SitRep No. 15 Tab A Preparedness Measures and Effects of TY “NONA” DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 20 December 2015, 6:00 PM


1. NDRRMC Operations Center

a. Alert status at the NDRRM Operations Center was raised to Blue Alert Status effective on 12 December 2015, 8:00 AM, and further raised to Red Alert effective 13 December 2015, 12:00 NN to continuously monitor and ensure dissemination of Weather Advisories and 24-hour Public Weather Forecasts to all RDRRMCs/OCDRCs through SMS, facsimile, and websites for further dissemination to their respective Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils (LDRRMCs) from the provincial down to the municipal levels. b. Issued and disseminated the following advisories:  24-hour Public Weather Forecast  General Flood Advisories  Flood Bulletin No. 1 Bicol River Basin on 13 December 2015  Severe Weather Bulletins: No. 1 on 11 December 2015 No. 1-A, 2, and 3 on 12 December 2015 No. 4, 5, 6, 6-A, and 7 on 13 December 2015 No. 8, 9, 10, and 11 on 14 December 2015 No. 12, 13 and 14 on 15 December 2015 No. 16, 17, 18 and 19 on 16 December 2015 No. 20 and 21 (Final) on 17 December 2015  Gale Warnings: No. 1 and 2 on 13 December 2015 No. 3 and 4 on 14 December 2015 No. 5 and 6 on 15 December 2015 No. 7 and 8 on 16 December 2015 No. 9 on 17 December 2015  Lahar Advisory for the Provinces of and related to TY NONA  Notice on Dam Discharge Warning Operation for Angat Dam on 17 December 2015, 8:00 AM issued 16 December 2015, 9:00 PM  Report on Commencement of Preparatory Phase of Flood Warning Operation for San Roque Dam issued on 16 December 2015, 8:03 PM c. Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) Meeting was conducted on 11 December 2015, 10:00 AM at the NDRRM Operations Center, Camp General Aguinaldo, Quezon City. d. A follow-up PDRA Meeting were conducted on 13, 14 and 15 December 2015 at the NDRRMC Operations Center, Camp General Aguinaldo, Quezon City. e. Directed all concerned OCD Regional Centers to conduct PDRA Meeting and raise respective alert levels corresponding to the forecast situation in their respective AORs to ensure the execution of preparedness actions and coordination with concerned agencies. f. Issued and disseminated a memorandum to PAGASA, DSWD, AFP, PNP, PCG, BFP, MGB, DepEd, and DOST-Project NOAH, requiring the said agencies to send their Detailed Duty Officers (DDOs) to render duty at the NDRRMOC to ensure continuous coordination and to assist in facilitating the submission of consolidated preparedness measures of their respective agencies.

2. Armed Forces of the (AFP)

GHQ, AFP a. Conducted a video tele-conference with Unified Commands and major services regarding updates and preparations for “Nona” b. Activated the AFP HADR Crisis Action Team (CAT) on 13 December 2015 c. Placed Major Services, Joint Task Force (JTF) NCR, SOLCOM, and CENTCOM on Red Alert status on 13 December 2015 d. Convened the SOLCOM Battle Staff “Bravo” on 13 December 2015 e. Directed the 2ID and 9ID, PA to activate their respective Battle Staff for action planning f. Alerted the other Unified Command HADR Units and HADR Units of Major Services on 13 December 2015 g. Conducted coordination meeting by AFP Battle Staff Bravo and HADR CAT at 2:00 PM, 14 December 2015 h. Issued warning message to units to prepare for the possible effects of the weather disturbance on 11 December 2015 i. Directed all Unified Commands, Major Services, and AFP Wide Support and Separate Units (AFPWSSUs) to alert their respective HADR units/assets on 12 December 2015

AFP Command Center (AFPCC) a. Issued directive to Unified Commands and Major Services to keep track of the tropical and monitor the areas that are prone to landslide and flooding, for the conduct of pre-emptive evacuation, proactive measures, and Humanitarian Assistance and Disater Relief (HADR) operations in coordination with LGUs and LDRRMC.

Southern Command (SOLCOM) a. Placed personnel and equipment on standby for possible HADR operations b. Identified strategic areas for prepositioning of Quick Response Disaster Response Operations (DRO) Teams. c. Directed Operational Command (OPCOM) units to alert DRRO units to prepare DDRO assets and initiate coordination with LDRRMCs. d. Ensured the availability of vehicles and air assets in case needs arises e. Directed the 2ID and 9ID to activate their respective DRO units and take all necessary preparations to address the possible effects of the weather disturbance f. Established coordination with RDRRMC, LGUs, and other partner agencies to facilitate the possible conduct of DRO g. Declared the red alert status on 13 December 2015 h. 902Bde, PA DRU team with one (1) KM450 truck proceeded to Naga City for possible evacuation operations; one (1) DRU team with one (1) KM250 proceeded to Ragay, to augment one (1) KM450 and personnel; and placed one (1) DRU team with two (2) KM450, one (1) M35, and one (1) KM250 on standby at Camarines Norte i. 903Bde, PA prepositioned DRRO personnel for the briefing of HADR operations and installation of communication equipment j. Deployed the 202nd Brigade Communication Team to OCD IV-A to monitor the effects of TY “NONA”

Naval Force Northern Luzon (NFNL) a. Continuously monitors the track of TY “NONA” and updates all organic and Operational Control (OPCOM) Units especially floating assets, including Naval Base Camilo Osias (NBCO) in Cagayan and Civil Military Operation Unit, Northern Luzon (CMOU-NL) in Casiguran, through text blast and other means of communication.

203rd Brigade a. Alerted DRO Platoons of 4IB, 76IB, and 203rd brigade for possible deployment in case of floods and landslide b. Prepared their WASAR and USAR equipment and placed on standby c. Ensured the availability of one (1) squadron in case of need for clearing operations and six (6) vehicles in Mansalay

Western Command (WESCOM) a. Placed all DRRM and HADR units and rescue equipment on standby for possible deployment

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Central Command (CENTCOM) a. Directed lower units to conduct PDRA in coordination with the regional and local DRRMCs and to undertake preparations ensure operational readiness of response units and forces b. Declared Red Alert Status on 13 December 2015 c. Directed subordinate units to implement their respective HADR Plans in coordination with local DRRMCs on 13 December 2015

63rd Infantry Battalion (IB), PA a. Deployed one (1) team from Bravo Company with one (1) KM250 truck at Mondragon, Northern and one (1) team with one (1) KM250 truck at Poblacion Bonbon, to assist the MDRRMOs on 14 December 2015

20th IB, PA a. Deployed one (1) team with two (2) KM250 trucks at Palapag, Northern Samar and one (1) team from Bravo Company with two (2) KM250 trucks at Lower Libertad, Gamay, Northern Samar to assist the MDRRMOs on 14 December 2015

TOG8 a. Prepositioned one (1) UH-1H helicopter at the headquarters for possible relief and SRR operations

Headquarters, Philippine Army a. Directed the 525 Engineer Construction Battalion (ECB) to prepare for possible augmentation to Unified Commands

Joint Task Force – NCR a. Prepositioned assets and ready for deployment

3. Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)

BFP I a. Directed all BFP personnel to be ready on call anytime and extend the necessary assistance in case of emergencies and other eventualities that may arise b. Ensures the availability of fire/rescue/emergency medical personnel, apparatus, and auxiliary units that would suit all operational needs c. Maintain vigilance and ensure prompt and effective delivery of basic emergency services d. Directed all BFP operation units that no personnel will be on leave and to distribute information materials/flyers on disaster preparedness to the citizenry e. Directed all BFP personnel of operation units to conduct “Ugnayan sa ” particularly on the Basic Safety Tips on what to do during typhoon f. Provides early warning to the citizenry by blowing the sirens of the rescue ambulance/fire trucks as the typhoon/flood is approaching their area

BFP II a. On Red Alert Status b. Alerted all responding units to coordinate with concerned authorities regarding the monitoring of water level in their AOR. c. Ensured the availability of fire, rescue services, apparatus, and auxiliary units suited for all operations needs.

BFP III a. All Operations are on Alert b. Activated Oplan PAGHALASA and Oplan LISTO c. Alerted all BFP stations for possible rescue and response activities d. Roving within AOR is being conducted per station. e. Coordinated with other government agencies such as RDRRMC, PDRRMO, MDRRMO, PNP, LGU and others within their respective AOR.

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BFP IV-A a. Alerted all Provincial, City and Municipal Fire Stations to assist the LDRRMCS and be on standby alert upon receipt of the RDRRMC IV-A advisory. b. City/municipality fire marshals coordinate with Local Government Officials in- order to determine if there is need for personnel deployment that will serve as rescuers to affected areas.

BFP IV-B a. Constantly coordinates with MDRRMOs and LGUs. b. Alerted all BFP personnel for any disaster related response. c. Placed all response assets on standby d. Placed on Red Alert Status on 13 December 2015

BFP V a. Issued memorandum to all Provincial/City/Municipal Fire Marshals, Municipal Fire Prevention Officers regarding Full Alert Status on 11 December 2015, 12:00 NN. b. Activated OPLAN PAGHALASA (Paghahanda Laban sa Sakuna) with the following additional instructions:  All operating units shall undertake proactive steps in partnership and coordination with the R/P/C/MDRRMC, concerned AFP, PNP, LGUs and other government and non-government agencies relevant to the delivery of fire safety, rescue/emergency medical services and disaster related operations;  All officers and key personnel of BFP Offices must be ready on-call anytime and extend assistance in case of emergencies and other eventualities;  All officers shall ensure availability of fire/rescue/emergency medical personnel, apparatus and auxiliary units to suit operational needs;  All personnel must be present to ensure prompt and effective delivery of fire safety/rescue/emergency medical services and relief operations;  Fire Marshals shall ensure that required actions contained in the DILG OPLAN LISTO-LGU Disaster Preparedness Manual checklist will be properly undertaken; and  Fire Marshals shall observe Special Operations and Disaster Management under BFP Operational Procedures Manual.

4. Department of Agriculture (DA)

DA III a. Released an advisory that harvesting and drying activities in provinces with crops in maturity phase is suspended due to rain showers.

DA IV-B a. Ensured the availability of buffer stock of planting material to replace damage crops in DA Provincial Offices

5. Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Mines and Geosciences Bureau (DENR – MGB)

DENR – MGB III a. Issued advisory for and all other areas for possible landslides.

DENR – MGB IV-A a. Issued advisories to identified landslides- and flood-prone areas.

6. Department of Education (DepEd)

a. Disseminated weather advisories to all DepEd local officials and DRRM Coordinators to coordinate with their respective LGUs for possible class suspension on 14 December 2015 via INFOboard text blast.

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b. Reiterated preemptive advisory to DepEd local officials and coordinators of Regions IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, VII, and VIII to inform school heads in their respective area of responsibility (AOR) to secure all school records and properties in preparation of the incoming TY “NONA”.

DepEd IV-A a. Ensures the availability of schools that can be utilized as evacuation centers. b. Activated the Operations Center to monitor weather updates and disseminate it to all school heads. c. Prepared alternative Temporary Learning Space (TLS) to ensure continuity of learning.

DepEd IV-B a. Sent advisories to schools to ready classrooms in case a need for evacuation has occurred

7. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)

a. Informed/alerted concerned Governors, Mayors and LDRRMOs of incoming TY “NONA” through: personal calls, text blasts and emails. b. Advised LGUs to activate pre-disaster monitoring teams. c. Directed Local Chief Executives (LCEs) to comply with disaster preparedness protocols. d. Provided constant updates on weather alerts/advisories and projected track to LGUs.

DILG I a. Continuously disseminates weather bulletins to LGUs through DILG Provincial Directors regarding TY “NONA” b. Posts weather advisories through facebook for wider coverage. c. DILG Provincial Offices (POs) to ensure the serving of written notices to Local Chief Executives (LCEs) as proof of service that DILG RO/POs notified the LGUs regarding the impending disaster. d. Closely coordinates with OCD and four (4) provinces in their AOR.

DILG II a. Issued advisory to all DILG Provincial and City Offices and LDRRMOs to activate their Operations Centers.

DILG III b. Issued advisory to all DILG Provincial/City Directors regarding the potential risk areas that will be affected by the typhoon on 14 December 2015. c. Is on White Alert Status effective on 15 December 2015 and advised Governor/Mayors and DILG personnel to observe all existing disaster protocols. d. Issue advisories in the conduct of preemptive evacuation in critical areas and downstream barangay along River to the Provinces of Bulacan, , Pampanga, and as well as flash flood alert on 16 December 2015. e. Issued potential risk areas for matrix for TS NONA and DILG-CODIX Hotdog to all provinces and cities.

DILG IV-A a. Assisted in the dissemination of NDRRMC weather advisories within their AOR. b. Alerted all Local Government Operations Officers (LGOOs) to ensure the preparedness of LGUs were undertaken. c. Issued Advisories to all DILG Provincial and City Directors, Cluster Officers, Municipal Local Government Operations Officers, Provincial Governors, City/Municipal Mayors, Punong Barangays, and other concerned to activate their respective monitoring systems and advised all LDRRMCs in their AOR to undertake precautionary measures and other proactive actions for the possible effects of the Typhoon “NONA”.

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d. Ensured preparedness and in close coordination with Teresa, Rizal; San Andres, Quezon and Sampaloc, Quezon due to heavy rainfall

DILG IV-B a. Activated all DILG Provincial Operations Centers b. Activated the monitoring and reporting system of LGUs based on Operations Listo. c. Disseminated NDRRMC weather advisories within their AOR. d. Advised all LGOOs to ensure that the preparedness of LGUs were undertaken.

DILG V a. Implemented/operationalized Project Listo Protocols. b. Ensured the presence of LCEs in their respective stations to personally supervise the preparatory measures to be undertaken by the LDRRMC as prescribed under Project Listo Protocols. Travels of LCEs, both local and foreign, are not allowed until such time that the no longer poses threat in their respective localities. c. Activated DRRM Operations Center/Monitoring Units. d. Prepositioned goods and necessary services. e. Ensured that communication "feedbacking" through various channels by PDRRMOs is available. Back-up power supply shall be secured to prevent disruption of reporting to this level and RDRRM Operation Center. f. Activated their Disaster Monitoring Team on 11 December 2015

DILG VI a. Activated the disaster monitoring and working system for TY “NONA”. b. Advised the PDRRMOs and CDRRMOs to activate their monitoring system c. Alerted LDRRMCs

DILG VIII a. Activated the Disaster Monitoring and Reporting System initiated by CODIX and constant updating of the LGUs thru field offices. b. Monitored LGUs thru field offices in different provinces of the region thru all means of communication. c. Triangulation on information/reports on damage assessed, affected families, casualties and status of lifelines received. d. Close coordination with PNP and DOH for validation of information/updates. e. Participated in the aerial survey conducted in Northern Samar

DILG X a. Disseminated the warnings and bulletins to the LGUs. b. Operation Center on 24/7 and on standby for any eventualities

DILG CAR a. Advised all Local Chief Executive to introduced Oplan Listo as reference for preparations. b. Ensured coordination with DSWD Provincial Directors to alert LGUs on the potential threat of the typhoon.

DILG NIR c. Activated Alert Level Alpha

8. Department of Health (DOH)

a. On Code White Alert. b. Issued alert memorandum to affected regions c. Sent weather forecast to all stakeholders. d. Continuously monitors and provides updates regarding the weather disturbance through Smart Infoboard. e. A total of ₱9,983,325.74 worth of logistics were prepositioned in Regions IV- B, V, VI, VIII, and NCR and a total of ₱102,299,963.50 worth of logistics is present at DOH Regional Offices’ warehouse and DOH Central Office

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f. Operations Centers of regional offices and hospitals affected are activated and operate on a 24/7 basis g. Checked adequacy of prepositioned medicines and logistics h. Ensured the availability of standby medical teams in the Regional and Provincial DOH Offices and retained hospitals i. Reminded Regional and Provincial DOH Offices to attend DRRMC meetings at all levels

DOH-HEMB j. Issued weather alert to all regional offices and weather updates to concerned agencies and hospitals through Smart Infoboard

DOH I a. RESU-HEMS Pre Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) Core Group Meeting at the Concord Building on December 14, 2015. b. Operations Center (OpCen) raised its status to “Code Blue Alert” and on 24-hour duty to monitor health events related to TY “NONA”. c. The four (4) Provincial DOH OpCen are likewise activated and on 8-5 PM duty; Teams n-duty are ready for 24-hour shift if necessary and in direct coordination with their local DRRMCs and local units for needed assistance. d. Alerted Cluster Heads of DOH RO1/Public Health Team for ready deployment and provision of technical assistance and logistics. e. Prepositioned Drugs and Medicines to Provincial DOH Offices as of October 14, 2015: Province Items Amount Ilocos Sur Assorted Drugs and ₱ 376, 018.60 Ilocos Norte Medicines 468, 026.00 Pangasinan 45, 613.00 La Union 330, 757.56 TOTAL ₱1,220, 415.16

f. Stockpile of Drugs and Medicines (Assorted): Unit Estimated Cost Warehouse (General Supply) ₱ 25, 970,916.67

DOH III a. On Code White Alert. While DOH Retained Hospitals are on Code Blue Alert b. Advised all PDOHOs to continuously monitor the situation and to conduct Rapid Health Assessment (RHA) at their AOR. c. Distributed Doxycycline and Aquatabs to the typhoon-affected areas. d. Provided Dignity Kits in the Provinces of Nueva Ecija (300 kits), Bulacan (200 kits), and (200 Kits). e. Advised LGUs to activate SPEED. f. Deployed RHA Team in the Provinces of Nueva Ecija and Aurora.

DOH IV-A g. Alerted all personnel to closely monitor weather conditions and any untoward incident in the Region. h. Placed all health personnel and medical teams on stand-by and ready for deployment. i. Ensured the availability of medicines and medical supplies to all DOH Extension Offices. j. Prepositioned drugs and medicines:

 Cavite: ₱485,500.00  Laguna: ₱348,413.50  Batangas: ₱440,495.00  Rizal: ₱886,820.00  Quezon: ₱612,410.00  DOH RO IV-A: ₱10,000,000 ₱12,773,639

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DOH IV-B a. Raised Code White Alert b. Prepositioned assorted drugs and medicines in Provincial DOH Offices c. Continuously coordinates with DOH retained hospitals and other attached agencies including entry and exit points. d. Advised PDOHOs to coordinate with HEMS-PHO for health emergencies monitored and Ports Authority and advised nearby Port Health Facilities to be on standby for possible health assistance. e. Coordinated with Philippine Air Force (PAF) 505 Search and Rescue (SAR) for the utilization of Air Medical Services in the region. f. PHO prepositioned medicines and medical supplies in the Municipalities of Coron and Busuanga, Palawan.

