of the TATJCEI MUCH l items hourte is Louisville Ky In the Sum ¬ Governor the social nmenltle3 SHE -1 TOO have colored blood In their veins SOUL GROAATH OF LINCOLN position will be ounotlllously carried -1- II simply a display of Ignorance Thll mer of 1J4 out to himself as naroncss Ilcngelitwller Styles Frederick Slont Wrlgntsvllle Pn want but entertainments tlicTufta bit of petty prejudice is going to haunt The Soul Growth of Abraham Lin to hear from some of tho boy who helpM UUYUI11U1 T111 UO UUl UUV as Western wasnimrton Provin uiuuorma tor many a long day ooln most thankfully received It Is to rob the ntuler of the 200th Pa In front cial Society Stupid1 Things Slow So a gem and does you credit It will of Petersburg An when the checie wai AVoahinston has contributed a llttlo Tiioy yay At a meeting of the Kentucky Demo- ¬ meet the approbation of every lover of rolllnc down the hill over S22000 of the S2000000 Derma- - AVashington society has 1iad nothing cratic Representatives elect last week the truest greatest hearted and most J J Morrison Scotts Muff Neb want nent endowment fund to be raised in ha made lt sIt up antftake notice Champ Clark was Indorsed for Speaker loving soul that ever lived I had tho the address of Isaac Monroe Rice who was the cities of the by the of tho House Thla is the first Stnta pleasure of listening to one supposed to hare been lost on the steamboat in a good while But It sura got a of his Western World by Miry be¬ American National Red Cross Society slap wakened it with Jump tho delegation that has acted on the Speak speeches before he was nominated for sunk the Hill to be that tween Alcksliurg and Red River In 1653 bnt This leaves only about 11000 other day when thero appeared In a ership question President He Impressed me greatly wa seen In Texas 14 Tears nso raised in Washington to complete her City newspaper an alleged with his simplification of things Jas If G E Lasher Co K 12Rth N Y will assessment of 83000 Interview with Barohees Hengelmuller Champ Clark the Missouri Speaker E Larkln Past Department Command end his nfldre i to John Winn Naval Sta v Expectant served in Houso er Mass tlon Portsmouth Aa he will have returned m- - v w has the Everett c TTlil or to put proper ever since he was elected In 1892 with to him n small article found on the field Ve p1 l 7 lcl Diplomatic Corps It of Aa States joined with the charity workers tne doyenne her husband Baron the oxceptlon of one term That was I am In receipt of your booklet en ¬ Kcrnstown of the tho annual meeting 1894 when James K Povg Bertram Tex want District at Hengelmuller von Hengervar being tho the second time he ran in titled The Soul Growth of Abraham to hear from members of Co K 10th Tenn of the Associated Charities last week dean The Baroness who has been in he was defeated Mr Clark Is wont to Lincoln for which I heartily thank and III Cav in paying to the memory of say as you of the 7th Even President can get off wrong native of Crawfordsville O and Su- ¬ tribute the permitted herself to be that if ho had known much I have read lt very carefully and Horatio N Morse General Delivery the late Justice David J Brewer Justice by very young about politics In 1894 as he knows with great pleasure and shall treasure Thorudlke Mass wants the addresses of nt times Representative perintendent of Schools there for a interviewed a sprightly year Bates of the of years He enlisted in the Brewer until his death was President lady reporter In Iew l ork who on two now he would have won out that It as the best and most beautifully ex- ¬ members of Co K 40th N Y In order to 25th Pennsylvania District called on number of and an active worker in the ranks altho it was a Republican landslide pressed word plcturo of our martyrod nxslst one of the old comrades uKular Army just before the war and or three previous occasions has shown Bidley Co B Selma of the Associated Charities He wus ¬ William 121th Ind the President the other day He lis- - served thruout being promoted to the herself to be rather long on Imagina- president that I have ever seen T E Ind in order to complete roster of very also a very active member of the First and on facts directly Glad They Came to St Cloud Blanchard Past Department Command the hU tened with some interest to the Presi- - rank of Ho was popular Congregational in which the tion short She company wants the ndrirrssej If living and among his coworkers and was a Grand Church quotes the Baroness as follows Mrs Sarah A Mathews writes an in- ¬ er Santa Cruz Cal If dead the place and date of death of tha dents eulogy of his servloe In the were held ¬ mnn and l Mason exercises Washington is dull and stupid So- teresting letter to the St Cloud Tribune followlnj comrades John FlOier Levi Olr House Mr is a Republican Arm AV AVH Lates ciety there is provincial To get to about her and her familys experience I have read your Soul Growth of tmi Aaron II Jones T Mclnterf and how difficult it would be to have A peculiar case came under New is heaven to me is Abraham Lincoln and reread with linm H Norton Jonathan RIgdon John on iC Crl Bailey Hi rst second son rather York fcr there in reachlnir the town They left north it Taylor AVnrd cood legislative work carried eyes physician In Washington re- ¬ greatest S and Charles - f the of a so much to do besldrs paying and on Nov 29 in midst of the interest P Strahan Croton-on-Hudso- many more of Mr Batess class would shP Hrst- liodist Eilsoo eastern Ohio the Department Mrs E M Smith R I n Church has been appointed Consul the other day when a young man came ceiving calls and callers and drinking a dark gloomy day with a snowstorm Past Commander Perry N Y has In her possession a small gold pla