Fosbury Flop (high-jump- ule will provide a stern test, partic­ ularly the final five games, which to Dade-North be, ause ,>i the work ng technique developed by American jumper Dick Fosbury and an hide a two-game series at ' " "' mi the Orange Howl - installation utilized to help him win a gold medal at the 19b8 Games). No one .I.I Southern ami • crucial three- of natural grass (or next season. • .'. it ' xisted until a guy went over the bar backwards in the game series al Florida Stale Head coach Carl Selmer. now in ' ilympics '•No doubt 'hat these games will his second season after a roi ky 2-8 "Now vmi can go to Russia and sec hundreds of little kids be important " I raser s.ini "Win­ firsl campaign lasl fall, has split his earning to lump thai wav. Need another example?" asked ning the head-to-head conte . harges Into two teams which will te ' each other in the full-length ' ,ompf. "For the last eight years, most of the divers in Russia the l"P independents is es- iential " game tomorrow after noon. have been studying training films of me from the 1964 Games. "Thev thought 1 was doing the dives of the future and used I he final game ol Ihe i loi ida Offensive coordinator Hob Hern­ 1964 films of me for their training. When I went to Russia, they State sines will in- played on Ma) don will head the Green team i, hing staff, assisted by Ed knew me and il was kind of flattering, And I even saw myselt a ii, aboul four day.s before the NCAA us two indepe • join Washington, lack Westbrook. .ferry ev times over there in the way the divers were coming off the lhe < Ihio Valley and Soutl Wamsley, Harold Allen and gradu­ towei holding their hands, etc." • • i h.inipi'ins in iiii dl ate assistant! Kevin Looram and tournament Phlllredale Ubieties Or Politics? I lie site i yet to h leti mined, mil vv ill likelv be host,',! hv one Ol Defensive coordinator Jim Wal- Um for all the gold and gluter of the Gaines. Ciompf also the four i ompetitors in lhe tout na • ill lead the White coaching •irmiv believes thai they are nol perfect, thai things about them nn 'in tafl anted hv Pal Ruel, Arnle eave a loi to be desired. Basically, he is strongly opposed to, de­ • • • uled oul Miami as the Romero, Harold Sawyers, Bi IK tests what the Games have denigrated themselves down to a ev en if • , , ause, he . and grad assistants I-'.rnie ud t niisii iu imn i -, supposed i" i..nes Henry Radford and George political battleground between the warring ideologies of the ••.-gin nn the i om .•'••' ,,,',,, hers nf l lemnpouloa I [nited States and the So\ iei I Inion ' • i ighl ' lei "That's what 1 can't stand, the Games being used as a politi­ ii.mli! he unavailable Bai k to a full schedule of 11 loi pla names, the team will open with a cal -iv . Gompl "l hev should strictly be ,i competition Sepl I* night contest agains! rival between individuals to determine the best athletes They should I lie new ble.ii hers, • hich have heen in the works for two v. Florida Slate in the Orange Bowl hav e nothing lo do with nationalitv, sex, race or creed, • ill extend from behind 'he third "They should not be any sort of political showcase They and firsl base lines Probabli starters for the spring should be just ti) determine who is highest . . fastest . . '\v e have ihe money n.'W . ' Ir.i- game im lude strongest. And nothing else." nd "And 1 think we'll gi'' the resi ot the permits withoul .mv What, exactly, is the problem'.' As Gompf sees It, the Games GREEN OFFENSE ems sunn II Dennis Jackson, l T: Boh have become a stage where "then- is a lot more at stake than I he Hurricane mosl promi O'Gara, LG: I rank Makarevich, C: medals He says "the United States is equally al faull with the challengers for the tournamenl po- Mike White, Kd Steve Guiding. Russians in promoting ideologies through the Olympics. n - an \v.„,iiv Wood ' , • !-' I I arrv l-iriiwii. SF Phil August. Seminoles :.''", i, Bobb; I i •' "We've gol to realize that the competition is for individuals QB I rank Glover. IB: Ottis Ander- sun's Suuih Carolina (21-8) Eddii V,II, w B: Larry Cain, IB Ray Ga- and is not a private competition between the US and USSR. Un- S'anl.v s South Alabama u-^it, (20- imng, PK:Chris Dennis ortunately. 