DOH V a. On Code White Alert effective on 11 December 2015. b. Prepositioned logistics at Provincial DOH Offices amounting to ₱564,550.10 c. Ensured the availability of assorted drugs, medicines, and supplies for distribution d. Continuously coordinates with PDOs, PHOs, and DOH retained hospitals in relation to TY “NONA” e. Deployed nurses under Nurse Deployment Program of DOH to different evacuation centers f. In coordination with PDOs, PHO’s and DOH Retained hospitals on actions taken for TY “NONA”. g. In continuous monitoring of pre-emptive evacuation of different provinces in the region. h. Deployed Rapid Health Assessment teams and NDP Nurses to different evacuation centers. i. Prepositioned medicines to PDOs worth P564,550.10 j. Augmentation to PHO Albay (Folding beds and Hygiene kits 120pcs) worth ₱43,028.40 and to PHO Sorsogon (Hygiene kits 100 pcs) worth ₱23,357.00.

DOH VIII a. Raised Code White Alert b. Activated their Operations Center with standby response teams c. Health Information Management closely monitors the weather status d. Coordinates with RDRRMC member agencies and field counterparts

DOH NCR a. Prepositioned assorted medicines (4,000/district) worth ₱3,000,000.00

9. Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

DOST IV-A a. Closely monitors the weather Early Warning System (EWS) within their AOR b. Utilized Project HANDA Text Blast to continuously disseminate weather advisories.

10. Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)

DPWH IV-A a. Activated DRRM Teams in all district offices in the region. b. Placed all heavy equipment and assets on standby. c. Continuously monitors the status of national roads in the region.

DPWH IV-B a. Activated Motor Vehicle User Charge (MVUC) and maintenance crew of District Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Teams to monitor condition of national roads and bridges and other infrastructures facilities. b. Placed equipments on standby for possible mobilization. c. Maintenance Point Persons of the District Offices were deployed on their respective area of assignment, assessing possible effect of the typhoon.

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DPWH V a. In continuous monitoring of the situation. b. DRRM teams on continuous monitoring and are on standby and ready for deployment. c. All national roads and bridges are passable.

DPWH VIII a. Prepositioned equipment and vehicle at DPWH District Engineering Offices

DPWH CAR a. Continuously monitors road conditions in the region. b. Prepositioned heavy equipment for possible clearing operations.

DPWH NCR c. Recommended to stop deep excavation activities, secure on-going construction of high-rise buildings, and alert flood prone areas

11. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

a. Prepositioned a total of ₱707,871,861.62 standby funds, 297,768 family food packs, and ₱196,300,713.08 worth of food and non-food items available at the Field Offices in Regions III, IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, VII, VIII, NCR, and National Resource Operations Center (NROC) as of 14 December 2015:

STOCKPILE COSTS STANDBY REGION Family Packs FUNDS (₱) Food (₱) Non-Food (₱) Quantity Total Cost TOTAL 707,871,861.62 297,768 98,878,181.08 93,529,625.82 102,771,087.26 NCR 3,030,605.00 80 29,496.00 3,180,977.31 1,113,342.75 III 3,087,451.27 20,867 7,303,450.00 222,604.80 144,878.56 IV-A 1,956,192.55 14,700 4,948,900.00 1,038,267.60 5,056,857.84 IV-B 4,174,331.05 8,855 2,961,937.90 5,140,792.94 1,170,940.61 V 3,039,000.00 28,465 11,556,790.00 6,757,400.00 20,350,752.42 VI 5,726,500.00 23,065 7,842,231.00 9,956,335.00 1,145,279.45 VII 6,031,892.87 38,112 7,769,764.00 24,757,705.00 15,860,696.60 VIII 3,006,063.00 13,882 6,385,720.00 - 1,099,380.00 CARAGA 8,603,503.88 13,598 5,950,176.02 1,399,368.06 4,568,658.74 NROC 669,216,322.00 136,144 44,129,716.16 41,076,175.11 52,260,300.29

DSWD I a. Placed Quick Action Response Teams (QART) on standby for possible deployment. b. Regular monitors and conducts inventory of stockpile and prepositioned goods

DSWD II a. Prepositioned 9,500 FFPs in different municipalities of four (4) provinces of the region. b. The Field Office has available standby funds amounting to PhP13,773,654.43 and 25,274 FFPs stockpile and other available goods consisting of 378 cases of corned beef, 230 cases of sausage, 49 cases of sardines, 1,1158 sacks of NFA rice and 3,696 ready-to-eat food (RTEF) and additional 34,774 FFPs are available for augmentation support to the affected localities. c. Disaster Management Response Teams (DMRTs) of the Field Office, SWD Teams and P/CMATs are regularly provided with advisories on the progress of the rains since December 14, 2015 and reminded of their responsibilities. d. Regular monitors and conducts inventory of stockpile and prepositioned goods.

DSWD III a. Packed 1,525 Family Food Packs. b. Coordinated and validated reports of affected individuals and families.

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DSWD IV-A a. Alerted all Social Welfare and Development (SWAD) teams to monitor their respective areas. b. Ensures the availability of Disaster Assistance and Family Access Card (DAFAC) to master list the possible affected families. c. Continuously monitors the status of the tropical cyclone d. Activated all Regional/Provincial Quick Response Teams (R/PQRTs) to monitor the weather disturbance. e. Prepositioned 1,000 FFPs in Batangas on 15 December 2015

DSWD IV-B a. Activated Field Offices Crisis Intervention/Quick Response Teams to monitor the situation. b. Prepositioned food and non-food items in geographically isolated depressed areas c. Prepositioned relief goods in Coron, Palawan

DSWD V a. Placed SWAD teams in six (6) provinces on standby b. SWAD teams are continuously coordinating with P/C/MDRRMOs c. Prepositioned a total 8,000 family food packs in Matnog and Castilla, Sorsogon, Tinambad and 3rd district of Camarines Sur, and Guinobatan, Albay d. Prepositioned a total of 8,000 FFPs in the following municipalities:  Matnog, Sorsogon – 2,000 FFPs  Castilla, Sorsogon – 1,000 FFPs  Tinambac, Camarines Sur – 1,000 FFPs  Guinobatan, Albay – 3,000 FFPs  3rd District of Camarines Sur – 2,000 FFPs

DSWD VI a. Prepositioned a total of 30,661 family food worth ₱370.00/pack (assorted canned goods and noodles). b. Allocated Quick Response Fund (QRF) amounting to ₱5,400,000.00 c. Ensured the availability of standby stocks of 130 sacks of rice for the 1st District of and 25 kilos of rice/family for island barangays

DSWD VIII a. Mobilized filed staff to assist in the conduct of rapid assessment b. Activated the Quick Response Team at the field office on 24/7 operation to render disaster monitoring and response duty. c. Delivered relief goods/commodities both food and non-food for distribution to affected families. d. Deployed staff of Office of Civil Defense (24/7) duty along with other RDRRMC member agencies to monitor the effects of typhoon e. Alerted the Social Welfare and Development (SWAD) Team in the provinces

DSWD CAR a. Prepared and prepositioned family food packs in the provincial offices.

DSWD NCR b. Alerted disaster teams for possible response operation. c. Prepositioned 6,680 family food packs, 5,000 mats, and 4,932 blankets

DSWD CARAGA a. Alerted Provincial and Municipal Action Teams (P/MATs) b. PSWDO and PDDMC of the Province of Dinagat Islands have stockpile of 2,000 family food packs c. Prepositioned a total of 8,000 family food packs to Loreto, Tubajon, and Libjo in the Province of Dinagat Islands, and Burgos, Socorro, Pilar, and Dapa in Surigao del Norte

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12. Metropolitan Development Authority (MMDA)

a. Placed composite teams on standby.

13. National Food Authority (NFA)

a. Activated Operations Center (OpCen) to ensure ready assistance b. Constant market monitoring is being undertaken. To date, no reported increase in prices of commercial rice. c. Regular coordination with LGUs and other relief agencies d. Ensured NFA warehouses in areas affected by TY “NONA: have sufficient stock inventory for rice issuances/withdrawals for relief operations.

14. National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP)

a. Ensures the reliability of communications equipment, availability of hardware materials and supplies necessary for the repair of damages to facilities, as well as the positioning of line crews in strategic areas, to facilitate immediate restoration work.

15. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)

a. Continuously monitors the situation and disseminates Weather Advisories, Severe Weather Bulletins, and 24-hour Public Weather Forecast.

PAGASA V a. Ensures the provision of weather updates / advisories including localized updates. b. Conducts continuous weather monitoring

PAGASA Baguio Station a. Continuously monitors the situation and disseminates Weather Advisories, Severe Weather Bulletins, and 24-hour Public Weather Forecast to OCD CAR Operations Center, council members, and member agencies.

16. Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)

a. Activated a total of 143 Teams with assets in seven (7) stations/substations and for possible deployment b. Advised all PCG units to ensure strict implementation of HPCG Memorandum Circular Number 02-13 (Guidelines on Movement of Vessels during Heavy Weather)

PCG District Northwestern Luzon (CGDNWLZN) a. Placed all district operations centers and Water, Search and Rescue (WASAR) Teams on standby. b. Implemented the policy of preventing fisher folks and other small sea vessels from venturing out the sea given the threat of big waves in coordination with local leaders.

PCG Southern Tagalog (STL) / NCR a. PCG-STL/NCR on standby alert mode with assets ready for deployment to flood prone and coastal areas. b. Continuously coordinates with coastal barangays and LDRRMOs. c. Monitors the maritime situation to avert maritime emergencies/ incidents. d. Activated Deployable Response Group and closely monitoring the movement of TY “NONA”. e. Placed three (3) Deployable Response Group (DRG) with four (4) rubber boats, diving equipment, and two (2) aluminum boats on standby and ready for deployment f. Directed all units to make maximum information drive to all coastal barangays g. Directed all units to strictly observe the guidelines on movement of vessels during bad weather conditions

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PCG District Palawan a. Placed rescue boats and other assets on standby b. Advised all CG Stations and Substations to ensure strict implementation of guidelines on the movement of vessels during bad weather c. Advised all response groups of the Coast Guard Special Forces Unit to place all floating assets on standby d. Ensured that all CG stations and personnel are ready for deployment in any areas affected by TY NONA e. Reminded all frontline units of stations in the province to have discretion in the cancelation of sailing

PCG Bicol a. Placed on heightened alert b. Ensured that all assets are ready for deployment. c. All Coast Guard stations have coordinated with all LGU's in their respective Area of Responsibility (AORs). d. Attended PDRA meeting for TY “NONA”. e. Issued directives to all PCGDB substations to advice all vessels plying in respective AOR not to venture out into the sea and make necessary coordination with P/MDRRMO and local radio broadcaster for the dissemination of the said information.

PCG District Western a. Enforced the suspension of voyage of all watercrafts/vessels bound for , Batangas, Manila, and other destinations north of Island b. Lifted the suspension of trips from Iloilo to Bacolod at 9:00 AM, 14 December 2015

Coast Guard Station – Iloilo a. Enforced the suspension of voyage of all vessels bound for Cebu, Batangas, Manila and other destinations north of the Panay Island Area due to the passage of TY “NONA” on 13 December 2015

Coast Guard Station – Roxas City a. Cancelled trips of passenger vessels to ensure safety of seafarers and passengers

Coast Guard Station – Surigao City a. Suspended all types of sea vessel trips and other sea activities over the Province of Dinagat Islands and Siargao Islands

17. Philippine Information Agency (PIA)

PIA II a. Regular monitoring of weather bulletins and disseminated the information to the public.

PIA IV-A b. Assists RDRRMC IV-A in the dissemination of advisories and provision of updates.

PIA VI a. Continuously uses their TextPlus program to relay information and answer queries. b. Utilized Infoboard and social media accounts in posting relevant information to help people in preparing for possible disaster. c. Provides daily updates through their website and local newspaper.

18. Philippine National Police (PNP)

PNP IV-A a. Directed all Provincial Directors, Chiefs of Police to prepare assets and place on standby for possible deployment, coordinate with LDRRMCs and force multipliers, and activate their respective Disaster Operations Centers.

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b. Placed Regional Public Safety Battalion Search and Rescue personnel on standby. c. Alerted SAR Teams and other PNP personnel for rapid deployment.

PNP IV-B a. Alerted all Police Provincial Office down to their lower units. b. The Regional Tactical Operations Center (RTOC) was converted to Regional Disaster Operations Center (RDOC) on 13 December 2015 c. Activated the PRO Disaster Incident Management Task Group d. Placed SAR teams on standby and ready for deployment e. PPOs/CPOs disseminates information regarding TY NONA

PNP V a. Heightened alert status to full alert b. Conducted inventory of Disaster Response Units (DRUs) c. Activated the holding areas for stranded vehicles in Matnog, Irosin, Juban, and Casiguran Municipal Police Stations and Sorsogon City Police Station d. Directed lower units to coordinate with their respective LDRRMCs e. Directed Police Provincial Offices (PPOs) and CPO to identify staging areas, evacuation routes, and evacuation centers f. Directed PPOs and CPO to conduct inventory of SAR teams and assets

Sorsogon PPO a. Alerted personnel to provide police visibility in vacated areas in case of evacuation and to provide security at designated evacuation centers. b. Ensured readiness of SAR equipment and supplies. c. Placed patrol cars on standby for possible evacuation and warning system.

Catanduanes PPO a. A total of 113 SAR assets are made available.

PNP VIII a. Closely coordinates with PPOs and Municipal and City Police Stations b. Placed SAR team on standby and ready for deployment

NCRPO a. Placed manpower and equipment on standby alert status

19. Philippine Red Cross (PRC)

PRC Albay-Legazpi a. Staff and volunteer on standby mode b. Prepositioned food items for possible distribution to evacuees c. 2LMS on standby for water support.


a. RDRRMCs I, II, III, IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, VII, VIII, X, CAR, Caraga, NCR, and NIR ccontinuously disseminates weather advisories to RDRRMC member-agencies, P/C/MDRRMCs, and local media (radio stations) though OCDRC Infoboard Text Blast System, and upload the same to social accounts to effectively ensure public safety and achieve zero-casualty; alerted and closely coordinates with all PDRRMCs and RDRRMC member-agencies for possible rescue, relief, and other response operations relative to the weather disturbance; and continuously monitors the situation in their respective AORs. b. RDRRMCs IV-A, V, VI, NCR, and CAR conducted Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) meetings in preparation for the effects of Typhoon “NONA”


a. Prepared and submitted Preparedness Measures re: TY “NONA” to OCD Central Office.

Page 13 of 23 b. Requested all PDRRMCs and RDRRMC Member Agencies to be on standby for possible rescue, relief and other response operations relative to the present weather disturbance. c. Issued Memoranda re: Notice of Activation to BLUE ALERT STATUS of RDRRMC1 Operations Center on 15 December 2015 and Submission of Preparedness Measures re: TY “NONA”. d. Conducted PDRA meeting on 14 December 2015, 10:30 AM at Concord Building, Camp BGen Oscar M Florendo, Barangay Parian, San Fernando City, La Union. e. Raised Alert Status from Blue to Red Alert and disseminated to all RDRRMC Member Agencies and PDRRMOs.

PDRRMCs Pangasinan, La Union, Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte a. Placed Operations Centers on standby. b. Conducts warning dissemination to communities and to local radio stations.

PDRRMC Ilocos Norte a. Informed all organic heads of the Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte and to PDRRMC Ilocos Norte member-agencies to monitor their AOR. b. Advised Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) to ready equipment and the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer (PSWDO) to check available relief goods and evacuation centers, and health emergency management system. c. Advised agriculture office to monitor production areas on corn, mango, tobacco, fisheries, and livestock.

PDRRMC La Union a. Prepositioned assets ready for deployment and relief goods ready for distribution. b. Placed their Medical Response Team on standby and ready for deployment. c. Continuously monitors the possible effects of TY “NONA” in the province. d. Alert Status elevated from Blue to Red e. Rescue teams and rescue equipment on standby f. Informed MDRRMOs and partner agencies of current alert status

PDRRMC Ilocos Sur a. Advised City/Municipal DRRM Councils to preposition their assets and equipment for possible deployment. b. Alerted municipalities together with member agencies and informed the governor. c. Placed rescue teams on standby and ready for mobilization.

PDRRMC Pangasinan a. Continuously monitors the weather situation and the San Roque Water Dam elevation b. On standby to attend phone calls of any untoward incidents that may need assistance of the PDRRMC. c. Clustering of Disaster Response and Rescue Teams (DRRT) and d. Prepositioned disaster assets and equipment. e. Conducts stockpiling of relief goods, medicines, and other basic materials. f. Advised all fishermen within coastal Municipalities/Barangays, through their LCEs/Barangay Chairmen, not to venture out of the sea during inclement weather. g. Implemented Preparedness Plan dubbed as “Oplan Kahandaan Para Sa Bagyong “Nona” in order to attain Zero-Casualty. h. Activated Pangasinan PDRRMC to Blue Alert. PDRRMO already alerted Human Society Cluster as well as C/MDRRMOs of hazard prone areas to stay on guard since 14 December 2015.

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MDRRMC Alcala a. Implemented it Preparedness Plan “OPLAN ALCALA”.

MDRRMC Bolinao a. On Red Alert Status. b. Continuous dissemination of weather updates to all BDRRMCs


a. OCDRC2 is on Red Alert Status. b. Coordinated with Local DRRMCs re situation in their respective AORs and their preparedness measures to be undertaken. c. Alerted Local DRRMCs for possible occurrence of any emergency. d. Conducted PDRA Meeting re continuous rains on 17 December 2015.