leave and the President then assured lal In with a swathed up hand and after tea going the Okla him of his good wishes in whatever at Lyons France Mr Hurst was born and thru drier round of the climax of a month of snowfall In the form of a St George cross with th i Bremen In 18 G7 and ater with his unwrapping it poked a mighty soro formal and uninteresting sociul events They came into the sunshine some- ¬ following engraved on It Co H 2d Rer occupation might enlist him- - ¬ Mr Bates p s reldence th0 thumb under the nose of the physician AAe have lived in AVashington 16 years where in South Carolina and they I have received your beautiful trib- Me Vol nnd will return It to the owner self About that time Mr Bates sot therv t0k he jab a knife into yeur ute to Abraham Lincoln and I cannot or relatives - with the order that I havo tlonc each the iinnie things found their train filled with people May onto the fact that the President thought 5 see what ailed The physi same In tell you how highly I appreciate W T Cunnlnzham Commander of editpd from the appointment it and it with practically the people Here each one going to a different place It It wood 184 O A llim a lame duck and was rying toj J ¬ Is simply S Post No It Corning Cat cian proceeded to jab and brought to In New York formal calling and tea tak- Florida and each convinced that his grand P Mount 1420 wonld HoUcmhead cheer him up He replied 1 hope physi ¬ O like to hear from Peter m- i Representative Cook Sec light a small lemon tree Both ing are practically eliminated because part of the West Third street Cleveland A SOth N Y - io Joel of the ¬ destination was the best and other members of Co t and patient were decidedly sur- so many other more interest- ¬ ¬ elected by 1500 votes does not change d Pennsylvania District was stricken cian there are Stnte Efforts were made at Jackson- Com ode Cunningham enlisted from Tort ti with apoplexy a week ago and taken prised but there was no getting around ing things to do Even the shops make ville to persuade them to stop and In- ¬ Please accept my sincere thanks for Jcrrls Orange Co N Y me vour estimate of And then the very very small lemon is a pleas- ¬ the Soul Growth of Abraham Lincoln Charles Magoon Mason City Iowa wants laughed his good hearty to his home in Philadelphia tea special the fact that a a difference Here it positive vest there but their baggage had been This was his second stroke and seed had sprouted in tho mans thumb ure to shop Then your theaters opera to St Cloud and this It is the most beautiful tribute I have to hear from his old comrades of the 75th III in U UHWUWV fim - thew wnsiCar checked thru T Russell Kan wants to MUtM U tw hope- ¬ Ho stated that some time ago while and concerts arc so wonderful ever read to our beloved President J McPhcrson no going behind the returns as he was in his GSth year it was In fact helped them to resist the temptations hear from his old comrades of the 10th Ohio less from the beginning He died last cutting a lemon his knife slipped and New York is one of the most fascinat- ¬ of Jacksonville Miami Sanford and Since Lincolns assassination I havo Cnv cut a gash in his thumb He simply ing world Is looked upon him as the best man Mr Robert H Hamilton one of the Thursday cities in the It all life Orlando They finally reached the town that Fred UphofF Stevartvllle Mo wants the tied the thumb up without washing it and color and impulse and then were very glad that they had ever lived except the boy who was born address of M V AVheeler Co O 28th Wis moneyed men of Pittsburg was in the the cut healed but has always Baroness in the manger You have given us a who Is of nn article In a recent city last week taking in Congress and Mrs Henry White wife of the form and The then draws invidious gone there Part of this gladness was tho author er Embassador to France whoso pro- - caused him more or less pain so he sectional distinctions between President on account of the sunshine and the new Insight Into tho life of the great Issue of Tho National Tribune AA John Co 50th Solpbnr illness has caused considerable concluded to have the thumb examined and Mrs Taft and former President atmosphere but most of it was or ac- ¬ commander Dr J Long Past De Zerbe F Pa after years of earnest study abroad tracted - began swell up The theory says partment Commander Tularosa N M Springs O bns a New Testament which wa anxiety to her friends has been oper- when it to Roosevelt She count of the splendid welcome they handed lilm by a dying Confederate soldier thnt th TTnitrt States is far behind is that a small lemon seed got on the Since President Taft Mrs anv other civilized Nation In the world aed upon a second time for apponuici and Taft received from the comrades and their your nt the battle of Weldon Railroad near tis She was planning to come to point of the knife and landed in the are in the AVhite House the social at- ¬ wives Everyone they met gave them I received Soul Growth of Petersburg Va Aug 21 18St which has in the protection of its industrial work holidays thumb After the sprout was removed mosphere there Is somewhat changed old friends Abraham Lincoln and wish to hoartl the following written on the fly leaven ers Mr- - says people America for the Christmas the hearty reception of Hamilton that such the young man put it in a flower pot They are AAestcrn you sec while Mr ar- ¬ ly thank you for same There is no Presented to II K Goodwin by Mrs Anna work- ¬ when her physicians decided that Mrs J P AVestcott and children 12 who visit Europe and see women She will not and is going to see if it wont continuo Roosevolt and his family were New on Saturday last loftier thoughts or words in the Eng Daw