50 per cent of the people see it this way. It's only the ",, South f lorida (27-4), (•• 0 II who don'l know the sports who feel this way. The athletes Southern (20-9) and surprising!) GREEN DEFENSE I hev ,1 ist as soon see a Russian or an East German or an Italian lacksonville University, which I I Larry Wilson. LT: Eddie tioastsa 29-1 rei, ,i d w in if t he\ • an'I Edwards, MG: kaiph Teianof, RT: Bul Jacksonville has been • Dennis Breckner. RK: Glenn Hill. l:i' athletes have friendships among all the nations," . for its weak schedule, which I li Gregg Wallick. LB: Karl Mon­ , laim i lompf, "and it's the public that we've got to educate. The is made up primarily of District I roe. CB: Gralyn Mathews, CB: disappointing thine, is that we're 50 per cent at fault in promoting ', jins In its nnlv tOUgh 'est-, to lohn I urner. Monster: Willie Jen­ ihis tlung. date, the Dolphins split a series kins, s Bryan lerguson, P: Jesus vv ill] South i arolina anil lotl a I vv o- Miranda game set to Florida Stat Sports* riii is \I Fault. Too "I hev have .i hell "i a record," WHITE OFFENSE I raser said "The', haven't plaved I I Ricou deShaw, '. ,. Charlie Sportswriters are partially at fault, too," he says. "Ihey nearly as strong a si lieilule , Bloxsom, LG: Karl Monroe. C: me in and ask how many gold medals we (United States) won • but thej have a gi„,ii team Ralph Boyle, RG: Jim Standifer. RT: oda; And when they're told," Gompf smirks, "thev just say " I he |iressure Will he on them to Dust) lackson, SE: Gary rokarakl, QB E J Baker. IB: Ken Johnson, good thai gives us 98 to the Russians' 93.' They (the writers) il" well against the good 'earns if For The Hud. jection after being struck out ihey want then record to mean Wll Herman Nixon, IB: Rocky Ru­ iuldn'1 tare if one of the winners was a 15-year-old girl who bv 'Cane starter Gavin Long. something menik. I'K: Brian Selmer. won the ba kstroke chewing bubblegum. Middle, Randy Guerra. who i he Hurricanes will plav iai k- nfortunate that the writers and the public are mostly Ihe major league Baltimore sparked the 'Canes with three ionvilli awa\ on April 22-23 in its WHITE DEFENSE i,niv iwo encounters this yeai n our tally (of medals) against the Russians And Orioles were in town Mondav hits, connects on a two-run I I. George Halas, LT: Don "Thev have an advantage bei ans, • Change," Gompf claims, for the Games lo revert to night for an exhibition i ontest home run which pulled I M Smith. MG Johnny Evans, RT: the games are at their place," Fra- Ronnie Walker. Rf: Barry Gonza­ and pulled through to an 11-4 ii conception of being competition between mdividu- into a temporary 3*3 tie and .ud But the pressure will be lez. IB Craig Cosden. IB: Kevin • individuals. victory, but it wasn't as eas> below, part of lhe record Mark ,,ii them Roberts, CB: Bob Vallon, CB: Oscar the Seminoles. who earlier in lhe \s athelete and judge, Gompf has felt the nationalistic pres- as some thought, lop, Oriole I ight Field crowd of 4.423 en- Robinson. Monster Rick Valerio. S: V% hen I was diving in '64," he remembers, "a lot of people Al Hum,,i v is a picture of de- |o\s the show. See page f) Irian I ast burn, P: Mike Nicholson. • nne up to me and said, 'c'mon. this is bigger than you It's for luntry, not just for you.' Well," he says. "I felt like I was ;r> ' ' .mil not for the country. I didn't feel like if I did poorly I would be sent to Siberia or 'hough the athlete should feel a certain amount I responsibility to conduct himself or herself as a good Ameri- ,in his partii ipating should not be viewed as a do-or-die situa-

"Aftei all, the athlete's the one who qualified for competi- loii and lhe "iie the Games are supposed to be for." Ve! Gompl also felt the homeland heart-strings during his diving judgings al Munich in 1972. "People came up to me again d said thai 'his thing was bigger than me. that it was for mom. he flag and apple pie," laughed Gompf Well, lei me tell you, judging is the worst job in the world. No matter what you do, you are wrong in someone's eyes, ere's just too much pressure, and a lot of it is political. I lidn't want to do ll ever again." s\»ni Vlelissa