PDRRMC Cagayan a. On 24/7 monitoring of the situation in the AOR

Tuguegarao City DRRMC a. Activated ICS effective 17 December 2015, 8:00AM b. CDRRMC Operations Center disseminated advisories re possible flooding to all DRRMCs and other stakeholders, and BLGUs through SMS for further dissemination of their respective Barangay DRRM Committee c. Directed BDRRMCs concerned to undertake precautionary measures in their areas of responsibility (AOR) through SMS Blast and subsequently advised BDRRMCs to initiate pre-emptive evacuation of families in low-lying areas and flash flood risk areas, is situation warrants d. Positioned task force at Rescue 1111 Outpost and initial clearing operation was conducted e. Positioned barricades at Pinacanauan Bridge and intersections of Teresa Avenue f. Prepositioned heavy equipment at Rescue 1111 Outpost g. Continuous and close monitoring of installed rain gauge, water level monitoring stations and advisories from OCD/DOST-PAGASA h. Conducted initial relief operation at Centro 10

Peñablanca DRRMC a. On 24/7 monitoring of the situation b. Rescue 24 is on alert status

PDRRMC Isabela a. 24/7 monitoring of the situation in the AOR

Ilagan City DRRMC a. Continuous monitoring of AOR b. Continuous dissemination of alerts, warnings and updates to the public for possible landslides, flooding on low-lying areas via text message, 2- way radio and LED information board c. Continuous monitoring of water level, bridges and high risk barangays d. Continuous weather and forecast monitoring e. Preparation of ready-to-eat/cooked food for the evacuees f. Provision of canopies at temporary camps for the evacuees

Cauayan City DRRMC a. Continuous monitoring of weather updates on PAGASA-DOST website b. Continuous monitoring of rainfall gauges on Project NOAH and Weather Philippines websites, status of roads and bridges, water level of Magat Dam, c. Plotting of storm track gathered from PAGASA website on CDRRMO monitoring board and monitoring form d. CBDRRMO members are already alerted for possible evacuation e. Maintained all communications/hotlines open Page 15 of 23

PDRRMC Quirino a. 24/7 monitoring of the situation in the AOR

PDRRMC Nueva Vizcaya a. Activated PDRRMC b. Alerted all MDRRMCs c. Continuous monitoring of water level d. Prepositioned of heavy equipment for road clearing operations e. Rescue teams on standby alert f. Relief goods readily available g. 24/7 monitoring of the situation in the AOR


a. Emergency Operation Center alert status was upgraded from WHITE to Blue Alert Status effective 8:00AM of 12 December 2015. Effective 5:00 AM, 16 December 2015, OCD III Alert Status was upgraded from BLUE to RED Alert Status. b. PDRA Meeting was conducted on 16 December 2015, 11:30 AM. c. Disseminated bulletins, warnings, and advisories to all corned Local Chief Executives, Local DRRM Officers and Regional DRRMCs thru SMART Infoboard, facsimile and email.

PDRRMCs Aurora, Bulacan, , Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, and Zambales a. In close monitoring of the situation. b. Disseminated NDRRMC and PAGASA on Weather Bulletin, Gale Warnings and General Flood Advisories to all DRRM and PDRRMC Member Agencies thru social media, SMS and radios

PDRRMC Aurora a. Conducted Pre-emptive Evacuation in Baler, Aurora due to heavy rainfall and rise of water level.

PDRRMC Bataan a. In continuous coordination with RDRRMC member-agencies. b. Activated the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) for continuous monitoring c. All resources and response teams were prepositioned and are on standby d. Advised all DRRM and concerned agencies to report any eventuality e. In continuous monitoring of critical areas on flooding/landslide in their respective AOR. f. Advised to conduct pre-emptive evacuation if necessary.

PDRRMC Bulacan a. PDRRMO/Bulacan Rescue Staff conducted meeting in preparation for the incoming TY NONA (using PDRA & Operation LISTO) Dec. 14, 2015 at 8:30 AM b. At 5:00 PM, 13 December 2015, the Province of Bulacan is included in DILG Operation Listo-ALPHA that need minimum critical preparation. c. PDRRMC OpCen is in continued coordination with Cities / Municipalities / BFP / PNP / Rescue Teams and other concerned agencies. d. Monitoring of the situation thru radio, fax, telephone, mobile messages and FB Account

PDRRMC Nueva Ecija a. PDRRMC has been activated as early as December 14, 2015 while DILG Provincial Monitoring Operations Center was activated on 16 December 2015 to closely monitor the present weather conditions in the province. b. DPWH NEED 1 and DPWH NEED 2 were prepositioned in Barangay Labi, Bongabon and Barangay Putlan, Carranglan respectively as stand-by for possible road clearing operations due to landslide or mud flows. c. Established sub-central command post in Jaen and Cabiao.

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PDRRMC Pampanga a. In continuous monitoring and close coordination with PRFFWC on the tributaries of the Pampanga River Basin in Tarlac and Nueva Ecija that may affect Pampanga River Tributaries’ water levels. b. Prepositioned Disaster Response Equipment and Manpower on stand-by 24/7 at the PDRRM OpCen. c. Guagua MDRRMC activated LDRRMC Operations Center and convened LDRRM Council d. Release 2000 empty sacks to the Municipality of San Simon for pre-emptive sandbagging. e. Conducted pre-emptive sandbagging at Barangay Sucad Dike, Apalit. f. Prepared and prepositioned disaster response equipment and manpower on standby at PDRRMO Operations Center. g. Conducted disaster monitoring at PDRRMO Operations Center, Sindalan.

PDRRMC Tarlac a. PDRRMC is on red alert status effective 8:00 AM, 15 December 2015 to closely monitor the situation. b. Alerted all MDRRMC’s re: for possible effects of “TY NONA” and create plan for emergency situation and/or disaster management for implementation. c. In close coordination with all DRRMO to regularly monitor the situation in their respective AOR.


a. OCD-RDRRMOC IV-A on heightened alert. b. Disseminated RDRRMC IV-A memorandum regarding Preparations for TY “NONA” to RDRRMC member agencies and the CALABARZON LDRRMOS. c. Conducts continuous monitoring and coordination with CALABARZON PDRRMCs regarding weather situation and any untoward incidents. d. Reminded DRRMCs to continuously disseminate NDRRMC/RDRRMC advisories through local/community leaders and/or local media to inform/warn communities, particularly residents in low-lying areas, near mountain slopes and coastal areas of possible flooding/flashfloods, landslides, storm surges and big waves. e. RDRRMC Response Agencies (DILG, DSWD, 202nd BDE Communications Team, PCG-STL) on-duty at the RDRRMC IV-A Operations Center since 14 December 2015.

PDRRMCs Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon a. Placed their Operations Center on heightened alert. b. Placed SRR Teams on standby alert and ready for deployment. c. Instructed City and Municipal DRRMOs to alert LGUs on identified landslide-prone, flood-prone, and low-lying areas. d. Activated contingency plans for the tropical cyclone.

PDRRMC Cavite a. Conducted PDRA on 14 December 2015 b. Conducted Provincial Council Meeting on 15 December 2015. c. Prepositioned rescue equipment and personnel at Imus OpCen for possible utilization in lowland LGUs and in Trece Matirez for upland LGUs.

PDRRMC Quezon a. Prepositioned Tactical Operations Group 4 resources: one (1) SAR Team on standby, one (1) SAR Team on call and one (1) rubber boat ready for utilization.


a. Placed their OpCen on Red Alert Status on 13 December 2015, 12:00 NN, for close coordination and monitoring of TY “NONA”.

Page 17 of 23 b. Issued Memorandum to RDRRMC Member agencies regarding the alert status and advised DRR focal person to render duty at OCD MIMAROPA OpCen on 14 December 2015. c. Deployed personnel in and Palawan for emergency monitoring and logistics support d. Issued memorandum to P/C/MDRRMCs regarding the conduct of pre- emptive evacuation and the implementation of the No Sail Policy on 14 December 2015. e. In coordination with PDRRMO Oriental Mindoro, City Public Safety Department City, PRC Oriental Mindoro Chapter and Philippine Ports Authority in connection with the preparation for TY “NONA”. f. Coordinated with the CDRRMO, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro and PRC, Oriental Mindoro Chapter for the food assistance to be provided to stranded passengers in Calapan City Port and Dangay Port. g. Provided food assistance to responders and PDRRMC member- agencies of the Province and the City of Calapan who rendered 24/7 services in the Operation Center.

PDRRMC Cavite a. Prepositioned rescue equipment and personnel at Imus OpCen for lowland LGUs and at Trece Martirez for upland LGUs.

PDRRMC Laguna a. Briefed and distributed additional medical supplies to deployed SAR and Medical Teams.

PDRRMC a. Activated their OpCen b. Closely monitors the situation in their AOR c. Placed responders on standby. d. Disseminated weather advisories to LGUs

PDRRMC Palawan b. Advised all QRTs to be on standby and ready for deployment and prepositioned relief goods in Coron

MDRRMC Coron a. Instructed the Municipal Engineer to prepare the vehicles for evacuation and to trim the trees to avoid incident. b. Implemented No Sail Policy and continuous price monitoring. c. Prepared all possible evacuation centers in barangay. d. Instructed Philippine Coast Guard, Philippine National Police, Maritime and Bureau of Fire protection to be on full alert.

PDRRMCs , Oriental Mindoro, , and Palawan and MDRRMCs Looc, Occidental Mindoro, Alcantara, Sta. Fe, Corcuera, and Ferrol, Romblon; Mogpog, Boac, Sta Cruz, Gasan, Buenavista, and Torrijos, Marinduque; Calapan and Victoria, Oriental Mindoro; Rizal and Lubang Occidental Mindoro; and Taytay, Roxas, Busuanga, and San Vicente Palawan a. Convened in preparation for Typhoon “NONA”

MDRRMCs Mogpog, Sta Cruz, Gasan, and Buenavista, Marinduque; Ferrol and San Jose, Romblon; and Pola, Oriental Mindoro a. Conducted pre-emptive evacuation of families along coastal barangays

MDRRMC Looc, Occidental Mindoro a. Implemented the No Sail Policy on 14 December 2015 b. Advised BDRRMCs to activate and prepare their evacuation plan

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MDRRMCs Alcantara, Romblon; Gasan, Buenavista, and Torrijos, Marinduque; Taytay, Roxas and Busuanga, Palawan; Victoria, Oriental Mindoro; and San Vicente, Palawan a. Activated their Operations Center for coordination and monitoring of TY NONA

MDRRMC Busuanga, Palawan

a. Issued No Sail Policy to all fisher folks

b. Advised all barangays in their AOR to activate their operations center

MDRRMC San Vicente, Palawan a. Alerted BDRRMCs for possible occurrence of storm surges

MDRRMC San Agustin, Romblon a. Issued directive to all Barangay Chairmen regarding preventive measures for Typhoon “NONA”

MDRRMC Victoria, Oriental Mindoro a. Advised families near the lake for possible occurrence of storm surges

MDRRMC Najuan, Oriental Mindoro a. Advised the implementation of No Sail Policy to all coastal communities

CDRRMC Calapan, Oriental, Mindoro

a. Advised coastal barangays regarding the possible effects of TY NONA b. Prepositioned rescue equipment, heavy equipment, and disaster relief


c. Continuously monitors the water level in Bucayao River

d. Activated Operation Listo and evacuation center

e. Continuously monitors the stranded passengers in Calapan City Port

f. Activated their Early warning system

LGUs MIMAROPA a. Activated their respective Operations Centers at 5:00 AM, 14 December 2015


a. Issued Memo to RDRRMC Response Agencies and LDRRMCs to be on standby alert. b. Raised to Red Alert Status effective on 11 December 2015, 8:00 AM. c. Continuously coordinates with PDRRMCs regarding weather situation and advised to closely monitor situation and advised to closely monitor situation especially in low-lying areas and report any untoward incident in connection with the latest weather disturbance. d. Conducted communication exercises together with PDRRMOs. e. Provided logistical support to the members of RDRRMC Response Cluster and RDRRM Operation Center Bicol. f. Coordinated with PDRA Core Group and Response Cluster for follow-up Meeting for TY “NONA” and prepositioning of assets and personnel g. Conducted executive updates meeting with the OCD Administrator via Skype regarding TY NONA h. Conducted mustering of response assets and accounting of personnel i. Activated their satellite phones j. Prepositioned 5-day food and other supplies for OCD-RDRRMC V Operations Center duty personnel and assisting agency liason officers k. Established back-up VHF radio communications with the Province of l. Provided fuel, oil, and lubricant (FOL) support, meals, communication, and evacuation safety lines to Bicol RDRRMC response agencies m. OCD V Regional Director conducted ocular visit in the Province of Sorsogon on 14 December 2015 n. Conducted media briefing at Albay Public Safety and Emergency Management Office (APSEMO) regarding TY NONA Page 19 of 23

o. Deployed Regional RDANA Team to Sorsogon Province. p. Conducted RDRRMC Bicol Response Cluster Emergency Meeting on 16 December 2015.

PDRRMCs Albay, Camarines Provinces, Catanduanes, , Sorsogon and CDRRMC Naga a. Closely monitors the situation in their respective AORs and the new developments of the weather disturbance. b. Disseminates weather advisories in their respective AORs

PDRRMC Albay a. Issued PDRRMC Advisories on 12 and 13 December 2015 b. Advised LCEs/LDRRMCs/LDRRMOs to be on alert and monitoring status and ready for activation. c. Advised farmers to harvest while the weather is still favorable. d. Suspended all “Karangahan” activities e. Advised all C/M/BDRRMCs to conduct an emergency meeting to assess hazards and risks, evaluate capabilities on local warning, communication, transportation, security, health, and relief operations f. Advised the communities to remove all potential flying objects including Christmas decorations and not to cross swollen rivers to achieve zero casualty

PDRRMC Camarines Norte

a. Convened and activated the PDRRMO on 14 December 2015

b. Suspended classes from pre-school to secondary level

PDRRMC Camarines Sur

a. Activated ICS and their satellite operations centers b. Issued directives regarding raising of Red Alert status, suspension of classes and work, dissemination of advisories, trimming of trees along national highways, implementation of no sail and swimming policy, and

conduct of forced evacuation c. Prepositioned goods to Municipalities of San Jose, Tinambac,

Garchitorena, Bato, Ragay, Balatan, and Caramoan

CDRRMC Naga a. Raised to Blue Alert Status on 11 December 2015, 6:00 PM b. Activated LDRRMO and Disaster Emergency Operations center (DEOC)


a. Raised to Red Alert Status

LDRRMCs Guimaras, Aklan, , Capiz, Iloilo and CDRRMC Iloilo City a. Closely monitors the situation and new developments of the weather disturbance in their respective AORs b. Ensures dissemination of weather advisories in their AORs

PDRRMC Antique a. Conducted a PDRA meeting in preparation for Typhoon “NONA”


a. Conducted an Emergency Meeting involving MDRRMOs

b. Activated their DRRMC Operations Center and operates on a 24/7 basis

c. Conducted PDRA meeting on 14 December 2015

d. Three (3) Aklan Response Teams are on standby

e. PSWDO Aklan prepositioned 900 food packs

MDRRMC Malay a. Conducted an Emergency Meeting in preparation for Typhoon NONA

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LGU Capiz a. The Province of Capiz Governor advised all concerned agencies to be on alert and ready for possible deployment and all C/MDRRMOs to monitor their respective AORs


a. Coordinated with PDRRMOs Cebu, Bohol, and Siquijor regarding

preparations undertaken in relation to Typhoon “NONA” b. Coordinated with PCG Central Visayas for information on suspension of sea

trips and stranded passengers

c. On Red Alert Status as of 8:00 AM, 14 December 2015

d. Alerted PDRRM Officers along the track of Typhoon NONA e. Advised all DRRM Chairmen to undertake preparedness activities and

preposition resources f. Encouraged local DRRMCs to establish their Emergency Operations Centers

and operate on a 24/7 basis

PDRRMOs Cebu, Bohol, and Siquijor a. Monitored weather updates and sent advisories to City/Municipal Mayors and DRRM Officers within their AOR b. Prepositioned SAR equipment and volunteers within their DRRM Offices for possible operations to be undertaken

CDRRMC Bogo, Cebu a. Alerted BDRRM Committees b. Placed on standby and monitors the situation in their Emergency Operations Center

MDRRMCs Santa Fe and Bantayan, and San Remegio, Cebu a. Conducted DRRM council meeting b. Placed on standby alert status

MDRRMC Madridejos, Cebu a. Placed on Red Alert Status


a. Activated the RDRRMC Emergency Operations Center b. Activated the Regional Incident Management Team at the RDRRMC-EOC c. Coordinated with the Provincial Administrator of Northern Samar

PDRRMO Southern

a. Advised local fishermen not venture out into the sea b. Alerted residents at coastal areas and areas adjacent to riverbanks for

possible waves and flooding

PDRRMO a. Convened the PDRRMC and TWG and revisited/reviewed their Contingency Plans and hazard risk maps b. Activated the organized Emergency Response Teams c. Activated their Emergency Operations Center d. Activated the Incident Command System e. Assessed the identified evacuation centers soundness f. Issued prohibition of sea voyage and fishing g. Advised LGUs through the MDRRMOs to conduct pre-emptive/forced evacuation in flood and landslide prone areas h. Issued advisory to commuters going in and out of the province to cancel their travel

PDRRMO Northern Samar a. Convened the PDRRMC and activated their Operations Center on 13 December 2015 b. Implemented forced evacuation in areas along the coast c. Suspended classes in all levels Page 21 of 23

PDRRMO a. Suspended classes in all levels

CDRRMO Ormoc a. Placed rescue teams on standby and ready for deployment b. Sent reminders to Barangay Chairmen to monitor their respective AORs c. Convened the CDRRMC on 14 December 2015

MDRRMO Jaro, Leyte a. Closely monitors the Mainit River

MDRRMO Alang-alang, Leyte a. Closely monitors the Dapdap River

MDRRMO Liloan, Southern Leyte a. Convened the MDRRMC on 14 December, 2:00 PM b. Closely monitors the barangays in their AOR c. Enhanced police visibility in port area


a. Advised RDRRMC OpCen member agencies to be on alert for possible untoward incident. b. Advised LDRRMCs to disseminate information regarding TY “NONA”.


a. Intensified information dissemination of early warnings to the local councils, media and the general public. b. Alerted the Response Cluster for any possible eventualities that may occur. c. Coordinated and directed all LDRRMCs to continuously monitor the situation and be updated with the latest weather reports d. Raised to Blue Alert Status e. Conducted 1st and 2nd PDRA Meeting on 14 December 2015 and 17 December 2015, respectively. f. Notified Response Cluster to be on alert and standby. g. Ensured dissemination of weather advisories, bulletins and forecast to all PDRRMCs through Smart Infoboard, SMS, and facsimile for further dissemination.

LDRRMCs Apayao, Abra, Mt. Province, Ifugao, Kalinga, Benguet, and Baguio City DRRMC a. Closely monitors the weather situation and track of Typhoon NONA


a. Task Force-NCR is on Blue Alert Status effective 8:00 AM, 13 December 2015. b. The 17 LGUs continuously monitors the progress of TY “NONA” and placed their assets on standby c. Continuously disseminates weather bulletins and advisories to LGUs, response agencies and MDRRMC member agencies for information and precautionary measures.

MMDRRMC a. On Yellow Alert status b. Conducted PDRA on 14 December 2015, 3:00 PM at the FCIC, MMDA, Makati City c. LGU’s rescue team and equipment are prepositioned in high risk areas

CDRRMO Marikina City a. Continuously monitors the weather situation through PAGASA and Project NOAH websites.