Dec 1S3 at Camp Mez Reid delay would be unwise rived from the North ¬ vllle will ing in the fields howl at the lack of condi- ¬ growing that is the lemon tree many ¬ lish language than those you have writ- Comrade Zerbe gladly return lt chivalry Europeans We are prone bo home for another month her Yorkers and of the most distin and are located at the new St Cloud to relatives of the owner of being entirely favorable for recov-¬ guished people from this city Mho do AVinter ten and the beauty of It is the truth to speak of them as Uncivilized and tion Hotel for the I expressed same Mrs Warien Aan Rrocklin 518 Swan St ery Postmaster General Frank II Hitch not know the Tafte used to be present J II Hart wife and son Eldred of have the In regard Buffalo N 1 wants the address of th treat them with scorn But look at up 17 AVhite to Lincoln in post rooms and at camp these women strong sturdy cock who met with a deficit of at the House functions I cannot Prairio Ohio arrived Jlonday after author of the article on Camp Ford which at their A AVarnlnjj 500000 last year tho largest In the say that AVarhlngton social life com- ¬ noon stopping with Airs Chase fires but not as sublime and lofty as appeared In The National Tribune of July H blooming cheeks and then and arc 111 bodies and Hitchcock is history of the Post Office Department pares with that of foreign social cen- ¬ property on Missouri you have penned It He was Gods in Relatives of C V McCory frith will look our sum pale shop Postmaster General Mr Hart owns And It to to S at anemic somewhat puzzled that patrons of the is to day rejoicing The deficit this ters but New Yoric society is just as avenue between 15th and 16th streets strument to lead this Nation back to their Interest write to 3 girls The trouble with us is that we year is only Postmas interesting and charming us the Declaration of Independence and MeCnnn 320 Elm St Lawrence Kan too chivalry outdoors and mails positively reiuse to understanu S584856G and that of nnd expects to build Mr Hart and T J Morrow Trade Ala wants the ad¬ have much for1 11 any - liberty for all men I am proud that - would have that letters and parcels intended ter General Hitchcock shows that Vlonna Berlin or of the other family are delighted with- St Cloud and dresses of comrades- of the 1st Ala and too little indoors I rather foreign must 500000 have been saved in the man great cities on the continent we nave one In our ranks that can any In my daughter plow in the fields than transmission to countries find lt far above their expectations lofty wants to know If there ore living not bear upon their face any adhesive agement of his office the last fiscal year Girls are being better equipped for Comrade Henry Zinn and wife ar- ¬ write such sentiments Thomas St Cloud work in the factories Mr Hamilton Lundy Department Commander O W Bnlconi Shirley Mais wants goes making stamp or label other than the regular social duties When lt was formerly rived recently from Columbus O Com Salt th then on to tell about the postage stamp an Incident In a girls lffc Laxe City Utah names of comrades who served In Co B ordinary which is AVashington society is blessed with social train rade Zlnn who was here last AVinter 12th V In 1SGX of the lucifcr match ing ¬ It C opinion tho most dangerous of The Division of Dead Letters is re four extraordinarily superfine eligibles has become a part of her education owns a home on Airginia avenue be- William Walters Soldiers and Sailors In his now ¬ I thank you very much for your all industries He says the effects of ceiving quantities of letters addressed in the shnpe of four bachelors They Some of the most beautiful hos tween 12th and 13th streets He ex Home Fort Dodge Kan wants information tesses I have ever met Soul Growth of Abraham Lincoln It ¬ phosphorus on are ter- ¬ to foreign countries which are held as are Capt Archibald Butt Military Aid and the most pects to spend this AAinter here and of Joshna Brown Co F Vth Pa nnd Bat white workers gentle delightful in is very fine true and does him Justice tery M U S A In to help ribly deforming other civ-¬ unmailable by the Department because and protege of President Taft Mr mannered women was greatly surprised to find how the 1st L order a and that all to I believe in the providence of God that comrade nearly 01 years age to get a pen¬ ilized countries have given up its use they beats upon the face of the en Frank H Hitchcock Postmaster-Ge-n the world are be found in New Yorl place had grown in so short a time of velopes adhesive stamps advertising the eral Mr Director of society D McCIuro and when he needs a man for some great sion except the United States Europe he John Barrett tho Comrade Charles ¬ II C Oarer Canaan Me would like to Exposition San Re- ¬ Logically of course AAashington AAednesday evening reform he raises him up I shall cher- states has abandoned lt thru interna- ¬ Pacific International International Bureau of American wife arrived from ish it as a memento Gustavus Jaeger hear from Jnmea Lowe or Sunta Shortrldg Francisco Cal or seals with Christmas publics and Mr Wm R Hltt social should be the social center of the coun Newtown Ind They hold property at who tional agreement but the United States try will be juimore o of Mount Pleasant Kan went from lias made no move to end Mr greetings thereon arbiter of the Washington younger set It never however for no the corner of Illinois avenue and Eighth Fort Leavenworth to Hogcrstown Md In that prohibition any city can take honors away from Spring ISfil as Hamilton also thinks that chronic over- ¬ The however does not It is not known that of them are the street and expect to build Comrade The Soul the of teamsters