Off the subject of the Games as a political entity, what .- Gompfs three prize pupils he is tutoring off the boards a lowers? What are the chances of Hurricanes Melissa Brilev ar, Ireg Garlich and I'M grad Steve McFarland? lon'l think I'm training anyone that doesn't have a shot at i iedal," says Gompf "In diving, there's a group of about 10 to 1«. 'iv,>rs in the world who are capable of being the best on any g i lay. "G•••• is just breaking into that group. He has proven himself now he just has to get it together. He'd have to be ailed a mdarkhorseo , but in the past, we've had darkhorses come :hrough a- 'in. "McFa ind's in that 10 to 12 category, too. He can do it on my given • He's definitely got medal possibilities." Gompf il the t -time AAU champion. And on i' rhaps his prize pupd, sophomore Brilev. Gompf •mled and Hid In Melissa, it's just like Jack Nicklaus going to Masters 1 -.body acknowledges that she is the best, pist

See pane « ' t.A srtsf. TL1TV Friday. April 9. 1976 THF MIAMI HURRKANF Dade-South Smothers Softball Squad, 24-3 "There is no wsy a minor league team can beat a rors which spotted Dade-South a 4-0 lead. maior league team." Coach Rhoda FisenberR after It was all downhill from there as the visitors regis­ Tuesday's 24-3 loss to Miami Uade-Sout h. tered at least one run in every inning while Miami was only able tn store on a Sharon Bjork two-run homer By STEPHEN LOGAN and a Dade-South miscue. Hurrican* Sawrti Wrlttr 'Wr played good considering their power.'' 1 isen­ Though the women's softball berg said "Hut 1 have confidence in this team and 1 team was tnoroughly mopped up by Dade-South in its think we can still win " home opener at Mark Light Field Tuesdav af termini The team had .t slight letdown before the game it was obvious that the teams were equal in hoth atti­ when they found out that the scoreboard on Mark tude and effort. 1 ight would not be used. However, Dade South s consistent ail.uk was just "i think it upset the kids a little." said lisenlierg. too overpowering for the youthful, inexperienced Hurri­ "We were going to announce the teams and line-ups canes audit would have been a kind of ego trip for them." "We had a great attitude going into the game and I Nevertheless. Sharon Bjork would not try to make thought we were ready,' said coach Elsenberg "Bul any excuses "We were really psyched before the they out-hit us, they out-hustled us, and the) out­ " ihe s.ud "Hut for some reason we seem to played us " tense up whenever we play Dade-South." Dade-South, which connected for 24 hits to UM's Bjork. who is leading the team with a *">r>-t> batting six, has been building a reputation as the best school average, feels lhat the team's inexperience i.s just start- for women's sports in South Florida mglobeseen. "They (Dade-South) get a lot of girls from the "A lot of people haven't played for that long." she Miami area on scholarships," said third baseman Shar­ s.ud "And it shows. We were missing Laurie taft and on Bjork, who played first base for the first time on sue ! liomasandit made a lot of difference." Tuesday. "But here at Miami it's hard to get athletes However, it didn't make any difference on Monday because the tuition stops kids from coming '" as l he Hucric anes held on to beat Broward North. 7-.! Trte lack of depth throughout the Miami line-up "The team played lackadaisical," said f.isenherg was evident as Kisenberg had to go to her bench about tne Broward victory. "They thought Ihey had it when starters Laurie Taft and Sue Thomas could not sewed up." make it to the game. Miami will tesl its 5-2 record this weekend against "We need every player we can get," said the frus­ some of the top teams in the state when they play in trated coach "Wecan't have players not showing up " the Miami Dade-South Invitational. The team then Miami knew from the very start that it would be a travels to I-lorida International University for a four long afternoon as they committed four first-inning er o'clock start on Monday. IM Softball Playoffs Start

By DAN VOSS Drips 25-Li and the Bombers beat i lass "C" competition ol the w.... Mu,...«.,. CAKtWIltON Hurrican* IMrtl Wrtttr theBarharians 13-3 t ireen League began with the The play-offs have begun this lhe Steannn' Seamen tiwk ap.ui Stooges and Derelicts blasting their llu I HITS III The Dugottl I ell The >a« I Slorj week for the men's intramurals the Mean Machine 18-H. opponents More or Less and the ... (IS II lllll ton/, if mi tin- thm in heme amataar softball leagues to determine ihe In the Green Division class "B" Phantoms by score of 21-K and 14-2 all-campus champions. first round action. Curia Regis de­ rspectivelv. Heated action took place in the stroyed •'?" 