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b. Continuously monitor the water level in Marikina River and rainfall at the Marikina Watershed c. Placed Rescue 161, rescue boats, water rescue equipments, early warning system, and generator set on standby

CDRRMO Quezon City a. Coordinates with DENR regarding permit to cut trees assessed to be uprooted when soil is saturated with water

CDRRMO Malabon City a. Conducted LDRRMC meeting and prepositioned response assets

CDRRMO Muntinlupa City a. Ensured the availability of 500 food packs and evacuation centers

CDRRMO Pasay City a. Placed on alert status and activated the LDRRMC

CDRRMO Taguig City a. Prepositioned assets and placed responders on standby

CDRRMO Manila a. Placed on alert status and prepositioned response assets

CDRRMO Las Piñas City a. Prepositioned response assets and closely coordinates with barangays

CDRRMO Parañaque City a. Prepositioned assets and responders and coordinates with Public Safety Office

CDRRMO Pasig City a. On alert status and placed resources on standby

CDRRMO Valenzuela City a. Prepositioned response assets and continuously monitors the low lying areas b. Rescue Team and equipment are prepositioned in high risk areas.

CDRRMO Mandaluyong City a. Alerted all barangays in their AOR and prepositioned response assets

MDRRMO Pateros a. Convened the LDRRMC and ensured the availability of 100 relief goods


a. Coordinated with PAGASA Mactan, Cebu for localized weather updates. b. Continuously monitors the track of Typhoon “NONA”

PDRRMC a. Conducted PDRA meeting on 14 December 2015 ______

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SitRep No. 15 TAB B

PREPAREDNESS MEASURES AND EFFECTS OF TY "NONA" (I.N. MELOR) Pre-emptive Evacuees As of 20 December 2015, 6:00 PM


Quezon 2,888 10,849 Agdangan 535 2,074 as of 14 December 2015 Alabat 163 815 as of 14 December 2015 Calauag 12 60 as of 14 December 2015 Catanuan 100 500 as of 15 December 2015 Dalampasigan 2 16 as of 14 December 2015 Dolores 6 42 as of 14 December 2015 Guinayangan 288 1,400 as of 15 December 2015 Gumaca 14 51 as of 14 December 2015 Macaleon 74 283 as of 15 December 2014 Mulanay 297 1,251 as of 15 December 2015 Perez 6 30 as of 14 December 2015 Pitogo 62 231 as of 15 December 2015 Quezon 12 42 as of 14 December 2015 San Andres 24 120 as of 14 December 2015 San Francisco 64 297 as of 15 December 2015 San Narcisco 1,200 3,500 as of 15 December 2016 Tagkawayan 8 36 as of 14 December 2015 Unisan 21 101 as of 14 December 2015 Batangas 213 928 Batangas City 161 671 as of 14 December 2015 Conducted pre-emptive evacuation on San Juan 50 250 14 December 2014 Conducted pre-emptive evacuation on San Luis 2 7 15 December 2015 REGION IV-B 1,263 4,925

Marinduque 953 3,802 Pre-emptively evacuated in 6 different elementary schools, 6 Brgy. Halls, 2 Boac 207 837 State Colleges, and 2 DRR Convention Centers. Pre-emptively evacuated in 1 elementary school, Malbog Training Buenavista 162 593 Center, and 3 different churches/places of worships. Pre-emptively evacuated in 6 different Gasan 311 1084 elementary schools, and 3 Brgy. Halls Pre-emptively evacuated in Brgy. Halls Mogpog 72 283 and Municipal Hall.

Page 1 of 2 REGION / PROVINCE NUMBER OF PRE-EMPTIVELY / CITY / EVACUATED Remarks MUNICIPALITY Family Person Torrijos 37 185 Pre-emptively evacuated in muti- Sta. Cruz 164 820 purpose halls and schools. Oriental Mindoro 177 695 Pre-emtpively evacuated in Saint Naujan 74 244 Joseph the Worker Parish Church Bongabong 35 131 Pre-emptively evacuated in Banciok Gloria 48 240 Church Pre-emptively evacuated in San San Teodore 9 30 Teodore Elementary Church Pre-emtpively evacuated in the Pola 11 50 auditorium in Brgy. Batuhan, Pola, Oriental Mindoro Romblon 133 428 Places of origin: Brgy. Ambulong, Brgy. Magdiwang 39 162 Agsao, and Brgy. Jao-asan. Pre-emptively evacuated in Sta. Fe 55 124 Guintigbasan and Guinbirayan Elementary School Pre-emptively evacuated in Bonga Sta. Maria 12 53 Elementary School and San Isidro Elementary School Pre-emptively evacuated in Brgy. Halls San Fernando 27 89 and Azargra Elementary School REGION V 160,907 724,825

Catanduanes 30 120 Virac 30 120 as of 10:40 AM 14 December 2015 Conducted pre-emptive evacuation Albay 133,905 589,835 on13 December 2015 Conducted pre-emptive evacuation at Sorsogon 26,972 134,870 around 7:00 PM, 13 December 2015 REGION VII 146 730

Biliran 146 730 Almeria 3 15 as of 14 December 2015, 11:00 AM Biliran 50 250 as of 14 December 2015, 11:00 AM Kawayan 93 465 as of 14 December 2015, 11:00 AM REGION VIII 137 734

Northern Samar 137 734 As of 3:00 AM, 14 December 2015. Victoria 9 49 Currently, at Valencia National High School As of 3:00 AM, 14 December 2015. Mapanas 38 188 Currently, at Mapanas Gymnasium Catarman 62 358 As of 6:00 AM, 14 December 2015. Laoang 27 137 As of 6:00 AM, 14 December 2015. Gamay 1 2 As of 6:00 AM, 14 December 2015.


No. of TOTAL SERVED - CURRENT Region/Province/ Inside Evacuation Centers Outside Evacuation Centers Evac (Inside + Outside) Mun/City Centers Families Persons Families Persons Families Persons GRAND TOTAL 364 21,120 97,887 46,272 201,873 67,392 299,760

REGION III () 142 10,810 52,906 38,694 169,972 49,504 222,878 AURORA 13 138 578 76 380 214 958 BALER 76 380 76 380 DIPACULAO 13 138 578 138 578 BATAAN 15 19 - - 5 19 ORION 15 19 5 19 BULACAN 9 1,463 6,349 15,524 78,762 16,987 85,111 9 1,463 6,349 10,978 43,912 12,441 50,261 SAN ILDEFONSO 97 485 97 485 SAN MIGUEL 4,449 34,365 4,449 34,365 NUEVA ECIJA 117 9,175 45,832 7,973 32,344 17,148 78,176 ALIAGA 4 380 2,317 380 2,317 BONGABON 23 2,469 14,225 67 338 2,536 14,563 34 2,592 11,136 2,592 11,136 GABALDON (BITULOK & SABANI) 5 160 871 160 871 3 487 2,109 487 2,109 GENERAL MAMERTO NATIVIDAD 577 308 77 308 JAEN 8 273 1,110 7,571 30,331 7,844 31,441 LAUR 7 846 4,779 846 4,779 1 107 416 107 416 QUEZON 390 450 90 450 RIZAL 216 80 16 80 SAN LEONARDO 8 825 4,542 335 1,675 1,160 6,217 SANTA ROSA 1 349 1,525 349 1,525 TALAVERA 6 407 1,737 407 1,737 ZARAGOZA 797 227 97 227 PAMPANGA 229 128 15,121 58,486 15,150 58,614 APALIT 19 45 2,414 9,647 2,423 9,692 CANDABA 7,442 31,230 7,442 31,230 SAN SIMON 120 83 5,265 17,609 5,285 17,692 REGION IV-B (MIMAROPA) 112 5,274 21,717 73 318 5,347 22,035 MARINDUQUE 0 - - 70 305 70 305 GASAN 70 305 70 305 OCCIDENTAL MINDORO 0- - 2 8 2 8 MAGSAYSAY 1 2 1 2 PALUAN 1 6 1 6 ORIENTAL MINDORO 112 5,274 21,717 1 5 5,275 21,722 BACO 13 2,467 12,006 2,467 12,006 CALAPAN 10 570 1,800 570 1,800 GLORIA 9 315 1,150 315 1,150 NAUJAN 34 816 2,858 816 2,858 PINAMALAYAN 29 874 3,063 874 3,063 POLA 7 112 514 112 514 SOCORRO 660 226 1 5 61 231 VICTORIA 4 60 100 60 100

Page 1 of 2 No. of TOTAL SERVED - CURRENT Region/Province/ Inside Evacuation Centers Outside Evacuation Centers Evac (Inside + Outside) Mun/City Centers Families Persons Families Persons Families Persons REGION V (BICOL REGION) 110 5,036 23,264 7,505 31,583 12,541 54,847 CAMARINES SUR 0- - 1,085 4,706 1,085 4,706 PRESENTACION (PARUBCAN) 981 4,244 981 4,244 SAN JOSE 63 224 63 224 TINAMBAC 41 238 41 238 MASBATE 31 1,196 6,200 1,800 8,606 2,996 14,806 CLAVERIA 17 605 3,677 605 3,677 MONREAL 14 591 2,523 591 2,523 SAN PASCUAL 1,800 8,606 1,800 8,606 SORSOGON 79 3,840 17,064 4,620 18,271 8,460 35,335 BARCELONA 13 779 2,409 779 2,409 BULAN 10 257 1,226 10 40 267 1,266 BULUSAN 14 329 1,405 4,161 16,038 4,490 17,443 CASIGURAN 0 0 0 - - CASTILLA 0 0 0 397 1,985 397 1,985 DONSOL 1 34 136 34 136 GUBAT 0 - - - - IROSIN 5 160 718 160 718 JUBAN 4 218 861 52 208 270 1,069 MAGALLANES 0 - - - - MATNOG 15 220 1,100 220 1,100 PILAR 2 12 50 12 50 PRIETO DIAZ 13 1,826 9,130 1,826 9,130 SANTA MAGDALENA 2 5 29 5 29 SORSOGON - -

Source: DSWD-DROMIC Report No. 29 as of 6:00 AM, 20 December 2015

Page 2 of 2 SitRep No. 15 TAB D PREPAREDNESS MEASURES AND EFFECTS OF TY "NONA" CASUALTIES As of 20 December 2015, 6:00 PM


REGION II Nueva Vizcaya 5

1 PUNDO, Angela D. 30 / F

1 PUNDO, Jennylyn D. 4 / F Asphyxia due to landslide and flashflood on 16 December 2015 at 1 PUNDO, J-Ann D. 8 / F Brgy. Lublub, Alfonso around 1:00PM Castañeda 1 MISLAN, Mario 56 / M Drowning due to landslide and 1 CAJUCOM, Manny M flashflood incident Body was recovered on 17 December 2015 REGION IV-A Quezon 3 1LT DELARIARTE, Michelle Mae Brgy. Tongohin, Infanta, 1 24/F Head trauma due to landslide Dilos, PA Quezon Brgy. Mahabang Lalim, Gen. 1 ABUDA, Maria 60 /F Drowning Nakar, Quezon

Brgy. Mahabang Lalim, Gen. 1 AGURA, Charlie 6/M Drowning Nakar, Quezon REGION IV-B Romblon 3 Brgy. Toctoc, Banton, 1 FADRIQUELA, Robert 56/M Struck by flying debris (metal roof) ROMBLON

Brgy. Gobon, Corcuero, Died due to uprooted tree that hit their 1 FRONDA, Carima 80/F ROMBLON house

Myocardial infarction secondary to 1 WHITE, Samuel 75 / M Romblon, Romblon Hypothermia Oriental Mindoro 9 Brgy. Pinandayan, 1 PRIVADO, Rene 41/M Hit by coconut tree Pinamaylan

1 ADOYO, Rojie 7/M Brgy. Sta. Rita, Pinamaylan Drowning

1 OPINA, Jhay Mark 2/M Brgy. Anoling, Pinamaylan Hit by collapsed house

1 MANALO, Maricel 55/F Apitong, Naujan Chest and head trauma (hit by debris) Cardiobascular failure due to massive 1 CASAPAO, Teodoro 62/M Sta. Maria, Naujam trauma to the chest and abdoment (hit by debris) 1 SALAZAR, Rengeline 52/F Dao, Naujan Head injury from falling debris

1 PARADEJAS, Maria 49/F San Gabriel, Victoria Pinned by a tree

1 GALANG, Rufino 77/M Sta. Cruz, Calapan City Drowning

1 DE LEON, Guillermo 70/M Nag-iba II, Calapan City Drowning

Occidental Mindoro 1 Sitio, GCFI, Brgy. Balao, Hit by fallen coconut tree while inside his 1 ALAPAR, Philip 59/M Abra de Ilog, OCCIDENTAL house MINDORO


REGION V Albay 6

1 BOLIMA, Elastico M

1 BIEN, Efren M

1 BREDES, Eddie M Tabaco City, ALBAY Drowning

1 BOLDA, Edgardo M

1 BAGANAO, Edwin M

1 PADILLA, Allan M ALBAY Head injury secondary to fall/electrocution

Masbate 1 Brgy. Looc, Mandaon, Trauma; hit by a palm tree while inside the 1 VILLANUEVA, Rizal 34 / M MASBATE house Sorsogon 3

1 HABLA, Violeta 70 / F Brgy. Boton, Casiguran, Fallen tree smashed the house while SORSOGON victims are inside

1 HABLA, Edina 11 / F Brgy. Boton, Casiguran, Fallen tree smashed the house while SORSOGON victims are inside Intracranial hemorrhage secondary to head 1 HUIDEN, JOSE 21 / M Bulan, Sorsogon trauma, secondary to falling branches of mango tree REGION VIII Samar 1 Brgy. Maduroto, Matuguinao, 1 BLESARIO, Jason 28 / M Drowning SAMAR Northern Samar 7 Multiple lacerated wound, left temporal area 1 PASCUAL, Aucente, Jr. 31 / M Allen, NORTHERN SAMAR head trauma due to fallen debris / hit by flying roof Brgy. Cagaguingay, Lope de 1 VILLANUEVA, Tessie B. 38 / F Drowning Vega, NORTHERN SAMAR

1 CABALYERO, Carlito M Brgy. Kawayan, Catarman Hypothermia

1 SANCHES, Arthuro 58/M Brgy. Old Rizal Cataram Hypothermia

1 LORA, Elpido 83 / M Brgy. Makiwala, Mondragon Hypoxia secondary to drowning

1 PEDEMONTE, Dante 39 / M Brgy. Chitongco, Mondragon Massive head injury

1 CORONG, Narito 66 / M Brgy. Coroconog, San Roque Frontal Fracture secondary to trauma

NCR Quezon City 1 #52 Gumamela St., Brgy. 1 DICILLO, Carlo 22 /M Roxas District Quezon City INJURED 24

REGION II Nueva Vizcaya 4 Purok Marikit, Lublub, 1 PILYEN, Sabino 65 / M Laceration right foot due to broken glass Alfonso Castañeda Purok 7, Lublub, Alfonso 1 GANARIAL, Erlinda 65 / F Laceration right foot due to broken glass Castañeda Purok 7, Lublub, Alfonso Toe nail at the right foot was removed due 1 GANARIAL, Rogelio 65 / M Castañeda to landslide


1 DELOS SANTOS, Peter 54 / M Abuyo, Alfonso Castañeda Cuts and bruises near drowning incident

REGION IV-A Quezon 1 1LT BAGASOL, Sarah Jane Yepes, Brgy. Tongohin, Infanta, 1 24 / F Brought to hospital due to head injuries PA Quezon REGION IV-B Romblon 1

Lacerated wound in head due to motorcycle 1 GACU, Genny R. 53 / F San Andres, ROMBLON accident secondary to fallen cocomut tree

Oriental Mindoro 7 Brgy. Poblacion, Baco, 1 VALENZUELA, Orly M Incised wound on left leg ORIENTAL MINDORO Brgy. Paspasin, Calangatan, 1 ENERO, Rudy 21/M San Teodoro, ORIENTAL Lacerated wound 3-4cm on the right foot MINDORO Brgy. Poblacion I, Victoria, 1 BISTOYONG, Bradley 68/M Laceration at left parietal area ORIENTAL MINDORO Brgy. Ordovilla, Victoria, 1 OBEDOZA, Jaime 65/M Lacerated wound on right orbital area ORIENTAL MINDORO Brgy. Poblacion 3, Victoria, 1 GAGARIN, Ben 57/M Open Wound on the right ORIENTAL MINDORO Brgy.Babangonan, Victoria, 1 HERNANDEZ, Mario 54/M Lacerated wound occipital area ORIENTAL MINDORO Brgy.Babangonan, Victoria, 1 BOSCA, Jerwin 23/M Wound on face and head ORIENTAL MINDORO Occidental Mindoro 1 Sitio Dangay, Brgy. Vigo, Muscle injury, right lower back due to 1 SALES, Isabel 93 / F Lubang trauma brought by fallen coconut tree Marinduque 4 Brgy. Balingbing, Boac, Lacerated wound at the right parietal area 1 ROBLEZA, Roderick 39 / M MARINDUQUE (crushed by a tree branch)

Lacerated wound at 3rd digit (right hand) Brgy. Bantad, Boac, 1 MALCO, George M., Jr. 30 / M while cutting three (branch fell on his hand MARINDUQUE and lacerated middle finger) Brgy. Banuyo Gasan, Lacerated wound at the right nasal area, 1 CESAR, Mei Mei 32 / F MARINDUQUE stricken by flying debris (roof)

Brgy. Mercado, Boac, Punctured wound right big toe, stepped on 1 OLANO, Tyron Gabriel 18 / M MARINDUQUE broken glass

REGION V Albay 5 P3, Malubago, Daraga, Lacerated wound frontal area, right; hit by a 1 LORICA, Albert 47 / M ALBAY downed gutter while walking Lacerated wound,left knee; hit by falling 1 NACION, Jonald 32 / M Daraga, ALBAY debris (GI sheet) while walking to the mart P7, Mauraro, Guinobatan, Colle’s fracture; hit by falling tree branch 1 OGUIS, Asuncion 58 / F ALBAY while evacuating Lacerated wound, right leg; slipped on the 1 ARBACA, Maribeth 30 / F Nagotgot, Manito, ALBAY drainage Punctured wound, right; stepped on a 1 MOYO, Bebeth 38 / F Camalig, ALBAY downed fence with protruding nail Sorsogon 1 Severe traumatic head injury secondary to 1 GALING, Leny 48/F Tinampo, Irosin,SORSOGON trauma caused by a falling tree while evacuating MISSING 6