extend to domestic letters intended for marrying men they are In tremen- ¬ New York The atmosphere 13 differ McClure was a member of Co II 72d Growth of Abraham Lin work and the hurry up system is the but a coin received for which 1 thank you crowning evil of American industry delivery in the United States No dous demand for all kinds of social ent and social climate is as hard to Ind AVllders Mounted Brigade He very stamps however other than those Is functions and aro always In evidence change as any other kind was here for three inonths last year mucn indeed it Is more than Mr Hamilton deplores the fact that ¬ grand It is majestic subllmct girla can always get sued by the Government should be All four have been married several It is stated that Baroness Hengel- and thinks St Cloud is now a pretty and work placed upon matter Intended for dellv times over by society press muller nearly fell dovn dend when she lively Infant Since my boyhood days when I used to but work which is reserved for and the be ¬ that ery In European countries Guatemala but never reality These- aro saw this Interview iu the New York Comrade D McGoon and Mr AV S called insultingly one of his hire- Paint Without Oil women is that which reQulrea long in four papers lings and more particularly since ¬ Uruguay and Portugal will not permit now planning for social surprises which and then saw it copied into the McMahan arrived AVednesday from that hours of standing on the feet Struc- ¬ aay my delivery thru the international mails or are to be the limit in high brow enter- ¬ AAashington papers Baroness Hengel- Broadway O and will spend the AAi- ¬ raiai in April 1865 soul turally and anatomically women are - thoughts of Lincoln have entirely grown Remarkafcle Discovery That Cnt3 Dowa not adapted to standing and eight any mails bearing any labels taining in Washington The really muller Is nothing if moi- conventional nter here They are stopping at the man Capt She lives by form and rote and to do Flemlnghurst McGoon was along the lines and sentiments you the Cost of Paint Seventy hours of this labor is long enough But handsome of the quartet is Comrade have so truthfully and every year Mrs Ellen Colfax widow of the late Butt who is big blonde and muscular anything out of tlTe regular Is in her here last Winter and stayed until Au appropriately Five Per Cent thru the Christmas season opinion to commit a crinie says expressed So you may well imagine shop girls stand behind counters from Vice President Colfax who has been Mr Barrett has rather a bald think gust He he is glad to get back how close the seriously ill In tank while Postmaster General Hitch- ¬ Baroness Hengelmuller wears that He was a member of Co II 82d Ohio sentiments come homo A 8 oclock in the morning until nearly at her home South Bend to me and how hard ¬ Free Trial Package is Mailed to Everyont for some cock is fair as a lily Mr Hitt has per ¬ title in her own right run both she Comrade John AVheeler and wife and they hit me some- midnight and work the same hours day Ind time died last week ¬ times when I stop to Who Writes day haps rather more hair than any of the and thp Baron belongto thcstern Aus Mr Cyrus Phelps of Flushing Mich think John Lu after four All four trian court cin Ies that la the Barou arrived AVednesday evening Taylor Greeley Nob A h Rice a prominent manufacturer of Charles Taft youngest son of Presi are remakable for their and are Adams N Y has discovered a process of was one five con- ¬ well tubbed appearance and bandbox uues jiuw Due wiis ourn inio null with Comrade Phelps on Minnesota H II Couk of Cincinnati who has dent Taft of students world of The Soul Growth of Abraham Lin- ¬ making a new kind of paint without the use been in Washington this last week firmed by the Right Rev Benjamin attire but dont for a moment get the convention and iriiles where aVenne Comrade AVheeler will build coln is certainly a lofty of oil He calls It Towdrpalnt It comes in idea they not Jolly good fel- ¬ you could sit by tlvi fireplace and burn on his property on avenue view of Mr n rather surprised somof the pessimists Brewster Bishop of western Colorado that are Delaware Lincolns life and character but not the form of dryjiowcr and all that is re job- In Episcopal lows Any one of the four is a whole up before the servantnext to you would between Sixth and Seventh streets He ipiired is cold water to make a paint weather Mr Couk is connected with a large Christ Church Watertown an to you more lofty than the position he at- ¬ proof proof bing- house and tours the larger cities N last week President Taft him box full of genial fun and the quartet make attempt save Ainless waw a member of Co I 4th Mich tained In tire and as durable as oil paint l was ¬ the esteem of mankind You adheres to any surface wood stone or ¬ i3 a aggregated is almost too much glory that his particular edtirt function Comrade H N Bedford and wife ar- It of the country He declares that mer self Unitarian Mrs Taft is an The Baronoss was have done yourself great honor in giv¬ brick spreads and looks like oil paint and chants country re-¬ Episcopalian and her daughter Miss for one evening a tvidOwwheii she rived AAednesday Nov 30 from Bris ing expression costs one thruout the have married Mr Ladislaus Hengelmuller tol to the thoughts you havo about fourth as much ported has been a-- larger Heln Taft was confirmed here in Ind and are stopping with Mr in such a charmlnsr Write to Mr A L Rice Mannfr 3 North that there von Hepgervnr and pleased A manner w s amount or Christmas shopping than Washington with Miss Ethel Roosevelt Former Vice President Charles War ¬ it neicr Ralls New ork avenue and lath Matthews A A G Department