24-1. It was the Hutiias The Orange Division play-off ac­ Green Division Class "A" competi­ over tin l.'I agles 8-3 and the 11 P.'s tion took place on Tuesday night on Baseball Team /Vearififf# 7Tourney? tion Monday night as Bad Co. defeating the Hhongers 11-2 ihe wet fields and under threatening edged previously unbeaten Mur­ ikies. Dirty Dozen nipped the No Names trom page H hitting. 1 |iist hope we keep on and Richard I Oilman were the phy's 11-10. Smith crushed Don's 1 ' 8, Two games were played in the stealing and gambling and keep leading hitters 111 ihe game. Ouerra Class "A" first round as Pike beat year lost pitcher 1 arrv Join . ta a winning like we have " hit a tWO-run homeriin off starlet ZBT 8-4. AEPI crushed the Purple knee Injurv, recently lost .1 two- Hurricane Notes: lhe Baltimore Wav ie- Garland, while Robert had Threads by a score of 23-10. game set at Stetson 1 nlversit) In Class "B" games, PKK beat Orioles came to Mark I ighl Held two hits and Richard three hits, . . Ask One Tf ho Knows; "And their si hedule is |usi begin- last Mondav night for I workout Ron Polk, who resigned lasl No­ Delta Sigma Pi 9-4 and lyler ning tO get tough," I i.isersaut vember after helping coat h the edged Sigma Chi 11-9. while "the But the Hurricanes came foi mon llurrii anes last fall, ti.is made Mis rain caused cancellations of oilier It has been one of Krasei •, mosl than just fun. Despite losing 111. Miami could take comfort 111 trail sissippi Stale all Sl 1 mnlendet Games Are Good, Bad playoff games Satisfying vears at the helm ll has I lie Bulldogs, the cellar-dwellers In * * * certainly been an unexpected ban­ mg only 7-1 going Into the ninth In From page 8 ner vear ning Rand) Ouerra, and Kobert 1975, are now II-I like everybody agrees that Nicklaus is the best golfer in the The woman's intramural minia­ world. ture golf tournament is set for t I MVCI expected us to be where "But," he hesitated, "just like Nicklaus, Melissa still has to p.m. today at Colonial Palms. we are nou," the coach said We •USINfSS Anyone interested in participat­ have had consistent pit. lung all ACCURATE SUC HI MS have a good day. If she does her dives like she is capable, then ing and needs a ride to Ihe tournev vear and our defense has held up Open Sat. til 1 P.M. she could win gold." should meet at the (ampus Sports helterthan 1 thought il would *.nd for Gompf, that would be sensational, not only for Bri- Building at £30 this afternoon "And re. ently, everyons ha been Gables 1510 South Dixie Hwy. ley, but also for the sport. "Millions of kids will be watching on All other entries will be accepted al the tournament. HEWLETT PACKARDS TV this summer. Not all of them can do the pro sports. the men's intramural golf tour­ I LKCMI "They'll learn about swimming and diving because the nament will take plate Monday and HEWLETT PACKARD HP21 *93.00 Olympics is our opportunity for publicity - our claim tn fame. Tuesday at the Biltmore Golf HEWLETT PACKARD HP22 * 1 53.00 And who knows, after this summer there may be thousands of ( ourse $ The deadline for signing up i.s HEWLETT PACKARD HP25 179:00 little kids who want to be like David Wilkie. like Melissa Brllej '"day at the Campus Sports Build­ ^-v 800 325 4867 And that can only help the sport." ing Tee-off tune is 1:llll Mini <& UmTravel Charters TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SR56 JfekJ

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BIRD-GALLOWAY SHOPPING CENTER • CUTLER RIDGE SHOPPING CENTER 20761 S DIXIE HWY 8680 club miami 2991 vi A TAWTjV COWPO-RAT*)-* COMWANY UL lHI-. MIAMI H1RRKANI-: Friday. April 9. 1976 Algerian Braham Might Ge1 The Bool Thomas Faces Another Key Player Loss

Hx KRK MK Al I • ii in can possibly negotiate team's defense, which happens lo I'll haxe to transfer or not)," he Cisco Garcia also is expected to but Ihomas is openly not counting Asst Sports Editor an agreement with the Algerian be looking good for the fall aeaaon. said. "1 don't xvanl to leave." he step in at that position, white soph­ them until they're officially his. As I ve weeks ol spring soct • r government adds, citing the year's ineligibility omore-to-be Rick Diamond has practice conies to a i lost '",: rhe proposed negotiations would Instead, the issue would be Io­ all transfers suffer. taken the sweeper s|K>t from senmr- Thomas feels, and rightly so, thai i H.U h Richard Thomas ma) tn ot concern i s -Algerian relations dised on keeping intact the I'M Of- to-be Nick Simanidis. who has been he cannot count on anx verbal iidering phoning recently-appoin