Page 3 of 4 AGE / AREA NAME ADDRESS REMARKS GENDER Nueva Vizcaya 2 Was carried away by strong current while 1 DARIO, Federico Sr. 42 / M attempting to cross the river. Missing since Brgy. Abuyo, Alfonso 16 December 2015 Castañeda Believed to be inside the house that 1 AGUSTIN, Isabelita 54 / F was carried away by landslide and flashflood REGION IV-A Cavite 1 Springville Biga, Silang, Still missing as of 4:00 PM of 17 December 1 Vincent Dino 30-40/M Cavite 2015

Quezon 1

Brgy Ponbon, Panukulan, 1 Handy Armada M Still missing as of 16 December 2015 Quezon REGION IV-B Romblon 1 Swept by river current while crossing Sitio Ilaya, Brgy. Cambijang, 1 Ruba, April Joy 14/ F Cambijang Rivers on 15 December 2015, Cajidiocan, Romblon 2:00 PM Oriental Mindoro 1 Brgy. Manganan 1, Baco Swept by flood on 15 December 2015; 1 Soriano, Fernando 51/M Oriental, Mindoro previously reported under Romblon

Page 4 of 4 Sitrep No. 15 Tab E


Province / Region Barangay Flooded Level Remarks Municipality Grand Total 425

PANGASINAN 3 1 Bersamin I Alcala1 Macayo Slowly subsiding 1 Gualsic

AURORA 0 Buhangin 5 to 6 ft Pingit 5 to 6 ft Cabituculan Reserva 5 to 6 ft Subsided as of Baler Obligacion 5 to 6 ft 17 December 2015 Suklayin 5 to 6 ft Calabuanan 5 to 6 ft

BULACAN 29 Tikpalas 2 ft San Vicente 3 ft San Jose 2-3 ft Camias 2-3 ft Salacot 2 to 3 ft Subsided as of 18 Buliran 5 to 6 ft December 2015, 8:00 San Miguel Ilog Bulo 2 to 4 ft PM Bagong Silang 2 to 4 ft Buga 2 to 4 ft Baritan 2 to 3 ft King Kabayo 2 ft III Pinambaran 2 ft 1 Mandile 2 ft 1 Bulungao 1-4 ft 1 Corazon 4-5 ft 1 Iba Este 3-8 ft 1 Iba O' Este 4 ft 1 Meyto 3-8 ft 1 Panducot 5-9 ft 1 Poblacion 2-7 ft 1 San Marcos 1-4 ft 1 Sto Niño 3 ft Calumpit 1 Sucol 4 ft 1 Sta. Lucia 3-5 ft 1 Sapang Bayan 3-10 ft 1 Calizon 2-9 ft 1 Bulusan 2-9 ft 1 Gatbuca 4-5 ft 1 San Jose 3-7 ft 1 Caniogan 4-9 ft 1 Frances 4-10 ft 1 Gugo 2-5 ft Calumpit 1 Meysulao 9-10 ft 1 San Miguel 4-5 ft 1 Iba 1-2 ft 1 Palapat 1-2 ft 1 San Isidro 3-4 ft Hagonoy 1 San Miguel 1-2 ft 1 Tampok 1-2 ft 1 San Juan 1-3 ft 1 Dulong Malabon 1-3 ft

NUEVA ECIJA 46 Macabaclay knee deep Tugatug waist deep Ariendo knee deep Pesa waist deep Bongabon Mantile knee deep Subsided as of Palomaria knee deep 19 December 2015 Vega knee-thigh deep Calaanan TBD Sapang Buho 2 ft Palayan City Popolon 2 ft Singalat 2 ft Licab 1 Tabing-Ilog 3.5 ft Subsided as of Sto Domingo Malayantoc 6 ft 19 December 2015 1 Del Pilar 2-4 ft III 1 Mayamot 2-4 ft 1 San Vicente 3-4 ft 1 Sta Lucia (Old) 3-5 ft 1 Sta Lucia (Young) 1-4 ft Zaragoza H. Romero (Purok 1 and 1 2 to 3 ft 6) 1 Carmen 2-3 ft 1 Manaul (purok 4 to 7) 3 to 4 ft 1 Balitang (Purok 6) 2 ft San Jose Nabao 2 to 3 ft San Roque 2 ft Langla 2 ft Jaen Sapang 2 ft Subsided as of Niyugan waist deep 19 December 2015 Sta Rita 2 to 3 ft Bitania waist deep Laur San Antonio waist deep 1 Tabuating (portion) knee deep 1 Roque waist deep 1 Mallorca knee deep Tambo Adorable 5 ft San Leonardo Tagumpay 5 ft Subsided as of Castellano 19 December 2015 Nieves 1 Magpalayoc waist deep Macapsing waist deep Subsided as of Rizal Sta. Monica TBD 19 December 2015 1 Aduas Centro 2.5 ft 1 Aduas Norte 4 ft 1 Bagong Buhay 2 ft 1 Bagong Sikat 4 ft 1 Bantog Bulalo 3 ft 1 Barrera 2 ft 1 Bitas 4 ft 1 Camp Tinio 1 ft 1 Caudillo 5 ft 1 Communal 5 ft 1 Daan Sarile 6 ft 1 Dimasalang 3 ft 1 H. Concepcionn 5 ft 1 Isla 12 ft 1 Kalikid Sur 1 ft 1 Matadero 5 ft Cabanatuan City 1 MS Garcia 4 ft 1 Pagas 4 ft 1 Pamaldan 4 ft 1 Quezon District 1 ft 1 San Josef Sur 5 ft 1 San Roque Sur 6 ft 1 Sangitan West 4 ft 1 Sta. Arcadia 5 ft 1 Sto Niño 5 ft 1 Sumacab Norte 4 ft 1 Villa Ofelia 2 ft III 1 Kapitan Pepe 4 ft 1 Mabini Homesite 4-6 ft 1 Valdefuente 2-8 ft 1 Aduas Sur 5 ft 1 San Juan Accfa 6 ft San Vicente Gapan City TBD Sto Niño Subsided as of San Lorenzo Gen. Natividad TBD 19 December 2015 Picaleon (Near River) Peñaranda Sinasahan-San Jose TBD

PAMPANGA 50 1 San Mateo 2 ft 1 Sta Cruz (Portion) 5 ft 1 Sto Niño Tabuan 1-2 ft Arayat 1 Candating 4 ft 1 Cacutud 1 ft 1 Cupang 2 ft 1 Pansinao 3.8 ft 1 Gulap 4.3 ft 1 Buas 3.8 ft 1 Lanang 3.3 ft Candaba 1 Sto. Rosario 4 ft 1 Paralaya 4 ft 1 San Agustin 5.6 ft 1 Pasig 3 ft 1 Pescadores 3 ft 1 Bambang 2.8 ft 1 Mandasig 2.8 ft Subsided as of Barangca 3 ft 19 December 2015 Candaba 1 Cuayang Bugtong 1.2 ft 1 Magumbali 1 ft 1 Mapaniqui (Paroba) 1 ft 1 Lourdes (Sitio Galvan) 1.2 ft 1 Tagulod 1 ft Subsided as of Sucad 2.5 ft 19 December 2015 Tabuyuc (Farm to 1 4-5 ft Apalit Market Road) Capalangan 3 ft Subsided as of Sulipan 2-3 ft 19 December 2015 Cansinala 2-3 ft 1 San Juan 5-6 ft 1 San Nicolas 5-6 ft 1 Monica 4-5 ft 1 San Agustin 4-5 ft 1 Sta. Rita 5-6 ft 1 Sto. Tomas 5-7 ft San Luis 1 Sta. Cruz Pob. 3-4 ft 1 Sebastian 4-6 ft 1 Sta. Catalina 4-6 ft 1 Sta. Cruz Pam 5-6 ft 1 San Isidro 4-5 ft III 1 Sto. Rosario 2 ft 1 San Pedro 4-5 ft 1 San Juan 2-3 ft 1 Sta. Cruz 4-5 ft San Simon 1 San Jose 2-3 ft 1 San Nicolas 1-3 ft 1 San Miguel 2-3 ft 1 Caduang Tete 2 ft 1 San Gabriel 2 ft 1 San Isidro Wakas 1 ft Macabebe 1 Candelaria 2.5 ft 1 Batasan 2.5 ft 1 San Vicente 2.5 ft Cambasi (Infront of 1 1.5 ft Brgy Hall) San Agustin Caingin 1 2 ft (Purok Caniguan) 1 Bebe Anac (Portion) 3-4 ft Tarlac 22 1 Balanoy 2-3 ft 1 Bantog 2-3 ft 1 Caramutan 2-3 ft 1 Caut 2-3 ft La Paz 1 Guevarra 2-3 ft 1 La Purisima 2-3 ft 1 Lara 2-3 ft 1 Lomboy 2-3 ft 1 Macalong 2-3 ft 1 Matayumtayum 2-3 ft 1 Paludpud 2-3 ft La Paz 1 Rizal 2-3 ft 1 San Isidro 2-3 ft 1 Coral 2-3 ft 1 Guiteb 2-3 ft III 1 Pance 2-3 ft 1 Pob. Center 2-3 ft Ramos 1 Pob. North 2-3 ft 1 Pob. South 2-3 ft 1 San Juan 2-3 ft 1 San Raymundo 2-3 ft 1 Toledo 2-3 ft

OCC. MINDORO 4 1 Silag 0.5 m 1 Armado 0.5 m Flood waters already Abra de Ilog 1 Wawa 0.5 m subsided 1 Lumangbayan 0.5 m

OR. MINDORO 91 1 La Fortuna 1.5 m 1 Malugay 1.5 m 1 Villareal 1.5 m 1 Bayuin 1.5 m 1 Catiningan 1.5 m 1 Bagsol 1.5 m 1 Leuteboro I 1.5 m 1 Leuteboro II 1.5 m 1 Calocmoy 1.5 m Socorro 1 Monteverde 1.5 m 1 Calubayan 1.5 m 1 Matungao 1.5 m 1 Lapog 1.5 m IV-B 1 Pasi I 1.5 m 1 Pasi II 1.5 m 1 Mabuhay II 1.5 m 1 Dalig 1.5 m Flood waters already 1 Poblacion 1.5 m subsided 1 Casiligan 1-2 m 1 Maluanluan 1-2 m 1 Biga 1-2 m Pola 1 Campamento 1-2 m 1 Pula 1-2 m 1 Malibago 1-2 m 1 Bacungan 1-2 m 1 Poblacion 1-2 m 1 Lantuyan 1-2 m 1 Bayanan 1-2 m 1 Alag 1-2 m Baco 1 Bangkataan 1-2 m 1 Burbuli 1-2 m 1 Catwiran 1 1-2 m 1 Catwiran 2 1-2 m 1 Lumangbayan 1-2 m 1 Malapad 1-2 m 1 Mangangan 1 1-2 m 1 Mangangan 2 1-2 m 1 Mayabig 1-2 m 1 Pambisan 1-2 m Baco 1 Sta. Rosa 1 1-2 m 1 Sta. Rosa 2 1-2 m 1 Pulang Tubig 1-2 m 1 Putican-Cabulo 1-2 m 1 Tabon-tabon 1-2 m 1 Tagumpay 1-2 m 1 Bigaan 1-2 m 1 Calsapa 1-2 m San Teodoro 1 Tacligan 1-2 m 1 Lumangbayan 1-2 m 1 Poblacion 1-2 m 1 Panggalaan 1-2 m 1 Buhuan 1-2 m 1 Sta. Cruz 1-2 m 1 Nag-Iba 1 1-2 m 1 Nag-Iba 2 1-2 m 1 Gutad 1-2 m 1 Navotas 1-2 m 1 Parang 1-2 m 1 Sapul 1-2 m 1 Puting Tubig 1-2 m 1 Bucayao 1-2 m IV-B 1 Comunal 1-2 m Flood waters already 1 Biga 1-2 m subsided 1 Malad 1-2 m 1 Sta. Isabel 1-2 m 1 Bayanan 1 1-2 m 1 Bayanan 2 1-2 m 1 Masipit 1-2 m 1 Guinobatan 1-2 m Calapan City 1 Lalud 1-2 m 1 Ilaya 1-2 m 1 Camilmil 1-2 m 1 Sta. Maria Village 1-2 m 1 Pachoca 1-2 m 1 Personas 1-2 m 1 Patas 1-2 m 1 Sta. Rita 1-2 m 1 Canubing 2 1-2 m 1 Gulod 1-2 m 1 Camansihan 1-2 m 1 Batino 1-2 m 1 Managpi 1-2 m 1 Baruyan 1-2 m 1 Tawagan 1-2 m 1 Balingayan 1-2 m 1 Tawiran 1-2 m 1 Parang 1-2 m 1 Lazareto 1-2 m 1 Salung/San Raphael 1-2 m Calapan City 1 Mahal na Pangalan 1-2 m IV-B Flood waters already Naujan 1 Arangin 1-2 m subsided NCR METRO MANILA 1 Flood waters already Mandaluyong 1 Plainview 0.5-1 m subsided SitRep No. 15 TAB F



Isabela Ilagan City, Tumauini, Cabagan 18 December 2015 Outage: 17 Dec. 2015 REGION II Nueva Vizcaya Alfonso Castañeda 18 December 2015 Outage: 17 Dec. 2015 Aurora Baler, Casiguran, Dilasag, Dinalungan, Dingalan, Dipaculao, Maria Aurora, San Luis, and Dinapigue 20 December 2015

Nueva Ecija REGION III Talavera, Bongabon, Gen. Natividad, San Isidro, Gapan, San Antonio, Jaen, Cabiao, Aliaga, Llanera, Palayan, Power Restored in Talavera, Bongabon Gabaldon, Laur, Rizal, Quezon, Licab, Guimba, Talugtog, 18 December 2015 and Gen. Natividad as of 7:45 PM, 16 Dec. Science City of Muñoz, Lupao, Carranglan, San Jose, 2015 Pantabangan Outage: 2:44 PM, 16 Dec. 2015 Quezon Real, Quezon, Pitogo, Perez, Alabat, Padre Burgos, Power restored except for Quezon, Perez, Agdangan, Unisan, Macalelon,Gen. Luna, Mulanay, Polilllo, Patnanungan, Jomalig, San Catanauan, San Narciso, Aurora, San Andres, Francisco and Pagbilao Buenavista 18 December 2015 Restored as of 7:36 AM, 15 Dec. 2015 Outage: 4:18 AM, 15 Dec. 2015 Power restored in Infanta as of 11:51 AM, Polillo, Patnanungan, Jomalig, San Francisco, Pagbilao, 17 Dec. 2015 Infanta Batangas Power restored in Cuenca and Alitagtag as of 11:56 AM, 16 December 2015 Batangas City, Mabini, Cuenca, Alitagtag, Bauan REGION IV-A Outage: 2:00 PM, 15 Dec. 2015 Power restored in Balayan, Nasugbu and 18 December 2015 Tuy as of 4:40 AM, 16 Dec. 2015 Balayan, Nasugbu, Tuy Power restored in Bauan as of 17 Dec. 2015

Cavite Power restored on Ternate as of 9:00 PM, Imus, Ternate 15 Dec. 2015 Laguna Famy 18 December 2015 Power restored as of 16 Dec. 2015 Outage: 8:48 PM, 16 Dec. 2015 Marinduque 14 December 2015 Romblon Romblon, Alcantara, Calatrava, Ferrol, Looc, San Agustin, San Andres, San Jose, Santa Fe, Santa Maria, 15 December 2015 Power Restored as of 17 December 2015 Magdiwang Oriental Mindoro REGION IV-B Power restored in Bongabong, Baco, Naujuan, Pola, San Teodoro, Socorro, Victoria, 20 December 2015 Bulalacao, Mansalay, Roxas, Bansud, Gloria, and Pinamalayan Calapan, and Puerto Galera Occidental Mindoro Sta. Cruz, Abra, , Calintaan, Rizal, San Jose, 15 December 2015 Lubang, Abra de Ilog Sorsogon

Bulan, Matnog, Sta. Magdalena, Irosin, Bulusan, Power Restored in Castilla, Sorsogon, 20 December 2015 Juban, Casiguran, Magallanes, and Barcelona Donsol, Pilar, Prieto, Diaz, and Gubat REGION V Albay Oas, Polangui, Libon, Ligao, Pio Duran, Jovellar, Power restored as of 17 December 2015, Guinobatan. Camalig 15 December 2015 4:00 PM Outage: 4:35 PM, 14 Dec. 2015

Page 1 of 2 Camarines Sur Iriga City, Bato, Nabua, Buhi, Baao, Bula, Balatan Outage: 7:34 PM, 14 Dec. 2015 15 December 2015 Power restored Caramoan, Garchitorena Power restored as of 17 December 2015, Catanduanes 15 December 2015 4:00 PM REGION V Masbate 15 December 2015 Power restored in San Jacinto, San Fernando, Aroroy, Masbate City, Mobo, Cataingan, Cawayan, Dimasalang, Batuan, Monreal, and Baleno 20 December 2015 Esperanza, Palanas, Pio V. Corpuz, Placer, Uson, Milagros, Balud, and Mandaon Eastern Samar Sulat, Taft, Can-avid, Dolores, Oras, San Policarpio, Arteche, Jipapad, Maslog, Borongan City, Balangkayan, San Julian, Maydolong, Llorente, Salcedo, Guiuan, Gen. Power restored on 16 December 2015, MacArthur, Hernani, Quinapondan, Giporlos, Balangiga, 15 December 2015 Lawaan 2:04 PM Outage: 9:26 AM, 14 Dec. 2015

Mercedes Northern Samar Catubig, Gamay, Lao-ang, Pambujan, Palapag, Las Navas, Bobon, Mondragon , San Roque, Rosario, REGION VIII San Jose, Lope de Vega , Allen, Victoria, San 15 December 2015 Power restored in Catarman Isidro, Lavezares, Biri, , San Antonio, San Vicente, Lapinig , Mapanas , Silvino Lobos Samar Calbayog City, Sta. Margarita, Gandara, San Jorge, Tarangnan, Pagsanghan, Matuguinao Outage: 12:23 PM, 14 Dec. 2015 Power restored as of 4:00 PM, 17 15 December 2015 December 2015 Almagro, Oquendo, Tinambacan, Santo Niño, Tagapul- an, Basey, Caibiga, Catbalogan City, Daram, San Jose de Buan, Talalora, Villareal

Page 2 of 2 SitRep No. 15 Tab G





Apayao I DEO

Conner-Kabugao Road, K0595+000- PASSABLE as of 18 December 2015 K0598+000, Purag-Badduat Section

Apayao II DEO

Claveria-Calanasan Road, K0635+200, Sta PASSABLE as of 4:30 PM, Elena, Calanasan 17 December 2015