St Adams N Y and he will send yon a her at all that he Aasa plain Mr street Comrade Bedford has holdings of free trial package also color card and full ever before and he argues from this during President Roosevelts Adminis ren Fairbanks was a special guest oC AVhcn umu j a xi uoiumnus o is plenty the National Press they came ti the Court of here on Marylnnd avenue between Information showing yon bow you can save a tliat there of raonev and that tration Club whljo on his AAashington about IS or 10 years ago good many dollars AVrite to day is being visit to Washington last to at- ¬ Ninth and llJth streets and expects to I am in receipt lt put into circulation week i of 3our Soul Growth Count Adolf von Goetzen who was tend the Gridiron Club dinner He was there wore two Barons on the staff build lie was a member of Co G of Abraham - both of whom ranked Hengelmul ¬ Lincoln for which please office ¬ the German Military- Attache at Wash ¬ also a guest of at the 74th Ind accept my The of Chancellor of tho Smith President Taft ler socially In his own puntv and he Comrade Leshir and wife of thanks Everything which sonian Institution having been vacant ington in 1896 1900 died In Bremen White House to dinner was only plain Prairie relates to the subject of your sketch NEW ST CLOUD last week He was born in 1866 Count a Envoy Extraordinary O arrived Monday afternoon and are and especially HOTEL since the death of Chief Justice Fuller and Minister Plenipotentiary to the stopping at Mrs Chases Comrade when so attractively the Board of Regents elected James S von Goetzen was prominently men Senator Flint of California who re- ¬ treated as in the present instance Is tioned at Washington for Embas- - Court of AAashington A whole lot of Leshlr says the place looks good to always Sherman Vice President of the United the fused that unusual thing a practically people were In represen- ¬ of interest not only to the sol- ¬ States to fill vacancy Resolutions sadorship prior to the appointment of ahead of the him and he expects to buy property diers of St Cloud Osceola Co Florida tho unanimous re election to the United tative from Austro llungary and this remaining here this AVinter tho civil war but to all the o sorrow at the death of Chief Justice Count von Bernstorff He married Mrs States Senate because ho prefers tho at least world John Y Hewitt Depart- - Stanley Lay an American 1898 did not suit the Baroness in tho least lie was a member of Co K 144th Ohio Past Fuller were passed in climate of California to that of AVas- ¬ She was never quite happy until she wl vuuiiiwiucr wnite oaks N M After leaving Washington he was Gov hington and practice Comrade Albert Mathews and wife Perkins Frisbie Managers ernor the of law to a secured her husband the Embassador arrived recently from Klnsmnn O and Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has of German East Africa and later United States Senatorship spent last ship from Austro Hungary and then a Information AAantcd a-- Prussian Minister to Hamburg are stopping at the AVestway House teen quite seriously ill with revere Summer in Europe He pokes a good few years ago got John Mannir AVntertoivn N Y This new brick hotel of 72 rooms is will be she him created a Comrade Mathews was a member of wants cold but it stated that he at deal of fun at Europeans and says Baron A little daughter was born to Co B Ohio years l VvurBe wao enlisted located at the Veterans Colony town ¬ 125th for three Ho from ilrer his desk In a few days It will be remembered that tho Em that they think that the American idea them and became Baroness Mlla To Itiitland and served in the Aeteran has all modern conveniences St Cloud peror thinks well of St Cloud and says he Iteserye Corps and In Harriss Light Cavalry of Japan last Spring sent several of a Joyous occasion is to be shown bo sure being a Baron or Iftrnnpps In likes the old boys and our climate has already become one of the ideal Attorney General Wickcrsham states thousand Japanese cherry trees to Mrs thru a musty old cathedral Senator Europe is a uoiuert htna Cat wants to hear resort points In Florida Fine fishing something like being a Mayor Comrade Mathews and his wife will from anyone who served with John HIckev that it only cost J9500000 to maintain Taft to be placed along the Iotomac Flint does not think much of their of a Mty In this country except u boating hunting and good roads for the Department of Justice during the originated that probably remain here for the AAinter n i iutk urunery regiment He was n walking Drive which she These cathedrals which he thinks are dirty over there the title is hereditary Thru as Mrs ¬ veteran of the Mexican War and was driving and auto riding year As Congress appropriated ¬ Mathews hits already experi in last cherry trees were found to be infected He stuoir J the labor conditions par- death and resignation Baron Hengel- ¬ Lflifey Prison when last beard of purpose Atto- ¬ enced much relief from asthma from 1000000 more for that witha peculiar injurious Japanese in- ticularly those involved in raising fruits muller has come to be dean of the which Charles Perry 3115 Clinton Ave Mlnnea rney-General Is very ¬ she suffered before coming here opILs Minn Wickersham sect and for fear they would contami- in southern France and southern Italy Diplomatic Corps moving up from the Capt wants to hear from any com ¬ I proud of the fact that he has saved nate the cherry trees In this country where tho products are same F J Smith arrived Monday rade who served In Co C 13th Hegr 1st Was Deaf 25 Years about the foot He was made Embassador a few evening from Petoskey Mich is Battalion 1 NOW I HEAR WHISPERS 51000000 to the Treasury will of is