nor either country'a national de- IIMISIXI- attack by persuading the Braham said he did not know moved to the left wing. agreements from these says-so's. r\ Ambassador William Siranton fenae, noi even the IM aoccer Algerians to withdraw an order when he will be notified of his fu­ saying. "If I could get everyone that that would compel the second Alge­ ture. Last year, Diamond made his bid says they're coming here then we rian hooter standout in two years for the starting sport after Sismani­ could play (top-ranked)St. Louis." totransferfromUM. Certainly, the possible loss of dis fell into academic difficulty at J^S&»>- Braham is a dilemma that Ihomas the start of the Hurricanes' tough The Hurricanes xvould likely One of a flock of Algerian stu­ can well do without, as he tries to second-half schedule. Cherish a shot at St. Louis next dents on direct Algerian govern­ at least equal last year's surprising year, even if they do lose Braham, ment scholarship, sophomore-to-be 13-2 season. However, Thomas is not counting much to their regret. Many "Cane Keth Braham might follow the On returnees alone, but has con­ booters remember last year at this transfer of Kredi Guediri. a key fig­ Already he's faced with filling in strained high hopes for transfers same time when (Jeudiri was re­ ure in the Hurricanes' 1974 squad eight big shoes lost to graduation, and potential frosh comers. quested to transfer, and how they who was ordered to transfer to those of defenseman Brian Killeen. felt thev could take up the slack. I-lorida Tech last fall. midfielder Bruce Randolph, and Of- One newcomer, transfer Steve fensemen Steve Tettiebach and I ogan is expected "to help" the Bui there are many who have forgotten all about the one that was The loss of Braham. a striker Marc Dormoy. midfield position, according to suppose to be the leg of the team who scored 18 goals and was a key Ihomas. last year. A retraction of Algerian factor to Bob Claflin's team-leading But the sixth-year coach at Ull desire to have Braham transferred 23 scores last year. Would undoub­ is prepared to handle those absenc­ The foremost figure of Ihomas' would not be excessively frowned tedly jeopardize the I Mattack. es to a certain degree, thanks to recruiting dreams (if it can be his smart shuffling of starters and called recruiting-wilhout monies to upon by Ihomas. Nor will the loss Accordingly. Braham'-- Future sta­ inexperienced subs during the suc­ give) is goalie Raul Pena, a lanky of just one player be frowned upon tus is a weighty question mark bur- cessful fall season. freshman hopeful from Chile, who bv the team. dining Thomas' mind right now — Thomas says "xvill absolutely com­ one that would qualify a quick nun He's been looking to -.oplioinore- pete with (last vear's starling goal­ to Mr. Scran ton. lo-he Eddie Ilalberstein and senior- ie) Chris IjrM'ii for the first string Environmental lo-be Brian Mealey to fill the void position " "He means so ninth lo our Bl the Canes' precarious midfield Hotline* team," Thomas emphasizes. "He and complement veteran Renato Pe- (rank Blanco, a midfielder, and can shoot a ball from anywhere on ruzzi. striker Cocoa Costa are other top < all titifi-10410 the field and be accurate every potential newcomers to the boolers, time He MADI Bohbv Claflin last "They're auppoae to atep right m year," he adds 'Td sax half of his there (al midfield). Ihomas said, goals came on passes from Braham "they played enough last year to — not taking anything away from know what the story || " Bobby." TAKING A TRIP Braham is as much up in the air Another frequently used substi­ as Ihomas "I can't it'll (whether tute from a year ago, striker I ran- DRIVE A CAR FREE i'.V.VI.V.V.W.'.V.V.V.V.V :•' WE LOVE YOU UM. ":! to all cities STUDENTS! :• The CLEAN MACHINE CAR WASH U.S.A. or CANADA V at 5737 SW 68th ST. wishes \ u «• to thank yoo for the great response •« for Info: 9454104 •B on our last ad. We will be „• "• giving away a FREE WAX with «• fr? tatt DEPENDABLE CAR TRAVEL SERVICE " the purchase of a car wash % B 162 Sunny Isle Blvd. MumiHurntant RICK STRAUB m* and this coupon. "• N. Miami Beach, Fla. M-III.I.I Irlh I'.i,id,im. Ui»lil. ItciiriiiipOul? >; OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 16, 1976 > . . . stiiilit,uiiiii 4II-IH mux Inur in iitiiisii-i nexl yi-tii off 826 East on 1-95


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