Benguet I DEO

Gurel-Bokod-Kabayan-Buguias Road, PASSABLE as of 18 December 2015 K0340+320-K0340+420

Ifugao I DEO Kiangan-Tinoc-Buguias Bdry Road, a. K0346+920, Binablayan, Tinoc Closed to traffic b. K0349+660, Binablayan, Tinoc Ifugao II DEO Banaue-Mayayao-Alfonso Lista Isabela Boundary Road PASSABLE as of 20 December 2015 a. K0356+200, Anaba Section Kalinga I DEO Cagaluan-Calanan Road, a.K0474+400, Patiking Section Close-open situation b. K0473+700, Patiking Section Kalinga-Abra Road, Ableg and Balenciagao Section a. K0467+800 Close-open situation b. K0468+870 c. K0471+800 d. K0478+850 Tabuk-Banaue Road, Lobo Section a. K0538+400 Not passable b. K0545+400 Balbalan-Pinukpuk Road Closed to traffic Mt. Province DEO

Junction Talubin-Barlig-Natonin-Paracelis- Closed to traffic Calaccad Road, K0378+500, Lubo, Talubin


CAGAYAN Cadcadir-Kabugao Road (K0604+300- Closed to traffic K0604+500), Sta. Praxedes QUIRINO

Victoria-Kasibu Road (K0383+050-K0393+180 Closed to traffic

NRJ Villa Hermosa-Cabuaan-Ysmael- Closed to traffic Disimungal Roads (K0379+500-K0381+300

REGION III Nueva Ecija I DEO Pinagpanaan-Rizal-Pantabangan Road, Not passable K0151+492-K0174+00 Pinagpanaan-Rizal-Pantabangan Road a. Ganduz, Pantabangan K0162+640 PASSABLE as of 3:00 PM, b. San Juan, Pantabangan K0180+900- 17 December 2015 K0180+350 c. K0162+400-K0162+450 Pantabangan-Canili-Basal-Baler Road a. K0169+300 PASSABLE as of 18 December 2015 b. K0182+600 Nueva Ecija II DEO Tablang Gabaldon Road PASSABLE as of 19 December 2015 a. Brgy. Malinao, K0162+000 Nueva Ecija - Aurora Road, Brgy. Labi, Not passable Bongabon, K0167+100


Quezon I DEO

Marikina-Infanta Road Closed to traffic K0118+000


Marinduque DEO Dr. Damian Reyes Road PASSABLE as of 5:21 PM, K0053+000 - K0054+000 16 December 2015 S00032MQ Tigwi-Dampulan Road PASSABLE as of 5:21 PM, S00034MQ 16 December 2015 K0093+000 to K0094+000


Catanduanes DEO Catanduanes Circumferential Rd PASSABLE as of 10:00 AM, K0064+000-K0066+000 16 December 2015 S00015CN Panganiban-Sabloyon Road PASSABLE as of 9:00 AM, K0063+000-K0065+000 17 December 2015 S00037CN REGION VIII

Northern Samar II DEO Pangpang-Palapag-Mapanas-Gamay- PASSABLE as of 5:30 AM, 16 December Lapinig Road S00037SM 2015 San Jose de Buan, Northern Samar Hibaca-an Bridge Not passable B. NOT PASSABLE DUE TO FLOODING



CAGAYAN Pinacanauan Overflow Bridge, Tuguegarao City Tawi Overflow Bridge, Peñablanca Impassable since 16 December 2015 Cagayan Abusag Bridge, Baggao, Cagayan


Cabisera 5 Overflow Bridge, Ilagan City

Cabisera 8 Overflow Bridge, Ilagan City

Baculud Overflow Bridge, Ilagan City Impassable since 16 December 2015 Gucab Overflow Bridge, Echague, Isabela

Annafunan Overflow Bridge, Cabagan, Isabela Cansan Overflow Bridge, Sta. Maria, Isabela Sta. Maria Overflow Bridge, Sta. Maria, Impassable since 16 December 2015 Isabela Alicaocao Overflow Bridge, Cauayan City

Sipat Overflow Bridge, Cauayan City Passable to all types of vehicles as of 11:25AM, 18 December 2015 Buduan-Gapal Bridge, Cauayan City Passable as of 1:00PM, 18 December 2015

Brgy. Dianao to Brgy. Buyon, Cauayan City Impassable since 16 December 2015

Brgy. Turayung to Brgy. Gagabutan Bridge, Passable to all types of vehicles Cauayan City San Lorenzo Bridge to Brgy Marabulig, Passable to all types of vehicles Cauayan City Municipal Housing to Padilla Bridge Passable to all types of vehicles Boxculvert, Cauayan City Devera to Rogus Road, Cauayan City Impassable since 16 December 2015

Research I, Minante – San Francisco Road and Bridge, Cauayan City Impassable since 16 December 2015 Masaya Sur Overflow Bridge, San Agustin, Impassable since 16 December 2015 Isabela Sto. Domingo Overflow Bridge, Quirino, Impassable since 16 December 2015 Isabela Reina Mercedes Overflow Bridge, Reina Impassable since 16 December 2015 Mercedes, Isabela NUEVA VIZCAYA

Malabing Road, Kasibu Impassable since 16 December 2015 Sitio Marikit, Brgy Abuyo and Brgy Lublub, Sitio Batu, Purok 4, Alfonso Castañeda QUIRINO Victoria

Sitio Marikit, Brgy Abuyo and Brgy Lublub, Impassable since 16 December 2015 Sitio Batu, Purok 4, Alfonso Castañeda


Aurora DEO Nueva Ecija - Aurora Road, a. K0180+000 Cabatangan River (Brgy. PASSABLE as of 19 December 2015 Villa, Ma. Aurora, Aurora) b. K0171+322-K021+800 PASSABLE as of 3:31 PM, Dinadiawan Madella Road 17 December 2015 Dinadiawan Madella Road K0300+200 Not passable to light vehicles due to river Palamigan River overflow Castañeda-Maria Aurora-San Luiz Road Passable to light vehicles as of 5:27PM 17 (SLAMAC) December 2015 PASSABLE as of 3:31 PM, Casiguran-Aurora Road 17 December 2015 Nueva Ecija I DEO

Bongabon-Rizal-Aurora Road, K0148+(- PASSABLE as of 19 December 2015 335)-K0153+1379

Pinagpanaan-Rizal-Pantabangan Road, PASSABLE as of 3:00 PM, K0149+000-K0149+350 17 December 2015 Nueva Ecija II DEO Tablang Gabaldon Road a. Brgy. Bateria K0154+000 b. Not passable Brgy. Calabasa, K0157+000 c. Brgy. Malinao, K0162+000 Nueva Ecija - Aurora Road, a. Brgy. Pesa, Bongabon, K0148+200- PASSABLE as of 18 December 2015 K0149+000 Gapan-Fort-Magsaysay Road a. PASSABLE as of 5:00 PM, Brgy. Concepcion, Gen. Tinio, K0110+950 17 December 2015 Daang Maharlika Road, K0102+000, PASSABLE as of 18 December 2015 Barangay Diversion, San Leonardo Bongabon-Fort Magsaysay Road, PASSABLE as of 5:27 PM, K0108+000-K0109+000, Barangay 17 December 2015 Soledad, Sta Rosa Sta Rosa-Tarlac Road, a. K0109+000-K0114+000, Barangay San PASSABLE as of 18 December 2015 Isidro-Barangay Lajal, Sta Rosa b. K0160 800 B S Vi t L Pampanga I Baliwag-Candaba-Sta Ana Road, Closed to traffic, hardly passable to light a. K067+100-K069+200 vehicles b. K070+700-K071+060 Candaba-San Miguel Road Closed to traffic K0070+500-K0077+500 San Simon-Baliwag Road Closed to traffic K0062+000-K0064+000 Bahay Pare-San Luis -Sto. Domingo Road Closed to traffic K0070+500-K0077+500 Tarlac II Sta. Rosa-Tarlac Road, Closed to traffic a. K0129+450-K0130+80 La Paz-Victoria Road a. PASSABLE as of 19 December 2015 K0137+500

Concepcion-La Paz Road PASSABLE as of 19 December 2015 K0136+326-K0136+246


Mindoro Oriental DEO Calapan South Road S00007MR PASSABLE as of 10:00 AM, 16 December a. K0059+000 to K0059+600 2015 b. K0061+000 to K0062+000 Southern Mindoro DEO Calapan South Road PASSABLE as of 10:00 AM, 16 December K0063+000 to K0064+000 2015 C. NOT PASSABLE DUE TO TOPPLED ELECTRIC POSTS/UPROOTED TREES



Sorsogon I Daang Maharlika LZ PASSABLE as of 15 December 2015 S03732LZ Sorsogon II Daang Maharlika LZ PASSABLE as of 15 December 2015 S03742LZ REGION VIII

Northern Samar I DEO Catarman-Allen Road, La Vizares-Allen PASSABLE as of 10:33 AM, 16 December Section S00005SM 2015 Catarman-Calbayog Road via Lope de PASSABLE as of 12:53 PM, 15 December Vega S00045SM 2015 Daang Maharlika, Allen-Calbayog Road PASSABLE as of 12:53 PM, 15 December S00005SM 2015 D. OTHER CAUSES


Aurora DEO Castañeda-Maria Aurora-San Luiz Road Closed to traffic due to scoured bridge. (SLAMAC) a. Ma. Alternate route is Cabituculan-Reserva Aurora Bridge K0266+703 Road (Provincial Road) Baler-Cemento Road PASSABLE as of 19 December 2015 Dicaloyugan River K0234+800 Nueva Ecija I DEO

Cambitala Bridge, K0155+878 PASSABLE as of 19 December 2015 Nueva Ecija II DEO Nueva Ecija-Aurora Road Closed to traffic due to washed out bridge Labi Bridge, Brgy. Labi K0161+566 approach Closed to traffic due to washed out bridge Salabusob Bridge Approach approach REGION IV-A

Batangas I DEO

Diokno Highway K0072+(-560.00)-K072+(- Closed to traffice due to vertical settelement 460.00) Brgy. Dayap, Laurel, Batangas of road


PREPAREDNESS MEASURES AND EFFECTS OF TY "NONA" Suspension of Classes 20 December 2015, 6:00 PM

REGION PROVINCE / MUNICIPALITY / CITY SCHOOL LEVELS DATE OF SUSPENSION I Pangasinan Province Preschool 17-18 December 2015 Isabela Province All levels 18 December 2015 II Quirino Province All levels 17-18 December 2015 San Fernando City, Pampanga All levels 17-18 December 2015 Angeles City, Pampanga Preschool – Elementary 17-18 December 2015 City, Pampanga Preschool – Elementary 17-18 December 2015 Calumpit, Bulacan Preschool – Elementary 15 December 2015 Hagonoy, Bulacan Preschool – Elementary 17-18 December 2015 City, Bulacan All levels 17-18 December 2015 Paombong, Bulacan All levels 16 December 2015 Sta. Maria, Bulacan All levels 16 December 2015 , Bulacan All levels 16 December 2015 , Bulacan All levels 16 December 2015 City, Bulacan Resumed as of 2:00 AM, 17 December 2015 Balagtas, Bulacan Preschool - Elementary 16 December 2015 , Bulacan Preschool - Elementary 16 December 2015 III , Bulacan Preschool - Elementary 16 December 2015 San Miguel, Bulacan Preschool - Highschool 17-18 December 2015 Mexico, Pampanga Preschool - Highschool 16 December 2015 City, Zambales Preschool - Highschool 16 December 2015 Subic, Zambales Preschool - Highschool 16 December 2015 Victoria, Tarlac Preschool - Highschool 16 December 2015 Bataan Resumed as of 2:00 AM, 17 December 2015 Nueva Ecija All levels 17-18 December 2015 Pulilan, Bulacan All levels 16 December 2015 , Tarlac All levels 16 December 2015 Capas, Tarlac All levels 16 December 2015 Concepcion, Tarlac All levels 16 December 2015 Bulacan Preschool - Highschool 17 December 2015 Lucena City, Quezon Preschool – High School 15 December 2015 Quezon Province All levels 15 December 2015 Laguna All levels 14 December 2015 Sta. Rosa City, Laguna Resumed as of 11:00 AM, 17 December 2015 IV-A San Pablo City, Laguna Rizal All levels 15 December 2015 Antipolo City, Rizal Pre-school – High School 15 December 2015 Batangas All levels 15 December 2015 Tanauan City, Batangas Resumed as of 11:00 AM, 17 December 2015 Cavite All levels 17-18 December 2015

Page 1 of 3 REGION PROVINCE / MUNICIPALITY / CITY SCHOOL LEVELS DATE OF SUSPENSION Romblon Pre-school – High School 15-17 December 2015 Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro All levels 17-18 December 2015 Oriental Mindoro All levels 14 December 2015 Marinduque Resumed as of 2:00 AM, 17 December 2015 Looc, Occidental Mindoro Elementary level 14 December 2015 Roxas, Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 , Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 Araceli, Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 Busuanga, Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 IV-B Cagayancillo, Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 Coron, Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 , Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 Cuyo, Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 , Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 El Nido, Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 , Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 Magsaysay, Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 San Vicente, Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 Taytay, Palawan Preschool 15 December 2015 Albay All levels 14 December 2015 Camarines Sur All levels 14 December 2015 Camarines Norte All levels 14 December 2015 V Catanduanes Pre-school – High School 15 December 2015 Masbate All levels 14 December 2015 Sorsogon Preschool – High School 14 December 2015 Culasi, Antique Preschool – Elementary 15 December 2015 VI Capiz Preschool 15 December 2015 Tudela, Cebu Pre-school - Elementary 14 December 2015 San Francisco, Cebu Pre-school – Elementary 14 December 2015 Pilar, Cebu Pre-school – Elementary 14 December 2015 Bantayan, Cebu Pre-school – Elementary 14 December 2015 Sta. Fe, Cebu Pre-school – High School 14 December 2015 VII Daanbantayan, Cebu Pre-school – High School 14 December 2015 Medellin, Cebu Pre-school – High School 14 December 2015 Madridejos, Cebu Pre-school – Elementary 14 December 2015 Poro, Cebu Pre-school – Elementary 14 December 2015 Bogo City, Cebu Preschool – High School 15 December 2015 Northern Samar All levels 14 December 2015 Province of Biliran All levels 14 December 2015 Catbalogan City, Samar All levels 14 December 2015 VIII Province of Samar Preschool – High School 14 December 2015 Province of Leyte Preschool – High School 14 December 2015 Eastern Samar All levels 15 December 2015

Page 2 of 3 REGION PROVINCE / MUNICIPALITY / CITY SCHOOL LEVELS DATE OF SUSPENSION CAR Mankayan, Benguet All levels 16 December 2015 Caloocan City All levels 16 December 2015 City of Manila All levels 16 December 2015 Las Piñas City All levels 16 December 2015 Makati City All levels 16 December 2015 Malabon City All levels 16 December 2015 Mandaluyong City All levels 16 December 2015 Marikina City All levels 16 December 2015 Muntinlupa City Resumed as of 2:00 AM, 17 December 2015 NCR Navotas City All levels 16 December 2015 Parañaque City All levels 16 December 2015 Pasay City All levels 16 December 2015 Pasig City All levels 16 December 2015 Pateros All levels 16 December 2015 Quezon City Preschool only 17-18 December 2015 San Juan City All levels 16 December 2015 Taguig City All levels 16 December 2015 Valenzuela City All levels 16 December 2015

Page 3 of 3 SitRep No. 15 TAB I


FLIGHT NO. ROUTE DATE / REMARKS DOMESTIC FLIGHTS Cebu Pacific Air 5J321 / 322 Manila-Legazpi-Manila 5J323 / 324 Manila-Legazpi-Manila 5J325 / 326 Manila-Legazpi-Manila 5J327 / 328 Manila-Legazpi-Manila 5J821 / 822 Manila-Virac-Manila 14 December 2015 5J649 / 650 Manila-Tacloban-Manila 5J651 / 652 Manila-Tacloban-Manila 5J653 / 654 Manila-Tacloban-Manila 5J655 / 656 Manila-Tacloban-Manila 5J659 / 670 Manila-Tacloban-Manila 5J319 / 320 Manila-Legaspi-Manila 5J321 / 322 Manila-Legaspi-Manila 15 December 2015 5J373 / 374 Manila-Roxas-Manila 5J196 / 197 Manila-Cauayan-Manila 16 December 2015 5J504 / 505 Manila-Tuguegarao-Manila CebGo (Formerly SEAir and TigerAir) DG6567 / 6568 Cebu-Tacloban-Cebu DG6571 / 6572 Cebu-Tacloban-Cebu DG6577 / 6578 Cebu-Tacloban-Cebu 14 December 2015 DG6117 / 6118 Manila-Naga-Manila DG6243 / 6244 Manila-Caticlan-Manila DG6317 / 6318 Manila-Kalibo-Manila DG6223 / 6224 Manila-Caticlan-Manila DG6225 / 6226 Manila-Caticlan-Manila DG6227 / 6228 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 15 December 2015 DG6229 / 6230 Manila-Caticlan-Manila DG6113 / 6114 Manila-Naga-Manila DG 6041 / 6042 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 16 December 2015 PAL Express 2P2071 / 72 Manila-Calbayog-Manila 2P2079 / 80 Manila-Calbayog-Manila 2P2265 / 66 Manila-Naga-Manila 2P2084 / 85 Manila-Basco-Manila 2P2925 / 26 Manila-Legaspi-Manila 14 December 2015 2P2261 / 62 Manila-Naga-Manila 2P2927 / 28 Manila-Legaspi-Manila

Page 1 of 2 FLIGHT NO. ROUTE DATE / REMARKS 2P2985 / 86 Manila-Tacloban-Manila 2P2987 / 88 Manila-Tacloban-Manila 2P2021 / 22 Manila-Masbate-Manila 15 December 2015 2P2265 / 66 Manila-Naga-Manila 2P2261 / 62 Manila-Naga-Manila 2P2045 / 46 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 15 December 2015 2P2059 / 60 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 2P2043 / 44 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 2P2041 / 42 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 2P2063 / 64 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 2P2051 / 52 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 2P2049 / 50 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 2P2057 / 58 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 2P2053 / 54 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 2P2039 / 40 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 2P5929 / 30 Manila-Legazpi-Manila 15 December 2015 2P5297 / 98 Manila-Legazpi-Manila 2P2925 / 26 Manila-Legazpi-Manila 2P2079 / 80 Manila-Catarman-Manila 2P2071 / 72 Manila-Calbayog-Manila 2P2201 / 02 Manila-Roxas-Manila 2P2975 / 76 Manila-Kalibo-Manila 2P2969 / 70 Manila-Kalibo-Manila 2P2031 / 32 Manila-Busuanga-Manila 2P2033 / 34 Manila-Busuanga-Manila 2P2095 / 96 Manila-Surigao-Manila 15 December 2015 2P2079 / 80 Manila-Catarman-Manila 16 December 2015 2P2025 / 26 Manila-Legazpi-Manila 18 December 2015 Air Asia Zest EZD 320 / 321 EZD 324 / 325 3 14 December 2015 EZD 327 / 328 Manila-Tacloban-Manila Sky Jet M8 181 / 182 Manila-Caticlan-Manila 15 December 2015 Source: CAAP and MIAA Media Affairs