as try- ¬ and from Jan 1S84 to 1807 It the whole lot was burned It now in southern California He was years ago and as has been stated Is stopping Harvey W Co course bo well to until emer ¬ at the Sanborn Allla He Miller K 7th Iowa 2220 with this artifl-- s wait announced that the Japanese authori ing to study out what effect any change now ranking head resplen- ¬ property E S3d Cleveland O gency appropriations are reported a In the of that owns on Tennessee avenue St wants the address clal EAR DRUM ties are sending another consignment the tariff on fruits would have on dent body of berlbboned and gold order between Eighth and Ninth streets of n comrade named Bates who nerved in the In my ears I year hence when it is very likely that of cherrj trees that have been exam- ¬ fruits in his State but he has not said decorated foreigners eyeglass 4th Mich Car and who married Miss never feel them His his Capt Smiths wife stopped in Orlando I some of these Government Departments ined and shown to be clear of all dis- ¬ yet whether lt would have any effect red velvet meutlne It Miller daughter of Ira R Mil- ¬ iney are perrect- - j - n ermine lined uniform his on a visit and will arrive here In a ler who In ly SjeS JH reporting such tremendous savings will ease Mrs Taft has on numerous occa or not high topped boots and spurs set him few days Capt lived Kalamazoo Mich before comfortable IS have to ask for an emergency appro ¬ sions been honored by the Japanese Smith was here last the war and no ojw sees priation to up apart as the observed of all observers AAinter and thinks the place is much Andrew AVeller Formosa Oat Canada them I will tell you the true make for the former Government In the White House thero Gen AAood Dcnd at a diplomatic reception Improved wants to co story how I got deaf and how parsimony is magnificent since then respond with any old comrades made myself hear a and well nigh priceless Brig Gen AAood The Baroness is tho most exquisitely of the war lie served In Co G 1st Minn I Japanese lacquer Oliver Ellsworth ARTIFICIAL EAR DRUM COMPANY cabinet of inlaid with U S Army 4 made up woman that lives in AVashing- ¬ and Co G 2d Ohio Senator Clark of Arkansas at least gold retired died Dec at O WAV Man which was presented to Mrs Taft Johns Hopkins Hospital ton She also brought hero the conti- ¬ VETK1IAXS IN THE CITY Mrs John Comstock 1707 National Ave r Addr GEO P WAY has the courage of his convictions as by Empress Baltimore of San Diego has flfe ¬ SB Mich the of Japan when she C5 nental Sunday which President Taft Cat a which her hus Adelaide Street Detroit far as they go Somebody asked him was abroad with President Taft In stomach trouble lie was years of C A Chapman 11th X II Barn- - band played thru the war and which she appointment age Interment was in Arlington docs not indorse The Hcngelmullers si eau is Richard wants to sell Comrade Comstock in what he thought of the the cabinet are also two unique vases have never been particular pets of the ii J Emerson served of Judge Lamar of Georgia to the Su ¬ in silver containing bouquets of silver Born in Hartford Conn in 1844 Navy Barnstead N Y Both these the 43th III preme Oliver Ellsworth Wood received his first Tafts as they were of the Roosevelts comrades were on way to Wm C ReiCT Carlsbad Jf Mex wants Bench I dont know him flowers She was also presented with their St Cloud of- ¬ military training when The Hengelmullcrs have never gotten to the addresses of members the 140th N said Senator Clark but all of us Dem- a number of Japanese dolls that are he enlisted as a look out for a home in which to 1 In order to locate a Tbats their averare earnlnse from tbe sale of onr celat private in the 1st Conn out- ¬ into tho old resident society escape rigors AArin drummer boy of cweaAjamiaamcooKiBEuiBraB invjT9 ocrats are for him because hes from cutely attractive and also very valua- ¬ at the the of tho Northern that regiment He also wants down yonder Surely United States break of the civil war Ho obtained a Tho Baroness was recently appointed ters information lnscieaaoaaaaomauiexpn3iT0 gj a ble by Emperor high- ¬ of a North Carolina Captain of Infantry ion sight to hooMwlves Btgprnfltt discharge in 1863 in order to enter the of Austria to tho N A Beach 2d Mass Cav was a prisoner 1SC5 event Bale No eiDerlence needed Senator ought to have some flight est position in his court possibly North who at Five Forks la Well knowledge of a man ntteu for the Su AVest Point whence he was graduated and Derby Vt Comrade Beach who be¬ Mrs Henry Power 9 B Pearl St New ¬ teach too Blfi chance for both man ood Luther T Elsworth United States fccl3 a little lifted by this and N X women Write at once for particulars and preme Bench ¬ in 1867 after longed to the famous California Hun ¬ ark wants to hear from her old Court Consul at Cludad Mexico has tele toying with the walnuts and wine uncle John a veteran aak how to get the natent Gem Aluminum By the way the Georgia delegation graphed Department He was graduated from the Artillery at dred has been running a large sawmill Erant Steam Cooker Shown In ptcrarcrce the State that he one of tho high dlng-a-lin- g functions In the House has had a caucus and wishes to be transferred to School in 1888 nnd in 1901 was made at North Derby which was burned up American Aluminum Mfc Co reot s Lemoat Ub support Livingston another Major of the Artillery Corps His last in New York talked a too by sparks from a locomotive Incurring The St Andrews Bay Development decided to Mr of post Mr Elsworth was very much much you know Company has in press a handsomely Georgia for Sergeant-at-Arm- s for the angered by gossip circulated In Mexico active duty was as escort to