Page 2 of 2 SitRep No. 15 Tab J



GRAND TOTAL 44,093 124,346 168,439

REGION III 3 - 3 Nueva Ecija 3 - 3 Pantabangan 3 3 REGION IV-A 15 953 968 Batangas 7 117 124 Batangas City 4 4 Calatagan 7 7 Nasugbu 22 22 Ibaan 2 8 10 San Nicolas - 54 54 San Teresita 1 24 25 Taysan - 2 2 Cavite 8 - 8 Ternate 8 8 Quezon - 836 836 San Andres 836 836 REGION IV-B 19,278 23,797 43,075 Marinduque 570 4,545 5,115 Boac 23 220 243 Buenavista 465 3,629 4,094 Gasan 25 135 160 Mogpog 5 145 150 Sta. Cruz 2 38 40 Torrijos 50 378 428 Occidental Mindoro 65 585 650 Abra de Ilog 1 1 Lubang 58 576 634 Paluan 6 8 14 San Jose 1 1

Page 1 of 3 REGION / PROVINCE / CITY / NUMBER OF DAMAGED HOUSES MUNICIPALITY Totally Partially TOTAL Oriental Mindoro 17,886 15,830 33,716 Bansud 825 2,497 3,322 Calapan 797 2,170 2,967 Gloria 856 1,350 2,206 Pinamalayan 10,428 4,098 14,526 Pola 1,852 3,450 5,302 Puerto Galera 5 2 7 San Teodoro 30 111 141 Socorro 2,002 1,189 3,191 Victoria 1,091 963 2,054 Romblon 757 2,837 3,594 Banton 253 711 964 Cajidiocan 2 4 6 Calatrava 8 274 282 Concepcion 80 10 90 Corcuera 352 1,346 1,698 Looc 6 148 154 Odiongan 1 1 Romblon 25 125 150 San Agustin 31 207 238 San Fernando 6 6 Santa Maria (Imelda) 5 5 REGION V 10,358 18,454 28,812 Camarines Norte 1 - 1 Paracale 1 1 Catanduanes 5 5 Pandan - 5 5 Masbate 1,195 1,959 3,154 Balud 36 5 41 Monreal 812 1,003 1,815 San Fernando 87 237 324 San Jacinto 36 123 159 San Pascual 224 591 815 Sorsogon 9,162 16,490 25,652 Barcelona 917 2,134 3,051 Bulan 2,479 3,277 5,756 Bulusan 1,420 2,601 4,021 Casiguran 1,733 3,875 5,608 Magallanes 2,020 3,294 5,314 Prieto Diaz 305 29 334 Dansol 288 1,280 1,568

Page 2 of 3 REGION / PROVINCE / CITY / NUMBER OF DAMAGED HOUSES MUNICIPALITY Totally Partially TOTAL REGION VIII 14,439 81,142 95,581 Eastern Samar 25 281 306 Jipapad 25 281 306 Northern Samar 14,403 80,576 94,979 Allen 2,500 3,046 5,546 Biri 2,229 744 2,973 Bobon 2,192 3,856 6,048 Capul 282 1,453 1,735 Catarman 1,246 13,873 15,119 Catubig 387 4,715 5,102 Gamay 690 3,918 4,608 Laoang 495 5,729 6,224 Lapinig 480 2,160 2,640 Las Navas 712 5,923 6,635 Lavezares 308 4,063 4,371 Lode de Vega 166 1,742 1,908 Mapanas 401 1,577 1,978 Mondragon 223 6,414 6,637 Palapag 177 6,196 6,373 Pambujan 375 4,059 4,434 Rosario 238 2,138 2,376 San Antonio 127 1,361 1,488 San Isidro 90 1,668 1,758 San Jose 375 420 795 San Roque 148 2,139 2,287 San Vicente 31 677 708 Silvino Lobos 479 1,819 2,298 Victoria 52 886 938 Western Samar 11 285 296 San Jorge 6 276 282 Santa Margarita 5 9 14 Source: DROMIC Report #29 as of 6:00 AM, 20 December 2015

Page 3 of 3 Sitrep No. 15 Tab K Preparedness Measures and Effects of Typhoon “NONA” (I.N. MELOR) COST OF DAMAGES As of 20 December 2015, 6:00 PM

INFRASTRUCTURE AGRICULTURE CROPS (Rice and Corn) LIVESTOCKS FISHERIES Region/Province/ HVCC (Mango, TOTAL COST City/Municipality ROADS/BRIDGES/ Type of Type of (Infrastructure + Agriculture) Flood Control Health Facilities Estimated Peso Estimated Peso Banana, Papaya, OTHER STRUCTURES Crops / Project/ Estimated Peso Value Value Value Vegetables) Livestocks Species

GRAND TOTAL 234,476,604.00 2,806,164,896.50 3,040,641,500.50

TOTAL 141,578,300.00 56,500,000.00 36,398,304.00 1,798,901,707.25 28,740,830.00 957,509,453.00 21,012,906.25 3,040,641,500.50

REGION III - - - 1,176,846,687.25 - 9,616,620.00 - 25,920.00 1,186,489,227.25 Rice 145,099,629.00 Nueva Ecija 9,616,620.00 154,716,249.00 Corn 189,500,158.00 Aurora Corn 189,247,183.25 25,920.00 189,273,103.25 Rice 144,036,302.00 Pampanga 45,830,000.00 Corn 45,830,000.00 Rice 24,472,393.00 Tarlac 434,593,475.00 Corn 434,593,475.00 Bulacan Rice 4,067,547.00 4,067,547.00 REGION IV-A - - - 1,275,728.00 - 1,595,454.00 - 2,871,182.00 Cavite Rice 58,905.00 58,905.00 Quezon Rice 204,623.00 1,595,454.00 1,800,077.00 Corn 622,200.00 622,200.00 Rootcrop 390,000.00 390,000.00 REGION IV-B 98,010,300.00 - - 12,904,883.00 25,207,500.00 569,745,308.00 12,676,806.25 718,544,797.25 Marinduque 5,710,300.00 Rice 132,337.00 122,028,911.00 127,871,548.00 Oriental Mindoro 49,900,000.00 24,383,000.00 409,351,897.00 9,301,806.25 492,936,703.25 Oriental Mindoro (Local 3,400,000.00 Rice 12,772,546.00 38,364,500.00 54,537,046.00 Infrastructure) Occidental Mindoro 496,200.00 3,375,000.00 3,871,200.00 Romblon 39,000,000.00 328,300.00 39,328,300.00 REGION V 43,568,000.00 56,500,000.00 - 396,334,780.00 2,180,230.00 349,481,914.00 - - 848,064,924.00 1,500,000.00 Rice 248,561,299.00 673,020.00 29,017,446.00 279,751,765.00 Camarines Sur Corn 13,032,750.00 13,032,750.00 Catanduanes 6,208,000.00 3,000,000.00 Rice 16,500.00 75,000.00 9,299,500.00 560,000.00 Rice 6,168,113.00 1,000.00 31,711,779.00 38,440,892.00 Masbate Corn 249,416.00 249,416.00 Albay II 35,000,000.00 45,000,000.00 Rice 89,279,734.00 929,360.00 247,380,531.00 417,589,625.00 Albay III 8,500,000.00 Corn 5,955,825.00 14,455,825.00 Sorsogon 300,000.00 Rice 33,043,143.00 576,850.00 41,297,158.00 75,217,151.00 Corn 28,000.00 28,000.00

Page 1 of 2 Preparedness Measures and Effects of Typhoon “NONA” (I.N. MELOR) COST OF DAMAGES As of 20 December 2015, 6:00 PM

INFRASTRUCTURE AGRICULTURE CROPS (Rice and Corn) LIVESTOCKS FISHERIES Region/Province/ HVCC (Mango, TOTAL COST City/Municipality ROADS/BRIDGES/ Type of Type of (Infrastructure + Agriculture) Flood Control Health Facilities Estimated Peso Estimated Peso Banana, Papaya, OTHER STRUCTURES Crops / Project/ Estimated Peso Value Value Value Vegetables) Livestocks Species

REGION VIII - - 36,398,304.00 211,539,629.00 1,353,100.00 27,070,157.00 8,310,180.00 284,671,370.00 Biliran Rice 2,426,843.00 2,426,843.00 Samar Rice 4,937,620.00 2,835,686.00 Seaweeds 4,155,090.00 11,928,396.00 36,398,304.00 Rice 7,412,459.00 1,353,100.00 11,738,771.00 4,155,090.00 61,057,724.00 Northern Samar Corn 189,500,158.00 189,500,158.00 Cassava 3,689,025.00 3,689,025.00 Eastern Samar Rice 2,536,214.00 12,495,700.00 15,031,914.00 Cassava 1,037,310.00 1,037,310.00

Note: All data are subject for futher validation by DPWH and DA Sources:

OCD RC III SitRep 10 dated 20 December 2015, 6:00 AM OCD RC IV-A as of 18 December 2015, 3:00 PM OCD RC V SitRep 17 dated 18 December 2015, 5:00PM OCDRC IV-B 8 15 dated 15 December 2015 OCDRC VIII SitRep No.9 dated 18 December 2015 DPWH SitRep as of 18 December 2015, 6:00PM DA Report as of 19 December 2015

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REGION DSWD LGUs NGOs TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 70,460,080.00 8,807,286.98 513,130.00 79,780,496.98 Region III 8,002,082.00 2,188,750.00 442,890.00 10,633,722.00 Aurora 902,350.00 541,400.00 1,443,750.00 Bataan 1,250.00 1,250.00 Bulacan 4,048,528.00 4,048,528.00 Nueva Ecija 938,444.00 1,033,300.00 442,890.00 2,414,634.00 Pampanga 2,112,760.00 612,800.00 2,725,560.00 Region IV-A 1,082,820.00 - - 1,082,820.00 Batangas 541,410.00 541,410.00 Laguna 541,410.00 541,410.00 Region IV-B 6,055,800.00 5,069,146.98 70,240.00 11,195,186.98 Marinduque 415,440.00 401,400.00 70,240.00 887,080.00 Occidental Mindoro 252,000.00 768,555.98 1,020,555.98 Oriental Mindoro 2,691,360.00 3,686,485.00 6,377,845.00 Rombon 2,697,000.00 212,706.00 2,909,706.00 Region V 52,619,378.00 1,549,390.00 - 54,168,768.00 Albay 13,132,208.00 13,132,208.00 Camarines Norte 4,965,236.00 4,965,236.00 Camarines Sur 13,212,632.00 13,212,632.00 Catanduanes 7,040,260.00 7,040,260.00 Masbate 3,044,620.00 1,549,390.00 4,594,010.00 Sorsogon 11,224,422.00 11,224,422.00 Region VIII 2,700,000.00 - - 2,700,000.00 Northern Samar 2,700,000.00 2,700,000.00

Source: DROMIC Report #29 as of 06:00 AM, 20 December 2015 SitRep No. 15 Tab M Preparedness Measures and Effects of TY “NONA” DISASTER RESPONSE 20 December 2015, 6:00 PM a. The Response Cluster was activated on 14 December 2015, 12:00 NN, to monitor and act accordingly on identified/required needs and resources for response operations. b. Response Cluster Meetings conducted for TY “NONA”: 1. 15 December 2015, 11:00 AM at the NDRRM Operations Center (1st floor). 2. 16 December 2015, 10:30 AM at the NDRRMC Conference Room (2nd floor). c. The Response Cluster activated volunteer groups (ERIC and Project AGOS) for SRR and Rapid Emergency Telecommunications Teams (RETT). d. AHA Centre deployed one (1) In-Country ERAT Member to NDRRM Operations Center to serve as a Liaison Officer to AHA Centre, primarily to obtain necessary information to assess whether if there’s a need for them to deploy additional resources in support of the emergency response operations in relation with Typhoon “NONA”. e. AFP Central Command conducted Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) in the Northern and Eastern Samar on 16 December 2015 using Nomad Aircraft #C68. f. NDRRM Council conducted an Emergency Council Meeting regarding Typhoon “Nona” and TD Onyok, on 17 December 2016, 2:00 PM at NDRRMC Conference Room, Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo. The Council agreed to recommend to his H.E. Benigno S. Aquino a Presidential Declaration of State of Calamity in affected provinces to ensure continuous delivery of response and recovery services to communities. g. PRC Occidental Mindoro Chapter deployed a 6-man team to assess the Municipalities of Abra de Ilog, Paluan, Sta. Cruz, Lubang Island, and in the Province of Occidental Mindoro that were experiencing power interruption.

RDRRMC III a. Conducted aerial reconnaissance on flood affected areas of Tarlac, Pampanga (Candaba), and Nueva Ecija on 17 December 2015.

RDRRMC IV-A a. Deployed two (2) Teams to conduct damage assessment in the Provinces of Batangas and Ternate, Cavite on 16 December 2015. b. On 18 December 2015, conducted RDRRMC Meeting with Provincial DRRMO to assess the damages and actions taken to address gaps in disaster operations.

RDRRMC V a. OCD V deployed Regional RDANA Team to Sorsogon Province and Ticas and Island, Masbate on 15 and 17 December 2015, respectively; conducted Emergency Meeting of RDRRMC Bicol Response Cluster on 16 December 2015 at Handyong Hall, OCD V

RDRRMC VIII a. RDRRMC Incident Management Team and Volunteer Communications Group (ACCESS 5 Inc., Kabalikat-Civicom and RadNet 5) proceeded to Catarman, Northern Samar to augment in the response operation. b. Conducted an aerial survey of the Province of Northern Samar on 15 December 2015 together with the Provincial Governor c. Provided 2,000 sacks of rice, medicines, and tarpaulins to the Municipality of Catarman d. Conducted Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) in various municipalities of Northern Samar e. OCD VIII joined the PDRRMC Emergency Meeting on 15 December 2015, 10:00 AM. f. PDRRMO Eastern Samar conducted Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) on 15 December 2015

A. CAMP COORDINATION AND CAMP MANAGEMENT a. A total of 165,554 families / 742,991 persons were pre-emptively evacuated in Regions IV-A, IV-B, V, VII, and VIII. b. A total of 208 schools are used as evacuation centers in Regions IV-B, V, VII, and VIII, as follows: two (2) in Region IV-A, 29 in Region IV-B, 173 in Region V, one (1) in Region VII, and three (3) in Region VIII. c. About 8,514 stranded passengers are being assessed by the concerned Local Social Welfare and Development Office in Regions NCR, IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, VII, and VIII. d. A total of 51,911 families / 241,114 persons decamped in the Provinces of Albay (33,218 families / 154,522 persons), Camarines Norte (454 families / 1,911 persons), Camarines Sur (8,319 families / 42,433 persons), Catanduanes (555 families / 2,218 persons), and Masbate (9,365 families / 40,030 persons). e. AFP, SOLCOM:  One (1) squad of DRU from the 903Bde, PA with one (1) M35 truck and one (1) KM450 evacuated residents from Purok Pasayan and Purok Pagasa, Barangay Poblacion East, Milagros, Masbate to Milagros Central Elementary School  Deployed one (1) sec of BCoy 31IB on 14 December 2015 at Sorsogon PDRRMC for possible HADR operations  Deployed one (1) sec of ACoy 31IB with one (1) KM250 on 14 December 2015 at Casiguran, Sorsogon for possible HADR operations.  Deployed one (1) sec of BCoy, 9IB with one (1) KM250 truck at PDRRMC Sorsogon for possible HADR operations


DSWD a. Distributed the following: FOOD and NON-FOOD ITEMS AREA 10,000 bags of rice Albay 3,000 FFPs Albay 3,000 FFPs Sorsogon 3,000 FFPs Camarines Sur 2,000 bags of rice and 140 rolls of tarpaulin Mapanas, Lapinig, and Laoang 50 boxes nutridel (cereals) Oras, Eastern Samar 50 boxes nutridel (cereals) San Policarpio, Easthern Samar 50 boxes nutridel (cereals) Arteche, Eastern Samar 50 boxes nutridel (cereals) Biliran 700 bags of rice Catarrman

b. A total of 1,000 sacks of 50 kgs rice and 140 tarps to be delivered to Catarman, Northern Samar. c. A total of ₱44,955,026.00 worth of relief assistance were provided in Regions III, IV- A, IV-B, V and VIII of which ₱42,778,720.00 came from DSWD while 2,176,306.00 were provided by the LGUs. d. Distributed 85,000 FFPs, 8,300 sacks of rice, 250 boxes sardines, 500 boxes corned beef, 450 boxes of nutridel, 5 boxes of coffee, 10 generators sets and 250 rolls of laminated sacks were in Region V. e. A total of 1,725 sacks of 25 kg rice, 450 boxes of nutridel, 5 boxes of noodles and 5 boxes of coffee were distributed in Region VIII.

DSWD FO V a. Provided hot meals to LGUs with stranded passengers. b. A total of 2,400 sacks of rice had been allocated to five (5) provinces: Camarines Sur (500), Camarines Norte (500), Catanduanes (500), Masbate (400), and Sorsogon (500). c. Provided ₱31,495,900.00 worth of assistance equivalent to 85,000 family food packs. d. Ongoing repacking of relief goods.

Local Government Units (LGUs) a. LGU of Oriental Mindoro provided meals to 1,526 stranded persons in Calapan City, Dangay, and Bulalacao Ports. b. PDRRMC Cavite conducted relief operations in 1,500 fisherfolk families in Ternate, Cavite on 16 December 2015.

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c. PDRRMC Quezon distributed food packs through React Banahaw to 131 stranded passengers at Dalahican Port d. PDRRMC Aurora issued 51 bags of rice to the Municipality of San Luis and Barangay Calangcuasan, in the Municipality of Casiguran e. PDRRMC Aurora through PSWDO distributed the following:  970 food packs to Dingalan, Aurora  30 food packs and 10 boxes of bottled water to each of the Municipalities of Baler, Dingalan, Dilasag, and San Luis

Philippine Red Cross (PRC) a. Provided hot meals to 2,772 persons in Marinduque (251), Oriental Mindoro (940), Occidental Mindoro (56), Catanduanes (150), Isabela (1,215), Nueva Ecija (30), and Masbate (130).


a. The following items are allocated and arranged to be delivered:  271,000 GI Sheets from Ormoc to Catarman  5,000 rolls of laminated sacks from Tacloban to Catarman  8,000 rolls laminated sacks from DSWD-NROC to Catarman  5,000 tarpaulins from Cebu to Catarman  2,000 rolls laminated sacks from DSWD-NROC to Legaspi (In transit)  5,000 Family Food Packs (FFPs) from DSWD-NROC to Sorsogon City (In transit)  17,680 FFPs from DSWD-NROC to Sorsogon Province (In transit)  3,200 FFPs from DSWD-NROC to Sorsogon Province  8,000 tarpaulins from DSWD-NROC to Aurora (In transit)

OCD b. OCD IV-A provided a total of ₱639,080.00 (11,080 liters) worth of POL. c. OCD V deployed one (1) personnel to augment operations in Sorsogon Province. d. OCD V provided FOL support, meals, communications and evacuation safety line to Bicol RDRRMC response agencies. e. OCD VIII provided Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricant (POL) to support the distribution of food and non-food items in the identified areas to affected by TY “NONA”. f. OCD Central Office facilitated the emergency procurement of hygiene kits and tarpaulin for OCD V.

DOH a. DOH VIII mobilized logistics resources (Campolas kits, jerry cans, and hygiene kits); deployed 2 Rapid Health Assessment Teams with 13 Personnel to Northern Samar on 15 December 2015; DOH IV-B coordinated with Philippine Airforce 505 Search and Rescue for utilization of Air Medical Services in the Provinces of MIMAROPA.

MMDA a. MMDA deployed mobile pumps on identified flood-prone areas.

DPWH a. DPWH II conducted clearing operations along Maharlika Highway. b. DPWH III conducted clearing operations in the landslide area in Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija.

AFP a. Dispatched 543rd ECBn personnel to assist the affected communities in their AOR b. 8ID, PA mobilized one (1) DRU to clear Calbayog-Catarman Road c. 546ECBn mobilized one (1) DRU team to clear Lapinig-Gamay-Mapanas-Palapag Road d. 20IB, PA deployed one (1) DRU team to clear Palapag-Lapinig road and one (1) DRU team at the Municipality of Palapag for possible conduct of SRR operations e. 8ID continuously provides transportation assistance to the evacuees and assisted LGUs in the transport of relief goods

Page 3 of 9 c. 8ID, PA: COM8 conducted coordinating conference at TOC, 8ID and directed ERC to prepare for movement going to Laoang, Northern Samar and directed 63IB to conduct clearing operations from Lope de Vega – Catarman, Norther Samar; 63 IB, PA conducted road clearing operations along Lope de Vega-Catarman, Northern Samar Road on 14 December 2015, 5:50 PM; 20IB, PA conducted road clearing operations on 14 December 15, 5:30 PM at Palapag-Lapinig Road. The road is now passable d. 543 Engineering Battalion provided manpower and transportation assistance to the affected communities at Laoang, Northern Samar e. Alpha Company conducted area assessment from Gamay-Mapanas, Northern Samar f. Provided M35 truck to transport one (1) unit Signal Commo Team to Region V g. Conducted road clearing operations along Lope de Vega-Catarman, Northern Samar on 14 December 2015, 5:50 PM h. Alpha Company conducted area assessment from Gamay- Mapanas, Northern Samar i. Provided M35 truck to transport 1 unit Signal Commo Team to Region V j. 546ECBn composed of 10 Man Team with chainsaw conducted clearing operation in Lapinig-Gamay-Mapanas-Palapag k. H14IB conducted clearing operation in Eastern Samar-Northern Samar Pacific Towns Roads (Lapinig-Gamay-Mapanas-Palapag). l. Prepositioned three (3) helicopters for aerial survey and inspection for Regions IV-A and V for initial damage assessment and needs analysis. m. Provided one (1) C-130 bound to Catarman, Northern Samar for transport of relief goods intended for Region 8. n. Deployed two (2) M35 trucks at Baao and Iriga City in Camarines Sur for the evacuation of the affected populace on 14 December 2015. o. Provided one (1) M35 truck to transport one (1) Signal Commo Team as augmentation to OCD V, Camp Ola, Legaspi City. p. 730th Combat Group deployed field observer in Cavite. q. Philippine Airforce provided one (1) C-130 aircraft to transport assorted relief goods and HADR items at Catarman and Catbalogan, Samar on 16 December 2015. r. 9ID, PA provided personnel with two (2) M35 truck for the transport of 100 sacks of rice from NFA Provincial Office, San Agustin, Pili, Camarines Sur to Pasacao Port, Pasacao, Camarines Sur. s. 2IB, PA provided personnel with one (1) KM250 for the transport of 500 pieces of dipper going to OCD RO V on 16 December 2015. t. NFSL, PN provided PN Vessel, PG370, for the transport of 100 sacks of rice from Pasacao, Camarines Sur to Masbate. u. 76IB provided personnel for the conduct of relief operations to the affected families in the evacuation centers of San Teodoro Mindoro. v. Provided one (1) UH-1H helicopter for the conduct of RDANA in Nueva Ecija. w. Provided one (1) DRU Team with one (1) rubber boat for the conduct of WASAR and rescued two (2) civilian at Brgy. Carmen, Saragosa, Nueva Ecija on 17 December 2015 x. Provided one (1) DRU Team for the conduct of WASAR at Sto. Rosario, Sta Rosa, Nueva Ecija. y. Augmented two (2) units of M35 Truck to DSWD for relief distribution to Malolos City, Bulacan. z. On 19 December 2015, 5:42 PM, nine (9) M35 trucks and four (4) KM450 trucks from H8ID, PA with 1 Officer and 71 EP were used to transport 3,600 pcs of G.I sheets and 68 boxes of umbrella nails from Ormoc City to Catarman, Northern Samar.

Local DRRMCs a. Tuguegarao City, DRRMC conducted initial clearing operation. Also conducted relief operation in Centro 10. b. PDRRMC Tarlac dispatched 1 DART/EMS Team and conducted clearing operations along McArthur Highway in Brgy. Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac.

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c. PDRRMC Tarlac dispatched one (1) DART Team and PEO/PEPO personnel to augment in the sandbagging activity at Brgy. Cabaruan, Sta. Ignacia, Tarlac on 16 December 2015. d. PDRRMC Tarlac dispatched one (1) DART Team to conduct river monitoring and dike/flood control structure inspection province wide on 16 December 2015. e. PDRRMC Tarlac dispatched one (1) DART Team and PEO/PEPO personnel to augment in the sandbagging activity at Brgy. Mangolago, Victoria on 17 December 2015 f. PDRRMC Bulacan deployed one (1) portaboat to Calumpit District Hospital for transportation of personnel


DOH Central Office a. Issued alert memorandum to all affected regions (IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, VIII, and NCR). b. Checked adequacy of prepositioned medicines and logistics. c. Ensured availability of standby medical teams in the Regional and Provincial DOH Offices and retained hospitals. d. Reminded Regional and Provincial DOH offices to attend DRMMC meetings at all levels and other coordinating meetings about TY “NONA”. e. In continuous monitoring of the weather disturbance through PAGASA and provision of updates through Smart Infoboard. f. Provided additional logistics to DOH VIII (Catarman, Northern Samar) composed of assorted medicines, hygiene kits, jerry can, PLR and D5 0.9 NaCl. g. Philippine Red Cross provided medical assistance to 12 injured individuals in Occidental Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblom, Albay, and Sorsogon. h. DOH provided a total of ₱1,343,268.36 as augmentation to the health facilities in the affected regions i. DOH activated Surveillance in Extreme Emergencies and Disaster (SPEED) in Regions V and NCR from 12-18 December 2015

DOH Regional Offices a. Activated the Operations Center in concerned Regional Offices (IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, VIII, and NCR). b. Ensured hospitals have standby medical teams. c. Medicines and other logistics are prepositioned in affected provinces. d. In continuous coordination with other Regional Agencies including, PCG, PPA, RDRRMC, OCD, LGU’s, PNP station, other partner agencies as well as DMOs, NDPs, DTTBs, RHMPPs, PDOs / CHOs. e. DOH V deployed nurses under Nurse Deployment Program of DOH to different evacuation centers. f. Conducted Rapid Health Assessment in Regions V and VIII. g. DOH IV-B coordinated with Philippine Airforce 505 Search and Rescue for the utilization of Air Medical Services in the Provinces of MIMAROPA. h. DOH VIII deployed additional three Teams (2 response and 1 Operations Center Teams) in Northern Samar i. Deployed one (1) medical team from Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center composed of six (6) doctors, five (5) nurses, one (1) EMT and three (3) utility workers in Catarman, Northern Samar. j. Ongoing Rapid Health Assessment in Region IV-A. k. Laguna PDRRMC conducted briefing and distributed additional medical supplies to deployed SAR and Medical Teams. l. DOH V augmented to PHO Albay, folding beds and 120 pieces hygiene kits worth ₱43,028.40. m. DOH V augmented to PHO Sorsogon, 100 pieces hygiene kits worth ₱23,357.40.

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Prepositioned Present at Region Augmented (in PhP) (in PhP) Warehouse IV-A Batangas 28,000.00 1,885,000.00 10,506,967.98 IV-B 6,933,775.64 4,200,000.00 PHO Albay 43,038.40 V 564,550.10 12,562,811.48 PHO Sorsogon 23,357.00 VI 1,510,000.00 2,282,709.51 VIII Northern Samar 509,243.24 600,000.00 2,929,111.00 NCR 3,000,000.00 DOH Central NCR 739,639.72 68,748,401.32 Office Grand Total 1,343,268.36 11,493,325.74 104,230,001.29

n. Distribution of dignity kits and doxycycline (Tutok Gamutan) in Nueva Ecija, Bulacan, Aurora, and Zambales. o. Medical consultations conducted in Oas District Hospital, Eastern Samar. p. Conducted distribution of aqua tabs/hyposol and water and sanitation monitoring q. Bulacan Provincial Health Office distributed doxycycline and antibiotics to Hagonoy and Calumpit r. DOH RO VIII deployed 260 Nurse Development Project (NDP) and 185 Rural Health Midwives Placement Program (RHMPP) personnel to Northern and Eastern Samar on 19 December 2015 to provide medical services s. Provincial Health Office (PHO) Albay deployed WASH and medical teams to Irosin and Bulusan, Sorsogon on 19 December 2015 t. Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center medical team provided support to the operations of GB Tan District Hospital in Laoang, Northern Samar


a. A total of 268 schools are used as evacuation centers in Regions IV-B, V, VII, and VIII, as follows: one (1) in NCR, two (2) in Region II, 14 in Region III, two (2) in Region IV-A, 45 in Region IV-B, 172 in Region V, one (1) in Region VI, and 31 in Region VIII. b. As of 15 December 2015, 8:00 PM, classes already resumed in Dinagat Island and Surigao City (Caraga Region); Camarines Norte and Catanduanes (Region V); Tacloban and Western Samar (Region VIII). c. Continuously disseminates weather advisories to all DepEd local officials and DRRM Coordinators via Infoboard text blast. d. Issued advisories to DepEd Local Officials and DRRM Coordinators of NCR and Regions III, IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, VII, and VIII to coordinate with their respective LGUs for possible class suspension and resumption and report for related hazards via Infoboard text blast. e. December 19, 2015 through DepEd Order No.9, s. 2015 is the start of Christmas break for public elementary and secondary schools. No class suspension is in effect. Classes will resume on 04 January 2015.


a. PNP IV-B Abra de Ilog Municipal Police Station (MPS), Calapan City Police Station, and Mogpog MPS personnel provided security assistance in Matabong Port, Calapan City Pier, and Balanacan Port, respectively. b. A total of 72 police personnel provided security assistance to flood/landslide prone areas in every municipality Region IV-B. c. Capiz Police Provincial Office deployed 21 Law and Order Personnel and 12 SRR Personnel at Tapaz Civic Center. Law and Order Cluster deployed the following Personnel as Security:

 Evacuation Center - 6  Relief Convoy - 6  Relief Distribution - 6  DSWD Relief Warehouse - 4

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 Incident Command Post - 4  Pre-emptive Evacuation - 6  Evacuated Families returning to their homes - 8  Patrols in unattended Households/Communities - 6

d. Aklan Police Provincial Office deployed 60 Law and Order Personnel and 41 SRR Personnel. e. PNP deployed a total of 1,021 personnel in different localities in different areas in Regions 3, IV-A, IV-B, V, and VIII, broken down as follows:  180 personnel – securing evacuation centers  78 personnel – securing relief distribution  39 personnel – securing DSWD relief warehouses  72 personnel – manning Incident Command Post and assisting force evacuation  28 personnel – conducting pre-emptive force evacuation  194 personnel – assisting family evacuees returning to their respective homes  336 personnel – patrolling unattended households; and  84 personnel – conducting other police functions f. 803rd Bde, PA provided security assistance to vital installations/facilities on affected areas within Northern Samar and continuously conduct road clearing operations.


a. OCD installed back-up communication system (satellite phone) in Response Cluster Operation Center. b. Coordinated with OCD Regions III, IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, VII, VIII, and NCR for possible deployment/standby of satellite phones. c. Deployed the OCD-NDRRMC Satellite Phone System at OCD Central Office and OCD Regional Offices III, IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, VII, VIII, and NCR. d. Activation of RETT members:  ERIC for reporting and consolidation  Project AGOS powered by E-Bayanihan on monitoring and crowd sourcing operations e. AFP 202nd Brigade installed emergency HF radio communication equipment at the RDRRMC IV-A OpCen. f. 8ID, DRU from the AFP with communications team established contact with 803rd Infantry Brigade at Catarman, Northern Samar and proceeded to the municipalities of Laong, Mapanas, and Palapag. g. REACT Philippines is in continuous monitoring and reporting of activities in the typhoon affected areas. h. CEISSAFP, AFP installed HF Base Radio at the Response Cluster Operations Center. i. Smart Communications Inc. Team on standby alert for possible restoration and maintenance activities. j. On 15 December 2015, SOLCOM Communications Team established emergency communications (HARRIS Radio) in RDRRMC IV-A Operations Center. k. OCD RO V activated satellite phone on 13 December 2015. l. OCD RO V established back-up VHF radio communications in Catanduanes Island Province on 13 December 2015. m. OCD deployed one (1) Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) to OCD Region VIII for emergency data connectivity.

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a. PNP: SAR teams were placed on standby alert for possible deployment with physical accounting and inventory of equipment; deployed 24 PNP SAR SRR Teams and 2 PNP SRR Teams on standby in Region IV-A; deployed 703 PNP SRR Teams in Region IV-B; deployed 9 PNP SRR Teams and 2 PNP SRR Teams on standby in Region VIII. b. 772 personnel of PNP were involved in SRR in Regions IV-A, IV-B, V, and VIII. c. Deployed a total of 800 PNP personnel to conduct SRR in Regions III, IV-A, IV-B, V, and VIII. d. PCG conducted force evacuation in Baler, Aurora on 16 December 2015. e. PCG VIII deployed Quick Response Team (QRT) to Allen and Laoang, Northern Samar. f. BFP Personnel assisted in SRR of five (5) casualties in Brgy. Papandan, Sta. Rita, Brgy. Anoling, and Brgy. Nabuslot. g. Augmented rescue and evacuation in Cabanautan City on 16 December 2015. h. Olongapo CDRRMO augmented rescue and evacuation operations in Cabanatuan City on 16 December 2015. i. AFP: Deployed one (1) DRU to Palapag, Northern Samar for possible SRR operations; 2 teams from 203rd BDE, 2ID, PA conducted rescue operations at Brgy. Wawa and Brgy. Palayan, in Pinalayan, Oriental Mindoro on 15 December 2015, 3:00 PM. j. Nineteen (19) personnel of SOLCOM conducted SAR Operations at Peñaranda, Nueva Ecija k. 48IB and 70 CADRE together with PNP Peñarada SAR Team conducted SAR Operations along Peñaranda River in the vicinity of Brgy. Sinasajan and Brgy. San Josef, Peñaranda, Nueva Ecija and rescued eight (8) personnel on 16 December 2015. l. 56IB, 7ID; PNP, BFP, PDRRMO and MDRRMO Rescue Teams rescued 306 families/1,061 individuals in Baler, Aurora due to massive flooding cause by Aguang River on 16 December 2015. m. 56IB augmented rescue operations in Baler, Aurora on 16 December 2015. n. 203 Bde and 16IB conducted forced evacuation in Bansud and Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. o. PRC deployed two (2) WASAR teams with 2 rubber boats and a 6x6 truck in Nueva Ecija. p. PRC deployed two (2) WASAR teams with 2 rubber boats and a 6x6 truck in Pampanga. q. Bulacan Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) and 18th Special Forces, Philippine Army deployed trucks for rescue and relief operations and transporting of commuters

Southern Luzon Command (SOLCOM) a. On 19 December 2015, 1:30 PM, one (1) squad of CAA conducted search and rescue operations at Sitio Tribu 1, Barangay Tanauan, Real, Quezon.

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Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM) a. Deployed the following equipment and personnel to conduct rescue operations:

PERSONNEL EQUIPMENT/VEHICLE DESTINATION NUEVA ECIJA 1 Officer and 23 1 Sadam Truck and 2 Barangay Sinasahan, Enlisted Personnel (EP) rubber boats Peñaranda 23 EP Nueva Ecija 8 EP Cabanatuan City 1 rubber boat and 1 Pacific Crossing Cabanatuan 10 EP M35 truck City 7 EP Cabanatuan City Barangay Sto. Rosario, Sta. 7 EP Rosa 2 rubber boats and 1 Barangay Aduas, Cabanatuan 1 Officer and 23 EP M35 truck City 1 rubber boat and 1 10 EP Jaen M35 truck Barangay Primavera, Cabanatuan City

Rescued a certain Rodrigo S. One section and 4 Gonzales, 72 y.o. and was security escort from 3IB brought to Nueva Ecija Doctor’s Hospital, Cabanatuan City due to physical illness Barangay Rajal Centro, Sta. One section Onboard 2 rubber boats Rosa BULACAN One squad of 18SFC Calumpit


a. OCD V conducted RDANA in the Province of Sorsogon on 15 December 2015 and in Ticao and Burias Islands on 17 December 2015 b. OCD VIII conducted RDANA in various municipalities in Northern Samar particularly in Mondragon, Palapag, San Roque, Catubig, Mapanas, Lope de Vega, San Jose, Bobon, and Catarman

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