Admiral dont a loss of 2500 He was on his way Congress are only seven Togo when the Japanese officials were She came back homo in a state of South to invest either iu St Cloud or illustrated folder descriptive of the new next There and this country that he was author nervous collapse she never National Tribune Colony in AVashing ¬ other aspirants up to the present mo- ¬ reports in this country in 1905 declared St Andrews Bay WHAT YOU INVENTS of sensational on the Mexico 1 said a word of It AVashington Is ton County Fla Besides many fine ment and indications are for a lively revolution which reports it is claimed On Oct 1906 he was retired with that M JtmmM M A Brigadier perfectly lovely and went to bed half tones views of actual scenes in YOU Lrvingston old the rank of General being at - YOUft IDEAS HAY BRING A FORTUNE fijjht Mr is pretty and have injured trade with Mexico He coming- prosperous ¬ tottery ror place that time Colonel in the Artillery Corps It Is stated that diplomatic relations Our readers and others who may be that section of Flor- Write for Our FREE BOOK elves the asks If his transfer be impossible that are strained and the Baron lias been looking for homes in a ida there aro comprehensive- maps and list of other needed inventions tells telegram ¬ milder climate hnuf n nmlajif rham flMnli his be accepted as his resigna or will be recalled s are invited to write to The National detailed descriptions of the resources Pnianl In the settlement of the Ogden Mills tion Rummage Sales Filthy Tribune or to and opportunities of region ijled or Ketorned No charge ror - the St Andrews Bay that This report leas i paiemauimy dend estate Mrs Whltelau- Reld dauKhter of Here in AVashington one of the chief Development Co Washington D C folder will be sent free to any applicant j sketch or model Patents advertised the late Ogden Mills and wife of the The two big new now expedients for raising funds for Some Foolfrh Women for a new illustrated folder descriptive Dy writing to xne National Tribune tor sale free II Ellla Chandlee Co J gets S2S0000 Washington rench Embassador as a numbered 34 and 35 which were au- ¬ churches and charitable work Is a That little affair of a lot of very fool ¬ of the opportunities of St Andrews Washington D C t0T F Street P C partial distribution of the California thorized at the last session of Congress rummage sale For months before ish society women in Pasadena Cal Bay region in AVashington County estate of her father There Is a whole are to be named New York comes off on when they Flu coming site heap more to follow and Texas the sale tho Committee refused to patronize a ball the of a city thru respectively These vessels will be of AVays and Means for the different or- ¬ for the entertainment of the officers of which trade must flow to and from the 27000 tons displacement will carry new torpedo destroyer and ganizations scour the city from richest the Japanese training squadron lying Canal PENSIONS The boat Mc a main battery of eight 14 lnch guns to poorest homes asking for old furni- ¬ In Pasadena Harbpr has taken on a PATENTS BOUNTIES Call tried out on the Government test ¬ There are now two vessels bearing ture pictures clothing kitchen uten- ¬ mighty ugly aspect may lead to ing range at the entrance to Delaware and Mcnv soldiers who drew pension under the old law but now draw under act of Ph fi 19 T these names but they will be renamed sils dishes books anything In fact international disturbance The perfect- ¬ can now go back to ol4 law and obtain further Increase Ptnainna aptl bounties procured for Hay last week made over 33 knots an The New York now away ly sntrilerft and fvldOM Pfttnt nracumd ni- - InVAfitnr flvar vtt 7n wquld go prove flagship of Rear that people havo to give that absurd part of it is that these How to Get Rid vibn arafil liour This to that tho Admiral John Hubbard Commander-in-Chie- f people a little less better off in tho haughty dames of the Pacific Coast Now write him JOSEPH H- - HUNTER Pension and Patent Attorney ashlnaton U C oil burner is going to be a success on of tho will be world than they will be willing to pay have got themselves thoroly disliked the submarines the McCall being fitted henceforth of Catarrh way known as the Manhattan a scandalously low sum for This sort by the Japanese Yet- If they were to up in that At least that is what The second way money ¬ Navy Department rate Texas of of raising is very se come to Washington there is not one the thinks of lt which is now obsolete is at the Charles- ¬ verely condemned by physicians who of them who would tiotgiVe A Simple Safe Boliable Way ton Navy her larf and it Yard and will be named the say that it is one of the fruitful sources new evening dress for the sake of an Costs Nothing to Try One sign of the times that there is San Marcos of spreading disease So it is Just a invitation to the Japanese Embassy no need for Esperanto as a universal They language was emphatically exemplified little odd to read that the Duchess of would delightedly hobnob with THE SOUL GROWTH OF Former Associate Justice Wm II Marlboro Consuelo Vandorbllt at Sun- ¬ Baroness Yasuya Uchida and Baron Those who suffer from at the French Embassy the other day Moody is in a very critical condition at derland House gave what is styled in Uchida and probably- - poRc into the catarrh know A clerk of one of the United Stutcs Sen his home in thi3 city grave papers its miseries There Is no need of this message There are the London as one of tho most screening interior pf their dress fronts suffering You can get rid of It by a mors had a and a package doubts expressed that Mr Moodv will brilliant charity functions of Au- ¬ some priceless ivory ABRAHAM LINCOLN I-- the of the bits of simple safe inexpensive treat- ¬ both to deliver at the rench Embassy ever again resume ¬ home public duties of any tumn season and what do you sup- carving or a silver Ispoon or two as ment discovered by Dr and was evidently quite green in the character His trouble is rheumatic pose this brilliant function was No souvenirs to gleefully Blosser who business He thought it necessary to exhibit to the for over thirty six years has been fever and uric acid poisoning Is imml more nor less than a rummage sale of friends back in Callforniaas positive treating catarrh successfully By furbish up his college French a little nent dresses household furnishings and fur proof of tho fact thoj had been john Mcelroy hit to use It when he met the Embas ¬ that His treatment Is unlike any other niture Jewels hats and all sorts of entertained at tho Embassy These It is not a spray douche salve cream sador He arrived at the door and Thomas Harrison 82 years old has things leathered from society women California women seem to Tie long on when the footman appeared he ad just celebrated his 63d year as clerk In or Inhaler but is a more direct nnd tor sale Tnese clothes Had been col boorlshncss and short on polish They thorough treatment than any of these dressed some remarks in French to tne raval Observatory Mr Harrison lected during a number of months and will note now that Secretary of AAar A HANDSOME deckel edged pamphlet him handing him the package declar says that he has outlived two genera to It cleans out the head nose throat and taken the home for prisoners wives Dickinson says in the most sensational lungs so that you can again breatho ing that he desired to deliver it to the tions or men since he came to the Ob ¬ printed on toned paper and embel-¬ and children and there made over for manlier that the country Is wholly un- freely and sleep without that stopped Embassador The footman looked at hservatory in 1848 In this period the sale This is a charity which la en prepared war ¬ young man severely evidently not grown for that there is a woe- up feeling that all catarrh sufferers lished Arith artistic the Nation has from 23000000 to tirely maintained by our American ful lack of men of guns and of ammu- ¬ reproductions of Gutzon Knowing Just exactly how to take him azuouuuu in tne united states Duchess Consuelo and inmates have It heals the diseased mucous the of nition and that the Pacific Coast would mombranea and arrests tho ¬ Tiien be said Cant you speak Eng tho home are allowed to remain in it bo imperiled if an armed foe aoneared foul dis Borglums famous study of Abraham Lin- ¬ or young col-- ¬ charge so that you will not be con- ¬ lish German and the The Legislature of Kentucky has de- thruout the entire term for which their California is always throwing fits over lege ureu cub secretary to a United cided to redlstrict State stantly blowing your nose and spitting colns face the and tho male relatives are imprisoned AVhile its pretended rear that the Japanese and at same time does not States Senator does not know yet itepuDitcans rrom that State are nat- ¬ the Duchess is taking care of some day the it poison mo was HnouLst cal them in are going to land on them the system and ruin the stomach as Very suitable wneincr servant urally on tho anxious bench as it is this home these women are taught all Now if this Japanese landing is for souvenirs to friends ly deficient or whether he was trying more likely will put internal medicines do than that the State be kinds of domestic duties including off for a year or two till these Japan- ¬ you want to teach him a lesson As a matter of gerrymanuered by tho Democrats pos- ¬ If to test this treatment Thanksgiing and Christmas Cards and sim- ¬ you can go if dressmaking millinery etc One of ese youths who have been socially without cost send your to fact to any Embassy or sible tne remaruauio things in by address Dr Legation in the city and you will connection snubbed California- are grown up J AV Blosser 320 AAalton street At-¬ ilar remembrances hear with this function is an elaborate de- ¬ and fit for war they xpoken tnero tne very cleanest of Eng Hiram W Johnson Governor scription what will do to lanta Oa and he will send you by re- ¬ elect of the even more elaborate the California towns when they do turn mall enough of the medicine to lish of California who was in the city last toilets worn by the hlgh browod ladies break loose will bo good and plenty you Price 10 cents 1 a dozen ¬ satisfy that lt ia all he claims for it wecK declares against punuc Inaugu- Duchesses Countesses and on down to In AVnshington de- ¬ Cant- - Wm T Fry a veteran of 72 ral there is no more as a remedy for catarrh catarrhal head- ¬ Sent postpaid on receipt of price ceremonies for Governors He says plain honorablcs and misses who at- ¬ lightful home to enter no more cul- ¬ years of age died alone In his room In he only wants the simplest and plain tended the function was aches catarrhal deafness asthma bron- ¬ aay Tea served tured people met up with than those chitis colds and all complica- ¬ this city one lasi weci oi pulmon- est of ceremonies and will not have to all tho guests in the wonderful oak connected with the Japanese Embassy catarrhal Address THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE Washington D C ary hemmorhage Capt Fry was era any ostentation He saya he wont have paneled dining room tions He will also send you free an Now what do The suggestion of the society crimes of ¬ ployed In tho Census Office and was a an inaugural ball but that while he la you think of thatr California Illustratod booklet Writ him imme- that these sons of Samuri diately y l W1